#stonewall 50
moregraceful · 10 months
feeling uncooperative with the prompts in the meme. between cheech and old pat which one would survive a joint venture into a thrift store? and which of them would you convert into a minor league baseball player if you had a magic wand
God yeah I reblogged that list and then read the questions and was like...this list is wack lol. Anyway THANK YOU these questions are much more important and gets really into the Hearts and Minds of these men.
Who survives a joint venture to the thrift store: Old Pat. It's Old Pat. Man has looked 40 years old since he hit puberty and has just kept growing older. Old man is in his element with the real senior citizens. However it is very important to me to mention that they're going to a bespoke thrift store for like farm and cowboy shit. Cheech could handle normal thrifting. Cheech would be great at normal thrifting. But take him to a store where it's JUST vintage farming equipment and cowboy leather shit and that city boy is going to panic. Old Pat is having a blast looking at pieces of metal that clearly spark joy in his construction worker heart but make NO sense to Cheech, son of academics, WHL overager. Cheech agreed to come to the store to push the cart but now he is manfully deep breathing while Old Pat examines a metal thing with rings. Is it for horses? Is it for wearing? Is it a BDSM thing? Do you put it on a tractor? Cheech is scared. (It is literally just a beval bit.) These stores don't exist in the Bay Area but maybe they do in idk Manitoba or Michigan or whatever. Or Gilroy, where all our dreams come true.
Minor league baseball player: the thing is, we're on Sieloff Watch (KING. ANNOUNCE YOUR RETIREMENT OR SIGN SOMEWHERE BEFORE I THROW UP) and Cheech is having his hot girl summer. So I'm inclined to say Cheech, just bc I think he has a shot in hell of making it OUT of minor league baseball. Also he is handsome like a baseball player. He has the looks for it. Not that you have to be handsome to be a baseball player but it helps. Can you imagine that man in the humid outfield of some nameless town in the San Joaquin Valley, fighting for his life in the game, the top three buttons of his jersey are undone, his curls are wilting, the uhhhh idk Fresno Nightcrawlers, AA for some cursed af West Coast team, are down 9-7 in the 8th, when the skies open up and it starts pouring...the stands, already two-thirds empty on a Tuesday night clear, while the teams run for cover under the downpour. Nick stands in the outfield and tilts his head toward the sky, feeling, for a moment, relief and peace.
#this was soooo fun thank you#i unpacked 21 boxes of books. i need to organize since the categorization is loose but at least there are no longer 24 boxes in that room#there is a box of comics i don't want and two boxes of cookbooks for the kitchen#idk what to do with the comics. the part of my life where i was an issue by issue reader of comics is over#tempted to loosely inventory and sell on ebay like here for $50 all these doa indies can be YOUR problem#i'm also missing a whole chunk of my tkams but my mom says she saw a box of them in another room#which is good bc i would literally go insane if i were truly missing any of my intl copies of tkam some of that shit was SO hard to aquire#anyway i just remembered what i was going to say which is that in the cuda frontier town au in my shower thoughts#siels is the washer woman. he runs a laundry. employs robbie (too small to ride horses) and weather (doesn't want to be a cowboy)#cheech comes from way out of town bc he's on the run from the LAW (shot a man in manitoba but the other guy had it coming)#he lives in old pat's house above the laundry. shares a bedroom with robbie. siels teaches him how to get the blood off of leather#siels falls in love but the LAW catches up with cheech and he has to run further west and old washerwoman pat and his boys stonewall the LA#siels thinks of him still on cold nights. when he can hear his boarders laughing through the walls as they play cards#what life must be like to be young and in love..... (he is literally 28)#also henry is the one room school teacher#cage replies#anon#i love this ask lol thank you so much 🙏😌
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rivetgoth · 10 months
I feel like part of what’s kinda wild to me about the weird “born in the wrong generation but in an alternative 80s punk goth queer way” crowd that idolizes this nonexistent 80s that was like a goth alt GNC queer safehaven is that without fail every time I actually talk to older goths or other older alt people or even just older queer or nonwhite people who were actually there in the 80s they’re IMMEDIATELY like “oh you were NOT missing out hahaha.” Like at best the coolest things they’ll talk about is getting to see some OG alt bands live in their prime or getting to see a cool movie in theatres, that IS genuinely cool, like major jealousy to anyone who got to actually witness Skinny Puppy or Ministry live in the 80s ykwim, but literally ALL of these people will then immediately start talking about how much people sucked, how much mainstream culture sucked, etc. It was literally Reagan-era AIDS crisis. Dystopian literature took off for a reason. Racism was a massive society-wide issue. War on drugs was in full swing. Even just the insanely racialized pushback against disco during that time is of note tbh. Massive brand commercialization was getting worse and worse. Whenever I talk to gay people from that era they express so much relief about how much the world has improved since then. I was talking to an older woman in her 50s who’s been in the goth scene since the 80s who was saying that back in the day if she went out dressed in her goth clothes she was called a faggot on the street. I remember her jokingly being like “well at least they were saying it to me and not actual gay people I guess haha…” There are aspects of 80s culture, especially 80s subculture and counterculture, that I really really enjoy, obviously, and certain sentiments surrounding big art trends of the time that I love, but it’s just kind of ridiculous to me that YEARS after collectively mercilessly mocking the trend of white girls saying they miss the 50s while ignoring the fact that Stonewall and the civil rights movement hadn’t happened yet, no-fault divorce didn’t exist, and lobotomies were still acceptable, I’m seeing posts nearly daily on this site that are like “well if I had been born in the 80s art would be good and music would be good and there’d be a queer alt community for me, but instead I was born in the tiktok poser generation 💔” like girl I’m sorry but you ARE the tiktok poser. Get offline and go FIND your community. Your issue is not that you were born in the wrong generation, you literally just do not know how to find modern underground subculture. Because it is underground.
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anti-terf-posts · 2 days
I'm currently watching a YouTube video (link) by Matt Bernstein, a gay man. In the video, they have a guest speaker named Devon Price. The video goes over how "annoying" queers (TikTok enbies, James Charles dupes, autistic queers, neopronouns users, kinksters, etc) are not the reason why queer people don't have the same rights as non-queer people.
at around 4:40, Devon mentions a type of queer protest I've *never* heard of until now. It was called "The Annual Reminder", and it was run by cis white gay men. Essentially it was a reminder to non-queers that gay (gay not queer) men looked like everyone else. they would dress in formal suits and hold signs that reminded the non-queers that they look just like everyone else. and the outcome of these protests? nothing. these protests did NOTHING to help queer rights. It wasn't until stonewall and pride that people started waking up, and I am in shock. Literally how have I never heard about this until now. I feel like it's such an important part of queer history that just gets swept under the rug, and I have a feeling I know why.
The gays that try to erase the loud, flamboyant queers, are the same ones who want to hide the fact that conforming to what the non-queers want us to act like doesn't actually do anything. They want you to believe that hiding your queerness is the way to get our rights, and that THEY'RE the ones we have to thank for what rights we have, when that's just not true. Black trans women, "annoying" twinks, sex workers, people who use controversial labels, QUEERS are the reason why we aren't treated as badly as we were 50 years ago. Instead of bowing down to Blaire White or Arielle Scarcella, thank Sock who listens to My Chemical Romance and uses star/starself pronouns for being openly freaky and queer, because stars the one who is *really* doing good for the community.
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suck-mein-pokeballs · 2 years
Idk what it is about me but I exclusively attract people over 40
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
okay I absolutely get and adore harry being oblivious about ot3 developments, but consider:
after breanna makes it explicitly clear she’s queer in the card game job, harry starts Researching™
he’s trying to be good, be better. he likes this girl and wants to be there to support her and be her friend, someone she can trust. it doesn’t help that she’s around the same age as his daughter, who barely wants to associate with him anymore
he learns breanna is queer and dives into researching. watching TED talks in his spare time. reading ebooks on his phone in between playing roles in a con (bringing a physical book is less convenient and he doesn’t want to wave around the fact that he’s researching like he’s trying to be performative about it). he reads about legislation and book bans and wonders about how they could work their magic through a con to fix those things. he reads about asexuality and recognizes the flag colors from the sticker on breanna’s laptop, which he files away for later
he learns a lot! he has been peripherally aware of queer stuff- it’s kind of hard not to be in the 2020s, but now he is much more informed on a lot of issues. he has memorized at least 50 different labels and terms and has an index of resources in his head (and on his phone) if anyone might need them. he wants to understand the people he loves and cares about, whether it’s breanna or one of his daughter’s friends, or anyone in his life that is queer and he doesn’t know it yet. he wants to be ready and prepared to support them!
he learns about sapphicness and bisexuality and intersex rights and the gender spectrum. he learns about karyotypes and stonewall and other queer history. he learns about kink (blushing, but still reads because it’s important!) and relationship diversity… which leads him to discover the term polyamory
he tries not to actively apply the terms he has learned on the people in his life because he knows it’s wrong to assume things about other people. BUT. harry spends a few days reflecting on parker, hardison and eliot’s interactions and wonders. he thinks about the long hugs and lack of personal space and near telepathic communication not just between parker and hardison, but parker and eliot AND hardison and eliot. how parker knows how to make eliot take care of himself, how he knows when she forgets to eat because she’s so hyperfixated on planning a con. how parker jumps on his back for fun and no matter what, he always catches her. hardison’s absence is felt when he’s gone, deeply by the both of them.
it could just be a deep friendship, he knows. they have been working and living together for over a decade, of course they would be close!!! maybe they could even be queerplatonic! (another new word he learned!)
but. still. he quietly observes, watches closely, and thinks.
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neroushalvaus · 7 months
Tumblr in the 60s – deleted posts
Some people requested a sequel to this post so I thought I'd post these drafts that didn't make it to the original. Maybe doing more at some point if the inspiration hits me but I hope these bring you some joy.
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🚀 starrfleet Follow
HEY GUYS!! We're buying The Beatles so John and Paul can finally get together!! Who's in
🎹 nixonsafascist Follow
Call that... Beatles for Sale
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Dude this is serious. We want to free them. Why is homophobia so very funny to you?
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Didn't The Beatles start managing themselves after Mr Epstein died? So you plan to buy them... From themselves?
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Oh so the george harrison vampire mpreg blog is going to preach to us now.
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📻 lesbianbobdylan Follow
"Let men have short hair!!" "It's okay to not agree with the civil rights folk" "Don't let tumblr tell you that serving your country is bad" You are all so chronically online and convinced your little hippie bubble represents the world that you have the worst takes. Conservatism is alive and well, us hippies are the fucking minority. The outside world is perfectly okay with all the anti-mlk short-haired men who are happily getting drafted. You are not counterculture.
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☁️ ankin-vaimo Follow
Tumblr is so US/UK centric. Scrolling through this site you'd think there were no other tv shows than star trek and no other bands than the monkees and that the stonewall riots were the only meaningful political activism that has ever happened. There's so much great culture elsewhere. I bet you have never even heard of Tapani Kansa.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial
#shhh don't tell Tumblr that other countries exist #they couldn't even admit Please Mr. Postman was originated by black women (tags via @marvelettesofficial)
peer reviewed tags
#sorry for going through your tumblr marvelettesofficial #you're just so funny #hope i'm not annoying you
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🌼 andpeoplesaywebeatlearound Follow
People really like to pretend us Beatles girlies hate Y*ko for being asian and a woman like she didn't literally make John cheat on his wife and leave his young son
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
don't talk like us beatles girlies are all the same, i personally want to fuck her on a canvas while we're both covered in menstrual blood, creating modern art by making love
✝️ jesusrevolution Follow
Op is this you? ↓
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🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Also like, "made John cheat on his wife and leave his young son", did John himself have nothing to do with that decision or..?
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
do you guys think she and john do mommy play
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
I appreciate the input @prostitutesandlesbians but we're trying to call the op out for being a racist misogynist
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
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🤪 thekinkykinks Follow
Why is there even discourse about this... Yeah, the folks at Stonewall could have been more respectful towards the police officers who were just doing their jobs, but why are we acting like throwing some pennies at the police officers and calling them "Lily Law" is the worst type of oppression
🥿 trustnobutch Follow
You know what? No. Fuck you. I'm tired of you all talking about these people like they were your poor little meow meows. Have you read about this at all? The raid did not happen because the police "hates gay people wah wah". Stonewall Inn was run by the mob. The. Fucking. Mob. Would you rather have the police not protecting us from criminals, huh??? And the rioters were nothing but a bunch of attention seekers. I heard that a guy from the fucking Mattachine Society phoned newspapers and took pictures of the riot. I'm so disappointed, that was the only gay group that seemed to care about looking respectable in the eyes of the heterosexuals. People who were there made us all look bad and set our movement back like 50 years. Fuck you for supporting them.
🍊 kissmemissoklaholma Follow
Yeah. I heard someone threw a brick.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
??? Nobody threw bricks, where the fuck do you get your information ??
#they should have tho #chilling at the stockholm airport finding the weirdest takes
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🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i'm sharing a joint with this cute ass butch with the cutest curliest hair ever guyyyyssss I think i'm falling in love
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
she plays the harmonica for me i want to fuck her to the mattress
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i don't have any idea what she's singing about but i think she likes the rolling stones too, we have so much in commonnnn
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
So it turns out that was Bob Dylan.
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workingclasshistory · 11 months
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On this day, 6 July 1992, Black trans activist and sex worker Marsha P. Johnson's body was found in the Hudson River. She is most famous for participating in the Stonewall rebellion, which sparked a global movement for LGBT+ liberation, but she also spent years doing radical organising on the ground. Johnson took part in the Gay Liberation Front and the demonstration on the anniversary of the beginning of the Stonewall riots which became Pride. She then co-founded Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries with her friend Sylvia Rivera, a radical grouping which also provided housing and support for gay, gender nonconforming and trans youth. Later she threw herself into AIDS activism, becoming an organiser in ACT UP. All the while Johnson engaged in survival sex work and was constantly harassed by police, being arrested over 100 times. After her body was discovered, police ruled her death a suicide, despite her having a massive head wound. Friends and activists insisted that Johnson wasn't suicidal, and highlighted evidence that she may have been murdered. Eventually in late 2012 the NYPD reopened the case as a possible homicide. It remains unsolved. We tell the story of the Stonewall rebellion and the GLF in our podcast episodes 25-26 where we speak to participants: https://workingclasshistory.com/2019/05/13/e21-22-the-stonewall-riots-and-pride-at-50/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=657002103139675&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Do you have any Cass headcanons? :0
She cuts her food in half before eating it so she can see what's in it and fillings won't take her by surprise
That said she also loves a good jelly donut and Duke will bring her a box if she's having a bad day
Cass expresses her feelings around Selina the best because she can use cat analogies
Though she's trained in reading body language, tones and inflections still confuse her from time to time
She doesn't have her ears pierced. She doesn't like the idea of something going through her or things dangling around her neck
The lights in her room have a slider rather than an on-off switch
Steph gets her a squishy octopus keychain that Cass wears on her waistband and subconsciously fiddles with
She won't be caught dead in corduroy pants
One time Alfred asked her to bring the chicken out to defrost it… so Cass brought it out to the yard. After that, he makes it very clear to leave it in the kitchen with a bowl to catch the juices
Her pet peeve is when people are too vague. Tim is the first to catch on. Instead of saying "can you grab the files" he'll say "can you bring me the Arkham case from last December"
She sleeps with 4 blankets
She, Kate, and Babs organized a demonstration in front of a PTA meeting when they were talking about removing the Stonewall riots from the curriculum
No matter what happens during the day, she always starts and ends with fixing the part in her hair with the same 50-cent comb she got three years ago
Part of why she likes ballet is because she has to focus on how her body moves, which distracts her from whatever else is stressing her out
Her first allowance is spent on a pair of headphones that she listens to audiobooks or Killswitch Engage on while riding the subway
If Cass gives a disapproving glare then Jason puts the lethal weapons away
Her most-watched video is a documentary on how her motorcycle was assembled
She's not a fan of Bath and Body Works. The smell is kind of like if a perfume truck tipped over in front of a sugar factory and they both caught on fire
At any other store though, she'll start straightening the racks as though she works there
She once told a businesswoman that her face looked like a buttered skillet… in front of a whole gala
One time she and Dick visited Central City to help with a Pied Piper case. While Dick was telling Rathaway off in sign language, Cass stopped to adjust his thumb half a centimeter
If they're going to a new restaurant, Bruce makes sure to send her pictures of the place and the menu ahead of time
She once detoured from patrol to look at a semi-interesting café ad
She won't say it out loud, but her favorite sibling is Damian because he doesn't ask questions and has all the animals
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dunno how to roleplay afton saying his lil "Happy Pride" message while still keeping his lingo grounded in the 50s.
the word "gay" was still used to mean "happy" and the word "queer" still used to mean "weird" and the stonewall riots, which were a huge turning point for pride, does not happen until the 60s (although i could make it that someone from the future explains that event to him?)
i'm trying to write out the monologue for the post, but it keeps coming out as very stilted... ahajhdjshad
so uhh anyways, have this image here instead. happy pride to those who celebrate!
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coochiequeens · 8 months
The tide is turning and the TQ+ only have themselves to blame
Brits are turning against gender ideology
Ordinary people are swiftly waking up to the threat posed by 'trans rights'.
JO BARTOSCH. 30th September 2023
In news that has left members of the dinner-party set spluttering over their decolonised soya lattes, it turns out the great British public isn’t as bigoted as they fantasised. Published last week, the latest British Attitudes Survey (BAS) has shown that Brits are increasingly tolerant of same-sex relationships and ever-more accepting of sex before marriage or abortion.
But perhaps most tellingly, as attitudes toward sexual morality have become more liberal, attitudes toward transgenderism have become far less sympathetic. The survey shows that the proportion of people who think someone should be able to change the sex on their birth certificate if they want has fallen from 53 per cent in 2019 to 30 per cent today. The proportion of people who ‘describe themselves as not prejudiced at all against people who are transgender’ has also declined from 82 per cent in 2019 to 64 per cent today.
That particular statistic has been taken to mean that there is a rising tide of ‘transphobic’ bigotry. But I see no trace of that in the gender debate or in broader society. More likely, these stats capture the public’s growing concern about policies and ideas associated with transgender ideology, from the erosion of women’s rights to children’s safety.
Predictably, this change in attitudes has been condemned by those who have built their careers on the grievance politics of trans activism. Former Stonewall CEO Nancy Kelley opined on X (formerly Twitter) that ‘years of relentless toxic coverage and political manipulation is making us less tolerant and less supportive of a marginalised community’.
Kelley is just wrong. This attitudinal shift is not prompted by ‘toxic’ reporting or ‘political manipulation’. It’s actually prompted by a greater understanding of ‘transgender issues’. And here Kelley is correct – news coverage has made a difference. It has made us aware of what the cause of trans rights actually entails.
So, as stories like that of double rapist Adam Graham (aka Isla Bryson), a man who was put in a women’s prison, have received column inches in the British press, public opinion has begun to shift. Furthermore, in the face of obvious injustices, such as men triumphing in women’s sporting competitions and winning female-only awards, accusations of ‘transphobia’ have lost their power to silence would-be dissenters. The public is gradually waking up to the reality of transgender ideology and they don’t like it.
Gillian Prior, deputy chief executive at the National Centre for Social Research, which produces the BAS, disagrees. She seems to think the public’s turn against trans rights is evidence of our growing illiberalism. ‘In the case of transgender people’, she said, ‘the recent public debate about the law on gender recognition has appeared to have resulted in attitudes becoming less liberal than they were just a few years ago’. But this completely misunderstands the issues. There is nothing illiberal about not wanting women to give up hard-earned rights and spaces to accommodate the feelings of men who identify as trans.
In fact, the survey shows just how liberal Britain is now. The change in attitudes toward homosexuality has been remarkable and encouraging for those who believe in equality. Over the past 40 years, the proportion of those who think that same-sex relations were ‘always wrong’ has fallen from 50 per cent to just nine per cent.
The cause of LGB rights is very different to that of ‘trans rights’. Gay liberation was a fight to achieve legal parity with heterosexuals. The fight for trans rights is not about fairness or legal parity. It’s about allowing children to be put on experimental, puberty-blocking drugs, advocating for taxpayer-funded cosmetic surgery and, above all, demanding that the rights of other groups, especially women, are infringed upon.
These illiberal and dangerous demands have been pushed by trans activists, not those advocating for LGB rights. As Kate Barker, chief executive officer of LGB Alliance, the only charity advocating exclusively for same-sex attracted people, explains, the battle for equality for gay and lesbian people has largely been won. If there is a growing threat to gay and lesbian rights today, it comes precisely from trans activists.
‘Today, gay men and lesbians are being branded as discriminatory bigots for being attracted exclusively to one sex, their own’, says Barker. ‘This is the result of gender-identity ideology, which promotes the belief that it is valid for some men to “identify” as women and vice versa. Believers in this ideology say it’s “transphobic” for lesbians to rule out all males who “identify as lesbians” as potential sexual partners. It is a bizarre reversal of the prejudice we faced in the Seventies and Eighties.’
So, despite the howls of protestation from trans activists, Britons are not becoming more intolerant. Rather, they are waking up and saying no to an ideology that threatens us all.
Jo Bartosch is a journalist campaigning for the rights of women and girls.
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burningbee · 10 months
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Dragon Pride Stickers! I wanted to make some queer stickers that were on the subtler side of things. Like the rest of my queer stickers, 50% of the profits go to LGBTQIA charities. They'll be up in my shop by the end of the week.
I obviously couldn't do all the flags (there are so many) but I tried my best. I specifically wanted to include the Leather Pride flag. The leather/ kink community is a huge part of why the current LGBTQIA movement exists. They were there at Stonewall, they protected the first pride parades from bigots and cops. They are integral to queer history and I think the younger generations aren't aware of that.
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queerasfact · 1 year
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Happy birthday E Lynn Harris!
Lynn was born on 20 June, 1955 in Flint, Michigan. He began his career as an author selling self-published books from the boot of his car, before eventually landing a book deal, and ultimately having ten consecutive novels appear on the New York Times bestseller list. His books explored the experiences of gay Black men in the USA. In June 2019. Lynn became one of 50 honourees named on the National LGBTQ Wall of Honor at the Stonewall National Memorial in New York.
[Image: Lynn, a young Black man with an Afro, sitting at a desk in front of a folder of papers, 1977]
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ryuuza-art · 3 days
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I'm opening charity commissions again for Pride 2024!
Digital pencil headshots for £20, with 50% of the base price & anything over donated to Stonewall UK at the end of June.
Please share as much as possible!
Comm listing, with all information and terms is here:
It's set to allow more than £20, for anyone who wishes to and can make a bigger donation. All donations and help with promotion are very much appreciated! ❤️
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
Our movement must be intersectional. we must all have each other's backs. Leave no one's rights behind.
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burstfoot · 22 days
AGGHH hElp it's four months into me starting Arknights and i just found out about how incredibly cool Rosmontis is... but I also, in great pain, found out what being a 'Limited Operator' entails
Hey, uh, do you have any advice/experience when it comes to saving for characters? And dare I ask, is it worth it?
Limited Operators are PAIN I'm still suffering over no Skalter... So on Limited banners, you can buy a unit from a previous anniversary/CNY/summer event if you do 300 pulls on the banner, giving you a token currency you can spend to recruit them from an event-exclusive shop. On global, our anniversary events are the CNY and Summer events because of the 6 month gap between servers, but for claritys sake in this post I'm referring to the Chinese server anniversary events or what are called 'Celebration' events on Global. The current event going on, Zwillingstrume im Herbst, is a CN Anniversary/Celebration event. Previous limited operators do appear on the pool of these banners and also have a higher rate up (5x a regular non-banner unit) on the banners, though it's still pretty unlikely to get them because the chance of non-banner operators is 35% on a Limited banner rather than 50%. As well, limiteds get their 5x rate up chance removed after a while, and Rosmontis just got hers removed on the banner for the current anniversary event (which just ended yesterday) I saved to get Specalter from the wait between Texas Alter/Penance to the Ho'olheyak/Muelsyse banners. The good news is that it is totally possible to save to spark a limited operator in the time between anniversaries entirely free to play - I bought the monthly card (5$ a month for a 10 pull worth of orundums every month + some bonus sanity potions) but you can get to 300 by saving if you make sure to pick up the headhunting tickets you can buy for approx. 250 yellow certificates in the store (buy them all at once to get the maximum number of tickets - 3 ten-roll tickets and 8 regular tickets, resets monthly), yellow (or officially called Distinction Certificates) gotten from pulls or duplicates from recruitment. The next time she'll be sparkable is the Wis'adel/Logos banner in approximately November, and we just finished the current anniversary event. The bad news is that the upcoming banners are REALLY stacked with some of the strongest operators we've ever seen in the entire game (Degenbrecher, Shu & Ela especially, the last being a True Limited collab unit who isn't available outside of that current collab), so skipping those is going to be pretty rough. Likewise, Rosmontis is a great character but she's not a particularly strong unit - one of the weakest 6 stars because her mechanics are based around multiple small damage hits and the way damage calculation works means that she very easily gets stonewalled by even mediocre defense stats (and as the game goes on, medium-high defense enemies become more and more common). Of course I'd always go for a character I like over the character that is the strongest, but it makes it hard to say 'start saving now!' for her and missing out on those characters. Also, since you're still a fairly new account, skipping out on getting new 6 stars (even old operators) outside of Top Operator tags or 6-star welfare units for 6 months can be pretty detrimental to building up a solid squad for clearing out the main story/events while waiting for Rosmontis to come. However, in the next banner she'll be sparkable in, the Wis'adel/Logos banner, Wis'adel and Logos are both almost gamebreakingly strong operators, so being practically guaranteed to get both with 300 pulls alongside picking up Rosmontis isn't a complete loss.
All that said:
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Rosmontis' spark count is going to be reduced after the Wis'adel/Logos banner down to 200 pulls! So I would actually suggest pulling as normal for now and beginning to save for her AFTER that banner in November, because 200 pulls is a lot more manageable than 300. On Global, the banner that she'll gain the reduced spark cost on (the next .5 CN anniversary) will be coming in approximately one year, late-April/early May 2025. While saving pulls for her then, you should still be able to pull on a couple banners if your luck isn't terrible instead of skipping out on every banner for 6 months: and your account will most definitely be built with very strong operators by 10 months of playing's time, so events/main story won't be a struggle.
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“I’m still fucking here.”
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy is sitting in her living room in Little Rock, Arkansas, on a recent morning, laughing about the enemies she’s defeated and outlived in her more than five decades fighting for the liberation of transgender people.
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