#no way is he gonna stick around with a dude who doesn’t like clones
DP x DC x DW crossover idea
Cadmus, using DNA samples of Superman and the Doctor that they’ve collected over the years, creates a Kryptonian/TimeLord clone hybrid. The clone, DNY-13, looks a lot like Superman while also having two hearts/binary vascular system. Sometime when the clone is about 4 or 5 he escapes from the lab. A portal to the infinite realms had opened up and the clone managed to wander into it without anyone noticing.
Clockwork, who’d opened the portal, was waiting on the other side for the clone. Clockwork then drops the clone off right outside the Fenton’s front door, rings the bell, and disappears. The Fenton’s find this tiny little toddler just standing on their front step and instantly fall in love with him. They bring him inside and look him over. He appears to be in perfect health, though the double heart beat is a bit odd. And he has a medical ID bracelet that declares him to be DNY-13, property of Cadmus, and the year of birth being almost thirty years in the future.
The Fenton’s decide to ignore the bracelet, cutting it off and hiding it away in one of their filing cabinets. They decide to name the tiny child, Danny, and quickly introduce him to his big sister Jazz. Danny grows up with the Fenton’s never knowing that he’s a clone hybrid of two different aliens. (Also in this au this is one of the reasons why Dani was so unstable when she was first created. Cause she was the clone of a clone that is half Kryptonian and half TimeLord. Something that Vlad didn’t know).
It isn’t until about five years after he becomes Phantom that he finds his old Cadmus medical ID bracelet in one of the filing cabinets in the ops center. He asks his parents about it and they finally tell him about how they found him on their doorstep when he was 4/5. Danny decides to consult Clockwork where he finds out that he was a clone created by Cadmus sometime in the future, and that Clockwork rescued him from them and gave him to the Fenton’s.
After finding this out, Danny decides to go searching for the two aliens who he was created from!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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rowansparrow · 3 years
Juke Box Hero: A Rose Story
This is SO STUPID LMAO But I hope you guys like it anyway. I’m back on my bullshit and I am here to provide you with a little story based off THIS POST. Anon, thank you for your service, because this was very, very fun. 
This snippet takes place during Chapter Seven of BAON, during the flashback when Reader is meeting Rex for the first time and Rose and Co. are stuck cleaning up the barracks. You don’t necessarily have to have read it for this to make sense, but the right context might be neat. 
Also, for timeline purposes/in BAON, Tup and Dogma technically never met Rose, as they weren’t part of the 501st before he died, but I’m including them in this because I make the rules and I wanted to. 
Also Denal’s here because I think he’s a funky dude and deserves more content.
The clones deserve to dance and have fun and who’s gonna write them doing that if it ain’t me? 
Rating: Mature-ish? There are some dirty jokes and swearing but mostly it’s Just fun shenanigans with Rose and Bros. 
(Also I spent a TON of time picking everyone’s songs so pls tell me what you think of my selections lmao).
I’m tagging everyone from the BAON tag list in case you’re interested. Enjoy!
In retrospect, perhaps Rose should have put a stop to the loth cat situation – or as Hardcase called it, Operation: P.U.S.S.Y. He claimed it was an abbreviation for “Petting Unusually Sweet Strays, Yeah!”
“You have to call it something else.” Rose had said at the time, staring at the loth cat cradled protectively in Hardcase’s arms.
“But you’re not saying no?” Hardcase prompted eagerly, already bouncing lightly on his heels.
“Just…” Rose pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just… clean up after it? And if it breaks anything, it’s on you, and for the love of Force, don’t get caught.”
Now, as the Lieutenant surveyed the disarray that had befallen the barracks, and the company of very disgruntled subordinates, he was reconsidering his earlier leniency.
“I feel as the acting SIC, you’re the one who should be taking the flak for this, not the entire company.” Jesse grumbled, glaring at Lieutenant Rose over his shoulder as he scrubbed at the floor of the barracks.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not the one who brought a pregnant loth-cat into the barracks in the first place.” Rose replied, straightening up for a moment where he’d been hunched over, his back cracking as he moved.
“Well, you didn’t fight me very hard on it!” Hardcase protested. “And I didn’t know Beans was pregnant at the time! I didn’t even know she was a girl!”
His explanation only earned him several slugs to the arm from nearby vode.
“And just because I’m second-in-command does not make me exempt from the Captain’s wrath.” Rose added. “You didn’t get the dressing-down, you just have to carry out the punishment with me.”
“Hang on, I thought we agreed the cat’s name was going to be Road Rash?” Coric asked.
“That’s unladylike.” Said Denal. “And rude. She can’t help her scars.”
“And Beans is ladylike?” Jesse raised an eyebrow.
“She likes it! And her kits looked like beans when they came out too!”
Rose shook his head fondly at his men as they bickered. At least they weren’t complaining anymore.
In truth, he was surprised the situation had been managed as long as it had been. They’d lasted almost a full three weeks without anyone figuring out they were hiding a cat in the barracks. Of course, the kittens made it much harder, and they could only hide them in overturned helmets during inspections for so many days before the helmets started to mewl.
And once Beans threw a tantrum over not having her kits with her, it was game over. She’d knocked over an entire can of armor paint in her wrath, and blue pawprints and large paint puddles coated the durasteel of the barracks, and a few of the bunks had claw and bite marks in the fabric.
“It’ll take us an hour, maybe more, to clean this whole mess up.” Fives complained, looking around the barracks forlornly. He had a nasty scratch just under his eye from finally snatching Beans up in her rampage. “Kriff. I was excited to go out tonight.”
“Not to mention after we finish here the Captain said we had to go take over latrine and canteen detail from other battalions.”
“Then I guess you better get scrubbing.” Kix said absently, thumbing through medical requisition forms on his datapad and sitting cross-legged on one of the few bunks that didn’t have blue paw prints streaked across it.
“Why aren’t you helping? You’re part of the company too.” Echo said. “Fives and I are ARC troopers, if anyone here should be exempt from company-wide punishments, it’s us.”
“I’m not helping because I didn’t participate.” Kix replied, not looking up from his ‘pad.
“The kark you didn’t, you delivered the kits!” Fives snapped.
“Well, Captain Rex didn’t catch me, so.”
“That’s because you went and hid in the medbay and didn’t warn the rest of us he was coming.” Tup muttered under his breath.
“Not true. I sent Jesse a comm.” Kix said, finally looking up only to shrug and return to his work. “Which he didn’t check, and that’s not my fault.”
“It doesn’t matter who was involved and who wasn’t involved.” Dogma piped up. “Clearly, because if it did, I wouldn’t be here either.”
“We know.” Said Jesse and Fives in unison.
Rose sighed, his eyes drifting forlornly to his bunk. He spotted his footlocker sticking halfway out from underneath the durasteel, and he lit up. He opened it quickly, pulling out a beat-up radio he’d gotten at a market stall during one of his first deployments. He’d had to trade a droid popper and half his rations for it – Rex had not been pleased about it when he found out – but it was worth the two-day latrine rotation he’d gotten as punishment.
He’d already downloaded several songs off the HoloNet, along with a few channel recordings of past BoloBall games. Even if he knew who won them, it was still something to listen to on long stints on cruisers.
“What’cha doing, Lieutenant?” Tup asked, peeking around the corner as Rose straightened back up, fumbling with the little radio for a moment and propping it up on one of the bunks so the music could fill the whole room.
“No. NO! No.” Jesse jabbed a finger at the Lieutenant as he saw him set up the radio. “No. Absolutely not. I have had enough of your osik-brained, Force-forsaken, whack-ass music to last me a lifetime.”
Kix chuckled, rolling his eyes at the other trooper. “You listen exclusively to electronic dance music. Even when we aren’t at 79s. You have no room to talk.”
“This is better than that.” Rose promised, dialing up the volume. “This is the kind of stuff you’d find on the jukebox at Dex’s Diner.” He grinned. Dex was personal friends with General Kenobi, and was one of the few Coruscant establishments that was friendly to clones, as long as they behaved themselves. Rose had gone there with his brothers a handful of times, and even Anakin had dragged his Padawan Ahsoka, Rose, and Rex along once.
“You have a radio?” Dogma frowned. “Isn’t that contraband, sir?”
“Relax, it’s an old prewar-era radio, it’s not hurting anything.” Fives drawled, knocking Dogma lightly on the shoulder. “What’re you gonna play, sir?”
“Let’s see…” Rose filtered through his downloads, and grinned wider, pressing play.
Immediately, soft music rang through the barracks, and Jesse smacked his head against the bunk, groaning loudly.
“I’m begging you, Lieutenant.” Jesse said. “I’m begging.”
Rose was already swaying his hips, bending over to grab Jesse by the chin.
“On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air.” Rose serenaded him.
Jesse swatted Rose’s hand away, and Rose turned, swinging around on the side of the bunk and pointing to Fives this time. “Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night.”
Fives grinned, joining in even as he stumbled slightly over the words.
“There she stood in the doorway. I heard the mission bell and I was thinking to myself, this could be Heaven or this could be Hell.”
Kix was drumming his fingers on his datapad, nodding along and singing under his breath.
“Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way. There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say…”
“This is too slow.” Echo griped, rising to his feet and stepping over Dogma, who was still stubbornly scrubbing away at the barrack floors and refusing to engage even as the rest of the clones began quietly singing along with the chorus.
The ARC Trooper fiddled with the dial for a moment, scrolling through Rose’s music and selecting another song, already grinning as the chanting started through the speakers and eventually rippled through the ranks of the 501st.
“STOP.” Jesse barked, trying to kick Fives as the other ARC trooper hopped to his feet, stomping his feet and chanting along. “STOP, I HATE THIS ONE!”
Rose and Hardcase were chanting too, and Coric had started clapping his hands on an overturned bucket, a few shinies clapping their hands together as Echo shook his ass, kama swaying as he climbed up onto a nearby table. He scooped up a mop, pulling the handle to his mouth.
“I can’t stop this feeling, deep inside of me.” He pointed to Kix, grinding against the handle. “Girl, you just don’t realize what you do to me.”
Kix gave him the finger, and Echo pointed to Fives, who was still chanting with the others but was now holding up his helmet, recording the whole thing. Echo amped up his performance.
“When you hold me in your arms so tight, you let me know everything’s alright. I’m hooked on a feeling!”
Tup whooped from where he’d moved to sit on one of the bunks. Dogma shot him a nasty look, which he ignored in favor of watching Echo strut on the table.
“I’m high on believing that you’re in love with me. Lips as sweet as candy, its taste is on my mind. Girl you got me thirsty for another cup of wine.”
“Wait, wait, wait, I have a good one.” Fives shoved his helmet at Hardcase, letting him take over recording as he scrambled to the radio, quickly turning the dial once again and elbowing Echo off the table as fast, loud, angry guitars shredded through the barracks.
Jesse seemed to perk up just slightly, and any of the 501st troopers who were still trying to actually clean – save for Dogma – had abandoned their supplies and had elected to dance instead, crowding the table and forming a makeshift mosh pit.
Fives was nothing if not a showman, and when he snatched the mop from Echo, he performed.
“When I get high, I get high on speed. Top fuel funny car’s a drug for me, my heart! My heart! Kickstart my heart!”
He stomped his foot hard on the table, flipping his head back and running one hand messily through his hair.
“Always got the cops coming after me, custom-built bike doing 103, my heart! My heart! Kickstart my heart!”
Rose laughed, watching as Fives looked at the helmet Hardcase was hoisting up over the crowd, singing into the camera and rolling his shoulders back.
“Ooh, are ya ready, girls? Ooh, are you ready now? Woah, yeah! Kickstart my heart, baby give it a start. Woah, yeah! Baby! Kickstart my heart, hope it never stops. Woah, yeah, baby yeah!”
The clones joined him for the chorus, and then Fives dropped to his knees like he’d seen rockers do on the HoloNet, high fiving the nearest vode. Dogma was still stubbornly trying to clean up the barracks, but had moved on to one of the far corners, only giving the rest of his battalion the occasional side-eye.
“Skydive naked from an aeroplane, or a lady with a body from outer space, my heart. My heart! Kickstart my heart.” He wiggled his hips as he straightened back up, biting his lip through a grin and dropping his hand to his hips and shaking his fist obscenely, as though he was jerking himself off.
“Say I got trouble, trouble in my eyes, I’m just looking for another good time, my heart. My heart! Kickstart my heart!”
Before Fives could do something else profane – or possibly attempt to crowd-surf and give Rose a handful of incident reports to fill out, the music suddenly shifted, and all heads turned to the radio.
Kix was smirking. He’d divested himself of the top half of his armor, instead electing to shimmy his way up onto the table in just the upper half of his blacks and lower armor plates. Fives exited, rejoining the crowd as Kix leveled a sultry look at the camera for just a moment before turning his back on the crowd.
“Clean shirt, new shoes, and I don’t know where I am goin’ to. Silk suit, black tie, I don’t need a reason why.”
He spun quickly, switching his grip on the mop handle as though he was holding a woman in his arms, dipping it low towards the crowd as he sang.
“They come a runnin’ just as fast as they can, ‘cos every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man.”
Fives and Echo were howling with laughter, and Hardcase wolf-whistled loud enough that Rose’s ears rang. Even Jesse had finally joined in, nodding his head along to the music and trying to bite back a grin. Tup had left the crowd to instead attempt to pull Dogma in, and Denal had rounded up a few newer members and was trying to push them closer to the front.
Kix unzipped the top half of his blacks, doing a slow strip-tease in time with the music.
“Gold watch, diamond ring, I ain’t missin’, not a single thing. And cufflinks, stickpin, when I step out I’mma do you in.” Kix shrugged out of his blacks and rolled his hips along the mop handle, dropping his ass low and slowly dragging himself back up, grinding against the handle.
“They come a runnin’ just as fast as they can, ‘cos every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man.”
Fives actually pretended to faint, falling backwards into Echo, who was laughing so hard that he fell over with him.
“ALRIGHT!” Dogma shouted over the music, elbowing his way through the crowd with Tup following anxiously behind him. Dogma firmly stopped the music, hands on his hips as he turned to face the rest of his brothers, who’d begun to boo.
“We have orders,” Dogma reminded them. “This is a punishment, not a party. When we finish here, we’re supposed to clean the shower block, and then we’re supposed to report to the mess hall and take over the canteen cleanup shifts.”
“We know the orders, Dogma.” Rose said, putting a hand on the younger trooper’s shoulder. “There’s no harm in having fun while you work.”
“I’m the only one still working.” Dogma grumbled.
“Alright, alright, we’ll turn it low for now, and we’ll finish up in here, then we can bring the radio with us when we move to the refreshers and canteen. Fair?” He asked, turning to the rest of the men. There were a few muttered responses, and Rose raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, I couldn’t quite make that out.” He said. “We are cleaning this mess up, correct gentlemen?”
“Sir yes sir!” They all answered quickly, hurrying back to work.
Rose chuckled, shifting the music to something a little calmer, the gentle piano wafting through the barracks as they continued to clean up.
Denal’s head perked up as soon as he heard the piano start, and while he didn’t climb up onto the table like his brothers had, he smiled to himself, turning back towards the spot he was scrubbing and singing to the durasteel floor.
“I'm sailing away. Set an open course for the Virgin Sea.”
Echo hummed, closing his eyes and rocking back on his heels for a moment, listening to his older vod croon.
“'Cause I've got to be free. Free to face the life that's ahead of me.” Denal continued, his voice soft but steady. “On board I'm the captain, so climb aboard. We'll search for tomorrow on every shore and I'll try, oh Lord I'll try… to carry on.”
Somebody whistled, a few scattered claps ringing through the barracks. Coric picked up where Denal left off.
“I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory. Some happy some sad.” He sang. “I think of childhood friends, and the dreams we had.”
Tup glanced to Dogma, who was practically seething as he scrubbed at the same spot on the floor that he’d been working on for the past several minutes. “You like this song, don’t you, Dogma?”
“No I don’t. Shut up.”
“Join in. They won’t mind.” Tup encouraged.
“We live happily forever, so the story goes. But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold.” Sang Coric. “But we'll try best that we can to carry on!”
The music picked up, and Jesse shot Rose a look.
“This is a deceptively fast song.” He said.
“It sneaks up on ya.” Rose chuckled.
The barracks devolved into chaos once again, the clones all screaming along to the lyrics, even the ones who didn’t know the words picked it up quickly, encouraged by their brothers.
Despite the distractions, they finally finished cleaning the barracks, and Rose plucked the radio from where he’d stashed it, leading the way down the hallway towards the refreshers. The 501st were especially rowdy in the quiet halls – most of the barracks were empty, the clones who weren’t being punished for loth-cat related shenanigans were taking advantage of the shore leave.
When they opened the door to the shower block, they encountered a few members of the 212th already in there, cleaning up.
“Pack it in, lads.” Rose announced. “We’re taking over for you.”
“What? Why?” Boil asked, leaning on a mop and raising an eyebrow. “Did you get in trouble?”
“Yes.” Hardcase replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“All of you?” Waxer poked his head out from inside one of the refresher stalls, Crys and Wooley pausing from where they were wiping down countertops.
“Yeah, it’s Hardcase’s fault. As usual.” Jesse said, strolling over to Boil and plucking the mop from his hands. “We’re supposed to take over your shifts.”
“Good, I was hoping to get to 79’s tonight before last call. I hear they’ve got purple spotchka.” Boil said excitedly, glancing at Waxer over his shoulder.
“We can help you finish.” Waxer said, immediately raining on his brother’s parade. “There isn’t much left to do anyway.”
“You sure?” Rose asked. “It’s technically a punishment -.”
“Nah, it’s fine, there really isn’t much left, aside from the toilets.” He grinned. “But you boys can handle those.”
“Fair enough.” Rose chuckled, nodding over his shoulder to his men. Fives, Echo, Jesse, and Hardcase were in a heated four-way battle of rock, flimsi, cutters in order to determine who had to clean the toilets first.
“What’s that?” One trooper Rose didn’t recognize asked, pointing to his hand.
“It’s a radio!” Rose said cheerfully. “I’m err… technically not supposed to have it. But we’ve been listening to music while we worked.” He set it up on the countertop. “Do you have a favorite song…?”
“Spitter.” The 212th trooper supplied helpfully.
“Spitter.” Rose repeated, chuckling to himself and wondering how the hell he’d earned that name. “Do you have a favorite song?”
“I don’t know the name of it.” The trooper admitted shyly. “But – but it’s the one they play on the hits channel all the time. I hear it playing in the admiral’s quarters on the Negotiator all the time.”
“I know that one!” Waxer said excitedly, nodding to Rose. “It’s the one Commander Cody likes. You were playing it in the hangar a few weeks ago when our flight detail overlapped.”
“I remember.” Rose smiled, and turned the song on.
Immediately, every head, including Dogma’s, perked up at the familiar tune. Fives clapped his hands together, getting them started.
“When I wake up, well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you.”
The younger trooper, Spitter, lit up and followed it up.
“When I go out, yeah I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who goes along with you.”
Waxer elbowed Boil, trying to get him to join in, but the other trooper shook his head and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes even as Waxer sang.
“If I get drunk, well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you.”
Their voices carried through the refresher’s tiled walls, and Jesse picked up where Waxer left off.
“And if I haver, yeah I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who’s havering to you.”
When the chorus rolled around, everyone joined in, their voices bouncing off the walls around them.
“But I would walk five hundred miles, and I would walk five hundred more, just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door.”
“When I’m working,” Kix began, offering a hand to Wooley and giving him a playful spin. “Yes I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who’s working hard for you.”
“And when the money comes in for the work I do, I’ll pass almost every penny on to you.” Wooley laughed, shoving Kix away with a grin.
“When I come home,” Tup piped up quickly, before someone else could. “Oh, I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who comes back home to you.”
“And if I grow old,” Crys smirked, shaking his shoulders at Fives, who punched him playfully in the arms and joined in, singing the line in unison. “Well, I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who’s growing old with you.”
The chorus returned, and they sang with even more feeling than before, dancing and tossing their heads back, shouting along to the words and nearly drowning out the music itself as they sang.
As the final verse approached, Waxer sidled up next to Boil, giving him a hopeful look. His brother sighed, scrubbing a hand bitterly over his face and reluctantly joined in.
“When I’m lonely, well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who’s lonely without you.” He sang.
“And when I’m dreaming,” Echo called. “Well I know I’m gonna dream, I’m gonna dream about the time when I’m with you.”
“And when I go out, well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who goes along with you.” Fives followed.
“And when I come home, yes I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who comes back home with you.” Denal said.
Tup took a deep breath, preparing to finish off the verse, but he was cut off.
“I’m gonna be the man who’s coming home,” Dogma’s voice was shaky as all eyes turned to him, and he finished in a squeak. “With you.”
The room erupted in cheers, Fives catching Dogma under his arm and giving him a noogie as the chorus rang out once again, everyone shouting along to the lyrics together.
When the song ended, and the cleanup was done, the 212th parted ways with the 501st, the brothers patting one another on the back and jeering affectionately at one another now that the song and dance was done.
“If you finish with everything before final call, catch up with us at 79’s.” Boil called over his shoulder. “We can give the vode there a run for their money with our rendition of that song.”
“Count on it.” Rose chuckled, giving the other company a little salute before leading his men on towards the canteen.
The canteen, blessedly, was empty, and most of it was already clean. All they really had to do was wipe everything down, mop, and then make sure the kitchen was well-prepped for the next day.
“I didn’t know you had it in ya, Dogma.” Echo said affectionately, knocking his younger vod playfully in the shoulder as they walked.
“Let’s just get this over with.” Dogma muttered, his ears burning as he pushed into the canteen, grabbing the cleaning supplies from the nearby supply closet.
“Who’s turn was it for a solo?” Fives asked, watching as Rose started to set up the radio above one of the food windows so it could project into the entire cafeteria.
“I think Dogma should go.” Kix grinned. “Now that we know he’s got some pipes.”
“Absolutely not.” Dogma said immediately, not looking up from where he was wiping down tables.
“I can go first?” Tup offered, raising his hand sheepishly. Dogma shot him another stern look, but Tup was already wandering over to the radio, moving the dial and tentatively pressing play.
Upbeat music filled the canteen, and the other troopers cheered as Fives ushered Tup over to the nearest table, boosting him up on top of it and then thrusting a mop into his hands. Hardcase was already fumbling with the helmet again, trying to get a recording as Tup tapped his foot along with the beat, nodding his head as he found his rhythm.
“I get up in the evening, and I ain’t got nothing to say. I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way.”
Fives was leading other troopers in pounding the surrounding tables in time with the drumbeats while Echo was leading another group to clap in time.
“I ain’t nothing but tired! Man, I’m just tired and bored with myself.” Tup flashed the camera a grin, reaching up and pulling his hair tie out, shaking his wild curls loose around his head. “Hey there baby, I could use just a little help.”
Jesse whistled, and Dogma had stopped cleaning and was watching his brother, the slightest smile pulling at his lips.
“You can’t start a fire, can’t start a fire without a spark. This gun’s for hire, even if we’re just dancing in the dark.”
Tup shook his hair out of his eyes, tossing his head back and jerking his hips.
“Messages keep getting clearer, radio’s on and I’m moving ‘round my place. I check my look in the mirror, wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face!”
He swayed his hips again, and Hardcase shoved the camera at Kix instead so he could join in the clapping.
“Man, I ain’t getting nowhere, I’m just living in a dump like this. There’s something happening somewhere, baby I just know that there is.”
He hopped off the table, instead taking Dogma’s hand and dragging him towards the makeshift stage.
“You can’t start a fire, you can’t start a fire without a spark. This gun’s for hire, even if we’re just dancing in the dark.”
He pushed the mop into Dogma’s hands instead, beaming at him as he scurried off the table, sprinting over to the radio and quickly changing the song.
Immediately, slow guitar started but quickly escalated into heavy drums and fast riffs. Dogma’s cheeks turned a darker shade, and he looked frantically to Tup, trying to climb back down off the stage.
“No, no, come on!” Fives shouted, trying to body block Dogma from getting down. “Come on, you got this!”
The lyrics began, and Dogma sang along, his mouth barely moving, voice almost imperceptible.
“Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken… and the violence caused such silence, who are we mistaken?”
“Come on!” Tup called to him. “You LOVE this song! Let ‘em hear it!”
Dogma grit his teeth, his voice gaining strength. “But you see, it’s not me, it’s not my family, in your head, in your head they are fighting.”
He stomped his foot on the table, practically snarling out the words. “With their tanks, and their bombs, and their bombs, and their guns, in your head, in your head they are crying.”
He threw his head back, and for not the first time that night, the radio was drowned out by cheers.
“In your head! In your head! Zombie, Zombie, Zombie. What’s in your head? In your head? Zombie, Zombie, Zombie!”
Dogma climbed off the table quickly, his ears and cheeks burning but a small smile was on his face, even as he was smothered by Hardcase, Fives, Tup, and Echo swarming him with hugs and rubbing his head affectionately.
Jesse climbed up onto the table next, picking up the discarded mop and clearing his throat.
“I would just like to dedicate this song to the gorgeous woman I picked up at 79s last week.” He drawled, nodding once to Kix, who was hovering knowingly by the radio. He nodded once to the helmet, which was now stationed on a nearby table, still recording. “Darling, you had the best pair of tits I have ever seen in my entire life, and you had the mouth of an angel and the coochie of a devil.”
Fives whistled, and Coric snickered. Rose rolled his eyes.
“So, babygirl, this one is for you.”
Kix turned on the radio, and Jesse grinned.
“Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame. Darling, you give love a bad name.”
Guitar rang out through the mess hall, and Jesse bit his lip, rolling his hips as he leaned slightly off the edge of the table.
“An angel’s smile is what you sell, you promised me heaven then put me through hell. Chains of love got a hold on me, when passion’s a prison, you can’t break free.”
He dropped into a crouch, singing directly into the camera.
“Whoa, you’re a loaded gun, whoa, there’s nowhere to run, no one can save me, the damage is done!”
He jumped to his feet, the table shaking under him as he landed.
“Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame. You give love a bad name. I play my part and you play your game, you give love a bad name!” He turned his back on the crowd, dropping low again and slowly rising, shaking his ass. “Yeah you give love…”
He looked over his shoulder, tossing the camera a wink. “…a bad name.”
The music changed abruptly, and for a moment Jesse looked pissed. “What the hell, ‘Case?”
But his expression shifted as Hardcase rushed to the table, pushing his brother out of the way and taking the mop from him. The crowd cheered all over again as Jesse climbed down, brothers slapping him on the shoulders as Hardcase’s song started up.
“We finish strong, right vode?” He asked cheekily.
“We still have to finish cleaning!” Dogma called back.
Hardcase only smirked in response, and sang quickly to keep up with the lightning fast lyrics.
“Backstroking lover always hiding ‘neath the cover, can I talk to you, my daddy say. He said, you ain’t seen nothing ‘til you’re down on a muff and then you’re sure to be a-changin’ your ways.”
He cupped his codpiece, bucking his hips forward into his own hand.
“I met a cheerleader, was a real young bleeder, all the times I can reminisce. ‘Cos the best things of lovin’ with her sister and her cousin only started with a little kiss, like this!”
He swung his arms wide, shaking his ass in time with the music and stuck his tongue out, having the time of his life.
“See-saw swingin’ with the boys in the school and your feet flyin’ up in the air. Singin’ hey diddle diddle with your kitty in the middle of the swing like you didn’t care.”
He walked backwards along the table, rolling his shoulders back as he moved.
“So I took a big chance at the high school dance with a missy who was ready to play. Wasn’t me she was foolin’ ‘cos she knew what she was doin’, and I know love is here to stay when she told me to walk this way!”
The rest of the 501st joined in with him, repeating the chorus of “Walk this way! Walk this way! Walk this way!” over and over again, Hardcase taking over again as the next verse began.
“School girl sweetie was the sassy kinda classy, little skirt’s climbing way up her knees. There was three young ladies in the school gym locker when I noticed they was lookin’ at me.”
He ran his hands along his thigh, mimicking raising a skirt.
“I was a high school loser, never made it with a lady ‘til the boys told me something I missed. Then my next-door neighbor with a daughter had a favor so I gave her just a little kiss, like this!”
“Do you think he has any idea what he’s singing about?” Kix asked Rose, leaning back against the counter and chuckling.
He watched as Hardcase went back to grabbing his own crotch, dry-humping the air and hummed.
“I’d say most likely.”
“See-saw swingin’ with the boys in the school and your feet flyin’ up in the air. Singin’ hey diddle diddle with your kitty in the middle of the swing like you didn’t care.”
Hardcase grinned, and to both Kix and Rose’s utter chagrin, Hardcase actually did dive off the makeshift stage and attempt to crowd surf.
“So I took a big chance at the high school dance with a missy who was ready to play. Wasn’t me she was foolin’ ‘cos she knew what she was doin’, and I know love is here to stay when she told me to walk this way!”
“I’m not patching you up!” Kix shouted over the roar of the music. Rose chuckled, turning the volume nod down as the rest of the 501st shouted in protest.
“Alright, that’s enough for now.” The Lieutenant said, taking control once more. “We can listen to it quietly in the background, but we really do need to wrap up cleaning.”
“Why? Got a date tonight?” Jesse asked with a raised eyebrow. Rose punched him lightly in the arm, and they got back to work once again.
They worked in relative silence, the occasional voice humming or singing along to the music, but they remained productive right up until one of the final songs Rose had downloaded cut through the speaker. The piano wasn’t as rich-sounding as it was through a regular speaker, but even through the tinny cadence of the beat-up radio, every single trooper in the canteen bolted upright, eyebrows raised. Rose smiled knowingly, and turned up the volume once again.
Fives beamed, sitting down on top of one of the tables and laying back, one leg bent and the other stretched flat, a hand behind his head as he sang up at the ceiling.
“Just a small-town girl, living in a lonely world. She took the midnight train going anywhere.”
Jesse leaned back against the wall on the other side of the canteen, closing his eyes as he joined in.
“Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit. He took the midnight train going anywhere.”
Echo kept mopping, but was grinning as he picked up the next line. “A singer in a smoky room, the smell of wine and cheap perfume.”
Kix grinned. “For a smile, they can share the night, it goes on, and on, and on, and on.”
The rest of the 501st joined in together, their voices carrying in perfect harmony.
“Strangers, waiting. Up and down the boulevard, their shadows searching in the night. Streetlight people, living just to find emotion, hiding somewhere in the -.”
“Night!” Hardcase shouted, straining every muscle in his chest and neck as he struggled to reach the high note.
Tup picked up the next verse, climbing onto one of the tables and dragging Dogma up with him once again.
“Working hard to get my fill, everybody wants the thrill. Paying anything to roll the dice just one more time.”
Dogma smiled, nodding his head along to the music. “Some will win, some will lose.”
Tup threw his arm around his brother, and the two of them sang together. “Some were born to sing the blues!”
Rose’s voice carried from over by the radio. “Oh the movie never ends, it goes on and on, and on and on!”
“Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard, their shadows searching in the night. Streetlight people, living just to find emotion, hiding somewhere in the -.”
“NIGHT!” This time, it was Dogma, of all people, who rang out with the high note, and the explosion of shouts and cheers was deafening. They were screaming along to the lyrics, dancing and jumping and shouting and swaying in time with the song.
“Don’t stop believin’! Hold on to that feeling. Streetlight people! Don’t stop believin’, hold on-”
The booming voice was so powerful, it could be heard even over the shouts of all the clones. Echo was closest to the radio, and quickly shut it off as the song and dance stopped immediately, every clone scrambling to stand at attention.
The Jedi that filled the doorway was massive, an imposing shadow in the entrance to the canteen. He zeroed in on Tup and Dogma, who had been standing closest to the entrance, and stormed towards them.
“Who is your commanding officer?!”
“Me, sir.”
The Besalisk Jedi turned, spinning on Rose immediately. He stalked over to the Lieutenant, jabbing a meaty finger into his chest, hard enough to send him stumbling backwards.
“What is the meaning of this?” He snarled.
“Sir, we were assigned cleaning detail.” He explained. “We were just finishing up.”
The Jedi bared his teeth. “Doesn’t look like much cleaning was taking place to me.”
He surveyed the rest of the troopers, but turned his head back to Rose.
“What is your designation?”
“CT-7673.” Rose recited immediately, keeping his back ramrod straight at attention, even though the Jedi was deep in his personal space. He knew this man. General Krell had quite the reputation through the GAR, and Rose had no clue what he was doing outside of the Jedi Temple this late at night.
“Who is your commanding officer?”
“Captain Rex, sir.”
“Not a clone! Is there a malfunction in your design?!” The Jedi bellowed. A few feet behind him, Hardcase flinched at the sudden loud sound, but Rose held still. “Your general, CT-7673! Who is your Commanding Officer!?”
“General Skywalker, sir.” Rose said instead. The canteen was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
He turned his head, noticing the little radio on the table and picked it up, the device small in his massive hands, raising an eyebrow at Rose. “Contraband, disturbance of the peace, behavior unbecoming of an officer, insubordination.” He hissed. “That’s plenty of grounds for a court martial, Lieutenant.”
“Sir.” Fives spoke up, taking a step towards them. “Proper chain of command designates General Skywalker as the one to hand down a court martial order, sir.”
He narrowed his eyes, his voice dripping with contempt. “With all due respect, sir, you do not command this battalion, and cannot order a court martial on the Lieutenant.”
“Fives.” Rose snapped, whipping his head around to face Fives. “Stand down. Now.”
The ARC Trooper shrank back, his hands curled into fists at his sides, and the General turned back to Rose.
“Be that as it may,” he began icily. “You can rest assured this breach of conduct will not go unreported.”
“Yes sir.” Rose replied stiffly.
General Krell pulled back at last, surveying the battalion. “I want this canteen spotless, and not a word out of you in the meantime!” He ordered. “And I don’t think you’ll be needing this anymore.”
With one quick motion, he smashed the radio in his hands. Rose heard a soft, hurt sound somewhere behind him, but ignored it. He didn’t look away from the General.
“Dismissed.” Krell growled, turning and stalking towards the doors. “And as for you,” He turned, jabbing one large finger at Fives. “I’ll be mentioning you in my report as well. Pray our paths do not cross again, clone.”
And with those words, he left the canteen.
Rose relaxed, but only minimally so. The silence hung heavy over the 501st, and everyone quietly shuffled back to work.
Rose gripped the mop handle tightly as he worked, his knuckles turning white. His chest burned, a tight, constricting feeling wrapped around his insides. It was a feeling he’d never felt before – anger, sadness, humiliation, resignation – all rolled into one hateful ball, coiled in his gut.
“Finished with the kitchen, sir.” Came Tup’s small voice. He’d put his hair back up, the tight bun back to regulation standards. Dogma was standing stiff beside him, still not entirely relaxed yet. “And the um – the canteen area’s just about wrapped up as well.”
“Very good.” Rose said with a small nod. “I’ll report back to Captain Rex, let him know we’ve finished for the night.”
“Sorry about your radio, sir.” Hardcase murmured, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, ‘Case.” Rose smiled, but his eyes were sad. “It was – it was old, anyway. Just a silly thing.”
Fives bristled, his jaw setting as he tossed the bucket he’d been holding back into the supply closet with far more force than necessary.
“We aren’t supposed to leave base for the rest of the night, right?” Denal asked, arms folded across his chest as they finished the last of the cleanup. “Guess we could play Sabacc or something back in the barracks?”
There were a few murmured agreements, and the 501st shuffled back towards the barracks. Rose was still thinking about the General, and had a bitter taste in his mouth. They hadn’t been doing anything wrong, really.
Was it such a crime to enjoy oneself? To simply exist?
Fives and Echo fell into step on either side of Rose, the ARC Troopers bracketing their Lieutenant. “I bet Echo and I could rebuild the radio.” Fives offered. “Might take a little bit, but even if we can’t, Kix is real good at bartering stuff down in the markets. Remember when he got us those HoloDisc movies for just a tube of bacta?”
“We could find another radio for you?” Echo suggested hopefully. “Or maybe,” he lowered his voice slightly. “Maybe Y/N could find you one?”
“Let it go.” Rose said, picking up the pace and pulling away from the ARC Troopers. They reentered the now far tidier barracks, and Rose gravitated back to his footlocker, starting to close it up and push it back under his bed. The metal clacked slightly against the edge of the bunk, and he paused, the tinny sound echoing in his ears.
He knocked the footlocker against the bunk again, listening to the little noise again.
Kark it. He was more than just a mindless flesh-droid. He was a person. A human being. And he liked music.
And he wasn’t about to let anybody take that away from him.
“I never got to do a song.” He announced, straightening up and putting his hands on his hips.
“You can’t be serious, sir.” Dogma said, shaking his head at him. “Haven’t we gotten in enough trouble?”
“I’m sure the General’s slithered back to the Temple by now, where he belongs.” Jesse replied, turning back to the Lieutenant. “We don’t have a radio anymore, sir.”
“We don’t need one.” Rose said, pulling his footlocker back out and propping up one leg on it. He tapped his foot against the metal, the rhythm settling, nodding his head along. He took a deep breath.
“Standing in the rain, with his head hung low. Couldn't get a ticket, it was a sold out show.”
Fives recognized the song, and started tapping his foot along, drumming his hands on an overturned weapons crate.
“Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene. Put his ear to the wall, then like a distant scream.” Rose climbed up onto the table. “He heard one guitar!”
Jesse slammed a bucket from earlier down against the supports of a bunk, the loud clang mimicking the strum of a guitar.
“Just blew him away. He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day, bought a beat up six string in a secondhand store. Didn’t know how to play it, but he knew for sure, that one guitar!”
Another clang, this time from Kix repeating Jesse’s motion, and Echo, Denal, Coric and Fives were all drumming on overturned buckets and crates.
“Felt good in his hands! Didn’t take long to understand, just one guitar, slung way down low, was a one way ticket, only one way to go.”
Tup and Hardcase had picked up a brush – typically used for scrubbing their blasters and armor down – and were knocking it against the durasteel wall. Dogma had rounded up the others, a look of sheer determination on his face as they clamored around the bunks and tables, smacking their fists in rhythm with anything they could get their hands on.
“So he started rockin', ain't never gonna stop. Gotta keep on rockin', someday gonna make it to the top!”
Rose stomped his feet, and the rest of the 501st joined him for the chorus.
“And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes. He's a juke box hero!”
“He took one guitar,” Rose sang, while the rest of the battalion echoed “juke box hero, stars in his eyes” around him. “Juke box hero, he’ll come alive tonight.”
The singing quieted down, listening for a moment to see if anyone was coming, and Rose grinned, starting again and pitching his voice low.
“In a town without a name, in a heavy downpour, thought he passed his own shadow, by the backstage door.”
The clones took position, preparing to resume their makeshift instruments as Rose picked up in volume.
“Like a trip through the past, to that day in the rain. And that one guitar, made his whole life change! Now he needs to keep on rockin', he just can't stop! Gotta keep on rockin', that boy has got to stay on top!”
Once again, shouts rang out as his brothers joined him for the chorus, their voices louder and more determined than ever, refusing to be silenced.
“And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes. He's a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes. Yeah, juke box hero, stars in his eyes. With that one guitar, he'll come alive, come alive tonight.”
As they finished the song, Rose panted softly, glancing down at his commlink again. He decided he was going to go off base after all. He wanted to see you, and nobody, not his Captain’s orders, and definitely not some karking General like Krell, was going to stop him.
“Dismissed.” He said curtly, and took off out the door without another word.
SONGS USED (because they’re all bangers and you should listen to them): 
The 501st (introduction): Hotel California Echo: Hooked on a Feeling  Fives: Kickstart My Heart Kix: Sharp Dressed Man Jesse: You Give Love a Bad Name Coric and Denal: Come Sail Away Dogma: Zombie Tup: Dancing in the Dark Hardcase: Walk This Way The 212th and 501st: I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) The 501st (Canteen finale): Don’t Stop Believin’ Rose and the 501st: Juke Box Hero
TAG LIST (Aka everyone on the tag list for BAON):  @fat-zygerrian @ladydiomede @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @threevie @cheesemachine44 @bubblyacey @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @loverofclones @starwarsgarbage @hockeyjedi13 @crazygirlwithasword @dar-manda-rjct @gotomarvelgal @baba-fett @whore4rex @bubblegumcat229 @generalcannoli @hellothere501stlover @in-the-crosshairs @vaderthepotater @for-the-love-of-clones @babyhowzer @imrealatedtothe501st @chewychewyque @bobafettuccini @baba-fett-writes @chromia7567 @coffeeandtodd @thedomesticatednerd @kirinpl @djarrex @a-c-lee @embarrassedauthornerd @kaorikoizumi @the-girl-of-rain-and-shadows @sammi9498 @theroguesully @salaminus
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mistaeq · 4 years
Hope u don't mind me requesting again but I was wondering if u could do headcanons for the crusaders with a reader who likes to quote memes or vines like when she's got an idea of some sort she's just like "oh yeah, big brain time" or they're in a fight with an enemy she's like "I'ma bad b*tch you can't kill me", I just wanna see their reaction to someone with that chaotic energy (sorry if this doesn't make sense ':>)
Stardust Crusaders: With a s/o who Quotes Memes and Vines
TW // none
Thank you for your request! I genuinely had a lot of fun writing this idea for these five dorky men <3 enjoy!
Stardust Crusaders with a s/o who's often quoting memes and Vines, had to be fem!s/o, but I didn't need to point out reader's gender while writing, so it turned out kinda neutral.
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He's annoyed by your habit most of the time, but he can't deny that sometimes the result is pretty hilarious, above all when you happen to do it when fighting against enemy stand users.
Jotaro was trying to figure out a way to attack without being noticed, to make sure it could be effective and quick, when he heard you whisper "Big brain time", and the second after, you suddenly screamed at the top of your lungs, yeeting your stand against the enemy stand user.
"YOU'RE TRYING TO FUCK WITH MY HOMIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?" screeching more or less the same way Stroheim would have done years ago, you guide your attack, your stand successfully making the enemy retire.
He tries to look annoyed and pissed, but you still managed to win, and he must admit he's a proud boyfriend. Jotaro is silently complimenting you, in his mind. Still, he scolds you. You acted in an irresponsible way and you could get really hurt.
When you see him so pissed over your behavior, all you manage to do is trying to ignore him. "Y/n, I'm not done with you." you usually shrug. "...Hi Not Done With You, I'm y/n."
Sometimes you both wonder how did such different people like you two end up together. But to be honest, Jotaro getting worried over you is something you enjoy, and seeing you so confident in your fighting skills makes Jotaro feel all proud and relieved you're not breaking down.
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He doesn't really know what these hilarious sentences are, but hearing you quoting them always gives him a reason to say he's in a good mood despite the pressure DIO puts on your lives.
The six of you were on your way to Pakistan, just before your fight with Wheel Of Fortune, and you were sitting right next to Joseph. Out of boredom, you both were reading the road signs, and you took the occasion to be yourself.
"Road Work Ahead..." Joseph read out loud. You snorted, and rested your head on your hand, smiling at him, and answering, whispering to not to annoy your fellow crusaders. "Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does." The man loudly laughed, scaring Polnareff who was driving.
Unfortunately, after that hilarious moment, you got really hurt in the fight against Wheel Of Fortune, and before even thinking of driving a kilometer more, they had to be sure you were okay. You really looked dead.
Much to Joseph's relief, after he pulled you up from the ground, holding you tight in his arms and caressing your hair a couple of times, you opened your eyes. And noticed his ones were almost teary. Did he get that much scared?
You immediately smiled, not wanting to see him like that. You pulled a thumb up, a smug grin on your face. "I'm a bad bitch, he can't kill me." the man laughed, tenderly kissing your forehead and letting you back in the car.
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He knows what those quotes are. Avdol doesn't really mind them, he finds those genuinely funny. But he minds them when you fuck up your protection just because you want to quote those.
He particularly remembers that time you were with Polnareff, when a clone of Avdol himself and a clone of Jean's sister, Sherry, were created by an enemy stand user. He was watching the two of you from afar, just before joining you and saving you. As soon as you saw the clone of your boyfriend, you eyed at Polnareff.
"Are you telling me you asked for THIS thing, Jean? This is not Avdol, this is some flesh without his feelings! This bitch's EMPTY!" your strong stand picked up the clone, and threw him violently on the ground, over Polnareff's head. "YEET!"
When you did that, it took no time for the clone to rip off a bite of your leg, and you couldn't express how much it hurt. When you learnt that the actual Avdol was there too, much to Polnareff's surprise since he didn't know anything, you immediately scolded your boyfriend.
"You could come and help a little sooner... mother trucker, dude. That bite hurt like a buttcheek on a stick." Avdol stayed silent for a couple of seconds, before bursting into a laughter with you, kissing your lips. "I missed you so much, babe."
Avdol spent the following twenty minutes in checking on you and making sure you had no more severe wounds that could interfere with your trip to Egypt. He's pretty apprehensive, when it comes to you.
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He totally knows what those quotes are and laughs with you on those. It's likely for you and Noriaki to understand each other and communicate through memes and Vine quotes. It happens to be useful to talk without enemies understanding you.
The crusaders have plenty of war flashbacks of you and Kakyoin acting weird because of those. For example, the time you were walking with your boyfriend, along with Jotaro and Anne. You genuinely tried to hold back from quoting vines around Jotaro, but as soon as a man threw a paper on the ground and not in the bin, you two screamed.
"WHOEVER THREW THAT PAPER, YOUR MOM'S A HOE!" that's one of the reasons that pushed Jotaro and Anne to isolate themselves from the actual Kakyoin and the actual you, being attacked by Rubber Soul afterwards.
Rubber Soul and his fellow enemy stand users were an infuriating thing for you and Kakyoin. Last time you had a talk together, understanding they were only serving DIO for money, you found yourselves pissed off. Like for real.
"We here not having the money for some chicken nuggets and still helping Jotaro and Mr. Joestar for FREE and y'all want a hundred thousand dollars from a naked vampire? Not gonna happen, Karen!"
You're able to bring out the loudest part of Noriaki, since none of the crusaders like the same stuff of this type the way he does. You often call each other "dude" or "bitch" - regardless of your genders, in fact you called him a bitch several times -, even if you're an actual couple.
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He doesn't really know what those quotes are, but he finds it hilarious when you say them, and gets interested in it, so that he can get the reference when you repeat those. He starts saying those too, afterwards.
It happened when you met Hol Horse, a fast, precise bullet coming towards you, as you and Polnareff moved a little, but enough for the bullet to get in the little space between you, leaving you safe and sound. It had scared you, you weren't gonna lie, and in both your minds, a perfect vine quote appeared.
"Ah, stooop. We coulda dropped our croissant." if that quote wasn't perfect to be said with your boyfriend... nothing else could ever be. You both laughed, as Hol Horse realized he was alone against two people, and before you could say anything more, he was running away.
Teaching vine and memes quotes to Polnareff is the cutest thing ever, because you know he's gonna use them sometime, with your fellow crusaders or with enemies. But he doesn't have a great memory, and will need your help.
"Next time you put your fuckin' hands on me, imma fucking... babe help." no wonder Enyaba was staring at you two with a scared and confused look on her face. "...rip your face off..." you helped him. "...rip your face off." Polnareff repeated. "...bitch." you added, whispering. "Putain." you choked on your breath, did Jean fucking say bitch in french?
Polnareff has no chill, if you're willing to risk it all for a vine quote, he'll fucking do it with you, no matter what. Jotaro wants you two dead.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I have to wonder how season 2 Crosshair is gonna start with anything other than him escaping execution. Dude murdered his whole squad with one known survivor who reports it to the General, who then says 'We were gonna kill him anyway, so just let him die here'. It's not like Crosshair has any sort of bargaining chip to justify the Empire not abandoning or executing him.
It may end up being important that (I think) the surviving squad member doesn't know that Crosshair killed his team, only that they're dead. She was off looking for Omega, came back, saw her dead teammates and the clones fighting droids, and (smartly lol) got the hell out of Dodge. I think her exact words were that Crosshair "lost control of the situation," which tells the Admiral that Crosshair failed, but not that he failed because of his own betrayal. Granted, I think she's also the one who approaches the Admiral earlier, saying she doesn't trust Crosshair's motivations when it comes to his former team, so there's already a precedent set that Crosshair's loyalty may be less than perfect. Still, the actual explanation of what went down doesn't reveal that Crosshair killed his teammates and outright betrayed the Empire, just that he failed to complete the mission.
So based on what stories have done in the past, I can picture a couple of different ways for him to return:
 Using the above, Crosshair straight up hides his shaky loyalties and frames the failure as just that: a garden variety failure. Perhaps he implies, though does not outright state, that his team's death came at the hands of TBB. A "Let the Admiral think what he wants" situation that benefits him.
The above + Crosshair emphasizing that TBB escaped. You know what kind of threat they are, Admiral, and though I failed before, I'm still your best chance at capturing/killing them. You need me. Crosshair believes firmly in his own usefulness — that ego — and he's not above working hard to convince others of that.
 Between now and the time of his return, the Admiral has, for whatever reason, reconsidered the benefit of having at least a few clones in his army and is thus pleased that Crosshair survived, no matter the iffy circumstances of that. Personally, my mind keeps focusing on the weird motivations here. Namely, this push to have a conscripted army when, as far as TBB shows, that's a bad option compared to what they've already got. We as the audience know that the Empire needs to reach the point where they've got stormtroopers with terrible aim (that's the OG Star Wars), but right now, outside of that meta context, the Admiral's choices come across as rather stupid to me. Gregor and TBB point out, "These are our replacements?" highlighting that conscripted soldiers just don't have the skill of clones who were bred for war. I can only assume that the Empire was spying on Crosshair's team the same way they did TBB when they were sent to execute the "insurgents," which means they would have seen that the clone, Crosshair, was the only one originally willing to follow their order of killing civilians. Crosshair had to kill the other guy/talk the rest of the team into following that command. And of course, that's largely due to the chip, circling right back to why the Empire would have removed his when it gives them perfect control over Crosshair, especially after bothering to enhance it in the first place. So say nothing of Crosshair's crazy skills, making him one of, if not the best, shooter in the galaxy. I feel like if they want the Admiral to come across as less foolish, all these points should resurface at some point like, "Yes, having an ally specifically bred for war, with a genetically superior makeup to enhance his ability, who can be put under literal mind control and who while in that state has already proven that he'll follow our commands when conscripted soldiers won't... that's actually a good thing for us evil people to have!"
The Admiral has totally written Crosshair off. Doesn't need him. Doesn't want him. But a new character is introduced who is interested and who, crucially, outranks him. So Crosshair is let back in as someone else's evil pet, setting up conflict within the Empire.
The above, but specifically through the lens of clones now being a rare and useful commodity. We know they grabbed Nala Se, so either she (if she regains some power) or her new scientist boss could insist that they keep Crosshair around as a genetic source/experiment/whatever. Especially since they don't have Omega yet. Could even be that Crosshair becomes a prisoner again, returning to fight for the Empire, but becoming their lab rat instead.
Crosshair deliberately does something to get back into their good graces. Something, something, saving the Admiral from a legit threat, or one of Crosshair's own making. A way to show off how useful he is.
 OR we do get a near execution that results in the same basic thing: Crosshair escapes, shows off his skill, all his would-be executioners are dead, he's the last one standing, and the Admiral is like, "Well then. Welcome back." You know when Rex is on the cruiser and goes "This will do nicely," Tech points out that it's not sterile, Rex pushes back that they can go to Kamino instead, and within a second Tech is going, "This will do nicely!" too? Same idea. It's easy to accept Crosshair as the best/only option if he does something to make himself that option.
Ultimately, I think how this goes down will depend largely on whether they want Crosshair back in the Empire's clutches or not. He's told TBB he intends to stick with the big power, but that doesn't necessarily mean the plot will allow for that. If the story wants Crosshair to continue being a willing Imperial for a time, prior to his assumed redemption, then yeah, I think it would be relatively easy to get him back in the Empire's good graces. It wouldn't necessary be the smoothest transition of all time, but as we've already seen in Season One — I don't totally follow why conscripted soldiers are supposedly better than clones, don't follow why TBB isn't trying to rescue Crosshair, don't understand yet why Crosshair won't clarify things about his chip, etc. — motivations in Star Wars can be... messy at the best of times. So if they just went, "And the Empire let Crosshair come back for ___ reason, don't think about that reason too hard" I'd be fine with that. But, if they want Crosshair to start his redemption now, one of the easiest ways to do that would be to stick him with a third party. Someone else finds him on the planet, perhaps someone neutral-ish like another bounty hunter, and Crosshair is given the chance to technically be opposed to his brothers because that's where they left things, but not actively working with the organization hunting him down. Plot-wise it would be relatively simple to put him in situations where he wants to return to the Empire, but can't just now, for whatever reason — they need to travel there, he hasn't thought up a means of getting back in their good graces yet, he gets caught up in another problem he needs to solve first, starts hunting TBB himself to return with that incentive, etc. — and that time allows him to start reconsidering whether he actually wants to go back, now that he's been forced to survive without them. An in-between space that will allow him to work towards the Light side again... even if I'd personally prefer for that to come about through his brothers fighting for him.
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grimtrespasser · 3 years
Okay so,, I kinda,,,, came up with a whole au in which Anakin and Padmé are t4t, cause I was mad at Star Wars again, dicking around in my friend’s DMs, and I joked they’d have a way better relationship if they were and it kinda,,, spiraled skdks. It just dredged up a lot of follow up questions about how that’d affect the continuity and now it’s my self indulgent Anakin/Padmé/Rex fixit. So uhhh… some notes I have about the t4t au!
• obviously, first off, Padmé is a trans woman and Anakin is a trans man
• Luke and Ahsoka are also trans in this au because I said so
• When Luke officially comes out as trans Padmé jokes that he gets it from Rex’s side of the family much to Anakin’s delight and Rex’s complete confusion
• I’m under no circumstances killing Fives in this au that shit hurt me, so in this one he’s frazzled by the discovery of Palpatine but Rex and Anakin actually listen when he calls them to that warehouse and when authorities arrive they claim he was shot and fell over the edge into the center of Coruscant when in reality they call in some favors to smuggle him away safely
• Because they discover the chips through Fives so early on, they’re able to start covertly de-chipping some of the clones (with a lil jedi assistance à la Anakin and Shaak Ti), they obviously don’t manage to remove the chips of all the clones but they get a fair chunk saving themselves a lOt of pain come Order 66
• Mmmm big fan of Rex’s stiff awkward phase when he first starts attempting non-professional relationships, he’s a bit better by the time he starts crushing on Anakin and even more so when he falls for Padmé but bOy howdy does it take him awhile to just fuckin relax around them
• Rex, consistently getting crushes on badass dudes: I think I’m gay
Padmé: Hello, commander :)
Rex: hahaha bi panic: activate
• Legit he’s so awkward and uncomfortable in casual contexts I love him for that
• So I think a few critical changes are what push Anakin away from the dark side in this au:
1) When Fives uncovers the conspiracy, though by this point Anakin is friends with Palpatine and has a hard time reconciling what Fives saw and the existence of the chips with who he’s come to know Palpatine as
2) His decent fucking support system because holy fUck how do you have a whole found family network and yet they stILL fail to actually support you the whole damn way?? Obi-Wan doesn’t tell him his emotionality is dark side stuff! The council doesn’t just tell him to repress shit! His relationship with Padmé gets actual fuckin development and is actually healthy in this au!! FffUck
3) The twins, cause duh. They obviously happen at the very end of the Clone Wars so Anakin getting pregnant is what leads up to his final loss of trust in Palpatine and his decision to stick up for himself and his family against what the council might potentially say.
• Ahsoka still leaves the Jedi Order in this au cause I think it’s just too pivotal an aspect of her character, and at first Anakin is angry and betrayed but eventually he comes to accept it was the best option for her and doesn’t resent her for her choice. Especially after finding out about the twins and realizing his family won’t be readily accepted by the Order even though both are incredibly important to him
• Ahsoka is the one who tells him it’s twins, I just think it’d be hilarious if Kix’s initial tests really early on didn’t reveal that so when Anakin got Obi-Wan and Ahsoka together to break the news Ahsoka sensed both the kids through the living force and just went “Oh my gosh you’re having twins!” Right before Anakin could say he was pregnant, and his brain just breaks cause like…. Twins?? Oh god, twins????
• In turn Padmé almost chokes on her tea and Rex nearly fuckin faints when Anakin has to tell them it’s twins, like they had jUst come to terms with one baby and now they know it’s gonna be two and they are going thrOugh it
• Really want Anakin to just,,, go off and get really anti-government at some point. Like the more he becomes aware of his garbage circumstances at the Order and working for the Republic, the more he starts to recognize his childhood experiences in the clones’ situation, and the angrier he gets at the systems in power that facilitated all this injustice. He’s just never been afforded the chance at being free, so once he starts asking questions, he starts seeing what’s behind the curtain real fuckin quick. Except this time he’s got the support system to channel that anger into productivity rather than letting it consume him.
• I’m a big fan of the Anakin Doesn’t Turn But The Empire Still Rises AUs so this one follows a similar continuity. After all, Anakin was just a particularly close pawn, Palpatine still had a million other ways to ensure he came out on top, so when everything breaks bad Anakin escapes with Padmé, the twins, and his battalion. And because they were alerted to Palpatine’s plans by Fives they had an extended escape plan with a handful of other battalions, including the 212th and the Wolf Pack. A lot of them help build up the rebellion or become involved with it later down the line, once the movement starts to gain more traction.
Will I do anything with this au? Who knows! Buts it’s certainly fun for me to think about and I’m always coming up with random new details, so we’ll just see where my spite and curiosity takes me with this one. At the very least I’ve already got some doodles I might post later
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Writting request!
Hels!Impulse taking regular impulses place n stuffing him in like a closet or somethin-
N someone who's sus of him (maybe iskall?) Finds the real impulse.
Now to unmask the fake.
okay so a few quick things:
1) this ended up a LOT longer than i expected lol so i apologise for that, it’s over 2k words
2) i also didn’t entirely stick to every detail in the prompt because i had an idea i rly liked and i wanted to roll with it, so i’m rly sorry if it’s not as good as you were expecting
3) anyway i hope it’s good! it was a lot of fun to work on
  Impulse is working on the redstone of his pumpkin and melon farm in his base when he spots a shadow moving around right at the corner of his vision. Frowning, he leaves his task and heads out into the main part of the base, looking around. “Hello?” he calls cautiously. “Grian, if this is you again…”
  He gets no response. 
  Just as he starts to turn back, thinking he just imagined it, something slams into him and knocks him into the wall, stunning him. He looks sharply up to find…
  Impulse’s eyes widen. “Wh-Who are you?!”
  The new Impulse has his arms crossed and a malicious grin on his face. “My name is Impulstor. I’m your Hels counterpart. And I’m going to take over your life as my own.”
  “W-Wait, what?!” 
  Before Impulse can move, Impulstor seizes his lapels and drags him across the base. Impulse struggles as hard as he can but he’s still winded from being hit against the wall. 
  Impulstor takes him to one of the support pillars at the very edge of the base, which has a two by one block hole in it, left over from Grian’s secret base shenanigans a few weeks ago. Weakened, he’s unable to stop Impulstor from shoving him roughly through the gap. 
  Since the floor is a block lower than the bottom of the hole, Impulse’s foot slips and he falls heavily against the wall, hitting his head and stunning him even more. The space inside the pillar is only one block by one block, with two or three more blocks of space above his head, so as Impulse collapses, he’s forced into an uncomfortable sitting position. 
  Blinking back tears of pain and fear, Impulse tries sluggishly to escape but Impulstor bashes him on the head with his own pickaxe. 
  The last thing Impulse sees before he passes out is Impulstor blocking the gap with white concrete, trapping him in this prison.
  Zedaph flies over the shopping district and lands a little way off from Impulse and Tango, who are sitting on one of the benches outside town hall, chatting. As he approaches, the two look up and spot him. “Hey, Zed!” Tango calls, beaming. “Wanna join me and Impy hanging out?”
  “Yeah, sure! What do you have in mind?”
  “Well, I thought we might go give Decked Out a group run,” Tango says. “I’d have to fix things up a little bit but that shouldn’t take more than ten minutes. I think it’d be epic to go in as a team.”
  “Ooh, yeah!” Impulse grins. “I always loved that game. It terrifies me, but I loved it. Those ravagers, man. I’m always on the lookout for them and it’s terrifying with the heartbeat and everything.” 
  “That was the idea,” snickers Tango.
  “I know, I know. Doesn’t make it any less terrifying, though.” Impulse grins. “Going in as a group would be great! I’d really like to do that.”
  Zedaph involuntarily takes a step back. He doesn’t know what, but there’s something off about Impulse today. There’s something different, something he can’t quite put his finger on. He’s known Impulse a long time, but not as long as Tango, who doesn’t seem to share his doubts. Is he misreading the situation?
  “Yeah, me too!” Tango enthuses. “You up for it, Zed?”
  “Um, actually…” Zedaph forces a convincing cough and rubs his stomach. “I feel kinda sick all of a sudden. I think the flight over here churned my insides.”
  “Oh.” Tango frowns sympathetically. “You’d better rest, then.”
  “Yeah, sorry. I need to go home.”
  “No problem, man. Hope you feel better.”
  Zedaph slowly walks away, keeping up his charade in case the others are watching. Over his shoulder, he hears Impulse say something about his ice farm, then a few seconds later, the sound of rockets are heard as the two take off with their elytras. 
  He keeps going for about a minute longer, just in case, before deeming it safe and taking off with his rockets. His heart pounding, he shoots over to Impulse’s base and after crashing through the water curtain, lands neatly on the ground inside. “Impulse?” Zedaph calls, starting to rush through the pyramid base. “Impulse, are you here?”
  Zedaph’s voice awakens Impulse. Blinking against the throbbing in his head, he bashes his fist against the wall of the pillar as hard as he can. “Ze-Zedaph! ZED!”
  Following the sound of Impulse’s voice, Zedaph locates the pillar and slices a hole in it with his pickaxe. 
  To his horror, he finds Impulse squeezed inside the narrow gap, blood still dripping from the wound in his head. 
  “Oh my god…!”
  Zedaph drags Impulse out of the pillar and lets him lie flat on the ground for a moment while he tends to his wound. Impulse doesn’t even have the strength to wince at the stinging of antiseptic. 
  “Are you okay?” asks Zedaph quietly. “How long have you been stuck in there?”
  “A-A few hours at most, I don’t really know. What’s going on?”
  “Well, fake you is cosying up to Tango. I don’t think Tango suspects anything.”
  Impulse swallows back a pang of hurt. “Oh… I-I thought he knew me better than that…”
  “To be fair, whoever’s masquerading as you is really, really good,” says Zedaph slowly. “I hate to say this, but even I barely noticed.”
  “Really? What made you catch on?”
  Zedaph hesitates. “It was more of a gut feeling than solid evidence. I dunno, there was just something about the way he talked that seemed off. It didn’t seem like you. I thought either there was something wrong with you or it wasn’t you at all.”
  “And you came to the conclusion that an imposter posing as me was more likely than me having an off day?” chuckles Impulse weakly. 
  Zedaph matches his chuckle as he starts to wind a bandage around Impulse’s head. “Again, it was just a gut feeling.”
  “Well, your gut feeling was right. Now what do we do about Impulstor?”
  Zedaph immediately bursts out a laugh. “Impulstor!” 
  Impulse gives him a look.
  Zedaph clears his throat awkwardly. “S-Sorry. Anyway, we should go and save Tango from, uh… Impulstor.”
  “Shouldn’t that be easy?” remarks Impulse. “I mean, I’M me. He’s not.”
  “Man, you didn’t see the way he was with Tango. He has to be some kind of clone of you or something; there’s no way he’s just a guy who’s studied the way you behave. It’s not about us not knowing you well enough; it’s him knowing every mannerism, every quirk, every facial tick. If it wasn’t for my random gut feeling, I doubt we’d have noticed for a really long time.”
  Impulse’s worry increases. If Tango, someone he’s known for over a decade, couldn’t even tell the difference between him and the imposter, his clone could have the whole server fooled within hours. 
  “We have to get to him away from the other hermits,” Impulse says. “The longer this goes on, the harder it’ll be to convince them I’m the real Impulse. What were him and Tango doing when you left?”
  “I think they were taking a look at your ice farm,” responds Zedaph. 
  Impulse shoots bolt upright. “Oh no! I spent ages getting that farm the exact way I wanted; he better not ruin anything!”
  Zedaph grips him by the shoulders. “Hey, easy, man. You might have a concussion.”
  “I don’t care! Tango is in real danger and so is everything I’ve ever built! I’m going over to my ice farm right now and you can’t stop me.”
  Zedaph hesitates. He knows his friend well enough to know that he really can’t stop him. “Okay, then. I’ll come with you.”
  “-really like this pattern,” Tango is saying, looking down at the floor underneath the ice farm. “How’d you think of it?”
  “Oh, it just came to me,” says Impulstor. “Took me a while to turn all the powder to concrete.”
  “I bet. Nice farm, dude!”
  Impulstor watches Tango move over to the side of the farm and look down. Tango clearly suspects nothing; if he has any doubts, he’s doing an amazing job hiding them. But Impulstor isn’t worried. From his (no, not his. Impulse’s) memories of Tango, he should be fairly easy to take down if the need arises. 
  But what he doesn’t anticipate is his ruse falling apart so soon.
  Tango jerks and snaps his head upwards to find two figures flying towards him. He blinks in shock; one of them is clearly Zedaph but the other… It can’t be…
  Impulstor lets out a very quiet growl, before rearranging his face into an expression of shock. “Wait a sec…”
  Impulse nearly falls over in his haste as he lands, him and Zedaph getting between Tango and Impulstor. 
  “What the hell is going on?!” Tango demands. “Why are there two Impulses?!”
  “He’s an imposter,” declares Impulse, jabbing a finger at Impulstor. “He’s a fake Impulse.”
  “No, HE’s the fake!” Impulstor snaps back. “I don’t know what’s going on here but I’m the real Impulse!”
  “Oh god, this is my worst nightmare,” Tango groans. “How are we supposed to know who the real one is?”
  “Look, ask me anything,” says Impulse. “I’ll answer any question you ask.”
  “What was your first build when you joined Hermitcraft?” Zedaph asks.
  “The witch huts in season three,” say both Impulse and Impulstor at the same time, causing the former to stare at the latter in shock. 
  “Who did you team up with to do the pirate ship prank in season six?” Tango asks slowly.
  “Ren and Doc,” both Impulses say, again at the same time. 
  “What did you call your season five base?” Zedaph says.
  Again, the answer comes simultaneously from both Impulse and Impulstor: “Atlantis.” 
  “Okay, stop, stop.” Tango waves his hands. “This is going nowhere. I don’t know HOW you two have the exact same memory but clearly, we’re not gonna make any progress this way.” 
  “Hey, Impulse.” Zedaph turns pointedly to the real Impulse. “How did you get that scar on your thigh?”
  “From an arrow wound during the season six civil war,” Impulse and Impulstor reply.
  A split second later, Impulse realises what his friend is doing. He lifts his shorts leg just enough for the small scar to become visible. “This one.”
  The other three turn to Impulstor, who realises he’s in trouble here. He may have Impulse’s memories but they don’t share a body. Impulstor remembers the exact moment Impulse got that injury but he wasn’t actually there. He didn’t live it; Impulse did. 
  “Impulse, if you’re the real one, show us the scar,” Tango says sternly. 
  Impulstor hesitates, his slightly narrowed eyes flickering from Tango to Impulse. 
  Suddenly, Impulstor takes off running, deliberately slamming into Tango as he does. Tango tumbles to the ground and slides right over the edge of the farm with a terrified yell. 
  Luckily, Zedaph reacts quickly and grabs his friend’s wrist. This stops Tango from falling long enough for Impulse to take hold of his friend’s other hand, and the two pull Tango back to safety. 
  “Oh my gosh, are you okay?!” gasps Impulse. “You almost went over!” 
  Breathing heavily, Tango starts to speak but cuts himself off as he finally registers the bandage around Impulse’s head. “I-Impulse, did he hurt you?”
  “What?” Impulse frowns, before remembering his head injury, which is already mostly healed. “Oh, yeah. He ambushed me in my base and knocked me out and stuffed me in the hollow space in one of my pillars for like five hours or so.”
  “Oh my god...” Tango squeezes his eyes shut. “I-I’m so sorry…”
  “Wh-What?” Impulse stares at him. What for?”
  “For not realising he wasn’t you. I should have seen it; I can’t believe I was so blind.”
  Impulse blinks. “Oh, Tango, no. Please, please don’t feel guilty. It’s not your fault at all.”
  “But…” Tango’s eyes glisten with tears. “I… I’ve known you for at least ten years. Surely I…”
  “No,” says Impulse firmly. “Don’t blame yourself, Tango. Impulstor is… He’s me. Essentially.”
  “What do you mean, Impusle?” asks Zedaph quietly. 
  Impulse hesitates. “Impulstor is my Hels counterpart. He looks like me, talks like me, he has all my memories. Tango, nobody can really blame you for not noticing. Dude, I know I’m the real Impulse and even I did a double take. You know I’m not observant at all but that was taking it to a whole new level.”
  Tango gives a quiet laugh. “Yeah, you’re really not super observant. But still…”
  “And hey, at least we now have a fairly easy way to tell us apart,” Impulse adds. “He won’t be able to fool you two again. But the rest of the server needs to be warned and briefed on how to tell us apart. Will you help me do that, both of you?”
  “Of course I will,” says Zedaph immediately, putting his arm over Impulse’s shoulders. “We’re a team.”
  Tango meets Impulse’s gaze.
  Finally, he says, “I always knew you’d have an evil twin but I didn’t expect him to be LESS annoying than you.” 
  “Hey,” complains Impulse mildly. “Give me some credit for not trying to murder you.”
  Tango laughs and grabs his friend in a hug. “Don’t worry, you’re still my favourite Impulse.”
  Impulse hugs him back. “Good. Now, let’s find Xisuma and warn him about Impulstor.”
  Tango pulls sharply away from Impulse and stares at him. “Wait… Is that his NAME? Impulse plus imposter?”
  “Uh huh. Trust me, I didn’t choose it.”
  His friend bursts out laughing. “That’s GREAT! Oh my god. That sounds like something Zed would come up with.”
  “I know, right!” Zedaph laughs. 
  Impulse can’t help a laugh too. The tension and fear that’s been controlling him for the last few hours has mostly melted away now that his best friends are safe. Impulstor might still be out there but with a little luck, he won’t be able to fool the rest of the server the way he fooled Tango. He’s sure he’ll see Impulstor again, though. 
  But the real question is: how soon?
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 18
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 18: Spiders, Demons, and People, Oh My!
“Just one more hour-”
“No, I’m putting my foot down you workaholic, you are shutting down and enjoying this festival with the rest of us,” Tang firmly said with arms crossed.
“It just-”
“Love you too, but no.”
“Just give it up Pigsy, you know he’s not gonna budge,” Macaque called out as Wukong, in his human disguise snickered beside him.
“Shut it,” he barked back.
Tang decided to pull out the big guns as he clasped his hands together and said with wide eyes “If you don’t get your ass out of there and enjoy the festival, I will make sure you sleep on the couch for a week.”
“…fine!” He threw up his hands as everyone else cheered.
“Took you guys long enough,” Mei snorted.
“Just remember kids, threatening the couch is always a good way to get your partner in control,” the historian said with a wink.
“Don’t tell them that!” The pig demon shouted out.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have opened on a holiday!”
“I can’t help it!”
“I know you can’t sweetheart, but this is why I’m here to remind you,” he said as he gave a kiss to his partner when he closed down.
“Awww, aren’t you both sweet,” Wukong teased.
“Can it!” Pigsy embarrassedly yelled.
“Doesn’t mean it’s not true,” he grinned to Wukong. No one besides those that already met him, knew that the monkey in disguise was the Monkey King and not just some dude called Wukong. Cause if they did, then the whole world would have shortly known by Tang fanboy screeches.
“Now that Pigsy has finally given in,” MK grinned as he ducked a rolling pin to the head, “we can finally meet up with everyone else!” He cheered as his bright purple sash, which was tied securely around his bright red changshan pants, flew behind him as Mei, who wore something similar to MK, but with a green dragon art wrapped around her shirt, charged after him.
“Man they sure are excited,” Sandy chuckled as Tang and Pigsy also followed the two children.
“Is he always like that,” Wukong asked as both monkeys slowly trailed behind them, easily knowing where the group was at all times.
“In a nutshell, this isn’t even his first time trying to work on Lunar New Year,” the other simian commented.
“I can scarcely believe it,” he muttered under his breath, not that it stopped the black monkey from hearing, as he forced himself out of his memories. “Also, have I mentioned that I’m loving the hairdo.” He smirked as he grabbed one of the two long strands from the monkey twin buns he was sporting.
“Blame Emerald, she wanted the both of us to match for some reason,” he rolled his eyes as he adjusted his bright red qipao adorned with flowers.
“I certainly will,” he teased. He was in a changshan as well, but in bright yellow that had clouds littered all around the front and he too had a sash tied around his waist, but in red. “Thanks for letting me borrow your sash by the way.”
“You would think that in your multitudes of outfits, you would have a red sash somewhere tucked in there. It’s even your favorite color,” he fondly huffed.
“I’m just as surprised as you are, I could have sworn I had one,” he lied with a smile on his face. Of course, he has red sashes, that’s his signature look, but he’s not gonna say that he wanted a piece of his friend’s clothing outright.
“Sure,” he rolled his eyes. “Well, we better catch up to them before they blow up the fireworks again.”
“Fireworks? You mean the one used during the parade?”
“Nope, I mean the ones they accidentally cause sometimes when they’re bored together,” he deadpanned as Wukong started to burst out laughing. “Not funny dumbass, there’s a reason there are now fire extinguishers at every other street lamp this time around.” He began to pick up the pace as he jumped onto a rooftop.
“Now I really have to know the full story!” He quaffed as he followed right behind.
“Not from me you're not, I swear I still have myokymia every time I think about it.”
“Man, I had almost forgotten just how good food stalls are,” Wukong said with his face stuffed with buns.
“Rethinking the shut in life,” Mac joked as he bounced the youngest of Yanyu siblings, Yuzu, in his arms.
“Oh yeah,” he eagerly nodded.
“We’ll just sit here and stuff your face, I need to hand Yu Yu back to one of her siblings,” he said as he went over to the group.
And that is precisely what he did as he continued his eating as he gazed upon the crowd of people and demons all enjoying the festival. He could see children running all around as they waved their puppet zodiac animals in the air, some couples were holding close to each other as they ventured from stall to stall, he could even see some mother, father, or guardian holding their child on their shoulders to get a better look.
“I should have come out here sooner,” he mused as he fiddled with the skewer stick in his mouth. “Really is nice out.”
“It really is, especially when the fireworks start,” he stopped when Mei finally announced her presence and sat next to him. He knew she was there and watching him, but he decided it was best if she made the first move.
“Well, how do you do on this fine night, little Miss. Stalker,” though that doesn’t mean he won’t still tease the hell out of her. He may be wary of her, but she is still vastly a child compared to him.
“Could be better, but since you're here I’ll guess I’ll settle,” she shot back and sat next to him.
“Ha, I could almost laugh, moon cake?” He held out a tray filled with mooncakes to the girl, who nodded in thanks as she took one. “They’re not as good as Moonshine, but they are pretty good.”
“The only cooks that can ever rival Pops is the chef that cooked for me when I was young and Pigsy.”
“If you say so,” he shrugged as he finished off the tray. “So what brings you around here.”
“Other than the festival?”
“Oh, that was a given, I mean here, with me as of this moment in time. I thought you still didn’t like me.”
“Still don’t,” she automatically said, “buttttt not as much as before.”
This made Wukong pause in his snacking as he looked towards Mei, “Oh? What changed? Was it witnessing my badassery? Beholding my awesomeness in all its glory? Or was it-”
“None of the above,” she promptly stopped him before he could get any more cringier, “You make Pops happy.”
“Oh,” he has to say that he was both not surprised, but still taken aback by her comment. “That's it?”
“Well, and you have stuck by his side when that creepy ass fucker showed up, so bonus points for that.”
“You should have seen Dad's face when you went absolute ham on his ass,” MK interjected as he latched onto Mei's back. “When he wasn’t all disgusted with the creep from hell, he was grinning the entire time. Especially when you landed those blows on him.”
“He was,” he couldn't help but perk up.
“Ugh, you both have it so bad for each other,” Mei said as MK nodded.
“What?!” He nervously said as he shot a look towards Macaque, who was talking to both Sandy and Yanyu, “I don’t have a-”
“You always try to go near him and cuddle a lot of time, all the affectionate nicknames, the goo goo eyes, jealousy towards Shun and your quick deflection of any mention of Dad boyfriend, stealing Dad clothing even though you had some of your own, I can go all day,” MK smirked as he listed off all the obvious ways the Sage monkey had a crush on the Doctor monkey.
“Don’t lie to us, it's so obvious,” Mei shared the same look.
It looked for a second that Wukong was going to rebuttal, but he sighed in defeat. “Is it really that obvious?”
“To everyone but Dad,” he chuckled and patted the monkey on the back.
“Greeatttt,” he groaned and put his face in his hands. “That’s just peachy.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t get too much grief over it, well at least not from us. I don’t know about the rest,” she shrugged.
“Really?” He peeks through the cracks of his hands.
“The two of us have been keeping an eye on you,” she gestured to both her and MK.
“MK, you too,” the Monkey King held a mock wounded look.
“Sorry, but I have to look out for dear ol Dad,” he scratched the back of his neck. “And to be fair, a part of me really didn’t want him to date anyone anytime soon after Shun and I didn’t know how the both of you would be like after the whole fight and everything.”
“Oh,” was all he could utter.
“But I can say that I don’t think I have ever seen Dad so happy than when he’s around you.”
“Now that’s a lie,” Wukong interjected, “You should see the way he lights up when he’s with you guys, his tail always swishes behind him when you're with him.”
“Ladies ladies, we’re all pretty,” Mei butted in before the two boys could go on to fight over the stupidest thing. “But at the end of the day, you make Pops happy so maybe you're not so bad and I guess you wouldn't be so bad as a partner.”
“It would definitely be weird,” MK couldn’t stop the images from intruding in his head.
“Thanks,” he couldn’t stop himself fondly rolling his eyes, but he paused when the implications hit him, “Wait? Did I just get your approval to court Macaque?”
“Court, who even says court these days?” The dragon successor says to herself.
“Red,” said the monkey's successor, “But yeah, you did. Though when it does happen, I’ll just let future me worry about that.”
“Thanks for the boost of confidence and approval, but those aren’t really necessary, I doubt Mac sees me as nothing more than a friend,” he gave a sad smile.
Both teenagers exchanged a look at the sheer stupidity of the monkey before MK sighed and stepped forward. “Well, I never thought I would be ever giving love advice to the Legendary Monkey King when mine is none existent.”
“Your Portay clone on the other hand is a huge flirt,” Mei called out.
“I still don’t know how that works!” He yelled back, he still can’t believe that his own clone would flirt with both of his crushes when he doesn’t even have the guts to say anything. He turned his attention back to the Monkey, “But what I can say is that you should tell him that you love him before it’s too late.”
“Kid, thank you for trying to encourage me, but I’m not going to do it,” he ruffled his child’s hair, “I don’t want to ruin what we managed to scrounge back together.”
“Dude, Pops still consider you his friend even after your big ass fight that went down in history,” Wukong’s eyes slightly widen at Mei’s words.
“So, if you think that telling him would lead him to ditch you when not even physically fighting would? Then there is something seriously wrong with your head,” she bluntly finished.
The disguised monkey stayed quiet for a few more moments before grabbing both of their heads this time and fiercely ruffling it.
“Not again! I just did it!”
“I’ll think about it,” he smiled down at both of them then scoped them in his arms as he walked towards Macaque. “Hey Moonlight! I saw this shooting game a few stalls back, I bet I can beat your ass on it!”
“Try me,” he smirked as he waved bye to the group and eyed the two squirming kids in his arms. “We’re they acting up?”
“Nah, just decided they needed a better view.”
“Your ass is not a better view!” Mei yelled out.
“Being upside down technically counts as a worse view,” MK shouted as well.
“What are you talking about it’s an amazing view!” He teased.
“No, it’s not!”
The black furred simian let out a laugh, “Keep them like this, Gods know it would be easier to keep an eye on them from doing anything stupid.”
“Aye Aye captain!” He mocks saluted as he held them steady and began to walk towards the stand together.
“Put us down!”
“Stop this is really humiliating!”
“Do you hear anything?”
“Nope, just little kids complaining.”
“We’re not kids!”
Everyone cheered as the parade was starting and they all gathered around in hopes to get a better look at all the different floats, with an extra cheer for their own zodiac.
“They sure are excited about the floats,” Wukong chuckled as he watched his student, Mei, and a bunch of other children stand on Sandy’s shoulder to get a better view.
“You should have seen the other year, they almost got onto the float,” he smiled as the two of them sat on a rooftop a little ways away.
“I can believe it…thanks for dragging my ass out here,” he slightly nudged him. “I really have forgotten just how amazing the festival is and spending time with people can be on this day.”
“Anytime Peaches, and if you want you can join us next year, though it won’t be in the city, but rather in the forest. We’ll be just eating round the table and lighting up lanterns with the whole forest, unfortunately not as exciting as the festival here,” he said.
“I would be more than happy to join in,” he instantly said. “I haven’t lit up a lantern in years and besides, anything with you guys is nothing less than fun.”
“Well I’ll make sure to let comet know to bring your ass around then,” he smirked as he looked up in time to see the first firework go off. At moments like these, he’s glad to have durable headphones, it was pure torture back then with ears like his.
“Yeah!” The disguised Monkey King stood up and cheered before sitting back down. “Fireworks are awesome no matter when.”
“I give it a 6/10, now lanterns on the other hand,” he said as he leaned against his friend.
“Don’t disrespect my lights like that,” he lightly shoved him before wrapping an arm around him and putting his head on his as the two of them watched the lights explode.
Everything was truly beautiful at this moment in time.
Unfortunately, the moment couldn’t last as the fireworks were cut short and before either one of them could comment on it, they heard screams and a voice that dominated.
“This is the Year of the Spiders!”
Neither monkey needed them to exchange looks before they both rushed to the scene and saw hundreds of robotic spiders spread all across, chasing and capturing people as they went.
“Shit Mind control!” Macaque cussed as he saw their eyes glow green when the spiders managed to snag someone.
“How in the fuck is the Spider Queen able to do that?!” Wukong muttered to himself as he already dropped his disguise and began to attack any spiders in his way.
“I don’t know, but I think something like that will have the answers,” he pointed to a large spider robot emerging from the ground. “At least Daiyu gonna have a real good time with this.”
“Damn, it’s like Bull King all over again.”
“I’m sorry what,” the black monkey blurted out. He heard the Bull became huge, but he thought it was an exaggeration, so he shook his head. “More on that later, I can already guess you're going to the spider robot of doom.”
“You know it,” he cracked his knuckles.
“You do that, I’ll try to find everyone else and destroy as many of these fuckers as I can,” he emphasized by breaking a few of the spiders on the humans and demons back. He summoned some clones and began to spread them out, “You better not get captured or mind controlled, I don’t feel like kicking your ass right now.”
“Trust me I won’t,” he cockily smirked as he summoned his cloud. “Be careful out there,” he yelled out as he flew off.
“I’m going to laugh in his face if he gets captured, now to find my kiddos and everyone else before I lose it” he muttered as his tail wrapped around the spider that tried to surprise attack him from behind and crushed it into pieces.
“Red!” Mei and MK rushed over to the fallen demon who had crashed land on their ship.
“That was a nasty fall you took there,” she continued as the both of them helped him up.
“What are you doing here?” MK asked once he was up.
“Escaping the Spider menace!” He hissed out to cover up the fact that his face was involuntarily heating up at his crushes arms holding him, “that Spider freak captured my father and she was going to do the same to me.”
“Shit she even captured the Bull King,” the Pig demon said.
“Yes, but luckily I know a way to cure the atrocious mind control that she had enslaved everyone in.”
“You do!” They all hopefully said.
“Yes, but I’ll need your help seeing that my own ride is currently,” he looked over towards the broken parts, “unavailable.”
“If it means saving them then count us in,” MK said determinately.
“But where are we going?” Sandy asked.
“The one place where we can only get the supplies,” he pointed upwards as everyone slowly realized what he meant.
“Space,” well almost everyone.
“No noodle brain! The Celestial Realm!” He loves him, but he can be a bit of an airhead at times.
“Fbiwbfowdjosbd The Celestial Realm! The home of heavenly deities and immortal beings!” Tang tried to go forward but was held back by his partner.
“Down Tang, down.”
“Yes,” he said unfazed, “so will you help me.”
They all exchanged looks with each other before MK stepped forward with a confident grin. “Guys, let’s help a demon steal from the Celestial Realm.”
“Macaque is so gonna laugh at me for this,” Wukong groaned as he tried to break free of the web. “So, so hard.”
“Seems there are things that even you can’t handle,” Spider Queen mocked as she stepped back into the room filled with tied up demons all being drained, some of them more tired than others.
“Can it little caterpillar!” Minsheng yelled out, they too were captured after they got surrounded. They're not as strong a fighter as everyone else, so it was needless to say they were hopelessly outgunned. “No one wants to hear you bitch! Seriously, I don’t know how Daiyu can even stand that voice!”
“You got that right!”
“I would rather die now than listen any longer!”
“Seriously just shut up!”
All the demons shouted out as they mouthed back to the Spider Queen.
“QUIET!” She yelled out in rage, “ Especially about that vulture. Lest you forget, you are all my prisoners now, you are nothing short of a battery for my darling. It’s best to remember that for the rest of your miserable lifespan.”
“I mean they're not wrong,” Wukong smirked, “You are getting really annoying.”
“I, unfortunately, can’t help but agree,” Bull King rolled his eyes at the supposed ‘Queen’ rage. “Your voice is grating enough that I wish to rip my horns from my head and seal them in my ears, but I know it wouldn’t be enough.”
“Why I outta-”
“And besides, you do know that this is not gonna work right?” Minsheng said.
“Now what are you blabbering on about now?” The spider demon was getting sick of this backtalk from these whelps.
“This plan, yeah it’s not gonna work.”
“Oh, now why is that? I suppose you mean of Monkey King protege and their needless efforts,” she smirked as she crawled up to him and leaned in close. “Well, I can assure you that those children are not prepared for my little spiders that are close behind ready to strike when they're down.” She backed up with that same malevolent smirk and was about to turn away when he spoke once more.
“Oh, I wasn’t talking about them.”
“What?” She turned back around, “Then who in the hell are you referring to?”
A series of crashes and explosions all happened simultaneously from the outside as it only subsided for a mere moment before continuing once more.
“What in the hell!” She cried out as she caught herself on the wall.
“That, that is who I am talking about,” the rabbit demon said as the spider raced towards the monitor. She pulls up the screen to see a sight that even frightens some of the captured demons. Because there on center screen was a tall malevolent violent monkey with eyes that glow bright purple as it took down some of the larger spiders that have sprouted out. But what they all noticed is that the titanic demon looked pissed as he screamed.
“What the sweet hell is that!?” She screeched out at the sight.
“Congratulations! You have completely pissed off one enraged papa!” Minsheng smiled at her horror. “Now he will happily introduce you to your execution if you don’t do as he says.”
“Hah, not even I would trifle so lightly when it comes to the Six Eared demon and his claims,” the Bull King laughed loudly at her foolish actions.
Some of the demons were even nodding in agreement.
“You're telling me.”
“Even we know not to fuck with him.”
“Oof, you're really gonna get it now,” Yin laughed.
“Better hope you have some blessing saved up somewhere in that shriveled up place you got a soul,” Jin snorted, “cause you're gonna need it!”
Wukong was staring at the monstrous form of his crush in all of his crush with a slight blush and said with a happy sigh, “Oh you’re so fucking screwed now.”
“That’s Macaque!?” She shrieked as she turned and couldn’t help but give a silent gulp as each and every demon looked at her, whether they were exhausted or not, with a malicious grin.
“You're done Spider Bitch,” Minsheng gleefully said.
She didn’t say anything else as she scurried out of there and went to look for the little girl.
“Bye Bye little spider,” they called out as the door closed behind them leaving them with only the sound of mechanical parts churning and the sizzling noise of their energies being drained remaining.
“Of course you would be infatuated with the Six Eared doctor,” Bull King couldn’t help but sigh, breaking the silence.
“Oh come on, even you!” Wukong shouted back, thus putting the room in a burst of laughter as the demons, whether civilians, criminals, or anywhere in between, began to gossip like middle aged wives at the market when they spotted an old friend.
“Oooo, is that so?”
“Of course you would go after doc, he is quite the catch.”
“Tell me everything!”
“Spill the tea!”
“Now that is something I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“If you have lived as long as I have, you would have long guessed that this was a long time coming.”
“I’m surprised that it wasn’t sooner.”
“Please someone just kill me,” he groaned as the chattering just continued. “Death would be kinder at this point.”
“Sorry, but fresh out of deaths today,” Sheng laughed.
“And didn’t you get yourself like four times immortal?” Yin asked.
“Five, remember the Yama book situation,” Jin said.
“Oh right, I keep forgetting.”
“I regret that so much,” he groaned even louder, it didn’t help that even the Bull King was laughing at his misery. “So, so much.”
Somewhere high in the sky
“What the hell is that!” Pigsy pointed out the giant transparent demon.
They all looked in shock as Tang said, “Please don’t tell me that the Spider Queen made an ally!” He groaned.
While the three adults began to panic at the new situation that popped up, three people, two humans, and one demon smiled widely.
“DAD/POPS/UNCLE!” MK, Mei, and Red all yelled out as they witnessed the scene.
“SAY WHAT!” The three other adults spun towards them in shock.
“Wait,” Sandy squinted his eyes, “Now I may be getting old, but is that giant demon Macaque?”
“What/Excuse me,” both Pig and historian deadpanned.
“ It is! And he’s kicking butt!” MK cheered as the titan stomped on a hoard of spiders.
“Kick that spider ass!” Mei yelled out with a savage grin as the monkey tail threw a giant spider down and obliterated it.
“Of course this would be nothing less than what he can do,” Red smirked at the chaos that was firmly putting the wretched spiders in place.
If anyone was paying close attention, they would have seen both titan and monkey ears twitch. They didn’t move from their position, but a sigh of relief did emerge.
“Found em,” Ahmed asked after he crushed a spider in his jaw.
“Yeah, I don’t know how the fuck they got out of my radius of hearing so quickly, but I found them,” Macaque, who was puppeting his larger version, smiled.
“That’s one worry crossed off.”
“You're telling me, now all we have left is to finish off this shit,” the monkey growled as the lion kept a close watch on his back. While it wasn’t difficult to control his larger version for a short time frame, it was difficult trying to maintain both forms and making sure that there would be no excessive collateral damage. He may be angry, but even he doesn’t want to hurt any innocent people, so it was shortly decided before he began his shadow puppet that the lion would keep guard while the rest helped everyone else. He can even hear Daiyu manically laughing off in the background where there’s the most spiders and can hear the slaughtering of mechanical parts.
Back on the ship, the others were slowly freaking out.
“I thought he was a doctor?!” Tang exclaimed as he watched the monkey decimate the eight legged cretins.
“I thought so too!” Pigsy was just as confused as his partner.
“Dad was a fighter long before he was a doctor, he just doesn’t do it as often anymore. I mean he used to have sparred with the monkey king a lot,” the teenage boy explained.
“You mean to tell me this is him going easy?” The pig demon could feel his eye twitch.
“I hate to see him at his peak,” the historian muttered, then he paused, “wait, he knows the monkey king?!”
“Uhhhhhh.” MK just realized what he had admitted and slowly began to back away.
“Oooo, you fucked up now,” Mei chortled while sporting a large grin.
It took a minute for it to fully sink in, but once it did, boy did Tang straighten up with his eyes blown wide as if he had just been electrocuted. “No way! No way! Is he the fucking Six Eared Macaque from the Journey to the west?!”
“Say what?!” Pigsy exclaimed.
“Is that a question or an answer!” Tang demanded as he stalked closer to him.
“Yes!” He was officially freaked out.
“Oh this is funny,” Red grinned.
“Right,” Mei happily agreed.
“Are you saying that he is the legendary deity that managed to help so many lives, but he is also the enemy of the great monkey king and I am just now learning that I’ve been hanging out with that same legend and dneirbowdubeodosbsudbksd!” The book loving man's mind has been blown as his words have long passed him.
“Great, you broke my partner.”
“I’m sorry!”
“Wait are you just now figuring that out,” Sandy blinked, “I thought it was obvious.”
“You knew!” Everyone on the ship snapped towards the giant in shock.
“Yes? It’s not like he was trying to hide it,” he pointed out.
“He really wasn’t,” the biker woman was on the floor dying of laughter at that.
“Hey look scary, creepy, too many legged spiders in need of decimating right ahead!” MK diverted the attention back to the city ahead. “Talk later!
“Oh ho ho, believe me, there will be many, many talks ahead,” Tang hissed and stomped his way to the front of the ship.
“Welp that’s going to be Dad's problem right there,” he said.
“Gonna pin the blame on dear old Pops,” Mei snorted.
“Yup! This is payback for the needless anxiety this caused me,” the monkey's successor eye twitch.
She may be outnumbered and her pawns may have been taken out, but she will not back down after all.
“All of you together can’t beat me! I am the Queen of Spiders!” Spider Queen declared in hysteria as she took a step forward towards the monkey brat.
“Oh yeah,” they all turned to see the Monkey King casually walking down the wall as he picked up the staff and with a spin he declared, “Well I’m the King,” and with that statement, he freed his student.
He bent down and helped pick him back up with a sheepish grin, “Well you already know I’m not too hot on some things, apparently spiders are one of them too.” Then they all stood tall against the Spider Queen as if daring her to try to make the next move.
“Well if I can’t have this world, then no one can!” She cried out as she slung herself up to the Spider mech. l and started it up once more as the ground began to violently shake. “I’ll level this whole city!”
Right when she did that though, both student and mentor jumped up in the air.
“It’s now or never!” Wukong cried out as MK grabbed hold of the staff.
“Right!” The two began to spin and spin and spin even faster until they were a golden pinwheel of light.
“Here comes Monkey Kid!” Right after that last work, Wukong flung MK forward as the student shouted out facing the enemy head on and the proud mentor whispered as he watched his kid take that final strike.
The machine broke as everything shut down at that moment in, but before MK could feel proud, he had noticed that he was currently free falling.
“Shit!” He yelled out and quickly looked around to find any sort of platform he could get a hold of.
“I got you!” He felt his collar then his body quickly stop free falling as quickly as Wukong in bird form was holding him up.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite fast enough to fly far away enough from the incoming explosion in his small form, but luckily there was another as he quickly grabbed the both of them in his hands and jumped far away enough. Just in time as everything explodes.
The machine shattered in millions of parts that it was spread far and wide throughout the city, finally bringing the Spider Queen's short, but deadly, reign to an end.
“Whew, thanks-DAD!” MK exclaimed as he finally noticed that he was in the hands of his father's titan form.
“Great catch Moonbeam!” Wukong beamed up when he got out of bird form.
The Monkey titan didn’t say a word as examined their bruised, injured, and bartered form and with a worried purr, he gently stood up and began to walk back to the group with them still cradled in his hands.
“Anddd I don’t think he is letting us go any time soon,” the student said as he slumped down, only to wince at his bruises.
“Nope,” Monkey King replied as he tried to relax, but both the memories and the wounds made it very hard to do so, it also didn’t help that there was a familiar smell in the air.
Their form eventually made its way to the rest of the group as they all stared up at the lumbering giant that towered over them all.
“I feel like I should be more frightened,” Tang mused as he stared up at the ominous titan with a glowing eye staring back at them.
“I don’t blame you,” Pigsy huffed as he had to stop him from instinctively standing in front of the group, even though the giant monkey was an ally.
“Just be glad he’s on our side,” Sandy smiled up.
“You're telling me,” Red nodded as he rubbed his hands from stopping the explosion alongside his father.
Bull King said nothing as he stared up at the titan.
“Hey guys!” MK shouted as he waved at them.
“Liking the view from up there!” Mei shouted back.
“It’s pretty nice! I never knew laying down on a giant monkey’s hand would feel good until now!”
“Maybe I’ll give you a ride on my war form then,” Wukong joked as he climbed up and sat on the titan's shoulder.
“Wait what?” Though he wasn’t able to ask anymore as the violent hand slowly came down and in front of the group.
“A ride! Count me in!” The dragon girl hopped in first as Sandy followed close behind.
“This might as well happen,” the pig demon sighed as he supported his partner's weight on him and sat down next to the others. But that didn't stop Tang from going starry eyed over the Monkey King and Macaque titan form.
“I’m not going,” Bull King growled when the hand still stood in front of both him and his son.
Red promptly halted in his step when he said that and looked almost longingly to his friends as he put his foot down.
The Bull demon saw his heir's morose expression and only took a moment before he sighed, “You may go if you wish…son.”
The Bull prince's eyes sparkled at his words and he lit up with glee as he rushed over to the rest of the group, getting one arm hugs from both his friends. Yet, the hand still hasn’t ascended.
“Nice teeth,” Mei commented as the Prince settled down and she noticed her other friend teeth.
“Huh?” MK saw her wordlessly take out her phone and show him his new sharpen teeth, his eyes sparkled with glee. “This is so cool! Hey Red, we match!”
“Indeed we do,” he gave a slight grin, “but mine are much more deadlier.”
“Give me a couple days to get used to this and we can find out,” he grinned back.
Before Red could shoot back a growl was heard.
“I said, I’m not going,” he emphasized his words and glared at the giant.
Giant Macaque only raised his brow as he used his free hand to pluck the Bull King firmly, but gently held him as he continued his way.
“Unhand me you insufferable cretin!” He yelled out as he tried to break free, but with him still being wounded and drained of his energy, the struggle was barely even noticeable.
“And you say I’m headstrong,” Monkey King snorted at the demon struggles.
“Oh I am so keeping this,” Mei smirked as she took so many photos.
“Send me that,” Pigsy and MK said.
“Will do!”
They were only put down when they finally reached their destination, which was Pigsy Noodle shop, and standing in front of the doors was a lion supporting a tired looking monkey.
“Thank fuck you all are alright,” he sighed as he released the titan puppet when everyone was off and he should probably be glad that Ahmed was supporting his sorry ass as he would have fallen straight down from the abrupt disperse of energy.
“Are you okay,” Wukong worriedly asked as he noticed his moon tired form and how the lion was helping him.
“Will be, but for now everyone gets your sorry asses inside so I can patch you up,” he pointed to some of the clones inside already holding materials in hand.
“I’ll help-” MK began to say, only to be stopped by his stare “-after I heal up,” he quickly added.
“Nice save,” Mei whispered as both of them and Red went inside.
“You and I are gonna have a long talk Mr. Six Eared Macaque,” Tang almost growled.
“Wasn’t really trying to hide it,” he smirked as the historian raised both his hands in exasperation.
“And that’s what’s pissing me off, ‘it came along the way,’ you weren’t even trying,” he huffed as he marched inside, but not before giving a stink eye to the lion. “And I bet you knew as well.”
“Guilty as charged,” he had to hold back his laughter as his friend gave another strangled yell.
“You're gonna have one hell of a lecture from him,” Pigsy smirked as he nudged the monkey.
“I have already accepted my fate,” he shrugged.
“Good call, also don’t really care about your past and whatnot, you have already shown me that you're a pretty decent demon no matter what history may say.”
“Thanks,” he gave a small smile.
The pig demon patted his shoulder and went inside as well. Macaque looked towards the blue giant who just smiled.
“I already knew.”
“And this is what makes you the smart one,” he smirked as the therapist gave a hearty laugh.
“You need help,” Wukong cautiously asked once more as he stepped forward.
“I am not doing shit except letting my clones do the bandaging and healing, I need to sit my ass down,” he grumbled before giving a slight smile, “but thanks for worrying about me dumbass.”
“Always,” he smiled back.
“Now go sit your ass inside before I make you,” he deadpanned.
“I mean I don’t really need it, you know I heal pretty-”
“I can easily tell that both you and Bull along over there had your energy drained,” Monkey King paled.
“Ah…so you know.”
“Oh I know,” he tail swished angrily behind him, “and I also know just how fucking dangerous energy transfers are when they’re not done properly! And I already know that it wasn’t really Spider Queen's main concern now is it?”
“Ummm,” he nervously hummed.
“Now, get your ass in there or else,” his eyes flickered.
“Aye Aye!” He quickly walked in and escaped the eyes of doom.
“So it seems that there is more to the story,” Tang muttered as he watched the interactions as a salve got put on his leg. “It seems that the two immortal monkeys aren’t enemies.”
“Oh there is a lot more,” MK wished he could rub his forehead, but his hands were currently occupied by the clone wrapping his hand. “So much more.”
No one could say anything else before they heard the Demon Bull speak.
“I’m not going in,” Bull King huffed, “I’m not so fragile that I need to worry about such items.”
“You know what no,” Bull demon raised his eyebrow at the doctor's tone. “I’m not even gonna argue with you, your ass is going in there and you are going to sit down and you are going to get checked over.”
“You dare speak to me like that!”
“Frankly I don’t care!” He barked out as he broke free of Ahmed’s hold and marched up to the larger demon. “I have long since run out of fucks to give and I simply don’t fucking care! I am already spread thin with clones all around making medicine, helping out at the hospital, checking for survivors, and other shit! I was spread thin when I made my Puppet Titan to obliterate the fucking spiders. I am so spread thin that even my own self control is waning as we fucking speak that it’s taking all in me not to just make your stupid ass go unconscious, just so I won’t have to fucking hear you! So. Go. In. The. Noodles. Shop!”
“You don’t have the power to stop me,” he growled and took a step forward, not even acknowledging the lion demon piercing eyes nor the monkey Sage's own ominous stare.
“If you don’t get your ass inside I will call Queen Iron Fan and tell her about your stupidity about your health,” he bluntly stated.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he took a step back in fear.
“Try me bitch.”
“…fine,” he let out a final huff and lumbered inside.
Mei whistled as the clone was getting some derbies out of her back, “Dannnggg, just one word of the mother and he just comes.”
“Mother does worry about our safety when she’s gone,” Red nodded.
“For good reason.”
“Okay!” Macaque said loudly as he plopped himself right next to Wukong, “While you guys are getting bandaged, how about you all tell me what the hell happened both inside the ship and how the hell did you get that antidote because I know the smell of immortal peaches from a mile away and that antidote had that in spades.”
“So that’s why the whole city smells like that,” the brown furred monkey eyes widened, “I thought I was going crazy.
“What is the point in that?” Bull King questioningly asked.
“Well, I thought that it would be better if we all figured out how not only she managed to get her hands on mind control potion that potent, but how almost all the demons, including you two, one of the strongest ones in the world, got captured by the Spider Queen.” He emphasized, it literally makes no sense how she was able to do that. Sure she may be strong with access to her minions that do her dirty work at times, but she’s not that strong to manage to take down so many villains, and she doesn’t have the connections to find a potion of that kind of caliber.”
“That is a fair point,” the Bull demon reluctantly agreed.
“Great! Now talk.”
“She caught the staff?” MK blurted out as he popped up from Mei's shoulder.
“I know! Caught me by surprise too,” Wukong huffed at his student surprise.
“To be fair, Lady Iron Fan did the same with me, but she had some sort of metal glove.”
“But not with pure energy,” Red leaned back into Mei side, “it took me countless centuries to find all the supplies to make that glove and the Spider Queen only used her energy, something is not adding up.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” she nodded as she subtly brought her two crushes, which she will happily keep to herself until both of them are comfortable, back to her. She could very much appreciate the fact that they both had very warm and comfortable bodies that she will happily take advantage of.
“So that’s where Minsheng was,” Ahmed hummed, “the others were worried about them.”
“He really did tell her off, but I saw him escape with the rest after they broke free,” the monkey explained.
“That’s one worry off then.”
“Son, how did you know the incantation and the symbol to enter the Celestial Realm?” Bull King asked when they got to the part where they were about to enter the realm.
“Umm well you see,” he nervously chuckled, “there are so many ways you can get inside the realm other than the main entrance and it’s not like it was hard to actually find another way once you know what the main one looks like. But don’t worry, I haven’t stepped foot inside the realm until today, so they shouldn’t know that it was me who entered!”
“To be honest I never knew that there were other ways you can get inside,” Wukong admitted, “Nice job.”
“Indeed, show me how exactly you managed this feat when we get home,” the giant Bull said. It is no easy task to accomplish something that no one else has done before, he didn’t acknowledge the pit of warm pride he felt.
“Yes father!” He excitedly said, not noticing that his two friends were eyeing the Bull King with disdain.
“Wait hold up, how the hell did you manage to sneak into the Celestial Realm almost undetected?” He questioned when his son finished telling them how they escaped the holy realm.
“Well there was like nobody there, the only real problem we encountered was the spiders, two lion statues that came to life, and perhaps my crippling anxiety,” he shrugged.
“Well get to that last bit later, but what do you mean no one?! You went to the Heavenly Orchard, Lao Tzu alchemy lab, the fucking Jade Emperor Throne Room! What the hell did you mean no one was there?!” His eyes twitch as he gets shrugs from almost everyone, he says almost as now Red son is realizing that what he said is true and is slightly paling at what that could mean. Even Wukong and Bull King are looking at the group in absolute confusion.
“That does raise a concerning question,” BK rumbled. “The Celestial Realm is never without the deities inside, especially the Jade Emperor himself. So if all the deities were gone on the same day then there must have been a deadly matter that needed to be taken care of…but everyone gone? That still makes no sense.”
“You're telling me, it wasn’t even that easy for me to cause havoc when I was up there. I had to disguise myself as so many people just to make it out to the courtyard,” Wukong nodded.
“It just doesn’t make sense on why-” he stopped himself as he looked towards the other monkey and then his son and a thought occurred. “No, that couldn’t be, hey flicker do they still have that Spirit detecting thing for when you enter the realm.”
“Indeed they still do,” he faces palmed as he completely had forgotten that they had been specially made after people, deities, and demons tried to break their way into the realm one too many times.
Macaque couldn’t stop his smile from growing as he finally realized what happened and he burst out into laughter. “No way! No fucking way! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
“Huh?” Everyone echoed as they watch the monkey burst out almost out of nowhere.
“Umm Dad?” He tried to call out, but he was too busy laughing.
“Pops? You good?” She tried, absolutely nothing in reply.
“Mango, moonlight, my other half,” Wukong grabbed him by the shoulder, which did make him pause, but still was sporting a wide grin. “What the hell did you figure out?”
“Srk, okay holy shit this is just way too funny,” he choked out and continued. “The reason why no one was there was because they sensed MK spirit energy and the staff, both of which had been imbued with your energy. I mean, I know that after sensing your energy was coiled around mine a few weeks ago, they did not want a second round with Wukong in any way shape, or form, especially his successor, so they just fucked off and left!”
Dead silence overtook the small restaurant as everyone's eyes slowly turned to the Monkey Sage, who was sporting both a cheeky and a sheepish grin.
“I feel like I should probably apologize to them one day.”
“The sad thing is that it sounds about right,” Red sighed. While he doesn't visit the celestial realm, he knows enough to know that many deities, including the Jade Emperor, would rather just up and leave than deal with Sun Wukong after what he last did no matter how many centuries may have passed. He does have to admit that out of everything he did, this may have been one of his biggest feats yet. “What is my life right now?”
“Let’s just continue,” Pigsy said as he was holding back his partner from asking so many questions.
“Evil laughter?”
“Shut up.”
“It was fun!”
“And highly entertaining.”
“Shut up!”
“And that’s all of it,” MK finished off.
“Crazy as usual, but that still doesn’t explain how she was able to do what she did,” he leaned back. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Wukong stiffen, but he kept that to himself. He will get it out of that monkey when they're alone.
“I heard the whispers again,” everyone's eyes whipped towards Bull King, but only Red son and Macaque knew what he was talking about.
“You mean the same ones that controlled you back then,” the doctor hissed out.
“You met Lady Bone Demon?!” Wukong blurted out but immediately regretted that as everyone's eyes were locked on him.
“You know that vile cretin!” Bull King growled.
“Wait Bone Demon! As in the same one you met in the Journey to the West! That one!” Tang wanted to lean forward, but both Pigsy and Sandy were holding him back.
Wukong said nothing as he gripped his fists under the table.
“Monkey King?” MK worriedly asked at the monkey's still expression.
“Sunbeam,” the monkey blinked at his friend's hand on his and looked up to see his concerned look, “what happened?”
“…okay,” he entwined his finger with his and looked at the group. “I met her on the ship.” He then began to explain his experience with the demon on the ship and the restaurant was silent as he talked.
“So,” Macaque broke the silence, “it seems that we were right on the idea that this was no ordinary spirit.”
“You’ve been investigating this?!” Wukong asked as everyone barring the Bull family and Ahmed looked in shock.
“Of course I have, Bull King got possessed and no one found that at all suspicious? I mean that’s why Queen Iron Fan is currently not even in the city right now, she is meeting some people over some enchanted artifacts and spells that will help. But now that we know who exactly we're dealing with, I think we can narrow that down by a lot. So, you’ll update her,” he said towards the Bull family.
“Already doing so,” Red’s son said as his eyes were glowing red.
“Good, now anything else you tell us?” He looked back to his dumbstruck friend.
“Just that I…encountered her a few times before and that there was a reason she was buried so deep underground,” he sighed as he rubbed his thumb on the black fur. “What she wants the most is to make herself known to the world and she wants to accomplish this by conquering the world, so she’ll be after me first and my powers.”
“And we will be ready,” MK determinedly said. “We know that she is alive and that she is probably planning something, but whatever it is, we'll be one step ahead of her.”
“You got that right, I mean who would ever expect this,” she gestured towards the room filled with people, demons, and immortals, “Wukong lives in isolation so in no way will he be interacting with mortals, supposed enemies with Pops and Bull family.”
“That part is still true,” Bull King grumbled.
“Mostly, but even then you can tolerate him and that is what she won’t be expecting!”
“But there still is the problem that we don’t know what she is planning after her plan failed,” Tang pointed out.
“Was it her plan at all?” They all turned to face Pigsy.
“What do you mean?” MK asked.
“Well, it just seems that with the whole spider theme going on, it was more of the Spider Queen plan and the Bone chick tagging along at the end, you know, like that one person in a group project. I always hated that guy, stupid Hans,” he growled.
“You…do make a point,” Red eyes flickered once he finished his talk. “And mother also said that she will be going to the highlands next after she’s finished dealing with the…unruly elves.”
“That’s one way to say it,” Bull King nodded.
“But since the plan with the Spider Queen failed, where would she go next?” Mei asked.
“We’ll hold on,” everyone looked to Sandy now as the giant looked at Wukong and Bull King, “You said that she was following the Spider Queen, right?”
“Well I may have only met the Spider Queen once, but it’s easily recognizable that she has a superiority complex that hinges more towards the self importance side, and judging by how you describe the Bone demon, she is very tactile and manipulative to use this to her advantage. So we already know it was Spider Queen's plan first, but it was the Bone demon who most likely approached her first as you said that the Queen was more hostile towards the other. But, even when the plan failed, I think that she will still stick with the Spider Queen as she is not only one of the strongest in the city, but maybe has the resources she needs at the moment,” he finished and took a sip of his tea.
“Holy shit,” Mei whispered out as MK nodded.
“Knew you were smart, but man you were hiding it in their big guy,” Pigsy smirked.
“Oh well just a guess based on what I know about their personality and actions,” he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
“A well educated one it is,” Bull King said, “What is your profession?”
“I’m a therapist.”
“That makes sense,” he nodded.
“But for now, how about we hold this off until tomorrow,” Ahmed said as he looked at everyone’s bandaged bodies and drooping eyes, “I think we all deserve some shut eye.”
“Their invasion just failed and they won’t be staring back up any time soon,” he cut MK off, “this can wait until tomorrow, where our minds would be fresher and perhaps our bodies a little lighter.”
“Agreed,” Macaque nodded.
“…okay,” MK gave in.
“Good, now everyone upstairs,” most of them began to trudge back up, the doctor eyed the Bull family, “I assume you have the teleportation spell?”
“Yep, prepped and ready,” Red confirmed.
“Then have a safe trip back,” and with final goodbyes, the Bull family left the restaurant, and with a flash, they were gone. Macaque watched them leave and promptly grabbed hold of the back of Wukong collar “And where do you think you're going?”
“Back to the mountain?” He questioned.
“No you're not, you're staying here.”
“Look Mac I really don’t feel like talking more about her,” he sighed once he knew everyone else was gone.
“And that is fine, but you are not leaving my sight anytime soon, now come on,” he pulled him up, “there is a hoard of blankets and pillows calling our names. So just relax, you are safe.”
It didn’t impact the monkey until he felt the warm coil of violet energy gently brush against his vigilant golden aura, did he finally settled down, and his nerves slowly relaxed and the next thing he knows is he is sitting on the rooftop surrounded by blankets and pillows and he is currently snuggled on Macaque shoulder as he hums softly and felt his soft hands groom his fur.
“Sleep Sunshine, we can deal with it all tomorrow,” he whispered and tucked him further underneath his chin.
He wished he could thank him for doing this, for watching over him during his blackout, for keeping him calm, but the words eluded him, and instead, he cuddled further into the hold. He stiffed when he heard soft footsteps approach, but relaxed at the familiar energy of both of his kids approaching him.
“Mind if we join,” MK asked as he took in the sight.
“Would you be up for that Sunspot?” Mac looked down.
Wukong didn’t say anything once more and just wordlessly nodded.
“Alright, you both can join, but right to bed.” He firmly told them both.
“Oh don’t worry, even my bones feel tired,” Mei said as she cuddled next to the black furred monkey and MK softly laid next to the brown furred simian.
Then there’s was silence once more as only the bustling from the streets could be heard as people reunited with each other once again, the whistle of winds, the steady breathing of the small group, and the soft humming of a six eared monkey lullabying them further and further into a deep sleep. And as Wukong listened, felt, and saw everything, only one thought was left as he closed his eyes for a long slumber.
He really loved his family.
As to why Mac didn’t get captured? Easy, he doesn’t have the same kind of cocky ego that both BK and Wukong shared. He actually likes to think before he acts.
Also, hey yeah remember how I said my longest chapter was like two chapters ago, welll I made a freakin new one and guess what? IT’S OVER 9000!! Like holy shit I need to sleep, but damn am I proud of how long I can make these XD
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jessepinwheel · 3 years
if you're ever interested I'd love to see more with Obi-Wan and Ashoka from Asynch; especially Ashoka getting into a fight with Anakin or some other Jedi and running away to Obi-Wan's apartment to talk. Also Feral and Savage with Ashoka... I bet they'd love having a little sister. All the relationships in this series are so amazing and complex and thank you so much for writing!
love that funky lil togruta
When Ahsoka knocks on the door to Obi-Wan’s apartment, she expects, reasonably, to find Obi-Wan.
She doesn’t expect a tiny, dark-haired, brown-skinned human youngling.
“Who are you?” the kid says. He’s got a bit of an accent--definitely not Core-bred.
“I’m Ahsoka,” Ahsoka says. “I was kind of hoping to talk to Obi-Wan.”
“Dad’s out. He’s working,” the kid says. He looks up at her silka beads and says, “What do the Jedi want with him? He’s not allowed to go to the Temple.”
Ahsoka stares at the kid. He looks around Initiate-age, so he’s probably somewhere between ten and thirteen. He also looks absolutely nothing like Obi-Wan, and she’s pretty sure that human kids are usually supposed to look like their parents, and not just in an ‘all humans have the exact same bodyplan’ way. Most of the human kids she knows are Jedi, so she doesn’t really have much of a baseline when it comes to how typical human families work.
Also, Obi-Wan has never mentioned having a son--she’s pretty sure she’d remember something like that. That’s something you usually tell people, right? Master Plo certainly tells a lot of people about her and the Wolfpack and every other Initiate he’s decided to pick up. Embarrassingly frequently, too.
“I’m Obi-Wan’s friend. I just wanted to talk,” Ahsoka says.
“Yeah?” the kid retorts, crossing his arms. “If you’re Dad’s friend, then tell me how you do his hair.”
What the hell kind of question is that?
“I usually braid it down the back, with ribbons across the middle,” Ahsoka says. She rummages in her pockets and pulls one of her ribbons out. “Like this.”
The kid makes a face, then sighs very dramatically. Ahsoka wonders where he learned to do that. “Okay, fine. I guess you can come in.”
The kid steps aside to let Ahsoka in, and instructs her to take her shoes off in the hall.
“There’s slippers in the box if you really have to put something on your feet,” the kid says. “Dad’s out at the Hall of Records because somebody asked him to look some boring business stuff up, so he’s probably not gonna be back for another hour. But you can wait here and talk to me, I guess. You’re more interesting than my homework.”
“I...okay?” Ahsoka says, taking her shoes off. “And, uh, what’s your name, kid?”
“I’m Boba Fett,” the kid says, glaring at her as if expecting her to comment on that. Which, while it’s kind of weird that he’s got the same last name as that dude they cloned to make the vod’e, that feels kind of personal to ask about a stranger. Like if someone asked her about her akkul teeth. “And I’m not a kid, I’m ten years old.”
“Right. Well, I’m fourteen, so you should respect your elders.”
Boba sticks his tongue out at her. Apparently, Obi-Wan’s manners thing hasn’t rubbed off on him.
Ahsoka sits down at the dining room table and Boba goes to get her some juice, ‘because Dad says things are less awkward when people aren’t just staring at each other’, which, to be fair, does sound like something Obi-Wan would say.
“So,” Boba says, with a glass of purple juice in one hand and a large cookie in the other, “why’d you wanna talk to Dad? Did something happen?”
“Um,” Ahsoka says. When she came here, she didn’t expect to get interrogated by a tiny kid. “It’s nothing huge, I just wanted someone to talk to.”
Boba takes a bite out of his cookie. “I’m someone.”
“Yes, but I was kind of hoping to talk to an Obi-Wan-shaped someone, not a Boba-shaped one.”
Boba frowns. “But I’m really good at listening! I won’t tell anybody or anything.”
Ahsoka sips her juice. It’s very sweet. “Thanks, but no thanks.”
“I’ll give you half of this cookie if you tell me,” Boba says.
Ahsoka looks at the cookie and considers it. After all, the whole point of coming to Obi-Wan’s place was to talk to someone who wouldn’t blab around the Temple--Boba’s certainly not going to do that, and she could use a cookie right now. It’s a big cookie, too, and it looks like it’s got huge chocolate chunks in it.
“Deal,” she says.
Boba breaks the cookie in half and they get into a brief argument over which half Ahsoka gets, which gets resolved when Ahsoka uses the Force to snatch the one she wants away from Boba.
“Hey, you said half a cookie, I get half a cookie,” she tells Boba as she holds her prize out of reach of Boba’s short arms. “Do you want to hear what I came to say or not?”
Boba pouts. It’s very cute. “Fine. What happened?”
“I’ve got this friend back at the Temple, her name’s Barriss,” Ahsoka says. “We’re really good friends, like best friends, right? I’ve known her almost my whole life and we really care about each other. You know how that is.”
“No, I don’t,” Boba says.
“Oh,” Ahsoka says awkwardly. “Well, when you’ve got a really good friend, you talk to them about a lot of stuff. Like, almost anything, so I was talking to her about Skyguy, that’s Master Skywalker. He’s my Master, you know what a Jedi Master is?”
“Yeah, he’s like your Jedi dad, right?” Boba asks.
Ahsoka makes a face. Skyguy is definitely not her dad. “He’s my Jedi teacher,” she says. “He teaches me stuff and takes care of me and we share a set of rooms and go on missions together.” Or they would, if they’d gone on any missions since that whole Sith kidnapping thing. “If anything, he’s like my older brother. And he’s really cool, you know? He’s like one of the best duelists in the Order and he’s super strong and he’s awesome at flying. A lot of people like him, right?”
“He sounds pretty cool,” Boba agrees.
“Yeah, he’s super cool,” Ahsoka says. “But he’s also like, you know. Not the best to talk to about everything. He’s not always around because he’s spending a lot of time with his, uh, Senator friend, and he’s sort of bad at people sometimes? So he says stuff without thinking first, and sometimes I don’t really wanna talk to someone who just says stuff. But Barriss was talking about how I’ve got to learn to trust him more because he’s my Master and everything, and like...” Ahsoka sighs. She still vividly remembers that night in the reactor core, watching Anakin try to murder Obi-Wan. She remembers his lightsaber locked against hers, bearing down with so much rage. He’s apologized about it and they’ve moved on with their lives like it didn’t happen, but it did. She remembers what his anger feels like, how much it hurt like fire through her mind. It scares her, still. “You ever know someone who accidentally hurts you? Like they hit you or something and you know they didn’t mean it, but you still flinch when they get too close?”
“Um, sort of,” Boba says. “It really sucks.”
“Yeah, it really sucks,” Ahsoka says. “But Barriss was saying that I’ve gotta get past that, and I know she doesn’t mean it like that but I’m just not ready right now. We kind of got into a big fight about it, so I came here to talk to Obi-Wan because Obi-Wan always knows what to say.”
“Oh,” Boba says, like a revelation. “Obi-Wan’s like your dad, too, then.”
“Wh--” Ahsoka makes a choking noise. “Obi-Wan isn’t my dad! He’s my friend, and he’s like, my uncle or something! He teaches me to pick locks and takes me out to dinner and helps me with homework and talks about my problems.”
“It’s okay, I don’t mind sharing,” Boba says. “You can be my sister and I’ll beat up anyone who’s mean to you.”
“I don’t need a dad. I already have Master Plo!” Ahsoka says. “And I don’t need you to beat anyone up--I’m a Padawan and I can fight for myself.”
“Okay, then do that,” Boba says with a sharp nod. “And it’s fine to have more than one dad. Obi-Wan’s my new dad because buir isn’t around anymore, and Savage and Feral are kind of like my dads, too.” He claps her on the shoulder. “As your new little brother, I think you should go to Barriss and spar with her until you’re both all super tired. And then you can both get soup together, then you’ll be friends again. If that doesn’t work, you can talk to Dad.”
“That’s...not really a solution,” Ahsoka says. “I have to talk to her at some point, too.”
Boba makes a face. “Why does everyone want to talk? Fine, whatever, you can talk to her after the soup.”
“Why soup?”
“Because soup tastes good!” Boba says, like this is the only logical answer. “I guess Dad hasn’t made you soup yet--it’s the best thing he makes and we have it every time he has to talk about things. I think he’s trying to make me like talking about things.”
Ahsoka pauses. “Obi-Wan can cook?”
“He’s my dad. Of course he can cook.” Boba looks over at her half cookie, still uneaten. “Are you gonna finish that? Or can I have it back?”
Ahsoka pulls it back protectively. “No, this is my cookie.” She bites into it. It’s soft and sweet and rich with a hint of salt and dark chocolate chunks that melt in her mouth. It’s literally the best cookie she’s ever tasted in her life. “Holy shit.”
“That’s a bad word!”
“Where did you get these cookies?” Ahsoka asks. “Obi-Wan didn’t make these, did he?”
Boba shakes his head. “Dad doesn’t like to bake things. Sometimes Mr. Organa visits, though, and he makes cookies.”
“Mr. Organa, like Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan? He comes over to Obi-Wan’s house to bake cookies?” Ahsoka says incredulously. She knew Obi-Wan was friends with Senator Organa, but there’s kind of a difference between friends and comes over to bake cookies.
“Yeah, I guess,” Boba says. “Dad told Mr. Organa he can’t keep buying furniture for the apartment, so Mr. Organa bakes treats instead when he comes over.”
Ahsoka takes another bite and briefly experiences cookie transcendence. “Senator Organa should have opened a bakery. This is insane. If I asked him for the recipe, do you think he’d give it to me?”
“We have the recipe already,” Boba says. “Mr. Organa gave it to Dad a while ago. Dad just doesn’t like baking, and I’m not allowed to use the oven without an adult around.”
Ahsoka finishes her cookie and licks chocolate off her fingers. She could go for another cookie. “I’m like 80% of an adult. I know how to use an oven. That’s close enough,” she says. “We could make more cookies now.”
Boba gets up. “Yeah! Let’s do it! I’ll go get the ingredients!”
Ahsoka follows him over to the kitchen, setting aside her thoughts of the argument and Anakin for later. All that stuff is better with fresh-baked cookies, anyways.
Inevitably, when Obi-Wan gets back home, there’s a distinctly burnt smell in the apartment and Ahsoka and Boba are both lying on the floor regretting all their life choices.
Obi-Wan looks at the two of them and sets his bag down. “Ahsoka. How many cookies did you eat and why?”
“Hey, Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka says. “It, uh, seemed like a good idea at the time. Cookies taste good.”
Obi-Wan closes his eyes and sighs deeply. “Ahsoka. We still have cookies from Bail’s last batch. There was absolutely no need to bake and eat an entire new batch.”
“Well, I know that now,” Ahsoka groans. She pushes herself up a bit. “I wanted to...to talk to you about something, actually.”
“I don’t think you’re in any state to talk about anything right now,” Obi-Wan replies. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Um,” Ahsoka says. He’s not wrong.
“Well, if you’re going to sleep, at least you can do it in a bed.” Obi-Wan ducks down and scoops her off the floor. “We can talk when you wake up and feel a little better, okay? I’ll let Master Koon know you’re here.”
“Boba says you make soup for him,” Ahsoka murmurs. “You never told me you could cook.”
“I’ve lived on my own for over ten years. Of course I can cook,” Obi-Wan says, depositing Ahsoka on a soft bed and pulling a blanket over her. “I’ll make some soup for both of you when you wake up, and we can talk about whatever is on your mind, okay?”
“Okay,” Ahsoka says into a soft pillow that smells like tea. It’s really very comfortable. “I’m...gonna sleep now, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan pats her montrals. “Of course. Sweet dreams, dear.”
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darthbecky726 · 3 years
Bad Batch 1x01 spoilers
I've never done something like this before, but I figured I'd start. Reactions to the first episode of The Bad Batch. (This ended up being a lot longer than I intended, but whatever)
Spoilers under the cut
Red logo burning away starts strong
Yay narrator dude!!
Feels like clones wars
Animated rots scenes!!
And what grevious did after the rots beginning
And caleb right???
And we're in
Omg who voiced young caleb bc it sounds a lot like fpj but aged down and he def doesn't sound like the 14 I know he was when this happened
I like how we started out on familiar characters but not ahsoka or anyone from tcw. We started w young kanan and his master and we know what happened to them and all but if anyone watching hasn't seen rebels they wouldn't be lost as to who caleb and depa are, they'd just assume they're random jedi in o66
Good ol droid screaming as it falls off a cliff
Wow. Them.
I love crosshair
And wrecker
And tech
And echo
And hunter
B1's are so dumb
Lmao the salt from hunter
I feel like depas forehead pearls are a bit unrealistically large but I have no cultural standpoint to really know so...
Caleb's voice is too deep in the same way that jack frost from rotg's voice doesn't match his character model
Ah wrecker not really knowing what she means and echo, the one who has been trained to deal w people and hung out w ani and obi is just like 'thanks general'
Obes kenobes mention
Why is echo so pale
Depa and caleb feel a little too pale too tbh I wonder if it's the lighting or the whitewashing
Wow caleb is a lot like ezra, I can see why kanan wanted to train him lol
Is this what separates caleb and depa, leading to her telling him to run??? Do I need to read dume???
Oh no
Bb didn't get the order!
Oh caleb nooooo! Nooooooo they didn't receive that order, they can help you!!!
And he's gone
Oh I need an au where caleb stayed with bb and they helped him after depa died
Hunter sounds so much like rex it's weird like ik they're supposed to sound the same but it feels like wrecker is replacing rex or something. Even tho ik rex's story is over for the time being
Crosshair, no! Don't shoot at him! He's baby
Oh no did crosshair get o66???? It didn't seem to trigger anything in any of the rest of them, but is crosshair close enough to 'reg' for it to have triggered???
😭😭good soldiers follow orders
"sure thing, boss" "hey hunter got a sitch"
Crosshair acting sus
Oh I love watching padawans fight, they're so good!!
I hope that hit to the tree did a lil cognitive recalibration for crosshair, he was acting crazy
Caleb looks so scared!! He just watched his master get gunned down by his friends and now strange clones are trying to kill him/confusing him
Oh caleb
Oh no crosshair don't try to kill him!! Hunters trying to help!
Also hunter doesn't sound as much like rex w the helmet off, but it's weird bc most of the clones are distinguishable by voice even w helmets on. I guess it's the 'im in charge' voice
Star wars if caleb had gone w the bb
Oh hunter u sly dog lying to crosshair so he doesn't go after him. U gotta figure out why crosshair responded to o66 and no one else in ur unit did
Oh crosshair knows he's been lied to
I will always love coming-out-of-hyperspace shots
Ooh kamino, always nice this time of year
Echo is done w wrecker
Why hasn't crosshair taken his helmet off yet, lil bit sus
They better get his chip out on kamino, I don't wanna deal w this
Oof hunter 
Oh who’s that, giving me cloud city vibes
Extreme cloud city vibes wow
Never realized how many clones are just on kamino
Coruscant guard?!?! FOX?!?!
The vibes here, omg
‘The war is over’ wow
Oh no who was that
A female jedi, doesn’t appear to be shaak, couldn’t see any montrals but never know, we don’t officially know how or where she died
Ok wow none of the bb has their helmets on except for crosshair, who got the order. The regs around kamino all have their helmets on. That scene in victory and death when ahsoka took rex’s helmet off- 
And crosshair, he’s actins strange too
Oh tech, do u guys get bullied by regs a lot??
I love their barracks
Lol he finally took his helmet off only to stick a toothpick in his mouth, can he get anymore cliched?
Wrecker is seeming a lot more infantilized than he was in the s7 eps...
Yeah crosshair’s being sus
Ooh, he shifted his toothpick
Lmao ‘what programming’
Well documented my ass
Tech’s speech patterns are so stiff and robotic, it’s like he has to remind himself to talk in basic instead of binary or some shit
Tech throwing shade at crosshair
I can’t quite tell if we’re supposed to like crosshair at this point
Lmao we been knew
Oop ‘more machine than man’ the vader parallels are serving folks
Ugh sheev
Crusty ass bitch
Straight from rots wow
Who is the mystery child and why does he look mandalorian
Ooh he gone
Oh no, the beninning of the empire
Cheering?? Why?!?
That imperial march fade in tho
Thank you echo
Oh shit mystery child is female
Omega, I would not have guessed the pronunciation of your name by reading it wow
She def seems mandalorian
Ugh kaminoans
Oh the kaminoan pronounced it as it usually is, huh.
Omega’s character model def seems more masculine than female, I now headcanon her as trans
Ugh tarkin, I hate that crusty bitch
Empire politics ugh
I love how much shade is being thrown at tarkin and his stormtrooper proposal lmao
Why do all these clones have the standard haircut?? ik them boys like their variety, even if these boys are still under o66′s programming
Wrecker you’re being extremely loud
They’re all being loud in the mess, why
They remember, kid
Lol child
Oh my sweet summer children
The dad instinct was clearly passed genetically from jango lol all these clones got it
Why are background characters so mean? What about it, shiny? Why is ur hair regulation, reg??
The Sad Batchn omg the slander
Lol the food fight I’ve read about in the fics, its finally happening!
Is she.... australian??
The over-animation of character movements in this is reminding me of the looser style of rebels, as opposed to the more clunky style of tcw
Lmao he’s still got food on him
Food fight!!
‘Not again’???!!! Echo!! Wdym not again?! Food fights have happened before?!?? Wait. W bb or w torrent, bc I can see torrent having food fights on the resolute-
Crosshair’s just eating his food until someone messes
I like how echo still has his kamas
Oh no echo!!
Oh echo’s trauma, he doesn’t trust medical droids! Where’s kix when u need him, huh?
Lol, comically long name for a robot trope is alive and well, huh
Lmao the droid lowers his voice like ik this is a perceived bad thing, but I will not tolerate this slander, boys u need to get off kamino
‘The shock’ lmao whyyy
Lmao tech!!
Oh, echo recognized tarkin from the citadel!
‘When you blew up’ lmao
Oh they make me sad
Aaaaah fox!
Man the domino squad nostalgia
Those droids look cool
This is a neat scene, I like seeing them in action
Wrecker reminding me of hevy, but he’s got the training and success to back it up
Live fire???? No!!
Ugh I hate tarkin
Oh no wtecker
Did he just get shot!???! 
Oh no crosshair, be careful!
Tarkin’s trying to kill them!!!
Lol wrecker I love you
Echo using his mech hand as a weapon, truly an arc
Now I wanna see what happened on felucia
I like how tech’s just sitting on the droid’s shoulders
And hunter just had a knife
These boys, I love them
Oh no tech bby
Hot damn that was cool
Wrecher things so too lmao
Tarkin’s like “why didn’t that work??’
Oh new baby clones
No tf they could not, they would never serve the empire and those bitches
I love that they have a window apartment lol
Ugh tarkin u shifty
They all stand at attention, only after glaring at tarkin
Oh no onderon
I hate tarkin, he’s a bitch
How quickly could bitch lord and darth sad have replaced the armory on kamino??
Crosshair still acting sus
Neither does echo, kid
I like omega.
Crosshair, with the sassy hand on the hip-
What does that even mean?? Or elude to??
Lmao tech messing w wrecker, they rlly r bros
Its prob the vegetation
Oh, I missed onderon, but not this much
Lol the put-upon sigh
Its clearly saw and his rebels
Saw! Looking sharp, what’s w the hair....
That’s a very geometric beard, saw
They didn’t kill any jedi!
That’s not what happened, tech
‘The clones’ bitch that was rex and ahsoka, check urself
Aw, I’ve always like the design of imperial probe droids
Thank you, echo
It seems like crosshair’s o66 programming and his mutation are warring w his morals
Lmao the shade
I knew she was an enhanced clone!
Oh, so she is (at least on paper) trans! She’s a clone of jango, and yet she’s female! That must be her modification, but it makes me wonder why
Lol *flicks toothpick*
Aw, they have a picture of themselves! Recent-ish, too, its got echo!
Oh no, AZI!
The difference between them arriving earlier and now, the lack of escort...
Creepy how they had to open the hanger door themselves
Oh no! Everyone!
The coruscant guard, I wish they had gotten better
Tarkin u dramatic bitch
‘The brig’ this ain’t some tallship
Lol echo that shade
Their blacks are different from the ones seen in the past
Crosshair, stop being a bitch
Oh, I don’t like that phrase!! And the fact that crosshair screamed it in echo’s face makes me uneasy. Did rex fill echo in on why fives died?? I hope so...
Crosshair, ur chip hurting??
This child, I like her.
No! Don’t hit hunter!
No crosshair!!!!
I dislike this immensly
So they do still have inhibitor chips!
Tarkin you monster
Oh poor crosshair
Lol tech I love you
Wrecker you sweet pea
Lol that’s adorable
I love how they form a “wall” its so suspicious 
He was about to say that, omega
Aaww, echo protective boi
Wrecker shut up tf
That was cool
Sneaky bois
This reminds me of rex and ahsoka sneaking around in v&d
Echo runs so stupid
Oh no they winter soldier’d him!
If he says who the hell is crosshar, I will lose my shit
Yes, he has. They took it from him.
The toothpick
I wonder how they’re gonna get crosshair back to normal
Not good that they nabbed the sniper
Oh, crosshair shot him in the same place he got hit during training!
Ooh, a kaminoan on their side!
I hope omega doesn’t die
Poor trigger etiquette, crosshair
Wonder if omega has any speciality training
They’re just gonna leave him there!?!?!?!?!
Omega reminds me of young boba 
Oh, so its in her dna
Go back for crosshair!!
Holy fucking shit that was amazing! I didn’t expect it to be that long, but I’m not complaining! This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, but I don’t feel like cutting anything out, so sorry for the long post but at least I put it under a cut.
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dappercritter · 4 years
Random She-Ra Season 5 Thoughts: THE FINAL RAMBLING
Yep. I finally got all my crazy absurd thoughts about this gay adventure-romance-drama cartoon summarized into one incoherent yet fun to read computer document/article! ...four months after the show itself ended. Oh well, no one’s perfect. Anyways, there are a whole lot more insane observations than ever before, so I had to put it below a link so this thing didn’t back up my blog or any of yours. Hope you enjoy reading through these as much I enjoyed spouting them for no discernible reason other than I felt like it!
-I feel that since is the last season, I ought to talk about an important part of the show that I’ve been putting off: the animation. It’s… okay. It’s definitely smoother than what the original 80’s show and it’s brother series (heheh) looked like, but at the same time it still seems to suffer from similar limitations which causes some distracting moments of stiffness. But other than that, it’s pretty good. It’s no Titmouse or Studio Mir but it looks good and it gets the job done.
         -After all, let’s not forget: “Imperfection is beautiful!”
-Even when things are at their lowest, Adora is a jock with a heart of gold.
-Horde Prime and the Galactic Horde’s aesthetic feels like a mixture of Catholicism, Scientology, Heaven’s Gate, and modern Microsoft, and honestly, that just makes him creepier.
-Speaking of Horde Prime, he didn’t waste any time with destroying Bright Moon. …apparently.
-Furthermore, on the topic of his giant holographic messages, WAS THAT A FREAKING MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE MOVIE REFERENCE?!
-Boy, Glimmer and Catra sure got along quickly! It’s almost like they magically understand each other because they both assumed leadership roles and screwed up big time! …I guess.
         -Either that or this season is going to be a speedrun.
-Wow, the Rebellion sure got used to having a once-thought-dead king as well as a known enemy general/abuser running around their camp awful fast, didn’t they?
-Mara’s got a spaceship, a cyber girlfriend, a magic grandma, a dragon, a tragic backstory, AND a force ghost?! Dang, even in death, the girl’s got it all. No wonder everyone likes her!
-(*me looking at the TV rating at the start of episode*) “Why is language in there? Is there surprise cuss words or something in this season?” (*sees Horde Prime seize control of a clone for the first time*) “HOLY FREAKING SH—oh that’s why.”
-Applause to the crew for making the “dinner with Prime” scene for making a meal between a sparkly princess, a catgirl, and alien cult leader feel even more uncomfortable than it had a right to.
-(*me throughout the season whenever a clone was onscreen*) Is that Hordak? Is that him? Is that him? Is that him right there? Oh it is—oh no wait. … Is that h—
-Extra applause for having Glimmer learn from her grey-area wetwipe phase and refusing to sell out her friends again whilst telling the imperialist cult leader where to stick it.
-I would pay a sizeable portion of my life savings to hear what a Scorpia and Swift Wind duet would sound like.
         -In fact, I’d double it if it was just Scorpia singing.
         -Ah what the heck. I would triple it for an entire She-Ra musical!
-As happy as I am to see to see Entrapta interacting with the other princesses again, I have to say that their big reunion left me with some mixed feelings. Here’s a quick rundown:
         -Entrapta, a grown autistic woman, being led around on a leash by non-neurodivergent teenagers—again: that’s bad.
         -The Princesses confronting Entrapta about joining the Horde: that’s good!
         -The Princesses blaming all their problems with the Horde bots on Entrapta’s actions and her hyper fixations alone: that’s bad.
         -Entrapta explaining herself, admitting that she regrets her mistakes, and getting the Princesses to understand that she thinks and communicates differently, but in spite of that, she really does want help find Glimmer: that’s good!
         -Entrapta never gets to call out the Princesses for how poorly they treated her: that’s bad.
         -Entrapta saves the day and goes to space: that’s good!
         -Scorpia and Entrapta still haven’t interacted even though the former is with the Rebellion in the first place because she went to look for her because she is her best friend: …can I go home now?
-How nice! Michah finally got to shapeshift!
         -And he’s rocking that She-Ra outfit to boot!
-So is Darla a back up of Light Hope or do they just run on the same operating system and have the same voice?
-I could watch an entire season of Adora, Bow, and Entrapta going on space adventure in a rundown ship with their custom-made spacesuits, tbh.
-Is anyone else weirded out that Catra’s younger self looked at her in her flashback(?).
         -Actually what WAS happening there, anyhow?
-(*watching Bow’s spacewalk to save Glimmer*) “Is that a Gravity reference?” asked the man who never saw Gravity.
-Speaking of spacewalks, how did Glimmer survive those precious few seconds in space? Does the teleporter teleport a breathable atmosphere too?
         -Also, Catra, WHY did you think it would be a good idea to teleport Glimmer into space? I know you had a plan and the ship was right there but… Ah, never mind.
-Not that I’m complaining but Glimmer’s apology to the rest of the friend squad for her HORRIBLE plan last season went… surprisingly quickly.
-You know as cool as The Star Siblings are, being a quirky band of space-travelling siblings with cool powers and some trans rep to boot, I only have one small problem with them: weren’t there already Star Sisters on Etheria back in season 1?
         -That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about Masters of the Universe characters to dispute it.
-Entrapta confirmed pan, objectum, AND horny on main. Dang girl, you’re gonna have fun whether you got Hordak back or not…
-“The Velvet Glove” is both a menacing and stupid name for a decadent overlord’s mothership.
         -Wait, it’s from the 80’s canon? Oh. That kind of explains it, actually.
-Goshdangit, I wanted Catra to face punishment for her crimes, but I didn’t think that would involve going to evil alien conversion therapy!
         -Nor did I want her to die! For a second. Actually, since it obviously wasn’t going to last I was… weirdly okay with that part???
-Horde Prime seems awfully okay with Catradora. I mean he’s still super creepy and manipulative about it, but also oddly progressive for an evil brainwashing cult leader.
-(*Adora transforms into a She-Ra through seer will*) First of all, called it. Second of all, WOAH MAMA now that’s a glow up!
-Wrong Hordak did not have to be a thing, and yet, I’m glad that he is.
-Hordak remembers the LUVD crystal and Entrapta… Hordak remembers Entrap—! It’s happening! Oh my gosh, it’s happening! Everybody stay calm!
-Wow, Entrapta didn’t have to be so forgiving of Catra for everything she’s done to her but she did. Only I’m not sure if that was Entrapta taking the high road or the low road.
         -Or which road the crew took for that matter.
-I remember when I thought those “Chipped AUs” floating around here on tumblr were just something the fans came up with and that chipping people was not an actual despicable thing Prime does in canon. I miss those days.
-I know it’s not the same as before or the original design, but True She-Ra’s designs and powers? I think they slappin’.
-Hooray, Adora and Catra are finally making up! And it only took four and half seasons worth of communication failures, toxic villainous behaviour, and physical violence for Catra to snap out of it!
         -…We can go back to Entrapdak now, right?
-Poor Elberon. First they unknowingly adopt a double agent then get invaded by the Horde and now they’re getting brainwashed and chipped by the Galactic Horde. They might be a cute village, but they got some pretty lousy security.
-You know it’s cute that Micah is doing his best to be friends with Frosta and get back in touch with his dad-side, but look I can’t be the only one worried about how the local King is a less proactive leader than the princesses or the known war criminal/abuser, right?
-“The Perils of Peekablue” or as I like to call it, “You Thought ‘Boys Night Out’ Caught You Emotionally Off-guard? Hah! Watch This.”
-You know I didn’t think Scorpfuma would be a thing aside that one moment of flirting near the end of season 4, but they really pushed for it to be a thing! This is… actually pretty great! Perfuma’s not perfect, and I would have appreciated giving them a little more time to bond and form some real chemistry, but at least she reciprocates Scorpia’s sweetness instead of rebuffing it in increasingly aggressive fashion.
-I’m not sure what’s more concerning: that Mermista set a boat on fire, that it’s worded like she had a fling as part of some experimental phase, or that Sea Hawk is turned on by this.
-Peekablue might not be real, (I think?) but he is one dapper dude! Female-to-male redesigns could learn a thing or two from him.
-It involved them getting stung and seizuring, but that was a heck of a way to reintroduce Double Trouble! I swear I got watching them cycle through their transformations in some sort of physical reaction.
         -Or maybe that was just me worrying about their wellbeing…
-Okay, I get the Chips are huge, and actually rather clever threat, but how do these characters get chipped in the first place? I get there are chipped people who spread the chips throught the population but where do they get those from???
         -Do one of those Horde Prime drones just sneak behind someone, slap a chip on their nape then hand them a whole bagfull and say, “Beep boop beep, Horde Prime’s Light, blah blah blah. Alright have fun, kiddo”?
         -Or is it some sort of Alien: Covenant deal where they’re just floating around and Lord help you if one sticks to you?
         -Oh shoot. Guess I owe the crew twice my life savings now…
-Entrapdak might be what got me into this show, but it’s Double Trouble that kept me around, so you can imagine how happy I was to see them make their grand reappearance!
-Conversly, you can imagine my disappointment when they just disappeared until the finale.
         -And on that note: HOW DID YOU GUYS LOSE DOUBLE TROUBLE?!
                  -You forgot to cherish them, didn’t you?
-So, Scorpia sacrifices herself just after finding a new girlfriend and gaining some newfound confidence, Mermista and Sea Hawk are split up,and Double Trouble didn’t join the main cast. Why can’t you just have fun like a normal cartoon, show?
-Gosh, I love me some shifting title cards!
-Is it just me or did they sneak in some more Annihilation references on Krytis?
         (-Said the guy who was too chicken to watch the movie and just read about it and watched a few clips online.)
-(*audibly sighs*) FINE. I guess I like Catradora now. Are you happy now, SPOP Crew? ARE YOU?!
-Hooray, Catra’s got a emotional support animal! And they’re a shapeshifting magic alien cat. Those are the best kind!
-Is it weird that I knew that weird glowing stuff on Krytis was just magic all along, or was it just not hidden very well. Anyways, I like Krytis. I like that we got to see a truly alien world with its own form of magic.
-Plus, we got a logical advancement of the magic versus science subtheme with magic being Horde Prime’s weakness! Neato!
-Getting back on the “which is worse?” wagon for a second, I don’t know what feels less right: that Wrong Hordak’s big revelation and his resolution to free himself and his brothers and friends from Horde Prime’s control is played humorously, or that Real Hordak should be the one having this moment.
-That bit with Castaspella and Shadow Weaver where she tells Casta about Etheria being a living thing with inherent magical property, or whatever, while we got a peaceful shot of some boar creatures sleeping was actually kind of nice. It would have been nicer though if it wasn’t part of a power hungry abuser’s obvious scheme. If only there was a kindly old witch lady character who was in touch with nature and knew just what to say when someone was feeling downOH WAIT.
-Furthermore… Why did Shadow Weaver and Castaspella need to have romantic tension?
-Seriously though, where’s our Madame Razz quota this season? Where’s my supportive magic grandma timelord at, yo?
-Yup, they speedran this season.
-I’m actually really disappointed we didn’t see more of an intergalactic new rebellion rising up to fight Horde Prime’s forces across the universe. Especially if it meant we got to see more Star Sibling action!
-Again, I adore Wrong Hordak but I keep wondering what was keeping the crew from just bringing in Original Flavour Hordak. (You know, aside from teasing us Entrapdak fans and trying to distract us with a loveable new character in the meantime.) I mean he could have done the whole infiltrating the clone squads and tricking them bit, too.
         -Heck, he could have done the wink, too!
-I’d gleefully point out Loo-Kee’s cameo this season but apparently, they already made some several seasons ago. That’s what I get for not rewatching the 80’s show and training my eyes first.
-(*sees Erelandians*) Are those freaking Toads and Toadettes?
-So, what’s keeping them from just hitting Spinerella’s chip again? Besides emotional baggage and gale force winds, I mean.
-Perfuma coming out of a cave scared out of her wits, demanding to know who’s there, clinging to her friends as soon as they come back, and balling her eyes out is a big, BIG mood.
-Frosta absolutely decking Catra in the face was nestled somewhere between cathartic and excessive.
         -Netossa spraying her with a bottle of water on the other hand…
-Oh, so Greyskull was the name of a Rebel Squad! I think. Meh, the important thing is we got an explanation and it still sounds cool.
-Leave it to a couple of dads to make a secret message out of a dad joke.
-You know I made fun of Light Hope for being creepy, but I swear that avatar from the Spire is even creepier. I don’t know if it’s her face—those dang blank eyes, man—or just that it she’s less animated than the real thing, but it just felt… off.
-Aww, Noelle made Netossa’s princess weakness illustrations! So cute!
-Forget episodes that deserves Emmys, Keston John deserves one for voicing Hordak, Horde Prime, all the clones, and several minor villains and giving each and every single one a distinct voice! Where my king’s respect, eh?
-Yes, Catra you had a small disagreement with Hordak. …Over sending his girlfriend and your “friend” to DIE IN A LITERAL LIVING HELL.
         -Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system.
-Why does Perfuma get pressured to get angry and go wild when Entrapta’s the one who’s had it the worst out of all them? Why can’t my gamer girl go berserk, dammit!?
-Okay, but really, how do these fricking chips work??? Are they parasite devices who store Horde Prime’s Baptizing Dew then slowly pump it into their host’s bodies? Do they have their own nervous systems? Are they technorganic? Also, how and why do we need to make these chips are bigger threat then they need to be?
-Horde Prime showing up on Hordak’s throne in grand Killing Joke style and casually throwing shades at his brother’s overblown attempts to impress him is pretty awesome, but it feels strangely underdeveloped. Hordak’s not there to have his hard work insulted and we never got to see Adora have any similar encounter with Hordak here before, so unless you look at it from the perspective of someone who has been here before in the Horde story like Catra it lacks the dramatic weight it should have had.
-Scorpia resisting the chip to save her new friends was pretty great, though.
-I swear, when they got to the scene where Adora and the others figured out that Shadow Weaver was grooming her so she could use her to get to the Heart of Etheria, I was mouthing “You B***H” through the whole thing.
-They really brought back Etherian deep magic just so they had something to make Micah threatening. …okay.
-Okay, the rest of “Failsafe” messed me up, so here’s a rundown on all the other messy thoughts I had while the show ripped my heart and ground it to dog food:
         -Entrapta and Hordak reuniting: Yay!
         -Swift Wind yanking her away before she can get through to him: Boo.
         -Catra encouraging Adora to try and take care of herself for a change: Yay!
         -Adora hurts Catra and she runs away: Boo.
         -Adora finally calling out Shadow Weaver on what an utterly horrible person she is: Yay!
         -Adora resolves to risk sacrificing herself to save the world: Bo—okay, seriously, was all this suffering really necessary, show?
-I know I mentioned in my previous She-Ra random thoughts that I supported Glimmadora, but I am okay with Catradora and Glimbow ending up canon. The only problem I have is how rushed they feel—moreso with Glimbow. With Catradora, the crew had an entire season to make it work again and they took it. Glimbow it feels like they were down to the last few episodes and went, “Oh right, we were gonna do something with these two!” then did their darndest to fit in some chemistry in between all the other stuff going down.
-As ominous as it was, the music where Horde Prime starts hacking Etheria honestly SLAPS.
-Okay, I know everyone is magic or something, but I am legit surprised getting electrocuted in water didn’t kill the heroes right then and there.
-Sea Hawk tries to flirt with his girl even as she’s trying to kill him. Truly, he is a man of taste.
-What do you know, Shadow Weaver can only do good when she’s (canonically!) punch drunk.
-You know a whole lot of this could have been avoided if Holo-Mara was Adora’s mentor instead of Light Hope.
-When I think about it, it was actually really clever to make Horde Prime the final villain for Adora to face: a domineering decadent man who’s been in power forever against a humble emotionally vulnerable compassionate young woman.
         -Not to mention the divide between cult-like oppression and progressive freedom. Or something.
-Holy crap, did the First Ones get a great freaking a Great Old One for a guard dog?!
-So, you guys seriously didn’t bring Angella back to reunite with her family OR mention her all season after the impact her death had on everyone all last season until Glimmer needs a power-up at the last possible minute and then you never bring her up again. That is absolutely a dick move in bird culture.
-Entrapta’s hacker sticker gives me life. Gamer girl gremlin princess forever!
-On the one hand, I’m disappointed that Adora and Catra don’t get to have an awesome couple battle against the security monster and win. On the other hand, Shadow Weaver is finally dead. YAY!
         -With apologies to the writers and especially Lorraine Toussaint. She did splendidly bringing this character to life and even if I hated Shadow Weaver, I adored the effort she put into making her one of the most emotionally complex villains I’ve ever seen.
-Words cannot, will not, and will never describe the pure joy that I experienced when I first saw Hordak’s big scene: standing up to and disowning his tyrant brother, saving Entrapta, declaring his love to her (albeit in a nicely lowkey fashion), and then throwing Horde Prime to his apparent doom Disney style with Entrapta cheering him with sheer glee. GOSH, it was everything I could have hoped for from this season!
         -Now if only they kept the deleted scene where they got a moment to themselves before Prime body-jacked him again like the creepy sonuvabich he is.
-Horde Prime just wouldn’t be a religious villain if he didn’t tell everyone to burn.
         -Bonus points for actually trying to burn the frigging planet.
-Aside from the idea of Adora switching to wearing a She-Ra themed dress everywhere in the future, the future vision was really quite sweet, and seeing Prime step in to ruin it made it all the more impactful.
-Can I just say that it’s absolutely wonderful that the show, for all it’s flaws, said  “**** senseless heroic sacrifices”?
-BREAKING: Lesbian cat finally makes up with her jock ex, has a canon kiss so pure it saves the world!
         -In other news, Catradora fans are still spoiled rotten.
-Wow, look at all those character comebacks they skipped through! Look, there’s the chefs from Dryl, Double Trouble, Huntara, the Horde Trio, Imp, Madame Razz—are you kidding me?!
-Grumbling aside, I actually find the idea of the Horde Trio and Imp getting involved in a G-rated science-fantasy version of the first Hangover movie quite amusing.
-Oh dang, they pulled a Castle in the Sky with the Velvet Glove!
-As nice as it was to see Aodra save Hordak from Horde Prime and destroy the latter through exorcism via sheer compassion, I’m rather disappointed we never got to see She-Ra go full Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengence on any creepy old cult leaders.
         -Yeah, it would have gone against the “love conquers all” set up, but love takes on many forms, does it not? So, why can it not manifest as cleaving your mortal enemies with extreme prejudice to save your loved ones?
-Furthermore, in addition to Holo-Mara being a better mentor, Hordak raising Adora instead Shadow Weaver could have prevented a lot of similar problems. Maybe. Possibly.
         -Eh whatever, he has a lifetime’s worth of fanfiction to make up for it.
-And so is Catradora and Glimbow! That’s nice, too.
-Aww, how sweet of them to skip through Catra and Scorpia, and Glimmer and Micah’s big reunions! It’s not like we’ve been waiting forever for this stuff or anything. HahahahAHAHAHDHAHAHFHAFHKSADJHFKAJHDfine.
-And so it all ends with everyone either friends, in love, or both, as heroes decide to make up for it all with a grandiose sequel promising more exciting space adventures we probably won’t see! HOORAY!
-All snarky ranting aside, I actually really enjoyed the finale. It was exciting, heartwarming, and above all it ended on happy, hopeful note without leaving too many frustrating questions unanswered. (*glares with utmost contempt at Voltron and Star vs. The Forces of Evil*)
-You know, this wasn’t bad for a final season, but I think this might have worked better as two seasons. Not in Netflix’s cheap “split a regular 13-episode season in two 6-7 episode long seasons” strategy, but I mean two full seasons with their own storylines leading up to the grand finale:
         -First, one that starts out with Horde Prime’s arrival the downfall of Etheria, focuses on the space adventures, ends with their return to Etheria and gives the characters time to recuperate from season 4.
         -Then, we have one final season that focuses on the Best Friend Squad’s Return to Etheria, Horde Prime’s plan, gives everyone more time to properly reconcile before ¾ of the entire cast gets chipped, sets up a new Rebellion made up of Princess Alliance and former Etherian Horde members, maybe even set up a proper Hordak redemption arc or something, and then our big happy ending.
-On a mostly unrelated note, I also feel that the whole show could have turned out even better if it had been either a dedicated science-fantasy war drama with some levity (like the good Star Wars shows or Avatar: The Last Airbender) or a lighthearted yet empowering slice-of-life action-adventure romcom (i.e. basically a well-made remake of the original show in the style of Adventure Time and Parks and Rec or something).
-My final random thought for this whole thing: we really could have used a triumphant end credits song or something. Aside from obviously recommending Fabulous Secret Powers, I would have also recommended the original 4 Non Blondes “What’s Going On,” a reprise of “Warriors,” Gorillaz’s “We Got the Power,” or (my favourite) Talking Head’s “(Nothing But) Flowers” since the ending scenes remind me of it.
Thanks again to the crew for giving me something to live for and/or complain about!
Now, let’s hope the He-Man reboots do as well...
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neeterloveschenford · 3 years
Thoughts on RNM 3x09
Ok y’all, here we go. Finally we are an official couple! Malex for the win!! (Other things happened, but ya know. Priorities.) I was very happy overall with the progress our boys have made. And as much as I’ve enjoyed this season, I’m glad we’ve had a bit of a time jump. Even if I think it’s only been a few days. I was pretty sure that Kyle and Max would already be up and about. It would have taken too much of an episode to deal with bringing Max out of the pod and Kyle waking up from his coma. Do I feel a little short changed? Yeah. But I get it. There’s only 13 episodes and there is a lot that we have to get to before the finale. So on that note, I’m gonna dive right in. Care to join me?
You go Nora with your badass self killing all those clones. (I mean harsh, but hopefully they were just vessels and had no consciousness to speak of.) And Jones being his crazy dictator self killing that scientist was super harsh. And can we for the love of God get Lucky away from him!?!?!?! He is the goodest boi! He deserves better.
Go on science Liz. I don’t understand half of what she said, but I believe it. And I love how badass she is when she sciences. And there we get our first glimpse of Malex goodness, “Me and Alex are working on the Lockhart machine.” Because of course they are. Because their brilliance only intensifies when they work together. Loved Isobel’s gross face when Liz talks about Noah’s spores. And here’s where we get the Heath story taking off. Max is not gonna like this one!
Ok, Deep Sky doctor lady. I really dig your hair, but do you know who you’re talking to here? Kyle is the premiere alien doctor on this planet. He probably knows more about weird biology than you’ll ever learn. Listen to my boy! And Kyle honey, you are completely justified in your righteous indignation. And you are correct in that no one is more qualified in top-secret ET shenanigans than you baby. (I really need to figure out how to use that line in real life. It’s like the best thing he’s ever said.) I still don’t know whether or not to trust Eduardo. I want to, but I’m still not sure what he’s all about.
I love how dedicated Isobel is. She’s downright obsessed and I love this side of her. And her cockblocking Delmanes was so funny all episode. I also really love that Greg is fully involved now. The Pod Squad needs all the allies they can get at this point.
That phone call almost made me cry. They look so incredibly happy to just be together. I knew as soon as Alex said he wouldn’t forget their date that it wouldn’t happen, but still. Just the fact that they are both ready for that step is amazing. They have both grown so much. I’m just so happy to see them so happy. It was truly amazing. And I agree with Michael. Alex needs to talk codey more often!
It was totally cute that Max had a get Liz playlist, but does he know what the song The Way is about? It’s not exactly romantic.
Heath, you’re in trouble now!
Delmanes are so cute! Isobel is so adorable when she is flustered by a pretty girl!. I will admit though, that I really wish Anatsa hadn’t slept with Max. I mean these guys tend to be a little too close sometimes. But, you know, that seems to be the way this show is going to roll. Blame it on Carina’s lingering messes from the last two seasons and move on.
Of course Alex would manifest Nora. Despite his growth, he still has a lot of guilt over her death and his father’s role in it. I love that Michael is his focus. Alex’s love for Michael will always be the guiding factor in everything he does. He wants more than anything to make sure that Michael has a good life. And I think he’s finally learned that his presence in Michael’s life is what makes it good. I love these two dumbos! (said lovingly) They make me so happy!!
Come on Max. Tell Liz how you not only kept her tapes, but you would listen to them in the desert while crying and missing her! These two are the real dumbos in this show. (said not so lovingly)
I love how powerful Isobel’s become. And that was way cool the way she pulled that pod out of the lake. I’ve really loved her journey this season. And Maria was right, that camp was really beautiful.
I just don’t know if we can trust Eduardo yet! He says all the right things, but he just seems too good to be true! I hope my misgivings are wrong. I really want Kyle and Alex both to have someone who will be a good father figure. They both deserve it.
You know what would have been an awesome twist? If Jesse had shown up when Alex saw the project shepherd tech in Nora’s machine.
I love how Michael just wants to take care of Alex. Lovingly breaking into his boyfriend’s house. What a romantic.
You know what Maria? Get it girl! I think Delmanes is both sexy and adorable. I am ok with them being together!
I love that Kyle is so determined to do the right thing. He has really grown to care about all the aliens. He just wants to do the right thing and I love him for it. He is proving every day that he is the best member of the Valenti family. I’m so proud of my baby boy!
And now we’re getting down to business with Echo. They both have made mistakes and they both have admitted as such, but it still surprises me that Liz cannot see why Max is so scared of his secrets getting out. (Am I really taking Max’s side in something? What is wrong with this picture?) Also, she is so determined to believe the best of Heath that she doesn’t want to see what’s glaringly obvious. I saw this coming like five episodes ago. Just saying.
If Vlamis doesn’t make that shirt part of his next merch drop, I will scream. I would wear the heck out of that shirt! And Eduardo’s face when Michael is standing in his office was the best! And bragging about how smart his boo is! Michael just adores his brilliant hacker boyfriend!
Admittedly, yoda Maria is getting a little old. But I am glad that Maria and Isobel are friends now. They really compliment each other so well. And I loved how Isobel took drinks out of Greg’s hand all ep.
My sweet Alex! I love him so much. Pushing himself so hard to try to help Michael. It’s all about Michael. His capacity to love is so huge. And then Michaell comes to the rescue. He’s always got him. That’s the kind of grand declaration that we need in our lives. The way that Alex grabbed onto Michael’s shirt was everything. They just bring so much joy to my soul.
Isobel and Anaste are cute, but my Kybel heart still beats strong. Also, I still think she’s an alien or something. I have decided to just not trust anyone new.
Michael listening to Alex, comforting him, and admitting he’s had the same fears was beautiful. I love how strong he is now. He’s really putting himself out there to be there for the people that matter the most. And that Sander’s story was so sweet. Of course that would be the perfect date for these two. And the fact that they worked together perfectly to take out the evil PS part and put the machine back together the way it was meant to be was such a great metaphor for their relationship. I can’t believe we are getting so much goodness right now. We are truly blessed.
Still making me take Max’s side Liz. You really are letting me down. Oh wait, helping Michael be less Michael. Yep, Max made me remember why I hate him. Never mind.
So Dallas is an alien. (At least somebody new is!) Not who I thought it would be though. And since we saw him in one of the s4 bts pics, then we know he’s probably sticking around. I am intrigued. And now we know what Heath’s been up to. I guess he’s supposed to be a not so bad guy since he’s trying to help his best friend. But you hurt my Kyle dude. There’s really no coming back from that.
I am still pleased with 99% of this season. We’re coming down to the wire now. I just hope for more and more goodness with every episode. Even if we have to have another episode without Alex, I am expecting there to be some mentions of him by Michael. This season has made me so so happy. I can’t believe we are living in a time when Malex is together and building a beautiful relationship that will stand the test of time. We are a blessed people. And I cannot wait for more! Till next time guys!!
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Skater Boy (Kirishima x Reader)
Pairing: Kirishima x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: College!AU; You’re going to get pizza and you run into a group of skaters from your university
Word count: 2,640
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: I was talking to my cousin one day and the thought just suddenly hit me, What if the Bakusquad were skateboarders?  And so this idea was born!  Not the best but I think it’s cute, and he deserves fluff after I just wrote angst for him.
"I think I might actually fail that class," I deflate, hunched over.  "I study until I'm blue in the face and I still do bad on the exams.  And he doesn't even curve the grades!"
Tzuyu raises an eyebrow at me.  "(Y/n), you have a B in that class, why are you so worried?"
"Because I want an A!" I burst out as we walk up the parking lot of the pizza shop.  "It's still only the middle of the semester, I need a good enough cushion just in case I slip up on the last few exams.  I can't get another C!"
My dark haired friend grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eye.  "You're freaking out for nothing, just chill.  Do something fun for a change."
I sigh exasperatedly.  "I don't have time for fun.  I need enough time to study and do my homework, and I need time to procrastinate because of how stressed I am."  She doesn't understand since she's not a science major, she's a lucky Communications major.
She rolls her eyes.  "If you keep going like this, you'll start having premature grays hairs.  And you'll look older than you already do."
I shove her playfully.  "Are you saying I look older than my age?"
"Yup.  And it doesn't help that you have resting bitch face either."
I jump in front of her to jokingly insult her too.  "You're-"
Stepping backwards, the ground underneath my foot is slightly higher and shaky, making my leg jerk to the side instinctively and I land square on my ass, almost knocking into the shop's glass doors.  My head follows the sound of wheels rolling to see a skateboard gliding away from us.
"Hey, stupid."  A shadow casts over me and I meet the eyes of a pretty annoyed ash-blond boy, his hands in his forest green cargo pants pockets.  He looks down his nose at me with a grimace.  "That was my board you tripped on."
I blink, not knowing what he expects me to say.  "Um.  Sorry?"
Tzuyu helps me off the floor.  "Why would you let it roll away if you didn't want anyone touching it?"
He grabs it from the small distance it traveled, kicking the edge and gripping it by the metal between the wheels.  His board is almost all black with a giant white skull in the middle surrounded by orange and yellow flames.  "We warned you, not our fault you stepped on it like an amateur."
My gaze flicks briefly to the group of other people hanging around the side of the building before returning back to him.  "All you said was 'Incoming,' how were we supposed to know what to watch out for?"
The boy rolls his eyes and swaggers up to me.  Being almost an entire head taller, he slouches over me.  "You should've know to just freeze up," he growls.
The combination of his height towering over me and his murderous crimson eyes makes me gulp, but stand my ground.  I cross my arms over my chest.  "M-Maybe if you weren't so bad at skateboarding, you wouldn't have messed up for it to roll away from you."
The boy growls and bares his teeth at me.  "You wanna say that again?!"
"Okay, calm down, dude, it was just an accident."  A red-headed friend of the boy runs up and pushes him away when I flinch into Tzuyu's arms behind me.  "You don't have to pick a fight with everyone you meet, just chill."
The porcupine-haired boy grumbles under his breath and walks back to the rest of his group.
I turn to the saintly friend.  "Thank you-"
As soon as he turns around, the words get jumbled in my throat.  The front of his hair is so cutely tucked over his face under his black beanie.  His features give off a boyish charm with sharp features like his eyes and his jawline.  His beaming smile puts blindingly white sharp teeth on display as his eyes crinkle up.  "Sorry about him, he's a bit of a hothead."
"It's okay!" I say quickly, waving my hands in front of me and looking down.  My eyes meet with his board, the pattern a scarlet matching his hair color with black lettering outlining the initials RR.  "You have a pretty cool board.  Matches your hair."  It's a dumb compliment and I know it is, I'm just trying to make conversation.
He picks it up by the sides and admires it himself.  "You like it?  Painted it myself!  I bought the wheels, but I sprayed the trucks black because I thought it looked cooler."
"Seems like a personification of you."  You sound so lame and boring, why would you say that?
"It's new, I'm trying to get it scratched up and everything."  He holds it with one hand at his side and holds his hand out to me, flashing another brilliant smile.  "I'm Eijirou Kirishima by the way!"
Tzuyu and I introduce ourselves.  "Do you go to the university here?" my friend asks.
"Yeah, we all do," he motions to the rest of them.  "We just like to come out and chill every once in a while, usually we're at the park though."
I know which one he's talking about.  About a block away, opposite the direction of our university, is a skate park that I've seen whenever we pass by here to get food.
Tzuyu clears her throat and nudges me from behind and I shoot her a look to stop.
"Yo, Kiri!  We're goin' back to the park, you comin'?"  One of the boys with bright blond hair and a black hoodie calls out.
Kirishima's head flits back and forth between us and his friends.  "I'll meet up with you guys later!" he answers before turning his attention back to us.  "I can treat you guys to lunch since Bakugou was being an ass if you want?"
My eyes widen.  "You don't have-"
"Sure, why not?" Tzu talks over me and grabs my arm.  "Let's go grab a table!"
I will kill everything you love.
Tzuyu does most of the talking while I eat my pizza like a silent bunny.  We find out he's an Exercise Science major with an average GPA.  The most surprising thin is that his loudmouth friend who almost jumped us is a pretty bright student.
"You really can't tell, he's such a hothead," Tzu comments.
"Yeah, he's been trying to work on it," Kirishima laughs and rubs the back of his head.  "But he's a really smart guy, I usually ask him to explain stuff I don't understand."
I stare at the board he's laid down on the seat next to him.  We're spread out inside a semicircle booth near the window, so it's right next to me.  I stealthily reach out to spin one of the white and red wheels.  Some part of me feels like a child because I get easily amused by these things.
"You must really like my board."
My heart lurches when I realize I've been caught, my face turning red when I meet his beaming face.  "I'm sorry for touching it."  I scoot away from it a little bit.
"No need to apologize, I don't mind."  He pushes it towards me and leans his arms on the back of the cushioned seats.  "Do you skate?"
I fiddle with the wheels again.  "I have a board, actually, but I can't really skate."  It's at my house, under my bed where I can't see it.
"That's cool, do you have a picture?" his scarlet eyes light up in excitement."
"No, I don't."  I deleted it.  "I, uh, dated someone who bought it for me and was supposed to teach me how to skate."
"And you broke up?" Kirishima finishes, his expression neutralized to a blank slate.
Damnit, look what you did, you've made everyone uncomfortable now.  I take a last bite of my pizza, leaving the crust.  Usually Tzuyu eats it for me.
Kirishima eyes it and his face turns a bit red, darting away from me.  "Would it be weird to ask if I can eat your crust?"
I feel my own face get hot at his suggestion.  Tzuyu coughs to hide her giggle and nods slightly.  "Sure, go ahead," I manage to get out shakily.
He doesn't even hesitate to grab it once he has permission, happily chewing at it.  Tzuyu bites her lip to keep herself at my obviously red face.  Don't think about it, that's so childish, I chant to myself.
He licks his lips when he's finished.  "So, (Y/n), do you still wanna learn?"
My entire body erupts in a strange combination of warmth and cold.  I never really thought about skating after I broke up with the previous guy.  It's just been sitting under my bed because  I unconsciously can't bring myself to remind myself of anything about him.  It wouldn't be a bad idea, but I also don't really want to embarrass myself in front of another cute guy.
Noticing my hesitation, Kirishima offers a warm smile.  "You don't have to worry about falling in front of me!  I couldn't stay on the board at first either!"
I can't imagine it, but something about his affable, trusting demeanor draws me to him.  "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."
"Awesome!"  His entire face lights up and his eyes crinkle up again.
"You guys can go ahead, I'm going back to the dorms to study," Tzuyu gets up to throw her plate away.  When Kirishima isn't looking, she wiggles her eyebrows and mouths, "Have fun."
"That's too bad.  It was nice meeting you!"
I shake my head quickly at her, but she just sticks her tongue out at me and leaves.
The redhead grabs his board and stands up.  "Shall we?"
Lord, I'm gonna die today.
Kirishima had already got me to feel out my balance standing on the grass and was now planing on moving me to the concrete.  Cue all my fears of falling off and busting my head open.
"Do you know which stance you're more comfortable standing with?" he asks, placing the board in front of me near a pole in the parking lot.
"I think so?"  I'm not familiar with it, but I can switch it up later.
"Alright, hold onto the pole and step up.  I'll stand in front of you just in case you fall forward, just be careful falling backwards."  He's been extra patient with me this whole time, it's endearing.
"Can you clone yourself so you can be in both places?" I ask feebly, clasping my hands in front of me, staring at the little board.
He chuckles, "I wish I could.  You'll do fine, I'll try to catch you either way."
I take a breath, holding onto the pole and placing my foot on the board.  I don't want to look like a coward in front of Kirishima, so I grasp the metal tightly and plant my other foot, wobbling a little in place and whining.
"You're doing good!  Are you cool so far?"  He moves to stand on the side where my body faces forward.
"I think so?"  My blood pumps with adrenaline and all I want to do is leap off and go back to the dorms.  Damnit Tzu, why did you leave me here?
"Okay, whenever you're ready, just push off and roll!"
My front fist clenches in front of me, every instinct telling me not to let go of the pole.  "You'll catch me, right?" I confirm, my legs shaking in anticipation.
"Yup!"  He holds his hands out, palms up and ready.  "Ready when you are!"
Don't be a coward, just do it.  I push off weakly and start rolling only slightly faster than a snail's pace before I shake and spasm, putting a hand on Kirishima's arm instinctively.  "Shit, sorry-" I take my hand off only to windmill my arms and lean backward.
He grabs both of my hands.  "Lean on me, it's okay."
His warm smile and gentle voice makes me feel stupid for being an imbalanced fool.  "I'm sorry, I'm such a klutz, I'm really bad at this," I burst out quickly.
"You're fine, take your time."  The warmth from his hands flusters me even more and I want to let go, but if I do I'll fall over.  "Do you want me to push you so you can try again?  Is it okay?"  I nod, my body still shaking.  I shift to balance with one of his hands as he frees the other.  "I'm gonna let go after I push you, plant yourself."
He pushes at the small of my back gingerly, sending me rolling a little faster than before.  Despite being wobbly, somehow I manage to keep my balance for a few more seconds, the board wavering back and forth under my feet.
"You've got it, good job!" Kirishima praises, keeping a brisk walking pace to keep up.
The board slows to a crawl and I waver, stopping when I grab his arm again and letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.  "That's not too bad I guess," I exhale.
He chuckles.  "Do you wanna try riding towards me alone this time?"
Please no.  "Okay," I squeak out.
Kirishima stands a good 10 meters away from me.  Starting from the pole, I push off towards him and balance myself across.  When I approach him, he raises his hands up for me to hold onto and walks backwards to match my speed.  "Just step off now."
As soon as I take my back foot off, the front tips forward into the ground.  The mini sensation of falling makes me yelp and lean into him reflexively.
A snicker leaves his lips.  "Not really a successful stop, but at least you did it."
I look up, about to say something snarky, but I realize how close we are to each other.  His eyes bore into mine, and I notice he has a small vertical scar on his right eye.  I'm about to reel back for staring before he grips my hands tighter and brings them down to get closer.  My heart thumps in my ears, body still shaking with adrenaline.
"You know, it won't take just a single day to skate well, you need to practice at it."  His eyes relax into a half-lidded state, one side of his lips lazily turned up slightly.
"Yeah..." I want to curse myself for such a dumb response.  The smell of his wooded cologne wafts from his hoodie.
He bites his lip and glances down at mine briefly and his voice drops an octave.  "Would you like it if we kept this up?  Maybe tomorrow?"
Without thinking, I nod slowly.
"Maybe we can grab something to eat together?" he tips his head, "Like a...date?"
My face flushes.  Oh, this is happening.  I nod again, not trusting my voice to do anything but scream.
A low chuckle resounds from him throat and he quickly brushes a finger to my cheek.  "You're cute.  I'm glad you wanna see me again too."
My chest throbs at the compliment, eyes dropping to the ground.
Another melodious laugh and he lets go of me, grabbing his board that rolled a few feet away.  "Come on, I'll walk you back to your dorm."
I hang back, dazed after what just happened.  The adrenaline is slowly emptying out of my system and my heart is trying to normalize, but replaying how close we were a few moments ago kicks everything back into gear.
"You coming?" he calls from behind.  Seeing my disorientation, he smiles teasingly.  "Have you lost your balance to walk too?  Here," he clasps his free hand with mine gently, "I'll help you."
A new tremor of warmth flows through me.  Oh.
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sweetest-honeybee · 4 years
To Hell and Back
Chapter 13
Summary: Ex and Hels go to meet other Hermits but a certain butcher throws Hels into a panic attack.
Characters: Helsknight, Evil Xisuma, Doc, Xisuma mention, Giran mention, Scar mention, and Beef is there briefly
TW: Panic attack, asthma attack mentions, stuff like that.
Yes, I gave scar asthma for this bc I needed a reason for something in this chapter
After that whole ordeal, the two continued to meet at other areas in the map for the next week. Ex proposed the idea to give Hels a little tour, mostly sticking around the shopping district.
“And this is Grumbot, they said he got all messed up so they built a little private world for him,” said Evil Xisuma. They landed on the perch just in front of a small window and peeked inside. “Still happy as ever,” he mused.
“What does it do? Does it have some kind of purpose?”
“Ah, well while I was still staying in Xisuma’s base, they had some kind of election for a mayor of the shopping district. Grumbot if I’m correct was supposed to help Mumbo in winning.”
Hels nodded slowly at the answer. “Alright then...Did he win?”
Ex shook his head with pursed lips. “No, Scar won. He got all the diamonds everyone spent on plots of land for their shops to use for repairs and new stuff and whatnot.”
Hels hummed in response. “Well no wonder Grumbot was so upset. I hope he’s a good leader. When you had me meet him, he didn’t seem much like the leading type. He’s all soft.”
“Soft, yes. But he’s kind to the Hermits and myself. I believe he’s had quite a rough past which probably made way for some kind of pity vote here and there if you ask me.”
Hels gave Ex a pointed look, completely disregarding Ex’s last statement. “Rough past?”
“Yeah, I dunno if you saw that he’s covered head to toe in scars, which is probably where the name came from, but he’s said something here and there about some people he’s come across a long time ago.” The man shrugged. “I don’t know a whole lot about it.”
Hels looked back at the smiling Grumbot. “Well, with a good origin story emerges some kind of hero, I suppose.”
“That’s odd coming from you. I think you’re spending too much time around Xisuma.” The knight merely responded by playfully punching him in the arm.
Then Hels wondered. “Why wasn’t Xisuma the mayor, though? He’s the ruler of-“ Hels gestured around them vaguely “-All of this.”
Ex shook his head. “I thought so too, but he said he’s not the one who makes all the decisions around here and he’s not fitting for the job anyways. Apparently everyone helps with all the decision making and whatnot.”
Hels hummed, considering the thought. “Alright then, shall we continue? I believe there’s some Hermits you haven’t introduced me to. I’ve heard that there’s a creeper-cyborg-guy running around. Something about goats?”
Ex laughed at the thought of Hels meeting Doc. “I actually think the two of you may get along quite well! Same with Joe Hills. His poetry and your dramatic speeches certainly go hand in hand.” He eyed Hels with a grin while the knight rolled his eyes. “But yes, we can continue. Though, I would like you to meet Beef as well but Wels lives near his place. I think it’d be cool to meet the person who practically created you.”
“Well, the vessel anyways.”
“Right, let's head off then and give Grumbot some privacy.”
With that, the two lifted off once more, this time coming across a weirdly shaped mountain miles away accompanied by a large house split into halves. As they landed, they spotted Doc hardly a few meters away. The creeper was too busy moving items to different chests repeatedly, probably sorting, to notice the new company.
“Hello, Doc! I’d like to introduce you to a new friend of mine that’s gonna live on the server for a while!”
Ex must’ve startled the old man. An easy assumption when Doc quite harshly smacked the back of his head on the lid of the chest while standing. Glancing at Evil Xisuma, he rubbed at his neck.
“Next time, I’d rather not have people sneaking up on me.” His eyes then landed on Hels. “Woah, did Wels go through an emo phase?” He chuckled at his own joke.
“Hardy har har. I’m his evil clone.”
Doc merely rolled his eyes. “I’m not surprised. Beef was asking for some help regarding his cloning machine after you were created.”
Hels raised a brow at the comment. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Doc just shrugged. “Dunno. Probably doesn’t want more evil clones running around.” He clapped his hands together. “Anyways! What can I do for you guys, I’m a bit busy at the moment so you’ll have to be quick,” Doc ended with a pointed glare at Hels.
“Just needed to introduce him to everyone and we’ll be on our way. Nothing much else than that. I’ll just let him wander a bit and look around if that’s alright.”
“Fine with me, just don’t use my villagers, farms, or break anything that takes a lot of effort to replace.” Doc waved a hand dismissively as he walked back over to his chest, beginning to sort again.
With that, Hels looked up at the mountain near them. “Hey, what’s with the mountain? Looks like an animal head.”
Without removing his focus from the chest, Doc simply replied, “It’s a goat.”
“Alright then.” Hels looked over at Ex. “I don’t believe there’s too much to look at over here, we can move on. If you’d like me to meet Beef now, we can do that.”
Doc couldn’t help but to glance at them after Hels’s suggestion. “I thought Wels doesn’t want you near his base.”
“Mind your business old man.”
Doc glared at the knight once more and turned back to his chest, grumbling something under his breath along the lines of ‘I’m not that old’. The pair snorted at the scientist.
“Okay, let's go then.”
It wasn’t a very long flight this time, much to Hels’s surprise. He thought Beef lived much farther away than where he settled. The sandstone village came into view within hardly a couple minutes.
But for some reason, Hels found the village intimidating.
“I wonder if he’s here, he’s not around a lot,” Ex prefaced. As if on cue, the butcher came into view from the blacksmith, several iron bars and end rods piled in his arms. “Ah, nevermind then. Let’s say hello!”
Before Ex went approaching Beef, he was caught short by the wrist. He turned and found the knight gripping it quite harshly, a frown deepening on his face.
“Hels, would you please let go of me?”
The knight pulled him back a foot or two behind the building. “Um, actually maybe we can just do this later. He seems busy.”
Ex cocked his head to the side. “That didn’t stop us with Doc, Mumbo, Grian, Star, Xisuma, Stress, Ren-“ Hels shushed him quickly.
“No, I don’t care. Let’s just go.” Hels tugged on his wrist once more, Ex not budging from his current placement. Worry suddenly became evident in his expression.
“Is something wrong?”
Hels just shook his head, a flush creeping across his face, but oddly enough, Ex recognized that it wasn’t the good kind. “No- Please will you just come with m-“
“Is everything alright over here?” The knight stopped mid pull. To his left, Beef stood with purple glittered hands on his hips. “Why are you pulling on him like that, let the dude go.”
Without hesitation, Hels slipped his hand away. “Sorry,” he mumbled. He exhaled shakily.
Beef raised a brow almost in unison with Ex. “You’re not looking so hot, are you feeling okay? There’s a library behind you if you wanna sit in there.”
“Hels, I dunno if you know this but you’re pale. Like really pale. Do I need to call Stress and Xisuma?”
The knight shut his eyes tightly, shaking his head again, harder this time. “Beef please leave,” he croaked. With a slight nod, the butcher left. “I um-“ Hels swallowed thickly, “-Ex, remember when uh- when I said that I get scared sometimes and cry in a corner?”
Ex had to think for a second before his eyes widened. “Is that what’s happening right now?” He looked around frantically. “There’s not really any good corners here-“
“No- No, I just- please just take me somewhere else, I need to be out of this village. What’s uh- where’s the nearest place?”
“Closest place is Wels’s base but we can’t go there.”
Yeah, that would probably make it worse, especially if the other knight was at his base. Then, Hels had an idea.
“Chorus fruit,” he exhaled.
“Do you have chorus fruit.”
Ex nodded with an “Oh” and pulled the round purple fruit from his inventory. Immediately, Hels snatched one from him.
“Take a bite on three and hold my hand.” Ex did so. With the final number, the two took a bite and, almost too conveniently, they landed at the greenhouse. Hels didn’t let go of his hand, however, the grip only became much tighter while he dragged them both to the floor.
“Do I need to get someone?”
Hels shook his head, screwing his eyes shut.
“What do I do then?”
The knight struggled for words through vigorous shaking. He just kept shaking his head and leaned into the other, taking the held hand into both of his own.
Ex honestly had no clue what to do. He’s never seen this happen to any of the other Hermits, let alone Hels. But one thing he did know is that a person shouldn’t really be breathing that frantically.
That then tied to a memory back to an event involving Scar. The terraformer had asthma, he knew. He could vaguely pinpoint a moment where Grian had helped him out of an asthma attack. And while he did so, he had Ex retrieve Stress. The evil hermit caught on to the breathing exercises the two followed before following through with his task.
Would that work? Hels didn’t have asthma. Ex wasn’t even sure if those exercises were even for whatever was happening right now.
“Hey- Hey Hels, I’m going to try something. This will be stupid, but bare with me.” He lightly tapped the other on his shoulder with his free hand and Hels lifted his face ever so slightly to face him a bit more. “Good job,“ he repeated the words from Grian. “I need you to breathe with me, can you do that?”
Initially, Hels shook his head once more. But a second after he stopped, there was a small hint at a nod.
“Awesome, just follow my lead.” Ex inhaled slowly through his nose while the knight followed his first step, albeit shakily. He then exhaled out of his mouth, letting Hels take his time to follow again after another bout of shallow breaths. “You’re doing great,” he parroted again. “We’re going to do that a few more times.”
And again, they did. Inhale through the nose, exhale out of the mouth. Granted, when Scar was having his troubles, he had some kind of machinery next to him to help him breathe, but at least this was close. Inhale again through the nose, then exhale out of the mouth.
Absentmindedly, the evil hermit trailed his fingers over the other’s back lightly. He didn’t honestly expect this to work, he thought someone was going to have to come help him. He knew for sure that he was going to have to tell someone about what happened but he’d cross that bridge when he got to it.
Soon, Hels had his face tucked into the crook of Ex’s neck, much to Ex’s dismay. He loved the guy but he’d rather his suit not be wet with tears. Still, he kept his own firm grip in the tangle of fingers between their legs and the attack died down into minimal shaking.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He proposed. Hels pulled himself away from the other’s chest and Ex practically felt his own heart break at the sight. There was the courageous and merciless knight, red faced and puffy eyed, a few tears still making their way down his cheeks, others merely sticking to them. Hels wiped at them pathetically.
“Okay then, what happened? What caused it?”
Hels meekly shrugged. “The village I guess. I dunno for sure.”
“Was it Beef? You wanted him to leave almost as soon as he came to talk.”
The knight stuttered. Ex was a bit too blunt for his liking when it came to asking questions. “I- I don’t know- He’s not even that bad. There was…” he took a deep breath. This was pathetic. Here was one of the strongest and most powerful people in Hels talking about his feelings. “The village kind of did it before we even landed,” he finally concluded.
Ex shifted in his spot. “Well, would it help to tell you about something I’m afraid of? Or at least used to be? Xisuma does it sometimes when I’m scared.”
The corners of Hels’s mouth twitched upwards just slightly. “Sure.”
“F...flowers? You’re afraid of flowers and you own a flower shop and a greenhouse?” The knight sat up more.
Ex wagged a finger with his free hand. For a second upon noticing this, Hels let go of his other hand. “I said ‘or at least used to be’. I’m not afraid of them much anymore, a little unnerving with some specific kinds, but they’re my favorite thing in the world right now!”
The evil hermit knew he must’ve been doing something right when Hels let out a snort. “Flowers….who would believe.” He shook his head, lightly this time.
“Xisuma certainly found it odd. When I was still in my bad guy days, I came through this portal and everything and I told him I was gonna kill him. He was like ‘What’s stopping you?’ and at the time he was holding flowers.” The knight nodded along to his story. “After that I just ran away and-“
“The Lord of Darkness called you an idiot. I remember that because everyone in Hels heard it.”
Ex pulled a hand to his chest in mock offense. “He did not!” He laughed. “Okay maybe he did.”
The two fell into silence, now noticing the sun falling behind the hills slowly. A minute passed.
“What’s Xisuma afraid of?” asked Hels.
“Xisuma? Oh, he’s afraid of a lot of things. A lot more than me, I think and I’m scared of everything.” Hels chuckled at his phrasing. “Hm, I think he said one time that he was actually quite terrified of Enderman. But he’s not like….run away kind of scared. He’ll attack them when they scare him.”
“Fight or flight,” Hels muttered. Ex took notice to the setting sun.
“We should get going, I don’t want you falling asleep in here again. Are we going to go back to Beef at some point? Or we could meet him somewhere else.”
Hels shrugged. “I don’t know. I think it'll be fine if you give it a couple days.” He yawned. “Jeez, that wore me out.”
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bitchiha · 4 years
HC of Kiba, Shino, Choji, Neji and Lee playing animal crossing. Do they do it hidden from others or not? Their islands, favorite activities, group interactions (especially) and other things you like.
A/N: Yes!! Thank you for requesting this!! I love writing little fun things like this. I haven’t gotten a chance to play animal crossing on the switch because I was saving up for it w/ my job and everything, but now that Corona has shut down my province I can’t actually buy the switch or Animal Crossing 🥺 I watch gameplays for like hours on end tho and my friends never shut up about it so I know enough to make these HC’s I Hope lmfao and I’ve played it on my DS and phone for timee so I’m educated dw
✎ Animal Crossing x Naruto Characters!
Kiba Inuzuka
He was so pumped for animal crossing to come out. Probably used man the beast clone justu in the game store to make sure that he got his hands on a copy.
He won’t hide that he plays Animal Crossing, he’ll be such a confident douche about it. Once he’s got a fly outfit and he’s starting to get gains he will flex his island to anyone, especially Shino.
He would pick an island in the northern hemisphere and he wouldn’t even strategize tbh like he’s just excited
He would name it like “Dog Land” or “Akamaruville” or some shit like that
He’s the type to read all the things the characters say out loud. Will also 10/10 respond to them.
He’s so excited at little things “look akamaru! It’s a stick!” “Oh shit! Wow! It’s a fishy!”
Or when the seasons change he is so hyped
Hates Tom Nook (greedy capitalist) and also hates Eugene
Starts calling people by nicknames from animal crossing. “Sure, Bunyip!” “Sure thing daddio!” And only the other ninja who play Animal Crossing will get it
Everyone else will be like: (;-;) shut the fuck up dog boy did you just call me “daddio?”
His title on his animal crossing passport is “photogenic animal” I felt the need to include this information
Sometimes I don’t even know what the fuck Kiba does on animal crossing like he just messes around all the time
I think he’ll like fishing a lot tho
Despises the snooty or cranky villagers like he wants to pop one at them through the screen
Having interactions w friends on Animal Crossing can either be fun and friendly or super passive aggressive
Him and Shinos interactions are so ducking passive aggressive like Shino is hitting Kiba with his bug net and Kibas like ?? And Shino will just be like “there was a bug on you” like bruh
Him and Chojis interactions are friendly at first until he realizes how much better Choji is doing than him and he gets so aggressive so Chojis like: aight imma head out
Refuses to let Rock Lee get into his island and it makes Lee so ducking mad bc he wants to flex on him, but Kibas ego will be so damaged so he refuses
Anyway, his house is literally what a 12 year old boys house would look like. Like there’s clutter everywhere the only clear path is the one to his bed
Also whenever he uses the vaulting pole thing he pisses himself like he thinks it’s so fucking funny
I’m sorry but Kibas character will look like a rat like it will look so ugly
I feel like he has like one braincell when he plays this game
Shino Aburame
He’s so secretive about it at first, like this is Shino Aburame, he’s supposed to be this cool mysterious guy
So he will not let anyone know about it, until kiba accidentally finds out
Like they’re on a mission and they’re in their tent sleeping. Once Shino thinks everyone’s asleep he whips out the Switch and starts playing. Then Kiba rolls over to face him and is like “I KNEW IT”
Then Kiba tells everyone else
They’re Animal Crossing rivals now
He’s got a Southern Hemisphere island and he strategically picks his island in a way that he’ll (in real life terms) be able to have access to bugs... but it’s a game, no point in explaining it to him tbh
Like he only strategizes on the game for bugs. Probably talks to himself whenever bugs are involved in it
He doesn’t read the captions out loud, he’ll read them in his head like normal person
Names his Island after a bug species or “Bug Landia”, “Bikochu Island” <- as tribute to those filler episodes lmfao
Starts talking like K.K. (The dog w the stupid ducking guitar) and tbh it fits his personality pretty well, minus some of the hippie energy, but still.. sometimes Hinata and Kiba look at eachother like: is he good?
Will talk like K.K. When fighting enemies and sometimes they’ll stop and be like “did you just quote fucking K.K?” Sometimes it pisses enemies off even more
Also hates Tom Nook, Kiba and him will put their rivalry aside sometimes just so they could gang up on him
Like they’ll just yell insults at him through the screen and think they rlly did something amazing
His fav activity is obviously bug catching!! He gets so hyped when he catches a bug.
If he’s playing the game outside and you can’t rlly see his face bc of his outfit, it will look like he’s spazzing, but in reality he’s bursting with joy bc he caught an uncommon bug
Likes the cranky villagers.. idk why he just gets a kick out of them
His little house thing is bug and tropical themed, he lowkey should be an interior designer
Shinos character will resemble a bug. Don’t know how, but it will.
Choji Akamichi
Loves animal crossing almost as much as he loves food, it’s a close second
He will talk about Animal crossing with anyone, like he thinks everyone is dying to know about his island
One day Sai made eye contact with him for like 2 seconds Chojis dragging him over to his Switch like “oh hey Sai! I seen you looking at me and I figured you must be wondering what I was doing. So I’ll save you the time and just show you instead.” Sais just there like: wtf?
He’s neutral on the capitalist pig that is Tom Nook, Infact, he thinks he’s kind of nice. Poor Choji, so naive.
His island is in the Northern Hemisphere and he doesn’t really strategize it too much bc he doesn’t take the game as seriously as the rest of them like they’re really out here with survival tactics? My G..
Like he doesn’t take it as seriously as Neji and Lee, but he still is doing better than all of them in the game
Anyways, he’ll name the island after his favourite chip brand / chip flavour
Lives for interacting with the other islanders!! Loves Lily and Pashmina bc they’re so nice.
The sisterly and peppy villagers are his favourite
Favourite thing to do is collect fruits and get cool foods. Aside from that, I would go with bug catching as a close second.
Hosts everyone who plays animal crossing for the coolest funking hangouts poor Neji has to sit there and pretend he doesn’t play
Like he is so creative about it to and he’ll think up games like playing musical chairs or hide and seek that they can all play together
Probably results in Lee and Kiba getting into a fist fight irl and accusing eachother of cheating
His house has butterfly themed stuff in there as well as cool food things
Tenten is the only one who doesn’t get pissed tf off when she sees how fly his island is, like she’s jealous, but she isn’t like Kiba and Lee
Chojis character will look so adorable like idc his is the cutest one out of everyone’s
Neji Hyuuga
He first sees TenTen and Lee playing it and he acts like he doesn’t like it, but there are fireworks going off inside his head, like the game looks so fire
So he buys it secretly and he is obsessed, he will deny he plays it if anyone asks though
He wants his islands name to be something thought out, like it takes him 5 days just to name his island.. Only for him to settle on some shit like “Leaf Island” he wanted to name it Byakugan Land but his pride wouldn’t let him
Definitely respects Tom Nook. Like Rock Lee and him both treat the game like a survival tactic so he respects Tom Nook as a superior, even if he has some greed problems. He’s still a superior and he must be adressed with respect >:0
Will get worked up when he overhears Shino and Kiba trash talking Nook and it takes every bone in his body not to knock them out, but he doesn’t want them to know he plays so he refrains
I’m not gonna lie he tries to use his Byakugan when he’s fishing in animal crossing so he can see what type of fish it is through the water and it pisses him the fuck off when it doesn’t work
Like he’s just playing Animal Crossing at like 3 am and you hear him whisper shout “Byakugan!” And then he punches the air bc it doesn’t work
He changes his passport title to “Nook Inc’s Island Dweller”
Nejis favourite thing to do on animal crossing is probably fishing tbh. Like yes it does aggravate the absolute fuck out of him sometimes when he keeps catching the same worthless fish over and over again, but he enjoys the rush of it
His house is all white, like only white furniture idk why
No group interactions, only w Hinata who he made swear she wouldn’t tell anyone he plays
Def critiques her Island and in her head she’s like :0 bruh I’m ur only Animal Crossing friend and youre gonna critique my fucking island nah bitch not w your ghetto ass all white stinky looking cottage
I love Neji I’m sorry but this shit is too funny for me
Neji wants his character to look as much like him as possible, but can’t find the right hairstyle
His drip is fire tho like his outfit is so nice even if it’s all white as well
Rock Lee
Kiba and Shino might be rivals, but they both equally despise Rock Lee on Animal Crossing
Treats it like real life.
For example: since him and TenTen are friends he’s like “me and Tentens islands are Allies”
Has declared war on Kiba and Shino so many times and they’re like?? Dude you can’t even start a war like wtf
He is so competitive though LMFAOO AND HE MAKES HIS CHARACTER WORK OUT. Like he makes him run laps every morning and it doesn’t even benefit him in the game at all... anyways
His island is in the northern hemisphere for sure and it’s named “Power of Youth” or something involving the word Youth
Uses his Nook phone to take pics will all the islanders he stumbles upon
“Good evening, Lily! Let’s take a picture together, the sun is shining in a way that perfectly accentuates your features!”
He also talks to islanders out loud and reads their captions in designated voices for them, it annoys the shit out of Neji
Jazzes the shit out of his Passport like his title is “horizon bound patron” and his little passport comment is “THE POWER OF YOUTH!”
Takes the Nook miles quests so seriously. “I will complete three quests today.” Thinks of them as missions and so he gives them the same energy
Probably calls Nook “Nook-Sensei”
“right away Nook-Sensei” or “you can count on me Nook-sensei!” Whenever Nook asks him something
Rock Lees fav activity is literally just completing whatever a character asks him to do. Like constantly does quests and enjoys it. Wtf
If there is workout furniture on animal crossing, best believe it’s in Rock Lees house
He gets so pissy when Kiba won’t let him on his Island
Invites everyone to his island and forces them onto a tour of it.
Also his character looks so fucking similar to himself that it’s eerie
Kiba will make fun of him for it (Shino will probably join in too)
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the-real-tc · 3 years
Fic UPDATE! Wide River to Cross: Chapter 23
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A.N.: This chapter took way longer to churn out than I expected, and there will be another update very shortly. We're moved into Episode 713 territory now, so you know that means things are getting even closer to where they are supposed to be. Enjoy!
Chapter 23: Chance Encounter
The drive back from Moose Jaw on Tuesday was its usual eight-hour, mind-numbing slog for Tim Fleming. Shane and Miranda seemed to be doing fine without him, though something in his gut warned Tim there was something going on neither of them wished to speak of in his presence. The visit started off on a positive note. Shane excitedly asked about Pal before politely moving on to inquiring about his half-sisters. By the actual Thanksgiving Monday, Tim knew he was wearing out his welcome, as if Miranda could not wait to be rid of him. Yes, it was true they had called it quits, but there was a distant air about her that Tim could not put his finger on. When he mentioned he would like to come out in a month for the Remembrance Day holiday, he was met with a non-committal sort of answer, but not an outright "no". Shane's sullen resentment over the absence of a father-figure in his life was still brewing beneath the surface. Tim recognized the signs; he just had no idea what to do about it, especially since Miranda was apparently hedging about the next time he could visit his son. How was he supposed to be a father to Shane if he was not even permitted to see him on a regular basis?
By the time Tim reached Hudson, he was exhausted both physically and emotionally. He had half a mind to drop in at Heartland and stick around long enough to invite himself to dinner, but he was not in the mood to hear Jack complain about the sheep again, which he was sure to do. Instead, Tim pulled into the local McDonald's Drive-thru and ordered something he knew he would barely taste, but would otherwise tide him over until the next day. On Wednesday morning, Tim regretfully realised he was completely out of supplies and would need to head into town for groceries.
He was still contemplating what to do about convincing Miranda to allow him to visit again in a month's time while grabbing some steaks from a refrigerated shelf in the Deli section. Maybe the boy could come out to Heartland instead, Tim pondered. After all, Shane was still obviously interested in riding Pal. Amy and Lou would be happy to see their half-brother, of course. Tim also had a feeling Shane and Georgie would get along just fine, if given the chance.
What would he think about Tricia? Tim suddenly wondered as he mechanically loaded his groceries into his truck before starting the drive back to Big River.
What would Tricia think about Shane?
When is the right time to tell her about my "illegitimate" son?
Are we serious enough for that yet?
Those thoughts quickly fled as Tim did a double-take at the unexpected sight of an oddly familiar auburn-haired woman. She stood at the bank of green community mailboxes on the side of the rural road, unaware of his scrutiny. The presence of her nearby silver-grey Porsche SUV confirmed it: the usually blonde Lisa Stillman had returned to Hudson. Tim pulled his truck to a stop—he simply had to get the low-down on this. Lisa was the last person he expected to see here, especially after Lou bought back her share of the Dude Ranch so many months ago. Jack's continued silence on Lisa's whereabouts and the status of their relationship compelled Tim to approach. After all, Lisa was godmother to his granddaughter Katie. It would be impolite to drive past her without a word, he reasoned.
"Hey, Lisa!" he called when he was within earshot.
Her shoulders jerked slightly, causing Tim to feel slightly guilty for startling her when he caught the stunned expression on her face. She recovered in time to respond, though somewhat hesitantly. "Oh. Hi, Tim!" she called back with forced brightness. Her smile, too, was forced.
"Wow, I didn't expect to see you back in town," Tim said as he neared. "How ya been? How was France?"
"Busy. I've been really busy," she replied hastily, closing her mailbox door and snapping the lock shut before stuffing her envelopes into a side pocket. "Um, France was fine. Sorry I can't stay and chat. I just got back from dropping off my sister at the airport, and I've still got lots to do today. As a matter of fact, I have an appointment with someone in less than half an hour."
"Your sister was visiting?" Tim echoed. "Huh. That's nice. Don't think I've ever met her. The appointment wouldn't happen to be with Jack would it?"
Lisa's spirits sank at the mention of the man she loved but was avoiding. She wondered if Tim did it on purpose—honing right in on a person's vulnerable spot and then exposing it.
"Uh, no. No, I'm not meeting Jack," Lisa's voice faltered.
"Then who are you meeting?" Tim pressed.
Lisa felt cornered now. Knowing the news would eventually get out, anyway, she decided to be straight with the man. "A real estate agent," she answered testily. "I've put Fairfield on the market."
Tim's face betrayed mild surprise. Wow, he thought. She really is making that move to France permanent. "You're selling Fairfield. Whoa. Does Jack know about this?"
Lisa exhaled. "Jack knows I love France," she eventually responded as she averted her glance. "I tried to share that part of my life with him, but it didn't work. He hates France, and there's no changing that fact. It's best I make a clean break. For now, he doesn't even know I'm in Hudson, and I'd like to keep it that way, please. So don't tell him you saw me, okay?"
Despite not quite receiving a straight answer to his question, Tim nevertheless made a zipping motion across his lips. "O-kay."
"You promise you will not tell him I'm here?" Lisa said, eyeing him now with skepticism.
"I promise I will not tell Jack you're here, Lisa," Tim proclaimed, raising his hand in a Scout salute.
"Good. Thank you," she said, making her move back to the Porsche. "Now, I really have to go. Take care, Tim. 'Bye."
"Yeah, 'bye," Tim said, absently securing his hat on his head.
Without bothering to look back at him, Lisa raised a hand in a farewell gesture as she climbed into the driver's seat.
Tim called out: "But you are gonna tell him eventually, right?"
The motor roaring to life drowned out the question, causing Tim to frown. Aw, man. Something's gotta be done about those two before it's too late, he thought. I just need to figure out what.
Lisa pulled away from the mailboxes in a daze. Now that Tim had seen her, it was only a matter of time before Jack found out she was in Hudson. Of all the people I had to run into, why did it have to be Tim Fleming?! she fretted. And once Jack does find out, what will I do? Guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it.
The real estate agent warned Lisa from the outset her asking-price was high, given the current slump in the market. While she knew this, it was a tactic she hoped to use to her advantage. It was intended to weed out a bulk of potential buyers who would only waste her time. Genuinely interested buyers would be savvy enough to try to negotiate a lower selling price they would both be comfortable with. Lisa was ready to play that game. Besides, if someone did agree to the initial price, the agent stood to make a fantastic commission.
There would be no way to hide the signs or the real estate listing, of course, so even if she never laid eyes on Jack, he would eventually find out about the sale. She was plagued with feelings of guilt. Was it really fair to avoid him? How difficult would it be to make a quick call to say: "Hi, I've returned to Hudson to sell the old place. Thanks for the good times we had; I'm moving to France for good."
Very difficult indeed.
Those thoughts were quickly dismissed when Lisa reached Fairfield and business concerns once again consumed her mental energies. Among those concerns was the sale of Cinders, a horse for which Lisa felt an uncommon fondness due to his resemblance to her long-ago cherished Silver. Riding Cinders out to Lookout Point every morning was part of her daily routine when in Hudson, so she was reluctant to part with the animal. I have Indigo back in Toulon for my morning ride, Lisa thought practically, knowing one fewer horse to transport to France could be good for cost-saving in the long run.
A buyer from Montana was interested; Lisa was awaiting the finalization of that sale before booking transport. Three other horses would be going to buyers in Alberta; two to British Columbia, and one to Saskatchewan. That left several other horses that might eventually need to be auctioned, including the pregnant Rhapsody. The broodmare's pregnancy and the subsequent weaning process once the foal arrived meant travel any time soon would be ill-advised, so having her remain in Canada to be sold made sense.
The clone of Fairfield Flyer—when it arrived—was still a question mark. Dan seemed overly confident it would help them make their mark once they launched their breeding business overseas. Lisa was more cautious and hesitant about the whole idea; in time, maybe she would feel differently about the situation, as her sister Rachel had predicted.
And I'm still quite angry Dan did it, Lisa realised, almost feeling her blood pressure rising just thinking about the whole mess. Why am I even still in business with him? The answer she always arrived at whenever she pondered that question was that they still made good business partners, despite their failed marriage. This time, though, Lisa wondered whether business success in partnership with Dan was a good enough reason.
I have spent more than half my life doing this, Lisa said to herself. I've achieved a lot in that time. I would like to think I have made my father proud of the 'Fairfield' name. That alone should be worth it, right? And it's like I told Rachel: the money I've earned has made it possible to realise a lot of dreams, do things I wanted to do, and see the world. But at the end of the day, I go home to an empty house. What dreams am I chasing now? I always dreamed of retiring to France. And then Jack came into my life.
Lisa reflected fondly on that day at Heartland when she encountered Jack at the Open House barbecue. Amy had just awed the crowd by showing off her work with Promise, and with the way she had risen to Val Stanton's seemingly impossible, impromptu challenge to fix the hundred-thousand-dollar horse that refused to jump.
"You're doing a really good job with her, Jack," Lisa recalled telling him. What she didn't tell him was that she had inquired discreetly about his fifteen-year-old granddaughter after being impressed by her during their first meeting at Fairfield. Since Nick Harwell had sung Amy's praises regarding her work with Star, Lisa called him up. She hoped to find out a little more about this Amy Fleming, daughter of the late Marion Fleming. She had a vague recollection hearing about Marion and Heartland since returning to Hudson from the 'States. Even so, she had at least known of the existence of 'Heartland Ranch' in the same sort of familiar way Hudsonites would know of the existence of any other ranch in the area.
"I read in the Hudson Times about Marion Fleming's passing and how Amy's grandfather is a rodeo legend," Lisa had told Nick during their conversation. "What else should I know about this family?"
"Yes, Jack Bartlett is pretty well-known for his rodeo days. And Marion... Marion was something else," Nick had stated. "And I really think Amy has the gift, too. What did you think of her?"
"It's too early to tell," Lisa had replied honestly, "but I like her spunk. I had my reservations about Promise going under the care of a fifteen-year-old, but she won some points with me. She set me straight when she told me her mother didn't 'whisper' to horses; she listened to them."
Nick had chuckled. "Whatever you want to call it, Marion sure worked magic with horses, and Amy can, too. You just have to sit back and let the magic happen."
"How is Heartland Ranch doing?" Lisa then inquired. "Are they going to be okay without Marion working with troubled horses? That was their main source of income, wasn't it?"
"I'm not sure," Nick replied with a sigh. "Jack does have a herd of cattle, but it's small. His adult granddaughter Lou is back in town from New York to help, but who knows how long she plans to stay... And Jack's wife, Lyndy, died a few years ago. I heard through the grapevine Amy and Lou's dad is a rodeo legend too, but he's also a total deadbeat. So now Jack has got to raise Amy by himself. It's not going to be easy for them. I do believe Amy has her mother's gift, but she's still so young to be taking on the 'family business', if you know what I mean. Jack has his work cut out for him."
"Yes, I guess he does," Lisa had remarked thoughtfully, imagining an elderly man all of a sudden saddled with a responsibility he did not anticipate in the wake of his daughter's tragic death.
To see Jack Bartlett in the flesh was a revelation. The man was nowhere near the 'elderly' grandfather Lisa had envisioned after speaking with Nick. He was tall, fit, and grizzled with irregular features, yet handsome in an unconventional way she found attractive. She would almost have guessed he was Amy's father had she not known any better. So this was the man who was taking care of his teenaged granddaughter. This was the man who had clearly taken the responsibility very seriously, and was succeeding at the task despite the burden of loss and heartbreak. This man, a salt-of-the-earth type, exuding quiet confidence and strength—this man she simply had to get to know better.
He was the first man in a very long time Lisa felt the urge to flirt with; the first man she felt comfortable sending out signals she wanted to know him on a deeper level. Their first real conversation was brief. She paid him a compliment about the burgers he was grilling up, then added she thought he was doing a great job with Amy. She mentioned her own situation with taking on her nephew following his parents' divorce. As they parted company that evening, she brushed her shoulder against his after his offer to help with Ben, hoping the message was received.
Bringing up those old memories of the weeks and months that followed the Open House was bittersweet. Back then, it was Immediately clear to Lisa that Jack was nothing remotely resembling a social butterfly. He was never at any of the parties she attended, nor was he known to folks in her Hudson social circles. She would have to ferret out what his interests were and meet him at that level if she wanted to get closer to him. Lisa would be forever grateful to Maggie for suggesting Amy have a look at the traumatized Gallant Prince, as it provided more opportunities to visit Heartland—and to see Jack.
And then I asked him to accompany me to that auction... and his truck broke down.
It was a deviation in her plan she had not expected, but rolled with it by suggesting they eat right then instead of after the sale. They discussed nothing of consequence during that interlude while they ate turkey-and-swiss sandwiches, but Lisa enjoyed every minute of it.
"Aren't you something?" Jack had asked, clearly not expecting anything like this when she told him she made coffee for him; that she had planned a picnic treat from the very beginning.
The early fall weather was pleasant, a soft breeze fluttering through the leaves of the trees that surrounded them. She seldom had a chance to pause like this, sitting in the company of just one other person, undisturbed by the rest of the world. He complimented her on the coffee, subtly making her realise he had strong opinions about the beverage. Time slipped away much too quickly. After a particularly long stretch of silence between them after the last of the coffee had been drunk, Jack finally spoke up: "Well, I guess I should probably see if that old truck of mine is ready to start. Can't have you missing that auction, can we?"
Reluctantly, they tidied up and trekked back to the stalled vehicle. It started without complaint, bearing them safely to High River for the auction. Lisa mentally skipped over the part when they encountered Dan, knowing what she knew now about how he had the temerity to tell Jack she was still his wife. Lisa remembered her acute disappointment upon discovering Jack had abandoned her there without a word. Something about that scenario did not sit right with her, as she was quite certain he had enjoyed their picnic.
Perhaps another woman might have dismissed him for that perceived slight, Lisa reasoned, but I knew I couldn't let him go that easily. Fortunately, a good friend she ran into at the close of the auction was willing to give her a lift to Heartland so she could retrieve her Porsche. At the time, she was tempted to knock on Jack's door to demand an explanation, but something told her that would be the wrong move. Let this thing play out, she remembered thinking. Let him come to you when he's ready.
And the explanation did come out, confirming for Lisa she made the right choice by not blowing the situation out of proportion, though she had every right to be upset. Handling it with a dose of humour had de-escalated what could have been a very uncomfortable situation. After all, Dan had just sourly peeled out of Heartland, having been told off by Jack, and after being rebuffed by Lisa.
"Well, since men keep driving away on me, would you mind driving me home in your truck, please?" she remembered asking with a smile and a good-natured chuckle. Of course Jack had not minded one bit. She had noticed the look of gradual, earnest relief on his face once he realised she was not married to Dan any longer; that she had not been playing with his emotions or leading him on.
"Jack, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding with my EX-husband," she said contritely during that ride back to Fairfield. "He had no right to do that, and I want to make it very clear I—"
And he had broken in gently then, telling her she had no need to apologize; that he was the one that needed to do the apologizing for abandoning her at the auction.
"Hmm," she had said playfully. "I suppose you have a plan in mind about how you're going to make it up to me?"
"Well, as a matter of fact... I was wondering..."
After a few seconds of tense silence, he had asked if he could have the pleasure of her company at his private cabin in a few weeks' time. She could tell it took some effort on his part to ask the question, but she readily accepted his invitation to try a little fly fishing, despite the lateness of the season, as he told her.
"I would love to, Jack," she had replied, grinning from ear to ear, thinking this reconciliation had gone miles better than she hoped.
Maggie had helped her pick out all the requisite equipment after she realised she would actually need hip waders and rods for the date. Expensive hobby, she remembered thinking when her friend rang up all the purchases at the cash register.
"I'd better catch something, huh?" she had ruefully asked.
"I think you already did," Maggie had quipped.
At the time, the meaning of those words had not been lost on Lisa. Now, after all the time since those early days when they were still practically strangers, Lisa wondered if he was still on the line, or if Jack had pulled loose. Severed from her life, he would be pulled away from her shore, lost to the currents of the passing world.
Despite never using the equipment again since that first date, Lisa had never availed herself of Maggie's promise of a refund.
I always hoped we would go fishing together again, Lisa mused. Why is it we never did? Maybe it's high time I got rid of all that stuff; I certainly won't be doing much fly fishing in France.
Lisa shook her head slightly, knowing she had to cease thinking about such matters and concentrate instead on getting her Fairfield business in order. As if on cue, her office line rang, its call display revealing a Montana area code.
Looks like I have an answer about Cinders, she rightly guessed.
"Lisa, hi! It's Wayne Mosley. I'll make this call short and sweet: We have a deal on your horse. I can have the funds wired to you today."
"That's great, Wayne," Lisa replied, squelching the sentiment that unexpectedly sprang up at the thought she was really going to be parting with the animal for good. "I can get transport booked for Cinders as early as Sunday."
"Perfect. Thanks, Lisa."
"You're welcome. Glad we were able to work something out."
"It's always a pleasure doing business with you. Take care. 'Bye."
"Likewise, Wayne. 'Bye."
Lightning almost as bright as day flashed, visible even through Lisa's closed eyelids. That alone might have been enough to awaken her, but the following crash of ear-splitting thunder made it impossible to remain in the land of dreams.
Lisa rolled over in bed, gradually becoming aware of the fact of the storm raging outside. When she cracked open an eye to check the time on the bedside digital clock, she could barely make out a blank display screen.
Have we lost power? she wondered groggily. Another flash of lightning briefly illuminated the bedroom. Her ears picked up on the wind-driven rains beating against the windowpanes. A quick glance outside confirmed Hudson had indeed lost power. Seconds later, the Fairfield generators kicked in, bringing to life the security lights outside. The numbers on the clock now blinked '12:00' a.m. in a rhythmic pattern, its green glow a slight irritant.
With a sigh, Lisa let her head fall back onto one of the many the pillows scattered about the mattress. Installing those generators had come at some expense, but she was grateful for them now and in times past when an outage occurred. She listened to the sounds of the storm, unable to fall back asleep quite yet. Some of the horses in the stables would be restless, and she wondered if Rhapsody was okay, given her expectant state.
Harry and the rest of the hands are going to be dealing with a few grumpy, skittish equines in the morning, she thought as she finally sat up to re-set the time on the clock after consulting her iPhone.
The lightning flashes were less frequent now; the answering thunder a distant rumble. The storm was either moving on or its intensity petering out.
Oh, no. Things are going to be a mess out there tomorrow, this new thought entered her mind, as it dawned on her the power loss was probably caused by downed tree branches. The trees around Fairfield were never spared damage in such instances in the past. The real estate agent would expect the property to be in pristine condition if there were going to be any showings.
Better call the landscaping company first thing... It was the last thought she remembered thinking before drifting off again.
Clean-up the morning after the storm that knocked out power at Heartland occupied a fair chunk of the Bartlett-Fleming-Morris family's time. Branches lay haphazardly about the yard. Piles of scattered leaves and twigs littered the ground, blown off by the earlier violent winds.
Tim pulled up in his truck uncharacteristically early to lend a hand, though he certainly had ulterior motives. Lisa made me promise not to tell Jack she was back in town. She didn't make me promise not to tell anyone else, though... He approached Amy, hoping to determine if Jack was wise to the situation of Lisa's return to Hudson.
"Guess who I saw in town yesterday?" he asked his daughter, unable to keep a lid on the information bubbling up to the surface.
The surprise that registered on Amy's face told him everything: Poor Jack was clueless.
Lisa's backside smarted. That's going to leave a bruise, she thought ruefully as she checked herself over for any other potential injuries after being unceremoniously dumped to the damp ground by Cinders. But no, every other part of her body seemed just fine. No broken bones or sprains, thank God. That's the last thing I would need right now just as I'm trying to get things sorted out at Fairfield. Now where has that horse trotted off to, and what the heck happened?
Lisa's brow creased as she recalled a sudden uncomfortable, intense buzzing sensation right before being tossed from the saddle. Her eyes sought and quickly spotted something that confirmed a dim suspicion: a downed tree tangled up with the line from an electrical fence erected around the slough Cinders had stepped into.
So that's what that shock was, Lisa realised.
"Cinders!" she called, hoping the sound of her voice would bring the horse back. It was usually an exercise in futility; Cinders was not trained to come when beckoned as a pet dog might. A careful inspection of the sod around her revealed hoof prints.
I hope that horse hasn't gone too far, Lisa thought in irritation. In truth, she was more annoyed at herself for not noticing the downed line. Fortunately, she spotted the dappled grey horse not too far away, pulling at some vegetation.
"Hey, you," Lisa softly chided as she approached him with deliberate caution. "What was that all about? Did you get spooked by that silly electric fence?"
Cinders seemed to bristle slightly when she neared, but he did not refuse when she took hold of his bridle. "Let's go home, huh?" she said, placing her right foot into the stirrup to mount up. With a squeeze of her calves, Lisa cued the horse to begin the return the way they came. Ahead, she could see the muddy banks of the slough along with the energizer and tangle of electrical wiring and branches.
Everything about the ride seemed normal until they were a few feet away from the water. Cinders stiffened as soon as he sighted the pond, stopping dead in his tracks. He balked when Lisa urged him on again; a snort of terror issued from his nostrils before he reared up in protest.
"Whoa, whoa!" Lisa called out, barely avoiding another fall as she regained her balance. "What's the matter with you?"
Without being commanded to do so, the horse backed away, giving his head a few contrary shakes.
"Come on, Cinders," Lisa coaxed, applying more pressure to his sides with her legs. She clicked her tongue loudly twice. The horse eventually got the idea, and he sidestepped the muddy bank, pacing off to the right, giving the slough a wide berth.
"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Scott," Lisa said.
"You've always been one of my best clients, Lisa," Scott commented warmly. "Happy to be of service. I was surprised to hear from you, to be honest; I haven't had a call from Fairfield in months."
"I know," she said vaguely, "being in France and all meant I wasn't as hands-on here as I have been in the past."
At that moment, Ty ambled in to the holding area. If he was surprised to see her there, he hid the emotion well. "Hi, Lisa," he said casually, as if this were any other normal visit.
"Hello, Ty," she answered back with a wan smile. Kicking herself mentally, she now knew she should have counted on the possibility Ty would be on duty at the clinic today. Oh, shoot. First Tim; now Ty. It's going to be impossible to keep my being in Hudson from Jack.
"I noticed the 'For Sale' signs up at Fairfield," Scott continued. "Don't tell me you're thinking of leaving us for good?"
Lisa bobbed her head, still wary of Ty's presence. "Yeah, I've had a good run here," she replied. "I'm looking at a new opportunity in Avignon."
With that short answer, both Scott and Ty understood she was not going to say anything more on the topic.
"So what's going on with this guy?" Scott asked, looking now at the horse. "You said something about an electrical fence?"
"Uh, yes," Lisa spoke up, re-organizing her thoughts to focus on the reason for her hasty appointment. "Meet Cinders."
The horse's level of agitation had come down since the earlier ride, but Lisa caught subtle cues that told a different story, making it clear to her Cinders was not over the sudden electrical shock they had experienced at the slough. She explained the whole episode while Scott examined the animal, inviting Ty to do the same as a learning exercise.
Presently, Scott declared: "In my medical opinion, there's nothing wrong with him physically, Lisa."
"That's good," Lisa said in relief. She rubbed Cinders' forehead. "It's just that he now absolutely refuses to go near water, Scott. The shock was pretty intense. Even I felt it right before I ended up on my butt. I'm afraid he thinks he's going to get zapped every time he steps into a puddle."
"I wish there was a magic pill I could give him to cure aquaphobia," Scott said with a smirk.
"Yeah, I know," Lisa sighed. "I just sold him yesterday to a guy in Montana. He's being shipped out on Sunday. I can't sell a 'defective' product."
"Want me to ask Amy if she can take the case?" Ty interjected, sympathetic to her situation.
Lisa contemplated. Involving Amy came with a risk. If Jack found out... She was grateful Ty had not asked any prying questions, seemingly aware the topic of her reappearance was verboten, but his suggestion was her best chance at fixing the problem.
"Okay," she eventually replied. "But could you—could you please tell her to keep it confidential...? Jack doesn't know I'm back, and I mean to keep it that way."
Ty nodded at her with understanding; Scott looked at her quizzically, but wisely held his tongue.
"Thanks," she said, blowing out a breath. "I hope she can figure him out before Sunday. But then again, she's always come through for me in the past. Go ahead, Ty. He's all yours."
"I'll get Cinders trailered out to Heartland right away," Ty said, taking hold of the lead rope.
Once Ty was safely on the way back to Heartland, Lisa carried on with some additional errands. As she drove, she came to the conclusion she was simply prolonging the inevitable. Even though I've sworn Scott, Ty and Tim to secrecy, walls have ears. Jack's going to know I'm here before the day is done, guaranteed.
Jack's sleep had been restive and uneasy. Katie's fright over the storm in addition to her irritability at missing Lou had not made for a peaceful night. Pete had sheepishly apologized for the toddler's cries, but the older man sympathized. He had been through those same parenting woes when Marion had been a baby, though he had admittedly missed months at a time of her growing up due to being on the rodeo circuit.
As Jack drove out to the town Yard Waste and Recycle Centre to deposit their dead branches and leaf sweepings, he wondered what his grandson-in-law was going to do if Katie continued to regress in her potty-training regimen. Clearly, these new parents had not counted on a lengthy separation between child and mother during this crucial time. Pete was doing his best, but it seemed not to be enough at this time.
He was still pondering this problem on his return trip to Heartland, slowly coming to the realisation there might not be any easy solutions. He was so engrossed in this mental exercise he had a double-take when he spotted a woman he thought he recognized on the side of the road.
Lisa?! he thought in a daze. It can't be.
But his eyes were not deceiving him. This was no case of mistaken identity as in times past when he thought he saw her in town. This was his old flame, quietly checking her mail like any other person. Only she was not any other person. She was the one who somehow managed to slip through his fingers. A subtle heat burned in his chest as he brought the truck to a slow roll before setting the brake.
Lisa is back. What is she doing here? Why is she back? Lisa is here.
Jack very nearly stumbled over his two feet on his approach. He could tell she heard his footsteps though he was trying to be stealthy.
"Hi, Lisa," he uttered, unsure of what to say now that he had been presented with this unexpected opportunity to talk with her.
She looked up almost guiltily at him.
Busted, Lisa thought. Here I am, trying to avoid Jack this whole time, and he has to spot me getting the mail. How silly is that?
Yet, her heart swelled at the sight of this cowboy, dressed as usual in his boots, jeans, plaid-patterned shirt, coat and hat. He looks healthy. I'm so glad. And now that she had seen him, every word she had once hoped to speak to him fled from her mind, leaving her tongue-tied. Her first instinct was to bolt from the scene rather than try to explain why she had not told him she was in Hudson. That same reticence seemed to be reflected in Jack's eyes; this unplanned encounter thoroughly throwing them both into an state of confusion.
They both mouthed meaningless words to each other, clumsily working through some semblance of a conversation that lasted less than a minute. Twin coals that once burned as one had turned stone cold, the former lovers behaving more like passing acquaintances. Absent from this meeting was any sense of excitement or jubilation; no crushing embrace or feverish kiss.
Jack's heart sank perceptibly when Lisa admitted she had been back for maybe a week—and that she was selling Fairfield.
"Well, I guess that was always the plan, wasn't it?" he spoke with an air of indifference, despite the chill brought on by the revelation. Yes, you always said you wanted to retire to France, Lisa. I never figured it would be so soon; and not without telling me, first.
Rather than prolong the sheer awkwardness of the encounter, Lisa excused herself, claiming—truthfully—she had a busy schedule to keep.
"'Bye'," she said, before turning to climb into the SUV.
"'Bye'," Jack managed to articulate, a lump forming in his throat watching her hasty retreat.
No "See you later" or "Let's catch up soon", and certainly not anything close to "I'm ready to make up".
Jack looked on a second or two while Lisa drove away, struck by the memory of another similar departure over a year prior, the one that had come as a sort of coda to their "break". Attempts had been made back then to repair that break; circumstances had not been in their favour.
"Not goodbye," he had corrected her at the time, a sad smile creasing his face. He remembered being heartsick at the prospect of suffering another lengthy separation from her, especially when their relationship was still so fractured.
"'til next time," she had repeated, her eyes misting, almost as if she sensed it could very well be the last time they ever saw each other.
The fact it almost was the last time they ever saw each other was not lost on Jack. His brush with death brought her rushing back. Now, he considered something new: Would she ever have come back if I had not had the heart attack? She did write that letter... But no. Just as swiftly as she had arrived, she had left him.
And now she's driving away again. For a fleeting moment he entertained the notion of chasing her down. No, that would be foolish, Jack thought, idly scratching the side of his face. She gave no indication she was happy to see me; let it go. That whole meeting went over like a lead balloon. Dejected, he paced back to his truck, trying to stem the flood of old memories of happier times with Lisa.
We're driving off in opposite directions. I'm going to Heartland, and she's going to Fairfield. She's selling Fairfield. I must have missed the realtor's signs, somehow. Jack knew how he had missed them, however, as he had taken to deliberately avoiding looking at Lisa's property any time his course took him along the stretch of road bordering it.
He could not help but remember the first time he had seen Fairfield up close. I was driving Lisa back after I told off that jerk of an ex-husband of hers. I was so happy that she still wanted to talk to me after leaving her stranded at the auction. She's so forgiving. Why did she give me a second chance? She accepted my apology so easily. I thought I had blown it.
His brain had been spinning at top speed throughout that drive, reaching for some way of asking her out on an honest-to-goodness date, but could think of no simple way to bring up the subject. Thank goodness she had provided an opening when she playfully asked if he had a plan in mind about how he was going to make it up to her. He had always felt comfortable and relaxed at his cabin, so before he even knew what he was saying, he asked if she was free to go fly fishing with him in a few weeks.
"Well, as a matter of fact... I do have something in mind about how to make it up to you..."
And she said "yes" so quickly, I almost couldn't believe my ears. What was I thinking asking a woman like Lisa out to a ratty old fishing cabin for a date?
Presently, Jack pulled back into Heartland. The sun was starting to go down, splashing golden rays across the open fields, highlighting the tops of the trees. He noticed Amy and Georgie in the jumping pen; the former taking a new horse around the course over what looked like empty liverpools. Heart and feet heavy, he dragged himself onto the porch and sank heavily into the bench, mind still full of that first date with her.
"To whatever it is," she had toasted them, a spark of warmth bursting in those blue eyes he already loved so dearly.
Whatever it was, Jack now thought with a doleful shake of his head. She didn't even tell me she was back in Hudson. After all we've been through, she didn't see it fit to tell me she was selling Fairfield. I deserved that much at least, didn't I?
But the more he tried to take umbrage at Lisa's lack of communication this time around, the more he was convicted of his own behaviour the last time they were together. She doesn't want anything to do with me after that falling out we had over that ridiculous hospital bed. The spark in her eyes was gone today. I never thought those eyes could look so cold... And sad.
It tormented him to know he was the proximate cause of that sadness and cold, impersonal reception.
Of all the dumb luck. I can't believe after all that avoidance, I had to run into Jack at the mailboxes. Lisa replayed that disappointing encounter, analysing each careless word spoken, wondering what she might have done differently. I honestly have no idea how to interpret how that went down back there, she thought. I don't know how to read that expression on Jack's face. Was he happy to see me? He didn't sound like it. And he certainly didn't sound surprised when I told him I was selling my place. What did I expect, anyway? That he would break down and beg me to stay? Oh, no. That's not Jack Bartlett's style. In fact, I have no idea at all what he was thinking. It's like we were almost strangers by the way we talked.
Lisa pulled onto the access road to Fairfield, flashing by the 'For Sale' sign. Her heart throbbed after concluding that might very well have been the last time she ever saw Jack. What a sour note to end things on, she mused bitterly. What a wasted opportunity.
Business concerns soon took over once again as she was obliged to inspect the clean-up job done by the landscaping company. Everything looked ship-shape; Fairfield would be more than ready for prospective buyers the realtor wished to bring for a viewing.
Out of nowhere, a distant memory of Val Stanton's mocking voice surfaced. "So, you'll be living at Fairfield, then?"
Lisa paused in her tracks, swept up in the residual irritation of that long-ago exchange. "Jack did hit the jackpot, didn't he?" Val had teased, though she seemed to know she was poking at one of Lisa's private insecurities. "I'm sure you'll have an ironclad pre-nup."
Val's thinly veiled antagonism stirred up feelings of resentment now. Jack and Lisa's hasty engagement was over just as quickly as it had begun, all because they truly had not seriously considered how their lives would come together in a practical sense. Oh, we had the romantic side figured out, Lisa acknowledged, but now even that's gone. No engagement, no marriage. We'll never be together at Fairfield now, and we certainly won't ever have France. Our relationship is officially road-kill, and I'll bet Val the Vulture is still lurking around, just waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
Next Chapter: Chapter 24: Things I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You
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