#my brother one day borrowed it during a family trip then lost it and i dont blame him since he was a kid back then
dorkousloris · 3 months
been thinking about the new pkmn legends taking place in kalos (especially in lumiose which btw brought so much memories of that place. its a maze. and i just remembered how i used the outer ring just so ik where im going into the inners of the city itself 😭)
the more i also had been thinking about risa darrell, my pkmn oc i had since pkmn xy came out. formerly lorissa but now they're Risa, and if i had keep playing as them to this day, they would be a married former champion who takes pokemon racing with tyrant their tyrantrum along with their wife- helga who is a photographer journalist. yes helga doesn't change her name other than, slapping galar as her birth place wheezes
anyway. thinking about risa's family actually, 'cause afaik risa moved to kalos was bc its where risa's mom's family lives in. the only reason for this was bc the old lorissa design i had? i gave that design to risa's mom which had made risa... uhhh their dad is kanto-hoenian and her mom's kalosian but they met and lived in sinnoh which is where risa had met helga there as kids but then moved away to kalos when risa's dad get a job transfer.
therefore. i guess. risa's grandma? grandparent? great-grandparent? could potentially had involved in helping with the city. who knows-
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dandelionjedi · 6 months
I am from Iowa but I still wish to see the ragbrai storys
Alright, here you go!!! They may be somewhat less interesting for people familiar with the craziness that is RAGBRAI, but I still have some fun memories to share.
Bit of an introduction: I’m from Pennsylvania, not Iowa, but my grandfather and his family live there. My grandfather biked it by himself for his 65th anniversary. For his 70th anniversary, he invited some family along. I didn't go, but my brother and my dad did. My grandfather tragically passed during the pandemic, but the same family members, plus my grandfather from the other side, biked in his honor the year he would have turned 75. I didn't bike, though I have plans to in the future. Instead my mom borrowed my grandmother's truck, we rented a camper, and I came along to keep my mom awake while she drove support (I didn't have my license yet).
The week starts with 6 people in the cab of a 6 seat pickup truck for the 8 hour drive from Pennsylvania to Indiana. My poor younger sibling is in the seat between the driver and the passenger in front. It's not a very big seat, but they are thankfully small (12ish at the time) and squishy. We drop them off with relatives in Indiana and continue driving to Iowa. We then pick up my uncle, who flew in from the west coast. He is considerably less small and squishy, but we make it work, and it's not for nearly as long.
The ride starts. Me and my mom enjoy the air conditioned truck while everyone else bikes. My uncle didn't register in time for the full week pass, so he got 7 different day passes instead. He just added another wristband each day without taking the previous one off. He ended the week with a fun rainbow of wristbands and some very interesting tan lines.
Me and my mom made it our goal to take photos of as many of the bike buses as possible. Favorite team names include:
Team Bitch-N-Moan
Team Squirrel Fighters (Protect your nuts!)
Team Bad Monkey
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Team Mate
Team Wasted Potential
Team Bad Decisions
Team Bitch, who had a mini bus, and were pulling a trailer for “Team Boozehound carrying Team Bitch’s Booze”
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And also this one:
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Other highlights include:
Going up to a random house and offering a few boxes of girl scout cookies in return for a place to charge our battery pack for a few hours.
Going up to a different random house and offering a few boxes of girl scout cookies in return for a place to fill up our water cooler
My uncle paying $5 to get his picture taken sitting on a very large bull
My mom and I taking a detour to visit the world’s largest ball of popcorn, in classic road trip style
Meeting some members of the American speedos team, who did the entire ride in American flag speedos
Meeting a few members of the NPR “No Pie Refused!” team
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Getting a little lost while driving support and taking a trip or two down some VERY dusty dirt roads.
Visiting the hobo museum in Britt
Finding a T-shirt (full length) that said “this is my crop top” with an illustration of a corn cob
My uncle’s purchase of a Hawaiiowan shirt (a Hawaiian shirt with a design of cows, pigs, and corn instead of palm trees)
Listening to various musicians on the main stage, including a group of bagpipe players. They only had half a time slot, which I was honestly sorta sad about. I like bagpipe music!
A very creative water bottle filling station fashioned from an old footed bathtub
Whatever this is:
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SO MANY BIKES!!! More bikes than you have ever seen in your life. Bikes on the sidewalk, bikes on the street, bikes on the buses. Bikes leaning against every available building. I particularly loved the bike racks that were made by running a line between two large tractors. 
Lots and lots of interesting bikes, including a triple tandem (idk what the name for it is but it seated 3 people), and a double recumbent.
And last but not least, the true Iowa bike rack
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If you want more interesting RAGBRAI stories, come back in 2027 (probably). I’ll be executing my grand plan to knit a sweater while biking across Iowa. If that sounds ridiculous, consider the following:
If you're riding the back of a tandem bike, you don't need to steer
If you're riding a recumbent bike, you don't need to worry as much about balancing
Therefore, if you're riding a tandem recumbent bike, you only need to pedal (assuming you have someone to sit in front)
My wonderful datemate has agreed to sit in front
You only need your hands to knit
As long as I don't drop my ball of yarn and not notice for a mile, we’ll be fine! Either way, it's sure to be interesting XD
Thanks for the ask, I hope these stories were to your satisfaction!
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ysapawithfeelings · 1 year
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Somebody somewhere once said, “Dogs will never hurt you, except when they die. And even then, it’s not their fault.”
Since Day One, I always knew we were on borrowed time with Polo. God knows we tried so hard, fought so hard, and did everything we could to keep him alive. But nothing could save him: not my tears & fervent prayers, not my brother’s positive outlook, not my parents’ medical expertise & skills, not the handful of medicines he was forced to take, and not the best vets we could find in town. In the end, he still went—and all we could do was let him go.
Polo was given to us by my god father, Jojo Canlas, a little more than five years ago—June 2017 to be exact. Actually, he wasn’t just given. If you know my ninong Jojo, you would know his gift of gab and persuasion, so he pretty much just barged into our house one day, carrying tiny Polo on his arm, and telling us these exact words, “Kunin niyo na ito. Ang alam lang niya magmahal.” So even though we were still on a longstanding grief after losing our German shepherd a year before, we accepted the nameless, three-month old cocker spaniel with open arms. But he wasn’t just any cocker spaniel. He only had three normal paws. He was born with angular limb deformity—perhaps his leg was crushed by his siblings inside the womb. Or maybe he was just meant to be a tripod. A perfect, living tripod.
He was an extremely cheerful puppy. He had a hard time walking and running, but he did not seem to mind. Sometimes, he ate his food lying down. It was my brother, Ryan, who gave him the name Polo. And as soon as Polo chewed on and ruined several sets of slippers, we all have fallen in love with him. Hard. Our only prayer that time was we hoped that despite his disability, our love was enough to make him feel complete.
And I believe he felt complete. Five years is so short, and I find it heartbreakingly unfair losing him this early, but the quantity and quality of time we spent with him were immeasurable. At the height of the pandemic, Polo grew so much more special to us. During the lockdown, it was then that he officially became an “inside dog”. He slept inside our room, joined us during dinner, stayed by my exercise mat whenever I was working out. Every corner of the house is now filled with his memory: the wall near the ref, under the sofa, the pillars near the dining area, the backyard that housed mom’s plants, and even the roof deck where we checked out the neighbor’s dogs and tried to befriend them.
It’s no secret from the world that back in 2020, during those months that the pandemic was worsening, ABS-CBN was shut down, and I was laid off shortly thereafter, along with thousand others. Polo was my buddy every step of the way – from getting retrenched, being jobless for months, going through grief and misery, getting a new job, facing more and more challenges and ordeals along the way. When I thought I was sick with Covid and was self-isolating, Polo would even climb two flights of stairs just to visit me. Polo gave me so much love and joy, when the world wasn’t too kind and generous to me. Ang dami niyang binigay sa akin, nung mga panahong sobrang ramot ng mundo.
He was also Ryan’s seatmate during his online classes, my dad’s lone spectator during online consultations and therapy sessions, mom’s clinic and drive-thru chaperone, and my grandmother’s favorite afternoon visitor. When the pandemic restrictions loosened, Polo was always with us everywhere we went – to the beach, the mall, our family friends’ houses, road trips, joy rides, or simply running errands.
When we adopted an Aspin and called him Blackie, there were times Polo would be all alpha and bully him, but mostly, he was friendly and nice. And then voilà—we had three dogs, our very own version of PBB: Polo, Bunjie, and Blackie. Two of them had disabilities: Polo only had three legs, meanwhile, Bunjie lost his vision years back. It was clear to the two Bs that Polo was special and that’s why he was the family’s favorite. They didn’t mind. In fact, they always let Polo get his way. Or maybe in hindsight, they just always knew that he wouldn’t be here for long—as his health had been particularly sensitive the last few years. And now, well, there’s just no more P in PBB.
Polo had a temper of some sort. There were two instances when he bit me out of sheer jealousy and irritation. One left a faint scar, and one day, I’ll die happily with this scar on my arm, knowing I’d be well on my way to see my perfect boy’s face again. Right now, I already miss his bark, his wagging tail, his pinker than pink tongue, his passion in playing with his favorite toys (which we placed beside him when we finally laid him to rest earlier today), and his lingering presence in the house he helped be a home.
Polo was such a sweet boy. He preferred being around humans over fellow dogs. He always made sure we had company, that he won’t cause trouble or inconvenience. Even as he finally left us, I bet he still considered choosing today because he knew my parents did not have clinic appointments on Tuesdays. He even chose to go on a perfectly breezy weather. He probably saw how stressed, sleepless, and sad we’ve been the past eight days. Every single day, I could feel the life draining out of his body. I could see his eyes losing focus and always staring off to a far distance. I kept praying for healing, for a pre- and post-Christmas miracle, but I always had the sinking feeling it was all out of my control. It wasn’t the same as when he got seriously ill back in 2020 and 2021 – his current illness was evil and ruthless and was not up for giving him the slightest bit of chance.
When I saw him having the most difficult time breathing, literally gasping for breath with his mouth open and his pupils beginning to dilate, I whispered all my I love yous, I’m sorrys, thank yous. I also told him it was okay to go; it was okay to stop fighting and that we will be okay. My family did the same. Ryan even showed him his worn-out tennis ball one last time. And then five seconds later, he breathed his last. He was pronounced dead at 9:10am by my mom who verified his death through her stethoscope. His good heart had stopped beating, and his eyes, in all their glory of beautiful long lashes, had stopped blinking.
And now my heart’s broken beyond repair. It’s not the first time I lost a dog. My closest circles know how devastated I was with Hector’s passing. But I guess it’s just more painful now because Polo was with me when I immensely struggled with the lowest of my lows. He witnessed everything: our imperfect family with all our flaws and weaknesses and shortcomings – yet and still he never judged us for any of them. He loved us through and through, without conditions, without reservations, and I’m absolutely sure, without end.
I know he was on the expressway to heaven on the same hour he expired, but please keep our perfect boy in your prayers today. We take solace in the thought that he is healthy and happy in heaven, with no disability whatsoever, and that he’d be waiting for us by the gates, as he did on earth, wagging his tail and whining out of sheer excitement and joy. He might even end up peeing, like he did one time when I arrived from a long vacation.
We love you so much, Polo. Thank you for everything. Thank you for spending your last Christmas with us, and for staying with us as long as you could. Thank you for giving us enough time to surround your death bed and utter our last farewells. You fought well and hard, my brave buddy.
We will miss kissing you good night. Sweetest dreams to the sweetest, fluffiest boy.
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spidey-sophie · 4 years
Tangled In The Sheets | Tom Holland One Shot
Pairing: Tom Holland x Female Reader (exes to lovers)
Warnings: angst-ish, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (female receiving), overstimulation, squirting, ass play, angsty sex
Summary: You were the one who told him it didn't mean that you guys were back together. "I agree," he said as his lips reached for the weak spot on your neck, "it's just for the fun of it."
Word Count: 5.6k
Notes: The biggest THANK YOU ever goes to the immensely talented @worldoftom​. She made this 100 times better and I’d be lost without her!
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It was just another Friday night. Ever since you got your bachelor’s degree, you had yet to get used to having no paperwork to be done. It was a big achievement for you, but somehow you still didn’t manage to properly celebrate it. You just wanted to stay home, listen to some music, go through one of your favorite books or movies.  But the sound of your roommates getting ready for yet another party was distracting.
You were just about to put your headphones on when you heard your friend Zoe calling your name. She entered your room, looking excited, all dressed up and beautiful, which made you chuckle because you were sitting in your room, your hair in a messy bun, bags of chips all over your bed.
“Come over Y/N, Alex and I need your help!” she practically pulled you out of your bed. What could they possibly need you for?
“Hello, Y/N! Welcome to your intervention!” Alex proclaimed while she held a couple of dresses in her hands.
You opened your mouth to object, but she interrupted you.
“We decided to finally get you out of bed. We won’t take no for an answer. It’s the biggest party of the year. After studying so hard this whole semester, we think you need to relax. You were like the best student in our class, and it’s finally time for you to celebrate it!”
“And we made sure he won’t be there," she added. "You need to have some fun, ever since you broke up with…”
“Don’t say his name Alex!” Zoe hissed through her teeth, angry eyes on Alex. “So what do you say?” she quickly turned back to you.
“I really appreciate everything you girls did, but I really need to finish some laundry and I have some stuff to pack and…” you trailed off.
You were glad your friends cared this much about you, of course, but the thought of going out, the crowd, the loud music, alcohol, cigarettes... No, you wanted to skip all of that. Both Zoe and Alex were also single so there was a chance they’d hook up with someone which then would mean you'd be left all alone. So thanks, but no thanks. 
You still weren’t interested in dating. It kind of felt like it was too soon after your last attempt. Even though you knew he might’ve moved on.
“Pleaseee Y/N, this will be our big graduation celebration party! I’ll borrow you my black backless dress that I know you love!” Alex said and showed you the dress she was holding in her hands.
“If I say yes, will you both leave me alone for the next like two months and stop blackmailing me into going to pubs and parties?” you asked, swiftly seizing the dress Alex was holding.
They both started screaming and hugging you at those words. 
The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly. Zoe helped you with your hair and you applied some makeup. Nothing drastic, just something to enhance your features. You didn’t want to go all out with hair or makeup because the dress Alex borrowed you was the star of the show. It was a short, black dress with spaghetti straps that cross on your back. For the first time in a while,  you were actually happy about how you look.
“Okay, let’s go,” you said as you joined your friends in your living room. Zoe just nodded at you, since she knew how compliments made you feel.
“Look at you femme fatale.” As Alex said this and went by your side, she slapped your bum.
“Stop it or you’ll never see this dress again,” you threatened. And with those words you were already in your uber, heading to the club where your friends from university were throwing a party.
It was a big club, on two floors with a big balcony area. As you arrived you recognized some faces, but there were many that you’d never seen. As it turned out, the word of the party got spread through town really quickly.
You found a place where you could sit and one of Zoe’s not-so-secret admirers kept sending you drinks. As night went by you felt yourself getting a bit lightheaded. There was a warmth going through your body, a spurt of energy that made you grab Alex and head right to the dance floor. It’d been a long time since you felt this carefree. You had no idea if it was because of the alcohol or because you were finally done with your studying, but you felt free. After a few songs went by, you left Alex with some of her friends and went to the bar to get another beer.  
“Hi, I’m Mark,” you heard a deep voice behind you and as you turned around you noticed a cute blonde-haired boy.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You grabbed your beer and had an internal debate about whether you should stay here and talk to this cute boy. On the one hand, it wouldn’t hurt to flirt a little. On the other hand, flirting and talking didn’t have to lead into anything more with this guy. (Or anyone.)
Just when you decided you should give Mark a chance, you noticed someone familiar. It felt like you would always recognize those light blue eyes. You stopped listening to whatever this guy next to you was talking about and focused on another blonde boy. It was dark in the room, but as far as you could see, he was alone, just some girls around him.
You excused yourself away from Mark and went back to Alex on the dance floor.
“So much of you making sure he won’t be here. Guess who I just saw – Harrison!”
“Really? Well, he told me he and Tom were going to another party! Was Tom with him?” Alex started justifying herself.
“Why are you talking to Harrison? Nevermind, where’s Zoe?” Alex was just about to hug you, her eyes filled with empathy, but you had to change the subject. And as much as you tried, you started to feel nauseous. You couldn’t face Tom now. Not yet. The crowded room started suffocating you, you had to go outside to get some fresh air.
“I’ll just go out on the balcony for a bit and I’ll go home, okay? I’m feeling sick, must be because of all the booze. Thank you for finally bringing me out.” You hugged her and started fighting your way through the crowd.
While you were walking, all the memories about your relationship with Tom infected your mind. If anyone asked you right now, you had no idea why you two broke up. You were together for a year and a half. You met him through Zoe. There was a time when she wanted to be a model and she found an aspiring photographer, Harry, who had a brother named Tom. One night, Zoe decided the four of you should go out, and that’s all it took.
Your relationship in the beginning felt like a dream. That first year of your relationship was the best year of your life. The two of you were inseparable. He was everything you ever dreamed of. Handsome, charming, funny, honest. But there was one thing that always scared you about him. He was adventurous and wild, two things you did not have in common. At first you guys worked out. Some nights you would stay home and watch movies and cuddle, which was delightful. Other nights you wanted to please him so you went out clubbing, and sometimes you even went on trips with him and his family. All of this was fine, but as time went by, all of your differences started to become more and more obvious.
It’s like he was the light, the warmest, nicest person you ever met. And you were the complete opposite, often called a “tough one” by everyone who knew you. During the early days, his light was strong enough to bring out the best in you. You started going out more, you were smiling more often and more sincerely. No one knew you like he did. Every time you had a big exam, he was the one encouraging you and going through your notes with you. When you were sick, he was there to help you. And it wasn't like you never reciprocated. You were going through his scripts with him, driving him to auditions. You were his first and biggest fan.
He was an aspiring young actor so he had to have a big social circle. You were just starting your last year of studies, so your main goal was your education. He started filming more and more often outside of Europe, and you slowly started to drift apart. As his career skyrocketed, you felt like the distance wasn’t helping your relationship. He always made sure you were fine. And sometimes you were, sometimes you weren’t. Especially when he was out there, somewhere across the ocean, filming or doing who knew what. He was surrounded by beautiful actresses and models, so some days the jealousy got the best of you. You’d call him and get mad if he didn’t respond right away. Then you’d make up. But after that, he’d get mad at you because you never wanted to go with him to wherever his new film was getting made.
After six months of trying to work things out, you both made the most painful decision of your lives. You both decided to go your separate ways. Sometimes love is just not enough. There were too many things standing in between you. A promise to always check up on each other was made.
The first month without him was the hardest one. You would wake up and check his social media, sometimes you would even text each other. Those were mostly friendly texts, sometimes flirty. But those were the crumbs that kept you up during that whole day.
A month later, he came back to London. And that was when you received a message saying he’d come by your place to pick up some clothes he had left there. However, from the moment he walked in, you knew it wasn’t just about the clothes. Your skin was flushing at the sight of him. Both of you just stood there in silence. You saw the same urge you felt beneath your fingertips in his honey eyes. The aftermath was a battle to see who would cave first. 
It was only the first time you had sex after breaking up. You were addicted to his touch. To his tongue. His hands. No one had ever made you feel the way he could.
The second time was after you accidentally met at a pub. There was a magnetic force that led you to him. It was messy, full of excuses and flirty innuendos. In the end, you almost did it in the bathroom, but you were both sane enough to drive back to his place instead. You both insisted there should be no strings attached. Just doing it for the sake of old times. You were the one who told him it didn't mean that you guys were back together.
"I agree," he said as his lips reached for the weak spot on your neck, "it's just for the fun of it."
After that night, you met a few more times. Almost every time you guys would end up breathless, feet tangled in the sheets. And every time you both insisted it was just that – a purely physical release and that there wouldn't be a next time. But as those meetings became more frequent, the more you started thinking about him. You finally realized the only thing you wanted was him. You thought you were ready to change for him. With only one more exam left to pass, you thought to yourself that maybe it was time to start over. Since you wouldn't be under so much pressure, you could follow him while he was filming, travel and get to see what the world had to offer.
You called him only minutes later and told him you should see each other that night. Tom agreed and said he had something important to tell you. You let him go first, since you were too nervous to come clean about your feelings. And that was your biggest mistake.
He told you he was going away for a few months.
And he told you that you should start seeing other people. 
Hearing that was a hard punch to the stomach, but you only let yourself gape at him for a few seconds before you shrugged it off.
You wished him luck and that was the last time you saw him. It took you a lot to pick up the pieces. A lot of failed first dates. Some drunk nights. Countless crying nights. It’s been another six months since you last saw him. You knew he was back in London, but you ignored his calls. If you wanted him out of your life, you needed to get him out of your head first. And your phone.
Your hands were wrapped around you as the fresh air caught you. Just as you were about to step out on the balcony, you saw him. He was talking on the phone with someone, smiling. When he looked up at you, his smile grew wider and he winked at you. It was too late for you to just turn around and run away. How could you, your knees felt like they were some overcooked noodles.
He looked different. Dressed in all black. His body was even more muscular than the last time you explored it with your mouth. His curly hair was gone. Short hair looked really good on him. It was a hot summer night so he was wearing a black shirt with a few of his buttons unbuttoned.
“Well hello there,” he said as he finished his phone call.
“Hello to you too.” You didn’t want to risk it, so you kept your distance. If you came any closer to him, there was a chance you’d run into his arms, which was the last thing you wanted. 
“So… how have you been?” he asked, hands running through his head. Everything he did it looked so precise, magnetizing, so much so that it kept pulling you closer to him. Every move he made attracted you even more.
“Okay… Good. I finally have my degree. And how about you?” The nervousness you felt was starting to fade. You tried to keep it together and you were sure that there was no way he could feel how his presence made you feel.
“I just finished filming a very emotional movie. So I’m taking a break for a few weeks, maybe months. I missed being home,” That was another thing that drove you crazy about him - how confident he looked while speaking.
“How is everybody?” You finally decided to approach him a little bit. Now you were on the balcony too, but still far enough from him.
“Oh they’re fine. Dad just wrote another book and he actually said he’d like you to read it.”
“Really? Thanks, I'd like that,” you said. You'd always got along with his family and it was another thing you missed about him.
“Also congratulations on your degree! What are your plans now?”
“I don’t know, the sky's the limit. Speaking of plans,  I see you decided to join the military!” you pointed at his head and he smiled again.
“It was for the film. I kind of like it now that I got used to it,” he said, running his hands through his head. It made you wonder how it would feel on yours.
Standing here, facing him, watching his every move, you couldn't help but feel like you were trying to tell each other how you were feeling with your eyes. You knew he was glad to see you, because you were too.
“Well it looks really nice on you.” You looked him in the eyes. The alcohol you drank prior this meeting gave you the courage to come a little closer to him. And he looked right back at you. You knew that look he used to give you. It was usually when he was infatuated with you.
“And you look gorgeous tonight.” He took one step closer to you. All of your senses were focused on his perfume. Tom didn’t break eye contact with you. A few moments passed, filled with silence, but it wasn’t awkward; it was comforting. Something about his presence felt so familiar, so warm and sweet.
“Do you remember how you used to dress up for me?” he asked, and you knew very well what he was thinking about. Sometimes you would put on your best lingerie under a sheer lace dress or a robe. This was something you did after he was away for too long, just a little gift for him.
“Yes I do, and I remember how many times you ripped my underwear.” It was something that both annoyed and turned you on.
“And how about that time when we did it in your parents' basement?” he said softly and he was so close now, there were only a few inches between the two of you.
“We only did it because you initiated it,” you decided to play his game. You moved your hair on your shoulder, making sure he could see your neck.
“It was because you did this…” and he did the exact thing you did back then – he put his hands around your waist and brought you closer to him. You could hear him breathing heavily in your ear.
“And you did this.”
You kissed him. Your heart was pounding, you could feel it in your throat. His lips were addictive and after six months, you were finally taking another hit. His hands were still on your waist keeping you flush against him. It was like you couldn’t get enough of him. You knew you shouldn’t be doing this, not after all the promises you made to yourself. But your body and heart wanted him. His tongue was warm and tasted like beer, too irresistible.
He ran his fingers down your back, all the way to your bottom. Tom had never seemed so needy. As his hands finally grabbed both of your ass cheeks, you felt yourself getting wet. You moaned into his mouth and you could feel him smiling. When you finally remembered to breathe, you both stopped kissing, but your heads were still next to each other.
“Your place or mine?” he said, voice deep and needy.
“Yours is closer.”
The drive to his place felt like it lasted for hours. There was music playing, but you weren’t paying any attention to it, you were just watching him drive. He looked so hot when he was focused on the road, slightly smiling because he knew what was about to happen. The longer you looked at him, the more your thighs trembled in anticipation.
As soon as you entered his house, he slammed you into the wall and started kissing you again. His leg was between yours, keeping them apart. Your hands were wrapped around his neck. You were so needy for a release that your hips started instinctively going up and down his leg. You could feel the wet trace you left on his pants. The kiss got messier, and you needed him to touch you.
“I want you so much,” you breathed into his mouth. He tried to get you out of your dress, but the knot on the back was too tight. As he couldn’t wait any longer, he ripped it apart. An old habit of his that you hated right now.
“Alex is going to kill you, this was her dress.”
“I’ll buy her a new one.” He smiled into your neck and left wet kisses where the straps used to be. You held his face between your hands and started kissing him again. You bit his bottom lip, as a punishment for doing something you didn’t like. Everything he did drove you crazy. The way he hummed in your mouth, the way he kissed your neck, the way he cupped your breasts.
You were naked in front of him. He stripped you down all the way. You were exposed but you didn’t feel that way. He stepped back, to look at your whole body. You took this moment to move backwards, trying to find something for better support. You stumbled upon a pair of shoes, but before you could chastise Tom about it, your hand hit the top of the console table. It would have to do.
You could tell by the look on his face he was enjoying himself, smirking at you as you moved. If it was anybody else, you’d probably feel ashamed and would try to cover yourself with your hands, but you didn’t need to do that with him. Besides the many times you hurt each other over the years, he was always the one you felt like you belonged to.
And another thing you knew about him was that he liked to be in control. Which was something you loved. But not tonight.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he blurted out and he smashed his lips on yours again. The kiss was needy and raw, filled with all the lust you still have for each other. He held you by the back of your neck the way he always did, it was like he'd never even left. The twinge between your legs felt just as familiar, especially as he replaced his lips with two of his fingers. He was moving them in and out of your mouth until your saliva started dribbling down your chin. You took his hand and moved it from your mouth all the way down to your pulsating core. There was a slight surprise on Tom’s face, it wasn't usual for you to be this bossy in bed. You were looking him straight in the eyes as he started to fuck you with the two fingers he had had in your mouth just a few seconds ago.
Your pussy was even wetter than your mouth. You used his shoulders to steady yourself and jammed his face against yours, eager to kiss him again. Slow and hard. As he paced his fingers, you started touching his already rock hard dick. You were barely touching his head, but you could hear him moan and he started to gently thrust his hips into your hands. He wanted to be touched and he clearly wanted it now.
“You like that?” you asked him, neither of you stopping your movements.
“Yes,” he moaned in your mouth. He was melting under your touch.
“Good. Go down on me and maybe you’ll get more,” you told him between kisses and stopped touching him. Without any words, he obeyed and kneeled in front of you. 
You touched the side of his head gingerly to test his reaction, and he was quick to lean into your touch. Your hips rest against the table, and as he put your left leg over his shoulder to keep you in place, his head moved back too. His buzz cut tickled your skin and you felt pathetic about how much it turned you on. It made your hips tilt forward and without any teasing, Tom went straight to your clit with his tongue. A loud moan escaped your lips. Both of your hands were going up and down his shaved head, all the way down to his neck. He was looking up at you. Just looking at his eyes was enough to make the fire in your clit into an explosion. His tongue was flicking and pulling around your swollen clit until your legs started shaking.
“That feels so good, please keep doing that,” you instructed. His mouth was open wide and he stuck his tongue out. Your hips were buckling, practically riding his wide tongue. You needed more, so you used your arms on the console to hold you steady. It was wobbly, but cradled his head awkwardly between your thighs, letting the prickle of his growing hair spur you on. Your moans only got louder, but you didn’t care if anybody could hear. You just wanted to release the tension in your body. As your movements became more and more eager, he suddenly pulled his head away from you. He helped you hop off from his shoulders and stood up, his face covered in your juices. You were so close to cumming you could barely function.
Stopping was his way to pay you back.
“Turn around,” he whispered in your ear and now it was your turn to obey. From the first moment since you turned around, his hands were wrapped around your waist. Your pussy was throbbing so hard so you instinctively spread your legs apart for him. He unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers. You arched your back even more at the sound of his belt falling on the ground.
Your elbows were between two flower vases, next to the bowl where you knew he usually left his keys. He was about to enter you from behind, you could sense the heat from his cock, twitching against your skin. But he didn’t move any further. It seemed like this was his moment to tease you, and you let him. He started by rubbing the crown of his head between your shoulder blades. You felt his hand snake around your waist like he was holding you in place. The other was stuck in between you as he guided his dick between your legs until the tip found your clit, rubbing it in small circles at first. His movements were so slow that you wouldn’t even feel them if you weren’t already this swollen and sensitive. He cupped your breast with his free hand, moving his dick across your folds with the other. Every time he moved, you could feel your belly clenching. All your muscles were tensing, waiting for him to do something more. You were so close to orgasming for so many times that you couldn’t take any more teasing.
His movements on your clit became faster and faster. Your wetness was spread all the way from his head, down his length and on his hand. His movements became too intense for you, both of your legs were shaking and at one point you felt like you were about to faint. Your clit was overstimulated, but at the same time you felt so empty. You needed him inside you.
“Tom… just stop,” you said breathlessly.
“Stop what?” he said as he finally stopped moving.
“Just stop teasing and fuck me already.” And at those words, he slammed into you. You gasped at the strength of his thrust. It hurt, but it hurt so sweetly. He was so, so deep inside you, and you were wet. Welcoming. Pleased by the stretch of his member. Your screams were mixed with his loud moans. He was never very vocal in bed, so this turned you on even more. 
“Do you like that?” Tom asked you.
“Yes, just keep doing that.”
He was thrusting into you. His dick was getting all the way out and then back in, balls deep. His groans were filled with pleasure. You were clenching and tightening around his length. Waves of immense pleasure hit you as his movements became faster.
The hand that was cupping your breast fell down on your ass. His free hand went back to your clit, helping you to finally achieve your climax. His touch this time was light, he knew just what he previously did to you and that you didn’t need much stimulation to explode in his hands. You could feel it closer than ever. His hands were all over your ass and hips, guiding them fast and hard into him. His fingers were so wet so he was spreading the wetness up and down between your cheeks with his thumb. If he wanted, he could just put it in with ease. It was something that always excited you anyway. 
After so much teasing, a warm crash of pleasure hit you from high above. At that moment, Tom let his finger slip into your ass. The unexpectedness and the pleasure of it all made you cry out loud. And with a few more shallow thrusts you were about to finally come.
“Tom… I’m gonna…,” but you couldn’t finish your sentence. Your orgasm hit you hard and you started shaking. You finally lost control over your body. The immense pleasure and the urge to pee were the only thing you could feel. You’d never felt like this. He wasn’t moving now save for his thumb, helping you come down from your high.
“It’s okay,” he told you while holding you as you started to calm down. Your wetness was leaking on both of your legs. “How do you do this to me, Y/N?” he asked while starting to move again inside of you, slowly this time.
“I don’t feel like this with anybody else,” you whispered, drawing your hips forward so he would slip out. Then you turned around and kissed him. He slid his tongue into your mouth and you sucked it. You hopped onto the table, facing him, your legs wrapped around him instinctively. His lips left yours and started kissing your jaw all the way to your ear.
“Me neither,” he whispered in your hair while he kissed your ear.
“Come inside me,” you whispered back and he slid back in. Your hands were on the small of his back, guiding him into you. He was already deep in, but you somehow wanted more of him. You wanted this moment to stay forever. He was hugging you while thrusting slowly and deeply. It only lasted a few more seconds and he couldn’t hold it anymore. With moans and grunts, you watched and felt him let go. He was shivering and pulling you close.
Once he finished, you were both quiet. He licked his lips and kissed you again. His sperm was starting to leak out of you so he had to pull out, even though you both didn’t want this feeling to ever stop.
“Wait I’ll bring you a towel,” he said and started to pull up his pants, but they were all wet from the way you'd squirted when he was fucking you. You even felt a little ashamed since this was the first time you'd made this big of a mess, but Tom was quick to reassure you. Just as you were about to say you were sorry, Tom put his finger on your lips and told you, “It’s unbelievably sexy how hard you came, don’t worry about this.”
“I’ll buy you new ones,” you mimicked his previous joke, and you both smiled at each other. He took one moment just to look at you, silently and then finally went to get some towels.
You both cleaned yourselves in silence, smiling at each other from time to time or stealing glances. Tom also brought you his shirt and shorts. Once you were both dressed, you hugged each other again. For the first time in months, you felt happy. It was like you expressed all of your emotions through sex. All of your anger and sadness were gone. He cupped your chin and pecked your lips.
But his eyes went from smiling to looking very sad. You could feel the tears forming in yours as well.
“Why didn’t you return any of my calls?” he asked, breaking the comforting silence.
“Fuck Tom, do we have to do this right now?” you asked and stepped away from the hug. He didn’t answer so you continued, “I don’t know, maybe ‘cause you wanted to see other people?”
“I only wanted that because you were the one who broke up with me and insisted that everything after the breakup was just sex.”
“And you were the one travelling around the world!" you boomed. "You got scared. You decided that we should try to be with someone else instead of talking things through and finding some way to work things out.”
Another silent moment. But this time it wasn’t comforting at all. You were standing on opposite sides of his room. You were scared he’d hurt you again.
“Okay, I got scared,” you were just about to leave when you heard him, “I got scared that I’ll be the one holding you down. That maybe you’ll find someone who you can be with, someone who will always be here for you and fulfill all your needs. I want you. I’ve always wanted you. And you were the one who always wanted us to hook up casually, so I thought maybe you didn’t want any strings attached while I’m away. And that was my stupid way of letting you go. But I can’t let you go. I keep thinking about you. When I’m alone, when I’m with someone else… It’s always about you.”
“I wanted to go away with you,” you were finally able to say something back. After all this time, you told him what you'd wanted to say that night he left. The night he took your heart and shattered it. And now here he was, snapping the pieces back together at last. Fixing the puzzle he had scrambled before, pumping it back to life until it was pounding hard in your chest. So hard you could barely hear your own thoughts.
“What?” Tom asked, but you couldn’t repeat what you just said. “Do you still want to?” He approached you, his eyebrows furrowed. He wasn’t too close, like he was afraid to pull you back in and touch you. You nodded. 
After that nod, he hugged you.
You smiled into his neck. And a strong tug in your gut made you daring enough to think that you two might work out this time.
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thebookwormfairy · 4 years
Kelpto!Marinette Au: Ft. Captain the Retired Police Dog
In this au Hawkmoth isn't active (yet) so Marinette doesn't have her miraculous (yet)
Daminette Masterlist
First things first, Captain loves his girl
Even if she had sticky fingers
He knows she's never stolen anything from stores but she does "borrow" stuff from her friends
He first noticed it when her friend Luka came over
She kept taking his guitar picks and giving them back
At one point she took it out of his hand as he was playing
Luka didn't seem mad about her taking them in fact he seemed amused if not a little fascinated by her ability to do so
The there was the time she was with her other friend Kagami
She took her fencing foil right out of her hand
Captain expect the usually cold girl to get angry at Marinette so he jumped up from his place on the side lines to protect his girl
But as he made it to his girl's side Kagami started to laugh
Kagami: I should really stop being surprised by you Marinette
Captain was surprised by the girl's reaction but was happy that she wasn't mad at the girl
Captain started to notice that his girl's friends took Marinette skills as a challenge
They would set up mini heist for Marinette to do
They always have different objectives
One of them was to steal a ring off Luka's mom's hand without her noticing
Which of course Marinette succeeded
Anarka was very impressed by this
The loud music man, Jagged Stone, and his mate, Penny Rolling, also seemed to join in on the fun
One time the objective was to steal Fang
Marinette got it done in 30 minutes and just had Fang hang out with her and Captain
The crocodile was in Marinette's room for half a day before Jagged realized that Marinette had already got him
Captain notice that these heist would usually happen whenever Marinette was stress, like when she had a lot of commissions or it was exam time at her shool
It seemed that Marinette had her sticky fingers under control until they went to Gotham
Captain could tell that Marinette was excited to go to another country
But he could also tell that she was nervous to be without her family and close friends
She wasn't on bad terms with most of the class but she wasn't exactly on good terms either
It was almost like a stalemate in a war
A war between Marinette and Lila
They were civil was the best way to describe it
But that didn't mean that Lila wasn't looking for every opportunity to to push the stalemate to her favor
For that reason Captian snucked onto the plane so that his girl would have somebody with her
Of course Lila tried to make it out like Marinette did it on purpose
But luckily Marinette was quickly able to prove that she had nothing to do with it
Marinette: I have absolutely no supplies with me to take care of Captain! What kind of irresponsible dog owner would sneak a dog into another country without making sure they had to proper shots, food, and supplies?!?!
The class had to admit if there was one thing Marinette would never do it would be putting Captain in a situation that would put him in danger
So Marinette got Captain everything he needed while the class was out shopping
Though Marinette was thrilled to have Captain with her she was stressed that Lila was going to do something to the good boy
Marinette knew Gotham was a dangerous city and she wouldn't put it past Lila to cause some sort of "accident" to either her or Captain
So with her stress level up Marinette felt her fingers begin to itch
Usually she would turn to Luka and Kagami for times like this but they were on the other side of the planet
She could feel her fingers start to twitch as she walked around the block that her class was exploring
She always been good at controlling her kelpto tendencies but her nerves were really making them act up
She started to fidget with the stuff in her pocket when she heard shouting
Marinette looked up and saw a man running from a woman
Woman: Stop that man! He took my purse!
Marinette angled her body so that she would be in the man's path
The man not paying attention to the girl now in his path ran into Marinette
He was in such a hurry he didn't realize that Marinette had switch the woman's purse for a used poop bag when he ran into her
The man continued running not realizing the switch as Marinette walked over to the woman
Marinette handing the woman her purse: Here you go
Woman: Thank you so much
Marinette: No problem
Jason in the roof across the street: Guys you would not believe what I just saw
Tim over com: let me guess you are once again for going work to do patrol during the day
Jason: Yes but you got to hear what I just saw
Dick over com: What Jason?
Jason: I was watching over the shopping district and some guy snatch this woman's purse. I was about to jump in, when he bumped into this girl with a dog who switched the woman's purse with a use pop bag! The guy still hasn't realized the switch I can see him two streets over still running!
Dick: What?!
Tim: Really?! How did she manage that?
Jason: I don't know! She got some quick fingers on her! But we can't tell Bruce. She's right in his MO for adoption
Tim: Black hair blue eyes?
Jason: Exactly!
Damian over com: Will you three idiots quiet down! Unlike you three I still have school work to do, and it's hard to do that with you three chattering in my ear. Coms are only suppose to be used for emergencies during the day!
Jason: Oh calm down Demon Spawn. I just couldn't wait to tell y'all about this girl.
Damian annoyed: Well why don't you just ask her out then?
Jason: Nah not really my type, also she's a but too young for me, she looks around your age Demon Spawn
Dick: Ohhh, maybe we should set them up together
Tim: With such quick hands she would be a great addition to our team
Jason: And she has a German sheperd with her
Dick: She sounds great! Right Little Bird?
Damian: I've have enough of this, Damian out.
Damian turned off his com cutting off his brothers' laughter
The last thing Damian needed right now was his brothers trying to set him up with some random girl who was able to trick some low level criminal
The incident with the purse snatcher relieved a bit of Marinette's stress but she could still feel her fingers twitching as she ran them through Captain's fur
She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen soon
She had the okay for Captain to come with her on all her schools outings
But that didn't mean that something wasn't going to happen
She just didn't know what
The next day when Marinette was walking Captain in the park when sheet a nice (and cute) boy named Damian and they hit it off
He was such a sweet boy with his own dogs
The two just seemed to click
All Marinette's free roam time was spent with Damian, Titus, and sometimes Ace
Captain got along great with Titus and he seem to have the same instant connection to Ace
The two were often seen cuddling when Damian brought her along
Captain was a little sketch out about this new boy
He couldn't get rid of this feeling that Damian was hiding something from his girl
He tries to ask Ace and Titus about it but the two just brushed him off
Though Captain did notice as the two got closer his girl's twitchy fingers calmed down and she didn't reach to sneakily borrow something from the people around her
So he begrudgingly accept this strange boy
Marinette had to say the best part about the whole Gotham trip was meeting Damian
The two were just friends but Marinette couldn't denied the spark she felt
There might have been a bit of flirting between the two but Marinette was hesitant to form a deeper relationship with Damian because she knew how hard long distance relationships were
On her final day in Gotham Marinette and Captain went with the class to get a tour at Wayne Enterprise
It was the finally stop before they were to return home
As Marinette entered Wayne Enterprise she was surprised to find Damian their waiting for them with an older man who had black hair and blue eyes
Marinette broke away from her class who were too busy talking among themselves to notice
Marinette: Hey Damian! What are you doing here?
Damian: Hey Angel, Captian-
Dick: Wait you didn't tell her Baby Bird?
Damian blushed at the use of his nickname in front of the girl he admittedly had a crush on
He had done his best to keep her away from his family and had succeeded
The only one he really talk to about Marinette was Dick who promised to keep Marinette between the two of them
But when Damian found out that Marinette and her class were going to be touring Wayne Enterprise on their final day in Gotham
Damian tried to tell Marinette before the day arrived but whenever he was ready to tell her, he would get lost in her big blue eyes or Captain would interrupt them
So as he stood in front of the girl who has wrapped himself around her finger in such a short time he was once again at a lost for words
Marinette wrapping her hand around Damian's and giving it a squeeze: Damian are you okay?
As Marinette pulled away she realized to her horror that she accidentally stole his watch
Damian and Dick stood wide eyed as Marinette held out Damian's watch
They didn't even notice her taking it off him
Marinette: I'm soooo sorry! I really didn't mean to take this! I'm so so so sorry!
Captain moved so that he stood between Marinette's legs ready to protect her if either of the two males in front of him tried to do anything to his girl
As Marinette freaked out a little bit Dick couldn't help but laugh as this young girl was able to pull off that trick without him or Damian noticing
Damian snapping out of his shock: It's okay Marinette, that's actually a really great trick. Not many people can sneak one by me
Marinette blushing: Thanks Damian, but you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?
Damian scratching the back of his head: Well you see Angel I'm here to help my brother give your class a tour of Wayne Enterprise
Marinette: So your Damian Wayne?
Damian: Yes, I hope that doesn't change anything between us
Marinette smiling: No, it definitely doesn't
Marinette and Captain walked back over to the class
As Damian watched Marinette walk away he went to put his watch back on only to see that it's gone from his hands
He hears a small wuff as he looks up he sees Captain sitting in front of him holding his watch
Dick: That some girl you got there Damian
Damian sighing: Yeah she is
Jason seeing a picture of Marinette and Damian together: THAT'S THE GIRL I SAW!!
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0606-hyuck · 3 years
a letter to my lover | zhong chenle
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♡  dear y/n, i’m writing you this letter in the hopes that it gets to you well. our relationship has been tumultuous, that’s for sure, and i thought it was high time i wrote you a letter detailing all the times you said "i love you" that are important to me. 
genre: chenle x reader, angst, fluff, supernatural!chenle, vampire!chenle
warnings: violence, blood/gore, death (of animals), guns, general vampirism
word count: 4.1K
tagging: the lovely @roses-of-the-moon ♡ @mora134340 @ncteology + @nct-writers
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The first time you said “I love you”, I thought I was going to have to kill you.
That night we first met, I was not in a good state. My family had recently been forced to move from the commune we had called home for twenty years by your kind, and we were essentially on the run in search of a new, friendlier place to stay. Because we were vampires, my family could only travel efficiently during the night and so we were tired and very, very hungry. My mother, older brother, and I had managed to find a dingy little abandoned warehouse to stay in and we’d been taking turns to go out and feed on the wildlife near our new home. When I met you, I was scouring the forest for something to eat. A deer, a rabbit, a fox - I would eat literally anything at this point. Shit, even a frog would have been enough to sustain me until my family joined the vampire commune rumoured to be near your city.
Running almost blindly through the forest due to the large trees blocking out any moonlight, I had picked up the scent of what I assumed to be a wild deer and was doing my best to catch up to it while working on extremely low levels of energy. As a half-vampire, my senses were not as strong as a pure vampire even when they were functioning at normal capacity, let alone when I had been starving for days. I’d never ever been this hungry before in my whole life - I could feel my vision clouding and the bloodlust taking over my mind, pure adrenaline and craving coursing through my veins.
After a few moments the deer was within my sights and a couple of seconds later I was close enough to pounce on top of it and send us both rolling through the damp forest floor. The poor creature had no idea what was happening - one second it was standing peacefully alone and the next it was being chased by an inhuman creature, unaware of what its fate would be. Trust me, I did feel guilty killing the poor thing, as I’d only ever fed off of willing mortals at the old commune. But as my fangs sunk into the deer’s neck and its hot blood flowed into my mouth, down my throat, and to every fibre of my being, remorse was the last thing I was feeling.
I remember the sensation of the deer’s blood invading my body and causing my muscles to strain and stretch, my vision to unblur, my ears and nose to pick up sensations I hadn’t noticed before, and my mind to clear. The starvation I suffered before was horrendous, but the absolute feeling of pure clarity when I was finally able to feed made it all worth it. I wiped my mouth of the animal blood dripping from my lips and that was the moment I detected you. My newly heightened senses alerted me to your presence behind me, and as I slowly turned around on my heel I was preparing myself for my second kill of the evening.
I expected a human, of course, but I was imagining an older male with a gun and a desperation to end my life, not, well...you. I remember making eye contact with you and being stunned frozen by the fact I saw no callousness in them, only fear and surprise. The way your eyes darted from my own, to the deer carcass, and then back to my bloodied mouth let me know that you’d most likely just witnessed me feeding from the animal, and I couldn’t have that, now could I?
However, I didn’t kill you that night. I definitely should have, if I were abiding by the rules of vampirism that state all witnesses to the supernatural should be exterminated, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Yes, humans were the reason my family had to leave our house in the middle of the night and yes, your kind were the reason we had to watch our friends be shot as we fled, but I really did not want to give into the violence. I was, technically, similar to you due to my father being a human. I couldn’t kill someone who shared the same blood as me. Plus, what would I gain by killing you, too? It wouldn’t bring my friends back. My family and I would be on the move to the new commune soon anyway, so I’d probably never see you again and I could sprint away from here and not worry about you.
I turned to leave, to flee off into the darkness, when you spoke again. You called for me to stay, and when I did you explained you weren’t afraid of me and simply wanted to talk. You said you were a part of the occult community - I had never heard that word before - you told me it meant you believed in the supernatural. I was shocked, I wasn’t aware there was a whole community of people who knew about us. Obviously, humans had to know about my kind as they were the ones who committed the massacre on us, and also my father had to have known about us because he, you know, married and had kids with one. I just did not realise knowledge about vampires was so widespread. 
You suddenly blurted out “I love you, I love your kind, and I don’t think we should be afraid of each other.” Through your secret occult community you had heard about the massacre at my commune and that was the reason you were in the forest that night - you were risking your life to try to help my kind start a better life.
You offered for me to stay in a little office you had out the back of your family home which was on the edge of the forest, and I found the offer too irresistible to deny. Good thing I decided not to kill you, because you turned out to be the best thing that happened to me.
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The second time you said “I love you”, I had just saved your life.
Honestly, Y/N, my mother and my brother were unhappy to hear that I’d wandered so far from the warehouse that I’d run into a human, but like me they could not bring themselves to turn down your offer. That night, I’d taken you back to the warehouse, explained the situation to my family, and then we’d headed through the forest back to your place. Your parents were sleeping, obviously, and you’d hurried us into the office space, given us an old mattress from your garage, blankets, a water cooler, and wished us a goodnight.
I remember I didn’t get any sleep then, neither did my mother or brother, and we’d all huddled together waiting for the makeshift office to go up in flames or for you to burst in with a group of other humans to finally get rid of us. That didn’t happen.
We soon fell into a routine where we would sleep for most of the day while you managed to keep your parents from entering the old office space for months. You provided us with fresh water for the cooler and anything else we requested to keep us entertained. During the night, my family and I would explore the forest in order to feed on the wildlife and keep our fitness up. 
You started to visit me most nights when you weren’t busy in order to help me research where this new vampire community was located. My mother and brother still hadn’t really warmed to you all that much, but I don’t think you minded. You seemed to be much more comfortable when it was just us two, hunched over scriptures you’d ‘borrowed’ from your occult group.
We spent so much time with each other that we actually became friends. Y/N, at the time that was such a strange concept for me. My whole life I’d been taught that humans were my enemy, despite being half human myself. They had only caused vampires death and lifelong pain, and so you were not to be trusted. But you were different. The humans we should be afraid of were the ones who did not understand us, who were not educated about us and who would kill us the first chance they got. We weren’t told about the humans like you - the ones that were fascinated by us and who were empathetic towards our situation.
You spent many nights with me in my makeshift home in your backyard, telling me about your interest in everything supernatural. We discussed human and supernatural relations, and how we believed peace between our kind was possible and desired. You also told me about your life, and listened patiently as I heartbreakingly explained how we’d lost my father due to old age a few years ago, as he was only human and we would long outlive him. 
Never once did I feel like I was oversharing or should not have told you something. I never doubted your intentions to help us, and I felt like I could finally ignore my fear of an early death by humans when you were around. You made me feel safe, and it wouldn’t be long before I returned the favour.
About three months after you had taken my family in, rumours started spreading that you were harbouring dangerous individuals in your back garden. My brother had been caught sneaking back into your property one evening after both him and I had finished a hunt. I wanted to spend longer outside so, in an almost blood-drunk state, he went back home while I stayed in the forest. This absolute fool had decided it was safe enough to enter through the driveway, meaning he had walked in off of the street and alerted your neighbours to his presence when he accidentally tripped over the garden hose and went toppling into your rubbish bin. He had then been observed unlocking the office out the back, and your neighbours assumed he was a homeless man breaking into your property. I was far enough away that I hadn’t heard all the noise my older brother had made but the yells and succeeding gunfire caught my attention.
The scene that greeted me when I finally arrived back at your place, Y/N, was horrible. You were cornered in the back of your garden, trying your best to shield both my mother and brother from the crowd of mortals that had formed and were blocking the exit of the property. I vaulted myself over your back fence and joined you and my family, and you quickly explained the situation to me. My brother had caused the neighbours to believe he was a homeless trespasser, and when they’d confronted you guys about it they had realised he and my mother were not human. Then they’d pulled out their guns and started threatening both my family and you.
When I’d arrived your parents were yelling at you to hand my family over in exchange for your life, while the neighbours pointed handguns in your direction, but when they noticed me, all hell broke loose. I was barely at your side when someone fired the first shot my way, thankfully missing me, but resulting in everyone letting a barrage of gunfire fly our way. 
My brother pulled my mother to the side of the office and I dived towards you, knowing my half-vampire skin would make a better bullet-proof shield than yours would, but I didn’t quite make it in time. I watched as the bullet entered your abdomen and you fell to the ground, curled over in pain. I yelled at my mother and brother to jump over the fence and somehow managed to scoop you up from the ground and launch you over the back end of your property, and followed quickly behind.
The mob of neighbours tried to follow us, but by the time they hefted their asses over the fence, I’d pulled you into my arms and we’d already taken off into the forest. You were fading in and out of consciousness and losing a lot of blood - so much so that it was incredibly tough for me to smell your blood and restrain myself from feeding off of you then and there. 
Through the research we’d done together, we’d worked out the nearest vampire community was not actually in your town but in another over, so that’s where my family and I planned to take you. Usually we would need a permit to enter the compound but were figured turning up there and asking them to save you was a risk we were willing to take.
After around an hour of non-stop running, we finally stopped for a rest in a clearing and I was able to check your wounds. My mother and brother stood far away so as to not catch a whiff of the smell of your blood, and I pulled my shirt over my nose while I examined you. Your wound was bad, but because the bullet was still lodged in your stomach it was stopping a lot more blood loss. As I had you laid out in my lap, you smirked up at me and said, “I told you I loved you. Enough to try to save your family, at least.” I smiled back at you and replied, “and I love you for that, too.”
Little did I know how deep our love for each other actually ran.
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The third time you said “I love you”, you were giving up your life.
Your mortal life, that is. My family arrived at the new vampire commune, aptly called Scarlet Watch, early the next morning. By this time your condition had only worsened, your skin was cool and your face was so pale you rivaled that of a snowman. We had to beg to be let in, as we were initially turned away because we did not have the necessary papers and we were carrying you, a human on the verge of death. 
My family and I caused such a commotion that the guards of Scarlet Watch called in their governor who decided to let us through - on the condition that you would be turned into a vampire in order to save your life. You were so out of it by this stage that asking you for your permission was impossible, and my family let me make the final decision, claiming I was the closest to you and would know what your wishes would be.
When deciding your fate, Y/N, I was so selfish. For me, the question wasn’t “would Y/N want to be a vampire”, it was “do I think I want to live without Y/N?” My answer was no. Not only had you risked your life to hide us in your spare room on your property and help us research Scarlet Watch, you’d also risked your life a second time when you tried your best to protect my family the night prior. Furthermore, you were the only human I’d met, besides my father, who did not want to harm me and who even took the time to get to know me. There was no way I could just let you die.
When I told the governor my decision on your behalf, there was no hesitation in whisking you off to another building in order to undergo the transformation process. My mother, brother, and I rushed after you, and we found ourselves in a kind of medical building. They laid you on a cold, metal operating table and it was like the iciness of it finally shocked you back into consciousness because your eyes instantaneously flew open and you looked around in a panic.
I managed to force my way into the room and held your hand in my own, and you seemed to calm down slightly. I explained that they were going to make you a vampire, like me, and that this was the only way to save your life because you’d lost so much blood. You agreed, and I could feel you were fading again so I told you I loved you. I don’t know why I said it, but deep down I knew it was true. You smiled, said you loved me back, and then I was pulled back out of the room and you were left to your fate.
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The last time you say “I love you” will be as you watch the light fade from my eyes.
The day we arrived at Scarlet Watch was the longest day of my life. I’d never witnessed a human be transformed into a vampire, and was told that I had to just sit and wait until it was safe to visit you. Y/N, I was so scared for you. I tried to consume some bagged blood the Scarlet Watch officials provided us, but I couldn’t focus on anything other than you. While my brother caught up on some much needed rest, I sat in the room they’d lent us, wringing my hands with worry. Even my mother became concerned for me, and commented she’d never seen me in this state before. God, how awkward is it to explain to your mother you think you’re actually in love with someone? A human turned vampire, no less?
I really couldn’t properly articulate how I felt for you in that moment, because I didn’t fully understand it myself. It was like after you were shot, I was faced with your mortality and I finally realised just how important you were to me. You were unlike any other human I’d met before - there was something so precious about you that I just wanted to treasure forever. Turns out my mother understood how I felt about you, and, considering she had married and had a child with a human to produce me, she was fully supportive of my feelings. It’s not like I needed her blessing to feel the way I felt about you, but it definitely did solidify everything for me.
A few days after your transformation, I was finally able to see you again. I had been told to stay away for awhile because newly turned vampires are notoriously violent and bloodthirsty, going after anything that looks like it moves. When I saw you again, you had just woken from a long nap and I had no reservations about running over and wrapping you in my arms. I couldn’t stop myself from cupping your face in my hands and giving you a massive kiss on the forehead, and then pulling you back into me again. You just laughed, clearly a little surprised by my actions but quickly returned my affection.
I noticed the similarities between us - your skin had a sort of unnatural glow to it, your reflexes were a lot faster, and your eyes, although they’d lost their shine, were wide and alert. However, unlike me, you were considered a full vampire because you’d been turned by another of our kind. You were not ‘pure’, a pure vampire is one who is born to two full vampires, but you were technically more supernatural than I, a half vampire, was.
I didn’t tell you how I felt about you for a while afterwards. I knew that your main priority was adjusting to the new life we had here, in Scarlet Watch. This was our new home, after all. I took care of you as you were recovering from the transformation, and we moved into our own unit together while my mother and brother shared the one next to us. I taught you how to hunt, how to feed, how to regulate your heartbeat and breathing - all the basic stuff I’d known about since I was a baby, but I didn’t mind because it meant I got to spend more time in your company.
It was only when you’d almost fully adjusted to your new life that I decided to tell you I loved you, for real. We had finished work for the day - I worked as a casual laborer around Scarlet Watch and you worked in the records department of the council - and we were sitting in our shared living room discussing what came next for us. Was Scarlet Watch where we wanted to live? Is this what we wanted to do for the rest of our (un)natural lives? Did we want to stick together, or get separate apartments?
I decided to simply bite the metaphorical bullet and tell you that I wanted to be with you, in a relationship. I could tell by your stunned silence that you certainly weren’t expecting me to say that, but I did. Judging by your lack of words, I was so sure that you were going to friendzone me, Y/N, that it was my turn to be surprised when you told me that was what you wanted, too. You said us being together made so much sense, especially since we both felt so strongly for each other, and that was that.
My mother was not surprised when, two years later, I told her you and I were getting married. You know my mother, Y/N - she claims she knew we would be together the moment I confessed how I felt about you to her for the first time - but nonetheless she was very happy for us (and even happier to throw herself into wedding planning mode). The day we were married, Y/N, was the happiest day in my life. It was a stark contrast to the day you almost died, which was by far the longest and scariest day of my life.
We were finally going to be together, not that we needed a piece of paper to tell us that, and it was almost overwhelming the amount of love and support that surrounded us on that day. I remember trying my hardest not to cry - since we physically can’t, I would have just been standing there looking like I was constipated, so I am glad that I didn’t. I don’t want to say that it was you being a vampire that took my breath away when I first saw you on our wedding day, because I am sure if you were still human you would have looked just as ethereal, but there really was something about you that day that stood out to me as magical. It was almost as if you were born to be a vampire with me.
I decided to write this letter to reflect on all the memorable times you said “I love you”. Our relationship was definitely a surprise - who would have guessed that day in the forest that we would end up being married - but I don’t regret anything about it. Last night, you brought up the topic of having children together. While I would love to have children with you, it did make me think long and hard about the idea of bringing a new life into the world - but also the inevitability of death. 
Our conversation made me realise that while there have been many times we’ve told each other we love one another, the last time we will say it will be when I am dying. Because you are a full vampire, and I am only a half vampire, you are almost guaranteed to outlive me by at least twenty years.
I am not sure if you’ve realised this yet, but I cannot bring myself to breach the subject of my death with you, which is why I decided to write this letter instead. I am trying to forget about this dire fact, but in all truthfulness it is a certainty that I think about every day. What will happen to you after I die? Will you be okay? Will you remarry? Will you and our children decide to move from Scarlet Watch?
One thing I can say, though, is that I don’t envy you. I can’t imagine a world where I have to keep existing long after you have gone. If an early death means I never have to see you die, then I would take that over anything else. Luckily, we still have a lot more decades to live through before I inevitably pass before you, but like I said, I can’t stop thinking about the pain my death will cause you.
For now, though, the only sensible option is to enjoy the time that we do have together, and worry about all the little details later. So, shall we get to work making babies, baby?
From your loving husband,
Chenle ;)
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© 0606-hyuck 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Iris, I like your Miya Twins hc! Please write more!
Hello, Anon! Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the HC I made. I hope that you enjoy this one, too. I thought I'd write about how they met/fell in love with you. 💕
Title: Falling in love (with the Miya Twins)
Word count: 1,816
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu!! nor its characters, but the HC below is my idea.
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You and Atsumu had been classmates since middle school, and you, fortunately (or unfortunately) always end up sitting next to each other at some point during the school year. 
He knew that puberty wasn't kind to you - what with having bad breakouts, and excess pounds. He also knew that you had a thing for him back then - stealing glances when you thought he wasn't aware, sneaking into the gym a few days a week to watch him practice, and bringing extra pens for him because you knew he was bound to forget his own. 
Since there were very limited choices of schools in your district, he knew you'd end up studying in Inarizaki, and he was open to the fact that you'd end up being classmates again. BUT - what he didn't know was that you were starting to bloom into a young lady and that you've shed some weight since he last saw you. 
While he didn't exactly fall in love with you the moment he laid his eyes on 'High school you', he was enchanted - quite so that he often caught himself stealing glances at you and asking himself, "did she always have rosy cheeks" or "why hadn't I noticed how deep her dimples are", and he'd immediately look elsewhere when he knows you'd notice him watching.
Since you no longer seemed interested in following him around, nor did you seem to find the idea of watching volleyball practices remotely amusing, he thought he ought to let you know that he was even more amazing now than in middle school. He would talk louder when you were around (even if what he says doesn't make sense). "Samu, yer wonderful older brother is here to lend you a hand," he once called out to his younger twin when he knew that you spotted his twin in the hall with an armload of books. "Huh? Our parents have a child other than the two of us," the quieter twin gasped. "Shut yer trap and give me that!"
He started leaving notes in your locker, too. He'd try his hardest to copy Osamu's penmanship and write the lyrics of a song he heard that made him think of you, or a cheesy love quote he found in Kita's Literature textbook, or sometimes, he'd write something random like, 'your pen writes so smoothly', or 'oversized jackets don't look good on you', and 'your notes are the neatest I've ever borrowed'. 
He knew you read the notes, but you just didn't give off the reaction he was hoping for… or any reaction for that matter (you were pretty hard to read, and it was driving him crazy. Lol!)
A day before the Volleyball Team left for the Nationals, he left another note on your locker that read, 'I like you and I want to get to know you better, but if you're not interested, it's cool. If only middle school me paid more attention to middle school you, then maybe High School us would've been a thing.'
He thinks about you when he's not busy with practice, and when he gets a wee bit anxious about their upcoming game (because believe me, he does get nervous about it), he thinks about the possibility of you showing up in his games and he gets all fired up. 
He saw you cheering with your friends in the bleachers, during the championship match against Itachiyama. He knew he had to work harder because he wanted you to see how cool he was. He played his best - serving, setting, and blocking the ball perfectly every single time. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side, and they lost by a few points. No one in the team was more crushed about the outcome than he was, and he stayed in the locker room a little while longer after everyone had left. 
"Miya-san!" You were the first person who greeted him as soon as he stepped out of the locker. His eyes widened and he didn't react for a few seconds because he couldn't believe you were standing in front of him. Clearing your throat, you gave him a shy smile and said, "you were amazing! I think you did even better than when we were in middle school." 
He continued to stare at you, which made you even more nervous. "A-anyway, I wanted to say I thought you were the best player out there - win or lose. And… and.. If you ever need to borrow my notes, I could pass them on to you when you get back to school." You shifted your weight awkwardly from one foot to another, thinking you must've looked like an idiot in front of him because he was just staring at you like so. "That's all I wanted to say," you said awkwardly, "that, and I know it was you leaving the notes in my locker. I thought you should know that I also like you, and I want to get to know you, Miya-san."
"Atsumu," he finally said, cutting you off, and took a step closer. You felt something warm over your shoulders and suddenly, you were engulfed by his scent radiating from his jacket. "If you want to get to know me, you can start by calling me Atsumu."
"Atsumu," you smiled back, holding his jacket closer to you. "But I thought you said oversized jackets don't suit me."
"Yeah, but mine looks perfect on you," he shrugged before offering his arm out to you. "Well, shall we go get to know each other then? I don't know about you, but I feel so bad I could use some comforting and a nice big serving of Chūtoro." And with that began your love story, and the rest, as they say, was history. 
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Osamu and you go way back. The Miyas lived next door so you practically grew up with the twins. 
Since you were the same age, you used to play with them when you were younger. Of the two boys, you got along with Osamu better and you shared a lot of secrets - including a secret hideout, secret handshake, and secret codes. He knew everything about you, including - much to his dismay - the huge crush you had on his twin.
You love playing board games with Osamu and would happily come to their house so you could beat his ass in a game of Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, and Clue. You were usually so good at this, except when you spot an Atsumu sighting nearby and lose your composure. Osamu would tease you, of course, but little did you know how much he despised it - especially since his twin also thought you were cute. This carried on until you went to high school. 
He completely lost it one weekend. When you and Aran came over to play Guesstures with him, Atsumu decided to join and insisted that the two of you team up. Osamu rolled his eyes, and hoped you'd pick up on his mood, but you were currently on cloud nine. 
Thirty minutes, ten cards, and a dozen googly eyes (between you and Atsumu) later, Osamu declared he was done playing and stormed off. Clueless as ever, you looked at Atsumu and Aran to help you understand what was happening, and the two guys just shook their heads in silence. 
You were sorely mistaken for thinking that he would be over his upset when Monday rolled in. He avoided you like the plague the moment you both set foot outside the gates of your houses. "Samu," you called and jogged up to him, but he didn't stop or slow down. "I'm in a hurry today, I'm on class duty," he said coolly, without sparing you a glance. And all you could do was watch your gray-haired best friend disappear into the distance.
He didn't bother waiting for you during breaks and lunchtime and talking to him after class was a lost cause due to his volleyball practice. You initially thought giving him space would help, but two weeks had passed, and you were desperately missing his company, so you sought the help of the only other person you could think of at the moment. 
After stalking him for most of the day, Aran finally agreed to help. He called Osamu so that the two of you could talk, but your best friend was too stubborn to care. Little did you know that after you left, Atsumu and Aran confronted him for acting like a jerk. 
"The hell was that about, Samu?" Atsumu called out, just as his twin was about to walk back to the court. "It's none of yer business, Tsumu," he replied nonchalantly. "Sure it is! You like her, don't you? Why don't you just tell her instead of treating her that way?" The older twin said, forcefully grabbing Osamu's arm. "Because she doesn't like me -," Osamu replied harshly. "Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that," Aran said, as he patted Osamu's shoulder and walked back to the court. 
He tossed and turned in bed that evening, thinking of what Aran had said. Grabbing his phone, he went through all your messages from year's back, across all the different messaging channels - he went as far back as the time you confessed you liked Atsumu, and the entire year you only wanted to talk about his popular twin. And then he noticed how you stopped mentioning Atsumu at one point and started asking how his day went or if he's eaten. He saw the food pictures you'd sent from your trips with your family, and how you wished you could eat those with him someday. 
And then it hit him - you wanted to be with HIM - not Atsumu."I'm such a fucking jerk!" He groaned. 
He was waiting at your gate bright and early the next morning. He hadn't slept much nor thought about what to say to you, all he knew was that he had to see you. As he thought about what to say, he heard your front door open. "Samu-san?" He straightened up at the sound of your voice and saw you looking genuinely confused. "Y/N-chan, I… I…," he started to say as you hurriedly opened the gate to stand in front of him. 
"I like you, Y/N-chan, and I was jealous of my idiot brother." Your eyes widened in surprise at his admission. "So, I'm sorry I acted like a jerk, but I hope you could -you know…," he trailed off, blushing furiously. "Did you want me to forgive you or go out with you? Because I could do both," you said, as you grabbed his hand and looked into his dark eyes. "You… you do?" The shocked look on his face made you chuckle, and you tiptoed to plant a kiss on your boyfriend's cheek. 
The end. 
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Out of All People
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Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Mentions of Blood, Fluff.
Characters: Isiah Jesus x Shelby!Sister
Word Count: 1,512
Summary: Y/n is tired of being seen as the baby of the family and runs off. Her brothers are used to her antics and leave her on her own as she wished, but Isiah can’t shake the feeling that she’s in trouble.
Requested by: @niamhshell​ 
Summary of request: “I wanted to ask if I could have a oneshot if you’re not too busy. The oneshot I had in mind would be with Isiah Jesus x Shelby!Sister  and the scenario would be along the lines of the sister getting lost in a storm and Isiah finding her and looking after her.”
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Isiah and Finn had been best friends ever since he could remember, running through the stone streets playing make believe games whilst his dad met with the Shelby’s at their meetings. As he and Finn grew older, he was welcomed into the Peaky Blinders, where he eventually met the infamous Y/N Shelby. She was Finn’s twin sister and older by 5 minutes. When he first saw her, she took his breath away. She had a smile that lit up the room and a laugh that sounded like the sweetest of songs. But she had one hell of a temper, just like all her siblings. 
One day, Tommy had gathered their family for a meeting and got on Y/N for going to the Garrison late at night. This normally wouldn’t have set Y/N off like it did, but earlier that day she had awoken with nightmares which always put her on edge. Throughout the day everyone would ask her if she was okay and she grew more annoyed at answering them, so being called out during the meeting with her brothers was the last straw. She was seen as the baby at times despite Finn technically being the youngest, but nevertheless they were all over-protective of her.  Isiah watched near Finn as she went off on Tommy, yelling that she doesn’t have to answer to him every second of the day. That she’s an adult and fully capable of taking care of herself and could do what she pleased. And in a final act of defiance, she threw her shot glass on the ground, the shards glistening on the polished hardwood floors of Tommy’s office. Isiah watched, a worried expression on his face as she stormed out with only her handgun in her holster and her purse.
Later that night, everyone was drinking at the Garrison when Finn invited Isiah. They both ordered drinks and watched as the older blinder boys drank their woes away, ogling at the girls who would walk in with their friends. Meanwhile, Isiah stood there silently, thinking about where Y/N was. He had only told Finn he had feelings for her a couple of weeks ago, which Finn took surprisingly well, but that was the least of his matters. Her big brothers were far more harder to get around to. Letting his mind wander, he sipped his drink ignoring the icy burn that ran down his throat. 
Not longer after finishing his drink he heard Tommy and Arthur arguing over something, and that’s when he heard Arthur yell, staggering to the bar near them. 
“Tom wants ya to find Y/N, Finn. Go. She’s being a bitch again runnin’ off like that. Probably out being an adult huh Isiah.” He mumbled, pouring himself another drink. Isiah looked at him angrily. He could tell she grew tired of them and needed an escape. “If only he could’ve been her escape at the time instead of wherever she ran off to...” He thought to himself. 
“Oi! Finn ya fuckin’ knucklehead! Are ya gonna go or not? She’s ya fookin’ twin for fucks sake!” Arthur yelled as Finn slowly put on his raincoat, he looked like he wanted to run away as well. 
“Arthur, I think you should calm down mate...” Isiah said, putting a hand on Arthur’s shoulder. 
“Arthur, Y/N probably doesn’t even want to see any of us right now. Not even Ada or Poll. I think we should let her be, she’ll come ‘round in the morning.” He said slurring a bit as he knocked back the last of his drink. Isiah grew angrier on the inside, none of them really cared where she was it seemed. Tommy went back to drinking like it would numb the ghosts in his head, yelling and joking with the other peaky boys as Arthur went off to his own drunken world, nodding as Finn spoke.
He went to leave, to find her, when Finn grabbed his shoulder stopping him.
“Where the hell are ya going Isiah?! You can’t leave your best mate man c’mon.” He said handing him another shot. Isiah put it back on the bar and turned to look at him, rage filling his eyes.
“Would you just fuck off? You lot clearly couldn’t give a shit less about where your sister is. Hell she may not want to see anyone, but I’ll be damned if she’s out there alone. I’ll go do your jobs for ya. I’ll find her.” He said, pushing past Finn, getting his coat and leaving.
The rain was coming down heavily, huge cold drops slamming onto his skin relentlessly. He had to squint into the night to see and decided to check the betting shop. When he came in, he saw Polly doing work on the reports for the previous day. 
She looked up and gasped, shocked to see him coming in so urgently. 
“What on earth! Isiah you scared me. What’s wrong?” She asked getting up from her desk. 
“It’s Y/N. She hasn’t come back. Tommy sent Finn to find her but none of them are willing to. They’re too busy getting drunk off their asses.” He said wringing his hands a bit. 
“Dear god...” Polly said looking around, a worried expression overcoming her features.
“Where would she go when she’d get upset in the past?” He asked, hoping she’d remember something from raising them all those years ago.
She paced around and thought for a moment, her eyes lit up slightly. 
“I remember she used to run to where the forested areas started near the road we went on the other day just outside town. Remember that road?” She asked.
Isiah thought a moment and then it clicked. He looked at her and nodded, grabbing his cap and putting it on. “Can-can I borrow the keys?” He said urgently. Polly nodded in response. That was all it took for him to burst out the door and to the car, starting the engine and heading toward the edge of town. 
Once he got to the road, he got out and walked reluctantly into the forest, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness as the rain hell heavily again. 
“Y/N!.....Y/N?!” he yelled as loud as he could. After waiting a couple of minutes he heard a whimper and a slight scream in the distance. He ran, following it, grabbing hold of his gun in his holster. 
The cold rain fell on his skin as he ran through the trees, twigs and bushes catching on his coat and pants. His shoes were gradually soaked through with a thick layer of mud coating them as he ran, calling out her name. Once her cries got closer, he saw her curled up under a tree holding her arms close to her, as they bled.
“Y/n? what are you doing out here?” He asked slowly walking towards her. 
“I-I wanted to get out. I wanted to leave that fucking place for a while. This is the only place I feel okay...” She said sobbing in the cold rain. He sat by her and took his raincoat off and draped it carefully around her. 
“Y/n...what happened? You can tell me.” Isiah said as she curled up to him. 
“I wanted to let off steam so i ran here, took forever-” She chuckled lightly as she shivered. “-but I got here and wanted to run to this spot. I-I always came to it when I was younger after Finn or Ada and I would get into a fight, but this time I took a wrong turn and tripped and scraped my arms to high hell cuz of the fucking mud...” She said examining her arms under his jacket. 
“I know they’ve been assholes Y/n, believe me. They told Finn to get you while everyone was at the Garrison, but they were too busy drinking so I went instead. I couldn’t spend another minute knowing you ran off somewhere. Just know you can run to me if you need to next time okay?.” He asked softly.
“Thank you.” She said nodding and looking up at him, the moonlight catching in his eyes. 
She stared at his lips and it was as if he read her mind, quickly bringing his lips to hers. When they pulled away from each other they smiled, savoring the moment. 
“Um Y/n?...” Isiah asked nervously.
“Yeah?” Y/n said raising her eyebrow at him.
“I’m surprised Finn hadn’t told you, or well, everyone. But...I like you and when we get back in town and get you cleaned up, I’d like to take you out.” He said.
“I’d like that.” She said, smiling before attempting to get up and almost falling again as Isiah steadied her. As they walked back to the car, a question plagued her mind.
“Why out of all people, did you come looking for me?” 
Isiah thought for a moment and smirked.
“Because I, out of all people actually care about you.” He said. 
She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder as they continued walking, the pale moonlight guiding their path to the car.
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marwritesgood · 4 years
Rewrite | M. Martinez
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Pairing: Mario x Diaz!Reader
Timeframe: Season 3
Summary: As life with their newborn becomes increasingly difficult, Mario and Y/n stop seeing each other eye-to-eye (and other stuff happens).
A/N: (This is one of the longest things I’ve ever written (I actually had to cut it down and group some paragraphs together bc it exceeded the limit), but I couldn’t help myself. I really enjoyed exploring the dynamics between the characters and all the themes that came with it. To keep it from dragging on, I condensed the canon timeline and changed some details around - hopefully it’s easy to keep up with x
It had been a month since the birth of my and Mario’s son, Manuel. What I had expected to be the beginning of the happiest chapter of my life turned out to be quite the opposite. And it had nothing to do with the people around me or my son.
Mario’s family were so supportive of us. Abuelita insisted we stay with her until we had the funds to get a place of our own. Both her and Geny were constantly offering to babysit Manuel, which I took up almost all the time, much to Mario’s dismay. Even Oscar tried to pull money together every other week to help us out. I should have been nailing this whole motherhood thing in theory because I had so much support from everyone I loved. In reality, however, I was struggling to get by.
“And you’re sure you fed him before you left for work?” I was on the phone with Mario as I pulled up at Oscar’s house. When it came to getting out and taking the buckles off Manuel’s car seat, I pressed my phone against my ear, using my shoulder. “The one I put on the counter, right?”
“Yes,” Mario replied, his aggravation vividly clear in his tone. I had to stop for a moment to try and keep myself from crying. I had been doing a lot of that lately at the worst times, and I couldn’t understand why. When I didn’t respond, Mario sighed loudly. “Look, babe, you can’t keep calling me when I’m at work... I’m new to the job, and I’m already on my boss’ bad side.”
I inhaled sharply. He was right.
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly, trying to control the way my voice sounded so Mario wouldn’t be any more concerned about me than he already was. 
“... I’ll see you when I finish, okay?” 
After a short moment, he hung up, and I put my phone in my back pocket, thinking back to the times where he would never end a call without telling me he loved me. I didn’t know if it was because he genuinely didn’t catch on, or he was too eager to leave the conversation, but I needed that reminder now more than ever. 
I slung my bag over my shoulder before picking up Manuel’s car seat, where he was fast asleep. After closing and locking the car I was borrowing off of Abuelita, I headed inside Oscar’s house. I hated the days where I was left alone with my son. The days where no one was around to take him off my hands. So on days like these, I would go to Oscar’s house and spend the day there, just so I wouldn’t be left alone with Manuel.
“He sleeping?” Oscar asked after he heard me come in. His back was turned against me, and he was facing the counter where he was making two cups of coffee for both of us. 
“Yeah,” I answered, exasperated from carrying my son and my belongings inside. After putting Manuel, who slept quietly in his seat, down on the couch, I joined Oscar, who smiled at the sight of my son sleeping soundly. 
“How you been?” Oscar asked, nodding at me as he pushed a mug of coffee in my direction. I hummed as I lifted it up and took a sip. I couldn’t drink coffee as often as I liked since I was breastfeeding, but I saved the few times I did when I went to Oscar’s. He made it the best.
“Good,” I answered, without even pausing to think. Oscar shifted his attention to me and watched as I fiddled with the handle on my mug. I knew he wanted to pry. He wanted to ask me more and more questions until I finally gave him a truthful answer, but I wasn’t ready for that. Fortunately for me, before he could say anything else, Cesar came bursting through the front door, throwing his bag on the ground before approaching Oscar. I held the handle of my mug tightly as I watched him speak.
“There’s a dude posted up outside.”
Oscar got up instantly and walked outside, his gun in his hand, ready to be fired. Cesar followed him, trying to stand next to him as he approached the guy across the street, only to be pushed behind by Oscar. I took the opportunity to peek through the sheets of tin foil Oscar had covering the windows. After squinting my eyes to try and make out the man standing on the other side of the street, a duffle bag by his feet with an oddly familiar stance, I began to piece together who it was.
My father.
Before my brothers could make their way back inside, I took Manuel into my old room, which Oscar left untouched since I had moved out after giving birth. I could faintly make out the sound of their conversation in the living room area, so I took my time putting Manuel and my bag down. When I finally made my way back to where my family were seated, I could see the tension between all of them. My dad and Cesar looked up at me when I walked in, but Oscar remained glaring at Ray. 
“Cesar, you need to get to school,” Oscar said flatly.
My little brother lifted his hands in annoyance and immediately looked at me. Often, when Oscar told him to do something he didn’t want to, he would turn to me in hopes that I would say the opposite. It was always that way, never vice versa. But, when it came to either one of our parents, I had to have Oscar’s back.
“Go,” I told him, and he reluctantly picked his bag off the floor. I took his spot on the couch and joined Oscar in, glaring at my dad. He looked no different from the last time he bothered to come around. 
“You still in school?”
“I finished over a year ago,” I droned, wanting more than anything to take my son and leave, but I knew I couldn’t leave him alone with Oscar. Not to mention if I did leave, I would have no place to go but back to Abuelita’s place where I would be left alone with Manuel. 
“Are you kidding me?” I laughed dryly. Oscar shook his head.
My father inhaled slowly, his eyes scanning the room before landing on the corridor that leads to the bedrooms. I felt my heart begin to pound, fearing for where this conversation was heading. 
“The baby you took to your room,” he began, confirming what I had already expected. I hadn’t done as good of a job at hiding Manuel as I thought. “... yours?”
I could see Oscar getting angrier and more aggravated by how he clenched his fists and his jaw. He was always protective of Cesar and me when it came to our dad, but it appeared to be tenfold with Manuel. I glanced over at my brother, but he was too busy glaring at Ray to notice. Sighing, I turned back to him and nodded. There was no point in hiding Manuel’s existence from him. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t still try and protect him.
“... The father?”
Ray hesitated before asking. I could tell that, while he was obviously curious to know, he was also cautious that he was digging too deep so suddenly. Oscar huffed, rubbing his hand over his facial hair, clearly annoyed. I felt indifferent.
“Mario Martinez.”
“Martinez?” He raised his eyebrows before pulling his blunt back towards his mouth. After exhaling slowly, releasing a cloud of smoke, he nodded, seemingly impressed. “... Good family.”
“I didn’t ask for your approval,” I scoffed before standing up and turning my back to him. I looked down at Oscar and signalled him to follow me into my old room to have a conversation outside of our father’s earshot.
Once he had followed me inside, I closed the door to ensure privacy before turning back to my son, who was thankfully still fast asleep. I began packing his things up as I spoke to Oscar.
“What are we gonna do?” 
After gathering Manuel’s things, I brought the handlebar of his car seat up so I could be ready to take him to the car, through the backdoor, as soon as Oscar and I were finished discussing our next course of action.
“I don’t know,” Oscar sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets. I sat on my old bed and looked up at him silently. After a moment, he looked back at me. “Cesar wants to... take him out for lunch tomorrow.”
The way Oscar explained, I could tell how immensely uncomfortable he was with the thought of it and with how eager Cesar was to reconcile his relationship with. 
“Want me to go with them?” I asked.
He nodded. 
I sighed but nodded back. As much as I wanted to avoid having a conversation with my father, let alone sit and have a meal with him, I couldn’t leave Cesar to meet him for lunch on his own. I couldn’t let him get too close and too vulnerable with Ray. 
Oscar and I knew better than anyone how that would eventually end.
After leaving Oscar’s place, I noticed that Mario’s car was parked outside the building when I got home. Manuel had fallen asleep during the car trip, so I carried him in his car seat inside.
After I took him to his nursery and placed him in his cot, I went back into the kitchen area where Mario was grumbling as he did the dishes. It was getting late, so I assumed he was just tired.
I walked over and stood beside him so I could give him a hand, but he turned to me with furrowed brows before I could do so. My heart began to pound because I knew I had done something to upset him.
“You said you would do the dishes today,” he stated sharply. I sighed before dropping my head down. “It’s so late. Where the hell have you been?”
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled before reaching past him so I could finish washing the rest of the dishes. I hoped that would be enough to defuse the tension, but Mario simply took a step to the side and continued to glare at me as he waited for an explanation. “- I was at Oscar’s, and I lost track of time. My-”
“I don’t care,” he interrupted, the volume of his voice rising abruptly.
Whenever Mario and I fought, he was never the type to yell, no matter how angry he got. I always worried that I would end up pushing him over that edge one day, and it seemed like today was that day.
“Mario,” I whispered, slightly startled by how angry he was getting. There was obviously more to it than just me forgetting to do the dishes.
“I work so hard to support you and Manuel,” he began, his voice growing louder from what appeared to be frustration. “I asked you to do one thing.”
“I know, but-”
I was planning on leaving Oscar’s place early to make it back in time to get all the housework done. When my dad arrived out of the blue, it put a wrench in my plans. Mario cut me off before I could explain that to him.
“And what’s up with you calling me at work all the time?” His expression was saturated with anger. I wondered how long he had bottled up this resentment. “I thought you would be used to taking care of Manuel on your own by now.”
“I’m trying,” I cried in reply. I really was.
“Try harder,” he said in an icy tone, his expression becoming emotionless all of a sudden. I held my breath, trying to suppress my tears. “You shouldn’t be taking Manuel out so late... you need to start being a better mother.”
He turned around and walked into our shared room. Once I was sure he was out of earshot, I turned my attention back to the dishes I was cleaning, trying to keep myself distracted.
When I felt my tears beginning to pour out of my eyes, I knew it wasn’t working.
All of the insecurities I felt about being a new mother were beginning to surface. I wanted desperately to be everything Mario and Manuel needed me to be, but I just felt like I could never be able to do that. And it was killing me inside.
The following morning, I woke up extra early. I tried to get as much housework done as possible to give Manuel his second bottle for the day. Normally Mario would because I would be too exhausted too, and because it normally fell around the time, he was set to leave for work.
Since the night before, we hadn’t spoken to each other, so I thought doing that would be a step in the right direction for us. Apparently not.
“What are you doing?” Mario asked, startling me as I tested the temperature of Manuel’s milk on my wrist.
“I was gonna feed Manuel,” I explained.
“But I feed him his second bottle,” Mario said, anger and annoyance both prevalent in his tone and his expression.
“I know,” I replied calmly. This was appearing to have the opposite effect to what I hoped it would; Mario was seemingly getting angrier with me. “I just thought you might want a break from having to feed him this morning.”
“Looking after my son isn’t a burden, Y/n,” he retorted, his voice getting louder with each word he spoke. My eyes grew wide. I didn’t know whether to be startled or offended.
Was he insinuating that I made looking after Manuel seem like a burden?
“I never said that,” I responded.
Just as I finished speaking, the sound of Manuel’s cries sounded throughout the room. Mario turned back to me, holding his hand out so he could take the bottle and feed our son. Not wanting to argue with him, I reluctantly handed it over.
He left for work without saying goodbye to me, even though I stood in the kitchen and watched him go. Normally he would kiss me goodbye before leaving to go anywhere. I knew this was a testament to how angry he was.
Once it was nearing lunchtime, I took Manuel and dropped him off with Geny. When Abuelita saw me crying by the kitchen sink the night before, she sat me on her couch and consoled me. After I explained to her what happened with my dad, she called Geny. At first, she wanted to confront her son about how he spoke to me, but I talked her out of it. After that, she offered to watch Manuel for the afternoon while I went to lunch with Cesar and my dad.
Once I dropped Manuel off to her, I headed to Dwayne’s restaurant, where Cesar and our dad were seated at a booth. As I approached them, Ray sat up uncomfortably.
“Sorry I’m late,” I said as I took a seat next to Cesar, who immediately passed me his plate of fries. I turned to him and smiled, only to be met with a concerned expression.
“You okay?” He asked, knitting his eyebrows out of worry. I had forgotten I spent the night crying and that my eyes were slightly puffy.
“Yeah, I just didn’t get much sleep,” I answered a beat too quickly for Cesar to be convinced. Nonetheless, I knew he would look past it so he could continue catching up with our father.
“I was just telling Cesar how good it is he has a job,” my dad said, as he took a bite of the food Cesar undoubtedly got him with his employment perk.
“Yeah, Dwayne’s always been good to me,” Cesar explained, smiling nervously as he fiddled with his fingers. It was endearing and concerning the way he was so anxious he was acting like an overexcited child. “Even when things got hard.”
I placed my hand on him should and gripped it tightly. Cesar was one of the more emotional ones of the Diaz men, but that didn’t mean he was always upfront with how he felt.
“I heard about your mom,” our dad said, looking up at the two of us nervously. I stared blankly at him, trying my best not to glare, but I promised Cesar I wouldn’t be hostile at our lunch. “I should have reached out... I’m sorry.”
I looked over at Cesar, and I could tell he was trying his best to maintain his smile. I was the only person he had ever spoken to about our mom, but those conversations were infrequent and always emotional.
“You should try the char burger,” I said to our dad before sliding out of the booth, so Cesar could step out. “You’ll like it... Cesar, why don’t you go order one for him.”
He nodded before leaving so he could head towards the counter. I slid back into the booth and glared at my father.
“What’s your deal?” I asked angrily, annoyed that he would bring up such a painful memory for Cesar, let alone myself. “It’s not enough to traumatise us; you have to come back just to pour salt in our wounds?”
“That’s not why I’m here.”
“Then why are you here, huh?” At that point, I was just as curious as I was angry. He had been in and out of prison for over a decade, yet the last time he bothered to stop by, Cesar wasn’t even old enough to form memories.
“I... I wanna patch things up,” he said.
It really took him over two decades to grow a conscience and make an effort in his children’s lives.
“Look,” I whispered before glancing up at Cesar, who was in the process of getting the char burger. I sighed. “Just... tread lightly for now, okay? Cesar wants to catch up with you, not relive his childhood trauma.”
Ray inhaled deeply before nodding. I felt protective over Cesar, but when it came to our parents, this was only heightened. I was not going to let my dad hurt him. Not on my watch. Once Cesar was approaching the table, I slid out so he could sit in his initial spot.
“Where’s Manuel, Y/n?” Cesar asked.
My breath hitched as it dawned on me that I forgot to ask Cesar not to bring him up in front of our dad. Once he mentioned him, however, I knew there was no going back.
“He’s with Geny,” I answered before taking a bite of my plate of fried. Ray watched me intently before speaking up again- exactly what I feared he would do.
“Is there any chance I could meet him?”
I had to physically and figuratively bite my tongue. As much as I wanted to respond snidely, I knew that would only damage my relationship with Cesar- who made me promise that I wouldn’t be hostile at that lunch.
“I’ll think about it,” I replied. Cesar’s expression didn’t seem to change, so I knew I had answered in a way that both kept the peace and ensured I could continue to control how much of a role my dad would have in my son’s life- which, if it were up to me, would be minuscule.
Just as the conversation headed towards a different, much safer direction, my phone began to vibrate.
After I excused myself from the table, I went outside the building and answered the call.
It was Mario.
“Why does my mom have Manuel?” His tone was accusatory and angry. That seemed to be the case for all of our conversations.
“I’m at lunch-“
“You left Manuel so you could go for lunch?!”
“It was important, Mario.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He was speaking so loudly, I had to hold my phone at a distance away from my ear. “What kind of a mother are you? What could be more important than our son?”
My breath hitched, but I tried to recover quickly. Nothing was more important to me than Manuel, but I needed Mario to know that I wasn’t avoiding my responsibilities as a mother for something trivial.
“I’m at lunch with my dad,” I explained, trying to speak as quickly as possible so he wouldn’t have the chance to interrupt.
“... You’re dad’s back in town?” I was relieved that he was calming down, finally understanding why I was too preoccupied to have Manuel with me at all times.
“Yes,” I answered, trying to keep my tone neutral despite how much I was on the verge of tears. “- but don’t worry. I’ll pick up Manuel... I know I need to start being a better mother.”
I made it a point to use Mario's exact phrasing when he scolded me the night before. Just as he began spluttering a response, I hung up the phone.
It had been a week since I met Cesar and Ray for lunch. I hadn’t heard from either of them nor Oscar until I was on my way to picking up Cesar. Normally he preferred to make his own way home, but he had plans to meet with Ruby and wanted me to give him a ride. Just as I pulled up in front of Dwayne’s barbecue joint, my phone began to ring. As soon as I answered it, the sound of my older brother’s voice sounded throughout my car. Needless to say, he was angry about something.
“Did you know he got him a job?” 
There it was.
“Huh?” I answered, completely taken back by what he had said. I suspected he was talking about Ray, but for Cesar’s sake, I hoped he wasn’t. “- what are you talking about, Oscar?”
“Cesar got the viejo a fucking job,” he yelled, his voice growing louder and angrier with every word he spoke. “- what happened to keeping an eye on him?
“I-i had to leave early,” I sighed. “Cesar must’ve talked to Dwayne after I left.”
“Well, great fucking job, y/n,” Oscar retorted. I could feel the pace of my heartbeat quickening the louder and madder he got. I felt overwhelmed. “You were supposed to make sure Cesar didn’t get too close to him; now they’re workmates.
“Look, I know you’re mad, but could you stop yelling at me?!” My voice shook as I spoke, and I felt my eyes water and hands shake. I didn’t know what was coming over me, but I had no control over it. “- I have enough people telling me I’ve fucked up. I don’t need that shit from you.”
There was silence for a prolonged moment, and I groaned quietly. I didn’t mean to overshare, but it was too late to take it back. I didn’t want Oscar to worry about me more so than he already did.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled quickly. “... you alright?”
“I’m good,” I replied, even though he and I both knew I was far from it. Nonetheless, I wanted to end our conversation as swiftly as possible. The longer I stayed on the line, the more I feared he would pry into what was going on with me. “- Don’t worry... Look, I know it’s messy, but there’s nothing we can do without hurting Cesar. We just gotta wait it out and see how it goes.”
After agreeing to do so, Oscar hung up, and I finally made my way inside. My dad was wearing an apron and stood by the front counter. It eerily reminded me of the times he would cook for my brothers and me when we were kids, that is, in between the times he abandoned us and showed up when he needed a place to crash. When the doorbell rang as I walked in, he looked over to me and smiled. I almost didn’t want to glare at him. 
“Hola mija,” he greeted as he approached me. I hated to admit it, but I could see how hard he was trying to be an accomodating host. “Can I get you a menu?
“No,” I replied, shaking my head. “- no, I’m just here to pick up Cesar. He said he needed me to give him a ride somewhere.
“He’s in the back,” Ray replied, nodding towards the entrance to the storeroom. “I think he’ll be out soon.”
“So,” I began, trying to fill the awkward silence. Though I still had 19 years worth of resentment towards him, I wanted to be civil. “You’re working here now, huh?”
It felt strange talking to my father like this. The last time he was around, I was around Cesar’s age. Now, we were making small talk like the two adults we were. It felt uncomfortable because part of me still felt like the girl I was when he left, the girls who had been hurting for almost 10 years because of what he did.
“Yeah, it’s nice... Dwayne’s a good boss.”
“Yeah,” I smiled in agreement. Mr Turner was one of the kindest people I knew. Whenever I came into his restaurant after school, he always made sure I left with an empty stomach even if I didn’t have any money. Now, he was doing the same for my little brother. “He’s always been good to Cesar.”
Just as I turned to call Cesar to come out from the storeroom, my dad spoke up, causing me to turn my heel back and face him. He seemed hesitant, which was a strange sight. I remembered him being certain of everything he did. 
“Hey, um,” his nervousness was heavily prevalent in his voice. I tried to prepare myself for what he was about to say, knowing it would have a significant impact. “- I know you said we could talk about it later... but I really wanna meet my grandson.”
I inhaled sharply. Of all the things he could have said, I was not expecting him to bring up Manuel. Considering his track record, I assumed he would be gone before my son crossed his mind again. He seemed to prove me wrong.
“- I know, you have every right to say no,” he added, in a tone I could only assume, and hope was sincere. “- I was a horrible father to you... but I’m hoping I can be a good abuelo... if you give me a chance.”
“I don’t know...” I sighed. I still felt uncertain about my dad and his agenda. I felt uncertain that he changed enough to be sincere, let alone enough to have a place in my son’s life. 
Although he was Manuel’s grandfather, and nothing I could do would ever change that, I had control over who came and left my son’s life. I would not let him in without confirmation that he was better, that he had changed.
“I understand,” he answered.
The two of us stood in awkward silence for a minute or so before Cesar entered the dining area, his backpack clutched in his hand. He seemed concerned by the way my father and I were standing, the tension between us physically apparent just as it was figuratively.
“Hey, you ready to go?” I smiled as I turned to face my little brother. I didn’t want him to worry any more than he already did.
Cesar nodded, drawing his attention away from the tension between our father and I. Just as we were about to turn and leave, Ray pulled out a brown to-go bag from behind the counter.
“Here, mijo, I got you something,” he said as he handed the bag to Cesar, who was taken aback but smiled nonetheless. “I noticed you didn’t have anything to eat when you were on your break.”
I glanced back at Cesar, who seemed grateful. Often when he had a lot on his mind or a lot on his plate, it was easy for him to forget to do important things like getting something to eat. Moreover, when Cesar did realise what he had forgotten, he would often try to hide it. It took a bit of paying attention before Oscar, and I picked up on it. I was impressed that my dad managed to do so in just a day.
“Do you need a ride?” I asked my dad, who shook his head and smiled.
“No, I’ll be okay. I still have a few more hours to go.”
“... Are you working tomorrow?”
“No,” he answered. I could tell he was worried about where my subtle interrogation was headed.
“Okay,” I smiled, knowing what I would say would make him happy. “Come by my place tomorrow morning... You can meet your grandson then.”
He grinned as he inhaled deeply. I smiled weakly before placing my hand on Cesar’s shoulder and walking out of the restaurant, hoping with all my heart that I wasn’t making a mistake.
My dad arrived at my doorstep the next morning, almost half an hour before the time we agreed upon. He tried to hide it when I greeted him, but I knew how happy he was that he was finally getting the chance to meet his grandson.
“Where’s Mario?” Ray asked nonchalantly as I led him to Manuel’s nursery.
“He’s working,” I answered shortly, not allowing my dad the chance to pry. “Just watch your step when you come in. There’s lots of toys lying around.”
I smiled wearily at my son as I carefully picked him up from his bed. I was getting more confident in holding him, but I still felt scared every time I did. As I cradled him in my arms, I looked over to my dad, who had carefully navigated his way through the array of baby toys on the ground. 
“Here,” I said softly, as I slowly moved towards him, carefully transferring my son from my arms and into his. Watching him cradle his grandson so carefully and with so much concern made me smile. “His name’s Manuel.”
“Manuel,” he repeated, smiling as my son continued to sleep soundly in his arms. I couldn’t help but smile. This was a side of my dad I forgot existed. He shook his head as he continued to grin down at Manuel. “... que lindo.”
I turned away and began folding Manuel’s freshly washed clothes away. As I pulled open one of the drawers, I looked down and saw my dad’s duffel bag in the corner of my eye; fully packed and discarded by the door. That’s when I began to piece together why he wanted to meet my son so soon. I pushed the drawer shut slowly before turning to back to my dad, who was still oblivious to what I had figured out.
“You’re leaving?” I asked, glancing pointedly at the bag he left by the door.
He slowly turned around, carefully placing Manuel back in his cot, before turning back to me. When he didn’t say anything- only nodded guiltily as he shoved his hand in his back pocket, I wanted to scream.
“Why?” I questioned, trying to understand why he was choosing to leave again, especially after reconciling with Cesar and finding out he has a grandson. Did those things mean nothing to him? Did we mean nothing to him?
He glanced back at Manuel before leading me into the living room, knowing that I wasn’t gonna be quiet. I closed the door behind me and began scolding my dad.
“Can’t ever think about anyone but yourself,” I shouted in frustration. I had really hoped he changed. “This is gonna break Cesar, but you don’t give a shit about that, do you?”
“-And what about trying to patch things up, huh?” I wasn’t going to let him speak. Not until I got what I needed to say off my chest. I didn’t get to do that the last time he walked out, and I had regretted it ever since. “How do you think they’re gonna react when you tell them?”
When my dad stood silent, eyes falling to the ground, I stumbled back. 
“What, you’re dumping that on me too?”
Silent filled the air for a prolonged moment. I glared at my father, bewildered by what he was doing and how little regard his plan had for me and how I would be affected. He looked like he was about to speak.
“I’ll call Cesar when I get to Bakersfield,” he said as if that solved the issue. “Oscar... he’ll come around, but... he’s gotta let go of that rage-”
“- Stop,” I hissed, holding my hand up and shaking my head angrily. I began to regret ever inviting him inside. “You don’t get to do that... You don’t get to come here and try and tell us what’s wrong with us- You’re what’s wrong with us.”
“And would you stop calling me that,” I snapped, raising my voice louder, although Manuel was sleeping in the room. “I stopped being anyone’s hija the day I had to start being a mother to a kid that wasn’t even mine.”
I glared at my father, who stood silent. My eyebrows knitted together as I continued to shout at him.
“And now... I finally get the chance to raise my own, but I’m too scared to be left alone with him in case I end up exactly like you. A deadbeat.”
My father looked taken aback by my outburst but remained silent, nodding his head only slightly, showing he acknowledged the truth in what I was saying, or rather screaming, at him. I breathed heavily, tears brimming in my eyes as I felt my throat begin to close up.
“Everything bad that’s happened to me is because of you,” I cried, my voice beginning to crack. Before I could continue speaking, I inhaled sharply, my breath beginning to stutter. “I can’t even look at my son without thinking of all the ways I could end up failing him as you did to me.”
His eyebrows rose before furrowing in sympathy. Before I could even think of stopping him, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I couldn’t help but sob quietly. I had craved a hug from my dad for most of my childhood. 
I wish he hadn’t waited so long to give me one.
Fortunately, not long after Ray left, Abuelita arrived home. After explaining to her what had happened, she happily agreed to stay with Manuel so I could go and break the news to my brothers. So I got my things together in haste and drove as quickly as I could to Oscar’s house.
After knocking on the front door and being let in by Oscar himself, I sat at the table and waited. My brother had our traditional mugs of coffee at hand and sat opposite me. He immediately noticed my puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
“What happened?” He asked softly, watching me intently as I fought back the tears while trying to piece together an explanation. He leaned forward and clutched the handle of his mug. “You and Mario fight again?”
I shook my head quickly. Staring down at my mug, I sighed deeply. The longer I waited to tell him, the harder it would eventually be. There was no point in beating around the bush.
“Ray left,” I stated. Oscar inhaled sharply, clicking his jaw as he turned his head away from me. I couldn’t bear to look up at him, so I sat in silence. Whatever he wanted to get off his chest, I would let him.
“Cesar’s gonna be crushed,” he sighed. He and I both knew that more than anyone. Even though he knew that our parents basically left us with no choice but to sacrifice our youth and dreams to support Cesar, he still yearned to have a relationship with them. If only he knew how painful it was.
“Hey,” I whispered, causing Oscar to finally look me in the eye. 
I could see his eyes glistening. Though his first concern was how Cesar would be affected, I could tell that he was just as impacted. We both let our guards down when Ray accepted the job at Dwayne’s business. We both secretly hoped he would stay this time.
“I’ll tell him,” I insisted. Oscar sat up, ready to disagree, but I spoke before he could say anything. “- he made you break the news to us the last time he left. I’m not gonna let you go through that again.”
My voice began to crack. Oscar furrowed his eyebrows in concern, but I had already made my mind up. 
“He’s gonna take it out on you,” Oscar said, in an attempt to get me to leave the burden with him, but I refused. I shook my head.
“Let him,” I replied shortly. 
Cesar was a wild card when it came to things like this. When Oscar delivered the bad news, Cesar would respond by either breaking down or shoving our brother. Sometimes he would even punch the nearest wall. When it was me, however, Cesar typically responded by saying awful things. Things he didn’t mean. Often he would accompany such words with a shove or two.
I knew that this was a big one, though. 
So I tried to prepare myself for anything. Maybe Cesar was gonna say something awful to me in retaliation. Maybe he was just gonna break down in tears. Maybe he was gonna react in an unprecedented way. Regardless, I was willing to take whatever. For Oscar and I, this was yet another time one of our parents let us down. For Cesar, this was the first time he got to develop a relationship with either one of them, and so the first time, he was gonna be disappointed so severely.
About an hour later, after Oscar and I finished our coffee and sat silently on the couch, Cesar came home from school. Noticing how quiet we were, he immediately figured out that something wasn’t right.
“What’s going on?” Cesar asked hesitantly, noting how Oscar and I were staring at him as he walked in with such intent and concern. He glanced down the hall before looking back at the two of us. “Where’s Ray?”
I had done so much crying; I was convinced that I had no more tears left. Yet, when Cesar spoke, I felt my eyes being glazed over again. I looked over at Oscar, who offered a nod of encouragement. 
“Cesar, c’mere... Ray left,” I explained painfully, not having enough courage to look at my little brother as I spoke.
“What?” Cesar was already beginning to shout, and I didn’t blame him. I inhaled sharply while looking up at the ceiling, trying to pull myself together so I could be there for him in whatever way he needed me to be. “He wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”
“He did.”
Cesar sighed, his eyebrows knitting as he processed the bad news. His eyes quickly darkened, and he immediately turned to Oscar. 
“What did you do?”
“He didn’t do anything,” I said before Oscar could chime in. I held my hand out and gently pushed Cesar back after he stepped towards our brother. “I was the last one he talked to, okay? I only just told Oscar before you got home.”
“Well, what did you say, then?”
“Cesar,” I sighed. I had little to no energy left, let alone enough to argue with my little brother. “He was never sticking around... He showed up with his duffel bag already packed.”
“What, you didn’t try to talk him out of it? You just let him go?”
“I’m not responsible for what he decides, Cesar.” My frustration grew exceedingly as I spoke. “He’s a grown man. I shouldn’t have to talk him out of abandoning his children... again.”
Cesar turned away, confirming to me that he knew I was right. I sighed, thinking the worst of our argument was over, but that’s when Cesar spoke again.
“I bet this makes you happy,” he muttered. “You and Oscar couldn’t wait to get rid of him.”
“Happy?... You think I’m happy?” I repeated, furrowing my brows as I stared down at my little brother. Of all the stupid things he’d said to me in his lifetime, this was an all-time low. “Are you fucking kidding me? Cesar, I’m your sister... but for most of your life, I’ve been your mom... If you’re gonna yell at someone, get on the next bus to Bakersfield and go yell at him. He’s the one who left. He’s the one who ruined our lives.”
“Ray didn’t ruin my life,” Cesar muttered quietly, shaking his head and laughing dryly, before looking up at me with a scowl. “You did.”
Oscar stood up and placed himself in between Cesar and me. He held his arms up in an attempt to get Cesar to back down but to no avail.
“Cesar, that’s enough,” he warned, facing our little brother, who shoved back every time Oscar tried to push him away. Cesar was adamant about getting the last word, but Oscar continued to try and keep him back. “Ces- Cesar, that’s enough.”
“No, you know what?”
Cesar fought free from Oscar’s grip and immediately finished what he started.
“Everything bad that’s happened to me is because of you,” Cesar spat, glaring at me with such passionate anger, I almost didn’t recognise my little brother. “Manuel’s gonna need all the luck he can get with a mother like you.”
My mouth slowly fell agape, and my breath hitched. I could hear Cesar breathe heavily from all the yelling. He glared at me, almost as if he knew how much he was hurting me, but he didn’t seem to care. He stormed out of the house before Oscar could begin scolding him for taking it too far. So instead, he watched my reaction intently, ready to console me if I needed to break down after what Cesar had just said. 
“Y/n, he didn’t mean that,” Oscar reasoned, taking note of the way my eyes glistened and how hard I was biting my bottom lip, something I only ever did to keep myself from crying. 
I nodded, even though I was finding it increasingly difficult to believe. Everything I had suspected of myself. All of the fears I had about being an actual mother for the first time. Cesar’s words were making me confirm it. 
I grabbed my bag off the floor and began heading for the door, despite Oscar’s attempts at calling out to me. I had to leave. I couldn’t face either one of my brothers. And, at that point, I couldn’t even face my son. I began driving around the block before finding an empty parking lot to stop at. There, I sat in silence for a few hours, trying to process everything that had happened since the morning.
I had been sitting in the parking lot for a few tens of minutes. Most of that time, I spent sobbing. It felt like all of the responsibilities I had spent the past few weeks and months, and years of my life carrying toppled over and crushed me in the process.
The part that hurt the most was how much I tried to do my best. I tried to be the best mother to Manuel. I tried to be the best sister to Cesar. I tried to be the best partner to Mario. Yet, it seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I still wasn’t enough.
In the midst of my emotional breakdown, a loud tap sounded throughout my car. I looked and gasped when I saw Mario standing outside my door with a worried expression. In all honesty, it never crossed my mind that someone would care enough to come and find me.
After I unlocked the doors, he sat in the passenger’s seat. He watched me intently as I wiped my tears away and tried to compose myself.
“Oscar and Abuelita told me what happened,” he whispered before slowly reaching out his hand and taking hold of mine. We had somewhat reconciled the last time we fought, but there was still tension between us. I was grateful he was taking the first step towards fixing it- goodness knows I was not in a position to be able to. “... Please talk to me.”
At first, I couldn’t even bring myself to look at him. I felt an array of shame and embarrassment. Mario noticed this and responded by gently placing his hands on the sides of my face. He knew I loved it when he did that. I eventually looked up at him, and he just smiled as he waited patiently for me to speak.
“I-I,” I bowed my head for a moment to try and muster the energy to finish my sentence. Mario placed his hand on mine and gently squeezed it reassuringly. “I thought he was gonna stay this time... He kept asking to meet Manuel, and he got a job, and I... I thought it would be different this time.”
Mario nodded but remained silent. Before we began dating, we were childhood friends. He was there all the times my dad left before. He knew how much this was hurting me.
“And I’m so scared,” I cried, trying not to choke on my words. “I’m so scared I’m gonna fuck up my kids’ lives the way he has mine and my brothers’... I don’t wanna break Manuel.”
“Hey,” Mario whispered, taking hold of the side of my face and looking up at me with concern-filled eyes. “You’re not gonna break, Manuel... He and I are so lucky to have you.”
I sniffled as I turned away. I didn’t believe him, and Mario could tell. He sighed. I thought then that he would give up on trying to console me and leave, but instead, he continued to look at me, even as I turned away.
“Is that why you call me all the time?” He asked. I didn’t turn back to him, but I could tell from his tone that he was not agitated anymore. He was genuinely concerned. “- ‘cause you feel scared when you’re alone with Manuel?”
I dropped my head and remained silent, which Mario accurately interpreted as a yes. After a moment of silence, he reached for my hand again. This time, I turned to face him.
“I’m so sorry... for everything I said to you,” he whispered, tears brimming in his eyes. It had been a while since I had seen him so vulnerable, which was strange considering how emotional Mario was. “Ever since I started my job, I’ve just been really stressed... I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. That will never happen again.”
“I shouldn’t have annoyed you so much,” I muttered. I couldn’t help but feel guilty that Mario was apologising to me when he was obviously under a lot of pressure. “You work so hard for us, I shouldn’t be making things worse-”
“Baby, you don’t,” he responded. I began to smile through my tears because he was using a term of endearment for the first time in a while rather than just simply calling me by my name. “You don’t... I’m sorry I made you feel like you do... How about, from now on, you text me when you have a question about Manuel, or when you start to feel overwhelmed, or even when you just want to talk. I can’t promise I’ll always be able to talk, but I’ll respond to you as soon as I can.”
“Okay,” I whispered, smiling at him as I nodded. I felt so relieved that he understood what I was going through. Mario leaned close to me and kissed my temple softly before looking me in the eye, his hands finding their way back to the sides of my face. He could tell something was still on my mind.
“You’re nothing like him, Y/n,” he murmured. “He leaves when things get tough... you’ve always stayed... I mean, you’ve taken care of Cesar since he was born... Now you’re taking care of Manuel... and of me.”
I chuckled beneath my breath. When Manuel was first born, Mario joked about how well I took care of them two. I would have had it any other way.
“There’s no one else I’d rather being doing this with,” he said before kissing me softly. I smiled against his lips, and my eyes remained close for a moment even after he pulled away. “Manuel and I are so lucky to have you, Y/n... I love you so much.”
“I’m lucky to have you,” I murmured as I brought my hand up to his jaw, drawing circles on the side of his cheek with my thumb. He smiled, leaning forward and pressing his nose against mine. “I love you.”
It was as if he came at the right time. Just when things began to topple over me, Mario was right there, ready to bear my burdens with me. For the first time in a long time, I felt a wave of peace and calmness wash over me. I knew I had a lot of work to do. I knew Cesar, and I were still on bad terms. But I also knew that so long as I had Mario with me, I would be okay. I would survive whatever other obstacles life threw my way, and it would all be worth it for my son.
He and Mario were more than enough for me.
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
Being Best Friends with Klaus Hargreeves Would Include...
Anonymous said: Hey, not sure if you've done anything similar to this before but could I request 'Being best friends with Klaus Hargreeves would include...' I love your blog, thank you! x
I’m baaaaaaack (at least for a bit!)! Enjoy and cut me some slack as it’s been a while since I’ve written fanfiction; especially TUA fanfic!
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It’s not entirely his own fault but Klaus is not the greatest influence.
So if you have a rather cautious personality, be prepared to do things far outside of your comfort zone.
If you’re more attuned to Klaus’ chaos, be prepared to get on the wildest ride of your life and probably definitely get into trouble.
If chaos is your thing you might become more cautious around Klaus! Who knows!
Either way you lean, you’re going to get used to the turbulence that comes with Klaus.
Perhaps that’s why you’re so close to begin with.
When he was younger, Klaus was rebellious to combat the structure of his Father’s schedules and training regimes.
Sadly, he could never really rebel enough to free himself entirely.
Aside from his brothers and sisters, Klaus didn’t have friends. 
So, when he met you, he dived in head first; all the good, bad, and the ugly.
It was after what Klaus remembers/believes was his first big bender when he found himself in a coffee shop, studying the menu with glossy eyes. 
It was one of your first jobs, working as a barista/baker. 
Klaus was wearing a long, faux fur line jacket, a pink crop top, and jorts (jean shorts). 
Because of his piece-meal outfit, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
That and he was holding up the line as he debated what he had the munchies for. 
“What would you get…”
“What?” You raised your brows at him, surprised he finally spoke up.
“What would you get if you had stayed up for three days straight, wine tasti-wine hoarding really, and raving in the best clubs of the city?”
“An aspirin and a chai latte probably.”
“Ah! Yes! A chai latte sounds ammaazing right now. Maybe a cookie too.”
“It’s like you can read my mind! Wait, can you? At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
After he got his cookie and his chai latte, the strangely dressed man made himself comfortable in the coffee shop.
After a few hours, Klaus was what your manager considered loitering.
Hell, after the last few hours of your shift and Klaus still lingered, your manager offered to walk you to your car.
“I think he’s just…”
You looked over and saw him, Klaus, idly twirling a pair of sunglasses between his fingers.
“...he’s just lost.”
When you had gathered your things and cleaned up after your shift, you wandered over to where he sat.
It took a moment before he took notice of you but when he did, he stood up quickly.
“Hey you,” he said in a rushed breath (somehow it still sounded flirtatious). 
“Hey, uh, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh! What a lovely name!”
He extended his hand to you and you finally saw the tattoos on his palm.
“I’m Klaus, my dear. Care for an adventure?”
That first ‘adventure’ was one that you would remember forever.
Klaus took you to his favorite second-hand shop and you thrifted horrendous articles of clothing.
You still have an incredibly chunky, cable-knit sweater from that day; when you miss Klaus, you wear it.
Klaus bought two wigs, decent wigs, with what money he had.
Outside, Klaus turned to you and grinned.
“Put this on, will you?”
“Pink isn’t re-”
He was already tugging the wig over your head.
“Pink is so your color, trust me,” he gestured to himself, “I know style.”
When he donned the other, curly haired, wig, Klaus led you to an array of establishments with less than welcoming atmospheres where you ‘borrowed’ some merchandise.
Klaus has not mercy for racist or homophobic stores/companies and ‘borrows’ from them often. 
Klaus nearly got caught, he lost his wig in the fray.
You had never felt more alive.
You had never smiled wider.
It was thrilling; he was thrilling. 
But he wasn’t thrilling all the time. 
After that day, you and Klaus were attached to the hip and you learned there were other parts to him outside of the bubbling, endearing chaos.
His addictions became startlingly apparent.
During his many sleep overs, he would search through your cabinets, your fridge, any other place he could think of, for booze.
“Yes, dear?”
“Whatcha doing?”
“Hunting for our dinner, what’s it look like.”
You set a limit on the number of drink he was allowed to have when he stayed over at your place (which was quite often). 
You didn’t want him to suffer but you didn’t want him black-out drunk, or high either.
Overall, you tried to rein in his drug use; for his own sake. 
When he isn’t wasted, Klaus tries to keep himself busy in other ways.
This meant a lot more ‘adventures’ for the two of you. 
Small trips to cultural grocery stores to try different foods
Thrift shopping; because Klaus is always looking to add to this wardrobe. 
You draw the line at dumpster diving.
“You’re missing out, Y/N! When I lived in LA for a week, this is how I survived.”
“You lived in LA?”
“For a time. Lots of bikinis...roller skates too.”
Other times you and Klaus would just walk around the city talking.
The two of you would create fantasy lives for the people you passed by, giving them wild powers like Klaus and his siblings.
Sometimes you would listen to Klaus talk about his siblings.
Your favorite stories to listen to were about Ben.
“After that, pigeons never seemed to land on the roof. Too scared I think. Ben and I did too good of a job.”
“Sounds like he was an amazing guy.”
“Yeah, he was. He likes y- I, he would have liked you.”
You tell him about your family, about your own struggles.
Through this sharing, this walks and talks, you both grow closer.
These winding walks often end at Griddy’s diner. 
“Slap me on the ass and call me Bessy, I forgot how good strawberry donuts are!”
When you return back home, your place, but Klaus calls it home, you settle in.
Klaus will braid his hair, offer to try to braid yours.
“Please, it keeps me busy.”
“What would you do without me?”
“Die of boredom, or just die, probably.”
If you both have a night cap drink before bed, you guys might dance.
Klaus tries to teach you a few moves before giving up.
“Just feel the music, my dear, feel it.”
Eventually, you both collapse and cuddle for a bit.
Klaus is a big fan of platonic cuddling so prepare for that.
Movie nights!
Due to his ‘training’ and his powers, Klaus tends to stay away from horror films so get ready for rom-coms and cheesy action movies.
“Have you ever wanted to do that?”
Klaus has a habit of asking questions during the movie; none of which are crucial to the plot of said movie.
“If we got a boat, would you do the whole ‘I’m king of the world’ bit?”
“I mean, why wouldn’t I do it?”
“My thoughts exactly.”
There are nights when you can hear him whimpering from the couch where he sleeps.
Those nights, you creep out of your room and wake him up.
“Bad dream?”
Klaus never responds to the question, ever.
Instead, he curls up next to your and you play with his hair until he falls asleep again. 
The next morning, over coffee, you try to get him to talk about it.
Sometimes he does, other times he distracts from the topic.
Either way, you hug him.
“I’m here for you, Klaus.”
“I’m here for you too. Otherwise, I’m homeless.”
He is always trying to set you up with people.
You’ll be working at the coffee shop and he’ll come up and pretend to buy something just to tell you: “table in the far corner. They’ve been glancing your way a lot.”
“Klaus….they’re waiting for their order.”
“Oh. Well, you never know.”
That always leaves you smiling.
It’s hard not to be happy with Klaus as your best friend.
Even when he’s down or you’re down, the two of you together seem to lift one another up.
Being Klaus’ friend means having fun and feeling, feeling so much.
You feel his past pain, his struggle, his grief, in the same turn you feel his joy, his wonder, and his spark for good.
And in that, you inspire each other to do and be better.
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Alec and his Cinderella
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Word Count: 4,406 Alec x reader Part Four Warnings: Alec is aged up. Fluff, Jealousy
“How’d the date go?” Demetri asked once Alec got back “It went well. Managed to eat a steak and fries although I do need to deal with it real quick” Alec said walking into the bathroom “The things you do for love” Demetri said smiling “I much preferred the movie part of our date, watching a romantic comedy whilst holding her soft warm hand…” Alec trailed off as he thought about her “Glad you had fun kid” “Demetri, I think Jake’s broke the treaty. I mean Y/N knows that Ness and I aren’t related and she didn’t seem shocked or surprised the first time I held her hand on the ice-rink, almost as if she expected my hand to be cold” “How much do you think Jake has told her? It could be a problem Alec” Demetri replied sounding a little concerned. “How can I find out without breaking the treaty myself or our own laws?” “Ask her to elaborate on what she has already told you; ask her what Jake has actually told her. If any of what she knows isn’t quite correct, tell her the truth…fill in the gaps but make sure you tell her how important it is that she keeps our secret Alec. I really don’t want to have to come back and deal with the problem, not when it involves your mate” “I know Demetri and thank you. You’ve been really supportive the past few weeks” “Anytime, we’re family after all” Demetri replied.
The following day Alec went to the reservation to see Y/N. “Hi Y/N how are you?” “I’m ok you?” She replied “I’m ok too. I was hoping we could talk…about what Jake may or may not have told you” “I wondered when you were going to ask me about that stuff Alec” She sat down on the grass and patted the space next her; Alec sat beside her and waited for her to talk “Jake told me Ness and you weren’t twins; that you’re pretending because Ness wanted to go to High School and didn’t want her family to go with her but that you had offered and agreed to be twins” She began “Why would he tell you that?” Alec asked “Ness only wants to be friends with him, nothing more as you are probably aware and well he was getting jealous of the time you two were spending together and when I mentioned that as twins you probably have a close bond and enjoy hanging out together he started laughing. That’s when he explained that you two weren’t related and that you were…erm…” “I was what Y/N?” “Well…er...Jake said you were…a vampire and that you were part of the Volturi. Not that he explained what that was” She answered him “He said that I wasn’t supposed to know so I had to keep it a secret otherwise…you’d kill me. Once Demetri arrived and Jake saw how close he and Ness were getting…that didn’t go down well either and after Sam introduced us, well he kinda lost it. He started telling me that you and your ‘family’ were no good, dangerous and that you survive on…humans”
Y/N was no longer looking at Alec so she missed the anger that flashed through his eyes; he lifted her head and turned it so she was looking at him “You are my mate Y/N and I have waited many many centuries to meet you, to be with you. I would never harm you, I-I couldn’t…because harming you would be like harming myself. Vampires only get one mate and if we lose them then we remain heartbroken and alone for eternity. You are and always will be safe with me and my family. I promise” He said hoping she believed him, trusted him “I-I believe you…but I’m human Alec…I’m not supposed to know…about you and your world” “Y/N that’s true but as my mate you are allowed to know as long as you promise to keep our secret. My ‘family’ rule the vampire world and I am one the four elite guards; the others being Demetri, Felix and my actual twin sister Jane. If you tell anyone about my world you put not only yourself at risk but us too” “I promise to keep your secret Alec, always” She kissed his cheek and he wrapped his arms around her holding her close.
Alec bought Y/N a silver heart shaped pendant with a small ruby in the centre for Christmas “Do you think she’ll like it?” He asked showing it to Demetri “She’ll love it because it’s from you” He answered smiling. Y/N came over Christmas morning and exchanged presents with Alec, Demetri and the Cullens. “Happy Christmas Cinderella” Demetri greeted her smiling “Happy Christmas Demetri, are you ever going to call me Y/N?” She greeted back “Nope. You will always be Cinderella to me cara” He smiled handing her a small gift “This is for you” Y/N opened the gift to find it was a silver and pink shoe key chain, she chuckled “Thank you Demetri, I love it” Alec gave her his gift next and she became teary “Oh Alec it’s beautiful, thank you so much” She pressed her warm lips against his cold ones. Y/N handed Alec his gift which was a first edition copy of Alice in Wonderland as she knew it was his favourite Disney movie “Thank you so much” He kissed her lips.
Alec bought Ness a silver ‘sister’ necklace and Ness bought him a ‘brother’ one in return “Aww…that’s so cute, they co-ordinated” Emmett said laughing. Demetri gave Ness a pair of brown Jimmy Choo boots with a beige fur trim “I saw you looking at them through the window when we shopping the other week” “They’re great. Thank you Demi” Ness smiled and gave him a hug “You’re welcome little one” He hugged her back “They’re really expensive boots” Y/N whispered to Alec who just smiled and nodded “Here Dem, open mine” Ness said smiling; she had gotten him a pair black leather gloves and a copy of The Orient Express “I remember you saying Felix borrowed your copy and that it got ruined during a prank war between him and Afton” Thank you Ness, that’s very thoughtful of you” He gave her a hug. Esme opened her gift from Alec and it was a silver photo frame with the word ‘Mom’ on it “Thank you Alec” Esme said getting a little emotional as she pulled him into a hug. Esme had bought Alec a new jacket and a leather band with the Cullen crest, that matched Emmett, Jasper and Edwards “Thanks mom” He said hugging her back.
After watching a Christmas movie together Y/N went home to spend the day with her family and the Cullens, Demetri and Ness went on a hunting trip together.
Demetri returned to Volterra alone, Alec staying in Forks and seeing out the school year and using the time to get to know Y/N better. Demetri was back in the castle a week before he started to miss the calm environment that was the Cullen house; at least it was calm as long as Jake wasn’t around. “What you thinking about?” Jane asked curiously as they sat together in the quiet atmosphere of her room “I’m just thinking how I kinda miss the calm environment of the Cullen house” Jane raised an eyebrow at him “I mean there’s no Afton around being a dick all the time and no incompetent secretary to get rid of when the Aro gets fed up of her” He continued “When you put it like that, I can see the appeal…kind of” She replied. “How’s Alec getting on?” She asked “Good, he and Ness get on well; they’re pretending they’re twins and are quite convincing…” “Hmm” Jane huffed “Don’t worry Jane, he misses you a lot but he cares for her too. Your brother has met his mate and after I helped track Cinderella down they are now getting to know one other” “So that’s why you went Forks after he called you?” “Yes and be nice if / when he brings her here, Cinderella is a lovely girl” He continued “I will as long as she makes him happy. I still can’t believe you call her Cinderella and not by her name” Jane replied “It’s more fun this way and she likes it” He chuckled.
Alec found time flies when you’re having fun and going on dates, so much so that summer break had arrived and Alec was preparing to go back to the castle for a visit; Y/N was sitting on his bed reading “Y/N would you like to come back with me to Volterra and see the castle that I live in and meet my sister Jane. Aro, Caius and Marcus have given their blessing for the visit and have promised you can leave with me, still human at the end of our two week stay, although the invitation is there to stay a whole month, if you want?” He asked hope shining his golden eyes. “I’d love to! I’ve always wanted to visit Italy. I’m also excited to meet Jane as you’ve told me so much about her. It’ll also be nice to see Demetri again” Y/N said smiling and Alec wrapped his arms around her holding her close “Thank you my love. Although you need to know that Aro has asked we return together next summer following our graduation as he would like to set a timeline in place for you to be turned” “You mean…you want me…you want to spend forever with me?” Y/N asked low “Of course I do my love, you are everything to me now and I couldn’t imagine living a day without you in my life, without you by my side” Y/N felt tears building behind her eyes “Oh Alec. I love you so much” She hugged him closer “I’d love to spend forever with you” She whispered in his ear “I love you too and I’m looking forward to spending forever with you too, my love”
Alec asked if he could take Ness to Volterra too as he knew that she wanted to go to Volterra to see the castle that he and Demetri had spoken so fondly of and to see the tracker himself. She also wanted to meet Jane whilst she was there as she was Alec’s actual twin sister and Alec had told her so much about Jane and their lives. Edward and Bella agreed as it would put some distance between her and Jake and that she would be safe with Alec and Demetri. “The kings won’t hurt her either, in fact they’re excited to see her again and to see how she’s turned out” Alec told them.
Alec, Y/N and Ness arrive in the throne room “Ah Alec my dear boy, I’m so glad to see you after all this time and you have bought your beautiful mate with you” Y/N blushed at Aro’s comment. “Yes master, I wanted to show Y/N my home and introduce her to my family, her new family” “Yes of course, especially after our dear Demetri helped you find your Cinderella” Aro added “Yes and I’m grateful for his help” Alec responded. “It is very nice to meet you Y/N. Welcome to our home and we hope you enjoy your stay with us” Caius says standing from this throne “I would like to learn more about your ability to ‘hide’ from the world’s best tracker” He said smiling at her “Ahh… yes of course. Our little Y/N is gifted and I am so looking forward to seeing that gift develop once you are immortal” Aro added smiling “Thank you for letting me stay in the castle, it really is an honour” Y/N replied smiling at the three kings “I like her already and their bond is very strong too” Marcus smiled.
Aro was very pleased to hear Ness wanted to visit his home and welcomed her with open arms. He was curious to see how she had turned out now she was all grown up and wanted to see if she ever thought about joining their family. He asked Ness if he could see some of her memories from the last several years and she happily obliged. Aro saw many memories including the one when she told Jake that she would only ever see him as friend, nothing more. Aro also found that Ness had thought about what life would like at the castle with her new friends but hadn’t decided on a long term stay, just a visit for now. This pleased him somewhat, as it meant there was hope for the future.
Alec, Y/N and Ness bid the kings a good day and left the throne room and started to make their way to Alec’s room when they saw Demetri walking towards them “Demetri” Ness called out smiling and ran and jumped into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist “Hello Ness. Missed me?” He chuckled “Yes actually. Have you missed me?” She replied “Maybe… just a little” He winked at her playfully; she smiled at him “I’ve come to stay for two weeks along with Alec and Y/N” She says pointing over her shoulder; Alec and Y/N wave at him “I was hoping to get a tour of the castle whilst I’m here” She said still smiling “Oh, I’m sure I can show you around” He replied “I’d like to meet Jane too whilst I’m here” “I think I’ll leave that one to Alec” He replied and put Ness down so she was now standing beside him and watched as Jane approached Alec and Y/N; first introductions seemed to go well.
Alec left Y/N and Ness with Jane in her room to get to know one another whilst he caught up with Demetri and Felix; he hoped having Ness around would help Y/N feel more comfortable around Jane. A few hours later the he and Demetri went to Jane’s room to find the three girls curled up on Jane’s bed asleep; well Jane wasn’t asleep but her eyes were closed and Ness’ hand was on her cheek which meant she was sharing her dreams with Jane and she felt truly at ease for the first time in centuries. “My three favourite girls in all the world together under one roof, who would have thought it?” Alec mused to himself quietly “You’re very welcome Alec” Demetri replied low and Alec smiled at him “Yes, thank you Demetri. I am truly grateful for your help in finding Y/N. I don’t know how I can ever repay you” “I was happy to help. Just…look after her. She was difficult enough to find the first time” He chuckled low.
Alec walked over to the bed and leant down to place a kiss to Y/N’s hair “Goodnight my love, sweet dreams” He whispered low to her “I love you Alec” She whispered barely audible “I love you too” Alec took Y/N back to his room for the night and promised Jane he would catch up with her tomorrow.
“Demetri where is Ness staying during her visit?” Jane asked “According to Alec, my room. He didn’t want her staying in one of the guest rooms just in case” He answered “Oh ok” Jane’s voice held an emotion that Demetri rarely heard from her “She can stay with you tonight, if you’d like” He said low “You can stay too Dem, I’d like the company” He nodded, removed his shoes and jacket and climbed on the bed careful to not wake Ness “She’s showing you her dreams right?” “Yes, how did you…” “I recognise the look on your face and Ness showed me her dreams a few times whilst I was in Forks” He replied “She’s so…so…” “Fascinating” He finished for her “Yes Dem she is” Jane smiled at him.
The following morning Alec was preparing Y/N to meet Felix “He’s really tall and looks intimidating but he’s a real softy. Just don’t tell him I said so, he has a rep to maintain” Y/N nodded. Alec and Y/N entered the garden to find Jane and Felix sitting in front of the fountain “Ahh Cinderella and her prince have arrived” Felix greeted teasingly bowing his head at them “Has Demetri told everyone how we met?” “Yes my love” Alec replied kissing her temple “So has Alec showed you his gift yet little human?” Felix asked “No but he has told me about it and Jane’s. I must admit I’m curious to see them in action” Jane smiles and wastes no time turning to Felix and says “Pain” He double overs and falls to the floor a look of pain clearly showing on his face “Wow! That’s amazing and terrifying at the same time” Y/N says and Jane smiles at her breaking her connection to Felix. Next Y/N notices a grey mist leave Alec’s fingers and make its way towards Felix “Really Alec blinding me? After what your sister just did…not cool” Felix says rather loudly “Why’s he so loud all of a sudden?” Y/N asked “I’ve taken away his eyesight and his hearing” Alec replied “So cool” Y/N replied “Hey guys are you still here? I can’t hear anything” Felix shouts.
“Ahh showing off your gift Alec” Demetri says as he and Ness walk over to join the group “Yep Y/N wanted to see mine and Jane’s gifts so Felix is the Guinea Pig” Alec replies “Y/N thought my gift was amazing and terrifying” Jane adds smiling “Any excuse really to ‘torture’ Felix” They all nod and the Alec retracts the mist and Felix’s sight and hearing return “Well hello little hybrid, how you doing?” Felix winks at her playfully “Is he being serious? I can’t tell” Ness asks looking Demetri “Possibly so” He replies “I’m not interested” Ness replies looking at Felix; the others trying not to laugh “That’s a bit harsh I was only asking how you are” “I’m well thank you. You?” Ness replied “I’m well too. Sooo I hear you’re on the market…for a mate” Felix smiles, winking at her again “I’m single…” He adds “No kidding” Ness replies and moves closer to Demetri “Don’t worry Ness. You’re safe with me, Dem and Alec” Jane says smiling at her “I’m not going to hurt her Jane. I was just letting her know I’m available…and I can show her a good time” He winks at Ness again “Felix behave” Demetri warns “She isn’t here for your amusement” Ness slips her hand into Demetri’s “Alright D, I was only joking with little hybrid” Felix replies holding his hands up in mock surrender.
Later that night Alec takes Y/N on a tour of the city showing her the sights that Volterra had to offer “It’s a quiet city Y/N with a few shops, cafes and restaurants but it’s only a 30 minute drive from Tuscany where there’s a huge shopping mall” “Sounds nice Alec. I take it you don’t hunt in such a small city?” Y/N asked quietly “It’s forbidden to hunt in Volterra. Heidi arranges ‘tours’ which mainly consist of people that wouldn’t be missed. If we are away on missions then we hunt the old fashioned way” Alec replied “Good to know what I’m in for” She said quietly as they made their way back to the castle.
“Alec. Alec you in here?” Jane calls out trying to find her brother; she then makes her way to Demetri’s room “Hi Dem have you seen Alec?” “Not since this afternoon. I can tell you where he is, if you’d like?” He offered “Yes please” She replies “Alec is currently outside walking around the city and I’m guessing Y/N is with him” Demetri tells her “Hmm! Stupid little human. He’s my brother” Jane growled and huffed as she sat down on the armchair “Would you like to watch a movie with Dem and I?” Ness asked “As long as three isn’t a crowd, wouldn’t want to be in the way” Jane’s voice had a sadness about it, maybe even a hint of bitterness “You won’t be in the way Jane” Demetri reassured her “Thank you, I’d like the company” Once Ness fell asleep Demetri picked her up and put in his bed “Goodnight little one” He smiled looking at down at her.
“You get on well with her don’t you?” Jane asked curious “Yes I do, how can you not? She’s so easy to get along with, not to mention she’s a caring person. I mean she really does care for your brother, why do you think she came here with him? She wanted to meet you, his ‘other’ sister” Demetri replied “You’re right she is easy to get along with and yes she cares for Alec but you’re wrong about her reason for coming to visit” Demetri looked her, an eyebrow raised “Oh come on Dem, how have you not noticed? She likes you” “I know Jane, I like her too. We’re friends” “No Dem you misunderstand me, she likes you. It’s so obvious” Demetri looks over to Ness asleep in his bed, a small smile on his face and turned back to Jane “She sought your protection from Felix earlier when he tried flirting with her / hitting on her. And don’t think I didn’t see the way she greeted you when she arrived” Jane winked at him “Also she stays close to you, she feels safe with you. And if you’re honest with yourself, I think you like her too” Demetri had to admit he had become rather fond of Ness, but never thought too much into it “Oh and by the way…she dreamed of you last night, being here in the castle with you” Jane smiled at him ‘Having Ness around on a more permanent basis wouldn’t be a bad thing’ he thought to himself thinking how he had missed her the past few months.
“Anyway enough about Ness and I. What’s going on with you, Alec and Y/N?” “Alec is leaving me out, choosing her over me. I’m his sister, I’ve been with him for centuries and now…it’s like I don’t exist” She replied, venom coating her eyes; Demetri got up and sat beside her wrapping his arm around her “Don’t think like that. Alec loves you…it’s just he’s met his mate and loves her too; he is able to love you both. There’s no need to be jealous of Y/N” Demetri said low “Jealous?-Ha. I’m not jealous” She responds and he gives her a pointed look “Ok, maybe I’m a little jealous. I haven’t seen him in a year, would it kill him to spend some time with me. I mean he’s probably seen her every day since you found her” She replied “I’m sorry sister, I didn’t realise I’d made you feel that way. I’ve missed you truly” Alec said entering the room “Where’s the human?” Jane asked “Y/N is sleeping in my room. If you’re free we can catch up whilst she sleeps?” He asks holding out his hand to her “I’d like that” Jane says placing her hand in Alec’s. They spend the night talking and catching up “For what is it worth brother, I like Y/N. I’ll help you ensure she stays safe during her stay” “Thank you sister. That means a lot” He replied and wrapped his arms around her giving her a long overdue hug “Although I’m not sure about your golden eyes brother” She whispered.
The following morning Alec, Y/N and Jane made their way to Demetri’s room to find him and Ness watching a movie “Only us” Jane called out as they entered his room “Morning all” Demetri greeted them cheerfully “I’m curious about something…about Y/N actually” Jane said looking at Demetri “Ok, what’s up?” “Well, you said you struggled to find her. You could track her to a location but couldn’t actually pin point her exact location as you normally do…and I was curious why?” She continued “Me too Jane. I mean I tracked her to Port Angeles but every time I thought I found her…she’d disappear” Demetri replied “Y/N having no scent didn’t help either” Ness added “So she’s like a shield?” Alec asked “I think so, but it works differently to Bella’s. I think Cinderella’s gift is more of an evasive gift…” “What does that mean?” Y/N asked cutting him off “It means if you don’t want to be found, you won’t be…not even by me and I’m the world’s best tracker” “Well it’s a good thing we’re family now then Demetri” Y/N smiled “Yes it is, but once you’re immortal I want to you to practice using your gift so you can control it and I want you to allow me…and only me to find you” “Deal” She replied smiling.
A few days later Y/N and Ness were in the kitchen baking when Jane entered “Would you like to help us decorate the cupcakes?” Y/N asked Jane smiling “I’d like that, thank you, although I have no idea what to do” “That’s ok Jane, I’ll show you” Y/N said as she down at the table, Jane sitting beside her. A little while later Alec, Demetri and Felix entered the kitchen to see the three of them decorating cupcakes “Thank you Y/N for teaching me how to decorate the cakes” “You’re welcome. You can help me with my gift once Alec changes me I’ll need to practice and hone my gift” “I’d be honoured Y/N and I know just the vampire to practice with” Jane said looking at Felix “Of course it would be me” He said “Well it’s not going to me now is it? I mean I helped bring Alec and Cinderella together and anyway I need to work with her...I need to work around her gift in order to track her” Demetri added smiling “You know what Dem, you are the only one who can call me that apart from Alec” Y/N said smiling. “I’m glad Alec agreed to come to High School with me  as it meant he got to find you…and I got to know these guys better too” Ness said smiling holding Demetri’s hand “Likewise little one” Demetri replied.
Alec was looking forward to spending forever with Y/N all the more now that he knew that she got along so well with his family because it meant she’d always be safe; no matter what.
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werewolfsquadron · 4 years
Hey! You’re my fav rdr fanfic writer. Got any recs now that I’ve worked my way through everything you’ve written! Thanks!
oh gosh, yeah do I have fic recs (and thank you for your kind words about my fics)! Fics are in the order they are in my bookmarks, so they’re pretty much in reverse chronological order. I’ve tagged those authors whom I know are on tumblr, but I’m sure there are others that are here that I just don’t know about. 
Blackwater - gaslight (@gaslightwestern on tumblr): Noir AU, ongoing but almost finished. Arthur is a private detective, John is a bar owner during prohibition that hires Arthur to look into a murder. Does a super impressive job of capturing the noir tone in writing while not being cheesy about it. Lots of intrigue, mystery, and also Arthur and John being lovable dumbasses. John manages to be a homme fatale while also being his normal impulsive, dumbass self. 
Hard times come again no more - dilangley: Arthur survives the end of RDR2, and encounters John again while John is in Mexico during the events of RDR1. Complete. Really unique for Morston in that it takes place when both characters are older, and really well done. You get to watch Arthur and John build a life together, and survive what would normally be the end of their stories. The epilogue made me cry.  
I’m a Rover - anotherbird (@the-other-bird on tumblr): I’m a sucker for a post Blessed Are the Peacemakers fics and this is no different. After being suck in camp healing, Arthur decides to go for a ride and John refuses to let him go alone. Oneshot, so complete. Lots of feelings, and Arthur and John being unable to communicate them to each other because they have no emotional literacy. It’s wonderful. 
Hell Be Comin’ Round That Mountain - moonoverwings: There’s a frustrating lack of trans Arthur content in general, but especially with Morston, and this is one of the few, if not the only, fics I’ve found that just nails it. It’s ongoing and hasn’t been updated in a bit, so could be abandoned, but what’s there is great and still worth reading. Characters are well written with great characterization, and they really nail the “idiots in love” trope with these two. 
Golden day blues - Yuu_chi: Reincarnation AU where John tracks Arthur down after they’ve both been reincarnated into the modern day. Complete. Lots of complicated feelings and struggling with being alive, and the boys fistfight and fuck to deal with it. It’s good. 
Nothin’ - helvel: helvel’s got a bunch of great fics, but this is one of my favs. Modern AU where the boys are resting out in a shitty motel room after Blackwater, and things progress from there. Oneshot, so complete. It’s the unsaid and implied emotions, both good and bad, that really make this one for me. 
All of Them Wolves - thegoodreverend: AU where Arthur got out of the life earlier, and is living a peaceful life as a trapper up until John shows up in his house. Complete. Not only is this fic emotion heavy and full of the good feelings, but it’s got some excellent banter and John and Arthur feel in character throughout, even though they haven’t met each other before in this AU. This fic is definitely one of my favs. 
Lost Country - iridan: A coffee shop AU with a twist. Finished relatively recently. Characters are all so well written, and it doesn’t shy away from the darker or heavier parts of their characters. Arthur is a bartender/reluctant barista at Dutch’s bar/coffee shop, and Charles is a long haul trucker that’s started getting coffee there in the mornings. Arthur owns a small ranch and has a collection of rescue horses, and it’s wonderful. 
Come and Lay by My Side - boldlygoingnowherefast: When things start going downhill, Charles convinces Arthur to leave the gang with him just before the bank robbery. Complete. Some wonderful Charthur moments, but also looks into why leaving the gang would be so damn hard for Arthur. 
Up Strawberry Way - grantaire_dont_care: Charles and Arthur go on a hunting trip that doesn’t go as planned when they get discovered by O’Driscolls. Complete. I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort, and this has that in spades. Plus some great Charthur moments, especially in terms of having someone who actually cares about Arthur being there when he’s hurt. 
Out of the Dark - sky_daybreak (@shady-tavern on tumblr): A time travel fix-it where Arthur gets a chance to start over and try and fix the events of the game (and, y’know, get together with Charles). Complete. Not only does it have so many wonderful moments and heart-to-hearts, but also doesn’t try to pretend that everything can be fix. Some things still go wrong, but there’s happier endings for a vast number of characters, and Arthur gets to see much of his family safe on a ranch together. 
Dust and Devils (On My Conscience) - catwrites: An AU where Charles is a werewolf. Oneshot. I’m a sucker for the supernatural, of course, so this is one of my favs. Charles is keeping his werewolf status a secret, but Arthur finds out early in the fic, and that influences and colors what’s to come. 
Scars Are For the Living - alliancedogtags: AU where Arthur is shot in the final mission instead, and Charles comes back for him. Complete. Found this originally when I had just beaten the game and was looking for AUs similar to what I already had in my head for BALTWIO, just to see if someone had already done it. Arthur isn’t shot by Dutch in this one, but he does get brought to Charlotte’s place. Lots of sweet moments and that good hurt/comfort, and Charles and Arthur get to live a happy life together, which is the important thing.
gen or other ships:
Blessed Are the Hearts that Bend (They Shall Not Be Broken) - Disishistory: During Blessed Are the Peacemakers, Hosea goes after Arthur when he doesn’t show up after the meeting with Colm, and Micah tags along, which goes about as well as you might expect. Complete. Plenty of tension and hurt, but also has those comfort elements and found family feelings.
Soldier, Poet, King - nerdytf84fan: A long fic that looks at the early years of the gang, from just after Dutch picks up Arthur to, more recently, John’s introduction to the gang and Arthur’s breakup with Mary. Ongoing, but has been pretty steady in terms of updates. As with every fic on this list, the characters are well written and feel like themselves. Also full of found family feelings. 
Quest for Arcadia - nerdyft84fan: An Arthur/Albert Mason modern AU fic, where Albert visits Alaska for a photography project and ends up meeting Arthur, who has recently gotten out of prison after taking the fall for one of the gang’s crimes. Complete, and has a second fic full of (relatively) low stakes stories about the epilogue of the fic. Full of both really sweet moments and really heartbreaking moments. Albert still, even in a modern AU, finds himself getting into trouble with the Alaskan wilderness.
If Your Well is Empty - pipdepop (@pipdepop on tumblr): All of pipdepop’s fics are wonderful and definitely worth a read, but this and the second fic in the same series are some of my favorites. When Arthur’s hurting after Eliza and Isaac’s death, Hosea brings home a coonhound puppy to help ease the hurt. Complete, since it’s a oneshot. I’m a sucker for Copper fics, and this one is no different. Plenty of puppy shenanigans, but also some really heartbreaking moments that Copper helps resolve and turn towards healing. 
Nothing But A Note In A Symphony - pipdepop: A post Peacemakers fic, where we see each gang member’s thoughts throughout the worst of Arthur’s recovery. Complete. Really heartbreaking at moments, but ultimately really sweet, especially since it ends with a really nice Arthur & John moment, and has a follow up tag about Hosea and Arthur. 
Birdshot & Bone - magistrate: John and Arthur try to rob some O’Driscolls, and it does not go well. John breaks his leg, Arthur gets shot, and they get captured. Complete. I’m constantly in awe of magistrate’s characterization, and this has that plus all that wonderful hurt/comfort goodness. Plenty of John and Arthur arguing but ultimately caring about one another.
A Matter of Preservation - charlock221 (@charlock221 on tumblr): An Arthur/Albert Mason fic where Arthur agrees to be a bodyguard for Albert. Complete. Lots of wonderful Arthur and Albert moments, but also some tension as well. Includes hurt/comfort flavor later on in the fic. 
Brothers - gaslight: To borrow the fic’s summary, explores John growing up but from Arthur’s perspective. Complete. Really gets in deep with all those complicated emotions of the early years of the gang—from Dutch’s manipulation and Arthur’s feeling put to the side to the way Arthur and John absolutely would die for each other. Plus, there’s John being an absolute wild child which is always a fun ride, especially when you see how that carries into his adulthood. 
sorry about the wait! life has been ridiculous and I only now had time to go back through my bookmarks. I’m sure, too, that there are some fics out there that I’ve loved that I just forgot to bookmark, so don’t take this as an exhaustive list. and then, lastly, anyone should feel free to reblog this and add on their own recs—this list is just my taste, but I’m sure there are plenty of other wonderful fics that I either forgot to bookmark, never saw, or just didn’t check out in the first place because I wasn’t in the right headspace at the time. 
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stardustskz · 4 years
It Just Is
pairings: seungmin x reader
word count: 4.8k
warnings: mentions of anxiety, language, description loaded (i think?)
genre: fluff (?), angst
description: Han Jisung begged you to drive him to somewhere and you didn’t expect to see familiar faces that caused some of your ‘forbidden’ memories to resurface.
note: i don’t really know what this is but, it’ll be a waste to let it sit in my drafts forever. also, this may or may not have a second part
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There are missing items in your life that you have longed to look for. The ocean blue cardigan that you used to wear frequently during seventh grade, which you don’t quite remember if you have misplaced it around the house or your mom already donated it somewhere else. That one decorative pen that you loved to use for your writings whether you take notes during class or cram your Petrarchan sonnet that is due the next day. The Minnie mouse keyring that your grade school best friend gave you as a present when their family visited Singapore that you valued a lot until one day it wasn’t hanging by the zipper of your backpack anymore. These things that you lost in a fraction of time without even knowing that they’ll be gone from your sight for the entirety of your life, they once became your comfort. The warmth of your cardigan whenever you’re cold from the harsh morning breeze on your way to your school. The grasp of that certain pen when you scribble your notes in a hurry before the teacher moves to the next slide of her presentation. The familiarity of seeing that pink dotted ribbon hanging on your backpack, indicating that it’s yours. They all have been a fabric of your being, a part of you. Well, that is until you lose them.
You scanned through the piles of paper on your desk, trying to find your sharpener to finally finish the title block of your plate. You mumbled a few series of curses as you glanced at the clock. It was already 9:51 in the evening and this plate that you’re currently doing is due at midnight. Screw your stupid alarm clock for not waking you up when you swore that you have set it at 1:00pm. You hurriedly sharpened your pencil a second after you found it underneath your history book as you heard an obnoxious knock from the door. You chose to ignore it and moments after, you hear it open following your brother’s annoying voice,
“Y/n!! Your plate looks wonderful!” 
“What do you want, Jisung?” you groaned in annoyance as you already know that certain tone of his.
“Help me get to Hyunjin’s tonight” Jisung answered which made you turn around from your drafting to face him.
“It’s the third party this week, don’t you have any other stuff to do?” you asked him with a hint of concern, but your tone failed you as it sounded like your usual nagging.
“Well, first of all, we’re of the same age, you don’t have to scold me,” you glared at him for his a-matter-of-fact answer.
“Second, I’m not an architecture student like you.” He then stuck his tongue out in an attempt to annoy you even more. 
“Well first of all, Han Jisung, that was so fucking mature of you,” you retorted mocking his dramatic voice and turning your head again to your desk before continuing,
“Second, I won’t help you–” 
“Yeah? Then I’ll tell mom that you haven’t been doing the dishes for two nights now.” And that made you turn your gaze again to your brother who grinned as he successfully caught your attention, again.
“Screw you, we had a deal.” You told him as you faced your plate again, Han fucking Jisung can wait.
“Wait until I finish my plate then I’ll drive you there.” You heard Jisung celebrate in joy as he lied flat on your bed, patiently waiting for you to finish.
You see, even though you are twins and you practically share the same birthday, you grew up owning the title of being born a minute earlier than Jisung. This resulted in your parents seeing you as the more responsible one than your twin. It added up to the fact that you and Jisung are polar opposites when it came to your personalities. Let’s just say that he’s the more outgoing one and you’re more of the type to lock yourself up in your room all day. 
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“Is it a huge party?” you asked Jisung from the passenger seat of your mom’s beloved mini van that was now yours to drive around. 
“Not really, it’s just the inner circle this time” he said as you stopped for a red traffic light.
“I’ll just wait for you in the car then.” You answered him with a nod of understanding.
“No, that will be horrible y/n, why would you wait in the car? It’s cold.”
You looked at him meaningfully before turning your gaze at the road again as the traffic light already turned green. Jisung immediately got why you were stern on staying inside of the car instead of bonding with him and your circle of friends, well, some of them.
“What’s wrong with being with him in the same room? It’s not like you’ll be forced to talk to him.” He explained, his voice laced with concern and worry that you may be upset with him for having this conversation.
“I don’t know Jisung…” you mumbled as you turned to the right corner, finally entering the village where Hyunjin lives.
“You are good friends y/n” Jisung whispered, looking outside of the window as the car passed by the familiar set of houses that he remembers by heart.
“We were good friends, Jisung” you answered, already pulling up in front of Hwang's porch.
“Then what went wrong?”
What went wrong? That question rang in your head with the consistent wave of various emotions as you took notice of the person by the house’s entrance.
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Ever since you were a kid, you’ve always had this poor memory skills. This is the reason why you often misplace your things that leads to losing them. However, there’s this one kid that helped you with that problem. 
It was during your fourth grade in middle school when you first met him. It was that one particular day that went totally wrong as you fought with your brother early in the morning  because he’s being an annoying little prick and woke you up yelling your name, which you hated a lot by the way, and your day got even more sour when your teacher passed the module of mathematical problems and you seem to have lost your pen, seeing to it that it wasn’t inside your mustard yellow pencil case. You know that you’re screwed specially when 15 minutes into answering the module, you still have no pen to write and solve with. Because first, it may sound miserable, but you have no friends and second, your pride stood still, refusing to talk to Jisung even when you clearly needed help.
The moment that your teacher left your classroom, a boy with a raven hair, chubby cheeks and a cute mole by his left chubbier cheek approached you,
“Hey, you can use my spare one.” He said. And who are you to refuse the kind offer? So, you accepted it and muttered a whisper of thank you before your teacher came back.
By the time that all of your classes were finished, you decided to return the pen to the said boy. You slowly approached him even before your brother had reached you, earning a confused look from Jisung.
“Uh, hey thank you for earlier and uh… here’s your pen.” Your nine-year-old introverted ass managed to say out loud.
“Oh y/n! You’re welcome!” to say that you were shocked was an understatement. How did he know your name when you don’t even talk to anyone in class besides your brother? And you also felt shy, and a bit guilty because you clearly don’t know his name.
“I’m sorry but, I don’t know your name.” you shyly said, head hanging low and fingers fidgeting with the straps of your backpack. But then you looked up when you heard soft giggles coming from the boy.
“It’s Seungmin! And no worries y/n,” nine-year-old Seungmin said.
“By the way, I’m coming by your place later to play video games with Jisung. You can join us if you’d like!”
And this was the start of it. You and Seungmin became inseparable. Maybe it’s because seungmin helped you by letting you borrow his pen and his kindness touched one of the strings inside your heart or maybe it was how cute his chubby cheeks are with the left one a bit larger than the right or maybe it was how he included you in every conversations when you were hanging out with them by your house’s living room just to play left4dead with your brother’s ps3. But you’ve grown to be the best of friends from then on. 
Every Saturday, you would alternately visit each other’s house studying your Sciences and Maths with the sides of playing video games and watching classic cartoons. Seungmin also helped with you misplacing things often. He suggested writing on a memo pad every single thing you wanted to remember later on, every day, but only those that are important. Seungmin is also quite observative with his surroundings. For he would always know that the pen you’re looking for is located between the locks of your hair which is tied in a bun and the scrunchie that you’re trying to find was inside your now amber pencil case that you love carrying around. You were so close that even both of your parents even tagged you as the ones who seem like twins than you and Jisung. 
Ever since you were a kid you’ve always had this poor memory skill and you still wonder until now the reason how and why you can’t forget everything about a certain Kim Seungmin when he seems to have forgotten every inch of your existence.
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You heard a loud knock coming from the window of the passenger's seat which interrupted you from your short trip down to memory lane. You squint your eyes to recognize the person despite the dark and obsidian night clouding your vision. Recognizing it to be Hyunjin, you unlocked the car doors for him.
“Seungmin told me that he saw you here,” he started as he sat comfortably now by the passenger seat.
“and Jisung fell asleep in the middle of a movie” he continued. You sighed, expecting nothing much of your brother that shared the same trait as yours when it came to enduring long hours of sitting in front of a tv and just watching. 
“Can you help me bring him here?” You asked as you had an agreement with Jisung that you’ll both be home before sunrise. 
“Why don’t you stay the night y/n? I mean, not here. You can join us inside.” Hyunjin asked even though he already knew the answer.
“It’s my responsibility to bring him home, Hyunjin,” you said, immediately dismissing his suggestion.
“Besides, if mom and dad come home and we’re out of sight, then we’ll be dead as meat” Hyunjin scoffed at your reply making you question him in silence.
“Jisung already told me that your parents won’t be back for the next two days.” Oh. Well, shit.
“Come on, y/n, let’s get you inside. It’s cold out here.” All your hopes of going home with Jisung tonight was shattered as Hyunjin was already pulling you outside of your car, putting the sketchbook on your lap inside of your bag, which was lying in the backseat of your car, and dragging you towards their house.
“Y/n’s here!!” Hyunjin clearly made sure that everyone knew your presence inside the house. Your eyes immediately tried to find a sleeping figure of your brother by the cushion but he’s not there.
“Oh? y/n! I made your favorite snacks” and there he was, standing by the kitchen counter with a bowl of strawberries and melted chocolate in his hands. You glared at Hyunjin at this and the latter only apologetically looked at you and mouthed a ‘sorry’. Stuck in the situation, you only sighed as you took a seat in one of the couches as you heard how Hyunjin broke down to Jisung the details of how he managed to force your ass here. 
“Y/n! my little one!” a voice called out coming from the kitchen which you certainly recognize that belongs to Chan. He sat down beside you and immediately attacked you with one of his big and comfortable hugs. 
“I really missed you” he whispered in your ear before pulling away.
Felix announced that the movie is about to start which made everyone get back to their places. Jisung handed you your strawberries before he sat down with felix by the couch opposite to yours. You scanned your eyes to the people around you as you took notice of everyone in here. Chan who was now sitting by the carpet in front of the couch you were on. Changbin and Jeongin who were cuddled like babies by the longest couch, Felix, Hyunjin and Jisung who were now arguing in whispers of who will be able to cuddle Hyunjin’s Ryan plush. Minho, who just came back from the restroom and sat in front of Changbin and Jeongin. And—
Your thoughts were cut when a blanket was softly draped by your shoulders. You glanced behind you only to see the person you’re trying to avoid who was also looking at you,
“It’s… cold.” He said, deciding to turn away before you even return a ‘thank you’. You took the blanket in your hands and realized that it’s his own personal blanket. The one that he carried around whenever he would sleepover at your place before.
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The movie ended and it was no surprise that both you and Jisung had already fallen asleep. Well, more than half of you are already in a deep slumber. The only ones awake are Chan, Minho and Seungmin.
"Are we gonna let them sleep like that or….?" Minho asked as Chan already started cleaning up the place from empty snacks and cups.
"I think the boys can manage to sleep in here, just bring more pillows and blankets," Chan answered, his figure disappearing towards the kitchen.
"Oh! and bring y/n upstairs to Hyunjin's room!" Chan declared.
Seungmin only watched as Chan and Minho did their thing, elbow propped to the armchair of the single seated sofa he's in and eyes boring directly to you, seeping. Just as when Minho was about to carry you to Hyunjin's room as Chan instructed, Seungmin sat up straight from his slouching position.
"I'll take her," he said,
"... uh, upstairs." Minho only looked at him before heaving a sigh and letting Seungmin do it.
Seungmin then approached you, taking notice of how his blanket draped over your sleeping figure. He sighed heavily before placing his arms beneath your neck and knees, carrying you in the comfort of his arms. You shifted in your sleep and snuggled closer to Seungmin's neck unconsciously due to his warmth being in close proximity to your naturally cold body.
“Be careful” Minho instructed as Seungmin started to head for the stairs. 
Seungmin successfully laid you down the bed and carefully tucked you in beneath the sheets, attempting to take his blanket from you. But you tugged on it and cuddled with it more in your unconscious state. Seungmin chuckled at how adorable you looked and decided to just let you have it. It also reminded him of that one precious memory with you.
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"Seungmin, I'm really, really sorry. I thought that I placed it in here already." you said as you checked Seungmin’s duffle bag once more. You were so sure that you’ve included his blanket there, which he lent you the previous day. Your eyes started to water at the thought of misplacing Seungmin’s favorite blanket at the cabin, because you always lose things.
“Have you checked your bag?” Seungmin said as he opened your backpack that lies beside his. He scrambled through the pile of clothes inside and a minute later, he felt the familiar smoothness of the cotton of his blanket. He sighed in relief before bringing it out, showing it to you.
“Y/n, it’s in here” he chuckled as he held it in your vision. You let out a shaky breath before tears came running down from your eyes. All of the frustrations from earlier and the anxiety of losing something important to your best friend came crashing to you as your adrenaline finally settled down, resulting in letting it all out. Seungmin, with years of knowing that you have a shitty tolerance with how your lacrimal glands work, led you to the surface of the bed. Encircling his warm hands to your much colder ones as he rubs soothing circles at the back of it with his thumb. Just like what he always did whenever you needed someone’s comfort. One that you can’t just vocally ask someone of and one that only a certain Kim Seungmin can do. 
It was one of Seungmin’s favorite memories of you. It wasn’t because you cried, god no, Seungmin hates seeing you cry. It was the level of intimacy that your friendship with him has. You weren’t in your best shape, but he saw how you cared for him and not just him but also the things that he owns and the sentiments that they hold. How you value your relationship with him that even a stupid blanket of made you bawl your eyes out. It was how special and dear he is to you, not the expensive, crystal, gems that you both always laugh at whenever you go online shopping, but it’s special like how you always wore this long, beige, soft-cottoned cardigan of yours, the one where you don’t want to lose it so you’ll just use it in every kind of opportunity there is, to keep it in your sight. And believe it or not, Seungmin regrets every decision he made when everything that he had with you came to an end. Because it took him a year in college, and an ample amount of avoiding you, to realize that you were more than just a best friend.
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You suddenly woke up from your sleep, feeling quenched for water. Then you remembered that you haven't had any drop of water after the sweets that you consumed earlier. You made your way towards the kitchen from Hyunjin's room, knowing the directions well, based on your last memories from this house. Reaching the kitchen counter, you spotted a familiar figure sitting by the table. But you chose to ignore him as you made your way to the fridge after grabbing a glass of water by one of the cabinets.
"Hey… y/n," you choked on your glass of water as you heard him suddenly speak. You wiped your lips before turning around to face him.
"Can we perhaps, uh… talk?" You took a sharp breath in as you totally did not expect him to initiate a conversation with you. 
Seungmin was beyond nervous. He can already hear his heart pounding in his chest as you slowly approached the table, taking your time to somehow process the questions in your head. You took the seat in front of him, the grazing of the chair's feet against the marble floor being the only sound that was heard in the dread of the night. You softly sighed before turning your gaze towards the boy's hazelnut orbs, which was a wrong decision as it reflected against the moonlight from the window behind you, effortlessly making you lost with how his eyes showcased faint sadness and longingness. 
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It was during your last December as a senior high school, you guess it was when everything went wrong.
You were watching Seungmin's baseball game, excitedly screaming his name when your phone rang obnoxiously from your pocket. At first you ignored it, thinking it was just Felix trying to convince you to accompany him at the bake sale, even though he's fully aware that you're with Seungmin. But then your phone did not stop ringing and by the third time, you answered. It was Jisung's number, but the voice doesn't belong to him. It was a call from the hospital, telling you that you must come immediately for your brother was caught in an accident. They told you to don't panic but here you are, quickly getting off from the bleachers while texting Seungmin about your sudden disappearance.
You reached the hospital with your anxiety rising in every step that you take. The nurse instructed you to wait outside as your brother was undergoing an operation. You were frightened, of course. Your parents at that time were both out of town and you can't call your friends knowing that they're still in the middle of their classes, but you settled on sending them a message. Hours went by as you painstakingly waited for the doctor to come out of the operating room. Chan arrived first out of your friend group and that's when you broke down. Weeping and bawling your eyes out as he engulfed you with his warm arms. Your friends slowly piled up in the white hallways of the hospital, but your best friend was still nowhere in sight. The doctor finally came out and told you about your brother's condition. Apparently, Jisung was caught in a car accident, the driver of the car was over speeding, but his breaks don’t work. Jisung will now be transferred in a separate room and you just have to wait for him to wake up. 
“Where’s Seungmin?” Hyunjin pointed out as you all headed for the room Jisung was transferred to.
“His game wasn’t done yet when I received the call.” you said, a bit tired from crying due to the events of that day.
“But it’s been hours already. I’m sure his game wouldn’t last that long” Felix stated, clearly concerned because they all know how you and Seungmin treat each other and it was evident, by the way you search for the entrance of the hallway every now and then, that you’re looking for your best friend. 
“He’ll come by.” you said, completely ignoring everyone else as you sat on a chair near Jisung’s bed and it wasn’t that long when you had fallen asleep, clutching your brother’s hand in yours.
Seungmin came by the next day, explaining that he had to stay after the game for some stuffs that their coach instructed him and you noticed that something is wrong. It bothers you how he can’t look directly in your eyes as he explained. Because Seungmin wasn’t like that. He would always look at you whenever he tells you something important but that day, he chose to avoid your gaze. And one of the things that you regretted doing was not asking him about it because after that, Seungmin became distant.
The first two months after the incident, it was still tolerable,  after school hangouts slowly lessened, with Seungmin spending his extra time for baseball practices and you totally understand it, you still have lunch times together anyways. But then it didn’t last long, when you all came back to school, having to spend your last semester as senior high school students, Seungmin suddenly doesn’t sit with you during lunch anymore. He started to hang out with the jocks, his teammates. It doesn’t also help that he’s cancelled every road trip that you both scheduled way before the previous semester ended. Your weekly game nights with him became monthly ones, until he skipped one month, or maybe two... or three, and it became countless that you never cared anymore. Everything that you’ve been doing with Seungmin, you became used to doing them all alone now. And you can only bask in silence as you continue to question yourself, What happened?
You used to hate losing things that you value dearly, but you never knew that losing someone would hurt much more than the things you lost. And Seungmin, he was among those that you lost but the difference this time is that you knew. You knew that he was slowly slipping away from you but you just let him. Thinking it was okay, thinking maybe, he grew tired of you, of how he was always the one to look out for you but everyone including you, knew that it doesn't make a point. Seungmin won't just slip away like that or that's what you thought. 
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“I’m sorry,” Seungmin broke the endearing silence that surrounds the both of you.
“For everything.” You only stared at him which he took as a signal to go on.
“Remember the university that I always told you about before?” Of course you remember, he couldn’t stop talking about it, junior year. You nodded in response as he went on,
“The same day of Jisung’s accident, I got offered for a scholarship to study there and I didn’t know what to do. My parents kept bugging me to accept it and they are already planning for my future on their own. It was my dream school, y/n." you saw a stray tear that grazed seungmin’s left chubbier cheek that you love the most, making you want to wipe it but no, you have to keep yourself cool or all the walls that you built after him will be instantly destroyed.
"I was confused, because in every future plan that I had, prior to being offered that scholarship, you were already included," Seungmin continued, his voice cracking as he tried to suppress his sobs.
"y/n, I didn't want to lose you." he said before tears were rushing down his delicate features, 
"You already did." you said, your now glassy eyes locked with his.
"No, Seungmin, you had a choice to tell me everything before. You should've told me and I would understand the situation, but you did not. Instead you slowly left me. Do you even know how much I had gone through?" you cut him off. 
"I– I'm sorry," 
Seungmin was scared, then and now, to see how you're drifting away from him. The only difference was that when he made that decision before, he was scared of his growing feelings for you, feeling more than what the title ‘best friend’ holds, which pushed him to do what he did. He knows, his defense mechanism was bullshit. But then now, he is scared of the possibility that you'll cut him off of your life, without him telling you what he truly felt just because he doesn't want to add more flame to the burning of your wounds. 
"I was a coward, I know. So, please, let me make it up to you." you scoffed at his reply,
"Why now? It's been two years, Seungmin. It probably won't hurt you to have me completely out of your life because you clearly are doing well on your own" 
"Han Jisung," he said which had taken you back,
"He won't let me near you after senior year." you sat there in silence, Jisung did what now?
"You can ask him." Seungmin added but you weren't paying attention as everything in your head is now in pure chaos. You know you can't think straight at this moment so you just sat there in silence, trying to organize the haywire in your brain.
"Did you accept the scholarship?" you asked, which startled Seungmin.
"I did." 
"Good for you. I'd feel guilty if you haven't." you sighed as you glanced at the clock and noticed that it's already half past four in the morning. You stood up from your seat, preparing to go back to sleep.
"I'm going to sleep, you?" you asked him.
"I'll stay for a while." he said, looking up at you with slumped shoulders.
"I forgive you, Min, I already did a long time ago," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"But I'm sorry, I don't think I can give you what you're looking for right now." 
There are things in your life that you have longed to look for and in some instances, you tend to find them at the most random places, in the most unexpected times. But after not seeing them for a long period of time, you happen to forget the value that it holds, how important they were, and nothing will remain besides the nostalgic memories that it held. That’s what you felt with Seungmin right now. He was your best friend, until he wasn’t. You were inseparable until he slipped away from your bond. And now, every time you see him, you’ll be reminded of how he once left you and the possibilities of it repeating. Because you believe that losing something once can be a mistake but losing it twice means you’re not responsible enough to keep it.
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daemour · 3 years
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Title: Find You
Genre: Angst, Fluff, a ‘lil Smut
Pairing: Jinyoung x Jaebeom, minor Jinyoung x Youngjae, for 5 seconds a side of Ten x Yugyeom
Summary: Jinyoung’s kinda a dumbass. Jaebeom’s even more of a dumbass, but he’s also kind of an asshole (in the best way possible.)
Warnings: Jinyoung suxxs a dick; the smut scene is just under 600 words out of 13k
Word count: 13482
CRIS CRIS CRIS @limjaeseven​ I LOVE YOU!! thanks for all the stuff you do for me; i hope this can somehow repay it!! :)))))) love you broskiiiiiii lets hope for many great times~! also heres ur dumb gays :)))) <3333
I struggled with this A  L O T so i hope you guys like it owo~
When Jinyoung walked out of his room and saw Jaebeom in the kitchen, that wasn’t unusual. The older one did tend to use the spare key whenever he didn’t want to cook. What was unusual, however, was the fact that Jaebeom had no shirt on.
As much as Jinyoung would like to ogle Jaebeom’s fine ass, he had more questions than wishes. “Hyung? What are you doing?” Jaebeom spun around, a sheepish smile on his face, and Jinyoung repeated the mantra, don’t look at tiddies, don’t look at tiddies over and over to himself. It’s a hard battle, and Jinyoung lost it almost immediately. Jaebeom was amused.
“My eyes are up here, Nyoungie. Not on my nipples.” Jinyoung would like the floor to swallow him up, please. “Anyways; I left my keys at home when I went to work, but I found your keys in my car. I left them in there by accident,” Jaebeom explained, laughing. “I borrowed your couch if that’s fine.”
Yes, that’s so fine. Always fine. You could even use my bed. With me still in it, of course. “Yeah, go ahead. Next time, just text me. I have your spare set of keys, remember?” Jaebeom’s mouth opened, and Jinyoung could tell he forgot.
“Yeah.” Jaebeom drew out the diphthong and smiled. “Do you want breakfast?”
“God, yes please,” Jinyoung groans. “Thanks, man. You’re a lifesaver. God, you’re literally the perfect boyfriend.”
Jaebeom offers a sheepish smile, leaning across the counter and poking Jinyoung in the cheek affectionately. “Not perfect, but I made rice pudding and toast.” He slid a plate across to Jinyoung, who thanked him gratefully. “I’ll be out of your hair then.” He started to leave when Jinyoung frowned.
“Where’s your shirt?”
Jaebeom shrugged.
“I don’t know; I think some girl at the club stole it when I spilt a drink on myself and went to wipe it off.” The older left without another word, and Jinyoung could feel his heart hurt. He forgot Jaebeom was painfully straight, and that he was painfully gay. He was once again reminded that his crush was indeed one-sided. And yes, his crush did just walk out of his door with no shirt on.
When Jinyoung used to think he was straight, he remembered feeling romantic feelings towards Jaebeom and passing it off as wanting to be best friends forever. And now that he knew for sure he’s into boys, he found out the hard way that best friends just wasn’t what he wanted to be. But that couldn’t be helped. Jaebeom would never want to be with him, and Jinyoung would just have to suffer.
Alas, he couldn’t wallow in self-pity today. His brother, Yugyeom, was flying in with his best friend BamBam, and Jinyoung had to go pick them up. He pulled on some clothes he knew would only just barely match, grabbed his keys, and headed out the door. He’s going to be early, so he would stop in a coffee shop near the airport and pick up some drinks.
The coffee shop, Ars Coffee, was busy, but not too busy that Jinyoung would be late, so he stepped in and waited in line. As he looked around the cute shop decorated in pictures of puppies and kittens, he noticed a corner of the shop that reminded him of the first time he had met Jaebeom. The older had been frantically studying and Jinyoung was hustling to find an open seat, tripping over Jaebeom’s backpack and landing in the older’s lap. The older had delivered the line, “you’re not my type, but nice ass,” and the two ended up talking until the shop closed. They exchanged numbers, and the rest was history.
However, Jinyoung was brought back to the present with an ‘ahem’ coming from behind the counter. It’s his turn to order. “Ah- yes, sorry. I’ll take a vanilla latte, an iced choco, and an iced Americano.” The barista laughed, his smile too wide for his face, and marked down the order.
“I hope all that isn’t for you. That’s a lot of sugar, not to mention caffeine.”
Jinyoung smiled back. “Who knows? I could be a college student frantically studying for last-minute exams.”
The barista, Youngjae judging by the nametag, laughed again. “The second semester just ended; you’d be on break. So I’ll just assume you’re apologising to your three girlfriends since they just found out you’ve been double- no, triple-timing them.”
“Boyfriends,” Jinyoung corrects without thinking, and then his head snapped up, eyes wide. “What I mean is- I don’t- I-”
Youngjae offered a sympathetic smile. “It’s all right. I am too,” he reassured, adding that last bit in a lowered voice. “That will be 9,321 won. Which drink is yours?”
Jinyoung fished the bills out of his back pocket, offering it to Youngjae who returned the change.
“Mine is the vanilla latte,” Jinyoung answered, stepping to the side to let the next person come forward to order, and waited patiently. After a few people from ahead of him received their drinks, he saw Youngjae prepare his three drinks, and he felt a twinge of guilt when he realised Youngjae was the only employee at the store.
When he moved to pick up the drinks, he opened his mouth to offer apologies for ordering such a long list of drinks. However, Youngjae rushed off before he even could, just to tend to another customer. Jinyoung left, and when pulling out his drink, noticed a “call me, 2-747-5143 - Choi Youngjae” messily scrawled right under the drink’s label. Cute. He input the number into his phone and took off for the airport.
He’s running late; the coffee shop took longer than he thought, and Jinyoung rushed into the terminal Yugyeom had texted him. He saw his brother, slouching as always, with BamBam, just as skinny, standing up straight next to him. At least his friend had good posture; Jinyoung had been trying to fix his brother’s bad habit for years. “Yah, Kim Yugyeom, straighten up!”
Yugyeom’s head jerked up, and a smile spread across his face. “Hyung!” The tallest bounded over, BamBam following, and enveloped Jinyoung in a tight hug. “How are you?”
Jinyoung laughed. “You act like you haven’t lived with me for twenty-four years. I’m doing well. How are you, Yugyeom, BamBam?” Yugyeom, as expected, immediately launched into a monologue about how his time in Thailand with BamBam’s family was. The fact that he didn’t really like durian was the only bit that stuck in Jinyoung’s head. But he didn’t mind; as much as he would never admit it to anyone’s face, he did miss his younger sibling. Jaebeom just didn’t fill in the gaps Yugyeom had left.
“Hyung, hyung, hyung, did you hear?” Jinyoung snapped his head toward the younger. The younger was telling him something but as mentioned, Jinyoung wasn’t really listening.
“Sorry, Gyeom, what is it?”
“Jaebeom hyung’s roommate is coming as well, you know? Jackson Wang? From when Jaebeom hyung studied in Hong Kong.” Ah. Jinyoung remembered the loud kid he met when he visited Jaebeom during their summer break three years ago. The memory that stood out the most was Jackson immediately declared himself Jinyoung’s best friend. It would be nice to see him again, Jinyoung guessed, but it’s sad Jaebeom would be spending more time with Jackson and Jinyoung instead of just Jinyoung.
Wait, what the hell was he doing?
Has he really gotten so deep into his crush that he’s trying to break off Jaebeom’s friendships? Jinyoung tonks his head on the steering wheel.
“Nothing’s wrong, I just…forgot how to drive.” Jinyoung came up with the lamest excuse, and Yugyeom stared at him for a second.
“Are you drunk?”
Instead of gracing him with an answer, Jinyoung started the car and stepped on it (as much was deemed safe).
Yugyeom cackled in his ear, and the oldest of the three aimed a slap on Yugyeom’s chest.
“There are drinks in the back for you,” Jinyoung said, and Yugyeom went for the latte. Before Jinyoung could stop him, Yugyeom noticed the message. To Jinyoung’s relief, however, the younger didn’t mention it, only raising an eyebrow and glancing at Jinyoung’s side profile.
“Hyung, how’s Jaebeom hyung doing?” BamBam broke the silence.
“Jaebeom hyung? He’s doing fine. Same old same old. Doing whatever he pleases. He went to a club yesterday and ended up half-naked on my couch and left to go who knows where and I’m definitely not suffering from an unrequited crush on him. Can’t he just not be so blatantly straight? I’m literally dying because he can’t handle not being hot every second of the day.” With each word that came out of Jinyoung’s mouth, his pitch rose.
BamBam and Yugyeom were quiet for the rest of the ride, and Jinyoung refrained from jumping out of the car lest they would crash. They finally pulled up to the building, and BamBam left the tense atmosphere as quickly as he could. Yugyeom ready to leave, turned to Jinyoung, opened and closed his mouth as if deciding on what to say. “Hyung…maybe you should go on that date.” With that final sentence, Yugyeom exits as well, leaving Jinyoung in the car to ponder over when his life suddenly turned into such a mess.
After concluding his life became a mess once he was born, Jinyoung headed inside to find Yugyeom and BamBam had already made themselves at home and were currently trying to set up the ancient Wii.
“Have you two unpacked already? That was fast.” Jinyoung commented, unimpressed, and Yugyeom looked up at him.
“Yeah, we unpacked…”
“…the Wii.” BamBam finished Yugyeom’s answer and Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“Go unpack and then play Wii. I don’t want to trip over any of your bags.” Yugyeom groaned but got up obediently and BamBam followed like a good friend. Once they disappeared from sight, Jinyoung headed into his own room, with the coffee cup from Ars.
Jinyoung plopped down on his bed and opened the contacts on his phone. He stares at the number on the cup. After a moment of deliberation, he inputs it into his phone, saving the contact as ‘Ars - Choi Youngjae” and stares at the empty profile before finally tapping on “message.” He waited again, then sighed, throwing his phone onto the bed and leaving to get something to eat. Youngjae was still probably working and Jinyoung didn’t want to bother him.
Once Yugyeom and BamBam finished unpacking, they, predictably, connected the Wii and coerced (read: threatened) Jinyoung to join them in a Mario Kart championship.
In the middle of Rainbow Road, the door unlocked, and Jinyoung forfeited Yoshi to answer the door. Jaebeom and Jackson stood behind the door, and Jinyoung paused for a minute before letting them in. “Jackson! It’s good to see you again. How have you been?”
Jackson grinned, slapping Jinyoung on the back.
“Hey, Park Gae!” God, Jinyoung forgot about the cute nickname Jackson gave him back in Hong Kong. Jackson waited expectantly, and Jinyoung sighed.
“Sorry. Wang Gae, it’s good to see you again. How have you been?” Jinyoung complied.
“I’m doing well; I’ve actually recently gotten a job here teaching fencing, so I’ll be seeing you guys more often!” Oh. Jinyoung didn’t think Jackson would be staying for that long.
“Hyungs!” Yugyeom finally got up from the couch, having beaten BamBam by a hair and Jinyoung by a mile. Jaebeom grinned endearingly as always, hooking an arm around Yugyeom’s neck and ruffling his hair. “Jaebeom hyung, don’t mess up my hair!”
“What, are you trying to impress the ladies?” Jaebeom teased, and Jinyoung stiffened slightly.
“Yugyeom, have you been trying to impress any ladies-“
Jinyoung started to narrow his eyes, and Yugyeom squawked, pulling himself out of Jaebeom’s grip.
“What- No!” Glancing at Jinyoung’s unwavering glare, Yugyeom immediately looked away and up.
“Kim Yugyeom.”
“Really! Seriously, hyung, no way! No girls.” Yugyeom whined. “I haven’t!” He emphasized the last word.
“No girls?” Jaebeom took this opportunity to tease him further. “What about guys? Any hot men in Thailand who caught your interest?”
Yugyeom glanced back at BamBam, and Jinyoung caught the sly movement.
“There are?” Jinyoung almost screamed, feeling like he might die. His baby brother? Having a crush? Unheard of. Yugyeom had always put dancing first, rejecting everyone. “Who? I must protect my baby brother from them!”
Jackson laughed. “Protect him from them? More like the other way around-“ Yugyeom smacked Jackson on the back.
“Hyung!” The fake tension was eased, and Jinyoung grinned at his brother, ready as always to tease.
“So? Who is it? Do I know him?”
“Well-“ Yugyeom started, and Jinyoung’s jaw dropped. “Not yet.”
“What do you mean not yet?” Jinyoung frowns.
“He’s coming to Korea next week to study dance like I am. You’ll meet him then! Ten hyung is a year older, and BamBam knows him.” The Thai friend nodded.
“He’s a year older? Yugyeom, you’re into older men?” Jaebeom gasped in mock shock, and Yugyeom cackled, shoving the older lightly.
“Hyung, what the hell? He’s only a year older, not like Jinyoung and his young barista love.” Eyes turned to Jinyoung, who immediately began to smack Yugyeom.
“Kim Yugyeom-“
“What’s this about your young barista love?” Jackson was immediately interested.
“He’s not- I’m- How do you know he’s young?” Jinyoung stammered out.
Yugyeom cackled. “Choi Youngjae from Ars Coffee Shop? He tutors me in piano. He’s two years younger than you.” Jinyoung’s mouth dropped open.
God, this was mortifying. Jaebeom’s laughter brought him out of his funk, however. The older man (only by six months, Jackson liked to stress) slapped Jinyoung on the back. “Good for you, Nyoung! You’re finally going for your mans!”
Jinyoung choked something akin to ‘God, I hate you all’ and Yugyeom cackled at his older brother’s misery. However, he noticed Jinyoung’s pained look, and Jaebeom’s hand on his brother’s back, and quieted. “Jaebeom hyung,” the youngest called, “can you play Mario Kart with me? Jinyoung hyung sucks, and I beat BamBam. I wanna play you since you’re basically a grandpa.”
Jaebeom fell for the bait, hook line and sinker, glowering and grabbing the remote BamBam handed him. “All right, brat. Let’s go.”
Jinyoung almost heaved a breath of release and moved to the kitchen to get some water. BamBam followed him, and Jackson sat to watch Yugyeom and Jaebeom compete.
“Hyung-“ BamBam hissed, and Jinyoung tried to ignore him. But BamBam was nothing but persistent. “Hyung, why do you do this to yourself? It’s only hurting you, and in the long run, hurting Jaebeom hyung. This can only end up in two ways. Either you draw away from hyung when it gets too much, and both you and Jaebeom hyung get hurt; you both lose a good friend. Or you don’t and Jaebeom hyung finds out on his own. He’s going to feel bad, Jinyoung hyung. Guilty; he’s going to hate himself. You need to stop this.”
“You think I don’t know?” Jinyoung almost yelled but restrained himself. “God, BamBam, I love him, yes, but he’s also my best friend. I don’t want to just tell him, ‘Hey, I have a crush on you, I need you to never talk to me’, that will just make him sad as well. My best bet is to go out with Youngjae and try to forget.”
BamBam frowned. “Hyung, if you don’t then Youngjae-ssi will get hurt too.” Jinyoung sighed, dropping his head onto the counter. “You don’t have to leave him forever.”
“I know. But it’s not something I want to do. Call me jealous-”
“Am I interrupting something?” Jinyoung turned his head to face Jackson, standing in the kitchen doorway awkwardly. BamBam looked at Jinyoung, who shrugged.
“Might as well tell him, Bam,” Jinyoung sighed. “It’s pointless to hide it.”
Jackson was still confused and Jinyoung was still moping, so BamBam took it upon himself to save them from their misery. Or at least, just explain. After doing so, Jackson’s mouth is agape. “Damn, are you living in a k-drama or something? That’s insane, man.”
Jinyoung almost rolled his eyes, but he’s too tired to do so. Instead, he just got up, drank a glass of water, and smiled tightly at Jackson. “Yeah. I think I’ll go to bed early. Eat whatever, or order something. Don’t let Yugyeom cook.”
As he trudged back into his room, Jaebeom, having just been defeated by Yugyeom, glanced up and saw his best friend leave. “Yugyeom, play against Jackson, okay? I need to ask Jinyoung something. Sounds good?” Yugyeom nodded, engrossed in the game, and Jackson came to play for Jaebeom.
“Jinyoungie, I’m coming in, all right?” Jaebeom knocked gently on his best friend’s door, and he can hear a muffled groan. Jaebeom opened the door and saw Jinyoung lying face down in the bed. “Jinyoungie, what’s wrong?”
“Nuthin’,” Jinyoung mumbled, turning his head off the pillow and away from the door.
“That doesn’t look like nothing, Jinyoung.” The older sighed, stepping forward and sitting in Jinyoung’s desk chair. “Is something the matter?”
Jinyoung didn’t respond, and just pulled a blanket over his head and rolled over some more, enough to wrap himself up like a mummy. Jaebeom sighed again, shifting the chair closer until he’s almost right next to the bed. Jinyoung didn’t move, so Jaebeom reached out and smoothed Jinyoung’s hair. “Hyung-”
Jaebeom’s heart leaps into his chest. He had never heard Jinyoung sound so pitiful ever since the younger had broken his knee cap in middle school. “Jinyoung? What’s wrong?”
“Hyung, I think maybe you should leave me alone.”
With those words, Jaebeom’s heart dropped. Never had he thought he would ever hear Jinyoung say that. Through thick and thin, the two had always stuck together. It was just two years ago Jaebeom found Jinyoung crying alone in his closet and seeing Jinyoung like this again made Jaebeom hurt. He ignores Jinyoung, moving to sit on the bed instead, and wraps an arm around Jinyoung. “Nyoung, I won’t make you talk to me, all right? But I don’t want to leave you alone, and I’ll sit and stay in here. I don’t want you to hurt alone.”
He lay beside Jinyoung, enveloping the younger in his arms, blanket burrito and all, and listened to Jinyoung’s breathing heightened…and then fell as the younger fell asleep.
As much as it hurt Jaebeom to see his best friend like this, he didn’t know what he did hurt Jinyoung more.
When Jinyoung woke, he knew Jaebeom was still there, feeling the older’s arms caressing his arms subconsciously. God, why is Jaebeom like this? Nice one minute and then the next running out the door to meet some girls.
He carefully slid out from between Jaebeom’s arms and adjusted the sheets to cover Jaebeom. As he tiptoed out of his room, he came face to face with Yugyeom, wringing his hands. “Gyeom?” he whispered, “What is it?”
“Hyung-“ Yugyeom was obviously distressed. Jinyoung reached up to brush his bangs out of hair. “ hyung, are you mad at me?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad, baby?”
“I’m gay.“ Jinyoung almost laughed, if not for the look on Yugyeom’s face.
“Baby, I’d never be mad. Look at me and my gayness. Why on Earth would I be mad?” Yugyeom shrugged, still obviously worried. “The only thing I’m unhappy about is the fact you didn’t tell me. But not at you, Gyeom-ah. I’m just worried I failed something as your brother.”
Yugyeom shook his head. “No, hyung. Of course not. You’re the best big brother I could wish for.”
Jinyoung laughed. “Maybe you should get upset more often. I could get used to hearing that.” Yugyeom finally smiled, shoving his brother lightly.
“Hyung, don’t be a dumbass. Come on, let’s eat.” Jinyoung’s mouth dropped open in fake annoyance.
“Yah, respect your elders. Brat.” Jinyoung patted his pockets, before realizing he accidentally left his phone inside the room. He almost groaned audibly, before turning around and opening the door as quietly as he could.
However, that was unnecessary as Jaebeom had already woken, and was seated on the bed and rubbing his eyes. “Hey, hyung,” Jinyoung greeted him almost casually but got the words out slightly too fast.
“Jinyoung, you know you can always talk to me, right?” God, Jinyoung did not want to get into this talk.
“Hyung, I know. I just don’t want to talk about it right now,” Jinyoung sighed. “Maybe one of these days I will, but not right now. Have you seen my phone?”
Jaebeom, knowing that the conversation was over, nodded. “Yeah, it’s on the bed. You were sleeping on top of it.” Jaebeom grabbed it, but before handing it to Jinyoung, smirked. “I texted Youngjae for you.”
“You what?” Jinyoung narrowed his eyes. “Hyung, come on. I was going to get to it.” Jaebeom frowned.
“Really? I distinctly remember multiple times you almost failed a class because you “going to get back to your superiors,” Jinyoung.”
“Hyung, seriously. Maybe school was something, but this is my own business. Stop poking your nose into it. I’ll text Youngjae if I want to, and if I forget, I forget.” Jinyoung rolled his eyes, and Jaebeom’s temper flared.
“Yah, respect your elders, Park Jinyoung. I just wanted you to get out and talk to people. All you do is stay in here all day or work.”
“I’ll respect you once you respect my personal affairs, Jaebeom. And are you saying I’m not exciting because I like to stay inside? Jaebeom, come on. Don’t be daft.”
“I’m just saying-” Jaebeom raised his hands in mock surrender “-going out is fun. It’s an experience.”
“Im Jaebeom, just because you sleep around like a whore-“ Jinyoung slapped his mouth closed, eyes widening, and Jaebeom got up. He was mad. “Hyung, I didn’t mean it.” Jaebeom ignored him, brushing past Jinyoung’s shoulder and leaving the room immediately. Jinyoung sank down onto the floor and almost curses.
He lay there for who knows how long, or at least until his stomach growled, and BamBam pokes his head in. “Jinyoung hyung, are you all right? Jaebeom left in a huff thirty minutes ago and Jackson followed him. What happened?”
“I called him a whore, BamBam. I’m so stupid.” Jinyoung whined, slapping himself. “God, I’m such a dumbass.”
BamBam sighed. “Hyung, what did Jaebeom do? You don’t usually get this angry.”
“It wasn’t his fault-“ Jinyoung tried to defend, but BamBam shook his head.
“It was your own fault you said that, but he must have provoked you.” Jinyoung just groaned, patting the space next to him and BamBam joined him as the older man explained.
Sometime in the middle, Yugyeom joined in and Jinyoung had to explain all over again, getting almost choked up. “Hyung, I think you both were in the wrong. Jaebeom should have let you do your own thing. He’s not that much older than you, and even if he was, you’re an adult,” Yugyeom said.
“When did you two get so wise?” Jinyoung laughed wetly.
BamBam cackled, loud and clear as day. “We’re only wise when it comes to someone else’s affairs. Ours? Not so much. You should’ve seen Yugyeom flail in front of Ten hyung.”
Jinyoung’s eyebrow rose sky-high. “That’s right. Yugyeom, what is this…Ten like?”
The tips of Yugyeom’s ears turned red. “Ten hyung? He’s great. He’s loud and friendly. He likes cats, and he doesn’t like fruit.”
“He doesn’t like what now?”
“Fruit. I don’t know why, but it’s cute,” Yugyeom grinned to himself and BamBam gagged, causing the youngest to reach across Jinyoung and smack his best friend. “But enough about Ten hyung, what did Jaebeom hyung say to Youngjae hyung?”
Jinyoung shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t really look.” Yugyeom leaned over and grabbed the phone.
“Well, let’s check.”
Jinyoung grabbed the phone after a moment of hesitation and unlocked it. (The password was Jaebeom’s birthday but no one needs to know that.) The text, glaringly bright, just said a simple ‘Hey, how r u’ and there’s a moment of silence before Yugyeom burst out laughing.
“Jaebeom hyung thinks he’s slick but he’s just as bad at texting as you,” Yugyeom teases.
“Nah, at least Jaebeom hyung uses slang. Jinyoung hyung sounds like he’s texting a business partner.” Jinyoung smacked both of them, eliciting a few more laughs when Yugyeom gasped.
“Hyung, he’s texting you back-” Jinyoung’s head snaps to the phone where lo, and behold, Youngjae had just responded with a ‘hey, im good, how r u?’
At the prodding of the two youngest, Jinyoung replied, and he and Youngjae ended up starting a conversation. Yugyeom and BamBam exchanged looks before quietly leaving Jinyoung with his new beau.
‘What are u up to?’
               ‘Not much, I’m just lying down. How about you?’
‘LOL ur so formal. And you asked that already. But Im doing the same haha’
               ‘Sounds fun. I’m sure we are very exciting.’
‘How’s life?’
               ‘Boring. How’s yours?’
God, Jinyonug could feel the awkwardness oozing from his texts, and he resisted the urge to smack himself. Before he could, his phone rang, Youngjae was calling him. Jinyoung almost dropped the phone, but answered it quickly, pressing the phone to his ear.
“I think it’d be less awkward if we talked on the phone, yeah?” Youngjae’s bright voice sounded, not dulling even through the phone.
“Yeah, that might be best,” Jinyoung laughed. “How was work? It wasn’t too busy, I hope.”
“No, not at all.” A moment of silence when- “Hey, are you busy today?”
Jinyoung’s heart picked up. “No, not at all. Are you?’
More silence, when Youngjae burst out laughing, and by default, so did Jinyoung. Who could resist laughing after Youngjae does, after all? “God, we’re embarrassing,” Jinyoung choked out through giggles.
“No, I think it’s all you. You just enable my awkward ability,” Youngjae teased. “But seriously, do you want to hang out today? I’m done tutoring.”
Tutoring reminded Jinyoung. “Yeah, that sounds good! Speaking of tutoring, I’ve heard you tutor my younger brother, Kim Yugyeom?”
“Wait, seriously? Kim Yugyeom is your brother?” Youngjae sounded flabbergasted and Jinyoung laughed once more.
“Yeah. I took our father’s last name and Yugyeom took our mother’s.”
“That’s neat. Yugyeom is such a cute kid, and he learns well.”
“Yeah, but he’s a brat.” The two of them snicker, and Jinyoung can hear Yugyeom sneeze twice.
“But seriously, do you want to meet up?” Jinyoung nodded, but then realised he’s stupid.
“Ah, yeah. Sure! When and where?”
“Does lunch at Ars Coffee work? I have a worker’s discount...and I own the place so the discount is not needed.” Jinyoung snorted.
“Wow, successful and handsome. I sure hit the jackpot. That sounds good.”
“Oh, haha, very funny. I’ll see you at noon.” Youngjae hung up, and Jinyoung stared at his phone for a few minutes, a stupid grin on his face.
God, he’s excited. He’s probably a little too excited. God, he can’t wait to tell Jaebeom. Jinyoung is brought back down from his emotional high as fast as Yugyeom buying an ice choco. Should he text Jaebeom or let the older cool down? Why did he have to run his mouth? Jaebeom was just trying to help and Jinyoung ruined it.
Unfortunately, today is still not a good day to wallow, Jinyoung has to get ready for his date. Date? Is it a date? Dear LORD Jinyoung’s going on a date. Jaebeom be damned (and thanked), he was a bit overeager and ran straight into the doorframe. “Hyung?” Yugyeom poked his head around the hallway corner. “Everything all right?”
Jinyoung beams. “I have a date.” Yugyeom snickers at Jinyoung’s face.
“God, hyung, you look stupid. But congratulations.” Jinyoung suddenly wiped the smile off his face, straightening up and sending the fear of God into Yugyeom’s heart.
“Kim Yugyeom, I may be going on a date with undeniably the cutest man to exist. But I am still your older brother and will not hesitate to kill you.”
Yugyeom cackled and ran into his room with BamBam, locking the door, and Jinyoung rolled his eyes. When his beloved “Ten hyung” comes around, he’ll have to answer to Jinyoung if he ever hurts Yugyeom.
But look at the time; Jinyoung needed to eat and change if he wanted to be at Ars Coffee at noon. Cereal is the fastest option, but BamBam finished the last of that (damn his sweet tooth), so Jinyoung just got a piece of bread and toasted it. He’s excited about his first date, he’s allowed to rush. By the time he had to leave, he had already tried on five different outfits, deciding on a simple black turtleneck and jeans. “I’m heading out, you two. Don’t cause trouble.”
“Get that dick, hyung!” Jinyoung heard Yugyeom and BamBam chorus from in their room, making a mental note to kill them later. But for now, he had a date he needed to go on.
Due to his excitement, he ended up arriving thirty minutes early, and Jinyoung just ordered and waited. Youngjae came barrelling in twenty minutes later, all smiley and Jinyoung could feel his heart melt. “Jinyoung! Hi!” Youngjae slid in across from him. “I heard you arrived really early; the co-owner and my friend told me.”
Jinyoung laughed, trying to cover up his embarrassment. “Damn, if I ever need to commit some shady business, remind me not to do it here. Your co-workers will just snitch on me.” Youngjae guffawed, the sound echoing in the shop.
“Don’t worry, I’ll vouch for you.” Jinyoung laughs as well.
“Thanks, I’m glad I now have a confidant for all my misadventures,” Jinyoung says, poking Youngjae’s arm.
“How many misadventures have you been getting into?” Youngjae raises a brow. “Last time we met, you were three-timing your boyfriends.” Jinyoung snorts.
“Oh, you have no idea. I rob banks and kill my best friends all the time.” Youngjae laughs once more, and Jinyoung could hear it all day, every day.
"You sound like someone my mother would warn me against," Youngjae teases. "I should stay away from you if I want to keep my reputation up."
Jinyoung chuckles. "Well, what's the fun in that?" He leans across the table slightly. "I say damn your reputation, let's go murder someone."
"I don't think that would fly over very well with my friend Mark, but alright. Tomorrow at seven? Who should we start with?"
Jinyoung snorts, all the possibilities going through his head. "Jaebeom," he says without thinking, and almost takes it back. But Youngjae doesn't know the argument; so he'll live with it.
"Who's that?" Youngjae cocks his head and Jinyoung resists the urge to coo.
“He’s my best friend.” Thankfully Jinyoung’s voice didn’t waver. “Everyone has the moment where you want to kill your best friend, surely.”
“No, I am an angel, couldn’t you tell?” Youngjae teased, and Jinyoung refrained from saying ‘yes.’ He liked Youngjae already; they have a lot in common and Jinyoung forgot all about the ordeal with Jaebeom as he spends time with the younger.
However, his glee was soon cut short when he arrived home and he saw Jaebeom’s shoes kicked off to the side. “Yugyeom-ah, is Jaebeom hyung here?” he asked the younger on the couch. Yugyeom looked up, shock registered on his face.
“Hyung, you weren’t supposed to be home ’til later,” Yugyeom stammered, and Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows, a frown tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Kim Yugyeom, what is going on?” Jinyoung dropped his book bag onto the floor. “I don’t like it when you lie to me, you know this-“
“Jinyoung, it’s not Yugyeom’s fault.” Jinyoung’s head whipped around, Jaebeom having spoken from around the corner of the kitchen.
“Hyung, what are you doing here?” Jinyoung left Yugyeom on the couch and entered the kitchen, seeing Jaebeom cooking…something. “Well, never mind that, hyung. I guess since you’re here, I should apologise for earlier this morning. What I said was out of line and-“
Jaebeom waved him off. “No, just forget it, Jinyoung. We were both at fault. Let’s just put it behind us, hm? We can’t not be best friends over such a petty fight, right?”
“Yeah, best friends,” Jinyoung chuckled almost lifelessly. Time to shove yet another problem under the carpet. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“What, can’t I visit my best friend?” After a moment of silence, Jaebeom sighed, giving in. “I need to learn how to cook Italian dishes. I invited this girl over for dinner next week, and I want to impress her.”
“Can’t you order Italian takeout?” Jaebeom snorted.
“Takeout can’t cut it.”
“Have you forgotten the Great Noodle Incident, hyung? I don’t think I want you cooking weird recipes in my kitchen.” Jaebeom looked up from the pot to glare at Jinyoung.
“Wasn’t that your idea, Nyoung?”
“Well, I think it’s time for me to go. I’m a little tired, you know?” Jinyoung tried to make his escape, but Jaebeom is nothing if not petty.
“No, no, Jinyoung, please refresh my memory. How did the Great Noodle Incident start?” Jinyoung opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again, before he was saved by the doorbell.
When he enters the living room to answer it, it appears Yugyeom had already opened the door to whoever it is standing outside. “Youngjae ah? What are you doing here?” Jinyoung blinked once, twice, thrice.
“Ah, you just forgot your phone at Ars.” Youngjae held up the device. “I texted Yugyeom for your address; I didn’t know he lives here too.”
“Oh, thanks.” Jinyoung smiled, walking over and taking his phone. “I appreciate it, Youngjae. Would you like to come in for a little? Jaebeom is here and you could meet him.”
Youngjae steps forward a bit. “I mean, I don’t want to intrude, but I would love to meet our murder victim once.” Jinyougn laughed out loud, covering his mouth again.
“That’s right. He’s in the kitchen, cooking who knows what. Maybe you could help him out; you work in the coffee shop so you’re bound to be a better cook.” Youngjae laughed.
“I only know how to make pastries, really, but I could try. What is he attempting?” Jinyoung shrugged.
“Some weird Italian recipe, and I don’t want the apartment burnt down.” Jinyoung led Youngjae to the kitchen, gesturing towards Jaebeom. “Youngjae, Jaebeom. Jaebeom, Youngjae.”
Jaebeom turned around, beaming and bowing. “It’s nice to meet you, Youngjae. I’m glad Jinyoung finally got out of his shell and met someone. Lord knows how long I’ve been trying to get him to go on a date.”
Yeah, cus I want to date you. “Well, how does it feel to have Jinyoung ssi finally go on a date then?” Youngjae saved Jinyoung from his thoughts, and Jinyoung poked Youngjae in the side for the comment.
Jaebeom snorted, slapping Jinyoung on the back. “God, I’m so relieved. I definitely would have thought this kid would become an old miserly man who yells at kids.”
“You are only seven months older than me, hyung. Don’t call me kid,” Jinyoung snapped playfully.
Jaebeom gasped. “Now, where has this attitude come from? Don’t talk back to your elders…kid.” It’s Jinyoung’s turn to chuckle.
“God, you’re so annoying.” Jinyoung turned to Youngjae. “See why I chose him as my first murder victim?”
“I don’t know…I think I like him,” Youngjae teased, and Jinyoung pouted.
“I’m so hurt. I’ve been betrayed,” he cried out, “Yugyeom, you’re the only one I love.”
“Ew, hyung, go away,” called Yugyeom from the other room, and the apartment was filled with laughter. God, Jinyoung was beyond happy Youngjae and Jaebeom are getting along. The two seemed to enjoy each other’s company, Youngjae coming around the counter to read the recipe Jaebeom had left out.
Jinyoung left the kitchen for a little, coming to sit by Yugyeom, who was watching a drama on his phone. “Yugyeom, why weren’t you going to tell me Jaebeom was here?”
Yugyeom didn’t look up from his drama, answering with a, “I thought he would be gone by the time you came back. I didn’t want you two to argue again. You know, hyung is my friend too, but I don’t want to see you hurt.”
Jinyoung sighs. “I know. I’ll try not to argue with him too much.”
“I’m not talking about that, hyung,” Yugyeom said, finally pausing his drama to look at his older brother, only this time Jinyoung avoided Yugyeom’s eyes. “Hyung, come on.”
“Yugyeom, where’s BamBam?” Jinyoung tried to change the subject, but Yugyeom was having none of that.
“He’s getting picked up from work by Jackson. Don’t dodge the situation.” Jinyoung still avoided Yugyeom’s eyes.
“I know. But we have guests, and I don’t want to deal with this just yet.”
“Deal with what?” Youngjae had just come around the corner, having finished with Jaebeom.
“My friend is coming over next week, and Jinyoung hyung doesn’t want to meet him since he thinks I’m going to elope or something,” Yugyeom lied smoothly. Jinyoung resisted the urge to kick him for that comment in thankfulness.
“Ooh, your boyfriend?” Yugyeom choked at Youngjae’s comment.
“No! Ten hyung is just a friend.”
“For now-” Jinyougn snorted, and Yugyeom whined.
“Hyung, seriously. You’re so annoying.” Jinyoung laughed at that, ruffling the younger’s hair.
“I’m just kidding, Yugyeom,” he laughed, and turned to Youngjae. “Are you leaving already?” Youngjae nodded sheepishly.
“Yeah, I have to get back to Ars; Mark co-owns the place with me and his shift is almost over.” Youngjae paused briefly, eyes flicking down to Jinyoung’s lips. Jinyoung catches the sly movement and smiles.
“Here, I’ll walk you down to your car.” Youngjae agreed readily, and the two exited the apartment to the sound of Yugyeom gagging really loudly. Jinyoung swore he’s going to kill Yugyeom one of these days. But not right now.
Right now, Jinyoung was focusing on how he and Youngjae are alone in the elevator, and how the younger keeps glancing at his lips. “Hyung-” Youngjae started to speak, and Jinyoung snapped his head to look at him. “Er- I like Jaebeom and Yugyeom. They’re very nice.”
Jinyoung beamed. “I’m glad I know them. As much as they annoy me, they are good friends.”
The silence became deafening again, and lasted until Youngjae and Jinyoung were standing in front of the younger’s car. “Hyung, thanks for letting me hang out for a little,” Youngjae said, and before Jinyoung could react, leant forward and pressed a kiss to the older’s lips before getting in his car and waving.
Jinyoung barely had the mind to wave back before Youngjae started the car and left. He remained in his daze all the way back up to his apartment, where Yugyeom finally had the sense to leave Jinyoung alone and let his brother go into his room without a hitch. Jaebeom, however, isn’t as kind, leaving Yugyeom with instructions on when to take whatever food he’s made out of the oven.
“So, Jinyoungie-ya! How did your date go?” Jaebeom rested against the bedroom door frame, grinning wide like the Cheshire Cat. God, Jinyoung would kiss the smirk off Jaebeom’s face if he could. Unfortunately, for one, he’s on his bed and wrapped up in blankets. And second, Jaebeom might punch him.
Jinyoung frowned with no spite. “It was good, hyung. I really like Youngjae. I’m glad I met him.” Jaebeom nodded once, twice.
“That’s…good. I’m glad, Jinyoungie. You deserve someone in your life.” Jaebeom smiled, but Jinyoung can feel something off about it. He pushes the feeling to the side; Jaebeom was probably still a little upset about the argument earlier.
“Hyung, come here,” Jinyougn smiled lightly, lifting up the blankets, and Jaebeom laughed, walking forward and cuddling up with Jinyoung.
“I forgot you’re so clingy sometimes,” Jaebeom teased, and Jinyoung snoted, kicking Jaebeom lightly in the shin.
“Don’t be mean, hyung,” Jinyonug whined and Jaebeom laughed again, wrapping his arm around Jinyoung’s waist. The younger could feel his heartstrings tugging, but he ignored the feeling, as he’s done all those years. “Hyung?”
“Yes, Nyongie?” Jaebeom was sleepy, and Jinyonug couldn’t blame him. He spent all this time cooking, and paired with the argument this morning, Jinyoung could understand why he’s tired.
“I love you,” Jinyoung whispered, and Jaebeom just groaned, pressing his cheek into Jinyoung.
“Love you too, Nyoung,” he mumbled out a reply before cuddling even closer, and Jinyoung almost cried. Thankfully, he didn’t (how embarrassing would that be) and instead fell asleep against his friend for the second time that day.
They’re woken up an hour later by Jackson, who had returned with BamBam and three cartons of ice-cream and the promise of a movie night. Well, Jinyoung wasn’t going to protest, especially since he didn’t have to pay for either dinner or the ice-cream.
Unfortunately, Jackson chose the movie, and as expected, it was an Iron Man movie. Jinyoung doesn’t know which one; he’s given up on paying attention. Instead, he’s crowded in between Jackson and Jaebeom, the former’s hand slightly uncomfortably high up on Jinyoung’s thigh. Jaebeom looked at the hand on Jinyoung’s thigh unhappily, wrapping his arm around Jinyoung again.
God, it was almost domestic, and Jinyoung could feel the warmth of his crush rise again. Why did he do this? He liked Youngjae; why did Jaebeom have to do this to him?
Jinyoung was suffocating, he couldn't handle this contact. He stood up abruptly, Jaebeom looking up with his eyebrows furrowed and Jackson frowning slightly. Yugyeom stayed silent, as did BamBam.
“Jinyoung-ah, are you all right?” Jackson speaks first. Jinyoung looked at him, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights.
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “I don’t know.”
At that, Yugyeom stood up, guiding him away from the group. “Hyung, go get a glass of water and go lie down in your room, all right?” Jinyoung nodded blankly, leaving, and as Jaebeom made to stand up, Yugyeom stopped him. “Jaebeom hyung, I don’t think you should go with him. Just enjoy the movie with Jackson hyung, all right?”
Jaebeom glared, but Yugyeom stood firm, and Jaebeom didn’t want to go against the wishes of Jinyoung’s younger brother and so he relented.
Yugyeom found Jinyoung in his room, as he was told, sitting against the bed on the floor and clutching the water in both hands. Yugyeom sighed at his brother’s obviously distressed state. “Hyung, drink the water. Holding it isn’t going to help,” he tried to joke, but it fell flat.
Jinyoung lifted the cup to his lips, taking small sips and Yugyeom sat next to him. “Yugyeom, why did this have to happen to me?” Jinyoung asked solemnly, and the brothers sighed in unison.
“Hyung, I think maybe you should take time off from seeing Jaebeom hyung. It’s doing nothing but hurting you.” Jinyoung finished his cup of water, and Yugyeom took it, putting it on the desk.
“Yugyeomie, I can’t.” Jinyoung’s plea almost broke Yugyeom’s heart. “He’s first and foremost my best friend.” Yugyeom tentatively wrapped his arms around Jinyoung, pulling his older brother into a tight hug, and Jinyoung choked out a sob.
“Hyung, I’ll handle it with Jaebeom, all right? I’m sure he just wants you to be happy.” Jinyoung didn’t respond, crying silently into Yugyeom’s chest.
Sooner or later, Jinyougn was too exhausted, and fell asleep in Yugyeom’s arms, the third time today. Yugyeom didn’t move, too worried to wake up the older, and Jaebeom quietly opened the door and poked his head in.
“Is he doing all right?” Jaebeom walked in further, leaning down and brushing a piece of hair out of Jinyoung’s mouth.
Yugyeom sighed, looking up at Jaebeom. “Hyung, I don’t think he can see you and Jackson any more.” Jaebeom’s eyes widened.
“What do you mean?”
“Hyung, it’s not like that,” Yugyeom added hastily. “I just think that he’s been overstressed with work and making sure you and Jackson don’t notice. I’m forcing him to take a few days off. BamBam has to stay since he doesn’t have a place to stay, but I want Jinyoung to indulge in what he wants. Haven’t you noticed he started rejecting you subconsciously?”
Jaebeom’s frown deepened, but he made no comment. Of course he’s noticed the way Jinyoung flinches when Jaebeom initiates physical contact, the way he avoids Jaebeom’s eyes. “I just don’t want Jinyoung by himself.”
“He won’t be alone, hyung. I promise. I’ll keep an eye on him, and so will BamBam.” Yugyeom reassured, and Jaebeom backed off. Yugyeom knows what he’s doing, Jaebeom reminds himself.
“All right. Jackson and I will be going then. Make sure Jinyoung feels better soon, all right? Can’t have my best friend die on me.” Yugyeom nodded and Jaebeom finally left.
Yugyeom stayed in Jinyoung’s room for the rest of the night, lifting Jinyoung into his bed and curling up next to him. At some point, BamBam had joined the cuddle party, and when Jinyoung awakened, he didn’t want to leave. He didn’t for a long while, but the cuddle party overheated him, so he wriggled his way out of Yugyeom’s arms carefully.
As he made his way into the kitchen, his phone buzzed, and looking at it, Jinyoung noticed Youngjae had texted him, asking him if he wanted to come over today. ‘Mark is at a friend’s for the whole day so we could hang out and watch movies or something’ the text read, and Jinyoung’s heart leapt into his throat.
He responded quickly, agreeing readily, and asked for a time. Youngjae responded just as fast, offering five in the evening, and Jinyoung accepted. He poked his head into his room to see Yugyeom and BamBam still asleep, curled around each other.
He didn’t want to wake them up; it must have been the jet lag getting to them, so Jinyoung let them sleep in. They looked so peaceful anyway; Jinyoung would’ve felt bad if he woke them. But when he tried to exit the room, the buzz of his phone alerting him to a new text alerted BamBam as well. “Hyung?” the Thai man groggily opened his eyes. “Good morning.”
Jinyoung threw him a smile. “Morning, Bam,” he responded, keeping his voice low. “Did you have a good night?”
BamBam sat up, Yugyeom’s head on his chest falling to his lap. “Yeah. Hyung, are you doing all right?” Jinyoung shrugged.
“As good as I can do now. Don’t wake up Yugyeom, all right?” BamBam nodded, looking down at the youngest in his lap. “I’ll be going out later on this evening to see Youngjae.”
BamBam wriggled his eyebrows, and Jinyoung restrained himself from hitting his brother’s friend. “Get that ass, Jinyoung.”
“If anything, Youngjae will get this ass,” Jinyoung stated smoothly, and before BamBam could recover from his shock, exited the room smoothly.
As he glanced down at his phone, three missed calls from an unknown number were there, and Jinyougn frowned, swiping the notifications away. It was probably a telemarketer; Jinyoung had been getting a lot of those calls recently. No big deal, Jinyoung just blocked the number without a hitch.
Breakfast is more important than weird phone calls, anyway. He can’t cook to save his life, but Jinyoung does know Jaebeom kept leftovers from yesterday in the fridge. He’s still unsure whether he likes the ziti, or whatever Jaebeom made, but it’s food.
He popped a plate of ziti into the microwave, keeping an eye on the timer to stop it before it beeped and woke up Yugyeom. But he didn’t need to; Yugyeom had awoken and was coming around the corner. “Hyung, why didn’t you wake me up?”
Jinyoung shrugged. “You looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake you up.” This was apparently the wrong thing to say, Yugyeom smirked.
“Aw, is my big bro being soft for his favorite brother?” Jinyoung swiped at Yugyeom, who dodged easily.
Yugyeom cackled at his older brother’s misery, a regular occurence in this household. Jinyoung did his best to ignore him, instead sending a few cat pictures to Jaebeom. Surprisingly, the older didn’t respond right away, but Jinyoung shrugged it off, pinning it down to Jaebeom probably forgetting to charge his phone again.
BamBam needed yet another ride to work, so Jinyoung offered to take him to get his mind off the upcoming date. Yugyeom wanted to tag along, and Jinyoung knew if that happened, they’d be making two different stops to get food. But Yugyeom shot him with the puppy eyes, and Jinyoung could feel himself give in. Damn him and his soft heart. Thank god Jackson would pick them up instead of him.
And, as expected, Jinyoung waited outside a convenience store as Yugyeom and BamBam bought ramen. As he waited, someone came up to him. The man looked vaguely attractive; his features fit each other perfectly and gave him a gorgeous aura. “Excuse me?” Jinyoung pinched himself discreetly to get him out of his funk.
“How may I help you?” The stranger offered a slight smile, and Jinyoung had to focus really hard on his eyes instead of his lips.
“I’m a little lost; I just arrived and I was wondering if you knew where Seoul National University is.” Jinyoung ‘ah’ed in understanding.
“Yeah, it’s a little far from here. Which airport did you come from?” The person ran a hand through his hair sheepishly.
“Gimpo Airport.”
Jinyoung snorted. “Apologies,” he said quickly, covering his mouth with his hand, “you went in the opposite direction.”
The stranger’s mouth opened, but he had nothing to say except a crass phrase, and Jinyoung snorted again. “Sorry- God, I’m an idiot.”
“No, it’s not a big deal. You can take the bus to University; there’s a bus that stops a few miles away. Or, you could take a taxi.” Jinyoung offered, and the man nodded.
“Yeah, thank you. Where’s the bus stop?” Jinyoung pointed out the way and the bus he had to take. “Thank you again, I appreciate it.” The man flashed a smile and Jinyoung could feel his knees shaking, but stood firm.
“No problem. Good luck.” As soon as the man turned the corner, Yugyeom ran up with the instant noodles in his hands.
“Hyung! We got the noodles.”
“Yah, what took you so long, brat?” Jinyoung pinched Yugyeom’s ear. “It’s cold.”
Yugyeom whined, and BamBam laughed at his friend’s misfortune before Jinyoung grabbed his ear too. “Hyung-“ the two youngest groaned, and Jinyoung huffed.
“Eat your noodles, or else you’ll be late, BamBam.” Jinyoung rolled his eyes, and BamBam cackled.
Yugyeom had kindly gotten him a packet of juice from the store, and as BamBam and Yugyeom made fun of each other, Jinyoung sipped on the juice like a mom watching their kids play in the pool. They arrived at BamBam’s work, a dance studio, and as BamBam stepped out, so did Yugyeom. Jinyoung threw him a questioning look, and Yugyeom smiled.
“I’m going to apply to work here,” Yugyeom explained, and Jinyoung nodded in understanding. “Don’t be too loud, Hyung. Youngjae’s neighbors might call the police.”
Jinyoung’s face hardened, and Yugyeom and BamBam ran into the building cackling like the little devils they are. “Yah, Kim Yugyeom,” he muttered under his breath, well aware the taller man couldn't hear him.
But now was not the time to sulk around at his younger brother’s (loving) disrespect, he needed to get home and change for his date. On the way home, he passed by the bus stop he directed the stranger from earlier to, and saw the man sitting on the bench. Jinyoung laughed quietly, the situation was kind of funny once you thought about it.
Jinyoung remembered when he and Yugyeom had first moved to Seoul from Jinhae-gu. The younger had gotten lost so many times, and Jinyoung had gotten lost even more times trying to find Yugyeom. He hoped the stranger would be able to find his way around. Though, with that pretty face, Jinyoung didn’t think he would have any trouble getting help.
The stranger reminded Jinyoung a little of Jaebeom. When the older had first gone to Jinhae-gu to meet Jinyoung’s family, Jaebeom was lost at almost all times of the day. It was adorable, and honestly, Jinyonug felt a sense of satisfaction from feeling helpful to Jaebeom. Hopefully, I can be the same for Youngjae, Jinyoung thought as he pulled into the parking area of his apartment building.
He had about ten minutes to change before he had to leave again, and Jinyoung was too lazy to dress a little nicer, so he just threw on some jeans and an orange sweater that BamBam had tried (keyword: tried) to convince Jinyoug to get rid of. It was a comfy sweater, though, and Jinyoung liked it. Fuck BamBam.
Jinyoung remained proud of his sweater all the way up to when he texted Youngjae, letting him know he’s there. But as soon as Youngjae opened the door and looked at his shirt, Jinyoung could feel his ears turn red. “Hey,” Youngjae laughed. “I like your sweater.”
Jinyoung scrunched his nose, ears turning slightly red. “Thanks. I like it too.”
“No, seriously,” Youngjae patted Jinyoung on the back. “It’s not something that would look good on anyone, but you pull it off.”
“The more you talk about it the more self-conscious I get, you know?” Youngjae didn't respond, just laughed, and led Jinyoung up three flights of stairs. Youngjae’s apartment was comfortable, small enough for two people, with a lot of plants everywhere. The couch was a beige, matching the white rug, which Jinyoung wondered how it was so clean.
If he had a rug like that, Yugyeom would have spilt chocolate on it six times, BamBam would have dropped lipstick just as much, and Jaebeom’s cats would have ripped it to shreds whenever the older brought them over. “Do you like it?” Jinyoung looked up at Youngjae, and nodded.
“It’s very neat. Where did you get your barstools?” Youngjae snorted.
“Yardsale. Mark just repainted them.” Jinyoung chuckled, but Youngjae motioned him toward the couch and made him sit down. “Let me get some water and then we can look for something to watch, sound good?”
Jinyoung nodded again, it seemed like the only thing he could do right now. Youngjae walked behind the counter, and Jinyoung dug his feet into the rug, appreciating the softness of it. “How is this rug so clean?” he wondered aloud, and Youngjae sighed.
“It wasn’t. But I banned Mark from being on the rug with snacks after I got it professionally cleaned.” Jinyoung laughed.
“Is he that messy?”
“Not on purpose, no, but he likes to eat chips a lot, and the crumbs get all over the rug. I wouldn’t have minded if he ate gummies,” Youngjae gripes, returning with two glasses of water. “I brought you a glass too just in case.”
Jinyoung thanked Youngjae, bringing the glass to his lips and taking a sip, not noticing how Youngjae’s eyes moved to his eyes. “What movie do you want to watch?” Jinyoung asked, and Youngjae smirked, eyes moving back up to Jinyoung’s eyes.
“Aren’t I supposed to ask that?” Jinyoung hummed.
“Well, I like most movies. Romance, comedy, and horror are some of my favorite genres. Do with that as you will.” Jinyoung winked at Youngjae, and Youngjae laughed breathily.
“I like romance and comedy as well, but I don't sit well with horror.” Youngjae turned on the TV, scrolling through Netflix’s menus, before the two of them finally settled on some obscure comedy neither had ever heard of.
To be frank, Jinyoung was the only one paying attention to the movie. Youngjae couldn’t keep his eyes off Jinyoung’s profile, especially when the older one laughed loudly. Sooner or later, Youngjae found himself leaning in and Jinyoung turned his head and smiled flusteredly. “Hyung,” Youngjae starts breathily, “may I kiss you?”
Jinyoung whined out a yes, and Youngjae pressed his lips against Jinyoung’s tentatively, both men closing their eyes. Youngjae’s lips were chapped while Jinyoung’s were soft, and the difference was felt almost immediately. Youngjae attempted to lick his lips while still kissing Jinyoung, and as expected, Jinyoung parted his lips slightly. Youngjae jolted slightly, surprised, but got back into the groove of things.
He pressed further, Jinyoung’s back pushed into the arm of the couch. It wasn’t quite that comfortable, but Jinyoung ignored the feeling, instead opening his mouth a little wider. Youngjae took this opportunity and ran his tongue along the seam of Jinyoung’s teeth.
The whimper that came out of Jinyoung’s mouth surprised both of them, and Jinyoung quickly tried to explain himself. He started with a, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”, but was quickly cut off by Youngjae leaning forward and kissing him again.
The two kissed for what seemed like hours, but it was only about five minutes before Jinyoung broke away and whined out, “Can I suck you off, please?” The plea goes straight to Youngjae’s dick who nodded quickly and shifted backwards on his butt to let Jinyoung lean forward.
Jinyoung reached for Youngjae’s sweatpants, pulling it down as quickly as he could. However, before he removed Youngjae’s boxers, Jinyoung slid off the couch onto his knees and adjusted Youngjae to sit with his legs on either side of Jinyoung’s body. He then leans in.
“Fuck.” The obscenity spouted out of Youngjae’s mouth as soon as Jinyoung pressed his lips against Youngjae’s covered crotch. “Fuck, hyung.”
Jinyoung laughed breathily, the feeling making Youngjae moan, and Jinyoung pulled down his boxers at last, freeing Youngjae’s cock. “Youngjae-yah,” is all Jinyoung whined before leaning forward and licking a stripe up the younger one’s cock.
Before Youngjae could react, Jinyoung sucked the dick into his mouth and dipped his tongue into the slit. “Hyung-” Jinyoung looked up through his eyelashes at Youngjae and Youngjae almost creamed his pants. “Hyung, if you keep going I might cum right now,” Youngjae breathed.
Jinyoung popped off Youngjae’s cock with an obscene sound, and smirked, his full lips bitten to shame. “Good.” Youngjae swore he saw heaven and hell at the same time when Jinyoung sucks his cock down until his lips wrap around the base.
Youngjae’s hips twitched, and Jinyoung moaned, moaned, and swallowed around Youngjae’s dick. “Fuck, Jae-yah. Fuck my mouth,” Jinyoung rasped, popping off Youngjae’s cock and licking up the beading pre-cum. As soon as Jinyoung slid Youngjae’s cock back into his mouth, Youngjae gave him a questioning look, and Jinyoung nodded to reassure the younger.
Youngjae gave a few testing thrusts, and when all Jinyoung did was relax and open his jaw even wider, his thrusts built up until Jinyoung was drooling all down his chin and crying. It was when Jinyoung brushed his tongue alongside the bottom of Youngjae’s cock when the imaginary band around Youngjae’s cock snapped.
Youngjae cummed. His ears burned; he hadn’t meant to cum like a teenage boy watching porn for the first time, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
“God, Jinyoung,” Youngjae wheezed. “How on Earth are you so good at this?” Jinyoung chuckles, the sound throaty and rough.
“Practice from college...and my three girlfriends,” he joked as an afterthought.
“Do you need any help?” Youngjae offered, but Jinyoung glanced at the TV and then the clock. The movie was over, and Jinyoung would have to pick something up for dinner.
“No, maybe next time,” Jinyoug sighed, throwing Youngjae a wink and a smile. “I have to feed the kiddos.”
Youngjae laughed, bright and loud as always. “Can’t let them starve. Drive safe back.” He leaned forward, planting a much more sweet and much less sensual kiss on Jinyoung’s lips. Something that Jaebeom would do. Jinyoung’s ears burned; he just sucked off Youngjae, why is he thinking about Jaebeom. “Jinyoung?”
Youngjae’s voice brought Jinyoung back to his senses, and he smiled.
“Will do.”
On the way home, Jinyoung couldn’t stop thinking about why Jaebeom suddenly popped into his head. Fuck it.
Jinyoung steered to the side of the road, parking in front of a convenience store, and called Youngjae. “Jinyoung?”
“Hey, Youngjae,” Jinyoung said, voice thick. “Um, I don’t think this will work out. I’m really sorry, I did like you in that way. But I also have feelings for someone else and I don’t want to lead you on. It’s nothing against you, I just-”
Youngjae cut him off. “No, it’s okay, Jinyoung. It’s Jaebeom, isn’t it?” Jinyoung paused.
“How’d you know?”
“I saw how you looked at him, and how he looked at you.” Jinyoung snorted.
“Oh, he’s not gay. But I just don’t think I could date you if I had major feelings for him as well,” Jinyoung laughed shortly.
He could hear Youngjae sigh in the background. “Well, whatever you say. But hey, if you ever want to, my door is open. After all, I am a lonely old man,” Youngjae ended with a joke, and Jinyoung scoffed.
“If you’re old, what am I?”
“An ancient and wise sage. Bye, hyung,” Youngjae snarked before hanging up, and Jinyoung stuck his middle finger up at the phone screen even though he knew it would do nothing. Glancing to the side, Jinyoung decided to pop into the store before heading to Jaebeom’s apartment.
He picked up a few bottles of soju and some packets of snacks before paying and leaving. Before he started driving, though, he texted Yugyeom to let him know he would be late in getting home. For some reason, Jinyoung didn’t tell the younger he was going to Jaebeom’s place, chalking it up to the fact Yugyeom would probably berate him.
He arrived at Jaebeom’s floor, letting himself in with the key given to him when the apartment was leased, and saw something he hadn’t meant to.
Jinyoung was going to confess.
He was.
But Jaebeom was shirtless, and there was a naked man. Yes, man. Standing next to him. And when Jinyoung says naked, he means naked. The man had nothing but a pair of lace underwear on, and one of Jaebeom’s tank tops. Something he did not want to see. And definitely not next to Jaebeom.
Jinyoung dropped the bag of food and just as Jaebeom opened his mouth in disbelief, booked it out of the apartment. Jinyoung forwent the elevator, just thundering down the stairs and into his car before driving just past the speed limit to reach his home.
When he burst into his door, Yugyeom looked up, shocked at his brother’s face. Before Yugyeom could even say anything, Jinyoung choked out a, “Don’t,” before practically running into his room and slamming the door.
A reasonable reaction.
What wasn’t a reasonable reaction, however, was the fact that Jinyoung stayed holed up in his room for a week. Yugyeom tried picking the lock, but Jinyoung had moved his desk in front of the door. He only took the food left in front of the door once it was cold, and answered no calls.
Worried was an understatement when it came to how his friends and family were feeling. His mother called multiple times at the prodding of Yugyeom, and hell, even Youngjae came over to try to coax him out of his room.
Jinyoung wouldn’t budge, however. He refused to even open the door. It just hurt. Jinyoung didn’t know the exact reason.
Was it the fact Jaebeom never told him he was gay? Jinyoung knew it could have been a one time thing or the older had just found out, but it still hurt. Maybe it was because Jinyoung had finally picked up the courage to tell Jaebeom how he felt, but then...that situation happened.
Jinyoung doesn’t even want to think about it, but he couldn’t. He tried opening his laptop to work, but his mind inevitably wandered to Jaebeom and the stranger’s look of surprise. He tried reading his English dictionary, but he saw the notes Jaebeom doodles in them in secondary school, and his heart wrenched.
He knew he was wallowing, he knew it was insanely and exceedingly unhealthy. But staying in his room and crying just seemed so much safer than going out into the world.
But Yugyeom was not having any of that. He was not ready to watch his older brother decay, and so, forced the door open and pushed the desk forward just enough to get through and into Jinyoung’s room, closing and locking the door behind him.
“Hyung, talk to me,” Yugyeom pleaded when he sat on the bed next to Jinyoung’s bundled up body.
Hearing his baby brother on the verge of tears and begging, Jinyoung finally released the dam, head buried in the younger one’s lap. He sobbed for hours, Yugyeom just petting his hair. He didn’t know how long he cried, but he did know at some point, he had fallen back asleep. Crying takes a lot of energy, you know.
When he wakes up, Yugyeom is still there, still holding him. “Hyung, do you want to talk about it,” Yugyeom tried to coax Jinyoung to speak, and Jinyoung sighed. He really couldn’t wallow all week about this; this was just sad.
Jinyoung swallowed once, twice, then started to explain. The entire time, Yugyeom kept a neutral face, but Jinyoung could see the pity in his eyes. “So...in conclusion, I’m an idiot,” Jinyoung laughed, voice rasped and tired.
Yugyeom clucked his tongue, sighing. “No, hyung, you’re not. You were just shocked and hurt. We can’t help how we feel.” Jinyoung shrugged.
“I know, Gyeom-ah. I just don’t want it to hurt that much.” Yugyeom nodded and Jinyoung returned his head to his younger brother’s lap.
“Hyung, I’m going to take you out.” Jinyoung’s eyes snapped to Yugyeom’s face, and Yugyeom blanched. “Not like that, dumbass! I’ll take you around town tomorrow; we’ll just forget the past few days, all right? Ten hyung will be in the dance studio as well, and you can meet him.”
Jinyoung just grunted, worn out, and Yugyeom petted him back to sleep, slipping out of the room and into the kitchen where Jaebeom was waiting worriedly. “Is he doing all right?” was the first question out of Jaebeom’s mouth, and Yugyeom shrugged.
“He’s as good as he’ll be, hyung. He’s unhappy, maybe disappointed, but I don’t know when he will be out of his funk,” Yugyeom explained. “I’m taking him to meet Ten hyung tomorrow, hopefully that can get his mind off the fact you never told him you were bi. He must have felt so hurt seeing you.” Yugyeom wisely left out the part where Jinyoung also had a crush on him.
From the tone of his voice, Jaebeom could tell Yugyeom was mad at him. “Look, I didn’t...I didn’t think it was important.” Jaebeom wrung his hands. “Not that I didn’t want to tell him. I just-”
“Don’t give me excuses,” Yugyeom snapped. “You hurt my brother. Unintentional, or not, you withheld it for your own personal reasons. I can’t stay angry for long, but I advise you to get out of the apartment for now.” Jaebeom took a step back, pausing, but left soon after.
Yugyeom slumped over the counter, tired out. He hadn’t meant to snap at Jaebeom; who was he to be angry about Jaebeom hiding when he had done the same thing to Jinyoung? Well, the difference was that Jinyoung hyung doesn’t have a crush on me, he thought.
He really hoped meeting Ten hyung would bring Jinyoung out of his slump, but he doubts that it would happen. But maybe, just for a short while, it would distract Jinyoung.
So, when Yugyeom drove Jinyoung to the studio and Ten hyung was waiting outside, he really didn’t expect Jinyoung to laugh and say, “Oh, the lost guy! I didn’t know you were Yugyeomie’s ‘Ten hyung.’”
“Hyung, you know him?” Jinyoung nodded.
“Yeah, when I was driving BamBam to work, he asked me for directions.” Yugyeom’s mouth dropped open.
“No way,” he laughed. “Hyung, you literally know everyone.” Jinyoung snorted, pulling Yugyeom’s ear, and the three of them headed into the dance studio.
“Ten hyung, did you know Jinyoungie used to be a dancer as well?” Yugyeom began to say, and Jinyoung groaned, attempting to swat at Yugyeom.
“Kim Yugyeom, I swear-” Yugyeom dodged him, cackling. Ten watched, amused.
“Well. I’m sure you will be able to keep up with me and Yugyeom, then?” Jinyoung shook his head.
“Oh, no no, I’m not going to dance.” Yugyeom smirked, and Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “Seriously. You can’t make me.”
Jinyoung flopped on the ground, sweaty and tired. “Love you too, hyung,” Yugyeom teased, poking Jinyoung’s sweaty forehead. Jinyoung grabbed the younger’s hand, pulling him down to wrestle, and Ten laughed.
“Okay, you two kids, no more fooling around,” Ten jokingly reprimanded. “Jinyoung-ssi; I didn’t expect you to catch up to me and Yugyeom this easily.”
Jinyoung snorted, flicking his hair out of his face. “I’m not that old, you know. I’m only, what, two years older than you? It’s only been three years since I graduated, too.”
Ten’s head cocked. “Really? I didn’t know that. Somehow I thought you would be older.” His lips pulled into a sweet smile, and Jinyoung could see Yugyeom mirror the smile. He laughed internally at his brother’s obvious crush. It was wholesome, cute, and not like his own trash bin of a love life. He winced at the memory of Jaebeom’s face when he caught him at his apartment yesterday, and the motion didn’t go unnoticed by Yugyeom.
“Hyung, do you wanna get us something to eat? I want to ask Ten hyung something.” Jinyong nodded quickly, eager to get his thoughts out of the dumpster.
“Yeah, I’ll just pop over to the convenience store a block down, do you guys want anything specific?”
After Ten and Yuyeom threw their dozens of orders at him and Jinyoung forced them to write it down, he slipped out the door and studio, walking down the road in the brisk and cool weather. Unfortunately, Jinyoung had forgotten his jacket. The sun was out, though, so Jinyoung wasn’t too unhappy. It was just a quick walk and the store would probably be warmer than outside.
Inside the store, Jinyoung was in the middle of a purchase, when he heard his name being called. “Jinyoung-ssi!” Ten was waving to him from outside the store. Jinyoung finished up his purchase, taking the plastic bag and meeting Ten outside as the two of them began the way back.
“Hey, Ten. What’s up?”
“I wanted to return your jacket; it’s a bit windy.” A pause, and then Ten opened his mouth, “Jinyoung-ssi, does Yugyeom have a crush on me?”
Jinyoung choked on the juice pack he had opened on the walk. “You should ask him that yourself, Ten-ah.”
Ten ignored him, going on with his thoughts. “I like him, but not in that way. And I don’t want to let him down; he’s a good friend.”
Jinyoung sighed. “Ten, seriously. You need to ask Yugyeom yourself, and tell him yourself. He’s a good kid, and sensible. He won’t take it to heart.”
“I suppose so.” They’re quiet until they reach the building, where Yugyeom was waiting in the lobby.
“We’re not supposed to eat in the dance room, so we gotta eat here, hyungs,” Yugyeom said, taking the bag from Jinyoung and rifling through it for his tteokbokki chips. “Ah, hyung, you forgot my sweet potato snacks.”
Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “Yugyeom, you consume an unholy amount of those at the apartment, you can deal with me forgetting them this time.” At Ten’s look, he added, “I’m running to the bathroom. Don’t touch my snacks.”
While in the bathroom, Jinyoung debated listening in the hallway to hear what Ten and Yugyeom had to say, but he decided against it. Yugyeom was old enough to make decisions himself.
As he waited for a reasonable amount of time for Ten and Yugyeom to stop talking, his phone binged with a text from the unknown number from earlier. The text read, ‘This is Mark, Youngjae’s roommate,’ and Jinyoung paused.
He took a screenshot, sending it to Youngjae, but the younger didn’t respond. He’s probably busy at Ars. As he slipped his phone back into his pocket, he stepped into the hallway where Ten was waiting. “Hey, Jinyoung-ssi. So. Would you like good news or bad news first?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” Ten smiled awkwardly, “Yugyeom felt like he needed space to get over me, so he went home. The good news is he still wants to be friends as well. The bad news is that I take the bus and can’t give you a ride home.”
Jinyoung sighed, running a hand through his hair. Of course Yugyeom would do that. “It’s fine, I’ll just call a friend to take me home,” he bit out, not quite angry but not exactly happy either.
He called Jackson almost immediately. “Hey, Park Gae, what’s up?”
“Jackson, I need a ride home. Yugyeom left me at the dance studio.” Jinyoung ripped his phone away from his ear. Jackson had yelled into the phone with excitement.
“Dance? I didn’t know you danced, Jinyoungie-ah! I wanna see you sometime!”
“Yeah, no,” Jinyoung said almost immediately, “but I do need a ride home.”
Jackson laughed. “About that...sorry, no can do. I’m out of town for the weekend. I know you’re not on speaking terms with Jaebeom, but you could try to ask him. I don’t know what’s going on with you two. But I’m sure he’ll be fine with driving you.”
“...Yeah.” Jackson hung up, unaware of Jinyoung’s hesitation. Looks like he’s out of the option. Jinyoung rang up Youngjae next, but he didn’t answer again. Looks like Jinyoung needed to take the bus. As he pocketed his phone, that unknown number from earlier claiming they were Mark called, and Jinyoung, at his wit’s end, answered.
“Is this Park Jinyoung?” The voice on the other end was deep, especially through the phone, and Jinyoung felt like if he wasn’t so obsessed with Jaebeom, he might fall in love with this voice as well.
“Yes, why?” The voice laughed.
“I’m Youngjae’s roommate. Youngjae, say hi to your ex.” Jinyoung choked, and he could hear Youngjae in the background.
“Why are you calling Jinyoung? How’d you get his number?” Jinyoung couldn’t not laugh at the confusion laced in Youngjae’s voice.
“Anyways,” Mark, Jinyoung presumed, continued on, “I texted you because I have something I need to clear up with you. Can we meet up?”
Jinyoung frowned. “What do you need to clear up? I’ve never met you in my life.”
“You’ve met me once. At Jaebeom’s apartment.” Jinyoung’s heart raced.
“I’m not sure I would want to meet up with you, then. For one, you slept with my best friend when I didn’t even know my best friend liked men,” Jinyoung took a deep breath.  “And for two, I saw your dick hanging out some lacy underwear. I don’t think I could look at you straight in the eye after that.”
Mark laughed loudly, and if he strained his ears, Jinyoung could hear Youngjae in the back laughing just as loudly. “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. That...was not what was supposed to happen. Look, man, I promise I’m not evil. Ars is closed today; I’ll even bring Youngjae along. Is that fine with you?”
Jinyoung sighed. “Sure. I guess so. You’re going to have to pick me up though, Yugyeom left me at Easy Dance Studio.” Mark snorted.
“Is this your super secret plan to use me as a chauffeur?” Jinyoung finally laughed at that, agreeing between breaths. “I knew it. We’ll be there in ten minutes.”
They were five minutes late, but Jinyoung didn’t think about it. He was too busy trying to avoid Mark’s eyes as he slid into the backseat and fiddled with his fingers. “Hey, Jinyoung,” Youngjae leaned around the passenger seat, offering Jinyoung a soft smile. “How was your week?”
“Shitty-” Jinyoung said without thinking, and both Mark and Youngjae laughed.
“Sounds like it,” Mark said, and paused for a split second before words came tumbling out of his mouth. To be honest, half of it was in English and Jinyonug only understood the words ‘sorry,’ and ‘Jaebeom,’ and ‘never.’
“Hold up, Mark-ssi. Can you speak in Korean?” Jinyoung asked, furrowing his brows, and Mark laughed, albeit a bit more strained.
“Yeah. Sorry. I wasn’t sleeping with Jaebeom. That’s the first thing I should start out with. I had sex with Jackson, and I wasn’t aware Jackson had a roommate. But when I woke up, Jackson had left for out of town, which was kind of dumb. Who leaves a stranger in their apartment?”
Youngjae prodded Mark. “Hyung. Off topic.”
“Sorry, sorry. But Jaebeom was there, and he had lent me a tank top, though none of his pants stayed up. Apparently Jackson had thought Jaebeom would get rid of me if I tried anything. That was when you walked in. And you entered. Though correctly, you had assumed Jaebeom was not straight and hadn’t told you. But we never fucked.”
Jinyoung sat in the backseat in complete silence for the rest of the ride, and both Mark and Youngjae felt they shouldn’t say any more. But when they reached his apartment, before leaving, Jinyoung spoke. “Thank you for telling me, Mark. I’ll have to talk to Jaebeom soon. But I appreciate it, and if I could ever get the image of your penis out of my head, I’d love to be your friend.”
Mark chuckled. “That sounds great. Please do not think about my penis, even if I know it’s great.” Youngjae choked, slapping Mark on the back.
“Hyung! Don’t praise your dick in front of me and Jinyoungie hyung.”
Jinyoung rolled his eyes and smiled, getting out of the car and waving at the two friends as they drove off. Once they were out of sight, he stood in front of his apartment building for a few minutes before heading up.
Yugyeom was out, having left a note dictating he was hanging out with BamBam, so Jinyoung took this opportunity to text Jaebeom and asked him to come over. Jaebeom had replied almost instantaneously with confirmation, and Jinyoung waited in anticipation.
Jaebeom didn’t live too far, so he only had to wait fifteen minutes, though they felt like hours. The sound of the door unlocking caused Jinyoung to whip his head toward the kitchen entrance, locking eyes with Jaebeom as he rounded the corner.
“Hi.” Jinyoung broke the ice first, and Jaebeom immediately added a hyung to the end of that, as per habit, before he started crying. “Oh, hyung.” Jinyoung immediately came around the island, wrapping an arm around Jaebeom.
The two stayed like that in silence save the refrigerator humming. When Jaebeom finally got all his tears out, he whispered out an, “I’m so sorry,” and Jinyoung’s heart broke once again.
“Hyung, don’t be sorry.” Jaebeom shook his head, and Jinyoung quieted.
“No, Nyoungie, let me finish.” Jaebeom took a few deep breaths. “I’m sorry I never told you I was bisexual. It sounds stupid of me, but I was scared how you would react. I know you are for the LGBT+ community, but when I found out I was, I didn’t know. And then I just kept it a secret for so long; I never felt like it would ever be the right time to tell you. I’m sorry I hurt you and lied to you.”
Jinyoung laughed through his own tears. “Hyung, I haven’t been completely honest with you either.” Jaebeom quieted, and Jinyoung took the opportunity. His heart hurt from pounding so hard against his ribcage, but it was now or never. “I’ve been in love with you for years, since before college.”
Jaebeom says nothing for a minute, and Jinyoung can feel his heart drop. When Jaebeom shifted, Jinyoung kept his eyes trained forward until he felt Jaebeom’s breath on his jawline. The younger turned; confused, when Jaebeom leaned forward, pressing his lips against Jinyoung’s.
“Jaebeom hyung?” When their lips part, Jinyoung asks the only question on his mind.
“We’re both idiots, huh?” Jaebeom snorted, and even with the tears running down his face and the wet noise, Jinyoung had never seen someone more beautiful. “I love you too.”
Jinyoung’s mouth dropped open, and Jaebeom laughed again. “Hyung, please don’t joke around like that,” Jinyoung pleaded, but Jaebeom shook his head.
“No, Jinyoungie. I promise. I’m not. I know it may not have seemed that way, but I promise I do. I do. I love you.” Jinyoung cried again.
He’s never cried so much over the span of ten days, much less a year. But somehow, this seemed worth it.
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callsignbaphomet · 3 years
My aunt drove me to the appointment and I was hesitant at first because she is...a stress factor in my life. I know for sure she doesn't mean to be and I'm sure she doesn't even realize she's doing it but it ain't easy talking to her. I feel like my entire family is prone to playing the victim.
Example. A few years ago my aunt planned out a vacation for all of us to go on. The majority of us didn't want to go. It started disastrously bad when my idiot brother wanted to take the long way which here in PR it means going through the middle of the island which meant taking roads that were curves over curves over curves. I get car/motion sickness. I said this aloud. My aunt and my mom have witnessed this first hand. Solution? I gotta drive to avoid throwing up. I didn't want to drive because I didn't know the directions, even then we got super lost, and I was on some medication that forced my p****d out and I didn't wanna go on this vacation but was forced to go (this is me as an adult btw 😐).
So what happened? We had to pull over so I could throw up on the side of the road. I was beyond pissed. The rest of the week went from bad to worse. My sister and her husband insisted that all they wanted to do was go to the beach. I don't like going to the beach, I don't like swimming, I don't like pools, I don't like getting wet. First time at the beach I was on the shore overheating and heavily bleeding and I looked miserable but yeah I'm soooo glad that bitch and her bitch husband had soooo much fun.
Following day they (sister and her husband) wanted to go to another beach. My mom spoke up and said I wouldn't be able to go into the water and didn't think it was fun to just sit at the shore all day. Someone finally remembered me 🙄
So C, who had had enough of the trip since the start had been super quiet and I got a little angry at him for not speaking up either. Turns out he was on the phone searching for interesting things to do in the area aside from going to the fucking beach. So he asked my aunt if he and I could borrow her car. She said okay and during the entire stay all they did was follow my idiot sister from one beach to another, that's ALL they did. Beach hopping.
Meanwhile C and I went to see some weird salt flats, we saw a fuck old lighthouse and befriended some cats, we went to a really old church with an amazingly beautiful garden full of flowers. On the third day we went out to a park and had ice cream. Loooots of ice cream. So all in all C managed to make that disaster better. When he and I got back to the apartment my sister was putting on a show about how C and I didn't wanna spend time with the family.
Dude, I went from 0 to 1 trillion in 1 second and I swear I was gonna lunge at her but C grabbed me basically by the scruff of the neck and held me back and quietly said, "If that's what you think that's a you problem." and we went to take a shower. Which btw only had two temperatures: third degree burn and lava coming out of Satan's butthole. You can imagine how great that felt in the middle of summer in the south side of PR.
Fourth day was an all out disaster cuz my idiot brother, who btw, first day there kicked me and C out cuz he wanted our room cuz it was the only one with ac and he needed it because his crack whore ass was detoxing from some meds. Was yelling and screaming about going to kill himself (read: he wanted something and no one was indulging him so he used the excuse to kill himself to manipulate my mom and aunt to get him what he wanted).
That day was a mess of people pointing fingers and mostly my sister shoving blame everywhere and basically calling out my aunt for making us all go on this vacation when no one else wanted to go.
Drive back was awkward as fuck all with my aunt crying and feeling bad and me and C on damage control. She was super mad that all they did was go to the beach and asked me and C about all we did so we did and tried to make her feel better because my sister told her she has a lot of flaws she needs to work on and now she all boo hoo. Sure, my sister coulda worded it better but I'm glad it happened.
My aunt is one of those "my way or the highway" type of people. She gets set on one thing and noooooothing will change her mind. She constantly hounds me about doing something "productive" with my art. I often just shrug and ignore her but this is constant. I don't sketch in front of her anymore because it's every single time. She also doesn't take social clues, she outright ignores them on purpose. If a subject makes someone uncomfortable she'll keep prying because in her eyes you're probably not working hard enough or doing your best.
On the way to the doctor she brought up art again. I outright told her I wasn't going to do it. I wanted to say not everything has to be about making money but I held on to that one. I told her it was hard to establish a network, that I would be competing with thousands and thousands of people and that it was hard.
All she got outta that was that everything is hard and I'd have to work hard to get out there and establish myself.
Bruh...I was stunned.
So I outright told her no. I don't want to. My art is for peace of mind and she dropped it but I just know she'll bring it up again.
Look. As a hobbyist my art is okay but me charging people for that??? Who the fuck would??? Pay for that???? Jfc.
So we moved on to yet another uncomfortable subject and she said I may have ptsd. Dude...no offense but ya ain't a doctor (thank fuck). So she told me I should check to see a psychologist because then I'd have the tools to handle things better. Fair. I have been thinking about that to see if maybe I can finally get an answer to several things or if maybe I'm making all this dumb shit up in my head. But that was about all the logical shit she said.
She even thinks people are actually not working because they wanna live off unemployment and don't wanna work.
My face went blank. I tried explaining to her that people are protesting unsafe work environments, slave labor/wages, shitty bosses and she heard all of that (granted maybe I could explained it better) and all she said was, "You gotta start somewhere and from there go up".
Then it struck me that of course she'd never understand. This woman NEVER had to work during her entire years of college or even her master's. She has NEVER worked a minimum wage job ever in her entire life. I wanna find articles on what is going on with that and send them to her. She's all of what I said and more but she can sooooometimes see reason. To be honest I'm angry and disappointed in her. She always seemed to adhere to more open minded concepts in terms of society, how differences in generations was good for all of us in general, who's taken to learning what she can about mental illnesses and trauma and so on. She still has much to learn about those last two, she still can't comprehand how me making phone calls scares the fuck outta me, but it's a start? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Idk I just needed to let all of that out. I love her, she's done a lot for me but she's also been a source of stress for me and I can't openly talk to her about anything because she's not easy to talk to. Sorry for the length.
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editorialsonlife · 3 years
Welp, feeling like doing an update because there's been a lot going on to be honest. its one of those weird dichotomies where every day feels like an eternity and there's so much going on and then you look back and you're like oh, ok its just my brain making it difficult and making things take forever but anyway.
Lockdown life was good, apart from being thrust into it so suddenly dave left a banana on his desk. Wasn't great to come back to after 5 weeks out of the office - mummified mouldy banana!! Classic. We luckily got our first jab before lockdown started so that was good, and we were reasonably well stocked up on food and were generally a lot healthier this lockdown that last. honestly, there's a level of chill and serenity in lockdown that i just love. the ability to set my own schedule and only work the hours I actually work to get the job done? Amazing. getting 8.5 hours of sleep each night without having to wake to an alarm blaring? AMAZING. getting to go for walks every afternoon? SO FLIPPING GOOD. I love it so much, I really really do. I need this to be my life permanently.
Work is just ongoing and draining and honestly, coming back to the office was so fucking stressful and it was only one day. Being at home is just the fucking bomb. Pending home decisions, I wanna go contracting I think, but also ideally two part time contracts to have more flexibility? I dunno. You'd think a big 4 would provide variety but it really doesn't and honestly, with Richie leaving, wellington is just a sinking ship. Sean's off on parental leave, Kirstyn is down to four days a week, ben will be gone if he doesn't get promoted (and I don't think he will be tbh). Jack is just muddling along, Nigel wants to swap to consulting as well, Matt's going to be a shit leader in terms of bringing in work so it's just not going to work. and in our wider group it's going to get even more messy with heaps of the analysts leaving and a couple of senior hires too. so I think it's probably time to jump ship in general, pending the home stuff below. Also, coming back after a break again, I'm like, I don't actually like a lot of you? All the people I enjoy here are in other teams and groups, and I'll be sad to leave you all, but like, not enough to stay anyway lol.
Pending the home below, two options are to just going and get a job with a $30k payrise to make up for the maternity leave benefits I'm gunna leave behind when I leave this role - 18 weeks full pay, $100 a week for the first year back and a full year of maternity leave. It's basically 30k post tax which is a bit nuts to walk away from to be honest.
Otherwise the other option is to go contracting. Less security overall but holy shit so much money. If I went in as a project coordinator at the lowest rate to build up a bit of a portfolio I'd need to work 40 weeks of 40 hr weeks and Id basically match my current salary plus the lost family leave benefits and still qualify for govt maternity leave payments. Realistically I could go in as a project manager for $140 an hour ($60 more an hour than the above math) and absolutely smash it at that level as well so ya know, there's a bunch of other info. I like the idea of the flexibility of it and only having 6 months even if its a shitshow and beign able to walk away at the end of it. I really don't want to get a govt job and this is a v govt town which is fine but also, if I can avoid it that would be great. I just know I'm not gunna thrive in that environment.
Need to talk to Dave to get him across the line on the security issue part of that though. I've mostly come a long way in terms of my financial management (thanks YNAB) so I think he'd be ok with it mostly.
So there's a lot to toss up there because......
We got the reno plans done during lockdown, finally. which was super good. but holy fkn jesus $$$$$$ ++++++++++. The guy is coming around for the final quote on Thursday. We indicatively said $100k total because we're doing kitchen laundry bathroom and toilet. so only the most expensive rooms and when I was talking to him last week he said 'that might cover it' and they're seeing cost escalations of 7-10% a week which is just insane. we're not doing anything structural apart from putting in a cavity slider in the bathroom, and the quote they'll give us won't include flooring since they won't do it.
Meanwhile, the prefab homes I were looking at for our site were $425k fully done. Like, I'm not going to spend $130K on doing up my 1940s ex state house ya know? That's not good cost benefit ratio.
So depending on what that comes out at on thursday we'll be able to make some plans.
We also want to start trying for kids next year and need these renos done first - I am not having kids and no dishwasher lol.
Also we need bank financing so good to be in a permanent stable job for that application. the good thing is we have so much equity we know we can borrow whatever we need, I just don't want to spend that much money on it because it's fkn ridiculous. and if I'm going on maternity leave we need to be able to cover it all on dave's salary and whatever benefits I have as well so there;s a lot of financial planning and spreadsheeting going on at the moment lol. it's fab.
either way. we've got plenty of options up our sleeve. we've got friends who's brother owns a building company so we can talk to them, we've got the garage so we can get things prefabricated even if they're not installed til next year, Dave can get shit at cost through his work for whiteware, there;s plenty of things to like cost control we can do, we just need to know where we're starting from basically. thats the challenging part. but we'll figure it out, its just taking longer than I want it to basically.
We also planted up the vege garden for the spring/summer which was lovely, super jazzed about that. we've finally got the garden to a reasonably low maintenance level where everything is mostly under control and it's such a relief, honestly.
Man what a shift to lockdown last year honestly. I think the last 8 weeks in particular has just been like, a massive reality check of how absolutely shit the last year was and how fucking glad I am to be rid of it. I spent a week absolutely spiralling 2 weeks ago now and honestly, I don't know how I lived in the state for more than a year. I actually don't know how I did it. and I could not be more glad that I'm finally on the other side of it, for the most part. There's still a bunch of other stuff to work through (hahahahahaha when is there not like damn) but fucking hell its nice to just not be anxious and nauseous and wound up constantly. life is actually accessible. miracle.
My workmate had his bebe - I went round and got newborn cuddles and was like, oh, is this what it is to be clucky? this is odd. so there's that as well. I think we'll probably start trying next year pending renos and jobs etc. If the renos can be done in jan I'll prob just stick it at the job to get the benefits but I dunno. it's a tough call to make really. we shall see. This all assumes we get knocked up without any issues which is questionable these days. I really want to feel healthier before getting pregnant as well, and part of that is losing weight. however, given discussing that is what triggered the spiral we're working on that one slowly.
Also, lets have a moment for counselling, because fkn bless anne and all her hard work honestly. I actually ended up emailing her being like, I;m losing my shit on the monday and then talked to her on thursday. And its so funny because it's such a counselling thing but I didn't realise until afterwards what she'd done but she was like you're clearly not doing well and then the night before dave got a fkn miserable migraine and he was up for like, 2 hrs powerchucking except he didn't make it to the bathroom in time so guess who was cleaning up vomit at 130am trying not to chuck herself but I digress. anyway, not doing well, couldn't even explain why, didn't even have words and super tired and she's like, what lynaire up to this week how's she going with izzy and chat about that and then be like how are you feeling about your body and then 5 more mins of chat about the cat and the chickens and then like bam hard question and then hows it going with x and y and z and its like, it wasn't til I was on my walk afterwards when I FINALLY started feeling marginally better I was like damn woman work your magic for figuring it out for me and helping me reregulate. all over the phone as well since we were still in lockdown. GREAT WORK FRIEND.
and then last week was like totally fucked theoretical discussion about religion and the role it's played in my life and fate vs free will and all this nutty shit but genuinely just a great discussion. She's the best and I love her. thank good for good counsellors. thank god I can afford to pay for it honestly.
Dave and I are just chugging along, god bless that man. I love him. its amazing. I miss having friends close by but understand why they had to move (boooooo f u house prices). Family is pretty chill, still not really talking to dave's parents which is nightmarish but we'll deal with that when we need to. gunna have to go and visit them at some point coz dave misses them and I feel for him, I really do. It's the whole boundaries renegotiation I went through with my family last year post wedding blow up and its just not a fun place to be. oh well. can't fix it for him but also I'm not putting up with that level of BS from either of our families once we have children. not gunna happen.
Either way, life is busy and full and fun and I'm enjoying it. Daylight savings starts this weekend too, its october next week WTF and I'm just waiting for 4pm to find out what's gunna happen to our girls trip. Clearly we cancelled our sept trip to christchurch and akaroa and hanmer springs so my covid travel curse continues. fkn ridic. Still dunno what we're gunna do with $2500 of flight credits coz if we get knocked up theres def no international trips happening any time soon.
thus concludes the almost 2000 word write up of life. hope you've enjoyed it. I'll throw up some pics in a separate post if people care about reno plans. such a good time!
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