#sarada fanfiction
uchiha-saradas · 1 year
What are your favourite sasusaku fanfics of all time???
honestly this is a difficult question because there are SO MANY ss fanfics that i love, but i’ll make a list of my top 5 ss fanfics/oneshots
1. home is there the heart is - Deeppoeticgirl
this is a super cute ss travel fic with some light angst, but is by far one of my favorite fics that i have ever read and have read it multiple times!!! absolutely love how the author incorporated the development of sasuke and sakura’s relationship. very beautifully written and well done. 1000/10.
2. love story - AppleR3
this is a non massacre au where sasuke and sakura start out as friends and fall in love. this is a one shot, but i absolutely love this. ending is adorable and you get all the ss feels you need. highly recommend!
3. empire - pastel daisies
this story gets dark, but one of my favs. not super disturbing or too much either, there’s a good balance of it. this fic does get sad, but the ending and development of ss relationship is amazing. will make you cry both tears of joy and sadness!!
4. adrenalize me - helena-3190
this is an ANBU ss three shot and it’s basically pure smut but one of my favs to read. short and sweet. recommend if you’re in a mood for some porn with feelings ;)
5. ripples - yellow mask
this is a ss fic featuring a hebi!sasuke. i absolutely adore this fanfic. basically sakura gets captured in sound as a slave and ends up with sasuke, and over time he falls in love with her. i think i have read this fic about a hundred times and am currently rereading it! it came out in 2008, but is still very much enjoyable to read!
also love masked desire (also pure smut), heartbeat (SO SAD AND ANGSTY BUT SO GOOD WORTH THE READ), forbidden (royal au with tons of smut ONE OF MY FAVS EVER) and all i want for christmas by @theredconversegirl and this one is an enemies to lovers fic!
happy reading!
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phantomstatistician · 2 months
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Fandom: Boruto
Sample Size: 4,332 stories
Source: AO3
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https-gossipgirl · 7 months
🔮 Uchiha-Haruno 🔮
Sígueme para más contenido Sasusaku 🌛
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titisorriso · 1 month
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I did the thing. I'm unsure if i'll keep posting chapters as comics or as written fanfiction, but hey, at least i got the initial idea out there. This was very wild for me to make considering i hate doing comics, but here i am, like a fool, doing them constantly.
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Sarada:Out of all my teammates with whom you've had the chance to train, which one impressed you the most?
Sasuke:Kawaki was nothing special.
Kawaki:My pleasure, blank-faced hokage-wannabe.
Sasuke:Boruto was great, although he is still naive.
Boruto:Sasuke... couldn't you phrase it in a better way?
Sasuke:Mitsuki was not perfect...
Sasuke:He excelled in every category. He is exceptionally intelligent and wise for his age.
Mitsuki:You are flattering me.
Sasuke:His humility reminds me of my late brother. I wonder if Itachi's reincarnated as Mitsuki...
Sarada:(runs away)
Sasuke:(analyzes Mitsuki's soul with rinnegan but finds no essence of Itachi) No.
Sasuke:Why did she-
Mitsuki:(does the beckoning sign, Sasuke bends over so Mitsuki could say what he wants to say in his ear) Don't you think it's weird for Sarada to know that she might have a crush on her own uncle's reincarnation?
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dira333 · 11 months
Through the eyes of others - Sasuke x reader
part three - 7297 words (I got a bit carried away) - there’s some angst in there, beware. Also pushing rare ships in here that I once read about and fell in love with.
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Kakashi likes to take credit for being the first one to notice. Yamato doesn’t care. 
Because while he wasn’t the one insisting that the Fox should stay in rotation for the whole time Sasuke was supposed to be tailed, he was the one calling her name when it was time to pick the members.
Kakashi hadn’t known her like he did, when he signed that mission. Hadn’t seen how perceptive she was to the pain of others. Maybe he didn’t even believe the extent of her talent when he gave the okay, like most people didn’t. As the Hokage and as a fellow Sharingan User he probably knew what they all knew - they needed someone good to follow him.
And the fox did not disappoint. Neither in her thorough work nor in the way her heart caught on his, like a loose thread likes to find the one nail jutting out of a doorway. 
Ino liked to call it her sixth sense, but it was probably just dumb luck that she spotted them. 
She was looking for Sai, originally, believing that he’d walk down the street any minute, coming back from his mission and seeing her in her prettiest outfit yet. She’d believed the same yesterday and the day before but today she’d be right.
The light caught in inkblack hair and she startled, moving to pose as naturally as she could while keeping an eye on him - only to realize that it wasn’t Sai walking towards her, but Sasuke.
And he was laughing.
Well, as much of a laugh you could usually get out of him. She’d never seen him belt out a laugh like Chouji could or howl in laughter like Kiba liked to do, but she’d seen him snicker or cough to cover what must have been a laugh in the first place.
She stepped aside, eager to investigate but less eager to be spotted. Who was he talking too?
At first it seemed like he was talking to air but then she noticed the woman walking next to him. She was a Shinobi, that was clearly visible even when she tried to cover it with a hideous Kimono in a terrible colour mix of bright orange and muddy green. Her face was bland enough that it could be forgotten immediately and her hair didn’t stand out either. But her hand, that Ino saw clearly, her left hand was curled around Sasuke’s elbow in a way she’d never seen someone touch him before.
Huh, that was interesting.
“Ino.” Sai’s voice so close to her ear startled her from her inquiries. 
“Sai.” She breathed out his name and nodded in the direction she had been staring. “Do you know her?”
“Oh.” He nodded, surprisingly. “Not her name, though. But she’s the Fox. She was part of Sasuke’s tail with me.”
“What’s she doing with him?”
“Maybe they’ve become friends?” He asked and blinked at her like he was trying to tell her something. “Like us?”
“Friends don’t hold onto each other like that.” She told him as she did, in fact, put her hand right where the girls had been. Well, on Sai’s arm, to be correct. It felt good to hold onto him, almost as good as it would feel to hold his hand, but it was daytime and they were Shinobi and she knew he hated it when he didn’t have both hands free to fight at any given moment.
He smiled instead of answering but with Sai that was one and the same.
“Sasuke? Dating someone?” Sakura looked perplexed for a moment before she nodded to herself. 
“Now that you’re asking me, I do remember him mentioning something when we brought up the possibility of a prosthetic arm.”
“And you didn’t tell me?” Ino’s voice was both annoyed and excited. 
“There wasn’t much to tell.” Sakura neatly folded another bandage and put it away. “He mentioned he wanted to talk to someone about it and when I asked who that was, he mumbled something that sounded like girlfriend. And when I asked about that, he shut down and told me she did not see him that way.”
“Well, she was seeing him that way very much today. And Sai told me she’s Anbu, she was with him on the group that tailed Sasuke.”
“You don’t think he was flirting with her just so she would hide something shady?” Sakura bristles and Ino shrinks a little into herself.
“You don’t think that-”
“No, I don’t.” Sakura cuts her off. “Honestly I thought he wanted to talk to Naruto about the arm, because he’s already got one and maybe he doesn’t want one but doesn’t want to disappoint his best friend? Boys can be stupid like that. It’s none of our business if he’s dating anyone anyway if he wants to tell us, he will.”
“So you’re totally fine with that? You’re not jealous.”
Sakura could feel herself blush but not for the reasons Ino was probably thinking.
She hadn’t been thinking about Sasuke like that in a long time. He hadn’t been around when she was lonely or made her laugh when she was sad and while she recognized him as her friend and her teammate, he’d also grown into something like a brother and she wasn’t into undoing that change.
“There’s someone else I’m interested in.” She said instead, pointedly, to get Ino of Sasuke’s tail. It worked. Now she only needed to tell Kiba about that before Ino ran her mouth and his mother found out about it before he had the chance to tell her herself.
Surprisingly, she met Sasuke on her way back home. It was warm out and she took the longer route, taking her sweet time through the market to gaze at the goods still up for sale. 
She might have missed him, had he not stepped away for a moment to hold something up to the sun to glare at it. Sunlight caught in his hair and she’d know that haircut anywhere.
“Sasuke.” She called out his name and watched him hastily put back whatever he had held in his hands.
“Sakura.” He greeted her calmly. “Are you on your way home?”
“Yes.” She smiled. “How have you been? Haven’t seen you since the celebration and that was almost two weeks ago. Naruto’s keeping you busy?”
“I’m fine. I do train with Naruto three times a week but I’ve also been able to go on small missions.” He gifts her a little smirk. “Saving a cat from the tree and things like that.”
She laughs in memory of their Genin-missions but moves back to the topic at hand.
“Did you get the chance to think about the arm? Genin-missions are one thing but you might want one when you move to Chunin Level.”
Instead of answering, he stretches out his arm, his hand pointed to the side. It’s a weird gesture and Sakura stares at it, her mouth to slow to ask before someone steps out from the shadows.
She’s wearing a standard Shinobi outfit but Sakura doesn’t have to spot the Anbu Tattoo to know who she is, her Chakra Signature is something else. But then she walks the short distance between them and links her hand with Sasuke’s and Sakura knows exactly who she is.
“Hi.” Sakura smiles at her, trying to look the least bit nosy. “I’m Sakura.”
“I know.” The woman doesn’t smile, doesn’t offer her name and for a moment there’s an awkward silence between them until Sasuke squeezes her hand, the movement so tiny, Sakura could have missed it.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice is smooth and soothing as she speaks and Sakura can’t help but think that any man would be a fool not to fall for that. “I think I just got a bit jealous right there.”
Sakura laughs, startled by her honesty and even more amused at the thought.
“God no, you can have him. Now that I have you here, are you guys free on Sunday? We could do a double date then.”
There’s another squeeze of hands between them but this time it’s her hand that squeezes his and Sasuke nods awkwardly.
“We will see.” He tells her. “Depends on the mission roster.”
She doesn’t put much hope on seeing them there, realizing that Sasuke managed to pick a partner that’s just as much an introvert as he is. 
But she still can’t help herself and leans forward with a wink as she makes to leave.
“Just so you know, Sasuke. I’d take the earrings you just put away. They will look lovely with her eyes.”
Hinata is pretty sure that she’s gotten the time right, but as she reaches the training field, Naruto’s already there. 
“I-I hope I-I’m not late.”
“No, Sasuke left a bit early, he wants to pick someone up before.”
“O-Oh.” She didn’t know Sasuke would be there. She’s still a bit unsure around him, his usual mode of quiet observation reminding her too much of her father to be comfortable. She tries to see him the way she sees Shino, but so far he hasn’t proven to be as awkward as her teammate.
“H-How was your day?”
She blinks in surprise. In all her life, she hasn’t heard Naruto stutter once. They’ve been spending more time together lately, training or talking or sitting together when she’s made some food for him that isn’t Ramen, so this isn’t different, is it? Just going out to eat with him after training.
He smiles almost sheepishly, rubbing his neck in the way he always does when he’s ready to admit something embarassing.
“Ah, Hinata-chan, I have to tell you… Well, Sasuke told me to get myself togeth- No, I mean.” He takes a breathe and laughs, wide and open like she knows him, before he turns and throws her one of those smiles that make her knees all wobbly.
“Sasuke said he’s dating something and it’s serious and I should get my shit together and admit that I like you too. Like, really really much and I…” He’s started fast and loud but his voice drops down now as his fingertips touch hers as if he’s trying to take her hand.
“I’d like to take you out on a date. We’ll have fun, I promise.”
She nods, unable to say anything, not trusting her voice. His smile blows up like a firework.
Rustling in the trees saves her from dropping to the floor in shock even though Naruto must have noticed something and taken her arm to stabilize her.
Sasuke steps out of the trees, face as passive as ever, a woman holding onto his arm in a simple gown. Hinata’s not sure she’s seen her before but she touches Sasuke with an ease she’s a little envious of. She feels like she might go up in flames just at the thought of touching Naruto.
As the two step closer, sunlight catches on little drops of glass hanging from her ears, the earrings glowing a red almost as bright as the Sharingan.
Somehow, Sasuke has managed to get them into something that Hinata can only describe as a dance party. She’s never been to a place like this where you can drink or eat or just dance, so many couples holding each other under soft lights, swaying to slow music.
He must be a romantic, she thinks, as he pulls his girlfriend towards the dance floor, giving Naruto a little push as they walk past.
Naruto is a clumsy dancer and so is she, but it’s fun with him and he manages to get her out of her head, to think about something other than the people around her.
But then she catches sight of the red earrings again and she sees them, Sasuke swaying awkwardly with only one arm slung around her shoulder, somewhere at the side where there aren’t that many people.
He catches her eye and she blushes but he winks at her, puts a a finger to his mouth and disappears in the crowd.
It takes her embarrassingly long to realize what he’d been doing, even as Naruto himself blushes over the realization.
Sasuke, who Naruto always calls a bore who’d never leave the house if he could, had gotten them here for their sake, playing along just long enough to get them to losen up.
She wonders if he did it for Naruto or for his girlfriend, but whenever she catches sight of the red earrings catching the sun, she can’t help but smile fondly, exchanging a knowing look instead of words with two people who share their silence like a warm blanket.
Temari doesn’t know much about Sasuke but what she knows doesn’t impress her much.
He’s had a bad childhood, but so did she and she did not betray her village over that.
He’s a genius - or so they say - but so is Shikamaru and he’s the one she can count on any day, even if he moans about how troublesome it is.
But she supposes, for all of his faults, Sasuke’s pretty darn good at picking his girl.
She’s quiet when they’re all out and about but when she offers a comment it’s either hilarious or insightfull, often leaving her stunned over the sharp humour of the other girl. She reminds her of her brother Kankuro’s wit, just softened where it needs to be and a hell of a lot smarter.
And she’s a great fighter too, something she only connects when she notices the blood red earings dangling on a chain around her neck, the only thing betraying the anonymity of the fox mask.
It wasn’t her first mission with the fox but the first one since both their wedding dates were official. With her family in Suna and herself still pretty much living there, there was still so much to do and plan that she didn’t appreciate being thrown into a last minute mission somewhere near Kirigakure. Shikamaru could figure it out if problems arose but he’d be the last to push forward on annoying tasks. Well, he’d do a little because he loved her but she’d be able to do so much more…
But when the Hokage had looked her in the eyes and told her he needed her expertise, she couldn’t just tell him no, especially knowing she’d be living in Konoha soon.
“How’s the wedding planning?” She asked instead, trying to get her mind off of things. 
The fox shrugged, the mask barely showing her eyes.
“We don’t have much to plan. We’ve got the house and will probably get married at the Uchiha lake.”
“Yeah but dress, maid of honor, flowers?”
“Sasuke will figure it out while I’m gone.” She explains flatly. “Sakura is taking him out for planning every day since she heard of his proposal.”
“Well, expect it to be pink, then. She’s your maid of honour?”
“No. I’d like to ask you, if you’re free.”
Temari almost drops from a tree at that comment, barely catching herself. The medi-nin that’s been trying to catch up with them for hours almost reaches her until she picks up speed again.
“I’m flattered, but… why me?”
“Sakura and Ino talk too much and Hinata would be too overwhelmed by all of it. Tenten and I aren’t close and I haven’t been able to speak to Karui since she moved here a month ago. Also Anko would kill me if I’d ask her, she hates dressing up. She’s only going to come for the alcohol.”
“Ah…” Temari’s silent for a moment.
“Don’t feel pressured to say yes. It was just a suggestion.”
Well now she can’t say no. But she also doesn’t know if she should say yes. It’s just a bad timing, she doesn’t really know her that well and it’s just…
“I’ll think about it.” She promises and the fox mask gives her a firm nod.
They’re still prepping for the actual mission tomorrow when the fox stumbles into the room, foamy white substance dripping from her chin and dropping to the floor in a coughing, wheezing heap.
Temari has seen enough deaths by poison to know what she’s dealing with but she’s not a Medi-Nin.
She calls for the one that she thought unnecessary when they left Konoha, removing the fox mask - which she actually isn’t allowed to do, but that’s just bullshit right now - to look into eyes so wide she can see herself in them. There’s no fear in them, but a lot of pain.
“What happened?!” She demands to know but the fox shakes her head, her hand clenching and unclenching around her fingers. Temari hadn’t even realized she’d taken her hand.
“Just nod or blink if you can’t nod. Blink twice for no, once for yes. Was this part of your mission?”
One blink.
“Does it affect our mission? Do we need to get up and fight?”
One blink. Two blinks. 
“Do we need to leave?”
One blink. Well, shit.
“We can’t leave.” The Medi-Nin who Temari never bothered to learn the name of, is astonished at her plan. “We’re on a mission.”
“There’s no mission anymore. She’s Anbu, she’s our team lead. If she says we need to go, we go.”
“I don’t know if I can stabilize her enough to move.”
Temari turns back, fear now gripping her own throat.
“Do you know what kind of poison this is?”
Two blinks. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Do you have any general antidotes. I’ll get our stuff, we’ll travel with my fan. It will take a lot of Charka but we’ll cut down on days of travel. You’ll have to keep her alive.”
The fox slips into unconsciousness not long after they leave the town they’d been staying in. 
Three hours into their move, the Medi-Nin starts crying, complaining about how painful it is to keep healing and healing and healing, that the poison is running havoc and she’s scrambling to keep up with it.
Temari looks down at him as she asks: “Do you want to tell the Uchiha that you couldn’t save his wife’s life because you were too weak?”
They feed of soldier pills and water and Temari’s Chakra’s running so low they almost crash into the wall surrounding Konoha but the messenger Hawk was worked wonders, Sakura’s waiting at the doors, her hands already glowing green.
She knows she’s supposed to leave for the Hokage, give a report, defend her decision, but she can’t. She can’t just leave her now, her hand still wrapped in hers. 
At the hospital, Sasuke waits with a face made of stone. He’s silent but his eyes beg for answers that Temari doesn#t have. She tries to explain nonetheless, unable to think anything beyond “If it were me, I’d want to know.”
Shikamaru comes to get her, a gentle hand on the small of her back, worry etched into his face.
The worry runs deeper when she insists on going back to the hospital righter after their - brief - meeting with the Hokage.
There’s only one with the information necessary to understand what happened and that person is currently in a coma.
Temari can’t do anything but watch. 
How Sasuke is a quiet presence, seemingly never blinking, just there. He’s by her side, holding her hand, but he’s also at the side, a still presence near the windows, not in the way but never leaving. She didn’t know what she expected him to be like in a situation like this but she realizes that she’d thought him louder, threatening the world over the pain he’s experiencing now.
But he’s quiet, set in stone, never once muttering a word even when Sakura comes to give them the news.
Shikamaru has never been a fan of Sasuke. 
Not during academy days, not after and certainly not when he left Konoha and all the time that followed.
He likes to think that he’d been of the hardest critics to convince to let him stay and becom a Konoha Shinobi again - but he knows that’s a lie because he’d never be harder than the elders.
He’d wished him to stay away in his youth, to find whatever he was looking for and never come back bothering them when he grew a bit more empathic.
Now, that he knows what love is and what loss feels like, he wishes for someone or something to ease the pain. 
As Shinobi they are trained not to fear death. They encounter it everyday, wether they kill or get killed. Or, even worse, survive the death of those they love.
But this is different.
The fox isn’t dead. Yet. Temari had relayed everything to him that day, after being awake for more than 24 hours, after traveling such a distance, Chakra almost depleted, uncertain about the status of their mission. But Temari had not even a scratch on her and her teammate was fighting for her life, a poison still unknown on a warpath through her body.
Shikamaru can’t help but to think that it could have been Temari who’d been hit. None of her teammates can travel such a distance in the same time. She would have died far away from him without the help of Sakura and Tsunade and he would have been none the wiser.
It makes him go out and sit with the deer while Temari rests, makes his brain go through book after book that he’s read, through mission reports and plans.
He comes up empty handed but that doesn’t stop him.
Sasuke will never know that the reason there’s a second bed in the room now, positioned just right so that he can rest while holding her hand, is because of Shikamaru.
He will never know that Kankuro rushed to Konoha with a group of poison experts because he told the Hokage he would leave Konoha if he didn’t call for him.
He doesn’t have to know. 
Because when those eyes open again and Sasuke’s face finally relaxes, like a stone wall crumbling under the weight of relief, Shikamaru understands.
He’s never been a fan of Sasuke, he’d never do the things the other man did.
But he understands, the way he feels, the way he loves, even. 
And when a black eye flickers back to him, Shikamaru doesn’t dare to roll his eyes and mutter about things being troublesome. Because he knows, should their places ever be reversed, Sasuke would do the same for him.
Shino has never understood the appeal of alcohol.
It’s poisonous to him and it certainly is poisonous to others, just in a lesser degree.
Why anyone would willingly consume something that makes them change so drastically in their personality - he’s heard about Lee and it made him swear off it even more - is beyond him.
Why they serve it on occasions as happy as a wedding is even more of a mystery to him.
Don’t they want to remember this happy occasions?
He glances over to the table where Temari is downing another sake, her now husband leaning into her, flushed and relaxed from either the alcohol or just being himself.
It had been a great party, a happy occasion that had both the Hokage and the Kazekage bless them with their presence.
Now, after the food, most people were either drinking and telling stories or drinking and dancing and with a glance towards the dance floor where Kiba was twirling Sakura around with more force than strictly necessary, he directed himself towards the tables. 
Surely there was someone not drunk around who he could sit with now that his table had been turned into a make shift arm wrestling tournament by Lee and, surprisingly, the Kazekage.
He found them in the corner, almost completely hidden by a giant flower arrangement that looked like Temari - no doubt Ino’s work. Sasuke and his fiance, Shino was still trying to remember her name as everyone seemd to call her the fox anyway, sat with their faces towards the dance floor, hands joined on the table, seemingly deep in thought.
That’s right. She wasn’t allowed to drink so soon after being released from the hospital.
And wasn’t their own wedding next week? He hoped there would be less alcohol if she wasn’t allowed to drink it anyway and he hoped even more that she’d be stronger by then, less pale as she appeared to be from where he was getting closer.
“Do you mind the company?” He asked and the fox shook her head.
“Too much noise for you?” She asks him and he nods, thankful for her understanding.
Before he can say anything, however, Sasuke leans towards her, his nose brushing her temple.
“Your voice is so beautiful.” He tells her and, Shino has to look a bit closer, he blushes.
“Thank you.” She addresses her fiance flatly and smiles at Shino. 
He blinks, unable to say something else before Sasuke speaks again.
“You’re really beautiful. Your hair smells so nice.” He dips his nose into her hair and inhales loudly, followed by a sigh.
“He’s a bit tipsy.” The fox explains and uses her free hand to gently pat Sasuke’s arm.
“We’re going to go home soon.”
“You’re so lovely.” 
It’s Shino’s turn to blush, realizing belatedly that he’d judged Sasuke wrong all these years. 
Where he had thought the other cold and uncaring, he seemed to be a lot like him, his emotions shielded from the outside. But while the Aburame could do that with a coat and an army of bugs, the Uchiha weren’t given that ease of mind.
He wanted to say something to explain his understanding but dark eyes flicker to him, telling him not to. Red drops of glass twinkle in the lights as she shakes her head softly.
“I think you’ll have to excuse us, Shino.” She tells him softly. “He needs to get home.”
“I’ll see you-” He stops himself when he doesn’t know when that is. Is “soon” a good term here?
“Tomorrow?” Theres something like a smile on her lips as she stands up, Sasuke’s head now heavy on her shoulder where he gazes up at her with lovestruck eyes.
“We’d love to have you for tea if you’d like. We’re a quiet bunch and I think you wouldn’t mind.”
He nods, surprised at the sentiment. As far as he knows, there have been only four people been invited to the newly built Uchiha household at the lake and two of them, Sakura and Naruto, have bursted through the doors on their own accord.
“I’d love to.” He tells her and opens his mouth again to ask for the best time when a strong arm moves around his waist and a head drops onto his shoulder.
“There you are.” Tenten blinks up at him like she’s a cat that’s found a mouse. “I’ve been looking for you.”
He wonders if he can blame his blush on the alcohol and looks to the other couple for help or at least a moment of calm to gather himself but they’ve disappeared, not a trace left of them.
“Want to go to my place?” Tenten asks, her voice nowhere near the whisper she was intending it to be.
He wants to say no, that they shouldn’t leave a wedding early but he also thinks of Sasuke’s cool demeanor cracked by someone who knows him so well they don’t mind how weird he might get and his hands find hers.
“Let’s go to my place.” He says instead, “I want you to get to know me.”
When they find out that Hinata’s pregnant, Naruto thinks of the two people he wants to tell. Iruka’s going to be away for the day, teaching yet another class the importance of chakra control, but Sasuke’s probably home, training or repairing the wooden deck overlooking the Uchiha lake. 
Naruto’s right, but Sasuke has gotten predictable lately. 
He’s also gotten more open to help, which means nothing more than to be ordered about and called Teme more or less affectionately when Naruto narrowly misses his thumb as he puts a nail deep into the dark wood.
“Why are you here anway?” Sasuke asks at some point, “Doesn’t Hinata want you around when you’re off mission?”
Naruto opens his mouth and closes it, looking out the lake for a second. He’d been bursting with the news when he arrived, stalled by the apparent need for help and now there’s something new, a feeling like being in a chokehold, fighting for life.
Kyuubi’s not really helpful there, telling him that he’s afraid in the same tone one would tell off an idiot.
“Do you think I’d be a good father?” He asks instead, the question slipping out of his mouth like a snake out of hiding, ready to bite.
Sasuke halts, hammer in the air. He drops it slowly and turns, a feeling in his visible eye that’s so out of place there, Naruto needs a moment to recognize it. It’s fear.
“How…” Sasuke clears his throat awkwardly. “How far along is Hinata?”
“Estimated birth date is at the end of march. Why?”
“Ours too.” 
Something clatters to the ground and Naruto belatedly realizes that he’s dropped his tools, the impact leaving a dent in the wood in the form of a smile. He dips his fingers into it, lets it ground him as he thoughts run through him.
“Boy or girl?” He asks, his voice raw.
“We don’t know yet. The kid’s pretty stubborn and refuses to move.” Sasuke lets out a laugh, the sound almost shivering in the air.
Silence falls between them until Naruto speaks, unable to process his thoughts quietly.
“I’m so freaking scared.”
“Shitless, yeah.” Sasuke admits as well. “My father wasn’t…” He winces instead of ending his sentence and Naruto nods.
“Mine wasn’t even there”
“But Iruka?”
Naruto furrows his brows. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Don’t you have Iruka as a role model? Wouldn’t he be like a granddad as well?”
“And you’re taking Itachi as your role model?”
It sounded like a great idea at first, remembering what Sasuke has told him about his brother since he’s came back to Konoha. But as the words leave his lips he realizes how wrong the sound.
Sasuke chuckles lowly. “Yes, I’ll kill and betray to show my love…” He hesitates for a moment before laughing softly again. “But I guess he wasn’t the worst role model. And if either of us fucks up as a father, we’ll have each other to keep us in check.”
Naruto smiles, can feel it crack open the cast that fear has left him in. 
“And we’ve got our wifes, too. You will be a great father, Dattebayo!”
Sasuke throws him a look and rolls his eyes for a moment before nodding. 
“So will you. I won’t let you be anything else.”
Chouji had been running errands when he’d seen them hurry towards the hospital, Sasuke’s face paler than his wife, rushing through the streets like there was Barbeque waiting for them somewhere.
He wasn’t one to be worried easily but he still remembered that mission too clearly not to be worried. Besides wasn’t her due date around the corner?
Chouji put the vegetables away and raced after them, reaching them just as they entered the hospital.
“Everything okay?”
“No.” Sasuke pressed out, “She’s going into labor.”
Chouji blinks in surprise and looks at the woman in question who seems a bit flushed from the brisk walk but otherwise not that worried. Just a little in pain.
She flinches and Sasuke calls for Sakura, his voice so much louder than he usually is.
“Relax.” Thin, scarred fingers weaves themselves in between his and squeeze.
She throws Chouji a smile, pulling his eyes from their intertwined hands up to her eyes and keeping her there.
“How’s Chouchou?”
“Oh.” Chouji turns to show them the sleeping bundle tied to his back. “She*s knocked out from lunch. And soon you’ll have your own bundle to hold. Have you come up with a name yet?”
“Sasuke.” She turns to him, squeezing his hand again, head knocking against his shoulder when he’s still as stiff as a board. “Everything will be fine. Let’s talk to to Chouji a bit while we wait.”
“You’re in pain.”
“Yeah.” She smiled, “But that’s normal. We’re at the hospital. They know what they’re doing.”
Chouji stays with them. 
At first it was a bit of curiosity. He didn’t have any other plans for today but buy groceries and keep his daughter happy until his wife returned home.
When Couchou woke up and demanded her bottle he considered leaving them but by that time Sasuke had been pushed out of the examination room and he seemed too much a worried wreck to be left alone.
“Can you hold her for a moment?” Chouji plopped his daughter onto Sasuke’s arm, fully trusting the power of her big golden eyes to work magic on him. And he’s right.
She grabs a hold of his shirt immediately, pulling herself up to examine his pale face and dark hair. 
Chouji doesn’t waste the chance he’s been giving, prepping yet another bottle and pulling a few bags of snacks for both him, his daughter and maybe Sasuke, if he can convince the man to keep anything down.
“You wanna give her the bottle?” He holds it out for Sasuke before he realizes that the guy can’t, by all means, hold both the baby and the bottle with only one arm.
“Shit, sorry.” 
Choucho solves that problem before Sasuke can even answer, his little genius daughter grabbing the bottle from Chouji’s hands and going ham on it, leaning back in Sasuke’s arm to drink easier. 
Sasuke looks down at her and there’s something in his eyes that Chouji knows so well. 
As if he’s just realized that the world turns just for that, for the little girls and boys that they’re allowed to hold.
Someone clears their throat behind them and they turn to look at Sakura, arms crossed, leaning in the doorway.
“It’s gong to take a bit, but you’re allowed in now. Just stay calm, please.”
“You’re working already?” Chouji asks, surprised.
“Kiba’s looking after the puppy.” Sakura jokes. “I’m just here for Sasuke. He’d call me either way.”
“Thank you.” Sasuke tells her with his usual seriousness before turning to Chouji. 
“Do you want to stay?”
He doesn’t but Sasuke has never asked him something like that before. And with all the snacks and games he has in his bag he’s sure that even Chouchou won’t mind staying for a few more hours.
And when Sarada is born, the tiny body placed on her mothers chest and Sasuke curled around the two of them like a giant black blanket, Chouji steps outside with a smiling Sakura, the two of them definitely not misty eyed.
Who would have known, he thinks, that loving someone allowed Sasuke to become human, imperfect, open to the possibility of others being there for him..
“What’s my favorite grandchild doing?” 
Kakashi’s voice rings through the house and Sarada giggles loudly as she hides behind her father.
“Aha!” He pokes his head through the door, locating her easily where her small hands hold onto his trousers. “Found you.”
“Noooooo!” She whines and runs off for another hiding place, presumably somewhere behind her mother.
“What brings you here?” Sasuke’s dipping his paint brush in, careful not to drip as he pains the wall a light blue.
“Ah. Can’t I come in for a surprise visit?”
“You can, but since when do you do that on business hours?”
“Do you need help?”
“Hm…” Sasuke glares at him before nodding towards some boxes in the corner. “You can set up the bed. Shikamaru delivered it but he refuses to build it back together.”
“Oh, you got Shikadai’s old bed? You sure the genius and laziness won’t transfer?”
“I don’t think Itachi will let himself be manipulated by a bed but thanks for the input.”
“Oh…” Kakashi halts over the open boxes to look back at Sasuke. 
His shoulders are relaxed as he paints, the name dripping from his mouth like it’s no longer blood but something sweeter.
“You’ve decided on a name already?”
“We knew it would be Itachi when we had Sarada. He’s just nice enough to show us his gender right away.”
“Huh. You could have called him Kakashi, you know. That would have been noble, to name him after the Hokage.”
Sasuke laughs, a sound so open and unreserved that Kakashi has to watch him again,.
“People will talk.” He says dipping his brush again. “But I don’t really care how other people see us.”
“Yeah.” Kakashi nods as he resigns himself to the fate of building that darned bed. “It’s more important how you see yourself.”
And he guesses that he’s right about that but he’s always been better at judging others than himself.
But as he watches his former student paint, only interrupted by Sarada running through the rooms from time to time, calling for her Papa or her Grampa, as she calls Kakashi affectionately, he decided that there’s no real need to mention what he really came for.
He can ask Shikamaru tomorrow if that six month mission is really that important for Sasuke to miss the birth of his second child.
And if it is so important to send a Sharingan user, there’s still him to send. He could take Guy with him, annoy Tsunade with having to be back up Hokage again or even let Naruto try his hand at the business.
He looks back to Sasuke again, considers the words and swallows them back down again.
He doesn’t have to tell the boy that he considers him his son. Sasuke already knows.
Through their own eyes…
“Papa?” Sarada comes into the room carrying her snuggle blanket.
“Is Mama back yet?”
“No. You wanna sit with us? Itachi got hungry.”
“Okay.” She climbs up on the upholstered bench overlooking the lake, cuddling into his side in the coolness of the night.
“Are you worried, Papa?”
“Mhm, a little bit. But I’m always worried.”
She's quiet for a bit until Itachi lets go of his bottle to take a breath and the bottle slides down his soft belly towards his legs. 
Sarada giggles, takes the bottle and brings it up to his lips again. 
“Here, otouto.”
“Can I hold him, Papa?”
“Sure, but gently.”
She rolls her eyes at him. “Of course.”
“Come here Itachi.” She pulls him from Sasuke’s arm, the little boy immediately settling into her warmth.
Sasuke could be content like this, watching his kids love each other so effortlessly. But there’s another presence missing his perfect moment. 
He’d been a worrier before but ever since that fateful mission he’s been so much worse at waiting for her to return.
Something shifts in the air and he can see the shiver running down Sarada’s back as she feels it to.
He smiles. “Mama just came back.” He tells her softly just as someone drops softly on the deck behind them.
Sasuke doesn’t have to look to know but he looks nonetheless, drinking in the body peeling itself out of the dark, the fox mask giving way to a familiar, well-loved face.
She looks tired and Sasuke’s at her side immediately, fingers roaming over her body to look for injuries.
“I’m fine. Just tired.” She laughs into his kiss, smells like cold air and the dampness of a forest.
He releases her and she squeezes his hand one more time before side stepping him to get to Sarada.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed, lovely?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” She giggles as her mother drops a kiss on her forehead. “Itachi is hungry.”
“That he is and it’s so nice of you to feed him. If he’s too heavy I can take him and then we get the both of you back into bed, what do you say?”
“Are you gong to be home tomorrow when I wake up?”
“Absolutely. We can swim a bit if you want.”
“After training, yes.”
Sasuke watches them leave for the bedrooms, knows that Sarada wants her mother for herself for a minute.
He’s gotten progressively more tired by the time his wife walks back outside.
“I need to deliver my mission report. Temari wanted to check in on Shikamaru and Shikadai too before we meet up for the report.”
“No one got hurt?” 
She eyes him warily before opening her coat to reveal a bandage on her side.
“It’s just a scratch.” She reassures him when he takes a deep breath to ground himself. “No poison. We checked three times.”
“You’re going to the hospital…”
“Tomorrow, okay?”
“No. right away. I mean after the mission report. I’m serious.”
“Okay, serious.” She leans forward to peck his lips. “Don’t hit me in your sleep again, there’s only one woman crawling into your bed while you sleep.”
As she walks the road back to their house with a fresh bandage on, she thinks about the difference between what they are and what they seem.
The Uchiha’s are known for being cold and conniving, but Sasuke is caring, ready to defend his friends, ready to loose a night of sleep or an hour of work to help, even when he hasn’t been asked for it.
The Uchiha’s are geniuses, known for their hard and intense training regimen and brutal teachers.
But as she walks up the step towards your door, there’s a multitude of signs that Sasuke has painted with Sarada, each representing a different job she was aiming for.
There’s the bright red “Future Kazekage” sign from when she had a crush on Gaara and the deep purple “Future Academy teacher” she made after being babysat by Shino and Tenten.
Never has he told her that her wish is too outlandish or got sad over the choice of her day - not even when she declared that she’d marry Boruto one day. 
The Uchiha’s don’t show weakness, know no pain.
But there’s Sasuke, who’s built up this house himself to repent, who cried when he put up the Uchiha sign, who’s named his son after his brother.
There’s Sasuke, who’s okay with the fact that the whole hospital has seen him cry when his children were born. Who keeps the light on when she isn’t home, who touches the little dent in the wood that Naruto made everyday to remind himself that he’s here, this is real, he’s loved.
There’s Sasuke who’s still awake as she steps into the bedroom, even though his eyes are only half open now and he groans as she settles against him.
His hands find the bandage on her side and he probes it carefully.
“I’m fine.” She tells him again, “You’ll probably die before me.”
“We’ll die together.” He tells her off. “After we’ve gotten like, one hundred years old.”
“Sure. You’ll be so cute when all your teeth fell out.”
“Hush.” He kisses her softly, tentatively, as if still asking for permission.
“Anything that I missed?” She asks when he drops back into the pillows.
“Sarada’s  currently obsessed with Chouji again. She wants to learn cooking.”
“Not against that. Did Iruka say something?”
“Mhm. They’re going to be discussing Clan’s soon.”
“Ah.” She smooths his furrowed brows. “Don’t worry. She’s smart. She’ll understand.”
A fond smile stretches over his mouth and she waits, knows that he’ll elaborate on his own when he feels like it.
“I am so glad I fell in love with you.”
She rests her head on his chest, listens to his heartbeat and knows.
It doesn’t matter what others think about them.
They know the truth.
If you find any mistakes/typos, you can give them back to me, it’s not my first language and I’m happy if I can correct anything.
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kairi-chan · 5 months
"k lol, i'm still gonna marry you even though you're mean to me" - borusara
Happy Wife, Happy Life
“‘Kay,” Sarada murmured. Her cheeks puffed then turned her back on her fiancé.
Boruto groaned. It shouldn’t be this hard to pick which fucking flowers to use for their reception. They had sets for crying out loud and the lady assured them that there was no shame in picking from their preselected bundles. That’s what they’re for, convenience.
“Saradaaa!” Boruto whined.
“Hmph!” She crossed her arms across her chest.
“You do know that I’m still going to marry you even though you’re mean to me, right?”
Heck she should know it only makes him like her more. Boruto’s just a sad masochist that way.
“Well, you better!” Sarada stomped over to him. “But I won’t show up if you go with these roses.”
“Why? Everyone loves roses. It’s a classic.”
“There are other flowers besides roses, you know.”
“Really?” Boruto dumbly asked. It’s a mistake. He should have known. He quickly crossed his arms over his head, praying that his arms would soften the blow that was surely coming.
“I’m breaking up with you,” Sarada deadpanned.
“Noooo!” Boruto cried. “Over fucking roses?!”
“The only flower in existence.” Sarada rolled her eyes.
“Fine!” Boruto relented. “Come on,” he took her hand in his, “We’re going back to Inojin. Even if he’s ripping us off. That bastard.”
Sarada happily wrapped her other hand around his, too. “Yay!” She cheered, a big grin on her face.
“I’m still marrying you.” Boruto rolled his eyes.
“I don’t have to be mean if you just give me what I want.”
Boruto had to remember that. His dad often did say, “happy wife, happy life.”
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sofya-fanfics · 7 months
Sleepless Night
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Fandom : Boruto : Naruto Next Generations
Relationship : Boruto x Sarada
My Comfortember 2023 contribution for the prompt : Late Night Phone Calls.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : Another night without sleep. Boruto had lost count. He did not want to, he should not sleep. If he ever fell asleep, Momoshiki would take control of his body and he could harm everyone he loved. His family, his friends, the villagers.
Disclaimer : Naruto and Boruto : Naruto Next Generations belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto.
Another night without sleep. Boruto had lost count. He did not want to, he should not sleep. If he ever fell asleep, Momoshiki would take control of his body and he could harm everyone he loved. His family, his friends, the villagers.
By some miracle, he had managed to regain control each time. But if he could not, everything would be over and he would kill everyone. He must not fall asleep, he told himself over and over again. He had to stay awake until he found the solution to prevent Momoshiki from reappearing. So he tried to find ways not to sleep. He watched movies, TV series or played video games all night long.
His phone rang and Boruto smiled. He did not need to look at who was calling him, he knew it was Sarada. Since she found out he was not sleeping, she called him every evening. To talk to him, to reassure him, to tell him that he was not alone and that he could lean on his friends if Momoshiki reappeared. Or she would simply call him to tell him something funny that had happened to her.
Their conversations, which were short at first, could now last several hours. Usually, until Sarada fell asleep on the other end of the line. Every evening Boruto waited impatiently for her call. She was like a light at the end of these long hours without sleep.
“Hi,” he said, picking up.
Several times he had told her that she did not have to call him, that she could only send him text messages. But each time she refused.
“I feel more reassured when I hear your voice.”
When she told him this, Boruto had blushed. He still blushed thinking about that sentence. Sarada told him how her day had gone and about her training with Sasuke who had taught her a new jutsu and how to use her Sharingan. Boruto could not help smiling. He could hear how much she enjoyed her day and even though she did not talk about it, he knew she was happy to spend time with her father. He could also hear that she was throwing kunai at the target hung on the wall of her bedroom. They spoke for an hour, two hours. Boruto heard the tiredness in Sarada's voice.
“You should go to sleep,” he said.
“I’m fine. I am not tired.”
She yawned and Boruto laughed lightly. He knew there was no point in insisting. Sarada was too stubborn to hang up. They continued talking a little longer, until she finally fell asleep on the other end of the phone. There was something comforting about the sound of her steady breathing. He felt like he was not alone. Thanks to Sarada, his sleepless nights were less difficult. During the time he was on the phone with her, he forgot about Momoshiki.
He told himself he was going to wait a bit before hanging up. He wanted to enjoy the quiet he felt after talking to Sarada.
The end
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ladyuchiha96 · 1 year
Set during the time skip - Boruto gradually realizing his feelings for Sarada
Looking back now, Boruto had always known that he loved Sarada.
The realization had crept into his mind rather slowly, quietly, as a silent wanting to have her close to him, to be able to hear her voice and talk to her when his chest felt heavy and feel the warmth of her palm on his shoulder when he wanted to scream in despair.
In the years he spent away with Sasuke, he would glance at the moon, the same moon she could see, and wonder if he ever slipped into her thoughts the way she did into his.
He often found himself wishing he could spar with her, have her see him succeed after weeks of working on something, and catch the faint smile in the corners of her mouth when she thought he wasn't looking.
Boruto liked seeing her smile. And he loved that concealed smile more than anything because it was meant for him and him only. It made his chest swell with pride and blood rush through his body like a force driving him forward.
On rare nights when fatigue stifled his fears, she would come to him in his dreams, right before dawn.
In the dream, she would lie beside him and hold his hand on the pillow, touch his hair, run her fingertips over the features of his face, the edges of his lips, and his scar.
He would close his eyes and lean into her touch, tired and momentarily oblivious to the outside world.
Stay. Please, stay.
She never did. Boruto would wake up, wishing he could disappear, just for another moment, to escape the guilt that tore at his gut.
Sometimes they would sit on his father's stone face and talk about something ordinary. Something that didn't involve saving thousands of souls or stopping mass destruction.
The dream would be so vivid Boruto could even hear the echo of Thunder Train somewhere in the distance, see how the gold of the sun changed the color of her hair, and feel the wind on his face, a feeling painfully familiar. He would wake up more homesick than ever.
The nearer his return to the Hidden Leaf drew, the more often he dreamed of her running into his embrace at the gate.
No matter how hard he tried to feel her with his senses, to recall the scent of her skin, the warmth of her body, the rise and fall of her chest, and the beat of her heart, in his dream Sarada remained out of his reach, even though she was right there in his arms.
Longing for home and fear of never hugging her again blended into each other, never to be set apart.
It was after he returned to the village and spent days and nights training, fighting, talking, and going on missions with her that he first felt the urge to touch her lips with his own, to hold her and - kiss her, and have her kiss him back, and - his whole body shivered with some electric feeling at the thought.
At first, it had felt just as natural as it felt ridiculous. Sarada was his friend. They grew up together. He doubted she felt anything similar about him. Not that Boruto had much time or brainpower to analyze as they were saving the world.
All he knew for sure was that he needed her to be safe because if anything happened to her after everything that happened to his family, he would most certainly have lost his mind.
And when Sarada stepped into his arms and kissed him in front of the five great shinobi nations upon his return from the battle with Kawaki, Boruto stood frozen in shock for what could have been a second or an hour, overwhelmed with the feel of her mouth on his.
Then his arms wrapped around her waist, and he drew her closer, as close as he could without hurting them both, and his chest grew heavy with the sobs she swallowed, both his and hers, sobs of sorrow and relief.
They knelt on the ground together, shaking and holding on to one another, and that was when Boruto knew that there never was and never will be anyone else on this Earth or beyond it that he would love more than he loved her.
I am genuinely interested to hear how this one felt to you guys (if it gave you any feels at all, that is)
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saintgoths · 11 months
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ
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WORDS - 3,991.
SUMMARY - with talks of their father, suiren attempts to hide away the fact that she needed her father back and when team thirteen leave to their mission to the land of waves, suiren is advised on her issues with her fire eating nightmares.
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Audibly, as her twin, Suiren was similar to Sarada but it had been known that Suiren had captured the girlier essence between the two of them. Evidently, Sarada had been girly but Suiren had distributed the feminine attribute of always caring what she looked like, getting up early in the morning, brushing her teeth, doing her face-routine, styling her hair and perfecting her outfit; currently the two had sat on the floor of Suiren’s room, Sarada in her younger twin’s aid of painting her nails a nude pink colour. Together, the two girls had always felt in ease in each other’s energies, huddled up in Suiren’s poster decorated room and eating desserts their mother, Sakura, had formerly made for them.
Suiren’s room had been the same size of Sarada’s room but had been painted a light blue colour and had been embellished with pictures of her favourite band famously known as Starfire. Even though Suiren was girly, there was a grunge-sovereign aesthetic she had displayed that had made her emergence enigmatic, similar to her father. Who they had currently spoken about, their father Sasuke was always known as an enigmatic and mysterious public figure, the topic of the Uchiha man was rather lumbering and damp for them; whenever they had asked their mother why their father had left, she would tell them it was to protect them and the village, but it was never enough for them.
“Do you think he’s going to come back?” Sarada asked, her eyes concentrated on Suiren’s nails as she finished her right pinkie finger, ere she began Suiren’s left hand and Suiren had gently shrugged her shoulders, no matter how much she had tried to make it seem like she hadn’t cared about where her father was or if he was going to come back soon, Sarada knew Suiren secretly worried and cried for him to come home. Though, she never mentioned it.
“Mother said the two of you were inseparable,” Sarada told, “wherever dad was found you were there, or wherever you were found dad was there, mum said that everyone found it cute.” Sarada timidly smiled at the story her mother had told her a couple of days ago and Sarada could tell Sasuke had favoured Suiren, but Sakura did mention that their father had loved the both of them very much, it was just the condition Suiren was born in that had made the aloof man authentically protective over the younger twin.
“He never speaks to us,” Suiren belatedly spoke up, she didn’t want to make her sister feel like she was having a one-sided conversation and adhered it was best to respond back. “I don’t know if he’ll ever come back but I do wonder what he’s doing and if he ever thinks about us.”
Aside from being sad that her father had disappeared, she had in truth had been angry with him, she didn’t like to show it but it had seemed like Sarada had always known what she had felt. “I can tell you’re angry,” Sarada forwardly commented, and Suiren had looked up to her sister whose empathetic eyes shielded behind her red-framed glasses.
“How do you know?” Suiren breathed out, “how do you always know?”
Entertained by Suiren’s curious look, Sarada widely smiled, her eyes glinted in tease as she closed the cap of the nail polish, she had finished using on her. “It’s a twin thing.”
Over it, Suiren rolled her eyes but as Sarada had always been someone to pay attention, she could see the big smile Suiren had on her face as she briskly but gently threw her head back. “How would you feel if dad randomly came back?” Sarada asked as she got to her feet, she dusted her knees, her eyes were currently off Suiren who nimbly shrugged her shoulders.
“I wouldn’t know how to feel,” Suiren truthfully answered, she had silently admitted that she had loved the shared time she had directly shared with Sarada, but she had grown quickly to be bored of the arsenal of questions Sarada had urged her. “I need to sleep; I have a mission tomorrow.”
“Oh right, sorry for taking up time,” Sarada quickly apologised and Suiren bounced her shoulders uncaring Sarada had taken up some time, Suiren always liked being in her presence.
“Do you want to sleep in my room?” Suiren asked and Sarada shook her head.
“I’ll sleep in my own, goodnight, Suiri.”
Elated, Suiren beamed at her older sister who made way out of her bedroom. “Goodnight Sara.”
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With her hands around her throat, Suiren quickly sat up gasping for air, too dissociated to realise the atmosphere she was in, however, when she realised that she can breathe, she had eventually allowed her hands to let go of her throat.
The area blank and endless had nonplussed Suiren, on the other hand, it wasn’t like Suiren hadn’t had this dream before. It would always begin with her being woken into a white abyss, her attempting to save breath as if oxygen were about to run out and then her then realising that she was safe, for now.
Eventually, a red door, far from her would appear and Suiren would make sure that she would be able to get to the exit. In such wise, currently, Suiren had stomped her feet against the white grounds, ardent and determined to free herself from this realm.
A bright roar emitted behind her, currently, knowledgeable why she’d always run like her life depended on it, blazing fire tracked and trailed after her which had constructed the young girl to be ardent on making it out of the white realm. The fire was fast and agile, but, luckily, the red door had grown closer for the girl’s exit.
Panicked, Suiren had reached for the door, her body and energy intense as she could feel some of the fire kiss her skin, the young Uchiha had ripped the door open and quickly leaped into the obscurity that had soon welcomed her and caused her to crazily wake up from her acute slumber, her skin sweaty and dark locks slightly curled. Suiren had examined the room around her in order to process the area around her and had felt relieved when she recorded, she was in her room.
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Unwell and damp, Suiren had pulled herself out of her bed and dragged herself out of her room, ambitious to drink ice cold water, she had sluggishly walked into the kitchen. Even sick, Suiren’s awareness were still spiked enough to feel the recognisable presence she always drifted to, her mother.
The warm and nurturing energy her mother had always brought had somewhat healed some parts of the bedridden energy she had currently been in. Sakura had immediately felt the young presence enter the room and had hastily turned to look at her youngest child, briskly bothered by the state she saw Suiren in. “Oh, Suiren, come to me,” Sakura pleaded upset, aside from the sweaty skin, whenever Suiren caught a sickness, her hair would get really curly in consequence of the excretion.
“Did you have another nightmare?” Sakura kindly inquired and softly Suiren nodded her head desperate to hug her mother.
As Sakura inserted a quick embrace to her youngest child, the pink-haired woman had been too intent and immersed to rid the young girl of her short sickness, as she pulled out a chair for the dark-haired girl to sit down, “I’ll make you feel better,” the mother hummed and Suiren softly plopped herself against the kitchen chair and weakly rested her upper body against the cold table, the icy touch giving her some relief.
“I want water,” the young girl muttered and quickly, Sakura fixed her water to drink for hydration. As Suiren busied herself on drinking the cold beverage, Sakura’s soft hand glowed in the natural healing colour of green, the soft whizzing sound the action created soothed the long-haired girl who had presently finished with her drink and if it had not been for her mother healing her, she’d have the hiccups.
“I want the nightmares to stop,” Suiren randomly commented and receptive, Sakura had pulled her hands away the moment she finished her mini-task.
“I can give you pills to make them better,” Sakura aided and Suiren softly shrugged her shoulders.
“Maybe I’m having those dreams for a reason,” Suiren doubtlessly muttered, “actually, no matter how much I want them to stop,” she trailed off, with her sight now levelled with her mother’s, she tightly gripped the glass cup her hand was tied around. “I need to know what they mean.”
“If that’s what you want,” Sakura accepted, “but if it goes worse then I’ll have to put you on medication, okay?”
Receptive, Suiren had beckoned her head, with her back currently leaned against the chair she had sat on, Suiren had silently remarked of the conversation she had shared with Sarada, curious enough to want to share the discussion with her mother, but covert enough to not want to stress her mother, but this was her mother, her mother always knew when Suiren was keeping something from her.
“Spit it out,” Sakura hummed and eventually she had pulled off the coat she’d wear whenever she was in one of her shifts in the hospital and it was a coat Suiren really liked, when Suiren was younger, she was caught trying her mother’s clothes on, it was an adorable sight to see and the pink-haired lady could tell that this twin that sat in front of her was going to be the fashionista.
Suiren lightly pulled her head backwards, slightly humoured and comforted that her mother could always read her. “Sarada and I had a talk about dad,” Suiren slowly informed, “we just wondered if dad loves us and if he’d ever come back.”
“Your father loves the both of you so dearly to the point that he’ll sacrifice anything of himself to protect the two of you from the danger that lurks outside the village,” Sakura easily explained, but she had wished that she didn’t have to get to this level of almost having to expose his secret mission. Howbeit, Sakura knew Suiren was an intelligent girl and wouldn’t convey what she had heard to other people, but the moment Sakura had answered Suiren, she had saw her doe eyes glisten in interest.
“Danger that lurks outside the village?” Suiren repeated, curious to what else she didn’t know. Tired, Sakura’s palms gripped the wooden table in front of her, she sighed while her eyes gently closed. “I know papa is strong but how comes he never visits us?”
“Because the danger will follow him back here, and that’s the last thing he wants,” Sakura explained, and compassionate, she had brought herself to her daughter and raked her slender fingers through Suiren’s long hair. Sakura didn’t mind that Sarada liked keeping her hair short, but she loved the fact that she was able to play hairdresser whenever it came to Suiren. “All your father is doing is protecting the village but mostly our family, okay?”
Considerate, Suiren nodded her head before she had rested the side of her cranium against her mother’s stomach. “You need to get back to sleep,” Sakura reminded and perceptive, Suiren pulled herself off the chair she had previously sat on.
“You need to go to sleep too, you tire yourself out all the time,” Suiren had gently smiled at her mother who tiredly waved her hand in her direction, quietly reassuring her little girl that she will get to bed soon.
With her back turned towards the pink-haired woman, Suiren walked down the corridor and casually walked past her bedroom door in aim for Sarada’s. The juncture Suiren pushed the entry of her twin’s room open Sarada had easily woken up from her slumber, it had seemed like she wasn’t asleep for a long time, Sarada could be a heavy sleeper if she was comfortable enough, and their home was her sanctuary.
“Can I sleep in your room?” Suiren politely asked and immediately, Sarada had made room on her bed for her younger sister.
“Did you have another nightmare?” Sarada asked.
Gently, content, Suiren closed the door behind her and crawled onto Sarada’s bed and briskly got comfortable on her sister’s cot. “Mum’s back,” Suiren lightly informed, she had her back faced towards Sarada who had gently pressed her stomach against Suiren’s back to embrace her into a protective hug. When Suiren first began to get her nightmares Sarada would hold Suiren in a strong bear hug and would tell her that it was her way of guarding her, and would tell her that the nightmares would be too scared to come for any of them, because the both of them were together, and for Suiren, it would work, she would sleep peacefully and would forget all the terrors that would try to frighten her.
“I know, I felt her when she came in,” Sarada quietly responded, “get some sleep now Suiren.”
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Team Thirteen was the group Suiren had belonged to, her sensei was Ren Tanaka, or if you were traditional, you’d go by Tanaka Ren. He was an excellent Wind Style user; he hadn’t originally lived in the Village Hidden in the Leaf and was said to come from the cities outside the village.
Ren had been a father figure to Suiren, especially with his other student, Akane, but he was usually there for Suiren. Ren was known to be a handsome man, his hair dark and eyes purple, his skin contrasted his hair, known to be fairly pale with a bunch of beauty moles on his face, due to his handsomeness, a bunch of female students had wanted him to be their sensei before they were put into teams, specifically Sarada’s best friend, Chocho Akimichi.
Suiren’s first team mate, Raiden Nakamura, a student who is a practitioner of Water Style had belonged to a prestigious clan in Konoha, known for their Kekkei Genkai, a Dojutsu known as the Dekishigan, which had meant drowning. The Dojutsu would make their victim feel like they’re drowning from the inside of their body which can lead to outcomes of death.
Raiden was a popular student, aside from the fact that he belonged to a prestigious clan, it was because he had much fan girls, he was perceived to be calm and collected, and could be very sarcastic. He had an interesting connection with Suiren which was interpreted to be romantic by Ren and Akane who weren’t surprised the two would take a liking to each other, even if Suiren was “less obvious of her feelings”, there were certain things she would do or say that had finalised their pondering.
Raiden was a brown-haired boy and had a pair of green eyes and normally wore outfits in a dark colour scheme. Suiren’s last team-mate, Akane Ikeda, she was like another sister to Suiren, though Suiren had perceived the girl as more annoying than her actual sibling. Akane was an orphan and was famous for being prodigious with weapons, she had looked up to Ten-Ten and was a student that was astonishing when it came to Earth Style.
Akane was known to be straight-forward and witty, but she was one of the kindest people in Team Thirteen, after Ren, after Raiden and after Suiren…
She had a unique appearance, white hair and purple eyes and wore blue colours on her clothing that had matched her skin tone. The entire group felt like a family, treated each other like they were each other’s homes. Moreover, currently their mission was to retrieve back stolen goods that belongs to the Land of Water. When they were first tasked of the mission, all the students had complained on why they weren’t given any dangerous missions, but the Hokage had to remind them that they were Genin, not S-Rank Ninjas.
“Why do we never get dangerous missions?” Raiden repeated, the entire group had arrived to the gates that had been opened for them to leave through and humoured Akane had glanced at Suiren before she had said anything.
“Hokage-sama gets nervous putting sweet Suiren in dangerous positions,” Akane responded which had caused the girl to roll her eyes.
“Maybe I should use my privileges to kick you out of the group,” Suiren smiled just to have the white-haired girl nudge the dark-haired Uchiha in her ribs.
“Why can’t we use trains?” Akane asked once she had straightened herself on her feet. Time has changed, people usually didn’t need to use their feet to drag themselves across destination to destination, verily, when trains were introduced to the ninja world many older generations were against the idea and had argued that it had made the younger generation lazy and Ren had actually been one of them who had thought of that.
“I want you guys to practice your stealth,” Ren easily responded and Akane lightly scoffed and aligned herself to speak with her Sensei as Raiden and Suiren shared a confidential conversation.
It was nothing new to the group, Akane and Ren observed when the conversation between the two lovebirds got more hushed and discreet, it had meant that it was a moment for the both of them. Even though Akane loved jumping into their hushed conversations and annoying the two of them.
“Is there anything okay with you?” Raiden asked, Suiren’s concentrated and confused look had caught his attention the moment he had saw her today, Raiden could always tell when something was wrong with her, he would call it his Super Senses when Suiren would call them annoying, it had always made him laugh but he had wished Suiren had understood how much he cared for her.
Dismissive, Suiren shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll get over it.”
“It’s unhealthy when you do that.”
“You’re not my boyfriend.”
“Not yet.”
Humoured, Suiren pushed herself to laugh, forthwith open to speak about her issues. “It’s just a lot, the main one being about my fire dreams and my dad.”
“Your dad’s back?” The team exclaimed and out of ambush, Suiren flinched once she had recognised the rest of the group had been listening to her conversation with Raiden, and that had caused her to become flustered that her Sensei and Akane must’ve paid attention to the conversation Suiren and Raiden had before she spoke about her current situation.
“No, my dad is not back, and if he was, I’m pretty sure the entire village would be speaking about it,” Suiren fairly replied.
“That’s true,” Akane muttered, “it’ll be cool to meet your dad, he’s so ho—I mean talented.”
Hastily, Suiren sent the white-haired girl a deathly look during the time Raiden laughed at his team mate’s cover up. “You two can walk further behind if you want a more private conversation,” Ren offered and the dark-haired duo had briskly taken his idea to chance and pulled themselves away from the rest of the team while Suiren had thanked their teacher for the suggestion.
Raiden had always been aware of the nightmares Suiren would have, and he would try to advise the Uchiha girl with what suggestions he would have for the fire dreams to leave her alone but it seemed like none of them would work. Suiren had categorically appreciated his efforts.
“What if your fire dreams have something to do with your Fire Style abilities?” Raiden mildly implied and fairly, Suiren had taken his comment to attention.
“Perhaps,” Suiren added, “I don’t know how to control my fire powers too well,” she said, for instance, Suiren was amazing with the element, it was just that it was too able that she would set things she didn’t mean on fire.
“Have you ever tried to allow the fire to take you?” Raiden curiously suggested and surprised, Suiren had thought about it.
Astounded, she had shaken her head. “I was too focused on running away from it.”
“And you were too focused that you had forgotten that you are fire-proof,” Raiden joked, and embarrassed, Suiren had blushed at his comment.
“I forget it whenever I’m having that nightmare,” she truthfully replied, “but, I’ll try to follow your advice the next time I sleep.”
“I’ll watch over you,” Raiden asserted and Suiren had glanced at him as if he were a clown.
“Thank you, but you’ll have to get some sleep, you cannot be tired in the morning especially since we’re doing a mission,” Suiren explained and stubborn, Raiden crossed his arms as he had pondered about what she had said.
Softly, Suiren had curved her eyes, gently annoyed at his adamant behaviour. “I truly don’t need you to watch over me, Raiden, I’m not your responsibility,” she avowed and before she could receive any response from the boy, Akane had directed the two to catch up with Ren Sensei and without any second thought, Suiren had scurried off to be in touch with Ren again.
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Eventually, the group had arrived to the Land of Water, they had been greeted by a very old man and another man to some extent around the same age as their Sensei. The man had introduced himself as Inari and had informed the group that the very old man who stood beside him was his grandfather, Tazuna.
“I’m Ren Sensei, the leader of the group,” the dark-haired man attentively acquainted himself before he curved his body to his students and directed them to make themselves familiar with Tazuna and Inari.
“Raiden Nakamura.”
“I’m Akane Ikeda.”
“Suiren Uchiha.”
That was the moment she had felt the air grow ice cold, hastily, Tazuna and Inari looked at each other, taken aback, they had taken turns to examine the dark-haired girl who had stood awkwardly, sandwiched between Akane and Raiden. “Like Sasuke Uchiha?”
Familiar with their reactions, Suiren had nodded her head. “Yes, I’m his daughter.” Suiren had grown acclimated to people’s behaviour whenever she had said her last name, people would usually grow cold towards her because her father was known as a villain during his teenage years, even though he had tried to atone for his sins after the Fourth Great Shinobi War, people were still stuck on hating him; if people weren’t cold to Suiren when they learn of her last name, they would usually be very careful of what they would say or do around her.
“Your father along with the other Team Seven members saved our land, they helped us take down villains,” Inari gladly explained, “you really look like your father, your mother’s genes barely show.”
Stiffly, Suiren had smiled at Inari’s efforts to make her feel welcomed. Akane slightly turned to look at Suiren, an odd smile on her face as she encouraged the Uchiha girl to speak. “People say I look like a good mix of my parents, I just have my father’s colour scheme,” she dryly joked, but between Sarada and Suiren, the two girls had realised that Suiren had just had a really darker shade of her mother's eyes.
“Are you going to be sleeping over at our home or in a hotel?” Tazuna questioned and the young pupils looked up at their Sensei, even though the idea of sleeping over Tazuna’s home was cordial, the pupils would rather stay in a hotel.
“Ah, hotel,” Ren neatly replied, “but we will be coming over.”
“That’s great, that means you guys can eat our food, I know you guys will like it,” Inari proudly smiled, and the pupils courteously agreed that they would be content with the food the family would supply to them.
With his hand on top of Suiren’s head, Ren signalled his head towards the men in front of him, “that’ll be great, we’ll just put our things away and come over,” Ren courteously smiled before he waved Tazuna and Inari a goodbye and left with his group.
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thank you so much for the support!
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alumirp · 7 months
Angel of Death and her God
a story about a fem!law whose city was never destroyed. Her father found the cure for the amber lead syndrome and everything is okay. But instead of just being a doc like her dad,  it turns out she becomes a nun in the church where that one sister is also a nun. She stills knows a lot about medicine and helps the nuns with their health and also the kids in the school or in the church orphanage. She's living well and peacefully. Flevance is a rich island, her family is doing well and everything seems to be perfect. Until, of course, some pirates pop outta nowhere and attack the convent and kidnap some nuns bc ofc they do, they are pirates, right? So when the navy just doesn't even try to get them back, Law takes the matter in her own hands and goes to the sea on a stolen ship, ready to track the pirates and get the nuns back home safely. She goes island to island looking for them and collecting information about this crew and discovers that they are actually just a part of the Donquixote Crew, who's famous for selling slaves. Guessing what end those nuns can have if she's not fast enough, Law starts to target all of the members of the Donquixote she can find, searching for someone that can tell her where they took her friends. At some point she finds a group of them who are transporting something that seems important so she obviously has to steal. Is the ope ope no mi and she is fast to eat it; it is a powerful and very useful akuma no mi that she can use very well. The news about her spread quickly, it's not everyday that you see a nun with a big ass sword (dont ask me when she gets it) dismembering people while alive and targeting one of the most powerful crews in the seas. She gets the name of ‘Sister Death’ and since she has no crew or jolly roger, the navy think she's just a bounty hunter or just some crazy woman, so they actually don't pay attention to what she does and leave her alone. Some months later she found her way to the Grandline, heading to Sabaody, seeking the nuns in that one auction house. Its when she stumbles with him, the devil himself incarnates as a god in a man’s body, pirate king Monkey D Luffy, the man that can be her salvation just as much as he can be her danation.
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keithisbae1 · 4 months
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sarada
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Little Sarada gets transported back to the past and meets all the different versions of her Papa from Genin Sasuke to Shippuden Sasuke and even angsty/revenge Shippuden Sasuke.
Can she find her way home to her parents?
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stargliders · 4 months
Not a Love Like Mine, a Ruin (KakaSaku)
So, I tossed this dove into the wood chipper, and...I have no regrets! The prompt was "Captured by enemies" and "Take me instead," courtesy @kkskdeaddove. Hope you enjoy!
Rating: E
Their captor hummed in contemplation. "This is my show, and whatever I say goes. I think I’ll start by shutting that smart mouth of yours for good." Kakashi closed his eyes, letting out a slow breath. "Take me instead." "But you…you can’t," Sakura said. The words she desperately wanted to tell him refused to come out. (I love you. Please, don’t die.)
Read the one-shot on AO3
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https-gossipgirl · 7 months
🔮 Uchiha-Haruno 🔮
Sígueme para más contenido Sasusaku/Boruto
Wattpad www.wattpad.com/saturnoenpiscis
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titisorriso · 4 months
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This is based in a personal experience of mine in which my brothers and i would try to beat our cousins in marbles to gain yu-gi-oh cards.
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thekingwhereitallends · 5 months
Make sure to read this MitsuSara fanfic.
Wait for the second chapter.
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