#the actual human being that exists outside of the music and your screen and you fantasies
readingsquotes · 16 days
"Where once the grass had been open in front of the encampment, a monolithic jumbotron now displayed a slideshow that alternated between Israeli iconography, and gory images from the October 7th attacks. The speakers blared electronic music and the counter-protesting revelers danced, giving birth to one of the most profoundly confusing scenes I’ve ever witnessed, which would come to be referred to in the area as the “Zionist Rave”. People danced and screamed and cheered in support of what most UN countries outside our own agree is a genocide. I really cannot stress enough how bizarre it is to see people moving and gyrating to generic house music while human gore shines on a screen behind them. The scene became so loud and so raucous that the entire area had to tighten up security.
Over the night of April 30th and early morning of May 1st, counter-protestors attacked the student encampment. They didn’t attack it with noise or with cruel pranks as they had in previous nights, but with weapons. Masked instigators arrived with the sole purpose of doing harm to the encampment and those within it. Fireworks were shot into the encampment, exploding at ground level. An older woman was beaten and harassed. I wasn’t present, but many journalists were on the ground and were able to paint a thorough picture of what happened. After holding the line against their attackers for over four hours, the police finally stepped in and dispersed the counter-protest (if it could truly be called that anymore.) Prior to that point, they had been either absent (having supposedly been called just before 11pm by the University) or observing in silence (having stood by while numerous assaults were committed in front of them.) To my knowledge, the attackers were dispersed without any arrests being made.
...The masked attackers the night before had finished the job they’d started, turning the situation on the quad into enough of a violent, public spectacle that the university could now feel justified in turning against the encampment that they had just days ago claimed to support.
...A night of tear gas, flashbangs, and rubber bullets followed a night of fireworks and fist fights and at the end of it all the encampment was brutally ransacked, and 43 students were arrested.
I returned early the next morning, hoping to see the interior of the encampment before it was fully disassembled, but found that a cleanup crew had made short work of it. What stung the most to see was the jumbotron. As all physical evidence of the students’ rebellion was being thrown out or power washed away, the screen that had served as a rally point for the people who had beaten, burned, and tormented these students was carefully disassembled and placed into crates so that it could be safely returned to whoever they’d rented it from. God forbid they lose their deposit.
...It appears that this generation understands that change does not come from marches zoned like parades, but from actual disruption of the status quo.
...After all, I’d seen the videos. I’d seen the videos of US-funded death and destruction in Palestine, and I’d seen the videos of police violence against the students protesting it here in the US. In watching those videos, where students were pressed against concrete and teachers were thrown down alongside them for daring to show concern, something had stirred in me. In a moment where so many political statements felt insufficient, inadequate, or like outright crocodile tears, what the students at these encampments were doing felt blisteringly real.
I suspect that in each of us there exists a number of awful videos you can stand to see happen on your computer before you have to do something, go somewhere. A point at which your brain processes the amount of horrible shit that’s been thrust into your eyes and finally registers that it’s real, but the screen isn’t. What happens once you reach that number is up to you but for the student protestors at UCLA, the answer was obvious: go outside.
They felt what so many of us feel right now: that something is very, very, wrong. They put their lives, health, and futures on the line because they knew that none of those things matter much when you think of what we stand to lose if we don’t act.
And as bombs fall on a defenseless Rafah and the US government continues to turn a blind eye, it becomes clearer that their conviction is not misplaced. These are not hot-headed young people shocked to discover the injustices of the “real” world. These are young adults who learned about that world from us and recognize a broken thing when they see it.
The government may insult them, and the police may brutalize them but, in a few decades, when this genocide is accepted for the atrocity that it was, they will be able to say that they tried. They’ll be able to say that while everyone argued about the “right” way to say that killing tens of thousands of innocents is wrong, they tried to divest from those responsible. They will be able to say that in the face of a machine that runs on death, they tried to build something, and even though the machine destroyed that too, they built it all the same.
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g4rchomp · 9 months
sorry for being the billionth person making a post abt barbie. also sorry this post is sooo long I have a lot to say. disclaimer: I am saying words recreationally, don't take any of this too seriously pls!!
a strongly anticapitalist feminist friend invited me to see the movie in a theatre. I was intrigued as to why she would suggest that so I accepted. she said she invited me bc she wanted to see how I would react and what I would think, which I find funny lol
good movie to discuss with friends and people you know in real life around a drink etc. but NOT on the internet. (this is perhaps the most important point I really want to stress that)
any criticism of mattel by mattel (who pockets revenues from the movie) has no value to me
great movie to practice your hater skills. the balance of good stuff and bad stuff is amazing to keep your haterism skills sharp lol
my biggest gripes with the movie
I don't like how Sasha's character (pre-teen who hates barbie and seems to dislike her mom but gets closer to her during the movie) was handled.
First, her very factual and true concerns over capitalism and self-image related to barbie are never explored or taken into actual consideration. throughout the movie she's urged to understand her mother more but her efforts are not reciprocated.
Second, I am sooo deeply tired of teens being depicted as angry for no reasons. like wooow you're growing up and now you hate me, your super cool and understanding mother :((( it's always deeper than this if your kid dislikes you. this stuff always get an eye roll from me sorry
overall the feminism sucked so just quickly: patriarchy is presented as an individual force rather than a systemic one, no mention of race/age/class/sexual orientation etc. etc. etc. only misogyny but the world doesn't work like that
on that topic btw I didn't like how weird barbie (virtually the only gnc barbie) is only here to repair other barbies and make them whole again and doesn't exist outside of that. how fitting lollll
also seeing sasha go from 'I hate barbie and societal expectations' to 'barbie is my friend I'm wearing pink now' was kinda sad. gnc girls and girls who aren't girls I love you. in itself this trajectory isn't necessarily bad but on a personal level it just felt wrong.
it is an ok point of entry/conversation starters for feminist concerns if you're really on ground 0
forever my biggest gripe with the movie is how marketed it was and how it's made to sell me products. any feminism that attempts to grab my wallet isn't feminism I'm interested in
three really distasteful moments that stood out to me:
indigenous catching smallpox joke -> just shut the fuck up incredibly inappropriate and violent.
'to show how our character becomes human, we show she's going to the obgyn hihi' not funny didn't laugh it felt bioessentialist and to have it be the closing scene of the movie was just a bad move (to me at least but more on that later lol)
'margot robbie might not be the best person to deliver a message about how women shouldn't feel pressure to feel beautiful hihi' yeah she's not. congrats on making money by centering a beautiful skinny white woman and telling the audience you did it on purpose
lighthearted stuff
the music was fun I like how they used it throughout the movie
the costumes looked good, the film was pretty and I liked the acting it looked like they had fun filming
it was a real 'oh I get it now' moment when I saw 2ft margot robbie on the screen. she is attractive I can see it now
not related but it was kinda like straight people camp lol
the final scene (aka my other biggest gripe with the movie but it gets a section to itself)
women go to the obgyn hihihihi. ok first of all cool welcome to one of the most central sphere to violence against women. second going to the obgyn isn't a universal experience for women for many, many reasons. third ig it was a joke that fits the humorous tone of the movie but it didn't land for me.
ALSO. they already had the perfect ending (imo) with the pink birkenstocks!! early in the movie she has to make a choice between pretty pink heels and ugly brown sandals. we see her at the end wearing pink sandals. having her picking her new shoes would show she journey she's been on much better than the obgyn joke imo!!!
Anyways here are my thoughts. I'd be interested to know what you think abt these points or if you felt this way when watching the movie too, although honestly I feel like online settings are less than ideals to talk abt that. I wouldn't say I hated the movie (despite what the post might suggest lol) I don't regret seeing it. at least the movie made me want to talk about it and clarify some feelings I have after watching it, which is always something even if I disliked many things abt it!
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So, this is going to need a bit of explaining. I have no clue if this is the right website to post this sort of stuff, but I feel like this is the best way to archive it.
This blog is going to be an archive of a bootleg Pokémon game I played as a kid. I haven't had the original cartridge from all that time ago (I'll explain later on), but I lucked out and managed to track down a replacement and dumped the ROM data onto my computer so I can emulate it. This specific bootleg has fascinated me ever since I first laid eyes on it as a kid, so I'm very excited to potentially be archiving what might be a piece of lost media. Here's the title screen.
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This is going to need a bit of backstory, so let's set the scene. My first interaction with this game was when I received the cartridge on my 13th birthday. My parents were always struggling financially, so they'd often go through bargain bins or leaf through yard sales to find stuff for cheap. I was a big Pokémon fan, so my guess is they thought it was a new game and wanted to surprise me. I don't have a picture of that cartridge, but it was nothing spectacular - a bare Game Boy cartridge with "Pokemon Green Tree" written on it with a sharpie.
I was excited - you'd be excited, too, if you just got your hands on a Pokémon game you didn't even know existed - and started. My memory is pretty vivid, but I don't remember many finer details - I mostly remember what made me stop playing.
I started the game, and it just cold cut to the interior of the player's house. No cutscene, no writing your name, just an abrupt cut to your house. I wandered around the town, found the game's equivalent to Professor Oak's lab, and got my starter. It was the fire one, some kind of large fish with a plume of fire coming out of its forehead. The rest of my playthrough was just me aimlessly wandering around - I remember the maps being really narrow and directionless. I defeated the first gym leader and found myself in some kind of desert. I distinctly remember the music cutting out, which started to freak me out. Finding a cave, I went in, and found this... indescribable thing. Not in a pretentious Lovecraftian way - I literally don't really know how to describe it. It looked like some kind of shapeless form, or blob, covered in long pipes that winded around. If I had to say what it reminded me of, my first guess would be a giant, anatomically incorrect human heart. I remember approaching it, and the screen faded out, before fading in to a panning shot of what looked like a field of crystals, each one with a distorted reflection in it. My description is overselling this experience - there wasn't really anything that would actually seriously upset anyone in there, but the visual of those stretched faces in the reflections was enough to get me to have a full-blown panic attack as a child, and I ended up hiding the cartridge somewhere in my mom's closet. I haven't seen the cartridge since, and chances are she sold the cartridge.
That was my first ever exposure to this bootleg. Nowadays, of course, with the power of the internet and a lack of better things to do, I decided to snoop around. The game, Pokémon Green Tree, is of course, a bootleg, coming from a Japanese company of ambiguous name, as all information about the game's copyright is simply changed to "Pokemon", as you can see on the title screen. This bootleg is, interestingly enough, a surprisingly sophisticated rom-hack of an existing Game Boy game that was never released outside of Japan.
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The picture you're looking at is a fan translation of the original game. The name roughly translates to "Circle Beast", and it is commonly referred to by the game's surprisingly large cult following as "Ringbeasts", which is the name I'll be using because it sounds kind of cool. From what I can gather, Pokémon Green Tree is, for the first quarter of the game, unchanged from Ringbeasts outside of the name, the title screen, and a few text boxes changing "beasts" to "Pokemon". Apparently, ontop of that, another release of Green Tree has another change - inexplicably, in a few maps, there's just... crucifixes. No shit.
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As far as I could find, this is the only difference between the 'updated' version and the one people are more familiar with, which is the one I'm currently emulating. No changed dialogue, no different designs... just random crosses scattered across the map. According to the people I could contact who've played this updated version, most of the changes were in the manual and box art, which contained many assorted religious anecdotes and references. Who would've figured? Apparently, these games were mostly sold in low-income Christian bookstores to stay under Nintendo and Game Freak's radar, and the updated version was made so the game would appear more fitting where they were sold - something similar to the fate of Menace Beach on the NES. The prospect of this is honestly kind of funny to me, given the amount of hatred the Christian community had towards this franchise around that time period. That, and the idea of there being an updated patch of a bootleg of a bootleg of Pokémon that just has giant crucifix-shaped mountains everywhere. Delightful!
That's all of the information I could gleam from my extensive investigation (IE a few Google searches). Hearing all this talk about the manual and the box art, I wish I actually owned either - the cartridge I got my hands on came loose. Just a blank cartridge. It isn't even green!
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Getting back on-topic, Green Tree is unchanged from Ringbeasts outside of a few word and sprite changes, but from what I could gather, the game drastically changes near the middle. Nobody said anything specific - just rambling about how unexpectedly detailed and weird everything got after how cutesy the early game was. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any screenies of the later parts of the game, so I'm going in blind.
I'm really excited to see this game through. Ever since I found out the cartridge went missing, I've been itching to get my hands on it again, just to see what this weird bootleg has to offer. Here's hoping this stupid blog does its part in archiving it, because God damn, information about this thing is scarce.
I'll update the blog after I play for a while. Expect lots of screenshots!
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audiovisionacupuncture · 10 months
The word “surreal” today mostly refers to experiences that are dreamlike and strange, but it can also refer specifically to work of artists that were part of the surrealist movement of the 20th century. I do not like the second definition, as strict artistic labels and definitions do not interest me creatively. I will be pulling on work from surrealist artists, but for the purposes of this post, I will instead focus on work that feels incongruous and dream like.
I think that the challenge with dreamlike experiences is that they’re often boring. Dreams have no stakes and there is often no relationship between what is occurring. Replicating that exactly can create work that feels pointless. Maintaing audience engagement without necessarily conforming to a traditional narrative structure, is a key goal in any surreal work that I do.
It’s difficult to select one corecore video, because they are all so short and diverse, so I’m just going to link to the TikTok hashtag. They are TikToks that splice videos, usually with little regard to traditional composition and narrative flow. It is more about creating a mood like a digital impressionist collage. They often include some kind of reflection on the internet, society, or contemporary culture.
It is a common technique to use part of an actual TikTok, so when you are scrolling you think it’s a normal video, and then when the edit begins it gives you this feeling that’s very hard to describe. It’s like being pulled out of your body, seeing yourself from the outside. It makes me reflect on myself, and understand the unreality of that moment, scrolling absentmindedly on TikTok. Many corecore edits are meant to convey sadness, but I think my favourites are ones that try and portray a broader extent of human emotion, just filtered through the surreal nature of modern life.
Much of the surreal content I’ve researched is from the 20th century, like Dadaism. I think corecore responds to the surrealness of everyday, 21st century life and the speed at which we are exposed to new stimuli.
Pinkcore is much like corecore, but instead of reflecting in disgust or sadness at the absurdity of digital existence, it revels in it. It is cute and self-indulgent and fun. It keeps a fast pace with clips of Counter Strike gameplay and cat clips, referencing an “old internet”, with ties to lolcatz, nightcore, and early 2000s nostalgia.
It is still, of course, surreal. The links between clips are strange and self-referential. I like how it doesn’t take itself seriously, like the early avant-garde.
Jack Stauber – will
This is a multimedia animation that utilizes claymation alongside live action footage to depict a bowl headed man freaking out in a giant machine. The use of whirring machine noises and electronic alarms all contribute to a sense of anxiety, and then it is all muffled out as he reaches into his head to calm himself down. This work feels like a stress dream, and highlights tension and resolution that is still surreal. Cause and effect is still there, it just is filtered through a world with unknown elements.
Bo Burnham: Inside
Inside is a Netflix musical comedy film made entirely by Bo Burnham in one room during Covid lockdowns. It depicts his experiences with suicidal thoughts, depression, and boredom during his time alone, as well as societal upheaval and the shift toward digital content.
Pandemic life was undeniably surreal, with all social interaction being mediated through a screen, and a complete shutdown of the “real world,” and Inside is the only work filmic work that captures this reality. The rapid and incongruous cuts, blurring of truth, and non linear story telling all contribute to this. Additionally, it has some truly amazing lighting design; especially considering it was all done by Burnham himself.
Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) by Henri Rousseau
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Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) is a painting by French outsider artist Henri Rousseau. What makes this painting feel so surreal is minimal separation between background a foreground. Each painted element feels like it was cut out from a different painting and laid on with no regard for lighting. The tiger’s hind leg seems to be in front of the foliage that the rest of the tiger is behind. Additionally, the twilight setting aids the lighting in feeling dream like.
@alldaysquishyface - coffee 🫖
This short vertical video represents a lot of surreal content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram reels. They are short an inexplicable, tied together seamlessly with an ambient soundtrack. A lot of them don’t have a plot per se, instead remaining engaging with a short run time.
JPEGMAFIA – Free The Frail
I think what JPEGMAFIA (or Peggy, as he is often known) special is his pop friendly sensibilities. Although the songs are off kilter, glitchy, Free The Frail is nothing but hooks. I think this is part of what allows Peggy to be so experimental, he never loses audience engagement because of the pure sonic bliss that comes from listening to his music. Nonetheless, his use of samples and vocal chops create a strange musical world that is surreal.
The MSG Sphere at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas is a spherical musical arena with an LED display on the outside. The orb can be lit up in the shape of an eye that looks around. I find this digital installation to reflect the absurdity and hubris of modern civilization. I’d compare it to the Tower of Babel, that caused God to create separate languages after humanity was growing too powerful. I think that if God struck us down after the construction of this orb, we would deserve it.
PilotRedSun – Not so fast
This multisensory experience is guided by an off kilter score that matches the morphing and swirling animation. It uses mixed media, combining collage with digital painting with minimal shading. Some of the shots feel like a video game, but the POV camera mostly makes the short feel like the retelling of a dream. The sound design contributes to this, as every voice is muffled and distorted with electronic hums in the background.
Samuel Beckett – Waiting for Godot
Waiting for Godot is an absurdist play that it intentionally incredibly stripped down. The whole play is two men waiting for “Godot” while by a tree. While I find this play intellectually interesting, the reality of watching it is much less so. Like many absurdist works, because there is no plot in the traditional sense, it just isn’t that interesting to watch.
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anitosoul · 3 years
My Favorite Albums of 2020
10: Childish Gambino, 3.15.20
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Favorite Tracks: Time | 24.19 | 53.49
After the stellar trajectory of dropping major hit “Redbone” on the funk-inspired album Awaken, My Love!, releasing popular summer anthems and critiques of American culture in “Feels Like Summer” and “This Is America,” starring in several major blockbuster films, and both creating and starring in two seasons of his critically-acclaimed television show (and one of my favorite shows of all time) Atlanta, it was undeniable that Donald Glover had ascended to full-on stardom. The announcement that his forthcoming album would be his last as Childish Gambino resulted in the anticipation for Glover’s next project to reach an all-time high. The release of 3.15.20, though, was elusive and confusing: a mysterious, empty white website donaldgloverpresents.com materialized the weekend the gravity of the COVID pandemic began to hit, looping new music on repeat only to disappear shortly after. Glover had the opportunity to command total attention for the release, but instead eschewed even the most traditional aspects of an album, such as an album cover and song titles. Because of this, the release seems like a flash in the pan given the actual difficulty of referring to any specific aspect of the album (in addition to everything that was happening in the world). Whether or not these creative decisions were done due to the pandemic, they served to make this album one of the most special and personal releases of 2020 for me.
Glover is no stranger to the intersection of art, technology, culture, and experimentation, and 3.15.20 is a fully formed opus of everything Glover’s wanted to convey about the world we live in. The two tracks on the album with names, “Algorhythm” and “Time,” act as the anchors that us human beings use to understand the contemporary world. In “Algorhythm,” Glover raps about the surrealness of life becoming digitized. On social media, our entire histories are on display for anyone to access, immortalizing our existence at what immediately feels like zero cost. Glover includes several robotically autotuned lines about the desire and implications for digital existence in the first verse of the song:
Everyone is an addict, stumbling concrete What was the motivation? Constant communication You sell your daughter on that data stream Dopamine make it hit now Humans don’t understand, humans gon’ sell a lie Humans gotta survive, we know we gon’ die Nothing can live forever, you know we gon’ try Life, is it really worth it? The algorhythm is perfect, mmh - Childish Gambino, “Algorhythm”
I’ve struggled constantly with the all-encompassing nature of digital presence, which has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. We now work, socialize, and entertain ourselves in the same room utilizing the same screen for it all: it’s a scarily dystopic scenario, especially when you consider the fact that the platforms we’re using to conduct our lives are private, for-profit businesses. So, if we’re living in a dystopia, how do we cope?
Like many others, I’ve found a lot of solace this year in connecting with nature and spending more time outside. Alternatively, “Time” finds Glover dueting with Ariana Grande using several references to the external environment, including hurricanes, sunrises, winter breezes, stars, and the ocean. As human beings existing on planet earth, we’ve continued to destroy the world in the name of progress, innovation, influence and wealth. Ultimately, we want to live, but we know as individuals and, at this rate, as a human race, we’re eventually going to cease to exist. Gambino sings:
Seven billion people Tryna free themselves Said a billion prayers Tryna save myself I can see it coming But it’s moving fast Maybe all the stars in the night are really dreams Maybe this whole world ain’t exactly what it seems Maybe the sky will fall down on tomorrow But one thing’s for certain, baby We’re running out of time - Childish Gambino, “Time”
Once again, this song speaks distinctly to the chaos of the year. For a lot of the summer I would listen to this song any time I was outside, a reminder that I’m inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. This helped me prioritize what really matters to me: connections to loved ones, the environment, and making the world a better place. Ultimately, these couple of songs reinforced my notion of an increasingly digital life in the pursuit of validation, connection, or immortality as a fool’s errand, instead shifting my focus to presence and gratitude.
Another major theme of 3.15.20 is what it means to be a black person in America and the realities of racism in our society. After “Time” in the tracklist, everything is subsequently named as timestamps and the rest of the album feels like a letter to Glover’s son about the world he’s inheriting. On “19.10,” Glover references his father’s wisdom about the realities of racism, and in the chorus imparts similar wisdom to his own son:
To be beautiful is to be hunted I can’t change the truth, I can’t get you used to this - Childish Gambino, “19.10”
One of the most powerful moments of the album is when Glover’s son asks him if he loves himself. It’s striking hearing a child ask their parent this question, especially given the internalized self-hatred that many people of color can often feel. It was a question I deeply related to after experiencing multiple instances and levels of racism during my undergraduate years at the University of Oklahoma, where fragile egos and unappreciated privilege due to artificial social hierarchy created a poisonous cloud of toxicity that suffocated me until graduating and moving to NYC. Glover doesn’t present a world of irreconcilable doom, though, and my favorite part of this album is how Glover uses the question of self-love to end on an ultimately optimistic note:
Never said it even though I prolly should (Woah) I said I love me, l said I love me, ah, yeah There is love in every moment Under the sun, girl I did what I wanted to - Childish Gambino, “53.49”
“53.49” is a celebration of Childish Gambino, a victory lap of joy in the impact one can make on the world while keeping love in their heart. This song is really special to me because of what it represents in my own life: over the past two years I’ve been able to reflect on and unpack a lot of internalized hatred and insecurity through psychedelic self-examination, putting me on a path of love for myself, other people, and the world around me. In so many ways, this album feels like a representation of the aspects of life that I have been celebrating, struggling with, and figuring out over the past few years: technology, love, impact, identity, racism, family, existence, and environment. Glover does so by taking the influences from hip-hop, R&B, soul, funk, and pop of his previous albums and shredding them through a psychedelic ego death to conjure 3.15.20: this album is a masterpiece not because Glover took advantage of his position as one of the most accomplished creative talents of our generation, but because he sounds like a human being dealing with uncertainty, struggle, and what it means to have a life worth living.
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your-highnessmarvel · 3 years
From Bleak to Bright
Requested by Anonymous: the world is in black and white until you meet your soulmate. you’re Bruce’s little sister. you want to go with him during Avengers 2012 because you’re the only one that “can calm the beast” if ever he pops out. so you’re just chilling with the avengers in the flying thing. then they bring Loki in. the world goes to bright, bright colors. you don’t want it to be him. but it is. no one knows. no one knows but him.
AN: IM BACK. YES. AFTER LIKE A WHOLE YEAR. the flying thingy. me too i had to google it, ahaha
Warnings: angst, language
*gif not mine
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You spun on the stool, facing your brother with a sigh. He scratched the back of his head, the glow from Loki’s scepter reflecting on his specs in a grey light. 
“One more hour?” he asked with a wince. 
You rolled your eyes. “Okay,” you groaned. “But then we’re off to bed. And I’m putting Celine Dion on the stereo to sleep.”
“Not her again,” he groaned. 
You raised a finger, brows crawling up your forehead. “You made me come here on this ridiculous flying tank with the God damned Avengers, of all people, and we’ve been here for four days listening to sounds of water dripping and Cap’s fifties music.”
Bruce sighed, leaning his forehead into his palm. “Fine.” His hands went up in mock surrender. You could see the tension in his shoulders, straining against the material of his chemise. 
Not that you could see the color of it. You imagined it was blue. Bruce liked blue. Bruce knew colors. Of course he did. He’d met his soulmate such a long time ago, you’d forgotten she even existed. 
But not you. You’d gone through life in the dreary black and white of a world without a soulmate. But now you were curious. You knew the colors by name, but not sight. What does green even look like? Bruce had told you trees and grass were green. Some people’s eyes. Ever since he’d told you that, green became your favorite. Maybe blue could beat it, since Tony Stark had told you the sky was all shades of blue combined. 
An alarmed blared overhead, and your first instinct was to run to your brother’s side. Bruce’s eyes met yours, his mouth tugging up at the corners. 
He’s fine.
Your hand found the curve of his forearm, still. No one really knew what actually triggered the Hulk, and you, being his little sister, were the only human alive able to tame the beast. 
You heard footsteps, many, clambering loudly down the hall. The door to Bruce’s workspace was wide open, and you heard the telltale sound of security making their way down the hall. You frowned. What could they be doing so late at night, and so many all together?
At first, from the windows in the workspace, you only saw the black suits of the security patrol, their reflective masks bright in the hall. They walked in patterned, simultaneous movements, guns held firm in their grasps.
You saw the top of a really - no, seriously, really! - tall head, black hair. White skin. And as the small platoon of security walked passed your door, you saw the man walking in their midst, tied in shackles. 
He turned his head, buzzing in your mind, something deep in your chest tightening. And then you saw the color of his eyes. 
You couldn’t tell at first. Because the world became so vivid, so bright. He went from black and white to stark and bright and whole before your eyes, stealing the breath from your lungs. 
A ringing started in your ears, a burning in your throat. You couldn’t help but stare, watching his eyes drink you in as well, watching his own world turn from ash to bright as the sun. 
No, you thought. No. Not him. 
Anyone but him.
And just before he rounded the corner, his lips stretched into a smirk. 
A cold hand on your arm brought you back. As if slamming back into your body. 
“You okay?” Bruce asked. 
You gulped. Nodded. Felt your cheeks blooming with heat. “Yeah, of course.”
You could see the colors on your brother, now. Albeit, not being able to tell which specific color it was. And yet he was beautiful. Later, after hours of searching online for colors, you’d be able to tell his hair was black, his eyes a warmest brown, his skin a shade of white a few degrees darker than yours. 
But now, it took everything in you not to scream. 
You could finally see the entire world for what it truly was and all because of a demi-God wrought with darkness. 
No. It couldn’t be him.
You separated from your brother, your mouth dry, feeling his eyes on you. He could always tell when you were troubled. But there was just no way, no freaking way, you’d tell him that you’d just met your soulmate. If he knew who it was... No. You wouldn’t tell him. You wouldn’t tell anyone. 
You went to the computer and turned the screen away from Bruce, clearing your throat. Bruce went back to his own computer.
You didn’t even search up colors yet. You searched up the possibility of soulmates being wrong for each other. The computer spat out articles and data from hundreds of years, all proving that the soulmate trigger worked. That the signs of color all proved one had met the person right for them.
You sighed, dropping your head in your hands. 
You rubbed at your eyes, steeling yourself for what you were about to ask. 
“Did they just bring in Loki?”
His head raised from his computer. “Yeah.” He frowned. “I’m going to go ask why. Does it disturb you that he’s here?”
You scratched your jaw. “No, not at all,” you said quickly, too quickly. You cringed internally, hoping your face didn’t mimic the shame you felt. “Just - why?”
“I’ll go ask,” Bruce said. If he had any inkling as to why you were suddenly intrigued in God of mischief, he didn’t give any clue. 
He left. You took a second to steady yourself. You counted your fingers. Felt the shape of your face. 
Then you took a breath in and all but flew out the door. 
You followed the maze that was the inner organs of the Helicarrier until you reached the “jail”, which was, upon inquiry, meant to hold your brother if ever you weren’t there to calm him in time. 
You watched from outside the doors as Fury talked to Loki. You couldn’t help the fire in your chest as you watched. Loki seemed trapped, looking discreetly around the room, around his glass cage, his green eyes keen on any weakness.
You felt the sweat collecting in the palm of your hands. You waited patiently, praying whatever Bruce was up to would keep him long enough that he wouldn’t come looking for you. You heard broken pieces of the conversation on the other side of the steel enforced doors, but Loki’s voice was even, steady, unafraid. 
He knew he wouldn’t be beat here.
You counted to one hundred the moment Fury walked out. Your heart beat vehemently between your ribs, battering your bones. Your knees were putty when you finally, slowly, opened the doors.
The air ruffled your hair, blowing it out of your face. 
He stood tall, straight, unmoving, statuesque in the middle of his prison. Hands at his sides. Eyes mild. Mouth straight. He gave no indication that his world had finally shifted after millennia of black and white. 
“I didn’t have to wait long.” His voice sent shivers down your spine, your body so reactive to even the sound of his words that you wondered, for just a second, what his touch would do. 
You closed the door, tentatively approaching the control board. You saw a big red button and decided maybe touching random buttons wouldn’t do any of you any good. 
“What’s your name?” he asked, following your movements with his sharp emerald gaze. He still stood there, like cement was poured down the length of his spine. 
You darted your eyes back to his. He was glad in - what you later learned - was a green and gold ensemble, a green cotton cape grazing the floor of his cage. He was beautiful, really. Cut by the finest knife to the most perfect edge. 
He smiled then, creasing his cheeks in what you could only feel as adorable. 
“Didn’t expect it to be moi, did you, princess?”
You tried not to react, but heat bloomed across your cheeks, giving you away. 
“Why?” you asked.
He rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically, breaking his statuesque stance to throw his arms up. “By the Gods,” he groaned, accent thick on his tongue. “You humans are so pathetic. Why this? Why that? Why me? Oh, you want to be so special that you question the straight line of fate as if the entire meaning of the world revolved around you.”
You raised your brows. Wow. He’d been thinking of that for a while.
“Do you know the colors?” you asked, approaching the glass that separated you from your soulmate. 
He took you in, green eyes drinking you in from head to toe. He didn’t seem to think anything negative about his soulmate. “I’ve taken sense-enhancing drugs in my lifetime,” he said. “I’ve known colors briefly. Thor taught them to me.”
You nodded. “Your eyes are green.”
His lips split in a grin. “You’re very perceptive,” he chuckled. “And you’re wearing a powder blue sweater. Childish.”
Something in you shifted and you wanted to say something, something bad. Something along the lines of, “what is your favorite color?” and then run and wear it.
Instead, you approached the glass even more. By this distance, you could see he was significantly taller than you. He eyed you down his nose. 
“A human,” he said with distaste. 
“Maybe that’s your punishment,” you ventured, your heart railing against your ribs. “Maybe that’s your conundrum. You’ve thought nothing of humanity but the possibility to dominate and squander us under your boot like ants. Isn’t it fitting?”
You saw the anger cross his face before his lips spat the vile things he thought in his mind. “You are not worthy of a God, you fleeting, imbecile, nothingness of a human. I will outlive you before I even grow a white hair. Our children will watch you wither before they’ve even gone to school.”
“Our children?”
That seemed to faze him. 
Wow, you thought. Of all the things Loki was, he was traditional. He very well intended to follow through with the soulmate script; to marry you and have children with you.
The thought first amazed you, burning bright in your mind’s eye. Then you thought twice and feigned disgust. 
He laughed. “Oh, please, you’re the luckiest woman in the universe to have been bound to a God.”
“Aren’t you a demi?”
His gaze placated you. “I am, but the fact remains that I am greater than you, greater than anything your pathetic little human brain can conceive.”
You rolled your eyes with audacity you didn’t know you had. “Well,” you sighed, shrugging, hands in your back pockets. “What now?”
He cocked his head. “What do you mean?”
“Are we to start this - thing, or are we to go back to our normal lives and, hoping you don’t obliterate the planet, we never see each other again?”
His jaw clenched, working. “You know it’s physically impossible now for us to be apart.” He said this through clenched teeth, hands in fists. 
You shrugged again. “I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t mind never having to look at your ugly mug ever again.”
He frowned deeply. “Try it, then, you’ll see, mortal.”
You sighed apathetically, turning your back to him. 
“Before you go!” Loki called. You turned slowly on your heel, offering him nothing but your side profile. “Let your brother know I’m hoping to meet him soon.”
The blood in your veins went cold. 
Part 2? Anybody?
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photiniainsummer · 3 years
Dancing with the Dark
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: You've taken to lingering around Dark's office late at night when he thinks he's alone with his old jazz standards.
Or so you thought, until one night you find the door open.
You've always wondered what exactly he does behind it...
It's listen to music. Get your mind out of the gutter. ;)
(second person POV, gender neutral reader)
Word Count: 6860
Author’s Note: No warnings - this is really all just tooth-rotting, tender, slow build romance. There is dancin' and smoochin', though. 👀 Also posted to AO3!
It wasn’t something you had intended to intrude on. The Manor is big, but not that big, and it just so happens that the quickest route to your bedroom means you have to pass Dark’s office suite. As your nights have gotten later and later, trying to keep tabs on Mark and the poor, scattered egos he’s made and dumped, more and more often have you caught soft, crackling music drifting out from behind your sort-of boss’ heavy office door.
At first, you mostly ignored it, noting it with a small smile and continuing to bed. It’s really none of your business what the shadowy man does in his free time, you figured. Plus, you all manage to live on top of one another, despite the Manor’s size, which puts privacy at a premium - who are you to deny him some when he can get it? But as time has passed and you’ve worked intensely together, the original enmity between you two has turned into a professional respect and eventually, you’d hazard, a friendly banter. At least, such as Dark is willing to joke around.
And so, tempted by your mutual softening, and maybe a little curiosity as to what kind of music your ‘leader’ listens to, you’ve found yourself pausing in your path to bed when you catch him playing a record. At first, you only stopped briefly at the top of the stairs with his office across the landing from you, taking a moment to appreciate a few bars of dreamy jazz. It was peaceful, almost magnetically melodic. But you quickly grew self-conscious in your eavesdropping, and, not wanting to seem nosy (despite the fact you definitely were being nosy), moved along to your room.
You crossed the landing to the bit of wall near his door, next, but kept a keen eye on the stairs behind you in case you needed to make a sudden retreat. For a week or so, you took longer, lingering there at the mouth of the short hallway to his office. You would take in a full song before you got antsy, concerned Dark might get up to make a late-night cup of tea and discover you. Even so, you had found it hard to pull yourself away from the lilting voices of his records - time seemed to slow, for just a little while, and you felt you breathed easier, deeper even, once you were back in your bedroom.
Finally, now, and most nights for the last month, you’ve let yourself truly relax just outside his door. He never leaves, not that you’ve seen, and so you’ve taken to resting in the shadow of the short hallway and letting the hypnotic drags of a brush across a snare, crooning voices over a string quartet wrap around you. Dark’s music is never truly jazzy, never truly swinging, and it soothes you like very little else can these days. It’s steady - you think that’s what’s so appealing about it - drawing you in at the end of a long day for a moment of reprieve, floating outside of time in the gentle shade of this corner of the Manor.
You’ve gotten used to it, to be sure. The sleepy, tripping dance of a horn greets you at the end of each long day spent combing through Mark’s videos, hunting for hints as to his next move. The quiet moments spent letting the gentle jazz unwind some tight thing in your chest have become just as much your routine as they are Dark’s - and you understand why he takes the time. Until you started lingering to listen, you were harder up for time alone than you thought with barely a moment to spend in your own head. Everything was focused on maneuvering around Mark, a seemingly endless game of cat-and-mouse that left you tossing and turning and jittering yourself into an exhausted unconsciousness each night. But now, you fall asleep faster, wake up feeling more rested having actually relaxed before bundling down under your covers. You had found a little corner of peace, thanks to Dark. And, perhaps, thanks to your damned nosiness, as the man himself had called it once.
Only occasionally as you lean against the wallpaper have you allowed yourself to think about the man behind the door. For all your collaboration, Dark is still a mysterious, calculating, and distant figure. It’s by his own making, too. He’s been content to work closely with you planning Mark’s downfall, but keeps his own cards so close to his chest you have to wonder if he can even see them now, so to speak.
Perhaps he knows them well enough not to need to.
You’ve learned not to pry too much about any of the egos’ pasts and what they remember of them, unless you’re just in the mood for awkward, dead-end conversations. Wilford doesn’t seem troubled in the moment, human bouncy ball that he is, but responds vaguely - even for him - before up and disappearing for a few days. Google spouts some kind of technical jargon about his assembly warehouse that you can barely keep up with, then focuses intently on changing the subject. The Host only gives you one of his polite little smiles and reminds you that your futures are ‘of a more pressing nature’ than his past is.
The only one you’ve totally avoided trying to bring up the subject with is Dark. Your first real conversation had edged on it, and his reaction - aura practically blowing all the lightbulbs in the room, crackling copies of himself writhing in rage - had been pretty clearly in the ‘not positive’ camp. You’ve not had the stomach to unnecessarily incite his ire, so most of what you know about him, you’ve put together yourself. A vague understanding of his blended nature, the people he was before, their relationships to Mark… But it’s all guesses and deductive work about people long gone from the plane you inhabit. Grasping at shadows and context clues to paint a portrait of how the being, who deeply dislikes the outsize attention his central role as Mark’s primary ‘villain’ commands, came to be.
Yet, you do know some things about what he’s like. That he doesn’t seem to need to eat or take breaks of any kind. That he’s single-mindedly devoted to stopping Mark in his tracks, and intensely methodical about the whole endeavor. Even when you think you’ve caught him reading something for fun, it turns out to be Mark-adjacent. It’s impressive, you admit, but also why hearing those strains of songs sung long ago, finding him doing something unproductive has captured you so. To think of him taking time for himself, doing nothing but enjoying some music… it simultaneously feels incredibly decadent and comforting. For all his hardworking exterior, there are quiet moments Dark takes to relax. Even more than his music, that soothes something in your heart you didn’t even know was tense.
Plus, good lord. The man listens to croony, moony, love-sick music late at night when the rest of the Manor has retreated to their own separate corners. How could you not melt?
Yet it’s impossible for you not to wonder what exactly he does behind his office door. It’s always firmly shut, and even with the proclivity toward psychic abilities in the Manor’s residents, you can’t completely school the curiosity it inspires. Listening to a couple croon about the stars or something equally cheesy from your spot out in the hall, you’ll often picture him relaxing in one of the high-backed armchairs situated near the heavy fireplace. Maybe he’s shut the door to his workspace proper, allowed himself some wine from the cellar, propped his feet up… Maybe he’s truly relaxing, thinking of something altogether having nothing to do with his work. It’s anachronistic enough to your steadfast image of him to be ridiculous, but you also can’t help but hope it exists in some form, protected behind the dark wood that muffles already-quietly trilling piano keys.
This is why, late one night, you’re stopped in your tracks at the foot of the stairs, already able to hear his music. You’d been just about to pull yourself up the stairs by the handrails, eyes bleary from staring at your screen all day when you’d picked out the dreamy march of brass. You’ve only ever been able to hear his records when you’re standing on the landing - is something wrong? Cautiously, you ascend the tightly winding stairs, your thoughts mirroring the spiraling steps as they scramble, chasing away any haziness.
Reaching the landing, you find dancing firelight spilling out across the thick Persian rug there, Dark’s door cracked shockingly wide. The sight is almost obscene, illuminating the spot that has been your shadowy cocoon. It’s only made more stark by the clarity of the music that lilts through the air. You have the keen, embarrassed feeling that you should not be seeing what you’re seeing, that you’re intruding, infringing on something private - even though all you can see of the office is a little bit of wall just inside the door. Even so, the sudden need to stop this, to preserve something personal, quiet, safe for Dark overtakes you. You’re spurred into action, crossing the space on careful feet. You move to shut the door, to right this obvious wrong, but as your hand takes the old brass knob, the music from within murmurs tender thoughts of lovers embracing after an age apart. Even with your goal so firmly in mind, you can’t stop your eyes from flitting over the sliver of his office the crack in the door reveals.
And, oh, what it reveals.
As if intentionally centered for your view, Dark is, as you’ve imagined countless times, tucked into one of the armchairs near the fire. His suit jacket has been carefully folded and hung over the back of his chair, his starkly white dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar to reveal a bit of the skin at his throat. More is revealed by the tilt of his head as he rests it back in the crook of the armchair’s wings.
You’ve never seen him so… undressed before. You immediately flush, embarrassedly shooing the thought away before it can become anything more than a passing observation. You’re thankful to see that his piercing eyes are gently shut, the breaths he draws steady and quiet. Even his aura is still, nonexistent except for his colorlessness. The dull ring that accompanies him, too, is almost completely silent. Whatever remains is drowned out by the softly crackling gramaphone to his side.
Although you know he doesn’t need to sleep, the tender image of him relaxed enough as to fall into it twists something so totally in your heart that it keeps you there, hand on the doorknob. You know you need to close the door back, and carefully, too, so you don’t pop whatever bubble of peace he’s floating in, but… It’s like having a dragonfly land on the tip of your finger, spotting a deer at the edge of your garden, catching the sun breaking over the horizon and truly beginning to dawn. How can you look away before it ends?
But you’re playing with fire in waiting for this moment to end, and, unfortunately, you get burned.
At least, it feels like you do. Suddenly, Dark’s head comes up, his eyes cracking open, and the cold heat of being caught scalds the back of your neck. You go to close the door, but it’s too late - his black eyes catch yours, and he calls your name. It’s gentle, a distant question, but it still makes your heart sink into some pitiful little depth of your stomach. There’s no way to play this off casually; he sounds truly awake. Either he wasn’t actually sleeping, or you’ve startled him enough to banish any hint of drowsiness from his voice. You’ve ruined this precious little thing, your knowledge of it revealed, and, gosh, you feel miserable for it. But you were called, and so you crack the door a little wider, an apology already on your lips.
“I was just going to shut it for you, I’m sorry,” you offer, quietly, as if trying not to interrupt the music still going at his elbow.
Dark doesn’t immediately respond, watching you with his usually piercing, contrasted eyes. Yet, they’re softer, tired - was he actually sleeping? The gramophone crackles like the low fire nearby. The record playing spins wobblingly, curled with age. The music is even dreamier unfiltered like this, giving the lowly-lit room a hint of unreality. Time seems to stretch between you, and when he finally speaks, his echoing, multi-throated voice only adds to the feeling you’re imagining things.
“...you may come in, if you would like.”
Something has gone horribly wrong. He, or another ego, is dying or has died, you’re certain of it. That, or Mark has figured out your plan to collect them and gotten to one first, maybe Yancy or the Captain, taking them out of the picture or scooping them up for himself. It’s the only obvious explanation your startled mind can offer for seeing Dark so markedly undone - his jacket, his shirt, the door…
Just as quickly, you realize how ridiculous the thought is. Dark wouldn’t look like a rather sleepy cat, cozied up to the fire with his music of choice, much less invite you so casually into his inner sanctum if things had gone to hell. No, there’d be more rending of reality or quick, tense words - a contingency plan thrown into action.
Which means you actually have to deal with being invited into his office late at night, a place you’ve hovered around and imagined for nigh on a month. You force yourself to respond casually, nodding as if this is normal for the two of you as you step over the threshold. He gestures for you to shut the door, and you do, gently putting it to rights before crossing the bookshelf-lined room to join him.
Like you always do. Obviously.
Once near the fire, you can see his aura is beginning to stir once more, the edges of him blurring with compelling darkness. In all the imagining you’d dared to entertain, you have never considered what his face would look like in these moments. His brow is relaxed, his expression open, and though his attention is fully fixed on you, it doesn’t cut through you or hunt for answers. He is merely regarding, the firelight only able to cast dancing shadows across his face for all its warmth. He’s relaxed. Relax-ing .
It’s, again, almost obscene. So much more than you anticipated. It’s one thing to imagine all that you have in theory, a different one to see it in truth, to experience it. And Dark, relaxing, is something you can barely take your eyes off of. He looks so much more like a person, undone after a long day of work, not quite ready to trip off to bed. With his aura so reserved, only mildly undulating at the very edges of him, you could almost dismiss it as a trick of the light, if not for how he absorbs and negates color.
Just a man.
Trying to stay casual, you prop yourself on the chair across from him, chin in hand, and you both watch each other for a moment. Both quiet. Both tired. Except your silence is tinged with subtle awe. At being invited in, at being here, at seeing him this way. It’s like the killer panther that typically stares you down from the shadows giving you a lazy, sun-warmed blink. As much as you try to treat Dark normally, there are moments when you can’t help being amazed - though it’s usually due to his eldritch powers and not him engaging in the simple act of sleeping.
Which begs the question - why leave the door open while he was so indisposed? Mild concern rises again, and you feel compelled to ask.
“Is everything okay…?”
You swear his eyes twinkle, amused. It’s hard to tell with the fire dancing like it is, his face remaining otherwise unchanged. You want to frown, wondering how loud your thoughts have been, but leave it.
“Yes... and no, as always. Nothing has changed, if that is what you mean. There is no need to worry.”
Coming from anyone else, it would be a formality. Your shoulders would stay hunched, your brow might furrow. But when Dark says it, when he speaks more quietly than you think you’ve ever heard him speak, it scatters whatever remaining fears his invitation had kicked up to the wind. You exhale. It is a comfort, but… It doesn’t explain why he invited you in. If you had really ruined his illusion of privacy, would he so readily let you walk over its remnants?
Suddenly, the answer is clear - so simple and obvious as to be startling. You speak before you can question the thought.
“Just want some company?”
Dark continues to watch you, but his gaze loses some of its lethargy. The panther stirs, considering. Weighing. Calculating. Heat rises up your neck ever so slightly - that will teach you to jump to conclusions.
But then he hums and gives an affirming nod. He gestures to the seat you’re leaning on. “Again, if you would like…”
Is that hesitancy?
You really feel like you’re dreaming as you settle across from him. He just wants company. He hesitated. He couldn’t even ask for it. Notably distant Dark, who never joins the rest of you for meals, for after-dinner drinks, who you rarely ever see outside his office… wants company. Although the chair’s winged back curls around you and radiates warmth absorbed from the fire, you find it difficult to relax as he continues to, turning his black-and-white gaze to the fire. Does he want conversation? Comfortable silence? How are you meant to parse what he’s wanting against the background of how surreal it is that you’re actually here?
But little things remind you that this is very much happening - the heat of the nearby fire, the music’s volume being slightly louder than you’d imagined. Although, you remind yourself, you’ve been hearing it muffled by heavy wood until now. It’s still relatively soft, just clearer up close. Your eyes fall to the gramophone piping it out. You’ve seen it in passing, but it registered about as much as the carved wooden globe on the mantle - furniture, meant as a finishing touch for the room. It looks like a true antique, though, its curved neck and ornate mouth lovingly maintained, polished to a shine apart from a few inevitable age spots. It’s close enough to Dark for him to operate without getting up, records tidily shelved underneath.
Your eyes edge back to the man seated so nearby. His slowly awakening aura is gently tugging at your attention, but he himself pays you no mind. That relieves you, somewhat, a silent answer to what his idea of ‘company’ is.
You realize, then, that you’ve never simply existed with him before. Throughout your time at the Manor, you two have only ever been in each other’s company to work or exchange information. There’s always been a goal, something to focus on, to accomplish. But now… there’s nothing. Nothing to do but exist.
Why does that suddenly feel so hard?
You must be thinking rather loudly, because Dark’s gaze slides leisurely from the flames onto you. He tilts his head, but not in that strange drifting motion it sometimes does, gravitating to some sick angle of its own accord. No, he’s just curious. You smile sheepishly, wondering if all your mental spinning has disturbed his peace, made him second-guess inviting you in.
“Too loud?”
Another amused flicker in his colorless eyes. “No louder than usual.”
So tired Dark has jokes , apparently. You give him a look. “Not exactly comforting.”
“To be fair, they are much quieter than when you arrived.” It’s almost a compliment - at least he’s not calling you loud anymore. Letting that be a comfort, you attempt to relax back into the chair. It, like the rest of the Manor’s furniture, feels straight out of a period drama with none of the damage of age. It’s still as soft as it was whenever Dark crafted this bubble of reality.
“It’s hard when you can’t control it - like I have noise cancelling headphones and can’t hear myself or anyone else.”
He hums. “You do not need to explain it to me.” Ouch. You look to the fire, taking the inside of your cheek between your teeth. When will you learn to keep your foot out of your mouth? Dark senses the sudden silence and mildly clears his throat. “I mean… Only to say that I understand you do not have the same ability. I do not hold it against you.”
His voice still has that quietness to it, a low, gentle undercurrent. It’s practically an apology, how he chooses his words. You shift, rubbing your finger joints with your other hand. You’ve been told it looks like hand-wringing, but it soothes you and the soreness there. “I think you saw it differently, when I first got here,” you hazard, just as quiet as you look back to him. Dark is watching you evenly, but something shifts in his brow as he recalls that first day. How different your tones had been, how differently you’d approached the other. You’re only feet from where that first conversation took place, and yet…
“...much was different, then,” he murmurs. “I was, perhaps… harsher than I should have been. I was unaccustomed to the sensation, not at my best.” He seems to stop himself there, closing something that was edging open before looking back to the fire. “I have grown used to it. The sound of your thoughts does not trouble me, but you have also improved at closing your mind. It is impressive, for someone unlike the rest of us.”
Good lord, maybe he actually is dying. You don’t think you’ve heard so many kind words from the man in all your months of living together. His gaze stays fixed on the flames, even as you stare at him, a little stunned. Silence draws out between you, filled only by tonight’s accompaniment. Yet, it doesn’t spark with nervous energy or prickle in pointed coldness. It crackles like ancient records warped with time, old oak burning to warm a place apart from the rest of existence. You settle deeper into the armchair, eyes turning from the shadow you’re keeping company.
He only barely catches your pleased little smile, finding it hard to look at you for too long.
From then on, Dark leaves the door open for you, although cracked much less wide than before. When you call it a night, you make your way through the Manor to your seat near his fire instead of right to bed. Although the weather of the world still reaches you, the place Dark maintains is always just slightly colder, so the fire’s warmth is never unwelcome. Sometimes you talk, sometimes you sit together in silence, but regardless of how chatty either of you feel, there’s always music curling underneath the moment. Dark doesn’t sleep like he did the first night, but he always has his coat off and that softer turn to his eyes by the time you arrive. It’s strange, at first, to see him switch so much between his work and leisure personas, and at first you wonder why he’s not always so relaxed. Surely things would be less tense.
And then you remember Wilford’s incessant gunfire, Google’s underlying objective, the weight of his very existence. Without his steady, cool glare, the Manor would be full of bullet holes, and they’d all probably be dead with Mark free to break reality to his whim. If Dark wasn’t so tightly wound, everything would come undone.
So you enjoy - scratch that. You let him be how he is, in each moment, without comparison. Sure, it’s nice to talk to Dark when he isn’t grinding out words from between his teeth, and seeing him undone has removed whatever distance might have remained between you, but to say you enjoy him…
Christ. Who are you kidding - you really enjoy him.
It really happens without you noticing, and it almost drives you nuts with how cliche it all is. Things just build up - he has a pillow placed in your chair just so for your lower back, you pull the smallest of smiles of him with a well-put observation (and find that his eyes crinkle the same way the other egos’ do) - until one night he asks you to dance.
He’s not quite so blunt as that about it, but it’s essentially what happens. You’re sitting together, having fallen into one of those comfortably quiet moments when a song comes on that you recognize. Not from your time lingering around Dark’s door, but from before you came to the Manor, vague memories welling up of a ballroom dancing class in undergrad you’d taken for fun full of sore toes and sweaty hands. You laugh, suddenly, startled at just how far away that moment feels. You try to cover it with your hand, but you continue to chuckle as something about the ridiculousness of it gets to you, and Dark watches you with some mix of amusement and concern. There’s a little of that predator’s intentionality there - searching for answers. You shake your head as you calm, dropping your hand but still smiling.
“Just… I know this song.”
“Oh?” Read: Continue.
“Well, I… Back in my first year at university, I... well, I signed up for this ballroom dancing unit. This was one of the songs we used, I think.” Dark inclines his head as something changes in his gaze. Your last little aftershock of laughter passes and you settle back into watching the fire lick at its grate, content to let it lie. But Dark continues to watch you. Feeling him still staring, you look back - very little of that soft turn to his eyes remains. He is a man focused. “What?” you eventually ask, shifting under his stare.
“I did not know you danced.”
You fluster, then, scoffing at the idea, eyes falling to the carpet between you. “I… don’t. Unless you count slow dancing, I guess. It was just the one class. Forever ago.”
He’s not content, fixated. But quiet. Considering. Weighing. Then…
“Would you like to?”
You look back quickly enough that you wonder if his aura pulled at you in tandem with your surprise. “Wh. I… Now?”
He nods, slowly. You just stare, trying to process the idea and coming up with no clear thoughts. Then he does something funny - he actually shifts under your scrutiny, gaze flickering away for the briefest of moments before returning to you. That alone is enough to stun you further, Dark looking practically shy, but he explains. “In my day, I was an avid dancer. I enjoyed little else outside of… work. I can show you how.”
You momentarily wonder which of his past lives he means before you find yourself nodding in agreement. Even if you hadn’t wanted to, this is… new. Dark offering so much at such little gain to himself, unfurling those cards from so close to his chest. Refusing now might mean they would never come away again.
“Can you?” Your voice is surprisingly dry, distant, but Dark doesn’t seem to notice, focused on the task now at hand. On you. He only nods and rises from his chair in a smooth motion before offering you a hand.
From experience, you know he leeches color from whatever he touches, even things in his vicinity if his aura is expansive and active enough. Yet, you’ve never had reason to make direct contact, and so you still watch in minor surprise as your hand loses its luster and gains a black-and-white cast when you take his. “It isn’t permanent,” he explains as you stand to join him. “It’s only… plants, that can’t handle it.” He sounds mildly embarrassed, and it clicks why you’ve never seen him in the Host’s garden. The future-sighted ego had probably barred him from the place years ago.
“Oh,” you reply lamely, and he ducks his head somewhat before leading you to the more open space between your chairs and the outer office door. There, he turns smoothly and you’re in position, having used his hold on your hand to subtly guide you closer. Your other hand lands on his upper arm, almost at his shoulder, and he gently shifts his elbow under yours to guide it to rest on top, near his collar. His own hand comes to rest higher on your back than you remember from class, almost on your shoulder blade.
It feels so proper, how you stand, how he holds you… Against the age-old music set to guide you and the Manor’s unchanged decor, you can almost see who he was before - the swish of a beaded skirt, the creak of a heavy cane - but then he speaks, heavy with shadow, and all you know is the darkness in your arms, here and now.
“Just a simple step. You remember a waltz?” You nod - did we dance this close together back then? “Good. Then you know to follow me. Stay relaxed...”
The idea of relaxing flies out of your mind the minute he guides you backward. All your mental energy is focused on not laughing in pure nervous surprise as he seems to get closer and closer before your muscle memory manages to kick in and you’re stepping back with him. You’re slightly out of sync, and he slows just so to catch up with you before he brings you back up to the pace of the song. “Relax,” he murmurs, dipping his head so much closer to yours than feels decent as he speaks, as if sharing a secret. “I have you.”
You certainly do, you think, immediately glad you’ve been practicing keeping your mind closed more often. With all the time you were spending with Dark in his off-hours, you had felt it was only fair that you didn’t overload him any further. That extra practice is coming in handy now as your thoughts swirl behind the dam you imagine holds them back from the general psychic public - your dance partner in particular.
True to his word, Dark keeps it simple, guiding you slowly around the open space, easily turning you in lazy patterns across the floor. And thank goodness for that - anything more complicated and you wouldn’t be able to balance it with how hyper-aware you are of everywhere the two of you touch, the feeling of his firm shoulder and crisp dress shirt under your hand, the skin of his palm against yours - softer than you’d imagined, with calluses inside his first finger from years of pen-writing.
All the same little anxieties bubble up, long-forgotten but haunting you now with a vengeance. Are you gripping him too tightly? Are you anticipating his movements too much? Is your hand getting sweaty, or is that normal? Can he hear you breathing funny? You’ve thankfully settled into a comfortable angle of faces, yours turned slightly to the left and down, eyes fixed firmly on the curve of his shoulder. You don’t think you could trust yourself to make eye contact just now. You can’t say how exactly Dark’s face is turned, though, so focused on keeping your eyes where they are and your thoughts in check that you haven’t looked - nor do you hear him speaking your name until he squeezes you ever so slightly.
You turn, bidden, and you’re practically nose to nose. His stark eyes are already watching you when you meet them, and it steals whatever shallow breath was in your lungs. Up close, you would think you would be able to discern a hint of color in his irises, find that they were really a dark, dark brown. But they are truly, completely black. And they watch you so carefully, thoughtfully, with barely any room to breathe between you.
Your face must betray how the proximity startles you, because you get treated to another of his small, almost imperceptible smiles. Up close. You can see how it pulls at his eyes, and you’re thankful now that you can’t bring yourself to look away. “I… Yes?”
“You’re quiet,” he explains, after a beat.
“Do you… typically talk, dancing like this?” When did your throat get so dry? Dark chuckles, low and only for a moment.
“You can... But I was referring to your thoughts.” Uh oh.
“Oh…?” You try to sound normal, mildly interested instead of panicked, already floundering for what to say. Dark’s eyes flicker across your face, and you feel horribly exposed. As if, through the underbrush, you’ve just caught the gleam of a predator’s gaze.
“The closer you are, the more clearly I hear them. Yet…” He pauses, turning you past a low table. “I can barely hear you at all.” Then his voice grows softer, somehow, and your throat feels like it’s never known water. “Where did you go?”
“I…” You swallow fruitlessly, dropping your gaze back to his shoulder, to safety. What can you say to explain the sudden, obvious gap without blurting oh, it’s nothing, I only just realized I’ve been falling in love with you for the past couple of months when you asked me to dance and now I’m trying not to lose it while you hold me. “I’ve… been practicing,” you try. It’s the truth, at least. But you still can’t meet his eyes, though you feel them keenly observing you. “Didn’t… Didn’t want to be shouting at you, from, well... this close.”
He’s quiet then, focusing on sweeping you steadily around the room. The song has changed, your pace slowing somewhat to match the new one, and he takes the chance to guide you through a slightly more complicated step, jettisoning words in favor of taking you through a lazy spin before you fall back into the same step as before. You think you might have dodged a bullet as you settle into the movement, your gentle contact not so new and mind-reeling as it was when you started. But then he speaks, and the echo of his voice almost covers his words for how low it is.
“I… enjoy hearing your thoughts. Hearing you.” Dark’s hand holds yours more firmly as the one on your back brings you close to his chest. He’s practically cradling you against him, and you turn your face towards his in the moment to keep from being trapped looking away. You’ve never seen him make the face he’s wearing now - so serious, brow pulled just slightly, intent, yet that searching intensity has faded. Earnest . “I… I enjoy you. Unless you want your privacy, you are free to… be open with me. If you would like,” he's quick to add, his signature phrase that feels so much like as you wish.
You’re grateful he brings you to an easy stop, even as the music continues behind you because dancing has become beyond your grasp. Your eyes flicker across his shadowed face, mind scrambling as the dam you imagine creaks dangerously within. How much is too much? You hunt for clues in his expression, his face betraying so damn little like always, but then - then - his eyes flicker ever so briefly to your lips, and your eyes perceive a slightly darker shade of gray unfurling across his cheeks.
So you let go.
You don’t drown him in it, of course, but you allow your mind to open slowly once more. He inhales a forcibly steady breath, eyes searching yours once more as he processes, weighs, and finally draws you completely into him, head turning just so to finally fit your lips together in a kiss that feels like crisp, refreshing relief and wood smoke under a winter moon. You breathe in, feeling how cool he is to the touch, how steady he is under your hands, your kiss, even as his aura constantly roils.
Dark drops your hand to cradle your head and draw you further in, your arm finds its way around his broad back. His lips leave yours and you’re already starting to imagine your next kiss before he interrupts and gives it to you, a low sound in his throat and his hand bringing a tilt to your head that makes you incredibly thankful for how he’s holding you up. You kiss, and kiss, parting and rejoining in soft pecks and long presses that make the old standards you’ve bonded over sound like both the truest truths and palest lies.
Eventually, though, he withdraws, letting you catch your breath, soothing you with small kisses trailing from your lips to your jaw and back toward the joint of it and your neck. He’s adoring and unhurried - though the farther down his lips descend, the less air you can properly draw in. He slows on the softer skin there, hand still supporting your head where you tipped it back for him, and inhales gently as if he, too, needs to be steadied. His voice is a distant rumble, as much in your head as it is spoken. “Is my music really so moony...?”
It’s so sudden, your thoughts laid bare against the hint of his insecurity. A laugh bubbles up and out of you, breathless waves shaking your body. You only hold onto him tighter, and he squeezes you back in turn. You can feel him really smiling down against your neck, the pull of his lips and rounding of his cheeks evident against your sensitive skin. Why had you even tried to hide?
“The fact that you could sing any of them while gazing longingly at the stars should answer your question,” you tease, and he’s laughing with you, settling into just holding you close. “...but I like it. It’s romantic.”
“It was not my original intent, but...what wonderful results,” he murmurs, kissing your throat once more before coming back up, letting you catch your breath properly. How does he make the cheesiest things sound good?
“Mine either,” you admit. His brow quirks above warm eyes.
“No? What, then, was your intent in imagining how I chose to relax?” he asks, a wicked tease coloring his tone. You blink, and then heat rises up the back of your neck, your ears burn. He knew?? The whole time?????
“You could…” Your voice is distant as Dark draws the back of his hand softly across your cheek, fingers trailing the blush rising there. His eyes dip to follow it, watching it unfurl under your skin with the most damnably amused smile you’ve ever seen him wear. Damn him. Damn him, of course he knew!
“You should know doors can do very little to stop me…” You groan miserably. “But I liked it. It was romantic,” he continues, echoing you. It has such buried mirth that it only serves to embarrass you further, so you worm your arms against his chest, trying to push him off. He only chuckles that deep chuckle and holds you closer, lips pressing to your temple. “And so kind of you to want to protect me and my little moment… Did I really look so deliciously undressed...”
“Oh my god. Oh my god!” And here he had been playing coy this whole time! Letting you just dangle all your most embarrassing thoughts for anyone to see! You continue to struggle against him, if only to register your complaint. “You’ve completely ruined this, I hope you’re happy, you insufferable--” He dips and catches your lips again, humming and silencing your insults with his kiss. For all your indignant protesting, it’s impossible not to melt against him, your hands that tried to push him away stilling against his chest before sliding up to meet behind his neck. When he finally breaks your embrace, you huff softly. “I can’t believe you.”
He’s smiling, but sobers slightly as you hold each other, his eyes just taking you in. “...it was a comfort to me, to know I was not alone in my affection… despite all my hesitation in admitting it. I did say I enjoy hearing you for a reason, lamb.”
You’re melting, but then your nose wrinkles. “Lamb?” Dark tilts his head.
“Why all the animal names?”
It’s his turn to huff, then. “It seems I am not as skilled as Wilford when it comes to terms of endearment.” Your nose wrinkles further, the rotating cast of gushy names the mustachioed man throws around only making you wince with laughter.
“Please, no, I know you can do better than those.”
Dark puffs up a little at that, somehow pleased by the implication. “I’ll have to put my mind to it when I’m fresh, then. But for now…” He draws back, taking your hand into his, the other sliding up your back and into position. “Shall we?”
“Gladly,” you murmur, and he leads you in an altogether different dance.
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kimmyyang · 3 years
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210408 Zhang Zhehan's interview with Elle Magazine
"I want to be like Ah-Xu, be a gentle yet strong person."
On the day of the photoshoot, it was a rare windy day in Bei Hai. The weather forecast reported it will rain, which made everyone slightly heart-stricken. "Can we still take photos by the seaside?", "how about changing the location?", we were worrying, but fortunately it didn’t rain, only left with steer drop in temperature and roaring wind.
On the way to the photoshoot location, Zhang Zhehan recorded the sound of wind outside of the window. To be able to use the last bit of daylight before the sun sets completely, after filming, he only had one hour and a bit to go back to the hotel, have dinner, change clothes, and get his makeup done. And now, when we have done everything, he uses the time in the car to chat with the long-waited fans in the drama interactive zone.
Busy is an expected state. But when we saw him at the location, you can’t tell any trace of being busy from his face. The strong wind blew the gravels on the beach in the sky. During the interval of the photoshoot, everyone couldn’t help but complained about the cold wind and getting sand all over their faces. Only Zhang Zhehan looked more relaxed as if he came back from a different beach as us.
When we moved to the coffee shop, we finally had time to sit down and talk. He asked the staff to give him a cushion for his back, at that moment, it was probably the first time that made us realize that he is actually very tired. "It’s tough and tiring to be an actor, right?" we haven’t even finished the sentence, and he disagreed, "it’s all the same, every job is tough and tiring."
It seems that he has a big heart.
He chose to ride to Tibet with his friend for his graduation trip. Like his mum said he always has the spirit of seeking out suffering. Speaking of this journey, he said: "we’re living too happily, most families don’t have to worry about clothes and food, don’t need to go through a lot of hardships. I like what Huang Lei teacher once said, ‘people will only have faith after suffering, people will understand kindness after suffering.’ I think after seeing the suffering in the world and feel the suffering yourself - you will be kind to others."
After hearing what he said, you will realize that ‘big heart’ could have been a misunderstanding. He can’t dilute ‘sufferings’ more than others, instead, in the moments of ‘seeking out sufferings’, his feeling towards ‘sufferings’ is stronger and more abundant compared to most people.
He has a very meticulous side, he feels, understands, and hides his ‘sufferings’. Then, those experiences and feelings related to sufferings become something that is hard for others to spot on him.
He said, "when we’re going through a hardship, we can only see the hardship itself, you don’t realize that it’s actually reminding you something and teaching you something else." This is also his understanding of being mature – you can see the many sides of one thing.
‘Bruce Almighty’, ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’, ‘The Bucket List’ are his favorite movies. He said, "there’s a line from Bruce Almighty that left a deep impression – do you really hope God will give you happiness? Maybe everyone’s interpretation of happiness is different, but in the movie, the protagonist only realized it at the end, God was giving him happiness, but not the so-called happiness, God taught him the ability to gain happiness." He pressed his thumb again his chin, slightly looking down, earnestly sharing his impression of the movie.
He added, "you’re actually changing your perspective of the problem." Like what he wrote before, "being mature is being able to see the things that you couldn’t see before."
Maybe if the settling time is long enough, you will be able to stay calm in the change of tides and guard yourself in the quicksand under your feet. Speaking of popularity, he was calmer than we expected.
He said, "popularity is very important for an actor. I think it’s complementary, when you’re popular, you will receive more attention. You will be able to carry some things on your shoulders, first, it can prove that you have the ability, second, it can prove you’re acknowledged by the market."
He continued, "as actors, we also need to be acknowledged by the market. I have seen some amazing actors, they put so much effort into every character but maybe haven’t been acknowledged by the market yet, so they remain unknown. Therefore, a lot of great characters won’t fall into their hands.” It sounds cruel but it’s an undeniable fact. He added, “if you’re not popular, good scripts won’t even land in your hands."
The success of ‘Word of Honor’, to Zhang Zhehan, is like winning the lottery.
He said, "the success of a drama depends on timing, geographical and social conditions, none of these is dispensable. There are hundreds and thousands of dramas filmed each year, but in the end, there will only be one or two that everyone would love. That kind of feels like winning the lottery."
Working hard is very common, it’s nothing special, he thinks it’s unreasonable if you just use ‘working hard’ and ask why you are ‘under appreciated’. Just like how everyone praises him for being an experiential actor and praises his immersive acting. But he thinks, this is the passing line to be an actor, this is what actors are supposed to do.
He said, "if you’re an actor and you don’t experience the character, how could you portray it well, if you don’t get into the character, how could you make the character come to life?"
Working hard, experiencing, and immersing… he views them as a refined definition of actor, these are the preconditions of the lottery ticket. As for whether you can win the lottery in the end, no one can predict it. At least in his experience, he waited for 11 years for that winning lottery ticket.
After the filming ended, he wrote ‘jianghu, goodbye’ on Weibo, when the last episode aired, it was exactly 6 months after the last day of filming. His Weibo is on the setting of showing only the recent 6 months’ posts, as if it was a ‘long been destined’ farewell.
Perhaps the character Zhou Zi Shu is destined to be his. During the four months of filming, he had to gradually reveal Zhou Zi Shu’s two thousand layers of gray, he had to find him, become him, and lastly live the rest of his life for him.
Actors are probably all like this, they always must pour in their own life, emotions, and experience to make the character come to life. The process of making the character come to life means the actors get to experience life and emotions once again.
"Life is experience, you need to put some of your experiences into your characters."
Hegel mentioned in ‘Lectures on Aesthetics’ - 艺术通过供观照的形象可以缓和最酷烈的悲剧命运, 使它成为欣赏的对象。(thank you @sixteenthshen for providing the original quote!)
the specific lines zzh mentioned is bolded: If we are in a general way permitted to regard human activity in the realm of the beautiful as a liberation of the soul, as a release from constraint and restriction, in short, to consider that art does actually alleviate the most overpowering and tragic catastrophes by means of the creations it offers to our contemplation and enjoyment, it is the art of music which conducts us to the final summit of that ascent to freedom.
The reason why those so-called pains are endowed with aesthetic tension may lie in ‘being watched with pleasure’. Those most beautiful things aren’t been torn in our real lives, they become one ‘tearing performance’ after another, being shown on the stage, shown on the screen. The existence of aesthetic distance made ‘those so-called pains’ into something that can be bearable, having its own appreciation.
That so-called ‘pain’ experience comes more direct towards actors, there’s not much room for leeway. In his previous interview, he commented that Zhou Zi Shu is the most memorable character, the character that hurt him the most. Talking about ‘getting hurt’ again, he thinks that is unavoidable.
"I say that an actor has to get into the character and get out of character quickly. But when you’re acting in a happy scene, that happy feeling might last for a day or few days. When you’re acting in a sad, heart-broken scene, even you say it’s ok, it’s fine, it won’t affect me. But it will affect your mood, including your actions. When I go back to my room, I can’t help but to think about that scene, I might not be willing to go out and walk around."
"So, do you think acting is a process of wearing yourself out and wearing emotions down?"
"Of course, of course, of course, it’s wearing myself out." He said of course three times consecutively, "it’s not just wearing my emotions down, it also wears my physical strength out, wears my experience out, and a lot of my own things. So, if I want to do well in a piece of work, I can’t go into the next crew right after I have finished filming. Because you will have traces of the last piece of work, it’s actually hard to accept and get into the next character."
"I personally really like to stay in the filming crew, the reason why I said Zhou Zi Shu is great is that we couldn’t have any other work due to COVID-19 restrictions. I was in the crew for 4 months, in peace. I was looking into and experiencing the character carefully."
On the day of the interview, the Q&A part about acting was the most ‘unrestrained’. Every time we throw out a question, we would always get a powerful and resonating reply. From the perspective of a bystander, you could feel that he is the kind of person that is shining in his professional field.
At the end of every drama/ film, he would choose to leave that environment, and go out to have fun for few days. "I’m not insisting that I need to disengage from the drama/ film, I just want to relax, return to myself, return to Zhang Zhehan’s life."
"So, when you’re looking at Zhou Zi Shu again now as a viewer, do you have any different sentiment?"
"Of course, I would think of the funny parts and incidents. A lot of interesting bits that I’ve added in myself, you can see it in the character." Fortunately, as an actor, he can also feel the happiness that ordinary viewers have.
In our conversation, the words that he mentioned the most were 'gentle yet strong'.
"I really like netizens' comments that Zhou Zi Shu is gentle yet strong."
"The quality that I admire the most now is gentle yet strong."
"I feel like now I want to be like Ah-Xu, someone who is gentle yet strong."
"I want to be like Ah-Xu, become a bit gentler."
He thinks this seemingly contradictory combination is very interesting, "strong describes a person who is strong, whereas gentle is soft. These two words may seem to have no connection, but when they’re put together, it’s also a perfect connection."
"I didn’t feel this way before. I used to think people have to be strong, powerful, how can you be gentle yet strong? I think that’s something I need to learn now. This person must make everyone around them feel comfortable and think of others, but at the same time he/ she is also an individual who’s very strong and full of capabilities."
"Like water, it’s like this when it’s calm, it’s like that when it’s surging high."
He used as many hand gestures as he could as he wanted to express what’s on his mind as much as possible.
Gentle yet strong, this is what he saw, felt from Zhou Zi Shu, and it’s also the character experience he most wants to leave behind.
"Speaking of what hasn’t changed for 11 years, is that I’m still acting; speaking of changes there are a lot. All these years of experience, it became my understanding of each character, in contrast, 11 years of acting experience allowed me to learn a lot from my characters."
To him, every big or small character he had in the past 11 years is a mutual encounter, he gave something to the characters, and the characters also left him with something.
Those who have seen his acting praise him that he truly understands Zhou Zi Shu, so we asked how he could stand in the perspective of Zhou Zi Shu to understand his words and actions. He doesn’t think that it was understanding, it just naturally happened.
"I didn’t deliberately try to understand him, I think what he did was just following his heart, that’s how I feel, so that’s how it should be. I would ask if it was myself, can I do that? Is it acceptable? If I think it’s ok, then it’s right. If I think it’s unacceptable, I will definitely tell the director - 'I don’t want to act this way.'"
"I read another book today, the main idea is the most important thing for people is to know themselves. Know yourself, know what kind of person you are, then you will know the world. You need to learn how to reconcile with yourself, learn how to communicate with yourself, tell yourself when you need to keep going, when to compromise, when you need to understand, when you need to be strong… you need to keep being yourself and convince yourself at certain times."
Meeting Zhou Zi Shu, to Zhang Zhehan is also the process of meeting and knowing himself. "But I’m probably not as mighty as Zhou Zi Shu," he laughed.
He thinks that he’s not at the age of looking back, the things that have happened, just let them go. "There’s nothing to remember in particular, there’s nothing memorable. And my occupation, a lot of people will remember for you, they will remember your good, remember your various moments, so I don’t need to remember. What I need to do now is to live well, my current life, future life, and get into the next role."
"When I can’t act anymore, I think I will look back more."
Now, he wants to challenge a new area, "I really want to act in movies, act in more movies. 40 episodes of acting and 2 hours of acting are different, condensed acting is the quintessence. I still need to learn how to act well in the 2 hours."
And "I hope I can be a director one day."
The beautiful scenery in spring is as deep and wide as the sea, it’s fortunate that we get to meet.
"My occupation, many people will remember every moment of yours."
"Immerse into my next character, and live well - that's what I need to do now. "
Translation by: KIMMYYANG
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maximumjinx · 3 years
Steven Universe Gravity Falls AU
~Yknow what they say, if you run out of content, ya gotta make it yourself. This is a ? shot (I might continue or not who knows not me) please don’t ask for more I have 18 unfinished fanfics on this site.~
California was nice, Steven had to admit. The people were nice, the food was fantastic, and the weather was splendid. It reminded him a lot of Beach City. Though there were just so many people, and traveling north, Steven was beginning to long for something small and simple again.
Oregon was the perfect place for that, right?
“Ronaldo wants pictures of Bigfoot, and if anyone can find him, its you Steven.” Petey’s voice was faint on Steven’s phone speaker, tossed into the passenger seat as Steven blindly picked a highway exit.
“Sure Petey, but couldn’t Ronaldo just go to a circus?”
“Not big feet Steven,” Petey emphasized, “Bigfoot.”
“Saying it twice isn’t helping buddy.” Steven was half paying attention. He was focusing on the winding roads and the looming trees surrounding him. Deep, in the pit of Steven’s stomach, he felt something start to tug him toward one direction farther away from the highway. He wasn’t quite sure if it was a good or bad feeling yet.
“Forget it, I’m going to take a blurry photo of that mean Gem in the woods and say its Bigfoot.”
“Just don’t let Jasper catch you, she’s no joke when she’s angry.”
“I saw her ripping grass out of the ground I think I’ll be fine. Later dude.”
Steven heard a small click and smiled to himself. He’s happy to see how far the people of Beach City have come and how they’ve taken to the gems. He remembers when the Crystal Gems were once the outcasts of town that locals warned you to stay away from.
He looked up to see a welcome sign.
“Gravity falls. Well, that’s a funny name.”
Steven wanted small and simple but he feels he may have overshot it.
This small town had exactly three attractions. A town museum that mentioned marrying woodpeckers (Steven couldn’t figure out if that was a normal human thing, like taxes and velcro), a small diner, and as one local described it ‘some tourist trap’ deep in the woods. It was a sticky summer day and the former two attractions didn’t have airconditioning. Steven gambled on the last stop in hopes of stretching his legs and maybe finding a source to the strange feeling in his gut. It had become much stronger since he entered this small town. Alluring, but nothing related to Gems as far as Steven could tell.
He parked in the nearly empty lot and stepped out. Jacket wrapped loosely around his hips, Steven made his way inside.
A girl that looked about 13 was petting a pig on the front porch. She was incredibly reflective, and depsite the heat wore a knitted bedazzled sweater that made her glow like a disco ball in the sun.
She looked Steven up and down as he approached, a wide smile taking up her face and Steven saw bright braces with colored bands.
“Hi!” She launched upwards, startling the pig away, “I’m Mabel, but you can call me anytime.” The girl winked and stuck out her hand, palm facing the floor.
Steven blinked.
“Mabel, stop scaring away the customers!” A gruff voice yelled through the screen door, and soon an older man stepped out in a suit, wearing a fez and eyepatch.
Immediately the old man squinted at Steven, sizing him up.
Stanley Pines knew this teen wasn’t local, but he wasn’t sure if he had any money. For all he knew he was another boy trying to hit on his giftshop cashier, Wendy.
Oh well, a customer is a customer.
“Come in, come in, and see our mystical and magical wonders!”
“Magical?” This could be it, Steven could figure out why this town has felt off. Maybe it was gem related after all.
Quickly this older man who had introduced himself as Mr. Mystery gave Steven a tour of what looked like failed taxidermy projects. Now Steven may have a lived a sheltered childhood, but he felt pretty confident there was no such thing as a Sashcrotch. And so far, nothing had felt magical or mysterious.
“That concludes our tour! Here is our mistifying giftshop and it’s purchasable wonders!”
“Right...” Well, at the very least he was able to spend some time in airconditioning.
There was a girl behind the desk in plaid that looked about Steven’s age, and just a half inch shorter than him. She looked bored, flipping through a magazine as a young boy that looked a lot like Mabel made googly eyes as he swept by the door.
Steven guessed there was no harm in asking around.
“Hi, I’m Steven.” He smiled easily, walking up to the register.
“No refunds, even if an exhibit bit you.” She sighed, peeking up before turning back to her magazine.
“Oh no, nothing bit me, I just wanted to know something.”
She looked up to get a better look at Steven and gave a small smirk.
“Sure, but only because I like your shirt. Mr. Universe merch, now that’s a deep cut.”
Unbeknownst to Steven, Dipper Pines would had been watching the exchange felt a twinge of uneasiness as this out of towner talked with Wendy.
“Have you ever seen anything strange or weird actually happen in this town?”
Wendy’s smile dropped.
“Why do you ask?” Her eyes flickered to Dipper, just for a moment, and that was all he needed to rush over.
“Excuse me sir, please buy something or exit the store.” Dipper spoke in the deepest voice he could muster.
Steven looked over with a questioning expression.
“Oh sure uh-“ He blindly reached for the wad of bills that his dad had given to him before he left. Steven pulled out a hundred dollar bill and put it on the counter. Wendy looked up baffled as Steven stuffed the other cash back in his wallet.
“Boy was I wrong about you kid!” Mr. Mystery, seemingly materializing out of nowhere, now bounded over. He had loosened his tie and lost the eyepatch which turned out he never needed.
“Whaddya wanna know? I’ll tell you everything. There’s gnomes in the woods you know-“
“Grunkle Stan!” Dipper protested loudly, dragging his Stan away and harshly whispering at him.
“Did you steal that money?” Wendy asked as Steven watched the pair whisper fight in the corner. He turned back to the girl and gave a sheepish smile.
“Uh no, my dad gave it to me before this roadtrip. He’s actually Mr. Universe.”
Wendy lit up.
“No freaking way! Your dad is Mr. Universe? I only got into him since he managed Sadie Killer and the Suspects and they always perform covers of his songs on tour, I can’t believe he’s your dad!” She rambled, stars in her eyes. Steven beamed, he loved when people praised his dad’s music. Greg really deserved it.
Steven learned Wendy’s name and they swapped stories back and forth, only interrupted as the girl from outside slowly rose from the behind the counter beaming.
“A cute musician that loves weird stuff, take me now.” She swooned. Steven blushed profusely, not used to the attention.
“Sorry, my girlfriend Connie probably wouldn’t like that very much.” He said gently. Mabel looked him up and down and pouted.
“I can wait, but not forever.” She warned, and winked, bounding to break apart her grunkle and Dipper, who are now whisper screaming with arms flailing.
“I wasn’t going to mention that Dorito shaped jerk! Just the normal stuff!”
“It’s dangerous! He could be a spy, or government, or another stack of gnomes!”
Steven raised an eyebrow and looked at Wendy. She chuckled and shrugged. Steven carefully approached them.
“He can hear everything you’re saying anyways so might as well tell him!” Mabel interrupted, nodding towards Steven as he came up.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m definitely not government.” Steven technically didn’t exist at all. He never had a social security card and didn’t have a birth certificate.
Dipper only glared. Rich strangers with an interest in the paranormal didn’t come through gravity falls without some kind of agenda.
Steven hated the conflict he was starting. No information was worth this family fighting.
“Okay,” he surrendered, hands up, “I’ll just go. I’ll stick around town until tomorrow if you change your minds”
“Wait Steven-”
“Let him go Wendy,” Dipper glared as the boy in pink walked out, “We can’t trust him.”
“But I was going to ask for Sadie tickets...” Wendy groaned, defeated.
“There’s something weird about him.”
“Great!” Mabel beamed, “He’ll fit right in.”
Steven wasn’t crazy about sleeping in his car, but was seriously considering it after seeing the state of his motel room. It looked like it hadn’t been used in decades, a thin line of dust covering every surface. He was also pretty sure they didn’t even have free ice. 
“Wish Pearl were here..” He mumbled, exhausted. He curled up on top of the covers, fully clothed, and let sleep take him.
Being Steven Universe however, meant rest was sure to allude the half alien. 
Steven found himself in a dark space, fog all around him. Before a word could come out of his mouth he heard a fast, repetitive muttering. 
“Stranger...Wendy looked pretty today..Can’t trust...Tell no one...Ford isn’t here..”
“What, the-” Steven quietly walked toward the source of dialogue, and saw the faded silhouette of the boy from the Mystery Shack. His back was turned to him, but Steven recognized the blue vest and mosquito bitten legs. 
“I thought I was over the dream hopping.” Steven spoke a tad too loudly, starting the young boy - Dipper.
“What-” Dipper’s eyes grew wide in panic, and the boy fell back harshly.
“No, no, you can’t be in my head!” 
“Wait, I’m not-” Steven tried to reassure him, stepping carefully towards the boy but Dipper let out a screech of terror, sweat gathering around his temples.
“Bill sent you didn’t he?! He’s not really gone- he’s going to hurt Mable again-” Dipper began to hyperventilate. 
“Dipper please,” Steven took a step back, arms in the air in surrender. 
“I’m not going to hurt you I swear on the gems.” He placed a hand over his heart. “This is a total invasion of privacy but it’s something that happens when someone’s emotions are out of control-”
“How are you here?” Dipper demanded, scrambling to his feet. “Tell me what you are and what you want.”
“I’m just passing through!” Steven insisted, then lowered his tone to calm the younger boy. “I’m kinda of magnet for weird stuff. I just wanted to help in case anything was going on.”
“We deal with things just fine around here.” Dipper spat, then watched as Steven deflated. He seemed tired, like he hasn't slept well in a while. 
“So what are you anyways? How can you be here?”
Steven winced, and laughed nervously. “It’s kind of a long story..”
Dipper raised and eyebrow and swept his arm around the void dramatically. 
“You have until dawn.”
“I thought that was a conspiracy theory, it wasn’t even covered by major news outlets.” Dipper look exhausted, cross legged on the unseen floor as he ran his hands through his hair. 
“I think Garnet is pretty persuasive when it comes to government and reporters. They all kinda fall in love with her.”
“She’s the one that’s really two aliens?” 
Steven shook his head with a small smile. “It’s hard to explain but yes, I guess that comes close.”
“That’s actually insane. I’m insane, aren’t I?” Dipper stood up, leaving Steven on sitting next to an empty space. “It’s been too quiet around here and now I’m so desperate for weird, that I’m making it all up in my head.”
“I get that feeling.” Steven smiled without humor, “but no, this is real. I’ll prove it when you wake up.” Steven felt a shift, the fog in the void getting denser. 
“Sooner than I thought, you’re an early riser huh?”
Dipper looked back at Steven, panicked. “You’ll come to the Shack again right? In just a bit?”
Steven smiled. “Promise.”
Dipper woke up to his sister braiding his hair. Mabel still had her pjs on, and a make up kit next to the bed. Dipper frowned, tasting strawberry shortcake. 
“Stop testing party looks on me, Mabel.”
“Stop having my face structure and maybe I will.” She grinned, covered in blue glitter. 
Dipper quickly washed up and got dressed for the day, feeling like he was anxiously waiting for something but not quite remembering what. 
He felt like he had a strange dream last night...
He quickly remembered, choking on cereal as Steven walked into the shack right as it opened. Hair slightly frizzy from the heat and eyes strangely tired. Maybe dream hopping took energy that he anticipated. 
“Meal ticket!” 
“Grunkle Stan.” Mabel chastised as Dipper rushed over to the older boy. 
“Good morning everyone.” 
Dipper stopped short, slightly hoping that everything he experienced wasn’t just his imagination. That everything exciting and weird and interesting wasn’t always trying to kill him, ruin his life, or steal his candy. 
Steven looked tired, like he had been doing this much longer than Dipper, but he had still come out with enough energy to smile. 
“Not insane?” Dipper asked hopefully, quietly. Steven snapped his attention from his Grunkle and Mable bickering down to the Dipper. He gave a reassuring smile, eyes quite serious. 
“Not insane.”
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theoutcastedartist · 4 years
Give us all you animaniacs hcs (especially the lgbtq+ ones)((please))
Oh man I have so many to tell asfhjahsbsb I'm gonna leave out some of the more darker HC I have for this show (well technically, they are wildly-outlandish theories about where the Warner trio was for those 20+ years before the current time of the reboot, just gonna exclude those for now)
Ight imma start with the lgbtq+ headcannons first
Wakko: Nonbinary (Uses He/Them Pronouns)
Dot : Trans (Uses She/Her pronouns) and Pan
Yakko : Bi and Ace (Biromantic I believe it's called? Please correct me if I'm wrong on that)
On an unrelated note, Yakko is a whole mood
lmao look at my tiny clown-faced-puppy disaster son being the dramatic Bi-Ace icon he is when he's basically about to "die"
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If you ever asked my younger siblings, they would tell you that I would 100% do the same shit, maybe even start singing "Little Miss Perfect" out of pure spite
Who knew me, as the oldest of a sibling trio would relate to the oldest of another sibling trio
Oh man lemme start with Yakko HCs because he's the character I project so much on to nowadays:
All his senses are very sensitive compared to the other two, sometimes he'll get really overwhelmed by bright lights, strong flavors, loud noise, etc... he feels like he's being dumb everytime he has a problem with anything regarding his senses.
Lights and noise: Sometimes it just gets too much for him if he's exposed to constant loud noise and bright lights to the point where he'll start crying or yelling (especially if noise is the main problem) out of stress from it.
Strong flavors: He will visibly shudder in response to a very strong and very noticable flavor. He honestly prefers to eat blander foods over savory dishes. With that being said, he hates spicy food with a burning passion.
Very unwilling to go to someone for help or comfort when he's genuinely having a crisis over how he views himself. If anything, he's will try to do literally almost anything to avoid having that sort of conversation, especially with Dr. Scratchansniff.
He will however go to Dr. Scratchansniff or another trusted adult for advice if he needs help for how to take care of his siblings or just for general advice on stuff.
He hates being picked up or hugged with zero warning.
The only people who he doesnt mind doing this are Wakko and Dot, of course. If anyone else tries it though, he'll bite them and yes, this includes Dr. Scratchansniff as well. He may be the closest thing to them as a parental figure (in the 90's show at least), but he's not in the same close knit circle Yakko is in with Wakko and Dot.
His main hobby is drawing, it's his go to coping mechanism if he's not up to cracking a joke(while he's in the watertower) as well.
He needs glasses/wears contacts (ones made specifically for toons I guess)
Prefers reading books over watching anything on TV/electronic devices in general.
If either or both of his siblings can't sleep, he'll sing them a lullaby 💕
Off-set/off-screen/ outside of the recording for animaniacs Yakko usually wears these thick, oversized hoodies, and he will refuse to take it off.
This is because Yakko feels really weird and off when his arms aren't covered(sometimes there is this random phantom ache in his arms that just wont go away until he covers them. It's not like painful, painful, but just really annoying at times.) Even if it's hot as hell outside, he will not take it off. Wakko and Dot usually have to wrestle to get it off him, otherwise Yakko will faint/have a heat stroke. They make a compromise by agreeing to Yakko wearing long sleeves, so long as they're made out of light material.
If he needs caffeine to "wake up" but is too damn tired to do so, Yakko will not hesitate to just straight-up eat pure coffee beans.
For anything else, he does not mind eating food with very strong flavors, he actually enjoys spicy food (the spicier, the better), but for cereal they prefer the blandest one. Bland food is comforting to him (also doesnt want his brother to feel bad about not liking a lot of the savory foods he and Dot like)
Doesnt have much of a problem expressing himself. If he genuinely feels bad about something regarding themself, he wont hesitate to go to Yakko (sometimes he'll go to Dot if she happens to be there first, but 95% of the time he'll go to Yakko)
They actually likes being picked up and carried, but only by family and close friends. Any stranger who tries to pick him up will receive angry claw marks to the face.
Main hobby is composing music (instumentals). They will let Yakko or Dot write lyrics if they're feeling sad or bored (or as a sibling bonding activity too)
Favorite TV show is the Looney Tunes (classic cartoons)
He gives comfort to his sibs by just being there for them as a shoulder to cry on.
They don't like having their hat off for an extended period of time often. It's a source of comfort and his way of expressing his identity.
Is the one who usually has to stop Yakko from eating bare coffee beans when he's too tired to actually make coffee.
She's pretty in the middle when it comes to food.
If it's a minor thing, she'll usually just talk to Wakko about it. If it's something more serious, she'll go to Yakko about it.
She only let's Yakko and Wakko touch her or carry her. Outside of those two, she only let's Dr. Scratchansniff carry her. For anyone else, she will clobber anyone who makes an attempt to do so. She just really hates it when if comes to anyone else.
Main hobbies are sewing and designing clothes. She'll have her siblings model her clothes for her (they are very eager to do so everytime). It provides a good distraction for either Yakko or Wakko if they're down or frustrated about something. It's just super fun.
Really loves (well-made) action movies, it's like her favorite genre of movies.
Gives comfort by providing her siblings with soft materials (like blankets or pillows). She'll drape herself over either of them to provide a comforting pressure.
She expresses herself through her iconic pink skirt and flower scrunchie. Both are her favorite articles of clothing because her siblings were the ones who got them for her. (Yakko sewed the pink skirt; he was the one to teach Dot how to sew 💕)
She's a last resort to stopping Yakko from eating the coffee beans raw.
Original vs. Reboot headcannons
The original 1990's show is more "On-stage", having for educational songs and skits, whereas the 2020 Reboot/revival is more "Off-Stage" with the occasional show skit, hence any inconsistencies with the characters' personalities, especially Yakko.
Both shows take place in the same type of setting as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" (The idea of cartoons existing as real entities alongside humans; I got a lot of WFRR vibes during Sufferage City with the whole "Cartoon Rights" part especially)
Well that's about as much as I can write for now, I have more headcannons of course, but I found this to be a good place to stop.
These are just my personal headcannons of the Warner Trio, I don't really have any for Pinky and the Brain, but I wanna know what some of your guy's headcannons are for any aspect of the shows!
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ladymacbeth3759 · 3 years
Analysis on Luca Guadagnino’s film (2) - Call Me By Your Name
This is really long, so please have patience while reading this. And because I translated it to English from my original language, there might be some mistakes.
Link to (1):
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One of the most significant metaphor in this film is the greek statue. These sensual and ancient figures symbolize the nature of desire and physicality, and also represent the instinctive, irresistible love between Elio and Oliver. As an example, in the scene of cataloging the pictures of the statues, the words of Elio's father express these significance. Another scene also shows this metaphor very well. There is a scene in which the two have a little confrontation and after the subtle fight and jealousy, the camera shows the scene where they lift up the statue from the ocean. This scene can be interpreted as a metaphor that the desire became visible by bringing it above the surface as it began to be expressed as an emotion of jealousy. It means that the boundaries of emotions that were unclear until then have gradually became clearer. After the statue was brought up, the two call each other's names in a swimming scene. If there is a guideline in love, the first step will be recognizing each other's ‘existence’ (metaphysically speaking), and the last step will be taking a full look at each other's ‘existence’, the true self, a state of unity in which the other person becomes the other one, and vice versa, which is the idealistic idea of love. In that respect, it can be said that the two have already entered the stage of destined love. Following this, after making love for the first time, they call each other by their names.
In the next scene, the camera focuses on Elio sitting on a bench and reading a book, following the narration:
‘The Cosmic Fragments by Herclitus’
“The meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot encounter them twice but that some things stay the same only by changing.“
Human beings are existents that change from moment to moment, and human identity is what grows due to conflicting elements or events. One of the reasons ‘Call Me By Your Name’ is such a special movie is that it can be a movie about love but also can be a movie about growing up. In this scene, Oliver's voice specifically puts the contents of the book as a narration because probably he is the very ‘moment’, the very elicitor in Elio's life. Although it is not revealed through dialogue or narration in this film, Elio has a very important moment of choice. Before making his first love with Oliver, he continues to engage with Marzia. If we learn that some important moment will change ourselves forever, it will probably be confusing and we will try to stay in the stability that we’re standing on right now. So Elio looks forward to meet Oliver, but he also feels nervous that something might change in himself. Perhaps Oliver left the book in an attempt to share the voice of wisdom with Elio? Like a flowing river, humans will always change, and even in the moment of change, we will still be perfectly ‘ourselves’. Perhaps this is the most important narrative in growing into life.
In this film, there are many voices overlapping between scenes, which kind of reminds of the act of retracing memories through one’s mind. (When we sometimes try to remember various scenes from the past, some imagery or voices pop up first before continuing to the next scene.) Also when it is a scene that Elio's emotions are maximized, music is inserted, which can be seen as a hint that this was based on Elio's memories. And the scenes where the focus becomes blurry can also be the evidence of this assumption.
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In an interview, director Luca said that the meaning of true love is to accept difference as itself. In other words, it can be said that true love is not distorting the other into an stereotyped image, but seeing the other’s true ‘self’ clearly. After the scene where Elio realizes his desire and makes a first kiss with Oliver, the camera captures the image of Elio, waiting for Oliver who is too cautious about love, who is trying so hard not to surrender. And the narration comes in the middle of this scene. 'Do I know you?' Elio asks himself if he ‘truly’ knows Oliver. Or Oliver truly knows him. Often in romance movies, looking into each other's eyes is considered a cliché. As it is said that the eye is the window to the soul, the act of looking at the eye is the final gesture of love, the gesture of wanting to understand other’s true soul (the existence, the idée-edea). This is realized when the two make love for the first time and change each other's names. What's interesting here is that it was Oliver, not Elio, who suggested this first. Even though the desire became visible, it was Elio who actively expressed it, and Oliver was the one who relatively rejected it and avoided it. Remind ourselves what Elio's father said at the very end of the movie. “Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot”. Oliver, who is older and probably has some experience with love, is actually being realistic avoiding Elio. The fact that Oliver’s wound from riding a bike became more festered after the first kiss with Elio suggests that the nature has discovered such a weakness (love for Elio) from Oliver. It is also understandable that Oliver, who has completely surrendered for the fatalistic love after this, wants a full understanding of the other. He understands how love can make a person helpless and lead to despair. When people don’t try to see each other as the complete ‘true self’ or accept difference as itself, relationships between people becomes inevitably distorted and tragic. He has rejected the love for Elio because of this fear (including practical reasons), but nature brought him down to a state of exposure. Therefore, asking each other to call as each other's names can be seen that Oliver finally accepted what he refused because he was too afraid of being hurt or hurting the other, and praying only for the complete love from now on.
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There are two related scenes that are very interesting to see in this regard. There is a scene where Oliver deliberately dances closely with another woman in front of Elio's eyes, and the next day the two confront each other. At that time, in the scene passing through the door, the person who passes through first, that is, the person who leads, is Oliver. And after the two have made love for the first time (when Oliver is completely surrendered by nature of love), in an awkward atmosphere, Elio passes through the door before Oliver. Through these two scenes, we can see that the power dianamic, or superiority in this relationship has been completely reversed.
At a square with a monument commemorating the Battle of Piave, the camera takes a brief shot ascending towards the sky. This is the scene where Elio confesses his love to Oliver without saying that he loves him. In previous work of Luca, he used movements of camera to symbolically express relationships and emotions between characters. From that point of view, perhaps it can be seen as a symbol that Elio's desire has risen to its peak, and at the same time, the change in the relationship between the two begins to drive forward. And although it may be a coincidence, the camera takes a shot from top to bottom in the scene where the two go on a trip together, before the scene where Oliver has to leave. And after a moment of the descending camera movement, there is a scene where Oliver remembers the memories of the two at Piave Square while watching Elio, who fell asleep after making love at the hotel. Then he abruptly turns to the side as the news of the sudden breakup attacks(the sound of the train). And immediately after that, the sound overlappes the scene of the train station. It is as if the journey of the two's love was brought up by fate and then settled down again.
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The timing of this film and the Battle of Piave are also closely related. Because the time where they are in is the summer of 1983, that is, the time of the AIDS wave. They are in a kind of virtual world that is closely connected with the reality around them, as if they were in the eyes of a typhoon. Like Elio, who confessed love while standing next to a statue that symbolizes the damages, death of the war(which can be interpreted as the AIDS situation where hundreds of people’s lives were at stake), the gap between the world in which the two are staying and the real world outside the shell is expressed very interestingly in this film.
Another interesting ‘connection’ in this movie is the scene where Elio watches Oliver dancing. There are only two scenes where Oliver dances based on the same song. Elio, enamored with jealousy in the first scene, drinks while watching Oliver, and in the second scene, this continues to Elio being drunk while watching Oliver, and after that he vomits. Personally, I think these two scenes symbolize the beginning and the end. It is the structure of continuation in the movie. Like a formal symbol where a love like drunkenness begins and ends.
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It is no coincidence that Oliver is the only American in this film, and is set in the position of a student who stays only for the summer. This is because the symbol of the stranger who suddenly appeares in the landscape where everything else perfectly melts into the background means, that the essence of love is that the differences between two world eventually make contact with each other's eyes. Even the difference ‘itself’ is accepted without any distortion. That is the purpose and theme of this film. When I watch this movie, I sometimes think that what this movie is trying to say is completely different from the other typical queer movies. Other queer movies pay attention to the “queerness” of queer, but this movie rather pays attention to the “universality”. The universality of enjoying and appreciating love is shared from all kinds of people all over the world. Despite being a queer film set in the 80s, there are no obstacles between the two protagonists. It is a choice to only show the journey of love, that magical universality. I'm a pessimetic person, so naturally I’m kind of skeptical of this so-called ‘universality’ and ‘nature of love’ that a film like this presents. Can you really accept someone with its full self without any distortion? Isn't the first thing to be addressed is the anwser to the question of ‘what is the essence of human being?’. Human senses inevitably entail distortion, and the brain, where survival instinct and the reason are mixed, attempts to shrink and simplify the multi-layered and obscure nature of humans to a minimum. Isn't the existence of others inevitably bound to collide with another? As other reviews of mine will say, I'm skeptical, but I'm not hopeless. This is because I think that the state of struggling to try is perhaps the only goal that humans should have. Maybe Director Luca have different opinions from mine, but I see this movie as part of that attempt. This fantasy, fairy tale love story looks so perfect and ideal. The director's attempt to present it as some kind of a living experience is definitely admirable.
In the last scene, when the camera calmly captures Elio's face and the ending credit goes up, the lingering emotion we feel is quite unforgettable. That scene feels ike they are finally proclaiming that this magical experience was forever over. When Elio's mother calls out towards Elio, what Elio heard was the obituary of the one united person, someone, Elio and Oliver.
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Parascientific Escape: The sci-fi “escape room” visual novel-style series nobody talks about
I can’t help thinking that Parascientific Escape would probably have an active fandom somewhere on the Internet if it wasn’t TRAPPED ON THE 3DS ESHOP.
I mean, it’s an escape room-centric visual novel-style sci-fi Japanese game that is clearly inspired by Zero Escape and very anime in its style. There are endearing characters, including optimal waifus/husbandos, plus a gradual buildup of an interesting fictional world full of political intrigue, its own countries, its own companies, and of course... psychic powers. Because you can’t have a trilogy of Japanese visual novel-style games featuring escape room puzzles without mental powers, now can you?
But as I said... they’re trapped as download-only titles for the 3DS. That’s fucking brutal. 
Even so, there’s a pretty big 3DS/2DS user base still in existence. It’s not like they’ve never been translated or something, so at least we have the capability to play them. So if you look into them, what are you getting?
A basic overview: Parascientific Escape is a trilogy of anime-style games about solving escape room mysteries and tracking down evildoers via the use of psychic powers (obvious Zero Escape influences). There’s an overarching plot about a mysterious mastermind who believes it’s time for the recently emerged psychics of the world to take their place as the next evolution of humanity and get their own nation (obvious X-Men influences).
They don’t work very well as standalone stories; each story relies on information from the last one, culminating in a game that stars the protagonists of both parts 1 and 2 together as they finally unravel the motivations behind the events of the whole series and face off with the people behind everything. In addition, the escape room puzzles start out pretty easy in the first game build to be pretty frustratingly obtuse by the tail end of the third. And on top of all that, each game taken on its own only contains about 3-4 escape rooms. So when you bundle all three together, that’s when it all works as a single satisfying package. 
Don’t worry about burning a lot of cash to play the whole series, however. The three games are $5.00 US each on the 3DS eShop and are usually on sale for $2.50 each these days. I got the entire trilogy for $7.50 US!
So let’s break down the gameplay and setup in a little more detail. Don’t worry; I won’t give any spoilers that go beyond the first five minutes of any game in the series. The twists and turns are part of the fun here.
The first game is Parascientific Escape: Cruise in the Distant Seas. You play as  Hitomi Akeneno, a high school girl (because of course she’s a high-schooler) with the dual abilities of mild telekinesis and a type of clairvoyance that lets her peer past barriers or into the insides of objects. She finds herself trapped on a sinking cruise ship where some mastermind keeps systematically locking her into isolated sections while she’s trying desperately to escape. 
I really liked how you could look inside of an object with clairvoyance and then use her telekinesis to manipulate the various switches and levers within, gradually pulling some object you need out from within a maze. I also thought it was clever how the solution to a new escape roomight require you to backtrack to a previous escape room to investigate some object or area that wasn’t relevant to that previous room’s original puzzle. 
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(One of the things I found most fascinating about this one is the ethical debate raised by Hitomi’s friend Chisono regarding how Hitomi got herself involved in all this. Chisono offers a perspective that is extremely unusual to see in most fiction. You can even say it’s pretty cold, but it’s not without having some merit to it. I don’t want to say too much about what I’m talking about, though; it’s better left as a surprise.)
The second title, Parascientific Escape: Gear Detective, almost seems standalone at first. You play as Kyosuke Ayana, a private detective and actual adult (!) who is 22 years old. A young woman shows up at his office and asks to hire him for protection. See, there’s a serial killer on the loose, and she believes she’s the next target.
We are swiftly told that Kyosuke was once in an accident that necessitated the replacement of his left arm and right eye. He volunteered to be a guinea pig for some very special prosthetics that granted him artificial psychic powers. As such, he now has “chronokinesis” — to the power to look back in time. However, he can only look back for five days, and he only has limited ability to move or manipulate the things he sees in the past. 
Naturally, Kyosuke’s investigation winds up trapping him within some escape rooms that require use of his unique abilities to solve. Some of the hints at the proper timestamps or exactly where you should be looking when you peer into the past are a little vague, though, which can cause momentary frustration. Because I like to always be making forward progress, I actually preferred Hitomi’s telekinesis/clairvoyance powers from the first game. Still, Hitomi had some pretty basic puzzles in her rooms. I can’t deny that these puzzles took more thought.
Outside of the escape rooms,  everything is undeniably a huge improvement. The first game presented strictly linear segments of storytelling between the rooms, but this one is more of an adventure game. You can choose where you go, select from a limited menu of things to do when you get there, and do all of it in any order you like. There’s usually a correct sequence order to progressing the story, but it’s typically pretty clear what the next step is, so it’s not like you’re just flailing about and trying a bunch of locations blindly. Besides, there’s no way to get stuck, so don’t stress it. There are even a lot of actions you can take that have no impact on story progression at all — they’re just there to generate additional dialogue that further develops the characters. 
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The tradeoff is that you actually get fewer escape rooms overall. The first game had four, but the second only contains three. This is also the first game in the series to introduce multiple endings; you get a number of dialogue choices throughout, and unfortunately, it’s far too easy to trigger the “bad” ending. There are guides online to help you trigger the Gold Star “true” ending, however. Just hit up GameFAQs. You might want to use the guide on your first playthrough, because I can say from experience that it’s annoying to have to replay all the dialogue sections just to make the correct choices. (Luckily, you can skip over any irrelevant sections of each chapter — including the escape room puzzles.) 
In spite of my above whining, the second one is probably my single favorite story in the Parascientific trilogy. It’s a lot of fun.
The final game in the trilogy is Parascientific Escape: Crossing at the Farthest Horizon. Mysterious characters who were plotting offscreen for the previous two games are finally given faces, locations that were talked about extensively in both are finally visited, and the two protagonists of the first couple games finally meet and team up. It’s absolutely a culmination of what they set up in the first two.
The narrative jumps around from the perspectives of many different characters, but the most time is undoubtedly spent with Hitomi and Kyosuke. Sadly, there is no gameplay usage of Hitomi’s powers this time; the escape rooms are all done with Kyosuke, and they are more devious now than ever before. Personally, I found the next-to-last one to be incredibly obtuse and frustrating. I ultimately had to consult a video playthrough on YouTube for that. (The YouTuber in question didn’t seem to have the same issues figuring things out that I did. So I guess your mileage may vary.)
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The “adventure game” segments make a return here as well, although they’ve also become a bit tougher to figure out. There are a couple of times when you might find yourself wandering the various location options, clicking on every possible action to try and progress. Luckily, there aren’t so many default options that you’re left flailing for very long. Even the longest period of clueless wandering lasted me a maximum of 15 minutes.
Once again, you have to make the correct dialogue choices if you want a positive ending. And once again, GameFAQs is your friend and co-pilot.
Ultimately, even the gated endings and occasional puzzle frustrations did little to curb my enthusiasm. I really had fun with these characters and their stories, I greatly enjoyed the majority of the escape rooms, and I was pretty satisfied with how it all wrapped up. The character designs/artwork get better and better as the series goes on. The selection of music tracks may be the same throughout the whole series, but I really dug on them, so I can’t complain. Do I have any other misgivings? Well, just one; the English localization is pretty sloppy. There are a pretty large number of typos, and the dialogue can sound stilted and awkward at times due to being a direct translation. It’s actually at its worst at the start of the first game. Luckily, after about 30 minutes of playtime, it settles in and finds its voice.
Seriously, they should really figure out a way to re-package these games for another system that doesn’t use the the dual-screen setup. Put all three of them together, and it’d easily be satisfying as a full retail release!
But for now, if you have a 3DS/2DS, they’re only $7.50 in total most of the time (and $15.00 at the worst). Do you like adventure game-style mysteries and visual novel-esque progression and, of course, escape rooms? You should give these a shot! And I hope these devs get to make games with bigger budgets and better localizations in the future.
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uas-fics · 3 years
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
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Title: How to Train A Champion and Keep Your Reputation Intact
Summary: Piers doesn’t want to coach Leon, but the last thing Piers needs is for everyone to know a cool punk like him used to perform in Pokemon Contests! If it means keeping his reputation intact, he’ll begrudgingly teach this ray of sunlight what he knows.
Fandom: Pokemon Sword and Shield
Ships: LeonxPiers | dnnz
Rating: T
Contest Warnings: N/A
Chapter 1: The Early Morning Visitor
Of the people Piers expected to be sitting across his kitchen table at eight in the morning, the former champion was not one of them. Leon wasn't even in the top ten, yet here he was, twiddling his thumbs behind a cup of tea with a peppy expression on his face.
Piers was barely a human being this early, yet Leon seemed to have the same energy as a particularly bushy-tailed skwovet.
"You have a nice kitchen," Leon commented, more to fill the silence than an actual compliment.
Piers glanced at the pile of take-out containers on the counter then the singular shoe that hadn't made it to his room with its partner the night before. His kitchen was nothing spectacular, and it didn't need to be. His home was a place to crash or bring a date, not some fancy townhouse. With only he and Marnie there, why should he bother fancying the place up?
"What do you want, Leon?" Piers took a sip of his tea.
Leon wrapped his fingers around his cup but didn't move to drink. If Leon would have preferred coffee, he could have said something before Piers poured him a cup. It'd be a waste to pour it down the drain.
"Well, it's a little silly, but I could use your help with something," Leon explained.
Piers narrowed his eyes.
Leon was the chairman of the Pokemon League. Piers gave his gym over to Marnie after the last Champion tournament. What could he want Piers to help with at this point? The only connection he had with the League was Marnie.
"I swear if you're goin' to pull the same shit as Rose did and try to get me to make Marnie move the gym—"
"No, no, nothing like that!" Leon raised his hands, palms facing out. "It has nothing at all to do with Spikemuth or the gym."
"Then what does it have to do with?" Piers leaned back and crossed his arms.
"Uh, well, alright," Leon didn't meet his eyes, "it's about a rumor."
Piers' frown deepened. He always had rumors about him floating about. It came with his persona.
"I heard Piers beat a man to a pulp because he spilled his drink on him." or "I heard Piers took three girls back to his home and made them leave before the sun was even up." or he was a dealer of rare hallucinogenic flowers or that he used his pokemon to break into Rose's office and peed in a potted plant behind his desk.
There was rarely any truth to the rumors. He didn't care to squash them. He was a dark-type trainer, having everyone thinking he was a bigger badass than he already was could not hurt his reputation.
"C'mon, mate, aren't you a little old to be listenin' to rumors?" Piers cocked an eyebrow.
"It's not a bad rumor.”
"What's the rumor then?"
"Ah, well, I heard," He paused to clear his throat, "that you, ah, that you competed in pokemon contests when you were younger—and that you won."
Piers barely kept his face deadpan.
Where had Leon heard that? Those contests happened just before posting on the internet boomed, so it wasn't like the contests were live-streamed and archived. The only video that he knew existed of his contest days hid in a box in the back of a closet. Marnie captured it when she could barely see over the railings at the stadiums. Even then, the video quality was terrible and Marnie kept moving the camera around. He looked like a black and white blob in them.
He forced himself to calm down. He could easily deny this rumor. No one would believe he, Piers, former Spikemuth gym leader, head of Team Yell, the fierce trainer of powerful dark-types, would ever compete in a pokemon contest.
"Where did you hear that?" Piers reached for his tea just to have something in his hands.
What credibility did this rumor spreader have? Probably none. Denying this would be easy.
"Oh, I heard your sister mention it."
Piers nearly dropped his cup.
He could not deny this, not without putting Marnie's credibility on the line. She was still a new gym leader. The last thing she needed was the chairman thinking she was a gossip.
He hissed out a breath. "Oh, did she?"
"Yeah, she was talking to Opal while Bede filled out some papers," Leon told him. "She said she remembered you used to be good at pokemon contests. That's why I'm here."
"So what?" Piers spat. "It isn't illegal, now is it?"
Why couldn't this have been about Malamar scaring passers-by on Route 7 when he was bored? Why could this have been about the rave Piers helped throw in an abandoned mine last month? Why could it have been about pissing in the potted plant? Why couldn't this have been about anything else?!
Leon frowned. "Of course not—"
"Then why are you askin' me about it?"
"Because I wanted your help to win one."
Piers' mouth gaped. Did he hear that right? Leon, the former champion, one of the strongest pokemon trainers in all of Galar, wanted to enter a pokemon contest.
He stuck a finger in his ear and twisted it.
"Sorry, say that again. I must have somethin' in my ear. I didn't just hear you ask for help in a pokemon contest."
"That is what I asked." Leon beamed. "There is one in Ballonlea in two weeks and I want to enter, but I don't know the first thing about them. If you know, you could help me—if you want to, that is."
"Why?" Piers held back from pinching himself. How was this not a dream? Maybe he was messing with hallucinogenic flowers after all.
Reaching into his pocket, Leon took out a folded piece of lavender paper. He laid it flat on the table, smoothing it with the side of his hand, before pushing it over. The faint scent of roses wafted from it.
"All are invited to the first Bellonlea Pokemon Contest!" It read in a flowing, elegant font. "Coordinators of all ages and skill levels are invited to the Bellonlea Stadium to participate in a Pokemon Contest. Please contact the Bellonlean Ladies' Society for more details and how to enter."
"Was this ‘ppose to explain somethin'?" Piers pushed the flyer back. "Why do you want to win a contest?"
"That prize, of course!" Leon took his phone from his pocket. He scrolled a moment then turned the screen to Piers.
A picture of a red and white hat with a black logo stared back. It honestly looked like something an overly-excited ten-year-old would win from a cereal box drawing.
"It's a hat." Piers peered over the top of the phone to look at the hat Leon already had on.
"It's not just a hat. It's a limited edition!" Leon pulled his phone back. "I had one when I was a little kid, but I lost it to an angry corvisquire. The first place in the beginner contest wins it."
"And you can't just, you know, buy one for yourself?" He rolled his hand. "I know you have sponsorships out your ass." Piers looked down pointedly at his Spikemuth Chamber of Commerce shirt for emphasis.
Leon shrugged. "What fun is that?"
Piers downed half his drink in one go. The burn on his throat reassured him he wasn't dreaming.
"Piers?" Leon leaned over the table, his face alight with a smile. "Can't I talk you into helping me out? Please? I promise to owe you one after this."
Piers groaned. What choice did he have? He couldn't deny it without hurting Marnie's reputation. Their reputation used to be the only valuable he and Marnie had to their names, besides each other. Lying to Leon to save his own skin was not an option.
"Yeah, yeah, alright." Piers raised his hands in defeat. "Fine. I'll do it, but," he held a finger up in Leon's face, "you have to swear on your life that you won't tell a soul about it. I don't need anyone thinkin’ I ever put any of my pokemon in a frilly suit or made them dance around like pretty ballerinas or some shit."
Leon nearly jumped across the table. He put his hands on Piers' shoulders and squeezed a little too hard.
"Thanks a million for this!" He hopped up. "Where should we train? I think I understand the rules, but maybe we should go over the rules first? Or outfit—"
"Tomorrow." Piers cut him off. "We'll start tomorrow."
Leon's face fell like a growlithe that just had his bone taken from him. Piers held his sad gaze. Marnie's morpoko did the same pout when she wanted something, and Piers knew better than to give in.
If Leon still wanted to learn how to be a coordinator, he had to prove himself first. A day would be enough time for Piers to think up obstacles to make Leon forget about the silly notion. Contests, despite the stereotype, were hard work. While beginner contests weren't all that complicated, Piers didn't mind sprinkling in some of the more difficult to grasp bits from the higher tiers. With any luck that would confuse Leon right out of the idea and out of Piers' life.
Leon took a breath. He pulled his hands from Piers and squared his shoulders.
"I'll meet you back here at eight sharp tomorrow and then we can get started."
"No. You'll meet me outside Spikemuth at noon."
"Oh, well, alright. It'll be a champ—" Leon caught himself from using his old catchphrase. "It'll be a fun time."
"That's one way to think of it," Piers muttered, feeling less and less enthused at the arrangement by the second.
True to his word, Leon stood outside the front gate of Spikemuth at noon on the dot. He perked up when he saw Piers and jumped in front of him.
"Good afternoon, Teacher Piers."
He winked.
Piers wrinkled his nose.
"Call me that again, and I'm callin' this off."
Leon laughed nervously. "Sorry." He whistled. "Sooooo, what should I learn first? How to use music? Or pose? I'm already pretty good at that."
"How about the rules?"
Piers waved him to follow down the road towards the Spikemuth Tunnel. People were less likely to eavesdrop on them if they walked.
"Alright, rules. I know there are two rounds, and each trainer uses only one pokemon."
"Coordinator," Piers corrected sharply.
He promised to teach, but he didn't promise to be entirely pleasant while doing it.
"Yeah. There are two rounds. The first round is the Performance Stage. You show off your pokemon's appeal with a choreographed set of moves. The judges will assign points based on how well the performance fits into particular categories."
Piers began to ramble on about the different move categories as if the contest in Bellonlea would be so complicated. Beginner contests weren't judged by the five categories individually like higher-ranked contests.
Back when Galar still had a contest circuit, the people in beginner contests were kids with weak pokemon that might only know two or three moves. A performance with a cool move first and a cute move next wouldn't be judged as harshly as the first rank contest would.
However, Leon didn't need to know that. If he thought that the category system was complicated and—in Piers' humble opinion—limited and stupid, maybe he would back out.
"And that's all there is to the appeals rules." Piers looked at Leon, expecting him to be confused and dejected at the long-winded explanation, but instead found him holding onto every word.
"Well, that doesn't seem too hard." He nodded. "It's just putting on a show in a time limit with your partner. Easy."
"We'll see how easy you think it is when you're doing it." Piers stood under a shade tree. "The next round is the harder one. It's the battle round."
"Battle? I thought contests were for show, not for fighting."
Piers cackled at the genuine confusion on Leon's face. Of course, he would think that. That silly stereotype about contests never seemed to die, did it? Coordinators didn't just train their pokemon to teach them new moves. Their partner had to be strong to last the battles against one another. Even though Piers was a gym leader when he did contests, he still struggled against the stronger opponents.
He idly grabbed a lower branch and bent it down. If he didn’t slouch, Piers was tall enough that he could just about reach into the pokemon nest a few branches up with relative ease.
"You would think that, wouldn't you?" He opened his hand.
The branch whipped up and hit the branch the nest was on. The skwovet in the nest jumped with a squeak. Its sudden movement knocked a sitrus berry over the side.
"In the second round, two coordinators battle to remove points from the opponent, usin' moves that fall into the contest categories." He snatched the sitrus berry out of the air.
The skwovet glared at Piers. Piers smirked at it before wiping the berry on his shirt. The pokemon chattered and hurried higher into the tree.
Leon frowned at Piers' interaction with the skwovet. Piers met his gaze, daring him to comment on it.
Leon cleared his throat. "That wasn't necessary."
"It was an accident."
Leon pursed his lips in doubt but didn't argue. Instead, he said, "So it's a battle, but it's an entertaining battle. I can do that."
Around a bite of berry, Piers shrugged, "It's a five-minute battle, but the point of the battle isn't to knock out your opponent with the first move. No one needs to faint. It's to show that your pokemon is better than theirs."
Piers half-expected Leon to go on about how no pokemon was better than another, instead, Leon stroked his chin in thought. Maybe Leon realized that a contest wouldn't be as fun as he thought and wanted to give up on the idea.
The branches above shook and the skwovet chattered. A leppa berry slammed into the ground near Piers' boot. The skwovet, arm loaded with unripe leppa berries, held up another. It threw it. Piers took a step to the side.
"Nice try," he mocked. The skwovet's fur bristled. It tossed down the rest of its armful and missed every time. With a huff, it stomped back towards its nest to rustle through its hoard.
"Alright. I think I can handle this," Leon said, moving into Piers' personal space and lifting his arm over Piers' head, "with your help."
Grinning, he stepped back then opened his fist to present an oran berry. The skwovet cried out in frustration. Piers rubbed the top of his head. He glanced up at the wild pokemon once more before walking away from the tree, with Leon in tow. It was best not to test his luck anymore. The skwovet might use a move on him and the last thing he wanted was to spend the night picking slobbery bullet seeds out of his hair.
The skwovet angrily chattered but seemed to give up. It hurried down the tree to gather its berries. Leon crouched to roll the oran berry over. The skwovet eyed him but snatched the berry up to shove into its cheeks anyway.
Piers raised an eyebrow. Maybe this training wouldn't be as bad as he thought.
The training area outside Spikemuth wasn't much, just a patch of barren earth that trainers from Spikemuth would come to battle when they didn't feel like using the gym. Currently, the only souls there were Piers and Leon. Since Marnie took over as gym leader, the younger trainers of the city moved their training back to the gym.
"They didn't want to come when you were the gym leader. They think you're scary," Marnie had explained. "Dunno why though. You're about as scary as a teddisuara."
Piers crossed his arms. "Do you know which pokemon you're goin' use? These are Hoenn rules, so you can only use one."
Leon tapped the pokeballs at his belt. "I'm not sure. I didn't think I could go in with Charizard, so I didn't bring him with me."
"Why not Charizard?"
"Everyone knows what my Charizard looks like," Leon explained. "And I don't think I can pretend not to be me if I use him."
Piers' brows furrowed. What in the world was he talking about?
Upon seeing Piers' expression, Leon chuckled to himself.
"I guess I forgot to tell you." He put his hands on his hips and set his feet a shoulder-width apart. "I'm going to do this contest in disguise."
The hope Piers just acquired vanished.
"You're what?"
"I'm going in disguise," He repeated. "I was the champion, and now I'm chairman. That would give me an unfair advantage, don't you think?"
Piers pinched the bridge of his nose. Of course, Leon would want to win on a level playing field. The Bellonean Ladies' Society would probably just give him the stupid hat if he promised to simply show up and bring more attention to the event. If he did that, Piers could have stayed at home and lazed about, but, noooo, Leon had to win his silly hat fair and square.
"How do you plan to do that?"
"Well, I hoped you could help me with that, too." Leon pointed to his face. "I've seen your stage makeup, and you're talented. I bet you could make me look like a different person."
Piers hated that he couldn't argue with that. Not long after he decided to follow his dream of being a punk star, one of the gym trainers offered to teach him the basics of cosmetics. Once he had the basics down, it only took a year of using his pokemon, friends, and Marnie as test subjects for him to perfect his art.
He could easily make Leon's face look different enough: soften his cheekbones, maybe a few freckles, pull his bangs back, color contacts, and glasses...Leon would look good in glasses, even if it meant hiding his natural eye color...
Piers shook his head. He hadn't agreed to anything but training for the contest. He was not giving Leon a makeover like they were preteens at a slumber party.
Leon pursed his lips. "It would be pointless if I won because of who I am. That wouldn't be fair to the other train—coordinators."
"No. Figure that out yourself."
Leon sighed, his shoulders slumped. He muttered under his breath, something Piers couldn't make out. Finally, he straightened and shrugged.
"You know, I have to approve the budgets for each gym provided by the league," he lifted one finger and wagged it as he continued, "and wouldn't it be nice if Spikemuth got a little extra in their budget so their new gym leader could fix up her gym stadium? I know the Spikemuth Chamber of Commerce can't always give too much to the gym, and it needs a few repairs."
Piers' mouth fell a gape. Did Leon just try to bribe him through his sister? He had to admit, he was impressed. It wasn't the best bribery offer he'd ever been given, but considering whom the offer came from and what Marnie would get in return, he decided to give in.
"Make sure the gym gets enough to replace the crumplin’ stadium walls, and I'll do it." Piers stuck out his hand.
Leon took the offered hand in his and shook once. "I knew you'd have a change of heart."
Piers yanked his hand back. "Change of heart my ass. Just send out your pokemon."
With a nod, Leon let out each of his pokemon in turn: Aegislash, Haxorus, Dragapult, Mr. Rime, Seismatoad, then Rhyperior. True to his word, he hadn't brought his ace pokemon with him. Like a well-oiled machine, they quickly lined up and turned their full attention to their trainer.
Pride rolled off Leon as he gazed at his team. Up until last year, this team was undefeated. Leon kept them at their best and even Piers could call that admirable.
"Alright everyone, listen here." Leon clapped his hands as if any of them didn't have their eyes on him. "Remember how I said we were going to enter a contest? Well, only one of you can enter it with me."
Leon's Mr. Rime leaned on his cane and Aegislash shifted his shield, though the other pokemon didn't react one way or another to the news.
"Contests aren't like normal battling. They're a performance." Leon gestured to Piers. "Piers is going to help pick the best one of you for the contest."
Piers snorted. "Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm not assessin' your team."
Leon's hand dropped to his side. He tilted his head.
"You're not?"
Piers took out the only pokeball he had on him. With a flick of the wrist, he released his own contest partner. The stench of rotten eggs filled the air. Everyone but Piers jerked back to cover their noses.
Skuntank shook himself out. He stretched his front paws forward then pulled the rest of his body up like a cat in a sunbeam. Piers crouched down and patted his partner between the ears.
"Skuntank here won nearly every contest he entered," Piers explained. "He knows more about them than even I do, I'd say. Even keeps track of the Sinnoh contests online. If anyone can give this team a proper assessment, it'll be him."
Skuntank lifted his head proudly then stomped forward. He stalked up, down, and around the line, eyeing each pokemon. He stopped in front of Haxorus, narrowed his eyes, and rumbled. Haxorus shuffled nervously. She looked to her team members then back at Skuntank. Siesmatoad shrugged, and Dragapult looked away.
Satisfied, Skuntank trotted back to Piers. He took a breath and stated something to the pokemon, loud and clear.
The other pokemon were taken aback. They muttered amongst themselves, all except Mr. Rime and Aegislash. With his chest puffed out, Mr. Rime strode forward. A moment later, Aegislash floated next to him. The rest of the team remained still.
"That's the two to choose from," Piers said. To the other members of Leon's team, he continued, "You can go over there. Take a rest why don't you?" He jabbed his thumb towards the grass at the side of the training area.
Without missing a beat, Dragapult floated away, soon followed by Siesmatoad, Haxorus, and Rhyperior.
Leon gasped. "That's amazing. How does Skuntank know?"
It wasn't as if Skuntank could smell contest talent on Mr. Rime and Aegislash. It just so happened that when Skuntank asked, Mr. Rime and Aegislash wanted to enter a contest. The rest weren't interested.
Ignoring Leon's question, Piers asked, "How do you want to decide between these two."
Leon blinked. "Isn't that what Skuntank is here for?"
With a thump, Skuntank flopped to the ground, paws under his chin, and shut his eyes.
"He's filled his quota." Piers said. "This is your job, Mr. Chairman."
Leon stroked his chin. He crouched down between his pokemon. Mr. Rime tapped his feet and spun his cane. Leon lifted his eyebrows at the impromptu performance. Not to be outdone, Aegislash held his shield up and spun it on the end of his arm. He tossed the shield then expertly caught it.
Mr. Rime danced backward. He spun in a circle, holding his cane up to the sky. From the tip of the cane, snow flurried around him, glittering like tiny diamonds.
Aegislash, upon seeing Leon's dazzled expression at Mr. Rime's performance, clanged his shield and blade together. With his trainer's attention back on him, Aegislash whipped his arm out. The shield rolled out on its side into the middle of the battle area. In the blink of an eye, Aegislash descended into his shadow. Using shadow sleek, he hurried in front of the shield.
Aegislash burst from the ground, large and dark. He whipped the shield up. the sun glinted off the polished metal. Contrasted against Aegislash's dark form, the shining shield appeared like a bright star in the night sky.
Leon's mouth fell a gape. "Wow, I didn't know you could do that, Aegislash."
Aegislash returned to his normal appearance and smugly shurgged. Mr. Rime stomped his foot in frustration. He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled for Leon to look at him. Once again, his cane spun. Around him, aurous panes of light screen appeared then frosted over. Mr. Rime stopped and raised his arms. The light screen panes shot up and burst like fireworks.
Aegislash bristled. His grip on his shield tightened and his single eye narrowed. Mr. Rime sneered at him as Leon carefully picked up the frozen light screen fragments to examine.
Piers clapped his hands once. "Don't you lot make this a battle." To Leon, he ordered, "You need to pick one."
Leon stood. "But they're both really talented."
From behind them, Skuntank snorted. Aegislash and Mr. Rime turned their glares from each other to the dark-type.
Piers agreed with Leon, even if his pokemon didn't, but leaving those two to keep one-upping each other wouldn't end well. Leon had to pick a partner for the contest, even if it would hurt someone's feelings.
Leon thought on his choice then slumped forward with a sigh. He rummaged in his pocket and held up a coin.
"I can't decide," he admitted. "Heads for Mr. Rime and tails for Aegislash."
He flicked the coin into the air. Like the oran berry before, he caught it from the air. With a hard smack that made the top of Pier's hand hurt, Leon slapped it on the top of his hand. Aegislash and Mr. Rime stood tense as Leon slowly lifted his hand.
Mr. Rime jumped up with joy. Aegislash dropped his shield to the ground with a thud. Leon reached out to comfort him, but Aegislash waved him away. Dragging his shield through the dirt, he trudged towards the other pokemon.
Skuntank lumbered back to his feet. He intercepted Aegislash. Skuntank rumbled at Aegislash. He silently mulled over what Skuntank said then lifted his shield from the ground.
In a voice like clashing metal, Aegislash yelled at Mr. Rime. Mr. Rime stumbled in his tap dancing, looking shocked at what his teammate said. Skuntank cackled, slapping the ground with his paw. With his mood improved considerably, Aegislash led Skuntank away to join the other pokemon.
Mr. Rime was a showman. Even with the occasional heckle from Skuntank, he and Leon managed to cobble together the start of an alright appeal round. After Piers finally admitted that the move categories meant shit all for the beginner contests, Leon decided to make use of what Mr. Rime already presented: sparkling snow and unique uses of psychic power.
Piers, for his part, offered critique when he saw a move that might be too showy or too dull, but mostly left Leon to his own devices. After all, Leon was the one entering, not him.
A thunderbolt tore through an icy column, shattering it. A glow of psychic power protected some of the ice from the heat. When the mist cleared, what remained was the carving of the Champion's logo.
Leon pumped his fist. "There we go!"
Skuntank muttered something to Aegislash, who replied in agreement. Though he hadn't been as loud in his criticism as Skuntank, Aegislash made snide remarks for every misstep.
Piers had more fun watching Skuntank and Aegislash than Leon and Mr. Rime, honestly.
As the heat both from the thunderbolts and the day wore on, Piers was thankful he choose to sit under the shade instead of directly interact with Leon.
Though on the field, he would have had a better view.
Every time Leon raised his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow, Piers turned his attention towards him. Rehain once mentioned Leon weight trained and exercised to stay as fit as his team, and Piers could tell. He stared at the well-formed muscles usually hidden under Leon’s shirt several times before finally being caught.
“Is something wrong? Is this too much?” Leon gestured to Mr. Rime’s newest ice sculpture.
Piers made up a suggestion to save himself the embarrassment.
“It’s fine, but you’re rushin’. Slow down, if you know how to do that,” Piers replied, turning his head to hide his pink cheeks against his shoulder.
“Oh, alright.” Leon nodded. “Mr. Rime, take a few more seconds before calling down the thunderbolt!”
Stuntank chuckled and Piers sent him a glare.
“Shut up,” he hissed, earning another laugh from Stuntank.
Something pulled at Piers' sleeve. One of Dragapult's dreepy chewed on his jacket. When Piers acknowledged it, it flew in a circle trying to get him to play with it. It went to nip at the end of one of his ponytails.
Dragapult sighed and wrapped his tail around the dreepy to pull it back. He gave Piers an apologetic look.
The rest of Leon's team wasn't doing much better. They were bored out of their minds.
Siesmatoad ripped a clump of grass from the ground and tossed it in her mouth. Rhyperior and Haxorus took turns stabbing leaves through their horns or tusks, seeing who could make the biggest hole without tearing the leaf in half.
Before Leon and Mr. Rime could start again, Piers called, "That's enough for today."
He stood and put his hands on his lower back to stretch. Skuntank grumbled but got to his paws.
"Well, if you say so." Leon came over to the crowd of pokemon with Mr. Rime. "Everyone ready?"
Seismatoad spat out the grass clump, nearly hitting Rhyperior's foot. Dragapult cooed and the rest of his dreepy hoard hurried out of the tall grass. Aegislash refused to look at Mr. Rime, instead of staying close to Stuntank. Haxorus bent forward and pressed the button on her pokeball with her mouth scythe, returning herself.
When Leon took out Aegislash's ball, Piers put a hand on his wrist.
"Before you return him, can I ask you a favor?"
Leon raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"Aegislash and Skuntank seem to be havin' fun together. Do you think Aegislash could come back with me for tonight?" Piers asked. Skuntank stamped a foot and wheezed in approval.
Leon lowered Aegislash's pokeball. He bent down so he looked Aegislash in his singular eye.
"Do you want to have a slumber party with Skuntank at Spikemuth?" He spoke like a parent to a child. Mr. Rime snickered. Stuntank kicked sand at him with a short growl.
Piers pulled the bill of Leon's hat down over his eyes.
"Aegislash is probably older than both of us combined," he reminded. "Don't call it a slumber party."
Leon pushed his hat up and wrinkled his brow. Realization crossed his face.
"Ah." He asked Aegislash, "Do you want to have a date with Skuntank at Spikemuth?"
Piers went to pull Leon's hat clean off, but Aegislash took hold of the bill and pulled until it completely covered Leon's face with the bill touching his chin. He rolled his eye and shrugged towards Skuntank. Skuntank snickered and shook his head back in reply.
Leon laughed, taking the hat into his lap. "I'm joking. I'm joking. Sorry." He put a hand on Aegislash's shoulder. "Really, if you want to hang out with Skuntank for the night, you can." He smiled sincerely.
Aegislash paused, eyed his trainer, then seemed to sigh. He took the hat from Leon's hands and set it on his head. He patted his head, like a parent pacifying a child. Aegislash floated by him towards Skuntank.
“Listen up.”
Piers whistled to the crowd of dark-type pokemon around the Spikemuth stadium. All heads turned towards him and the two pokemon by his side.
“This is Aegislash. He’s part of Chairman Leon’s team.” Piers nodded to Aegislash. “He’s visitin' for the night, so don’t be an asshole.”
He sent a pointed look at Malamar, who crossed his tentacles. Malamar only recently got out of trouble for scaring people around Spikemuth. Neither he nor Marnie needed Aegislash going back to Leon traumatized from Malamar's pranks.
The gym pokemon muttered and mumbled to themselves, eyeing Aegislash suspiciously.
Going well so far.
No one jumped to attack or called out an obscenity towards the new pokemon. Already it was going better when Raihan brought his pokemon over to play while he and Piers visited. Not one sucker punch to the back.
Marnie’s Grimsnarl picked up the toy ball and held it protectively. Both scrafty scooted to shield their tower of cards. Obstagoon took his nose out of a bag of crisps for a moment before shoving it right back in. Liepard yawned, purposely exposing her fangs, before laying her head on Toxicroak’s lap. Toxitricity peeked an eye open from his corner then continued strumming his chest. Morpeko jumped off the stage and scurried over to Aegislash and Skuntank.
She greeted them. Skuntank wheezed to her as Aegislash lifted his shield in a hello. Morpeko spoke with Aegislash a moment before turning to the rest of the pokemon. She took a deep breath and shouted to them her approval.
Malamar snorted but uncrossed his tentacles. Grimsnarl slowly took the ball back out. Neither scrafty moved from their hard work. Toxitricity waved idly. Liepard and Toxicroak and Obstagoon didn’t acknowledge the announcement, the former two napping and the latter still stuffing his maw.
Skuntank jerked his head towards Toxitricity's corner of the gym. Aegislash and Morpeko followed after. Grimsnarl and Malamar watched them closely.
Marnie took a bite of her hamburger. Around it, she asked, “Is that really Leon’s aegislash?”
Piers open the bag from Bob’s Your Uncle to dig out his order. “He is. He and Leon’s Mr. Rime got into a fight, and Aegislash wanted to be away.”
“So Leon asked you?” She swallowed.
Piers thought on his feet. “Dark and ghost types are pretty close when you get down to it. Born of night and the deepness of the soul and all that.”
“Shouldn’t he have asked Allister?”
Piers took a bite of his burger and slowly chewed. He swallowed and said, “Kid must have been busy. He’s still got school to go— just like you.” Piers smirked, leaning over. “And how’s that school work going, little sis?”
Marnie blushed. She huffed, snatched the bag from Piers, then marched to the stage at the other end of the stadium.
Even being a gym leader, Marnie still had to go to school like every other kid her age. Since she was still learning to juggle gym leader duties and school, Marnie fell behind in her classes and had to take extra lessons.
Piers had been the same when he took over the gym, but he usually skipped after-school lessons. She complained about the lessons often, and Piers offered an understanding ear.
He wasn’t above using this information against her, though.
With long strides, he followed his sister. He overtook her quickly. Holding his burger between his teeth, Piers hopped onto the stage and sat, his toes brushing the ground. Marnie walked up the steps to sit near him. She purposefully set the bag with their food on the side farthest away from Piers. He leaned across her to fish his chips out of the bag.
They sat in companionable silence, watching the pokemon as they ate their fast food.
When Marnie’s scrafty turned to open another pack of cards for their tower, Malamar raised a tentacle glowing in psychic power. With both scrafty backs to it, a card from the middle of the tower pulled itself out.
Piers’ scrafty gasped and tried to hold the wobbling tower together, but only managed to save the top two cards from falling. As the scrafty started to argue, Grimsnarl went to the wooden crate next to the stage. She sat her ball inside and began to dig through the pokemon toys until she found another ball. This ball was worn and patched up. She wandered over to Malamar to talk.
Skuntank, Toxtricity, and Aegislash lounged against one of the crumbling stadium walls as Morpeko chewed on a berry. They made friendly conversation until Grimsnarl and Malamar came over. Grimsnarl raised her ball.
Skuntank shrugged and spoke to Aegislash. Malamar sneered at Aegislash. Aegislash rolled his eye and pushed himself up. Skuntank slowly lumbered to his feet. Toxtricity shook his head. Morpeko tossed her berry up and caught it in her mouth before standing as well.
Piers nudged Marnie and pointed at the pokemon as they walked to the middle of the stadium.
Grimsnarl tossed the ball and hit it to Skuntank. Skuntank bopped it with his head. The ball dropped towards Aegislash. Aegislash raised an arm to hit it, but Malamar’s tentacle shot out and smacked the ball up. Aegislash snapped something at Malamar, who ignored him.
Piers chuckled to himself as the game of hot potato continued. Every time the ball neared Aegislash, Malamar or Grimsnarl made sure to hit it before he could. Of course, they were testing him. Being on the former champion’s team wasn’t enough to prove Aegislash worthy, even with Stuntank and Morpeko's approval.
Soon Aegislash had enough. When Malamar went to hit the ball for himself, Aegislash shadow sleeked behind him. He burst from the ground and slapped the ball towards Grimsnarl. The attack on her friend took Grimsnarl by surprise. She stumbled back trying to hit the ball but missed. For the first time since the game started, the ball bounced against the floor.
Skuntank cackled. Morpeko chased after the ball. Malamar stared at Aegislash, who held his ground.
Marnie started to push off the stage to break up the fight, but Piers put a hand out to stop her.
After a few tense heartbeats, Malamar coughed a laugh. He covered his beak and shook his head. Grimsnarl took the ball back from Morpeko. Seeing the newfound respect for Aegislash from Malamar, she went back over to the box to switch the worn, old ball, for a nicer ball with a pink and cream polka-dot pattern.
Marnie let out a breath. Piers tossed a chip in his mouth.
He knew things would work out well. Like his trainer, Aegislash was endearing in his determination.
He wondered what Leon was doing while the Spikemuth pokemon played. As late as it was, he was probably home, or maybe he was training with Mr. Rime for the contest. Piers could almost see him now working with Mr. Rime to pose in time with some pop song.
Leon worked hard for what he wanted. It's no wonder he became champ so young and held the title for nearly a decade. If Piers had that kind of drive, he wouldn’t have left Spikemuth fall into disrepair as he did.
He bet he could ask Leon to help him fix up Spikemuth, and not just the gym. The outside walls needed the myriad of penises and breasts painted over. He could do it, but it would be better with some company, particularly with company that had the energy of a sugar-high puppy. Enjoying the outside air, just talking and working—That would be fun. Piers would be willing to wake up early for that.
Piers reached into his chip container absentmindedly but found nothing but salt. He jerked out of his thoughts to see his last two chips disappear—one into Morpeko’s mouth and one into Marnie’s.
“The hell?” He held his hands out towards the empty container.
“Do you have a new girlfriend?” She asked bluntly.
Piers choked on his tongue. “What?” He shook his head. “No! Why would you think that?”
“A boyfriend? A non-binary friend?”
“No,” Piers assured. “I don’t have anyone.”
“Huh.” Marnie scratched Morpeko behind the ears. “You had that look on your face.”
“Look?” Piers’ stomach clenched as he asked, “What look?”
“That look.” Marnie pulled her pokemon to her lap. “The one you get before Morpeko and me find some gushy love song folded up on the living room floor. It happens every time.”
Piers’ ears grew hot. Twice, Marnie found his secret love songs twice. For that reason, he didn’t even write them on scrap paper anymore but in a nondescript notebook in his dresser drawer—which he hadn’t pulled out since he broke up with an ex gym trainer more than a year ago.
Morpeko stuck her tongue out in disgust at finding another love song. She clambered over Marnie’s arms to the chips container. Morpeko licked her paw, dabbed it in the leftover salt, and cleaned her paw before hopping off the stage to rejoin the game.
“I don’t have a look like that.”
“Yes, you do,” Marnie replied in a sing-song voice. “You get this far away look on your face and a little, tiny smile like you’re thinkin' of somethin’ soft. I only see it when you’re datin’ someone or,” her eyes widen in realization, “you gotta crush.”
Piers’ stomach unclenched and fell to his boots.
“You’ve got a crush, dotcha?” His little sister pried. “Who is it? Do they like you back? Can they like you back? Are they a trainer? What’s their pokemon team? Do you see them often?”
Piers' head spun, blurring the rest of Marnie’s inquiries.
No way. He was too old for crushes, for one thing. For two, if Marnie’s theory held any water, then his ‘crush’ would be Leon.
That wasn’t possible.
Sure, he admired Leon’s strength and his determination. His kindness towards pokemon and others was sweet if a little goody-two-shoes. He was much more clever than he first appeared. His athletic frame stole Piers' attention and he wouldn't mind leaning up against that strength-trained chest.
Oh. Arceus. No.
Piers’ face reddened as he cataloged his thoughts. He did have a crush. He had a crush on Leon. Leon was the Chairman of the League. Not only that, he was and still is the poster child for preppy, sporty trainers everywhere. Leon was the goal children were taught to chase if they wanted to compete.
Only the trainers from Team Yell ever wanted to be anything like Piers, a badass who sang to his own song, not the one society dictated.
Sponsors flocked to Leon like mothim to a flame for his perfect public persona.
Only the Spikemuth Chamber of Commerce ever sponsored Piers, and that’s only because they always sponsored the gym leader.
Leon was the light that the world idolized.
He was the darkness that fought back to prove to those that the shadows were protective and safe for people like him. He was a fierce dark-type trainer. He sang punk rock. He had a band of miscreants who would follow his every order.
He could not have a crush on Leon.
Yet, he did.
What if people found out? Arceus, if news got around he wanted some of Leon’s finely toned ass—
“Piers?” Marnie poked his cheek.
He jumped, losing his balance and tumbling off the stage.
At the thud of his fall, the pokemon stopped their game. Obstagoon tossed his crisps bag aside to barrel towards his trainer. He skidded to his knees, dramatically throwing his claws up and crying out as if Piers fell off a ten-story building.
Marnie hopped down. Crouching, she asked, “Did you break your face?”
Piers groaned loudly. “Dark void, open up and swallow me. I no longer want to live in this cruel world that would play my heart like a harp string and snap it with its sick, twisted irony.”
Once Piers went on with his dramatic monologue, the pokemon returned to their games, confident Piers was fine. Obstagoon patted the back of Piers’ head reassuringly.
Marnie crouched next to him. “Is the person you have a crush on that bad? Are they married or,” she lowered her voice, “old?”
“We’re the same age.” Piers didn’t lift his head from the ground. “He’s single as far as I know.”
Marnie poked his cheek. “So what’s the matter? Are you too scared to ask him out?”
“No. It’s worse than that.” Piers crawled into Obstagoon’s lap and leaned his back against the warm, somewhat smelly, fur. Obstagoon wrapped him in a hug. He’d seen his trainer confused and in a pansexual punk panic before. Piers needed all the comfort Obstagoon could give him.
Marnie tucked her legs under her and waited expectantly for Piers to clarify.
He sighed, slumping farther down Obstagoon’s lap. Obstagoon’s arm fur tickled his nose as he buried his face in it.
“I can’t ask him out,” Piers muttered. “He’s my opposite.”
“Opposite?” Marnie echoed.
“Opposite,” Piers repeated. He paused, then said, “I’m punk. He does ballet. What more can I say?”
Her brows furrowed. She opened her mouth, then shut it, opened, shut, then tilted her head with one eyebrow raised.
"He dances?”
Piers rolled his head away. “You kids have no culture.” He sighed. “He’s the kind of person every kid wants to be like. I’m the kind of person kids stop comin’ to community gyms to train because of.”
Marnie hit her fist into her palm. “Oh, I get it. You don’t want to drag down his rep ‘cause people think you’re a lazy delinquent.”
“Hey!” Piers bolted up, right into Obstagoon’s hanging tongue. He wiped the slobber off his forehead with his forearm. He jabbed a finger at Marnie.
“It’s the other way around. He’d pull mine up from a mysterious, cool rebel rocker.”
He cringed at himself. Out loud it sounded childish. What was he, a schoolboy?
Piers flopped back against Obstagoon, grabbed Obstagoon’s arm, and dropped it over his face.
“Suffocate me. Please. I need to die to escape this torment.”
With a humph, Marnie wrapped her arms around Obstagoon’s thick forearm and lifted. She looked down at her brother with a frown.
“That’s it?” She shook her head. “That’s sad.”
“You’re a kid. You don’t understand.” Piers countered, trying to pull Obstagoon’s arm back over his face.
Marnie wrinkled her nose and tugged against Piers’ attempts.
“I am not.” She dug her feet into the ground. “It is sad. If you’re a ‘mysterious, cool, rebel rocker,’ why should you care what anyone thinks?”
Piers dropped his hands to his lap.
Without the opposing force against her, Marnie fell backward, still clinging to Obstagoon’s arm. Instead of letting her fall, Obstagoon lifted his arm, leaving her hanging off the ground. He carefully lowered her, but she kept his arm pressed against her chest.
Piers pushed himself up to his feet. He patted the back of his shirt, throwing black and white fur into the air. Without a word, he headed to the stage and picked up the trash from their food.
“Piers?” Marnie hugged Obstagoon’s arm to her chest. “Are you ok? I didn’t break you, did I?”
Piers turned. “Yeah. Just fine.” He walked back, bag in hand. A smile spread across his face as he reached up and ruffled her hair.
“You’re right. I was being the opposite of cool.” He admitted, prying her hands off Obstagoon's arm. “Thanks for reminding me.”
Marnie was right. He was the cool, fierce master of dark-type pokemon. He became one of the strongest trainers in all of Galar without resorting to Dynamax in a pinch.
Why the hell should he give a flying ratata’s ass about what other people think about who he wants to make out with?
He still didn’t want people knowing about his contest days. The stereotype of elitist snob coordinators still hung too closely to contests. The attraction could excuse Leon, but he didn't have a good enough excuse for dressing skuntank in a tophat and glittery, purple bow tie when he was still a stunky yet. Maybe if the contest scene grew a little, he could try again, but until then best keeping that particular secret under wraps.
Marnie shrugged, aloof. “It’s whatever. Someone needs to help you keep your head spun the right way around. I'm the only one qualified for it.”
“What would I do without you?” Piers chuckled.
“Die, probably,” Marnie replied. “So can you ask this guy out? Does he like you at all?”
Piers shrugged.
He didn’t know if Leon liked men. As far as he could remember, Leon never dated anyone of any gender. Leon had always been laser-focused on training and being the strongest trainer in Galar.
But if he did like men, would he be interested in Piers? He didn't know, but given how much time they’d be spending together training for the contest, maybe he could figure it out.
Marnie, her ponytails somewhat righted, asked, “If you need help, Gloria and me could—”
“I’d rather step on a pincurchin,” Piers cut her off, crushed the paper bag into a ball, and tossed it to the side. It bounced and went right through Scrafty's new card tower.
"Sorry," he apologized.
Scrarfy sobbed and slumped back. Marnie’s scrafty looked towards him then sighed. She walked around and helped him pick up the cards, their friendship restored.
“I’ll tell you if I find out anything.” He pointed at the hot potato game still ongoing with his thumb. “Right now, though, you and me don’t need boys when we can play with the best pokemon in the Galar region, though.” To Grimsnarl, he shouted, "Oi, toss it to me!"
Marnie giggled as Piers took her wrist and led her towards the game.
AN: Shout out to my friend Sara for the help with this! You da best!!! ^-^)/ Next chapter should be next week? I'll probably post to A03 first though if you want less of a wait.
Also feel free to follow my art blog @uas-art if you enjoyed the chapter art.
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whatissleepeven · 4 years
Not gonna lie, when I first started playing Obey Me! and saw the absolute mess of a family the brothers were, my first thought was "now we can't unpack all this" while also disliking them with every fiber of my being. They seemed like dicks to me at first, but it's to be expected (they could kill a human faster than you could say "Little Caesar's").
Then I progressed through the Lessons.
Learning about their individual perspectives and getting past the cold shoulders was...fun, with time. They are all so chaotic, and before I knew it I was looking forward to their antics. Romance was the farthest thing from my mind at first, but this game really drives home the point that love and appreciation takes time. In honor of this game (which grew on me pretty fast holy shit), have some hcs of the bois!
Obey Me! Headcanons (Demon Brothers + Undateables)
Beel is the most emotionally aware of the brothers
Mammon comes second, and then Satan (although Satan doesn't really act on it)
If someone's feeling down? 10/10 Beel would notice and help in his own way once he realized no one else has noticed
What can I say? He cares about his family (which includes you now, he never thought that a time like this would come to pass and he's just so happy and doesn't want to lose anyone else - )
Belphie talks in his sleep
Half the time he fakes it, though. Usually around Lucifer.
Remember the one vine where the guy cusses his friend out in his sleep and throws a pillow at him? Yep that's him
Only Satan truly knows when he's faking sleep, since y'know -
They antagonize Lucifer together
Mammon likes to gaze up at the stars, preferably with someone else to ground him. He thinks they're pretty ("not as pretty and dependable as Goldie, though!"), but they never fail to remind him how small and alone he feels despite being a Ruler of Hell
It's usually you who sits by him, and he either talks (common occurrence) or keeps quiet (rare occurrence)
One time and one time only, he mentioned the Celestial Realm
"Ya ever think about how things would be if they turned out different?"
...Okay he didn't mention mention it, but you knew what he was getting at, and it filled you with an indescribable sadness for the being who suddenly seemed thousands of years older, wiser...tired.
"Yeah," You started, feeling rather than seeing his attention shift to you, "But all the good things now wouldn't exist without the choices we made. All we can do is move forward, and that has to be enough."
(If he fell more in love with you after you said that, then that's his secret okay)
Hands down, Levi can draw and he draws good
He's just...shy about his work
What if the people he cares about don't like it and write it off as "weird, gross otaku stuff"?
But they never do, if anything it gets complimented
If he draws them? Game over, they'll look at him like they're just now seeing him for the first time
Don't be fooled, it took a while for it to get to this point
Positivity and encouragement wasn't exactly something they handed out sparingly
Asmo loves to play Dance Dance Revolution; it's one of the fee things he enjoys from the Human Realm
Usually Beel or (with bribery) Mammon join him, and it ends up being a lot of fun
Belphie and (on some occasions) Levi sit on the couch to either watch, game together, or nap
Asmo tries to get them to join. He always fails.
Lucifer actually likes to listen to alternative music. Don't get him wrong, he loves classical music and jazz, but something about letting go and doing it with style just...resonates with him
Nobody knows about this except for Diavolo, who happened to walk in on Lucifer completing his tasks while humming so quietly you have to strain your ears to listen (let's say the song is What If by SafetySuit)
Unfortunately, Diavolo's hearing is pretty good
"Lord Diavolo, I didn't notice you were here. Did something happen?"
"Don't worry Lucifer, your secret's safe with me!"
Satan visits cat cafès in the human world because, well...cats
He also watches cat compilations late at night if he doesn't feel like reading
In a band (and outside of it), Beel plays the bass guitar
It's because he's like the bass; soft, understated, but holds everyone together
Mammon plays guitar in his spare time; sometimes, him and Beel jam together
"Ooh, can I join?!"
And then Asmo is there, adding his own lyrics and picking up their little riffs with ease
Contrary to popular belief, in a band Satan would not play the drums. It's actually Belphie who does, but it's so rare that they all usually forget until they're woken up at god-knows-when by a particularly violent verse
Satan plays the guitar, right next to Mammon
Lucifer plays the piano. There's no explanation needed; it is what it is
Solomon drops by the House of Lamentation at the weirdest of times asking/saying the weirdest of things
"Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi"
"If you kill a killer, does the number of killers in the world decrease?"
(I know he's pretty old but he's a kid at heart, he's too mischievous despite being so perceptive)
"What if we are all already living in the afterlife, and when we die we appear in reality afterwards?"
Sleep-deprived Levi is scheming Levi
He gets into trouble with Mammon once they get caught by Lucifer for planning to scam some lower level demons or for trying to prank one of their brothers
The two also game together, hence the title of "Gaming Duo"
It quickly becomes "Gaming Trio" once you're thrown into the mix
Simeon and Diavolo have tea parties where all they do is talk about Lucifer and some embarrassing things he's done
Lucifer does not know that this exists
Satan and Beel watch animal videos together
Beel would need lots of snacks though, because he gets hungry and gets sad when his growling stomach forces him to think of the animals on screen as food
Satan is always prepared, though
They just...adore animals together, it's soft
Asmo sets up certain days of the week where he has a "Self Care Day" with one of the brothers
Yes, not even Lucifer is safe
"Wh- Look at you, Lucifer! You've been staying up doing those assignments again, haven't you? Unbelievable!"
Usually enlists your help to help drag the brothers to his Self Care Days
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cryptidofthekeys · 3 years
Giant!Chase x Borrower!Reader (Gamer Edition)
(that title is the shittiest and cringiest one I’ve made but it made me laugh so we’re sticking with it okay?)
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol and Weed but that’s about it really, this story is p much fluffy true and through
Gonna add a keep reading as well, doubt this’ll tag in the main tags as well but eh here we go!
You had been wandering through the city, sticking close to the edges of the buildings and alleyways mostly, most of the alleyways connected to other parts of the city, the amount of giants that occupied cities was near overwhelming to you, you had heard all the stories from your kind and your own family, giants, or, humans as they were more commonly referred to seemed like awful cruel creatures according to all those stories, usually, you wouldn’t even be here in the city with all the potential danger but these buildings that the humans called a house/home, it always had s u c h good food stocked in them, and plentiful amounts of water, it was so much easier to gather supplies from a home as well, sure, there was always a risk of getting caught but so far the human that occupied this building in particular was none the wiser… He usually seemed so distant, distracted by many things, or he was drinking some kind of strange substance that made him act strange and then you noticed he’d pass out shortly after a bit, honestly given how this human acted, you didn’t even think he’d notice if you stole something that might have been of significant importance which okay you’d never risk that but still…
You also took notice how he seemed sad a lot… With how many times you had came back here, or if you had stayed the night you’d hear sobs come from the human’s bed, he seemed to cry himself to sleep on a lot of nights, some nights you’d catch him staring at a picture so heartbrokenly, you couldn’t help but feel bad for the human even if you didn’t know him personally…  Honestly, all those stories you had heard about these giants being cruel creatures who’d snatch you up and eat you or turn you into a little plaything, while you’d not deny the truth behind most of them, you didn’t know if he’d even wanna do anything to you even if he did spot you, but you wouldn’t press your luck either, you finally made it to the apartment in question, luckily for you, there was a route to the side with a window that was usually cracked a bit, you had torn the screen which he didn’t even seem to notice that, not that you were particularly complaining, you climbed up to the window in question and crept inside, you took notice that he was playing games on his computer, he wasn’t talking to himself like usual this time though, you noticed sometimes he would be talking to himself as he played games, you found that weird but hey, it wasn’t any of your business anyway, you were just here for food and water and items that’d benefit your survival.
You crept in through the window, there was a dresser by it luckily for you and it wasn’t too far of a drop that it’d injure you so you dropped down, quickly hiding behind one of the bottles that was on the dresser, you finally got a close look at it and the bottle read ‘Suntory Whisky Toki’ you thought for a moment, this drink didn’t ring a bell at all, you honestly didn’t know a lot about a lot of human things nor items, you wondered how the whisky would taste ...Then again, given how the human in question seemed to act while drinking this and how he seemed to pass out a bit easier, you decided against trying a taste and moved on, climbing down from the dresser and then hiding under it, just in case he were to turn around, you had to be careful… However he seemed completely distracted like usual by his game, honestly? Even though you didn’t like taking risks, you were curious… He seemed to like this sort of thing.
You were tempted to take a closer look, there was still plenty of time to grab the food and water you needed for later, and besides, you had planned to spend another night here, so might as well kill some time while you can, the monitor in question was plenty big enough for you to hide behind, and there were a few more items to hide behind as well if need be, some bottles of water here and there, it seems he was prepared for a long gaming session, you made your way over to his desk, being mindful of him potentially turning around or getting up, you definitely had no intentions of being stepped on, you slowly climbed up the desk, it was a bit harder to climb than the dresser given how the desk was made, but eventually you made it up there and quickly positioned yourself behind one of his water bottles since it was the closest, he you took a peek and glanced up at him, he looked as tired as usual but he did seem to be having fun at least, you panicked as he reached down to grab the water bottle almost grabbing you along with it, you quickly made a mad dash behind his monitor and took a deep breath, you weren’t particularly worried about him hearing you given those things he had over his ears, they surely had to block out the noise.
They must have also controlled the game volume as well given how you could hear faint bits of the music from the game he was playing here and there, you heard him set the water bottle down finally, it probably sounded like nothing to him but to you it sounded like something huge slamming down onto the ground, had you been any smaller than you were it could have definitely done some damage to your ears, you took a quick peek, looking up at the giant before you, he was completely entranced by the game he was playing it seemed, you were feeling a bit bolder than usually if you were being honest with yourself, you had seen how this giant acted multiple times and when he was playing a game, he was lost in it, you waved a hand from behind the monitor, if he were to look down he’d definitely see it sticking out however he wasn’t even intending on taking his eyes away from the screen it seemed, so you decided with a bit of bravery to step out from behind the monitor, you wanted to get a closer look at his game after all, you just needed to be mindful of getting too close to his keyboard or near things he’d be grabbing.
After stepping out and back a little bit, you could see the game he was playing… It was a blocky looking game to say the least (...y’all know what Chase be playing…) he had a few items in the little bar on his screen, you could see a sword, an axe, a pickaxe, and what you assumed were a few building blocks here and there, he seemed to be working on a house in the game, you watched as he went over and began placing the blocks, it was a stone house it seemed, you watched him for what felt like hours placing the blocks down until he was out of them, then he went inside the home, he turned toward two wolves in the house, one was named Greyson and the other was named Sam (unoriginal names? In MY story? ...Y e s.) And then he went through his chests, he seemed to be doing pretty good with the ‘Cobblestone’ materials as he grabbed two more stacks, and just as he was about to go out again and continue placing the blocks, he stopped altogether, he took off the things over his ears and set them down on the desk, for a moment you were worried he was going to see you sure enough then, but he didn’t, he pulled some item from his pocket and began looking at it instead, scrolling through some things, he took the water bottle and took another few sips, then he sat it down again, it was closer toward the middle of the desk. 
Now you could maybe get a better look at this game, sure, you could see some things but the position you were in wasn’t too comfortable, and besides now you had a few places to duck behind if need be, his water bottles were almost lined up actually, you quickly made your way to the middle of the desk, looking over his keyboard now as well, the thing was MASSIVE compared to you, you noticed the keys were color changing as well it looked very pretty, the monitor alone was practically humongous, there wasn’t much going on since he looked away now, his character had been turned to face the windows and you could see various creatures walking by, cows, pigs, sheep, and then there were… Okay, you knew whatever these things were didn’t exist in the real world… Whatever these things were definitely looked like enemies as well, especially the big tall one that was teleporting around outside… You were honestly almost entranced by this as well, even if nothing much was going on, it looked like fun, you could see why the giant enjoyed it so much! You wished faintly that you could be a bit bigger in size in order to play this game since you really didn’t figure they had made things like this for people your size.
You were about to try and touch one of the keys just to judge the sheer size difference before… “...What the fuck…?” You heard the voice mumble as if trying to be quiet behind you and then you froze entirely, you had a bad feeling about turning around now… You had noted the shock in his tone when he spoke, you hoped it was just something on that device of his that caused the reaction, you sucked in a deep breath and turned around and your worst fears were realized, the giant was staring right at you, the both of you were frozen really for what felt like an eternity before he slowly reached a hand out, the hand shadowed your entire body and that’s when you ran for it, running behind his water bottle which he then quickly moved, you dashed for the other one, he moved that one as well and then the final water bottle was your last hiding spot, you’d never disappear behind the monitor in time, you then felt a gust of wind as he picked up the water bottle, it was enough to knock you over momentarily and before you could even manage to get up, finally his other hand lowered down on top of you to which you let out a scream at, your first instinct was to immediately curl into a ball, oh god, this was it, why did you have to be so stupid?! Sure, curiosity about things could definitely be a hard demon to fight but you could and probably were literally going to D I E in this situation! You mentally cursed yourself for being so careless, for being so risky, this is where risk and recklessness get you.
You could feel yourself being lifted despite being encased in his hand and you also had your eyes closed, just preparing for the worst to come, sure, you had seen how he acted usually but it could all change in an instance, he IS still one of those giants after all… ...You just hoped faintly that maybe just maybe he’d be a bit merciful if anything, you heard him set the other water bottle down and then the hand with you inside stopped, he slowly opened it and gasped, you immediately uncurled and just sat in his hand, backing up until your back hit against his fingers, you were cornered pretty much, and since you were so high up off the ground if you jumped it would kill you 
...Then again, maybe jumping wouldn’t be such a bad idea, better than what this creature could have had planned for you, you watched as his other hand was coming toward you, even his finger alone was still bigger than your body, you stiffened as he pinned your arm between his thumb and index finger, you tried to pull your arm away quickly but it was no use, if he wanted to he could break your arm right now just like that, it’d be so simple and for a moment you were worried that was his plan as he gently moved it up and down, but then he carefully released it.
He watched as you grabbed at your arm and held it against your chest, you looked up at him with terror, tears pricking your eyes, however he didn’t seem to notice this just yet, it seemed he was still in shock “Wh...What are you? Am… Am I hallucinating? I… I don’t remember drinking any alcohol yet… I… I don’t think I’ve smoked any weed either…” He then paused and looked closer, finally seeming to take in that you were holding your arm and his eyes widened “O-Oh shit… Did… Did I hurt your arm by grabbin’ it lil dude? I’m so sorry… I… I didn’t break it, did I?” Despite still being terrified you carefully moved your arm around to show him it wasn’t broken and he seemed relieved at that “Oh thank fuck… I’m sorry for just… Grabbin’ at’cha like that, that wasn’t cool of me, but I was just, like, worried you’d run off, ya know? And I wanted to get a closer look at you” You listened as he spoke and looked around, there really was no way you were getting out of this unless you jumped and then the giant seemed to finally put two and two together “...Oh… Oh…! You uh, you’re probably fuckin’ terrified aren’t ya?” You nodded hesitantly, you were eyeing the human’s mouth every time he spoke, if he even dared lift you up there, you were bolting… And then you remembered, you DID have a pin on you!
“L-Look, I know it’s gonna be hard to believe me right now, but I promise… I DON’T wanna hurt you… Can… Can you speak?” There was a pause, you didn’t believe a word of that at all, he was right… You knew the stories, humans could be manipulative and say and do anything to lull you into a false sense of security “Y-Yes…?” You decided to speak anyway, if he tried anything, ANYTHING at all, you’d be grabbing that pin and pricking him… He didn’t take his gaze away from you and it was definitely starting to get uncomfortable “I wanna ask again, what are you…? How did you even get here…?” (no, we do not have 90 minutes) There was a pause before you finally spoke up “...U-Uh… Well for one, your window was open and two, I’m a borrower, ever heard of those?” The Giant took a few moments before shrugging, trying to keep his hand as steady as he could as well “Uhh, Oh yeah! I heard Marv say some shit bout that once? But I didn’t think he was actually, ya know, tellin’ the truth…” And then a pause before he seemed to realize something “...Wait, borrowers, like, borrow stuff right? Is that why some of my things have gone missing?” And then you tensed, it seemed he could feel that and he shook his head “I’m not mad or anything like that, just wanna know lil dude” You then nodded “Yeeahh… I… We try to only take what we need though” And the human nodded at that “I get that to be honest ...Oh! I haven’t even told ya my name…”
And then he smiled, extending a finger out to you instead of his hand given that… Well, there was no way you’d be able to a handshake, it was going to be tricky doing the same with his finger even… “Name’s Chase. Chase Brody! Do you have a name?” 
You flinched at him bringing his finger closer to you and you were about to pull out the pin before he just introduced himself… You then took a hold of his finger “(Y/N)... That’s uh, th-that’s my name…” He let you shake the finger up and down before pulling it away, a grin on his face although it didn’t look to be malicious, just a friendly one but still… You couldn’t help but flinch upon seeing those teeth “(Y/N)’s a hella cool name…! Nice to meet’cha…!” And then he seemed to take notice of you staring, he figured it was because of the grin and he just simply smiled then, avoiding showing his teeth at all, he didn’t necessarily blame you though, hell, if HE were this small and he was in the hands of a literal giant and they were grinning at him? He’d be absolutely terrified! “Oh, since you’re here… You must want some food, yeah?” You were about to politely decline and explain to him the borrower’s rule/code but then your stomach growled and your face flushed red in embarrassment, he only seemed to chuckle at that though “C’mon lil dude, I’ll get ya some food” And with that he was standing up, he positioned his arm and hand against his chest, it was an extra precaution so you wouldn’t fall or feel uncomfortable as he walked.
The first sound you took note of was his footsteps, it wasn’t as overpowering as it would have been had you been on the ground, each step he took echoed out with a loud boom, the next sounds you heard were his heartbeat given that you were pressed close enough to his chest, the thunderous beating sounded… Comforting in a strange way… And then he reached the kitchen and he was lowering his hand toward the counter before stopping “Um… You’re not like, gonna run away once I put you down, are ya dude?” You pondered for a moment, this WOULD be a perfect opportunity to try and get away but here he was, a giant human, one of the most feared and renowned creatures amongst your kind, offering to feed you and give you something to drink, if he were going to eat you, kill you, or anything like that why would he be going through this trouble? Sure, Chase COULD want to keep you as a pet but for the moment, you didn’t really feel the need nor the want to run away, you shook your head at this and then he gently placed you on the counter “So, what would ya like bro?” You shrugged “M-Maybe just some bread… And uh, w-water if that’s fine?” Chase nodded and then walked over, grabbing a slice of bread and then grabbing some water out of the fridge, he tore a corner off for you and handed it over, setting the bread down by you and then opening up the water, he took the cap and placed it next to you, carefully filling it with some water.
You looked up at him “T-Thank you…” He only smiled “It’s no problem bro!” You winced at how loud he was that time, sure he was still loud in general but that was… MUCH louder than before “Sorry bout that, imma have to uh, get used to being quieter…” He seemed like he was genuinely trying his best, he tried not to stare at you while you were eating because that would have been weird and you honestly appreciated it, you then thought back as you took a bite out of the bread and then a sip of water “So w-wait… You said something about this… Marv person talking about, uh, my kind?” To that Chase nodded “Yep! Marvin’s his name, he’s a… Well, he usually just calls himself a Magician which to be fair, he does do magic tricks here and there, but the guy knows his shit bout like, mythical creatures, folklore, and all kinds of stuff, shit’s crazy… I uh, I really didn’t think he was tellin’ the truth bout em though… Heh…”
There was a pause before Chase sighed “Oh fuck… If he EVER sees you he’ll never let me live it down…”
You blinked in confusion “...H...He’s not dangerous is he? Like, if he finds me he won’t wanna test on me or anything?” Chase shook his head “Nah, Marv’s a chill guy… Uh he CAN be dangerous but not for no reason! Usually he’s only dangerous to those who hurt his friends n family, so you really don’t gotta worry ...Unless of course you were here to do damage that is” Not that Chase really thought you could do much of anything but he wasn’t going to be rude and say that aloud… You immediately shook your head “N-No no, I wasn’t here to do anything bad…? Er, unless you count me technically stealing your food and certain items… Even though we call it borrowing, it does… Sort of seems like stealing, well, it would to most anyways...” Chase only shrugged at that “Dude, you’re just doing what’cha need to in order to survive, it’s chill, if you need food you’re free to take any of it ya like, hell if ya wanna crash here you can” You looked up at him and sighed “...I… While it’s appreciated… Chase… There’s something I need to tell-” And just then his phone buzzed “Shit, hold on a sec and then you can tell me lil dude” You nodded, continuing to munch on the bread and sip the water until you were finally content, you then looked up, watching Chase’s eyes scan over something and then they widened.
He looked… Afraid and immediately you were concerned “Ch-Chase…? Is everything alright…?” The giant looked at you and smiled nervously “S-Sooo… U-uhhh… (Y/N) remember… How I was JUST talkin’ about Marv…?” You… You already didn’t like where this was going… Yet you nodded anyways and to that Chase laughed nervously “...Well… He’s on his way… He wants me to watch Robbie…” Your eyes widened “HE’S COMING HERE?!” Chase immediately reached down, you flinched as his hand grabbed you “Yep! And I mean… Like I said, he won’t hurt ya! But I’m worried Robbie might do so accidentally… And I know this is gonna sound real fuckin’ strange but uh, dude’s a zombie” Your eyes widened, now… You didn’t know much about certain things but you DEFINITELY knew what a zombie was, you had heard and seen what those things supposedly were “HE’S A FUCKING ZOMBIE?! CHASE! DON’T YOU KNOW WHAT ZOMBIES D O?!” You then paused and looked up at him quizzically, your eyes narrowed “And wait… Hold up… You have a literal zombie in your life and yet you didn’t believe Marvin on the Borrower thing…?” Chase rolled his eyes “L-Listen dude, just… I’ve SEEN Robbie before, I just haven’t EVER seen a Borrower until now, look that- That isn’t important! Just calm down please! Robbie is innocent! He’s almost like a kid, he won’t hurt you intentionally or ANYTHING like that, I just don’t want an accident to occur but I promise you, he’s not ACTUALLY dangerous!”
Chase quickly headed back to his room, looking for somewhere, ANYWHERE to hide you, he then got an idea, he set you down on the table where his monitor was “Stay there a second…!” You nodded and watched as he first grabbed his bottle of whiskey, opening a drawer and shoving it into there, he also grabbed one of his keys and locked the drawer, as he walked back over, gently scooping you up “I uh, Marvin personally ensured there would be no accidents where Robbie got the whiskey or god forbid one of my guns… I lock ‘em in there and then put the key up super high where he can’t get it” You nodded and then you looked at the shelf he had walked towards, you looked over all the various figures, games, etc- 
There were plenty of places to hide, and that seemed to be his plan “Here… Hide behind anything ya want here…” And then there was the sound of knocking at the door and a loud voice echoed out “Chase~! We’re here!” Chase’s eyes widened “Hide NOW…!” He half whispered, you nodded and quickly sprinted behind something the moment he set you down and then he was running off back toward the kitchen… Chase had took notice of the bread left behind and he quickly grabbed it and the lid in the garbage out of panic, not wanting Marvin to catch on, he then took a deep breath, okay, act cool he thought to himself as he then walked over to the front door, opening it and he was quickly met with a tackle hug from Robbie “Papa..!” He giggled happily, nuzzling into Chase, and okay he couldn’t help but smile at that and gently pat Robbie’s head “Good to see ya too kiddo…” He looked up at Marvin who was chuckling lightly “He was so excited when I told him we were coming over… He’s been wanting to see you again for quite some time now” Chase nodded, Robbie giggled and finally crawled off of Chase, allowing him to stand up and dust himself off, meanwhile Marvin stepped closer to Chase “Ahem…” He began “You D I D hide the alcohol, yes…?” Chase rolled his eyes, Marvin could be… Very overprotective of Robbie but everyone was really.
Even he himself was protective of Robbie! But Marvin could be… TOO much sometimes, it annoyed Chase that Marv thought he was so careless “Yeah Marv, I hid it… I always do” Marvin nodded “Good, I just… I just wanted to make sure… It’s not that I don’t trust you, Chase, you are a wonderful father, I… I just get so worried about Robbie sometimes, he can really get into a lot of trouble even if it IS unintentional technically speaking, I mean one wrong move and…” And Chase could tell Marvin was spiraling a little bit, he placed a hand on Marvin’s shoulder “Bro, relax, I promise, I’ve got this… I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to ‘im, go do what’cha need to, we gonna chill n just have some fun, right Robbie?” The zombie giggled and slowly shambled over “Yeeaahh… Papa… take good care… Robbie…” He looked toward Marvin and gave a lopsided smile “Ittt ookaay… Marmarrr… We… be saafe…” He then gave the magician a big hug and that seemed to calm Marvin’s nerves, he sighed and put an arm around Robbie, gently patting his back, a small smile on his face “Alright… I’m going to be gone for awhile… So Chase, remember-” Before Marvin could speak Chase cut him off “Yeah yeah, I know the rules Marv” and then the Magician chuckled, giving Robbie a little kiss on the forehead and just like that, he was gone… He didn’t use the door, he pretty much just teleported away, Robbie giggling at the sparkly dust that got left behind, meanwhile Chase closed the front door and locked it, god forbid Robbie got out…
He then looked back at the zombie “Alllriiighty Robbie, what’cha wanna do first, buddy?” The zombie looked around the kitchen “H-Huunngrryyy…” He mumbled, looking around for any food “Huh, guess Marv didn’t feed ya yet then, alright, whaddya want?” The zombie blinked and he looked like he was in deep thought, Robbie… He wasn’t stupid, not at all, sure he could be naive and gullible on many things, but really he was just like any other kid, it just took him a lot longer than the others to think and speak even when it came to what he wanted, Robbie could get frustrated and irritated even when the words can’t come to him like it can for the others, sometimes he couldn’t even manage to figure it out, he’d have to slowly make his way over and grab at what he meant, or if its in actual view he’d just point to it…
Eventually he managed to figure it out “f-fuuit...g um…” ...Well… It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t proper at all but Chase knew exactly what he meant, having kids of your own before could really pay off for these things, he was a bit surprised Robbie didn’t just ask for meat, but then again he was learning to try other foods, and he seemed to REALLY love the fruit snacks, Chase walked over and grabbed a packet, tearing it open for Robbie and then handing it to the young zombie “Here ya go bud, c’mon with me, let’s go to my room, I’ve still got your favorite toys waiting for ya…” The zombie’s eyes lit up as he grabbed the packet, he took a piece out and began munching on it, he then nodded at Chase’s words, lifting out another hand for Chase to take hold of, and then he was leading the zombie into the bedroom, Chase’s apartment wasn’t… Very big so he had to make due with the room  he did have, so he got a toy chest and put one down for Robbie since that… Was really the only kid he got to actually see (Bc Marv isn’t a b i t c h like a certain someone… ...well he CAN be a bitch but not in any of THOSE regards anyways) and okay, that thought hurt him a little but at least he still got to see Robbie ...It was nice… The young zombie plopped down on the messy bed and continued to enjoy his fruit gummies while Chase sat in his gaming chair, he quickly glanced toward the shelf, he hadn’t forgotten you were there but Robbie shouldn’t be able to find you, it should be fine.
Chase then glanced back at Robbie who was munching away and making happy gurgling sounds, he seemed to love the fruit gummies and this made Chase smile, it was always nice having Robbie stay over with him for awhile… Eventually Robbie finished the snacks and crumpled up the paper very slowly and he squinted at something and before Chase could even ask what he was doing, he lined up his arm and threw the paper, it teetered on the edge of the bin next to Chase’s desk and then it finally went in and Chase stood up “OH! Ohhh! And a score for Robbie! Fu… Er, heck yeah!” Marvin would kill him if he taught Robbie any curse words… Robbie giggled and bounced up and down in his spot “Robbieee diid itt…!” He then stood up and walked over to hug Chase who simply smiled and ruffled the young zombie’s hair “Yep…! Good job kiddo!” Meanwhile you were listening in, peeking from the figure you were hiding behind, honestly that made you smile, Chase was right… Robbie really WAS just like a child, he didn’t seem to have a mean bone in his body, but still, you couldn’t take any chances, you didn’t know if he’d treat you like a toy, a snack, or what… So you weren’t going to take any risks, after all, risks got you caught earlier on anyways.
Then you watched as Robbie had grabbed some of his toys and began playing with them, you watched Chase play with him as well, making some of the stuffed animals do some silly things, you could tell Chase really cared a great deal for Robbie, he treated him just like his own kid it seemed, after a while of playing with the toys, Chase stood up “I’ll be right back Robbie, then we can play some more if ya want” The zombie smiled lopsidedly and nodded “Okiee…” And with that, Chase was gone… He figured by now Robbie wouldn’t ever find you, so it was fine if he left for just a bit to take care of something, meanwhile Robbie continued to play with the toys alone, he seemed to be able to entertain himself well enough and you sighed, slumping down against the figure, you heard a small huh come from the zombie and you carefully peeked out from behind the figure, one of his pointed ears twitched (yes, my vers of Robbie does have pointed ears, similar to Anti) and he looked around “Papaaa…? Thaatt youuu…?” And when there was no answer, the young zombie stood up, looking confused and even a little startled.
Robbie looked around for the source of the sound and when he looked up toward the shelf you immediately ducked back behind the figure, there was NO way he heard you…! There was no way possible he could have heard your sigh! ...Did… Did zombies have some kind of super hearing ability that you just didn’t know about, the zombie in question had walked toward the shelf and looked up at it “Mm…?” You heard him make a questioning noise as he stared, as if waiting for something to pop out, when nothing did… Robbie looked back to the doorway, Chase wasn’t back yet and the zombie DID know he could get in trouble for this, he didn’t want to make papa angry, he didn’t want to get in trouble but he KNOWS he heard SOMETHING… So he decided to investigate, whatever the noise was it wasn’t SUPER far up but Robbie would need something to stand on, he looked around and he found a little stool that would be perfect, Chase must’ve kept it to clean off some of the figures and shelves, he went over to grab it and then he dragged it over to the shelves, stepping up on it and looking around… Meanwhile your little heart was beating rapidly as you held a hand over your mouth, shit…! He was going to find you! And there wasn’t anywhere to run up here…!
Robbie didn’t know EXACTLY where the sound was so he moved some figures over, going rather… Slowly, maybe because of how slow he seemed to be you could dash behind another figure if he lifted your hiding spot up, because it was clear he was NOT stopping until he found whatever made the noise, you waited for him to get to yours and as he began lifting it up you quickly dashed behind the other figure next to it and you heard him make a startled noise so he must’ve seen you, well… Shit… You might just have to run around to avoid him however you heard a voice call out from the doorway “ROBBIE!” This startled the zombie and he had almost fell off the stool as he turned back around to face Chase, tears forming in his eyes “P-Papaaa…! Som...Something… up… there…” He pointed to the shelf you were on and Chase bit his lip as he walked into the room “Robbie… It’s… It’s just figures up there, I’d know if somethin’ was up there…” He tried to play it off as he grabbed Robbie and gently helped him down from the stool “Besides, haven’t I told you about this bud? You could fall and hurt yourself real bad…!”
The zombie looked down, sniffling slightly “I...Iiii… Robbieee sorryyy… but… R-Robbieee heearrr noise… see… something mooove… w-whyyy hiiide frrrom Robbiee…?” And then Chase felt a tinge of guilt, ah… While Robbie could be naive and even gullible he wasn’t stupid by any means and it was clear he had found you, he KNEW something was up there so Chase sighed “...Alright, Robbie… Just… Listen, if I show you what that noise was… Can you promise papa one thing?” The zombie nodded “You’ve got to be EXTREMELY careful and gentle around them, they are very fragile, okay…? Remember, they aren’t a toy either…!” The young zombie nodded at this “Ookaay... Noo tooyyy… Bee gentle… prrromise…” Chase smiled at that and walked up to the shelf, moving the figure and gently taking ahold of you, at first keeping you out of Robbie’s sight as he whispered to you “Alright (Y/N)... Look… We might as well cut the act… The kid knows… I promise, I’m not gonna let anything happen to ya… So just… Try and breathe…” You nodded at his words and began taking deep breaths, prepared to face the curious zombie, you just hoped he wouldn’t grab you and think your a toy, even though he seemed to listen to Chase well enough a moment ago… And then Chase was in front of Robbie who was waiting rather patiently, and then… Chase was opening his hands to show you to the other.
You locked eyes with the zombie and okay… He seemed much more terrifying up close, but you just needed to breathe, take a few deep breaths… This would be fine ...You hoped, you slowly and hesitantly gave him a wave “U-Umm… H-Hi there… Ro...Robbie…?” The zombie gasped softly, if it were possible his eyes would be sparkling right now, he seemed absolutely fascinated and curious, however he was keeping his hands to himself and surprisingly enough to both you and Chase he wasn’t reaching for you immediately, he raised a hand to wave back “H-Hiiii…” He gave you a lopsided smile and… His teeth were much more terrifying than Chase’s ever could be, his teeth were like a fucking bear trap…! That alone could have made your heart stop if Robbie had caught you on his own, and then he tilted his head “Naame…?” There was a pause before you spoke “(Y/N)...” And then the zombie gurgled happily, he seemed to try and keep his gurgles much quieter than earlier “Robbieee liiike naaamee…. Verrry niiice…” And okay you smiled at that, he was very polite… And then Robbie looked up at Chase and then down at you again “Caann… hoolldd… orr nooo…?” And then Chase tensed, looking down at you “Well (Y/N)...? Ya feel comfortable with Robbie holding you or ya not ready yet?” And this took you a bit to think about.
After a bit of thinking you sighed, you might as well… After all… Robbie looked as though he really was trying to be careful and gentle around you already, despite still having worries and fear “...A-Alright… He can h-hold me so long as he’s, uh, gentle…” Chase nodded and looked toward Robbie “Can ya do that kiddo? Remember now, they aren’t a toy, they can feel pain, discomfort, and all that just like we can…” Robbie nodded “Promise…! Be e x t r a gentle… No wan hurrrt…” And then there was a pause “...Can Robbieee sit down on bed firrst…?” It’s not that Robbie didn’t trust himself for this, he was aware of his strength, he was aware of a lot of things but this was more so to add to your comfort since he could kinda sense your fear and Chase nodded, letting Robbie go and hop up on the bed, sitting criss cross applesauce and waiting for Chase to hand you over, he had already cupped his hands even, meanwhile Chase came over and took a deep breath as he exchanged you very slowly for your comfort and sake into Robbie’s hands, surprisingly, despite being a zombie… Robbie’s hands weren’t freezing cold exactly however there was definitely still a coolness to them, but you tried not to think about it too much, you also took notice that he didn’t smell like a rotting corpse either.
Well not entirely anyways, there was still a little bit of a foul smell there but he more so smelled like VARIOUS kinds of flowers instead actually, he must have tried to mask his scent or maybe Chase or Marvin did, either way, it wasn’t enough to really bother you as you sat there in his hands, you took notice of his claws as well and okay… That was still a bit unnerving much like his teeth but he genuinely seemed to mean no harm, and he was keeping his hand cupped as well and honestly… Robbie seemed genuinely fascinated with this, he seemed fascinated and excited even to just be holding you “S-Soofftt… Warrrmm…” He mumbled, trying his best to be quiet, not that he was loud normally really, but he was trying to be extra quieter for you it seemed, honestly the more you thought about it, it warmed your heart… Robbie was REALLY trying his best to make sure you were comfortable and not afraid, he really was a sweet kid, he wasn’t treating you like an object, a toy, or anything… To Robbie you were just like Chase or Marvin, albeit a bit smaller of course, you were a living being with feelings, emotions, etc- So Robbie was going to treat you as such, he was going to treat you like a friend for sure.
Robbie just looked over you and seemed to be inspecting you “How… Sooo smaallll…?” Chase looked at Robbie “Uh, kiddo, you really shouldn’t just ask stuff like that” However you merely shrugged “Nah, it’s fine, well uh… Robbie… Do you know what Borrowers are?” The zombie had to take a few moments to think before tilting his head “Borrowerrrsss…?” “Yep, that’s the word buddy… Okay so-” Robbie interrupted with a giggle “B-Buhhdy…!” You smiled at that “Yes, also that… As I was saying, Borrowers are essentially just… Tiny folk who borrow things that people won’t usually miss, we uh, don’t take anything that’s crucial or someone will notice, we try to keep a low profile” Robbie blinked at this and it took him a moment but he nodded “Ohhh… ...Tiiinyy…�� He brought you closer to his face and for a moment that worried you but he was just simply nuzzling you, seeing this you and Chase both sighed in relief, you smiled at the  nuzzles as did Chase as he chimed in “Robbie seems to like ya a lot, don’t he?” You nodded at this “Yeah aha…” You still remembered the rule of the Borrowers, you needed to tell Chase sooner or later, you couldn’t just keep this from him and you weren’t just going to leave without saying a proper goodbye, not after the way Chase had treated you ...It actually made you feel a little sad.
Robbie seemed to pick up on the sudden change in your emotions and his ears fell slightly as he pulled you away from his face “Fuh… Frriieenndd… Ookaayyy…?” You were surprised by that honestly, this zombie was full of surprises though it seemed “Oh uh, I’m… Fine Robbie, don’t worry” The young zombie did surprisingly enough believe you as he nodded, perhaps he figured he made a mistake and sensed the wrong emotion or something? Either way you were thankful, not wanting him to worry too much… You sighed and walked around on his hand, walking over to one of his fingers and proceeding to hug it, it… Really was the only thing you could hug unless he had brought you closer to his face again or something but either way Robbie seemed happy with this, hence those happy gurgling sounds, it sounded like a mix between gurgling and giggling actually, you took notice that Chase also seemed content now, he seemed much more… Relaxed as he sat back in his gaming chair, this was good… The only thing was… “Oh uh, hey, Rob?” The zombie looked up toward Chase “Y-Yeeahh, paapaa…? Is… Is Robbieee still in trrrouble…?” He looked worried and then Chase quickly shook his head “Nah, you’re fine kiddo… I just, when Marv gets back… Can ya keep this secret from Marvin?” Robbie smiled and nodded, he didn’t really understand why Marvin couldn’t know about his new friend but if papa wanted… “Oookay, I no tell-” And before he could finish his sentence…
A voice chimed in from the doorway “Can you keep w h a t a secret from Marvin, h m?” This made Chase jump and fall backward in his chair, Robbie surprisingly quickly cupped his hands to keep you hidden… Shit, this isn’t good Chase thought to himself and you, you were more or less trying to stay in Robbie’s hands, out of the magician’s sight, you honestly didn’t even think it would matter if he saw you anyways. Marvin wasn’t bad like Chase had said anyways unless you really piss him off, you couldn’t help but giggle as you heard Chase scramble to get up, maybe it really was just a cover up, so he didn’t have to face Marvin telling him that he told him Borrowers were real. “M-Marvin! H-Hhiiii….” Chase spoke awkwardly, trying to keep his composure, you heard heels clacking against the floor as Marvin stepped into the room “Chase… I am going to count to five darling, and when I get to five… You better tell me what you’re hiding from me or e l s e…” Marvin had a harsh gaze until he looked over to Robbie.
He smiled at the young zombie who smiled back albeit more nervously “Heehee… Hiii Marrr…” And then the Magician waved “Hello dearie…” And now he turned back to Chase, the harsh glare immediately back on as he grabbed Chase by the shirt collar, of course nothing too rough, Marvin would NEVER actually hurt Chase! And lifted him toward himself, meanwhile Chase put his hands up in defense “N-Now Marv… Dude, w-wait… I can explain this time, I swear…!” You honestly had no idea what was going on out there but it definitely sounded like Chase was in trouble, oh well… The only thing you could really do right now was sit in Robbie’s hands until Chase or the zombie one mentioned you or showed you to Marvin, on the bright side you had time to prepare yourself to face the Magician! Marvin looked at Chase expectedly “Explain then…” Marvin began counting down and Chase quickly spoke “Uhh… I just gave Robbie an extra snack…” The Magician raised a brow “...Three…” There was a pause, Chase then adding “It was an extra piece of candy...!” This prompted Marvin to continue “...T w o…” Okay, it was obvious Marvin didn’t believe that, shit…! As Marvin was about to say one “ALRIGHT… ALRIGHT…! Robbie, kiddo, just… Show him…” Chase sighed, gearing himself up to never hear the end of this now.
Marvin turned back toward Robbie, his expression softening again as he came over and knelt down slightly “What is it, dear? What do you have in your hands…?” Robbie looked over at Chase and looked worried but when he saw him give the okay, he nodded and looked back to Marvin “R-Robbieee… Haave… Neeeww frrriend… Wan… Maarr to meet…” Robbie held his hands up and carefully revealed you to the mention, you had taken a deep breath beforehand and had stood up to face the Magician and okay… Yeah, you weren’t prepared to see a giant with a cat mask staring intently down at you, his eyes were piercing even behind the mask, no wonder Chase had told you he wasn’t exactly the type to be messed with... The confidence wasn’t as strong as it was a moment ago… “U-Uhmm… H-Hiii…?” You waved slightly up at him and there was a pause before he grinned and oh… He had cat-like fangs, jeez… What WAS this dude? Was he even human…? You watched as he looked back toward Chase “I told you they existed~! And you didn’t believe me…!” Chase groaned and put his head in his hands “Look, Marv, I just thought it was a fairytale story or something at first…! C’mon, just, let me be please?” The Magician shook his head “Oh no darling~ I’m never going to let you live this down now that there’s proof~” Chase only groaned again and muttered some things to which you and Robbie both giggled at.
Marvin then looked back at you “So… What’s your name darling?” (Marvin usually calls people darling, dear, etc stuff like that so yeye-) You looked back toward the Magician, taking in his appearance… A black and purple galaxy themed cape, a dark blue shirt underneath from what you could see, black skinny jeans, the cat mask obviously, and his hair was a mint green color tied up in a man bun, he wore some kind of necklace with a Black Obsidian heart shaped pendant (Jackie gave that to him after hearing Marvin talk about crystals/stones and their meanings and Marvin seemed to love Black Obsidian a lot soo yeah) and his high heels were black and glittery actually, they looked very pretty… You then realized, shit, he asked what your name was and you had just been staring at him “O-Oh…! Uh, (Y/N)...” You finally answered, and he smiled “What a wonderful name, it’s so interesting to finally see a Borrower up close…”
Marvin then held out a hand “May I?” Wow… A giant that asks before even trying to pick a borrower up, you figured if you could let a human and then a literal zombie hold you, the Magician would be no different so you nodded “Sure… You mind letting me go for a bit Robbie? You can uh, hold me another time if you want” Robbie nodded “Ookaayy…” He carefully exchanged you into Marvin’s hands so the Magician could get a better look at you, he also had sharp claws, you noticed the claws were black with a dark-ish red tint to them, they also looked pretty! “So fascinating to hold a being such as yourself in the palm of my hand… Now, tell me darling… How did Chase end up coming across you exactly? I mean… It serves him right, there had to have been proof come his way one way or another~” Chase merely rolled his eyes, watching as Robbie came over to him, it seemed the zombie wanted to continue playing with him for a bit while you and Marvin had a conversation. You looked over at him and shrugged “I uh… ...I got a little too careless and curious… And he spotted me” Marvin nodded “Hmm, well, you really should be more careful, while we are all relatively friendly… Others might not be, which I just do NOT understand that myself, why do people want to hurt you little beings? Why experiment? Why try dissections? That is BASICALLY murder... After all, You can feel things like the rest of us and another important factor... You can t a l k… Jeez, just have a conversation with them like you would any other being”
Marvin then looked at Robbie and Chase then back to you and smiled “...Luckily for you… Chase and Robbie seem to like you a lot… Any friend of theirs will be a friend of mine… So don’t worry little darling, you’ve got this Magician’s protection anytime you need, alright?” You smiled at this, your face had even turned a little red at that “O-Oh thank you… I… I appreciate that” Marvin then sighed, whispering a bit lower toward you “I do however have to ask… Have you told Chase yet? About the… Rule…?” You looked at the Magician, you wondered just how much he already knew of Borrowers. You looked toward Chase who was chuckling away at Robbie, he seemed… Much more happier than he was those nights, hell, the first moments he found you seemed to make him a little bit happier and already you could tell he cared a great deal for you… You then looked toward Marvin “I… I have to… It’s only fair, isn’t it? I...I mean… What other choice do I have?” The Magician merely shrugged “Mm… It’s a tough decision, you either choose to follow the rules that have been passed down ever since Borrowers first came to fruition or… You turn your back and go against everything you have been taught… I can’t dictate what you actually choose in the end my dear but, I can say this with confidence… I know what your heart has chosen already, deep down it has chosen to stay with Chase hasn’t it?”
Your expression was more or less one of shock, how could he tell that…? You hadn’t necessarily made it obvious, or you didn’t think so anyways! “...H-How do you know…?” Marvin only chuckled and gently patted your head with a finger, being VERY mindful of his nails “Now now dearie… A good Magician NEVER reveals their secrets~” He gave you a wink and then finally turned back toward Robbie “Alright sweetie, I think it’s time we head home, it’s getting rather late and we don’t want you staying up past your bedtime or anything like that, besides, Jackie’s making dinner tonight ...If he doesn’t burn the house down while I’m gone that is...” Robbie pouted slightly, he always disliked leaving Chase, that WAS his papa after all! ...Well one of them anyways… “Aww… Oookaay… ...Can see again soonnnn…?” Marvin nodded “But of course dear…” Marvin then walked over, carefully handing you to Chase “Thank you for watching over Robbie today Chase, it really does mean a lot to me and Jackie too” Chase smiled slightly and nodded “Ah, yeah, it’s no problem dude!”
He paused to set you down on the desk, finally giving you a break from being in giant hands which you were thankful for, you sat down and immediately took a breather, meanwhile Robbie came over and very gently gave you a pat on the head before going back and clinging onto Marvin who patted his head and gave him a gentle smooch on the forehead “Goodbye my darlings~! Oh and Chase?” The man looked up at the other and watched him snap his fingers “I’ve left you a little… Surprise of sorts to give (Y/N) on the kitchen table back there, so, get to that when you can, ta-ta~!” Robbie managing to wave and say “Byeee papaaa an… frrriend…!” And with the snap of his fingers once more, Marvin along with the young zombie was gone and this caused you and Chase to sigh in relief “Well… We got some time to ourselves now I guess…” You nodded “They are an... Interesting bunch ...But nice nonetheless” Chase then chuckled and nodded “Yeaah...” He then stood from his seat “I’ll be right back, Imma go get the present or whatever he left, knowin’ that smartass it’s probably another way of saying ‘I told you so’...” Chase put emphasis and tried imitating Marvin’s voice and the sheer silliness of the tone he used made you giggle, you sat there as he walked over toward the kitchen and now you were thinking…
...Did you really want to tell Chase in the first place…? It would probably break his heart if he knew you had to leave and couldn’t ever return, all because he spotted you… You bit your lip, whatever choice you were going to make, you had to make NOW before any further interruptions or anything more… It was now or never, you thought back to what Marvin had previously told you… And while Chase was in the kitchen you used this time to your advantage to think of what your decision would be… As Chase had wandered back into the room, a box that was your size essentially, maybe just a BIT bigger in his hands as he sat back down in his chair “Ya wanna open this now?” You sighed and took a deep breath, it was now or never… And you were… Pretty confident with the choice you had made “...Chase… C-Can I… Talk with you…?” Chase seemed to pick up on your tone and he nodded “Oh! S...Sure thing…!” He seemed… Nervous already about this… “Y-you DID have somethin’ ya wanted to say earlier after all, but we, ya know… Kept gettin’ interrupted by shit…” You looked up to Chase and you had paused, staring directly into his… You took another deep breath “Sooo… U-Um… Th...There’s something I haven’t been telling you… I-I… Do you know th-the Borrower’s Rule…?” Chase shook his head “No? What is it?”
You bit your lip and looked down, not able to look him in the eyes as you continued “W-Well… Chase… W-When a giant spots a Borrower… U-Uhhh… We kinda… Sorta have too…” And you froze up, meanwhile Chase was just confused “Whaddya gotta do…?” And a long pause of silence before speaking again “...Have to leave…” And Chase’s eyes widened before he looked down “O-Oh… I-I see…” He spoke, albeit you could tell he was trying to mask the sadness behind his tone, you spoke up again “And I’ve made my decision… I’ve been thinking about it all day…” Chase nodded “I… (Y/N), I get it if you want to-” And Chase trailed off as he looked back up at you and you were… Smiling…? He was about to question this before you quickly spoke up “I’ve decided I’m going to be staying here, with you… The rule can eat s h i t… I WANT to stay here with you Chase ...That is… If you’ll have me…” And that made Chase smile and suddenly pick you up after setting the box down “O-Of course… (Y/N)... I’d love to have ya… I promise, I’ll try my best to keep ya safe… H-Heh… You did scare the shit outta me though I won’t lie, I figured you’d wanna leave w-which don’t get me wrong! I’d respect your decision but- just... Ah... C’mere you...” He chuckled as did you, he then brought you close to his face and you hugged well… As best you could, you were mostly hugging at his nose really, but nonetheless…
“You’re just… Such a nice guy, especially nice for a giant… And I… Honestly, you’ve grown on me, at first I was scared of you but now… I feel genuinely safe with you, I feel safe in your hands…” and Chase smiled brightly at that “I’m honestly glad I can make ya feel that safe lil dude! You’ve grown on me as well to be honest…” And then you looked at the box Chase set down “So uh, what DID Marvin leave exactly…?” Chase almost forgot about the box! He looked toward it and sat you back down “Here… I think you should open it, er… If ya can…” You nodded, you walked toward the box and began lifting up the lid, given that it was only a SLIGHTLY bit larger than you, you could manage! Eventually you pried the lid open and off and jumped up to peer inside the box and you gasped along with Chase, okay… You couldn’t move what was inside so you allowed Chase to carefully scoop it out of the box and place it down on the desk… It was a bed! With your favorite colored bed sheets even! It was the PERFECT size for you, Marvin must have handmade it himself actually… “He… He really DID know I’d be staying here…” You were fascinated by that Magician, even though you knew he’d never reveal his secrets, it was… Interesting… You walked over and hopped into the bed, snuggling into the sheets, this bed was EXTRA comfy and you smiled, this was… So much nicer than what you would usually sleep on.
Chase chuckled at this “Ya know… It is pretty late… Maybe we should get some sleep… We can uh, do whatever ya want tomorrow” You nodded and yawned, getting comfortable in the bed and Chase picked it up and carried it over to the dresser by his bed, he placed the bed down as carefully as he could manage and then he kicked off his shoes and took his hat off and placed it to the side on the dresser, he could reach the dresser from the spot he was in if need be luckily, he crept into bed and got comfortable “Goodnight (Y/N)... I promise… I’ll try and give ya a good life here and protect ya from any… Any harm… ...Love ya lil dude...” You smiled at his words, you trusted that “...Thank you… So much Chase… Goodnight… ...Love you too...” And with that the two of you fell asleep, Chase actually winded up sleeping near the foot of his bed so he could put his hand gently over your bed to give you extra warmth and protection, it wasn’t uncomfortable apparently since he fell asleep quite fast and you did as well, this would be nice… This would be a good and fresh new start, sure, your kind had always talked ill of giants but this one? ...This one was different, and you couldn’t be anymore happier than where you were right now, you were more than happy with him, you felt safe and protected and that was all you wanted.
Meanwhile… Marvin was watching the two of you from his crystal ball, he then watched as you two fell asleep and he grinned to himself, a pleased expression gracing his features as he put the crystal ball away “...I knew you would choose to stay with him…” And then, his grin faded into an actual smile “...I’m glad Chase has someone who can keep him company now… ...Thank you, (Y/N)...”
(That’s pretty much it, that’s a bonus at the end right there, this was fun to write tbh, fluffy times with a giant Chase, now you’ve got him as a protector, a literal zombie, and a magician who’ll hex a n y o n e who tries to bring ya harm, what a wonderful bunch to meet n spend time with, its so rare I write fluff anymore, usually im the angst cryptid but eh fluffy times are upon me… So, yeah, have this fun story with a bigem Chase)
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adhdeancas · 3 years
Sunset Sound: God is Dead?
I might start updating twice a week because I am writing this story at BREAKNECK speed. this is my favorite chapter so far. enjoy! (special thanks to @friedchickenangelwings once again for sticking with me and my incessant rambling about this story at all hours during holidays)
Fic Summary:  Everything is the same up to the end of 15x20. Chuck has been “defeated,” but it was all a farce. When Jack absorbed Chuck, Chuck easily took over the 3 year old’s body and acted as if he were defeated. Chuck!Jack then had the Rusty Nail placed in the barn where Dean died, and with Cas gone, Dean didn’t fight it. Chuck did reimagine Heaven, but he’s fed the same lie to them all: that everything is perfect, they are free, they are in real paradise. Except it’s all an illusion insulated by blue skies and endless horizons. Because, just like the Good Place, people make Heaven into Hell for each other. And there’s nothing Chuck loves more than the natural order of tragedy. He “let it slip” to Bobby that he brought Cas back, when he really left him to rot in the Empty. Dean has to find his best friend before it’s too late, and he has to keep a happy face for everyone else, because Chuck is watching. Always watching. 
“You know?” Dean shakes his head. “What’s going on?” 
Charlie leans back against the bar. “Well, after Ash and I found each other-” they give a cute little nod of the head in sync, dorks, “through the frankly shitty wifi they’ve got up here, we got to talking.” 
“Yeah, we realized some shit just didn’t add up. Like angel radio.” Ash spins around and ducks into his backroom, coming back with a laptop that’s way more advanced than it was last time. Dean raises his eyebrows at it. “Yeah, man, it’s sick, right? Charlie upgraded my systems, it’s bitchin’.” he reaches past Dean’s shoulder to give Charlie a fist bump (enthusiastically returned) and Dean backs off. 
“Yeah, bitchin’,” Dean repeats with a grin. He’s too dumb for these people. But he sure is glad they’re on his side.  “Well, hey, show me whatcha got.” 
Ash nods and taps his temple. He mutters to himself and pulls the system toward him while Dean watches anxiously. Ash pauses and looks at him. “Dude. Gimme a second? This setup is a lil’ more complicated than your blackberry.”
Dean snorts and gives him space, followed by Charlie. “Dude. you’ve been dead too long. Blackberrys haven’t existed for like… ten years.”
Ash gives him a genial middle finger and Dean grins. Charlie sits up on the pool table and Dean leans against it next to her. “Listen, Charlie, I gotta. I gotta say sorry, again, for…” He clears his throat. 
“Dying?” Charlie asks lightly.
“Uh, yeah.” 
“Not your fault, Dean.” She shrugs, and she actually manages to look cheerful. Damn, Dean loves this chick. She puts her hand on his shoulder and shakes her head. “Seriously, Dean. Let it go! I have! Seriously, I got to spend a few years with my high school girlfriend watching Lord of the Rings - she was a cheerleader - and sneaking out to design some fucking world-altering programs with Ash! Being dead, for me, it’s kinda amazing.” She smiles at him. “Guessing you don’t feel the same though, huh?” 
Dean swallows. He doesn’t know how much he wants to say about that, but being dead… it definitely sucks. And not in the good way. “Guess it just feels like I got more to do. Now, at least.” Now that Cas is… and heaven is…
Charlie looks like she doesn’t know what to say. Luckily, they’re interrupted before she has to think of something.
“Eyo! Sorry, amigos,” he leans over backwards to look at them. “Found it.” 
Charlie jumps off the table and grabs Dean’s hand. After a few steps she shoves him with her shoulder until he bumps into Ash’s back. Dean bounces off his soft form and clears his throat. “Sorry,” he mutters, throwing a death glare back at his surrogate sister. She flashes him a smug grin before focusing back on the computer screen. 
Ash recovers from getting jostled in time to point. “Yeah, so, we got word on Angel FM that this Jack kid is goin’ real Jim Jones over here.” He holds a finger up at several paragraphs as he’s flipping through them. “Preachin’ all kinda love and peace and hippy commune shit, but if somebody even questions it, he snaps. Naomi no-likey,” He smirks up at Dean and points to a group of cuss-words even Dean barely uses. “Rough translation.” 
Dean shakes his head. “That doesn’t sound like Jack.” Jack, especially Jack-with-a-soul, almost never got mad. I mean, he’d spent quality time with Lucifer without blowing up. The kid is level-headed to a fault. “Anything else?”
Ash frowns at him. “Y’know, going through angels’ personal phone calls is a lotta work.” 
Dean rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you’re a genius. Got anything else?” 
“Ash, what about the human rumors?” 
Ash looks at Charlie and they have a silent battle of wills, but Dean’s too impatient to see who wins. “What human rumors?” 
They pause and come to an agreement. “Fighting. People fighting. Couples. Families. Friends. All over, since the reboot. People are happy, but… it’s like earth. People can talk - people can fight.” 
“And?” Dean raises his eyebrows. There’s something they’re not telling him, and he thinks he knows what.
Ash raises them right back. He’s not about to divulge. “Hombre, this ain’t earth. People are supposed to be happy. If they ain’t… like a glitch in the matrix, y’know?
Dean grunts. “Anything else weird on the radio? Anything at all.” 
Ash’s sigh sounds labored. He leans back in his chair and wobbles, obviously sorting through all the enochian bullshit he’s read over the past… whenever. “Meh… I got… I don’t know, God was singing?” 
“Singing? Singing what?” Dean leans in, intent. If it was Taylor Swift, Beyonce, maybe Lizzo… 
Ash cocks an eyebrow. “Folk shit. Indie music.” 
That’s what Dean was afraid of. “Shit.”
“Why? What does that mean?” Charlie grabs onto his arm. 
Dean’s worst fears, that’s what. “It means that ain’t my kid. It’s Chuck.” 
“Who the hell is that?” Ash stands up as Dean walks away, cursing every stupid atom that had decided to make this dumb universe. Although, he guesses, that was Chuck’s purview too. 
“He’s god! God before the reboot I mean, the dick who up and left and only came back to screw me and Sam over. Fuck, I thought we’d finally gotten out from under his thumb! Now, apparently, he’s just using my kid for his meat-suit.” Dean takes a deep breath. This is bad. Worse than bad-bad. 
“So… what do we do? How do we nuke God?” Charlie asks the question like it’s normal, just another Saturday afternoon. 
Dean thumps his forehead onto the nearest table. Sure, sure, good, great. They were back to square fucking one. “I don’t fucking know,” 
“Alright, break it down. We need more mojo, right? How do we get more mojo?” 
“Well, angels are the next best thing, right? Maybe if we get them all together, they’re obviously not psyched about folk-God, or whatever,”
Ash points at her like she’s a genius. “Alright, yeah!” 
“Guys, there aren’t enough angels left to even try.” Dean feels hopeless. There’s nothing to do. They are literally out of options. There’s no hope. 
“Well, where can we get some more angels, then?” 
Dean stands up. “I know a place.” His heart feels like it’s being squeezed like a lemon. It’s a crazy idea. It’s practically impossible. And probably suicide. And he’s gotta find a way. “We gotta break open the Empty.” 
“The Empty?” Ash looks skeptical. Dean smirks. 
“Yeah, angel/demon afterlife. We punch our way in there and we’ve got juice for days, man.” He spreads his arms out, asks the question. 
Ash glances at Charlie then back at Dean. He sniffs and nods. “I’m in.” 
Dean looks to Charlie, who scoffs. “Duh. Of course. So what, we get in and say pretty please help us kill your dad?” 
A warm feeling spreads through Dean’s chest. “Well, we’ll have a little help on the inside. Cas.”
“Castiel? The angel dude?” 
“He’s dead?” Charlie’s voice has much more concern than Ash’s. Dean nods in response to both questions. It still makes him feel like he’s swallowing glass to think about it. “What happened?” 
Dean looks down at his boots. It’s only the scene that keeps playing on repeat behind his eyelids. Cas crying, holding onto his shoulder, telling him… telling him goodbye. Telling him that. “He saved me.” he starts, expression guarded. “He made a deal.” 
Ash grunts and nods, ready to drop it. Charlie stays quiet too, but she clearly wants to say something. Dean’s thankful for the drop. He doesn’t know what he’d say if they asked more. All he knows is that he needs Cas back. And he needs to talk to him. He needs to tell him that - that he wants him to just stay fucking put, damn it. That he needs to stop dying on him. And that he can’t just go and say something like that and then leave. It’s a bitch-ass move. 
“Yo, Deano?” 
Dean jerks his head back up. “Yeah. Sorry.” 
“How do we jail-break ‘em?” 
“Guessing we’re gonna need some serious magic shit. And since we can’t get to Rowena…” 
Ash breaks into a wide grin. “Pamela? I’ll give her a call.” 
Pamela is “busy,” so they have to wait for her to finish up with Jesse before she can come by. Dean has to hand it to her, it’s just about the most Pamela thing in the world to put off their realms-saving work for a heavenly hookup. Dean hangs around talking for a bit, filling his friends in on the latest on Earth, but he can’t concentrate. Ever since they’d decided the next thing is to get into the Empty, he can’t relax. He takes his beer and goes outside to wait, settling down on the Roadhouse’s front step to watch for Pamela.
After a bit, Charlie plops down next to him, a soft grin on her lips. He returns it half-heartedly before looking out across the clearing. She leans her head against his shoulder. A few minutes pass in comfortable silence before she turns into him. “So we gotta get into the Empty.” she sighs. Dean nods glumly. Just his fucking luck. Even heaven is ruined. But at least… at least they’ve got a shot. “And get Castiel.” 
Dean frowns and pulls away to look at her. Maybe it’s just his paranoia, but he hears some deeper meaning in her voice. “The guy died for me. I gotta,” he presses his lips together, hating himself for the half-lie he’s telling. Cas deserves better. Charlie just nods and watches, like she’s waiting for him to keep going. When he manages to talk again, his voice cracks. “We gotta get him, Charlie.” 
Charlie pulls him into a side hug. “I always said he was dreamy, that angel.” She points out. Dean snorts. He remembers. He’d blushed like an idiot after she said that the first time. 
“Yeah.” He mutters. Okay, so she knows. That he and Cas are… that Dean’s… good. Cas deserves recognition. He deserves someone to talk about him. For Dean to talk about him. But then Charlie just hasn’t spoken, and he feels like he needs some explanation. “I… there were other guys, before him.” He continues, clearing his throat. His mind wanders to Benny and Lee, Crowley. “But he’s… he’s it.” 
He risks a look at Charlie and she is just staring at him with a fond smile. She surges forward and kisses his cheek, squealing. “Yes, I fucking knew it, you bisexual dumbass! Bi, right?” 
Dean laughs. “Yeah, I guess- wait, you knew?” 
Charlie looks around, like Dean’s a dumbass it was so obvious. “Well, yeah, dude. Game recognize game.” She motions between the two of them and he scoffs. That’s right. Gaydar. That would’ve been nice to have for the last, oh, 12 years? “We’ll get him back.” 
Dean pulls Charlie in for another hug and leaves her tucked under his arm until a motorcycle pulls up and Pamela gets off, shaking her hair loose like a blind slow-motion model in a porno. She grins at the pair on the steps like she can see them. “Take a picture, you two. It’ll last longer.”
“How did you-”
She throws a hand out in dismissal. “Please, I can feel ogling from a mile away.” She pauses, laughing at the embarrassed silence Charlie and Dean are sporting. “Nah, I’m just joking. I do the hair-shake for a reason. I deserve a good stare. Hell, it’s half the reason I own this motorcycle.” She throws her helmet in the general direction of the motorcycle and greets her friends. Dean can’t decide whose hug is more flirty, his or Charlie’s. 
“Alright, bitches. Let’s séance some shit.” 
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@dochunterwitch  @justonecitizenoftheearth @gnbrules @purpe @castiel-is-a-cat @alienapparatus
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