#rewatching the first chapter and tbh
notebooknonbinary · 2 years
Moving day is tomorrow, which means a bitch (me) is about to have spotty internet for a few days (to about a week).
So in preemptive apology would anyone want me to post a dialogue scene from near the end of my fic? It’s not plot relevant so it won’t be spoiling anything and since the fic is only about half (2/3rds maybe?) done, dialogue is all I have for it. But it’s a (potentially?) funny little chat between Will and Dustin.
(Also if u don’t have any idea what I’m talking about, the fic in question is a sequel to This fic that I wrote about a month ago /shameless plug😌)
I hope you’re all doing well!!
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murasakiyuzu · 7 months
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its time to start the countdown rewatch i guess
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tetheredfeathers · 3 months
My favourite post Mockingjay fics
@notafraidtodissapear since you asked 💕
One shots
making a blank page bloom: drabble collection by songbirdheart
A writer I have discovered recently, I cannot emphasize how much I love her writing. If an angel could write it would be her. This fic is sweet and short. Katniss sings her poem to Peeta.
eden by songbirdheart
Another one by the same author. Can you tell how obsessed I am?!!? Dw you'll understand her genius when you read it. A poem about everlark growing back together.
What's In A Name? by Joshs_left_earlobe
Everlark's first fight, lots of fluff and angst.
Fighting the Rain by starsmahogany (Jodalyn)
Cute fluffy fic of Peeta taking care of Katniss after she comes homes soaked from the rain.
The Unexpected Message by Diana_Flynn
Years after the war has ended Katniss has a fight with Peeta, but she finds an a gift that changes her perspective.
Multi chapter fics.
Baby Steps by Ronja
Growing back together/pregnancy fic, goes back and forth between her pregnancy and their initial growing back post war. Delves into some of the political aspects of Panem, and Katniss and Peeta's involvement. Enjoyed reading this alot.
When the Red X is on the Door By: MADAM BETH
A growing back that fixates more on Peeta's episodes, very realistic and perfect characterization. Timeline goes back and forth from initial post war to their with children. Loved this, it's also 57 chapters so might as well think of it as the 4th missing book.
Growing New Wings By: SkyLark89
Very accurate to the book, I always come back to this fic after my rereads. They rewatch the games to help Peeta's memory and work on the book. Starts off after Peeta's arrival and ends with "real".
A Little Drop of Hope By: Chinchilla17
In Peeta's pov, most growing back fics are in Katniss' pov so it was quite interesting to be in Peeta's mind after the hijacking.
The List orphan_account by silvercistern
This one is a must read, I'm sure everyone has heard of this one. Like if Collins were to write another book it would be this one.
Back to Twelve igsygrace
Another popular one, by the same author who wrote Peeta's games. I don't even need to tell you how good this. I will admit though I had some mixed feelings about the ending, because the author makes them go through another war. I'm not really sure if it's war tbh, but someone is trying to overthrow the government typa shit..
I have a problem with canon divergence so I didn't read the final chapter. idk why canon divergence just feels so wrong to me. But if you do like canon divergence this one could be really good. Anyway it's only the last chapter that is like that, the rest are all regular growing back material.
Synchronicity by ashyblondwaves
A collection of one shots and stories examining Katniss and Peeta's relationship post-Mockingjay. Peeta's POV. Pretty long but I really liked it. There's something about the writing that drew me to it. The problem is I have read a lot of these along time ago so I can't remember the exacts reasons any of these fics stuck out to me, I just remember they did.
Worse Games to Play By: Belmione
How Katniss finally decides to have children. Read a long time ago, but it's really sweet.
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athena-xox · 22 days
Here is my tentative timeline with all the webisodes in chronological order.
Within series canon at least I think it’s right, I’m going to have to watch it in order to make sure there’s nothing out of place.
The next step is adding the books + diaries which I think will mean shuffling around the order.
You might be thinking that that won’t work because the books conflict and are a different timeline. But there’s a perfectly good explanation for that … I just haven’t thought of it yet.
If anyone’s planning on doing a rewatch perchance use this playlist that I made. If you notice anything wrong please lmk. For the specials I just put one trailer and that means to switch to Netflix or if you don’t have Netflix to use this link.
Anyways without further ado hers my timeline + justification
First week:
A take of two tales
Maddie in chief
Apples princess practice
Here comes Cupid
Catching Raven
This is all the first week of school. The reason I put apples princess practice at the start is because it should take place before here comes Cupid, because Hunter has a bit of a crush on Apple. And then Maddie in chief should go before then bc in apples princess practice, Apple acts as if she is study body president. And catching raven just makes sense at the start of the year.
Stark mad raven
true reflections
briars study party
the shoe must go on
The cat who cried wolf
cedar wood would love to lie
I put stark mad raven and true reflections a bit later because Apple says last week in stark mad raven and tbh true reflections makes sense to be a little bit later so I decided to keep them together. Briars study party I also put a bit later, we know it’s at the start of the school year because blondie says but I think that it makes sense in the second week. The others are just in release order
Legacy day
The day after ever after
Replacing raven
Blondies just right
Rebels got talent
Mirrornet down
Class confusion
From legacy day - blondies just right, it’s release order and makes sense to be the direct aftermath of legacy day. Rebels got talent imo has to take place earlier on in the year, I’ll explain why later. Class confusion would be around mid November for a start of new term.
True hearts day
Cupid comes clean … kinda
The beautiful truth
Once upon a table
Poppy the roybel
O’hairs split ends
Kittys curious tale
Lizzie hearts fairytale first date
Lizzie shuffles the deck
Duchess’s swan lake
Cerise’s picnic panic
This is mostly just release order. Kittys curious tale has to take place after poppy the roybel since poppy is referenced to. And kittys curious tale has to be before Lizzie shuffles the deck because kitty is playing on the Royal croquet team. I assume because she pranked Lizzie, Lizzie kicked her out onto the rebel team.
And the thronecoming queen is…
Best feather forwards
Ginger in the BREADhouse
Just release order, and it makes sense
Spring unsprung
Ashlynn’s fairytale frolic
Save me darling
The forest festival
Apples birthday bake off
Save me darling canonically takes place in April and it should be before wtw. Apples birthday webisode is moved to her because it should take place in may
Way to wonderland
A big bad secret
Rosabella and the BEASTS
In my mind apples birthday is Saturday/Sunday and wtw is the Monday after. A big bad secret is moved so that it happens before Ramona’s first appearance. And Rosabella’s episode canonically takes place in may
Dragon games
Moonlight mystery
Wish list
A tale of two parties
Piping hot beats
There’s no business like snow business
Epic winter
Release order and there’s no business like snow business moved to be before epic winter
The legacy orchard
Canonically takes place in September and the start of a new school year. We know this is the next school year because bunny and Alistair are there
What’s in the cards for courtly jester?
It comes out with all the chapter 3 webisodes in which a majority of them take place in the following school year. I think it makes sense that she’s allowed to go to school at the start of the next year and the webisode takes place during courtly second/third week
Sugar coated
Because the yearbook plot from legacy day orchard is mentioned we know it takes place after. And the canon month is October
Meeshell comes out her her shell
The talent show is mentioned and we know it’s a year after rebels got talent because it’s the same talent show except in rebels got talent Maddie is MC and in Meeshell comes out of her shell, Maddie has an act.
Canonically takes place in November. Is 100% this school year because of the yearbook plot
Fairest on ice
Yearbook plot we know it takes place in this year. Canonically January
Heart struck
Takes place in February and the first day of spring … yeah I’m not sure why spring starts in February
Bunny and Alistair forever
Takes place in March. Because apparently spring starts in February spring unsprung could have taken place in February and this webisode taking place shortly after. Imo it’s makes more sense to take place the following year.
Beanstalk bravado
Because Meeshell is seen in it, I think it makes sense for it to take place the following year. I think around April/may makes sense, just because there aren’t really any other webisodes from March - June
Canonically takes place in June, the end of the school year. And again… the yearbook plot.
If you notice anything wrong please lmk. Keep in mind this is a first draft.
If you use my playlist and want to keep an eye out for mistakes: if you see Hunter and Ashlynn together publicly it means it’s after true hearts day, if you see poppy in the school it means it’s after poppy the roybel, if you see bunny or Alistair it means it’s after spring unsprung, if you see Ramona … well thar could mean a lot of things, if you see Meeshell that means it’s either right before Meeshell comes out her shell or right after.
So if anything’s out of place feel free to dm or reblog/reply to this post. Also if there’s anything else that confirms or denies the timeline that I missed.
Edit: also if you see Meeshell in a webisode besides hers or beanstalk bravado please lmk. Or Ramona somewhere other than big bad dexter, moonlight mystery, dragon games or epic winter 🙏
(Ps also thank you to @roybelmirrorcast for their timeline on TikTok that really helped me place the larger specials/webisodes)
Now I’m going to work on adding the books 😭😭
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forgottenfourr · 11 months
i saw you in a dream - university smau
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chapter fourteen - impossible
w/c: 1349
a/n: i am still very sick (yes again) but the people must be updated!! while bedridden i have been rewatching kingdom: legendary war and i always forget how insane it is but i love it sm. i always act like i'm watching it for the first time when i rewatch it. but watching 3 groups that i absolutely love (skz, tbz, & ateez) compete against each other is so </3
chapter is not proofread because i am too exhausted too tbh
yn's pov:
as you predicted, the cafe was agonizingly slow today. plus the anxiety of meeting with chan during your shift today was not helping the hours go by any faster.
it's about 2:30 when he walks into the cafe, his normal bright and full smile plastered on his face like always. maybe this chat won't be as shitty as you thought.
"hey!" he greets, voice as joyful as it always is.
your anxiety subsides slightly, "hi! do you want anything to drink? on the house." you try to match his attitude but fail.
"nah i don't really drink coffee. i'll just go sit and you can meet me there whenever you're free, yeah?" he says while gesturing to the booths that are just a few hundred feet away from you two.
"i can go on break now! min is here so he knows about you coming here to talk." like on cue, minho appears behind you, placing his hand on your shoulder to make you aware of his presence.
"oh my god minho! hey!" chan says somehow more cheerful than his previous words.
"hey, chris, how are you?" minho quickly starts a conversation with chan like they are lifelong friends.
"i'm good! busy with senior year stuff but overall everything is alright. how are you?" you can hear the genuine response and question in chan's voice. it makes you wonder if he is always an open book like this for everyone.
"meh, senior year. pretty exhausting shit. plus being friends with this dumb ass," he says while pinching your side making you shriek away at his touch.
"DICK HEAD" you retort back to minho whilst shoving him. causing both of the boys to laugh.
you groan at the two and how immature they are. "min i'm going on break," you state. not giving him the option to say no or ask you to wait a few more minutes.
"okay, don't miss me too much!" minho calls out sarcastically as you and chan make your way to a nearby table. his comment making you turn around and flip him off which resorts to him laughing at you again in hysterics.
you and chan take a seat across each other. if anyone were to not know the context of what is going on right now you're sure they would think you guys were on a date.
"it's nice to see minho so comfortable with you," chan begins, ultimately dragging out the conversation you so desperately just wanted to be over.
you nod your head at his words, a slight smile on your face.
"i don't mean to sound rude but, can we just get to the point? what did you want to talk to me about?" you feel awful for skipping the small talk and going right to business but you felt as if you couldn't wait another minute. your anxiety growing in you more and more as each second passed on.
chan's face seems to falter slightly and he repositions himself in his chair. it is very evident that he is now uncomfortable.
"yeah uhm," chan pauses for a moment, trying to find the right words that wouldn't automatically accuse you. "don't take this the wrong way but," he takes a deep breath, "did you actually write the guitar part for your song?"
a haste breath falls past your lips at his question.
"what?" of course you did. you came up with it yourself. you weren't a piece of shit. you would never steal another's work.
"of course i did, why are you asking?" the genuine annoyance and hurt so audible in your tone.
"i am not accusing you of anything!" his statement coming out very quick and apologetically. "it's just. i have a friend who i worked with a few months ago. and he has a guitar part in his song that sounds identical to yours. and it could be a coincidence! but it seems very unlikely?" all his words have a ping of uncertainty to them.
"no, i swear i wrote it myself i-" a sudden thought making you cut off your own words.
you remember exactly where you first heard the guitar melody. you had finally fallen asleep after nearly 3 days of being awake. you remember returning to your dream world, immediately greeted by the mystery boy. it felt like it always did, serene and peaceful. but it was different that day. the boy spoke to you.
"hey, do you know how to play the guitar?" he said with a warm smile on his face. the one you grew so fond of.
you laugh slightly, "i can but i am awful at it."
"would you like to be a little less awful at it? i can teach you some stuff," he said as he pulled out a guitar from seemingly nowhere
you didn't know what you expected his voice to sound like but it was certainly 10x better than anything your mind could've made up.
your cheeks blushed at his offer, "i'd love to." you replied, your acceptance making the tip of his ears red.
you guys spent the rest of your time together sitting together and playing songs for each other. though, most of the time it was him playing for you and you watching him with awe. he taught you different chords and melodies, helping you with each note as you struggled through.
there was one melody though. one that stuck with you. that bounced through your head at any given moment. one you found yourself humming at any given moment. it was like it was planted in your brain and you had completely fallen in love with the simplicity of it. the melody being so beautiful and perfect no matter the key or pace.
your face grew pale at the sudden realization. you had only heard it once in your life. and that being from your dream boy. who is fake. who your subconscious came up with. right?
because it wouldn't make sense if the boy from your dreams actually existed. it isn't possible. and if it was, the only thing about the boy that would be the same is his appearance. everything else about him your mind created.
so there is absolutely no way he also just so happens to know the guitar melody that he taught you in your dream which you then thought was just something you came up with yourself because AGAIN it happened IN YOUR DREAMS.
there was no way that is possible. even if a teeny tiny bit of you wanted it to be possible, there is no way. it's like scientifically impossible. sharing your dreams with someone? let alone someone you don't even know?
it's too much to process. let alone in front of chan who probably thinks you're having a mental breakdown or going absolutely fucking insane right in front of him. which you kind of are!
"uh, yn?" chan tries to get your attention back to him quietly but him calling your name just makes you all too aware of what is happening right now.
you quickly stand up and you continue to revert your gaze from him. "i uh, i have to go." you quickly say, words barely audible through your mumble.
you don't give him a second to think before you're racing out the cafe's front door and run home. leaving chan there unsure of what just happened.
it's too much to think about. you just need to be away from everyone right now. minho will be fine at the cafe by himself. he'll be pissed but he'll forgive you. you'll make it up to him later. right now you just need to be alone to process everything. the possibility that somehow the boy you have been spending time with in your dreams for the past 7 months might be real and also might have been having the same dreams you have.
it's too much. but a part of you is hoping that he does exist and remembers everything you two did together. it's nearly impossible but one can hope, right?
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pisssalamander · 6 months
So, uhhh. I'm rewatching some of the second chapter, and i feel like everyone is so suspicious. It kinda feels like there's evil stuff going on behind the scenes that Teruko ended up missing because of how little she interacted with the others this chapter.
I haven't seen many people talk about the whole Hu and David thing? Like sure, they both went to make sure Nico was okay, but the way Hu acted when David started his villain arc was. strange? to say the least?
Also there is DEFINITELY more going on with Nico trying to kill Ace.
At first, i was SO convinced that Whit was the culprit because of the inevitable bonding that would happen between Charles and Teruko if he died, (Charles feeling like he can't trust anyone the way Teruko does after someone he befriended commits murder) but like.
J is suspicious.
Hu is suspicious.
Eden is suspicious.
Levi is suspicious.
At this point, im inclined to believe that they used the power of friendship and worked together to kill her or something. There mighta been people who were so out of the loop that they didn't know Arei was going through her redemption arc. Or they did know and were like,'i dont care, you still suck'.
Basically, I don't think anyone is going to walk away from this trial without being the slightest bit guilty.
Btw Veronika needs to fess up about what secret she has. The trial is probably going to depend on what secret she has, and she's going to be so damn stubborn about revealing what it is.
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shou-jpeg · 6 days
Tagged by @colourme-feral
I stole so many of your comments because we apparently have lots of similar opinions on books lol 👀
hardcover or paperback (this depends entirely on the book) // bookstore or library // bookmark or receipt (I love a nice bookmark but generally I either remember what chapter I'm on or I use whatever scrap of paper or paper like thing is in my vicinity. Sometimes that's a real bookmark...) // standalone or series (depends) // nonfiction or fiction (both!) // thriller or fantasy // under 300 pages or over 300 pages (depends) // children's or ya (I do love the art in kids books though.) // friends to lovers or enemies to lovers (both!) // read in bed or read on the couch (read in the bathtub, read on the balcony, read in the bush, read at work, read anywhere and everywhere tbh) // read at night or read in the morning (I rarely have time to read in the morning) // keep pristine or markup (if I want to make notes I like to use a tab or sticky note) // cracked spine or dog ear (cracked spine at least happens naturally for many books. Dog ear pages are a nightmare from my past).
Currently reading: I've been re reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman! My copy is a very old paperback that's small and light so it was good to take on my overseas trip for when I don't want to look at a screen to read. I also bought the Snaji Cook Book while I was overseas and I've been pawing through those recipes. That counts as reading right? 🤣 (Also not books but I'm about to dive face first into re reading a bunch of Yuri On Ice fics as I've been rewatching it help).
Tagging: @wildelydawn @emberfaye @shubaka @everybody-hit-the-pyro-cue @mortimerlatrice
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suckishima · 9 days
okay so i know i posted a few weeks ago that i did get to see the haikyuu movie when i was in japan last month and ive been so busy i didnt fully have time to process lol so ive been writing down thoughts as i remember them so, spoilers under the cut (no particular order)
final rally pov shot was craaaaazyyy (sidenote i saw challengers today lmao and they did a similar pov shot thing a couple times and it reminded me how sick it was to see such a complicated thing be animated)
in addition to that tho, while i liked the drop of the music then to just have it be kenmas breathing, i felt lie his breathing seemed a little repetitive?? like it was possibly just the same couple voice recordings repeated???
and also tbh.. i kinda didnt love how after the super amazing pov animation the way they chose to animate the full court flashback to tokyo training camp was just like a flat pan around the room. it just didnt feel all that dynamic after seeing something so cool, and maybe it was just my screening but the image was kinda blurry and not that crisp at that part
in general tho i thought the sound design was really cool, so much of it just straight up felt like a live match happening, and the part when kenma tells hinata to stay interesting and the sound cuts out?? ooo v effective i thought
and then the birdcaaaage aaaah i loved the way the wings like got all stifled in the cage when kenma first trapped him and then ofc the bursting out of it oooo im excited to see it again in imax
there were a tonnnn of small moments that i assumed wouldnt make the cut that actually did too, yaku sitting on lev's back when he's doing pushups, the bokuto/kuroo hair swap flashback lmaooo, goshiki having to share his ipad with tendou (i cant remember for sure now if he actually says that or not but theyre definitely in the movie), bokuto and akaashi coming over and talking to yachi and ah i think theres more. a lot of them were shortened down a bit, but i appreciated them getting attention nonetheless. sadly no kuroo/lev poop conversation though lmaoo
i thought the kuroo/kenma flashbacks were pretty good as well, i think they possibly added a few lines?? it seemed like there were more frames of stuff of kuroo being inspired by the "lowering the net" concept which was really cool bc thats really integral to his character to me. and then theres this line where kenma is like "hinata has kageyama and i have kuroo" and uhhhh that is news to me!! im like 90% thats new content lmao, and oooo it was good, the shots they chose with it too gooood
oh for some reason they changed how kenma flops??? he falls with his butt up in the air instead of just flat??? like why lmao, obviously that was like an Actual Choice they made bc they had to draw it and obviously had the manga as reference and it makes no difference other than to confuse me lolll
im interested to see it again distributed by crunchyroll too bc im sure some of the subs i saw werent right, a few lines just didnt make sense and there were a few instances of like "lead blocking"
and okay. i gotta talk about the chapter 298 stuff
its there its in the movie!! but,, it's watered down lmao
and i think i was also too in my head and overanalyzing it which im disappointed in myself for so im hoping on rewatch ill have a better time
the "hes always been one step ahead of me after all" was like as perfect as it could get tbh, it looks just like the manga and tsukki like says it just right and yamaguchi comes onto the court behind him totally focused and aaah really loved it. then the service ace and tsukkis little laugh it really good
but then i'm torn on the actual serve and block, there's no inner thoughts on yamaguchis "oh no the ball isnt drifting enough" and then tsukkis silent reply "no that was plenty" before stuffing it, so we arent hearing their like mind reading/intuition connection there which was a bummer. and thennnn im not positive on this bit but i dont think anyone repeats anything about the serve and block being the perfect play?? (its yamaguchi echoing ukai in the manga) and then no little flashbacks to how theyve been training
HOWEVER the big main flashbacks of seeing how yamaguchi walks from behind tsukki to in front of him are there!!! and the way theyre presented is interesting? i was like taken aback by the decision to have the clips being showed within their silhouettes as they move toward each other (i couldnt even tell thats what it was at first tbh..) that i missed whether or not all the panels were in it..... (majorly disappointed in myself for that one). idk visually i found it a little confusing i guess and so i couldnt fully appreciate and im hoping itll look cool on rewatch when i understand whats happening
and then the high five ahhh it was pretty good, idk if anything will ever live up to that manga panel for me, the joy and success and sense of achievement in that image means so much to me lol, but its animated fairly well. do wish they didnt cover tsukkis smile tho
then kuroo asks how tsukki feels about volleyball and he says its fun and he smiles and its.. fine. like ugh its just one of those things were this entiiiire section just slightly suffered from being a two minute segment of a movie instead of a whole episode (or even just half an episode tbh), like something about his smile and saying it was fun just fell a little flat for me and i was unfortunately a little sad about it, i was hoping for a little more buildup and like emphasis. this is a huuuuge culminating moment for him and it didnt quite feel like it to me bc the movie had to have other priorities where a season wouldnt have
later one when tsukki and kuroo are like battling at the net exhausted tho and tsukki smiles again that was pretty good, the animated is really top notch when theyre all panting n stuff, and the voice acting there was great, really liked it
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Ranking all DnP videos 2024
Hello everyone here to hear me yap! Below I am including all of the videos dnp have released in 2024, rated from my favorite to least favorite. PLEASE NOTE that I actually do love all of them! And this is just a silly thing! But feel free to discuss or send me asks with your opinions :)
I'll start from the bottom up.
10. i have a spicy confession...
This one was lots of fun (wtf is wrong with yall with these confessions) but I'm not gonna lie Phil felt incredibly off in it and like... really performative? Like idk something didn't feel right to me and although he said some really sweet things it felt... off somehow. Not sure how to describe it. Funny though lol
It was a good video!! I just feel like it didn't have a lot of *those moments* that these other videos had idk. Like yes it was very sweet and a milestone for the sims universe but it kind of felt like that was it for me. The symbolism was inSANE but just strictly talking about the video itself yk. New pics released were nice though
8. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3
This one was a lot but it was SO nice to have such a long video- two hours long who??? That's tbh the reason this one goes above the honeymoon video- the length. The reason I put it lower is that although I am NOT complaining about the length, both of them were SUPER focused a lot of the time and not really talking much haha
7. Viewers Pick My Birthday Presents 2024
The only reason this one isn't higher is because all the ones above this I consider part of their *magnum opus* era. I loved the mini golden pig, the omatone, the shirt, and the Shrek smut. Always fun to see him surprised with cursed stuff loll
Pretty self explanatory I think. Dan SCREAMING as Dab and Evan got it on made me actually piss myself. I can still hear it echoing in my head.
5. Phil's Birthday Livestream
Another case of "the only reason this isn't higher is because the ones above it are SO good." I loved the livestream, and was able to attend live for about the first hour. Such chaos. Such good. Amazing.
4. Dan and Phil Get Married, Have Kids, and Retire
Saw the notif while I was getting out of school and I literally snorted out loud, very embarrassing. They're just taking the piss at this point and I'm loving it. Phil's teasing him towards the end with "oh, I think I'll start another photo album!" GOLDEN. "Henry gives me that good dick." "Me and Susan have been rawdogging it." Amazing. Incredible.
3. Phil Pushes Dan's Button for 18 Minutes
A comfort video for REAL. When this came out I was SHOCKED that they had two BANGERS one right after another, but boy was I in for a surprise.
The slime? The slime on Dan's head while he's talking? Phil placing it on his forehead while he stares off into space? Hell yeah I want more of that slime I could look at it all day.
2. Who is the Real Daniel Howell?
Yall. We were fed GOOD today. Dan singing 'my lumps' absolutely DEADPAN while Phil looks at him in Awe? I WANT PHIL'S SWEATER IF ANYONE CAN TELL ME WHERE IT'S FROM I WILL BE GRATEFUL.
So? many shoulder touches? idk what that's about but i aint complaining ig
editing tips! *stuff* coming out your nose! etc!
This one had such a particular vibe to it- I think partially because it wasn't edited by the editor they've been using! To be clear - the editor has been doing a great job and I applaud them :) but sometimes it feels a bit over-edited, if you know what I mean? (For example the count-downs on the sims video going down the mountain felt a bit much) But having a video that was edited by Dan or Phil kinda hits different idk
I cannot, CANNOT say enough good things about this video. I cannot. I cannot. It holds my whole heart and soul and I have only rewatched it twice because I am trying to preserve the magic but GODDAMNIT I love their shenanigans. What a series.
I was very worried when they came out with this video STRAIGHT into 2024 because I was like, "WOW. that was amazing but idk how they're going to follow this up? will everything feel like a disappointment now that this masterpiece has come out?" (not that dnp uploading could ever be a disappointment, but I digress) BUT I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. Still though, wdapteo is 10/10 my fave so far.
I hope you enjoyed my yapping! I know many of you don't agree and that's okay lol, feel free to share your opinions if you so please ! And also with the ones that were lower ranked, the reasons I listed for the being lower ranked was NOT me complaining. Each video is different and awesome in their own right, this is just a ranking of how much I personally enjoyed each one!
Thank you and goodnight!
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Ever since I watched "A very Potter musical" I love the idea of Ron and Snape being friends. And with that post of teen!Sev joining Harry and Ron for dangerous explorations and experimentations I- 🤣💚❤️🧡 the infernal trio with Hermione trying to calm them down 🤣🤣
omg yes one of the biggest reasons I’m absolutely obsessed with the idea of Ron and Sev being besties is because of A Very Potter Musical 😭 I rewatch this video like once a week just to relive their moments
It would actually be iconic if there was an AU where Snape and the Golden trio were the same age and Snape was just this weird kiddo who for some reason kept getting stuck into situations with those three, and then after the while they just get so accustomed to each other’s presence that they basically chill with each other and say hi when one of them passes by 💀 then eventually Snape starts telling them about his mad-scientist experiments and Ron and Harry think he’s the coolest guy ever while Mione’s being pissed off in a corner bc none of them are listening to her 😭 I’d high-key pay to read a fanfic like that tbh
ALSO OH MY GOD, there was this amazing Ron and Snape friendship fanfic which I spent 15 minutes searching through my notes to find. It was called “Ronald’s detention” and I opened the link only to SEE THAT IT WAS UNAVAILABLE 😭😭💔💔💔💔 it was 3 chapters long but had AMAZING writing and was stuck on my mind for over a week after first reading it because of how wholesome it was. Your ask instantly reminded me of it and now I’ve just found out that it’s deleted/unavailable and my whole day’s ruined bc of it 😃
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prince-liest · 4 months
Heya! I really appreciate how manage to get each fanfic you write to really carry the voice of the character youre writing about! Like how in the lucifer/angel fic a lot of the text is packed with lucis inner monologue compared to how much dialogue goes on, really gets to how lucifer is really in his own head, and just from the words you use and how you write a reader can see a lot of that inner monologue consists of overthinking and all his other little quirks hes gained from so much isolation and rejection over the years.
When I thought about it, compared to the vox/alastor fic you wrote, its much more dialogue, and a lot of the internal thoughts and text is more observations about vox (some of them sarcastic, others analyzing things like vox's body language) and amusing descriptions of the situation.
Im just wondering, do you plot all these details in your head, or do you jot them down on paper? IMO it seems like in general some fanfics struggle with keeping the character's voice when describing things outside of the dialogue ,and tend to sound like its being narrated/observed by the writer, rather than a look inside how the character thinks/talks. It can be a tricky thing to really get a characters voice down TBH
Thank you VERY much! You've basically just gone and told me, "Hey, you know that thing that you really enjoy doing and is important to you? Yeah, that's great!" hahaha, so please know that this message is greatly appreciated. I LOVE.
I am a huge outliner for every single fic I write, except the occasional single-scene NSFW oneshots that kinda write themselves! But character voice is usually actually not heavily involved in that outline, haha.
I think for my first Proper Fic (TM) on AO3, The Sword of Damocles is Swinging, which was a 60k word character study of Hawks from My Hero Academia, I did do a lot of outlining regarding his characterization and how I wanted to portray that because I felt like if I didn't write all of it down then I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around him. But this type of thing has very quickly become a matter of "code-switching" into a character's head for me, basically. Characterization has always been really important to me, and I remember back when I was in my "1k words is an accomplishment I'm genuinely very proud of" stage of writing, it was the thing that made me the most nervous, because I was afraid of not being able to write characters that felt like themselves.
What actually really helped with this is that I spent like 4 years doing Homestuck fantroll OC roleplay, haha. It was the perfect combination of "these are my characters so I automatically know all there is about them" + "but they are their own distinct characters with different personalities and inner voices, so it's still great practice," and then ofc roleplay being a very rewarding, collaborative, and social activity as well that gets posted in smaller, easier-to-write chunks than an entire fanfic.
For the Hazbin characters, I mostly rewatched some of their big scenes (like most of the Angel episode, or Lucifer's intro) for a reminder and a point of reference, paying particular attention to their body language, the intended vibe of how they're portrayed, and the way they talk, but it's less note-taking and more like that moment before a choir starts singing where the teacher blows a whistle to remind them where that note is, haha.
Anyway, basically, we're all reaping the rewards of me being a long-term roleplayer who's really into writing in third-person limited rather than omniscient. 🤭
An example of one of my actual outlines below the cut if you're still interested! It's chapter one from Happily Ever After, and Other Shit Nepotism Can't Buy because I am Not sharing my nsfw outlines, HAH:
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As you can see, some moments are quoted almost directly bc I thought of neat lines while outlining, while others are fairly loosely outlined because I know it's going to be easy to write once I get there and I'm not accidentally already writing it in my brain. Sometimes large chunks of scenes write themselves, like the entire ending to this fic:
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What are your current fandoms??
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1. Black Butler<3
It would've been incredibly distasteful to not put this beauty on top of my list. I have been a fan of this one since 5th grade, the literal backbone of my insanity.
I may complain monthly over the agnoizingly short chapters, but the narrative and storytelling in this manga is one of my favorites ever.
Although you didn't ask, I have the need to mention: Ciel Phantomhive is my child!!
And yes, I am still awaiting Prince Soma's return.
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a sebaciel wierdo and my space doesn't welcome the romanticization of pedophila. "waah waah but it's fiction!" okay?? my account is dedicated on fictional stories and characters and I don't want your wacky shit here. Thank you in advance.
2. Bungou Stray Dogs!!!
What a crime it would've been if I didn't mention the reason my account grew in the first place!!
BSD has such a special place in my heart. Tbh bsd saved me during the downfall that was 2021.
I think people who aren't new to my blog know I'm a sucker for Soukoku. I've made extensive analysis on their relationships for 3 years now. When will this brainrot end!?!?
And oh, of course I am forever greatful to the lovely @ryuuaka713 for collaborating with me on various post, I couldn't have done it without her!! Hope life treats you well! You got a tumblr friend always rooting for ya<3
ALSO: If any of you ever want to ask me anything regarding bsd that isn't Soukoku, please do! I love bsd as a whole and would be happy to answer<3
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3. Berserk
Let me make one thing clear!!! I am NOT a berserk reddit fanboy who completely ignores and neglects the narrative of this story in order to fill whatever inner void that needs to be filled.
I am suuuper passionate about the Golden Age Arc and the Pre Eclipse era of Berserk, it would be impossible to shut me up about it.
I could go on billion rants about Griffith's character and his actual complexities throughout the narrative. (no, he isn't emotionless, that would destory the whole point of the story lol)
Also I want to give a not-so-subtle shoutout to @bthump for validating every single thought I had while reading Berserk and always providing textual evidence. Thank you for being the light in the darkness of this fandom!
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4. Death Note
sighs yes I am still in the fandom of an anime that has only one season and ended so poetically that it makes perfect sense that it doesn't have a continuation yet my brain screams for content when obviously it will never happen.
Before anyone asks, I am not team Light or team L, both of them are selfish people and used others lives in order to beat one another.
I am a constant defender of the fact that the Death Note consumed Light. Not only is it textually stated; but it's visually stated
(Light's eyes get wider and more innocent looking for a reason when he forgets the death note guys!!!)
Anyways, this story is absolutely awesome and I think most people can agree with that.
I don't rewatch this anime often, but when I do I get shooked by the big brain plans and big brain confrontations lmao.
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5. Moral Orel
"MORAL OREL SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!! FOOLISH PEOPLE FEARED IT SPOKE TOO MUCH FACTS" I scream into a void, tears fill my eyes as losing my religion by R.E.M plays in the background.
Seriously though, I love this show; a literal masterpiece. I don't think theres any show that made me incredibly concious of how my own family's dynamic worked as this one did.
Has amazing takes of the human condition and contains life long lessons.
I once made a long post about the generational abuse of moral orel if you want to check it out!
Anyways, if you haven't had the glorious chance to watch this masterpiece. PLEASE DO!! I BEG!!! The whole series is out on youtube!
we don't talk about the first 3 episodes!!!
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6. Sonic!!!!
I never post anything sonic related on my blog, but I adore Sonic! Not only my childhood, but it continues to pump off amazing content and games.
Fun fact: I have a cute mini sonic keychain my friend gifted me, I take it with me everywhere!!
Nobody asked, but my favorie character is Knuckles and Shadow for anyone who wants to know! (No one wants to know but I HAVE THE NEED TO SAY IT.)
anyways yes, I love Sonic, I am at arms-lenght with the fandom since i'm... well... not much into the furry stuff that goes on. But theres lots of fanmade content out there that is super cool!
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I have lots and lots of other fandoms im in but i fear i will go on forever if I keep on talking.
Thank you so much for reading all the way through and please, don't ever hesitate to ask me anything related to any of these fandoms above. Hyper analizing stuff is my speciality after all:D
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quillyfied · 10 months
Things I’m noticing on this rewatch, which I’m hoping to take slow and ponder on but we will see how it goes, PART THREE (obviously major Good Omens season 2 spoilers throughout, specifically for S2E3)
- First, going back to the previous episode: thank you to the person who reminded me that the Dirty Donkey pub is the pub that Crowley plans his holy water heist in!! (Which means Crowley LITERALLY planned his heist on Aziraphale’s stoop, unless Aziraphale moved the pub to be closer to himself in case it happened again. Hmmmm.)
- Also. I have been reminded that “Give me coffee or give me death” is a modified quote of “give me liberty or give me death” by an American revolutionary. Which. Explains all the Statues of Liberty around the place. I am Slow.
- Anyway, to e3: the fact that Jim has a labeled mug and hot chocolate canister. I feel like he tried to ingest something he wasn’t supposed to, so Aziraphale made sure he had his name on his things XD
- The sex worker is a treasure, for one; I hope I am reminded of her name soon.
- MURIEL. SWEET ANGEL BABY. Sorry they’re not a baby but they are so adorably innocent and inexperienced. I love that Aziraphale treats them so kindly despite his obvious terror. Though. It is a kindness that reminds me of my coworkers. I work in childcare. I know a “childcare” disposition when I see it.
- Okay, the framing there: the box, and the hat. The mystery, and the detective cap. Excellent.
- The gentle tutelage, Muriel’s scrunchy face when they realize what tea is for—I’m just SCREECHING.
- The coparenting. Muriel’s utter naivety. I’m just.
- “I’m not sure how you lot have managed to stay in charge.” “I’m not sure we actually have.” SAY IT LOUDER.
- “To tell if humans are in love you need to wait a few days” not bad advice really but also unrelated how many days are in like 6000 years? Asking for a friend.
- Thing the first about the opening theme: Crowley crawls up the cliff and Aziraphale lands on it. Just a nice touch.
- The movie theater in the opening has a different feature title and picture on the big screen every episode. I missed it for the first one but last time it was “A Companion to Owls” (which is a verse from Job that I only know because the full quote is “I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls” and it was a lamentation but of course teenage Quilly thought that was the coolest thing she had ever read). This time: The Resurrectionists, coupled with a shot of the Gabriel statue.
- I think Crowley’s hair is s1 color in this minisode but I can’t be sure. Lighting is…not. :P
- The second Elspeth says “English” Crowley starts losing it, which in turn makes ME lose it.
- I love the bringing back in the discussion from the book about privilege making its way here, and given a more visceral illustration and testing. Though I love Crowley literally helping Elspeth pull the wagon, a thing I’m not sure he’s ever willingly done in his life, and poking holes in Aziraphale’s arguments all the way.
- Wee Morag’s morals have about the same utility in this situation as Aziraphale’s, tbh. I’m not sure I have the mental capacity tonight to deconstruct that the way it deserves.
- Aha! Knew I recognized the tune in the car! Danse Macabre!
- He is AFFECTIONATE towards the BENTLEY. Which Crowley can FEEL.
- but it is pretty, Crowley!
- Spoilsport.
- I fully did not internalize the tartan hills and Nessie the first time around. I saw them. I immediately chalked them up to personal fever dream.
- The demon’s name is Josh. Why is that delightful??
- He wears a kilt! And has a wonderful little monologue about dung pits and tongue ripping!
- Beelzebub being off is subtle. Almost too subtle.
- The many stacks of books Crowley carries around and then chucks this episode. Love it.
- Crowley not having a cow about a fly seems weird tbh
- Vavoom. Where tf did he learn the word vavoom
- “David Tennant has occasionally played a doctor” OH HAS HE NOW
- the almost musical pulls Michael Sheen does for miracles this season. Lovely.
- Also: the dual nature of Mr. Dalrymple. Needs bodies to do good and study so he can save lives. Treats the people bringing him the bodies like dirt.
- Okay: is Crowley freezing time, or just putting Dalrymple in a mental time out? Very curious to know. The trivia bit on the side references the s1 trick of having Jean-Claude’s actor stand very still to achieve the time stop there, so perhaps freezing time?
- Alright moment of silence for how very very good Crowley’s outfit is this scene. Yum.
- The instant penny drop when Aziraphale realizes the reason for the body snatching, how he immediately uses prevention of future harm to classify it as Good.
- Also. His emotional reaction to the kid’s tumor. ;A;
- Edinburgh is so colorful!!
- HIS SMUG LITTLE GRIN WHEN HE POPS OUT HIS HAT AND NOTEBOOK. Also, wtf is in his hat. What is that.
- Okay but the double sided sign, and how Aziraphale first sees the Jesus side. IMPORTANT. PAINFUL.
- PRESS 66. That’s what’s in the hat.
- And Aziraphale being every bit as awkward as Muriel in his interrogation. Just slightly less weird. Angels.
- Listen I’ll probably say it again at episode 6 but the sheer magnitude of the importance that Gabriel and Beelzebub fell in love over the course of a year—with EACH OTHER. Not with earth or humans or creation. Just each other. Hggk.
- Alright, but Aziraphale DOES see the other half of the sign here. Does he get it? DOES HE GET IT?? No. Of course not.
- “I’ll help but it still doesn’t make it right.” That is such an uncomfortable truth to sit with. The whole adventure is, really. The whole show. SHADES OF GREY.
- Okay, I’m pausing this episode way too much, it’s been over an hour since I started this episode, but—the way Aziraphale overcorrects is. Sad? Elspeth and Wee Morag aren’t here to decrease human suffering. Outside of their own, of course, which can also be achieved by digging up a body that’s fresh. Scope of intent and how Aziraphale simplifies and moralizes it. Huh.
- Lot more this season about Aziraphale’s miracle allowances, too. Very interesting concept.
- interesting how his dithering is what causes his chance to heal Wee Morag to slip through his fingers. And yet raising her is out of the question. Can Aziraphale even do that? We know he and Crowley together generate a ton of power, but what about on his own?
- interesting that elspeth takes Wee Morag to Dalrymple and is already contemplating suicide despite her actions suggesting she intended to keep on living. Hmm.
- Dalrymple the Ass. Not just unwilling to get his own hands dirty but disparaging of those who will. Another moral dichotomy.
- And elspeth also not wanting to get dug up? Wee Morag’s death affecting her?
- How much is 90 guineas compared to 5 pounds? …google says a guinea is worth slightly more than a pound. So. For the eight pounds Elspeth and Wee Morag were aiming for, for the three pounds shafted that Wee Morag died for…Aziraphale literally had over ten times that amount in his pocket. MORALS.
- …the stupid special features had the math onscreen already. Sort of. Heck.
- Yeah okay this scene adds way more context to Crowley asking for holy water fifty or so years later. Yikes. YIKES. The implications of it all!!
- Asking the phone nicely. Love these little Aziraphaleisms.
- The awning of a new age XD
- The little tipping of his cap!! Adorable!
- The rain is overdone and the awning rips. Gosh. Whatever could that be implying?
- Seriously how is Crowley able to pull these spells out of Jim?? And seemingly ONLY him???
- Alright, this prophecy bit. Seems to me to be about the future, also about the past, which is very biblical tbh. Specifically Isaiah. But I’m not up to snuff enough on my Bible to tell what all Gabriel is quoting. Besides the Buddy Holly.
- Okay, realizing that no angels pop up in Aziraphale’s shop in season 1, either. Gabriel and Sandalphon enter from the outside. I’ll need to rewatch to see if Aziraphale actively invites them in, or if it’s just blocking. I think it might just be blocking. But what an interesting detail, that only humans can enter at will and all else must be invited!
- The threatening of Aziraphale continues. The anxiety of Crowley intensifies. The obliviousness of Jim resets.
- Always too late. Poor Crowley.
Yeah this took an hour and a half to watch XD but I’m having fun. And killing quite a lot of time. Am I making sense or creating a thoughtful analysis? No, I don’t think so. But I’m solidifying the canon in my head, at least.
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jadedrrose · 1 year
a little info about the enemies to lovers Law x reader I’m about to write:
I will be making a picrew for the reader! It’s going to be a basic one piece female body that you can customize the skin tone, hair, eyes, etc. The outfits will consist of ones reader is wearing in the fic, so those won’t be as customizable.
It should be finished within the next week!
Note: I originally wanted to do more body types, but then I found out how hard it is to make art for/upload a picrew…. So I’m just going with the basic body blueprint of fem characters in canon.
I haven’t started writing it yet, so I’m not sure of the date the first chapter will be posted on. I also don’t know how consistent updates will be since I have my multichapter Levi fic too. However, I think I’m going to put a pause on oneshots (unless I get super inspired to do one in one day) so that I can get chapters out for both fics consistently. For inbetween fics, I’ll probably write more headcanons since they’re easy.
The fic will start just before the Punk Hazard arc (around the time Law arrives there- whenever that was lol) and most likely end in Zou. I’m rewatching all 3 arcs for this so… we’ll see how long that takes.
Reader will need a fake/cover name so reply with some ideas for that please! Relevant info is that she’ll be an assassin that specializes in sniper guns. She’ll be good at being silent and stealthy for the sniper part, but can easily jump into combat directly with a pistol and dagger. Works under Doflamingo, raised with Baby 5, Buffalo, and (briefly) Law.
Which then brings me to an idea I’m on the fence of: since she needs to be completely silent to do her job, and the fact that (iirc) anyone who works for Doflamingo has a devil fruit power, should she have Corazon’s fruit? This would create an interesting dynamic for when she meets Law again, and makes sense as far as I know. (I would imagine Doflamingo would have the fruit in his possession since he’s the one who killed Corazon, and devil fruits “respawn” where their previous user dies.) Let me know in the replies how you guys feel about this idea! (Tbh the more I think about it the more it makes sense and I wanna do it, lol)
I can’t think of any other relevant info, so anyway… stay tuned for this!! I’m excited to start working on it :)
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ryuichirou · 7 months
Back with more replies! I’ll try to answer some of the shorter ones today… most of them are related to either my previous replies or drawings, but there are also some related to ships in general.
Anonymous asked:
I know y'all have already been spoiled on quite a bit related to book 7, but I hope this won't ruin it any when you decide to go through it. You already know this, but Toboso Yana's storytelling is very high quality and FUN :) fans are focusing on major plot points right now, but even the little details and the way that plot points are presented are very important for the experience!!
Yeah, some of the spoilers are unavoidable, but I’m sure there are a lot of things we still have no idea about, and we’re definitely going to enjoy them tremendously once we’re at that point~ I love how you pointed out that Toboso’s writing is FUN, and I agree with you completely. There is so much to dive into and think about in her stories, not just the major plot points. We’re super looking forward to checking all of it out. This is actually one of the reasons we want to wait until the book 7 is done and we’ve rewatched all of the previous chapters.
Thank you for your understanding <3
Anonymous asked:
eels got some cake &lt;3
(this one and the next one are related to this drawing)
Hehe, they doooo~ big bois
hipsterteller asked:
I saw the new fanart and asked Who did they kill?
Honestly just some guy they needed to take care of~ or a bunch of guys. The negotiations don’t always go as planned…
Anonymous asked:
Personally, i always saw Floyd as a virgin because who in their right mind would want to sleep with him?! (I'm so sorry, Floyd, simps).
Everyone is scared of him, and for a good reason, I mean LOOK at HIM!!
(this one and the next one are related to this post)
Floyd really is terrifying, and people do try to avoid him, and for a good reason indeed! But at the same time Floyd seems to be quite charming and popular?? I don’t know how exactly to describe it, I guess Floyd is the hell ride that you know for sure will kill you, but you can’t help but get drawn to it. Plus Floyd is good at capturing his prey lol
artfulhero-m asked:
I just read those first time headcanons, Sebek x Idia? I didn't even realize that was a ship, what's the context behind it? Also how much do you ship it cause now I need to know more about what you think about the ship lol.
Oh we ship them quite strongly~ They’re kind of one of our favourite dynamics: a strict and rules-obsessed loud musclebrain + a snarky cynical little troll who is physically weak but know exactly what to say to get on the first guy’s nerves. It’s very specific I know lol
These two got to interact during the Glorious Masquerade and the Harveston events! I feel like every time they interact they end up pissing each other off, because Sebek really doesn’t like Idia’s attitude (he’s WHINY and he’s UNWORTHY he just CAN’T HAVE the same position as MALLEUS!) and Idia gets defensive and starts making fun of Sebek for being loud, self-righteous and not very smart.
We have a whole tag with replies and drawings of them, and even one hc post. So if you haven’t seen it, feel free to check it out!
Anonymous asked:
Catching up on old asks and realizing that I am a little pervert who’d like to see the (genderswapped) cast in their underwear bc they are too pretty (and also because I am thinking that Epel’s whole bra closet is all cute apple themes)
(this one is related to this post)
Awww, Epel really would have cute apple-themed underwear! I haven’t thought much about patterns and designs for all the girls, but I would really love to draw all of them one day… I’ll draw some if we’re lucky 💪😔
I’m very happy you like the idea and enjoyed the post!
Anonymous asked:
TBH the condom post was kinda funny. I like how it basically boils down to: Yea, they all mostly know they should be wearing them, but they're all a bunch of kinky fucks so no one really does
Thank you, Anon!! I’m glad you find it funny lol
They really are a bunch of kinky fucks… they shouldn’t be allowed to have sex at all :(
Anonymous asked:
Hello fuck boy
If I’m not mistaken, we got this ask just after posting the Judar sketch yesterday…
And if it’s not directed at him, then oh hi! :3
Anonymous asked:
have u played bg3
Nope, we haven’t.
Anonymous asked:
Have you guys seen or played through Death Plate on itch. io?
It's a nice small RPG game and I am absolutely obsessed with it
We haven’t seen it, but it looks quite interesting!
Thank you for your recommendation, Anon <3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Okay weird ship take: Riddle and Ortho
It’s a fun one! We aren’t super into it, but their interactions during the Halloween event were pretty sweet. Ortho seems to understand how Riddle’s psyche work surprisingly nicely + I really want them to hang around at some puzzle/quest thing lol
Anonymous asked:
Ooohh, Seberollo sounds real fun! Maybe Rollo would try to get Sebek to embrace his magicless human side. I think that if he knew about his father's circumstances, he would feel the same pitying concern that he showed when Yuu told him that they got used to all the magic nonsense. Of course, this would only annoy Sebek more and more.
Or maybe they could bond over their shared distrust of goats. Curse you, twst fandom, for getting me invested in all these cool rarepairs!
You made such a good point, Anon; Sebek really is special in a way! He could stay as magicless as his dad, but he acts so loud and obnoxious about being a fae and worshipping Malleus Draconia of all people… he’s clearly misguided. But I feel like even if Rollo had this idea of making Sebek reconsider his own identity and being, he would change his mind the moment he sees Sebek again. He is so… so insufferable, it’s not worth it….
They could bond over their distrust of goats though, it would be so funny and almost cute. That one goat has made two mortal enemies lol
Anonymous asked:
Vil being Idia's inlaw? Yeah, this is worst than their time in school.
MUCH worse. I feel like even if Vil wasn’t Idia’s inlaw, he would still be surprisingly present in his and Ortho’s life, but if they’re legit family? Be ready for nagging, Idia, he WILL make your life better whether you want it or not.
Anonymous asked:
Ace and Riddle would have the most fucking embarassing crushes on each other thinking they're good at hiding it... NEWS FLASH ASSHOLES. EVERYONE KNOWS. WE KNEW SINCE DAY ONE.
And they would be in denial for so long…
nopekido asked:
Floyd x Riddle headcannon that after having hard, rough smex, Riddle’s ass would be in a lot of pain and he’d have to use something as a walking stick just so he could be able to walk properly. He’d be all shaky and would have his hair be all messed up. He would be able to stand (let alone walk) properly for days (weeks if Floyd’s in heat)
Oh poor Riddle… I feel like I say it every time, but THIS is what his mother meant when she told him not to hang out with other kids! OF COURSE he would get stuck with some horrible bandit whose dick is way too big for Riddle’s tiny butt-
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kastellaran · 2 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
tagged my @defeateddetectives ^_^ thank you <33
3 ships you like: hmm see which three should I pick here... let's say komahina (danganronpa. yes), bruabba (jjba p5) and just to spice things up, momoko and ichi from maiko-san chi no makanai (really lovely food centric manga about two girls who move to kyoto to become maiko but one of them ends up becoming the cook at the maiko house instead. sometimes frustrates me because of how strong the gay "undertones" are and then the author seems to insist on pursuing a het love triangle/probably het end game with a dude who has a comparatively shallow relationship with his love interest. anyway ever since the flashback chapters came out ive been shipping the house mother and sumire's geiko onee-san because if there's one throughline in my top ships, it's older side characters with some kind of tragic/emotionally fraught relationship LOL.) propaganda:
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"Yuuko never let anyone in her room before she became a trainee. [...] For her to be swapping beds with others is... no, it's just Azusa."
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(They have each other's apartment keys. She comes over and sleeps in her room. Halfsies!!!)
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(This is basically a marriage proposal to me)
first ship ever: ...I think it was karkat/terezi from homestuck. This is kind of funny but before I really got into fandom or when I was just beginning, my approach to text was basically reading it with the most surface level/likely reading. I literally didn't understand why people would ship characters who I "knew" would never get together in canon. I didn't see the point in it LOL to me shipping was like horse racing or something, you ship the characters who are the most likely to end up together. This is also very funny in retrospect considering what happened with that particular ship but I had long moved on from it by the time davekat was canonized so I was happy.
last song you heard: either burning desire by lana del rey (blaming mirai for this) or alan stivell's ian morrisson reel
favourite childhood book: i don't think i had or have a favorite one ummm I was really into the secret series by pseudonymous bosch when i was a kid
currently reading: hmm i'm keeping up with maiko-san and ekuoto (make the exorcist fall in love. it's neat i recommend it though i'm not a big fan of the art style), and I was reading the oofuri manga which i should get back to but currently my attention is being taken up by natsuyuu lol. as for non-manga though the last thing I read before natsuyuu was Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know which is SO GOOD and i had more art ideas in mind for it which i want to get back to at some point...
currently watching: I don't watch a whole lot of stuff. I'm keeping up with the dunmeshi anime but tbh i really don't like the coloring for it. the art is okay but ryoko kui's art is kind of unmatched. it's just nice to have something to watch with my friend every week. also i've been doing a natsuyuu anime rewatch in anticipation of s7 with a friend whose never seen it before
currently consuming: nothing but i just had some crazy noodles. leftover curry in a pan + frozen corn + instant noodles = yummy
currently craving: nothing because i am now full :D
ill tag @ponimado @tattoosingarishhues @beguinemystic @dysaniium @moritzallein @somapodra @garbageg0blin @chuck-charles @joelletwo as always this is just if you wanna!
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