#post cursed child
Albus was hunched over his desk, glasses on as he worked on his Deluminator. He had almost perfected it, although there were still a few more glitches to be worked out. He was quite proud of this invention and confident that he would one day get it fully operational. Gellert was told him so many months earlier, apparently he'd had a vision of it working in the future! He'd seen a young red headed boy using it and beside him was a darker hair boy with glasses and lightening bolt scar of all things! Gellerts visions always did fascinate him and this latest one was certainly remarkable. Who were these boys and what exactly where they doing with his invention? Perhaps in the future he would go on to sell it, although that had certainly never been his intention. He had briefly wondered if perhaps the two boys were his sons, although he knew that was highly unlikely. "Dumbledore." Albus looked up sharply at the voice, looking around the room that was empty. He frowned slightly. "Hello?" He called out. It was the summer holidays at Hogwarts and very few students or faculty had remained behind. He hadn't been expecting visitors and besides, that voice was unfamiliar. "Dumbledore!" Albus stood this time, looking around the room with the Deluminator in hand. Just then it suddenly lit up itself and he paused as the voice called to him again. Wait, was someone trying to call him... through the Deluminator? He gasped softly, thinking of Gellerts vision. The boys! The red head and lightening scar! What if they were in trouble? What if they were experimenting in the future? He felt almost a tug toward it, and then there was a bright light and then... he was falling. It was similar to apparating but not quite. It felt longer, more our of his control as he turned an swirled and his stomach churned. There was another bright flash of light and then suddenly he was dropped sharply onto the ground and only just managed to catch himself before he fell. He groaned slightly, his stomach protesting and he feared he may be sick as his head swam. @dumbledoresthroughndthrough
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Time Is Too Short - NeheMikkele - M, 41 chapters - After her divorce with Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger is now Minister for Magic and living alone. She's almost 41 with both work and her children taking up all the space in her life. Draco Malfoy is a lonely widower, struggling with what life has thrown his way. Ginny Potter sees an opportunity to help two people who deserve better.
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caffeinewitchcraft · 1 year
Fate and Mercy and Dead Girls
Summary: Sometimes, when things go very wrong, the Chosen One gets a wish. That’s where Danielle comes in. (Tagged with Blood, violence, child death)
Danielle is cursed.
This battlefield is nice. It’s early afternoon and the breeze that comes from the forest to the east is sweet. The fighting has only just begun and the scent of blood is still hovering at the edge of her senses. It hasn’t erased the taste of the dead girl’s last meal – bread sweetened with honey – yet. She’s used to storm clouds the size of mountains roiling overhead, the electric sting of lightning against her skin, the crash of blades against armor and arrows against shields. The sun is warm and honey-sweet against her cheek and there’s no fighting going on right now. There’s only the low murmur of voices from all around and some muffled sobbing.
If she weren’t waking up in the body of a dead girl, she’d call it picnic weather.
Time to pay attention.
“—Chosen One is dead,” a man says. His voice matches the weather more than the situation. Calm. Even. Gentle. A wave lapping at the shore before the tsunami. She can feel his aura undulating through the ground, dark and demanding. Demon King? Mad Emperor? Dark Lord? One of those types. He projects his words over the renewed sobbing. “Do you see your folly now, honorable knights? The wasted months of defiance? You were never going to defeat my army even with years and seven fabled soldiers at your mercy rather than the one. Here, the day of your final rebellion, your Hero lies dead after only one volley.”
Hero. Danielle is cursed, she shouldn’t be feeling pity for anyone but herself. But there it is, the familiar bile in the back of her throat, the prickling of her eyes, the tightening in her chest. This dead girl was their Hero. They made her their Chosen One. From the feel of it, they didn’t school in her magic or train her in swordsmanship. Her muscles are burning from death, yes, but also from overexertion.
What do you want? Danielle asks. All of the right systems are under her control now. The ground is cold against her back, the girl’s tiny curls a tickle against her face. The air is sweet underneath the scent of a dying blow and she can hear the conversations around her clearly. The Dark Lord is still gloating, giving the knights their time to mourn and his own forces time to ready the next attack. Sweetheart, what do you want?
The girl’s soul shudders. I-I’m not dead?
The arrow pierced your heart. You’re dead.
A dizzying swirl of emotions cloud the girl’s next words. Grief-sorrow-panic-relief-fury-horror. Danielle has to reinforce her barrier between her soul and the girl’s to avoid being swept away by it all. All of the dead girls Danielle is called to are strong, and this one is no different. Danielle can’t hear her clearly over the roar of her emotions, but this one is talking very quickly.
…live…wanted to…please…save…
Danielle peeks out from under her eyelashes. It’s bright for a battlefield, but there’s a familiar red staining the ground as far as she can see. The armored feet of both sides’ soldiers are about thirty feet away, a hazy barrier of magic holding them apart.
“Let down this barrier!” Knight David screams. The girl’s knowledge flows into Danielle’s mind like a spring. He’s the head of the kingdom’s number one knight squad, a former S-rank adventurer, and a mentor to the Hero. He bangs the hilt his sword against the Dark Lord’s barrier. It crackles under the assault and doesn’t break. Knight David swears. “You’ll die for what you did! She was just a little girl!”
Another memory: Knight David didn’t think of her as a little girl. He gave her a woman’s sword that took her a month to learn how to lift, much less wield. He told her he had faith in her. He told her she could do it. When she asked how, he pushed a curl behind her ear and told her victory was fated.
The Dark Lord laughs, the sound like the tide retreating into the sea. “Is the kingdom so hard-pressed for soldiers they bring children to the battlefield?”
“She was Chosen,” Knight David says. There are genuine tears in his voice. “Nobody wanted that for her. Nobody.”
“She was nobody,” the Dark Lord says. The magic barrier trembles and he smirks. “Just as you’re about to be.”
Knight David’s magic sets his sword ablaze. “You’ll pay for this.”
The demons chitter behind the Dark Lord, straining against his commands. They want blood. They want to attack. They saw the Hero fall and they’re emboldened by her death. They’ll tear the humans apart.
In contrast, Knight David’s forces aren’t so sure. Knight David’s teeth gnash and he swears at the Dark Lord, but his men look from her body to each other. It was so quick. So fast. Did they demons hold greater power than they were told to kill a Chosen One so quickly?
“Prepare yourselves,” the Dark Lord says. The barrier fades.
“To the death,” Knight David swears.
Danielle presses again. They’re running out of time. What do you want?
Save them.
The words roar through Danielle’s temporary body. Save them. Her magic ignites like coal in a furnace and she gasps, steam escaping from her lips as a dead girl’s heart restarts.
“W-what?” someone whispers.
Danielle opens her eyes.
It’s not a very big war. There are maybe thirty combatants on the side of the Kingdom. She assumed from the girl’s memories that they’d all be knights, but there are adventurers mixed in among them as well as the occasional wizard. They’re all kitted out in the colors of the Kingdom though. Armor painted with the Royal family’s crest, bandanas with the fallen star motif embroidered on, red tassels on their weapons. Maybe they don’t have the Kingdom’s army behind them, but they have the King’s favor.
The Dark Lord is the only one who’s managed to keep his mouth shut after her sudden resurrection. His side is comprised of dark wizards in tattered robes and nearly a hundred demons. Danielle can see wolves the size of horses, goblins with wooden clubs, and vampires hiding in the tree line.  It looks impressive, but the girl’s memories tell Danielle a different story.
This is the last stand for both sides.
“The Hero lives,” Knight David says through bloodless lips. He’s younger than Danielle thought, his beard only just touched with silver. His eyes shine wetly and he raises his sword over his head. “THE HERO LIVES!”
Knights, adventurers, and wizards lean back and scream their jubilation to the sky. Some of them weep openly, staggering as close to her as the Dark Lord’s barrier allows with their hands spread wide as if to embrace her.
The Dark Lord is silent as the kingdom’s forces rejoice. He looks like a human though he’s gone to great lengths to hide that fact. His long, black hair is twisted around his horns, emphasizing them. His clothes are as tattered as his forces’ and there’s dried blood staining the hem of his cape. His nails are long and painted an unending black that makes them look like talons.
If it weren’t for the depth and darkness of his magic, he wouldn’t register to Danielle as a Dark Lord at all.
“Hero,” the Dark Lord murmurs. His red eyes gleam a beat before his pupils swell, turning them black. He doesn’t raise his voice above the noise, but magic makes it so Danielle can hear him easily. “Killing you quickly was the last mercy I had for you.”
“Mercy,” Danielle says. The word echoes from her involuntarily. She pulls the arrow from the dead girl’s chest. The wet and meaty sound of it finally silences Knight David and his allies. She coughs and tastes blood.
“The fates have seen the justness of our cause and protected the Hero,” Knight David says into the silence.
“Fate,” Danielle echoes and coughs blood again.
Knight David doesn’t hear her. His chest swells. A talented orator, he knows just what to say to erase the horror of her death and reinvigorate his squad. “Dark Lord -no! – Demon, you’ve lost.” He points his sword directly at the Dark Lord. “You just don’t know it yet.” The knights cheer.
Oh, Danielle thinks, he knows it.
The Dark Lord stares down the length of Knight David’s blade impassively. His lip curls into a sneer that must look truly demonic to the knights of the kingdom. But from her vantage point, Danielle can see the way his clenched fists tremble. The barrier wavers imperceptibly and then holds. The Dark Lord can’t sustain it for much longer, not if he wants to have enough magic to fight.
As soon as it falls, the kingdom will strike. And, with the Hero on their side, they’ll have the conviction (and the magic) to take on a thousand demons. The Dark Lord only has a hundred.
Danielle staggers to her feet. This body is on the weaker side of the ones she has inhabited, but it’s not the worst she’s had to work with. Her legs hold her weight and the heart beats strongly once she uses her magic to patch it.
Knight David grins at her, the fever of battle bright in his eyes. “Hero!” He holds out his hand. “How glad I am to see you alive! Cast your strengthening spell.”
A memory: They taught her to strengthen her allies and nothing else. Training sessions ran late into the night as they pushed her to expand her range, power them up more, amplify magic higher and higher. This girl knows exhaustion more intimately than the affection of another.
Knight David slashes the barrier. He doesn’t wait to see if she’ll obey. Of course she will. This dead girl has never defied him before. She owes him and his kingdom too much. Who else would elevate an orphan to the heights of a Hero? He strikes again and this time his blow leaves a crack in the Dark Lord’s magic that splinters out like a spiderweb. He grins meanly. “Come, soldiers! Reclaim our land! Defend our home! Defeat evil!”
The knights smash their weapons against their shields and bare their teeth. “For our homes! For our families! For good!”
“Kill,” the Dark Lord hisses as his barrier fails piece by piece. He leans towards Knight David like a snake about to strike. A sword as black as night materializes in his hand. “Kill them all.”
“Hey,” Danielle says, “don’t you think you’re moving on a little fast?”
Nobody hears her. Nobody asks her if she’s alright. Nobody cares.
It’s Danielle’s curse to care.
The Dark Lord’s barrier crumbles. The air fractures and fragments tumble from the top and towards the combatants on either side like sparks. It’s ten feet in the air, eight feet, seven feet--
Her magic billows from her like smoke, scorching the grass as it balloons forward. Blood burns and vaporizes under the heat. The wolves are the first to notice it. They whine and back away from her wave of power, cowering behind their lord. Danielle hisses through her teeth and her power surges a little faster, touching the Dark Lord’s magic before the demons can alert their master. She’s powerful enough to do this even with him fighting her, but that would be…messy. She wrests control of the barrier from the Dark Lord. She builds it back up to twenty feet tall and adds new walls. The King’s forces used to be the only ones trapped. Now the Dark Lord turns and blinks at the misty cage that’s formed around him and his army.
The sudden silence hurts her ears as hundreds of eyes follow the scorch marks from the barrier to her.
Knight David’s sword wavers. “Hero…?”
“Your Hero isn’t here anymore,” Danielle says. Experience tells her to rip this bandage off quickly. She gestures to the dead girl’s clouded eyes. “Did you really think she survived an arrow to her heart?”
She can see from their faces that they did. Knight David opens his mouth and then closes it. He swallows hard. He says, “You’re not—” His face hardens. “Who are you?”
The Dark Lord watches her with black eyes, but he’s not still. His power tests her control of his barrier. He doesn’t find a crack.
“You called it fate,” Danielle says. She limps towards them. There’s an arrow in the girl’s thigh she didn’t notice before. She pulls it out without breaking stride and throws it to the side. The furnace that’s consumed the dead girl’s heart churns with rage. “You lot always believe in fate. Makes everything you do look prettier, doesn’t it? More palatable.”
“It is fate. The Oracles of Trilbia spoke of a girl with untold power who would be our savior. We needed—”
“LOOK AT HER!” Danielle roars. She slams a hand against her chest and then holds her palm high overhead. Red shines wetly on her palm. “She was a child! Fifteen summers and you stand there and call her a savior?”
“I ask again,” Knight David says. His eyes flash. “Who are you?” He draws his sword point slowly, purposefully, away from the Dark Lord. He points it directly at her. “What have you done to the Hero?”
Danielle won’t answer stupid questions. “You’re cruel. What you did to her – nothing can justify it. Especially not something as fickle as fate.”
“The Oracles—”
“Should die,” Danielle interrupts. She bares her teeth. “Or at least be honest. If they wanted a child sacrifice, they should have killed her on an altar with their own hands.”
Knight David hits her barrier. It throws him back and he shakes with rage. “Who. Are. You?”
“And you,” Danielle says, turning her attention to the Dark Lord. She holds her bloodied palm out to him. “You speak of mercy. You think giving her a quick death mercy?”
To his credit, he doesn’t deny it or flinch away. He nods shallowly, eyes never leaving hers.
“There was mercy, I’ll give you that,” Danielle says. She staggers towards him and stops just short of the barrier. They’re barely two feet apart when she says, “It was her mercy that she died quickly. Not yours.”
The Dark Lord’s nostrils flare. “I don’t understand.”
“You will,” Danielle promises. Her heart aches. This isn’t the time for that. She stokes the fires of her magic until steam escapes from her lips again. Only then does she twist towards Knight David again. “You killed this girl. You threw her into battle untrained. They may have shot her, but it was you who brought her here. This is your fault.”
“You’re some malevolent spirit,” Knight David says. He sweeps one arm out as if to banish her. Behind him, his forces tremble. “A vile devil come to sow seeds of doubt. Our conviction is firm. Oh, monstrous devil! Release our friend, release the Hero and your end may be swift yet.”
Devil? Danielle loses hold of her rage for a moment. Yes, yes she supposes she is. There are forces at play here that she might call devilish. But being called a devil by him?
“Maybe you should pray,” Danielle suggests. She nods slowly, warming to the suggestion. “Yes, that’s what you should do. You should pray the big, bad devil away.” She approaches his side of the barrier and the grass withers under her feet. “Pray, Knight David.”
“Hold fast,” Knight David says to his knights. He raises his sword to her and braces himself. “Do not be swayed by—”
“No, don’t pray,” Danielle says. She laughs without humor, chest shuddering with the effort. “Prophecize. Summon a hero to defeat me. Go on. Do it.”
“You will pay for the horrors you’ve committed today. Wearing the skin of the Chosen One damns you to the furthest—”
“Oh, fine, I’ll do it for you. There will be a knight,” Danielle says. She lurches forward and presses her hands against her barrier. Knight David stumbles back when it moves with her, allowing her closer and closer. She laughs again. “A Knight with red splashed across his breast and his shining sword melded to his hand.”
Knight David chokes on a scream as her words become truth. His sword melts under a sudden wave of heat, the silver-plating dripping through his fingers. He falls to his knees and grabs his wrist, trying to shake his hand free of the molten metal. It cools as rapidly as it melted, and he stares in horror as the silver binds his fingers to the hilt forevermore.
Danielle comes closer and the kingdom’s forces flex away from her like a school of fish in the face of a predator. “And this knight,” she says, “will be a Hero to his people. He will rise through his pain and destroy the devil that wore the skin of the little girl he sent to slaughter.” She spreads her arms wide above him, the sun beating down on her crown, and waits. After a beat she says, “Go on. Make the prophecy come true. Stab me. I’m waiting.”
Knight David keens through clenched teeth. “Y-you monster. You w-won’t—” He breathes in deeply and glares up at her. His feeble attempts to raise his arm don’t move his sword more than an inch. “You won’t break me.”
“I don’t have to,” Danielle says. Her arms fall to her sides, and she looms over the fallen knight. The air isn’t sweet now. The smell of burning flesh is more familiar than blood. “She didn’t ask me to break you.”
“Didn’t ask?”
Danielle turns. Unlike the knights, the Dark Lord isn’t backing away from her. He’s as close as he can get, pressed right up against the barrier. He’s rearranged his forces while she wasn’t looking so that the hardier demons are shielding the smaller.
“Didn’t ask,” Danielle agrees. She taps her temple. “Right before she died, I asked her what she wanted. See, nobody here gave a fuck what she wanted before she died. Fate is fake, but belief isn’t. They believed hard enough that the universe heard their pathetic little prayers for a savior. And, at the end, it took pity, but not on them. No one cared so it sent me. I asked what she wanted. She answered. Now we’re here.”
Knight David shudders at her feet.
“Are you a spirit of vengeance then?” the Dark Lord asks very casually. His shoulders are tense, undermining his nonchalance. He speaks a touch too loudly and very carefully doesn’t look back at his army. “Is that it?”
“I’m what she asked for,” Danielle says. She eyes Knight David’s comrades. There’s a wizard somewhere in there valiantly trying to heal Knight David’s wounds from afar. It’s slow going so she ignores it. “Though, between you and me, I think some vengeance is owed here, don’t you?”
The Dark Lord’s jaw flexes. “It is.” He raises his chin. “And you shall have it. I only ask that you let my people go. They are blameless in all this and only had the bad fortune to follow a misguided lord—”
Howls and screams of protest drown out his words. The demons lunge against his orders, mouths frothing and eyes wide in fear. They don’t want their lord to die, they deny his words, they can’t bear to lose him.
The Dark Lord’s power snaps over them and they quiet all at once, voices stolen by his power.
“Let it only be me. Please,” the Dark Lord finishes quietly.
Danielle watches him with interest. “You would die for them?”
“I return the loyalty I’ve been given.” He bows his head. “I will beg if you’d like.”
“What makes you believe I want your death?”
“I know my part in the Hero’s fate,” the Dark Lord says. His lips thin and he stares down at Knight David with more hatred than she thought possible. “Humans brought her here to slaughter, but I gave the order. I called it mercy to kill a child quickly so she need not suffer. We both know I lied. I killed her to keep her from strengthening the kingdom. No matter how I did it, it wasn’t mercy. It was evil and it was…not necessary. It wasn’t necessary but it was easier than the alternatives and so I killed her. I resigned myself to carrying that sin before I ever stepped foot onto the battlefield.”
Oh. Danielle has to blink very quickly as heat rises behind her eyes. The Dark Lord isn’t lying. He isn’t hiding from the truth of his actions nor is he justifying his hand in the Hero’s death. There is sorrow in his voice and his hands are loose at his sides even though his eyes are watchful, waiting for her to strike. He’d let me strike him down. He will stand there and do nothing while I slit his throat.
“It was wrong,” Danielle says. Her throat aches. “It was wrong to kill her.”
The Dark Lord’s head sinks lower. “Yes. It was.”
“She was a child.”
“She was.”
“She didn’t have a choice.”
“I know.”
“She deserved better.”
Danielle’s chin trembles. This— after all the dead girls, this is a first. “You did it to save your domain.”
“I did.”
“It was evil.”
“Yes. The most evil thing I’ve done.”
“She didn’t ask me to kill you.”
“Ye—what?” The Dark Lord blinks, finally looking back up at her. His eyes are red again, pupils dilated. “She didn’t?”
“No.” Danielle lets the barrier slip out of her control. She can see the Dark Lord more clearly without the wall of smoke and his eyes are more than just red. They’re red-rimmed. Danielle reaches up with her bloodied palm and cups the Dark Lord’s cheek. He shudders at the chill of her touch but doesn’t pull away. “You had no mercy today, but she did. She knew her power would mean the end of your people. She knew she would not be able to resist the order to cast her spell when they gave it. So when the first volley came, she didn’t run. She didn’t raise her shield.”
“Mercy,” the Dark Lord breathes in revelation. His face crumples. “Oh.”
“She died quickly,” Danielle says. The girl’s memories are so hot that Danielle feels burned. All the dead girls are strong. This one is not an exception. “She knew an evil thing would be done today. She chose. She chose.”
The Dark Lord’s voice is thick with tears. “She shouldn’t have had to. She—No!”
Danielle doesn’t know what’s happened at first. The Dark Lord is staring at her in mute horror. His cheek is stained red but her hand is no longer on his cheek. Then she processes that she’s been hit quite hard in the back. She looks down.
A bloody sword is sticking out of her chest. It retracts with a sickly sound and Danielle finds herself on her knees, staring down at the river of blood gushing from her breast. She let down her barrier to speak to the Dark Lord, face to face. She didn’t think she’d be leaving her back open to the other side. Or, rather, she didn’t think Knight David would recover enough to kill her again.
“The devil speaks lies,” Knight David says. His words are thin with pain. He can no longer raise his blade to the sky. His arm is trembling from the effort of stabbing her but still he faces his forces and spurs them to action. “And lies have no place in our kingdom! Our friend, our Hero died for us! So we could win! So we could prosper! So we could—”
He killed her again.
Danielle surges to her feet. The dead girl’s heart is torn to pieces in her chest, but Danielle’s magic surges through her veins like blood. She rises up behind Knight David and shrieks, “Stop killing her!” She drives her hand through Knight David’s chest and rips out his heart.
It happens too fast for anyone to react. The Dark Lord holds his breath and the world goes still. Danielle lets the heart fall and the thud as it hits the grass is loud in the quiet.
Knight David sways once, twice, and then drops to the bloodied ground.
“You didn’t have to die,” Danielle says. She’s looking at the other knights and adventurers and idiots who believed in fate. She’s talking to Knight David. “Even after everything you put her through, she didn’t want you dead. She was good. She was great. And you killed her for it.”
“Mercy,” someone stutters. Then, another. “Mercy, please.”
“No,” Danielle says. Petulant. Like a child. “You didn’t stop him. Not a single one of you tried. She didn’t tell me to save you.”
They combust before they can run. A long time ago, her power wasn’t as controlled. Her fire didn’t get hot enough fast enough. They screamed back then. Screamed and wailed and cursed.
Her fire doesn’t give them a chance to curse her now.
When it is done and she’s satisfied that nothing but ashes remain, she turns to the Dark Lord. He doesn’t flinch from her though there’s fear in his eyes. Even now, he expects her to kill him. Even now he accepts it.
“Bury her,” Danielle says. The fire crackles behind her. “Clean her body and dress her in new clothes. Bury her somewhere where war hasn’t touched and say something kind over her grave.”
The Dark Lord swallows twice before he can speak. He doesn’t ask if this means she’s going to leave him alive. He understands what she means. He says, “I-I will.”
“She saved you,” Danielle says. She wants him to understand that. “She could have wished for anything. Revenge. Peace. A second chance. She didn’t. She wished to save you.”
“She will be honored,” the Dark Lord says. He breathes in deeply and gently reaches out to cup her cheek, an imitation of her earlier touch. His palm is warm against her cold skin. If he is repulsed by the feel of death, he doesn’t show it.  “I will see to it.”
Danielle closes her eyes. Though she doesn’t lean into his touch, she doesn’t pull away. It is the singularly most affectionate moment she’s experienced in decades, but it’s not for her. “Her name is Samira.”
The Dark Lord releases his breath. “Samira. Thank you for telling me her name.”
Danielle lets her curse sweep her to the next dead girl.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to see stories like this or some more serialized stories, please consider supporting me on Patreon (X)! Currently I’m working on the Cinderella retelling I have posted on here :)
See y’all next week!
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dilhhindustani · 1 month
In another universe I'm not the eldest daughter
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crystcllise · 2 months
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happy valentine’s to scorpius’ special wizard “friend” albus <3
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rewritingcanon · 9 months
people who think scorbus is the ‘new drarry’ are so wacko because they dont realise that scorbus is fr clickbait since they’re literally just ginny and astoria
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
Person: God, you’re such a useless sack of shit!
Infinity, on the verge of a PTSD-fueled breakdown and in tears with his voice trembling: Thank you for coming to pickup, sir. J-James is getting his shoes on, sir.
Kill Code Moon, putting his hands on Infinity’s shoulders and looming over the human menacingly: James will be ready soon, will that be a problem, little vile creature?
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yendts · 4 months
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@evawritesstuff ‘s doodle request was “Scorpius wearing a Christmas reindeer hat, preparing hot chocolate and Albus hugging him from behind because he's cute” so have some scorbus christmas-y vibes❤️
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ravenclawh0re18 · 1 year
Scorpius: Father, I want to tell you smth Draco: What is it......? Scorpius: I'm gay Draco: OH! And here I was scared that you've gotten into trouble or something!!! Me too by the way Scorpius: *relieved* Oh I'm gla- Wait DID YOU JUST SAY "ME TOO"-
Albus: Uhh Dad, I think I might be in love with a guy Harry: Well, so long as it's not Malfoy's son, you have my blessing! Albus: ........ Harry: It-it's not Malfoy's son.... right? Albus: YOU can't blame me though, can you.....? Uncle Ron has told me quite a few stories of your school years, y'know Harry:
Harry: Don't you think we should tell them? Draco: WE?! YOU are the one who's better at talking people, Potter! Harry: Didn't you tell me just last night how awkward I am....? Draco: Yes, but you can talk people into doing whatever you want! It's your fault we're here in this mess in the first place!!! Harry: MY FAULT?! How in the name of Dragonskin is it MY fault?! Draco: YOU WERE TALKING! Harry: ......and? Draco: Your lips were moving Harry: So.....? Draco: OH SALAZAR YOU ARE SO DAFT HOW DID YOU EVEN DEFEAT VOLDEMORT?! Harry: I had help Draco: Of course you did! You and that sweet talking mouth of yours! Harry: I still don't understand how this mess is my fault, Malfoy. Why don't you explain that to me first? Draco: You're really gonna make me say it? Harry: *confused Pikachu face* Draco: Oh Merlin's Hat! Your lips were moving! So it made me want to move mine! AGAINST YOURS!!!!! Harry: Oh....? Oh- Draco: You can be so dense sometimes I have no idea why I still love you! Harry: Well, you're such a git, and that doesn't make me love you any less either!!! Draco: You know what, telling them that we are STILL together can wait *intense makeout session* Scorpius and Albus secretly watching the whole drama unfold from under the Invisibility cloak: *look at each other* Albus: I guess having a questionable taste runs in our blood...... *kisses Scorpius* *Invisibility cloak suddenly falls off them* ....... Any ideas what's gonna happen in the next episode.....?
P.S.: Don't hate me for this, I know it's terrible but I just had to-
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coolfireguy73 · 7 months
It is now, 0:35 on the 1st of October in France right now.
As such I can now proclaim this one statement until midnight tonight:
It my birthday :)
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ari-cuno · 1 year
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[Nostalgia] "Well, well, well, here we are again."
"Why was your first instinct to throw a knife at us, Killer?"
"If you're here to bother Nightmare and our kids, I suggest you leave because you're wasting your time."
(What if Nightmare ultimately decided to leave the past in the past..? After seeing what Drea- Shattered did to Mirage, would he really want to help. Perhaps he deserves a rest and a peaceful life as a mother figure for his two children. As for Cross and Dream...)
Dark cream week hosted by @zu-is-here
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Cross belongs to Jakei95
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thecursedchildcomic · 3 months
I was cleaning out my google drive and found this time capsule. I made this when I was 14. Right after reading the Cursed Child Screenplay. This is what It could have looked like but I wanted to make the First Issue of the comic to be accurate to the book which I didn't end up doing anyway.
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Poor James looks like he's in pain. They all look like they have concussions.
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dramioneasks · 7 months
Hello! I hope you can help me find a fic.
It's a multi-chaptered Mature Dramione in their 40s. Its not the Deadline. Hermione is MoM and still married to Ron, Draco is widowed. Scorpius and Rose are engaged and at the engagement party something happens and Hermione ends her marriage and starts a relationship with Draco. In the end, Hermione has retired, they travel the world and have a grand daughter named Jasmine.
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666frames · 5 months
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The Cursed Medallion / The Night Child (1975)
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miquella-everywhere · 6 months
The idea of Miquella inventing something new and then excitedly showing it off to Melania has me by the throat rn lmao
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dustyspines · 7 months
two souls, converging
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Albus is a Squib. And a Potter. Those things, combined, make life a little tricky. Throw in a peculiar friendship with Scorpius Malfoy - someone who, all things considered, he shouldn't really know at all - and you end up with quite a little life story to tell. They're both stepping into their final school years a little confused, a little nostalgic but, most of all, a little bit in love. They don't know that, though. Not yet, anyway. Even though it's been right in front of them their entire lives.
Featuring highlights and lowlights throughout seven years of their friendship, their trials and their tribulations. After all, it's Albus and Scorpius, they get up to quite a lot together.
chapter one: now chapter two: and then
read on ao3 here ♡
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