#mark sheppard fan fiction
spnfanficpond · 3 months
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othercat2 · 11 months
Second Verse Same as the First
So, I saw a thing I did not expect to see after many years!
See, Martha Wells has written fan fiction. And as far as I know still does write fan fiction. (She has also written Tie-In novels.) And intermittently her works are compared to her fan fic in a "This is derivative and we're not quite accusing her of plagiarism but we are totally doing that thing," kind of way. IIRC, this happened in regards to the Raksura books. Moon was compared to John Sheppard (StarGate Atlantis) and the Fell were compared to the Wraith.
As near as I can figure people thought this because of superficial comparisons between John and Moon, and also the Fell and the Wraith. And folks, this is not an example of something being derivative nor is it plagiarism. First, Moon and John Sheppard are not actually that close in personality. (Though Sheppard is definitely the kind of protagonist Wells' tends to write.) Second, the Wraith are not the only predatory sentient species to exist in science fiction or fantasy that predate on humans. Some of them are even also Bee People. Third, taking a concept and Doing Different Shit With It is a pretty common method of storytelling.
Most recently, I saw an accusation that Witch King is essentially MDZS with the serial numbers scraped off, and I all I say is...the hell? The reasoning here is that both Wei Wuxian and Kai both begin the story by possessing someone. That they both have to solve their own murders and get to the bottom of a conspiracy. That they both fought in a war against conquerors. <== Apparently the person wasn't aware that this is first, a very common story line in genre fiction, and secondly, the parallels are not actually that similar. Example: The entire Riftwar Saga, Laurie J. Marks Elemental Logic novels, and so on.
Kai and Wei Wuxian's circumstances are extremely different because they are entirely different people with completely different personalities. (Though again, Wei Wuxian is definitely the kind of Protagonist Wells tends to write.) Also, their histories are completely different, and their plots/conspiracies ain't that similar.
Here's a breakdown:
Wei Wuxian: kind of feckless or at least pretends to be. Extremely loyal to his family and friends. Most of his trauma is the loss of his family (multiple times!), but also his family situation is kinda toxic. He has to deal with the misfortune of having a lower social standing and being a genius. Forced to develop the ghost path after giving his golden core to Jiang Wanyin and getting dropped into the Burial Mounds. He dies horribly and brought back to life via a "sacrifice summons" ritual and ends up possessing Mo Xuanyu.
Wei Wuxian, while completely unaware that Lan Wangji like-likes him is still perceptive enough to get to the bottom of a mystery involving the death of Nie Huaisang's brother. (Which is part of Nie Huaisang's Master Plan to utterly destroy his brother's murderer. Nie Huaisang is basically using Wei Wuxian to reveal the conspiracy and Jin Guanyao's actions.)
MDZS is a romantic comedy layered over a tragedy wrapped up in a case fic
Kai: Is your average cheerful kid...who happens to be a demon. Has a high status background, and no trauma up until the bad guys invade. Is already possessing a (dead) someone because he is a demon and that's the only way he can live in the upper world. Ends up making a desperate jump to an evil magic user and since that person was alive at the time, acquires all the guy's knowledge of his magic system. Said magic system is based on pain, and Kai decides to solve the ethical conundrum by using his own pain and trauma on the bad guys.
Kai loses his human family and his entire culture, (and becomes estranged from his birth family/culture) then acquires a new found family and then is betrayed/assassinated by the heir of the prince Kai supported/aided during the war. An evil magic user decides to try controlling him, and this goes very badly for the magic user.
Witch King is a story that happens after the epic fantasy. It's grimdark with a silver lining of hopepunk. Kai's quest here is to find his friend's wife who is missing and find out all the particulars concerning who betrayed him. (Not apparently for revenge. Just to know, and to basically write the betrayer off.) Kai is doing all of this without being manipulated or being used to serve someone else's revenge.
These are similar in a superficial way, but it's clear that these are two distinct stories.
Having said all that, now I want a Witch King/MDZS crossover fic.
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teamfreewill2pointo · 11 months
Does no one think in the cast members that’s interesting he started dating a fan from a convention who was a huge fan of jared?
Not really because some actors date fans. Osric is (in)famous for that.
Anon: How do people know about marks sheppards wife and Jared? What a lucky fan. She’s living a fan fiction life
She was at conventions participating as a fan first. Then later started dating Mark
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Supernatural: A Journey into the World of Paranormal Hunting
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Supernatural, the long-running TV series, has captivated audiences around the world with its amazingly exhilarating tales of two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who dedicate their lives to hunting supernatural creatures. Spanning north of 15 seasons, the show takes watchers on a rollercoaster ride of paranormal adventures, showcasing a vast array of frightening creatures that prowl in the shadows.
The reason of Supernatural spins around the Winchesters' journey to proceed with their father's work of eliminating supernatural threats that represent a danger to blameless individuals. From savage phantoms and murderous vampires to clever genies, evil spirits, and werewolves, the brothers face an assortment of malevolent substances that a great many people are willfully ignorant of.
At its center, Supernatural isn't simply a show about supernatural creatures; it dives profound into the intricate relationship among Sam and Dean. Joined by a shared tragedy and an unbreakable bond, the brothers traverse the country in their famous black Chevy Impala, tackling cases that open them to the secret world of beasts and fantasies.
One of the show's assets lies in its ability to mix frightfulness, drama, and humor seamlessly. Each episode presents another supernatural threat, challenging the Winchester brothers physically, emotionally, and intellectually. As the seasons progress, the narrative expands to encompass intricate storylines, enormous contentions, and even a battle against the powers of heaven and damnation.
Supernatural has garnered a committed fan base, known as "The SPN Family," who have embraced the show's folklore and characters. The Winchester brothers, portrayed brilliantly by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, have become cultural symbols, moving innumerable cosplays, fan fiction, and fan art.
The series also boasts a rich supporting cast, including Misha Collins as the enigmatic angel Castiel, and Mark Sheppard as the charismatic devil Crowley. These characters add profundity and intricacy to the Winchester brothers' world, often obscuring the lines among ally and adversary.
Past its entertainment value, Supernatural has had a profound impact on popular culture. It has carried old stories and urban legends to the very front, sparking interest in the supernatural and encouraging exploration of the unexplored world. The show's getting through popularity has prompted shows, where fans gather to celebrate their shared love for the Winchester brothers and the supernatural universe they inhabit.
In 2020, after 15 effective seasons, Supernatural reached its decision, leaving a permanent mark on TV history. The series stands as a testament to the force of narrating and the getting through appeal of the supernatural class. It advises us that in the face of darkness, ordinary individuals can transcend their fears and battle for what is correct. See here сверхъестественное смотреть онлайн
Supernatural will be for all time associated with its exhilarating narrative arcs, memorable characters, and heartfelt minutes. Whether it was the brothers' unwavering security or their unwavering determination to save the world, the show has left an everlasting engraving on the hearts of its fans. As we bid farewell to the Winchester brothers, we can trust that their legacy will keep on moving new generations to investigate the secrets that lie past our everyday reality.
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sammyxorae · 4 years
Masterlist (8/19/2020)
Osric x Reader - In collaboration w/ @crowleysplaythings
Snapchat (1) | Convention Karaoke (2) | Singing Beauty (3) | Moving Fast (4) | What Are We? (5)** | The Interruption (6) | Friday Night Surprise (7) |  I Love You (8)**| Poetry of Truth (9) | Done Waiting (10)** | We Need to Talk (11) | We Belong Together (Completed)
Lucifer x Reader:
Devils Lullaby - Part 1
Devils Lullaby - Part 2**
Devils Lullaby - Part 3**
Devils Lullaby - Part 4** (Completed Series)
Sam Winchester x Reader:
Swipe Right (series) - Part 1** | Part 2 | Part 3 (Completed)
Rob Benedict x Reader:
Surprise - Part 1 **| Part 2 **| Part 3 **| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
One Shots:
Rob Benedict x Reader:
I Fell In Love With My Best Friend **
Break Up
Matchmaking Cat
Crowley x Reader:
Prettiest Star
Mark Sheppard x Reader:
Cardio Workout **
Mark Pellegrino x Reader:
Damsel In Distress **
Night Moves (**NEW 8/17/2020)
Chuck Shurley x Reader:
Make It Up to Me **
Comfort and Peace
Rob Benedict/Richard Speight Jr./Reader:
Truth or Dare **
Mark Sheppard/Mark Pellegrino/Reader:
Role Play ** 
Osric Chau x Reader:
Caution Out the Window **
Dean Winchester x Reader:
My Little Princess **
Rob Benedict - Dad
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ladyfiresfanfiction · 4 years
December Deals - Supernatural Fic - Crowley x OC
The winds blew colder than usual on that gloomy December day. The waves crashed with ferocity and brought a luke-warm mess of water and sand to my bare feet. It had been three miserable years since I lost him, but on the anniversary of his death, I always visited our secret place. The little private beach off of Orange street and first avenue. It was our hide away from our parents, our problems, and our growing sense of dread. This stretch of land could protect us from the worst pains, the saddest truths, and the darkest lies. But like a set of keys, I lost him. He was gone, without a word, and it killed me every day. I always wondered if Jay was still around. If he could actually hear me talking to him. If he maybe came to visit me at my apartment, or tried to keep me safe in tough times. I could always feel him around me. I could smell his cologne, I could hear his laugh, see those bright, adorable blue eyes. But it never lasted long. I walked along the waters edge, chilling myself to the bone in my black wifebeater and fishnet arm warmers, and those ripped up dark blue skinny jeans. The only thing that was kept the slightest bit toasty were my feet, the sand was still a bit hot from the suns powerful rays. I carried my black boots and knee high black and red striped socks in my hand while I looked out far into sea. Jay was a big part of my life. He was like the older brother I never had. He could make me laugh, protect me, surprise me in so many ways. He always had my best interests at heart and no matter what I said, or did, he never judged me, never left my side. The thought of my heartless words and childish behavior still brings tears to my eyes. The last time I saw him, I was so self absorbed and selfish to even help him, and despite the over bearing sense of desperation and need, he listened to me wail about some guy who broke up with me before he went away to college. He held me all night on the eve of my eighteenth birthday. When I left, he told me he would be over at my house bright and early for a little celebration. But he never showed up. I waited all day, swearing at him for being late. I never once thought he could have been hurt or in trouble. It only started to hit me when I remembered how sad he looked before I left. He asked me to stay the night, that something felt wrong. But all I wanted to do was try and call my ex boyfriend, see if he could come over to talk. He just gave me this optimistic smile and said "things happen for a reason, you never know what the future holds". I thought it seemed so old world of him to say things like that, but in the future, he was right. I put on my socks and shoes and stood up, slapping the sand from my jeans, and turned to the long, tall hill that would lead me back to the deserted road. I put in my earbuds and let the music of my favorite bands take me away to another time and place. Mine and Jay's favorite Tool song, "Right in Two", blared in my ear drums as I walked. I finally reached the road and, as usual, was not paying attention. I walked right into a man with dark features and dressed in a nice tailored black suit. I fell backwards and when I looked up, he stared me down. He had this mischevious smile form across his lips, and he extended his hand to help me up. Cautiously, I let him hoist me to my feet and I looked at him. "How are you, Cassidy?" he asked. "How do you-" "I just know these things." he replied in a thick british accent. I thanked him for his help and apologized for my clumsiness before turning away and walking towards my car, which was parked down the road. When I turned to see if he was still standing there, he was gone. I made it to my car, to be startled at his prescence leaning against the hood of my prized '72 cherry red mustang. "How the hell did you get here before me?" I asked. "Just fast, I guess." he replied, coyly. "Seriously, you were behind me. I would have seen if you -" "Darling, that's not important. I have a message for you." he said, waving off my questions. We stood beside my ride, and I shivered. He was taking in the sights, and then he looked in to my eyes. For a man his age, he was pretty good looking. A few inches taller than my five feet, four inches. He had a cute, chubby face, and a bit of stubble. His hair wasn't too long, and a light brown. It kind of made me want to run my fingers through it. His eyes looked like a melted chocolate, and his smile was contagious. He had a pretty nice build, too. His style looked pricey, but it looked even better on him. I felt like I was getting sized up as he continued to look at me. I felt as if his eyes were burning a hole through me, into my damn soul. I couldn't stand the quiet and I was so cold I could barely feel my fingers or my face anymore, so I cleared my throat to get his attention. Upon seeing how icy I was, he offered me his jacket. It was big on me, but it was cozy and felt great wrapped around my shoulders. He asked if he could hitch a ride, and although I was scared, I was so attracted to him I couldn't muster up the courage to tell him no. We hopped in my baby, that I named  Candy, and we sped down the street and on to the main highway. He asked if he could be dropped off at a bar that was, surprisingly, right down the street from my house, and I agreed. Puscifer's "Conditions of my Parole" blasted through the speakers and I caught him mouthing the words to the song. When the song ended and we came to a traffic jam, I turned in my seat and asked him what this so called message was, and from whom. "You know anyone named Jay Barnes?" he asked. I felt an ice cold chill run up my spine. "That was my best friends name, but.. He's been dead for three years now." I whispered. "Oh, I know. Was tradgic, really. But Jay told me to tell you that you're not at fault and to stop blaming yourself." he replied, while looking me straight in the eyes. The traffic cleared and I began speeding down the road, the man in the suit was digging his nails into the arm rests and swearing when I nearly collided into on coming cars and light poles. I swerved into another lane and went down a deserted street, about two miles from the bar, and hit the breaks, causing both of us to slam our heads against the dashboard. I frantically got out of the car and walked away a few paces. I heard him get out and jog after me. "I told the damn boy you'd react this way but he didn't want to listen." he said, grabbing my wrist. I backhanded him, leaving a red mark on his cheek. He backed away and saw that my eyes went from their usual green-hazel to a darkish, forest green. He rubbed at his aching cheek and began to speak again, weary of my random movements and frequent wheezing breaths. "I mean no harm, darling. Was just passing on a message as a favor to the kid." he said. "I don't know who in the hell you are, but my best friend did not come to you with a message from the grave! Who are you! What is your name?" I snarled. "Oh! Pardon my poor socialization skills. The names Crowley, and I'm the King of Hell." he smirked, and his eyes went to a dark black. I came to on the ground with him standing above me. My whole body was shaking and I could feel tears of fear leaking from my eyes, threatening to smudge my nearly perfect eyeliner. I backed away and he still came forward, and again, he helped me to my feet. "I'm not going to hurt you, relax." he said. "You're a.. A fucking.. Fucking.." "Spit it out, doll, I don't have all day. Yes, I'm a demon. What? Demons can't have nice clothes and be polite?" "Get the fuck away from me, or I swear I'll.. I'll.." "Shoot? Hate to break it to you but guns will only bring a bit of pain, but not death." he smiled. I was on the brink of hysteria when I took off running. The good looking stranger that was nice enough to give me his jacket was a fucking demon? And all these years I thought it was bullshit tales and lies to keep people in line. When I turned I saw my car getting smaller and smaller, but again, when I looked in front of me, he stood there and grabbed me by my waist. I screamed and kicked and scratched but he didn't let go. The last thing I remembered was begging for help, and then I blacked out. I woke up on a king sized bed with canopy curtains pulled in around it. It was dark out and I couldn't remember much. I didn't know where I was and for a split second, I thought I was in a high end hotel. But when I saw him in the doorway through the canopy, I froze. He slowly inched closer with his hands raised, signaling that he had no weapons or intentions to hurt me. I pulled the curtain back but kept the comforter pulled up to my shoulders, it felt so cold in the room. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, with his back turned to me. An overbearing desire to kiss him took over my body, but common sense screamed at me to run like hell. "I came to you because, not only did the boy ask me, but because you need help." he said softly. "Help? From a demon? HA!" I laughed. "I know this may be a bit hard, but can you please SHUT your damn TRAP and LISTEN!?" he shouted. If this would have been any other man, and any other time, I would have jumped him and let him fuck me around every corner of the earth while yelling at me, but instead I did as I was told and let him speak. "Jay is still around. He's been watching you ever since he checked out. He knows that you think it's your fault, he hears you when you talk to him. He won't leave until you realize what he did was his own choosing and no one could have stopped him. He can't be in peace until you finally let go and move on. Following so far?" he asked. "Yes, uh, sir." I spoke quietly. "Good. Now, what I am going to do will hurt but help both you and the boy. Do you want my help? Or, here's a better question; do you want Jay to move on?" he asked. "Of course, he was my brother!" I replied. "Take my hand, and hold on then." he said. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Jay's apartment. He was downing whiskey straight from the bottle and looked like the poster boy for hell. I walked over, as if in a trance, and tried to touch his cheek. I called his name, but my efforts had gone unnoticed. "He can't see or hear you, honey. This is just a memory, so to speak." Crowley said, standing behind me. I watched as Jay looked through photo albums; they were of the two of us, his family, and then one of him and his ex fiancee, Taria. He wept and traced his fingertips over her picture, asking God why she had to die. He had struggled for six months over her death, and he never let any sadness show, but behind closed doors, I saw the emotional side of him I only wished he could have shared with me. His and Taria's song, "We're in this Together" by Nine Inch Nails played on his stereo, and the look in his eyes showed anguish and defeat. I watched him write his suicide note, take one last look at a photo of the three of us; Taria, Jay, and I, and then go into the bathroom. I followed behind, tears and shrieks escaping from me. I watched him get in the tub, now filled with hot water, and I watched him electrocute himself with his hair straightener. I cried out for him and when Crowley decided that I had seen enough, he brought us back to present day. "How could you put me through that?" I choked. "I'm sorry, Cassidy. I had to." "Why? So I wouldn't feel guilty? Well newsflash, genius; I feel even worse." I snapped. "Damn it, girl, you saw with your own eyes the pain he was going through. You saw that it had nothing to do with you, and no matter what, you couldn't save him! No one could! For fucks sake just accept it!" he barked. I sat on the bed and turned away from him. It was bad enough I was in a strange house with a member of God's public enemy number one, but I'd be damned if I let him see me cry. I laid on my side, facing a wall, and I felt the burning hot tears sting my eyes. I kept my moans to a minimum and kept as far away from him as possible. I heard him sigh and then after several minutes, felt his arm slide around my waist and pulled my back up against his body. I turned to look at him, and I saw compassion in his eyes. I didn't know what to think at this point. "Is there anyway.. I could bring him back?" I asked. "I'm sorry kid, but no." he whispered in my ear. "Please, Crowley, I'd do anything. I'd even sacrifice my soul." I pleaded. "What a nice gesture, but, still, the answer is no." he replied. I shoved him away and he fell backwards off the bed. "Well fuck you! What kind of pansy ass demon are you!?" I shrieked. "Sweetheart, you have no idea what you have just started." he said as he placed me on my back and hovered over my body. I looked up at him with curiosity. For all I know, he was about to murder me and hide the body somewhere. But instead, I just gave in to him. He was free to do whatever he wanted to me. His fingertips traced down my jawline as he leaned down and kissed my lips. They were warm and moist and sent electricity throughout my entire body. I couldn't help but moan. As the kiss grew deeper, I felt him smile into it, and his hands explored my curves. My tongue entered his mouth and I felt him begin to suck on it, it was new and exciting and made me feel like a giddy middle school girl. I felt his hands cup both sides of my face, and his own tongue began to rub against mine. He nibbled on my bottom lip and I slid my hands slowly up and down his arms, but then the reality that I was making out with a demon came in to play. I shoved him off and did a back flip off the other side of the bed, quickly throwing on my socks and boots. As I got up and made my way to the door, he stood in my way, looking down at me with eyes filled with lust and dominance. I felt my heart lodge in my throat as he grabbed me by my hips and slam me into the wall, his body pinned against mine and whispering in my ear that I was in alot of trouble and my best bet would be to let him fuck me and it wouldn't hurt... too much. I pushed back against him, trying to free myself from his grasp, but all it did was make me groan and make him press his lips hard into mine, stifling any sounds I tried to make. He yanked my hair back from my neck and let his lips wander down from my jawline, to my neck, and right along my collarbone. His kisses were rough and hard, and my knees were growing weak with each and every powerful kiss. His hands pinned my wrists into the wall, and I began to feel pain as his nails dug into my moist flesh. I was taking in short, jagged breaths while peering up to look at him. His facial expression was determined, concentrating on areas he somehow knew would make me turn to putty in his hands, and he looked as if he was happy with himself for turning me into his whore. He nipped at the sensitive areas on my neck, the last love bite drew a little blood, which he slid his tongue over. I arched into him and let out a whimper, which caught his attention. He freed my aching wrists and I jumped up in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. As he kissed my lips again, he banged me into the wall, grinding against me, letting me feel every inch of his body melting into mine. He turned and threw me down on the bed, in which I half heartedly tried to sit up to see what he was doing. He smiled at me, clicking his tongue against his teeth, as if wondering what his next move should be. My mind was frazzled and I was more than turned on. I needed to feel every inch of him inside of me. He slowly walked over to the bed, bending down the slightest bit so he could lick my lips and bite down hard on my bottom lip. His hands were gliding through my hair, softly playing with every soft strand as he fell on top of me. Under him I felt like I was on ecstasy; my heart was racing at the speed of light, my mind was blacking out, and my body was shaking furiously. His hands, once again, trailed down my sides, his finger tips gliding down my rib cage, and slowly his fingers hooked into my jean loops, trying to yank my pants down a tad bit. I found the strength to take off his jacket and throw it on the leather desk chair behind him, and he locked eyes with me again. "Patience," he whispered in my ear, and his hot breath on my neck made a sharp breath stick in my throat, painfully. "When I'm through with you, I'll be carrying you around for awhile." I bit my lip as his last sentence played in my mind, like a broken record. He slowly pulled up my wifebeater, and with each inch he pulled up, he left a trail of kisses to my shaking form behind. I arched in to him again, and our bodies seemed to mould together perfectly. He rested one large, unwavering hand on the small of my back, holding me against him as he sucked and bit my neck. I went to work and began to unbutton his shirt. He ripped my wifebeater off, throwing the fabric on the other side of the bed. He muttered something about sloppy clothing pissing him off before kissing and licking the top of my breasts. I felt a slight film of sweat trickle down my forehead and along the sides of my face, with one hard, forceful move, he ripped my jeans off my legs without even unbuttoning them. I finally had his shirt fully unbuttoned, no thanks to my trembling fingers, and he quickly slid it off of his slightly muscular arms. He undid his tie painfully slow, and made a nice pile for his clothes on the nightstand, leaving me frustrated and snapping at him to finish what he started. "Oh, in due time, darling. Have a bit of patience." he would say, and then he pinned my wrists above my head and began to slide my bra straps off my shoulders using only his teeth. I bucked my hips against his, grinding my lower body in to his, letting him know I was more than ready for him to pound me in to the next century. He grunted, only once, and then stared me down. When my bra straps were down as far as they would go, he sat up, straddled over my body and yanked me up with one hand, and undid the bra hooks with ease. It went flying over his shoulder and he laid me down gently, smirking. He stood in front of the bed, staring at my nearly fully naked body. I felt as if I was being sized up, or as if he was taking a mental picture to add to his probable vast collection. I sat up, cautiously, and looked up at him. He nodded his head, as if giving me permission to undo his pants. With slow progression I had them unzipped and unbuttoned within a minute, and they fell to his ankles. He kicked them, along with his shoes, off and looked down at me. He shoved me hard into the bed and grabbed my legs, slowly pulling off my boots and socks. He threw them against the wall, looking disgusted at my now ruined attire. He leaned down, hooking his thumbs into the strings of my thong and ripped it off quickly. I sat up long enough to pull down his boxer briefs, and he kicked them off, placing his clothes on the nightstand. He stood in front of me, fully naked, and his length was something most girls only dream of having in a lover. I smiled up at him, ready for the most fierce sexual encounter I've had in my life, when he gently took my hand and helped me to my feet. "This will be the only time I'm careful with you" he groaned in my ear while he pulled me against him. "Bring it, black eyes." I choked out. He slammed me hard into the wall, lifting one leg and wrapping it around his waist. I felt him get situated and shove his full girth inside of my aching cunt. I swore at him as he began to forcefully penetrate me. He wasn't slow, he wasn't gentle, he was an animal. I held on to his shoulders, letting my nails dig in as he continued to make me squirm and scream. He grunted like an animal in my ear as he continued to slam into me, making me bounce back against the wall each and every time. My hips ached as his hit them with such a force I felt like they would break, and my eyes began to roll in the back of my head, making me feel dizzy and see stars. He nipped at the soft flesh on my neck, making me cry out, and as he pounded my cunt, he let his thumb play with my swelling clit. I bit down on his neck, surely drawing blood, and I arched in to him again. When he was tired of banging me into the wall, he threw me on the ground, landing on top of me. He looked into my eyes, out of his mind with hunger, and kissed my lips hard. My legs lifted into the air, giving him more clearance to penetrate me deeper. With each and every thrust, he hit my gspot and made it hurt so bad I was sure I was bleeding. He kissed down my sweaty body, nibbling on my collar bone, breasts, and back up to my lips. Our tongues locked in a passionate wage of war that no one would win. My nails raked down his back, making it burn as he continued to thrust in to me, making me scream his name. My throat was hurting and turning raw, but I couldn't stop the uncontrollable urge to scream and swear at him. I heard his seductive chuckle, and as I let out a stream of cum, I shoved him off, pinned his wrists down to his sides, and whispered that it was my turn to have some fun. I carefully kissed down his sweaty body, leaving gentle kisses to his chest, down to his stomach, and held one last kiss to his lower stomach, where his happy trail began. He groaned, trying to fight me off of him, but part of him was willing to be submissive, at least for a little while. I let him go, looking up at him and smirking as he bit his lip in anticipation. At first, I put quick, soft kisses to the head of his cock, down to his shaft and back up, I slowly let the tip enter my mouth, and I swirled my tongue inside and out of it, making him swear and call me his dirty little whore. With each curse word, I sucked on the tip while holding on to the shaft with one hand. I massaged the shaft with my fingertips as I began to slowly let it enter my mouth, inch by inch. He was trying to move, trying to force it all inside my mouth and down my throat, but it was as if he was paralyzed. I held on to the base as it was all in my mouth, and I showed him what was any guys favorite ability in a girl; I could deep throat. "Fucking Cassidy, you slut." he grunted as I let it all slide down my throat. I let him hardened, pulsing dick slide in and out of my mouth, and sucked it hard like a lollipop. Each time it slid down my throat quickly, the precum was leaking more and more, and then finally, when he couldn't take anymore, he let a wave of it release into my mouth. Looking up at him as I slowly let his cock slide out of my mouth, I swallowed every last drop, and smirked as he lay there, shaking and muttering to himself. "This isn't over, you fucking bitch." he gasped. "Oh, but I think it is." I laughed, slowly getting off my knees. "Guess again." he said, regaining balance on his feet and shoving me on my stomach on the bed. He entered me from behind, pounding my pussy while his fingernails raked down my back. As he entered me with force, I gripped the sheets and felt him grip on to my ass as he shoved in every inch into my now swollen cunt. I cried out for him to stop as I felt the familiar pulse rage inside of me, but all I heard was him grunting over and over again, and making my head spin and the little breaths I did have stick in my throat. He leaned down, over me, while he fucked me senseless and placed several sweet kisses to my neck. With one last push, the muscles in my cunt contracted around him and we soaked the bed with our burning hot cum. He placed me on my back and fell on top of me, his face buried in my hair. I slid my fingertips up and down his spine, and turned to kiss his cheek. Our hearts beat against each others, and when we finally caught our breath, I felt his arms slide around my waist and his lips gently kiss mine. "How does it feel to be fucked my a demon?" he whispered raggedly in my ear. "Sinfully spectacular. How does it feel to be completely worked by a human?" I asked in return. "Let's just say, it was a pleasure working with you." he chuckled before kissing my lips again.
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Relationship: SPN Cast X Sister!Reader
Words: 3,468
Summary: After fighting for so long, the Reader finally loses her battle to depression. But when she gets a visit from a little divine intervention, she’s able to see that everyone means something to the world.
Warnings: MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING!! Suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt (pretty graphic), self-hate, depression, lots of angst. Please, please, please read with caution.
Tagging: @mysaintsasinner @deathtonormalcy56
A/N: This is some super heavy stuff, guys. You’ve been warned.
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A single tear traced your cheek, sliding around the curves of your tired features, before splashing quietly onto the paper below. With an unsteady hand, you placed the pen down on the counter, and stared unseeingly at the note in front of you.
This was it. Your final words. They would come in here, your friends, the men who had become your family, after everything was said and done, to clean out your trailer, and you hoped they would understand. Hoped they would read the note and see that this was for the best -- for everyone.
Jared’s booming voice startled you, your thoughts quickly becoming scattered as he pounded on the door. Your heart skipped a beat, panic chilling you to the bone. Hurriedly, you wiped away the tears that had pooled in your eyes.
“I-I’m in here!” you called, cursing the tremor in your voice. Just in the nick of time, you shoved everything away as Jared poked his head in the door. “Hey, what's up?”
By the look on his face you could tell he was in his work-minded mode. “Hey. The girls said they'll be ready for you in hair and makeup in, like, five minutes, so-- are you okay?” In an instant, his serious exterior melted to show the kind hearted and loving man underneath.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” you lied, knowing full well you were most definitely not fine. “Rehearsing for the big emotional scene today. I wanna get it perfect so we don't waste too much time.”
Jared looked at you skeptically, not entirely convinced that you were telling the truth. “You sure?”
Giving him a big nod, you put on the best fake smile you could. Though still a bit reluctant, he seemed to buy your happy act and stepped out to leave you alone.
As soon as the door shut, you dropped the façade and started getting to work. There was no time to lose -- if you didn't show up at the hair and makeup trailer you knew they'd come searching for you. You just hoped to god it wasn't one of the boys that found you.
The first order of business was making sure the note was set up properly. It had to be in a central spot in your trailer so that everyone's attention would be focused on it rather than you, thereby leaving you enough time to… implement your plan. After that was taken care of, all that was left was the simple matter of committing the act, actually going through with it.
No matter how much you thought about it, you couldn't bring yourself to call it for what it was.
You looked around your home away from home one last time, gaze lingering a little too long on the wall above the couch. It contained pictures, hundreds of pictures, of you with Jensen, with Jared, with Misha, with Mark, with members of the crew and guest stars, both past and present. They were scattered amid selfies taken with fans, photo ops from conventions, beautiful fan photographs taken at just the right moment during a panel, catching you mid-laugh or on the brink of tears. Your heart ached, remembering each and every one of those occasions as if they'd happened the day before. A sad smile settled on your face.
At last, the time had come. The battle was over. With this decision, you were waving the white flag. Surrendering to the demons that had for so long plagued your every waking minute. This was not Supernatural -- there'd be no coming back, no demon deals or daring angel rescues from Hell.  This was real life, and you were ending yours.
The first incisions were already made, nice straight lines from your elbow to your wrist, and you listened to the dripping sounds as deep red liquid met pearly white bathroom tile. With each tiny splash, the pain intensified and the fog in your head grew heavier.
As if from a great distance away, you heard Jared and Jensen shout your name, knocking loudly to get your attention. Too late, you thought sluggishly, mere seconds before the door swung open, and in rushed the boys. They stopped dead, the sight of you sitting there overwhelming, and the realization of why crashing down on them like an enormous wave.
As you slowly slipped out of consciousness, eyes drooping ever lower, you began to lose awareness of your surroundings. An ambulance must have been on its way, because someone kept telling you to stay awake, but you didn't recognize the voice. At least, you didn't think you did. It was hard to tell through the haze.
The last clear image you saw before the darkness swallowed you was the anguished faces of Jensen, Jared, Mark, and Misha, looking on in growing distress.
The afterlife wasn't at all how you thought it would be. Not that you'd given it much thought, but you definitely hadn't been expecting what you saw. Or rather, what you didn't see.
Inky blackness filled your vision, seeming to stretch on for miles and stop a few feet away from you at the same time; even discerning your hand in front of your face was a challenge in and of itself. The silence in this strange place was deafening, making your ears ring, broken only by you.
“Hello?” you called out, voice echoing off walls you couldn't see. From behind you there came a sound like flapping wings, and you whipped around in surprise. For just a second you forgot to breathe.
The man before you certainly looked like Misha and moved like Misha. His famous trench coat had a smattering of blood on the lapel, tie askew as always. As hard as you tried to convince yourself, though, you knew somewhere deep down that this was not Misha. And if he wasn't Misha, then he had to be… Castiel. The angel Castiel.
“I'm not your friend, Y/N,” he said, his gravelly voice tight with worry. “I'm sorry.”
Shocked at the revelation, you blurted out the first thing on your mind. “What are you doing here? I mean, you’re an angel. Why would an angel want anything to do with me?”
Castiel’s eyes met yours. “I’m here to bring you back.”
“Bring me back?” you asked, incredulous. “I did this to myself -- you’re a freaking angel, you should know that. What makes you think that I would ever want to stay in that hellhole?”
“Listen to me, please. You must stay. Thousands of lives will be unimaginably affected if you don't,” he practically begged.
Giving him a hard glare, you scoffed. “You must not be a very good angel, then. Let me get you up to speed -- I'm just a nobody. I mean nothing to this world. None of the fans of our show like me or my character. Do you know how many death threats I receive on a daily basis? In the hundreds. So trust me, I'm doing everyone a favor.”
“No. No, that's not true at all,” pleaded Castiel. He looked so upset that you didn't believe him. “Please Y/N. You have to understand. How can I make you understand?”
Then, like he was listening to something you couldn't hear, he titled his head. A look of confusion passed over his features, replaced quickly by one of understanding. Reaching two fingers out to touch you, he said, “Heaven demands I show you the consequences that would occur as a result of your loss.”
As his fingers made contact with your forehead, the black nothingness around you faded away.
You were standing, no -- floating above a cemetery where an enormous crowd had gathered. Thousands were packed into the fairly large space, standing shoulder to shoulder.
“What is this?” you demanded, turning to look at Castiel.
“Your funeral,” he answered simply. From your shocked expression, he seemed to register that he needed to explain. “Your death shocked the nation, and indeed many others around the world. Those closest to you, after having realized the number of people who wanted to be in attendance, decided to open the ceremony to anyone. This is only a small fraction of the millions impacted by your passing.”
A soft gasp escaped from you. Heading the large group were all of your friends -- Jensen and Jared, Mark and Misha, everyone from the crew and production team. The sight brought tears to your eyes, but you refused to let them fall.
You shook your head in denial. “So what? This… this doesn’t prove anything! Of course people are sad at a funeral -- it’s a funeral! In a few months everyone’s lives will be back to normal and they won’t even miss me.” No sooner had the words left your mouth, the scene faded away.
With a start, you found yourself in one of the boys’ trailers. Looking up, you saw the two of them sitting next to each other and facing Clif, who was recording on a phone. A slideshow of photographs was playing on the TV behind their backs.
It was you.
They'd used everything from the collage on your wall. As the cycle came to an end, a message faded into the screen.
In loving memory of Y/N, a true hero.
“We want to thank you guys for another amazing season,” said Jensen, with a smile on his face that screamed of pride. “And what better way to do that than to launch the next Always Keep Fighting campaign?”
Jared took over for him. “This installment is dedicated to our friend and sister Y/N, who fought so hard for so long until she ultimately lost her battle with depression.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to both IMAlive and To Write Love On Her Arms, both of which were very near and dear to her heart. Now, we struggled back and forth on what design we wanted…”
In a voice like a whisper, you spoke with wonder, tears spilling over before you could stop them. “They miss me. Even after a few months, they… they really do miss me.”
“No, Y/N, not a few months,” Castiel said earnestly. You looked back at him in confusion. “You've been gone for much longer. Try years. They never fully recovered, your friends and colleagues.”
“What? No, that’s… that can't be true!” you shouted, unaware that the trailer around you had disappeared.
The angel spoke with fervor, practically begging you to understand. “You must realize that it is true, Y/N. Your death will profoundly impact those you leave behind. Jared will blame himself, believing that had he noticed the signs sooner, he could have prevented your death. Jensen will throw himself so completely into his work that it will become detrimental to his wellbeing and the wellbeing of others around him.”
Shaking your head, you refused to believe him. This was all wrong. Everything was supposed to get better, everyone’s lives were supposed to improve without you.
Castiel’s eyes, those icy blue orbs you knew so well yet hardly recognized now, begged you, pleaded with you to listen, just listen to him. He sighed, defeat laced through his eternal features.
“I see,” he said softly, almost talking to himself rather than you. “I understand now.” With his eyes trained upwards, he nodded. “I know what I must do.”
As you opened your mouth to ask what the hell he was going on about, his fingers met your forehead, the whole world shifting as the two of you traveled through time and space once again.
Even before your feet landed on solid ground and that nauseous feeling subsided, you knew exactly where you were. It was a place where you felt safe, where you were always welcomed with open arms. It was a place where mouth-wateringly delicious aromas permeated the air, wafting in from the kitchen. It was a place where you were ‘Aunt Y/N’ to a little girl who looked at you the way fans looked at the boys. It was the Ackles household.
It was home.
“Why are we here, Castiel?” you questioned. Whatever he was planning, it wasn’t going to work. Your mind was already made up -- this was what you wanted… wasn’t it?
With your voice silenced, you realized someone else was in the room besides you and the angel. They were sitting on the couch, head held in their hands as they sniffled. But, that made no sense. Who was crying? Why was Castiel showing you this?
You tiptoed around to the front of the couch, and you gasped at what you saw -- Jensen hunched over, tears streaking down his face.
“Jensen,” you whispered, knowing he couldn’t hear you. It hurt you to see him like this, so broken and vulnerable. Just then, you heard a voice call out from across the room.
In tandem, you and Jensen turned around to see little JJ making her way down the steps, clad in her pajamas and matching slippers. She was older than you remembered, quite possibly big enough to be in school. Jensen wiped his face. “Yeah, sweetheart?”
JJ came over to the couch and sat on her father’s lap, looking up at him with those wide eyes. “Why are you crying?”
“I, uh…” his voice caught in his throat. “I miss Aunt Y/N.”
Like a lightning bolt, his words hit you, causing you to stagger backwards. You must have misheard him, you had to have. He missed you? Still?
“Oh,” JJ said. “I do, too. Tell me what she was like again, Daddy.”
The hits just kept coming. Not only were you the reason for Jensen’s tears, but JJ, one of the only bright spots in your world, didn’t even remember you. All those tea parties and slumber parties, the hours spent splashing together in the pool, the car rides to gymnastics when you would sing the Rapunzel soundtrack with her, they were all distant memories to her. The kind that decreased in clarity with every passing day.
Sucking in a breath, you realized that this, all of this, was your fault. You were the only one who could fix it.
“I get it now,” you said over your shoulder, voice hollow. “I have to stay. Castiel, you have to take me back--”
But the angel was gone.
“Castiel?” you called, only to be met with silence. Head swiveling madly, you looked for him. The only people you saw in the room, however, were still Jensen and JJ, making you scream in frustration. “Come back here, you dick! I want to stay, dammit! I want to stay!”
Without warning, everything began to fade away, dropping you back in that godforsaken nothingness. As the darkness closed in, you started panicking. Tears fell freely and air eluded you as you fought to stay, to go back to the friends and family that cared about you, that needed you as much as you needed them. You swung your arms blindly, hoping to hit something, anything, in the abyss.
With a resounding crash that echoed through the silence, your fists met something solid, a wall of some sort that blended in with all the black around you. As you watched, a small crack splintered the surface, pouring out a brilliant white light. Filled with a new determination, you picked up your assault on the wall, punching and kicking and using whatever body part hurt the least to attempt to bust through to the other side. For what felt like agonizingly long hours, you struggled -- against the wall, against the darkness surrounding you, against your own mind.
Finally, with one last hard blow, everything began to collapse. All around you, pieces of the dark chasm crumbled away, dissipating into the chamber of light beyond it.
Suddenly, you cried out. A searing pain, like nothing you’d ever experienced before, struck every nerve in your body, overwhelming your senses. The enormous weight crushing your chest made it impossible to breathe, and left you gasping for air. It felt like you were being ripped apart, split in two by some invisible force.
And then you were falling, hurtling downward at a deadly speed. But toward what, you had no idea.
Eyes fluttering open, the first thing that registered was the throbbing ache coming from your arms. You could feel the rough bandages wrapped around them, scratching the raw skin. Taking in your surroundings, you realized with a start that you were in a hospital bed, hooked up to heart monitors and an IV drip.
“Y/N? Can you hear me?”
To your right, you saw your friends gathered together by the side of the bed, features filled with distress. Jensen, Jared, Misha, and Mark sat in those uncomfortable plastic chairs, looking a little worse for wear, almost like they hadn’t slept in days. As soon as you turned your head, though, their faces lit up, all their distress melting away.
“You’re awake!” Jensen said, smiling broadly. “We weren’t sure-- we didn’t know--”
“We were so worried about you, sweetheart,” Mark told you, his hand covering yours. “You lost a lot blood.”
Overwhelmed by the love pouring out from the men beside you, you felt tears begin to fall, but you didn’t try to stop them. In fact, you welcomed them.
“You’re crying,” Misha noticed, his eyebrows scrunching together in concern. “Why are you crying?”
Shaking your head, you gave a wet laugh. “It’s okay, Misha. They’re happy tears.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jared, who had yet to say anything, staring at you intently. There were unshed tears in his eyes, and though he was silent, his expression spoke for him.
With a great sigh, he rubbed his hands over his face. Out of the four of them, he appeared to be the most exhausted. He opened his mouth to speak, and asked the one question you’d been dreading most of all. “Why?”
“Jared, I--”
“Why didn’t you tell anyone that you were suffering? Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice, angry as he was, was soft and gentle. Though he probably didn’t mean to, his questions brought on a wave of guilt and shame and fresh tears. “We… we could have helped you.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t say anything because you’re fighting your own battle and everyone else has their own problems and I just… didn't want to be a burden on anyone and put more weight on their shoulders.”
For many years after that day, you would never forget the looks on your friends’ faces -- heartbroken, absolutely devastated.
“Y/N… how could you think that?” asked Jensen, unable to comprehend. “Sweetheart, please, listen to me. You have never, ever, been, nor will you ever be, a burden to anyone, especially us. We’re a family -- a family that supports one another no matter what, and of course that includes you.”
Jared’s expression softened. “We just… we all love you so much, Y/N. You’ve always been like a little sister to everyone on set.”
“They’ve been asking about you, you know,” said Misha. “The crew and production team.”
“Of course, love,” Mark assured you. “The fans have also sent you get well messages on social media.”
Mouth hanging open, you gaped at him. “They have?”
“Why wouldn’t they, kiddo?”
“I-I… I thought they hated me,” you admitted, feeling a little stupid. “I see so much hate online, I guess it blocks out all the good things fans send me.”
“Trust me, sweetheart,” Jared said, a small smile creeping up on his face. “They send you a lot of good things.”
As you pushed open the large wooden door to the Ackles home, you heard little feet scampering across the floor to greet you.
“Aunt Y/N!” JJ squealed.
With a laugh, you picked her up and spun her around before placing her on your hip. “There’s my girl! Are you excited?”
“Uh huh!” JJ said proudly. Then, true to her age, she asked, “Did you bring me any presents?”
Gasping dramatically, you put a hand over your heart. “Who said anything about presents?”
“But it’s my birthday!” she all but whined. “You gotta have presents, it’s tradition!”
“Oh, it’s tradition, is it?” JJ nodded her head. Smiling, you poked her belly, eliciting a giggle. “Of course I brought presents! It’s not a birthday party without them, now is it?”
Just then, Jensen swooped in and took his daughter from you. “Maybe we should let Aunt Y/N get through the door before you start jumping all over her, missy.” He gave you a one-armed hug, squeezing you into his side. “I’m glad you’re here, kiddo.”
You sighed, for once content with the way your life was turning out. “I am, too.”
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November 6, 2021 - Supernatural continues to trend following the November 5 celebration and this weekend's convention in Charlotte [x].
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People are still posting about November 5th and all that it entails. On top of that, there’s a con this weekend.
Let's start with more news from November 5. Yesterday more scripts were released by @spnscripthunt - 12x10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets (Blue Draft), 11x13 Love Hurts (Production Draft), as well as what's possibly the first look at some of the graphics and blueprints from Supernatural that are not photos [x].
Now. Let's continue with Mark Sheppard, who retweeted the tweet below. I don’t think an explanation is necessary [x].
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As for the convention, Misha’s panel gathered the most attention. The whole panel is available to watch here.
One of the first questions was about what episode/film Misha would want to do if Supernatural ever got a reboot. The answer was a meta episode.
Misha was also asked about the acting choices he’d made in season 15 after he’d learned that Cas was going to confess his love for Dean. Misha first said that he’d done more “lecherous lip licking,” but then admitted that he hadn’t made many conscious acting decisions, since character of Castiel was so integrated in the fabric of Misha and the things that had happened to Cas during his life had all impacted him and changed him. Misha also admitted that if there had ever been another episode from Cas’ perspective, he’d have wanted to explore Cas’ “existential loneliness.” Cas had been rejected by heaven and never truly accepted by the humanity, but he’d cared deeply for both and that’s something that Misha would’ve wanted to look a bit more into. He also said he’d want for Ben Edlund to write it.
One fan asked Misha for an advice for queer people, whose interpretation is often “met with disgust and disdain.” They brought up how when questions are asked about the confession scene, it’s often said it should be up to one’s interpretation, but when interpreted as romantic, they are told that it is wrong. Misha said “you should be angry.” He wishes that we were in the place where that wasn’t a big deal. He is aware that the confession was meaningful to many queer fans and he said that in a way it sucks, because it should be boring. That this sort of representation should happen all the time and not be a big deal. He said that as it is a work of fiction, people should be able to interpret it as they want and he doesn’t want to pressure people into having the same interpretation as he does, but that the queer interpretation shouldn’t be dismissed.
Another fan brought up the deancas wedding and whether Misha was aware of that event, to which he replied “no, I missed that, I didn’t get the invite.” They also asked about what their wedding vows would be and joked that Cas might’ve wanted for Dean to vow to obey him. Misha answered that he’d want for Jensen to say that to him (”whatever you say, Mish”). Said he’s on board with the obedience vow and that it sounds like makings for a healthy, long-term relationship (/s). The answer about Jensen was met with mixed reactions, from jokes to some fans’ saying it was inappropriate.
Misha also mentioned that one of the weirdest things he’d had to do do on set was the angel blade coming out of Cas’ sleeve and indicated that it’d been improvised. When asked about a prompt for a fanfic, he suggested Dean as a “custodian at a fast food restaurant” and Cas as the US president.
Other Saturday panels that are currently available to watch: DJ Qualls, Samantha Smith and Ruth Connell, Tahmoh Penikett, Rob Benedict.
Misha is also currently trending on Twitter:
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fellshish · 3 years
“Have you ever heard of fan fiction? Write it!” — mark sheppard (h e l p)
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NEW✨ Serena’s Diary — What Have You Done
The first ‘Trailer/Clip’ of the Last Book! There no subtitles or plot because it’s still in progress but we have the cast and some scenes!
Serena’s Diary Final Cast!
[This is a fan fiction, means story written by fans, photos & videos are FAN MADE / they are not real. For Credits about Actors, clips and song read below]
Serena’s Diary CAST:
Jennifer Lawrence as Serena McLeod / Serena Hawk
Keanu Reeves as John Hawk
Theo James as Alec
Chloe Grace Moretz as Aurora Hawk
Mackenzie Foy as Sophia MvLeod
Toby Stephens as Johan Miller
Bradley Cooper as Carl
Charlize Theron as Tayra
Mark Sheppard as Crowley (SPN)
Emma Watson as Anna
Tyler Hoechlin as James
Lesley Ann Brandt as Camila
Josh Hutcherson as Sean Darkholme
Ruth Connell as Rowena McLeod (SPN)
Lauren German — Unknown
Florence Pugh — Unknown
Dakota Johnson — Unknown
Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester (SPN)
Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester (SPN)
Chris Hemsworth — Unknown
Andrew Lincoln — Unknown
Michael Fassbender — Unknown
⎾ @_thehawkfamily_ is a fanfiction account, run by a random person, no related to any actor or their team. All photos & videos credits go to the respective owners, [credits below] I only own the edition✨⏌
fan made video | Originals: — Song: What Have You Done - Within Temptation t Keith Caputo
— Below the Original Films:
Passengers 2016, Red Sparrow 2018 John Wick 2017 John Wick 3 2019, Siberia 2017, The Matrix 4 2021 Divergent 2014, Insurgent 2015, Allegiant 2016 Black Beauty 2020, If I Stay 2014, A Star Is Born 2017, Black Sails TV Series, Supernatural TV Series, Lucifer TV Series, The Fate of the Furious 2017,
Black Widow 2021, Snow White & the Huntsman 2012, Burn 2019, The Circle 2017, Can You Keep A Secret 2019, Fifty Shades Freed 2018, X-Men Dark Phoenix 2019, The Walking Dead TV Series.
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casatbrunch · 2 years
my spn prediction for 2022 is that someone from the cast is gonna drop a bombshell tell all about how terrible working on that show was and/or how the cw used spn to launder money. my vote is mark sheppard or one of the girls from the fan fiction ep. to combat these allegations the cw is gonna greenlight the jackles prequel
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sammyxorae · 4 years
Masterlist Revised (8/28/2020)
Here is a simplified masterlist so that it doesn’t look as confusing!
Supernatural Stories
Criminal Minds Stories
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violagoth · 4 years
Get To Know Me
Get To Know Me
Tagged by  @monbebe26-monstax ♥︎
Rules: Answer some questions and tag some bloggers you want to know better.
NAME: Graciela
NICKNAMES: Gracie or Grace
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Bisexual 
HEIGHT: Almost 5’3 if I wear the right shoes
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, basic conversational French..enough to ask for directions and food, and I can say hello/bye, thank you and introduce myself in Mandarin.
NATIONALITY: Mexican American
FAVORITE SCENT: Citrus and Apples
FAVORITE COLOR: Purple and Red
FAVORITE ANIMAL: Wild animals would be big cats and wolves, but i really like all animals 
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Kero from Cardcaptors( I just got a tattoo of him) and Harley Quinn
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5-6 on average....lately its been like 4 cause I stay up so late thanks to working from home COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Iced sun tea and coffee, I have to be in the mood for chocolate milk and I’m not a fan of it hot
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: right now I just use a sheet and 4 pillows 
DOGS OR CATS: Both plus the two guinea pigs I have
DREAM TRIP: all expense paid vacation around the world for a year
DREAM JOB: Working at a book store or librarian, maybe a high school teacher
FOLLOWERS: about 200
BLOG ESTABLISHED: 2013, my friends installed the app on my phone while we were out to dinner and I’ve been on here ever since
REASON FOR MY URL: I used to play the Viola (10 years in the orchestra)  and I was a goth ( i’m just a lowkey goth now)
RANDOM FACT: I literally walked into Mark Sheppard at phoenix comic con. I was on the vendor floor, I looked back while walking cause there was loud cheering and then walked into someone. He put his hands on my arms to steady us and when I turned back to apologize, I recognized him. I said omg and my eyes got wide and he just smiled at me and then continued walking.
@lilithpooped @nemesyis @handinyourpants @mostlymyday
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archivingspn · 3 years
2012 SDCC Hall H Panel
Skip to 6:58 Moderator: Jensen, what about Dean? Is- Is he gonna get any, uh, romance this season? (some audience catcalls) Jensen: Uh... well, I mean, does Dean ever really get (makes finger quotes) “romance”?
Moderator: Well- Sheppard: He said Bromance. Jensen: Oh, bromance. (laughs) (audience laughs and cheers)
Jensen: Um, yeah, I think- (audience screams) I think- I think the only real romance in Dean’s life is, uh, is the car. (audience cheers) So, in that regard, absolutely. (...)
Skip to 39:58 Fan: Um. Hi. Jared: Hi.
Fan: This is really weird. I just wanted to say first that I really love the show, and I love all of you, and thank you for making something so amazing. Um, but my question is for Jensen and Misha, and I was wondering what you guys thought of the whole Destiel relationship (audience groans) And a lot of the fans- (the remainder of her question is drowned out by the audience’s groans and cheers) (Jared and Misha start talking to each other off mic, and then Jensen leans over to talk to Misha off mic) Ben Edlund: That's some weird shit.
Jensen: I’m not familiar with that. (audience laughs) (Misha and Jared talk animatedly off-mic) Jensen: Can I poll the audience? (audience giggles and some scream) What th- What is it, what is it, Deathstiel? Is that what- (Audience yells out Destiel)
Edlund: Have you not heard of that? Jensen: (looks at Edlund) I have not heard of this.
Edlund: You don’t want to hear of that. Jensen: Is this something that you created, Ben? (Misha and audience laughs)
Edlund: You don't want any part of that. Jensen: I don’t want any part of that?
Beaver: Um- Edlund: Th-
Beaver: It’s, uh, sort of, extreme bromance. Edlund: It’s a- it’s a fanfiction- (audience laughs)
Jensen: Oh. Edlund: -a fanfiction- there’s a lot of images from it, too. (audience laughs)
Jensen: Oh, you guys. (kind of shakes his head at the audience) (Jared and Mark Sheppard lean back, look at each other and laugh) Edlund: Of pictures, of- of maybe, let’s say, Dean in an angelic embrace. (audience laughs) And, that’s being kind of gentle with it, isn’t it, this- (audience cheers)
Misha: Ohh. (pretending like he finally gets it) Oh- oh that! Edlund: (laughing) Field that question.
Misha: That’s great. (shrugs like “of course everyone knows that”) That’s great. I love that. (Jared and Jensen laugh) I- I mean you’ve got- (points at Jensen) you’ve got pictures like that of us- (Edlund laughs) -of us in embrace all over your bedroom, I know that. Jensen: (jokingly serious) Always. Edlund: They have a van with that airbrushed on the side. (laughs)
Misha: Yeah (laughs and leans over to talk to Jensen and Jared off mic) (J2M laughs) Edlund: It’s just a strange picture of fiction. Jensen: (rubs his forehead) Yeah, my conversion van just has his face on it. (Edlund and Misha laughs) It’s just a nice airbrush and then there’s an eagle on the other side, I don’t know. (Sheppard laughs) (shrugs) I ran out of room. Jared: And a wolf.
Jensen: And a wolf howling at the moon. (laughs) And a wolf howling at the moon. It’s cool. You’d like it. (audience laughs)
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Monsters: A Companion (Genre Fiction and Film Companions), edited by Simon Bacon, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2020. Info: peterlang.com.
What are Monsters? Monsters are everywhere, from cyberbullies online to vampires onscreen: the twenty-first century is a monstrous age. The root of the word «monster» means «omen» or «warning», and if monsters frighten us, it’s because they are here to warn us about something amiss in ourselves and in our society. Humanity has given birth to these monsters, and they grow and change with us, carrying the scars of their birth with them. This collection of original and accessible essays looks at a variety of contemporary monsters from literature, film, television, music and the internet within their respective historical and cultural contexts. Beginning with a critical introduction that explores the concept of the monster in the work of Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Jack Halberstam, Elaine Showalter and more, the book takes a broad approach to the monster, including not only classic slasher films, serial killers (Bates Motel), the living dead (Game of Thrones) and aliens (District 9), but also hyper-contemporary examples like clones (Orphan Black), cyberbullies (Cyberbully), viral outbreaks (The Strain) and celebrities (Lady Gaga). Gender and culture are especially emphasized in the volume, with essays on the role of gender and sexuality in defining the monster (AHS Apocalypse) and global monsters (Cleverman, La Llorona). This compact guide to the monster in contemporary culture will be useful to teachers, students and fans looking to expand their understanding of this important cultural figure.
Contents: Acknowledgements Foreword. Culture’s Monters: Monster Marks (Lindquist 2018) – Sherry C.M. Lindquist Introduction – Simon Bacon PART I   Home Madness: The Babadook (Kent, 2014) – Monsters of Mental Illness – Angela M. Smith Domestic Abuse: The Invisible Man (Whannell, 2020) – Domestic Monsters – Simon Bacon Paedophilia: The Nightingale (Kent, 2018) – Monsters of Abuse – Phil Fitzsimmons Immigrants: The Lure (Smoczyñska, 2015) – Monstrous Outsiders – Agnieszka Kotwasinìska PART II   Society The Mask: Slasher Cinema (1978–1998) – Teaching the Monster – John Edgar Browning The Cyberbully: Cyberbully (Binamé, 2011) – Monsters of Cyberspace – Lauren Rosewarne Lady Gaga: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (1986–present) – Monsters of Celebrity – Anthony Curtis Adler The Slit-Mouthed Woman: Carved (Shiraishi, 2007) – Monsters of Urban Legend – Alexandra Heller-Nicholas Melmoth: Melmoth (Perry, 2018) – Monsters of War – W. Scott Poole PART III   Cultural Intersections Phi Krasue: Inhuman Kiss (Mongkolsiri, 2019) – Thai Monsters – Benjamin Baumann La habitación del desahogo (2012) – Mexican Monsters – Inés Ordiz Baba Yaga: Hellboy (Mignola, 1997–2004) – Russian Monsters – Gail de Vos Deumo: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Spielberg, 1984) – Monsters of Colonialism – Partha Mitter The Hairies: Cleverman (Griffen, 2016–2017) – Aboriginal Monsters – Yasmine Musharbash PART IV   Gender Satan: The Witch (Eggers, 2015) – Patriarchal Monsters – Eddie Falvey Warlocks: AHS Apocalypse (Murphy and Falchuk, 2011–present) – Monsters of Masculinity – Emily Brick She-Wolves: When Animals Dream (Arnby, 2014) – Monsters of Femininity – Craig Ian Mann Serial Killers: Bates Motel (Ehrin, 2013–2017) – The Queer Monster – Daniel Sheppard The Skeleton: Game of Thrones (Benioff, 2011–2019) – Monsters of Death – Murray Leeder PART V   Futures Clones: Orphan Black (Manson and Fawcett, 2013–2017) – Monsters of Reproduction – Leah Richards The Master: The Strain (del Toro and Hogan, 2014–2017) – Monsters of Contagion – Dahlia Schweitzer The Ecomonster: Megalohydrothalassophobia (Abhorrence, 2018) – Monsters of the Anthropocene – Carl H. Sederholm Aliens: District 9 (Blomkamp, 2009) – Monsters of Hybridity – Gerry Canavan Zombie: The Girl with All the Gifts (Carey, 2014) – Posthuman Monsters – Elana Gomel Afterword: Becoming Monstrous and the Monster Becoming: Hannibal (Fuller: 2013–2015) – Patricia MacCormack Bibliography Notes on Contributors Index
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not-moose-squad · 7 years
100 followers celebration
In order to celebrate my 100 followers I would actually like to do a mini writing challenge. It might be a “big step” for a smaller blog like mine but I hope that some of you will participate anyway. It would certainly mean a lot to me!
The theme is Hits from 2000. It can basically be whatever you want (Eminem, Beyonce, Snoop Doggs Drop it like it’s hot - whatever) it just has to be a song from around 2000-2010. Of course the song should be mentioned somehow, as background music in a club, a character singing - however you want to include the song.
Please don’t write any ships.
Other than that there are no rules. It really doesn’t have to be more than a drabble unless you feel like writing an one shot (or even a mini series?!) I’ll gladly read whatever you write :)
The challenge ends on May 22. Please tag me (@not-moose-squad) in it and use the hashtag #annisfollowercelebration
Again - Thank you so much guys! Every single one of you means a lot to me! <3
Again, tagging everyone from all of my tag lists, to get the word out! Hope that is okay for you on the Rebound Girl tag list!
@mandylove1000  @akshi8278 @juniorhuntersam  @laurenw1025 @ronnie248-blog @be-amaziing @georgialouisea @daydreamingintheimpala @af112992 @kaylynnw428 @crowleys-niece  @lenaabs @winchester-writes @sandlee44 @ducksorclowns @arbitranox @keepcalmandbeajunkie @bradygabrielle-blog @firewerewolf101  @msimpala67 @nanie5 @mogarukes @katrena7 @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @viviandarkbloom06
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