#soft shark
respect-the-locals · 8 months
🦈 Daily Shark Fact: 🦈
Silky Shark skin has more densely packed denticles than most other sharks, giving them a more silky-smooth appearance and texture.
They have a particularly good sense of hearing, which they use alongside their other senses to track down large aggregations of feeding tuna. If there’s lots of noise, there’s usually lots of fish to eat.
(I've had the opportunity to touch one before and it truly feels so 'soft')
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lee-luca · 6 months
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X-Men: Do telepaths dream of smiling sharks
(Alternatively: Me, my old friend, and his 30 dollar three foot long IKEA shark) I think Charles should have his very own Blahaj for the times when Erik isn't around. It's probably a better, softer bedmate than Erik too. (Companion to yesterday's 'Magneto buys a Blahaj')
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eebychala · 25 days
look at this lil sharky guy ^o^
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sharklovingcriminals · 2 months
As someone who loves sharks my ears pricked up every time they were mentioned in Wednesday and wierdly enough i think if you read into it as much as me theres some interesting stuff going on.
When wednesday mentions sharks, she is using them as an example of a very dangerous animal, talking about swimming with sharks or sharks "circling" which feed into the common western myth that sharks are evil monster things.
this isn't true at all, almost all sharks are very safe and the few that are dangerous are much less dangerous than many other wild animals (bears, hippos, etc). This (to me) shows how Wednesday's love of macabre and deadly things often leads to a negative outlook on the world, falsely believing that sharks are out to get her.
When gomez talks about sharks he says "they found you as cold-blooded as I do", still leaning into the same macabre and deadly aspect, but putting a positive, kind spin on it, as we would expect from gomez.
When Enid mentions sharks, she's talking about the hockey team the san jose sharks, who, for anyone who doesn't follow hockey, are the worst. That's not an exaggeration they currently have the least points of any team in the nhl. I think the reason that it's mentioned she is a lifelong sharks fan (besides the fact hockey is for cool people in america and enid lives in California) is that it shows unwavering loyalty to a lost cause. Her devotion to the team which is the worst.
To wednesday enid is a shark, dangerous, deadly, scary (because she doesn't know how to be affectionate).
To enid, wednesday is a shark, awful, maybe even the worst, but worth devoting your life to if you love it.
I'd just like to add that the san jose sharks are awesome and do all sorts of community events like pride nights, anti bullying talks at schools, environmental awareness+litter picking drives and they're really awesome in all ways other than being good at the sport they play.
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Obi-Wan: Alright, men, what are we thinking right now?
Wooley: *shoved his lil hand up super fast* Oh, me! I got this one, me!
Obi-Wan: *waving his hand over them all* Hmmmmmmm- you. *points to Wooley*
Wooley: *fist pumps* Yes! Okay so I think we should throw Cody a decanting-day party with cheeses.
Obi-Wan: Cheeses?
Waxer: No he’s right, Cody likes cheeses. And caf. I think we should get him an espresso machine.
Obi-Wan: Those are super expensive, I have several contacts I can pout at till they buy me one. Why cheeses? I’ve never seen Cody’s apparently well known love for cheese.
Boil: Yeah, that’s cause he’s scared you’ll think he’s insane.
Obi-Wan: Okay, but, like, is this a fancy stinky cheese thing or is he gonna eat an entire block of store brand cheddar right from the package??? This is news to me and both have to be approached very differently.
Wooley: It’s the stinky one. They’re like SUPER icky but he loves them but he will eat them right from the package with nothing but bread at room temperature.
Obi-Wan: No, no, that’s how those ones are supposed to be eaten.
Wooley: Is gross tho.
Waxer: Idk I think they’re good if the bread is crunchy, but I like the not-as-smelly ones.
Boil: I’ll eat the store brand cheddar right from the block idk man
Obi-Wan: Awesome, I have an idea. Party at Padme��s house, new espresso machine that I’ll get… probably Bail, I haven’t annoyed Bail lately. I’ll get Bail to buy him an espresso machine. You guys get to come with me to look for cheeses, both fancy and store brand, but they will be on separate sides of the room so no one complains. I’m sorry, Boil, but this means you’ll be with Anakin and Ahsoka on the store brand side of the room.
Boil: The price of not smelling that stinky stuff is worth it every time.
Obi-Wan: Awesome. Best decanting-day party ever.
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ravenousrampage · 11 months
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Knight protecting someone
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plush-with-love · 1 month
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Source ~ Jellycat
Silvie Shark
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shamrockqueen · 14 hours
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Omega retreat : Chapter 6
Pairing : Alpha Bucky x Omega Reader
Warnings : R18, Eventual Smut, Anxiety, Heat cycles, things aren’t what they seem, unwanted attention.
Word count : 1734
Summary : As an unmarked and lonely omega you find a flyer for a service called The Omega Retreat.
You are paired with a compatible alpha to spend your heat or just a week at a luxurious cabin at a forest resort. Amenities and Utilities included. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air, as well as the company of an alpha of your choosing. What could possibly go wrong?
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You got your affairs in order, took the time off from work, and packed your bags. Now you were simply counting the days until you could see him, and as your heat had already been slowly approaching, there wasn’t much time left.
With each phone and video call, it seemed to be all either of you could talk about. But, when the day finally came, he seemed just as doting as your mother. Although, it was more amusing to hear these things from him than it had been from her.
Your spirits were at their highest, yet as you felt your heat prick at your skin, it left an unnerving feeling in your belly. Having to procure birth control for the first time was nerve-wracking enough, and yet you were already conditioned to fear your body's natural functions.
You try your best to shake the negativity away, even at the last second, as you finish packing your car and are ready to leave.
You're snug in the driver's seat, looking back at your locked front door. A moment all too similar to the day you came home from the hospital, thankful that your mother brought you your car and even more so that you were even alive.
You took a deep breath in and gave a heavy exhale. All before turning to your phone and sitting in the passenger’s seat beside your purse. Another one of Bucky’s messages of encouragement lit across the screen. You felt a stray tear threatening to trickle down your cheek, only to be wiped away with a single drag of your finger.
You quickly pulled your hand from your cheek and threw the car in reverse before rolling out of the driveway and out onto the street.
You were flying on a cloud of determination, feeling airier by the second. It was easy to ignore the subtle rise in your body temperature as you glided towards your destination. It was only during a brief pit stop that you were able to fan at the thin sheen of sweat that had built over your skin.
You needed some gas and maybe a quick snack—nothing that should have delayed you too much. You pulled into a large service gas station off the highway and stopped by one of the pumps before stepping out of the car.
It was still so warm out, with only a small breeze in the air to help cool your skin. You swiped your card, pulled the nozzle, and stuck in the fuel filler to fill the tank as you locked the car and left to find a snack in the adjacent convenience store.
You pulled your phone from your back pocket as you stepped inside. There was a message waiting for you from Bucky, just a little ‘hey, have you left yet?’
You tapped at the screen to type back, just letting him know you’d stopped for gas and still had some distance to cover until you’d be at the resort.
You hope he was excited, and maybe even as nervous as you were to finally see each other.
You tucked the phone away again as you stepped down towards the drink coolers at the back of the store. There were a few cork boards stapled up by the bathrooms, and old business cards for bakeries and auto repair were tucked beside a familiar but faded red flier.
You pulled a soda from the cooler and toed a few steps closer.
You felt a small flutter in your stomach when you read the ‘Omega Retreat’ title. It was almost the same piece of paper that brought you this far, and it was nice to see it again before journeying across the finish line.
You took the paper between two fingers, pulling it forward for a better look. Instead, you found another flier tacked up behind it—another faded picture with much more somber messages.
It was a poster for a missing Omega.
The word was set in bold to convey how dire the situation was. The woman on it was smiling, cracked only by a thin white line in an old bend in the paper. Below was a number to call if you had any information about where she might be, but two of the last digits were too faded to decipher whether it was 78 or 10.
There were always rumors of Omega’s being sought after and even stolen from their homes and families. It was something that you and many others like you hoped was not better than a legend.
The picture was old, leaving no doubt that if this woman hadn’t been found by now, she never would be. It made your stomach drop as you let the paper fall back over top of it.
You felt a familiar sense of unease bubbling in your belly. What if that girl was you? What would that do to your family if they never saw you come home?
You shook your head and wandered back into one of the narrow aisles. You were so tired of feeling scared, and you wanted to only focus on the good things that awaited you. The resort had wonderful reviews, and of course they boasted about safety if anything were to happen. If your prince charming turned out to be a monster in disguise, then you should still be safe.
You paid for your haul of twizzlers and Sprite before finally making it out to your car to drive away. That little gas station disappeared behind you as the road stretched out ahead. It wasn’t incredibly scenic until you approached the property. Green hills and a plush forest line either side of the road before the main building comes into view ahead. It was bigger than you’d expected, but not as rustic as the cabins. It was professional and comfortable.
You pulled into an empty space in the parking lot, taking another breath before cutting the engine and looking back at the building. This was it; he’d be here. An alpha is waiting here just for you.
The air in the car grew thin, and a thick wave of sweat finally started to drip down the back of your neck. It felt as if you could start shaking, and a familiar sense of terror bubbled in your stomach alongside the budding of your heat.
You just breathe, taking in only as much air as necessary before calming your rising nerves. Things would be better; you wouldn’t be alone this time.
You give yourself a small smile before reaching to unbuckle your seatbelt and falling short upon receiving a knock at your car window.
You’d nearly kicked yourself out of the driver's seat upon hearing it. All efforts to soothe your own anxieties are destroyed at the hands of some young employee trying to get your attention.
His face was left red with embarrassment at scaring a guest, and you could barely hear him stuttering out his sorries.
You crack the door, offering an apology for not having seen him.
“I really didn’t mean to scare you, ma’am. We thought maybe you needed some help with your bags.”
“Oh, uh sure.” You pulled yourself out of the car, purse hooked over the bend of your elbow, and keys tight in your hand as you rounded the car towards the back to grab your suitcase for him.
He reeked like a nervous beta, which was oddly reassuring to you. Betas are like a blank slate to heats and ruts and are often helpful mediators, so the little employee’s presence helped to calm you just a little bit. He grabs your suitcase, and you proceed to look at the car doors before following him into the building. It was bigger on the inside than you had expected, lavish and modern at every inch as well. You see the other waiting couples being all lovey-dovey, some awkwardly sweet, and a few with steely faces.
One couple stood out as a redhead and a tall blonde, surrounded by an icy atmosphere. She barely gave him the time of day, and he almost looked like he was gritting his teeth. It put into perspective how meeting strangers might end horribly.
“Go ahead and have a seat; I can take your name and find your reservation.” The employee was quick to steal your attention before showing you to an open chair in the foyer.
“Oh, of course,” you say with a weak smile before giving him the needed information and sitting down in the soft seat as he sets your bags by the chair.
You watched as the little beta shuffled to the front desk as a rogue dribble of sweat ran from your hairline and rounded towards the back of your neck. With all the mixed scents in the air, it seemed to rile up the heat that bubbles beneath your skin, making it spike ever so slightly. You felt like the only heated omega in the room, and it made you more and more self-conscious.
The feeling of budding heat added to the building dread in your belly, a greatly unwanted side effect from years of painful cycles.
But, things would be different this time; you would have someone to carry you through the heat this time. It was the only sentiment that soothed your nerves as you burrowed further into the cushy seat.
You felt a few eyes trailing towards you, several from staff, and most were edged with concern. You watched as that same beta was speaking to another employee at the desk before grabbing one of the phones and pressing it to his ear.
You took a calming breath, understanding that you may have to wait a while after arriving so early. It seemed to be working too, making your scent blossom with a sweet sense of building tranquility. It was a pleasant first for you, but such pleasantries never seemed to last, and as another stranger approached you their robust scent broke your calming bubble.
Long legs brushed past your knees, and as you looked up at their owner, you saw a familiar face.
You’d only seen his profile once before rejecting it, but you couldn’t remember his name. You felt sick to be under his gaze, your stomach twisting from him standing so close.
“Hey there.” He gave you a devilish grin as his brown eyes narrowed down at you.
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Tag list : @meowmeowyoongles @black-cat-2 @cjand10 @bethyruth @scott-loki-barnes @wintrsoldrluvr @buckysdoll85 @lendeluxe @meowmeowyoongles @heletsmelovehim @mcira @buckysbaby-doll @serendipitouslife90 @unicornicopia1 @animegirlgeeky @matchat3a @darkdemeter @onyxwolf @thebuckybarnesvault @nicestgirlonline @jbuckybarnesfan @val-writesstuff @birdenthusiastez @ozwriterchick @mandab44 @cringeycookies @skittslackoffilter @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @bohemianrhapsody86
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nylarac · 7 months
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obsessed w this shark plushie and how my friend wrapped it
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teejaystumbles · 2 years
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A siren, Hob had thought, when he’d first found the man washed up upon the strand. One of those beautiful creatures of the deep, what tempted Odysseus and drew men to their dooms upon the rocks. He’s rather certain no siren has ever been depicted with tentacles, though. this has taken me almost the whole day and I regret nothing
@moorishflower <3
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jey-draws · 2 years
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I got a ikea shark :)
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toybabbitt · 1 month
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Some of my colourful guys! 🐸🌈
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henarten · 3 months
I bring a squeezable tummy vibe to the world that the lesbians go foaming at the mouth for
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sillywordman · 1 year
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sweetpeauserboxes · 1 year
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[id: a light blue userbox with a pastel blue border and pastel blue text that reads “this user loves nurse shark".” on the left is an image of two nurse sharks. /end id]
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ravenousrampage · 1 year
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probably what a lot of attention on twitter and FA: my "Munchcraft" stuff. It's M*necraft. but Vorny.
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because even weird monsters gotta eat too lol
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