#or that situation where I sit at the table for an hour and quietly sneak my food into the green trash once everyone else gets bored
pathsofoak · 2 years
I have discovered the reason I am the epitome of "I will not eat new foods ever" is because my parents make sure whenever they make a dish I've never had before, that there is something in there I can't stomach to "teach me to eat it"
I'm autistic lmao. It's been almost 19 years now, you're not gonna magically cure me from picky eater-ness by still forcing me stay at the table until I finish my plate of something that contains taugé, or whatever that's called in English.
Seriously I get it's annoying when you cook and someone doesn't like it but like. It's a) not your fault, and if you're the parent/caretaker of this person it's b) your responsibility to not make your kid dread eating anything other than bread and rice cakes because you keep pressuring them to eat "normal food"
#*ACTUALLY stomps foot for a tantrum*#potatoes. just give me potatoes#(I can't cook for energy reasons btw that's why they're in charge of food. still)#I would eat more if I didn't absolutely dread dinner time. much less eating a stranger's place#potatoes or some non crunchy veggies like broccoli. I like broccoli. especially when it's a bit roasted#tomato paprika and mushrooms are an absolute no#(unless it's tomato sauce and not too much of it)#and spinach but I'm allergic to that one so sometimes that one gets left out#I wish there was some tool that just KNOWS what I will and won't like without me having to#either contain myself in front of people because there's a few textures and tastes that make me want to puke#regardless of how good a cook someone is. so I always feel bad#or that situation where I sit at the table for an hour and quietly sneak my food into the green trash once everyone else gets bored#to eat a quick sandwich instead#I've actually accidentally trained the ability to tell when I'm full out of me#because (I still do this btw) I would always lie and say I was full to get out from under dinner#so now my stomach can't tell anymore. You put Macaroni (unless it's carbonara) in front of me? *full*#this became a bit of a rant lol#btw when I say *normal food* up in the post#by my parent's definition that's either italian or chinese food. even though. WE ARE NEITHER. like. don't call that#*normal food* in my face when I like literally every type of fucking stew you refuse to let me eat#sorry for the rant again lmao
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teabutmakeitazure · 11 months
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>Yan! Chrollo x Fem! Reader
>Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: drugging, accusation of cheating
A perfect relationship, a perfect home. A life built on lies can never be permanent, can it?
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Chrollo doesn’t know why you’ve been acting this way. He had been away for two weeks - okay almost three weeks - but you were completely fine before he left. This time, there was no welcome hug when he arrived home, no questions of how the journey was and no joking declaration of how you were so lonely in the king sized bed at night.
What’s worse is that when he woke up, you were sleeping on the couch. You hadn’t even gone to bed with him, sitting on the table with a cup of coffee and your laptop open in front of you as you coldly shoo-ed him away while you worked in the middle of the night. 
Saying that he’s hurt would be an understatement. But despite all that, he makes his morning coffee as quietly as he can after he took your sleeping form from the couch and laid you on the bed. Perhaps his own courteousness would win you over and lead you to talk to him. 
A few hours pass and he’s proven wrong. The most he gets is a glare from you when you emerge from the bedroom.
It’s afternoon now, and while Chrollo showers, he wonders how he should go about the situation. Having used En just a few minutes ago, he knows that you’re using your laptop again and mindlessly scrolling some social media site. He sighs. This weekend was supposed to be one where the two of you caught up and went out on at least one date.
As the water goes down the drain, he can’t help but visualise his plans flowing away with it.
A towel around his neck and no shirt, he casually heads to the kitchen to get a glass of water and hopes that the teasing appearance he’s put on would make you at least sneak a look. Nothing. Your eyes remained glued to your laptop.
Well, if you won’t notice him, he’ll just make you notice him! He casually saunters over to where you’re seated and bends down. The action is to make his shirtless appearance visible, and when he asks you what you’re doing, he notices your eyes briefly glancing at his torso.
A small victory but a victory nonetheless.
However, the feeling is quickly squashed when you don’t give him a reply and instead continue scrolling through an array of cat videos. Chrollo is more surprised than annoyed. What did he do that made your attitude get this bad with him?
Pursing his lips, he gives up and moves away to the bedroom to dry his hair. If you’re not going to speak to him and make your displeasure so explicitly known, he’ll have to resort to… other tactics.
So, he fastens the apron's belt and gets to work. Even as the dishes clink and the tap water runs, you don't bother looking anywhere other than the screen in front of you.
When he leaves the potatoes to boil, he hears the chair dragging against the floor and turns around to see you standing up.
"I've had enough. There's no need to continue your act, Chrollo. I know what you're hiding and I have evidence."
The declaration suffices to make his heart stop beating for a moment. As you bring over your laptop to the kitchen counter, a million thoughts run in his head.
Did you somehow find out about the troupe? He never left any trails that could lead you to that. Perhaps Shalnark came to see him here in his absence. But he was also sworn to secrecy, so how? Just how deep did you dig to find the information?
For the first time in almost forever, Chrollo feels his heart thrum against his chest out of fear and apprehension. The price he'll have to pay if things go wrong is too much for him. He'll have to refute every single claim of yours and reject every single theory and fact that you may present him. Maybe even throw in some lies to make sure that you don't-
"I know everything, so don't even try to lie to me!"
All Chrollo does is look at you, eyes cautiously watching your fingers hovering over the touchpad. "You do…?"
Frustrated, you let out a groan. "Yes, I do! What's her name, huh? Does she know that you're engaged to someone? Or are you just messing around out of some stupid reason like being afraid of being committed to someone with marriage?"
Her name? Messing around? Engaged to someone?
Did you… did you think he was cheating on you?
You turn the laptop screen towards him, pointing to the display. "I have an entire powerpoint presentation ready, so don't you dare say that I'm overthinking things. I have a list of evidence piled up and I want answers."
Chrollo isn't sure whether he should be flattered over your commitment or intimidated by your ferocity.
"Before I start, is there anything you want to say to me, mister 'I hunt antiques and artefacts for a living'?"
Silence remains in the apartment, only the sound of the potatoes submerged in the boiling water persisting. The two of you engage in a short-lived staring contest, and Chrollo only looks away to turn off the stove. The engagement ring he had presented you briefly comes to his mind and everything makes sense.
You took his frequent absence and lack of communication for him cheating on you with another woman. Why didn't he realise sooner?
"Since you have nothing to say," you speak, voice cutting through the silence, "I can only assume that you're guilty. Well, should I start this presentation and reveal the dirty secrets you've been hiding?"
Honestly, Chrollo thinks that if you found out what the secrets really are, you would repent and pray that it actually was a woman that he was hiding. Nevertheless, since his fears aren't what reality is, he supposes he could humour you as he de-escalates the situation.
"What makes you think I'm cheating on you?" he asks. 
"I think the presentation would speak for me."
He takes a seat next to you, turning the laptop screen to face him. He notices the way you watch him as he silently goes through it, a smile cracking on his face. Your younger sister was right. The ability of a woman to gather and sort out information is quite impressive.
It's when he gets to the end of the presentation that a laugh spills from his throat. He has to put a hand over his mouth to compose himself, eyes crinkling shut as he laughs behind his hand.
"What's so funny? Do you really think this is something to laugh at?" Your voice gets louder, shakier. "Chrollo, this is serious! I can't believe you!"
He waves away your words, sighing as he calms down. One look at you and he feels himself grow even more perplexed. Is the thought of him cheating so horrible that you've started crying? Ah. Who knows what you might do if you find out the real secrets he's hiding.
When his thumb brushes away a tear, you're quick to voice your thoughts. "You're horrible… and mean."
Hm. Perhaps he is. But he's selfish too. Very selfish.
"E-explain yourself. I don't care for any excuses, and I already know everything. Explain yourself and we can talk this out like adults."
He should probably tell you that you don't look intimidating while weeping, but he figures he'll keep it to himself for now.
"There is no room for repudiation," Chrollo says. "You've been very thorough. I'm impressed."
"What, so you're admitting it?" A few more hot tears escape your eyes, running over his thumb before travelling down to your chin. "I should've realised. You were always too good to be true. It's always the men who are the nicest that turn out to be the worst."
Is that what you really think of him? How adorable.
"And if you are admitting it, just know that I already told my sister I'm coming back home tonight. I'll take all my stuff. I don't care what happens to the apartment."
Chrollo can't help but play along for a while. If he can understand your reaction to this, he might be able to predict your reaction to the truth. "And what about the ring?"
"You can give it to whoever you want. I don't want to see it or you ever again."
Hm. Maybe he should actually start de-escalating the situation before you actually up and leave.
"I don't think any of that's necessary," he points out. "You're misunderstanding things. Let me expla-"
"No! I don't want your excuses. You just admitted that what I said and wrote in this ppt is true. There's no more room for talk."
First you say that you're willing to hear an explanation, yet now you refute his attempts? You must be more frazzled than he thought.
"What I admitted was your evidence. I didn't confirm your conclusion. I'm not cheating on you. I never was and never will."
Your tears turn into angry ones as you furrow your brows, voice getting louder. You were never someone who could express anger without crying, another facet of yourself that Chrollo holds great affection for. Though the first time it happened, he was quite confused.
"You're just sweet talking," you accuse. "That's the first thing a person does when called out on their crimes."
"I'm not. I swear on my life." Chrollo closes the laptop screen, making a mental note to close and cover the gaps in his behaviour that you had pointed out in the presentation. "I have an explanation for every single thing, but it can easily be made concise with this. I'm not a hunter and work directly under one. That's why I don't prefer to contact you during work. If anyone finds out, it might cause problems."
"What, so you're prone to making enemies?"
"I wouldn't say 'prone'. It just comes with the job. When you're hunting and tracking things that richer, more notorious people also covet, malice naturally accompanies. So far, being an orphan has led me to being able to do whatever I want."
You purse your lips, thinking over his words. Sure, he did admit being careless with work in the past but ever since he started courting you, he put work at a distance. If there is one thing Chrollo can easily take advantage of, it's your soft heart.
"So you… don't contact me much when on jobs because of safety…?"
"Yes," he blurts out. "I would never want anything to happen to you."
You ponder over his words for a moment, tears having stopped and cheeks wet. As Chrollo brushes away the wetness, he sees your accusatory glare directed towards him again.
"Call Shalnark and give me the phone."
He blinks. "What?"
"I said-"
"I heard you, but why?"
Gently pushing away his hands, you continue glaring. "I still want to confirm something."
Scepticism gnaws at Chrollo's brain. He's unable to understand why you want to talk to Shalnark, but he's in no position to refuse, so he grabs his phone and dials him.
The phone rings once, twice and Shalnark picks up at the third bell. Before Chrollo could utter a word, the phone was taken from his hands.
"Hey boss! What's up?" Shalnark's voice greets him from the phone, but you put the device to your ear.
"Boss?" You look perplexed and Chrollo mentally facepalms. "Hello Shalnark. It's me, [Name]."
"Oh hi there! Long time no see."
"Yeah. Um, can I ask you a few things? It's about Chrollo."
The man in question just knows that Shal is just as confused as he is, if not more. Maybe it's because you're talking to him through his phone, the phone that the boss of the Phantom Troupe uses. Or maybe it's because you're completely oblivious to the identity the both of them are hiding.
"About Chrollo? Yeah sure. Shoot em and I'll answer."
Chrollo makes a mental note to thank Shal for his cooperation.
"Okay," you drawl. "Why did you greet him with 'boss'?"
"Oh! Simple really. It's a nickname that stuck since we were kids. He was a good leader, so we nicknamed him boss." 
"Really? Alright. Okay okay. Next question." You briefly glance at Chrollo before looking away. "How long was the excavation job you guys just finished?"
"Um… almost three weeks? It was kind of long. Boring, really. Chrollo was sleeping half the time. The map we had was a fake, so it got pretty troublesome."
Chrollo listens intently, noting every single lie Shalnark makes up, so that he doesn't accidentally claim anything otherwise in the timeline he created.
"And he was with you and the others the entire time?"
"Yup! Is something the matter? Did he not come home?"
You chuckle, "If he didn't come home, how am I calling you with his phone?"
"Oh… right, haha."
"Alright, last question. What's the relationship between me and Chrollo?"
He can imagine the confusion on Shalnark's face right now.
"You both are engaged. Why? Did something happen? He didn't say anything to you, did he?"
"No no. I just wanted to make sure of some things."
"Are the two of you fighting?"
Chrollo mentally facepalms again. You do not ask a lady who is gathering information about her fiancé whether or not there's a fight. It's simply invasive.
You shake your head, tone slightly confused. "No? I mean… maybe I was the one who got carried away… but to be honest, he did give sufficient room to let that happen."
"Oh, I see. Chrollo can be a little distant sometimes, but I assure you, he talks a lot about you when he's away. Sometimes we get so annoyed we get tempted to call you and ask you to come pick him up."
Perhaps Shal deserves more than a thanks.
The statement throws you off guard, and Chrollo smiles when he sees you fluster. You turn your back to him, supposedly to hide your expression, and answer. "Okay okay. I get it. Thanks for the help, Shalnark. I'll make sure to make your favourite food whenever you next visit."
There's a laugh on the other side of the phone. "Well, I can't pass up on good food. I'm glad I could help."
The two of you exchange farewells and that's when you finally face Chrollo. Lips pressed into a thin line, you hand over his phone without looking him in the eyes.
"Are you satisfied?" Chrollo keeps his tone gentle and soft so that it doesn't feel demeaning. You, however, look apologetic.
"Yeah yeah. You win. I'm sorry for doubting you."
He simply sighs. "And I apologise for creating room for doubt. I'll try and message you more whenever I'm away."
The guilt that may have been bubbling inside you is evident on your face, and you insist on apologising. “I’m really sorry, Chrollo.” Hands together and fidgeting, you don’t look him in the eye. “The accusation was heavy. The word ‘cheating’ isn’t something to be easily thrown around. I promise to trust you more and I swear that I won’t ever-”
“It’s alright,” he interjects. “If nothing, it makes me a little happy that you’re possessive.” Chrollo smiles, eyeing how hesitantly you make eye contact. “Besides, I only have eyes for you, darling. If I could, I would kidnap you and have you all to myself.”
Maybe it’s because to you, he’s joked around like this countless times before that you don’t take his words seriously and simply laugh it off. Even now as Chrollo watches you smile and brush off his words, he wonders how you’ll react when you find out he was in no way telling a joke.
Perhaps you’ll actually scream that time.
Chrollo allowed himself three tries to finally take you away. As the questions of when he'll start planning the wedding persist and grow more frequent, he scolds himself to be swiftly done with it. However, as trivial the act of kidnapping and threatening is to him, the more bothersome it becomes when he counts you as the victim.
The first attempt fails horribly before it could even be attempted.
He initially planned to use the weekend your parents were out of town to quietly slip away from their radar. There would be no calls from your mother and no contact with your sister either, thus it being the perfect time to simply disappear.
Unfortunately, Chrollo is woken up by the sound of someone emptying their stomach contents and an hour later, you're sitting in the living room, legs crossed in your favourite swinging chair, and crying as you recount your symptoms to him.
The sun hasn't even risen yet, and you're wide awake, shaking from a fever and sniffling while Chrollo rummages through the medicine cabinet. He briefly considers using your weakened state to his advantage but ultimately decides against it. Something like that would simply upset you further.
He blames your condition on the leftovers you ate last night.
The poor man has to endure two entire days of seeing you weak and sickly, not to mention trying to nurse you back to health just for you to simply cry and ask to see your mother. When the dreaded weekend is over, he drives you to your parents' house. Relief is written all over his face when you seem satisfied embracing your mother.
Chrollo receives a comforting pat on the back from your father in return. With the sight of you finally somewhat relieved, he thinks the trouble of dealing with a sick you was worth it.
The second attempt is thought over when Shalnark is in the city.
He's departing in a few days, so you've invited him over for dinner. Truthfully, you weren't supposed to find him out. Shalnark had come to Chrollo for 'business' and you just happened to ask too many questions about where Chrollo was going for lunch.
Which brings him here, sitting across from his troupe member while you finish preparing dinner. The awkward silence between the two of them is accompanied by your low humming, the two men settling on conversing about random topics when you give them a brief questioning look.
Chrollo almost feels jealous at the treatment you give Shalnark. You cooked the dishes he requested you to, even going as far as to let him taste test. He supposed being off the hook is enough as thanks to Shalnark for playing along during the phone call.
The previous events that transpired bring him here: in your arms while he pretends to read a book. The bedroom is dimly lit and you're humming some song he never heard. Your head rests on his thigh, arms wrapped around them as well while he remains seated. A few moments later, Chrollo decides the pointless reading isn't worth it and slips under the cover next to you.
Now you're the one in his arms.
A happy sigh leaves your lips as you nuzzle into him. No words are shared in the quiet bedroom. Only actions. A hand on your lower back, you breathing in his scent and his own vulnerability on brazen display in the form of his uncovered forehead.
It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep and when you do, Chrollo thinks over his plan. Tomorrow your world will shatter. The home you created so lovingly will be destroyed and a once abundant peace and comfort will become paltry. Things will change and your feelings for him may as well.
Chrollo wills away the thought. You'll come to love him again. It's inevitable. He will make sure of it.
The steering wheel is gripped tighter as Chrollo reverses the car out of the parking space. As the restaurant you both just had dinner at goes farther and farther away, Chrollo's resolve also fades. Perhaps today isn't the right day to do this. You look so happy, and he can't bring himself to take away the smile on your face.
Chrollo weighs his options. There's still one attempt left. He could just cancel the hotel reservation he made in the neighbouring city and try again.
But there's only one try left…
Screw it.
You continue rambling about something he was unable to hear, your voice fading into the background as he thinks over his plan. Ultimately, he decides against it. Being cognizant of the sleeping pills in his pocket doesn't make him feel any better.
Sometimes he wonders why he even let it get this far, why he bothered with all this. But when you gently call his name with that teasing smile asking if he's listening or not, he can't help but mirror the expression.
"Sorry. I was listening to your voice, not your words. Would you mind repeating that?"
The subtle flirtation brings easy forgiveness. Chrollo thinks he made the right decision by taking you home and not drugging you. He thinks he'll take that third try, and he must.
The condition he set on himself was that if he fails all three tries, he must break off the engagement and never see you again.
Another two weeks pass and Chrollo finds himself questioning whether being so deep in your family was a good idea. Sure, it made putting a ring on you easier, but it also brought their close involvement. That isn't necessarily a bad thing since he could use that against you in the future, but for now it does irk him to an extent.
Your younger sister sits in the passenger seat behind him as he drives her home. The highschooler doesn't talk too much, and he always finds himself content in her company. However, this time, he has to force himself to conceal his annoyance.
You had phoned Chrollo while he was out gathering information and asked him to drop her home. Had she not missed the bus home, he would have been home with you at this very moment. Perhaps her apologetic behaviour suffices to gain Chrollo's forgiveness.
She leaves the car with another apology and a thank you, prompting Chrollo to swiftly drive home to you. The hat covering his head and forehead is immediately taken off as soon as he steps foot inside, and he relaxes when he smells food on the stove. Is this really what he’s attracted to? Homeliness?
No wonder he's grown so attached to you. Even now as you hug him in greeting, Chrollo has to force himself to separate from you physically. 
Dinner is slow, comfortable and fulfilling. The two of you next watch a movie, one where you scowled whenever he let his hands wander and scolded him to 'watch the darn psychological thriller!' as you paid great attention to it. 
Nighttime brings rest, and Chrollo thinks over his options again while you remain in deep sleep next to him. He goes through several possibilities, numerous possible reactions and a plethora of ways he could subdue each and every one of them.
When he ultimately slips into slumber, he does so with a newfound determination to finally get done with what he wants to do.
The sound of giggles follow when what he assumes to be a shirt is thrown at him. In his line of sight, you stand near the doorframe of the bedroom, eyes crinkling as your laughter dies down. Chrollo finds himself wearing a similar expression. A few drops of water drip from the tips of his hair and onto his shoulder and the floor as he slowly steps your way.
He notices your eyes briefly resting on his bare chest before they make eye contact, but before he can tease you, you're already playfully shoving him away.
"Get dressed!" You turn on your heel, aiming to head to the living room. "Geez, I don't know why you like being shirtless so much."
Before he could stop himself, a reply had already left his mouth. "Perhaps it's because a special someone's eyes like the sight. Or am I mistaken?"
No response. He takes your back turned to him and your sigh as you being done with his jokes and chuckles before heading to dry his hair and getting dressed. 
It doesn't come as a surprise to him that you help do the former.
In all honesty, Chrollo finds this sort of everyday life with you calming. He feels at home, content even. With one hundred percent confidence he can declare that this kind of lifestyle is where he never will belong, but he knows deep down that he enjoys it.
Perhaps it's the irony that draws him to it.
Tonight, Chrollo asks to be allowed to prepare dinner. His culinary skills are, at first, questioned but you give your permission and somewhat begrudgingly seat yourself in the living room, back turned to whatever he's doing in the kitchen.
It takes some time but Chrollo ends up cooking a decent meal. Okay, so maybe the meat is a bit overcooked and maybe he ended up using a little more salt than necessary but it's edible and you don't seem to complain about the taste.
In fact, you complimented his attempts, claiming that he's gotten better now that he started following actual recipes instead of freestyling. The positive feedback makes Chrollo happy, but his smiling eyes turn into cautious ones when he sees you grab your drink to take a sip.
He watches the drink go down your throat, and how you immediately after lean forward with your face resting on your hands.
The sound of the TV turns into background noise when he later gets up to clear the table. He can feel your eyes on him but the gaze isn't malicious or watchful. It's rather affectionate. Chrollo tries not to dwell on that too long, but his attempt is of no use. You call his name, hands making grabbing motions to gesture to him to come to you.
The feeling of your warm palms on his cheeks causes him to blink at you in question, but you continue smiling. Your next words, however, throw Chrollo off.
"Your eyes are beautiful."
His replies are silenced, you seemingly not done with what you have to say.
"They're big and innocent. I could stare into them all day and still want to look at them more."
Your thumbs brush his cheeks, and his eyes curiously stare back into yours.
"Such beautiful eyes but there's still a bit of… melancholy behind them. I… want to erase that sadness. I want… to see a day when this sadness behind them doesn't exist anymore."
Something changes in your eyes, and Chrollo can't pinpoint whether it's from the drink or your emotions.
"I want to make you happy again, erase whatever cruelties happened to you."
Your eyelids get heavy. The sight added with your words stirs a number of emotions in Chrollo's chest, but he remains quiet even as your words become confused and your hold on his face loosens.
"It's… I don't…"
Brows furrow as you try to understand what's happening but your words simply slur together.
"Cho… llo…"
The hands that were tenderly holding his face fall and he watches consciousness slowly slither away from you.
"Light… head…"
A loud thunk accompanies the fall of your head to the table. The static of the TV starts to make his ears ring, but it does grant him a moment of clarity to realise that his vision is blurry. The tears responsible are blinked away and as they run down his cheeks, Chrollo realises that his cheeks were already wet.
He stares at the wetness on your palms and then at your unconscious form. It's done.
The home has been destroyed.
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letterstotheflre · 1 year
cw: a little angsty. hurt/comfort. 18+ plus [sexual situations, mention of scars and child abuse, daryl has body image issues :((]
a/n: ummm this was supposed to be a cute little blurb. maybe 4-5 paragraphs. it became this angsty mess tho </3
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thinking about how daryl never takes his shirt off during sex bc he doesn't want you to see or feel his scars </3 he thinks you'll be disgusted by him, that you'll think he's damaged goods. maybe you never want to touch him ever again. maybe you'll never want him to touch you again.
and at first you don't even realise he's doing it because you don't have the privacy or the time to get fully naked. most of your hook ups consist of quickly scurrying off your jeans and underwear to your knees. if it's summer you might get to lower the straps of your tank top to free your boobs. but being so out in the open, so defenceless, doesn't allow for complete stripping.
it's not until alexandria that you start to notice the fact that you're always naked and daryl always keeps his shirt on. sometimes his vest, too. you don't ask though, wouldn't ever pressure him into doing anything he's not comfortable with. you guess he might have his reasons.
until one time when he's buried so deep inside you that you just might lose your mind so you grip his shoulders to keep some of your sanity. and he keeps thrusting, keeps hitting that spot and god, you want him even closer. you don't want him to move an inch away from you. so your hand slips. down to his waist, where his shirt rode up just a little. and he's so warm. so you keep touching him, hand spread open as it moves up to his shoulder and that's when you feel it— the raised, jagged skin.
and the size of it is not even small to have been from an accident or a fight. it throws you off completely. "daryl, what's that?"
he's tense above you. "nothin'," he grunts and nearly slaps your hand away from his back. he pins both of your wrists above your head and thrusts again, hoping that he might be able to make you forget about it.
"daryl—" you gasp when you feel the spongy tip of his cock nearly in the back of your throat from how deep he's fucking you.
"it's nothin', don't worry about it."
"jesus, i said it's nothing, woman!" he nearly screams at you. he pulls out completely and looks for his jeans, quickly getting dressed. "that so hard for ya to understand, huh? need me to spell it out for ya?"
"no," you say quietly, looking for some of your own clothes to cover up a little. "i just want to know if—"
his boots slam down on the hardwood floor as he finishes tying the laces. "there's nothing to know!"
you know daryl would never, ever hurt you. still, you can't help but freeze at how loud he's being.
the room is completely silent for the first time in an hour. daryl watches as you stand there in just your panties and tank top, right next to the soft bed, and use the tip of the nail on your pinky finger to pull at the skin around your thumb. he swallows down his shame. "i'm going out," he states and walks out of the room.
you let him go, knowing that he's feeling caged in right now. that his emotions are too big for him sometimes and he needs to get out because he might explode from the sheer size and weight of his anger. it's almost like little daryl was never taught how to process his emotions safely, how to avoid reacting with rage at the first sign of a confrontation.
it's late at night when he sneaks back into the community. if you had to guess, the front door opens at around 11pm. you hear him take off his boots and pad to the living room, where you're sitting cross-legged on the couch with a book laying on your legs.
he's dirty, that's your first observation, but when is he not? he takes his crossbow off and places it on the coffee table then holds a string of 3 three dead squirrels and a single rabbit with his whole fist. "brought dinner," he says.
you look at the pot of cold spaghetti on the stove. you might be able to cook the rabbit and then reheat the pasta in the oven. when you look back at him, daryl is shifting his weight from one leg to another, clearly uncomfortable with the tense silence.
you close the book and stand. "you wanna skin the rabbit?"
he nods. you touch his shoulder in passing and offer him a comforting smile. he follows you into the kitchen and gets to work with his knife, quickly cutting the best pieces of meat on the chopping board and storing the remaining bits he knows you won't eat in a tupper that he'll put on the fridge for another day.
you eat in silence. daryl practically swallows the entire plate in under 10 minutes, sauce splashing into his shirt and all over his face. a light orange hue tints the area around his mouth.
you wash the dishes in silence. you brush your teeth in silence. you get ready for bed in silence. you're about to turn the lights off and go to sleep with your back facing him when he finally speaks. "it was my dad."
he's not looking at you as he talks. instead, he stares at a random spot on the wall in front of him. "he drank a lot, y'know? used, too. didn't matter if it was pot or cocaine or heroin. anythin' he could get his hands on. sometimes he'd be in a real good mood 'n he would take merle and i out for ice-cream. other times... most times," he corrects himself, "he'd be real pissed off. he'd lock me up in a room, no food, no water, and let me out the next day." he gives you a melancholic smile. "s'how i learned how to hunt— had to eat somehow. taught myself how to shoot. found some survival books at the public library that said a lot of useful shit."
he sits up, back facing you completely, and takes his shirt off. you cover your mouth in shock at the sight. three scars in the shape of an 'x' cover most of his shoulderblades. there's others too, smaller only in comparison to the huge ones, littered across his lower back. tentatively, you reach forward and trace the shapes, the puckered skin somehow very soft to the touch.
"when he was really mad, though, he'd use his belt and just... hit." he takes a shuddering breath and rubs his face with his hands, feeling a little wetness around his eyes. "anyway, this ain't even the worst he's done. merle had it worse. spent a lot of time alone with him before i was born and even after he'd try to get him to leave me alone. tried to protect me," he laughs like the sheer idea of someone wanting to keep him out of harm's way is ridiculous.
you scoot forward and hug him sideways. you gently turn his face to you, thumb rubbing soothingly on his chin. "i'm sorry, daryl."
"s'not your fault," he says immediately.
"that's not what i meant. i meant," you pet his head and look him in the eye, "i'm sorry for what happened to you. you didn't deserve any of it, you were just a kid. merle too," you add, knowing how important his brother was to him, even after everything. you kiss his sun-spotted shoulder. "it wasn’t your fault.”
he swallows down the lump in his throat. “i know.”
you keep stroking his hair. “is that why you never took your shirt off? because of the scars?”
“why, baby?” you whisper incredulously. he shrugs one shoulder. “were you embarrassed? scared i’d say something?“ he is still for a few seconds, almost like he’s considering telling the truth, but ends up shrugging anyway. you know you hit the nail, though.
you shift and sit on his lap, holding his face with both hands so you can look him in the eyes. "those scars... they only show how brave and strong and resilient you are. they're part of you. and you're beautiful, dayl." you kiss him once. "i love every inch of you, including those scars, even though i hate the reason you have them in the first place."
his eyes gleam with tears. they gather in his waterline and he tries his best to keep them away. one manages to stream down his cheek. you brush it away. "it's okay to cry."
almost like he was waiting for your permition, daryl breaks down in a second. he hides his face in your chest, wetting your skin with salt streams. his shoulders shake so much with the force of his sobs that he ends up shaking you, too, caged inside his arms that circle around your waist. there's nothing else for you to do but hold him, allowing him to process his pain for perhaps the first time in decades.
it takes him minutes to calm down. half an hour maybe. when his sobs subside and his hold relaxes, you kiss the top of his head and lay him down on the bed with you. while he's usually the one who holds you at night, this time you are the one holding him. you fall asleep like that: with daryl's face tucked in your chest, your fingers combing through his long hair, nails scratching idly at his scalp.
when you wake up in the morning there's no sign of daryl. you go downstairs, following the sounds of a pan hitting the stove with a little too much force and daryl's loud curse. stepping into the kitchen, you see him, shirtless, throwing away the egg he attempted to crack. you can't help but giggle quietly in amusement— he always underestimates his strength and ends up breaking the entire shell instead of creating a crack big enough to let the gooey egg fall onto the pan.
"morning," you greet, picking up another egg and breaking it for him. the pan sizzles.
his smile is crooked. a little shy. "mornin', sunshine."
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danikamariewrites · 9 months
Could you write a fic with azriel where the readers biggest fear are needles and hates being round them and rhys and cassian are trying to convince her to get an injection but she keeps on refusing and gets azriel to give her the injection but she's under the table trembling saying " youre not putting a needle in me azriel shadowsinger " and he helps her calm down telling her it'll be okay and hell be right by her side and she gets the injection done and he's so proud of her kissing her and hugging her ?
Azriel x reader
A/n: I hate needles in a medical way but I will sit still and get tattooed for hours it makes no sense
Warnings: some slight anxiety
You couldn’t believe Azriel would blind side you like this. The absolute audacity this male has! Unbelievable. Ever since Cassian came home from the Winter Court he had been sick. The illness he picked up required an injection instead of a liquid medicine. Just to ensure that the rest of the group wouldn’t get sick or as sick as Cassian, Madja had sent them over this morning.
Just a little pinch, Azriel had said. You won’t even feel it, he said.
Bull. Shit.
You hated needles. Hell, you wouldn’t even let Madja take your blood. When you sewed you took extra precautions by wrapping your fingers so you wouldn’t stick yourself with the needle.
You hate needles. And you wouldn’t let your mate stick you with one. Even if it was for your health. You had told him that while he, Rhys, and Feyre chased you around the River House. “Azriel Shadowsinger! Don’t you dare take another step!” You yelled as all three of them held their hands up like you were a scared horse that needed to be corralled.
The floorboards creaked as Azriel tried to get closer while you weren’t looking. You reacted faster than any of them expected. Ripping one of the decorative short swords down and taking up a defensive position you swung wildly. The three of them jumped back and Azriel called your name.
You threw the sword and ran. You had no idea what room in the house you were in by the time you stopped. The place is a gods damned maze. You quietly shut the door and dove under a sheet covered table.
It felt like hours had passed while you sat there breathing in and out, in and out, in and out. You knew you’d have to face Azriel and that injection at some point. But now wasn’t the best time.
Straining your ears you heard familiar footsteps coming down the hall. In a situation like this Azriel would try to sneak up on you but he wanted to give you a warning. He knew you were afraid of needles and he just wanted to help.
The door creaked open slowly. Azriel stood in the doorway scanning the room. He noticed the disturbed dust on the floor and sent his shadows to investigate. One darted under the table, finding you with your knees pulled to your chest slightly shaking.
The shadows returned to Azriel reporting what they found. He sighed, slowly striding over to the covered table he sat down crossing his legs and letting his wings rustle against the cloth to let you know it’s him. “I don’t have the needle with me.” “Don’t care. I’m not coming out. Ever.”
Azriel laughed at your ridiculous behavior, “Forever? But you’ll miss out on all the fun stuff I have planned for us.” Now it was your turn to sigh, “Like what?” Annoyance laced in your tone. “Like all the romantic breakfast dates I’m thinking of. Or the flights I’ll taking you on. And you’ll miss the vacation we’re taking to Summer.”
You poked your head out from the cloth. “You planned a vacation for us?” Azriel nods giving you a small smile. “But that can’t happen unless you take the shot my love.” You pulled your head back under, “Oh well, have fun Az.”
He tilted his head back muttering, “Cauldron give me strength,” before sticking half his torso under the cloth to see you. Azriel’s heart broke a little at the sight of you curled in on yourself, trembling. He reached a hand out to rub your shin. “Hey. Hey, it’s going to be ok,” he cooed at you. “I know you don’t like needles but I wouldn’t ask unless it was absolutely necessary. I just want you to be safe.”
“I know Az. I’m sorry I’m causing all this trouble.” Azriel motioned for you to come out. As he backed away you followed and sat in front of him. He took your hands in his, bringing your knuckles up to his lips. “How about this,” he said in a soft tone. “You can sit in my lap and hold my hand the whole time. You don’t even have to look.” You nod in agreement. You would do this for Azriel.
Ten minutes later you’re sitting on Az’s lap while Feyre sticks the needle in your arm. Three second pinch and then she’s done and putting the bandage on your arm. “See, easy peasy.” You exhale through your nose and rub the soreness in your arm.
“Ow.” Azriel laughs at your delayed reaction. You turn, now sitting sideways on his lap. Azriel hugs you close to him and kisses all over your face. Finally reaching your lips you thread your hands through his hair keeping him close to you. Once you break apart you rest your head against his chest. “My brave girl.” He whispers into your hair.
tags: @rigelus @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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qqtxt · 2 years
[🌸] infatuation w/ txt.beomgyu [3/5]
✿ pairing: beomgyu x reader / idol!txt / employee!you / fluff ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 1000 words for each member [word count: 840 words] ✿ in which they have the biggest crush on you and they try to take the first step in letting you know... [masterlist 🌸] / other members will follow suit!
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you have a motto that you live by and that is: if it can kill me, i’ll kill it first. well, that used to work if you’re going to... y’know, hunt a bear or fishing or something related to survival. no one quite prepared you for how it would be working under a big corporation; much less hybe corporation.
were you a slave to the corporate world? not really... but you weren’t the type to succumb to just anything... but this job was important to you and you know it. it pays well, it teaches you new skills, it allows you to transfer to different departments to get a change in perspective, so in all, it’s a pretty good job. sometimes, the job gets to you a bit too much that you focus on it to the point your tunnel vision zones in, and you can’t quite notice...
[🐯] beomgyu beomgyu manages to sneak out of dance practice with an hour to spare before it’s officially over. they were already doing overtime, so technically, he’s not sneaking out if its extra practice, no? regardless, he’s out of there, quietly padding down the halls with something in his grasp.
he grins when he notices that your table is empty; usually means you were doing your rounds of getting water, a snack, or a bathroom break (he’s not a creep, he swears. you’ve told him through the days you two have been texting because he asked ‘don’t you ever take a break? sitting at the table all day isn’t good for you :/‘)
he seizes the opportunity to place whatever he’s got on your table before he makes a run for it. he runs like his life depends on it and fingers crossed you don’t come by this hallway where he’s able to see you at your desk when you return.
the heavens seem to be on his side when you decide to take the other way, now returning to your table with a bottle in possession. beomgyu peeks from the corridor he’s hiding in, a little breathless from how fast he ran but smiling a little when he sees you’re drinking water. he crouches down, managing to catch a glimpse of your expression as you spot what he’s placed.
you’re curiously eyeing it and you start to survey around the area to see who could’ve left it but... you’re the only one left in the department. with pursed lips, you reach for it and smile almost instantaneously at the feeling of how soft the material of the tiger plushie feels against your fingertips. you hold it in your hands, lifting it up, only to reveal that there’s a note that comes with it and you’re able to put a name to who left this for you.
‘hold onto me when it gets tough. :) from, your tiger.’
the implication was too obviously choi beomgyu. it was cheesy, but you found it adorable. you’re not sure what he means; whether he was just being overly friendly or he had some sort of feelings towards you. it’s not until you put the tiger to your chest, giving it a soft squeeze that it plays a cute animated voice squeaking i like you.
you gasp, pulling the plushie back to look at it. beomgyu holds his breath, watching from a distance. he tilts his head a little, unsure if he wants to keep looking because he can’t read your expression. it feels like an eternity passes and he’s about to lose his mind but you give it a tentative squeeze to hear the message once more.
is... is that a smile? oh my god, you’re smiling. you’re smiling! holy shit–
beomgyu only takes a mental picture when you’re grinning at the plushie, holding it close to you as your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of the softness to your cheek. he has never wanted to be a plushie so bad in his life... but with the way you’re smiling at the plushie, he knows his chances are not too far off from being a reality.
((”yah! i said you could go for a few minutes, you’re gone for like twenty minu–what the f–!”soobin can’t continue with his reprimanding when beomgyu yanks the latter down, hand to his mouth to shut him up.
soobin’s confused and doesn’t fight the way beomgyu slaps a hand over his mouth, only following his gaze to see what kept him so long. soobin squints his eyes, now noticing that you’re holding a tiger plushie that he swore he saw at the dorm, and when he’s able to make up the animated voice of i like you, the confession hits soobin hard when he pieces it altogether in his mind.
instead of coming out to scold beomgyu, he’s now fangirling with him in the corner of the corridor, both hitting each other back in forth in disbelief.))
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hinatastinygiant · 9 months
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10 | Mahogany
Warning! Sexual Content!
Pairing: Itadori x Fem!Reader
The Encounter
"I will be." You grin softly, being optimistic despite everything you went through.
As he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your cheek, you can't help the heat that rushes to your face. He pulls away, leaving you with butterflies and a fuzzy warmth that fills your chest. "Good."
Just as you begin to relax, Nobara enters the room holding a few beers. With a mischievous grin, she cracks them open one by one and hands them out to everyone. As she hands you the cold beer, you can't help but appreciate the refreshing scent. "I have never wanted to drink so much in my life," you tell her.
"Me either," she responds with a laugh.
"I don't know if this is such a good idea," Fushiguro admits, holding his beer like a grenade. "I mean, after everything that's happened..."
Nobara rolls her eyes. "Don't be a baby, Fushiguro," she teases. "We've been through a lot and we deserve a reward."
"I get the worst hangover out of all of us," Fushiguro grumbles.
Itadori laughs and shakes his head. "Come on, Fushiguro. Just this once, won't hurt, will it?"
Fushiguro looks at the three of you for a moment, weighing his options before groaning. "Fine."
You smile as the three of them sit down, feeling a sense of contentment for the first time in a while.
After a few drinks, Fushiguro breaks the comfortable silence saying, "We all smell bad."
Itadori laughs, "You're not wrong."
Nobara sighs and shakes her head. "Well, we just spent the whole weekend in the woods getting rained on. What did you expect?"
"True," Itadori agrees.
"Well, I'm going to go take a shower," you announce, setting your empty can on the coffee table.
"You remember where it is, right?" Fushiguro asks. You've been to his house a hundred times before. You hope your friends don't think you're that traumatized.
"Yes," you tell him. "But if you hear screaming, call the cops."
Everyone chuckles at that, and you head off towards the bathroom.
Turning the hot water on, you undress and wait for the room to get steamy. You climb in the shower and sigh at the feeling of hot water beating down on your sore muscles. After spending the weekend in a whole bunch of uncomfortable situations, it feels amazing.
Later that night, you find yourself staying awake in one of the dark spare rooms in Fushiguro's house. There's no way you're sleeping alone after everything you just went through. Now, it's been an hour and sleep still hasn't come to you. You're so tired, but still too jumpy from the events of the weekend.
So, sneaking quietly out of your room and down the hall, you make your way towards Itadori's room. You knock quietly and wait. After a few moments, he opens the door looking just as sleepy as you. "Everything alright?" he whispers.
"Yeah, I just... I'm having trouble sleeping," you explain. "Mind if I sleep here tonight?"
Itadori grins softly and nods. "Not at all."
You slip inside, closing the door behind you. He has a twin-sized bed pushed up against one wall. You crawl under the blankets, and he follows suit, curling his arms around your waist. His breath is hot against your ear as he pulls you closer.
"Thank you for coming after me," you whisper.
"Don't mention it." He plants a soft kiss on your forehead. "I would never stop looking until I found you."
You turn your head to look up at him, meeting his gaze. He kisses you again, and this time it's different.
This time, it's deeper, more intense.
Your body reacts to his touch immediately, and you're overcome with a desire that you've never felt before.
The feeling is overwhelming, and you can't help but gasp.
His hands run up your sides, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.
You close your eyes and enjoy the sensation, letting out a moan.
"God, I'd be lost without you, Y/N," he murmurs against your neck, planting gentle kisses along your skin.
His words send shivers through you, and you let out another gasp.
"Me too."
He runs his tongue along the shell of your ear, and you shudder.
"Do you want this?"
He leans over you, his lips brushing against yours.
"I'll protect you. No matter what."
Your heart beats faster, and you can feel your pulse pounding in your veins.
He kisses you deeply, and you lose yourself in the moment.
After all, this is everything you've ever wanted.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Yuuji."
And then he's on top of you, kissing your neck, your jaw, your lips.
And you're drowning in him.
Your body is burning, your mind is spinning, and your heart is racing.
It feels so good.
So right.
So perfect.
And the world melts away as you lose yourself in the pleasure.
But the only thing that matters now is him.
You can feel your body responding to him, your heartbeat quickening, your skin heating up, your breath catching in your throat.
His hands are all over you, caressing every inch of your body.
He kisses you hungrily, his tongue exploring every corner of your mouth. His hand travels down beneath the waistband of your shorts and panties, finding the spot between your thighs.
"Fuck..." you moan.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers back. "So perfect."
His fingers circle your clit, sending waves of pleasure through you.
You arch your back, gasping for air.
"Yuuji," you breathe, "I need more."
He chuckles softly, sliding down and pulling your shorts and panties off. Then, he makes a bit of a mess of the small bed before settling between your legs.
You gasp when he buries his face between your thighs. His tongue finds your clit, and he licks at it hungrily, sending electricity through your body.
You cry out, your hands tangling in his hair.
He sucks on your clit, and you moan.
"Yuuji, please..."
His hands grip your hips, and he holds you in place, his tongue flicking rapidly over your clit.
Your legs tremble, and your breathing becomes ragged. Your whole body tenses, and you can feel an orgasm building.
"Please, Yuuji, I'm gonna..."
He continues to lick and suck, his pace increasing.
You cry out as the pleasure builds, your muscles tightening. Your toes curl, and you come hard. The orgasm rolls over you in waves, leaving you panting and breathless. He continues to lap at your juices, lapping up every drop.
You finally manage to catch your breath, and he looks up at you with a smile.
"I love you," he says.
"I love you, too," you reply, returning his smile.
"Think you could manage some sleep now?" he asks, giving your inner thigh a playful squeeze.
You nod, unable to stop the smile from spreading across your face.
"I'll try my best," you tell him.
He crawls up beside you, and you snuggle against him, enjoying his warmth.
As he wraps his arms around you, you can't help but smile.
He's always been there for you, even when things seemed hopeless.
And now, here he is, holding you, comforting you, making sure that you're okay.
He's everything you could ever ask for, and more.
And you can't imagine your life without him.
"Good night, Yuuji," you whisper.
"Good night, Y/N," he replies, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
The Encounter
Taglist: @liyahsocorro @Bandit6199 @little-aruma
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trash-monkey · 1 year
Ran's Little Dragon
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The lady puts me into the playpen that's sits in front of the tv once we arrived at home before walking to her room and locking the door to drink her happy juice in peace, this isn't the first time this happened ever since I had waken in this body. After waking up to this new chance at life I did panic at first until I could finally wrapped my mind around what's happening and embrace it, then I realized that my 'mom' is a alcoholic and doesn't really take care of her child which is probably why I'm here instead of the boy. With my stomach getting hungry I pull the hinges of the playpen apart to allow me to escape from it and walk to the kitchen, where I pull a chair up to the counter so I can climb to it and grab a jar of peanut butter from a cabinet along with the crackers. Knowing the risks of doing this but I rather not starve to death and with my mission complete, I sit at the edge of the counter to eat my 'meal' of the day. Once done I wash my hands before refilling my bento box with snacks for daycare the next day and replace it back into my backpack with a name tag that had Dragen written on it.
'At least my new name is cool.'
With the bento box I put my flip flops at the bottom of the bag since they're basically my everyday shoes since 'mom' doesn't ever bother to grab any of my shoes before taking me to daycare, not that I have many in the first place. Leaving the backpack on the dinning table so she can see it to grab in the morning before quietly walking pass her room to mine so I could get my PJs and go to the bathroom to take a bath, once done I return to my room to get out my clothes for tomorrow before remembering to put a pair into my backpack in case I wake up late and already at daycare in my PJs. Since I want to bed early I woke up two hours before my 'mom' usually does for work and change into my clothes before sneaking into the kitchen for breakfast which is a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a cup of milk. I cleaned up any mess I had made before moving into the living to watch TV on a low volume to pass time for 'mom' to wake up, I'm so invested into the tv show I'm watching that I didn't hear 'mom' moving around after waking up until she turned the TV off.
I can see she has a hangover after seeing the painful look on her face when she picked me up off the couch to place me on her hip after getting everything together and luckily she got my backpack from the dinning table before leaving the house but not lucky enough for her to grab me some shoes, at least I got my flip flops in my backpack. Most of the day after arriving at the daycare I spend it staying away from the loud kids and teaching myself how to read kanji since I never learned how to in my last life, when the usual time for 'mom' to pick me up comes she never turned up but instead a dude appeared an hour later.
"Hey little man." He squats down to my level after he talked to a worker and they called me over to them, the look on his face isn't good.
"I'm sorry but your mommy got into accident and....." He trails off not knowing how to say any of this to a three year old.
"Sweetheart, your mommy is gone." The daycare worker continues on where the dude left off and even though I didn't know her to well or long I can feel sadness in my heart, a child should never lose their parents.
"Now I'm going to take you to a friend of mine that can look after you until I can inform your dad, is that ok?"
"Da? Me have da?" I asked since I don't know anything about my father and this makes the man realize about my home situation.
"Of course, everyone has a dad." After that I let the man take me to the friend he talked about which I stayed with for three days until they bring me to a tall building and put me into a room with loud messy kids.
'Nope with a capital N.'
When no one is looking I slip out the door and into the hallway not wanting to be anywhere near the loud messy kids, I walk down until I hit a waiting room.
'Is that who I think it is?'
My eyes landed on a figure sitting in one of the hard chairs wearing a expensive looking suit with a mullet hair style colored black and light purple, he looks up from his phone when he feels eyes on him only to see me stand before him.
'IT'S RINDOU HAITAN! Wait, that means I'm might be on Bonten timeline in Tokyo Revengers! But that also means I can't do anything to change the story except live my life.'
I give Rindou a smile around the pacifier in my mouth before slowly approaching him until I'm standing between his knees, Rindou's eyebrows frown together in confusion at seeing me. We continue to stare at each other while he waits for me to say or do something but I just stare at him like he's the best thing in the world, which he is to me.
"Wha yo do?" I said after taking out my pacifier and point at his phone while climbing up the chair next to him to seat on the arm of his chair to get a better look at his phone, with quickly fingers Rindou hits the home button and open a random game he has on his phone. I give him a look knowing that he wasn't on that before I looked but let it slide and lean down to watch him play it and a few minutes later I somehow got us watching CSI.
"He and him me favorite." I pointed to Greg and David when they show up on the screen, I was going to ask about his favorite but got interrupted by two figures appearing in front of us.
"I see you already meet your nephew." My eyes widen at the piece of new information along with Rindous.
I climbed down to the floor and sit behind one of Rindou's legs feeling nervous and shy all a sudden, at this Rindou rises a eyebrow at my act to hide before Ran crouches down.
"There's no need to hide." He's voice although deep is kind with a smile on his lips as he slowly reach out to gently take my hand off of Rindous pant leg but stopped and frown when I flinched back hiding my face while tightening my grab on the pant leg.
"He was just fine a moment ago?" Rindou voiced his concern at my behavior.
"You'll have to be patient with him, with the evidence we got suggest that he's mother is an alcoholic for sometime which resulted her accident and that she didn't really take care of him with the way the apartment they lived in looked. He's been taking care of himself for who knows how long." I can tell this information angered Ran by his fists tightening with his knuckles turning white but he quickly loosen them when he noticed my gaze on them, now that I know who my father is I can see the resemblance of the blond hair and droopy shaped eyes but are a blue color from my mother instead of my father's lavender color.
'Hell, if you dye my hair a light purple and give me lavender contacts I'm a exact copy of him. I think my brain had noticed the first time I looked into a mirror but blanked it out in denial and now I can't be in denial with the fact staring at me in the face.'
"Hey, there's no need to be afraid when your Papa and Uncle are here. We'll protect you from every bad thing." Pushing the instincts to hide away I let him gently take my hand off the pant leg and lead out from under the chair to stand in front of him.
'He's my dad...MY DAD!?!'
With that thought and a cry of Papa I rushed to into his arms which he gladly wrap around my small body to hold me close and giving my head a kiss before stand to his full height causing me to let out squeak and tightness my grip on his suit coat, he's a tall man but wait until I see Hanma.
'Oh lord, I hope not.'
Rindou leads us out of the building and into the parking lot after being handed a large box which I guess are my things, we approach a expensive car a few spots over where I'm handed to Rindou after he puts the box into the cars truck and we get in.
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cassifictional · 2 years
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Infuriating - ch. 2
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Link to part 1 in my masterlist. (tumblr hates links in posts, sorry)
mdni, please.
By popular demand, a continuation. Previous chapter summary: you and Sevika are exes who love nothing more than to fight and bicker every chance you get. Somehow you end up a side room with her and your night takes a wild turn.
Pairing: Sevika x fem reader (as exes)
Words: 1.6k
Tags: talk of suggestive themes. No smut.. this time.
Notes: pretty conversation heavy in the second part. I’m not sure how enjoyable that is to read? Please let me know your thoughts on it. Writing convos is fun but I try not to overdo them.
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“Trying to leave early?” you suddenly heard Silco say through the crowd of chatter and polite laughter.
The way his eyes were fixated on you informed you that your next decision should probably be in his favor, or else you might very well be in trouble. Considering how the last cocktail party you attended went down, you decided to be smart and stay on his good side. Reluctantly, you let go of the doorknob that would lead you outside, far away from this mess. It was a little embarrassing to have the boss catch you trying to sneak out of what was essentially glorified overtime, disguised as an “optional” gathering of business partners.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that.. I’m sure you remember the situation I was involved in last time.” you say, an apologetic look in your eyes in an attempt to appease him. Silco silently nodded. Of course he remembered. He was the one responsible for getting you shoved into that side room in the first place. That side room where you.. ah, no. Not now.
“I just saw her enter. She loves to try and rile me up when I need to be professional. I think it’s in everyone’s best interest that I leave.”
“And I think you both need to learn to be mature about it.” he said sternly.
You looked down at the floor in shame. Not an unreasonable expectation for him to have, to be fair. You were both adults, but somehow couldn’t manage to act like it in each other’s vicinity.
“Stay on the other side of the room and pay her no mind. Talk to our guests. If she acts out of line again, it will be on her this time.”
“Understood, sir.” you said, a little annoyed but also defeated. You turned around, ready to head to a table with some relatively serene looking folks surrounding it. Silco took a step to the side, halfway blocking your path.
“Half an hour of networking. Fully ignore Sevika. Then you can go.” he said before stepping back again to let you pass.
“I can do that. Thank you.”
Thankfully, in many ways this night went a lot better than the previous cocktail party you had attended. Sure, you didn’t feel like chatting with random strangers at all, but it was a lot more enjoyable than the fight you and Sevika had gotten into the last time you were here. Even though Silco had ordered you to fully ignore her, you couldn’t help but glance over to where she was sitting from time to time. You caught her looking back at you on more than one occasion. Perhaps she was pondering about new ways to irritate you while you were quietly trying to do your job. But tonight she didn’t seem so hellbent on making your life more difficult, as she usually did. Tonight, she was looking at you differently.
Perhaps it had been your encounter in the side room last time. You remembered it clear as day, that night where you couldn’t stop insulting each other, bickering like you had always done. That night where you finally dared to ask her why, why you two hadn’t worked out, why it had all gone to shit. That night where she ended up fucking you against a door in a side room and you ended up loving it. How she had still wanted to touch you so badly, despite it all. And for what?
You had to avert your gaze to focus back on the conversation you were having with the mellow folks around you. There was work to be done and you couldn’t have Sevika distract you from it. She was nothing more than a nuisance, you told yourself. Someone who hurt you and got away with it. She didn’t love you anymore and you didn’t either. What happened last time didn’t matter. The thrill wasn’t worth it. The regret, the heartbreak, none of it was worth it. She wasn’t worth it.
And yet. No matter what you did, the feeling of ‘what if’ never went away. It stuck in the back of your mind like a coffee stain, annoying and unhelpful and impossible to get rid of. Reminding you of what used to be. Dark and warm and intense. Unlike anything you had experienced before her. Now, it just left a bitter taste in your mouth.
On the surface, all the strangers were lovely and oddly friendly. But you knew that just below that surface lied a web of lies, deceit, and the unstoppable urge to profit off even the slightest amount of perceived weakness. So once your agreed upon half hour was over, you got out of there, and you got out of there fast.
Or at least, you tried to.
Once you opened the door to the outside world, chilly nighttime air sending a pleasantly cool shiver up your spine, you suddenly heard her familiar voice again. Calling out your name in the quiet darkness of the night. But unlike usual, her tone wasn’t taunting or mocking. The way she said it sounded almost like a request, to please hang on a second. But you didn’t want to.
“No.” you said plainly without looking back. You were already walking away, but you could hear Sevika following you, heavy footsteps quickly gaining on you.
“Come on, just give me one-“
“What, Sev?” you cut her off and stopped dead in your tracks, spinning around to face her. “Really. What could you possibly want from me right now?” you snapped, staring daggers at her.
“Calm down, spitfire.” she huffed. “I just-“
“You either want to fight or you want to fuck and I’m not up for either with you tonight. That enough? Go back inside, I’m going home.”
Sevika took one big step forward, now standing so close in front of you that you could almost feel her warm breath on your face as she loomed over you. It took just a second for you to notice her scent. Tobacco smoke mixed with something fresh and uniquely her and, infuriatingly, remnants of a sweet floral perfume she would have never worn herself.
“Let me finish.” she menaced. As if working on instinct alone, you found yourself unable to talk back to her.
“Contrary to popular belief, I do more than just fight and fuck.” she said whilst staring at you intensely. Her words could have easily be taken as a joke, had she not sounded so dead serious in the moment.
“I’m here to apologize.” she continued.
“Really?” you asked, questioningly as well as confused. “For..?”
“Starting shit yesterday. Wasn’t necessary. Shouldn’t have.”
Sevika. Apologizing. That’s new.
“Oh. Alright then..? What about when you..”
“When I fucked you against the door in the side room? No, not apologizing for that one.”
“Right.” you tried to hide a blush as to not give her the satisfaction of making you flustered. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Did Silco make you apologize?”
Sevika frowned. “What? No. He’s not my dad.”
Admittedly, the mental image of Silco berating Sevika like a small child was pretty funny and got a small chuckle out of you.
“I guess..” you sighed, “I should apologize too, then.”
“Apology accepted.”
“Well then.”
You stared at her for a moment. She didn’t reply, nor did she attempt to walk away from the situation.
“Now what?” you asked, genuinely unsure of what to do now.
Sevika shrugged. “We can still fight or fuck if you want.”
The absurdness of the situation made you laugh. First she apologizes, then she offers to have sex with you again despite her hating your guts. What was she doing?
“I’ll have to take a raincheck.” you laughed. “You’re a terrible person, you know that?”
“Likewise.” she said, a light grin on her face revealing no malicious intent, somehow. She waved you away dismissively.
“In that case, go home already then.”
“Do you think we should talk?” you suddenly blurted out.
Sevika raised an eyebrow at you. “About..?”
“Um, everything? Pretty much?” you said, starting to nervously fidget with your hands. “Sev, I asked you a question last time and you didn’t reply.”
She looked at you intently, the grin on her face from before now replaced with a frown. She knew exactly what you meant. What you had asked her that night in the side room of the bar.
“I want to know why.” you had said quietly, trying desperately to keep back your tears. “You never.. we never talked about why it went to shit. I want to understand.”
“I have so many questions. And so little answers. And I bet you have questions for me too.”
She briefly averted her gaze. You were right, and you both knew it.
“So please. Can we talk? If not for the sake of us, for the sake of the people around us..”
Us. A word you hadn’t used in a context together with her in a long time.
Sevika let out a deep, irritated sigh. You looked at her as she mentally debated with herself. Her grey eyes shimmered in the bright neon lights on the side of the bar, her wide frame casting an intimidating, strangely beautiful shadow onto the ground. Her dark red cloak obscured most of her body and in the moment, you caught yourself wishing that it didn’t.
“Fine.” she huffed, turning away from you, getting ready to walk back inside. “Last Drop, tomorrow, after the last shift.”
“Thank you.” you said quietly.
Now fully turned around, she walked back towards the building full of double-faced strangers, back into the suffocatingly smoky room. For a second, you pitied her.
“Bring your own money.” she said before heading inside, “I’m not buying you drinks.”
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Notes: ugh, yes. I'm making a part 3. Not because I feel like I HAVE to. Because I want to. And because I can't for the life of me write anything SHORT and TO THE POINT. 😿
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violetdrkside · 2 years
What Is To Come
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Summary: Hanma Shuji is waiting for her, when it was suppose to be the other way around. How will this late October evening proceed?
As of now this is a drabble, a start, a little tease of what the one shot will be. I felt like posting this to give me incentive to finish writing it. Let me know what you think so far, and what you are excited to see from it. <3 We love the thrills.
A/N: Well you see, I could not help but to post a little drabble of what will become a longer one shot. I could not help myself as it was Hanma's Birthday a couple of days ago and Halloween is soon to come. Anyway 18+ Minors DNI. There are not major TW or tags since this is just a little taste for what is to come. Fem!Reader She/her pronouns. The explicit warning is for later. Enjoy. <3
He sat there waiting for her, one leg crossed over the other. A glass of Yamazaki in one hand resting on his leg as his other arm drapes at the end of the arm of the chair he always sits in, dangling his cigarette holder between his long slender fingers flicking the ash in the tray on the table next to chair. He brings the glass to his lips taking a gulp of the liquid that slowly goes down his throat pondering where she could be.
He had expected the woman he shares a life with to be home when he had arrived and alas once he did all he could feel was the remanence of her. He had called and texted her, but she had yet to reply. The last messages he had received from her were from a few hours ago when he told her how he would be late due to some last-minute business he had to attend to, in order for him to be free from his duties the following day.
The echoing of keys jingling caused his violet eyes to jolt to the front door, waiting for her to walk through it. As expected, he sees the silhouette framed in the doorway of the person he was waiting for as the light from the outside shines through. He does not say anything as he continues to smoke his cigarette waiting for her to notice him. She closes the door quietly, proceeding to take off her shoes still lingering in the entrance way. Once her shoes were off, she finally says something, “Hanma must you always smoke inside?” She asked.
The man’s laugh is low as fills the silence of the room, ringing in her ears. She has heard this laugh many times before and from the tone she can tell he was not amused by her question, just as she is not amused by his actions. She walks further into the apartment unsure of the situation that is about to unfold, but knowing the man sitting in the chair, it will be entertaining. She steps lightly into the room to stand across the man still sitting cross legged, continuing to smoke the last bit of cigarette that is left in its holder, still clutching his drink. They make eye contact with one another as the woman waits for a response to her question. No words are spoken even from the result of lingering looks and once she realizes he is not going to answer yet, she walks over to the bar to make herself a drink.
As she mixes the ingredients together for her cocktail the man puts out his now finished cigarette, getting up and striding over to where the woman was, drink still in hand. He makes sure to stop right behind her still busy putting the contents of the drink in a glass. He leans down making sure not brush against her body, his lips right at her ear, he finally says, “Bold of you to be asking questions, when shouldn’t it be me asking them? I did not realize you could be so disobedient,” he chuckles. The bass of his voice engulfs the woman’s body as the hairs on her body stood up as she jolts from his sudden appearance right by her.
“Fuck Hanma, do you have to do that? Do you have to sneak up like that?” her words articulated the annoyance in her voice.
“More questions I see. You must have really forgotten your manners this evening. That’s okay, I’ll answer one of your questions. How else do you think I’m supposed to keep up my reputation as The Reaper if I’m not able to take my enemies by surprise, mmhmm?”
“Yes…but last I checked…I am not one of your enemies,” she retorts taking a sip of her drink.
“No…but you could be…” he states sarcastically as he pours more of the liquid in his drink, “but don’t worry doll, I’ll makes sure it’s fun for both of us,” he finishes the last of statement making eye contact with her, a small smirk drawing his lips up.
WC: 689
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
S/O falls asleep on them
Hi, I just want to briefly thank @that-crazy-five-foot-two-chick. Thank you for leaving those sweet comments, it really encourages me to keep writing. You're so sweet ❤️❤️❤️
Bang Chan
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° Is usually the one sleeping on you since he rarely gets any rest, but ever since you started your new job... Oh how the tables have turned. He can't recall a time a dinner where you don't look absolutely exhausted, it kind of breaks his heart a bit.
° Let's out a long content sigh when he's comfortable, smiling softly as you snore quietly into his shoulder. He'll usually either continue to work on songs or go on his phone as you take a nap on him. But very rarely will he sleep with you, worried you'd both lose the day.
° The least awkward member when you do this randomly, even if you two aren't dating by that point. He'll just chill and let you sleep on him, sneaking a few glances since your cheek is all smushed against his shoulder. But he won't take photos... Even if he is dying to.
° Will wake you up after about two hours, either having to use the washroom or getting worried that you're sleep schedule will become a mess if he doesn't wake you up any sooner. You always point out that he's so worried about your sleep, yet pays no attention to his own.
It was 3am and you couldn't sleep, it was too cold no matter how many blankets you put on yourself. You needed Chan in bed, but he probably wasn't going to join you until 5am. You needed to get some rest, so you resorted to the most desperate option. Sleeping on him.
"Hey, what are you-" Bang Chan greeted, soon being engulfed by your body and blankets as you laid on him.
"Continue, I'm just going to sleep here." You explained, making him laugh by how casual you acted.
Chan continued his work, but it was much harder to focus on when your adorable sleeping expression was right in front of him. All he wanted to do you hold you close and secretly squish your cute cheeks, but he let you rest. Knowing you had an early morning.
Lee Know
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° Depends on the situation for him, there are three reactions he'll do. He'll wake you up and whine a bit because you fell asleep, will join you and rest his head on yours, or will simply let you relax on him and just watch a show or something. But it all depends on the situation.
° When you tell him that he does the same thing to you, he'll get playfully defensive only to fall asleep on your shoulder an hour later. You both will also take photos of each other and draw on those photos. His go to for you is cat ears while your go to is a rainbow mustache.
° You two fell asleep in the dance practice room by accident, you both only wanted to sit down for a bit and watch a video on your phone. Hyunjin walked in, and couldn't miss the opportunity for photos. He cropped you out because of respect, then posted them all.
° Minho woke up to his phone buzzing, only to find out that it was from all of the likes and comments on multiple photos of him sleeping. You woke up only seconds after, hearing Hyunjin scream/laugh down the hallway as Minho chased after him.
You were beginning to wake up from your small nap, watching as your boyfriend gently adjusted his posture after a couple of hours of staying in one spot. He didn't shift too much however, one of his cats in a deep slumber on his lap. You giggled softly as you stretched, finding it cute.
"Don't give me that look Minho, you always sleep on me." You teased, feeling your boyfriend's playful glare.
"I never sleep on you, the only time I do is when it's time for bed and your passed out asleep before me." Minho defended, scrunching his nose when you placed a small kiss to it.
An hour passed, and during your favorite part in Beauty and the Beast you felt a head thump into your shoulder. Minho proved your point, falling asleep on you much more often than you fall asleep on him. He always looked so cute squished against your shoulder, so you didn't complain.
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° You liked going to the gym with your boyfriend, whether you were there only to support him or to work out with him. You enjoyed how quiet the JYP gym was, only other members stopping in every so often. One morning Changbin decided, let's start at 6am...you weren't a fan of that.
° You and Changbin usually went to the gym at night, knowing not a lot of people would show up and it worked since he was busy in the daytime while you hated early mornings with a burning rage. The schedule was fine like that, it worked for both of you and you don't know why he wanted it changed.
° You weren't the one the fall asleep first, it was almost always your boyfriend. But at 6am you were beyond exhausted, you haven't woken up this early since you went on tour with them. And they would sometimes let you sleep in, noticing you were a mess when up so early.
° Changbin secretly just wanted to see what you'd be like in the morning, wondering if you'd get used to it when running around or falling asleep on one of the work out benches. He wasn't surprised when you pretty much passed out the moment you laid down for sit ups.
"Baby, Felix brought us muffin-" Changbin announced, shocked when he saw you dead asleep on the floor.
Changbin didn't want your neck to hurt, so he quickly rushed over and let you lay on his lap as he sat up. He's never seen you in such a deep slumber, your body resembling a Ragdoll as he placed you onto his lap. Both him and Felix couldn't contain their laughter.
"Wow, y/n wasn't lying about not being a morning person." Felix teased, passing Changbin a muffin for when you wake up.
You weren't going to wake up anytime soon, which Changbin knew the moment he saw you asleep. Once he finished his muffin, he dragged you back to your shared bedroom. Flopping you onto the mattress and leaving the muffin on your bedside table.
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° If you just so happen to be tired or even the least bit sleepy, he will glue to you just so he has the chance of you sleeping on him. He's clingy in denial and everyone knows it... When you fall asleep on him, he'll act as if he didn't hope for this to happen even though his smile says otherwise.
° Will not stop kissing your face while your asleep, so much so that you will sometimes stir awake and grumble for him to stop. His whole body heats up when you hide your face in his neck, your melting him and he doesn't know if he can take it for too long.
° He will either settle down and eventually fall asleep with you, or wake you up so you two can cuddle in bed. Either way he's holding you and being able to kiss you, he can't resist doing either when you're all sleepy and pouty. The only time he's okay with PDA is when you're tired.
° The members have seen you two hug and share a small peck here and there, but nothing too mushy and cheesy. This is why they were shocked to see You and Hyunjin giggling and rubbing noses together, both of you babbling nonstop compliments before cuddling.
"You're *kiss* so *kiss* cute *kiss kiss kiss*" Hyunjin whispered, attacking your exposed cheek with kisses.
This would be fine and you probably would've kissed him back, if it wasn't for the fact that you literally got no sleep last night and were trying to sleep on your boyfriend. He could never resist you when you were sleepy, and you should've remembered that fact before cuddling him.
You grumbled against his shoulder, trying to move away from the hyper lovesick puppy. But he always managed to still stick to you, making you crack a tired laugh when he practically laid on top of you. His kisses soon felt soothing against your neck, making you feel sleepy again.
"Have sweet dreams my princess/prince." Hyunjin whispered, beginning to feel his own eyelids grow heavy.
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° Some may say Seungmin or Jeongin would become the stiffest in this situation, but I'm a firm believer that it's Jisung. You would be laying in bed watching some YouTube videos on his laptop, then you grew tired and fall asleep on his shoulder. Than bam! Statue mode activated.
° If the members were around they'd start laughing, because he'd look like a deer in headlights as he attempted to not breath too loudly. If you stir at all he'll stop breathing until you're comfortable again, and when he breathes again it's shaky because he doesn't want to sigh.
° You'd probably end up waking up thanks to some clumsy mistake he did, such as accidently shutting the laptop really loud, falling off the bed, making you head roll off his shoulder, or the most common for some reason... Spilling a drink on you because he's shaking.
° When you wake up, you have to tell him that it's alright to be natural when you're asleep. You don't want him to become a tense mess because of you, you'll have to reassure him quite a few times til he actually does this though. So overall, don't sleep on his shoulder or he'll become frozen.
You were watching some funny animal clips with Jisung on YouTube, and the clock was hitting midnight as your eyes began to feel heavy. You'd continuously yawn, and began snuggling closer and closer towards your boyfriend until you let sleep take over your body.
"Aww babe look at that pug-...Babe?" The moment he heard a soft snore is when he froze, gently shutting his laptop.
"Jisung, don't tense up you're shoulders are becoming too hard." You whispered, pushing both you and your boyfriend down to the pillows.
You tiredly pushed yourself into his chest, hearing his heartbeat slowly become a normal pace. You shyly smiled before returning to dream land, not noticing Jisung's protective grip over your waist as he gave you a small kiss on the head. He secretly admired his sleeping beauty.
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° You will be glued to him whether you are sleepy or not, he loves cuddles and who better to give them to him rather than his own lover? Will rub his cheek against your head, usually zoning out but it's still cute nonetheless. When you finally fall asleep on him, expect lots of head kisses.
° He was once giving you a shoulder massage in bed, when you fell back into him because you fell asleep. He couldn't contain his laughter, waking you up immediately to his disappointment. But that moment will forever be stuck in memories, always going back to it for a laugh.
° If the roles are reversed and he's the tired one, you'll be melting for two reasons. He'll be clinging to you nonstop, and he will also not stop mumbling about everything he loves about you. Felix will not hold back when he's tired, and he sometimes won't remember it the next day.
° It's a ritual between you two to have a long soft kiss before you both go to sleep, so if you fall asleep before the kiss he'll simply kiss you while your asleep. This makes you stir softly, but it's not enough to wake you up. He also likes to wake you up with kisses, even if you have morning breath.
"You're already asleep aren't you?" Felix whispered, glancing down to see your shut eyes and slightly parted lips.
He sighed to himself, content with the warmth of your pajamas and the cozy weight you laid onto him. Felix couldn't go to bed without your kiss, so he gently cupped your face and placed the most gentle kiss to your lips. He acted as if you were made of the most breakable glass.
You loved kisses from your boyfriend, so he knew you'd feel a bit bad for missing the goodnight ritual. So he made a promise to himself to give you more kisses in the morning so you don't feel bad, you were clingy in a way but he loved you for it.
"Goodnight lovely." Felix murmured, softly pulling you close to him before he leaned over to shut the lamp off.
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° Everyone always categorized you and Seungmin as one of the cutest couples in existence, and they weren't wrong about it. The member's would often catch you two snuggling in bed whispering the night away, going on late night adventures, and playing guitar together.
° You didn't know guitar overly well, so Seungmin would teach you. He'd sit you on his lap, guiding your fingers to the proper chords. You honestly had trouble focusing on the instrument when the whole situation was so cliché and romantic. You'd both end up laughing by the cheesiness of it all.
° If either of you wanted to take a nap. The other would follow and nap with them. You two always slept together, so much so that it was impossible to sleep for either of you when he was on tour. So whenever he came back, both of you would be inseparable and burrito yourselves in blankets.
° Seungmin was chatting about some moments on tour, when he heard you snoring quietly on his chest. He couldn't help but laugh to himself, not believing that you've texted him messages over and over about wanting to see him and here you were asleep as he told you some stories.
"I've been here for 3 hours and you're already bored of me?" Seungmin teased, watching as you snuggled further into his neck.
He knew why you were tired, you waited at the airport for hours and had a lot of trouble sleeping without him. He simply just liked to tease you lightly, adoring your whining voice when you defend yourself. Seungmin was also relived you were sleepy since he was quite tired himself.
"I'm just tired Seungmin, I'll never get bored of you." You replied, placing a small kiss to his lips as his face burned pink.
The moment your lips detached, he hovered over you before gently laying on top of you. You both let out a tired and content sigh as you held each other tightly. Your hands raking through his hair as he placed fluttering kisses against your collarbone. Both of you asleep in seconds.
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° Jeongin was comfortable he couldn't help it, he wore soft clothes, was great to hug, and placed the sweetest kisses. It came to no surprise when you found yourself latching onto him constantly, always putting a smile on his face thank to your cuddly nature. Only you could hug him like that.
° You can often be seen wearing his clothes, especially the ones he never wears our the ones he left behind while on tour. Jeongin has seen you dead asleep in his clothes on multiple occasions, but it never fails to become a great wallpaper so he smiles everytime he sees it.
° Likes dipping his hands under the hoodie to rub your back, especially if it's cold out since your body is so warm from being covered in his hoodie all day. Will press small kisses to the edge of your jaw, making you giggle in your sleep due to the tickling feeling he gives you.
° You will wake up sometimes and pull his head forward so you can kiss him to sleep, calming his hyper antics until he falls asleep with you. Once he's tired enough, you'll dip your head under his chin and wrap yourself around his torso. Not missing his small 'I love you' .
You were fast asleep in your shared bed, failing to stay awake through the movie you've been waiting to see throughout the day. Your boyfriend's hoodie was simply too comfortable and led to you growing more and more sleepy by the minute. Now you were snoring away.
"My baby was too sleepy to stay awake and greet me." Jeongin whispered to himself, smiling at your sleep talking.
"No chicken for you." You whispered, still heavily asleep and not realizing how random you sounded.
Jeongin broke into a fit of laughter, making you jolt awake at the sudden loud noise. He explained what you said in your sleep, making you confused because you now couldn't even remember what the hell you were even dreaming about. Once the laughter died down, he quickly joined you in bed.
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noctumbra · 3 years
❝mutual❞: part two
summary ─ bucky didn’t mean to sneak into your apartment, but that was exactly what he did.
pairing ─ neighbor!bucky barnes x reader [thor odinson x reader]
warnings ─ smut, +18, voyeurism at its damn best, bucky is being a little bit stalker, masturbation, oral sex, riding, sex with heels on, ejaculating on someone’s face, dirty talk, 
a/n ─ i know i’m supposed to be writing those 8′s but this one has been in the works for a while now, i had the idea i mean. i have been re-reading some the things i wrote for kinktober and came across to this one and went,,,, “why tf not”. as a result, you have this now :D there might be a part three, have couple things in mind for that one too but haven’t written anything yet. anyway, hope you like it! please leave a comment if you do! <333
p.s.: THIS STORY MIGHT INCLUDE DARK THEMES. please read it with caution.
read mutual here
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Bucky didn’t mean to sneak in, but that was exactly what he did.
It was late in the evening. You were out with your friends; you weren’t going to be home for at least another two hours, Bucky knew that by heart by now. After you came home from work and got ready for your night out hastily, you left your window ─yes, that window─ open and Bucky had been watching your curtains move gently for some time now. He wanted to know more about you, wanted to know a bit more personal things; your open window was calling to him softly.
Bucky didn’t mean to sneak into your apartment, but that was exactly what he did.
He looked around after slipping under the half-open window. He had seen your bedroom multiple times when you left your curtains open. The walls were a soft peachy color with posters of various bands on it. Your bed was right in front of the window; it was a classic one with gold colored metal headboard, a queen sized bed placed onto it and covered it with simple, white bedding. You had a lot of pillows, Bucky noticed, and a couple of stuffed animals adorning your dresser. He smiled.
Feet padding in the room quietly, Bucky walked inside of the apartment. Your living room was nicely decorated and had cozy vibes. Also white living room set had matched with light wood kitchen table and chair set; a soft, cream colored carpet was stroking Bucky’s sock-clad feet. You also had very thick knitted blanket on your largest couch. Bucky could so easily imagine you sitting on that couch, under that warm and soft looking blanket and dozing on and off while watching a movie.
Maybe he would be in the picture one day. Maybe he would be there to play with your hair, have you cuddle against him while both of you were under the blanket.
“One day,” he whispered to himself as he made his way towards the room with a closed door. He opened it slowly. It was mostly a library, but you must have been using it as an office, too. You had two huge bookshelves that were embedded into the both sides of the wall and a large desk in between with a very nice reading armchair. You had several plants in the room, too, and that made Bucky smile one more time.
As he made his way back to your bedroom, Bucky heard a soft ‘meow’ and realized that there was an orange, chunky cat.
“Oh,” he chuckled, surprised. “Hello there, sweetie.” Kneeling, Bucky extended his hand to the cat to smell it and then scratched her chin. The cat let out a playful ‘mrr’ sound and rolled onto her back, showing her belly to Bucky, asking him to rub it. Laughing happily, Bucky rubbed her belly, sometimes giving a couple scratches to under her chin and between her ears. “You’re one beautiful and cute fat cat,” he murmured lovingly. The cat mrr-ed at him, making him chuckle once again.
He petted her for a couple more minutes, getting the cat purr and meow at him. Then, he stood where he was crouched down and made his way back to your bedroom. Bucky lay on your bed. It was soft and your duvet was thick; it felt like someone was hugging him. He hummed, satisfied. Just as he was imagining how it would be laying on this bed with you, naked, he heard the key jiggling and door opening with a force. Bucky quickly got off the bed and, knowing that he couldn’t make it on time, he hid into your closet.
You marched in with a huge blond on tow.
Your coat was off, and you were taking off your dress as the guy devoured you with his lips. He was also shedding his own clothes; ditching his jacket on the ground, taking his shirt off when you pulled back for a brief oxygen break… Then, it was your fingers reaching for his belt, pulling it off and letting it fall on the ground with a loud ‘thunk’.
“You’re magnificent, my God,” the guy rumbled with a hoarse voice. Bucky watched you shudder and looking up at him with lust swimming in your eyes. The guy grabbed you by your waist and threw you on the bed, causing you to gasp and bounce on the soft duvet a couple times. Bucky’s breathing was getting quicker as he watched you.
“Oh, fuck, Thor─” You moaned, but Thor cut it off by planting his lips onto yours. His hips were cradled by your beautiful legs, he rolled them against you. You whimpered into his mouth.
Bucky exhaled through his nose, refusing to press his palm against his bulge for some friction and maybe some relief. Seeing you naked except your heels right in front of him, onto the bed he was just laying on, and hearing your moans up close… Bucky was in a dream where you were torturing him so sweetly.
“You’re so beautiful,” Thor whispered. “Mm, you can get louder, can you not?” He rolled his hips against your wet core and you moaned loudly, just like wanted you to. Thor smirked while Bucky whimpered, feeling his cock throb. “Yes, you can,” he mumbled and kissed the valley between your breasts.
Taking a deep breath, Bucky closed his eyes for a second. The situation he was in was bad enough; he really did not need a boner to go with it, but he could see the tent his bulge was creating in his sweats. He cursed himself, as silent as he could be, and opened his eyes.
The scene before him almost made him moan loudly.
Thor was on his by the edge of your bed; his blond hair covered head was buried between your legs and Bucky could tell by the way you fucking scream and moan that he was going to town on your pussy.
Oh, how much Bucky wished to be this Thor guy…
“Oh! Thor! Thor, fuck─” You threw your head back and fisted the sheets. Your eyes were closed and your face was covered with this blissful look. Bucky swallowed a whine. Hearing Thor slurping, his eyes moved to him. Thor pulled back to play with you with his fingers, giving Bucky a sight of your dripping core.
“Fuck,” Bucky whispered to himself and pulled his sweats down to his thighs. He didn’t want to think about the consequences if he were to caught, but he was so having this little thing for himself and his selfish wishes.
You choked on a moan when Thor slipped two of his thick fingers into your wet pussy. “You’re so wet, little one,” he rumbled a groan out. “So tight, too. I can tell that you’re going to feel amazing, bouncing on my cock.”
“Yes! I want that!” You whimpered. Thor’s thick fingers were moving inside of you smoothly, stimulating your already wet core even more. “Please, fuck, Thor, please!” Thor shushed you sweetly by rubbing your thighs and peppering kisses on the available skin in front of him. He took his jeans off.
He wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“Oh, shit,” Bucky gasped silently as he saw Thor’s cock. He heard a similar sound coming from you, too.
Thor was hung like a fucking horse. He was long and thick, and holy shit, he was mouthwatering.
“Holy shit,” you breathed. Biting your lip as you whimper, you widened the stance of your legs; your eyes focused on Thor’s cock. Thor chuckled darkly. He located his pants and pulled his wallet out, fishing a condom from it.
“You want to ride it, little one? Or you want me to take over?” Thor asked sweetly. Bucky knew that he was about to fuck your brains out of the open window. You whined as you tried to decide. Both options sounded great and it was hard to decide; Bucky knew the feeling.
“Ride you,” you breathed. “Headboard, please.” Thor smiled and leaned in to steal a kiss. You gave him that, preening under the feeling of his huge body covering yours.
Then, Thor rolled over and leaned against the metal headboard like you requested. You quickly climbed on his lap, settling on his groin. Both of you moaned when your bare sexes touched each other while Bucky squeezed the base of his cock to stop himself from coming before the real show started. You rose to your knees, grabbed Thor’s cock and lined it up.
“Shit,” Bucky breathed. He never wanted to be someone else as badly as he wanted at that moment. “Fuck.” His hands were trembling as he held his own cock and balls, squeezing them as tight as he could; almost mimicking how you might feel around him.
You slowly sank down on the huge cock that was splitting you open. Thor groaned deep in his chest while you whimpered. You were going slow, being careful, and Bucky was losing his damn mind as his eyes focused on the way of Thor’s cock getting swallowed by your wet pussy.
“Oh, fuck, Thor, you feel so good,” you moaned. Thor just hummed. His large hands were holding your hips; sometimes they would move down to your thighs or sometimes they would squeeze your breasts. Right now, there were on your hips and holding you tight and close to him as you panted through the feeling of his cock inside of you.
Bucky moved his hand on his member, feeling the veins bulging and tender flesh throbbing in his palm. The sight he had a chance to see was so perfect, Bucky knew that no can kind porn could compete with it.
After a minute of cooling down and adjusting on your part, you started to move. Whenever your wet pussy moved onto Thor’s thick cock, a wet sound echoed in the room. Your already sweat-slicked skin was also making an obscene sound; driving you insane and encouraging you to ride Thor faster.  
“You’re so good,” Thor groaned. “Taking me so well, mmm.” One of his hands found your breast and he squeezed the soft flesh. His fingers were playing with your nipple when you felt him thrusting up like he just couldn’t hold himself back.
“Yeah,” you moaned when he thrusted up again. “Yeah, yeah, do it!” Gripping the headboard tightly, you felt Thor bending his knees and placing his hand on your breast back on your hips. You bounced up and down for a couple more times before Thor took over.
Every single of his thrusts were lighting up some place in your body, making you see starts and fireworks in front of your eyes and causing your thighs to tremble. His cock head was repeatedly hitting or grazing over your sweet spot. The only way you were able to thank him was to scream his name while he played your body like an instrument.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck─” Bucky whispered to himself as his hand flied over his cock, jacking it in a light speed. He could see how Thor drove his cock into you with every thrust, could hear the sounds your wet pussy always let out, and fuck him, you sounded so fucking good. Letting out a ragged breath, Bucky slowed down. As much as he’d love to jack himself fast and reach his orgasm quickly, it made too much noise.
“Mmhhm, Thor, there!” Your whimper cut through the haze of Bucky’s mind, pulling him back to the scene before him. Your screams and moans and whimper got louder as Thor himself started to grunt more and more. Bucky could see them getting close to their own edge; their sweat-slicked bodies were glowing under the soft light of the street, their breaths were coming out harsher and their movements have become desperate.
For a while, it was only harsh breaths and skin slapping skin sounds mixing each other; moans and grunts were echoing in the room, Bucky thought he could taste the sex in the air if he tried.
“Where do you want me to come, little one?” Thor asked you, his voice was rough, a roar under it made you shiver. “Hm? On your face? On your ass? In your cunt?”
“Oh, shit,” whispered Bucky as he felt his balls tighten and his cock jerk wildly in his palm.
Whimpering, you held onto the headboard tighter. “On my face. Mm, please, come on my face,” you moaned. Thor grunted. His thrusts picked the pace like it was fucking possible and soon, you were gasping your release. Bucky gasped, too, cursing himself at the same time, he came on his hand. Your bliss covered face had imprinted on his mind now, and he knew he would be pulling that look out whenever he was going to jerk off.
Growling, Thor threw you off of him and laid you on your back, almost ripping the condom off his cock. His large hand flied over the hard flesh. Bucky could see how red the man’s neck and chest were, how the veins on his arms were bulging and how his cock was jerking in his hand; almost purple with how close he was to his orgasm.
You spread your legs, arching your back; you opened your moaned and stuck your tongue out, practically begging him to come on your face. Thor roared, and his cock started to spurt thick, white roped right onto your face.
Bucky watched his come land on your eyelashes, your lips and some in your mouth. Bucky whined very silently. His spent cock was twitching weakly, knowing that if it could, it would get hard again at the sight of your face covered in come, but he wasn’t young anymore.
“That’s a good little girl,” Thor rasped. His thumb collecting the come on your face, he pushed them into your mouth. You closed your mouth around his thumb when he did it, sucking it clean and humming appreciatively through it. “Fuck, little one, you’re so amazing,” Thor whispered. You laughed breathily. Bucky could see you shying away now that the scene was over.
“Glad you like it,” you murmured, wrapping your legs around his waist tightly. Thor smiled. His hands were quick to place themselves onto your thighs, he pulled you closer to his chest.
“Can we shower together?” He asked. “I have to go back after that, but I would love to reunite for something like this again.” You hummed as you grabbed onto his shoulders.
“Sure, bathroom is there,” you said, pointing the door right next to where Bucky was hiding. “Also, yeah, please. I would love to reunite some time, too.” Thor smiled toothily at you and got off the bed with you in his arms, wrapped around his huge body like a koala.
“Alright,” Thor said and walked into the bathroom. “You start the water, I’ll be right back.” Agreeing silently, Bucky heard you starting the water and taking off your heels, having heard the soft clinking sound they made when you threw them on the tiled floor. Thor walked into his sight again. He was gloriously naked, and it seemed like he didn’t care about the open window or the curtain. Bucky’s steel blue eyes watched him grabbing his phone and tapping onto it, only to leave it on the bedside drawer. Before he stepped into the bathroom, he stood in front of your closet, where Bucky was hiding still.
“Hope you enjoy the show, mate,” Thor said to Bucky and winked, smiling yet again. Freezing on his spot, Bucky vaguely heard him joining you in the bathroom; the door was closed silently behind him. His heart in his mouth, Bucky quietly got out of your closet, wiping his hand on his sweats, he quickly jumped back in his apartment.
Thor knew he was there, watching them.
Thor knew he was there.
“God, fuck me,” Bucky whispered.
Fuck him for finding it hot and getting turned on by that.
Fuck him for wanting you to be his, wanting you to be to get you to moan, whimper and scream the way Thor did.
Oh, fuck him for knowing that he was going to make you his sooner or later.
He was going to make you his and his only, and the day he was going to that was right around the corner.
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underoostarks · 2 years
Shifting Realities (2)
Summary: After years of being together, you finally told Tony about the truth— your ability to shift realities for your own desire.
Warnings: angst, a bit of fluff.
Word Count: 958
A/N: I'm new to writing fanfics so criticism are highly appreciated but please do approach me in a nicely manner! :)
A/A/N: If you wanted to see this chapter virtually you can go see it on my tiktok.
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Ever since the confrontation you did with Tony happened, many things have changed. And you thought that it's the main caused of it.
Well, at least you felt like it.
Tony has started to work more in the lab again after he made sure that you and Morgan were already in deep slumber. At least he thought you were.
He had already promised you before, when you're still carrying Morgan in your stomach, that he wouldn't let himself near in the lab again. He wouldn't distract himself again and wanted devote his time with you and your growing family.
You didn't have any problem with Tony working again. Because let's face it, that man that you're deeply in love with is workaholic and wouldn't stop unless his own body had given up.
You didn't want to stop him do what he wanted and have always loved to do. But it's killing you seeing how he spent hours and hours, locked up in his laboratory again. It hurts you that you couldn't do anything but watch him.
You've been with him since the beginning, you knew Tony so much from head to toe. You knew how he handle each situation he's in. And yet, no matter how hard the situation is, he never cry.
Sure, you've seen him tear up a bit, when he opened up about his past and his parents but seeing him now as you sneak outside of his laboratory, watching him from the corner, hearing his little sobs.
It breaks your heart.
You wanted to comfort him so much but you also knew how much he wanted to deal with his own enemies.
He hated showing you his fragile, and weak side but you've always reminded him that's it's okay.
You wouldn't love him any less even if he shows you everyday how hurt and broken he is on the inside.
Soon, his muffled sobs turns into sniffs as he began to continue what he's working.
You thought that it would be a great idea to give him coffee so you quietly made your way to the kitchen and made him one.
"Tony.." Your voice filling up his quiet laboratory, you walk towards him as you hold his coffee.
"Honey?" He asked, his voice sounding confused as he remembered leaving you sleeping.
"Yes? I brought you coffee." Your statement made him turned his body on you, and you see this as an opportunity to sit on his lap as you placed his warm coffee on the table near you.
He looked into your eyes and smile, his arms wrapped your waist in an instant as you wrapped yours in his neck. He leaned forward to you but stopped.
You sensed his hesitance so you smiled and captured his lips with yours, deepening the kiss.
"I'm not mad at you, okay?" You pulled away from the kiss as he take a sip of his coffee.
He looked at you with those very confusing eyes of his, the look that shows you how he's resisting himself from saying a thing.
"How about we take a walk later morning and talk about what you wanted to say?" You suggested which put a smile on his face. You really knew him so much.
"Sounds like a plan."
"But first, let's get you in bed, shall we?" You invited as you guide him back to your shared room. "You can continue that later in the afternoon."
Taking a glance at the clock, it's already 3 in the morning, meaning you could just nap before taking a walk with him in the near park.
You had Pepper took care of Morgan as you and Tony take a walk with Happy providing you security.
"You should see it on my perspective. I really think you should come back from the reality you really are from." Tired of Stark's antics. You stopped walking and looked at him.
"Fine. Be forward." Your voice stern, looking at his eyes straight, no where near joking. "Tell me why I need to stay away."
"I've thought about what you said and you knew how much I prioritize your safety."
"I know and I love you for that." You cut him off as you tried to show your affection.
"I love you too but that's not the point. Just consider it. The longer you stay with us," He explains, trying to make you understand what he's feeling. "I'm pulling you away from what you are supposed to experience and I don't want that. I always wanted the best for you."
You nodded, showing him that you understand his point.
"But I want to stay. With you and Morgan." You stated. Not hinting any sign of backing off from this discussion.
"I also want you too," You could see in his eyes that he's hurting as his voice broke a little. "But it hurts me to know that there is a safer place you could be instead of being with an Avenger."
And with that, you finally fully understand him. It's not just about what you're supposed to be receiving, it's not just about the experience. It's about him being a superhero who sacrifices himself for the greater good of many.
It's always been in his mind, he thought he's just a burden to you but what he didn't knew is that you'd do anything on your power just to see him smile.
And with that, you wanted to stay here so you could assure yourself that he really is happy.
"I don't care-"
"Just please consider it. I love you." He cut you off, giving you a 5 second kiss after.
And oh man, it just also makes you wanted to stay more with him.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Empty Mugs and Unexpected Hugs (H.O) 🔥
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Word count: 3.3K
Enemies to lovers
Warnings: Smut (fingering, unprotected sex *Wrap it up*) cussing, that’s probably it..
With Tom came Harrison, you knew that. What you didn't know was when you had agreed to a roommate situation with Tom, you were also agreeing to one with Haz. “Tom, you said ‘would you like to live with me.’ not ‘me and Haz’” you told him as you stared at the blonde boy who was carrying box after box. He opted to do this shirtless, despite the cold London breeze. A sheen layer of sweat glistened on his overly defined chest, and you hated the way you longed to reach out and touch him.
“I figured you just knew?” Tom said coyly rubbing the back of his neck as he saw the way you stared down his best friend. He wasn't blind, he knew the hatred you supposedly had towards Haz was something with much deeper roots, but anytime he tried to figure it out, you would deflect and change the subject.
“I'm not doing either of your dishes,” you said loudly enough to catch Harrison's attention.
“Wouldn't expect you to, princess,” he winked at you. With a loud groan, and a dramatic flip of your hair, you proceed to your empty room to unpack your things.
Living with Tom and Harrison was way more entertaining than you had ever thought possible. Most nights were spent at the dining room table with one to many empty beer bottles laid out in front of you, while you laughed and joked about things that were probably not funny. Of course there were also the quiet days when Tom was away filming with Haz in tow, and on those days you would usually have the company of one or both of the twins.
“You should just admit you love him,” Sam said suddenly while you were taking a sip of your beer, causing you to spit your drink all over the table.
“Sammy!” You cried out the sting of beer in your nostrils. “I do not,”
“Y/N, It's written all over your face,” Harry argued. They were supposed to be on your side, you had been friends with the twins for years, the only reason you even knew Tom, was because of Sam and Harry..
“I do not love Harrison,” You told them, but even you were unconvinced by your own words.
It was late when you heard the front door to the flat open. The twins had left a few hours prior, Tom was in the states, and Harrison was with him, so who was coming into the apartment?
You were in just a shirt, an old one of Harrison's you had taken a while back, and a pair of cheeky underwear. Tip toeing to your bedroom door and grabbing a golf club from your bag, you proceeded to sneak down the hallway to the large living area where the front door was. Your heart was pounding with the thought of having to defend the place against an intruder, in just your underwear nonetheless. You saw a shadow, next to the couch, and raised the club ready to attack. As soon as you went for it, the lamp flicked on and Harrison saw you charging towards him with a golf club. Luckily he had fast reflexes, catching the club in one hand and your quickly moving body in the other. “Christ Y/N. What are you doing?” he asked, holding your body close to his. You felt your muscles relax into him, thankful he was in fact not an intruder, and you wouldn't have to explain why there was an intruder beaten and bloody by your hand to the authorities.
“I thought you were a robber,” You admitted coyly, stepping back a bit to look at him. His piercing blue eyes looked deep into yours, a small smile on his lips as his eyes trailed down your overly exposed body.
“So you would charge at an intruder with a bright pink putter, in just your underwear?” he asked you. “Also is that my shirt?” you could feel your cheeks heat up. You pushed away from his body with a scoff and turned to go back to your room, already done with him, but his hand caught your wrist, pulling your body back into his arms. His grip was tight as he held your body close to his. Something was off. Something was wrong. This was abnormal, Haz without Tom, and showing you any sort of affection.
“Hazzy, why are you home?” You asked, finally wrapping your arms around his waist, accepting the unexpected hug that you usually would not share with Him.
“Family stuff, I've been back for a few days. Just been with my mom,” He said, still holding you. You instinctively hug him tighter, getting the feeling that something bad had happened.
“You okay?” You asked him quietly. To which he just hummed into your head, still holding you.
“Better now,” He whispers. You're so confused, and exposed. You hear the twins' voices in the back of your head. ‘Just admit it, you love him.’ Was that what you had been feeling for months on end? Is that the feeling you were feeling now, making your stomach turn? “I missed you,” He whispers and you swear you could feel him press a kiss against the top of your head. It's too much, so suddenly.
“I need to..” you push your body away, scrambling to find any words to get you away, your mind is clouded by thoughts and feelings. “Pants,” You finally let out, leaving Harrison in the living room, stunned at how flustered you had become in the matter of a millisecond.
As soon as you're back in your room, you let out a groan, you're so confused. He missed you? You? y/n? Why would he miss you? All the two of you did was bicker, bicker and flirt. Flirt. Because you did in fact have feelings for Harrison. Feelings that were not not supposed to be had towards him..
“Y/N? Can I come in?” you haven't even put on pants yet when his voice calls to you through the closed door.
“Sure,” You call out to him, desperately searching your floor for the discarded sweats you had had on a few hours before. Nowhere, great. He cleared his throat from behind you, while you were bent over, ass on full display. Fully aware now, of how exposed you are you decide to just crawl under your blanket on your bed.
“Did I do something?” He asked, concern plastered all over his face.
“What? No, why would you think-”
“You just ran from me, like literally ran, after trying to attack me with a golf club,” He points out, making you cringe.
“I- Uh, yeah. I'm sorry about nearly attacking you,” You mumble, a little more embarrassed than you'd like to admit.
“So why'd you run away?” he pondered, watching you closely as you struggled to find your words. Unbeknownst to you Harrison was also having an internal crisis. You were Y/N. Someone Tom considered a little sister, Harry and Sam's best friend, but he couldn't help the way that you made him smile every time you couldn't open a jar, and would defeatedly ask him for help after way too long of attempting it yourself. Or the way you would curse at the line of dirt that you could never seem to sweep into the dustpan. The way you would always make a cup of tea before finishing the last, leaving so many mugs with a single drink all over the place, something that would drive any other person crazy, but he just found it endearing, and was sure if it ever stopped, he would miss it.
“You said you missed me,” You finally managed to say, making a smile spread over Harrison's lips. He took a chance, stepping into your room, towards where you were sitting on the bed, and when you didn't object, he crossed the empty space sitting right next to you.
“I did miss you,” He said, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently.
“We fight, and argue,” You started, obviously ready to explain all the reasons he shouldn't have missed you.
“And we flirt, and share memories, and glances. You drive me nuts y/n. But the second I step out that door, I miss it all. The obnoxious quirks, the way you can't pronounce some things correctly, no matter how often I correct you. I miss hearing you call out goodnight to me in the nighttime, and how you always wish me to have sweet dreams. I don't know when, or why it happened, but yeah. When I'm gone I miss you,” you feel a tear escape your eye at his confession, not sure exactly what to say or think for that matter. His finger caresses your cheek wiping the tear from your face.
“Haz?” You whisper.
“Yes?” He asks, full attention turned to you.
“I miss you when you're gone too,” You finally admit, a weight lifting from your chest. He's thankful to know his feelings aren't completely one sided. Your admission of missing him is at least enough to confirm that you don't actually hate him. “Can I be honest?” You ask, catching even yourself off guard.
“Please,” He says, waiting for you to say whatever you had to say.
“I- '' You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for rejection and embarrassment, but if you wait much longer, you'll never say what you have to. “I get so irritated with you, because everything you do just draws me in. I can't not stare, or listen. It drives me nuts, to be so flustered by everything that you do, and it's the simple things Haz, the way you insist on sitting on the left side of the couch, or how you always make sure I've eaten after a long day. The way you constantly clean up my mugs that I leave everywhere, and you have never once said a thing about them, even if you have had every right to,” you don't even want to look at him, afraid he will be appalled, but you have to say it. “I’m pretty sure I've managed to fall in love with you, while trying desperately to hate you,” you whisper.
That's enough of a confirmation for Harrison, that you're on the same page. With his hand gently on your face, pulling your chin up towards him, he leans in, pressing his lips ever so gently against yours. And the electricity that you both feel from the slightest touch? Fucking magic.
“I tried so hard not to love you,” He whispers. You look up at him through your lashes, his eyes gazing directly into yours, and it's like you're looking at the sky on a clear summer day. “And dear God did I fail,” he whispers, making you melt. He leans back down, this time kissing you with something so much more. It's meaningful, it's beautiful, it's everything you have wanted without realizing it. Your hands are against his chest, feeling each thud of his heart, while his are cupping your face. He kisses you like his life depends on it, and in that moment it surely feels like it does. He deepens the kiss, his tongue making its appearance in your mouth. It's everything and more. You wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to extend this moment forever, and his slip down to your waist, pulling you closer. He pulls away, and a soft whine escapes your lips.
“Tell me to stop,” He whispers, as he caresses your cheek. Eyes searching your face, making sure he's not crossing a line. You lean into his hand, closing your eyes and letting a soft humm leave your lips. With no objection from you, he reconnects your lips for a third time tonight. This time it's hot, so so hot. You can feel the ache forming in your stomach as his lips move from yours to your neck. You need him, you have to have him, just a little taste and you realize you have been starving. With a swift motion you're straddling him now, leaning down into him instead of leaning up, giving him so much more access to your neck and jaw, and then he remembers an unanswered question from before.
“This is my shirt,” He says, this time it's not a question, just a statement.
“Yeah,” You giggle. His eyebrows raise a bit as he remembers all the shirts that have seemingly disappeared over the last few months.
“Do you have others?” He asks. You feel like you have been caught red handed, nowhere to go or hide.
“I- Yes,” You admit. “I like to sleep in them,”
“In just your underwear?” He asks, to which you shyly nod. He throws his head back and lets out a dramatic sigh. He's done for, “That is so fucking hot,” he mutters before leaning back in taking your bottom lip between his and sucking it slightly. He feels his pants tighten as your hips grind into him instinctively, and you're so wet and warm he can practically feel it through his jeans.
“Hazzy,” you moan as he pushes you down onto him, providing a friction you desperately need, even though it's not what you want.
“What is it?” He asks you, as he does it a second time. Your head falls down onto his shoulder, and you don't know if you can even express what it is you want.
“Can you..” You trail off.
“Can i?” he asks, needing to hear you say it out loud.
“Touch me?” The words are like music to his ears, flipping you onto your back as he slips his hand between your bodies, running his fingers along the damp fabric of your ruined panties. The fact that you're this wet from just kissing is driving him crazy. He slips his hand into your panties, finally sliding his long digits along your slit. One thing about Harrison that drove you absolutely crazy was his hands, because dear god were they perfect, his long fingers and veiny tops, you'd be lying if you said you had never gotten off imagining his fingers in the place of yours, and now, actually having the real thing, you felt like you were flying.
As he slid his finger inside you, you let out a gasp, his being so much bigger than your own, and it being way too long since you had been with anyone.
“Say the word and I'll stop,” He says, as he looks at your face twisted in pleasure, but he can't tell that it's not pain, he's never seen you like this before. This is a whole new territory.
“Please.. Please don't,” You nearly beg as your hips buck against his hand. The smirk that replaces the concern on his face is unbelievably hot, his pupils are blown with lust and you're sure yours are as well. He thrusts his one finger in and out grazing against your spot each and every time, his palm rubbing your clit as he does so. You're going to lose it, this is so much better than you could have ever imagined. He pulls his finger out, causing a whine from you, which quickly turns to a gasp as he replaces it with two. If you're falling apart to his fingers you're not sure how you'll be able to handle his cock.
“Hazzy,” You moan out, right on the brink of losing it.
“Come on my fingers princess,” He coos, and that is precisely what you do, your whole body shakes in pleasure, and your toes curl, and he keeps going, as your walls squeeze tightly around his fingers.
Once your legs finally stop shaking he pulls his hand away, and although that was probably the most powerful orgasm you had ever had, it is not nearly enough. “Haz.” You say quietly as he peppers kisses on your neck.
“Hmm?” He hums.
“Need more, need you,” you say, and his head peaks up, a smile on his face, a bit in excitement, a bit in surprise.
“You sure?” he asks, to which you respond by kissing him, you nibble at his bottom lip, and he lets out a moan. You reach down unbuttoning his jeans and sliding his zipper down, and he assists you in pulling them down. You can clearly see his length through his boxers, his cock, rock hard and leaking on to his boxers, it's flattering. You let your fingers trail his length and you can feel his eyes on your hand, and you're not sure if he's worried, nervous, or excited. You slide his boxers down and his cock springs free, and you can see the violent red hue of the tip, he's begging to be touched and he hasn't even said a thing. You wrap your hand around him and he lets out a gasp at the sudden contact, you stroke your hand up and down a few times before, he pushes you back onto the bed and climbs over you. He slides his fingers in the hem of your panties and slowly drags them down your legs, before dropping them to the floor, and then takes his time lifting his shirt over his head, exposing his chest, you follow suit, and throw the shirt you had on to the ground. You're both completely naked now, no turning back, you've made it this far already.
"Y/n, baby we don't have to," he whispers against your ear.
"Hazzy, stop worrying and fuck me please," you nearly beg as you pull his lips to yours in a desperately hungry kiss.
"Christ," he mutters as he lines himself at your entrance, pushing into you at a slow, agonizing speed. Of course he's only doing this to make sure you're ok, his fingers seemed like so much to your tight pussy he's worried he's going to hurt you. But the way you moan out his name gives him full confidence that you in fact are fine. Once he's fully sure you're fine to take him, he speeds up his thrusts, finding a place that is perfect for the both of you. Your legs wrap around his waist as he pounds into you. You're not sure you're going to last long.
"Not gonna last," you moan into his lips.
"S'okay, me either," he says back. He slips his hand down, rubbing your clit strategically. You let out another loud moan before his name leaves your lips, repeatedly as you convulse around his cock, and it's only one more thrust before he completely empties himself into you.
It's a few quiet moments of your bodies laying flush against each other, enjoying the afterglow of sex. "I'm gonna clean you up," he whispers in your ear before pushing himself up and off of you. He disappears from the room for what feels like an eternity, but is back within a minute with a warm rag and a glass of water, and he then cleans you up, being gentle with how sensitive you now are.
Your eyes get heavy after everything is said and done, and you're worried he's going to disappear from your room, but he lays next to you instead. Pulling you into his arms.
"Hazzy?" You whisper after a few minutes.
"Is everything ok with your family?" You ask, getting worried this may have been a lapse in judgement on his part because of heightened emotions.
"Yes. Char decided to give us a scare and disappear for a weekend, so I came back to try and keep my mom from murdering her," he admitted with a chuckle.
"Oh," you giggled.
"Y/n?" He whispers.
"I meant it. I missed you," he says, pressing a kiss atop of your head. You smile before falling asleep in his arms. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe it would be forever. All you knew was it felt right.
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jonmartin for 13? :)
i have absolutely no restraint and cannot write anything short im so sorry. this is a mag 102 au where martin finds out jon was kidnapped sooner. warning for discussion of this kidnapping as depicted in the episode, and the aftermath of recovering from this. also here on ao3.
13. things you said at the kitchen table
In the end, it's Melanie who tells Martin Jon's been kidnapped. Catches him in the break room, irritated and banging around the mugs, and she drops it into a sentence like it's something casual to be communicated. Oh yeah, Jon's back. Guess he's been kidnapped or something, and something sharp presses into Martin's chest, something like urgency. He's pushed his way out of his chair and halfway towards the door in a blind sort of franticness before Melanie catches him by the arm. "He's fine, you know," she says. "He looks… I mean, he doesn't look good, but he…"
"A month, " says Martin, feeling sick. "A month, he's been gone, and we… we didn't…"
"We didn't know, " Melanie says annoyedly, but there's a tiny pinprick of guilt in her voice, too. "He… he wasn't here before. You know that."
Right, Martin thinks, because you're probably the person he talked to most before he disappeared, and then he immediately feels guilty. Jon's been kidnapped, and he's… he's just… "Where is he?" he says, softer this time. (The bite's still in his voice, a little bit. He isn't sure who to be furious at, but it's hard not to be under the circumstances.) "Has… has he left?"
"Uh… no, I don't think so," says Melanie. "He… he said he was going to go lie down."
Martin knows, immediately, where he is, and he tries not to wince at it; he remembers sleeping there every night, scared out of his mind on that little cot, he doesn't know how Jon stands it. "I'm going to go check on him," he says. "I… he shouldn't… I'm going to go check."
Melanie lets go of his arm. "I think Elias knew," she says darkly. "Jon said it and he didn't even bat an eye. He knew, and he didn't tell us."
Something twists in Martin, something that he pushes aside—doesn't matter, not yet, all that matters right now is making sure Jon is all right. He nods a little, at Melanie, and then he pushes out of the break room and down towards the office. Tim is out for the day (not surprising), and Basira is reading at her desk; she doesn't look up when Martin comes through. Martin goes to the storage room where the cot is, where he knows it still is, and raps his knuckles quietly on the door frame before opening the door. 
Jon jumps, when Martin enters, in a way that instantly makes Martin shrink back with guilt. He's huddled on the cot, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and he looks awful. Thinner, hair shaggier than when Martin saw him last. He looks exhausted, leaning towards the wall like he needs it to hold him up, and his arms are wrapped around himself in a protective sort of way. "... Martin?" he says, voice thin, and Martin honestly can't tell if he's happy to see him or not. 
"... Hi," Martin says, honestly not sure what to say. (What do you say in a situation like this?)  He chews at his lower lip, reaching for what to say— Are you all right doesn't seem appropriate, when Jon is so clearly not, but it's what he comes up with, his voice shaking a little when he asks it. 
Jon laughs, bitter, and uncoils his arms from around himself, relaxing a little. "Honestly? Honestly, not really, Martin. I… it's been…" He lifts a hand to press against his forehead; his sleeves fall down and Martin winces, immediately, at the red marks on his wrist, where he must've been restrained. "It's… it's, uh, really good to see you, Martin," he adds, softly. 
Martin presses a hand to his mouth, just for a minute; he's torn, he doesn't want Jon to see him upset, not when he's… "Melanie… told me," he tries. "What you… and I didn't… Jon, I'm so sorry. We had no idea, I… I swear, if we'd known, we would've…" 
Jon sits up a little straighter, something flashing in his eyes. "Hey… hey, no, Martin, it's… i-it wasn't your fault, it's all right, it's… t-there was no way to find me, and I hadn't really been… around before then, and it…" He breaks off his words, clutching a little harder at the blanket. "... Elias didn't deem it worth telling anyone," he adds, with a wry laugh. 
Martin takes a few steps closer, trying his damndest not to fall apart (at the fact that Jon looks like this, that Jon's been gone a month, that Jon is somehow trying to comfort him when he's…). "You aren't… d-did they hurt you?" he asks, uncertain who they even are. 
Jon flinches a little, looks down at his feet. "No, n-not… not really. I… not, um…" He laughs a little again, a hollow sound. "I'm just so tired. "
Martin stops, a few feet away; he thinks about touching Jon, some sign of comfort, a hand on his shoulder or—but no, that wouldn't be—he can't do that, not when Jon's just been kidnapped, it's probably the last thing he wants, to be abruptly touched. He does what he can do, instead; he says, "Jon, d-do you have anywhere… er, there's a… there's a reason you're staying here, isn't there? Wh-what about your friend you were staying with, could you go back there?"
Jon immediately, vehemently shakes his head. "I-I can't go back. Not if, n-not after… th-they came there before, they found me there, and if I go back… I-I told Georgie I'd leave. I can't bring her into this. I can't. If they came back…" 
"Okay," says Martin. "Okay, that's…" He crouches a little, feeling awkward as he does it, but he can't shake this feeling of—of looming over Jon. "Y-you can't stay here, Jon. This cot is horrible, i-it's… it's not a place for recovery, it's…"
"I'm going to find a place," Jon says softly. "I just… I need to sleep. First." 
"You shouldn't stay here, though," says Martin, "not after… you need a bed, a real bed, Jon. I…" He stops, halfway considers for a second. Starts again, because what else is he going to do? "C-come stay with me."
Jon looks up, shocked, but he doesn't immediately protest, so Martin continues: "Sleep on a real bed, recover, j-just until you're… I mean, my bed isn't great, but it's better than a cot, especially after…" He stops. He doesn't know what to say. "Just… you deserve something better than that, right now," he tries. 
Jon shakes his head, just a little. "Martin, I can't. I… i-if they came for me again, then you would…"
"I don't care," Martin says, firmer this time. (If Jon doesn't want to come back with him, fine, but he won't let that be the reason.)
"Martin, i-if anything were to happen, i-if you got caught in the crosshairs, I'd…"
"Really, Jon, I don't care. I'm not going to let them take you again, so you can put that thought out of your mind." Martin adjusts his position—it's uncomfortable, squatting like this, but making sure Jon feels safe is more important. (If it's even helping at all.) "You said you didn't want to put your friend in danger because she's out of this, right? Well—I'm in this. Pretty far into it, at this point, there's no getting out of it. So it doesn't matter. Okay?"
Jon worries at the edge of the blanket with his overlong nails. "... I… wouldn't want to impose…"
"You're not, Jon. I'm offering." Jon's still quiet. Martin shifts back into a standing position, because it really is uncomfortable, going slow; he adds, "It's the least I can do. Please."
Jon's hands are shaking. Martin can see it, now, and it's hard to watch; he's pushed a lot of fury back, just watching Jon now, still without any idea what's happened. "A—all right," Jon says quietly, finally, and his voice is thick, like he might cry. "Okay. Thank you. Thank you, Martin." And Martin feels a flood of relief at this, that Jon might be, at least, somewhat safe in his flat. 
They take a cab home. The Tube seems like it would be a lot. Jon really is exhausted, huddled up in an old coat despite the warm weather, leaning against the window in the back of the car. Martin shows him the bath and the bedroom, when they get home, says, "Let me know if you need anything," and leaves him alone. It feels like the right thing to do.
Martin stays in the living room. The anger begins to rise to the surface, then, coming out in bursts of nervous pacing and muttering (quietly, of course; he's had lots of practice with that, with Mum). He's furious at whoever took Jon (he isn't sure who, but he has a sneaking suspicion it's connected to the Unknowing), more furious at Elias for not telling them. He's going to say something this time, he thinks—march up there and give Elias a piece of his mind, or, or draft a furious email—and Martin has to stop there because it's all starting to sound ridiculous. He's going to say something now? He didn't say something when they found out Sasha died, when Elias told them that they were all trapped, but he's going to say something now? It sounds ridiculous, it does, and what would saying something do? Jon's back now, more or less safe, and there's nothing he can do now—no charging, triumphant rescues, nothing like that, all he can do is offer Jon his bathroom, somewhere safe to sleep. Shouting at Elias won't do a thing. 
(Martin wants to do something. He should've said something for Sasha, and he thinks he'll regret that forever, but if he couldn't then… well, he wants to have the courage to say something for Jon. But he doesn't. For some horrible reason, he can't.)
Jon sleeps for over fifteen hours, all afternoon and into the night. Martin sleeps on the couch. (He goes into the room to get the extra blanket and a change of clothes, and for a moment, he worries he'll wake Jon, but he must be quiet enough. Jon doesn't wake; he makes a strained sound in his sleep and turns over, curling in protectively on himself, but he doesn't wake up. Martin wants to go over there, kneel by the bed and hold Jon's hand, climb into bed and hold Jon and make sure he isn't hurt again. He doesn't. He doesn't have that with Jon, and now isn't the time, he can't scare Jon, make him uncomfortable, he has to leave Jon alone.) Jon's still asleep when Martin wakes hours later, tangled in his blanket on the couch, restless and on alert. He stares at the front door, tensing like he expects someone to come in (someone coming back for Jon), but nothing does. The apartment stays quiet. 
Martin gets up to make tea. It's still early, still dark outside, but he can't go back to sleep, he can't relax. He puts on the kettle and sits at the table, opens a packet of biscuits to munch on absently. Something to do. Something to do besides sit and think. 
The door creaks, abruptly, and Martin's head shoots up to see Jon, leaving the bedroom, looking dwarfed in one of Martin's rumpled jumpers. He looks at Martin with a tired sort of tentativeness and says, "Hi," softly.
"Hi, Jon," says Martin, his own voice too soft. "How… how did you sleep?"
Jon rubs at his throat, an absent sort of motion, and pads across the floor to the table. "I… well, actually. Very well. Best… best sleep I've had in a month." 
Martin's heart breaks a little, and he pretends it doesn't. Jon motions to the empty chair beside him and says,  "Do you mind if I…"
"No, no, of course not," says Martin quickly. "... D'you want some tea?"
A funny look passes over Jon's face as he sits and he says, "Yes. Yes, I… tea sounds amazing, Martin."
Martin gets up to get out another mug, to get out the milk and sugar. "I can make you something to eat, too," he says, and immediately feels horrible for not suggesting it earlier. (He doesn't want to speculate about when Jon's last eaten.) " Christ, why didn't I… I'm so sorry, Jon, you must be starving. I should've…"
"Don't, Martin, it's… I-I'm fine," says Jon. "Honestly, I… I-I can eat in a little bit, I'm not really hungry."
Martin bites his lower lip too hard and grimaces at the sudden burst of pain. "Okay," he murmurs. "Just… let me know when you're ready."
"I will," says Jon. 
There's silence for a few moments aside from Martin puttering around the tiny kitchen. It feels strangely domestic in a way that Martin isn't used to; he hasn't lived with anyone since Mum. He and Jon have shared meals before—they did it often, before Jon went on the run because they'd thought he was a murderer—and Martin's made him tea a dozen times, but it's never like… this. Quiet and natural, like they've done it a dozen times. Jon's staring down at the table, tracing a pattern cut into the top with an absent finger; he's shivering, in his chair, and Martin makes a mental note to turn on the heat. And then the kettle goes off, a sharp sound in the silent room, and Jon's jumping, jolting nearly out of his chair with huge, panicked eyes. 
"Sorry, sorry!" Martin says in a rush, reaching to yank the kettle off the eye. "Sorry—I-I forgot it was there."
"I-i-it's all right," Jon says. He's tensed against the table, his palms pressed to the top, like he's waiting for a bomb to go off, but he looks at Martin and he says, "Just a… little on edge, b-but really, it's fine."
Martin's chest aches as he fixes the tea. All of him aches, a guilt he can't really put his finger on—he didn't notice Jon was gone, he couldn't go after him, and now he can't even get to the kettle quick enough to keep from scaring Jon out of his wits. He doesn't say anything, though, besides another murmured, "Sorry," as he passes Jon the mug, and sits back down beside him. 
Jon holds onto the mug with both hands, like he expects to be pulled away, inhales a bit before taking a drink. "I've… missed your tea, Martin," he says quietly, stiltedly, like it's difficult to say. "All this time." 
Martin blinks in genuine surprise at that—all this time, and he's wondered before if Jon was just tolerating the daily cups. "You're joking," he says with disbelief. 
"I'm not," says Jon—and it's stunningly familiar, that tone of voice. He smiles a little down into the mug. "Haven't had a decent cup since February—Georgie's a coffee drinker."
"The audacity, " Martin snorts, theatrically, some small attempt to keep Jon smiling like that. 
"Yes, well—that's what I told her," says Jon, still with that halfway smile. He looks up at Martin abruptly, and something shifts on his face, almost—almost guilt of his own, which makes no sense. He says, "Martin, I've… I've taken your bed, haven't I? You… you should've said something."
"No, I shouldn't have, and I won't," says Martin firmly. "I didn't bring you here to sleep on the couch, Jon, for god's sake. The bed is yours."
"Sleeping on a couch won't kill me, Martin—"
"And it won't kill me either. You're not talking me out of this, Jon."
"A couch would be an improvement over that cot— anything would be. I shouldn't have…" That same look passes over Jon's face: that something resembling guilt. "I should never have made you stay there," he nearly whispers. "For months on that cot, after what you'd…"
"Jon, don't," Martin says, and he reaches out suddenly, to cover Jon's hand where it lays on the table. Jon looks up at that, as if he's startled, and Martin yanks his hand back, but he doesn't bring it too far; he leaves it there, hovering just above Jon's. " Don't ," he says. "I-it was a long time ago, and it was… I didn't mind staying there, I wasn't… you gave me a way out, and I-I appreciated that. I still do, Jon. So don't, please. Don't beat yourself up over that."
"I should've offered you better," says Jon, something like disgust in his tone. "I should've… there are so many things I should've done better."
Well—he isn't wrong, Martin thinks, but—but there's a dozen things they both should've done better, and now isn't the time to discuss them all, so Martin just says, "Don't," again. "Please. You don't have to… it's okay. It is. " And after a moment, Jon nods. He hasn't moved his hand away, but Martin feels odd, leaving his hovering there, so he just pulls it back.
They drink tea in silence for a few minutes. It's a pleasant silence, one that, under different circumstances, Martin might allow himself to hope for every day. It's several long moments before Jon speaks again, his voice rasping and small—he says, "It was the Circus. That took me. T-the one we've been looking for, planning the ritual. They'd… they planned it, they were watching me and they came."
Martin tries not to flinch, tries to ignore what feels like his insides grinding themselves together. Jon keeps talking after a moment; he says, "They… they wanted my skin. For the ritual. They… kept me for that, so they could… skin me. They were waiting for that."
Martin can't stop the words this time, when they push their way out; he says, "Oh, Christ, " like air being pushed out of him, like a sucker punch. He says, "Jon…" and his voice breaks, too, and something inside of him rips when Jon looks back at him, when he looks as if he might cry. 
"Um, Martin," he says, and he inclines his head tentatively towards Martin. "Do you mind… um, if I…"
His arms go out to the side a bit, and it's then that Martin realizes what Jon's asking for. He nods, immediately, and opens his arms, and Jon leans forward and into him so quickly that Martin wonders if he was waiting. 
Martin folds his arms around Jon gently, tentatively (one hand cupping the back of his head); he wants to cling, wants to hold Jon tight enough that nothing else would be able to take him, but he's afraid to hold on too tight. Jon, though, clings hard, his grip tight, his fingers digging desperately into the back of Martin's shirt. So Martin tightens his grip, and leans his head against Jon's, and lets Jon expel shaky breaths into his shoulder. He rubs tiny circles into Jon's back, murmurs, It's okay, it's okay now, and desperately wills it to be true. 
Minutes or hours later—it is impossible to be sure—Jon whispers, "Thank you," into Martin's shirt. He whispers it with a sort of finalty, but he makes no move to pull back. So Martin keeps holding him. 
"Jon… I'm so sorry," he says softly. "I'm so sorry. I… i-if I'd known. I swear, I would've come for you if I'd known." 
Jon takes another shuddering breath and looks up at him. His eyes are wet. There's something in his expression Martin can't quite place… reassurance, maybe. Or trust. "I know," he says. "Martin, I-I know you would've. I know." 
They sit there for a while longer, just like that, holding onto each other at Martin's kitchen table. 
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papercupids · 3 years
trapped - kim doyoung
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pairing - yandere!doyoung x gender neutral!reader
summary - you should have known better..
genre - yandere!au
warnings - yandere themes, a lot of manipulation, doyoung is a sly mf, mentions of an abusive household, running away from home, mentions of stitches, mentions of blood, they bury a dead body, doyoung kills someone.
word count - 2.6k
prompts used - ‘everyone’s gone now! no one can get in our way now. why deny our love?’ + ‘hopeless? you think i’m hopeless? sweetheart. pigeon. dove. don’t you see that you’re the one caged here’ from this prompt list 
a/n - i was in midst of completing this fic, couldn’t figure out the end when i came across this prompt list and honestly i couldn’t have completed it without it. shoutout to @go-shotaro for proofreading it <3
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Doyoung's sobs rang softly in the house as the loud noises from the television covered it well. You attempted to catch your breath, courtesy of running too fast after he texted you, “emergency”.
Now normally people would counter question each other, “what emergency?” And “what should i do?” But it was something you had established with him after you came to know about how both of your households had been abusive. And it was never to be taken lightly, april fools or not. No one from the two of you was allowed to text it except if it was really bad.
So hence why you ran with all the speed you could muster after sneaking out from your window. Chances of you getting caught were not absolutely zero but you thought about how your best friend could be in danger.
At present, his door was already unlocked, but you don’t pay much attention to it, the sobs absolutely making you fear for the worst.
and some smell. some metallic smell. Before you could recognise it as something you’ve smelled when you got cut while you were chopping off onions, you’re greeted with a pool of blood in the kitchen.
Pool of blood with a body. 
A body. His father’s body, precisely. 
There's a hollow pit in your stomach which digs deeper as you take the seriousness of the situation in, sirens going off in your brain. But you move your eyes all over the kitchen to find the source of the cries, your best friend.
he’s crying softly as if he hasn’t fathomed what he’s done, numb even.
He’s shocked to see you even when it was him that texted you and immediately begins sobbing a little louder when you bend down to his level.
“What happened?” You ask in a hush as if his father is going to wake up if you make a sound.
Instead of replying he clings onto your frame in a hug, his crying getting uncontrollable by the minute.
“He....he..he was going to kill me, y/n.”
it doesn't take you much to be convinced of that, you’ve had past experiences when you bandaged up doyoung's wounds.
Even accompanied him to the hospital for a few stitches on his forehead.
It absolutely pains you that your best friend has to go through this. All this torture at an age where he should be partying out or just overall be carefree, he was burdened with the load of the house. His father off to gamble and his mother, well, she was dead so you can’t really blame her.
And a bulb goes off in your brain
So you get up and offer him a hand as well.
“Doyoung, get up, stop crying, quick, we’re getting out of here.”
“What?” He sniffles.
“You heard me. I’m not letting you go to jail.”
His tears stop finally as you scour his cabinets for gloves and a cloth to wipe the blood off the floor, and he brings a bucket of water as you attempt to wipe off the blood off the floor.
around half an hour later, the blood's no longer visible on the floor and doyoung's dad's body rests in a sitting position in front of the living room.
he sobs occasionally as you both work in silence to eliminate anything that connects doyoung to this.
you would have thought twice if it was someone else. but Doyoung's dad was one of those drug addicts, who if they found some good stuff, would sell their own spouses.
he's been torturing doyoung since you knew him, which was about five years ago. 
The only people that would look for his dad were the ones he used to smoke with. that is, if they remember him at all.
and as for you, it had been a recurring thought to run away from your home. with all the beatings getting out of hand and your parents just over all blaming you for every problem. 
maybe this was a sign that you just should.
maybe you and doyoung be a little happy, make a life for yourselves and not end up like everyone else in the town.
maybe you had a chance at this.
you help doyoung fit the body inside a suitcase. it takes about 20 minutes but it does, finally, close. 
and you let out a visibly loud sigh, cutting off the silence that had taken over you both.
"Can you tell me what happened now?"
"he found out i was stealing from him, planning to run away,”
he wraps his arms around you, resting his face on your shoulder, and you let yourself loose as well. Head on his shoulder as well.
Without any words, just standing there with the warmth radiating between you two saying something words just could never.
You get out of the house and doyoung is behind you, locking the door softly, the walls were thin here and someone could rush out to complain or just to pick a fight for the fun of it if they were drunk.
You stroll the suitcase as if you’re going on vacation to Hawaii, making sure to look at every direction. Left, right, behind, straight.....
He follows close behind you carrying a hoe he found outside in the garden shed, it was rusted; but it would work. And he leads you to his car. 
His dad’s, actually.
No one would actually suspect doyoung and you unless they witnessed this happening. Because there were a lot of times Doyoung’s father would just disappear for days, leaving him to sneak into your room and sleep in hiding.
So it wasn’t quite suspicious.
You reach the boot of the car, your slippers creating a slapping sound on the road; it was a little wet from the showers in the afternoon and muddy.
The silence around is deafening and you turn around for the umpteenth time, scouring every window around to confirm there’s no one watching you.
Doyoung taps the car lightly to get your attention, preferring to maintain the quiet. And you don’t take twice to nod to him and get into the passenger seat.
As the engine revs up, the seriousness of the whole situation settles in your body. Should you just have turnt doyoung in? No, never, that was your best friend. He was the one who did feel like home; you could do this. 
And maybe if you do get caught, you’ll be doing something you won’t be regretting. You’d be doing it for your best friend.
Doyoung’s eyes meet yours through the rear view mirror and he breaks the silence with a cough and a soft whisper,
“Are you sure about this?”
You nod. Words refuse to come to you.
“You won’t be able to turn back after this,”
“I’m sure, doyoung,”
He smiles painfully; like a friend forced to put their friend in danger due to circumstances. But you knew doyoung would do the same for you if it were you in his position.
After driving to the outskirts of the city, doyoung takes a turn around a cluster of trees, the beginning of a forest.
And you turn on your alert mode again, constantly turning back to ensure there was no one lurking around in his uninhabitable area; every slight noise of a vehicle passing by made you jump.
Doyoung was surprisingly calm, this time around he carried the suitcase. And you look at his hands which were blood stained just about an hour ago.
The darkness makes it hard to see but you follow him through bushes and stones, careful with each step of yours.
Trying not to make a sound plus trying to slip.
You swear you can almost hear your own heart pound inside your chest as you walk.
Doyoung stops nearly 15 minutes later; deep inside the forest, there’s a clearing of trees here and he stops you by grabbing your arm.
“I think this will be okay?” His tone is more of a questioning one, but you nod, it was deep inside the forest and no one would ever actually think about digging this up, would they?
Doyoung puts the suitcase aside gently and stretches out a hand in front of you, motioning for you to lend him the tool.
And you give it to him, but feel a sense of insecurity later, it felt like something you could hit someone with in case they found you, but you found yourself defenseless now.
He dug his first jab slowly. But upon realising that slow won’t do much, he did the second one with more impact.
And he hits it till the ground finally breaks, while you keep a lookout towards every direction;
Gradually, doyoung is exhausted and his hands pain from the torture of digging, so you volunteer to dig the rest of it.
Sweat trickles down the back of your neck to your t-shirt, but at least you’re done digging.
Doyoung stands up from his spot where he sat on a protruding tree root to examine if it's deep enough, and you both look at each other for the other’s approval.
And in a swishing motion, doyoung is dragging the bag to the suitcase to the edge of the hole. And his reluctantly trace the suitcase, you have to bury the body alone if you want it to decompose fast; 
So you help him out by getting the body out of the suitcase.
It's deteriorating fast, and the smell makes you breathe through your nose, but you position him the way you want him to be buried and nod to doyoung.
an hour later, you’re at a diner sitting quietly and fiddling with your fingers.
trying to figure out what to order.
doyoung stares at you worried; mostly because when the waitress came to place menus at your tables, you let out a loud gasp.
“..and some sprite, yeah that’s it,”
the waitress smiles at you as she completes jotting down your order and disappears right down the hall.
“Hey, are you okay?” Doyoung’s features are concerned and you nod at him and throw him a small grin.
And he smiles warmly back at you.
he takes your hands in his and looks at you, “i’m not sure what i’d do without you,”
The sun’s up, and your mother’s surely banging at your door to wake up; but it doesn’t even matter much, because you’re free and that’s all that matters.
An hour later, you're back at the road, when you're hit with the realization that you still don't know where you're going.
"where should we go?"
to which doyoung replies, without taking his eyes off the road - "i have it all planned, don't worry,"
"how do you have it all planned?" you raise your brow, hoping he'd clarify what he meant.
"I mean. i just planned it all out, you don't need to worry,"
and he scoffs, "you're acting as if this was a plan."
"of course not," you cross your arms. and begin to ponder if anyone would be onto you both;
it would be counted as a coincidence at most because you were never seen together, mostly because of the orthodoxy of both of your families.
nevertheless, your family would try for a month at most, and give up later, not thinking of you to be worth it.
it's what they had done when you attempted to run away a few months ago, escaping to Doyoung's house.
and it had hit you there, that there was no one apart from doyoung who cared for you.
a few hours later, you had dozed off against your better judgement, while doyoung kept driving to said place cautiously.
and he pulled up inside a cozy parking lot, causing you to jerk awake and yawn loudly; 
"where....are we?" taking in the informality of the place, you were sure this wasn't a hotel, it was something way too familiar. but what bugged you more was how despite being like an apartment complex, the parking was mostly empty. 
doyoung threw you a smile in reply and extended his hand towards you, motioning you to take it, "come with me."
you reluctantly fit your hand inside his, after all he was your friend, he couldn't do you any harm, right?
and he leads you into a bit deeper inside the parking lot, the sound of your breath being prominent in this silence.
at last an elevator comes into view, it's small and cozy; maybe we're going to an airbnb? you glance around the lift warily as doyoung waits eagerly.
as a small bell rings and the elevator doors open, he takes your hand in his once again and looks back at you, "you're gonna love it,"
and you take in the floor number, "9", and follow him through around two doors, both of them absolutely new and maybe even unoccupied. 
he finally reaches the end of the hallway where there is a similar door like the ones you passed through, the only difference being that doyoung fished out a key for this one.
and you don't remember stopping for anything after the diner..
Was this planned?
he was creeping you out more and more every passing minute. 
and he opens it to reveal a fully furnished, small, and a cute apartment. 
but well that would have been your first thoughts if you had been here under different circumstances.
"Do you like it?" doyoung asked, as if he was a little kid asking for an opinion on his drawing.
he shuts the door behind you as he takes your off guard-ness to pull you inside.
"doyoung, what is this?"
"what, you don't like it?" he pouts a little.
"Since when have you been planning this?" you ask, expecting an answer that you know is gonna make you completely repulse Doyoung. 
"Remember I told you how my dad found out I was stealing money from him?" you can't move your eyes from the sofa in front of you, and doyoung moves around you like a merry go round
"why don't you look at the bright side, y/n?" he hovers behind you, his breath fanning your neck.
"and that is?" you ask in a small voice. you had no idea who this man was. because he clearly wasn't the one you had vowed to protect a few years earlier.
"we can finally be together," he whispers in your ear.
"Are you kidding me, doyoung? this can't happen."
and he snaps from his calm demeanour, "everyone's gone now! no one can get in our way now. Why deny our love?"
"doyoung, you're my best friend, i don't love you romantically, please stop with this it's creeping me out."
"that's not a thing to worry about, I'll make you love me."
"it's hopeless doyoung,"
his hands travel from your shoulders to your wrist.
"hopeless?" he scoffs, "you think i'm hopeless? sweetheart. pigeon. dove. don't you see that you're the one caged here."
and as he pulls away, he leaves you free.
but you can't move a limb because a part of you knows doyoung has a trick up his sleeve.
"this memory card," he flicks it in front of you, "belongs to the camera that was installed in my living room, moments before you came. and hence, i have proof that you were an accomplice."
you walked right into that. no one in their right mind would help cover a murder. they do say that they would, but no one would. and you, being the hopelessly foolish, helped him out.
"do you get it now, dove?"
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saturnsummer · 3 years
When Sol gets a GPA of 2.02, the study group (and Joon Hwi) comes together to cheer her up. 
notes: another prompt by @thenerdywriter ! i wasn't sure if you meant it like this, but i hope you are satisfied! thank you for your prompt and your trust! i do apologise for the wait!
not much fluff or cliche romantic scenes, but just simple things that i hope when you read, remember your worth and never be defeated. you are worthy, loved and deserving to be appreciated. :) inbox always open!
for anyone who have sent prompts and asks, i thank you for your ideas! i have read through all your asks and am so excited to begin writing, but please understand if i can’t reply you as fast as i hoped! so sorry for this, i’ll try to address my inbox faster!! any mistakes or incorrect information will be taken responsible by me. enjoy!
edit: everyone, please don’t cry on this omg I’ve made 5 people comment their tears now and im terribly sorry for the tears.. I meant for this to be a light hearted story but looks like everyone is crying,, I’ll try not to make people cry now..
original prompt: where joon hwi and the rest of the gang shake some sense into her (sol a) about her self-esteem. 
words: 2787 words
Sol is downstairs at the lounge, holding a clear bottle of soju. She takes another swig from the plastic bottle, hoping that the alcohol can numb her heart like it does to her head. It burns, and she’s turning woozy, but she grumbles and takes another swig. 
2.02. She’s passed, at least. But she can’t help but feel upset. She wasn’t upset that she couldn’t score as well as Yeseul or BokGi, but upset that she’s satisfied with these low results. No one is going to hire her, even less offer an internship while looking at her track records. 
Sol worked her ass off for this exam. She nearly died, if it wasn’t for Yeseul’s reminders to eat. Even her cold stoned face roommate bothered to place bottles of water on her desk. Yet, after all this... 
“Why are you still up?” She hears Joon Hwi ask as he takes a seat next to her. She stays silent with a grim expression and turns away. Joon Hwi was the last person she wanted to see, especially when she’s in such a bad mod. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he catches her arm just as she’s about to chug her soju. 
“Everything.” She slurs. “You know I’m not even upset with my GPA? I’m upset of being happy with my shitty grades.” Joon Hwi sighs, attempting to grab her bottle away.
“I should have never came to study. I should have never tried to prove myself to be Dan!” She scolds louder. Sol knows she’s drunk in front of her best friend, but she can’t control herself. She doesn’t care. 
“Kang Sol...” Joon Hwi stands up, grabbing her bottle away from her. “You’re drunk. Go back.” 
“I don’t belong here, anyway.” Her slurs catch Joon Hwi in his steps. 
“I never once belonged with any of you. Being with all of you just drags you all further. I should just stop burdening you all with my questions and rot in a corner. Besides, no one would care.” She softly says, her voice filled with regret and guilt. 
Sol has always felt this way. Ever since she was young, Dan was always the star child. She got top grades while Sol got through in the middle rankings. Dan was always more popular, prettier, smarter. Sol learnt at a young age that no matter what, she would always be overshadowed by Dan. 
Thus, she learnt to be quiet. Only ask questions when she really needs to. Stick to familiar people. Only be loud when told to, and blend in in every situation. She learnt to depreciate herself, because no one appreciated her in the first place. 
Joon Hwi wants to shake her. He wants to write an entire dissertation on why Sol belongs to Hankuk. He wants to show her what he sees: a smart, caring, passionate lawyer-to-be. He wants to show her what he sees when she testified for Professor Yang in court. A confident, woman knowing her morals and rights.
“Kang Sol.” Joon Hwi says, pulling her up by her wrist. Sol pushes him away, but her touches are sloppy and weak. Sighing, Joon Hwi knows that it is useless to argue about her grades and her worth when she’s not even half conscious of what she’s doing. 
He grabs her coat lying on the couch, finding her phone and plans on calling Yeseul. But it’s past 1am, but he doesn’t want to trouble Yeseul. Sighing, he contemplates calling her roomie but reality smacks when he realises she’s home. Noticing how Sol is slowly nodding off, giving in to the fatigue, it leaves Joon Hwi not much of an option to carry her back.
Fishing the room key out from her coat, he takes special care in carrying her, sweeping his arm under her knee and lifting her slowly as to not disrupt her from falling asleep. The key card is in between his fingers as he slowly and quietly makes his way up to her dorm. He thanks the deities above that no one caught him or interrupted him. 
Tapping the key card, a standard ‘beep’, he pushes the door with his back, and takes care to get him and her into the dark room. He can barely see anything, especially since he has no hands to on the lights, but he makes out his way in the small room using the moonlight and what he can tell. 
Joon Hwi knows which side Sol sleeps, knowing from her stories that include her rolling from the bed up to the desk. By now, Sol was sleeping soundly, a slight snore escaping her. Gently, he sets her down on her bed and reaches to take her shoes off for her. Hanging up her coat that he placed on top of her whilst he was carrying her, he finally pulled the thick blanket over her.
But he didn’t leave just yet.
“I never once belonged with any of you.”
Sol’s words echoed in his head more than he thought it would. He stopped and bent down silently by her bed side, taking a few moments to wonder to himself just how and why does she feel so unworthy.
He grabs her bottle of water from her bag, before putting it next to her phone, which is on the table. Knelt on the floor, he observes the slow rise of her chest and the way her eyes flutter and nose twitch when Sol sleeps. Just how can someone like Sol think she’s any less than what he sees?
“You belong here in Hankuk. I’ll show you just why.” His whisper barely audible, as he brushes away a stray hair on her face. With that, he takes his leave and sneaks back to his dorm. (Without getting caught)
The next day, after two painkillers and a big bowl of hangover soup (left mysteriously by someone at their pantry), Sol is headed to study group. She is running a few minutes early than their scheduled timing, but she’s surprised to find the group huddled in hushed whispers. 
“What are you all looking at?” Sol asks, as she sets her book at her usual corner opposite Joon Hwi. BokGi lets out a startled yelp and Yebeom clamps his mouth shut. Sol isn’t surprised to see Jiho crowded there, but is even more shocked to see Sol B crowded with them too. If it was anything, Sol B wouldn’t crowd around and discuss things, unless it concerned herself, or benefitted her grades.
“What...” Sol leans over and raises her eyebrows. Yeseul’s eyes dart nervously and she breaks into a smile. The rest of the group just shuffles back to their seats murmuring under their breath.
“Nothing, unnie! They were just discussing on what to order for lunch.” Yeseul says as she walks over to Sol and takes her bag and books from her, before setting it on the table. “Unnie, shall we get coffees?” Yeseul escorts her out of the room before Sol could react. Sol assumes that it’s due to her hangover that Yeseul is suggesting coffee, thus just following and getting a cold brew and assorted drinks for the others. 
When she returns, they distribute the drinks and start discussing on what to study. 
“Noona, do you have anything?” BokGi asks, a little too enthusiastically. Sol is taken aback and lost for words. She usually just follows whatever the rest want, since answering her questions will take hours. Joon Hwi gives a sympathetic smile. 
“How about you share with us about a recent case? Remember the one that Professor Kim liked in particular?” Joon Hwi suggests. Sol grows quiet. Her? The worst student? Sol let’s out an uncertain laugh.
“Ah, me? I rather my roomie shares. She did better than me.” Sol says, then prepares a fresh document for note taking on her laptop.
“I didn’t do well.” Sol B says quietly, her eyes emotionless as usual, leaning back into the chair. “You did the best. Go on.” Sol is stunned and just nods uncertainly. Taking out her case notes and her reports that she submitted, she nervously discusses the topic on hand. She sneaks Joon Hwi a couple of questioning stares but he only pretends to not catch her eyes.
Everyone is enthusiastic, asking questions and when Sol is stumped, they jump in to help her. They suggest ideas and Sol has never felt so energised by their energy before. She find it fishy how Joon Hwi just sits back and she can feel him smiling whenever she makes a point right or figures out a missing link.
An hour later, when they are done expanding on Sol’s case and discussing, they break for a late lunch together.  Yebeom enters the room with bags of food, as usual over ordering. As they pass out containers of jjampong and jjajamyeon, Sol’s eyes light up when she saw the only thing that mattered in the whole order: her beloved pickles, in doubled servings. 
What Sol doesn’t expect is for JiHo to dump his packet of pickles on her container of noodles. 
“JiHo-ah, why...” Sol is dumbfounded for a moment as JiHo opens his pack of noodles to stir. JiHo only pushes up his glasses. 
“You can have them, noona.” Sol is even more dumbfounded. This was the first time JiHo has called her noona. She didn’t care for the honourifics, and JiHo could call her by her full name for all she cared. But hearing those words from Seo JiHo’s mouth, just made her think everyone was utterly suspicious today.
“Okay, everyone is being weird. What is this?” Sol announces, hoping her tone came out fun, with no hints of anger. 
“Nothing! We just know you’ve been feeling stressed, so JiHo decided to give you his share of pickles, right?” BokGi quips up, as he dives into taking the sauce to pour over the tangsuyuk, before Yebeom and him argue over pouring or dipping. 
Sol, still feeling suspicious, breaks her chopsticks just as Joon Hwi picks up a pickle from her plastic saucer to put on her noodles. Her eyes dart from his chopstick to his face, but he just nods at her pickles, expressions hard to read.
Sol crunches on her pickles, but it does nothing to soothe the feeling that everyone was aware of something, but her. 
The rest of the week was a puzzle piece that Sol could not fix together.
She woke up everyday to a new message by Joon Hwi, sometimes sending her funny videos, or a simple “let’s get through this together”. She woke up once to her roomie handing her breakfast and coffee. It just didn’t click in Sol’s head to see the cold Sol B hand her a sandwich and coffee.
Their group chat was undoubtedly noisy, but even more so now. Something in common was how the more chatty ones would ask Sol for advice or chat and strike noisy conversations. She was used to the chaos, but she definitely didn’t feel used to having the attention on her.
As the group had earned different internships from small and large firms, Sol was going to be left in school alone, still applying and hoping for one to come her way. Her study group knew about it, and instead continued to encourage her about it. They avoided talk on their internships, and actively tried to help Sol. While Sol was grateful, she couldn’t help but wish that they would just act normal and not worry about her.
She chose to meet them for breakfast on the day of their internships. The meal was noisy as usual as they ate their sandwiches and gimbaps. They were dressed smartly in their suits with their briefcases. Sol made a fuss over everyone looking smart on their first day.
“Hurry up and eat, you’re going to be late for your internship!” Sol scolded BokGi as he and Yebeom threw comments back and forth. Everyone was off for theirs and ready with their jackets and bags. Walking with them to the door, she couldn’t help but feel like a mom to her kids, sending them to school.
“Noona! Check your table later in the libra-” Yebeom gleefully mused before BokGi clamped his mouth shut and JiHo (with much irritation) smacked his head silently.
“What?” Sol asks, turning to Joon Hwi, who was turning redder by the second. Joon Hwi closes his eyes, the same way he does when he’s embarrassed and looks away from her.
“Listen to Yebeom and check the table.” He says, finally looking at her. “We’ll see you for dinner then.” Waving a quick goodbye, the group walked away from her towards the carpark where they separated to the bus stops or in the direction of the train station.
“O-Okay…” she mutters, still confused as she carries her books and bag to her usual table at the library. She would have went to sulk at Professor Kim’s office for a while, but she instead chose to head straight to study. Professor Kim had enough on her plate and she wasn’t ready just yet to face Professor Kim with her mood.
There, at her table, lies her stack of books.
Normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Huffing out, she slumps her bag on her table, gathering the post its on the bar above the table. Most of them were just plain comments, like how she had to stop slamming her pen into her hand (it distracted students) or move out of the library cause there aren't enough seats. Opening her book on civil code, she was ready to start drilling her head before meeting Professor Kim. 
Then she spots an envelope, hidden between the pages of the book.
Carefully, she picks it out and looks on the cream white paper, the only ink on it her name, written in neat handwriting. She could recognise Joon Hwi’s handwriting anywhere. A slight scoff escapes her lips and several students turn in annoyance. Realising that this was probably not the best place to be in, she grabs her books and bags (and the post its) and leaves the library. She heads to the empty study room, where she knows she’s be comfortable at.
Opening the flap, she slips out numerous slips of paper, varying degrees of length and sizes. Some words were neat, some were a little messy.
To: Unnie <3
Sol-unnie, you know you’re smart, right? Your grades may not show that you are the best, but I know you are! Whenever I hear you discuss a case with the study group, I know you’re trying your best to memorise and improve. Don’t give up, unnie! I will support you till the end!
- Yeseul 
To: Sol-A noona
Yah, noona! You have to stop injuring yourself, okay? You gave us a really big scare the last time when you started nose bleeding in the midst of study group. Noona, don’t look at your grades anymore! If a man like me can get through law school so far pretty well, you can too! Fighting, noona! 
Noona~ you’re really talented. The fact that you scored so well during the criminal law test and managed to spot the comma just shows for amazing you are! Noona, don’t be discouraged... seeing you discouraged makes us sad too. Your favourite dongsaeng is here to help you! 
- BokGi and Yebeom 
To: Kang Sol-A
You can do it. Review your cases before classes. Get your internship.
To: Sol-A
Live up to your name, will you? And sleep on a regular schedule. 
- Roommate
To: Sol
Sunbae, remember me? Stop doubting yourself and trust yourself. You’re smarter than you know and fit for court. I will support you from wherever you are. I’m grateful for you, for supporting me all this time. I think Dan would be proud of you, and so will the cookie Byeol. 
Sol, you are worthy in my eyes. So stop undermining yourself. You belong in Hankuk next to me. You can’t give up now.
-Joon Hwi
Sol lets a smile creep on her face as she lets a small blush rise to her face. Holding her letters to her heart, she closes her eyes, reminding herself of the past week and her friend’s efforts to cheer her on. She knew no doubt it had to be Joon Hwi who convinced everyone there to write for her despite their busy schedule. For even Sol B to help out and bother about her, it warmed her heart to have her support.
Picking her book, she pinned her hair up as she started drill into her book with a new found confidence, fuelled by her friends supporting her. But most importantly, she felt worthy. She felt loved. She felt confident. She was hopeful.
(Everyone thinks she’s worthy in their eyes, but one just thinks she’s perfect.)
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