#taken lgbtqia+
momoiro-hime · 21 days
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putting my ocs in every AU i want part. 34791
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I’ve been highly confused as to why Michael “deeply openly thirsting on Twitter about David Tennant for half a decade” Sheen is half-in half-out the closet but apparently Wales is absurdly homophobic lmao what the fuck how is a country the size of New Jersey that much of a hater bruh we out number the shit out of you
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froschli96 · 9 months
As an asexual Good Omens fan
There's something I've noticed in this fandom that makes me really uncomfortable, and that is the way that Crowley and Aziraphale's possible asexuality is constantly being connected to and justified by them being not human.
I just honestly really hate that, because implying that asexuality is something that somehow "logically" follows from characters being nonhuman is ... not great. Like, I hate having to be the one to point this out, but asexuality is, in fact, very much a human attribute.
And unfortunately, most of the time when I come across this take, it doesn't feel like someone seeing themselves in the characters and relating to their experience, but rather an othering, this kind of otherwordly pure non-sexualness, where people put these characters above such trivial things like sexuality.
I am not asexual because I am somehow confounded by this oh so complicated human concept of sexuality, or because I don't ever think or care about sexuality at all (a lot of thinking was unfortunately involved actually before I finally came to a conclusion about my identity) it is just a fact of who I am, as a human being, it’s a part of my human experience.
And let's be honest, attributing asexuality to nonhuman characters is not the hot new take a lot of people seem to think it is — this trope has been around for ages. And it hasn't done a great deal to normalize asexuality. In fact I'd argue it's perpetuated an othering of ace people, but you take what you can get, really. (This is not to say that it is in any way wrong to identify with these kinds of characters, I definitely do, too! It's just sad that the topic of discussion is always about how "human" someone can be considered when they don't feel sexual or romantic attraction)
To be honest, I don't actually see A&C being asexual as canon — as a lot of people seemingly do — just because the author kind of suggested it in a tweet where he basically conflates "asexual" and "sexless" (for the record, this is not a dig at Neil, I just think the implications were kind of unfortunate, even if it might not have been intentional, which makes it all the more frustrating that a lot of fans just ran with it). And yeah, going around calling people aphobic for seeing the Ineffable Husbands as gay rep or any other identity, when they’re oh so obviously canonically ace, is honestly kind of insane.
I get that it might feel nice and tempting to be able to "claim" these characters and this relationship and being able to tell other fans off whose headcanons on their sexuality differ from your own because it is hard to come by any kind of representation when you're ace and there's finally a creator who's not only not contemptuous towards but even supportive of fans reading his characters as queer. And if you feel represented by A&C as it is then all the more power to you. But the thing is, it doesn't matter what kind of justifications there are or what canon might or might not say (bc when has that ever mattered in fandom spaces) or what the creator says, you cannot convert people to your opinion about a character, and you're going to have a bad time if you spend your time in fandom trying to do that.
And really, I am just wondering why we necessarily even need an explanation or justification for them possibly being asexual. Why does it have to be that all angels and demons are asexual by virtue of being nonhuman, and so A&C have to be too? why can't that just be an aspect of them that is completely unrelated to them not being human? Could these characters maybe not simply identify as asexual, not because they're nonhuman, but in spite of it? (btw, in the same vein it is equally stupid to argue that A&C can't be ace because they have "gone native", which is also an argument I've come across)
Honestly, I'm not even asking anyone to fundamentally change how they see these characters here — if you think they must be asexual solely because they're angels and have no concept of human sexuality, then whatever, I can't stop you and I don’t want to police anyone's headcanons bc as I said that's stupid and a waste of time. What I am asking you is that you maybe reflect a little bit on why exactly it is that humanity and sexuality are somehow so intrinsically linked in your mind to the point where you automatically use it as a way to distinguish between human and nonhuman characters.
Tldr: please stop equating asexuality with non-humanness thank you and good day.
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sillysecretwriting · 6 months
High thought: does anyone wonder if non-human animals experience emotions we've never felt or considered as a human race? Like do jellyfish still experience emotions through their limited nervous system but they're exclusively jellyfish emotions that we could never comprehend?
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simplyender · 11 days
happy pride month from peter the pride spider
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wormswurld · 2 months
hiiiiii time to be yucky blucky disgusting on main as per usual 😊 currently #thinking about ollie hiding a razor under his tongue and going in to kiss felix just so he can cut up his lips / tongue a bit and lick the blood don’t ask me the logistics i just know that fag can work his tongue
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thattheater-kid · 7 hours
One of the most mildly annoying things about DID is pride. Like I’m always buying or making various different pride stuff because of how different it is between alters, and it’s so annoying because people ask what I am and I’m like idk because I have no set identity. Or god forbid someone who saw me wearing a lesbian flag pin yesterday notices my MLM flag bracelet today and they’re like tf.
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sorrowfulwill · 7 months
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thanks sonic
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im-secretly-a-frog · 3 months
Why do queer people seem so much more in love than straight people?
Like in general. I know that you can give examples of straight people being really in love, but in general queer people just seem happier together. They seem more free, if you know what I mean.
I want to know why.
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really want to say a lot on this radfem inspired narrative about enforcing a gender binary based on biological differences and how anyone vaguely masculine is a threat, like for example with the problem society has with gender neutral bathrooms and also 'safe spaces' that shove anyone aside who isn't a 'woman or nonbinary person' (aka woman lite and stereotypically androgynous and white and skinny), and how we're applying this to the queering of gender and just applying a shit coat of paint to stereotypical presentation and portrayal of gender, but i'm too tired for that, so here's just this.
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kkerasik · 1 month
My gender fell on an 80’s colorful arcade rug and I can’t find it amongst the shapes and squiggles
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redheadbigshoes · 9 months
Lesbian culture is enjoying to watch sports but mainly women sports so you can also appreciate their beauty.
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Queer youth before me, might I join thee?
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cq-studios · 10 months
I hate this notion there is that asexual and aromatic (and all Aspec people, for that matter) are not discriminated against. Especially in queer circles that should be a safe space.
Like sure maybe our identities are easier make it easier to fake straightness (not really any more than bi/pan people, and is that even good for us, emotionally?), maybe our issues aren’t systemic (not really, considering the prevalence of Amatonormativity and how deeply it is rooted in the way said systems were made), maybe people are more willing to accept us (not really, we’re treated as wrong, broken, needed to be fixed just as often if not more, even in places we should feel safe).
Tell me how my grandfather, who I love very dearly, asking me to lie to him when he’s on his death bed, and tell him I am dating some nice boy to make him happy, isn’t hurtful, isn’t discrimination.
Tell me how my (queer) friends all infantilizing me after coming out, treating me like I was too pure to hear anything sexual, not saying things around me that didn’t bother me before I came out and would’ve continued not to after, isn’t discrimination.
Tell me how me explaining my identity to people and getting pitying looks, at best, and active denials of existence, at worst, isn’t discrimination.
Tell me how me headcannoning a character as Asexual or Aromantic, or ‘shipping’ two characters queer platonically and immediately getting shut down (mostly by other queer people saying they’re gay), isn’t discrimination.
Maybe our issues are all social (not really) but that doesn’t make our struggle nothing. That doesn’t mean we don’t deserve support. That doesn’t mean our stories are less deserving of being told. That doesn’t mean we aren’t a part of your community.
I’m sick and tired of people pretending we don’t exist. Pretending we’re not deserving of the same attention, representation, and respect as other members of the community.
Neglect is still abuse. 1% is still a number. We’re here and we’re queer too.
Stand with us. Yell with us. Help us make ourselves known. Help us spread our message.
Because, god, I am so sick and tired of being ignored.
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loveerran · 1 year
Whose side are you on?
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American Christians are so funny sometimes they’ll be like ‘oh no what if they take away our right to worship sky daddy because we are always the victims’
and then they teach a Sunday school clsss to middle schoolers that’s like ‘if you kill gay people that’s okay because god hates them personally’
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