#peggynat fanfiction
instacarma0798 · 4 months
Title: i will never be satisfied (High School AU)
Ship: Natasha R x Peggy C (Background/Past Natasha x Bruce)
Warnings: Implied SA, but it doesn't actually happen. Alcohol
Steve and Natasha were going on 4 years of friendship, having known each other since the start of freshman year. Ever since Steve and Natasha had first started talking, she could read his face and see he had a crush on Peggy Carter - one of the most wanted women in the school. Carter was perhaps one of the most well known women in the school aside from a few. It was easy to see why, with her long, brown curls and chocolate colored eyes that sparkled when she laughed and deepened to a black when she threatened the boys.
When rumors spread Carter had hooked up with another girl in the school during junior year, Steve had sulked over to Natasha with puppy dog eyes and bright red ears. The redhead laughed at him, patting his shoulder gently before returning to her homework.
Peggy Carter seemed to have no interest in Steve Rogers. The woman avoided him in the halls, didn't react to his approaches, and always had a scowl on her face when she was around. Carter did seem to hate anyone on the football team, which Steve was on, but Rogers had redeeming qualities. His baby blue eyes, soft blonde hair, and charming attitude - if Natasha wasn't lesbian she would be into him.
In contrast, Steve was infatuated with Carter. He had attempted to ask her out at least 5 times from the start of sophomore year - them now being seniors. Every time she said no with an upturned nose, but Natasha caught her lips twitching upwards from where the redhead watched in the background. Every damn time they 'accidentally' crossed paths Steve would blush and smile like a puppy.
What the football team captain was oblivious too was the fact that Peggy Carter was not straight. She probably wasn't even bi. It was a bold assumption to make, even for Natasha after all the years she spent training herself how to read other people's expressions. Peggy Carter curled her lip with a crinkled, upturned at every attempt of flirting if it came from a male - no matter how kind or how much of a gentleman he was. When a girl did it however, the softest, barely noticeable, blush would dust Carter's cheeks and she would quip a flirty comment in return.
Steve didn't seem to get that, and Natasha didn't have it in her to tell him.
"Hey Nat?" Steve looked up from where he doodled in his notebook - a monkey on a bicycle, "Do you think if I ask Peggy out she'll say yes this time?"
Natasha inwardly rolled her eyes as she twirled the pencil between her fingers and thought over her answer, ignoring the bubbling pit of envy in her stomach. The answer she wanted to say was 'no', but Steve unintentionally gave her those big eyes again and with slight downturn of his lips.
She raised one shoulder in a half-hearted shrug before scribbling down the answer to her math problem, "Maybe."
The blonde across from her sighed and sagged his broad shoulders with his head tilted towards the ground. His head jerked up when pounding footsteps sounded behind them. Natasha didn't have to look up to know who it was. Two arms were thrown around her neck, jerking Natasha forward. She rolled, shoving her offender off with a grunt.
"Ow.." Clint groaned from where he lay on the grass, "That was rude."
Natasha huffed and raised her left brow at Clint who gave a sheepish smile.
Clint Barton had been her best friend ever since Natasha moved to the small little town. Her stuck with her through thin and thick. When she had to change foster homes and move to a different school, Clint risked his father's anger and moved schools with her. When her foster parents beat her black and blue, Clint trudged through the rain to find her sniffling under a tree after a frantic text. After she got herself emancipated and lived on the streets for a while, Clint cleared out his action figures from his closet and bought a spare mattress for her to sleep until she got on her feet.
In return, whenever Clint's father drank one too many beers - Natasha would sooth him. Soft smiles and gentle touches of the daughter he always wanted rather than two rouwy boys. The man would take to telling her soft stories with a far away look in his eyes while Clint snuck off into the night. When Clint struggled with him homework, Natasha stayed up late into the night to finish it for him - pretending he did it himself in the morning. When Clint met a pretty girl named Laura with brunette hair and kind eyes who spoke in the softest voice with a western accent, Natasha played matchmaker.
It was a dynamic that worked well, but unfortunately it meant Clint knew nearly all of her tells - the ones that Steve didn't. Which lead to him raising a skeptical eyebrow in return with a silent question in his eyes when he noticed the bleak forlorn look in her eyes.
"Clint," Steve propped himself clumsily on his elbow, "Do you think Peggy will go out with me if I ask her once more?"
The captain fiddled with his pencil and separate eraser, missing the knowing glance Clint tossed Natasha. The redhead silently cursed Steve for giving away the reason she was upset.
"No." Clint answered bluntly, always the loyal friend.
It was no secret to Clint that Natasha had a crush on Peggy. He knew before she knew herself - the way she accidentally stared at Peggy with hearts in her eyes, her smile turning dopey for a moment where only Clint was watching.
Steve sagged at Clint's response and harshly, but still ever so gentle with the paper, scrawled on the paper. Clint winked at her with his signature smile that meant trouble. Natasha gave him a glare and slight shake of the head, a silent response telling him not to cause trouble. But Clint being Clint just smiled wider and plucked her math textbook out of her lap.
"Clinton." Natasha warned, her voice a low tone.
The dirty blonde waved the textbook teasingly before taking off, his legs carrying him far and fast. Natasha spared Steve a speedy but apologetic glance before chasing after Steve. He may have longer legs, making him faster, but Natasha could run further for longer.
She rounded a corner, barely seeing the tail of his purple blouse sticking out like a duck tail. Her feet skidded against the halls a hand outstretched as Clint came in to view. She stretched her hand further into her command. Her legs braced as she prepared to tackle Clint, the muscles locking up and knees bending.
Then a door smacked her in the face, leaving a searing red mark.
Her back hit the ground with a thump and she dully registered Clint stopping and another voice crying out in concern. Natasha took a moment to groan in pain before hauling herself up, whoever opened that door was hella strong. Placing a hand to her head she attempted to steady her vision, Clint's calloused hands steading her body.
"I am so sorry," a voice said with a distinct British accent.
Of course if was fucking Peggy Carter.
Natasha waved Clint before plastering a semi-sweet smile onto her own face.
"Don't sweat it, I'll live."
Carter bit her lip with worry, brown curls bouncing as she scanned Natasha up and down, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Of course," Natasha ignored the fact that her heart was rapidly thumping in her chest and not because of the fall.
She also ignored the fact that her nose was probably broken and her face felt like it was on fire, but Carter didn't need to know that. The brunette woman gave her once over once more, her eyes shinning with concern.
"You sure?" she asked once more, it sounded like she wanted to reassure herself more than Natasha.
Flapping her hand in a dismissive manner, Natasha gave a one shouldered shrug, "I've had worse."
That didn't seem to settle Carter any more, but it did satisfy her and the brunette spun on her heel heading down the hall.
A sharp exhale left her the minute Carter rounded a corner, her boots echoing through the hall. Natasha groaned at the pounding in her head and pain in her nose. Beside her, Clint looked torn between letting the goofiest grin cross his face and frowning at her in concern and regret. Smartly, he chose the later.
Snagging her elbow Clint dragged her down the hall and back outside, school bells ringing dismissing the last class of the day that Natasha had ditched (ultimately convincing Steve too). Students flooded the halls, some accidentally bumping into her despite Clint's vicious glare that told them all to back off.
He brought her outside where Steve was still waiting, but now the same brunette woman that Natasha could not shake stood next to him - her stance tall and imposing with her crossed arms and chin tilted upwards. The blonde captain had a rosy pink blush dusting his cheeks with his eartips red as he undoubtably asked Peggy Carter out once more. Natasha rolled her eyes, hearing Clint give an exaggerated exhale beside her.
Steve was just finishing saying something when they got into hearing distance, but they managed to catch Carter's response.
"Fine. Tomorrow, cafe on third at 11." her tone left no room for argument, making it clear if Steve wanted this date he would have to comply.
The football team captain looked as surprised as Natasha felt at the fact that Carter was going out with him. Despite her repeated refusals and blatant fact that she was not straight, Natasha never expected her to fall in love with Steve. Maybe she was getting rusty.
Steve did a little bounce on his heels before nodding eagerly like an over excited puppy. His eyes lit up further when he saw them, waving both Natasha and Clint over as Carter walked away.
Natasha was totally looking at Steve rambling as Carter sauntered away.
One date morphed into two dates, two dates morphed into three dates, three dates morphed into four dates, and well you get the point. Everyone in the school expected Steve and Peggy to stop after the first date, but no. The two went on more and more dates, thus integrating Peggy into their small friend group and getting Natasha a new girl friend - emphasis on the space between the two words.
Their small little group, minus Clint because he had his own work to do, sat inside the small underrated diner that was settled down the street from Natasha's apartment. It was meant to a be a friend celebration for finishing the school year, but it felt more like Natasha was third-wheeling a date.
Both of her companions made heart eyes at each other with dopey grins - Carter's slightly less dopey and more serious. Meanwhile she sat in the background twirling her past around her fork with sagged shoulders. While this scene wasn't uncommon - Carter and Steve turning their friend outings into personal dates - Clint was usually here to endure it with her. A forkful of pasta was angrily shoved her mouth, Natasha yelping a little when she stabbed her cheek with her fork.
Flushing red with embarrassment, Natasha shook off both of the other's concern. She mumbled out an excuse around her mouthful of food and swallowed thickly. It seemed to pacify Steve and Peggy because the two went back to chatting with each other.
She lost track of what they were talking about, vaguely catching the word 'crush' but stupidly delegating to ignore the conversation and get lost in her head. A finger poked her arm, shaking her a tiny bit, and she looked up from her plate to see Steve staring her expectantly.
"Hm?" she raised an eyebrow in question.
"We asked if you have a crush," Carter intercepted Steve with her british accent.
A light blush dusted the british woman's cheeks, presumably because of something Steve said, as her head tilted adorably at Natasha with brown eyes filled with curiosity. Natasha trailed her eyes down Peggy's face, all the way down to where she held Steve's hand on top of the table, fingers interlocked and twisting together like the ugly feeling in Natasha's chest. Clearing her throat, Natasha forced a laugh out of her throat.
"No," she shook her head, "I don't do those sort of things."
The blatant lie flew right over Carter's head, the woman offering her a charming laugh that made her eyes shine in the lighting and her curls bounce as her head tilted back slightly. Natasha could hear that sound all day. Steve gave her a suspicious look, one with underlying concern but let the topic drop.
Natasha started to pull away once Carter integrated more into the little rag-tag friend group the redhead was apart of. At least she intended to. Previously it only consisted of her and Clint before Steve shoved his way in there and adopted the two introverts in a very extroverted style. With Steve, Carter eventually came, which was fine. It was fine, Natasha liked Peggy. She liked her. But with the newest addition came so many others. Tony Stark, the "rich kid" came with Carter - despite the woman's apparent annoyance with him. Carol Danvers, a person Natasha rarely saw because the woman skipped classes so often. Bruce Banner, who actually Tony Stark seemed to drag along, but they all came with Carter.
Now her small safe little bubble was filled with people she didn't know and it didn't feel safe anymore. There were four new people, four unknown variables that she didn't know well beside the fact that most of them were popular.
On top of that, Bruce Banner seemed to take a liking for her and wouldn't leave her alone. Natasha had taken to using some diversion tactics she learned when she wanted to lose an angry foster parent or from the various times she ran from CPS. It didn't work very well, the shy man oddly persistent, so Natasha gave in. She wasn't going to get the person she liked anyway.
The next time Banner stumbled over a pickup line, Natasha crossed her arms under her chest - pushing her breasts up, and gave a flirty comment in return. The man clearly wasn't expecting it, based on his flushed cheeks and wide eyes, but he returned it in kind. Her plans to pull away from the friend group were temporarily put on hold.
Natasha ignored Clint's piercing gaze that bore into the back of her skull with disagreement every time she flirted with Banner. It tore at her heart the way he looked at her, he was her partner. Despite having his doubts, though never voicing them, Clint stuck with her - as always. Opting to ignore Bruce or address him with a brash attitude, Clint didn't not outright support her.
Steve was a whole different story. He clapped her on the back with a laugh and told her he was glad that she found someone - she deserved it. A few comments were tossed her way about how she once claimed, "she didn't do that stuff," but Natasha ignored them.
The last person she expected to be suspicious of her relationship with Banner was suspicious. Carter gave her a smile when she informed everyone she was with Banner, but the woman didn't seem keen on it. Mumbling something indecipherable, Carter shook her head at Natasha, which only served to tighten the knot in her chest.
To top add a cherry on the top, she got fired from one of her three jobs and now wasn't making enough money to pay the rent. If she didn't scramble some together or get another job then Natasha would be kicked out of her apartment and living on the streets once more. That was a stress she didn't need to deal with. She just had to make it through high school then she could focus on making money - collage wasn't really in the question.
Bruce Banner - 4:30
Can I come over tonight? Watch a movie?
Natasha glanced at her manager who was flipping a burger in the back as she glanced at her phone sneakily. Breathing out heavily she debated the answer, fingers hovering over the keys. Tonight was her only night off from the night job - working in a bar which technically wasn't allowed, but a forged ID went a good distance if you got it done right. Banner, however, had some issues with rejection. His face turned a little red the first time she told him 'no' and he stormed off in a rage.
So reluctantly she typed out a response.
Natasha Romanoff - 4:31
Sure. I get off work at 5, so be there around 6.
He reacted to her message with a thumbs up before Natasha shoved her phone in her pocket to focus on work.
Bruce showed up at her door at 5:30 while she was still in the shower. He shot her a text, a few actually when she didn't reply to the first one, and Natasha hastily threw some clothes on - workout pants and a tanktop along with under garments, before drying her hair and opening the door for Bruce.
He stood dressed in a simple cardigan and casual pants holding a bag of italian takeout. His smile was unapologetic as he stepped through the door and placed the food on the coffee table with a crinkle. Grabbing the remote like it was his home, the man now comfortable after their 5 months of dating, he turned on a show - one that Natasha didn't bother to take note of. With heavy feet she dragged herself over to the couch and plopped down next to Bruce.
Partway through the second movie he slung his arm around her shoulders, ignoring the way they tensed, and scooched closer. Natasha froze, her body locking in place as she was reminded of a previous foster parent. Bruce gradually moved closer, oblivious to the way Natasha was locked in place, until their bodies were pressed together. Eventually she felt his hot breath on her neck and curls itching her chin. That was the only warning she got before Bruce pressed his lips to her neck.
Every single part of her wanted to run, run far away from the situation, but she forced herself to stay still. Bruce kissed up her neck and to her chin. Sensing he wanted more, the redhead turned her head to reincorporate (Despite all her senses screaming at her to not) and met his lips with hers halfway. He pushed her downward, straddling her lap - both of them blocking out the movie in the background.
Cracked, dry, lips trailed down her neck. Her body wanted to shiver in disgust but Natasha forced herself to stay compliant as she had done before. Banner's hands trailed down and down until they started reaching up under the hem of her shirt. Natasha was only willing to tolerate so much and slapped his hands away with a warning. Banner complied, continuing their sloppy, one-sided makeout session, before his hands started inching up her shirt again. Natasha slapped them away once more and shoved Banner off.
The screaming match started then. Banner getting angry and not understanding why, and Natasha upset he didn't listen (not that she wanted the kiss in the first place). In the end Natasha fled from her own apartment, her bare feet carrying her down the street and ignoring Bruce's rushed pleas for her to stay.
She pawed around for her phone, digging it out of her pocket and her cold fingers fumbled to dial Clint. The phone rang and rang as she walked down the the cold New York street, the sidewalk biting into her skin and wind wiping around her face. It rang and rang, but no one picked up. The realization struck Clint was out of town, visiting his brother for the weekend. She cursed herself and plopped down next to a tree.
Her head shoved between her hands she debated who to call. Realistically she could return to apartment, but Bruce knew where to find her there and she didn't want to talk right now. Against her rational thinking she dialed Peggy Carter. It rang a couple times before a groggy voice answered the phone.
"I-" the russian's voice came out strangled for the first time in a long while, "Uhm-"
Carter sounded a lot more alert when she answered, "Are you ok?"
It took a moment for Natasha to formulate a response before she reluctantly responded, "No."
"Ok," there was some shuffling on the other end of the phone and a small jingling, "Can you share your location, I'll come get you."
"You- it's alright I just-"
"No," Carter said, her voice insistent, "I'm coming to get you. Share your location."
There was the sound of a door opening the sounded as Natasha shared her location on her phone.
"Do you want me to stay on the phone?" Another door slamming and the reving of an engine.
"Yeah," Natasha croaked, her voice sore from screaming.
Breathing echoed through the phone, presumably on both ends, as Carter drove towards her location. Eventually humming reached Natasha's ears as she heard Carter turn on the radio. The woman hummed a song the redhead hadn't heard before, but it was oddly soothing.
It wasn't long before a car pulled up in front of her and Carter stepped out, still dressed in night clothes. Nearly in an instant the woman spotted her and rushed over.
"Are you okay?" Carter gave her a once over, checking her over for injuries.
Natasha nodded, not fully registering the words, but let Carter guide her toward the car. She thinks the british woman asked a question, but the moment Natasha was in the car - a mostly safe space - she allowed herself to zone out.
Once they arrived to the house Carter helped her out, gently guiding her towards the house. The brunette toed off her own shoes before leading Natasha up stairs and into a bedroom. She was placed her on a bed, her brain elsewhere, before Carter disappeared and returned with a change of clothes.
"Put these on, I'll go get you a warm drink. Tea or hot cocoa?"
Natasha dully registered she was being talked to, but her mouth wouldn't open.
"Natasha," Carter bent over so they were eye level, "Hey, Natasha, c'mon, why don't you change and the wash up. The bathrooms just next door and I'll make you a hot drink."
Natasha nodded but didn't make a move to change into the pair of sweatpants and oversized shirt. A heavy sigh came from Carter and the woman dug her hands into Natasha's biceps, hoisting her up.
"Can I help you get changed then?"
Her head nodded of it's own accord, red curls falling into her eyes. Carefully, Peggy lifted her shirt over her head - eyes lingering on the small dotted scar that looked like a small star-burst on her torso. Next cam her pants, the brunette woman removing them with a small blush as Natasha stood dead to the world.
"Lift your feet."
Carter tapped her feet and Natasha lifted them so that the brunette could slip the new pair of pants on.
"Alright," Peggy clapped her hands, the sound startling Natasha, "Sorry, do you want a warm drink or just to sleep?"
"Sleep," she croaked.
"K, you take the bed, I'll my parents room."
Natasha momentarily snapped out of her dazed state with a shake of her head, "It's your house, I'll take the couch. You're nice enough to even let me stay."
"Nope," Peggy sounded firm as she shook her head, "take the bed."
The woman didn't give her a choice to argue because she strided out of the room leaving Natasha alone in the vast room. She took stock of Peggy's room. Soft white sheets laid underneath her with the slightest tint of gray and matching pillows. Polaroid photos were pinned to the wall, mostly of Steve and Peggy together, but a few with two people who Natasha assumed were her parents. A couple featured Stark and Danvers, plus a few with her and Clint. A dark colored night stand housed an alarm clock and a red candle. Everything about the room gave off a vintage feel, comforting in some way.
Delicately, afraid to ruin anything, Natasha laid back on the bed - still above the covers. She thought about what had just happened. Bruce had- she wasn't sure what he had tried to do. He would never rape her, she knew that, but he took it a step too far and she wasn't ready. It wasn't knew, that forceful nature was something she had grown up with during various times in her life. She wasn't a scared eight year old anymore, she was a grown eighteen year old who lived by herself and could make her own decisions.
Automatically, as if she was still in that one home, her hand raised towards the headboard, highlighting the thin white scars encircling her wrist. She closed her eyes slowly, always on edge at a new place before sleep carried her away.
Neither of them spoke of that night again. Natasha had left early in the morning, before Peggy had awoken, and crept back to her apartment - embarrassingly still barefoot and wearing Peggy's clothes, which she returned the following school week.
Now, Natasha really retreated from the friend group and returned to just hanging out with Clint once more. When the young man saw her after visiting his brother, she told him the whole story while fiddling with her shirt. Clint sighed, pulled her into a hug, and muttered in her ear, "I told you so." She slapped his shoulder with a laugh and Clint glared at Banner in the hallways from that point onward.
School was almost over, and now Clint dragged her to a pizza night at Carter's house - her parents out of town - where he assured Banner would not be there.
Dressed in simple jeans and a hoodie, Natasha munched on a piece of pizza and stood in the corner. Various people milled around, most of which she did not know. Glancing at her watch, the time indicating she had been here for an hour, it was deemed a reasonable time and she decided to slip out. Her body weaved through groups of people as they chatted with each other. As she was about to leave, a voice called out to her.
"Hey Natasha!" Steve was waving her over, a bright smile on his face. Despite his cheery expression from where he stood, Natasha could see the hurt in his eyes at the fact she had been avoiding him in an attempt to avoid his girlfriend.
Steve was standing with an unusual gaggle of people. One man, shaggy brown hair and a jean jacket stood next to Steve - arm slung over the blonde's shoulder. Another woman stood, her brunette hair pulled into a tight bun as she wore jeans and a plaid shirt. Finally one more, a woman with brown hair typing on her phone stood there.
"Guys," Steve turned to face the others as Natasha reluctantly walked over, "This is Natasha. Nat, these are Bucky, Maria, and Daisy."
Bucky and Maria gave a small greeting, both of their voices quiet and short, meanwhile Daisy remained on her phone - typing away. Maria kicked her shin with a cough and the girl looked up from her phone.
"Oh, 'sup," she greeted Natasha before returning towards her phone.
"Ignore her," Maria said, "She's always doing something on there."
"So you're the Natasha I've heard so much about," Bucky commented, his eyes scanning her up and down - not in a bad way, just a "I want to know more."
"Only good things I hope," she replied smoothly.
Conversation mingled in that group for a while. Turns out the trio were a group of Steve's friend from another state, they all had military parents - thus moving around a lot, but had come to visit. Maria spoke the least about her parents, seemingly clamming up at the mention of it. Despite seeming the have a rough past, Daisy threw out that she had been in foster homes casually - the fact seeming to have no consequence to her.
Bucky seemed especially chummy with Steve, and it the blonde wasn't dating Peggy then she would think Bucky and Steve were dating. Deep down she thinks that she was offended she had never heard of these friends before, but Natasha waved that feeling away.
Clint eventually joined them, a drink in hand. He stumbled just the tiniest bit and if you looked close enough his pupils were slightly dilated. Most people wouldn't notice but Natasha assumed his drink, which looked like kool-aid, was spiked.
"Heya," Clint said, his southern accent coming out just the slightest bit - another sign he was drinking, "You guys want some?"
He gestured his cup up, some of it sloshing over the sides.
"Are you drunk?" Steve asked, ever the nobleman.
"Alcohol?" Daisy raised her head, eyes wide with excitement, "Where?"
Clint smiled at her, "No idea who you are, but it's over in the back," he vaguely gestured behind him before snatching Natasha's wrist and dragging her back there, Daisy bolting ahead of them ignoring Steve's protests.
Her best friend filled her a cup of spike punch and pushed it into her hands. She took it without protest, sipping on it carefully. There was a strong amount of alcohol in there, she wasn't sure which kind, but there was a lot.
The party flew by after that, Natasha wasn't sure how many cups of punch she drank, but the world spun as all the highschoolers gathered in a circle on the carpet, lazily sprawled over each other. Steve and Maria were probably the only ones sober.
"Natasha," Stark slurred, he had the most alcohol out of all of them, "truth or dare?"
The game had been going around for a while and Natasha was secretly hoping she would be ignored from her spot on the armchair.
"Truth," Stark had already come up with some crazy dares, resulting in Bucky being shirtless to reveal his prosthetic arm.
"Are you gay?" He smiled dopily at her, the smile morphing into a smirk.
Her cheeks heated as everyone eyed her, particularly the girls and she could feel Carter's gaze piercing her skull.
"Yes," normally she would lie, but her tongue disobeyed her brain and answered of its own accord.
A round of 'ooohs' echoed around, Stark opening his mouth to further question her, but Natasha cut him off - asking Daisy a question. It went a few more rounds before it landed on Stark again and he called on Natasha.
"Dare," she replied reluctantly after the past several people having chosen truth.
Stark pumped his fists in the air, "I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room - other than me of course." His chin tilted up arrogantly.
Natasha rolled her eyes, but stayed in place.
"C'mon," Clint urged, his southern accent clear now, "Choose someone, 's not that hard."
Her feet carried her over to where Carter laid draped across Steve, her head resting on his shoulder. Slowly, Natasha bent down and gave Carter a soft smooch on the kiss. Steve lightly slapped her, but laughed as she sauntered back to her seat with faux confidence.
Carter herself blinked owlishly, not totally present.
The game continued on, Natasha's mind still on that. She had just kissed Peggy. She kissed Peggy Carter. On the cheek, sure, but she kissed her - totally exposing herself. Oh gosh. Natasha wanted to sink into the couch and continued on with the game until it died out. Some people drove home, those sober enough, and others had already fallen asleep.
Natasha was sober enough to drive home, snatching her keys out of her pocket and heading towards the door. She cast her gaze back towards where Carter was passed out, drool slowly seeping out of her open mouth, but she still looked perfect . But she was also Steve's, the fact accented by Steve's arm draped over her shoulders.
Heavy hands turned the doorknob and Natasha drove towards her house. She decided one thing that night, she would graduate high school then leave Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter behind.
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years
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oneofstarkskids · 3 months
was it love?
peggynat fic
*not my gif*
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natasha romanoff, at the age of 34, had been through at least three lifetimes of pain and heartache.
she lost people, she lost herself, and when she thought she couldn't lose anything more the cycle would just start all over again.
though, she was sure she'd never felt pain like this.
the day that tall, muscular woman walked into her life she knew it was over for her. as if she wasn't already drooling over her broad shoulders and toned calves, her posh british accent had an unbreakable chokehold on natasha.
"the name's captain carter," she greeted oh-so professionally as she reached a perfectly manicured hand towards the red head.
natasha was, uncharacteristically, at a loss for words. and since that day, anyone paying attention could tell you that natasha and peggy were inseparable.
some of their teammates just assumed the girls had a deep friendship, but clint could (and definitely would) point out to anyone nearby the "way they look at each other".
natasha didn't really understand it at first. she knew that she was attracted to peggy, but then again you'd be insane not to be.
the problem was that natasha had never loved anyone before. not like that at least. she'd had flings, one night stands, flirted with people non-stop, but none of them made her feel this way.
they didn't make her heart race and her stomach flutter from something as simple as a wink. they didn't make her overthink and rethink every word that came out of her mouth.
natasha knew that those were basic descriptions of how people felt in movies, but how could she really know if she was in love?
was it love if peggy made her smile when no one else could? was it love if she preferred to spend time with peggy over anyone else? and if it was love, did her feelings even matter if peggy didn't love her back?
that's the part that hurt. it burrowed inside her and made her push peggy away.
the brunette knew most of natasha's past and she could read her like a book. which is why she was so confused by the distance natasha had been creating.
it wasn't something she was expecting. in her eyes, there was no reason for natasha to push her away. she thought they were friends. best friends.
at first, peggy tried talking about it but anytime she brought up the words "we need to talk", natasha made up some excuse about a mission or leaving her cat, liho, home alone.
clearly, talking was the last thing she wanted to do.
which broke peggy's heart. the former assassin had been the first person to welcome her with open arms when she felt so lost in this new age world.
they'd shared their trauma and nat had taught her how to open up and have fun again.
peggy laid in bed at night with her eyes wide open. all she could think about was natasha.
natasha's fire truck red hair. natasha's turquoise eyes. natasha's smile. natasha's lips. dammit, why was she thinking about natasha's lips?
she couldn't just sit here and do nothing while natasha was ignoring her. if peggy knew her as well as she thought she did, then natasha must have been going through something.
if she could do nothing else, she would at least let her best friend know she was there for her.
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kayedium-writes · 1 year
PeggyNat, Number 28: …as a lie.
I apologize in advance.
Alright, Salty! Kiss prompt for "...as a lie" ?? Ask, and you shall receive!
Truth and Lies
MCU / Peggy x Natasha / 400 Words
It wasn't discomfort with their cover story that had Peggy most concerned. No, it was quite the opposite.
Peggy pulled at the sleeves of her blazer, watching as Natasha rummaged through the small box of jewelry they’d packed for the mission.
“What do you think of this one?” she asked, turning to hold a simple square-cut diamond hanging from a delicate gold chain.
“Beautiful,” Peggy murmured before collecting her thoughts. “Beautifully complementary. For—the dress.”
Natasha smiled at her, tight-lipped and drawn slightly to the side. She motioned with a finger for Peggy to step forward, moving to lift the hair from the back of her neck. The perfume on her skin permeated Peggy’s senses and nearly stopped her in her tracks while she fiddled with the clasp of the necklace. But they had a job to do. And that didn’t involve her taking note of the signature scent on Agent Romanoff’s neck.
Read the rest now on AO3!
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skiesoffoy · 4 months
don't blame me
peggy carter x natasha romanoff
based on this x
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maximoffcarter · 3 years
What if...?
Pairings: Natasha x Peggy
Summary: What if...Peggy figured out that after all, getting back to her universe was the best decision?
A/n: It's not my best work, and I'm not too proud of this but I tried my best. If you have any requests, please let me know! Halloween special it's coming tomorrow!
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Peggy and Natasha walked out of the S.H.I.E.L.D quarters. Both of them getting in the car and driving away. Natasha kept looking at Peggy the whole ride, feeling bad for what she had said back in their mission, she really thought it could bring her up, that things would get much better, but she was wrong.
“Cap?” Natasha raised her brow.
“I’m sorry. I really thought there was someone inside. I thought-“
“It’d been impossible, Nat. As much as I wanted it, it would have been impossible.” Peggy shrugged as she offered a small smile. “It’s been years, they are all dead.” She sighed.
“I know, I just- I thought, maybe…” Natasha sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Hey, I have you. What else do I need?” Peggy grinned as she looked at Natasha for a moment before her eyes went back on the road.
Natasha smiled. “So…are you gonna tell me why the sudden hug after I saved your ass?”
Peggy laughed as she shook her head. “You wouldn’t believe me.”
“Maybe I would. I’m all you got, and you are all I got. So why wouldn’t I?” Natasha smirked.
“Well…” she sighed as she thought about it. Then she shook her head. “I guess I didn’t think you’d come to sabe me.” She looked back at her for a moment.
Natasha laughed. “I got your back, no matter what.”
“No matter what.” Peggy nodded and smiled as she focused again on the road.
Peggy kept looking on the computer waiting for the location to be revealed and whatever thing they could find. Both of them kept looking around to check they were still clear. They didn’t know how they had suddenly gotten to this point, everything had been so quick to happen; S.H.I.E.L.D compromised, no one knowing how HYDRA had become part of it so quickly, how they didn’t really see it before.
“So…is this legal now?” Peggy smirked.
“It is.” Natasha grinned as she kept looking into the computer.
Peggy kept thinking in her head how she had gotten here, how there were more than one universe, she existed in another universes, Natasha existed in another universe. Even if she was listening, she still couldn’t stop thinking about it. Steve was Captain America in another universe, maybe in many more and she was the only Captain Carter that existed, but she now knew there was another Natasha, she had met her and fought with her. So maybe in another universe…they were really together. She came back to reality when Natasha pulled her and said the word ‘fiancée’, making her stop for a moment as she followed the game.
From one moment to another, they were walking out the store, hugging each other so no one would notice. She tried to keep her mind clear, trying to forget what happened and what she saw and what she went through, and then again, Natasha made her come back to reality.
“Kiss me.” Natasha looked up at her.
“W-W hat?”
“Kiss me.”
Peggy looked at the other stairs and noticed who was there, rapidly leaning down and kissing Natasha, feeling her pulling her closer. They literally just pressed their lips together, it wasn’t a big thing, but Peggy somehow felt butterflies in her stomach, somethin she had never felt before. Of course it wasn’t her first kiss, but it really felt like it, it felt like it was the first kiss that she had always wanted, as simple as it had been. They both pulled away and kept walking until they got to the parking and got to steal a car.
“Can I ask…was that your first kiss since 1945?” Natasha smirked.
“That bad, huh?” Peggy chuckled.
“No, no…it wasn’t bad. At all.” Natasha smiled.
Peggy chuckled. “It wasn’t my first kiss since 1945. I can assure you that.”
Natasha nodded. “Good to know.” She smiled. “So…where we going now?”
“You’ll see. It’s not far from here.”
Things seemed to be a joke, it seemed like someone wanted to bring her back to the past. The Watcher hadn’t let her go back to that time, and now everything that was happening, HYDRA, Zola again, everything was happening way too fast. She coughed loudly as she opened her eyes and tried to figure where she was. With her shield she pushed everything that was on her way, looking beside her and noticing Natasha. She rapidly picked her up and got them both out, she tried to run as fast as she could to get away from S.H.I.E.L.D, or whoever was following them at this point. They finally got far away into the woods, Peggy put her down and placed both her hands on Natasha’s face.
“Nat, I need you to wake up. Please.” Peggy whispered softly as she looked down at her.
Natasha coughed as she opened her eyes, trying to adjust her eyes. “Wha-What happened?”
“It was a trap. But we are far from them, or at least I think we are.” Peggy sighed. “We need to find somewhere to hide. I don’t know who to trust anymore.”
“Do you trust me?” Natasha looked at her as she sat up.
Peggy grinned. “You the only one I trust.”
Natasha smiled. “Likewise.”
“C’mon then. There is a job we need to finish here.”
“Look who’s awake.”
Peggy opened her eyes slowly, groaning at the sudden light that hit right in her face. She looked around to recognize where she exactly was, but nothing seemed familiar. She then turned to her right to see Natasha sitting right beside her, a small smile playing on her face.
“I thought super soldiers couldn’t get beaten up.”
“First time for everything.” Peggy groaned as she moved, looking back at Natasha. “What happened?”
“Pierce is dead. We got S.H.I.E.L.D back on track technically. You’re alive.” Natasha grinned as she stood up. “Those are the important details.”
“We don’t know. That’s not important as long as we don’t hear anything from it.”
Peggy nodded. “Fair enough.”
“You gave us a big scare.” Natasha shrugged. “Gave me a big scare. We couldn’t find you.”
:I just decided to have a small walk on my own. Thought I’d have some time for me.” Peggy smirked.
“Of course you did.” Natasha chuckled. “Let me get the doctor so they can check on you.”
“Wait, Widow.” Peggy grabbed Natasha’s hand before she could leave. “Just…stay with me for a little longer?”
Natasha smiled. “Of course, cap.”
“So wait…you’re telling me that…you met another…me?”
Peggy chuckled. “Exactly like that. Just…somehow different.”
“Oh so you thought about changing me?” Natasha grinned.
“Oh please, I would never do that.”
Natasha smiled. “So…that’s why the sudden hug when you came back?”
“You’re a special case, Carter.” Natasha grinned. “I like that.”
Peggy shook her head. “Could you imagine that? Not being in this universe?”
“Sounds impossible, but I believe you.” Natasha looked down at her hands. “It’d be weird to not have you around.”
Peggy smiled. “I thought the same.”
Natasha smiled as she shook her head. “I’m not- I’m not good with this, Peggy. I really am not.” She looked back at her.
“Is anyone really good at this sort of thing?”
“I just feel like…I don’t deserve any of this.”
Peggy stood up from the couch and walked to where Natasha was sitting, sitting right beside her and grabbed her hand. “You deserve all the good in the world. We are not perfect. We don’t always do the right things, but we try.” She offered a smile.
Natasha smiled. “You might be right.”
“I don’t know any of this too. I just know that I’ve been trying to run from my past many times, and I try to act normal with all of this change. But…we could try this out.”
Natasha nodded. “What a softie you are.”
“Oh, shut-“
Natasha placed her hands on Peggy’s cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss, it was slow and sweet at first, until Peggy pulled her closer and everything else seemed to be forgotten, they could only feel their lips against each other’s and their hearts beating faster than ever. Peggy smiled against her lips, breaking the kiss, and Natasha placed her forehead against Peggy’s.
“I’m sure Fury is gonna love this.” Natasha teased.
“Oh, don’t bring him up right now.” Peggy laughed. “It’s the two of us right now. Nothing else.”
Natasha nodded as she pecked her lips. “As it should be.”
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witlessficcer · 2 years
Snowballs and Ice Skates
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Note: I chose the above image to show Peggy in cold weather gear, but it is obvious not what she’s wearing in the fic below. 
This story is a submission for @aerynwrites​ December Writing Challenge 2021. I chose: Day 2 - Frozen Lake || Cold hands, Scarves, and Snow.
Summary: Peggy and Nat go ice skating at a frozen pond on Avengers property. 
Tags: @blazestarninja13​
Snowballs an Ice Skates 
There were many skills Natasha Romanoff learned during her time in the Red Room. Skills that were taught for no other reason than to have an ace in hole if necessary.  Ice skating was not much of a stretch from ballet and it was a convenient skill to learn in the remote Russian country-side. Ironically, she had never needed it for a mission. However, today seemed to be as a good a day as any to surprise Peggy by showing off a little. Peggy could skate, but not like a professional.
When Peggy suggested they go skating at one of Tony’s sports arenas, Natasha demurred, preferring to skate on a frozen pond to some prefabricated, decorated setting. It didn’t take long or her to remember a pond in the back forty of the Avengers estate. She and Peggy had done enough exploring of the expansive property to know it well. Peggy was game, always one to jump at the prospect of adventure, even a frozen one.
“I’m definitely regretting the idea of hiking out here,” Peggy said, as they trudged through the snow. “Even with the top of the line Under Armour, my bits are starting to freeze.”
“We can’t have that,” Natasha called over her shoulder, a few steps ahead. “It’s not far. Just pull that Union Jack scarf a little tighter around your neck and that beanie back down over your ears.”
“Not the bits I was referring to, but okay,” adjusting her accessories.
A few minutes later, they reached the pond. The surrounding trees were bare of leaves and laced with snow. The tall grass of the meadow, was covered in a blanket of snow with stray frost encrusted blades sticking out.
“Beautiful isn’t,” the redhead said, as she took off her pack and began to extract thermoses and water bottles as well as protein bars and a small box of Underwest Donuts.
“All year round,” Peggy agreed, removing her pack and extracting two pairs of ice skates. “Something else if beautiful all year round. I mean someone else.”
“Wanda is definitely a perennial,” Natasha said, removing her gloves and tearing open a protein bar, handing one to Peggy.
“Pish Posh!” the brunette admonished. “I’m talking about you, Natasha. Blonde or natural red, short or long, curly or straight, you are always pretty to me. Those piercing green eyes and soft cheeks are bloody adorable.”
Stuffing the wrapper for the devoured protein bar in her pack, Nat kneeled down and packed snow into her already cold hands. It was a quick and before Peggy noticed, a snowball exploded against her chest. “That’ll teach to stop flattering me with verbal kisses. I prefer the physical kind.”
Peggy dodged behind a tree as Nat prepared another volley. The super soldier speedily created three snow balls and stayed in a crouch as she heard Nat rounding the tree. Snow impacted her beanie and showered into her eyes and on to her cheeks. The Widow was fast even with without enhanced reflexes. Peggy side armed a tight snowy projectile that hit Natasha’s hip as she sprinted out of view.
“That rear end is especially nice,” Peggy said, standing and giving chase. “Too bad it’s about to be pasted with stinging ice.”
“Captain Carter wouldn’t throw ice balls, would she?” Nat called, rounding the tree again and nailing Peggy in both thighs. “Kind of unsportsmanlike?”
The tall brunette made two more snowballs and finally decided standing still was not doing her any good. Dashing into the open, she sat the redhead near the edge of the pond. She rapid fired all three as her prey dashed back toward their gear. Peggy had anticipated this and led her shots accordingly. The first hit Natasha’s neck, which was protected by a high collar fleece and scarf. The second hit the bull’s eye of her cheek, delayed her forward progress. The third snow ball sailed clear and landed on the ground behind. As soon as she released the volley, Peggy was on the move and running toward her girlfriend. Nat was still wiping snow from her face when the well-muscled woman collided with her. Peggy was no linebacker wanting to sack a quarterback, so she took her lover to the ground as softly as she could.
“You just got sacked,” Peggy said, leaning over Nat, stray brown hair protruding from under her beanie.  “Fair and square.”
“I could have…s-sworn I heard… you say ‘pish posh’,” the redhead said, breathlessly. “You…are so old.”
“No argument there,” Peggy replied, leaning in to kiss her lover full on the lips. “But those rosy cheeks make you look as cute as a school girl.”
Natasha pulled the brunette in for another kiss. “Cradle robber.”
“Lolita,” Peggy breathed.
“This is definitely warming me up, but perhaps we should do what we came here for,” Nat proposed.
Peggy kissed Natasha again, long and hard, pressing her full self into the other woman. “Are you sure this isn’t what we came here for?”
Nat raised her eyebrows mischievously. “Maybe. But you remember what happed last time we got intimate out here?”
“How could I forget the Iron Intruder,” the Captain answered, wrinkling her brow at the memory.
“Let’s go skating, Peg,” Nat said, smiling and pecking a kiss on her lover’s chin.
Soon, two had brushed off, had a snack, and laced up their skates. Nat was the first one on the ice and glided in a wide arc with such grace that simply Peggy stared in admiration.
“Come on, Peggy,” Nat encouraged. “The ice is perfect.”
Peggy went out onto the ice, tentatively, getting her balance, and then skated toward her girlfriend. She watched as Natasha picked up speed and transitioned into a tight pirouette.
As Peggy got closer, she said: “Holy Smokes! That was amazing.”
“Nothing a little torturous Red Room training couldn’t produce,” Nat said, gliding up to Peggy and wrapping her arms around her waist. “Are you impressed, Cap?”
“I’m more than impressed, my little show off,” the brunette said. “Now, hold my hand and let’s skate like young lovers.”
Natasha kissed Peggy and pulled her close. “I’d like that. I believe that’s what we came here to do.”
“You’re absolutely right.”  
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mistress0fchaos · 2 years
Night Terrors
Summary- Nat often has nightmares, but Peggy is always there to help her through it ❤️
Warnings- past trauma
A/N- just a ton of fluff ❤️, probably wont follow much of a plot line, more like a collection of OneShots following the same story
Chapter 1
I don't know why I ran to her the first time it happened.
I ran down the hallway, tears streaming down my face. I stopped running when I reached the door, quietly knocking. I waited a few moments before a very tired Peggy opened the door. Her face softened when she saw me.
“Nat? What's wrong, are you ok?” She picked me up and took me inside the room, shutting the door behind us. She set me down on the bed, brushing the hair out of my face.
“I had a nightmare” she sat down next to me, pulling me into a hug, running her fingers through my hair.
“I'm sorry love, do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head.
“No, i just want you to be here”
“Nat, you ok?” Tony asked, looking at me from across the table.
“Yeah I'm fine, just tired,” I replied, leaning back in my chair.
“Alright” he shrugged, standing up and walking out of the dining room. I took a drink of water, closing my eyes. The nightmares had gotten worse. I thought they had stopped a long time ago, but they came back. I finished bandaging my leg and stood up, walking outside. The cool breeze hit my skin as I left the compound. I walked over to a large oak tree, sitting under it and closing my eyes. I would’ve liked to stay here forever.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I opened my eyes.
“Did you plan on eating with us tonight Natasha?” Peggy asked, helping me up.
“Sorry, lost track of time” I sighed, walking with her inside. The rest of the team were sitting in the living room, Tony had bought takeout chinese for everyone. I sat down with Peggy on the couch, everyone else hardly noticing our arrival. I leaned into Peggy’s side as I felt myself begin to drift off.
“Come on, you can do better” I tightened my grip on the gun, trying to aim more carefully this time. I pulled the trigger. Perfect bullseye.
“Natasha, wake up” I blinked my eyes open. Everyone else had left. It was just me and Peggy in the living room. I rubbed my head. “Are you alright? You fell asleep on me quite a while ago” I nodded, taking my phone out of my pocket to check the time.
“It's late, i should probably get to bed” i stood up, but Peggy grabbed my hand before i could walk away.
“You sure you don't want to bunk with me tonight? Just in case?” she asked. I stood there, stunned for a moment, before slowly nodding. She smiled, picking me up and carrying me to her room.
“Do you carry me around everywhere just to show off?” I asked, playfully slapping her arm.
“I do actually” she responded, walking into the room and setting me down on the bed. She changed into shorts and a sports bra and sat down next to me. “You’re adorable”
“I am not” I said, trying, and failing, to push her off the bed. She pulled me into a bear hug and plastered kisses all over my face. I laughed, pushing her off of me.
“Stoop, we need to go to bed” I complained, getting under the blankets.
“Alright, alright” Peggy replied, snuggling up next to me. “Sleepy?”
“Very” I said, closing my eyes. “Goodnight”
“Goodnight widow, love you”
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katebishopofearth · 3 years
dance. [a peggynat fanfic.]
Fandom: Marvel Parings: peggynat Characters: Natasha Romanov | Peggy Carter Rating: T (for mild language) Additional tags: Captain Carter | major character (presumed) death | WWII |
written for day 9 of whumptober 2021: Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated | presumed dead | (blind) rage | tears
The spy’s name was not Natasha Romanoff. She had no name, no family, no identity. No place in the world.
Her mission was to infiltrate the Americans’ super soldier program, but she wasn’t the only spy. A Hydra operative shot Steve Rogers in the heart, and in the time it took for Natasha to kick the gun from his hand and point it at his head, the serum was coursing through Peggy’s veins.
When Captain Carter emerged, six feet of muscle and sinew and sheer stubbornness, it was Natasha’s eyes that she met with a gaze that was fire and steel.
From then on Natasha became the Captain’s right hand woman. They had each other sixes through a dozen impossible missions and daring raids, and bandaged each other’s wounds afterwards. When the men around them tried to bar their entry, they forced their ways in and demanded seats at the table.
They talked deep into the quiet nights on the front. Peggy shared the deepest thoughts of her heart and Natasha whispered half-truths that were more than she dared to share with anyone else. “Have you ever been to London?” Peggy asked. Natasha shook her head. The Captain smiled, and her eyes were brighter than the stars above the Eastern Front. “I’ll take you there, after the war. We’ll go dancing.” Natasha closed her eyes and tried not to think about how, after the war, she would go nowhere but back to the Soviet Union.
One rainy afternoon, in a stolen moment, Peggy kissed Natasha behind the tents. She leaned into it, forgetting what it’s like to be a spy, a KGB operative, a weapon. Knowing only Peggy.
Then the fight led them to Hydra, then onto a plane with a dozen missiles. Peggy was the only one who made it on board, the only one who could best the Red Skull and take control of the aircraft.
“I have to land it,” Peggy said, regret bubbling in her voice. “Now. In the water.”
“No,” Natasha insisted with the fierceness that Peggy had grown to love. “Try for a safe landing.”
“It’s too late,” Peggy said, resigned. “This is the only way.” She hated admitting defeat, but she knew when it was her responsibility to step up and do something. Just like the moment she took the serum, the moment she disobeyed orders to rescue her soldiers, and now. The moment when she would go down with a plane full of bombs.
But giving up wasn’t something Natasha understood. If she went down, she would go down fighting. “Goddamn it, Carter, give me your coordinates.”
“Natasha.” The borrowed name hit home, and Natasha quieted, listening to the voice of the woman who awoke something in her that should have been dead. “I have to do this.”
Peggy’s words were met with radio silence. The next time Natasha spoke, there was a palpable shift in her voice. She was fighting tears. Tears that should have been burnt out of her, just like her innocence. “You owe me a dance.”
“Next Saturday, the Stork Club.” Peggy’s voice was steady. “Eight o’ clock. Don’t you dare be late, Natasha.”
“I’ll be there,” Natasha promised, as the line went dark. She hunched over the console, hiding the tears that leaked from her eyes and down her cheeks, infinitely more than she thought she had in her.
Several days later, at exactly eight o’clock on a Saturday evening,  many a passerby in front of the Stork Club noticed a lone woman, a redhead in a black dress fit for a widow. She waited for a date that would never come.
[read on AO3]
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katyobsesses · 3 years
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terrible screenshot but... It's okay nat, we will, with copious amounts of fanfiction
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girlbookwrm · 4 years
Hi hi hi so I just finished reading your Knockout fanfiction and please please please tell me the sequal is still happening I don't think I can go on without one please please please
SO, i mean the short answer is yes -- I actually have a completed draft of the prequel done, but I don’t want to start posting it until I have the sequel done too because it feels like a dick move to follow up my peggynat masterpiece with tragique steggy and no peggynat.
the longer answer is that it’s on my to-do list for NaNo later this year. It would have been done last year probably but I really wanted to finish up this original fic thing I’m trying to get ready for selfpub.
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years
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More power to representation!
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evanstarff · 5 years
4, 11, 23, 36 and 51 📝💌
Thanks you gorgeous thing! 🖤
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
If I'm truly honest? I definitely felt disappointed about being part of the social bubble that is Cap/Stucky/MCU fandom after Endgame came out, especially with all the outrage / cancel commentary. But hey, everyone's entitled to their views just like I'm entitled to utterly adore everything Endgame chose to be and still ship the characters I ship – the two aren't mutually exclusive.
Maybe I'm too old in fandom years, but I stopped emotionally investing too much of myself into pop culture and canon. Frankly, there is always something to be outraged about and always will be.
11. Who is your current OTP?
SteveNat a.k.a. my sad sex friends. And PeggyNat, because I started reading girlbookwrm's Buff!Peggy fic where Peggy becomes Cap instead of Steve.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Answered here, love.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Right this moment, it's smut. Otherwise, I love writing angst with a dash of fluff.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Caveat – this is just my opinion. That's all. Not a soapbox. Don't @ me, I'm too old for this.
One other thing I've noticed is the recent commentary around feedback and comments on fics. Maybe it's because I'm too old in fandom years, but feedback and reblog-to-Likes ratio is not a big deal for me. I've worked as a journalist in the past and realised none of my talented journo colleagues were getting any thanks for the incredible work they were doing. Journalists are barely paid what they deserve let alone appreciated for the work they do – and yet they keep going anyway (it's also for this reason that I pay for all my news and moved out of the industry a.k.a. I need to eat).
Fic writers write for free out of their own volition – no rules, no nothing, and post it for shits and giggles on the internet. The. Internet. For me to expect thanks and validation from internet strangers on one of the flightiest social media platforms? Call me cynical, but that tells me I'm looking for self-validation in the wrong place. My sense of worth in writing comes from a handful of loved ones and me. That's it. Any kind stranger who willingly takes time out of their lives to read my dumb fics that I've willingly dished out for free is a bonus.
I also answered 51 here.
Send me Fanfic Asks
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kayedium-writes · 1 year
MCU Masterlist: (Updated 6/19/23)
Below, you'll find links to all of my MCU-related fanfics currently on AO3, rated, with summaries included, sorted by ship.
Will be updated as regularly as possible. Any nsfw content that may be listed below is for my adult readers only, from an adult writer!
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Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter
One Shots:
Just a Dream. Rated G. Canon Divergent AU.
Peggy's sleep is disturbed by a nightmare. One that involved a very different ending for her and Steve.
Radio. Rated G. Canon Compliant.
One thing there was always time for doing: dancing.
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Peggy Carter x Natasha Romanoff
Current WIPs:
Brief Moments in Time. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU.
Stolen domestic moments between Peggy and Natasha when the problems of the world allow them to happen as Peggy continues adjusting to life in the 21st century.
One Shots:
A Fragile Thing. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU.
Natasha wants to say it, it's on the tip of her tongue, but she can't bring herself to tell Peggy how she feels yet. She can, however, tell her a few stories about the scars that decorate her body.
Truth and Lies. Rated G. Canon Compliant.
It wasn't discomfort with their cover story that had Peggy most concerned. No, it was quite the opposite.
Persistent Insistence. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU.
Despite Natasha's best efforts to hide out at home alone after a mission gone wrong, a series of knocks at her door and one super soldier interrupt those plans. Not that she minds.
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Bruce Banner x Jane Foster
One Shots:
Buttercream Betrayal. Rated T. Canon Divergent AU - Pre-Thor.
Jane was dead set on not celebrating her birthday, which was precisely why Bruce was buying her a cake anyway.
Among the Wildflowers. Rated G. Canon Divergent AU - Jane Lives.
Bruce and Jane have a moment to bask in the sunset in a field of flowers.
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Jane Foster x Valkyrie
One Shots:
Perfection. Rated G. Canon Compliant.
All Jane wanted was to hit all of her targets...
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years
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mischievous-thunder · 3 years
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