#doctor moon
wibblyowzah · 1 year
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MOFFAT: River's not just his wife - she's his widow. somewhere in the terrible future, on a battlefield, the 45th Doctor dies in her arms and makes her the same promise she once made him - it's not over for you, you'll see me again. So River buries her husband and off she goes to have lots of adventures with his younger selves and confuse the hell out of them. Until, of course, she ends up in the data core of the library planet, and realises she'll never seem him again. And then she starts to wonder why anyone would call a moon "Doctor". Ah... Yeah, some version of that could still work. The Doctor worrying that she'll get lonely in the library, and popping his dying mind inside a moon. God, look at those words. I actually typed those words.
RTD: I've never forgotten that Doctor Moon thing, it's so clever. Every time i watch that story, I think, it's him, it's The Doctor, and no one knows.
DWM #551
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nobleriver · 1 year
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Favorite DW Showrunners' Headcanon
Moffat scripted Doctor Moon to be the Doctor's 45th and final incarnation. (x)
I've never forgotten that Doctor Moon thing, it's so clever. Every time I watch that story, I think, it's him, it's the Doctor, and no one knows!
- Russell T Davies, June 2020, DWM 551
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expectiations · 22 days
Okay but there is no way in HELL River is staying away from the Doctor if she gets out in canon. So either she misses them by a (few) incarnation(s) and she'll eventually come back for good on the show. On our TV screens. OR she stumbles into the Division Doctor instead and stays with them. I really don't see another alternative here 😃
On that note, I recently read this fic that gave a new spin on how the Doctor shared their name to River. It wasn't a word. It was something complex, Time Lord-y, and more of a...neural link?(??)
I may be getting it wrong but it wasn't a spoken name but this telepathic connection that involved the fifth dimension (?). I'm conjuring this all up from a dying memory and overwrought, single brain cell.
Which then explains why River and the Doctor keep on bumping (-ish) into each other throughout time and space.
So to connect that with your ask (how am I going to connect it with your ask), would the Doctor somehow "feel" River's presence? Though as a data ghost, do neural links still work? Does it too somehow break all known laws and still supersede death?
Anyway, I am glad we got a post-Library River (coming this August on Big Finish!!) BUT I also am low-key anxious over what the box set writer said.
Maybe River would go pop in on her darling's life. Maybe she'd be in the background pulling strings and stuff (raising their Time Tots 👀 with another version of the Doctor – Doctor Moon? The Curator? "Retired" Fourteen?). Maybe she'd also gone around on adventures and what-not with Fugitive Doctor. Or maybe she's the grandmistress wreaking havoc on the universe. Who knows?
Lots of questions. No River to answer them.
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moons-booknook · 7 months
the reason why you don’t react to huge traumatic events but have a breakdown to minor inconveniences, might have to do with reaction time and coping mechanisms.
big things are harder to process, it gives your body time to protect you from any overstimulation, by turning off that specific stimuli before you can process it all.
minor inconveniences, are unpredictable things that happen very quickly and are easier to process, thus harder for your brain to protect you by shutting off, so it instead uses your pent up frustrations from any past occurrences and applies it to this mildly frustrating thing, as a way to “prevent” this situation from happening, whether it’s possible to or not.
basically your brain sucks at its job. mostly because of things we were taught (holding in emotions etc)
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frogsmulder · 9 months
Oh my god do you know what this means??? If Doctor Moon is the Doctor then he had to pretend not to know who Donna is when she gets saved in order to protect her and this will be (as of yet) the only time he's been able to see Donna again since the doctordonna insident, except it hasn't happened for her yet so he could talk to her and have his best friend back, except he can't because he has to maintain this false reality for her to keep her safe.... CAN YOU IMAGINE THE ANGUISH HE'S IN
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mrsunandmrmoon · 5 months
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dcbinges · 1 year
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Detective Comics #569 (1986) by Mike Barr, Alan Davis & Paul Neary
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raphlsnts · 1 year
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Knight Phases: Moon Knight and Hunter's Moon appearances inside Chronoshifting series.
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expelliarmus · 19 days
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causalityparadoxes · 19 days
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The Moon and the President's Wife // BOOM
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dontbotheraziraphale · 6 months
not the fourteenth doctor throwing the word LOVE around like it's free when my boy ten is forever living here
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clearlyaginger · 3 months
Demisexual? No, you misheard. I said Dummysexual. I'm attracted to that moron over there. Look at them. They just tripped over nothing and set the house on fire. I'm in love.
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notyoujamie · 12 days
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Reality bleeding through.
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woolysstuff · 5 months
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He said it he said the thing guys
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moons-booknook · 6 months
some of the stuff about hormone deficiencies/irregularities don’t really make sense to me
why is PCOS (poly CYSTIC ovarian syndrome) called that when you don’t have to even have cysts to be diagnosed with the disorder? high testosterone levels don’t CAUSE cysts, so the only logical explanation is that the cysts are what causes the testosterone levels (lowering of estrogen developed from the ovaries).
but if it’s not caused by cysts, then why would it be associated with that condition? those are two different things, since the causation is NOT THE SAME??!!!,!:!;$;$
pcos isn’t even the only CONDITION that causes high testosterone in females. i was diagnosed with pcos and was prescribed birth control, and was blamed for my diet, but i was just recently diagnosed with hashimotos, which is an autoimmune thyroid disease that LITERALLY CAUSES HIGH TESTOSTERONE LEVELS IN FEMALES!!!!!!!
another reason is literally just being intersex. like nothing else you’re just LIKE THAT. i’m fucking going insane. a bunch of shit in the medical field is understudied and misunderstood and i’m here like “HEY i don’t have a medical license and im not making any conspiracy that doesn’t make sense im just talking about facts and the facts lead to this thing being wrong!!!” and no one will listen because im not liable and there’s too many weird people i just want to help
anyway i think they should stop immediately prescribing birth control to people with no further research into what’s going on with the patient that’s kinda fucked up considering how fucking damaging they can be. some people just have different levels and it doesn’t affect them health wise. fucking god.
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excessive-moisture · 11 days
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