#so we might as well build some hype lol
starkid-innit · 4 months
It's Starkid Innit
Heya, Ella from @challengecomplete-ed here
So it's obviously been a very exciting week for British starkids (understatement of the year) and I hope you're all looking forward to May as much as I am
Honestly this all happened so fast I still can't quite believe it's happening!
Anyway, I've seen loads of people sharing their excitement/saying they want to connect with other people who are going etc and I thought it would be nice to create a space for us to connect/share ideas/build hype etc
So that's what this is
If you ever want to find other people who are attending, share your perfect setlist, discuss outfit ideas, or just scream with excitement then this is the place to do it
As an intro, Hi, I'm Ella and I've been a fan of starkid since 2011. I was lucky enough to see starkid at leakycon London in 2013 and since about 2017 had given up any hope of them ever performing here again so currently living in a bit of a daze. Oh and I'll be in the stalls at the matinee
See you all there!
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✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 7: Stray Kids bias wrecker - Jisung✨️
The Heat
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AN: We have reached the end of my milestone celebration! Thank you to all of you, new and old, for your support. You have no idea how much it all means to me <3 Time to end this celebration off with my other other arch nemesis lol.
Synopsis: When your roommate brings home a bag of strange cookies, you two don't think much of it. Assuming whoever sold them to him was lying about them containing an aphrodisiac. You both quickly come to realise that you were very, very incorrect.
Heads up: Han Jisung x Fem! Reader, Roommates AU, dub-con elements (because Reader and Jisung are under the influence of an aphrodisiac, but they do genuinely want each other), mentions of masturbation, dirty talk, nipple play (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex, Reader cries a little, Jisung cums pretty quickly, mentions of multiple orgasms, unrealistic sex (Jisung cums more than once and remains hard), hypersensitivity, some usage of a petname for Reader and a barely there praise kink (f. receiving).
Word count: 3658
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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"You'll never guess what I found!" Your roommate yells, all but slamming the front door open in his excitement.
"Hello to you too, Jisung," you respond dryly but, your curiosity is piqued. Angling yourself to get a better view of the brown paper bag in his grasp from your position on the couch.
"Sorry, hi. I'm just really hyped," he responds sheepishly, plopping down beside you, "but look!"
You're not sure what you were expecting, but a bag filled with cookies certainly wasn't it. "Uh, they look good?" You offer, not really understanding what makes these cookies in particular so special. The little pink hearts on them are very cute, you'll give them that much.
"No, no listen. These aren't just any old cookies. Minho and I stumbled across this kind of weird looking bakery, and the lady who runs it said these cookies are mixed with some really potent aphrodisiacs,"
Yeah, this is not how you anticipated your Saturday to unfold at all.
"So... you bought them from an apparently really shady bakery and just trusted what that lady said?"
Your words take a few seconds to register in his mind. Big eyes blinking at you owlishly. If he hadn't just admitted to something so stupid, you'd reach over to squish his cheeks because of how endearing he looks right now.
"Well, when you put it like that..."
It takes a great deal of effort on your part not to drag your hand down your face.
"Minho should really stop enabling all of your impulsive purchases and ideas,"
"To be fair, he was the one who dragged me into the bakery. I just happened to stumble across these," he says, motioning to the bag now staring at the two of you on your coffee table.
"My point still stands. Why did you buy so many anyway? Why not just get a few if you just wanted to test them out?"
"They were running a special," he mutters.
"I didn't realise you were this naive. I have some magic beans to sell you if you're interested," you tease, grinning as the tips of his ears redden.
"Ha ha ha. Very funny. They weren't that pricey anyway so, luckily I didn't spend much," he reaches for the bag, fishing out a cookie.
"Woah hey, what're you doing?"
"Eating the cookies I bought? Like you said, I'm sure they're a scam, so I might as well eat them since I spent money on them," he responds with a shrug. Your anxiety building watching him take his first bite.
"Oh, they're pretty good, actually. Want one?" He asks, turning his big brown eyes onto you. Now, how are you supposed to say no when he looks at you with those eyes?
"If these are poisoned or something, I swear I'm going to haunt you," you respond, and your roommate takes that as a green light.
"We'll both be ghosts then. I don't think ghosts can haunt each other," he says with a laugh, the brushes of his fingers against yours feeling like electricity as he hands you a cookie.
You choose to essentially shove the cookie in your mouth to avoid dealing with that particular can of worms. Jisung was right. They are delicious. Flavours of strawberry with faint hints of chocolate caressing your taste buds. Maybe they were worth turning into a ghost for if the worst comes to pass, you think.
"See? They're good, right?"
"Yeah, I can't even lie. That's one of the best cookies I've ever had. If we survive this, you should show this oddball bakery to me,"
"Oh," and you immediately regret admitting to him that you actually liked it, "how the tables have turned. What was that you were saying earlier about reckless purchases?"
Rolling your eyes, you stand up in order to get ready for bed. Jisung's smugness more than enough motivation to finally get your ass off the couch.
"Goodnight Jisung," you say, waving him off.
"Goodnight," you don't even need to turn around to see the smirk stretched across his face. You can hear it clear as day.
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Everything feels like it's on fire when you wake up the following morning.
You're absolutely drenched in sweat and your throat is beyond dry. Perhaps the oddest realisation of all is that you're wet. As in, obscenely so. Your thighs are smeared in it and you're almost certain it's leaked all the way onto your bedsheets.
What the hell?
It takes you some very long minutes to blink your bleary eyes open. Your muddled mind working a mile a minute to try and make sense of all of this. Last night hadn't been that hot so, there should be no reason why you're this sweaty. Plus, from what you can remember at the very least, you hadn't touched yourself before turning in for the night. So why in the world are you this wet? And more than that, why does it hurt so much more than usual?
'What is going on?' Is that question that echoes through your skull as you join the world of the conscious. You're due for a shower and a change of sheets, you think. You feel pretty disgusting at the moment, and a shower might just be what you need to help calm you down. An ice cold one.
On perhaps the strangest morning you've experienced to date, you don't expect to bump into a shirtless Jisung with a towel wrapped around his slim waist.
You've seen your roommate without a shirt more times than you can count at this point. However, it's never made you feel like this before.
The throbbing gets worse. So, so much worse. Warmth flooding your face when you feel yourself gush onto the fresh pair of sleeping shorts you'd just changed into. Jisung is an attractive man. A very, very attractive man. You've had no qualms with admitting that in the most private parts of your mind and on nights when images of him between your thighs are the only thoughts that can push you off of the proverbial edge.
But it's never been like this.
"Morning," he says gruffly. God, that just made it worse. If you weren't too lost in your own spiral, you'd notice his blown out pupils and the glassy quality to his eyes. How they shamelessly rake over your body. How he has to adjust his hold on his towel so you don't notice how hard he is. How hard he's been for what feels like hours now.
"Morning," you squeak back in response once your higher order functions return to you. Practically slamming the bathroom door in his face and, sagging against it once you're alone.
What is wrong with you?
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Taking a shower was minimally successful. At least you're no longer drenched in various body fluids, but you still feel as though there's molten lava coursing through your veins. Everything is just so hot.
Touching yourself while you were in there didn't help either. If anything, it only added fuel to the inferno that seems hell bent on swallowing you whole from the inside out. Maybe you're just in desperate need of a good fuck. It has been longer than you care to admit since you last slept with someone. That Changbin guy was nice and ridiculously attractive. Perhaps you should give him a call.
You're disrupted from your thoughts when you hear a tentative knock at your bedroom door. Jisung. Oh no, you're not sure if you can handle looking at him right now, let alone being in the same room with him. Your mind has been replaying the encounter from this morning over and over again. Even that hadn't helped you cum in a satisfactory way. Which is insane because thinking about him works 11 times out of 10. You must really need to be fucked.
However, you're not a child. You're not going to avoid your roommate and your friend just because you're a little (okay, maybe it's more than a little) more sexually frustrated than usual. You're more mature than that.
"Come in," you say, cringing at the hoarseness in your voice.
To your relief (and mild disappointment), Jisung has a shirt on. Though, the way the tank top leaves his broad shoulders and biceps completely uncovered isn't helping the to soothe the squirming of your insides.
Jisung looks exactly how you feel: like a total wreck. His hair is in dissary and sticking to his damp forehead and his cheeks are flushed with an appealing dust of pink. You wonder if this is what he'd look like underneath you.
"What's up?" You croak, looking at your bedroom door as though it's the most interesting object you've ever seen. He may have a shirt on, but you're not sure you can handle looking at him for too long right now. For both of your sakes.
"Does it feel hot as fuck for you today too? I don't know what's been going on, but I already took two showers today, and I still feel like I might pass out from heat stroke," he says, making himself comfortable on your bed. While not out of the oddinary, having him so close to you is sending your barely coherent mind into panic. The desire to straddle his incredibly welcoming looking lap clawing at your insides.
"Yeah, it does feel a lot hotter than usual today. Maybe there's a ventilation issue or something in our place? Because I checked the weather and it the temperature for the day is on the cooler side, funnily enough," you respond, wiping some excess sweat off of your forehead. So, you're not the only one who seems to feel...off, weird even today. Whatever is happening appears to be affecting Jisung too.
"Really? That's so weird. I thought maybe there was a heat wave or something. I don't know how much more of this I can take," he sighs, throwing himself down. The bottom of his tank top exposing a sliver of his toned abdomen. Fuck.
Before your mind can assault you with fantasies of covering his abs in your wetness, that's when it hits you. Those damn cookies. They have to be the reason you're like this and that you suspect Jisung is experiencing something very similar.
"Jisung, I think I know why we're feeling so hot right now," you rush out, fingers absentmindedly toying with your blanket.
"Really? Well, I'm all ears," he responds, turning to give you all of his attention.
Fuck, how did you not realise it sooner? Jisung's eyes are almost black with how dilated his pupils are. Desire flashing like a neon sign on his face.
You really can't afford to soak through another pair of shorts right now. Focus.
"I think the cookies - I think the cookies weren't a scam," you mutter, hugging your legs to your chest. Your face is so warm that you're surprised the heat from it isn't radiating off of you.
He just keeps looking at you. You know the moment your words sink in because his face quickly shifts from a pretty, pink flush to an almost scarlet red. His mouth opening and closing as he grapples with what to even say to you.
"What? What makes you think that?" It's his turn to squeak and avoid your gaze. Seemingly fascinated with your ceiling.
"What else could it be? We both had them yesterday, and now we're sweating buckets and -" You cut yourself off. Jisung doesn't need to know you've been wet all day. You should probably keep that part to yourself.
However, the universe is determined to make you suffer, "And what?" He asks, meeting your eyes briefly before turning away. His teeth toying with his bottom lip.
"It-It's fine. Don't worry about it, but, um just trust me. I really think those cookies are the reason we're like this," You stutter out, studiously ignoring the lecherous thoughts creeping back into your mind.
Jisung doesn't say anything at first. Just laying there before sitting up once more, his hand ruffling his hair, "I wasn't kidding when I said I don't know much of this I can take. I feel like I'm losing my mind."
That you can relate to. Intimately.
"The solution is pretty obvious," you joke in an attempt to lighten the thick tension in the air. It almost makes it difficult to even breathe properly.
Your words have the opposite effect, however. Startled, fiery brown eyes meeting your own. Jisung looks like he's seriously considering it, and you're not sure whether your stomach knots itself in hope or anxiety.
"Jisung, I was-"
"Do you want to?"
Now it's your turn to stare at him in stunned silence. Probably looking like an absolute buffoon gaping at him. Is he joking? Is this his way of getting back at you?
"Wha-What?" Comes your brilliant response.
"Do you want to?" He repeats, both looking and sounding deathly serious.
"You don't have to do this, you know. If you don't want to. We can j-"
"I want to," he interrupts again, his cheeks darkening, but he doesn't falter in his words.
Your very hot, very kind, very funny roommate is offering himself on a silver platter. Even if you weren't so wet you could die, you'd be an idiot to say no.
"Okay," you whisper, meeting his eyes head on. Your heart thundering against your chest as you watch him shift closer to you. Barely any space left between the two of you. You're not sure who moves first, and it ultimately doesn't matter because after months of fantasising about it, Jisung's mouth is finally on yours.
Maybe it's the cookies, but your first kiss isn't gentle or slow or sweet. It's fierce and messy and desperate from the very beginning. Your hands not sure where they want to settle themselves. Alternating between pulling on his hair, pulling the most delicious whimpers from him or steadying yourself on his muscular shoulders while you two fall deeper into each other.
The gasp that leaves your mouth when Jisung nestles himself between your thighs is loud and throaty. He's hard. So hard and so hot that you can feel the heat radiating from him even through your respective clothing. Jisung wastes no time in covering your throat and jaw in sloppy, uncoordinated kisses while he shallowly grinds his erection against you. Greedily searching for any semblance of relief he can possibly find.
"Ji-Jisung," you moan, arching into his touch when one of his hands gives your breast an experimental squeeze. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," he groans against your neck between licks and nips, thumbing at your already hard nipple through your shirt.
"Re-Really?" You manage to ask through the fog. "Really," he responds, impatiently shoving your shirt up and taking one of your nipples into his mouth. To say you were unprepared for the sensation of being enveloped in his wet, warm mouth would be putting it lightly. You're so much more sensitive than usual. It might be the cookies, or it might just be Jisung. Probably a dangerous mixture of the two.
You've never cum just from having your breasts played with but, there's a first time for everything if the increasing wetness staining your shorts and inner thighs is any indication. Jisung, for his part, is content to spend hours with your tits in his face and in his mouth. Licking, sucking and fondling to his heart's content while he desperately humps your thigh. The dream, really.
He's about to whine when you tug him off of you, but he's shut up by your tongue being shoved down his throat. Your hands frantically pushing his tank top up and off of him until his bare torso is free for you to explore. Smiling into him when he whimpers at the way your nails rake across his skin. A pitchy 'fuck' greeting your ears when you accidentally brush one of his nipples. Oh. Interesting.
Kissing and touching him is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, Jisung is fantastic with his mouth, and his firm chest is incredibly fun to explore. Figuring out which places garner you groans or whimpers or whines. Which ones make him grind into harder. Which leads to the other hand. You're so soaked and painfully empty, and kissing him isn't helping to soothe any of those flames.
"Jisung," you mutter against his mouth, your hands ghosting over the waistband of his sweats. Delighting in the way he shudders above you and his abdominal muscles jump under your barely there touches.
"I want you to fuck me, please," you whine into his ear, lightly biting down on his lobe, "it hurts."
Jisung exhales a very long sigh against your throat, "You're going to kill me."
A breathless laugh bubbles out of you when he pulls away to shove his sweats down. Any trace of humour vanishes quickly when his cock smacks against his toned stomach. He's so hard that it looks painful, flushed an angry shade of red, and glistening with pre-cum. You can't help but stare. Your walls clamping down harshly around nothing.
"I thought you wanted to get fucked?" He asks with an arrogant grin on his stupidly handsome face.
"Shut up," you respond, lifting your hips and letting your shorts join the heap of clothing on your bedroom floor. It's your turn to feel a little smug when Jisung's eyes zero in on your pussy. You don't think you've ever been this wet in your entire life, and you're too far gone to have any semblance of self-consciousness or embarrassment.
Jisung returns to his position between your thighs before you can fire out any quips, his cock nudging your entrance causing your head to spin and a soft moan to slip from you. "Stop teasing," you whine, wrapping your legs around his waist and clinging to his broad back.
"So-Sorry," is all the warning you receive before he very gradually starts sinking into you. god, it's never felt like this. Ever. With anyone else. Tears accumulate in your eyes, and a few roll down your face with every inch he pushes into you.
"Are you okay?" He asks lowly, kissing your cheek repeatedly and halting his movements.
"Yeah. Yes, Ji, I'm fine. Please don't stop," you practically moan, clawing into his back when he mumbles a curse and continues.
You can barely think, let alone breathe when he's fully sheathed inside of you. His cock pulsing inside of you violently and Jisung quivering above you, hushed moans of your name and whimpers being pressed into your shoulder. A whine hitting your ears when you squirm a little and tighten your hold around his waist.
"Wait, fuck. Wait, don't move," he moans, his hands grounding himself with his hold on your pillowy thighs. You struggle to comprehend his words. Everything is so muddled and overwhelming, and he just feels so fucking good, and he hasn't even moved yet.
At first, you assume Jisung's increase in sounds of pleasure and throbbing inside of you is just because he's as overwhelmed as you are. Every single nerve feeling like it's engulfed in flames. However, when his strained apologies register, you realise he came. Hot spurts of his cum flooding your eager pussy and open-mouthed kisses being pressed into your shoulder between apologies.
"I'm fuck I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. It just happened. Fuck you must think I'm so pathetic-"
"Jisung, stop. It-It's okay. That was really hot actually," you mutter, and you mean it. If anything, you're flattered that you managed to make him cum so fast.
"What? Really?" He asks, blinking down at him. His pretty eyes beyond fucked out and sweat dotting his face. God, he's so pretty. Your pussy clenching involuntarily.
"Yea- Wait, are you still hard?" You ask, only realising now that he's still nestled deeply inside of you despite the cum that's gradually starting to dribble out of you.
He looks as shocked as you. Seemingly not realising that his own cock hadn't softened in the slightest. "Holy shit," he breathes, thrusting into you experimentally, drawing a whimper and your nails biting into his back in reaction.
"Remind me to go back to that bakery," he utters into your throat. Giving you little time to adjust before picking up his pace considerably. Between your wetness and his cum, he fucks into you easily. Your combined noises of pleasure echoing throughout your bedroom while you two lose yourselves in one another.
You've been teetering on the edge for what feels like ages. All it takes is for Jisung to find your sweet spot for your eyes to roll into the back of your head and your back to arch into him. Your lovely, lovely roommate fucking you through it all and exploiting your newly discovered weakness.
"That's it, baby," he groans into your ear, his hands holding you firmly in place and making you take each and every thrust he gives you, "You're taking me so well. You're doing so good."
Those words are going to be replaying in your mind for the rest of your life.
Your mind is utterly blank as the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced wreaks your body. Your thighs shaking violently, and your hands holding onto Jisung for dear life while you tighten around him. Fuck. Fuck. You're so full, and it's so much, but not enough at the same time.
"More, please. Jisung, please. I want more," you cry out, not caring in the slightest about the pathetic, desperate edge to your voice. All you're capable of thinking about is cumming on his cock over and over again and, him filling you with his cum until it's still leaking out of you days later.
"I've got you, baby," he whispers, the pet name he's grown a fondness for causing butterflies to arise in your stomach.
"We're far from being finished."
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complete-clownery · 5 months
Not me deciding that I wanna figure out how does Macaques dojo work, cuz I couldnt seem to find any ideas of it on the internet lol
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Okay so long long LONG rant:
Ik that in canon the whole place looks kinda-- moldy and shit and I get the lot of hc about how Macaque probably doesnt even live there since its in a very industrial outer neighborhood of Megaplois, and also it probably isnt really decorated or looks like someone is living in there at all, but I like to think that he has standards and they put like 272636373 nois cancelation seals on their bedroom so he can sleep camly when he actually can sleep (since in my hc Macaque suffers from insomnia (its a pretty common hc tho, but you get it)) and I think the outer circle of Megaplois is even tho industral and under constructuion on most parts, its probably more quiet than downtown
And I also like to imagine, Macaque even tho if not commited to a place will make it more homy. But looking at my reference pictures, in the dojo there were also a lot of posters and paintings (and in MKAGC Macaque did mention he might have a poster of wukong soooo~~)
For the layout I went after whatever felt right, since I had like 4 pictures to piece together a two-story house with a gallery(??) so its actually just me deciding what I want and where I wanna put it
(Here are the screenshots from lmk s1ep9 I used:)
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Okay Okay if you couldnt tell, for some reason im really hyped about this stuff so im going to lead you trough my thougtprocess, when imagining this whole thing, in order from ground level to gallery
1. Ground level:
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Ahh yes ground level: the problem child
(Im going to keep it somewhat brief here cuz I wrote a shit ton of explanations for it, but that somehow got deleted which I am super pissed about btw)
So I saw that a lot of hc with Macaques place are mostly that first floor is the dojo and the second floor is the living area, buuut~~ based on the screenshots of the series that doesnt make any sense. My reasoning? Simple really, its bc you can see the ceiling If you are standing in the dojo. This could lead to the conclusion that:
"Okay maybe then there is no second floor just a gallery in there somewhere and thats it".
Sure we can say that, but then you would ignore the fact that you cant see the front door of the building when Macaque slams Mk into a weaponstand.
"Okay then its on the other side of the room that we never got to see in the episode"
I mean maybe sure but to me from an animation point of view it just doesnt make sense, just why would they flipp the camera angle like that (I mean anyone can think whatever they want, everyones opinion is valid, its not like anyone would ever argue me on this one ((or read this whole brainrot trough in the first place lol)))
Haha anyways regardless of anything, let's go back to talking about the first floor, shall we?
Everything is pretty self explenatory: when you come in on the front door youll see a little shoe rack where you can but your shoes, and one stair to seperate the ante-room from the rest of the house
Then theres a long hall that leads to the enterence of the storageroom, the random room and the staircase that leads to the second floor
I couldnt decide on what to put in that big room-- I had no clue -- I was thinking maybe Macaque could let other people rent it for a few days of maybe theres a shop with an owner whos ranting the place from Macaque (I think thats an interasting concept, but I didnt explore any of them) oh well thats that tho
"""somewhat brief""""
Second floor:
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This was probably the easiest, since 90% of it is the dojo
But before that when you walk up to the second floor you can see a big boubel door that opens to the dojo, and a normal door that opens to the bathroom, which is strategicly placed there by yours truely. There is big brain logic behind it,, it might be inconvinient for Macaque to walk down the stairs from his bedroom trough the dojo to the bathroom (but also he can just shadow portal there--), but when ocasionally he mentors Mk, he might have to go to the bathroom while hes at Macaques place and I dont think Macaque would apritiate someone stomping trough his personal area, and thats why the bathroom is conviniently placed next to the dojo and not that far from the bathroom I know im a genius (**read everything in the bathroom part with a lot of sarcasm**)
Anyways, we couldnt even see all four of the dojos walls so that was also a 'gamble', but I went with a simple bouble door that I mentioned before and two weapon stands (yes those are weapon stands) and other than that you can see the rest of the room on the screenshots, theres also the staircase and that has some closet underneath it, but thats about it
The gallery (my personal favorit):
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Looking at my reference pictures i could see that the dojo took up a lot of space almost taking up the 1/2 of the building, which I think is reasonable and kinda cool, but that means small living area which I think is even cooler (I am a huge fan of small practical spaces, they feel so so cozy)
So Yeah the living space: mostly two rooms that I also illustrated on top of this post, (you probably saw it) with a balkony thingy before the enterence of the rooms, where you can look down and see the entirety of the dojo, good for observing.
When you go in the door (actually havent decided if I want to put a door there or curtains for style but meh who knows who cares), youll enter the small but spacious kitchen. I dont see the Six Eared Macaque as a homecook, more of a fake cooking guy (only making basic foods like eggs or toast, maybe ocasionally pancake), hints there is no built in stove or owen just a portable stove, a kettle and a toaster and a small fridge that has MKs drawing (that he drew for them at the end of season 3) magneted there :]
Other than that theres a sink and an old television, he got from the randomest place ever, maybe he fished it out of the trash idk, but he put it on top of the cabinets (rarely watches anything on it)
On the baseplan you can see that there was supposed to be a small table next to the sink with a chair, but it didn't make it to the final drawing cuz let's be honest: drawing interior in correct perspective without a reference picture is just not my strongest artskill I posess, so I got pissed and put a trashcan in there, Macaque can eat in his bed
Talking about bed, let's move on to the Six Eared Macaques room:
It is very small but pretty comfortable with a small bed but a shit ton of pillows for a good nights sleep, other than that there are a nightstand that has the Lantern on it (I know it sorta got lost/destroyed after defeating LBD but I wanted to put it there) and a drawer.
The nightstand probably doesnt have a lot innit, just some nick-nacks and tissues and maybe snacks, or a book or something, the drawer stores some of his clothes, but since I like to think that Macaque is a fashion icon that wont be able to fit most of their clothes, so maybe he stores them in a pocket dimension of shadows, and only has some esentials there when he needs to get ready quickly.
And we could talk about the posters plastered around the room, but most of them are kinda self-explanatory, but there are the poster of his shadowplaly of the hero and the warrior, some drawing, a "Hang in there babygirl!" Poster with a cat on it hanging in there, a poster of the monkey king (heh), phantom of the opera poster and a-- well--- that ones for my bestie hope she'll notice it, its a spies are forever poster (really fun musical a of spies, go watch it its on youtube), and a drawing he brought( maybe)
And thats about the bedroom
And we are still not done, how are we feeling about that?? Huh?? (You dont have to answert, this shit took me about 2 hours to write :] )
LAST PLACE: the corner of the windows opposit the kitchen and the bedroom. Its just a chill little place with pillows and blankets, where someone can bundle up and enjoy some tea or read a book or brood, whatever the monkey prefers. The special thing about it, is that you cant access the place without knowing how to levitate, fly, jump high, or use portals, not that much of a game changer since more than half of the lmk cast could get up there, but still a bit of a barrier in my opinion
AAAAAND~~~ thats it omg
Hi hello if you read this trough could you please comment or reblog with this: "🐵" cuz I wanna know about the brave soilders who went trough this immense amount of clownery,,, holly mother---
If you read this all 👏👏👏 you are amazing thank you for appreciating my work this much, have an amazing day or night ✨🪲
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allastoredeer · 22 days
Sorry for asking but do you happen to have any bottom Alastor radioapple fics to suggest? I can’t find any 😭
Don't be sorry! I haven't been reading a ton of fics recently, but I can definitely send you the ones I have! Now that I have a functioning phone, I can do more fanfic reading and, believe me, I have a TON of bottom!Alastor fics saved. Maybe I'll do a weekly fic round-up and post some of the fics I've read that are just 😩👌
But as for the ones that I do have:
(NOTE: Remember to check all of the tags yourself, some of these are more explicit and darker than others)
Hounded by Syntaxeme
Basically, it's Halloween in Hell and Alastor uses his magic to summon a few monsters to cause a little mischief, but accidentally summons Hellhounds instead. Horny Hellhounds. Smut ensues.
It's doesn't have any of your typical Hazbin ships, but it was based off of an audio-Halloween thing someone made a few years back. The fic has the link to that in their notes as well, if you want to give that a listen to.
Decadent Agony by Echowraith
Alastor thinks Vox is going to try and slip him a love/lust potion, and in the case that he succeeds, Alastor doesn't want his virginity taken by him. So, in an effort to control the situation, he asks Husk to take his virginity instead.
These two have such a messy and complicated relationship, and I LOVE it. Very much enjoyed this fic and how it handled Alastor's aro-aceness.
With a Coffee and a Caress by winterveritas
4 times Lucifer touches Alastor, and 1 time Alastor touches him back. God, I love this fic SO much. The writing, the characterization, the build-up, the smut, it's all so, SO good. It's definitely one of my favorites at the moment. Also, we get some fantastic scenes with Alastor's shadow interacting with Lucifer :3
Together in My Pocket by Keelywolfe
Lucifer fucks Alastor in his big King-of-Hell demon form O.O nuff' said.
A Poison for Lust by MatcHoMetriC
Zestial is curious about how potent and dangerous the Vee's new love potion is, and asks Alastor to help him out. Such a fucking treat considering how little Alastor/Zestial content there is out there 😩
601 by ChildishSadism
Vox possesses a priest and Alastor possesses a nun. What else need I say?
A Failure of Business Negotiations by Drowsy_Salamander
Alastor is curious about what the big hype is about sex and enlists Vox to help him out, but, of course, things get sad and complicated >:3 the smut is more implied than explicit, but I still really enjoyed it and Alastor's aro-aceness and his thoughts on sex.
Unhealthy Attachments by KeelyWolfe
Lucifer wonders what Alastor gets out of having sex with him, but the answer he gets is...well, I guess that's for you to read and find out 😈
To Never Let You Go by Anonymous
Dark fic about a darker, more sinister Lucifer baby-trapping Alastor.
And, of course
Lucifer and His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Relationship by Keelywolfe (Keelywolfe shows up quite a bit in this list LOL)
This isn't so much a single fic as it is a series. But it's got some fantastic scenes, really funny moments, and AMAZING smut. Love their bottom!Alastor stuff and I've really been enjoying the progression of the series as I've been catching up. Some really good food right here.
Annnd, that's all I got at the moment. But, hey, asks me again in a week and I might have more ;) Enjoy these in the meantime!!
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yuurivoice · 2 days
not really a question, but I LOVE the little staticky glitchy sound effect that you’ve been adding to the end of your videos lately!! It scratches my brain so nicely !!
This probably isn’t intentional, but I find it to be so weirdly versatile. It’s loud enough that you can tell when the audio’s ended, but not so loud that it’s startling or upsetting. In a way it sort of enhances the feelings of any given audio? Like, hearing it at the end of a comfort audio feels like a warm hug goodbye, but hearing it at the end of something like the Withered Finn audio makes it eerie and foreboding.
I’m just an audio nerd who enjoys some good sfx. You, sir, have chosen an excellent noise lol
I can't take too much credit for that, because Thoo was responsible for the specific selection! When I was giving her notes on what I was thinking for the outro video, I had three possibilities.
Complete silence.
Subtle queues, potentially with softspoken outro by character.
Gentle background music.
I think she found the perfect transition sound. It doesn't intrude, but is distinct enough that it's doesn't go unnoticed. It's a very ambiguous sound, like you've mentioned here, you can attribute a lot of different vibes to it. The big thing was just making sure it doesn't aggressively rip a listener out of the scene, because audible whiplash when you might be balls deep in imagination land is a bad time.
I'm hesitant about things like intros too, a ~10 second bump at the start wouldn't hurt anything, but I feel like it very rarely adds anything. Something that is flexible and showcase-y without being a big jerk off session would be cool. Not to double down on Marvel references today, but their intro that showcases various characters and moments as we pull out to see the big Marvel title card, with the music, is pretty fucking great in that regard. What could essentially just be nonsense (ironically I feel that way about the Star Wars helmet thing they do now, because it's entirely restricted to Droids and Helmet havers, if I recall correctly), is now an anticipatory part of the intro. The score, the visuals, all contribute to telling the story while reminding the audience that this is YOUR shit. They already know, but if it's done well enough, it builds hype. The lights are dimming, everyone has put their phones away, and the show is starting. I love digging into stuff like that and trying to figure out why it works.
I don't think my brain is big enough to come up with something quite that dope for my own stuff at the moment, but it's certainly a thought. lol
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thrandilf · 11 months
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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ac-liveblogs · 14 days
Manshine City vs Bastard Munchen Part 2 "Oops I stopped Reading For Two Weeks" Edition
Last time: Nagi stood underneath Reo's window with a boombox and asked him to take him back. Reo, who swore he didn't need Nagi and was going to do this for HIMSELF, flings himself out the window.
I do like that Isagi is trying to master-mind the field 'oooh I can predict your every move!', theoretically Kaiser is doing the exact same thing, and they still fail to account for each other and completely fuck up their Pro Strats. I swear, Kaiser is just if the Isagi That Plays Soccer existed off the field as well as on it.
GOD Reo's inner monologue. "We split up once... we followed different paths..." ONE it's been like a month absolute tops TWO I maintain that Reo and Nagi exist in a totally different genre than the rest of the cast.
(Tbh I'm a little disappointed the Reo-Nagi drama seems to have resolved so easily, though there might still be tension outside of the field. I doubt Nagi's going to try and split up with Reo again at this point. Gotta wrap up these character arcs and move on, save the real meat for Episode Nagi in 4 years. Which is a shame, because given how batshit things were back in Blue Lock Reo absolutely Losing It was one of the things I was looking forward to most. What, he can't be too crazy in the insane soccer manga?)
Kaiser and Isagi, you two are my only hope... I need a murder attempt, c'mon...
I don't know enough about soccer to say if a two-stage volley is an 'insane, godly move' but I think a 5-stage anything has got to be pretty impressive. Who knew Nagi could be bothered to count that high. (I know Nagi didn't actually punt Isagi in the face but it sure looked like it, I was taken aback for a second.)
I love the way Nagi's 'ego' manifests on the pitch too, it's great. Gets really hyped up for a little bit of a game, gets super intense, trashtalks like a champ, I am a GOD routine, scores an absolutely insane fucking goal, goes 'yep that's all I wanted' and powers down mid-game. It's not over yet but he did what he came for! He's just like me forreal
"If not for the simple fact that Nagi doesn't know how to play this game, he would be unstoppable!!!" - Reo Mikage, probably
Agi... Reo... guys... chill
Chris' absolute lack of class is the funniest thing about him. This match is being televised, don't go calling your opponent a slut again.
Isagi "I have every tool I need to beat Kaiser except actually being better at this game than him!" Yoichi
Noa's just watching his team burn around him like "hmm. Excellent."
Chigiri throwing his hat into the 'dumb eye power' ring with a truly outstanding entry.
I know Kunigami is in this game, it just really doesn't feel like Kunigami is in this game. The match is losing track of Chigiri as well, I got a little surprised when he popped back up. I know the lack of synergy is on purpose due to the 'every man's either out for himself or the guy he's mentally ill about' aspect/'build your team around the striker' philosophy, but it does make the teams feel really uneven when the only characters that tend to matter are the Strikers + whoever's supporting them at the moment. It wasn't so bad when they were playing with limited teams, but right now half the teams feel like total space filler.
(The whole 'guaranteed shot' thing feels a bit... insulting to the concept of goalies/defense players too. I don't know much about soccer but it does feel like a major dick move LOL. To be fair, Gagamaru is not a goalie. Does Bastard Munchen not have a goalie better at goal-keeping than 'guy with hard head that doesn't play this role normally'.)
But yeah seriously Kunigami went to an ambiguous soccer torture camp to get his whole personality destroyed and for what. This? He doesn't even get to pretend to be the biggest threat on the field for even one game. Give that man a refund. Or at least some free therapy.
"go... the world's most random shot... even i don't know where it's going!!!" that is NOT impressive that's what i do every time I kick a ball. maybe i should be a pro soccer player. i could beat noel noa
Isagi has some nerve being shocked that Yukimiya is sabotaging him because ~they're on the same team~ yeah okay whatever dude and what was your end-goal here again
man, these matches just keep getting longer and longer despite the fact that they're aiming for way less goals...
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sodaquail · 6 months
Dude I’m so hyped for your werewolf AU, you have no idea. I’m the biggest werewolf!Chip fan out there. Anyways, if you want asks (sorry if I misinterpreted your post):
What type of werewolf are we talking here? Classic bipedal or twilight style giant wolf? Somewhere in between?
Are any of the other characters werewolves, and/or does Chip know any others?
Is lycanthropy a known thing? How do people react?
One of my D&D books has a section on lycanthropy, and while you can play player characters affected by it, it goes hand and hand with the Evil alignment (it’s an older book, not sure about lycanthropy in 5E). Is this similar in your AU, or are werewolves misunderstood?
Don’t feel obligated to answer any of these haha, I understand that they could definitely lean into spoiler territory, I’m just so excited!! :D Werewolf world building is the best.
Im sooooo glad to see you're excited!!! I can totes add you to the tag list ^_^
for the TYPE of wolf... I totally leant more into mythology rather than werewolf movies. ive never actually watched a werewolf movie (although, a friend said wolfchip would be like the wolves from twilight so now im planning a marathon with IRLs.... oops) I'm doing a lot of worldbuilding into the nature and magic of werewolves and that stays hidden but.. - physically they are BIG. like twilight wolf sized... big big. - They have no tail (a mythology thing for werewolves!! common for creatures rumored to just be witches in disguse actually) I was VERYYYYYYYY much not going to pull the werewolf pop culture thing and have some 'weird human-wolf hybrid cross' because i did not like the idea tooooo much..... would rather be taken out back and killed with bricks than make chip bipedal wolf-man hybrid thing.... noooooooo...... also in human form werewolves are distinctly inhuman!! Won't go into TOO MUCH worldbuilding of mine but essentially, among other things their wolf form and traits fluctuate with the lunar cycle. on new moon they're indistinguishable from human, on full moon they're fully wolf, and all inbetween is a mix of traits. It all depends on when you catch em, whether it's day or night, whether it's new moon or close to full moon.... you might not know what you're signing up for if you find a normal person on the full moon only for them to change as the lunar cycle goes on, lol. but from mythology these are the traits which often identify a werewolf in human form - unibrow (not giving chip this one. no dice) - low, swinging stride (yes!) - lower set ears (also yes!) - when the skin is cut, there is fur under it! (yes, but i felt might be too obscure for people.... not included in common werewolf pop culture sadly...) as well as a few special things of my own!!! I ALSO HAVE A PHOTO OF WHAT WOLFCHIP LOOKS LIKE!! i found this on a dog grooming video on tiktok and went 'thats wolfchip."
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2) Yes! I have one confirmed werewolf NPC (of my own making for the purposes of the story) and am toying with the idea of making another character a werewolf. It won't be too big of a deal though... just a neat little reference!! 3) now THIS is staunchly spoiler territory!! sorry dude!!! 4) this is also spoiler territory but what i will say is that I did not go off of DND modules (although it wouldnt hurt to give them a read...)!! I play BECMI and 5e as my DND modules among other TTRPGS but i did not lean from any of them. Honestly, I didn't take much inspiration for my werewolf worldbuilding outside of some mythology shit (and not a lot, anyway). I think i just went off the general, well known werewolf myths and said 'ok what can i do with this' and i sewed and cut and now it is a new beast. it is MY beast. TYSM for your questions!!! Hope you enjoy the final project ahhhh...... seeing the answers for the spoilers in the fic will be SO much better than reading them here i swear :3
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
san sfw alphabet
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genre: fluff
word count: 2.7k
warnings: none
requested?: yes
song rec: astroboy. by suggi
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
ha, this makes me laugh
because we all know that sannie is the fluffiest fluff-ball to ever fluff
he is SO affectionate like that's not even a question
i'm talking physically, verbally, everything. he is the man when it comes to affection
he constantly showers you with praise and loving words, and is always cuddling or holding you in some way when you are together. he likes to give affection both through the form of words as well as touch
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
the ultimate hype man™ 
he's your no.1 supporter. if you have an idea or a goal or a dream, he encourages you to go for it and don't look back with any regrets
he likes to do impulsive stuff with his bestie. like you guys are walking and see an arcade or something and then spend the next hour and a half there, totally changing your plans for the day
he also gets random rushes of energy with you like expect a very hyper san!!
you must know, as his best friend, that there is a loyalty oath. a pledge of allegiance for each other, if you will. he takes any close connections he has very seriously so if you break his trust its very hard to build it back up
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
just yes.
that's all i really have to say
yes to cuddling. a green tick to nuzzling. a big thumbs up to the snuggles
he is, to put it plainly, obsessed with cuddling you. like if he didn't have to restrain himself he will be on you, 24/7, all the time. he just loves you he loves being soft and fluffy because, lets face it, he is a cat
how does he like to cuddle? how doesn't he like to cuddle???
seriously though if he had to pick a favourite cuddle position, after much extensive consideration (yes this was very important to him to decide) he manages to narrow his choices down to two: 1) the 'sweethearts cradle,' with you putting your head on his chest while he holds you close to his chest. and 2) the spoon. obviously. i know its simple but he just loves wrapping his arms around you and snuggling into your neck from behind you i am very soft rn
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
i think san would want to settle down in good time
once h has his heart set on someone he really just wants to go all the way with them and experience everything with them, which makes the relationship seem rushed to outsiders, but to you guys, it feels like a perfectly right pace. you guys are just so into each other that's why. when the spark happens, it happens 🤷‍♀️
in terms of household chores, he's more than happy to help where help is needed. you might have to teach him a couple of recipes here and there but once he gets the hang of things he will for sure be cooking for you a lot. he likes treating you to his own homemade dinner sometimes, when he's feeling confident in the kitchen though lol
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
it would cause him so much pain tbh
he would end up doing it as quickly as possible, like taking off a band-aid/plaster. quick and swift
which wasn't his plan to begin with. he would've wanted to ease you into the breaking up but he just couldn't stand the tension
he would probably be very apologetic if he broke it off (depending on the situation tbh)
f = fiance (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
when in a relationship san's mind become automatically romantic
he is caught between a person who just wants to live in the present vs a person who is planning out their whole future with their s/o. like... he's just both. it depends on the day??
he loves commitment because he is, by nature, a very loyal person. but while the whole relationship has been quick and rushed (feeling natural that way) he probably wouldn't want to rush into marriage quite yet. he has to contain himself; he knows deep down all in good time will these things come about
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
gentle for the most part
there are times when he may come off too strongly in terms of physical affection, which can overwhelm a particularly shy or timid s/o. he likes to have someone he can pretty much throw himself at and cuddle all the time and depending on the type of person you are, that can be a bit intense
emotionally, san can sometimes have a rough edge to him. not intentionally. maybe he's had a bad day at work, or he couldn't get a move right in dance practice, sometimes you just need to leave him be so he calms down and cools off. depending on how you handle these things, he might be a bit blunt or snap at you if you keep asking him questions and possibly getting on his nerves. he doesn't mean any harm by it at all, it's just if something is upsetting him or weighing on his mind, there's not much either of you can do
overall it will depend on his mood. like anyone, if he's in a bad mood he will usually act differently. but san rarely has these bad moves so its safe to say you will see a much gentler side of san more frequently than anything else
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
adores hugs
tbh he especially lives back hugs like he's just that type of guy. loves wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your back to his chest, leaving soft butterfly kisses on your neck
and he melts when you give him back hugs. it just makes him feel soft and cute
he's just a lover of hugs in general. he really appreciates it when you pull him in for one, it makes him feel warm and safe
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
fairly fast
when san loves someone, he loves them intensely and without any doubt. so don't be surprised if he confesses his love to you in the first couple of weeks of you dating (depending on the frequency and time you spend with each other)
it's like he can't help himself from falling so quickly. and he is convinced that he must, he simply must tell you his feelings
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
i'd say on a scale of 1 - 10 on how jealous someone can be, 10 being the most jealous, i'd say san is a solid 8.5, maybe even higher?
he's mentioned that he has low self-esteem (which btw is beyond me because he's literally the best man ever, just saying) and with this mindset he has comes with him comparing himself to others
so if you are talking to someone he deems as better looking than himself, he will be jealous more often than not. he starts to have doubts like 'maybe y/n deserves someone better' etc
you can tell he is jealous when he becomes quiet and lost in thought, a slight pout laying on his lips as he holds a low gaze
so please reassure him that he is perfect and amazing and there is a reason why you chose him
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
sweet, soft, seductive
that's our san 🥳
depends on his mood. he likes soft little kisses when he's cuddling you or when you've done something endearing. he usually likes kissing you on the neck <3
and he likes getting kisses there too. or on his collarbone. or cheek. or forehead. he don't mind
but the lip kisses 💋 mwah, so passionate
he doesn't give you a chance to breathe it's just so steamy and full of love all at once his kisses are amazing, yes
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
super cute
he puts on an adorable baby voice for them and does whatever they want him to do because he just wants them to like him :(
gives them candy and stuff even when their parents say they aren't allowed
he just loves them, and the kids love him too!! its a win win situation
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
he's sleepy and just wants more cuddles
it is absolutely necessary that you wake up with him. like. physically. he likes to wake up and see you still there
like if you're not next time him, first of all, how did you wiggle out of his death grip??
second of all, where are you?? how dare you leave him???
he might let you off if you're downstairs making him breakfast but ONLY THIS ONCE
you'll have to make it up to him with more cuddles and kisses yk
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
likes to talk to you in a low, hushed voice
it will get all croaky towards the end of the night because you guys have been talking for hours
idk he loves spending nights with you because it feels like the only time where he can fully relax with you without any distractions
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he won't reveal everything all at once. but being open is a very frequent thing for him
lemme explain
each time you guys go out and spend time together, obviously you guys reveal a lot more about yourselves to each other
the more quality time you have, the more san will open up to you more. piece by piece, moment by moment, you will start learning more about him
he allows himself to be more and more vulnerable when he knows you're taking a sincere interest in him
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
i think it takes a lot for san to be actually angry, especially with his dearest s/o
he can be easily irritated but those are two completely different things
it depends how far he's been pushed. if his limit and boundaries have been broken then its really hard for him to turn back with a cool head
but with his s/o it's unlikely he will become angry. unless someone is mistreating his s/o in any way they better run fast
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he will remember things about you the more you remember things about him
does that make sense? idk lemme explain-
once he realises that 'oh, this person is taking an interest in me and what i have to say. and on top of that, they remember what i told them before about this and that. they must really be into me' and then he will reciprocate the same energy
it's important for him when the interest is mutual and goes both ways
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
your first kiss together <3
he views it as such a precious memory. he hadn't planned on kissing you that day, it was just something that... happened
you were just at a coffee shop together, and you were laughing over a story he was telling about an incident that happened at dance practice that day. the sparkle in your laugh, the amusement in your gaze, the beauty in your energy. its like he had a sudden epiphany that he was very much in love with you. it was a feeling that overwhelmed his senses, so much so that he couldn't control himself from leaning in to collide his lips with you
yeah, he never regretted that moment, that's for sure
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he's protective alright. he is constantly supporting you and he will literally batter anyone who hurts you in any way
if you tell him that someone at your work/college has been mistreating you or upsetting you in any way, you can see how instantly his demeanour changes, gaze turning dark and angry as he clenches his jaw
no one hurts his baby
as for the receiving protection, he would like if you also had his back to defend him too. he likes that in your relationship, you both are there for each other, always
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
i can't lie, sannie-boy is romantic fr
he buys you gifts every now and then, and they are always something personal and thoughtful that touch your heart
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
sannie can get opinionated
he can be a bit of a hot-head at times
so in a heated argument, it might be hard for him to see anyone else's point of you. he has his own morals, standards and priorities and sometimes he's passion clouds his judgement, and he may find difficulty to accept someone else's argument
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he knows he's gorgeous and hot as hell
but obviously there are times where he doesn't think so. depending on the day and what mindset he has, he might notice things he doesn't like about his appearance his face is so beautiful tho i don't understand him
his self-esteem fluctuates so overall it just depends on the day
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
oh yeah
like i said before, san is fiercely loyal. he gives his all into a relationship. if he loves someone so much he will be so attached to them
the feeling of emptiness may feel him when he isnt with you for a long period of time. so he will always check in and make sure you're ok and stuff
he never wants to get used to being without you
x = xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
he loves playing with your hair
just fiddling with it in between his fingers and running his hands through it whilst looking at you with much admiration...
and boy, does he really wanna style it for you
if you let him it will be such a pleasure for him to style it in any way he wants if you end up looking like an idiot thats on him
in all seriousness though, i think he would be really good at styling your hair, and very gentle too. if you wince and start making uncomfortable noises he would be concerned and try to be gentler
he loves learning new styles!! he feels a sense of accomplishment when he does it right and makes you look so good hehe <333
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
he doesn't like people who are indifferent and heartless. someone who is lacking compassion and kindness comes across as really unattractive to san
because if he favours one thing in a companion, be it platonic or romantic, it is being kindhearted. thats the most important thing for him
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
san is known for loving to sleep with a pillow
or in general just something to hug close to his chest and cling onto while he sleeps
its a comfort thing. it just feels natural and comfortable for him yk?
so having an s/o would be super helpful in this aspect because not only will his arms never be empty, but also he will be holding close the love of his life all night long
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raxistaicho · 11 months
The Javelins of Light really aren’t as powerful as people think
One of the most common criticisms of the Agarthans is that they could have easily won the war just by firing Javelins of Light at wherever their enemies were at a given moment.
Now first, they try that... it results in Shambhala being found and destroyed in Verdant Wind and Silver Snow, and firing them at Arianhrod probably plays a large role in Shambhala being destroyed in Crimson Flower as well. Now notably, in Azure Moon, the one route where the Agarthans never fire a Javelin, Shambhala is left unscathed in the end!
It’s almost like Thales shouldn’t have fired them for petty and vengeful reasons...
So, nuclear weapons are the most common point of comparison for the Javelins. They... don’t remotely live up to those heights.
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The first time we see them, at Merceus, Byleth and their army were on the fortress’s outer walls when the Javelins hit. They haven’t even begun to flee til after the first falls. You could argue that they survived because the Death Knight lured them toward the outer walls in the first place, but that’s still a very poor showing for a superweapon. You can’t just evacuate an entire army from a fortress in under a minute, and yet there’s no word after the event in either SS or VW about the army being ruined (the desperate situation in SS is more due to the loss of Merceus itself).
Then there’s the fact that the javelins only create craters, and the range of their destructive power doesn’t extend far beyond the actual blast radius. The buildings aren’t on fire, for instance, and the blast shockwaves doesn’t seem to have done as much damage as you might think.
This is consistent with their performance against Arianhrod in CF as well:
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The Agarthans shot multiple (note the plural) Javelins at Arianrhod and only destroyed the northern wall and the fortress main hall. They also killed only a third of the Imperial garrison, rather than all of them as you might expect if the Javelins lived up to their real-world hype. As you can tell from looking at the map while in battle, Arianrhod is massive.
But if you thought their performance at Arianrhod and Merceus didn’t live up to the hype... hoo boy, wait ‘til Shambhala.
Edelgard’s detractors would have you believe the Black Eagles could never take Shambhala without Rhea’s aid, since Thales would certainly just fire all the Javelins he has at Shambhala, as he does in SS and VW.
So how do they do in those routes?
Well the first one is spent cracking open Shambhala’s roof.
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A second follows it shortly after:
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(That barely-visible twinkle is the second javelin lol)
As Rhea flies off to intercept the second one, we see the result of the first:
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It struck a forest without starting a fire. Additionally, the damage circumference barely extends a single tree-width past the actual impact site. This is the weapon that some people would have you believe would grant Thales a world record LTC clear of Three Houses: a missile that can’t even take down a forest with a direct shot.
Rhea shoots down one javelin, and misses a third:
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Now notice that the first impact isn’t even on-camera. So on top of not being very destructive, their accuracy is pretty damn bad.
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Rhea hits a fourth, but the explosion of the fourth one catches the fifth, detonating that one as well, both of which blow up right in Rhea’s face.
She survives  two point-blank explosions from these missiles. If they were so destructive as to completely devastate the environment, as some would claim, and yet she survived the impact of two of them, she shouldn’t be falling to people waving swords at her.
And by the way, two more get past while she’s reeling from the explosion:
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The liberation army hasn’t even begun to retreat before Rhea falls (again):
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Byleth’s army are 2/2 on surviving Javelin strikes by doing absolutely nothing.
And again, in the final panning shot, there’s no sign of the environment being devastated as a result of this fire:
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Like yeah, Thales killed a lot of trees and opened holes in the ground, but there’s no reason to suspect this area won’t be fine now that the danger is over.
So that’s 7 Javelins total, 3 of which Rhea stops, 1 of which needed to actually expose Shambhala, and at least 1 of which just deadass misses entirely. Because Thales was continuing to summon them even after the first landed:
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It can safely be assumed that he fired all or at least the majority of however many he had (because there’s absolutely no reason to hold back at this point, he’s just trying to take Byleth down with him now).
So, best case scenario, he had 8 or 9 available at this point, on top of the 2 or so he fired at Merceus. Now Thales can certainly do some damage with that many, but I sincerely doubt he has the capacity to make any more, so he’s gotta make his shots count, so to speak, especially since firing one runs the risk of exposing Shambhala.
I’ve seen it argued that the Agarthans don’t fire any Javelins in AM because Thales is the only one who had the “firing codes”, but there’s no evidence of this. It’s equally possible that whoever his successor was on their hierarchy simply viewed the Javelins as not worth the risk. They’re weapons of last resort, after all: The Agarthans want to take over the surface, not destroy it. This is why their usual style is infiltration and subterfuge.
Now, what about Ailell you might ask? That happened in ancient times but the  land is still a volcanic hellscape!
Well, for starters, it seems that Ailell wasn’t hit by the javelins all that long ago:
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They fell within this old dude’s living memory!
Secondly, the effects of the Javelins hitting Ailell seems wildly different from the other regions struck, so why is Ailell different? Well, Fates, of all games, suggests a possible answer:
Yes. It is a strange phenomenon, but I can explain how it came to be. There is a massive reservoir of oil nearby that has mixed with the water. At some point, hundreds of years ago, the river was set aflame. It may have been a lightning strike, or an accident, but regardless... It has burned ever since. 
Of course, totally different games and scenarios, but it a hypothetical reason for the Javelins behaving so wildly different in one spot from two others.
This brings us to a final point: the devastation of Fodlan in the distant backstory. One clear first-hand account of Fodlan’s destruction comes from Rhea herself:
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This seems pretty clear-cut, and it’s been generally held as evident that the ancient Agarthans fired off volleys of their Javelins and destroyed the surface. However, as I’ve already demonstrated, the Javelins don’t appear to have that sort of power.
Interestingly, in Hopes, Epimenides blames Sothis for this:
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Of course, it’s very possible that he’s lying, but he’s actually pretty direct and forthright with the party - aside from sending illusions of their loved ones after them, anyways.
Who’s telling the truth here? Who can say. It’s totally possible that both him and Rhea are telling half-truths at best, but it’s not terribly important either way.
The important part is that the Javelins of Light just aren’t the end-all be-all weapons some treat them as. They’re incredibly dangerous, of course, but that’s as much because of what an absurd outside context problem they are for the cast of a Fire Emblem game. They’re dangerous, but they’re also risky to use, and not something to be used carelessly. Thales does use them carelessly because he’s a petty and vindictive man, as he demonstrates multiple times in both games.
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otakween · 9 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 24
This episode was fantastic, so many emotional moments. And we got a new ED (and slightly modified OP)! Going into this episode I was a little annoyed knowing they wouldn't actually be going to the digital world yet, but they did such a good job building up the hype that I think it ended up being very necessary to have one last human world episode. So pumped to see how the next arc plays out!
When Takato is like "our town..." in the opening monologue does he mean Tokyo? Shinjuku? Just struck me as kind of funny to call that area a town, but what do I know
Seeing the various ways the kids tell their parents about their journey was super fascinating. I like how they all did it in different ways with varying levels of directness. Honestly I think the "I told them it's a school trip" option made the most sense to me. If this was real life there's no way in hell a parent would allow their 10 year old kid to go off into some dangerous, alien world.
Something about Jian's dad interacting with Terriermon is really cute. It would actually be cool to see a Digimon series with adults as the MCs since they have a different perspective on the world.
Juri mysteriously dodged the question about how she told her parents about the trip. I wasn't sure how to interpret that. Did she just not tell them at all? Does she actually not get along with them?
I think Ruki's departure from her family was probably the most interesting. Her grandma has this sort of sage understanding of the situation while her mom is blissfully unaware. The scene where Ruki dresses up for mom to leave her on a high note was really sad.
Suddenly Culumon is in a lantern-shaped cage. Lol where did that come from?
Some interesting Yamaki moments. I guess he's realized the error of his ways and is now on the kids' side? Kinda abrupt, but I can dig it. (Also, he was more handsome than usual this episode teehee)
The scene with the teacher was insane! The kids just flat out tell her they're leaving school and she's like "wtf?? what am I supposed to do with this knowledge!?" In America at least, teachers would probably be expected to report something like this, but they did already tell their parents so...I understand why this kind of breaks her. Like...how is she supposed to just carry on like normal? Moumantai my butt!
Takato's dad's support kinda had me sighing and rolling my eyes, but oh well. Can't project my real world context onto things I guess
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^The appropriate reaction. I feel like if the parents had witnessed some digimon battles and saw what their kids were capable of, I might buy it a little more. But Takato's mom & dad just found out that Guilmon exists!
lol @ Shiuchon just kind of rolling with it when she finds out that Terriermon is real. It was nice to finally see them talk to each other. Hopefully Terriermon can set boundaries with her now when he gets back.
Yamaki at the end being like "I'm jealous" is the stand in for me, the 31 year old watching this and being like "why can't I be a 10 year old going on adventures instead of working my 9-5!"
So pleased that I'm watching this at the perfect time! They kept emphasizing how this is taking place at the end of summer. Love it when things work out that way.
Lots of insert songs this episode + the new ED. I can't wait to listen to them all on their own and soak in the lyrics. I like that the ED has a more mature, somber tone compared to the first one.
Side note: I've been calling Culumon "he," but then saw someone on MAL use "she." When I google it I found that Culumon is likely genderless (unfortunately I also saw some spoilers while googling boohoo). Guess I'll try to use "they" now...
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I try not to get mad here lol but some of y’all are being so dramatic about THE LEAK ™ (said in my most affectionate way)
as if seeing a literal 2 frame (felt like 1 tbh and I wouldn’t have even known it was them if I hadn’t seen the screenshot lmao) has ruined that moment entirely. I mean OF COURSE I would have screamed like a banshee when it happened if I had never seen it. But you know what?  I am STILL GONNA SCREAM LIKE A BANSHEE when it happens because we have got the whole ass build up, aftermath and context to look forward to (and I am keeping the faith that this is real and not a trick otherwise I’ll grab my pitchfork) 
So yeah I do get when people don’t want spoilers, fine, you do you and I berate the spn fandom for ruining things for people because their ship disappointed them so they’re trying to make out like this is nothing (when its everything babes sorry) 
and I think GO fans have generally been tagging really well, I had to seek out the spoiler myself because everyone made me anxious and I thought they were gonna kill someone off asfghjk so for my peace of mind I had to look. 
And you know, its made me even more hyped for s2, I might even write a ficlet about what I think will happen with their kiss I’M SO EXCITED MAN and personally it hasn’t ruined anything in fact I’m kinda relieved we’ll get a kiss my ace heart never had it on my wishlist I was hoping for hand holding etc but I’m all for it now and tbh we’re gonna get so much more stuff I MEAN THE AFTERMATH OF THE CHURCH SCENE?! CMOOON lets scream about this!!! I’m tired of the woe is me everything is awful my otp are kissing how terriblelol and lets embrace it and look forward to the amazing things and moments we’re gonna get!
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hi I’m the one who asked about JK and his brand. I’m not interested in BTS as a group either tbh, my concern is that hype will continue to ignore the other members (specifically jimin) and halt any potential growth/success just like what they did/still doing with Face. My concern is that ARMY will focus on one member and ignore the others, which is not fair since all 7 of them build this fandom. no solo fan base is strong enough to carry a member through a comeback, all members need ARMY. I know there’s no point in talking about it and there’s nothing we can do. I guess I’m not sure if i can go through another trauma after Face lol. The only way I can see myself enjoying any future releases from jimin is if i log out of every platform and just listen to his music without checking how well he did or how bad hype fucked up
I am a pessimist, so probably the wrong person for you to talk to right now, sorry 😄
I think what happened to Face might as well repeat, I really don't see how it wouldn't at this point. Yes, there's a need for a big fandom to achieve whatever goals fans believe need to be achieved, but I think an artist is more than charting and selling goals. There are people in the art world who have never won big awards, some don't even get it at old age. It doesn't mean that it reflects the impact they have on art and on the people who are interested in their work. I know I'm talking to the void here because fans don't care about that and quantifiable achievements are still rulling the world, but it is what it is.
There's more ugliness and viciousness in the fandom and certain company practices don't help. You'll only get more angry. More and more and it will affect you. Because you won't be able to do much, it's out of your hands. You and all the other fans. It doesn't mean the artist shouldn't be suppported, but not at the expense of one's mental health.
It's a neverending cycle and damn, we need a break. I say we because I find myself in the same boat a lot of the times. I get angry and frustrated for this boy so much, but I have to keep reminding myself that there are limits to it.
It's more likely that Jungkook will go on a world tour. Either soon or after MS. The brand and all the products which will come under it is a proof of that. The concert yesterday was a taste of what's to come, that much was pretty obvious since it was announced. Plus the questions about it, questions which always go through the BH pr first. When/If it becomes official, it will be a bloodbath and I'm honestly ready to close my inbox for a few days in case it happens. Another wave of anger. Some justifiable, some not. Taking a step back from collective hate/anger/frustration can help.
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abiiors · 8 months
to make everyone feel better about the supposed “5 year break”
1. this tour isn’t selling as well as ATVB it’s obvious that they would market it as the last tour for a while to gather hype.
2. the only person to say a “few years” was Jamie once in a group chat with fans, and we know that man isn’t always true to his word. most people on reddit have said it’s just a marketing technique, cause only jamie has said that once. people were going crazy to get ticket for the eras tour cause people on twitter started a rumor on twitter that this would be taylor’s last album/tour before retirement. and she’s just recently confirmed that she’s still working on music at the moment. maybe jamie just wants to build up hype around this being the last tour for a few years and after the tickets sell well they will confirm that they aren’t going anywhere.
3. they’ve already started hinting at the next album with deleting all their post and showing a more green color scheme before archiving everything.
4. they’ve done albums every two years since 2016. so probably another album mid - late 2024.
5. most of notes was made during touring abiior. it’s not impossible for them to already have majority of the album done, specially cause matty has talked about being in studio with george (and jack) multiple time. (first time he mentioned they started their 6th album was in february i believe.)
6. matty has said something to the effect of “your favorite band, throughout every era of your life we will be here, no matter what.” at most shows.
7. after SATVB ends they will probably take some time off maybe releasing their album later 2024 nov - dec. and touring it 2025. (which would be almost two years since SATVB started, kind of boosting the “few years theory” isn’t as long as you think.
8. other possibilities is matty releases a solid album 2024/25 and tours it on his own but i doubt he could sell as well without the 1975 name behind him (no offense obvs.)
9. they’ve been best friends since they were 13, they might take a break from touring (a well deserved one) but their not splitting up entirely. why would they have already started album 6, months ago if they had any intention of breaking off in to a hiatus for 5 years.
10. (just a bonus theory)
it could be their last tour as THE 1975 (for a few years.) matty loves to be cryptic. it’s possible they might tour as drive like i do since it’s been implied heavily that he wants to return to that name one day.
i know some of these are a little delusional but i hope it put a end to some of your anxieties (everyone)
we know matty is insane sometimes, he fully well could announce his solo record or the next 1975 record in the next few months if he wanted to. plus People was released in like 2019 while on tour, it’s possible their next era will start soon or as already started (with them deleting all their post and stuff.)
that's all really well thought out and after my initial panic lol i do think you're right.
yes, they've talked about the sixth album and i'm sure you're right about most of it being done too but then again i won't be surprised if they did take a break longer than 2 years or didn't immediately go on tour for the sixth album?? like adam's kid is still so young and i'm sure he wants to be much more involved. g and charli have talked multiple times about getting married.
their schedule is so insane that sometimes it feels like they have been putting their personal lives on hold for it which is obvs not good.
if matty does decide to release a solo album and tour it, i'd be really excited to see how that goes like even if he does it on a smaller scale it would certainly be an experience <33
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ermbabyel · 2 months
Hi! I just saw your submission to my matchup trade and I'm more than willing to do it with you! Here’s my half for the trade (Mystic Messenger/Stardew Valley)!
• Name/Nickname: Kaitlyn / Kit
• Age: 20
• Sexuality: Lesbian (However I don’t mind being shipped with fictional men at all!!)
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Age Range: 20-30
• Likes: Gardening, Cats, Ocean Life, Video Games, Coffee, Disney Movies (Frozen, specifically), Fall Out Boy (favorite band) || Dislikes: Fireworks, Hospitals
• Hobbies: Journaling, Writing, Reading
• Love Languages: Gift Giving
• Ideal Type: Someone to joke around with, who listens to me, who hypes me up 24/7
• Personality: I’m very shy at first and it takes some time for me to get used to new people. I tend to be very outgoing when in my friend circle and never really go out of my way to meet new friends, they always just come to me somehow. I like to believe I give good advice and am a good listener, and I back my friends up 100% of the time. I love to laugh and make jokes, and pretend arguing over stupid stuff that doesn’t matter is one of my favorite activities. I could ramble on and on about my favorite activities and I can tend to be stubborn when it comes to my favorite things.
• Astrology Sign: Scorpio
• Aesthetic/Style: My style fluctuates based on my mood of the day. Some days I will be wearing band t-shirts (usually Fall Out Boy) and ripped jeans, paired with a cat beanie, and some (silver) jewelry. Other days I could wear nothing but pastels and pink, paired with lots of sanrio and hello kitty accessories.
• Anything else you can think of: Appearance wise I wear glasses, have green eyes, blonde hair thats a little past shoulder length, and I’m 5’2.
(I’ll have your matchups posted within the next day!!)
Hello~! I’m so excited to do their matchup trade with you. I hope you enjoy your matchups~
Your Mystic Messenger Matchup is…Saeyoung~
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I think this man would love you to bits~!
He would be SO flustered when he meets you, but tries to play it off by cracking jocks. But we know this man will eventually FOLD hard lol.
Seven is your #1 hype man, constant praises and compliments every single minute of every day lmaooo. This sweet boy just wants you to know how much he loves you!
Absolutely LOVES your Hello Kitty/cat accessories! He will ask you from time to time if he can wear some of your accessories and will give some fashion advice here and there.
Playful banter all day long…this man is not holding back! Sometimes Yoosung will watch you two banter and tease back and forth as a form of entertainment lol.
He’d also be the type of person to ask if he can try on your glasses lmao and have you try his on just for the fun of it.
We all know Seven likes to invent gifts and let me tell you this boy has a few ideas up his sleeve! He wants you to use his gifts as mementoes of his love for you.
I believe Saeyoung would love how much of a good listener you are. He has gone through SO much and appreciates being able to confine in you when he gets flashbacks from his past. You are his safe place~ 💜.
Your Matchup in Stardew Valley is…Abigail~
I was debating between Leah and Abigail, but ultimately chose Abigail! I just think you two would mesh really well~
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You caught Abigail’s eyes the first time you walked into The Stardrop Saloon. She’d be absolutely fascinated by your piercing and would ask you so many questions about them lol.
She’s also the one to try to hide her feelings and might get annoyed when Sam or Sebastian tease her about it. But she’ll build up the courage to ask you out on a date!
This girl does not mind your ramblings at all and actually finds this trait of yours quite charming! She’ll ask you what your writing or journaling and will watch you with a gentle gaze as you get lost in your ramblings~
She can be a bit of a spit fire, but I think that’s something you can handle pretty well. I mean you’re not afraid to fire back when Abigail gets a bit sassy…all in good fun though!
You’ll be the type of couple who share each other’s clothes lmao. I think you’d be the one to get her hooked onto listening to Fall out Boy…so expect someone your band shirts “mysteriously” disappear.
I think you’d be the mom of the friend group with Sam and Sebastian. Sam is a bit of a dumb-ass and would appreciate someone to watch out for him lol. And Sebastian also needs a listening ear when he feels troubled by what he’s been dealing with at home. Abigail just appreciates how kind-hearted you are with her friends as well as with her.
I think Abigail would love your more outgoing side. I can see her trying to get caught up in some of her adventures like going to the mines, for example. She’d also would love to lay in bed, snuggled up with you and listen to your writings at the end of the day.
I hope you enjoyed doing this trade as much as I have! I hope you have a good day/night~! 🥰
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
I'm really thankful for your insight on fandom discourse, it helps me a lot as a new fan.
Recently some songs from JK's new album were leaked, it happened to Dreamers too. Can you share if this often happened to BTS songs, or mostly JK? Is this intentional by the company for marketing, or is it illegally done, will those people who leaked get punished?
Hi Anon,
Yeah this has happened with other BTS songs. The first time I heard a BTS song leak was for songs off the Love Yourself: Tear album in April 2018 - about a month before the album was released. And then I believe there was a shipping mishap too, with Amazon delivering albums almost a week before the album was supposed to be released lol. And there have been (infrequent) leaks for almost every release since then, including a bit for Indigo (though it was killed quickly). ARMYs used to be very good about keeping leaks under wraps and getting leaks removed from online platforms but it seems BTS is too big for any leaks to be fully contained now, and newer fans don’t seem to care as much about spreading leaks, so I doubt JK’s song leaks will be the last of it. Unfortunately.
I don’t know if BigHit is using this as a marketing strategy. I don’t see why they’d have to, but it’s no secret labels use leaks to gauge interest ahead of a release and to build hype. Again, BTS has a fandom that’s extremely engaged and Jungkook is very well loved, so I don’t see why BigHit would need to do a temp check or ratchet up hype for JK (or any BTS member tbh), but it’s possible so I won’t discount it completely.
Nearly all the leaks I’ve seen, including for JK’s album and Proof, appear to come from different sources posted originally to different galleries and platforms. On the English-speaking side of the internet, the leaks are collected and spread by a handful of the same accounts, but on the Korean side the leaks are a lot more fragmented, which makes me think it’s not just one person abusing their access. And so it might be difficult for BigHit to find them and prosecute.
But then, if the people who leaked songs in the past were punished, we wouldn’t know about it.
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