#right now is Kermit with a rainbow
the-maddened-hatter · 3 months
The battle of the constant desire to obtain blatantly queer goodies (clothes, stickers, mugs, ect) vs the need to stay low-key in my deep south state :(
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b-o-e · 1 year
boe you’re so brave fr i could never 😭
you have beautiful music taste 🤭💞🩷💞💞💞
i must check them out 🫵🏼😎
classic boe W
*insert cheek kiss sfx*
- luna <33
ty ty I have a very mixed up music taste B)
if you want a song for the recent fic I will leave one buried in the tags ;)
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I am very curios, do you have any ideas for Disney songs as themes for the Cullens/Volturi?
I mean, I hadn't thought of it before this ask, no, but we'll see what we can come up with.
I'll just do the Cullens so this post doesn't become unwieldly.
I almost went with My Strongest Suit from Aida. However, that's about the singer's insecurity and hiding this with fashion (believing she has nothing else to offer) and that's not really Alice.
I don't have anything for Alice as she's a very strange character at the end of the day and not one I can see a parallel to in Disney which means there's no song that suits her that well.
Belle from Beauty and the Beast or Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. The first is that Bella is in this small provincial town that she feels better than and falls in love with an isolated creature she's not supposed to. Bella undoubtedly feels a lot of kinship with Belle. The second is how Bella views vampirism, the grass is always greener relationship where she earnestly wants to become something she doesn't fully understand with a teenage optimism.
I'm going to cheat a bit here and pull out The Rainbow Connection from The Muppets Movie as DIsney currently owns the Muppets. There's a lot of Carlisle in Kermit, I personally think, and he's in his own way one of those stubborn head in the clouds optimists that the song describes.
Otherwise, slightly less cheating but perhaps still cheating, I'll pull Someday from The Hunchback of Notre Dame post-credits song. It's the Somewhere of the Disney repertoire in the hope that, someday, people will be better than they are now.
You can't spell Edward without Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Nothing is closer out of the Disney repertoire to Edward's self-loathing, temptation, and guilt.
You can't spell Emmett without bear puns, and there's no song more laid back and bear filled in the Disney repertoire than The Bare Necessities. Brings to mind, for me at least, Emmett's laidback personality and approach to life.
Esme's not really exacting enough to be Mary Poppins (practically perfect in every way) but I'll pull out A Spoonful of Sugar anyway as it seems like the kind of advice Esme adheres to. Namely, that all you need to approach tasks you dislike are to make some element of fun to them.
The closest I can think of is Rest and Recreation from the stage adaptation of Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's not right in that Jasper's reaction to fleeing the battlefield is not to become a partier (as Phoebus is portrayed here) but it does at least address the pointless bloodshed of war that Phoebus is desperately fleeing from by any means he can.
Out There from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Obviously, this is very headcanon land of where I think the Renesmee story's going but I feel like hers will be a story of longing for the outside world that's slightly more desperate/marred than A Part of Your World (in that Renesmee can never truly belong among humans due to vampirsm).
There's also What's This? from Nightmare Before Christmas (the film was produced by Disney along with Tim Burton) In that I imagine the human world is so new and exciting to Renesmee and unfamiliar to her with no idea what anything is.
I really wracked my brains, but I couldn't come up with anything. The thing about Rosalie is, for obvious reasons, nothing really like her story happens in the Disney films. So, we don't get a character song that really emphasizes who she is, what she went through, and how she recovers.
As much as I stretch the other ones, I really have nothing for her.
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kaizenkhaos · 4 months
Harringrove Lovefest: Spaghetti and Meatballs
For the 13th, I decided to finally add to the Kids Rainbow Connections AU I started to write last year, inspired by @ratbastardbilly's amazing Rainbow Connection drawing. This time Steve is sad that Billy isn't allowed to come to his house for dinner. Well, if Billy can't come to the dinner, then the dinner will come to Billy ^^
"Come on sweetie….it's your favourite."
Steve looked down at his plate and sulked, arms firmly crossed. Bottom lip stuck out over his top one. A scowl on his face which drew his eyebrows into a tight 'V' shape. It was his favourite, his mom was right. But that wasn't why he was angry, or refusing to eat. It wasn't why he was sat here in silent protest. He was angry at Billy's parents. Billy was supposed to be here and he wasn't, because they wouldn't let him come. And now he didn't want the meatballs because he wasn't hungry.
"Eat your dinner Steve."
"Billy should be here."
His mom sighed and looked over at his dad who just shook his head in disappointment and continued to eat his food. No excuses, said his look to her. Their son was going to eat.
"No ice cream for you or Kermit if you don't eat your spaghetti. And two meatballs."
This was his dad being reasonable; there were four big meatballs on his plate. But it wasn't nice saying Kewmit couldn't have ice cream. He was being good. Steve hated it when his dad was mean to Kewmit too. He did that every time Steve did something he didn't like. It wasn't fair!
So Steve had no choice. He started on the meatballs first. Made with love by his mom as was the tasty tomato sauce which the spaghetti and meatballs sat in. Did Billy's mom make him things like this? Did she stand in the kitchen in an apron, looking out the window as she passed meat from hand to hand? Steve knew Billy really liked fish because he always chose fish fingers over anything else at school. But he knew little else about Billy's home life. He didn't talk about it. He clearly loved his mom a lot though and did talk about her a lot.
Two meatballs eaten and Steve had an idea! If Billy couldn't come here to eat the spaghetti, then…
"Not with your mouth full!" his dad scolded, putting his knife and fork before and going to clean his son up, who had sprayed sauce down his chin. "Swallow then speak son."
"Yes Steve?" his mom said.
"Can I take Billy some spaghetti to school in my Kewmit box?"
She looked at his dad who just shrugged whilst straightening up Steve's tiger onesie hood and cleaning up the splatter from his son's face.
"Yes we can Steve! That's a wonderful idea."
She knew how upset he was about Billy, had seen his little face crease up in the car as he'd tried not to cry, He'd been good in front of Billy and his mom, made it look like it didn't bother him. But it did and later he'd cuddled into her as he'd sobbed about it. Billy had looked blank but Steve's mom wondered if he was just trying to put a face on like her son had.
She'd only sighed before because she knew how stubborn Steve could be and he hadn't been like this for a while. He'd been so good recently.
Steve smiled, a small clap as he looked over at Kermit, a plastic imitation of their meal in front of him on a small toy place. His dad was now back in his seat, happy that his son was back to clean and tidy.
"Leave some of that too please Kewmit. For Animal." When Monday came, Steve was excited. He ran to the car, Kewmit box bouncing against his leg as he jumped up to pull the door open. Climbing up and getting himself and Kerwit settled in their matching car seats. His mom smiled at her son's eagerness, locking up and putting her key in her bag. His son's happiness was infectious; she wished she could be there to see Billy's face at lunch when the two boys ate together. She'd packed him two sets of plastic knives and forks from his Muppets set and put the plastic food in a small box. This was all in Steve's little backpack and this is what he was now thinking about. Miss Summer let them sit on one of the blankets if they promised to not leave a mess. But spaghetti was messy, so they couldn't use the blanket, They could use the plastic table outside the playhouse instead. He would ask Miss Summer. Maybe they could have juice boxes too if they were really good. He liked the juice boxes at school as did Billy. And Animal really liked the juice boxes; he did a funny little dance which made Steve giggle and kick his tiger feet. ---At nearly lunch time--- "Mom made spaghetti."
"That's nice," Billy said, a small smile as he put away the cars. "Mom made fish fingers."
"We never have fish fingers," Steve sighed, closing the cupboard and looking over at Billy. "Mom doesn't cook things out of boxes." Billy wished his mom would cook things like Steve's mom did. That would be nice, but she didn't at the moment. Not enough time and Billy had noticed how tired his mom was. He knew the real reason why she didn't cook. It was then that he realised Steve had left the playhouse and was now outside, setting the table. Plastic knives and forks and plates like they're going to eat. Billy wanted to tell him it's not dinner time, but then Animal, who liked to look at everything, pointed to the clock. It was dinner time! Steve had also got juice boxes, which made Billy and Animal so excited. Steve was the best! He always thought about him and Animal as well as himself and Kermit. As soon as Steve opened the lid on his favourite lunchbox, Billy's eyes were a picture and Steve was so happy to see his best friend's face light up. Steve giggled and watched as Billy and Animal slowly took their seats, eyes still on the spaghetti and meatballs.
"Is that…"
"Yep. It's for us to share. You couldn't come to my house so I bwing the spaghetti to you. Mom said I could."
"You're the best Steve!" Billy wiggled a little in his seat as Steve put the lunchbox in the middle of the table so both of them could get the spaghetti. Meatballs too! Four, one for each of them. And their favourite juice boxes. Billy was so happy and as he picked up his plastic knife and fork, he smiled so happily at Steve. Steve really was the best and Billy was glad that he'd talked to him in the sandbox. He was glad Steve was his best friend and that Kermit was Animal's.
"Let's eat!"
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stickersandyarn · 3 months
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I’m modding a vintage Kermit toy pattern to knit my own Sad Kermit (photo on the right for reference, not mine). Dead memes aside, Sad Kermit is probably the cutest Kermit plush I’ve ever seen. Since he goes for hundreds of dollars on eBay now I figured I’d diy him.
I have the torso done and am working on the head. I’m planning to use off-white for the eyes to give him that well-loved look. I can’t wait to share the finished product. Maybe I’ll even give him a rainbow sweater.
The pattern is only a dollar or two to download on Etsy so if anyone wants to knit along, I highly recommend it!
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enigma-absolute · 2 months
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)
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Both you and @choasuqeen had sent me this at roughly the same time, so I guess I’m gonna have to answer this with ten things instead, which is fine!
I was able to cut, sew and stitch on a collar on to my Steve shirt in time to wear it out to my local convention with Blue in hand! Here's one of many photos!
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2. Still can't believe I'm saying this, but I managed to rope in three friends to help me sing a cover of 'The Rainbow Connection' for a friend's belated birthday present. I genuinely still listen to it because... wow. It genuinely made both my friend and I tear up when we listened to it together over discord.
(And honestly, we could all do with a bigger choir together...)
3. I'm actually kinda proud of how far my art's come since I started keeping sketchbooks. Looking at the shelf on my right from 2019 to now (though I started in 2013), it's nuts how much I've drawn in those years.
4. On the topic of sewing and sketchbooks, I'm actually kinda surprised I still have bookbound my own sketchbooks, and now they sit in wait to be used someday, ready and waiting in their drawers until I choose the next to go ham with.
5. ...oh my god I still can't fully grasp the weight of having written my show's complete pilot episode, complete since last year for Honours. I know I usually talk and think about it in a very light manner, but dude! I have LORE for that story in SEVERAL notebooks, building and retconning and rewriting as I've gone. I did that??? I DID that?????!!!!!
6. If I really like someone international and online (PLATONICALLY), I'm the kind of woman to mail them physical gifts. The fact that I've sent so much mail and have a minor hoarde of envelopes and sealing wax should say something. This only comes at a certain level of closeness though, since, well, of course. You don't go exchanging physically addresses that easily.
7. Something I hadn’t noticed myself until someone had pointed it out to me is that I’m very outwardly silly in front of my friends. And why shouldn’t I be, I love it! I love that I can say or do something that can make my friends laugh; that I have the lack of care to just do a family guy death pose in a video games shop, get a lab coat for a Beaker Bit, or even have the dumbest grin and cackle while everyone else is done at another dad joke I can think of on the spot.
8. It’s hard to believe it now, but me ten years ago on this hellsite didn’t really have two cares about fashion aside from emulating her idol at the time. Now? I’ve developed some tastes and aesthetics, and while I still have a way to keep growing, I’ve found multiple styles and dream outfits and even outfits I own that not only work in comfort, but also style. Velvet green flared pants? Gold jeans? Bright blue overcoat? Vests? YES.
9. Now that I think about it, I’m… actually kind of impressed with my range of voice acting and impressions? Yes it’s very silly and often for the bit, but I’ve had people compliment my Kermit the Frog voice before, and even if I can’t reach the octave Columbo is at, I can still do the vibes.
10. This is off the back of having a psychology appointment recently, but... I'm kinda proud of how far I've come, honestly. From a lost and lonely and scared girl stuck in NZ to someone about to get a teacher's aide job (hopefully, pray for me y'all!) at her old school's sister school for kids on the spectrum - WITH a Bachelor's and Honours in Animation. In Australia. Who would've thought? I sure didn't. But now I'm here.
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As the bracket says this isn't all! Because right before the finals we will have a SUPER SECRET HONORARY ROUND. It's super secret because you won't know who's competing until the polls are posted. It will consist of 16 characters, it will be a combination of me picking some of my favorite submissions that couldn't make it on the main bracket and my own silly picks, AND you all will get to vote for a character on the main bracket who lost to compete here! Who ever wins this bracket will get to appear next to the main winner as an Honorary Swag Butch!
Vriska Serket VS Rainbow Dash Applejack VS Scorpia Susie VS Rika Too-Ticky VS Kermit Kira Nerys VS Tetra Dr. Strangelove VS Odo Peppermint Patty VS Sylvia Puss in Boots VS Duck ROUND TWO: Dean winchester VS Vergil Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu VS Jessie Pinkman Knuckles the Echidna VS Beauregard Lionett Camilla Hect VS Ermes Costello The Narrator VS Gideon Nav Undyne VS Bismuth Utena Tenjou VS Susie Myerson The Ninth Doctor VS Corky ROUND THREE: Applejack Vs Rainbow Dash Susie VS Kermit Kira Vs Dr. Strangelove Peppermint Patty VS Puss in Boots ROUND FOUR: Jesse PInkman Vs Vergil Beauregard Lionett VS Camilla Hect Gideon Nav VS Undyne Utena Tenjou VS Corky ROUND FIVE: Applejack VS Susie Kira Nerys VS Peppermint Patty ROUND SIX: Jesse Pinkman VS Beauregard Lionett Gideon Nav VS Corky ROUND SEVEN / EIGHT: Susie VS Kira Beauregard Lionett VS Peppermint Patty VS Gideon Nav FINAL ROUND: Susie VS Beauregard Lionett
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dispatchpodcast · 2 years
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Dispatch's first call is here!
In Episode 2, tune in to meet Kris (aka @hattalove!) and hear her thoughts on the show, and to listen to Rachel gush over Kris' amazing fanfiction.
Listen to a preview above, stream the full episode on Anchor.fm, or find it on platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and more.
See the show notes below for timestamps of when specific discussion takes place, and for links to Kris and her works, and her recommendations for creators @eddiediazes @henwilsonmd @rewritetheending and @clusterbuck and their fanworks.
Episode 3, with Dispatch's next guest, is coming Monday 25th of July.
Show Notes:
Welcome (02:56)
How Kris got into 9-1-1 and some of her favourite things about it (04:49)
Discussion of Kris' fic (28:41), mainly focused on: i don't swim and you're not in love (31:34), rainbows have nothing to hide (1:09:50), and tell me about despair (1:20:45)
What Kris is working on right now (2:07:42)
How Kris got into fanfiction (2:11:55)
Kris and Rachel's histories in the One Direction fandom (2:18:15)
Kris' poetry edits (2:28:03)
Kris' hopes for Season 6 (2:34:10)
Kris' recommendations for creators and fanworks (2:44:08)
Goodbye and outro (2:51:08)
Referred to in episode:
Kris' Tumblr and AO3
Main fics discussed: i don't swim and you're not in love; rainbows have nothing to hide; and tell me about despair
Other published fics of Kris' mentioned: this savoir faire (kermit verse part 2); the soft animal of your body (coda to tell me about despair); the christmas party hop; the wood marked for your fire; tell the whole wide world and this room; and the light's been out though, baby
One Direction fic that inspired the solar flare fic Kris is working on: things have gotten closer to the sun
Kris' buddie poetry edits
example buddie-coded Tumblr post
6x01 episode title Tumblr post
Kris' recommendations:
always glad you came by eddiediazes (foxwatson)
right on time by henwilsonmd (tuckergreen)
sundae kind of love and let me stay there awhile by rewritethending (withoutthetiger)
the voice under all silences by clusterbuck (lecornergirl)
Contact details:
Dispatch Tumblr: dispatchpodcast.tumblr.com Dispatch email: [email protected] Rachel's Tumblr: burnthatbridge.tumblr.com
Intro and outro music by BrightestAvenue from Pixabay
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skullrock · 9 months
how would the muppets handle the upside down
pt 2: personally i think they’d send in the fraggles
i was waiting for you to ask.
first they try muppet man. they disguise themselves as martin brenner to try to scare vecna away. but this doesn’t work bc they use gonzo for the face and vecna realizes last-minute that hey… dr brenner’s nose didn’t look like that….
so then they try to dig a hole from a safer part of the upside down to the red sky part of the upside down to catch vecna off guard. maybe they send in beaker for him to psychologically torment/kill as a distraction. but this doesn’t work very well because they’re really loud when they come out of the hole (beaker is ok - muppets can’t die)
maybe when that doesn’t work they call in the fraggles bc they are used to being underground and in weird places. they would try to sing a song about getting along to vecna which might work. either his head would explode or he might actually learn the meaning of family. but let’s just assume it doesn’t work and he banishes them to a shadow realm or something
the big guns is miss piggy. if she can be pulled away from steve for a few seconds i think she could seduce vecna. she could flirt with him while the other muppets climb on top of each other to make a big muppet tower to release max from the big rock he has her tied to. then they could sneak away with her and miss piggy says she will be back looking tres jolie later on. but this might make things worse when she doesn’t come back or he sees kermit and miss piggy embracing. this also may make him seek a personal vendetta against steve which we wouldn’t want.
HOWEVER, let’s say it does work. they’d have to have miss piggy undergo a very intimate wedding with vecna. like in muppets most wanted except that time she didn’t know she was in a ruse. anyway, kermit, fozzie, gonzo, and the gang, including the st team, talk the mind flayer into double crossing vecna. maybe they offer up another sacrifice (it’s beaker again). then, right when vecna and a terrified miss piggy are about to kiss, the mind flayer BURSTS IN with el on his back and hits vecna over the head, stupifying him. now stupid and essentially a muppet, he holds el’s hand as they make they upside down into a rainbow filled wonderland. they use muppet magic to transport back to hawkins and they watch in wander as the town rebuilds itself. miss piggy gives steve a tearful goodbye and the muppets head back to LA while the st gang watches happily and 80s robot, who has grown attached to dustin and stays, plays a tune (im thinking why can’t we be friends by war)
alternate: el uses bunsen and beaker’s insta-grow pils to make herself huge which either scares vecna away or she can just step on him and kill him
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smile-files · 11 months
What's your least favorite holiday, food and song?
oh golly, these are hard questions to answer!! i generally don't think too much about holidays or foods or songs i don't like - rather i think about the ones i do like!!! but i will try my best...
holiday - the 4th of july!!! firstly, i am not a patriotic sort of person at all, and secondly the sound of fireworks bothers me when i'm trying to sleep :'D
food - cold, wet scrambled eggs. oh my goodness. i like scrambled eggs well enough when they're still warm, but the second they get cold i just can't eat them anymore. the texture is barely tolerable as it is, being cold just makes it worse (i have a similar issue with yogurt, except that's cold all the time)!!
song - sweet emotion by aerosmith... heck, this probably isn't really my least favorite song - that would probably be some bad overplayed pop song - but unlike that bad overplayed pop song, this song actually holds some space in my mind, and so i can think about how i dislike it. and i like other aerosmith songs too! i just don't like this one.
but enough being negative... my favorite holiday is chanukkah, my favorite food is chocolate chip cookies and milk, and my favorite song (for right now, anyway) is the rainbow connection, sung by the lovely kermit the frog!!! :)
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spiderz0mbie · 1 year
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favorite color(s): black or type o negative green. song stuck in your head: rainbow connection by kermit the frog last song you listened to: aortic desecration by dethklok 3 favorite foods: chicken flavored top ramen with starbucks siracha ( add some garlic powder and its chefs fuckin kiss ), iced coffee ( that counts, right? ) and strawberry croissants. dream trip: i honestly have no clue, somewhere nice where i can bring my cat and be safe. maybe travel europe one day. anything I want right now: i would like it if my adhd would let me focus on something. ( i stay productive but i do like a million things at once and then i get overwhelmed. )
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: @arachnidiots , @spidxrguin and @h0b1e . ( ty to my fellow spidey writers who wanted to know me a bit more! i enjoyed learning more about you! :D )
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠: WHOEVER HASN'T DONE IT, tag me so i can read it c:
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wacomart · 2 years
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Hi- ho! Got a new piece for y’all.
Comic Book Resources’ latest Line it is Drawn had artists choose a comic character guest starring along side any of the Muppets. As you can see, I chose Kermit the Frog singing The Rainbow Connection with Hulk because “It’s not easy being green” was too obvious.
You can see this live on Comic Book Resources’ website right now.
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wayhavenots · 2 years
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I posted 1,144 times in 2022
That's 108 more posts than 2021!
162 posts created (14%)
982 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,023 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#avery lin - 43 posts
#nate x avery - 38 posts
#gray x daphne - 35 posts
#daphne wiseman - 31 posts
#rider mcqueen - 29 posts
#n sewell - 21 posts
#dove shepherd - 16 posts
#luz solano - 15 posts
#rose blum - 15 posts
#to blorbo tag later - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it's been a while since i played the lt route but i always like to imagine that in the lt a is the one who drives them for maximal angst 😁
My Top Posts in 2022:
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but 😭 imagine n keeping this rabbit so pristine and clean and cared for over the centuries, especially after the death of the detective 😭
48 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
my n sewell thought of the day is that if n sewell were better with technology they would spend so much time reading fanfiction and leaving kind comments on everything they read. they would just adore this new way of interacting with stories *and* with other fans of stories.
(as it is they prefer physical books. so they print out the fanfiction when they first discover that they can find such things on the internet. but one day they sent 100k words of smut to the entire Agency listserv by accident and uh. anyway they stick to books.)
58 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
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Someday we'll find it The rainbow connection The lovers, the dreamers, and me
I was going to save this for later this month, but I can’t do it, I need everyone to see this right now immediately. Please feast your eyes on all of this serotonin I commissioned from @rickety-goose​ (and then go commission her yourself)!
This is my Nick Wiseman (from Mind Blind @mindblindbard​ ) and Kermit the Frog singing a little duet. I imagine that he was asked to film something with Kermit as some kind of PR thing for Unity (and brings it up like once a week for the rest of time). Inspired by a video I saw of Kermit singing with James Corden on the Late Late Show (can’t find the video rn, but I’ll put a still below the cut).
Ren was so great to work with and really made this vision come to life. Look at the lighting and the sparkles and the details and their faces, this was so perfect and I’m so pleased with how this turned out.
See the full post
72 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Hitting post before I can think about this anymore! This was written with the sole intention of expressing my high levels of thirst about this Nate art by @/greyhands . Tried to smoothe out the thirst with a rolling pin of context, but some of it doesn’t make sense ✌🏼 don’t think about it
Rating: 16+ (Nate is all suave and suggestive but nothing explicit)
Word count: 1325
Synopsis: Unit Bravo has a secret mission. Nate distracts Avery from her fears for him. (Nate x Avery)
Avery isn't supposed to be involved in this mission. She isn't even supposed to be at the Warehouse today. It’s an anxious pit in her stomach that brings her there, a foolish hope that Rebecca won’t notice her until she’s learned the details of the mission and it’s too late. Wouldn’t be the first time. 
Alas, no dice.
Thirty-three minutes after she is sent to her room---a command that makes Morgan snicker---her pacing is interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. “Avery?”
She almost doesn't want to see him, or rather, for him to see her. Not like this---frustrated and anxious and irrational and unable to hide it from his super-senses. 
"Come in," she says anyway. "Look, I can explain---”
But when Nate enters, Avery stops her pacing. Her eyes flick up to meet his, then roll slowly over his Agency-issued tactical suit and gear. The protective nylon material beneath his (bulletproof?) vest does nothing to hide the lines of his muscles as he turns to shut the door behind him. Holsters are buckled at his waist and high up his thighs. There are no thoughts in her head.
“Oh my God,” she says.
Nate turns away from the door and pauses in his path, looking like an action hero even as he fiddles with the walkie-talkie which is chattering away (Farah) in his pocket. He presses a button, the walkie-talkie falls silent, and he finally turns his full attention to her, lips curving into a smile at her attention.
"Is something the matter, Avery?" he asks. 
It’s suddenly sweltering beneath her hoodie, but she shakes her head, buying herself a moment to collect herself. "I've just never seen you in that," she says, tone as close to casual as she can manage. 
Trying in vain to hide his effect on her, like he can’t hear her accelerated pulse, like he can’t tell that she's drinking in his delicious features as if this might be her last chance. 
(Couldn’t it be?)
She shakes the thought away. "Are you wearing that on all your missions now?" she prods.
"I’m certainly tempted, seeing your reaction to it," he teases as he saunters closer. "But it's just a precaution for today."
"Precaution for...?"
“Just a precaution,” says Nate, sidestepping the question with a reassuring smile. “Nothing to be concerned about.”
She purses her lips. Nothing to be unconcerned about, either, since nothing is all she knows. “I don’t like this, Nate.”
He nods sympathetically. “I wish I could tell you more, Avery, but it’s---”
"Classified,” she finishes with an exasperated sigh. “For my safety. And considering all the things that haven’t been classified for my safety...” The Trappers that left Nate unresponsive in a hospital bed, for example. She crosses her arms over her chest. “It’s incredibly reassuring,” she says, a lump in her throat pushing her pitch higher than normal, “that this is the one I can’t know about, that you have to get all gussied up for this particular date with danger, and I can’t even know---”
She doesn’t realize she’s pacing again until Nate reaches out to still her by the shoulders. The comforting pressure of his hands and the familiar scent of his fancy soap help to loosen the knot in her stomach, steady her breathing, bring her down to Earth.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly. “You shouldn’t have to deal with this before the mission. I’ll be fine.” As long as you are.
"There’s nothing to apologize for,” he assures her. “Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?"
Don’t go, she wants to say. “Tell me the truth,” she says instead. “Is there a chance that you could leave here, all suited up, and not...make it back?”
See the full post
78 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
we have an RO and a best friend but tell me in the tags which ub member likes your detective(s) the least
91 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
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cookinguptales · 3 months
🐸🌈 could I have a tarot reading please? i'd like the muppet deck and for the song... i know it's basic but i gotta pick the rainbow connection
Aww, anon. ;;
The Rainbow Connection (Kermit the Frog)
First reading of the leap day. Auspicious. :)
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(The High Priestess, The World, The Magician)
Like we often get with this deck, this is a very encouraging spread.
To me... this feels like a spread about some kind of creative project.
The High Priestess is a card about getting in touch with your inner intuition. It's when the veil between the conscious and the subconscious world is starting to thin, allowing you to seek answers to mysteries you didn't even know were calling to you. Like... y'know, why are there so many songs about rainbows and what's on the other side?
The song you chose is a beautiful and wistful one that speaks to a shared human longing for understanding and magic, and I think that goes really well with The High Priestess. And especially this deck's HP! Which, through Janice, is in tune (so to speak) with music. This card tells me that you're on your own personal search for magic, perhaps, and that you just might find it.
The World speaks to a sense of wholeness or completion, or occasionally real-world travel. It tells me that the journey that you're on, whether it has unexpected ups and downs or not, will be one that you find fulfilling. You'll complete it one way or another. That may be how you're expecting to, or it may take you by surprise. The journey is kind of the fun part, though, isn't it?
Finally, the reason I believe this all revolves around some kind of creative project is because of this third card here. The Magician is a card about your own willpower and manifesting your dreams. It's a card about literally willing what you want into reality. In this deck in particular, though, it's one that has such a beautiful and sweet creativity to it. It's my favorite card in the whole deck.
In this deck, this last card is one about taking your creative dreams and realizing them. What lives only inside your head right now will come into the real world, and friend, it's gonna be lovely.
If you need encouragement to keep going, this spread is 100% giving it to you. Because of the nature of The Muppets, a lot of the cards in this deck have a real zeal for art, and you see all of that a little bit in all the cards in this spread. One card about reaching for your own magic (maybe by way of a little music), one about finding your own kind of fulfillment (in a theater full of all your friends), and one that's just about creating something both lovely and dear to you.
I think this one's a really nice spread. Good luck with your art, anon. :)
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mildlylesbian · 10 months
ask game!!!
25, 26, 38 >:3
Q: fave season and why?
A: OK SO, I don't have one. I have reasons why I enjoy certain seasons, and I think Fall is objectively the BEST season, but I don't favour any season. If I had to choose maybe winter because my birthday + I like snow, but like... I don't feel differently about winter then I do about spring or summer or fall if that makes sense?
Q: fave colour and why?
A: I answered this in a previous ask, it's purple because I associate the colour with myself. BUT, to expand on that: I kinda gravitated towards purple as a kid cause it was girly like pink but not the universal girl colour, so it made me feel like I was different from other girls. Over time I grew out of that mindset but purple was still just a nice colour, I used it a lot on discord and with my online sonas and just ocs and stuff, and now I'm at an age where like... I don't feel like finding a new favourite colour? So Purple it is.
Q: fave song at the moment?
A: You cannot make me choose. YOU CANNOT-
Anyeay, right now I'm digging any song by Hop Along, Runaway by Aurora, and Rainbow Connection... the cover made by Kermit the Frog, not the orginal.
Ask Game!
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to2llynottoby · 1 year
Orchid, camellia, and taro 🌸
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Man, this is a tough one. It's so hard to choose just one! I could talk about about a million soundtracks. Here's a great video on why The 13th Struggle a perfect boss track.
But for real music, here's just a few perfect songs
Pollyanna - performed by Catherine Warwick One Good Year - Slaid Cleaves A Mountaineer is Always Free - Pierce Pettis The Rainbow Connection - Kermit the Frog
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
I've pretty much been the same way all my life. I've behaved pretty much exactly like I do now since pretty much the day I was born. My first word was Tylenol and I didn't speak again for weeks. My favorite part of getting a new video game was reading the instruction manual. I could beat every kid in my dad's youth group at this card-matching game when I was 4. At this point I don't think I'm capable of change
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
I guess I'd talk about moving to West Virginia and becoming a full-time worship leader. It's awesome, and I can't wait until we grow the church enough that I can live off doing this. In the meantime I'll probably find some part time work, but it's really fulfilling and I love it. I don't know if people I used to know would say that's really in character or be surprised I'm not leading a cult somewhere, possibly by accident
Thanks for the ask! Sorry I got sick and couldn't look at a screen without getting a headache for a few days
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