#sp ram
cherrycro · 4 months
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*Combines the things i like* *Combines the things i like**combines-
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 2 months
”you can’t prove they were gay!”
well you can’t prove they weren’t gay
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clowfish · 1 year
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I usuuually don’t care for heathers aus but this one piqued my interest bc of how well it fit,,,,
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astrafangs · 1 year
Beach day with officer Dhruva~ ☀️
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: Tagging :
✨️ @boochhaan @mesimpleone @vijayasena @ronaldofandom @gifseafins ✨️
✨️@beingmes-blog @fangirlshrewt97 @ladydarkey @ssabriel ✨️
✨️@burningsheepcrown @milla984✨️
✨️@minusculetony @jjwolfesworld @umbrulla @yehsahihai @badtabbywhitecat ✨️
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euesworld · 1 year
"I listened to this philosopher describe vegan/ vegetarian as not eating anything that screams.. I am vegan and I thought that was funny cause the first thing I thought was that I can't eat my girl anymore."
She's probably reading this thinking you better not stop fucker, the only beef I eat is below your hips and above your knees.. it's vegan, just eat it. Some people say it's a flower, so it must be plant based, haha - Lame joke Dujour - eUë
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eenadu-varthalu · 2 years
Happy day of the sun my dear fellows ☀️. Had a bit of a bumpy week, but here’s SOME MORE Letterboxd reviews that made it a lil better:
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sp-art-gallery · 1 year
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A birthday gift for my friend, @lotsoflatte!
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fangirlshrewt97 · 1 year
RC: You know what? I’m gonna make you a mix tape. You like SPB-garu?
Tarak: I’ve got two ears connected to a heart, don’t I?
(For those unfamiliar with SPB, please look him up. He's been the voice for 3 generations of Indians in so many languages. For many of us (ESPECIALLY SOUTH INDIANS), he's part of the soundtrack of our childhoods)
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6ad6ro · 2 years
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Let's celebrate the victory of good over evil, the birth of Lord Ram with enthusiasm and devotion. Happy Ram Navami!
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apacnewsnetwork0 · 9 months
New Delhi: Gaurav Singh IPS officer 2012-batch of the Maharashtra cadre, has been appointed Superintendent of Police (SP) in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). He has been inducted into the federal agency for a five-year tenure, as per an order from the Ministry of Personnel.
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moranwitt92 · 11 months
Enhancing Your Gameplay: Mods and Add-Ons for Minecraft PC Download
Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers a world of endless creativity and exploration. While the base game provides a captivating experience, the addition of mods and add-ons can take your Minecraft gameplay to a whole new level. Mods and add-ons introduce a wealth of new features, mechanics, and customization options that enhance your gameplay and allow you to tailor the Minecraft experience to your preferences. In this article, we will explore the benefits of mods and add-ons for Minecraft PC download and how they can enhance your gameplay. - Expanded Gameplay Possibilities: Mods and add-ons introduce a vast array of gameplay possibilities, allowing you to explore new dimensions, encounter unique creatures, and engage in exciting quests. From adding magic systems and advanced technology to introducing new biomes and resources, mods expand the boundaries of the Minecraft world. They provide fresh challenges, mechanics, and content, ensuring that your Minecraft adventure remains engaging and unpredictable. - Customization and Personalization: One of the key advantages of mods and add-ons is the ability to customize your Minecraft experience. With mods, you can tailor the game to your preferences by adding or modifying gameplay elements, adjusting difficulty levels, or implementing quality-of-life enhancements. Add-ons offer customization options such as resource packs, skins, and sound packs, allowing you to personalize the visual and auditory aspects of Minecraft. This level of customization ensures that your gameplay experience is unique and aligned with your individual style. - Visual Enhancements: Mods and add-ons offer a plethora of visual enhancements, allowing you to transform the Minecraft world with high-resolution textures, realistic shaders, and improved lighting effects. Visual mods can create breathtaking landscapes, add intricate details to structures, and provide stunning visual effects that enhance the immersive nature of the game. Whether you prefer a realistic, fantasy, or cartoonish aesthetic, there are mods and add-ons available to suit your desired visual style. - Quality of Life Improvements: Mods and add-ons can significantly improve your quality of life while playing Minecraft. These modifications streamline gameplay mechanics, automate repetitive tasks, and provide additional conveniences. Mods can introduce features like mini-maps, inventory management systems, or fast travel options, making your Minecraft experience more efficient and enjoyable. Add-ons can also enhance user interfaces, making menus and controls more intuitive and accessible. - Multiplayer Enhancements: Mods and add-ons are not limited to single-player experiences; they can greatly enhance multiplayer gameplay as well. Multiplayer-focused mods introduce new game modes, cooperative challenges, and custom rulesets. They provide tools for server management, player communication, and anti-griefing measures. Additionally, mods enable server plugins that enhance multiplayer experiences, such as mini-games, economy systems, and role-playing mechanics. With the right mods and add-ons, you can create unique multiplayer communities and forge unforgettable cooperative adventures. - Community and Modding Support: The Minecraft modding community is vast and passionate, with countless creators continuously developing and sharing their work. This community support ensures a steady supply of mods and add-ons for you to explore and enjoy. Dedicated modding platforms like CurseForge and Modrinth provide extensive mod libraries, complete with detailed descriptions, user ratings, and version compatibility information. These platforms offer a thriving community where you can interact with mod developers, provide feedback, and discover new and exciting modifications. When downloading and installing mods and add-ons, it's important to follow proper installation instructions and ensure compatibility with your Minecraft version. minecraft how to see all the servers youve ever been on Be mindful of potential conflicts between mods and always back up your Minecraft files before making changes. Additionally, choose mods and add-ons from reputable sources to minimize the risk of malware or incompatible modifications. Mods and add-ons for Minecraft PC download open up a world of possibilities, allowing you to enhance your gameplay experience and tailor the Minecraft world to your preferences. Whether you're seeking expanded gameplay, visual enhancements, quality of life improvements, or multiplayer enhancements, there are mods and add-ons available to suit your needs. Embrace the creativity and innovation of the Minecraft modding community, and embark on a personalized Minecraft adventure that is uniquely yours.
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munotodi · 1 year
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babyjakes · 6 months
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devils roll the dice.
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompts | sex tape + medfet
pairing | hitman!robert pronge x innocent!reader
warnings | extremely dark, the darkest thing i've ever written (we've entered dead dove do not eat territory; please heed ALL warnings.) canon-level mature themes: kidnapping, torture films, murder. implications that reader will be killed. robert is cold and ruthless. innocent!virgin!reader. filming of illicit sex tape. reader is blindfolded and gagged. restraints. medfet elements: robert's little setup is giving vintage white tile exam room, exam table, stirrups, those gd black gloves, speculum use. clit focus (puff puff content incoming.) vibrator. multiple forced orgasms. squirting. overstimulation. mocking and degradation. robert puts a cig out on reader's leg. written in 3rd person idk.
word count | 1,485
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an | i'm kind of sitting here like wtf, ,, what is this and how did it come out of me lol. a little nervous to post, but i trust you guys to make responsible decisions about the media you consume!!! i'll probably never write something this fucked up again but for whatever reason it was just flowing out of me tonight folks, please again i'm begging you go read the warnings, like a second time through wouldn't hurt lol, and i hope you enjoy!!
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Bringing its bitter end to his lips, Robert used one hand to draw in a deep breath of his dwindling cigarette, the other lazily holding a black magic wand in its designated place. He was nearly an hour into the day's filming session, and his subject was reaching a level of exhaustion and misery that made her more annoying to play with than anything else. But knowing he needed to milk at least a little more footage out of her before putting her back under and calling it a day, the man kept at the task. He tried to remind himself that he should be enjoying himself; considering the kinds of commissions he generally had to choose from, this particular case was a treat. A pretty little virgin, as soft and pure as the early spring rain, with the most stunning body the criminal had ever had the privilege of defiling. He could spend another thirty minutes at his station, watching as all the life and dignity were drained out of his poor little victim like blood dripping to the cold tile floor.
Through the musty cloth rammed between her battered lips, the poor girl's cries were escalating as her tormentor swirled the curve of the wand's slick bulb over her burning clit. Robert knew what her worsening wails meant; with a callous grin, he pulled his cig from his mouth just in time to press its smoking end to the girl's inner thigh as she came. With the howl she let out, he was thankful for the buffer the gag provided. "Noisy little bitch," he laughed as her juices sprayed out against his gloved hands. "That's it, slut. Fucking take it."
Glancing at the camcorder sitting off to his side, Robert considered his options. As much satisfaction as he derived from seeing how many orgasms could be wrung out of the poor thing before her body knocked her out as an act of mercy, his sadistic tendencies were getting bored of the monotony. Tossing the used cigarette to the floor, the man slowed the wand to a stop. He rolled away slightly on his stool, tossing the condom that was wrapped over the toy's head into the large black trash bag sitting in the center of the large room's floor. This far into his career, Robert had his methods down to a science. There was a way to keep everything clean, everything untraceable.
It was the whole purpose of his "worksite"; it provided a secure, controlled environment for the entire job to take place in, from start to flatline finish. The "set" was by far his favorite portion of the space, and understandably so, as it's where his sick imagination got to run wild for hours, days on end. And his clients were just as enthusiastic about the vivid stage he had put together for their subjects to shine on. It was somewhat inspired by a vintage gynecology office. He had the classic off-white exam table, equipped with a daunting pair of metal stirrups that were always positioned just a little wider than what would be comfortable. A sturdy set of restraints were of course a must, and to make sure the camera picked up on every agonizing detail, he had installed an adjustable surgical light overhead that could be aimed and drawn in to illuminate any area or action he chose. He hadn't struggled to gather all the tools and instruments he could ever want, either. A few of his buyers were licensed professionals themselves, opening the door to acquiring inventory from the big-name brands in bulk.
The other corners of the room had their designated uses as well: one with a filthy mattress for the unconscious victims to waste away on as heavy drugs pumped through their systems, another with large plastic sheets covering the floor, walls, and ceiling where the poor souls were hosed down (inside and out) before a bullet to the temple inevitably ended their long days of suffering. But most of their waking hours were spent on that dreaded padded table, the very spot where Robert's most recent capture was using the few moments he spent away from his station desperately trying to regain control of her breathing.
He returned to his position swiftly after switching out his soiled pair of black gloves for fresh ones, not wanting to waste any of his or his client's time. The sight of the girl's abused sex was enough to make the man drool; it had been quite some time since he had seen such a marvelous-looking cunt, so glorious in its messy destruction. Knowing he should share the beautiful sight, he took the time to adjust the camera, zooming in from a full-body shot to focus solely on the spot between the victim's legs. With the humiliating inspection he was preparing to perform, he wanted to be sure his buyer got to see each drop of come the poor girl let out, every twitch and spasm he would pull from her helpless body.
"Now let's see here," the man breathed as he brought his gloved fingers up to gently spread out the ruined-looking pussy before him. Noticing the way his subject winced as her puffy folds were pried open, he couldn't help but laugh in dark delight. He drew his attention to her throbbing clit, noting how much it had grown in size from all those unwanted orgasms he had forced out of her. Its hood was completely retracted, leaving the poor bud exposed to the open air. In a moment of perverted curiosity, Robert pinched the hardened nub harshly between his fingers, earning the prettiest sob he had heard from the girl all day. He chuckled once more, rolling and pulling at the knot of flesh for a few more seconds of additional torture before finally moving his hands away.
"What do you think? Should we try for one more?" he mused mockingly as he grabbed a plastic speculum from one of the drawers built in beneath the table, unwrapping it and tossing its trash to the side before pausing to grin deviously over his victim. Glancing up at her head, he realized it was still covered with a black hood he had put on her at the beginning of the shoot. The buyer had requested for her to be blindfolded like this for a decent portion of the film, offering the explanation that she was "afraid of the dark," and that he wanted to see her in as much pain and fear as humanly possible. The hood had served its purpose for the day, but now, Robert wanted the poor girl to see each and every way he was going to be violating her body in real time. In one swift motion, he reached up and pulled the pocket of fabric away, exposing her stunning tear-stained face. "Hi sweetheart," he greeted viciously. Just as he was hoping, her cries worsened as she saw the dreaded tool in his hands. He had a certain liking for holding up the devices he was preparing to use to see his victim's reactions; after all, he got off on fear and dread just as much as his clients did.
"Time to open up this pretty little cunt and see what kind of damage we did," the man enthused as he forced the tip of the instrument into the girl's drenched opening. By now, she had been well stretched out and ruined by her captor's horrific methods. Grappling with his usual lack of restraint and self-control, Robert had barely made the drive back with the girl tied up in his trunk without pulling over and popping that perfect little cherry on his own time, without a single camera properly rolling.
Turning the speculum as it was fully inserted, the man took great pleasure in squeezing the handle to force the tool open, each tiny click that sounded only stretching the poor thing's aching walls out to a further, more painful degree. "There," he sighed in satisfaction as the last notch was reached. Pulling his hands away, he gave himself and the camera a few seconds to enjoy the view of the girl's milky insides, so worn and sore from the days of torture she'd endured.
"Alright. One more," he finally hummed, using his gloved fingers to collect some of the plentiful slick dripping from the speculum before dragging them up to find that adorable little button he loved bullying so much. Her fading sobs were revived in an instant, her throat growing hoarse from all the screaming she'd done. But as much as she cried, Robert was determined to get one final orgasm from her before putting her back under for the day. After spending so much time making that pretty pussy as puffy and sensitive as possible, he deserved to see it coming all stretched out painfully over his instrument of choice.
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nectar-cellar · 6 months
I feel the most comfortable asking you this but I am STRUGGLING with severe lag in my TS3 game. I just did a clean install, tried smooth patch, took it out bc it was conflicting with Nraas and didn’t make a difference, but it’s still nearly unplayable. I’ve tried every tutorial under the Sun. don’t remember having this issue years ago when I played. Do you have any tips or tutorials that you recommend? TY in advance!
heyy 💛💛
the only tutorial i really followed was the sims 3 performance and bug fix guide hosted on steam which i'm sure most sims 3 players know about. i'm not sure how helpful my answer will be but this is what i would suggest:
smooth patch
i believe nraas and smooth patch conflict in create-a-sim mode, you can't enable master controller's compact mode with smooth patch integrated with it. so what i did was:
first, install smooth patch according to the MTS page instructions. you should have "ld_SmoothPatch" and "ld_SmoothPatch_MasterController" in your Mods/Packages folder
using s3pe, open "ld_SmoothPatch.package"
in the s3pe screen, right-click on the xml thingy named LazyDuchess.SmoothPatch.Tuning
in the right-click menu, click on "Notepad" then make sure kMasterControllerIntegration value = "False"
save and close the notepad window. then, in s3pe, save the change you made and close s3pe.
nraas mc and smooth patch should no longer conflict. this is the only nraas mc and smooth patch conflict that i am aware of, unless there are others...? but that's how i got them to play together.
the main issues that used to cause super long loading times for me and lagging during gameplay were the following:
thousands of unmerged cc packages in my mods folder
laptop had HDD instead of SSD
framerate was not capped
a lot of script mods installed which were probably conflicting with each other and using a lot of resources in the background
sooo the steps i took were:
organized and merged most of my cc packages into packages smaller than 1 GB - reduces lag and load times
changing my laptop's hard drive to a SSD decreased load times and reduced lag dramatically for me - also adding more ram to my laptop probably helped. but this is a pretty extreme option. i had to replace my hard drive with a SSD because it literally died.
when i used to play on my laptop with a HDD, capping the framerate to 30 or 60 FPS helped to reduce the lagging during gameplay. you can limit the game's framerate using smooth patch, using "3Booter", or thru your computer's graphics card.
script mods like nraas story progression and mingos birds and bees are script mods that are known to cause lag in the game because they are resource heavy. the only way to remove the lag is to uninstall them or, for nraas SP, i set the speed of the story progression to the slowest option.
so yeah i hope that is helpful <3
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Can I get "Can I just hold you a little longer?" with Frank? Thank you <3
A Comforting Embrace
Thank you anon, sorry this took me so long, I promise I didn't forget.
Contains: Mild angst, fluff, hurt/comfort.
450 words
Comment if you want to be tagged or follow #sp's 150 fanfic celebration for more fics.
You help Frank wind down after a bad day.
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You knew Frank had a bad day by the way he sounded on the phone, even more so when Billy gave you the heads up that he was going to come home a mess. When Frank walked in the door, you could see the remnants of blood all over his face, and he placed a bruised hand on your face as he leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek. "I'm gonna go clean up again."
You nodded and reciprocated the kiss, your lips landing on the only spot that wasn't bloody. "I'll order in."
He emerged from the shower thirty minutes later, just as the food arrived, squeaky clean and smiling. "You feeling any better?" He smiled and gave you a thumbs up before heading to the kitchen to help you with the food. "You wanna tell me what happened today?"
He paused mid soup scoop and sighed. "The usual, the client thought he knew better and didn't listen. Someone rammed the car, Mason's pretty beat up but we're whole otherwise."
You huffed. "You need to start charging these people for not following orders. What's the point of hiring protection if you don't listen to them?"
He gave you a cynical and shrugged. "Don't ask me, they always seem to know what's best."
You and Frank took the food to the table and sat next to each other, Frank sitting close enough that your legs were touching. "I'm happy you're not hurt."
He reached over the rice and linked his hand in yours, smiling softly as he replied. "Me too."
You talked about nothing as dinner went on, and you could see the tiredness in Frank's face the later it got. He let out a yawn and you pointed to the couch, still mindful it was a little early to turn in just yet. "You wanna watch some TV?"
"Sure." You headed over to the couch, Frank's hand on your lower back as you went and he threw the blanket over both of you when you sat down. "What do you want to watch Darlin'?"
You tucked yourself into his arms and rested your head on his shoulder. "Whatever you want, I'm not fussed." He smiled and pecked your forehead before reaching over to switch on the food network, it was a nice break to the day and you chatted about the food as it came across the screen.
As the shows changed and the streets grew quiet, Frank's yawns became more frequent, and you gestured towards the bedroom. "You wanna head to bed?"
He shook his head. "Can I just hold you a little longer?"
You craned your head to press a kiss to his chin. "Sure."
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