Dreams and Reality:
I had a dream( Nightmare) of a death scene, I later realized ,that when I told someone, I was able to identify the killer.
*I told the police and later received $12,000.00 for assisting them.
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emaraude · 8 months
past life lover
i still remember you
from my past life
i was the verses of your poetry
and sometimes i try to look for you
with the hope that our paths may cross once more
i remember our shared moments from a distant lifetime
in the morning, you brewed my coffee
your hair, kissed by the lake
you read your newspapers
and wonder why people are the way they are
it’s just you and your contrarian spirit
and, oh, i remember
the maps of constellation in your face
my fingers like stardust brushes
"this one's Andromeda," i'd playfully say
"it's the Big Dipper, you silly." you with your fake bravado
and i’ll laugh and laugh
though both of us were strangers to the stars
by evenings, we frequented elegant soirées
swirling in dance at the middle
thinking the world faded around us
our favorite tunes playing
though, i’m the only one who can sing right
then we slip away and embrace the moonlight
sometimes i’d sigh
wondering if you’re ever around
if you're treading the same streets as i
i’d like to see you again under this lifetime’s sky
and i wonder if i’m the only one who remembered
or if you too, in your still moments, hold me dear
thinking about me just as frequently
and by some divine miracle
there you stood at the bus stop
you look exactly like how you looked a lifetime ago
the maps of constellation
and honey pools of eyes
that familiar smirk on your lips
and those poignant gazes that spoke
saying, you remembered
you remember me
and like a lightning bolt, it struck
your hands wrapped around another
and the bus rumbled away
leaving our memories stranded
where it belonged
you were once mine, in a distant lifetime
we spent our nights at posh soirées
and days by the lake where i’ll sing verses
and you serenade me with your proses and sonnets
at least in that realm, i was your muse
i was your muse
but it’s alright, i no longer love lakes
i long for the crips air of seas
coffee no longer graces my mornings
for i love my morning tea
i no longer sing, my melodies now adrift
at least in our past life
i was once the muse to your proses
and you to my verses
though, our love now dead and withered
our words in history forever whispers
a lifetime of us has passed by
perhaps that was enough
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louderfade · 3 months
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diamonderella · 3 months
Just me doin gacha again, like normal. If you don’t like it, please go away. I can’t with hate comments. Thank you! ☺️ 👏🏻
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kinfriday · 1 year
Winter Solstice
The winter has grown bitter, the feasting of spring and summer a distant memory.  
Memories are akin to dreams. There is no system of time beyond the rising and setting of a sun, no concept of days, or years beyond cycles that have happened often enough to be familiar.  
There are cold times, and there are warm times. Times of enough, and not enough. Times of greater rest, and greater activity spurred on by the bounty of the clearing and forest around me.  
This cold time, the world seems particularly crystalized. The ground has become hard, the wind blows over snow that sparkles like crystal in the moonlight. Silence drapes over the world like a shroud.  
The water at the creek is now too hard to break through, and I am limited to lapping at the ice or nibbling snow. Sticks are a regular feature of my meals, or what grass remnants I find, digging through the snow.  
All of this leaves my paws icy cold and wet, and no matter how thick my fur, it’s the wet and the wind that drives me back into my hollow, where I find sleep, warmth and comfort.  
Yet there are also times of great waiting, just at the edge of the skeletal branches of my oak tree. My fur thick enough that the wind buffets around me as I endure the long winter, staring out over the meadow as silent sentry in the moonlight, while the crystals of ice twinkle as if in competition with the stars.  
There is no anticipation of spring, no longing for the bounty to come. There is instead a lack of forward imagination, this is now, it is as simple as that. What would be tomorrow? I don’t know of tomorrow, or yesterday. One time there was plenty, now there was cold. This happened before, but there is a truth that stands proudly, almost independent of myself.  
She shall always return.  
___    The Winter Solstice is often referred to as a celebration of life, the victory of light over dark, and the promise of spring on the horizon, but it is also the longest, coldest night of the year.  
It is that darkness that gives it its gravitas. It is the zenith of the dark when it reigns most triumphant over the world. It is the time when the physical death in nature is most present.  
Yet this must be for the sun to rise higher the next morning, beginning its long journey towards the summertime and its bounty.  
The night is necessary. The cold, the pain, its just as much a part of that day as the earlier dawn that follows it and that’s the part that’s the hardest for me to acknowledge. 
It’s a challenge to be in metaphorical winter, to struggle, to suffer, to be unable to find the traction you so desperately need to make the progress that you seek.  
Yet in the winter solstice there is, if not an answer, at least a promise that the next day will at least be a little better. That there is an ending to every long dark night, every moment of painful winter that exists in our lives.  
Light and Dark must both exist. It is that balance of cruel winter and vibrant spring that holds all life. Just as the world goes through the cycles each year, so too will we go through these cycles in our lives, until we encounter our own winter solstice.  
When our bodies can give no more, at the zenith of our breakdown and decay, the physical form will die, and the spirit moves on to its next journey, and its next destination.  
So, as we celebrate this season of lights, let us also celebrate not the night, not the bitter, painful cold of death in all its forms, but the idea that death is not a monolith but a fulcrum, a point of change.  
Without the night, there would be no understanding of the light.
-Sister Snow Hare
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poeticatthou · 1 year
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you were like a breath of fresh air,
swaying the curtain linens
gracefully with your smile and glare
like a burning woods,
glowing with blue red flame
sparkling ashes like your eyes,
dazzling with innocence
but not screaming my name
you hold me like a sand,
warm and fuzzy,
but will never last forever,
you just let’s me flow through your fingers
always wanting me to grow
and you talk to me like i’m a cat,
like i could never understand
any words that you’re saying
it’s like i’m a heated thermostat
full of tense, it got you burning
but i don’t want to be a wood
nor a sand, and definitely not a cat
i just want to be the flame,
who stays in your heart whenever
you feel the pain,
a sand that is mixed with cement,
will be solid like a rock, that you can lean on
whenever you feel drain
or a cat that turns into a bengal tiger,
not too territorial and not too exterritorial,
but will protect you, always and no matter what
and lastly, i want to be the wind
just to make you feel my love,
i will caress your face from the distance,
hugging your body with the leaves,
always stays, and never part ways
but i knew this could be the moment
that i have to let you go,
like the wind who flew through the open door,
it’s time,
to close the window,
you’d never let me show.
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canidaecorpses · 7 months
Good Morrow,
I'm Roanoqu, but you can also call me Coyote. I've decided to use this account to share my spiritual practices, but also talk about being a walk-in spirit, and my past life as a shaman.
To elaborate, I am a walk-in spirit. This means that I am a spirit who entered this body, a vessel, that was originally inhabited by a human soul. As a spirit, I am a faery of death, and my element is water. It may all sound like a bunch of craziness, but its my reality.
I walked into this body at birth, and lived in it with another soul up until this body reached its teens. But now the original soul seems to be gone or dormant. It was too sick to reincarnate, therefore I chose to intervene.
As a faery I am not like those fake aesthetic fae you see on social media. I'm a much more accurate to lore. As a faery of death, I look exactly like it. A corpse, grey and decayed. White eyes, long spindley limbs, a tail, tufts of fur across my body, and antlers. Although I can also shapeshift like most spirits can. Since my element is water, that's where I tend to belong. In the depths of rivers and lakes and creeks. With the Kelpies and the Nøkken.
I'm not evil or malevolent or edgy. I just take care of the dead, without causing death itself. I absorb the energy of the dead, i help them pass on, I stay near graveyards and simply life with death all around.
My past life is quite complicated but through the years I have learned more and more about it. Firstly, it's not truly a past life. As a walk-in spirit, i dont have a soul or reincarnate like humans and animals. Rather my life is continued. But for the sake of simplifying my explanations, I will call it a past life.
Then, I was an Algonquin man, same tribe this body is descended from. My name was Imala, and I was considered a shaman. Up until I became an adult, I lived amongst people, until I started working with dark magick and spirits. It completely took over my life and I became "evil". I harmed a lot of people, killed and shed lots of blood, I conjured dark spirits and practices skinw*lker-like rituals. I took the form of canids like the coyote (spiritually) and destroyed a lot of lives. I'm not proud of it now, but in that life i was emotionless and cruel.
I know that I lived until I was 60, which surprises me, and it was during the era of european colonization. I had no family, children or partners. Living alone with the spirits.
Some of those spirits having followed me to this life. Like Richard, a w*ndigo that terrorized me for years. Will and the static, two spirits i cant quite figure out. And many MANY skinw*lker spirits that still follow me today. Likely lured by my energy. (And no, they're not kind. Im genuinely scared of them.)
This is all for now. I'll likely share random things here and there. We will see where it brings me.
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pearl-tarotist · 2 years
It's a personal post, more to explain my situation and to ask for opinions/points of view (if not interested, just keep scrolling <3). It's a rant, more for me than for you 😂.
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In summary, I was told repeatedly by different tarot readers the story of my past life (both were extremely similar and I just did my own spread this afternoon, who just agreed with everything said before).
In short, in my past life: I was already someone into spirituality and astrology, kinda teaching others (high priestess vibes) whose lover/husband or my own self was killed by a female energy close to us because of jealousy. She loved my husband or me. I KNOW, IT SOUNDS FAKE, too much of a fantasy story to be true. (You are free to call me delusional, I wouldn't believe me neither if it wasn't for the different readings).
Shout out to my @ 12th house stellium =house of past lives, karma and hidden enemies. Whose planets are Saturn (fear of loss =loss of lover?), Jupiter (ruling house for spiritual gifts =being in esotericism in past and actual life ) and Venus (planet of love, that was once betrayed in past life by a hidden enemy). These things make me believe in all of this, the actual possibility of all being a lie? not gonna happen, because the COINCIDENCES???
And, we just keep reincarnating in hopes of finding the other one.
My problem is that this afternoon I was trying to ask the cards who he was in my past life. And I was getting no clear answer. All the cards were the same, I was always watching the same story unfold, no matter what I asked:
(meaning of some cards when focused on past lives I got if someone wants them);
2 of cups and the lovers; important marriages/connections in past lives and soulmates that go back from many lifetimes.
Ace of cups and ace of swords; just extreme overflow of love for my soulmate and triumph.
The 6 of cups!!; I got this card so many times! But so so many. I know, it's the card of the soulmates, card of the past, card of deja-vus. It makes so much sense to get in here.
The sun and 6 of shells: we were extremely happy, even it was a childish happiness.
The fool: according to the desk that I used it meant something like : "you have the freedom to live your live with someone you love".
And then we got into the sad ones:
The empress + death: referring to his death caused by this female energy.
Justice: karmic debts to pay from past life.
7/10 of swords: difficulties to form the union and betrayals.
And I am just kinda sad because I want to find him so badly but I don't know what to do? Anybody feels the same?🤔, When you know you have a soulmate but are not able to find him?
I don't want to pass another lifetime without him. I don't even know if this thing about soulmates makes sense.
And I am even more mad that tarot does not give me the answers that I want. Advices on this? Maybe there are some thing we don't have to know.
And if anybody can tell me if I am supposed to have 8th and 12th house synastry with my husband once I found him 👀, please??🥺
If you reached this point, thank you so much for listening to my story AHAHAH. I appreciated, I did not think this was interesting enough <3.
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godsyouusa · 10 months
What does the bible say about past lives?
What does the bible say about past lives? The concept of past lives, also known as reincarnation, is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. The Bible primarily focuses on the idea that humans have one life on Earth followed by an afterlife, which is either spent in heaven or hell, based on a person's belief.
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gregoryhergert · 2 years
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Happy Hump Day everyone I was reflecting on the digital age when I saw the data attached to this image which was 10/102012 4:16am and it brought back memories of working in the basement and losing track of time and suddenly hearing birds chirping and realizing I better go to bed and now a decade later I’m on my wife’s schedule #humpday #pastlife #lowbrowpopsurrealists #pdxartist #portlandartist #gregoryhergert (at Southeast Portland, Portland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdtaf-XvLVy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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greatpacificbooks · 1 year
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Book for Sale ~ Richard Webb 1974 These Came Back * HBDJ 1st * Reincarnation mulitple lives soul | eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/265988303337 #rarebooks #books #reading #reincarnation #multiplelives #secondlife #memories #pastlives #regression #pastlife #mindbodyspirit #exploration #beliefs
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4pm Est Premiere!
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louderfade · 3 months
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young kyle
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kinfriday · 1 year
Sacred Days
My eyes slowly open and I know she is waiting within the deep clearing in the wood.  
Emerging from the hollow of my oak, my focus is only forward, as I make way deeper into the forest.  
The path has been burned into my memory by uncounted repetition, over and over again as sure as the sun rises to trace its path through the daytime sky, I know the way. 
And soon enough, the wood thins to give way to a grass filled clearing, and there is my Lady Eostre, waiting for me. This time there is no harness; no rolled up paper waiting for me to carry it. No, this time she calls me to her side, and I know I am to accompany her.  
The where is not important. Sometimes we ascend the ridge, and watch the dawn break over the horizon, other times we travel through the mists to other lands, distant places filled with new scents and human structures.  
It is all the same to me.  
Places are places, days are days. There has never been a questioning of a moment, or the reason for its happening. In all of my memories from that life, there is only one time I wonder why something is occurring and that is the moment just before my death.  
But we are not there yet. How far is it? Who is to say? There is no conception of days having a number, or a purpose beyond being what they are. I only know that I am what I am.  
Words have never defined that life, only experiences, moments that shine like stars against the back drop of a night sky of being, interconnected like constellations, shining in relation to each other, but when viewed as a whole, a chaotic wonder of place and time.  
And so devoid, of labels like December, Tuesday, or even Yule, I am only left with those moments, stripped of everything but their contents, and in this moment, she is with me, and she is my purpose. As certainly as I know myself, I know she is the focus of my being, as sure as any instinct, or anything that I do know in that life, I know I am hers.  
It’s been on my mind this last week, as we’ve neared Solstice and all the winter time celebrations that come along with it. I’ve gone through my traditions, performed my small quiet rituals before the Altar, lit the Yuletide candle, listened to Tim Curry read Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.”  
It’s astoundingly good, and I highly recommend it.  
Gradually, in a way, relentlessly the time has moved towards peak holiday season, these last days of the year having a peculiar gravity to them, as the entire world of western culture seems to come into celestial alignment with these days. Ugly sweaters abound, diets explode before temptations of bounty, as we celebrate every good thing in our lives.  
But the Yuletide is just a series of days, a season in our lives. With our calendars and our complexities, it comes predictably once a year where we unpack its sentiments, dutifully recite its lessons, then pack them away with the tree, the decorations and, with rituals completed, seal away the eldritch abomination of Christmas music for at least one more year.  
Mariah Carrie sleeps fitfully, encased in a prison of holly, awaiting the moment just after All Hallows before she will rise once again to torment us all. 
And thus, until Ragnarök...  
“I will keep Christmas in my heart and observe it all the year.” Says Scrooge upon his reform, and this season, that phrase has stuck with me, along with Marley’s lament... 
“Mankind should have been my business!”  
Those words ring with conviction as I reflect on the fact that for all my memories of my true life, none include a Holiday, or knowledge that one day was any more important than another.  
It was the moments that mattered, and who was a part of them. The presence of my Lady was total, the whole of my world and focus. When she was not there, I was waiting for there, when she was there, all I wanted was to be near or please her.  
We’d travel, I’d occasionally run messages, and often receive treats of apple for my efforts.  
In the springtime she would sit and sing with me sprawled across her lap, blissfully half conscious, while she stroked back my ears.  
The days themselves were not sacred to me, they were what they were, but she was sacred to me. Those moments of togetherness and the love I had were and are sacred to me though I did not have the words to define them so then.  
And while I do not have any memory of holiday, I think I had it right. The holidays are moments not made sacred by their moment, but by their content, what they remind us of. That family, that having enough, that love, and hope are all blessings to be cherished. That life is precious and fleeting. We only have this moment for sure so let us make the most of it. Let us love with our whole heart and strive to live in fullness of the now.  
A blessed and happy holiday to all. May the blessings of the Gods find you throughout the year!  
-Sister Snow Hare
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witchofduskstore · 2 years
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Past Life Readings 🌙 Through reincarnation, most souls have experienced many past lives. Each life has different experiences, trauma and lessons. This reading is perfect for anyone who wishes to understand more about one of their past lives, whether for curiosity or to learn something to help you in your current life! This is a Past Life Reading drawn from a Past Life specific Oracle deck. Your reading may contain information about cause of death, region, social class, religion, sex, love, time period, occupation, and more. Available on Etsy (link in bio) https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1200582924/past-life-readings-past-life-regression?click_key=e93f62499db197cf30e5e546f5772a00120aa706%3A1200582924&click_sum=8dd9aa35&ref=shop_home_active_8&frs=1&crt=1 #pastlife#pastlives#reincarnation#oraclereading#pastlifereading#pastliferegression #witchshop (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChKr9d6uAU8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flameontheotherside · 2 years
"Us Against The World" 🙄 (ugh...)
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As much as I fucking hate that saying...it's pretty much what sums up our relationship in our past lives. Thinking on it, it's corny (I don't do corny) but it was what it was. In the end we lost each time. I try not to think about it. The details don't even matter. It's in the past. The whole saying never appealed to me. I don't like fighting. I don't like constant challenges. It reminds me of the time I spent homeless with Matt (RIP). It was kind of like that but it was so annoying and frustrating! I hated all of it because it was also a confusing relationship. Toxic really. Idk about you but I like drama free relationships that don't involve other people. Like Rick and I have drama but it's contained to just involving both of us. We don't want people involved in our shit. I like it that way. It might come from my past lives. Who knows? Who cares?
Anyway I was just thinking on this as I was getting ready for bed. Would it be us against the world if Erik had not died? I hope not and I guess it doesn't matter because he's dead. I don't feel like it's like that right now. Again, because he's dead. I mean what is there against us? There really isn't anything. It's not like we have to hide.
I've been thinking about what to tell my therapist.
I've not said anything about Erik since telling our story from start to finish. Now I think it's time to really dig into the emotional toll this journey has on me and my grief. As great as great things can be I don't believe anything doesn't have it's cons. I mean I'd be a little worried if someone was positive all the fucking time. Life happens. Shit happens right? Talking about how this journey is positive is great but I need to talk about the grief.
It would be a lie to say this journey has been everything but challenging. Grief is a big part in it and I have a hard time coping with it. Because this journey is bizarre I can't talk about it openly to just anyone. I do have one friend IRL I have told all of this about. He's one of my best friends and very supportive and gives me a shoulder to cry on. He knows EVERYTHING. He doesn't judge me, try to be an expert, or make me feel crazy. I love that about him.
Anyway before my meds kick in (the little I'm on now anyway) I better end it...
😘💕 Good night!
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