#severusish thoughts
severusish · 1 year
Hellooooo Snapedom.
Life update.
On Thursday (this Thursday) I will be doing a themed comedy show about fandoms, hobbies and obsessions. @smilingformoney will be visiting me in my town, and she’ll be coming with me to the show. After chatting with her I’ve changed the trajectory of my set plan. Have a guess at what the theme of my jokes will be.
Yep, you guessed it. Snape.
8 minutes of Snape.
So obviously, I’m pumped. If anyone has ideas for jokes, particularly one liners, please DM me or comment. Also, I’m looking for things to say specifically about the Snapedom. If you give me a joke I’ll just say “someone from the Snape fandom gave me this joke.” Your privacy is safe with me.
Another update: attempted relationship with best friend failed. We’re back to being friends. Instead, I’m seeing a guy who is long, lanky, dark and mysterious. Sound familiar? Yeah, I have a type.
I’ll share clips of the comedy set (perhaps) when it’s done. It’s gonna be caliente.
How are you all? Due to complaints about my absence from multiple of you, I’ll be back to posting this week. Missed you guys.
Get ready for shitposts.
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snapedomanonymous · 1 year
Snapecelebration Week 1
Prompt: Homemade
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Characters: Hermione Granger; Severus Snape
Rating: T (due to suggestive language)
TW: Mentions of Pregnancy
Summary: Hermione and Snape discuss a very special Christmas gift.
Severus Snape returned home to find his wife Hermione in the kitchen. She was wearing a red apron and her hands were clad in green mittens. She was in the process of getting a tray of biscuits out of the oven. When she saw Severus she smiled and came over to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Hey Sev, you’re back early."
"Yeah with the exams coming up I thought I would give the students some extra study time and myself some extra time away from them."
"Severus! You can’t say things like that about your students." Hermione pretended to be scandalised
"Oh shut up! It’s not like I haven’t said worse things before."
"If you keep that behaviour up, you won’t get any presents on Christmas." Hermione said trying to sound serious
"Well, I’ll take that as an empty threat. Seeing as you can hardly return the present I’m most looking forward to."
"Yes, well but that one won’t arrive for another three months, will it now?"
"I’m still counting it as a Christmas gift. And it will still be my favourite." He made to hug Hermione from behind and close his arms across her well rounded belly.
Hermione turned her head around and smiled at him. "Well, you know what they say about homemade gifts. They’re always the best ones."
"I wouldn’t be so sure about the homemade part, darling." Severus whispered into her ear.
"Severus!" Hermione exclaimed while playfully hitting his arm "Now you’re really getting onto the naughty list!"
The end.
@severusish it did end up being rather mushy than funny but here it is. A week late. (Whoops)
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I sometimes HC that Snape is mostly muscle from lifting empty and filled cauldrons and stirring thick potions (arms and core) and stalking the hallways/staircases every night (legs and butt). His diet doesn't have what he needs for build up, so what muscle he does have is just solid.
~ Severusish's Western AU Anon
YEESSS this makes so much sense! I never even thought about the walking aspect of it!
Him being small with just solid muscle is accurate enough for me 🤔
Ugh it’s sad when you think about it too long🥺
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hbprophetie · 2 years
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Click here for the picture in full resolution. A lot of details look blurry when I upload on Tumblr...
Hi Folks! 🍀
Did I actually draw some new pic...? It seems so ahah.
Happy St Partick's Day!🍀
I came across @severusish #snaintpatricksday tag and the prompt "Felix Felicis" (which is the one for today, March 17th) inspired me. I know I didn't take part for any other prompt of the challenge, but I hope it can be considered my only contribution. ♡
I immediately thought about drawing young Severus, because I obviously wanted green on my palette. Green is my favorite color, but I felt more comfortable blending it with yellow as I didn't want to make something too aquatic or blueish. I had more trouble with choosing the style that would fit the best. At first, I wanted to make an illustration that somehow looked like the one I did last december with Severus and Lily picking flowers in the woods.
Obviously, it didn't turn exactly the way I intended. I used ink anyway, what I don't do systematically. As I'm just done coloring it, I don't know how to feel about the result just yet. Lol. Only time will tell.
I know there are a lot of parts I didn't get correctly tho. I wasn't using references for the position so...
I hope you'll like it despite its many flaws! 🍀
Why is Severus brewing Felix Felicis anyway? Does he intend to undertake some especially challenging business?
(I hope it has nothing to do with Dark stuff...)
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Ps: I made a sketch for the prompt "Ridikkulus". I didn't developp it by lack of time, but maybe I'll do something out of it. ;) I didn't combine the two prompts this time, I initially wanted but it would have been too messy.
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severusish · 2 years
something about fanfiction just hits different. i mean this seriously — it’s so satisfying to read fics that are exactly what you’re looking for. it’s incredibly liberating to write fanfiction, but reading it is just something else. and once you start reading fanfiction more frequently i find that it gets increasingly difficult to get back to mainstream or popular literature, classic literature, or new books as they appear over time. part of the reason for this is that i know that fanfiction will cater to things i already find interesting, with all my favorite characters. i don’t have to ask myself ‘will this be good or not,’ because i already know it’s going to slap. and bless fanfiction writers everywhere for creating content for free that just can be so entertaining and healing at the same time. some fics i’ve read have made me feel truly seen and heard. i don’t have to struggle through the first four chapters of exposition because the fanfic author doesn’t have to infodump or explain the fictional world, they can just get straight into the nitty gritty and into the action if they want. some fics make me cry. some make me laugh. some quotes from certain fanfics have struck a chord that resonates within me so deeply that the fanfic has affected the way i feel about or see the word. all of the fics i read have me one hundred percent invested. fandoms have been adding to fanon for years to create rich tapestries in the backstories of existing fictional characters. fanfic writers don’t have to spend so much time on world building because the original creators already did that for them. fanfic writers can add their own twists and ideas with far more liberty and scope which means that every fic has a new and surprising little gem to discover. reading fanfiction is like a birthday gift come early because you get to read more about the characters you love from stories that potentially were hugely comforting or nostalgic or exciting and thrilling to you to begin with. yep. fanfiction has fLaVoR. fanfiction is *chef’s kiss.* fanfiction is the boss. fanfiction fucks (pun intended). fanfiction is my fave. fanfict—
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severusish · 2 years
Hello all!
This is a new Snape-dedicated blog; I’ve been #prosnape for years, and have written about various Snape+ ships, but this is the first time I’ve made a dedicated blog for our favorite flouncing fellow. It was high time, in any case. Edit: My OTP is Snamione, but I also like the other Snape+ ships as well, I’m fairly open-minded with it. I am a fan of bad guys and villains and misunderstood characters across the board. I’m a multi-shipper.
All people are welcome here. Let it be said that I am not a supporter of JK Rowling’s views and statements and behavior which have come to light in recent years. I am far too aware of the antisemitic, transphobic and homophobic themes that were prevalent in the canon, which is why I much prefer supporting headcanons and fan-creations to the original content. While I respect the need to boycott the HP series and I do not purchase or follow any ongoing sequels to the series myself, I still enjoy reading and writing fanfiction derived from the series itself, as I believe fanfiction is original and creative work, and the writers and artists should have good readership/exposure, since they work hard at what they do.
I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and therefore cannot promote JK’s current, or future work. I did grow up with the books, however, and therefore it’s only expected that I did like and end up relating — in some way and at some point — to a few of the fictional characters in the books, Snape included. On that note I don’t think it’s bad to continue supporting fanfiction writers of the series, because their work is fantastic.
So I will be posting Snape related content, headcanons, and will promote the fanfiction and fanart that I love, as well as inspo posts. Occasionally I might share my own work, though that will be less frequent. 
My DMs, Asks, Requests and Inbox are always open. Anon setting is activated for those of you who need it. 
My blog is a safe zone for all ships.
Edit: I recently celebrated 300ish and 400ish and 500ish followers. Related posts are linked ^.
Edit: My current cover art is “That’s Absurd Snape™️” by @dranna. The cover art which i will use on and off again comes from this post by @the-mudbloods-will-conquer xxx
Thank you kindly for reading.
Edit: My new platform for Snape fics is Severusish on fanfiction-dot-net. My new AO3 is Severusish.
Edit: sideblogs are @professorseverus and @rumpleschtiltskin
DNI: Anyone is welcome, provided people are nice. This is a no-hate, no-anything-rude-at-all, entirely safe space blog. Anyone who acts otherwise will be booted out, reported, etc., with flair, in true Severusish, Snapely style. I don’t tolerate meanies. Edit: I am generally anti-anti. If you see any posts of mine tagged with Anti-Snape, it’s just my sense of wry humor and it is not me being sincere/directing it at the Anti-Snapedom. If, as an Anti-Snaper, you see my post in your feed, please let me know if it bothers you and I’ll remove the tag. I’ve happily done it for Anti-Snapers before, I’m genuinely very laid back and I don’t mean anything seriously. If you have a request for me to add/change the tags in my posts, just let me know.
If you want to get my attention, use SPECIFIC tags and TAGS I CREATED (described below).
SPECIFIC TAGS: Asks or my original posts will be tagged under #severusish says, #severusish asks, #severusish draws, #severusish thoughts, #my fic, #original content, #my writing, #my work, and #original fic.
GENERAL TAGS: I tag my posts, generally, under: #prosnape,  #snover, #snapedom, #snape community, #snape defender, #snape defence, #snape lover, #snape art, #snart, #snape fanart, #snape OTP, #snape shippers. Often you’ll find my stuff under the tag #snamione/snanger. 
TAGS I CREATED: #severusish, #severusish thoughts, #severusish draws, #severusish says/asks, #snapers unite. #snoyalty, #sluterus/sluterus snape, #that’s absurd snape
A TAG I USE A LOT BUT CAN’T CLAIM CREDIT FOR BECAUSE IT WAS USED IN EXACTLY ONE POST BEFORE I STARTED USING IT: #snolidarity (not used in a snape context) #that’s absurd (used in a snape context)
I speak English and French fluently and I am learning Spanish. (I can understand it and speak it a bit, so if you’re Spanish feel free to swing by so I can practice my Spanish skills!)
Edit. I’m bored of making my age public in my bio. I’m old enough. Subject closed lmao
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severusish · 2 years
Well well well.
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The 300th follower shall receive the shittiest haiku ever written.
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severusish · 2 years
brb ggs: be right back gonna go sob
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severusish · 2 years
1, 10, and 16?
Thanks for the ask @benjami-n 💌👀
1. Which Hogwarts house are you? 
I’m a Ravenclaw with infinite imagination, curiosity and creativity but who has a deep dark secret which is that time management for certain assignments is difficult. YES WE EXIST, RAVENCLAWS WHO STRUGGLE WITH MAKING STUDY/ADMIN SCHEDULES EXIST
Edit: I’d say I was a Slytherin but I don’t know how much of that is just wishful thinking. But I have gotten both Slytherin and Ravenclaw when taking Hogwarts House Sorting tests. So maybe I’m both green and blue? Can I be both? Lol. But the predominant result was Ravenclaw and I think it fits. I do have some key Slytherin traits. My favorite colors are primarily blue, green and black. Idk what that says, I feel like I’m not precisely in either house. I could be in one or the other. Anyway. Ravenclaw I guess
10. Which character do you relate to most, and why?
Neville Longbottom. I too am clumsy. I too have in the past been intimidated by a teacher. I too have a love of the study and nurture of plants. Underrated courage. Underrated intelligence. There’s a few things but realistically I think I relate to his character arc.
I also relate to Tonks because she can transform (I do acting and theatre so that fits the bill I think) and she’s rough-and-tumble, fairly confident in social situations, with a great sense of humor and MOST IMPORTANTLY she likes older partners — which is me. Great minds think alike. Excellent taste, Tonks
Otherwise I’d say I relate to Trelawney because she’s dramatic and frankly ridiculous and has crazy hair and wears glasses which of course fits me exactly
16. Who would be your enemy or enemies at Hogwarts?
I mean. That one kid. Zacharias. He seemed annoying af. Oh and Marietta Edgecombe — because SNEAK. Idk about the Slytherins, I’d probably be chill with them. And in terms of the professors — UMBRIDGE UMBRIDGE UMBRIDGE
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severusish · 2 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy (but only if you want to)! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifs (anonymously if you want). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity ♡
Five things that make me happy right now:
1. Exchanging a little smile or a laugh with a stranger in the street. Or rolling my eyes together with someone I don’t know. That little moment of communication is so pure and human and wholesome and it makes me so happy
2. That first cup of tea or coffee in the morning and the way that the first three sips just hit every sleepy spot in my body and warm me up slowly until I can finally get moving. Looking out on the garden and hearing the blackbird sing as I prepare for the day.
3. When it’s misty out and the mist settles between the trees like a blanket made of low clouds. There’s something so early-spring and mysterious about that. Also, I love seeing the signs of buds on the plants at this time of year.
4. Cooking for my partner and feeding my partner. The other day there was only one pear left in the fruit basket, which was otherwise filled with persimmons and clementines. My partner loves pears to the point of obsession. I peeled the pear and cut it into even pieces and then fed it to my partner. I gave him a forkful of pear, and then gave him a kiss. Then another piece of pear, and another kiss. And so on until the pear was finished and he was very happy.
5. Waking up in the morning and feeling SO COMFY and not wanting to get up. But then after about ten minutes I’m happy to get up to make breakfast and have that little moment to myself before the day starts.
I loved writing these! Thanks for sending it @darkalinas 🙏🏻🤍🖤 will forward it to some folks! Thanks again for the ask, it was lovely to have a moment to think about nice things xx
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severusish · 2 years
No ma’am you don’t understand, that’s my emotional support bat of the dungeons
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severusish · 2 years
dumbledore: do you trust me?
snape: no.
dumbledore: smart man. anyways —
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severusish · 2 years
someone did make an excellent point to me the other day which was; why tf do wizarding people still wear glasses? they could in theory fix that problem in the time it would take to say a spell. so why do they keep the glasses? aesthetics???? the drama? personality?
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severusish · 2 years
Don’t you ever speak to me or my Professor Severus Snape ever again
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severusish · 2 years
ok quick question. when you write the number 8, do you draw one continuous line, or two little circles? tell me in the tags #. i need to know
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severusish · 2 years
my amortentia potion smells like
e a u d e s n a p e
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