#sache star wars
stealingpotatoes · 10 months
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@crossover15 kofi requested the twins meeting Padmé's handmaidens!! (sequel to this)
(kofi requests are open!)
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Star Wars Femslash Bracket Round 2
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starwarsbookclub · 1 year
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Yané and Saché in Queen's Shadow & Darth Vader (2022) #32
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alexversenaberrie · 3 months
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Twelve Princesses / Handmaidens
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings
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uwingdispatch · 10 months
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New keychains! These are going to keep coming because I want to have cute merch for all our faves. These are for the Padmé and Handmaiden girlies, sort of a tribute to Padmé’s role in the formation of the rebel alliance, but also to Sabé and the Amidalans who had their own rebel cell on Naboo.
These have a Naboo starfighter and a Naboo royal crest as charms. The lanyard says “we are brave, your highness” in Aurebesh.
Available here.
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nabooro · 2 years
Nâdune: The Handmaidens
The word for handmaiden in Nabooro is nâdune, and is rooted in the same word as “warrior” (tonde), as handmaidens are meant to not only accompany queens (or princesses, when Naboo was not yet an elected monarchy) and offer them companionship, but also guard and protect them when necessary.
Traditionally, handmaidens were older than the princess, but as the tradition of enshué ‘n canâk (masks and disguises), developed out of the older traditions of facepaint and veiling, handmaidens slowly became the same age as the princess or royal they were protecting in order to disguise themselves as her better.
The handmaid who closest resembles the one they protect (or, if several of them look similar, the title is afforded to a handmaid who has been injured in her duty towards her princess) is known as the shâm nâdun, and is the highest ranking of the nâdune, though that rank is more a formality than anything else in the present day.
The parallel figure to this for young princes is a cânsag. Cânsag have similar functions to nâdune, in that they are usually of an age with the prince or young royal or noble they protect so they can disguise themselves as each other in situations where it is necessary, though the forms their enshué take are different.
Regarding Padmé’s nâdune:
Sabé / Tsabin means “herald of new life/growth”, translating literally as “mouth of the seed.”
Eirtaé / Eirtama means “poetic.”
Ballory (Balori) is a vocational family name for those who were once royal or religious warriors, translating literally to “warriors of the Six.” (More on “the Six” soon!)
Rabé / Rabene means “daughter of spring”.
Tonsort is also a once-vocational name for religious warriors, translating to “blessed warrior.”
Saché / Sashah is a name with many meanings, generally understood as meaning “deeper than meets the eye”, though can also be understood as ‘mysterious,’ or ‘one who is less than trustworthy’ - translating literally as “to question what you see.”
Adova is a regional name for those from the Western continent.
While Sabé and Cordé are the nâdune who most resemble Padmé, Saché was given the title of shâm nâdun after the Invasion of Naboo.
Yané / Suyan means “diamond, gem,” though Yané specifically is also a name in itself that means “life, greenery.”
Higin is a historical vocational name for higher ranking tailors on Naboo, i.e. tailor.
Cordé / Cordyn is a traditional name meaning “protector of the past.”
Dormé / Dorra means “cold,” and is one of several traditional winter names for children.
Versé / Versaat means “blessed,” or, more literally, “daughter of the Six.”
Moteé is more of a metaphoric name/phrase that is best translated as “to bloom,” though it translates literally as “to grow wings,” kind of in the sense of... to come into your own?
As Moteé doesn’t have a canon ‘original’ name i.e. before-she-was-a-handmaiden name, I came up with my own: Motil.
Most of these handmaiden names are actual names, though not all of them are particularly common ones (Yané is the one that is most commonly in use in the present day). The -é form is a presently somewhat old-fashioned way of constructing names used in previous centuries by royalty—so, these names do mostly maintain their actual meaning, because the root for most of their names is the same.
* I do eventually intend to come up with more last names and assign them some, but that’s... not a priority for me right now.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 4): Handmaiden battle
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Saché | Identity: wlw | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Saché, born Sashah Adova, was the youngest of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens, recruited at only 12 years old. Her official role was that of page, where she could observe the happenings of the palace. Saché was often overlooked, and even as she became an adult she was often quiet and bottled up her feelings. When Padmé and her handmaidens escaped Naboo, Saché and Yané were left behind. They were put into internment camps with the rest of Naboo’s government. This forced confinement caused Saché and Yané to realize that their awkward feelings were mutual attraction. Caught transporting messages amongst the Naboo Royal Guard, she was tortured by the Trade Federation, giving her scars she would carry for the rest of her life.
After Pamdé’s term as queen, she joined Naboo’s legislative assembly. She also married Yané, and they lived in a large house with the children Yané would foster. When Sio Bibble retired as governor at the end of the Clone Wars, Saché was expected to succeed her. However, the new Emperor Palpatine appointed Quash Penaka as Moff, replacing most of the existing Naboo government. Unlike her wife, Saché joined the Amidalans, a group of Naboo led by Sabé who sought to avenge Padmé’s death. With the rest of the handmaidens, she held her own for a time in combat against Darth Vader. Despite the decimation of the group, Saché managed to survive, and when Sabé became an operative for Vader (long story), she joined her handmaidens once more to save Sabé. When Sabé was captured by Jul Tambor, the handmaidens allied themselves with Vader. When Vader and Sly Moore tried to turn them to the side of the Empire, they were unmoved. They managed to free Sabé, but she refused to leave with them and returned to Vader’s side. Crushed, Saché returned to her wife and tried to continue to live.
Sabé | Identity: bisexual | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Sabé, born Tsabin, was a member of a family of musicians who set their daughter on the same path. However, she was only skilled enough to ever have a supporting role and instead volunteered to be one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens. She became Padmé’s most trusted operative, pretending to be the Queen during the Invasion of Naboo. After Padmé’s term as queen ended, she remained her operative and worked with Tonra, a member of Naboo’s security force, to attempt to free slaves on Tatooine. They eventually made contact with the White Suns, a Tatioone slave liberation movement. When the Clone Wars began, Sabé once again acted as Padmé’s decoy when Padmé was away from Coruscant conducting an investigation. There she learned Anakin and Padmé were married. However, to make sure Padmé didn’t have her closest confidant, Palpatine blasted Sabé’s brain with the Dark Side until she didn’t want to work closely with Padmé anymore. Sabé spent the rest of the war helping the White Suns.
After Padmé died, Sabé founded an organization known as the Amidalans- a rebel cell consisting of Naboo (including some of the other handmaidens), who sought to avenge Padmé. They attempted to assassinate Vader (who they deemed responsible) on multiple occasions. Sabé focused on deception, pretending to work with Vader to find Padmé’s killer and infiltrating Crimson Dawn. Until she figured out that Vader was Anakin. Remembering how Padmé’s last words (which had been recorded) was “There’s still good in [Anakin]”, she decided to actually become Vader’s operative. Her given reason was that the Empire and Vader did bring order to the galaxy, but it is just as likely she is following her queen’s last order to attempt to bring the man she loved back to the light. She remained by Vader’s side even when her fellow handmaidens came to “rescue” her. Her last appearance in the comics was Vader abandoning her on a beach until she could decide to fully commit to the Dark Side (emotionally speaking).
Sabé had crushes on a handful of people and even a romantic relationship with Tonra, but her most important was her romantic love for Padmé. These feelings were requited, with Queen’s Hope creating a love triangle where Sabé represented ideology and duty and Anakin was selfish love. As we know, Padmé chose Anakin, but a deciding factor was Sabé’s self esteem being temporarily shattered by Palpatine. Her wider moral view seems to have degraded after spending over two decades focusing on avenging Padmé instead of joining the wider Rebellion. However, even working for the Empire, she hasn’t gone completely evil yet- doing things like pretending to kill a bunch of refugees to gain their loyalty instead of actually killing them.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
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Femslash February 2023
016. Chips - Saché | Sashah Adova/Yané | Suyan Higin - archiveofourown.org/works/44822038
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars: Darth Vader (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sabé & Darth Vader, Eirtaé & Rabé & Sabé & Saché & Dormé Characters: Darth Vader, Sabé (Star Wars), Dormé (Star Wars), Eirtaé (Star Wars), Saché (Star Wars), Rabé (Star Wars) Additional Tags: POV Darth Vader, Darth Vader Needs a Hug, Crash Landing, Stranded, Angst, Friendship, Ambiguous/Open Ending
In Darth Vader's mission to take down Crimson Dawn, he ends up teaming up with Padme's handmaids. Their alliance is put to the test when they crash on an uninhabited, icy world. The only way for them to get out is to work together. And that means they must trust each other. It won't be easy. For any of them.
Read on:
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naturalrights-retard · 4 months
Authored by Jeffrey D. Sachs via CommonDreams.org
There are three basic problems with the CIA: its objectives, methods, and unaccountability.
Its operational objectives are whatever the CIA or the President of the United States defines to be in the U.S. interest at a given time, irrespective of international law or U.S. law.
Its methods are secretive and duplicitous.
Its unaccountability means that the CIA and president run foreign policy without any public scrutiny. Congress is a doormat, a sideshow.
As a recent CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, said of his time at the CIA: “I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”
The CIA was established in 1947 as the successor to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The OSS had performed two distinct roles in World War II, intelligence and subversion. The CIA took over both roles. On the one hand, the CIA was to provide intelligence to the US Government. On the other, the CIA was to subvert the “enemy,” that is, whomever the president or CIA defined as the enemy, using a wide range of measures: assassinations, coups, staged unrest, arming of insurgents, and other means.
It is the latter role that has proved devastating to global stability and the U.S. rule of law. It is a role that the CIA continues to pursue today. In effect, the CIA is a secret army of the U.S., capable of creating mayhem across the world with no accountability whatsoever.
When President Dwight Eisenhower decided that Africa’s rising political star, democratically elected Patrice Lumumba of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), was the “enemy,” the CIA conspired in his 1961 assassination, thus undermining the democratic hopes for Africa. He would hardly be the last African president brought down by the CIA.
The extent of the continuing mayhem resulting from CIA operations gone awry is astounding.
In its 77-year history, the CIA has been held to serious public account just once, in 1975. In that year, Idaho Senator Frank Church led a Senate investigation that exposed the CIA’s shocking rampage of assassinations, coups, destabilization, surveillance, and Mengele-style torture and medical “experiments.”
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starwarsbookclub · 1 year
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Yané & Saché icons from Darth Vader (2020) #32 for the SWBC Discord Server. Feel free to use and share as you like!  (TERFs fuck off)
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saintflint · 2 years
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boymartyr. / the contorted line of suffering, nelly sachs / dédale et icare (daedalus and icarus), orazio riminaldi / star wars: episode i — the phantom menace (1999) / dune messiah, frank herbert / scenes from star wars: episode ii — attack of the clones (2002) / scenes from star wars: episode iii — revenge of the sith (2005) / as consciousness is harnessed to flesh: journals and notebooks (1964 - 1980), susan sontag / litany in which certain things are crossed out from crush, richard siken / the last days of judas iscariot, stephen adly guirgis / judas, ilya repin
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alexversenaberrie · 1 month
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Sache ~ Wallflower ~ Shyness
#april flowers @thepromptfoundry
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uwingdispatch · 9 months
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Alright, y’all. I’ve got new shakers. Mostly these are for the prequel girlies and I feel like I did y’all proud with my selections.
Starting off I did want to get one score shaker in so I did Padmé by Kevin Kiner with four of the handmaidens inside the shaker: Sabé, Saché, Rabé and Dormé.
And into the Swift songs!
For Padmé I chose “evermore” (featuring Bon Iver), which feels like it captures a lot of her tragedy as well as her big heart.
For Jar Jar I chose “Shake It Off” and frankly if you don’t think I nailed this one you are incorrect.
For Obi-Wan I chose “Bigger Than The Whole Sky” which made me think of his last goodbye to Anakin in the Kenobi series. Sorry. I’m sad, too.
For Dedra I chose “I Did Somethjng Bad.” I’ve been sitting on this one for a while trying to get all the elements perfect, and I think I got it.
For Rose I chose “Long Live” and I can see her feeling these feels when she thinks of her sister but also her found family in the resistance at the end of the war.
So…that’s what I’ve been doing. Some other new treats are coming. Shop is here!
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chichiscloset · 2 years
Films That will help you On Your Feminine Level-up Journey!
1. The Devil Wears Prada: Growth
Originally adapted from a novel, this iconic film follows ‘Andy Sachs’ a less than fashionable but attractive female that finds herself in the clutches of Miranda Priestly, a fashion maven that begrudgingly hires her as an assistant at a New York magazine. The importance of this film is two fold.
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As one would come to expect, it is a coming of age story for Andy, learning about fashion, traversing Miranda’s low expectations (and everybody else for that matter) as well as confronting the ramifications of her new found confidence and how it stacks up against the ever present ‘male gaze’.
2. Malena: Allure
Starring Monica Bellucci, Malena centers around a gorgeous woman in the 1940’s, grappling with the effects of the male gaze. Due to the ‘death’ of her husband in world war II, men of the town including a young boy gawk at her, flock to her and make advances to her, to which she must decide how to navigate, knowing full well the power and the danger of her beauty in her small Sicilian town.
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This movie is an important one because it examines the effects of unmistakable beauty, the fear that it stokes in the hearts of other women and the uncontrollable hold it has on men, so uncontrollable in fact, that it can just as easily put a woman in a position of power as well.
3. Crazy Rich Asians: Integrity
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There is a lot to learn from this movie, first and foremost is fashion (obviously) the importance of acceptance, the power of thwarting said need for acceptance, the idea that pedigree still very much matters to people of means and manners (it never goes out of style). Although this is your classic, rich boy meets regular girl and he sweeps her into a world of deep pockets and first class flights, the main character exercises dignity.
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As a woman in the modern world, we are going to encounter a lot of situations that make us question how firmly we stand in our dignity if a shiny carrot is dangled in our faces. At times, split second cost benefit analyses must be made and perhaps even sacrifices must be made in favor for or against our dignity. Whatever choice we make, it has to be a decision that benefits us and we can live with. In the end, that’s all that matters.
We Just created a mailling list & Newsletter! Get notified about exclusive content + Free level up PDF checklist!
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
I was at a media conference in NYC and heard such glowing comments about the Princess of Wales and her family. They are simply the stars of the show. They have a lot to be proud of, especially their children and the way the behaved at the Coronation. Not a foot wrong. No one. Obviously, it was said that the harkle’s could not produce any behaviour remotely like that as their children have not had the same exposure and also based on what we know of their parents behaviour and antics, the children sadly, of course, would share those traits. I found it amusing that it was pointed out that Megan Markle wrote her own release from WME pointing out that she was “a Global Icon”. She must love been laughed at and made to look so foolish…by her own hand. She apparently also outlined all the Awards she bought. The general POV is that this relationship will tank, but that Ari got her to pay a fortune up front so they, WME,  will lose nothing. M also wrote the part of the PR copy that WME “won her signing on the dotted line in a bidding war”. I have many friends in Hollywood and I assure you, there was no bidding war…ever, for Markle.  If there had been a bidding war, she would not have had to pay them upfront to take her on. For services they have not yet delivered. You only make the untested, unknown talent, high risk artists pay up front, so if it goes south, WME is not affected financially. We agreed that Ari Emanuel must have spoken to Ken Sunshine and I am sure they shared some of her history. She will still make them look like fools for taking her on and they will all end up in Court. However, we did all agree she might not get a movie deal out of this relationship, but she will probably try to get a husband out of it.
Pretty sure she is back with Sunshine Sachs as well now that Chrissy Tiegen is coming to her aide.
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