#mlb x batman x danny Phantom
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I wanna put these kids in situations
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dyinggirldied · 1 year
adoption bait alert
A crack joke but do the batkids (like, im thinking it's probably Tim who started it or maybe Barbara) install an alert that will warn them if there is a dark-hair, blue-eyes children/teenagers around? 
Imagine if Danny Fenton, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Billy Batson for one reason or another (cross-school frield trip) have to come to Gotham and the alarm at the Wayne Mansion rang ‼️ 
They didn't think much until those 3 kids who not so subtly work together to defeat the gotham rogue (any of your choosing) that threatens their classes.
Batkids immediately hide all adoption papers from Bruce 📑 
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soulless-bex · 2 months
“mlb/dp x batman crossovers don’t make sense”
im sorry, in what world does bruce wanting to help the overworked adoption-bait teen hero with the weight of the world on their shoulders not make sense?
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mikami1992 · 9 months
Crazy Idea No. 8
Danny ends up under Bruce's guardianship and it is there that he learns of the anti-ecto acts and begins to try to repeal them…
The bad thing is that he needs time to not only investigate the acts, how they were kept hidden and who keeps burying any clue about them.
Also, he needs tests to validate the Ghosts as a sentient species to prevent something like this from happening again…
in other words, a few months' work… and the GIW is already in Gotham City, investigating not only Phantom, but also Red Hood, Robin and Black Bat…
well, the anti-ecto laws only work on US soil….
and it turns out that in his investigation of the emergency calls ignored in the Watchtower, those from another part of Europe were also ignored (that corrupt manager is already receiving a trial for international crimes) so….
Danny, Damian, Cass and Jason are sent to Paris to investigate the situation… of a butterfly villain?
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confusedandghostly · 1 year
Entirely self indulgent dp x dc x mlb prompt
-Danny & Adrien know each other, maybe via Magic Stuff, maybe it’s the classic “event in a convenient spot”, doesn’t really matter. Point is they’re hero friends who both know each other’s secret identities and keep in touch.
-At some point, Danny is forced to relocate from Amity park because of a reveal gone horribly wrong. He bolts and keeps going until he can’t anymore. He’s picked up by a stranger.
-(Generally he doesn’t drop his transformations by accident anymore but thank the ancients he did this time because he would’ve had one hell of a time explaining to this stranger why his blood was bright neon green. As it stands, the biggest question is what the hell happened to him.)
-Nightwing is just vibing, doing his nightly patrols in Bludhaven, when he finds this kid half unconscious in an alleyway, bleeding out. They more or less beg not to be taken to a hospital when Dick suggests it, so instead he takes them to one of his safe houses and patches him up there (This kid is 16? Maybe? Why’s there an open autopsy incision-)
-Danny is not in any shape to be going anywhere and on top of that, his accelerated healing is working at a third of the speed it should be because of the materials that were used to hurt him being anti ghost, so Dick manages to convince him to stay in his misc safehouses - he doesn’t need to stay in just one, he’s allowed to move between them, just please don’t leave entirely.
-Danny explicitly requests that as few people as possible get involved in this, and yes that means the rest of the bats. If he can leave once he’s healed without anyone but Nightwing ever knowing he was there then that’s for the best.
-Except, as it often goes, Danny gets attached to Dick and Dick gets attached to Danny and the Reveal happens, etc.
-While he’s still healing and can’t do much of anything, a story runs on the news. Dick doesn’t think too much of it at first, but Danny gets really concerned when he sees it.
-“-Paris’ supervillain Hawkmoth has finally been taken down. Secretly the popular fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, many people who have heard the news are devastated. His home is currently being searched….”
-Danny goes “oh shit!!! I know that guy!!!” and immediately calls up Adrien and asks if he’s alright, what he’s doing, etc and the resounding answer is no, Adrien’s having an existential crisis, and he’s staying with friends while he figures out what to do with himself.
-Danny explains his own situation, specifically that he was displaced but found a safe (and at this point he really doesn’t want to leave anymore) home with another hero, and Dick, who’s only heard half of the conversation but understands that someone Danny knows and trusts with his own identity needs a place to stay, and offers Adrien a place here.
-Adrien decides to take him up on that offer. He’s being harassed, moreso than he ever was simply for being Adrien the model, because now he’s Adrien, the supervillain’s son, and since Hawkmoth was pretty localized he’s hoping that it won’t be near as bad in a different country.
-Now Dick has two kids in his care and he’s feeling more and more like Bruce by the day because he’s just gone from living alone save for whatever times he visits the manor to having two kids in his house, relying on him for safety and emotional support in the span of like. Two weeks.
-Reveal x2 with Adrien, all that Bonding Stuff™️
-Adrien and Danny get to talking and they’re both experiencing some cabin fever and so they decide “yk what?? We could help Nightwing with his hero work!! The area already has a metric fuckton of heroes, what’s two more?”
-It’s actually rather easy for Adrien to convince Nightwing because he gets why Adrien wants to be back out on the field. Danny, on the other hand, is finding it way harder, because Dick is already worried about Danny’s injuries.
-They both manage it though, under two conditions.
-1. They can’t be Phantom and Cat Noir. Not only is it going to be incredibly obvious if/when they make any public appearances as civilians, but also it’s going to raise questions and unwanted attention.
-2. Minimal magic and ghostly powers. This ties back to the previous stipulation, technically. Cataclysm is too recognizable as a miraculous thing, and it could be detrimental in a fight where Adrien can’t get away to recharge. If Danny used too many of his ghostly powers, he could give himself away as a ghost and become a target for hunters.
-Cue a montage of Dick hiding his two new protégés from the rest of the bats because he wants it to be a surprise and also he wants their debut to be on their terms for safety and damage control reasons while trying to set them up with the appropriate training and gear (moreso Danny who needs a whole new suit than Adrien who can just redesign his magic suit)
-The other bats are absolutely certain something is up with Nightwing and they’re proven right when two new players make their debut.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Constantine sees that Batman fathered Two half dead kids, one who is the Ghost King, one that's basically a Demonspawn who's Grandad uses magic mountain dew pools to stay fresh, and a reality warper that uses a yo-yo to said reality warp: Jesus Christ man, I thought that Himbo thing was an image. What's next? You having a child with Trigon who was in disguise or something?!
( Bruce internally thinks of Raven and remembers dating a pretty unusually tall platinum blonde woman named Teigan, over analyzes it essentially has a Blue Screen Of Death moment*
Also what's the League's reaction to all this, and would some hold this over his head?
But your right! For someone who has a thing against magic he sure do have a lot of bio kids that do magical shit on the regular!
Also what a mood! Constantine coming to the watch tower for some thing and sees bruce giving his two newly acquired kids a tour and immediately has the urge to pound his head into the fucking wall.
And when batman blue screens Danny would take a picture because: “thats a really funny face your making dad, would be a shame if someone shared it with the rest of your children.”
Bruce: “dont-“
Danny: “too late! Bye!” And he proceeds to phase through the floor of the watchtower into space for a jaunty little adventure.
Once again, i will say im not a big fan of miraculous x dc x dp (specifically just Marinette being bruce’s kid) but Marinette—sensing the tension would use the space power up and follow Danny and go explore the outside while she FaceTimes Chat Noir on her yo-yo.
Just wait until Constantine meets the chaos tornado that is Danielle Phantom.
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boarjamen · 9 months
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lunamugetsu · 8 months
Respond why in the comments/reblogs.
Reblog to help figure out how many people want to weigh in on this.
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wibbley-wobble · 1 year
What’s up with the death grip the bat family fandom has on Miraculous Lady Bug and Danny Phantom. Where is this coming from.
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theglamorousferal · 1 year
Help I need people to talk to
So I just recently got dragged into the rabbit hole that is Danny Phantom x Batman crossover fics and I have nobody to talk to about them. I just want to gush with other people about it while I wait for these fics I found to update but it’s annoying all of my irl friends. so halp? Is there a discord or something I can join? I love talking about and theorizing different things from Danny Phantom and then finding this niche on top of it. Please I need someone to talk to and trade fics with T_T Also Miraculous, I got sucked into the Batfam and Miraculous too.
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So, I used to be apart of the Maribat/ Mlb x DC crossover fandom years back. And now I'm in the DC x DP fandom.
And let me tell you, my experiences between the two crossover fandoms could not have been any more different. These fandoms are literally on the opposite ends of the spectrum of DC crossover fics.
Here are my observations:
DC x DP (Danny Phantom)
Very Sweet. There's not a lot of hate for any of the characters most of the time.
Less romance, more found family + growing friendships
A whole lot less flanderisation of certain characters' personalities (in a way that's not overwhelming)
MLB (Miraculous Ladybug) x DC
Salt. Salt EVERYWHERE. There's so much salt it's dehydrating to read especially if you're a fan of certain characters. If you're an Adrien or an Alya fan, proceed with some caution, some fics don't tag who they're bashing/salting on. You could be reading a fic that you assume has Adrien & Marinette being wholesome friends but then get slapped with Adrien being an ooc spineless jerk/pervert to Marinette.
More romance oriented. Not to say there isn't found family because there certainly is but maribat definitely leans more into romance.
In certain salt fics, the characters are seriously flanderised to the point they're not even recognisable anymore. Adrien is the main victim of this along with Alya. Like some of y'all did Alya DIRTY. Adrien still got the worst of it though. And on the DC side of things, Damian is a little too sweet.
They do have one thing for certain in common when it comes to fics and that is that the Justice League had no clue that these teen superheroes are literally carrying a world-sized burden on their shoulders with no to very little adult guidance in their lives and honestly: my fave trope EVER! Mlb x DC fandom, continue to beat up Green Lantern for ignoring LB's calls for help. That shit is delicious.
I got a lot of criticisms for Maribat fics, especially on AO3. Authors please, for the love of all things Fandom, TAG WHO YOU'RE BASHING.
I used to like Adrien/Alya bashing fics back then but I've given them a lot of thought, especially since I began thinking about Adrien/Alya's characterisation and personalities and how some of these fics really butcher the characters. Which then just made me fall out of love with Maribat. The Fandom is too salty for me. Its unhealthy to have that much salt content in your system guys.
Anyway, just some observations and some criticisms I wanted to talk about regarding these two very different yet quite similar DC crossover fandoms.
To the Danny Phantom guys, keep doing what you're doing, you guys are amazing <3
To the Miraculous Ladybug guys, TAG YOUR SHIT
- From your resident AdriDamiNette shipper and Ghost King Danny Phantom, adopted son of Jason Todd or Lex Luthor enthusiast
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justhellacesome · 4 months
I write and read fanfics with a standard crossover of Batman and Fam x Miraculous Lady bug x Addams Family (there will always be addams in any multiverse) x Matilda.
The same way that one piece x naruto are the same inverse.
Crossovers are fun and if i ever wrote any fics this would be standard belief unless stated otherwise.
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
The Terrifying Trio (T3)
Alright y'all this is my DP x DC x MLB crossover!
Masterlist here
A/N: Rereading this it's more of an outline than a story, oops. I do like this idea and have vague plans to flesh it out & turn it into an actual story, but that will likely be wayyy in the future, so feel free to be inspired by this or flesh it out for me😜 (just please tag me!)
Rating: G (? Mentions of death and experimentation but nothing graphic. Let me know if I should change/add warnings!)
Everyone knew about the T3, as they called themselves. No one imagined they were real until they met them, and then they wished they hadn't; the trio were far more terrifying than their tales.
The T3 began with three completely normal teenagers forced to meet by their friends and family. Their origin was simply to make those who set up this meeting regret it and serve as a warning not to mess with scarily-well-trained teenagers. It worked better than they hoped and grew into a branch of the vigilante groups.
The group, as civilians, looked similar, with black hair and blue or green eyes, and appeared to be a normal teenage friend group.
Nothing about them was normal.
The oldest of the three, Damian Wayne, was the youngest son of multi-billionaire socialite Bruce Wayne, who happened to be a founding member of the Justice League and the original vigilante of Gotham, Batman. His mother was an assassin and the daughter of the League of Assassins' leader. Damian was the fifth user of the Robin mantle and now went by the moniker Phoenix.
Daniel Fenton was the second halfa and King of the Infinite Realms but preferred to be referred to by his hero persona, Phantom. He was Marinette's twin but had been separated at birth.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was the Grand Guardian of the Miraculous and the true holder of both the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculi, going by Blackjack as a hero. She was treated as a queen by the other members of the trio, as Danny was her brother and Damian her boyfriend.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he entered his parents' portal to the Ghost Zone and became half-human/half-ghost in a tragic accident. A couple years later he, as his hero alias Phantom, became the new Ghost King by defeating the old tyrant. He was discovered by Superman, who was flying home from Smallville one day and found a ghost boy fighting more ghosts. He became Danny's mentor and introduced him to the Justice League.
Damian was Robin when he was kidnapped by his mother to be part of an experiment, as Heir to the Demon. It didn't work immediately, and he was thrown into a Lazarus Pit to heal and revive him. The Pit bonded with the experimental serum and Damian awoke as a meta with regeneration/reanimation/healing powers similar to Deathstroke's. Damian also began learning basic magic from his brother Jason's girlfriend, Raven.
Marinette knew she was a true Ladybug, but once she took back the ring from her ex-partner she discovered that she was also a true black cat. Her arch-nemesis Hawkmoth and his allies were swiftly defeated with her combined abilities and the support of her team. A previous Ladybug's daughter, who was a museum curator in Paris, recognized her energy and offered to become her mentor, introducing Ladynoir to the Justice League.
Today was the day for the Leaguers to bring their mentees to the Watchtower to meet the other mentees/partners. Batman arrived first as always, accompanied by Robin. Superman arrived soon after with Superboy and Phantom, then Wonder Woman and Ladynoir.
Nightwing pushed Robin towards Phantom and Ladynoir, who were gazing out at the galaxy in awe.
“Go make some friends, Baby Bat!”
“Tt.” Robin stalked over to the other two, who barely acknowledged him. “If you do not want my company, do not hesitate to say so.” Please.
Ladynoir turned and scanned him critically. “Hm...were you forced to come and 'socialize' and 'make contacts, if not friends', too?”
“Unfortunately. I am perfectly happy with the small circle of friends I already have.”
Phantom turned from the stars to the conversation. “My sister keeps telling me I need more socializing for my mental health or whatever, but I'm perfectly fine with my girlfriend and guy in the chair.”
“Exactly!” exclaimed Ladynoir. “I have my team, why do I need civilians or more hero friends?”
“Why don't we show our mentors why they shouldn't encourage us to make friends, then,” suggested Robin.
Cheshire grins spread over the others' faces.
Across the room, deep in their own conversation, their mentors shivered.
After that, the trio really did become friends. One day, during a visit to the Batcave to see Robin, an incident happened that forced Robin to find out that Phantom and Ladynoir's DNA showed their genetic similarity; both siblings had been adopted and hadn't known it. That was an awkward conversation. Ladynoir was glad she had a crush on Robin, not Phantom, which would have made it even worse.
Ladynoir was introduced to her brother's clone, Dani (her sister? Cousin?) The trio told each other their civilian identities several months into their friendship collaboration and started their own hero group, Styx.
(Dani and Jason were honourary members.)
Damian shed Robin and became Phoenix instead, and Ladynoir became Blackjack, but Danny decided to keep Phantom as his alias.
Damian asked Marinette out while they were on a stakeout. When she happily responded, “It's a date!” he got a little flustered. Danny looked at him and grinned at his friend's awkwardness.
Having had years of practice as their alter egos, all three members of Styx were excellent fighters, but even as civilians, they were trained in martial arts, with their mothers being formidable women. Maddie Fenton was an eighth-degree black belt, Talia al Ghul was a leader of assassins, and Sabine Cheng was a former assassin/mercenary.
Damian discovered Sabine's old career on the stakeout and was struck by how similar he and Marinette were. Of course, Mari was usually a lot nicer (maybe softer was a better word?) than him, even after she toughened up, but they were similar in many other ways.
After the intel they needed was gathered they realized how close they were when they glanced up from reviewing the information. Damian froze and Marinette leaned in a tiny bit. “Is this an actual date?” she whispered.
He swallowed. “I hope so.”
Mari smiled softly. “Me too.”
He closed the distance tentatively and she inched closer.
Danny flew up just after his sister's and friend's lips met. “I called it! Jason owes me $20!”
They jerked apart, glaring daggers at him. “Danny!”
T3, the civilian Styx, finally agreed to let their friends/teams meet each other. Phantom and Blackjack had interacted with the Bats and Titans on missions and JL gatherings before, but the Miraculous Court and Team Phantom hadn't met yet.
Yet again, a glowing portal opened in Amity Park, but his time it was connected to Paris. Danny's support trio (not to be confused with his abetting trio) stepped into the Miraculous Corut's HQ. Luka and Juleka Couffaine-Stone, Kagami Tsurugi, Chloe Bourgeois, Max Kante, and Alix Kubdel met Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, and Jazz Fenton. Max and Tucker became instant frenemies, battling over tech, while Sam and Juleka bonded surprisingly quickly over all things goth.
The T3 waited in the shadows of the warehouse to apprehend the cultists intent on summoning a long-dead magician. When it was go time they transformed (Blackjack had figured out how to do it without a flash of light), becoming the cultists' nightmares, Styx.
Danny had glowing green eyes, weightless white hair, fangs, and Phantom's general ghostly presence for beginning intimidation.
Blackjack appeared as a white-haired, glowing green cat-eyed, fanged, clawed, and winged being: in short, terrifying.
Phoenix had glowing green eyes, white hair, sharper-than-should-be-normal teeth, a katana on his back and fireballs in his hand. (The Pit had whitened his hair completely, but he had a glamour spell on his civilian form to appear as before with black hair. The pyrokinesis was one of his favourite spells and one of the first Raven taught him, upon plenty of begging bribing.)
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mikami1992 · 1 year
Crazy Idea #4.3
Part 1.    Part 2
Danny is furious...
He is already starting to see the future repercussions of the last 24 hours... and he already knew who was to blame...
He just had to say the "I wish" near Desire so that immediately a lot of people he doesn't know end up in the Ghost King's castle...
and some have not left yet!!
And in the little that he remembered (damn Al Capone's ghost liquor, he assures that he erases your inhibitions and leaves you with a blurred memory for a week), in his castle it happened:
-two weddings (he believes that he was the one who married them)
-a divorce (he is sure it was unilateral, if the cry of "YOU DARE TO TRY A DIVORCE, YOU WILL SEE ME, MY LOVELY HUSBAND" that woke him up says anything to him)
-He got engaged (he hopes that Damian Wayne's memories return more quickly, they have a lot to talk about)
- the union of some extremely dangerous people (his surprise when he entered the library to see Clockwork, an old butler, a pink-haired woman and... a talking rabbit stuffed animal?... having tea next to the chimney is something to see... he better get out of there as quickly as possible, he doesn't want to know what they're talking about)
-Some people are missing (where is Dani, Sam and .. Ember?, Skulker went by asking for his girlfriend, he don't knows since when she has been missing)
- Some people (spirits, gods, beings?) that he still doesn't know or remember are still in the castle (the bride and groom are in one of the towers still asleep... with clothes thank God... and a complete set of stuffed animals/spirits/talking gods are making a mess in the kitchen together with cujo)
...and many more things that he saw in his relentless search for him, all so that finally, after hours, he would find the culprit of everything...
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Thank you for answering my ask!
I can see Bruce and Maddie meeting because of Science and interestingly enough, Maddie and Jack have an open relationship. I don't know why but I do ( on the flip side Vlad will self-destruct on that revelation )
How do Ra's, Talia, and Bruce himself think about Danny, his powers, and being the Ghost King? And Jack and Maddie who raised him?
Also, I find the thought hilarious if Bruce did have a 4th blood child( I'm counting Dani/Ellie ), it's freaking Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug, and JL, DP, and MLB are all on the same Earth.
Ironically Marinette was conceived the same way, drunken nightstand while in a high brow Gala in Paris with Sabine being a server, and shortly after that she met Tom, fell in live, and he raised her as his daughter.
At least Danny and Marinette can bond over them fighting fruit loops who should get a pet cat.
And the JL wasn't really on the up and up about what's going on in Paris because A) Everything gets fixed in the end and B) Kwami hijinks did a notice me not kind of Harry Potter spell until Constantine or Bruce starts poking around there. And C) Clockwerk may had helped keeping the secret because he owned the Kwami a favor.
Poor Damian once he finds out about that on top of still believing with his entire chest that Bruce + Selina = Dani will forever think that his Father, The Batman, is a Hoe 🤣
Vlad would be so mad! And he would bitterly be sitting in the corner at a gala in Gotham and Danny would SO rub it into his face like: “oh look at how cool my second DAD is, dont you think so Vlad???” With the smuggest smirk anyone has ever seen on the boy. All the bats would be confused but Jazz (who is also there) is like: “don’t worry about it, Vlad deserves this.” Leaving the Batfam confused because this was Jazz—the voice of reason—Fenton. Then Elle would join in and just be fuckin brutal, “haha, bitch! bet you wish you were him huh?” And vlad storms off to sulk in peace. (Or try to anyway, there is no peace when there are ghost kids about!)
Ra’s would be bitter that the ghost king wasn’t his heir but would ultimately try to obtain Danny as a resource. Talia would be ok with Danny being the ghost king because what better way to have her son be protected than have his half brother be the king of the dead as well as having an obsession dedicated to protecting the people he cares about. Bruce would be devastated that his eldest bio son died before he was able to meet him but would quickly move on when he realizes that it doesn’t change the fact that Danny is his bio son. Ra’s Talia and Bruce all agree that the Fenton’s are very interesting people to say the least.
Tbh, Im not completely into the whole Miraculous x DC x Danny Phantom crossover. But I do vibe with the whole, Danny and Marinette bonding over having to fight crazy adults that need therapy. Also its Wayzz that Clockwork owes a favor to and he just puts Paris in its own little time bubble where time flows normally but the outside world is just getting signals from alternate reality Paris where nothing wins wrong.
Dani/Elle: “HA- your bio-dads a whore!”
Dami: “shut up!”
Danny: “your my clone so he is technically your bio-dad too.”
Danny/Elle: “HA- our bio-dad’s a whore!”
Marinette: “I don’t know how I got into this situation, I just want to draw in PEACE???”
And as said before, there is no peace when there are ghost children about. (Also batkids)
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tumblr day of the week!!! ur uhh
chikorita cheusday (? i think i spelled it right)
- oreo
Funnily enough yes we do have adhd and have been diagnosed since we were five but only knew since we were like, 16-17-18 or 19 we don't know exactly what age.
If we talked about all our hyperfixations we'd be here for the next 6
Our current Hyperfixations rn are
Don't Starve(The game, all dlcs and add ons and such, if anyone wants to play don't starve together let us know)
Jacksepticeye Egos
Markiplier Egos
Slowly sliding back into Fnaf: Security Breach
Parkouring bewteen Danny Phantom x Batman/Justice League and MLB x Batman/Justice League
Genuinely, The way the day looks (Nice clear skies with sunny and a nice breeze and the trees swaying with the breeze wonderfully)
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards(Does this count a a special interest?)
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