that-lux-longing · 4 months
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Me - Kira
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boopshoops · 19 days
I GAVE UP 🎉(kind of)
Yuu Shi Tapis Rouge/Luxe Couture
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SO. The armature was a bust. Learning how to make one would take a shit ton of time and i just- would prefer to do that on my own terms without the looming feeling of- well, wanting to post her design all the time given its been finished for a WHILE.
To make up for it though, i made fake homescreen screenshots ig JFNDJDJD theyre not the best, but fuck it i think i replicated the twst style rather well.
Her outfit is based more around the same line Vil had, and I took a lot of inspiration from Gucci (pinterest, my saving grace yet again)
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More under the cut! V
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A vERY quick thing i made of another potential sprite, i'd imagine there'd be a toggle to take off the shawl. Also I did one of Yuu Shi in her more masc disguise! Yes. We keep the dress. 👏
After this I don't particularly have any new art planned for a second, I want to shift my focus to finishing wips/projects and resuming progress on TCOAV. So- hey! If you've yet to read and are interested, now may be a good time to start with chapter 6 on the way.
I've blabbed enough for today IFNFDNID
Tag list!!! Just ask if ya wanna be added 💕
@kitwasnothere @justm3di0cr3 @skriblee-ksk @lowcallyfruity @thehollowwriter
@distant-velleity @cecilebutcher
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crystallizsch · 1 month
jamil leave me alone omg
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suzukiblu · 4 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for Lux; Kon is too trans for this pregnancy shit. TW: internalized transphobia.
“I’m sorry,” Kon says, voice painfully tight and this close to cracking. “I didn’t–I was gonna–”
He was gonna . . . what, exactly? Tell Clark? Because actually, no, he really wasn’t. He was never going to. 
He never would’ve, if he’d had the choice. 
“Talk to me, Kon,” Clark says, gentling his grip on his wrist and stepping in closer. Kon feels nauseous. Feels weak and stupid and like the worst fucking person he could possibly be. Feels like a fake. 
Like a liar. 
He’s always, always been a liar. He was born one. 
“I’m not a real guy,” he manages, digging his fingers into his arm. “I mean–Cadmus made me wrong. Like, they fucked up and I–I came out wrong. So I’m . . .” 
“When you say not ‘real’ . . .” Clark trails off, just barely frowning. Kon ducks his head. Stares down at the blurry dirt. Doesn’t fucking cry, because he’s not that pathetic.
He’ll cry when Clark can’t see him being pathetic. 
“I mean I’m trans,” he says. “I just–I’ve got, you know . . . I’m pre-op, or whatever. So I can still–so I’m pregnant.” 
Does Clark even know what the fuck “pre-op” actually means? He’s a smart guy, he knows a lot of shit; he must, right? He’s got the eidetic memory thing going for him, if nothing else. And it’s, like . . . kind of intuitive anyway, right? 
God, he doesn’t want to talk about this. He doesn’t want to have ever had to talk about this. Why does he have to talk about this? 
“Okay,” Clark says, his own voice a little tight now. He doesn’t let go of Kon’s wrist. “Kon. That’s not–that doesn’t make you not a ‘real’ man. Not to anyone who matters. Certainly not to me.” 
“I’m pregnant,” Kon says bitterly, choking on the words. “I didn’t–I’m not–I’m not a real man. I’m not–I’m just this fucking fucked-up idiot who can’t even use fucking birth control right!” 
“I can take you to the Fortress. Get either prenatal care or an abortion set up for you. No one you don’t want to tell would have to know either way,” Clark says very, very gently, and alright, apparently Kon is going to be pathetic enough to cry in front of him, he realizes as his eyes start burning with definitely-not-heat-vision. “As far as I’m concerned you can stay up there ‘til they’re born, if you want. Just tell everyone they’re a binary clone too, or that I let you use the birthing matrix to make them.” 
Kon is going to do a lot worse than just cry a little, actually. 
He can’t even say anything to that offer. He just bursts into helpless, body-wracking sobs, and Clark wraps him up in his arms and tucks his face into his shoulder as he strokes his back. 
Kon doesn’t know how he feels about the fact that both of the people he’s told about this so far have offered to lie for him about it. 
Instead of getting mad at him for lying about it, he means.
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nobleriver · 1 year
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Favorite DW Showrunners' Headcanon
Moffat scripted Doctor Moon to be the Doctor's 45th and final incarnation. (x)
I've never forgotten that Doctor Moon thing, it's so clever. Every time I watch that story, I think, it's him, it's the Doctor, and no one knows!
- Russell T Davies, June 2020, DWM 551
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luxeslore · 6 months
was tagged by cutie @petwifed ♡︎
last song: careless // fka twigs, daniel caesar
fave color: pastel pinks ‘n greens !!!
last show / movie: succession
currently watching: spy x family
relationship status: taken / long distance
current obsession: lip masks ‘n over protective men
latest google search: cute emoticons :3
tagging -> @cutenote @suimon @daisy-den + anyone scrolling
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ruushes · 7 months
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(giggling and twirling their hair) haha tell me more about how you'd kill me though 🥰💕🫀
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shynetyme06 · 3 months
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Maybe I can’t draw but u know what I can do I can show u some guys I made in pony town
PJ by to 7goodangel
Omni by cereusblue
Gradient by askcomboclub
Palette by lasserbatsu
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bitternace · 5 months
If you want a few heres some ideas! 8 for axel? I'm so clever and funny. Or how about 9 for demyx! Luxord for 22! :D
fair warning; i accidentally went off the rails..
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8.- i shine only with the light you gave me
9.- i'm scared i'm gonna die as lonely as i feel
22.- you remind me of the things that i miss
[ID: a digital drawing divided in three rectangular sections that overlap.
on the left, shown from the thigh up, is axel, with his back to a sunset sky. he's shown with tan skin, and slightly overgrown and disheveled hair. he smirks, with a wide eyed daring expression. There's a highlight around him, where the light would hit his back. before him, are three hands that have a blue-tinted overlay. from left to right they represent: xion, with a relaxed pose, saix, reaching out, and roxas, whose hand is in the process of closing. A flare on the left upper corner of his rectangular section goes beyond the bound.
in the middle, demyx stares down at his lap, with an slightly upset expression. he is leaning on the arm rest, sitting on one of his legs over a vaguely lined white couch. the background is segmented blues, and his hanging foot goes beyond his rectangular section.
On the right with a green background, is luxord. only half of his face and some of his shoulder is shown, he frowns at the audience. over his shoulder are two stylized faceless cards that go slightly over bounds. the one closest to him is sora, as the king of hearts. he rests a hand over his stomach and the other barely holds the keyblade of heart, that stabs him in the chest. Slightly above and behind that, is roxas as the king of diamonds, he holds his blue marble in one hand, and half of oblivion's handle is by his side. /end ID.]
close-ups (no id) under the cut :]
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that-lux-longing · 2 months
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Me - Kira
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luxielle · 1 year
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ほら Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me 待って
mysme x cardcaptor 💕
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luxlightly · 5 months
Reading comprehension and literary analysis 101: Interpretation vs Intent vs Readings
So, after making my post about the two headed calf poem, there's been pretty extensive argument in the notes about whether or not "all interpretations are valid". The main issue causing the argument is that what we're taught (at least in the American school system, which is what I have the most knowledge of) about "interpretations" is extremely lacking if not outright false. Here, I'm going to break down what an interpretation is and how it differs from author intent, opinion, and "readings".
The first and most important thing to remember about discussion of basically any field of study is that it is meant to have a use. We learn things in the American school system to answer questions on tests, not to utilize the knowledge.
It's a bit like learning how to hold a screwdriver but never being explained that you can use it to tighten screws. You use tools for a purpose, be they physical tools or intellectual. Sure, you could use a screwdriver to hammer in a nail, but it's not going to be as effective and may even hinder your progress.
Literary analysis is also a tool. We use it to extract meaning from works and to expand our understanding of topics, of other people, of ourselves, and of the world around us. An analysis that gives a false impression of these things is, like the screwdriver being used as a hammer, not helpful and even actively hindering.
Understanding that, we should understand these facets of literary analysis, using the short example story.
"Steve eats 10 apples every day. Bob hates Steve."
1: The text
This is the exact words as they appear. Many times, the only thing we are presented with when we read a piece of literature is the text itself. This can limit our understanding significantly.
2: Context
The physical, cultural, emotional, and historical circumstances in which the work was written
3: Intent
What the author, at the time of writing, intended for the audience to understand the piece to mean
4: Interpretation
A deduction about what the piece means, what can be gathered from it, and what significance it has, based on evidence from the text.
5: Reading
A reading is an interpretation of the text through a certain cultural lens (ie: a queer reading, a feminist reading).
6: Opinion
A purely subjective judgement of the quality of a work based on individual preference
So the text of our piece is "Steve eats 10 apples every day. Bob hates Steve."
From only that, we can make any number of interpretations, supported in varying degrees by the text.
Interpretation 1: "Bob doesn't like that Steve eats so many apples." While the text does not directly tell us that Steve's enjoyment of apples is related to Bob's dislike, it's a reasonable jump of logic to make since his eating of apples is mentioned just before the statement about Bob's dislike for him.
Interpretation 2: "Bob hates apples". This is more of a jump from the text than the first, but could still be defended. We know Bob hates Steve and we know Steve eats apples. It could be argued that it's the apples Bob really hates.
Interpretation 3: "Bob likes oranges". This interpretation isn't supported by the text at all. It doesn't help us better understand the text. As a tool, it serves no purpose. Is it "valid" in the sense that you're allowed to believe it's true? Sure. But it doesn't function as the tool it's intended to be and therefore isn't useful to discussion of the piece.
Which brings us to Context.
Let's say this piece was written during the Great Apple Famine where only the very richest people could afford apples and we know the author grew up very poor during this period of time.
This changes how we understand the piece. It would be understood instantly by those reading the piece at the time of writing that Steve must be very rich to afford so many apples. It would not have needed to be stated outright in the text because the context in which it was written was the same in which it was being read.
Knowing that now, it changes what our interpretations may be. Bob may hate Steve because he is wealthy. Bob may hate Steve because he is jealous of his wealth or of the apples themselves. It could be a statement on greed. Or it could still just be about apples. But our toolbox for understanding and gaining meaning from the work has expanded significantly.
We rarely get to know exactly what an author's intent for a work is, especially an older work where the author is no longer alive. Many interpretations, therefore, are attempts to understand the author's intent. However, they don't need to be and, in fact, can often be more useful when they are not.
For example, there's an interesting message in our example story about how the excessive displays of wealth of the rich leads to resentment from the less wealthy and how scarcity is a constructed state. These interesting interpretations help us better understand the world and other people.
But let's consider, then, that, shockingly, the author's actual intended message was "Bob likes oranges", something we've established is not evident in the text or particularly useful to discussion of the work. The author is just not good at writing.
In this case, we actually come away with something more meaningful and useful to us when we do not focus on the author's intent. Intent gives us more context for the piece, but is not the end goal of literary discussion.
A reading often entirely and purposefully discards author intent and instead identifies and recontextualizes the text through a specific lens.
For example, let's do a quick religious reading of the text.
"Apples are symbols of original sin in the Christian Bible. We can therefore read Steve as representing one who frequently engages in sinful activity and Bob as being distainful of him for his sinfulness."
It's important to remember that readings like this often are fully aware they are not the intended original meaning of the work. They're just another tool. For example, this reading might help us understand how, even without meaning to, the author may associate apples with sin or negativity. What does that say about the use of that symbolism in our society and how inescapable it is? Or maybe it wouldn't help with that. But the point is that, whether or not it succeeds, it's a tool for better understanding or world and the people in it.
As for opinions, they can't be wrong or right because they are subjective. They aren't judged on any real metric. They can be somewhat helpful in judging a work but ultimately are just a personal feeling. They, unlike interpretation and readings, are not tools for understanding.
So what does this all mean in relation to the two headed cow poem?
If the author's intent is to show how life is precious, even if it's fleeting, does interpreting it as "mankind is cruel to things that are different" really help us in understanding the work and the world around us? If the interpretation contradicts the intent so completely that it's entirely lost, then this new message is what we have to judge and does "mankind is cruel" really tell us anything true about the world or the piece? Or is it just needless pessimism? What does "valid" even mean or matter in the context of literary analysis?
At some point, certain interpretations become counter productive to discussion of the piece. No one can stop you from interpreting something a certain way, but at some point you're using a screwdriver as a hammer and you're just putting holes in the wall.
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expulence · 3 months
𝑻𝒐𝒑 𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝑻𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒅 💇‍♀️
Wash your brushes regularly!
Invest in high quality haircare products: ESPECIALLY SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER.
Use a chemical exfoliant on your scalp once every 1 to 2 weeks.
Take the necessary supplements like silica, MSM, iron etc (get you bloodwork done to see what you lack).
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nailsandinspo · 3 months
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dissectress · 6 months
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Vincent Price - Service De Luxe (1938)
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Baron of Arizona
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The Long Night (1948)
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Various Vincent Price kissing stills
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