#polyam education
bamababygirl7 · 1 year
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Source: Instagram
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polykinkstr · 1 year
8 common types of polyamory:
Anchor Partners
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discoveringpolyamory · 10 months
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A "main" partner to whom you are more committed than other people you see
Many people dislike this term as they believe hierarchical relationships are inherently unfair. But for others, it clarifies to potential partners how much time and energy they have for them. 
This term is often used by couples who have opened up to polyamory together. When you share things with one partner, such as home ownership or childrearing, they will often, by necessity, have to take priority over others.
(Discover more at DiscoveringPolyamory.com)
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Rules vs Agreements vs Boundaries
I see these confused a lot, so here’s a simple guide to them!
Rules are things put in place to control someone else’s behavior, whether that be a partner, a metamour, or anyone else. (Yes, it’s still a rule if you have to follow it too). Rules are strict and breaking them always has some kind of punishment involved. The punishment can be anything, maybe something decided in advance (If you do X, I’ll do Y), or even just the fight you’ll get into when it’s broken. Some examples of rules in non-monogamous relationships are:
1. You can only be with people as long as I approve, and you have to dump them if I say so (veto power)
2. We can only date cis women (one-penis-policy)
3. We have to spend at least 4 nights a week together
4. No sleeping with someone else unless I’ve met them first
5. Always be home by 11:00 PM
Now, it is possible to have healthy rules in a relationship, don’t get me wrong. However, it’s also common for rules to cause resentment and mistrust in relationships. Before making a rule, please consider where you are coming from with the rule. Most rules come from places of fear, mistrust, or insecurity. You may be making assumptions about how your partner will treat you without the rule in place, assuming the worst. Once you identify the feeling behind a proposed rule, you can attack the problem at its source instead of using a rule to cover it up. It’s similar to jealousy, in that respect. If you and your partner agree the rule comes from a good and constructive place, then you have a good rule.
Agreements are the hardest to pin down and describe, in my opinion. Agreements are trusting each other and acknowledging each other’s needs and your commitment to meeting those to the best of your abilities. Multiamory describes the difference between the philosophy of agreements and rules as, “A philosophy of communication and trust, as opposed to a philosophy of restriction and requirement”. Please remember that the philosophy and intent behind what you and your partner agree to is more important than the language used. Regardless of whether you call it a rule or an agreement, it’s the intent that makes it healthy or unhealthy. Possible agreement alternatives to the rule examples are:
1. We will trust each other’s judgment in our other relationships, and we’ll be aware of and work through any jealousy they cause
2. We will work together to unpack the insecurities the one who set the rule had, and take agreed upon baby steps towards dating other men and/or people with penises to help ease them into the change while we work through this insecurity
3. We will spend deliberate time together each week and not take our living together for granted
4. We will stay safe during sex and be open and transparent with each other about our sex practices, and we will communicate about and work through our jealousy and insecurities together
5. We will trust each other to be safe and responsible while out, and we will keep each other updated about when we will get home and if we’ll be late so not to cause worry
Boundaries are things that you can enforce all on your own. They are self-empowering, unlike rules, which give all of the power to the other person. Boundaries are a healthy way to protect yourself and a staple in all relationships. Some examples of boundaries in relationships are:
1. I will not stay in a relationship with someone who is abusive
2. I will not have unprotected sex with someone who is having unprotected sex with other people 
3. I will not stay in a relationship with someone who smokes
4. I will not stay in a relationship with someone who is deceptive
5. I will not share intimate details about my other relationships with my other partners unless it directly affects them and/or our sexual safety
The only issue with boundaries is how easy it is to turn them into threats. Going back to example number three, this can be turned into a threat by saying “If you don’t stop smoking, I will leave you”. This manipulative and controlling behavior, and it puts the power back into the partners hands, so it is no longer self-empowering. It stops being a boundary entirely, both because of the power shift, the intent behind it, and the fact that you’re still in the relationship. Boundaries are the final defense. If your boundary is broken and you don’t enforce it, and instead choose to turn it into a threat to control your partner, it loses everything that makes it a boundary and becomes another way to take control. You can avoid this by making sure the focus stays on you, what you’re comfortable with, and what you’ll do to take care of yourself. Always be honest with yourself about your intentions, and never be afraid to enforce a boundary. Keeping yourself safe is more important than the relationship and/or action that is compromising that.
For more information, I highly suggest the Multiamory podcast episode “Rules vs. Agreements feat. Boundaries”. It goes a little more in-depth than I did, and it was my main resource when writing this post.
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mhamory777 · 1 day
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polybabygirlbunny · 2 years
My current polyamourous relationships
Hubby- Married 16 years. Life partner. Nesting partner and partner in raising children. Hubby is aromantic but not asexual. He is not poly oriented and has no other partners.
Daddy- D/s dynamic 3.5 years. He is Daddy and Master. I am submissive and little. Lives six hours away and is now fully a long distance partner. Romantic and sexual partner. Helps me push physical and mental boundaries. Deeply bonded. He has one platonic partner who is long distance.
J- Platonic partner. Friends for 5+ years. Emotional support in all aspects of life from parenting to balancing a polyamourous life. Long distance. J has two romantic and sexual partners.
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vaspider · 2 years
Pete Buttigieg is just a faggot.
It's very important to me that younger queers understand this: to the people who you're trying to be more respectable for when you say things like neopronouns set the trans movement back or you're why the cishets don't accept us or including [aces/bi people with the 'wrong kind' of partners/non-binary people/kinksters/non-passing trans ppl/furries/polyam people] just hurts us, can't you wait until we get all our rights before we talk about some of yours? -- to those people? Pete Buttigieg is just a fag.
On Sunday at Pride Northwest, some kids -- late teens, early 20s -- asked what our button I survived Reagan for this? meant. All of the queer adults at the tables making up our ad hoc counter looked at each other and sighed a little. Emet and another adult started to explain the way that the Reagan Administration handled -- or didn't handle -- the beginning of the AIDS crisis. How many people died. How much we were ignored. The Ashes Action. The Time Magazine article which explicitly blamed bisexual men for passing the pandemic to the cishet community, playing on all the worst stereotypical bullshit. The way that even when the CDC started paying attention, they were so focused on gay men that they ignored AIDS in the lesbian community, leading to the "women don't get AIDS, they just die from it" poster. And so on.
I finished counting out change and passed the last Bear Pride raised fist pin over to a bear a little older than me, then turned my head and interjected, "they didn't care until it started infecting more than just the fags." I turned my head back and handed him his change. He laughed bitterly and said, "remember when they called it 'gay cancer?'"
That what I need you to understand. The people for whom you are folding yourself into smaller and smaller boxes will never see you as anything but a freak. A queer. A dyke. A tranny. A fag.
These are people who will stand by and let you wither away and die alone, gasping for breath in a cinderblock room, and not even claim your ashes, and they will say you deserve it, because of your lifestyle. If they speak of you at all it will be by the wrong name, with the pictures you hate the most. They will curse at your lover, throw him out of the home you shared, and steal the gift you gave last Christmas to throw it in the trash just so he can't have it and they'll say Jesus loves you! while they do it. They'll feel good and righteous and blessed and holy and pure for doing it.
And for them, you spit in the eye of your sister. For them, you disavow your sibling. For their sake, you trim away bits of your heart and lace yourself up tight. Never too loud. Never too queer. Never inconvenient or embarrassing, never asking for too much.
Pete Buttigieg is what happens when your Boomer dad turns out gay. Middle America. Parents still married. Suburban-sprouted. Valedictorian. Harvard-educated. Rhodes Scholarship. Military service. More power to him: I hope he and Chasten are very happy together. Genuinely, I do.
You couldn't create a more respectable gay if you grew one in a lab run by concerned voter focus groups.
But Pete Buttigieg? Is just a fag.
That's the part you don't seem to get: when they abandoned us, they abandoned all of us. Rock Hudson was a beloved movie star and even personally friendly with that horrid pair of ambitious jackals. Nancy Reagan refused to help him get into the only place in the world that could treat him at the time, and he died.
It was 1985, 4 years after the CDC first released papers on what would eventually become known as HIV/AIDS and 7 years after the first known death from an infection from HIV-2. Reagan hadn't even said the word AIDS by the time Hudson died.
Pete Buttigieg is just a fag, and so am I. Unless I'm a dyke, which seems to depend on who's yelling what from which window and what day it is.
Yes, there will be people who genuinely love and accept you. Those people are worth all the frustration of the rest, thankfully, and they're the ones who love you in a pup mask or a leather harness and a neon jock like the ones sold by the men up the row from us last weekend. They're the ones who laugh out loud when you tell them you hid the word "dyke" in your company name, the ones who love you in all your messiness and uncertainty and the way you don't fit into neat boxes all scrubbed up and clean.
Most cishets, though... well, they don't actively mean you specifically any harm, at least not when they have to look at you. Not when you're right there in front of them. Maybe they'll be okay with you, personally, especially if you're the kind of gay who makes a good rhetorical device, and as long as you remain a good rhetorical device.
They need people to know that they don't have a problem with the gays, after all, and there you are, being all convenient. You make a nice token, and as long as you do, well. You're useful.
But they call you by your deadname when you're not around, and they put the wrong pronouns in your medical record even though they met you years after you came out, and they won't put themselves out to save you. Not one little bit.
I didn't want to be here again. The year I graduated from high school was the worst year of the AIDS crisis. The world into which I became an adult was a world in which an advisor and friend to Reagan, William F. Buckley, openly advocated for forcibly tattooing the HIV status of HIV+ gay men on their buttocks (and IV drug users on their forearms), and in which my father not only told me that when I was 14 or so, but when was told me that he'd advocated for that tattoo being "over their assholes."
(Buckley wrote that in '86, but he doubled down on it in 2005.
But yeah. I didn't want to be here again. I wanted my daughter to inherit a better world. I wanted Obergefell and Lawrence v. Texas and Hope & Change to really mean something. I work for it, today and all days. I haven't given up.
I need you to know that, too. This isn't a white flag. I'm not surrendering. This isn't over. To misquote Henry Rollins, this is what Marsha and Sylvia and Stormé and Leslie and Brenda and Auntie Sugar trained us for. This is punk rock time.
But I need you to understand that if Pete Buttigieg is just a fag, if that human embodiment of a Wonder Bread, mayo and Oscar Meyer bologna sandwich is not respectable enough for them -- and he's not -- then the rest of us have absolutely no hope of measuring up. Not even if we trim away every colorful, beautiful piece of our community, not even if the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence vanish into the ether, not even if we sacrifice the five elements of vogue on the altar of white supremacist cishet middle-class conformity: we can't trim ourselves down to something they'll accept.
The only other option is radical acceptance of our queer selves. The only other option is solidarity. The only other option is for fats and femme queens and drags and kinksters and queers and zine writers and sex workers and furries and addicts and kids and the ones who can look us in the eye and see all of us to say we're here, we're queer, get used to it just the way we did 30 years ago. It's revolutionary, complete and total acceptance of our entire community, not just the ones the cishets can pretend to be comfortable with as long as we don't challenge them too much, or it's conceding the shoreline inch by inch to the rising waters of fascism until we've got nowhere left to stand and some of us start drowning.
That's it. Either it's all of us or it's none of us, because if we leave the answer up to the Reagans of the world and all the people who enabled him in the name of lower taxes and Democrats who wring their hands, weeping oh I don't agree with it but we'll lose the election if we fight it right now, the answer is none of us.
The brunch gays can come, too, I guess.
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bamababygirl7 · 1 year
I see discussions frequently in groups that I’m a member of (mainly poly groups but it’s important to know for all relationships and everyday life) about boundaries and rules because people are often confused on what these two terms actually mean and the differences between them.
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A boundary is something you set for yourself. A rule is something that is set (consensually) for someone else.
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asherashedwings · 3 days
Dumbass relationship chart cuz I’m cringe
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So, further elaboration:
FNF trio are poly cuz I said so. - BF and Pico were exes that broke up on. Alright terms ig. They still loved each other, but decided to split up due to the circumstances at the time - Pico joined BF and GF's relationship not too long after week 3 me thinkies. BF wanted to take another shot at a relationship, and GF didn't really mind cuz she found Pico cute anyways. LET THE POLYAM COMENCE !!
Nene dated both Pico and Darnell before she came to terms with the fact she liked women. - She was raised Christian so I imagine she might've had some internalized homophobia going on.
Idk when Nene and GF became a thing, but I think they got introduced to one another sometime after Weekend 1. Yknow, Pico having his friends meet his partners. - Nene probably: "...Pico, can I steal your girlfriend-?"
Darnell dated Nene for experimentation sake. Testing the waters, yknow? - He very quickly found out he does not do romance. - It was a very educational time for both of them.
Pico and Darnell describe their relationship as "homies that smooch and cuddle sometimes. I mean, nothing wrong with showing your homie some love, right?" - They do not know what a QPR is.
Nene and Cassandra's relationship is. Complicated- - The simple version? Enemies with benefits. - I'm making a fic about the more complicated version.
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I'm gonna... talk about a personal/selfish-feeling angle of the current situation with Palestine.
I converted to Judaism in 2021-2022. I have been officially Jewish for about 21 months, but I spent the previous year studying and practicing and getting to really know this religion and this culture that I am now part of.
From the very beginning of that journey, I have considered the possibility of becoming a rabbi. From the very beginning, where I was still sort of terrified to even admit I really wanted to be Jewish, I had this small dream in the back of my mind of becoming a rabbi to help people and learn jewish law and learn torah and be a guiding presence in people's lives. I still think I'd be pretty good at it.
I've had more than one rabbi of my acquaintance caution me against it for various reasons, I've faced the terror of the fact that I'd almost certainly have to move away from my chosen family for 5 years, I've worried about the cost, and I've worried about the difficulties of learning hebrew this late in life (ah yes from my ripe old age of 29).
Nothing has truly turned me away from that small dream, that hope in the back of my mind that this might be a good and important opportunity. Nothing until now. It's not even the Israeli genocide that has turned me away from the rabbinate because I believe the Jewish people need and deserve leaders in their communities that are anti-Zionist, that are queer, that are trans, that are polyam, that are compassionate and outspoken about injustice. It's the rabbis that I already know that are making this path feel so untenable.
I am friends with a few reform rabbis (specifically USian), and I follow a handful more on social media, and I don't know if I have just been unfortunate in those I have befriended or if this is more prevalent. I have not seen a single reform rabbi that I pay attention to say anything stronger about the genocide than "Let's pray for peace for both sides." I have not seen or heard active, outspoken, public condemnation of the system slaughter and destruction of the Palestinian people or Gaza from a reform rabbi.
These are my friends, my rabbis (from current and previous synagogues), my teachers, my mentors, and people I look up to. One of them sent a link to the congregation mailing list about the Jewish National Fund ("the single largest provider of Zionist programs in the U.S.") conference in Denver next week. One of them is currently in Israel attending the Amplify Israel Rabbinic Fellowship Israel trip, full of conferences and educational opportunities. She keeps posting about how beautiful Israel is, and how heartbreaking it is to speak to the friends and family members of hostages, and about the "PR problem" that Israel has right now. One of them messaged me privately to disagree with how I defined Zionism and denounced it, and privately said "but fuck genocide and settler colonialism", which is not a sentiment I've seen her express publicly.
I don't know if the problem is that they have all been educated at the same rabbinical school, I don't know if they fear for their social positions or actual jobs if they speak out, I don't know if reform Judaism is so thoroughly steeped in white(ish) liberalism that the entire movement is irrevocably zionist. But whatever the problem, the continued utter lack of empathy or speaking out for the grief and horror of the Palestinian people, and the focus on painting the Israeli military decisions and the whole project of Israel in a positive light genuinely makes me sick.
Part of my heart is still interested in being a rabbi and still hopeful that I would be able to be a force for good and change. But a larger part of my heart is angry and tired and disgusted and disillusioned about the position and the reform rabbinical school specifically.
I do not know how to reconcile these disparate feelings atm, or if now is even the time to try. I don't know who to talk to about it because I would usually talk to my rabbis, but I'm scared of how those conversations would go right now. I feel like I should call out or in these people that I have liked and respected for so long, but I'm afraid of that too. (What a privilege that my fears are so small.)
Idk if there's really a point to this, but I needed to write it out somewhere.
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
Sexuality in a Solarpunk World
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To end out my rambles about sex positivity, let me talk about what the relationship between societies and sexuality would or should look like in a Solarpunk world under the perspective that a Solarpunk world should be somewhat utopian. This holds true both in the idea of a Solarpunk future we might wanna strive for - as well as worldbuilding a fictional solarpunk worlds.
Solarpunk worlds need to be Sex Positive!
The entire sex positivity vs sex negativity is about so much more than just a relation with sex. Because, in the end, we cannot have a world in which woman can have equal rights and queer people can exist in peace, as long as sex negativity prevails. Those things are all interconnected.
Sex negativity in the end is about control. It is about controlling people, controlling everyone, including even cishet men. Because sexuality (including asexuality) tends to be a central aspect of people. And the sex negative culture tries to control it and through it control people.
As I talked about. Sex negativity is very much about control. Women cannot like sex. Man have to like sex. Sex is only allowed in a monogamous relationship. Sex is only allowed between straight people. Sex is only allowed in a romantic relationship. Sex is only allowed in vanilla ways. And so on and so forth.
As such sex negativity is intrinsically linked with upholding the patriarchy. Sex negativity hence is also intrinsically linked with misogyny and queerphobia. It can even be linked with quite a few forms of racism.
To put it differently: As long as sex negativity keeps being upheld, you will also upheld misogyny and queerphobia at the very least.
Because of that, it has to go. We cannot archive utopia as long as sex negativity is the norm.
So, what should sexuality look like in a Solarpunk world?
I wanna bring in those core principles from the kink sphere: Safe, Sane and Consensual. If someone wants to have sex in a way that it is mostly safe, happens within sane parameters, and between two people who can and do consent... Then it is fine. You do not need to like it, but you also do not get to shame the people about it. Simple as that.
People get to be queer, without anyone questioning it. People get to be polyam without anyone questioning it. People get to be kinky without anyone questioning it. But also, people get to be just boring vanilla straight folks, without it being questioned.
As such sex education in a solarpunk world is also going to be not only accessible and comprehensive, but also mandatory within schools. Because kids have the right to learn about it - and because it will actually protect them from predation.
Basically it is just gonna be: Let people do their thing. Don't shame them. It's alright.
Because we cannot have a fair and equal society under a sex negative outlook.
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What are your favorite lgbtq+ books?and tv shows and movies?🏳️‍🌈
Okay finally have some time for this so let’s go!
Books first (these are only my absolute favourites if you want more recommendations I have many more that I love):
- Red, white & royal blue (by Casey McQuiston) (mlm and hinted poly if I remember correctly) (romance)
- Crier’s War/Iron Heart (by Nina Varela) (wlw) (fantasy, sort of sci-fi?)
- Solitaire (by Alice Oseman) (yes I count this as a queer book even if it isn’t the main subject) (aroace spectrum + pan and possibly other stuff) (YA)
- Radio Silence (by Alice Oseman) (mlm + demisexual + bi and possibly other stuff) (YA)
- I was born for this (by Alice Oseman) (trans gay + bi) (YA)
- Loveless (by Alice Oseman) (aroace and LOTS of other stuff: lesbian pan and nonbinary, possibly others I don’t remember everything) (YA)
- If this gets out (by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich) (mlm) (romance)
- Ace of spades (by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé) (mlm and wlw) (thriller)
- They both die at the end (by Adam Silvera) (mlm) (YA? idk how to describe this book)
- History is all you left me (by Adam Silvera) (mlm) (YA)
- Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe/Aristotle and Dante dive into the waters of the world (by Benjamin Alire Sáenz) (mlm) (YA, coming of age, sort of romance, I don’t really know)
- Lark and Kasim start a revolution (by Kacen Callender) (nonbinary + trans + polyam) (uuuuuuhh I guess romance but also coming of age maybe? I have NO idea how to describe this book but it is criminally underrated why is no one talking about it it’s a masterpiece please read it)
- Giovanni’s room (by James Baldwin) (mlm) (uhm. weird)
- This is how you lose the time war (by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone) (wlw) (sci-fi but more fantasy honestly, sort of romance I guess)
- Last night at the telegraph club (by Malinda Lo) (wlw) (romance)
- Six of crows/Crooked Kingdom (by Leigh Bardugo) (mlm + maybe other stuff in the background I don’t really remember) (fantasy)
- The priory of the orange tree/A day of fallen night (by Samantha Shannon) (wlw + mlm + aroace + nonbinary + trans, there’s basically a bit of everything in there) (fantasy)
- The witch king/The fae keeper (by H. E. Edgmon) (trans + mlm + wlw + ace + polyam + nonbinary, there’s also a lot in there) (fantasy)
Okay now for tv shows my all times favourites are:
- Heartstopper (romance)
- Young Royals (drama, romance)
- Heartbreak High (drama, comedy)
- Half bad: the bastard son and the devil himself (fantasy)
- Good omens (fantasy, comedy)
- Sex education (comedy, drama)
- She Ra and the princesses of power (cartoon, fantasy)
- The owl house (cartoon, fantasy)
- Interview with the vampire (fantasy, horror)
- Everything sucks! (comedy, drama)
- Orange is the new black (comedy, drama)
- Years and years (dystopia)
- Buffy the vampire slayer (this is my absoute favourite show ever, but the queer rep only arrives season 4) (fantasy? Don’t know how else to describe it)
And now for the movies:
- Fanfiction (coming of age?)
- Elisa & Marcela (romance)
- Pride (uuuuuhh demonstration lmao? Idk comedy?)
- But I’m a cheerleader (comedy)
- Red, white & royal blue (romcom)
- 120 BPM (er… drama?)
Hope this helps, sorry again for not answering sooner😭 if you want more recommendations I’d be glad to help, just need to find the time to answer lol but I’d genuinely be super happy :)
Also if you have any questions about these don’t hesitate to ask me!
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cowboy-butch-blues · 11 months
hi I'm Jerome! (he/him)
about me:
I am a 22 year old disabled autistic polyam butch dyke.
I express my gender through punk, cowboys and my love for the southwest.
I love sex/gender theory and I plan on becoming a sex educator/sex therapist
my femme is @unfortunate-teller and she is a cutie
I am butch4all and a big flirt feel free to DM me anytime (no unsolicited nudes or freaky shit without my consent obvi)
freaks, fags, dykes, and trans people please interact
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This blog is dedicated to sex education, sex theory, sex positivity, kink, disability advocacy, anti racism, anticolonialism, antifatphobia and anticapitalism through the lense of a butch lesbian. This means my blog is 18+ ONLY. Please double check that your age is in your bio before you interact or I will block you. no exceptions.
I reserve the right to block anyone
you can follow my personal blog here: @l4dybugb0y
you can follow my art blog here:
you can follow my nsfw blog (must be 20+): @puppy-dog-butch
tags I use:
dyke posting - stuff I relate to and/or agree with
my darling - posts for my femme
femmes✨- talking about femmes
butches✨- talking about butches
kink talk - nsfw posts about kink
sex ed - sex ed ofc
sex - stuff about sex
resources - posts with links to articles, petitions, zines, etc.
cowboy thoughts - yeah I like cowboys so cowboy tag
cripplepunk - posts about disability and advocating for accessibility
I also occasionally tag things based off the topic if I think it's important
minors, cishets and TERFs do not interact
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
You married Jikookers, whenever point out some jkk moments as wierd, always say this happens in your married life, you and your partner have moments like that and explain it away. So lemme give some examples and say how you will feel if that happen in your life. Just very few examples. Let's see how logical it's to think Jkk is a irl couple .
Please don't give me some old links of yours as I've read all of that. I want how YOU, as a wife will feel about these when it happen in your life
1. You saying your husband always comes to your room to hang out and your husband immediately explains its because your room is close to him. How you feel ? The same thing Jimin must've felt.
2. Your guys friend saying he's gonna kiss you because of the way you look at him as a joke infront of your husband. How will that feel ? It's same for JK.
3. Your husband calling your common friend as the most good looking person he have ever seen. How it will feel ?
4. Your husband flirting openly in his sm, calling his followers pet names, replying as their bf/husband, fueling Y/N agenda and you are expected to accept is because it's part of his 'Job' when none of his colleagues do the same.
How does it feels when you put yourself in JK's or JM's shoes and if a moment like that happen in real life ?
I debated on answering this or just blocking you for being rude. But idk how many times I have to say every couple is going to have different relationship boundaries. Every single one. Just because you or I wouldn't be okay with something, doesn't make it wrong in another relationship if they are okay with it.
But sure. I'll answer this with more personal tidbits. Just for me to get to block someone else later today yelling at me for relating everything back to my personal life 😂 or maybe even you when you come back pissy about my answers because they weren't what you wanted.
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1. THEY ARE TEASING EACH OTHER. When they say or do things like this. They are TEASING EACH OTHER. Teasing each other is lowkey a love language and sooooo many couples (at least the fun ones) do this. And yes, I tease my partner and he teases me back all the time. Including downplaying and joking around about the things we do. Such as this morning: "Omg Storm, personal space is a thing, jeez" he says and I snuggle up in our bed before waking up this morning. "Don't flatter yourself" I reply " its cold and I'm only using you for your body heat." And we both laugh and then kiss before getting up to take care of our kids and getting ready for the day. Among other examples of jokingly giving excuses and/or calling each other annoying/names as we do cute coupley shit or talk about it with our friends/each other. Also Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds? The way they tease and talk about each other so much and go out of their way to make jokes about each other but also are so clearly in love? What about them anon?
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2) some of my husband's good friends he met through a work friend are polyam. And VERY openly flirty with everyone. The VERY first time I met them, one cracked a joke about getting my husband naked. Took me off guard at first. Eventually I educated myself a bit more about the difference between polyam and open relationship, realized this is just how they all are with each other and the people they are close to. It wasn't that she wanted my husband, not even close. She wasn't flirting with my husband for real. She would have also very willingly and since had in the future made similar jokes to/about me. She wasn't interested in either of us more than plantonically. Neither was her husband or either of their other partners. And so therefore, I realized that the jokes are just jokes and it's not something that should bother me and it wasn't meant as anything disrespectful. Therefore, i can now participate in and enjoy the jokes as well. My husband and I have a group chat with one other person, my best friend, who is also the mom of my kids best friend. My husband has that group chat titled in his phone as "my wives." Neither of us are actually interested in marrying or even slightly romantically/sexually attracted to my friend. It's platonic and yet, the She is our wife joke gets made CONSTANTLY. Related but also not, in Grey's anatomy remember when Callie moved in breifly with Derek and Meredith. And Meredith accidentally kissed Callie goodbye right after kissing her husband goodbye on like auto pilot? Lol
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3. Idk what kind of relationships you are in, but alot of them, alot, are couples who enjoy looking and appreciating beautiful people together. And my husband literally said to me the other day "man, Jimin is like the most attractive person in the world. How do you feel knowing you settled?" Lol just for me to reply in kind about how it's a good thing I'm so attracted to him then, in detail, which yall don't need the rest of that story about where that went afterwards. Not to mention that appreciating people's beauty objectively together, as a couple, it's even more common in queer relationships than between two cishets together as well too. Just saying.
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4. "None of his colleagues" wow I can't believe you forgot all of Yoongis flirting with ARMY. Man has proposed to us multiple times and accepted multiple proposals too. Literally signed an ARMYs marriage documents they brought at a fansign. Calling armys his girlfriends and giving pet names etc. I'm actually offended at the Yoongi slander here anon! My man is a flirt!! Don't forget it!
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As for personal tidbits, I can't address this. Neither my husband nor I are famous or interact with a fanbase. @chikooritajjk flirts with me in my comment section at times though, as have a few other people, both of us very committed to our partners. I have a friend who jokes about if my husband is finally going to sign up to be poly and let her be my girlfriend. I'll redirect to point number 2 again about my husband's flirty friends. And end this with a question about if you question actors relationships and require the same validation of their relationship after they are in movies where they are making out with their costars but going home to their spouse? Because same thing really? But on an even lesser scale because these are faceless people online and not someone whose tongue you are sucking on. I mean, just saying.
Married with his wife:
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Acting as Jim and Pam (with not his wife):
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Probably not the answers you are hoping for anon. Sorry, but that's them. It's okay, you or anyone else are Free to now come ranting into my inbox about it. I'll be looking forward to it! Ultimately it again, comes down to how my boundaries, your boundaries, Jungkooks boundaries, Jins boundaries, my neighbors boundaries and your moms boundaries in relationships (all relationships. Platonic and romantic etc) will all be different. And that's okay. It's okay to have a line in the sand that you aren't okay with and it's okay for people in relationships that have nothing to do with you to not have that same line.
EDITING BECAUSE I HAVE TO ADD LMFAO I brought up Blake and Ryan in point 1, but an additional point including them....
Remember how Ryan Reynolds kissed Andrew Garfield just for giggles at the Golden Globes? And Blake laughed her ass off over it? Yeah, are we going to say they aren't a couple or married now too? 🤣🤣
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Everyone's boundaries are different friends.
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compsognathus-kinning · 5 months
hi everyone :) my name is clemm, and I’m a compsognathus + raptor kin!!! i’m genderqueer, queer and polyam, i use he/it pronouns, and I’m obsessed with dinos right now…. I’m 15 years old i am a minor dont be weird :3 this is my otherkin sideblog, my main is @i-guess-its-all-alright !!!!
i like to draw, crochet, write, and play path of titans :D I’m also in a few fandoms, mainly MILGRAM, pjsk, and alien stage!!!
please keep in mind that i am physically + mentally disabled, and an autistic syshost with PDs. i am extremely nervous, and i don’t do well with socialization— but i LOVE to make friends, please reach out if you wanna be friends!!!!
BYF; i support mspec lesbians/gays and educated self-diagnosis
DNI; basic DNI (trans/homophobes, racists, TERFs, MAPs/whatever they call themselves, etc), proshippers, non-traumagenic systems, people 18 and older unless i interact first
i hope we can be good friends :DDD
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bamababygirl7 · 1 year
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PSA for the poly community: This is so important because it’s so easy to get caught up in the emotional high when experiencing NRE (New Relationship Energy) and inadvertently make other partners feel neglected or not as important.
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