#magic batfamily
msfcatlover · 11 months
lunaryugamine: Would you mind talking about the changeling!Jason AU?
Not at all! That’s actually another one which is more of a self-contained story with just a few too many holes for me to fully assemble it (rather than my more expansive “I have a concept. I’ve overthought it. Now what?” AUs.) This one, I think, really is best summarized with the opening hook, and I’ll add the other ideas I have for it below the read more. .
Catherine Todd raised a sweet little boy, with dark curly hair, a bright smile, and eyes that sparkled like sapphires. She had him for four years, before her son ran off the sidewalk at the park, up a path too tiny for any adult to comfortably navigate. Catherine tried to hurry after him, calling out for her boy to be careful, only to be interrupted by a scream that made her blood run cold. She fought through the underbrush, yelling for her son, before arriving at the edge of a steep, dried up riverbed. There was a little boy at the bottom, covered in dirt & leaves, curled in on himself, shaking with quiet sobs.
Catherine scrambled down the embankment, nearly twisting her ankle, frantically asking her son if he was okay. She picked him up, brushing dirt & leaves out of his dark, curly hair and off of his clothes, looking for anywhere he might’ve been hurt. The boy told her he hadn’t been injured, but she fussed anyway, and she knew the fall must have scared him more than he let on by the way the boy clung to her and did not protest when she cut their park time short.
"Never scare me like that again," Catherine told him on the bus. She pulled a leaf out of his hair. "Promise me, Jason, that you’ll never scare me like that again."
He looked up at her as best he could, long dark lashes still tangled with tears, and after a moment’s stuttering breath, the boy whispered, "I promise, mama. I won’t ever scare you that bad, I promise."
"Good," Catherine told him, pressing a kiss into his hair to hopefully ease the edge off her words.
The little boy stared at his knees with eyes like soft grey river stones, bright with tears and hidden in shadows.
Nobody ever noticed the difference.
(From this point out, CW for briefly mentioned bullying & child abuse, because Jason’s home life isn’t exactly better in this AU than it’s usually depicted in canon.)
This AU is different from the Urban Fantasy AU in how I’m handling changelings. In that, Tim was an unwanted fae child traded for a human as part of a deal. In this, changelings are magical constructs, made of whatever was at hand and hidden behind a glamour to pass for human. Changelings are also not meant to last, the magic they run on gradually drying up, making them grow slower, weaker, stiffer, seeming more tired & sickly as time goes on; on average, changelings only last about four months before seeming to die (the glamour will then last until the next new moon), though an especially well-crafted changeling might make it twice that long.
But they are still bound by fae laws.
And Jason made a promise, didn’t he?
(He’d make another right before Catherine died, that he’d grow up big & strong, and never lose his kindness. The last words she ever said to him were, "My little boy’s going to change the world," before she sent him to bed. Only the shell of her was left by dawn.)
(Very specifically, Jason is made of the tangled roots of an upturned tree that lay in the riverbed, reshaped into the form of a boy, with a handful of rocks trapped within the roots settling in like organs. He has no bones, and his skin is pure glamour, but as long as that glamour remains intact he is—almost—indistinguishable from human.)
Jason doesn’t know what he is. His memories start in that riverbed, with Catherine dashing over to see if he’s alright. But he doesn’t... fit quite right. Words carry a different weight with him than they seem to for others ("Stop lying," people would tell him, no matter how much he assured them that he didn’t--he couldn’t,) certain foods & materials cause a bad reaction from that day forth (he never touched the frying pan again after it left his hands blistered & red, even though he only took it out of the cabinet to move it to the stove,) and his behaviors are weird ("Jason Peter Todd," someone will snap, a Name that, like a hand-me-down coat, sits a little bit wrong but is the only one he has, and compels him as strongly as any other of his kind.) The other kids are more than happy to tell Jason as much, make it very clear just how weird they find him, and Jason pulls back into corners & books, just trying not to draw attention.
His skin is tough like tree bark; it takes a deep gash to draw blood. (Jason’s dad called him a freak for never bruising, no matter what happened to him. Willis only broke the skin once, breaking a bottle over Jason’s back, and Catherine was the one to clean it up. She reassured Jason that there was nothing wrong with him, that he was special and that was all ("Yeah," Jason muttered, "special...") never telling him the fluid she cleaned off his back was not normal blood. Jason would not find that out about himself until he was 9 and living on the streets; he cuts his hand deep while scrambling over a fence, cursing to himself out of both pain & fear, and rushes to the nearest convenience store to both hide & wash up in their bathroom. Instead of blood, Jason’s hand is sticky with dark golden tree sap. For a few minutes, he just stares at it, trying to figure out what that means.) He doesn’t sleep, but sees well enough in the dark that he can usually get away with reading by the light of his window once his parents have gone to bed (and if anyone ever asks what’s wrong, Jason can tell them in full honesty, "I didn’t sleep well last night.")
He has a much larger appetite than other boys his age, always trying to refill those ever-dwindling reserves of energy, and is always hungry (when Bruce takes Jason in, he’s worried about refeeding syndrome. Jason cannot believe that he’s in such a fancy place with food right there, and still having it denied to him, at least until he tears up and Bruce folds like a stack of cards.)
Perhaps most importantly, Jason is sensitive to the presence of magic, and Gotham is overflowing with it. And when he can find it, he can absorb it, refueling himself better than any meal ever could. Jason has a police record by the age of 7 for pocketing trinkets & charms at antique stores all across the city. He gets in trouble at school for reaching out on trips to the museum to brush his fingers against the artifacts, just for a single moment. There are places in Gotham where magic pools, but it’s very rarely good magic, and soaking it up makes Jason feel unwell in a way he can’t quite describe (but he’ll still do it if he has to. He will. He has to.)
(He promised.)
Bruce takes in the little boy he caught stealing his tires. Jason tries, oh he tries, tries harder than ever to just. Be. Normal. The manor has seemingly endless reserves of food, sits over a veritable font of magic, and the library could keep him busy for the rest of his life. It’s the best chance Jason will ever have of actually growing up, and he doesn’t want any of his weirdness to give Bruce second thoughts about taking Jason in. And Bruce, bless him, doesn’t exactly have the generally accepted standards for “normal” anywhere in his brain when he’s not actively putting on an act, so he doesn’t notice anything amiss (outside of relief for how healthy Jason is, despite living so rough for so long.) Alfred, if he notices anything, doesn’t say anything.
Dick Grayson watches the thing half-hiding behind his father—how it moves, how it acts, what it does & what it avoids, the very careful way it chooses all its words—and everything his parents ever warned him about walking down fairy paths or stepping in mushroom circles comes flooding back. Dick knows the tests, and every time he casually tosses one Jason’s way, he sees the fear flash in Jason’s eyes. They stare at eachother over the table, over the counter, across the room, fake innocence on both their faces (“I know what you are,” and “Please don’t,” whispered with their eyes alone,) until Dick finally managed to corner Jason alone to confront him.
“You’re not human,” Dick says.
Jason swallows.
“What are you?” Dick asks.
“...I don’t know,” Jason says, probably the only answer that could’ve brought Dick up short right then. Dick asks if he’s telling the truth, an old sore he doesn’t mean to poke, and Jason turns away to hide his scowl. “I don’t lie.”
“That’s what they all—”
“I. Don’t. Lie.”
A pause.
“Don’t? Or can’t?”
“Does it matter? You won’t believe me anyway.” Jason’s problem, in his own opinion, has always been that he’s an easy crier—stress, anger, grief, they all get the tears going. “I didn’t ask to be here, okay? I am just trying to exist, and people always—”
Jason stops, clenching his fists. “Are you going to tell Bruce?”
Dick looks down at a creature that by all surface appearances is nothing more than a frightened, frustrated child trying to hold back tears. And for the first time, Dick realizes what Bruce saw that day at the circus. Because Dick’s never made the direct connection before, but he does know what it’s like to be dropped down in a completely different world, with different rules, abandoned by everything you knew, lost & out of place, trying to survive in a place that wasn’t made for someone like you. Clinging to the one good thing you have left, terrified that at any moment someone will realize they made a mistake and then that one good thing will be gone too. The complete lack of security, despite the manor walls and Bruce’s stubborn protectiveness.
Dick groans, dragging one hand over his face, and crouches down so he’s not looming over the kid. “Look me in the eye and swear to me that you’ll never intentionally hurt any member of this family.”
Jason’s jaw drops. He pulls himself together quickly enough. “I swear it. I don’t want to hurt any—okay, there are some people who really deserve punching, but I don’t want to hurt anyone here.”
Dick laughs. He can’t help it.
Dick’s new little brother scowls at him, and Dick laughs harder.
("No, little bird. I guess that's up to you.")
When Jason is adopted, he gets to  pick a new name. Dick throws down three books of baby names the next time he comes over, after hearing the excitement in Jason’s voice over the idea. Jason ends up naming himself in honor of both his mother and the family who took him in.
Jason Cayden Wayne.
It fits.
This Jason does not confront the Joker to save a mother he doesn’t know. This Jason figures out his past and goes back to the mound to rescue the boy whose life he stole. He challenges the Court and wins, carrying out a boy whose time has run strangely and whose form has warped slightly under the influence of magic, but whose eyes still sparkle like sapphires. As a last effort, his creator tries to Name Jason back to their side, to return what he has claimed, but it slides off of him like water.
That’s not his Name anymore.
It never really was.
(The boy on his back shudders under the force of the command, but Jason has the strength of twisted roots and buried stones, and the boy cannot break free. Jason does hesitate, asks if the boy wants to go back. “I have to,” the boy whispers back. “That’s not what I asked. Do you want to?” The boy presses his face against Jason’s back and shakes his head. “Then we’re leaving.”)
(“Why couldn’t they Name you?” the boy asks on the long, long walk out. Jason smiles. It’s more crooked than the little boy he was supposed to be, but just as bright as ever. “I haven’t been Jason Peter Todd in years, kiddo. I tried to be, sure, but it just didn’t fit. So I picked a new Name, and the old one can’t hurt me anymore.” “You can do that?” “Sure!” A pause. “I don’t think I want to be Jason Peter Todd anymore,” the boy says, and it’s the first time he’s sounded sure of himself in the immeasurable time Jason’s known him. “Okay, you don’t have to be.” The boy holds on a little tighter, and Jason knows he said the right thing. “You work on thinking up some new possibilities and we’ll go over them once we’re safe, sound good? We can ask my big brother if you need any help. Trust me,” Jason adds, “I’m not very good at names. References, sure, and symbolism. But if you ask me to name you, I’m just gonna to pull something out of a fairy tale.”)
(He does end up helping, in case you couldn’t tell.)
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 4 months
currently obsessed with MY OWN AU where Tim used to be a magic user but got cursed by one of the artifacts his parents brought home, and can no longer make his own magic. now he has to get a spark from someone else in order to use it.
But since the Bats don’t like magic he just doesn’t tell anyone about it, but he’s still one of the most knowledgeable ppl about magic in the JL
He just randomly gives the magic users tips then walks away
Tim: “that’s the wrong symbol, it’s supposed to be #|#§##%&$#”
magic expert who’s wondering how a BAT knows this ancient summoning circle: “you’re right but how??????”
Edit: For everyone asking for the fic THERE IS NON I JUST MADE THIS AU UP
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sarcasticbeanie · 1 year
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hm. is this anything.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
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(“the weather warmer, he is colder”)
— Army Dreamers, Kate Bush
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audhd-nightwing · 2 months
i just think the batfam deserves to be a little bit magic, especially considering how genuinely cursed Gotham is (and how they’re all already slightly inhuman anyway)
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undertheredhood · 10 months
jason todd is much like a typical dad in the sense he will share something extremely outrageous that had happened to him/he did out of nowhere and will never speak of it ever again no matter how many times he’s asked to elaborate.
#batman#jason todd#jason peter todd#jason wayne#jason peter todd wayne#jason todd wayne#the rest of the batfam: what do you mean you digged yourself out of your grave?#do you think they know about his birth mom selling him out to the joker?#jason todd was never the angry robin#most of the time it happens by accident but sometimes jason will say something just to stir the pot#jason todd is the biggest instigator alive and i stand by it#batfamily#batfam#batfamily shenanigans#just wait until they find out he’s dated slade wilson’s daughter because i think dck especially would be appalled by that one#dick grayson is so done#jason todd is one a one-man mission to stress everyone out#i don’t think they know about the all-caste either or about jason’s magic swords either#the rest of the batfam: what do you mean you have up your most treasured memory?#everything i learn about this man is wild#they call up zatanna or constatine for help one time and they’re like “’why don’t you ask hood for help?’ and the batfam collectively goes 🤯#jason is the main reason why bruce has so much gray hair#jason goes from being this normal kid to being super overpowered within the span of 3-5 years and i love that for him#jason is the family cryptid#jason will share something about his past thinking nothing of it while everyone who’s listening to him talk is staring at him in horror#i don’t think anyone knows that jason has gone to heaven when he died#though jason’s memory isn’t quite reliable until he’s dunked in a lazarus pit#jason todd shenanigans#jason was never the angry robin
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ky-landfill · 2 years
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puppetmaster13u · 15 days
Prompt 311
Alien biology is weird. Liminal biology? Even weirder. 
Ecto? Very much a wellspring for creation despite its association with death. Or rather undeath, but that’s a debate that many a realms denizen has tried to find the answer of. Usually there weren’t many liminals- ecto contaminated, yes, but enough to form Cores? No, only a few throughout history. Until the age of Heroes and Villains came about. But that’s a story for another time. 
See ectoplasm builds up over time in the human body, and even more so for those that have formed cores who create their own. And it’s not like it’s well studied, what with most not even being aware of the changes or the fact they aren’t fully human anymore. 
Why is this important? Well, what happens if two liminals (accidentally or not) mix their ecto together? Well, that depends on intentions, even if it’s just an impulsive thought at the time. Which in turns means that accidents? Yeah, accidents might’ve happened. Oops….
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superbat-love · 10 months
Superman trying to defend Robin until Batman gave him The Look.
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jason: who the fuck-
bruce: language
jason: WHOM the fuck-
bruce: NO-
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redactedrem · 1 month
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You know what? Fuck you. *Ponifies Batman*
Guys I'm so excited to share my newest project of ponifying the Batfam, it started out small with the hypothetical "I wonder what Batman would be like in a mlp universe." And then the project kept getting bigger and bigger.
If anyones interested in my world building/ headcanons surrounding this project, you can see it under the cut. (I didn't want to make the post too long.)
Incase anybody couldn't read my bad handwriting, I gotchuuu.
-(First pic) Bruce Wayne: Bruce had got his cutiemark the night of his parents death, after the grief had broken his spirit and he realized that he never wanted anypony else to feel the same pain as he does. (He has a fake cutiemark to cover up his obvious destiny)
- The first pic is pretty self explanatory, but I want to make it clear that Bruce's destiny isn't "My parents are dead so now I dress up as a bat and beat up mentally ill folk". Because I've seen people on here give hot takes on cutiemarks that directly link them to a ponies destiny.
This goes for specifically in the mlp fandom but (for the sake of being on topic) I'll use the the example of that one post where someone gave the hot take that Jason would get his cutiemark in the warehouse right before he dies (or after he dies? smthing like that) because "It would be really fucked up to know that you were always destined to die." And listen, I can appreciate some good Jason Todd whump as the next guy but knowing that this would be based in a mlp universe . . . just doesn't sit right with me.
It sounds less magical that way. Its like saying that Rainbow Dash was always meant to be the fastest flyer, so theres no point in trying to compete with her. So uhm, trying to stay on topic here. My personal hot take is that a pony's cutiemark is symbol of something that they do/ a skill or talent that they have that makes them happy. And whats a more magical and fulfilling destiny than doing something that makes you happy for the rest of your life?
Looping back to Bruce, he didn't get his cutiemark the moment his parents died, but I like to think that he got it sometime later on in the night. After hours of being checked on by the police, getting looked at by the paramedics, and after Alfred took him home. Its 1:40ish in the morning and tiny foal-Bruce is just staring at his bedroom wall feeling numb and dissociated to hell. And sometime after processing everything that night- he just decides that this is the worst thing that has ever happened to him and that he will do anything to make sure that nopony will ever feel the same pain that he has felt. And then-- Ta da!! Cutiemark!! Too bad neither he or Alfred got to experience the excitement when they both saw it the next day :')
(Edit: I didn't know where to put this detail, but Bruce's fake cutiemark is based off of the "Make It Wayne" TV logo from this fanfic here )
-(Second pic) The Bat: This is heavily inspired by Flutterbat, I know theres canonically already a race of bat ponies made from Lunas stunt as Nightmare Moon. But I chose to go through with the Flutterbat route because batponies are a race, and have bat-like features 24/7. In comparison Fluttershy maintains her pegasus appearance by day and transforms into Flutterbat at night (ALSO with there being implications that there are "Triggers" for her transformations in the day too!!) Which adds the "Vampire." right in front of her batpony title.
I might do a lil comparison chart between vampire batponies and regular batponies in the future or something. But for now I'm focusing on my batpony Bruce Wayne headcanons so yea. My point is that I felt like making Bruce a "vampire" batpony would give him a more solid secret identity with also the bonus of a really metal origin story.
Now we all know that the canonical origin story of batman is that a few months after the tragedy of his parents death, Bruce had fallen into a cave? a well? a pit? of bats and triggered a fear of bats since then. Later on he decides to become Batman so he can invoke the fear of bats he once had into the criminals of Gotham. Yadda yadda yadda.
Now canonically, we don't know the exact science on how Fluttershy turned into Flutterbat. What we do know is that at the time, pony magic is not researched enough for Twilight to be aware that Fluttershys "Stare" is her own form of pony magic and that it would interfere with Twilights spell.
Do you see where I'm getting at here? Uhmm don't ask me what exactly happened in the cave, I'm doing this for fun and thinking about it too hard makes me spiral. But uhmm something something- Bruce looked at a bat in the eye and decided to embrace his biggest fear to fuel his cause, and his already traumatized and fucked up pony magic had transformed his body- something something. (Edit: I didn't think about this until now but maybe Fluttershys "Stare" and Bruces "Bat Glare" could be a usage of the same form of magic? Just a thought)
I'll probably come up with a more suitable explanation in the future, but like I said. All of this is just for fun.
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Revenant!Jason being on watch for some reason (stakeout? disaster scenario? dangerous pocket-dimension?) with one of his family members. They wake up the next morning, and are like, “WTF, Jay, why didn’t you wake me up for my shift?!”
Jason: “You needed your sleep.”
(Let’s say) Dick: “So do you! What happens when you crash, Jay? What happens if you get too tired and miss something? We sleep in shifts for a reason!”
Jason: “No point when I don’t need sleep.”
Dick: “What?”
Jason: “Honestly, I don’t even think I can anymore.”
Dick: “What?!?”
Jason: “Dickie. I’m dead.
Jason: “I haven’t slept since I crawled out of my grave.”
Dick: “Well that’s... useful?”
Jason, grinning: “Do you have any idea how much reading I’ve caught up on since coming back? Completely makes up for what I missed during my dirt nap.”
Dick: “Good for you, you giant nerd. Moving on...”
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
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There's no script atm and no one's been cast yet
But y'all I'm shaking
This has the potential to be either really fucking good or really fucking bad
Crossing my fingers that this doesn't turn into a complete fucking mess, holy shit
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hleamii · 1 year
Nightwing Magical Girl Transformation!!
The animation is based of a mash up of Mint and Zakuro's transformation sequences from Tokyo Mew Mew~
And the song is NIGHT WING by Shizuka Kudo (工藤静香).
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Jason gets booted to another dimension and adopts a recently orphaned Bruce Wayne.
Whom he also takes along for the ride when he’s pulled back into his own dimension.
Now a fic! The Antithesis of Magic
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ciel-em · 11 days
Eldritch/Cryptid batfam au where Bruce gives birth to all his kids Surinam toad style.
Don't care if he has wings or is a shadow body because he will have babies pop out of his back. In my head he can only have 3 max and they'll come out something like human children of 9 years old.
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How do the holes show up? Idk magic or whatever. How do the babies not fall out while he's fighting crime? There's a translucent film over the holes that keeps the babies safely inside that they break when coming out.
He doesn't actually have sex. This is going to go like the fic Bouncing Baby Bat in which they're souls of the children of Gotham. Tweaking it though by them actually made from fragments of children souls that are killed in Gotham. This way it is explained why there's a gap between the births of his children.
And he does need to give birth in a place that is really fuckin dark or very low lighting at least.
Because I do want him to traumatize the JL so he gets his first batch of kids after already joining the justice league for some time. The first time they're on the watchtower and Bruce rushed to get to the cave because it's safe and dark. He doesn't tell the league anything, but they do see little hands coming out of his back. (Think human babies in the belly pushing their hand or foot out)
The batches are:
Dick, Cass, Jason
Steph, Tim, Harper
Duke, Cullen, Damian
They think that's all Bruce will have especially since they asked him when the next will be and his response is "No more". They just didn't know he meant no more right now.
Cue his actual last batch of Terry, Carrie, and Matt.
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