#random doodle from like 2 years ago when i kept getting sick
reginaldubel · 6 months
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myhaikyuuthings · 4 years
“Is this it?” pt 2
warning: angst, fluff pt 1 here
prompt: high school reunions are always messy, especially if you’re y/n
Nishinoya x reader
word count: 2330
a/n: i was listening to music and a sad song came on shuffle about lost love and i couldn’t help myself
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‘Karasuno High School 10 year reunion’ screamed at you every time you passed the side table. It was in two days and you still couldn’t decide if you were going to go.
After the break up with Nishinoya you hadn’t been back to Miyagi, let alone the high school. The minute you graduated you went to stay with your grandmother for the summer, starting college directly after. You hadn’t spoken to anyone back home aside from your parents in ten years. There was no point in going. 
With a sigh you knelt beside your bed and pulled a box out from under it. You moved to sit on your bed, lifting the lid for the first time in six years. There were movie ticket stubs, amusement park tickets, zoo brochures, even little notes. You took everything out one by one, laying them out. Underneath it all, the pictures.
Just like that, your feelings rushed back. You were so sure it would be safe to look now. Ten years is more than enough time to move on from someone, but you never did. You tried, you went on dates, blind dates, speed dates, tinder dates. No one ever made you feel the way he did. You reached for your phone, and for the first time in a decade you dialed the number and prayed it was the right one.
He answered on the second ring.
“Hi, may I ask who’s calling?” he asked, a woman’s laughter echoing in the background. 
“It’s Y/N.. Y/N Y/L/N, I wasn’t sure your number would be the same after so long,” you said, holding your breath. 
“Y/N holy shit, it’s been a while. You kept my number all this time?” he laughed, shushing whoever he was with.
“Ah no, it was in my old journal I found, how are you? How’s everyone been?” 
“Did you really call me to catch up when the reunions in two days?” he teased you, it really seemed like he hadn’t changed much.
“I’m not sure if i’m going to come to be honest,” you admitted, feeling just a little guilty for it.
“You have to come! You have got to see who I married,” he whined, but you could hear the pride in his voice.
“Tanaka, you could always just tell me,” you whined back, laughing softly with him.
“No can do, if you wanna know how anyone’s doing you better be at that reunion. I know a lot of people want to see you.”
When you hung up, you spent the next several hours reading through your old diary and the letters Nishinoya had given you. You had saved all of them, down to the sticky notes with random faces doodled on them that he used to stick to your notes during class. You opened a bottle halfway through, letting yourself reminisce. It didn’t take long for your pillow to be covered in tear stains and the pain in your chest to resurface. 
In the end, you decided to go. You even dressed up a bit, wearing a nice black dress with some heels. Your nerves were high as you walked through the gym doors. The last time you had been here, Noya was yelling about needing to perfect his receives. It scared you a bit how vividly you remembered every detail of your time together just from stepping into the room.
The first person you saw was Tanaka, still as bald as ever with his arm around Kiyoko. He caught your eye, smiling widely and gesturing you over. You walked over, saying your hello’s. 
“Bet you didn’t guess I married Kiyoko,” he beamed, giving her shoulder an affectionate squeeze, “she actually said yes to me, can you believe that? Been together nine years now.” 
“I’m actually not that surprised, she used to talk about you a lot when we were younger,” you sent Kiyoko a wink as she sputtered around her glass of champagne. 
“I can’t believe you remember that,” she laughed, taking your hand, “I missed you, what have you been up to since you disappeared? I tried to keep up on social media but you didn’t post much about how you were.”
“I got my masters, I actually run my own business in my field now, that’s mainly it,” you give her hand a small squeeze, you had deeply missed your best friend, “i missed you too though, I’m sorry for just ghosting you guys like that.” 
“I’m not gonna lie it was kind of shitty y/n, but I understand to a degree,” Tanaka admitted, scratching the back of his neck, “Now that the gangs back together though, don’t think you can get away so easily this time.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
You spent the next hour catching up with everyone, assuring them all you weren’t going anywhere this time. Most of them understood why you left, knowing how difficult it would have been to be around them with how close they were to Nishinoya. But Tsukishima made a good point, why didn’t you ever come back? Everyone agreed, wanting to know why you didn’t try to reconnect or respond to their messages once you moved on. You just gave a shrug, claiming it would have been too awkward. You know Sugawara saw through your lie though, he was always good at reading you. 
“I’m going to go get another drink, I’ll be back,” you excused yourself as Hinata boasted about his team beating Kageyama’s  recently, Kageyama threatening him with violence if he didn’t Hush.They had both changed so much but at the same time they were still the exact same. You really missed them.
Grabbing your drink from the table, you turned quickly and smacked right into someone. Your dress was soaked and from what you could see, so was his shirt. You released a string of apologies, trying to pass him napkins while drying yourself up. When he took the napkins from your hand, that’s when you noticed the name tag. 
‘Hi, I’m Yu Nishinoya’ it read. Your heart stopped. 
You couldn’t believe it. Was it really him? You refused to believe it. You glanced at his face and instantly regretted it. It definitely was him, and he was just as beautiful as you remembered. You winced seeing the shock on his face, not knowing what to expect. This was probably the worst way you could have met him again. He shook his head, seeming to shake himself back into action.
“Here come with me, they still have the towels in the same place,” he smiled, offering you his hand, “they’ll probably do a better job than these napkins.”
You took his hand, following him to the old clubroom and tried to ignore the raised eyebrow from Tanaka. He passed you a towel, turning to take care of his own clothes. You shivered slightly from the cold, regretting going for a second glass. Wordlessly Nishinoya removed his jacket, holding it out to you.
“No I’m okay I can’t take your jacket,” you rushed, suddenly grateful for how low the lights were as your face flushed. 
“Just take it y/n, please? I don’t want you getting sick because I messed up,” he insisted, moving to drape it over your shoulders.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the one who messed up, I did turn around into you after all,” you laughed, accepting the jacket, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, and don’t worry about bumping into me I should’ve looked where I was walking,” he laughed with you, his hands still holding the edges of the jacket. The two of you just stared at each other for a moment before he dropped his hands. “Sorry.” 
“How have you been?” you changed the subject, “It’s been forever.”
“Uh yeah, it has,” he coughed, turning to face the window, “I’m the coach for Karasuno now, I have been for about three years since Ukai decided to retire. You own your own business now right?”
“Yeah I do actually, how’d you know?” you asked, genuinely shocked that he knew. 
“Just because we haven’t spoken in a decade doesn’t mean I haven’t tried to keep up on how you’re doing,” he smiled, but even in the dim lighting you could tell it wasn’t a happy smile. 
The silence was only a few seconds, but it felt like hours. He kept looking out the window, and you kept looking at him. You put your arms in the jacket, placing your hands in the pockets due to the cold. There was a small box in his pocket. You froze.
‘He’s planning to propose to his girlfriend tonight,’ you thought, trying to fight off the horrible feeling in your stomach. 
“So Nishinoya, other than coaching what have you been up to?” 
“I spent a lot of time fishing after I graduated, helped Ukai out with the shop while he coached, then we kinda switched, that’s really it,” he shrugged, turning his attention back to you. “I’ve dated here and there but it never really lasted.”
‘What?’ you thought, stunned. 
“What about you?  Aside from your business you don’t really post online,” he chuckled, his own cheeks a dark red, “have you found the one?”
You did. Twelve years ago, and you lost him too soon. You couldn’t tell him that though, it wasn’t fair to him so instead you said, “I haven’t actually, no one ever felt right for me.” 
He nodded like he understood. He probably did honestly, and you two went back to the silence. You nodded at nothing, looking around the room. When you glanced back at him you saw his eyes locked on your hands in the jacket pockets. 
“Oh! Right um, if you don’t want me to hold onto the things in your pocket I can give them to you, I didn’t even think-” you rushed out, blushing furiously. 
“Don’t worry about it, the only thing in their is yours anyways,” he cut you off, coughing again. You tilted your head in confusion while he just avoided your eyes. “You can open it if you want.” 
Your curiosity got the best of you and you pulled out the box. The bump of your heartbeat against your ribcage didn’t help your anxiety. You slowly opened it, a shiny ‘N’ pendant staring at you head on. You glanced up at him, trying to figure out why he brought this. Not to mention why he still had it. 
“I lied back then,” he blurted, smacking a hand over his mouth as soon as the words left it.
“What? Yu what are you talking about?” you were trying not to let your hopes get the best of you, heartbreak hurts enough the first time. There’s no reason for you to suffer again when you haven’t even recovered from the first time.
“When you asked me if I meant it,” he sighed, shaking his head at himself. “I don’t know why I lied, but I did and I don’t know why I’m even telling you this now or why I brought that necklace.” 
“You lied,” you repeated, touching the initial softly, “if you lied, what did you really mean? Please Yu, I need to know.” 
“Nothing is worth losing you, I wanted to go back in time and spend more time with you instead of practicing, or even just invite you to study at my practices so we could be near each other,” oh, why didn’t you ever think of that, “I wanted to restart those months. That’s what I meant, it’s what I should have said.” 
You hadn’t realized you were crying until you watched a tear drop glide off your nose into the box. You quickly wiped your eyes, not wanting to cry in front of him. 
“I wish you would have said that,” you admitted, giving him a sad smile.
 You closed the box, putting it back in the jacket pocket. You pulled off his jacket, placing it in his hands. With a breath to collect yourself, you smiled at him one last time. “I think I’m going to head home, thank you for telling me the truth.” 
You didn’t make it three steps before his hand wrapped around your wrist. 
“I watched you walk away before and I have regretted it every second of every day for ten years, I can’t just let you leave again,” he said, his voice filled with emotion. 
You closed your eyes, trying not to break down. Keeping your back to him, you moved to remove his hand from your wrist. He reluctantly let go, the both of you standing silently, tears falling freely. 
“I still want you,” you felt him take a step closer, nearly touching you, “I still need you, I’ll make it right I swear, I’ve loved you from the moment  I saw you and haven’t stopped since.” 
You turned to face him, jumping slightly when you realized how close your faces were. His face was red and blotchy from the crying, his cheeks wet. You reached your hand up, wiping away his tears. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. 
“I haven’t met the one since we stopped talking because I always knew you are the only person for me,” you whispered, resting your forehead against his and closing your eyes. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. You felt his tears wetting your shoulder but you just cried with him. Holding him felt like waking up from a bad dream and realizing you’re safe. You have never felt as comfortable and safe in any aspect of your life than when he’s holding you. 
“Can we try again, properly y/n,” he whispered against your neck, tightening his hold on you.
“I never stopped loving you either,” you replied, pulling back and giving him a teary smile. 
When you two walked back into the reunion hand in hand, his initial hanging on your neck, it felt right. For the first time in forever, everything felt right. 
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chloelucia13 · 4 years
Chapter 5: The Flea and the Acrobat
Pairing: none of the moment (currently Jonathan Byers x platonic!Henderson!reader)
Prompt:  You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter Summary: The plan the three of you created was solid, and you all thought you were prepared to kill whatever took Will and finally bring him home. Things never go how they’re planned, though, do they?
Warnings: a little angst, a little fluff, language, violence (finally!!!), horror elements, gore
Word Count: 3720
A/N: New part! I hope you guys enjoy! As always, the tag list for this series is open!
Catch up: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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As soon as you had settled down onto your bed, a knock at the front door made you get back up.
You yanked the door open after shooing Mews away, letting out a huff. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, however, when you saw who was at your door. “Jonathan. What’s going on?”
Jonathan let out a sigh. “Lonnie is at the house,” he explained gruffly, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
“What?” You shook your head slightly. W-Why? Did he do something to you?”
He shook his head. “He’s just... There. I’m guessing for the funeral, but...”
“That’s bullshit.”
Jonathan nodded in agreement, pursing his lips. 
“Well, do you want to stay the night here? Or do you want me to go over there?”
“No, no. It’s okay. I just... Needed to get out for a second.”
You nodded slowly, stepping to the side to let him in. “Did he say anything to you?” you questioned as you both walked back to your room.
“Said that mom is sick. That I’m pushing her over the edge. Told me to behave at the funeral tomorrow.” He huffed, sitting down on your bed. “Said that I should take down my Evil Dead poster because it was ‘inappropriate.’”
“God, what a fucking douche bag,” you grumbled, flopping down onto your bean bag chair. “He’s telling you to behave? And that you’re pushing your mom over the edge?” Your face felt hot, hands beginning to shake. “Fuck him!”
He sighed, tugging on the loose strings of your comforter. “It’s like he wasn’t the one who came home drunk every night and then left us to fend for ourselves.”
“He’ll be gone soon, trust me. Either your mom is gonna kick him out or...”
“Or I’m gonna kill him.”
He let out a laugh, shaking his head slightly. “Don’t kill him. He’s not worth the effort or the prison time.”
You laughed along with him, standing up and walking over to him. “Yeah I guess you’re right.” You sat down next to him on the bed, leaning your head against his shoulder. “... I’m scared, Jonathan.”
He took your hand in his and traced his fingers along the lines on your palm. “Why are you nervous?”
You shrugged slightly. “What if...” You shook your head. “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
He sighed and pulled away slightly, touching your chin to tilt your head up so you could look him in the eye. “Don’t say that. Your fears aren’t stupid.”
You offered him a small smile before taking a deep breath, gathering your emotions. “What if... Whatever took Will and Barb... What if it takes one of us? Takes me? I mean, I’m no different from them, and we’re actively hunting the thing that took them. It can take me just as easily.”
Jonathan’s hand left your chin, grabbing onto your other hand and holding them tightly. “I’m not gonna let that happen. I’m gonna be right behind you the whole time. Nothing bad is gonna happen, I promise.” 
You had dreaded getting ready that morning, both because you had to get up early on a Saturday and you had to actually put effort into your look.
You woke up at 8 and trudged to the bathroom, pulling out your mom’s curling iron and getting to work.
It had taken about an hour to get your hair perfect, not too curly but just curly enough that it looked like you made an effort. You sprayed a tiny bit of hairspray and applied some light eye shadow, mascara, blush, and chapstick in the mirror.
Afterwards, you slipped on the black button-down dress that sat in the back of your closet, unworn until that moment, along with your pair of combat boots.
Once you were finished, you stepped out into the living room where your mother and Dustin were waiting. 
“You own a dress?” Dustin remarked, half shocked and half teasing.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. “God, shut up,” you grumbled.
“You are not wearing those combat boots. There’s a pair of flats in my closet, go put them on,” your mom complained.
You sighed and grabbed your keys. “It’s fine. We’re gonna be late!”
The ceremony extremely long, and your feet were aching the entire time (thank god you wore your combat boots). The pastor droned on and on about faith and God and whatnot, placing bible passages between every other sentence.
You stood behind Jonathan, your hands resting on his shoulders and habitually smoothing down his hair, anything to make sure that the both of you didn’t drift off. You kept your eyes on the patch of grass under your feet, unable to look at the small coffin just feet from you. Even if Will’s real body wasn’t in there, the thought of him being dead and stuffed into the ground for the bugs to eat made you nauseous.
As soon as the last flower was tossed on top of the coffin, you and Jonathan hurried out of the crowd after accepting a few weak condolences. Nancy lingered behind for a moment to avoid drawing suspicion. 
“I never knew you wore dresses,” Jonathan voiced as you two walked towards the chapel. 
You scoffed. “God, that’s the third time today-” you began.
“You look nice. Pretty.”
A blush rose to your cheeks and a small smile crept onto your lips. “Thanks.”
As soon as you felt that you were far enough away, the three of you cowered behind a fenced-off gathering of headstones. Jonathan tugged out a folded up paper from his coat pocket, unfolding it as you all sat down on the dead grass. on the paper was a map of the area where Barb and Will disappeared. “This is where we know for sure it’s been, right,” Jonathan explained, showing you and Nancy the map.
“So that’s-” Nancy started, pointing at one of the areas marked with an x.
“Steve’s house.” Jonathan pointed to another x. “And that’s the woods where they found Will’s bike.” He pointed to the last x. “And that’s my house.”
“It’s all so close.”
“Yeah, exactly. I mean, it’s all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is... It’s not traveling far.”
Nancy looked at him. “..You want to go out there.”
He nodded. “We might not find anything.”
“I found something.”
“But if we do see it,” you spoke up, “then what?”
Jonathan sighed, looking off into the distance for a moment before looking back at you and Nancy. “We kill it.”
He shot up all of a sudden, not even waiting for you and Nancy before hurrying over to the parking lot. You and Nancy shared a look before chasing after him, worry immediately settling in your chest when you saw him start to pick the lock for Lonnie’s car. “Jonathan, I don’t know if this is a good idea,” you voiced when he was in earshot, not wanting to shout and draw attention. “What are you even doing?”
He yanked the passenger door open and sat down in the seat, getting to work on the glove compartment. “Just give me a second,” he huffed. After jiggling his blade in the lock, it came undone and he pulled the compartment open. He sifted through the contents before pulling out a pistol and a box of bullets, quickly examining them before stuffing them in his pockets.
“Are you serious?” Nancy ridiculed, jaw dropping.
“What? You want to find this thing and take another photo? Yell at it?”
“Jonathan, we’ve just crossed into illegal territory. If Lonnie finds out, he’s gonna sue you for everything you have!” you whisper-yelled, glancing around to make sure no one was looking.
“And that’s why he won’t find out.” He hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut.
“This is a terrible idea,” Nancy argued.
“Yeah, well, it’s the best we’ve got.” You ran a hand through your hair, trying to stay calm. “What? You can tell someone, but they’re not gonna believe you. You know that.”
“Your mom would.”
“She’s been through enough-”
“She deserves to know!”
“Yeah, and I’ll tell her. When this thing is dead.”
You let out a huff and crossed your arms, nodding once. “Fine,” you grumbled.
You met Jonathan at the small makeshift shooting range that Lonnie had set up years ago. The cans were rusted and the logs were rotted, but that didn’t seem to bother Jonathan, who was trying his hardest to shoot anything other than the dirt.
“Don’t waste all the bullets, Johnny Boy. We’re gonna need them eventually,” you teased. flashing him a smile.
He let out a chuckle and dropped his arm to his side, turning to face you. His eyes immediately glanced down to the machete you decided to bring with you. “Where did you even find that?” he asked incredulously.
“I stole it from Dustin’s room. Pretty badass, don’t you think?”
“I think you’re gonna stab one of us from swinging it.” 
You rolled your eyes and hummed. “But at least I’ll hit something, Byers.”
“Well played.” He reached his hand out and you handed him the blade. He examined it closely, poking the tip in the ground a few times before handing it back to you.
You took it from his hands and sat down in the dirt, watching as he sat down across from you. “Can I share a theory I have?”
“Of course. What is it?”
“What if the area that this creature is appearing in... What if it’s a ley line?”
“What’s a ley line?”
“It’s these lines that supposedly align prehistoric monuments and things like that. But it’s supposed to bring along energy. Maybe this area is on a ley line, and it’s bringing along this extra energy that led to all this weird stuff happening and this... thing.”
“I mean, it’s possible.”
You let out a sigh, tracing the tip of the machete in the dirt and creating random doodles. “The problem is, if it was on a ley line, these weird things would’ve been happening for a long time. It doesn’t make sense for it to randomly start happening now.”
You two sat in silence for a moment, nearly jumping out of your skin when you heard footsteps approaching. You jumped up from the ground and pointed your blade at the source.
“Jesus!” Nancy exclaimed, holding her hands up in the air, her bat dropping to the ground.
“Sorry, just a little... Jumpy,” you sighed, lowering the machete back down to your side. “Hopefully you don’t drop your bat when there’s an actual threat,” you teased, picking it up and handing it back to her.
Meanwhile, Jonathan had returned to the metallic targets, firing at them but never hitting them.
“You’re supposed to hit the cans, right?” Nancy hummed, stepping closer to him.
He chuckled. “No, actually, you see the spaces between the cans? I’m aiming for those,” he joked, a small smile on his face.
“Ah.” She shrugged off her shoulder bag, tossing that and her bat alongside your things. 
“You ever shot a gun before?”
She scoffed. “Have you met my parents?”
“I’m surprised your dad doesn’t have one hidden away in his bedside drawer, just in case the commies come for him,” you teased, nudging her shoulder with yours.
Jonathan chuckled, emptying out the shells into his hand. “I haven’t shot a gun since I was ten. My dad took me hunting on my birthday. He made me kill a rabbit.”
“A rabbit?” Nancy voiced, concerned.
“Yeah. I guess he thought it would make me more of a man or something. I cried for a week.”
“What? I’m a fan of Thumper.”
“I mean your dad.”
“Yeah. I guess he and my mother loved each other at some point. but... I wasn’t around for that part.” He quickly loaded six bullets into the chamber and cocked the gun. Nancy reached her hand out, offering to try, and he handed it to her with no hesitance. “Uh, yeah. Just point and shoot.”
“I don’t think my parents ever loved each other.”
“They must have married for some reason.”
“My mom was young. My dad was older, but he had a cushy job, money, came from a good family...”
You began to zone out at that moment, your own thoughts that you were too scared to voice swarming in your mind. Your tongue was literally in-between your teeth, trying your hardest to speak your mind.
You nearly bit through your tongue when Nancy shot the gun, the bullet connecting with the can and making it fly to the ground. Your thoughts scattered like startled birds, and you blinked your eyes a few times to get yourself focused back into the present.
“Y/N?” Jonathan voiced, his hand touching your shoulder, making you jump. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, forcing a smile. “I’m good.”
The tip of your nose and your fingers felt numb as you walked, the cold effectively chilling them to the point where they were bright red. Thoughts of regret continuously popped in your head, telling yourself that you should have stayed home instead of freezing your ass off in the Indiana woods.
“You never said what I was saying,” Nancy voiced, tearing the blanket of silence.
“What?” Jonathan responded, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yesterday. You said I was saying something and that was why you took my picture.”
“Oh, uh... I don’t know.” he was silent for a moment, pondering. “My guess... I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else. But for that moment, it was like you were alone, or you thought you were. And, you know, you could just be yourself.”
Nancy was silent for a moment. “... That is such bullshit.”
Jonathan stopped in his tracks for a moment, nearly making you run into him, before he began walking again. “What?”
Nancy stopped, prompting everyone to stop, as well. “I am not trying to be someone else. Just because I’m dating Steve and you don’t like him-”
Jonathan sighed and stomped forward. “You know what, just forget it. I just thought it was a good picture.”
Nancy followed behind him, forcing you to keep up with them. “He’s actually a good guy.”
“Yesterday, with the camera...” She rushed to catch up with him. “He’s not like that at all. He was just being protective.”
“Yeah, that’s one word for it.” He huffed and attempted to storm off. 
“Oh, and I guess what you did was okay?”
“No, I-I never said that.”
“He had every right to be pissed-”
“Okay, alright. Does that mean I have to like him?” Jonathan stopped and turned to face her, which gave you some time to catch up to them.
“Listen, don’t take it so personally, okay? I don’t like most people, he’s in the fast majority.” He huffed and turned on his heel to walk away once more.
“You know, I was actually starting to think you were okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking ‘Jonathan Byers, maybe he’s not the pretentious creep everyone says he is.’“
“Well, I was just starting to think you were okay.”
“I was thinking ‘Nancy Wheeler, she’s not just another suburban girl who thinks she’s rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does until that phase passes and they marry some boring one-time jock who now works sales and they live out a boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac., exactly like their parents who they thought were so depressing but now, hey, they get it.’“
“God, can you guys grow up for once in your goddamn lives!” you finally screamed, making them both jump and turn to you. “If you guys had forgotten what the point of this whole fucking thing is, it’s to find Will and whatever that thing is that took him. Can you guys just deal with each other for one fucking night!”
“Y/N-” Nancy began.
“And at least you guys know who your dad is, because I sure as fucking hell don’t!” Tears welled in your eyes and you looked up at the sky to keep them from falling.
They were both silent, eyes glued on you as you fell apart. “Y/N,” Jonathan voiced this time.
You cast your gaze back down to the ground, shaking your head slightly before stomping away, tears slipping down your cheeks.  
The sun had already set, leaving the woods completely barren of light, save for your tiny handheld flashlights you all carried.
None of you had spoken a word since the blow up, which happened about 2 hours ago. You could feel the dried tear tracks lingering on your cheeks, but you didn’t dare wipe them away to show Nancy and Jonathan that you had been crying.
You nearly collided with Nancy when she suddenly stopped, almost unnoticed by you due to your lingering stare towards the ground. 
“What, are you tired?” Jonathan sighed, turning to you two.
“Shut up,” Nancy commanded, glancing around nervously.
“I heard something.”
Suddenly, a sharp whimper pierced through the air, sounding as though it was coming from only yards away.
Your brows furrowed in thought for a moment before turning towards the sound and walking that way, not waiting for Nancy and Jonathan. The whimpering grew louder and more persistent with each step, causing fear to brew in the pit of your stomach.
As you shone your flashlight around, something reflective sparkled under the light, in the same area that the whimpering was coming from. Gripping the handle of your machete tightly, you made your way over to the source, your jaw dropping in horror when you finally came across the sight of a wounded deer laying in the brush.
“Oh, god,” Nancy choked out, all of you focusing your light on the wounded animal.
Slowly, you all knelt down in front of it, trying to avoid scaring it.
“It’s been hit by a car,” Nancy voiced.
You shook your head, gently reaching out and pointing at the deep cuts along its side. “A car doesn’t leave bite marks like this. Something attacked it,” you explained, gingerly gliding your fingertips along its un-wounded leg.
“We can’t just leave it.”
You nodded, bile rising in your throat as you pushed yourself to your feet. “It hasn’t lost enough blood for it to bleed out quickly.”
Nancy stared down at the pistol in her hand, then looked back at the deer.
“I’ll do it,” Jonathan voiced, holding his hand out.
“Jonathan,” you sighed, reaching out and touching his shoulder for a moment.
Nancy hesitated. “I thought you said-” she began.
“I’m not nine anymore.” He took the gun from her hand and they both rose to their feet, stepping back next to you.
You held back a sob and slowly turned around, squeezing your eyes shut and waiting for the gunshot.
Suddenly, Nancy and Jonathan jumped back in horror, Jonathan tightly grabbing onto your arm.
“What happened?” you asked, spinning around to look at the deer, only to see a bloodied patch of grass where it once laid.
“Something took it, something grabbed it,” Jonathan rushed out, letting his hand fall from your arm, fingers grazing against yours for a split second.
“Could it have been a bobcat? Or a wolf?” 
He shook his head. “It was too quick. There’s no way.”
You let out a sigh and gulped, tightening your grip on your machete before walking forward, following the bloody trail left behind.
“Where’d it go?” Nancy voiced, glancing around quickly.
“I don’t know,” Jonathan sighed. “Do you see any more blood?”
“No,” you huffed, shining your flashlight around. “It just... Stopped.”
Jonathan nodded and turned around, going the way you just came from. You and Nancy searched for more blood, slowly walking along the line and glancing forward at the large tree in front of you.
“Nancy,” you whispered, nudging her and gesturing at the base of the tree, which appeared to be dripping with something blood-like.
“What the hell is that?” she questioned, both of you crouching down and examining the cavernous and bloodied hole. 
“Sometimes animals store their food in tree trunks, but the animal doesn’t just... Disappear after.” You sighed and got down on your hands and knees, slowly inching into the tree.
It looked as if the hole in the tree continued forever, with no clear end in sight. With a sigh, you scooted forward, trying to keep the contents of your stomach from coming up at the awful smell of the odd substance that coated the insides of the tree, reeking of spit and gore and rot. Nancy followed close behind you, her gags and gulps audible.
You had finally reached what appeared to be an exit, covered by an odd membrane-like barrier. You poked the tip of your blade through it and tore it open, slipping through the new opening and coming out on the other side, feeling as if you were just born again.
Nancy came out right behind you, both of you immediately rising to your feet and glancing around, your view slightly impaired due to your flashlight which now began to flicker.
The air seemed thicker, somehow, and odd ashy particles floated around the air. Everything appeared grayer and dingier, and odd purple vines covered the forest floor and the trees.
“Where are we?” Nancy whispered, to which you could only respond with a shake of your head. You stepped forward, holding your machete out in front of you.
A loud snarl sounded to the right of you, both of you turning to view the source.
An odd, gangling and pale creature stood hunched over, feasting on the remains of the deer that you had found earlier. You covered your mouth, feeling Nancy slowly step back.
A twig snapped underneath her feet.
The creature turned to you two, letting out a horrifying roar. He had no eyes, no face, just five petals of skin flared out, covered in rows of sharp teeth. You both let out screams and turned the other way, sprinting as fast as your bodies would allow to get as far away from the creature as possible.
As your heart pounded in your ears, you could hear the faint echo of Jonathan’s voice screaming for Nancy.
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wxyvision · 4 years
Dear First Love {3/4}
Genre: angst, fluff
Word count: 2,106
Part 1 | Part 2
Dear first love,
So you heard, from either Guanheng or Mark, I assume, that I wanted you to teach me how to dance. I mean, I was sort of serious, I thought it could be a good way to get closer to you whilst doing something fun. I wasn’t actually expecting them to tell you, though. I should thank you for actually offering to teach me, and for not laughing at my bad dancing. I was surprised that you bought food and drinks for me, I really wasn’t expecting you to do that. The food was tasty, thank you. You keep making me fall for you more and more with your sweet actions. It’s not fair, how do I make your heart melt? How do I make you fall for me the way I have done for you? I keep hoping maybe I’ll get really good at dancing and your heart will flutter. I can hope, huh? You were really patient with me, I appreciated that. I think I would have gotten frustrated after a while! Also, did you notice that my Mandarin improved a lot? I’ve been studying hard recently! Guanheng still doesn’t know that I’m learning for you, I think he thinks I’m learning because a lot of the boys speak the language and not because I have feelings for you. We talked a lot whilst you taught me, it was fun. Did you enjoy it too? I hope maybe we can do it again in the future, even though I’m nowhere near as talented as you are. Even if I mess up all of the steps, I would be a fun time as long as I get to spend it with you! I wish I had something to share with you in return as a thank you, but you’re already into acting, so it’s nothing new to you. What can I do?
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
Guess how long it’s been since we met! It’s been a whole two years!! Right now it’s nearing the summer holidays and I’m really looking forward to it. Especially since we made plans to hang out over the summer, both alone and with the boys. Just as long as we don’t go camping, I don’t want anyone to break a bone or anything. Perhaps we could visit the zoo! Or maybe the beach? Again, I would love to go to the theme park all together, but I can imagine that it would be chaos! Can you imagine a group of teens running around like kids in a sweetshop? Yeah... maybe that would be one for just us two, or us and a couple others. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Oh, but I forgot you’re afraid of heights, aren’t you, my little chicken wing? Perhaps that wouldn’t be such a good idea after all.. I’m sure we’ll find something that everyone wants to do! Do you have any other plans for the summer holidays? I know you said something about trying to visit home for a week or two, I hope you get to spend some quality time with your family, you must miss them a lot. My summer holidays will be spent either hanging out with you and the boys or doing random little doodles when I get bored of eating ice cream in the park. Ha, just kidding, I’ll never get tired of eating ice cream. Especially if the other person is paying ;). I should do a doodle of you, but I would have to do a doodle of everyone so it doesn’t seem like I’m only drawing you. After all, I don’t want to make my feelings obvious, especially because I don’t know how you feel… Damn, why can’t I just tell you? It seems so silly to be so scared. You wouldn’t run away, right?
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
Summer flew by fast! I think it's because I had a lot of fun. We should be able to meet up once before school starts again, right? We got the chance to hang out a lot over the summer, which was amazing. We all went to the beach a couple of times... that was complete chaos, but it was funny when we all tried to throw Mark in the water. He still uses that against me. You wouldn't believe how many ice creams he's gotten out of me. At least YangYang managed to get us free ice cream out of the oldie hehe. Did you enjoy the little water fight? We were on the same team, weren't we? I always knew you were secretly competitive! You were a good shot, better than me at least. I wish we could do that again some time. There's always next summer, isn't there? I hope we'll all stay in contact when we leave. It's our last year here now, and then we will have graduated. It's kind of sad to think that I may never see you and the other boys after then, but I hope we at least talk sometimes, even if it's not as much as we do now. I'm just gonna enjoy this year as much as I can and make even more amazing memories with you! We made plans to hang out often, assuming school doesn't get in the way too much. I won't be doing any performing this year, I have enough on my plate with exams and that, but I volunteered to be a stagehand, so I'll still be pretty busy. Not too busy that I can't see you, I hope. Maybe we can all go bowling again like we did over the summer. It was a little difficult since we couldn't all play against one another, but it was fun to have a friendly competition. And how could I forget? You and me going to the zoo together, just the two of us. It turns out you were just as excited to see all of the animals as I was. Although I wasn't just happy because of seeing the animals, but because I got to spend time with you, too. We took many photos, didn't we? I hope we can both look back at that day with fondness. I know I will. If only it could have been a date, but I will settle for a hangout for now. Perhaps one day?
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
It was your birthday on Wednesday! You're another year older and wiser (and sweeter) now. I know this year it was a bit less organised than before, but everyone has been busy with school work recently so we had less time to make proper plans. It's regretful, especially since this is the last year celebrating your birthday like this. Still, it was nice to have a more relaxing celebration, don't you think? Well, apart from Lucas starting a high note battle and nearly getting us kicked out. But it's those kind of memories that we'll keep in our hearts. The two of you had two cakes (lucky!). Unfortunately one of them was allowed to be decorated by Donghyuk and Guanheng… sorry about that. They really made a mess, didn't they? Still, they were proud of their "artwork". It was cute, though… kinda. You looked really happy the whole time, I don't think I ever saw that smile leave your face, not even for one second. I'm really glad that spending time with us made you so happy. We also celebrated Halloween together, didn't we? It was pretty cool seeing everyone dress up in fun costumes. You looked super handsome as always! It probably wasn't a good idea to watch spooky movies though. All I kept hearing was someone screaming… and I could see a few of the boys hiding behind cushions. But then Johnny put on a Halloween playlist and we had a mini rave. I don't think I've ever seen anyone waving strawberry pencils like a lightstick before. It's these sort of things we learn not to question after a while, huh? It was good to spend more time with you, school has been pretty hectic recently. It seems that every class has a million and one assignments to complete and to blink would be wasting time. Still, that's no excuse not to party! ...Maybe that's why I'm so behind. I hope things are going well for you. I hope your classes aren't too crazy and that work isn't piled up high for you <3
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
Christmas has come and gone! How was it for you? I heard that you went home to see your family this year. I know how much you've been missing them from the conversations that we've had lately. I keep seeing photos of you and your family on your Instagram. You look absolutely adorable in that Christmas sweater! I can tell how happy you are to be home from how wide your smile is and from the twinkle in your eyes. I wish for you to be that happy always. I can't wait to hear all about your Christmas when school starts again. I wonder what sort of presents you got. I bet you got something really cool, right? Did you eat well? There was so much food for me, but I ate a lot! I mostly received money and small gifts but I treasure those gifts a lot because they were so thoughtful. Did you enjoy the presents you got from me and the boys? I know mine wasn't that much but it's the thought that counts, right? I know how much you like those. Are you flying back for New Year's Eve? Johnny is throwing a party to see in the new year. I hope that you'll be there but if not, then happy new year. I hope next year treats you even better. Time seems to fly by so fast, doesn't it? It feels like only a week ago that the year began, yet it's already ending! Are you planning on making a resolution? I never stick to mine. I always promise myself that I'll eat healthier, or procrastinate less, or sleep better but I never do. I wonder if it's the same for you.
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
I wasn't going to write another letter so soon but I have to get these feelings out of my head and onto this page. I'm glad you were there for the party. You looked handsome as ever, although was I really expecting you not to? You were wearing the cutest sweater I've ever seen. It looked so good on you, but then again what doesn't look good on you? That was… I'm sorry. I'm glad you enjoyed the party. It was nice to spend time with you again after not seeing you for a bit. I heard all about your Christmas with your family. It made me wish I had been there, it sounded so homely and sweet. Your family sound lovely. It's no wonder you're such a sweet person when your family is also that sweet. Still, I'm now wishing that I was busy that day. Or sick. Or for some reason I hadn't been there. As much as it kills me to say that, that's how I feel. Despite being so happy to see you and talk to you and spend lots of time with you, I wish that I hadn't been there. But we can't take back that now, can we? If you were reading this now I bet you'd be wondering why I felt like this, wouldn't you? It sounds so silly, and I shouldn't be so upset over it, but it still hurts. I had always wished that one day I'd have a new years kiss. Maybe I should have been more specific with that wish. I felt so bad. It'll be awkward to see Mark tomorrow. Actually, I don't know if I will. It depends how things go I guess, but I hope things will be okay between us, he's the best best friend I've ever had and I don't want to lose that. I feel bad that he was kissing me yet the only person I could see was you. I feel bad that I don't feel that way for him, and now our friendship is threatened by one stupid kiss. And I wish I felt that way for him because then it wouldn't hurt so much seeing you kissing someone else… I don't know if you have feelings for them or not, but either way the image still makes me heart feel heavy.
Little dumpling
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littleravenwrites · 6 years
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Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
warnings - none
word count - 2k
A/N - Will have typos and stuff, sorry about that and If its a messy idea at the end. xo
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The weather was starting to become warm, and all you wanted was to be was outside. You grabbed the book you’ve wanted to be reading and headed out. You grabbed a coffee along the way and you headed for Central Park. You took a while to find the perfect bench that wasn’t crowded with parents, couples or just random people. But, finally you found the empty bench.
You were a couple chapters in when someone sat with you on your bench, out of habit you looked over and saw a tall man with blonde hair, it took a few glances to realize that it was Captain America himself; you gave him a quick look over before going back to your book.
You held onto your empty coffee cup before placing it next to you and got more comfortable, you flipped the page and started to read before you heard him clear his throat. You raised your eyebrow some, and looked over to him.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’m sitting here,” He spoke gently.
“No, not at all,” You smiled and brought your attention back to your book.
“What are you reading?”
You closed your book and looked over the cover, “Little Women,” You answered him. “Probably a book I should’ve read when I was younger,” You continued and shrugged your shoulders. You really didn’t want to continue the conversation about your grandma who had suggested it years before her passing.
You looked over to him, finally taking in his fully appearance. You half expected the fully Captain outfit for some reason, yet he was just in a simple shirt and jeans. You noticed the small notebook on his knee, “What are you doing?”
He let out a small chuckle, “Just doodling, it helps me relax.” He extended his hand to yours, “I’m Steve Rogers, by the way.”
Your first instinct was to say, ‘Oh, I know who you are,’ you collected yourself and placed your hand into his, “Y/N Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you,” You smiled.
“Nice to meet you too,”
Your hand was released and waited for him to continue when he didn’t you brought yourself back into your pervious comfortable position and went back to reading.
Neither of you spoke to each other, it was the perfect quiet you had been seeking even with the busyness of the park. You would look up from time to time when there was some kind of disturbance but other than that your eyes were on the words of your book.
You heard Steve’s phone ring but it didn’t bring you to look at him, it was none of your business to begin with. You heard a small sigh, “Yeah, I’ll be there,” He spoke.
He didn’t say anything to you as he walked away; you figured there would be some kind of a goodbye. When he was out of your sight, you looked at where he was sitting while trying to gather your thoughts on Steve Rogers sharing a bench with you. You saw a small piece of a paper lying there, and you reached you grabbing it before the wind could.
Your eyes looked over the drawing, the black ink capturing the trees, the benches and the buildings almost perfectly. You never expected him to draw so well, you looked at the back of the paper hoping to see it was signed but what you saw was, ‘You look too peaceful to bug, how about this time next week, same bench,’
It’s been a few weeks; every Saturday was you and a book, and Steve Rogers next to you. You two would talk for a few moments, he brought you coffee a few times and you also brought some.  You never spoke much more than a hello or when he would ask you what you thought about your book. Even asking him about his doodles, he had nothing more than a shrug and awkward smile.
It was simple.
The pure outcome of every bench visit was that Steve would leave a doodle behind, it was always different and it was always captured your eyes. You had about 6 or more of them in a small box, and you figured he would laugh at the collection you had. But, it was never brought up which you were grateful for. You didn’t want to come out as odd or something more because you honestly enjoyed the small moments you had shared on the bench with him.
You found yourself looking forward to these visits, and sometimes you worried when he would arrive late, but you knew his lifestyle. It was that way today when you came; you had a new book in your hand, another grandma favorite you wished you had read before so you could talk to her about it. You were doing it now, you told yourself so that’s all that mattered.
“I’m late, I know.” You heard Steve’s voice, bringing you out of the scenario in the book.
“Its fine,” You laughed, he didn’t need a reason for his lateness, because you didn’t know what this meant.
You brought your attention to him, your eyes looking over him like you had many times before. You thought of your grandpa, then your attention was back on the book and you were trying to read. But your thoughts were bugging you as you kept reading the same line. Your grandpa had mentioned his few encounters with Steve, when he was known for freedom and much more back then. You wanted to thank him for saving your grandpa, but you couldn’t find the right words.
“Thank you,” You blurred out. “I don’t know if you get this a lot, but you saved my grandpa back in the war, and I’m grateful. He always told me stories of his past, and the war.” You found yourself rambling but you couldn’t stop yourself. “It was mostly the war, his goodbye with my grandma when he was drafted and sometimes you,” You said and kept your eyes on the book.
It got quiet, and you waited for Steve to say some kind of thank you, some kind of rehearsed speech that he gave to anyone that probably gave him the same story.
“The way you’re talking, I’m assuming he passed?” He asked.
You nodded some, you closed your book and let out a small sigh and looked over to him finally. “Yes he did, it was a few years ago, my grandma passed….” You trailed off and swallowed hard. You wished the emotions weren’t there in that moment. “She was sick and being the love of my grandpa’s life, he soon joined her…” You said and shook your head.
“I’m sorry,” Steve said after a while. “Even if I don’t remember him specifically, I’m sure he was a great man, Y/N, I’m glad I saved him.”
You didn’t say anything but smiled, even if it was forced before you went back to your book with blurry eyes.
Again, Steve left with no goodbye but this time he placed a paper on your lap. You took the piece of paper in your hand seeing the captain himself and a army man, arms over the other’s shoulders the words saying, ‘A good solider never dies.’
Again it was Saturday and again you had another book and coffee, you followed the familiar way to the park and found the bench that was yours and his, you placed yourself down with a smile. If you had to be honest with yourself, you were looking forward to these days; it was something you would admit you needed after a tough week at work.
You were far into your book and you noticed that Steve wasn’t around, maybe he was busy. You had prepared yourself for the day to come, but you never prepared yourself for what came after the thought.
There was a loud explosion near you, you shot up from your spot on the bench and looked around before spotting the smoke, and you felt your chest cave in as other soon followed. You were with the crowd that was running for safety and found yourself stopping to help those who were down but kept going. You followed the crowd and the shouting of local police bringing everyone to safety.
It was another attack on New York, it was the first for you and you had no idea what to expect. Your mind was going a mile a minute as you stayed in this safe heaven the city had made but you couldn’t help but think of others that were still out there.
You don’t what came over you as you headed out and you started to help those who needed it.
The aftermath of the city took a toll on everyone, you had survived with limited cuts and bruises, but you were proud with what you done. You checked on those you made friends with, and they were on the older side you just wanted to make sure they were safe.
With no book, no coffee you headed back to Central Park hoping that it wasn’t too bad. You came to a lot of destruction, and seeing your favorite safe haven of bench gone, you felt the tears gather. You wiped off your cheeks as you looked around slowly.
“Y/N!” You heard your name being called and you turned to see Steven rushing towards you. You couldn’t even open your mouth, but was glad when Steve brought you into a tight hug. Your arms hugged his frame tightly, you were too scared to let go.
“Thank god, you’re safe.” Steven said into your hair, his fingers were brushing through it repeatedly as his free hand stroked your back.
“Yeah, of course I’m okay,” You half cried into his chest.
No words were spoken further as you held each other for a moment or so longer, he brought you to arm’s length as he looked over you. His fingers brushed over bruises that formed on your neck and cheek, he even checked out your scratches.
“Heard there was civilian who was helping people when the attack happened, I don’t know why my mind went to you,” He spoke lightly. You nodded some and wiped off your cheeks, “Your grandpa would be proud.”
You didn’t say anything as you thought about what you did, you just nodded again and let out a shaky breath. “It’s what he would do,” You finally said.
He didn’t push the topic further, but he asked, “What book did you bring that day?”
You let out a small laugh, glad that he was going to ask you about your experience. You thought about the book which brought out another laugh, “As cheesy or as it sounds or I don’t know dumb, it was called, ‘Love stories World War 2,” You shook your head. “I wanted to share some with you,” You continued.
You looked up at him as he had smile and you also noticed a few bruises and scratches of his own. Without thinking you moved your fingers along them slowly and frowned some.
“I’m okay and here…” He said and placed a small note book in your hands.
You flipped it open seeing a different drawing on all the papers, it varied from trees, building and even a woman with a book, there was writing on the pages that weren’t filled with his drawings. “I wanted to give you this the day of the attack,”
You had nothing to say but more tears rolling down your cheeks, you looked back at him and smiled, “More to add to the collection I already have, thank you Steve.” You reached up and kissed him the cheek.
“I figured you would love them, Y/N,” He brought into another tight hug. “And I want you to share those love stories with me,”
You let out a chuckle, “I lost it. I dropped it and ran…” You shrugged your shoulders up some, but he only held you tighter.
“I guess we have a few bookstores to visit,” He said and kissed your head.
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unmanageable-day · 5 years
Merry Go Round (pt.2)
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On one Sunday in the autumn, Minhyun unusually took the first move to ask Yesoo hangout. It was nothing fancy, just a casual lunch date and walking around Itaewon without much words between them. Since Yesoo didn't take Minhyun's hand, and it seemed like holding Yesoo's hand never slipped his mind, Yesoo tended to walk behind him. And once again, no one really knew if Minhyun at least realized that Yesoo was not beside him when walking.
The last stop was gelato cafe. Minhyun ordered Yesoo's favorite yogurt and strawberry sorbet for her and got himself vanilla milkshake. They sat at a corner with a window and street view.
"Yesoo, do you remember when I said there is something I want to say?"
"Yes, what is it?"
"First of all, please forgive me for everything, and for this too."
Okay. Yesoo braced herself. Here it comes.
"Yesoo, I don't think I can continue this relationship anymore," he briefly said. Then he started stuttering. "It's just.. I.. you know..."
"Okay," she calmly responded, cutting off his stuttering. "It's fine. You don't have to give any reason."
"But, I..."
"No, really. I understand."
"What? You do? How?"
She shrugged. "I just do."
The two of them remained silent, seemingly trying to find the right words. As for Yesoo, she also tried hard to hold her tears from falling. Minhyun, as usual, maintained his flat face.
"Anyway, thank you for everything. I really appreciate your time spent with me." Yesoo started to talk quickly and a bit mumbly when she got nervous. "I don't even know why I confessed to you. Maybe I was crazy back then. I didn't even expect an answer. But, well, look at us." Eventually a drop of tears successfully fell.
Minhyun noticed that. Yet he did nothing. All he said was sorry and handed her a tissue he got from the cashier, which she refused to take.
Yesoo wiped her eyes with her hand. "No need to be sorry. It's not your fault." Her voice sounded trembling. "Maybe this relationship is a mistake. And it's nobody's fault. We just met at the wrong time, and I'm not the right one for you and so are you."
Minhyun sat still. He couldn't think of anything.
"So, this is it, yeah? Thank you, Minhyun, for spending your time and bearing with me for the last 2 years. It's been a lovely merry go round with you."
"Thank you, too, for bearing with me," he slowly said.
"Likewise." She got up from her seat, which made Minhyun look puzzled.
"Are you leaving now?"
"Yes, I'll get going first. It's embarrassing that you looked at me like this." Her voice sounded unstable, yet still managed to smile and let a little chuckle.
"Let me take you home." He also got up.
"Thank you, but no, thank you. If you do, it just makes it harder for me." She faked a smile after her eyes got all teary. "See you when I see you, Hwang Minhyun."
After that, only the clicking sound from Yesoo's shoes was heard. Bit by bit, the clicking sound was leaving further and further, until it didn't leave any trace.
Minhyun sat down again. His eyes stared at nothing. He surprised himself that it just happened quicker than he thought. He expected a long talk instead of approval 3 seconds after he spilled it. It's okay, you did right, Minhyun, he convinced himself.
 Yesoo wished her eyes didn't get puffy after letting her tears out by binge-watching tear-jerker movies she rented at a movie cafe. That was a silly wish, she knew it. She had finished watching Hachiko, Cell No.7, and she was about to continue to watch Along with the Gods. She found her cheeks wet by her running tears and she didn't need a mirror to find out her eye make-up was already a mess. She regretted wearing non-water proof mascara.
Yesoo didn't even want to cry in the first place. In fact, she couldn't cry her heart out. How she wished she could bawl out loud until her eyes dried out. It was just she couldn't, even though her heart felt congested so bad. That was why she needed those tear-jerker movies to help her relieve everything she felt.
The cafe waiter suddenly knocked her rented room to tell that her time was running out in 15 minutes. She raised her head to see the clock that showed it was already 8 PM. She quickly fixed her messy face - wiping off her eye makeup and patting some lipstick on her cheeks, tied her hair into a bun, and paid the bill before leaving the place. She probably looked drunk - or sick - although not even one drop of alcohol went into her mouth.
While wandering around on her way to get home, of course she had to bump into Hui. Thank goodness it was just Hui.
"Hey, where are you going and what's with your face?"
"It's nothing," she said, shaking her head twice. "I'm going home. You?"
"No particular destination." Hui took his time glancing at his old friend. "Do you need someone to talk with?'
Yesoo shook her head again. "I'm good."
"I'll walk you home?" Hui had predicted her answer, so he quickly continued before she opened her mouth. "Come on. I don't take no as an answer."
Being a gentleman, he offered his arm to Yesoo who gladly took the offer. She let her arm linked to Hui's. That was actually the first time they had such a physical contact even after being friends since junior high school. Although it was the first time, nothing felt awkward. Instead, she found it warm. Or probably the cashmere coat that Hui wore was what makes it feel warm.
 5 months later
 Hwang Minhyun woke up to his normal Saturday morning; quiet. He checked the clock only to find out he was 2 hour earlier than his alarm which was supposed to ring at 7 AM. It had been a non-stop episode of him having difficulty sleeping at night. He always woke up in the middle of the night every one or two hours. It was all because a dream he had. It was not a sweet dream, not a nightmare either. It was a dream but it felt so lucid to him. He rubbed his eyes before finally decided to get up and do some exercise. Perhaps an early morning jog could help him figure out why Yesoo kept appearing in his dream.
Right. Yesoo. It had been a week since he started to have a series of dream that involved Yesoo. He didn't hate it, nor like it. Disturbing? Not really. He found it more like confusing. This dream was like a flashback of his journey with Yesoo from the very first day. It pictured a pair of happy lovebirds with genuine smile to each other. He smiled at that picture. It kept going on for days. Until the smile faded away slowly, until it was gone completely. He started to feel something must be wrong.
What he noticed in his dreams – and what he thought it was one of the causes why he was feeling strange – was how Yesoo at first always held his hand tightly that slowly she loosened up, until she gave it up and let it go. Minhyun had to admit that he was upset to see that scene. But he couldn't unsee that. The dream that felt so real kept going on, and finally it showed how Yesoo slowly decelerated her walking pace. 5 seconds ago she was still by his side, 5 seconds later she walked behind him, and eventually she just stopped walking. Minhyun felt like roaring at his own self who didn't even look around to see Yesoo was not there anymore. But he couldn't. No matter how much he wanted to open his mouth, even just a little.
I was like that? He laughed at himself. Right, I was like that.
Sometimes he thought to himself, why did he say yes in the first place? So what if Yesoo was the first girl ever confessed to him? Did he like her too? Or maybe he was feeling thankful to her?
Frankly all Minhyun knew about Yesoo was that she was from College of Design, where the building campus was the closest to his Theater and Film Department. Until one day she showed up to confess to him.
If it wasn't Jung Yesoo, would he still say yes?
 In the middle of working hour, Minhyun found himself staring at one particular contact in his phone; Jung Yesoo. He remembered the last time he called and texted her, the profile picture was herself in a mountain that was taken in autumn last year. He remembered it because he was the one who took that photo. Now it was changed into abstract, random doodles.
Minhyun was too absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't realize Jisoo was standing behind him. "Is that Yesoo? She draws that? She's good," Jisoo loudly said, which of course startled Minhyun.
Minhyun immediately locked his phone while chuckling awkwardly. He didn't answer Jisoo.
"How is she doing? It's been a while," Jisoo asked.
It was hard for Minhyun to not get flustered. Luckily his stone face sometimes helped him at a time like this. He only said a short yes.
Jisoo shrugged before leaving him alone. He noticed something wrong with Minhyun. But he wouldn't push him any further since he knew how Minhyun was never open about his feelings. "Don't forget to have lunch!" Jisoo half shouted at him.
It had been days that he didn't eat well. It was either skipping meal, or eating too much unhealthy food, or eating too less food. The clock showed lunch time. He didn't feel like eating, but his stomach was growling. With heavy steps, he dragged himself to the restaurant across the office.
His feet stopped when his eyes recognized a short haired girl that looked unfamiliarly familiar at the cashier. He wished his eyes were deceiving him, but he knew his heart wished it was her. His feet felt heavier as he approached her and he still went for it regardless.
"Yesoo?" he called.
The girl turned her head as she flipped her hair. "Minhyun," she greeted back with a beam, and clearly sounded surprised.
They ended up sitting together, face to face. Yesoo maintained her smile, which wasn't as wide and genuine as he could remember. "It's been a while," Yesoo started the conversation.
"Yeah." Minhyun was loss at words for a second. "You got your hair cut."
Yesoo automatically stroke her own hair. "As you see," she said, sipping her hot latte.
"Are you meeting your client around here?"
"No," she spoke with low voice. There was this hesitant feeling when she talked. "I'm meeting someone else."
Minhyun stunned for a moment. "Someone?"
She nodded.
Still stunned, Minhyun's gaze eventually landed on her hands which were holding on her glass tightly. He unconsciously glared at her finger with a ring on it. As long as he knew Yesoo, she never wore any jewelry or accessories on her hands. And now, a ring?
"Anyway, how are you doing?" Minhyun changed the topic because he had a bad feeling lingering in his head.
"I'm good. How about you?"
"I'm okay as well." He faked a smile. No, I don't think I'm perfectly okay. "Look. About us..."
Yesoo's smile faded once she heard the word us. And before Minhyun continued speaking, her phone rang just on time and she excused herself to pick up her phone.
"I'm sorry, but I gotta go now."
Minhyun was flustered, particularly thinking that he hadn’t finished talking. Yet to make her stay there wasn’t a wise option as well. He just had to send her off. "Oh, okay. Be careful on your way."
She hurriedly left the restaurant, leaving Minhyun whose eyes followed her until she walked out of there. And that was when he caught someone else was already waiting for her outside.
Lee Hwitaek.
He could see Hui's genuine happy smile when Yesoo came to him. He could see Hui immediately took her hand before really leaving the cafe area. Am I dreaming? he thought to himself.
He wished it was a dream. In his dream lately he saw someone else offered his hands to Yesoo who already let go of Minhyun's. He couldn't clearly see the face. All he knew that in his dream she without doubt accepted the offer and firmly gripped onto the hands reaching to her.
Minhyun sat still and stared at nothing, leaving his hot chamomile tea remained full. He even ignored numerous missed calls; 10 from Jisoo, 3 from Raina, and 2 from Seonho. And now his phone was ringing again. Minhyun didn't even bother to look at his phone.
"Oh, Minhyun hyung is here." One of the callers happened to find him and approached him.
"Oh, Seonho, Guanlin, you're here," Minhyun weakly said.
"Raina noona is looking for you."
Minhyun stayed silent, making the two younger boys confused. Both Seonho and Guanlin quietly looked at each other while guessing what happened to their senior.
"Seonho and Guanlin, you know Lee Hwitaek?"
"Hui hyung? Yes, we do."
"Hwitaek.. what kind of person is he?"
"He's nice, kind, and very friendly. He works very hard to make a good music."
"Ah, really?"
"Does he... have a girlfriend?" Minhyun didn't even know why he asked that. Maybe he was slowly losing his consciousness.
"He just got married a couple months ago," Seonho answered, a little bit excitedly. "It was quite shocking because he barely had no life other than writing lyrics and producing songs. No one ever knew he had a girlfriend."
"I envy him. He's married to his best friend," Guanlin added, showing his gummy smile.
Married? Minhyun smirked, slightly chuckling in disbelief. To his best friend?
 Congratulations, you’re so amazing Congratulations, how could you be so fine? How could you trample on me? I see your smiling face, I guess you forgot everything How is he? Is he better than me? Did he erase all your memories about me?
 Minhyun abruptly pressed the next button to change the song. He wished he could sing along to that song. The lyric was good, yet it didn’t seem to support his condition right now. It was more like being made fun out of it.
Minhyun took his phone. Without thinking he lurked on social media, searching for anything. Until a crazy idea crossed his mind. His fingers slowly typed ‘Jung Yesoo’. He stared at her profile picture when she still had her long hair for a pretty long time. Minhyun smiled at himself. She looks good with short hair, he thought. His thumb scrolled up and down to find out that Yesoo had been inactive on her social media. Her last update was seemingly a candid photo of herself with her new hair that was taken 3 months ago. And if he remembered precisely, it was one day after he broke up with her. The caption written was ‘Taken by Lee H.T’. For one second, it made him furious. Recalling now that he was nothing to her, he just got quiet.
Another crazy idea slipped his mind. Now he was searching for Lee Hwitaek. He wished there was another Hwang Minhyun with a better brain to scold and mock him for being stupid right now. His heart couldn’t take it after looking at Hui’s feeds that was full of 3 things: Yesoo; Hui and Yesoo; Hui and Yesoo showing affection and physical contacts, mostly hugs. Don’t forget the lovey-dovey and sometimes cheesy captions, that Minhyun guessed it must be Hui.
 Minhyun had never felt so weak as if his energy was all drained. He wondered how Yesoo was doing right after they broke up. Was she okay? Was she like this too? Was she not feeling anything that she just got married in 3 months after breaking up? If this overthinking kept going on, his head might explode. He was thinking about taking a day off but Raina as his supervisor would kill him for not showing up since they were working on a project that Minhyun himself initiated.
Minhyun dragged his feet to the lift and was about to close the door when someone screamed to hold the lift. He hurriedly pressed the open button and found Hui entering the lift. Now there were just two of them. He was aware that sooner or later he would meet Hui. But not this soon. "Congratulation on your marriage," Minhyun said with expressionless face.
"Thank you." Hui drew a little smile, and added, "Wait, I think I should be the one who thank you."
Minhyun didn't answer although he didn't understand what it meant.
"Thank you, Hwang Minhyun, for breaking up with Yesoo."
Minhyun's ears felt hot instantly. He tightened his hidden fist inside his coat pocket.
"If I didn't see her swollen eyes after crying her eyes out that night, I wouldn't have the courage to make up my mind and propose to her."
Yesoo... cried? A lot?
 Regret always comes late, they say. Minhyun often told himself to regret nothing. Yet now he regretted that it took a very long time to realize how comforting it was when he had Yesoo’s hand in his. How good it was to have Yesoo taking care of him. How relaxing it was when they spent time together even in complete silence. And now he couldn’t have all that anymore.
 Full version is available on AFF under the username joyful_joy :
Feel free to stop by there!
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devidlg · 7 years
Got tagged by @taleasoldastime-andspace ! Thanks Tale and HOLY COW SO MANY QUESTIONS O.o
1. Drink: iced Tea 2. Phone call:  I think I called my sister to move her car. 3. Text message:  My BFF telling me how much she loves Markiplier. 4. Song you listened to: Fences by Paramore 5. Time you cried:  I think i got a little teary just this afternoon listening to The Adventure Zone. HAVE YOU:
6. Dated someone twice:  That would require a first date. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it:  Nope. 8. Been cheated on:  I hope not. That would mean I was dating someone without my knowledge. 9. Lost someone special:  No 10. Been depressed:  I don't think so, no. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up:  I've gotten dizzy, but not enough to be sick.
12.  Silver 13.  Blue 14.  Green IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU:
15. Made new friends:  You bet I have. 16. Fallen out of love:  Nope. 17. Laughed until you cried:  i don't think I've cried, but I have laughed pretty freaking hard. 18. Found out someone was talking about you:  No...? 19. Met someone who changed you:  I learned I wasn't the only me in the multiverse. Does that count? 20. Found out who your friends are:  In like I needed emotional support kind of way? No. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list:  Nope. No kisses for Devi.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:  I don't actually know who I follow on FB.... I don't use it much anymore. 23. Do you have any pets:  YEAH. JUST GOT A NEW PUPPER NAMED JOON. NOW WE HAVE BENNIE AND JOON. DO YOU GET IT GUYS. 24. Do you want to change your name:  I used to want to change it to Rose. (AKA best name ever) cause people kept getting mine wrong but I'm actually really content with what I have now. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday:  I got presents from the fam. 26. What time did you wake up:  7:03 AM. Every weekday morning. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night:  Probably failing to fall asleep. I could NOT get comfortable. 28. Name something you can’t wait for:  VOLTRON SEASON 4 29. When was the last time you saw your mom:  Literally 2 minutes ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life:  Unlimited internet pls. 31. What are you listening right now:  Paramore! Born For This to be specific. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:  I had a grandpa named Tom. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves:  THE FRICKIN INTERNET 34. Most visited Website:  AO3. 100% AO3 LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME
35. Mole/s:  Yes. But not the most in the family. 36. Mark/s:  I guess. 37. Childhood dream:  I wanted to be a librarian! 38. Haircolour:  Really dark brown. 39. Long or short hair:  I have long hair. My desire for short or long hair fluctuates. 40. Do you have a crush on someone:  Does Takashi Shirogane count? 41. What do you like about yourself:  I've got the most beautiful brown eyes ever. Seriously guys. 42. Piercings:  Ears. 43. Bloodtype:  O- 44. Nickname:  Devster. (Only the bff calls me that) My parents called me Doodle? Oh and this one girl I knew called me DeDe. (HATED that.)
45. Relationship status:  Single and ready to be afraid of flirting. 46. Zodiac:  LEO 47. Pronouns:  She/Her Female pronouns. 48. Favourite TV Show:  UUM. I CAN'T PICK. 50. Right or left hand:  RIGHTY 51. Surgery:  Wisdom teeth. It was WEiRd 52. Hair dyed in different color:  I want to, but have zero money for it. 53. Sport:  I played softball. #world'sbestshortstop 55. Vacation:  Staycation 56. Pair of trainers:  My navy (Blame Ten) or Black (Blame Chuck Bartowski) converse. MORE GENERAL:
57. Eating:  Yes please. 58. Drinking:  I like to drink things yes. 59. I’m about to:  Shower. But I gotta do this first. 61. Waiting for:  Seriously guys. When am I getting Voltron S4??? 62. Want:  D-Backs tickets 63. Get married:  Yes. Is Sebby Stan single? 64. Career:  I'm currently an Embroidery Tech. 65. Hugs or kisses:  Why not both guys? 66. Lips or eyes:  I already mentioned my eyes guys. 67. Shorter or taller:  I'd like to be taller. 68. Older or younger:  I'm older? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach:  Again guys, both. 71. Sensitive or loud:  Sensitive. But he can be loud too. 72. Hook up or relationship:  Relationship. 100% 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant but not overly so. HAVE YOU EVER
74. Kissed a stranger:  No but how fun. (Cheeks only guys chill.) 75. Drank hard liquor:  Yes! (Vodka) 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses:  I once slept in my contacts and woke up with one missing. just POOF. I found it a day later in my sheets. 77. Turned someone down:  Not directly. 78. Sex in the first date:  Nope. 79. Broken someone’s heart:  No 80. Had your heart broken:  By authors. All the time. 81. Been arrested:  Nope. Clean record YASS. 82. Cried when someone died:  Yeah. 83. Fallen for a friend:  Well to be fair I was crushing on him BEFORE we were friends. DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
84. Yourself:  Yeah! Up to a point. I can't lift a car or anything. 85. Miracles:  Yeah man. 86. Love at first sight:  Yeah! True Love at first sight though? Less likely. 87. Santa Claus:  Sadly that ship has sailed. 88. Kiss on the first date:  Nah 89. Angels:  Yeah. Never met one. I just think it would be nice. OTHER:
90. Current best friends name:  I've got two. Both named Samantha. (I call one Sam and one Samii. It's still insanely confusing) 91. Eyecolour:  Beautiful perfect brown. *blinks beautiful brown eyes at you* 92. Favourite movie:  Probably the LOTR movies. Or maybe Beauty and the Beast. (Both versions. I will not pick.)
I’m gonna go ahead and tag @gondorgirl01 @lolofangirl and @xiaolinpoundtown
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failuretofrag · 7 years
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I think it's about even. 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yessss 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Anything that's flat. Once I used a condom rapper. 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee with lots of cream, tea with sugar. 5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Slightly. 6: do you keep plants? Not anymore. 7: do you name your plants? I had a Japanese peace lily named Lily once. 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Poetry. 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yess 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Side 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? So you're telling me.. a chicken fried this rice? 12: what's your favorite planet? Jupiter. 13: what's something that made you smile today? Jessi. 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Oh man, I have no idea. 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! All of space is completely silent. 16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Probably Tomato Basil Penne 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Auburn 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. They call me Ralph a lot because I got super drunk one night and couldn't stop puking. 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I have a sketch book that I doodle in. 20: what's your favorite eye color? Blue. 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I have so many bags, but my favourite one is a little cross shoulder bag that is my EDC. 22: are you a morning person? Not particularly, but I can wake up fairly fast. 23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Sleep. 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Two people, actually. Jessi and Gemini. 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? Uh, I broke into an old shed that was filled with hundreds of keys. 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Under armor gym shoes? Lmao. 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? Bubblegum. 28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset. 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? Kim refers to my gf and I as Gag a lot, talking us up and such. 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Yes. 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. Okay so I use to love having colorful mismatched socks, then my OCD took over, so now I have 30 pairs of the same ankle black socks. 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. Coming down from ecstasy highs like 8 of us went to Denny's and just stayed there eating and joking for like 3 hours. 33: what's your fave pastry? Cheese Danish 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I had the Pegasus from Hercules. He was my favourite, but I lost him a few years back. 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I actually have a weird obsession with calligraphy and fountain pens. 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? Halsey 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I LIKE keeping it clean, but it's usually messy. 38: tell us about your pet peeves! Oh jeez.. loud noises, having to repeat myself, being ignored 39: what color do you wear the most? Black (but that's not a color) so blue 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? My class ring! Hell yeah. It's my class ring lmao 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? Right Behind You by Gail Giles 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! It's a Starbucks, but a really small one that lacks the usual pretentious feel of a Starbucks. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Molly 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? A couple nights ago. 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? All the time. 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Two fish swim into a concrete wall, one turns to the other and goes "Dam" 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Pineapple on pizza. 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Nah, as a kid I thought that I'd get kidnapped, and now I know that that'd be a bad move on a kidnappers part. 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Not really, I don't buy music much, and when I do it's to support the artist, but the last one I bought was The Human Condition by Jon Bellion 50: what's an odd thing you collect? Rocks 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Jessi- Guillotine by Jon Bellion 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Cash me Ousside how bow dah 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I liked beetlejuice, and I loved pulp fiction. 54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My friend Higgs 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? That's hard to pinpoint. I've done a lot of dramati- I blew up my friends garbage can to prove I could make explosives out of things in his kitchen. 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Laughs, half smiles, hesitation, voice cracks, eye contact 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Lmao, I usually sing along, but I don't think I catch as much of the nostalgia as most. 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? Oh my god, so the wine mom is Aze and the vodka aunt is Crusher and I can't explain this very well but trust me. 59: what's your favorite myth? That people only use a small percent of their brain. 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Neil Hilborn- OCD Shane Koyczan- To This Day Rudy Francisco- Scars 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? I gave my ex a coupon for a free kiss, and I received makeup from my uncle. 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Nope, coffee is the only thing I can stand. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I like them organized. 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Blue 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? Yeah 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Lots of blue and green with white highlights 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Amazing. I love gloomy days. 68: what's winter like where you live? Shit. Hot. Not fair. 69: what are your favorite board games? Sorry, Clue, Battleship, Connect four 70: have you ever used a ouija board? No, fuck that shit. 71: what's your favorite kind of tea? Snapple Peach tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? Yeah, I have a horrible memory 73: what are some of your worst habits? Nail biting, lip biting, cutting 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Tall, dark, hilarious and a force to be reckoned with. 75: tell us about your pets! Baby is my pet. She a cat. She go meow. 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Nope 77: pink or yellow lemonade? Pink. 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? A little of both. 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? This one time I was really sick, and Dani brought me soup and made me eat then helped me get up and shower and stuff. 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Off white. No. I want to redo it with some blood spatter 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Oh jeez. No. 82: are/were you good in school? I was bad with good grades. 83: what's some of your favorite album art? This is hard.. I Prevail- Lifelines album. 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Already have some, but my next one is going to be a scorpion on my arm with water around it. 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I use to! I think the series of ones containing the early stages of the relationship between harleyquinn and Ivy are my favourite. 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? They are okay I guess, but I don't really have any.. 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Fight club American History X The Lorax 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Not particularly 89: are you close to your parents? Not at all. 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Austin! I love the people and the environment, it's so relaxing and surprising. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I'm not sure yet. 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? I fucking love cheese. 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Bed head 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? Schultzy 95: what are your plans for this weekend? I'm not sure yet, might be working. 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? Procrastinate. 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? The Commander ENTJ-A I think, Scorpio, Slytherin. 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? About 4 months ago, and yes I loved it 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. AWOLNATION- Sail Jon Bellion- Guillotine Kiiara- Feels 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Neither. Going back is a waste, and going forward is so unknown.
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