#self injury
support · 10 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many support services that are here to help. For 24/7 peer support and other resources, message KokoBot on Tumblr.
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) The Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth, ages 13-24) National Eating Disorders Association (online chat, text) RAINN (National Sexual Assault Hotline)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find resources for your country.
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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reachoutusa · 9 years
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Support can make a huge difference when someone is hitting a rough patch. Why wait until then to let your friends know you'll be there? Take a stand for Mental Health Awareness and tag someone you care about to let them know you have their back. ‪
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sajanrai · 11 months
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munition loaded- / clutched in skull and cruel palms / of a fear lover
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dreamdropsystem · 21 days
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youmatterlifeline · 11 years
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dailyscug · 7 months
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poppy-purpura · 4 months
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"You're just pretending"
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blackholemojis · 3 months
Emojis for scars in general/different types of scars, surgery scars, plain line scars, larger burn scars, scarring on a limb, and self injury in general. Requested by this anon, I’ll be gradually updating the original ask with all the emojis requested as I get them done :)
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a nondescript limb with three different scars on it: a scar with stitch scar dots, a plain line scar, and a burn scar. All go across the limb in the same direction, just to show different types of scars
a limb with a scar bordered by scar dots from stitches
a limb with a plain line scar
a limb with a burn scar
a nondescript jointed limb with line scars on the upper and lower halves
a nondescript jointed limb being hit with a fist, with red lightning bolts to show injury
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blackhholes · 16 days
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Self-Injury in Teen Wolf
“A Hideous Torture on Himself”: Madness and Self-Mutilation in Victorian Literature by Sarah Chaney / Representing the Unrepresentable: Self-Harm as Affect by Laura Wilson / Damaging the Body Politic: Self-Mutilation as Spectacle by Alexandra Gray
Written for @teenwolf-meta‘s Meta May Monday theme: pain.
The idea of pain making you human was introduced into the show when Derek said "And that's what keeps you human- pain." to Scott in the season one episode The Tell. It's a concept which is repeatedly brought up throughout the show and might actually be one of the more consistent facets of werewolf lore seen within the show.
When lycanthropic characters are incapable of relying on their anchor to tether them to their human side, they can instead draw on their own pain, often self-inflicted, to avoid the consequences of shifting. Throughout the show the character shown to utilize this the most is Liam. He's often incapable of controlling his anger and as a result is incapable of keeping in touch with his humanity, meaning that he's pushed to the edge of self-injury more often than other characters.
Another instance where we see characters inflict injury on themselves, or others, is when they need to trigger their healing. As seen in the season four finale when Kira is unable to heal after being attacked by berserker-Scott, where she then has to cut up her hand with a shard of obsidian for the rest of her body to heal. This is interesting because it visualizes a clear disconnect between the body and the self, the self which needs to heal can only communicate this with the body through more pain and injury.
Lydia is also seen injuring herself in season two when she's being controlled by Peter. When she's awoken by her mother her sheets are covered in blood and it's then revealed that she punched her mirror with no recollection of it. This serves as a narrative red herring as it's revealed later in the same episode that the Kanima hates its own reflection, but on a personal level it also shows the viewer the disconnect Lydia is experiencing between herself and her mind.
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thetrevorproject · 13 years
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attex · 6 months
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uglyvents · 7 months
i swear i’m just great at special effects tumblr 👀
this relapse has been getting worse and worse
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
enganging with harmful coping methods doesn't make you a failure, and you dont have to abstain from them to practice self care.
cleaning up self injury wounds is still self care. paying attention to how your body feels on substances is still self care. resting after exercising too much is still self care. even just the intent to not perform a compulsion is self care.
you're taking care of your bodymind in all these scenarios. even if you still do something that isn't too safe or healthy or sustainable, any grace you can show yourself is a win. and it takes tremendous effort to give yourself that kindness when you're struggling with these things.
so be a little gentler on yourself, alright? im proud of you, and you should be too.
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I destroy myself so there's nothing left for other people to break.
idk not me
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0nly-an-illusi0n · 1 year
I think I’m happy,
And yet I still want to grab a blade.
I wish I knew what is wrong with me.
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