#the constellation for those wondering is Libra
shamedumpster · 7 months
28 or 32 for Javert?? 🥺
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That's a very fitting palette for him!
(Both you and @kittycattscathy asked for the same thing, so here you go!)
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plutosfallenangel · 1 year
Astro thoughts + takes | Random observations
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(*from personal experience + knowledge, please do not copy+paste as these are my own words*)
• Uranus aspecting one's moon can make them prone to mood swings, yes, but I never hear about how this aspect can make it easier to overcome tough emotions. Since Uranus represents innovation + breakthroughs an individual with a moon-uranus aspect can power through them quickly, and sometimes in very odd ways. Can have different coping mechanisms than most around them.. one that will really stand out apart from the rest. Now, keep in mind that this can be great in many ways.. zipping through emotional turmoil can be a breeze for these people, they just have to make sure to slow down once and a while and ACTUALLY process what they're feeling. Those with moon sextile uranus can actually work through tough emotions when they get outside of their comfort zone.
• Moon sqaure saturn can indicate emotional immaturity until the individual works on their relationship with authority / authority figures, amongst other things..
• Neptune square asc can give one the desire for escapism through substance, any harsh aspects neptune makes to the moon or venus can also indicate this (no hate.. I have this aspect)
• Virgo mars and planning when to have xxx (this is where they clash with fire/air mars signs.. they thrive off spontaneity which this mars lacks unless the chart indicates otherwise ofc)
• Mars in the 6H and being turned on not by a specific area of the body, but what sensations can be created by it (nervous system)
• Mars in libra vs being turned on by reciprocity
• An unevolved lilith in libra/7H can be the typical womanizer/maneater until they learn that there's power in standing on their own, not feeling complete only when in a relationship. some may use others to try and "heal" themselves too
• Virgos actually spend their past time connecting the dots
• One of the things that cancer and taurus placements share in common is that they'll be in a DEEP sleep, wake up, and randomly start making a 4-course meal (yum, can I sleep over?)
• The galactic center of the milky way is stationed in the constellation of sagittarius, which has up to 400 BILLION stars.... and you still wonder why they act like that?
° Saturn conjunct asc means everyone giving you responsibilities because you always look like you can handle them (even if you can't or the responsibilities have nothing to do with you) however, in return it does grant the individual with passing authority (I also have this.. even when I'm not the one "in charge" people come to me like I am)
• The house that Saturn is in can show you which area of life you'll feel most restricted in (ex: 3H- trapped within the local community or bound to siblings in some way. 10H- bound to work, restricted in some way to get away from it. 12H- trapped in your mind/subconscious)
• Sun in 8H individuals may gain more recognition after death / possible famous after death ( check for more fame indicators )
• Scorpio + 8H placements will put people through trials and tribulations because they want to see if they are worthy enough to see their innermost self and deepest desires. this is because these placements experience the most rebirth (and their own trials and tribulations... quite often), they want to make sure you love them down to their very core, so when they morphe into their next "self", you won't leave
• When the south node transits the 7H one will notice past-life partnerships coming back into their present life. Note that this may not always come in the form of a lover.. but if it does.. your working on releasing patterns of behavior with said person. Unfortunately, once the transit south node exists the 7H there may be a parting of ways. This could be completely flipped however, some may meet a past life partner that they end up working on these patterns together and stay together (depending on synastry). And then you even have some people who will experience repeating events and patterns from outside forces but don't actually align with a specific past partner. As of right now taurus risings are letting these lessons wrap up, if you are a Taurus rising comment below with your take on this! Scorpio risings are shedding an old identity.. I know this can appear to be typical Scorpio behavior but because this is affected by the nodes, it's a deeply submerged part of themselves they're FINALLY learning to let go of and release control. Let me know if this resonates- Scorpio risings! 🫶
• Whichever house the south node transits in your chart will be the area of life you will experience "letting go" of what no longer serves you (Ketu=deflation)
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theglamorousferal · 5 months
Cryptid of Smallville Chapter 3
Hey ya'll, this has been a long time coming.
First off, I want to thank everybody who liked and shared! I'm not great at talking to people but know that everything has made me so happy and warms my heart so much that I can barely put together words.
Secondly, I will be writing more, but I definitely won't be able to keep any sort of schedule. I already have a good part of the next chapter started and though it's definitely going to be a shorter one, it will still be good.
Finally, this beast of a chapter. I wrote the first 3/4 of this chapter about a week after I finished the first chapter and then began to second-guess myself about whether people would want an entire chapter dedicated to a lore dump. I fought with myself for literal months before I finally sat down and was like, "You won't be able to do the rest of it until you get this one done, it's important". Finally this morning I sat down and plugged out the last bit of the chapter and after looking everything over again I decided to just post it before I lost my nerve.
Please let me know any critiques you may have, I barely edited this. Thank you so much for the support!! <3 Here's the AO3 link
For as long as he can remember, Danny has always been fascinated by space. Something about the fact that each star out there being home to other planets and all the different things on those planets just tugs at his curiosity. To make it better, it’s infinite, so he can just keep learning about new places for as long as he’ll live. Which might be forever, but he’s trying to not think too hard about that right now. 
He wonders what the members of his Fright are up to right now. Jazz it probably trying to psycho-analyze Vlad who claims that his days of evil are over with and that he plans to just be the chill uncle to both the Fenton children. Tucker’s probably hacking into the GIW again just to mess with them. Sam’s probably planning a protest to try and get some of the anti-ecto acts repealed while Mom and Dad help with the research to back her up. Ellie is probably still hanging out with Pandora learning how to fight ancient style. Danny sighed, most of that sounded really fun, and he really wished that he could learn to fight alongside Ellie. He missed his totally-not-twin.
Right now, Danny is basically on vacation until his body is back to being 16. He basically can do whatever he wants, but he does have to go to school to keep up appearances. He’s allowed to use his powers whenever, but not where anybody can see. Which typically means he’s not allowed to go into low orbit to look at the stars because that’s just a bit far for the Kent parents' tastes.
They compromised with the roof.
So here he was, at the highest point of the Kent family home staring up at the night sky with little to no light pollution and not a cloud in the sky. The Milky Way was on full display as the stars all twinkled above. One thing he noticed pretty early on is that despite this not being his planet Earth and dimension, the constellations are the same. He tracked his way through all of the astrological signs, pausing a moment on Libra as he pictured himself as the balance with morbid humor, and then through the popular ones like Orion and the Big Dipper. He glances next to him a moment later when someone settles down on the roof with him.
“Hey Clark, what’s got you up?” Danny asked, turning back to face the sky. It’s been about five months since he started staying with the Kent’s and he’s forever grateful that they’ve been so kind and understanding with him.
“Not much, was finishing up studying for this new unit in science when I noticed you were up here. Heard you sighing, what’s got you worked up?” Clark sat with an arm braced on his knee and the other behind him staring up at the sky as well. 
“Just thinking about what my Fri- family is up to. I know time works differently here and it’s probably just been a couple days or maybe even hours for them, but I miss them a lot. They’re a crazy mess, but they’re my crazy mess, ya’know?” 
Clark glanced down at Danny, the kid looking a bit lost. He shifted so he was leaning back on both of his hands. “Actually no, I mean, it’s just been me and Ma and Pa out here before you came along. I don’t really have friends at school that I’m close with.” He paused for a moment, staring straight out across the fields. “Mind telling me about them?”
Danny whipped his head toward Clark, scanning his face. “Are you sure? You don’t have to listen to me ramble, I know I can go on and on, and I don’t want to bore you or anything.”  
Clark chuckled, “Nah, go right on ahead and tell me about your family and friends, it’d be nice to hear about the people who helped make you, well you.”
Danny paused looking at Clark’s face for a moment before he blew out a breath and turned away to look at the sky. 
“My parents are mad scientists,” Danny started. “Not in the ‘we’re building a thing to take over the world’ way, but in the ‘this sounds insane but it’s somehow real’ way. They’re the leading scientists in Ecto-biology and Ecto-engineering, also known as the study of ghostly behavior, biology and the properties of ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is both an energy source and the material that ghosts are made of. They make all kinds of things from weaponry to shield generators to tracking devices all based on ectoplasm. Their crowning achievement however was the portal.” Danny paused here, debating how much to say. “They built a portal to the afterlife in the basement of my childhood home, and it’s the reason I have ghost powers.” He decided to not get into the fact that he walked in and had a whole dimension pulled through him as the portal opened, no need to scare poor Clark. 
“Lab safety has always been a thing that was more like guidelines than actual rules in the house, so since growing up in that environment, it led to myself and my family getting contaminated with ectoplasm. I definitely have it worse off than my family members, but each of them has something that’s just a bit off about them. Like my dad lifting things he probably shouldn’t, my mom moving just a little too fast, and my sister does this thing where she’s looking at you and it feels like she’s looking at your soul and it takes her just a little too long to actually blink and then she’s psychoanalyzed you and knows all your secrets. It’s unsettling, but we just live with it. I had a bit of an accident so I got more contaminated which is why I can fly and do other ghostly things.”
“Must be great having people around who’ve studied ghosts and everything when you have ghost powers. If you have them, why were you left with us? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have you stay with your parents who can handle it if your powers get out of control?”
Danny winced at this, “It’s kinda complicated. So I have some responsibilities in my dimension that I kinda need to be bigger for. I have all my power, and who knows maybe going through puberty a second time will make them grow more, but for now it shouldn’t be much. I’m mostly here to get something of a ‘normal’ childhood and to wait it out until I’m my full size again. It’ll be weird because by that point I’ll technically be 26 but hey I’m not gonna have to go through all the ‘adult’ things I need to do, just need to lay low and do some fun kid stuff, maybe do better in school this time around, maybe I’ll be able to pass high school when I get back. Maybe I’ll work on learning some stuff that could be useful like karate, that could be fun, we could do it together! Since we’re both strong we wouldn’t have to hold back against each other!” Danny excitedly looked over at Clark. It was hard to see in the light of the full moon, but it almost seemed like the freckles on Danny’s face were glowing green in his excitement. Clark smiled at his excitement.
“Yeah that sounds like fun, we can ask Ma and Pa together tomorrow.” 
“Yeah! It’ll be great, maybe when I get back I can show off that I’m a black belt just like mom. I can show Ellie all my new moves while she shows me what she learned from Pandora.” Danny smiled to himself and yes, those were certainly glowing freckles. 
“Who’re Ellie and Pandora?” Danny stilled for a moment, the freckles dimming a bit. Should he tell Clark about the whole clone thing? Should he mention that he’s friends with what basically amounts to gods? 
“So Ellie’s like my younger sister/cousin, we are very close and everyone says we could be twins, she’s a bit of a free spirit and is traveling a lot of the time. Right now she’s spending some time with Lady Pandora. Does your dimension have the myth of Pandora’s box?” at Clark’s nod Danny continues. “That’s her, she keeps the horrors in a box that she keeps locked down pretty tightly in the GZ, there’s a whole labyrinth and everything. I did have to help her one time when someone got a hold of it, not a fun time, but hey it was one of the first positive experiences my parents ever had when dealing with ghosts so there is that. Pandora has become something of a doting awesome aunt who can and will teach you how to fight if given the opportunity.”
They lapsed into silence for a bit, Clark content to just sit there while Danny gathered his thoughts.
“Let’s see, I talked about my parents, Ellie, Pandora and a little bit about my sister. So Jazz is the most amazing and overbearing sister known to all kind. She has her heart in the right place, but Ancients if she puts me in soup-time one more time, I’m gonna figure out a way to do it to her and see if she likes it.”
“Excuse me, ‘soup time’?” Clark was baffled. “Actually a few things you’ve mentioned have me confused, what is the ‘GZ’ and why say ‘Ancients’ like it’s a curse word?” 
Danny looked sheepish at that. “Right yeah, I forgot, I’m just so used to talking to people who know. So the GZ is also known as the Ghost Zone, the Infinite Realms or the afterlife. Basically it’s a dimension connected to all other dimensions and houses the ecto-entities of the worlds. It’s where all the afterlives are connected together and there are also, like, gods or god-like beings, which are the Ancients I mentioned, there as well as monsters. Basically anything that gives off a whiff of ‘spooky’ is probably connected to the GZ in some way.”
“So your friends in the corn fields?” Clark trailed off giving a dubious look at the fields.
“Yeah, they’re technically ecto-entities. There are places that the veil between thins and sometimes things crossover. Like, I saw in one of the aerospace books that you also have the Bermuda Triangle as a thing, a lot of those incidents are from the veil thinning there and some natural portals opening up into the Infinite Realms. Sometimes they come back out, but it’s likely going to be a different time period than they first went in.”
“So, ‘soup time’?” Clark asked, getting Danny back on track. 
“Right! So, you know how I mentioned that my parents make some crazy things? Well some of those things are containment devices, but there’s one that works the best out of all of them, and that is the Fenton Thermos. Basically it’s bigger on the inside and can suck in and hold an ecto-entity until it is released, usually through the portal. It’s very cramped and not a great feeling and my sister is rather clumsy so when she first started helping me, she accidentally sucked me into the thermos six times. Six times! Like I get it, sometimes somebody’s aim can be a bit off, but she kept getting me and not the ghost that was attacking! She’s gotten better and can and will join us on patrol if need be, but she’s more like a backup and also our field medic. She’s going into psychology and stuff for school, but she also wants to be a certified emt, it really couldn’t hurt in our town and with what I do.” Danny paused here, seeming to think about the fact he wasn’t home patrolling his Haunt. “Hey Clark, would you mind going for a short fly around the property with me? I need to move a bit.”
“Yeah, sure we can do that.” Clark got up and waited for Danny before making his way down towards the ground. “So you mentioned patrol? What’s up with that? Also do you have any friends you hang out with?” 
Danny started flying in a set route and Clark followed along, curious. “So, you know how I have powers and whatnot, kind of obvious now that we’re actually flying.” Danny and Clark both snorted at this. “So not all things that come through the portal in my basement are good things. I fight whatever comes through and send it back where it came from. Most of the time it’s just animal ghosts that don’t know any better, but there are also ones that know full well what they’re doing and seem to just want to make my life worse. I mean, can’t Skulker lay off me for long enough for me to finish an essay? Honestly.” 
“So, you’re a hero, is what you’re telling me? A vigilante?”  Clark asked, and watched as Danny scanned the horizon for anything weird. Well, at least weird for Danny, which, on second thought, Clark decided he would just pay attention to the child-teen next to him. No need to see things not meant to be seen.
Danny glanced over at Clark, “Yes, though it took a while and some misunderstandings for the town to accept that I’m there to do good. There was an issue with mind control and then the mayor was possessed, it was a whole thing, I’ll go into it later. Anyway,” Danny turned down a path between fields. “So I talked about my parents, a bit about my sister and the basics of ghost stuff, how’s about I talk about my best friends in the whole world?” He smiled at this, a fond wistful thing. 
“So my best friends are Sam and Tucker, and Valerie is getting there. We had a bit of a rough time before she realized I was the ghost boy she wanted to fight. It was a whole thing, but we’ve figured it out. We’ve got a truce going and she’s starting to hang out with us more and trains with us when she can. She’s this badass hunter in a red power suit with a flying surfboard, it’s really awesome. I mean, it wasn’t when she was unknowingly working with my nemesis, but the suit is now tied into her own ecto-signature so he can’t take it back from her now.” 
“So I guess that brings me to my best friends in the whole world, they’ve been with me since before all of this and have stood by me and kept my secret before I told my parents. Tucker is the best hacker that I’ve ever met, and I know a ghost who literally can become electricity. He’s a self-proclaimed carnivore and will not eat veggies unless they’re with an almost equal portion of meat. He’s also the reincarnation of an ancient Pharaoh and will inherit a domain in the GZ when he passes on. He’s been helping out my parents with some of the tech they make and also keeps all our data safe. He also has been working with some people in the GZ to update our tech, specifically stuff for tracking and also medical stuff for ecto-entities. He may hate hospitals, but that doesn’t mean he won’t help when it’s needed.” He paused for a breath here before he basically sighed out, “And then there’s Sam.” His freckles started to glow again when he said her name. 
“Sam is awesome. She’s a vegan and a goth and can and will absolutely beat the afterlife into anyone who messes with any of us. She has some level of powers following an incident that had her possessed for several days, but mostly it’s stuff like enhanced strength and speed, nothing too alarming, and juuuust a touch outside of normal for an athletic human, but she also can take and recover from hits almost on my level. She can talk to plants and grow them very quickly and when needed during a fight she can sprout out vines from the ground to help take out enemies. She’s set to take control of a part of the GZ as well when she dies, just as a princess, but still. She’s really smart and knows all this stuff about mythology and the kinds of things that we end up fighting a lot before the rest of us realize what it is and she’s a great shot too.” Danny seemed more content now than when Clark first came out, and while Danny had been right to warn him about the rambling, he found he really liked it when Danny was talking about the people he loves and things he knows about. 
“So, what other things do you want to do before you go back? You already mentioned karate, did you want to learn anything else?” Clark asked. They started to make their way back to the house since they found nothing along the edges of the property. 
Danny thinks for a moment. Learning new other combat techniques wouldn’t be a bad idea, but he can always learn from masters in the Zone. On one hand, learning politics wouldn’t be a bad  idea, but he has a feeling that it’s probably different in the Zone than in the living world. On the other hand, he was told to treat this time like a vacation, meaning he can just enjoy himself and pursue his hobbies here. 
“Well, I haven’t really had the time to do my hobbies or major interests in the last couple of years, so I guess I could do that. I’m not sure where you are with video games, but I’m sure they’re nowhere near what I’m used to, but building model spaceships and maybe I can try out flight simulators at museums. I’d love to learn to pilot, but right now I have the body of a six year old, so that’s gonna have to wait until I’m bigger. I’ve been a bit interested in the mechanics of things too, my dad’s shown me how to solder computer parts together, so I wouldn’t mind learning about how electronics and engines work. I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut, so I’d have to learn some of that stuff anyway.”
“Oh, one of our neighbors has a small plane he uses for crop dusting and sometimes for fires or rescue things if the police or firefighters need his help. We can see if he’d be willing to take us up sometime! I think there’s an aerospace museum in Metropolis that has a flight simulator, but it’s pretty far away, we’d have to go in winter when we can leave the farm for a day, but I’m sure Ma an’ Pa would take us. I’m sure Pa would be happy to teach you about the engines of the truck and the tractor too, though he might not let you do anything except hand him things until you’re older. As far as video games go, I’m not sure what they’re like there, but we only really have an arcade with some fighting games that are pretty cool. I mean, the Mayor’s kid has a home gaming system, but they’re hard to get around here.” 
“Aw man, I’m gonna end up spending all my allowance at the arcade aren’t I?” Danny groaned as they made their way up the stairs of the house. Clark chuckled, swinging the door open. “But yeah, all that sounds awesome! I hope we can convince your parents to let us do all that stuff.” Danny yawned. “I think it’s time I actually head to bed though. Tiny baby body needs sleep.” Danny floated his way up the stairs, too tired to use his legs and not wanting to wake the Kent parents with the creaky stairs. “Hey, Clark?” Danny asked.
Clark turned back to Danny, about to head to his own room. “Yeah Danny?”
Danny smiled a small smile. “Thanks for listening to me, I think it helped with me being homesick. To, you know, talk about them all. I do wish I could see them and hang out with them all, but I’m glad that I’m here too. For the first time in a while I’m not responsible for anything, I can actually be a kid.”
Clark smiled back at Danny, “Of course, I’ll listen anytime.” He thought for a moment. “You mentioned before about responsibility, you mean the hero thing right?”
Danny nods at first, then tilts his head to the side for a moment. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, it’s not just that. I’m also to be the King of the GZ when I’m old enough.”
Clark’s face drained and he landed hard on his feet. Breathlessly he asked. “King of the GZ? You mean the dimension that connects all the dimensions? You’re going to be King of it all?” 
Danny just nods then sits criss-cross in the air. “Yeah, gimmie a sec, I can make the royal getup appear, you might want to shield your eyes, it’s a bit bright.” Danny called forth his newest transformation, the one that came to be when he agreed to become Crown Prince of the Realms. A bright white light similar to an aurora with static on the edges appeared at his middle and hoarfrost seemed to spiral outwards as the light passed over his body. Left in its wake is medieval looking armor. 
Chainmail that seemed to be made from frost under a breastplate of black metal with his logo etched in silver. A cloak that started as a slippery black faded on the edges to look like the galaxy itself was trailing after him. His bracers were a pale silver and the clothes beneath his armor were a black leather-like material. He had white leather boots that went up to his knees and had the same pale silver metal tipping the toes. Above his head an aurora circled and little flakes of snow would drop into his hair like falling stars. Danny himself changed also, he stayed a six-year-old, but his skin faded to a light blue, his freckles began to glow a bright green as they had earlier. His eyes changed and glowed with a similar green light, and his hair turned white as snow and seemed to float as if in water. His fingertips were a deep navy and clawed, his canines elongated and his ears became pointed. On his finger there appeared to be a ring made of onyx with a gem so bright a blue that it almost hurt to look at, though it didn’t seem to light up the place more than Danny himself.
The most startling thing to Clark however, was not his appearance. “Danny, why don’t you have a heartbeat?” he asked, projecting as much outward calm as he could muster while being twelve and internally freaking out.
Danny seemed confused for a bit before he seemed to realize something. “Oh, right, so right now I’m a ghost, and as a ghost I don’t have a heartbeat, you should be able to hear some sort of almost rhythmic buzzing though, that’s my core, it’s similar to a heart and brain for ghosts.” Clark listened closer and relaxed once he found the buzzing sound. It reminded him of the sounds of a plane engine in the distance.
 “I also completely forgot that I never showed you my ghost form, so one sec, this one’s a lot brighter, I definitely don’t advise looking at this one.” Clark decided to listen this time, as the last time hurt his eyes. 
In a flash of bright white light, Danny appeared once again differently than before. He kept the green eyes, snow-white hair and glowing freckles, but the rest of him looked more like his human form, albeit wearing a black and white full bodysuit. The suit itself was black with the stylized DP logo, white boots, white gloves and a white belt. Danny’s skin was a more healthy tan, though still a bit paler than his human form. 
“So this is my usual ghost form, I’ve been able to change into it since I got my powers and it’s why my parents didn’t know I was who I was at first. It led to a lot of miscommunication and getting grounded even though I was out saving the day. Things have gotten much better since they learned about me and then looked at their research and realized a lot of it was wrong. I’m really proud of them, they looked at all their biased papers they had written over the years and instead of doubling down or letting it ruin them, they instead found a renewed vigor and are learning all they can. They’re releasing paper after paper correcting all the assumptions they had made now that they aren’t blinded by their prejudices.” Danny had a soft smile on his face as his eyes and freckles glowed brighter thinking about his parents. He yawned again. “I think I’ve dropped enough info on you for tonight though, so I’m gonna head to bed. You should too.” Another bright flash and Danny was back to being human, feet firmly on the floor. 
“Yeah, I’ll do that. Sleep well Danny.” Clark appeared to have reached his limit for processing things as he put some dots together. As he lay awake in his bed he realized that Danny is going to be a king to literal gods.
And he thought his math final was stressful.
Part 1 Part 2
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sweet-star-cookie · 2 months
...just realized the ask i just sent you about the emoji ask game was from a year old post (sorry lolol) so here's the questions that went along with that:
🎨 - What colors or textures do you associate with the wip?
🥀 - Do any characters (even minor) die?
👀 - A piece of lore you’ve been waiting for an excuse to share
Aha, I see! I was wondering for a moment like "did I reblog an ask game and then forget?" xD But thanks for sending one in anyway! I don't usually get many but they're always fun :D On to the questions!
What colours or textures do you associate with the WIP?
I feel like it's cheating to say all of them haha, despite rainbow (Asteria) and the deliberate colour dualities being a prominent thing for Starglass Zodiac. Colour in general is very important to this series, particularly for the magic system, and all three of the complimentary colour pairs appear in some way:
Red & Green - Cassie and Ophiuchus, or Libra and Ophiuchus Blue & Orange - Solaris and Lunaris, and the Starglass for each Purple & Yellow - The duality between Light and Void magic, and Scorpio and Scutum I'd say the purple/yellow duality sticks out the most to me for the series overall, as it's the most prominently seen colour combo.
As for textures, I've never really thought about that before! I think maybe whatever texture there would be from the smoky/wispy appearance of the Unsigned spirits, it might feel a bit like air flow or water flow if you touched it.
Do any characters (even minor) die?
Unfortunately, yes. :') Considering this series mostly takes place in a spirit world, the concept of death and its duality with life is a prominent theme. How individual characters cope with it (or don't, in some cases) is of importance as well.
A piece of lore you’ve been waiting for an excuse to share
Hmm, I really had to think hard about this one! Of course there's a ton of lore that I could share that's heavy on the spoilers, but I want to keep at least some of it under wraps, haha! I guess I can talk a little bit about some lore I've made for the Star Fragments though.
Star Fragments, even prior to being made into full portraits by Aranea, have memories contained within them (not of their mortal lives but of their spirit lives, to clarify). As one might expect though, they're only fragments of the original constellation's memories until they are reunited with their other pieces.
Faint sounds or voices of these memories can sometimes be heard when close enough to a fragment (or several), and if touched, the memory will play in the mind of the person who touched it. When constructed into portraits, the full life of the spirit can be seen by walking into it.
It was quickly discovered, however, that only Ophiuchus could do this. Only he could hear the voices coming from the Star Fragments and see their memories, but only after he was given the Sun Starglass. This later increased the incentive to find the fragments in the first place, outside of general preservation of course. When Cassie finds out that she can do this as well, it is assumed that this is an ability shared by bearers of the Starglass, but the reason why is unknown.
Constellations of objects can still produce Star Fragments and are preserved in portraits in the same way, going through the same reincarnation process as the others as well. But unless those objects are actually sentient in some way when they were alive, their portraits do not have memories attached to them.
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julienelson · 11 months
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The wonderment and power of the cosmos  New Moon in Cancer
Let's get into it!
In the Southern Hemisphere we have New Moon In Cancer at 24 degrees, she arrives st 4.31am 18th July.
Cancer is the divine Mother, she is the sacred femme essence - she is nurturing and compassionate. This is a time to be aware of our emotions and our attunement to our intuition.
Ruled by the Moon our magickal Luna Goddess - Again we are experiencing the coming back into balance with ourselves and tapping into the mystery of our Sacred femme essence and being with this Cancerian energy.
The Moon also trining Neptune the planet of imagination and dreaming and compassion. Plus she is sextiling Uranus! It is time to break free from the old and move forward into the new and your truth.
Chiron is also squaring the new Moon…reminding us that this is a healing journey into a new way of being.
We also have a powerful shift coming in with the Moon’s nodes - The Shifting Of The Tides Taurus North Node is stepping into Aries. This is a potent fiery, motivating energy that also holds the masculine energy of Mars. An energy that is all about the warrior within us ready to move forward with passion and strength and conviction
The South Node is moving from Scorpio into Libra, ruled by Venus. This energy is about tapping into love, beauty, abundance, prosperity and especially self-love. Bring harmony and balance within and without.
Transformational time
Pluto is opposing the New Moon and Squaring the Nodes….Life death rebirth, out with the old in with the new! Are you feeling this?
Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Kyron are working through us on a very deep level - They are gifting us the power of self healing, self growth so we can then step into our new way of being the Universal and Earth’s new way of being.
Dare to be different to break out of those old patriarchal systems, patterns and shackles to create the new way of being. What do you need to release? Seek the clarity, delve into you on a deeper level Be love and love yourself deeply
Nodes shift on the 19th July Southern Hemisphere - and sit in a Cardinal Grand cross with the Moon and Pluto up to the 23rd … I am feeling this deep in my soul…my heart is expanding as I share this.
Then we have Venus moving into Retrograde which I will share about tomorrow… In the meantime - Step outside Look up especially around dusk when the light is fading. You will witness the starlight of Venus so bright in the sky she is raw beauty shining her divine magnificence over us! To her right (appearing to be behind her) and slightly up you will see Mars and Regulus the royal star - the brightest object in the constellation of Leo More on this later!!! To work with the cosmic energies we have just tapped into ever so lightly allow me to share some essential oils that you can work with. For those of you with The Fragrant Oracle use it!
Pluto - life, death, rebirth - Cypress/Blue Cypress, Oud Releasing and letting go - Frankincense or Sandalwood
Moon in Cancer - Sacred Femme - Mother Essence - Jasmine, German Chamomile Aries Nth Node - Fiery passionate Warrior Woman - Change maker - Basil, Black Pepper, Cinnamon
Libra Sth Node - Venus - LOVE, SELF-love, abundance, Prosperity, Sacred Femme, new ideas, balance, harmony, justice - Rose, Geranium, Neroli
Neptune - Dream BIG, Imagination, compassion, intuition - Pink or Blue Lotus, Boronia, Lavender
Chiron - Healing - Boronia, Frankincense, Lemon Myrtle
Uranus - Revolutionist, Rebel, Forward thinking, New Way of Being, Freedom, Independance - Frankincense, Rose, Rosemary
Ritual - Choose some of the essential oils above or intuitively choose your own, creat an anointing oil/perfume.
Stand outside under the stars and Moon Anoint your wrists with your anointing perfume, gently rub together raise your wrists to your nose and deeply inhale feeling the magick move through every cell in your body, every part of your being...
Then speak a clear intention (written in your own words - for healing old wounds, releasing them, breaking old patterns, creating a new way of being with self-love and moving forward). Inhale your perfume again deeply and consciously... Look up to the stars with arms raised, palms up and allow yourself to receive their divine messages and healing... When you feel ready lower your arms, gives thanks to the cosmos, bow your head in gratitude and step inside to enjoy some journalling, sitting with yourself in peacefulness and stillness for a time....
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deerydear · 2 months
I wonder if the man Beyond Birthday would have an opinion on astrology. He is "Beyond Birthday", after all...
In vedic/sidereal astrology (based on the actual current positions of the constellations in the sky), L would have been born when the Sun was under Libra....
I feel so randomly vindicated. In my head, I used to say "L is for Libra".
"I am... justice!"
(Ofc, he still has two Scorpionic placements... but the Sun was not yet in Scorpio on his birthday.)
Tropical is based on the positions of the stars as they were, roughly 2,000 years ago. There is a small calculation that astrologers are supposed to make every year to make the calendar line up with the physical objects. For some reason, many astrologers in western countries decided to stop making that calculated adjustment. (imagine if we stopped having leap years.) So now the two systems are no longer aligned.
Oh, yeah... Light would have been born under the Aquarius Sun, (which makes more sense than Pisces.) He has that Saturnian, structured influence, even if it is "the new order". (Pisces has no order, except ☯.) Aquarius comes off as a very serious sign, to me... Symbolically, he is the man who bears water from heaven down the earth. A sort of Prometheus figure, to my sense.
I'm not sure of their birth times or locations, so I couldn't say for sure where the moon would have been... but I get a sense that L would be born under the Aquarian moon. Light would likely have been born under the Libra moon.
The topic of birthdays is funny. I was born on a Friday the 13th, in october. I used to wish I was born on Halloween. I knew that if I flipped the numerals, 13 would become 31. L is a Halloween baby.
Misa would be a Sagittarius, too... Wild-card, buck-wild. Hot-headed.
Mello is a Scorpio sun baby. I like that better, because he is so serious.
Near has a lot of hard-hitters in Leo, but with Mars in Virgo. I like that, because he is childish in some ways, he likes to mock Kira and L. He is proud, and yet meticulous and cautious in action. Mars is inconjunct Mercury and Jupiter. Those two are conjunct, with Jupiter blowing up Mercury's thought processes like a bunch of big hot air balloons.
Mello's birth is interesting. The stars were set such that Mercury was all the way across the sky from Jupiter, to the point the two are pulling on eachother. Both him and Light Yagami were born with Mars in Scorpio. "Only I can do it!"
Incredible drive, determination... focus under pressure.
I'm curious. What zodiac sign do you think B would have been born under?
Do you think this question is offensive?
I feel like he would be "beyond fate", in a certain sense...
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elonasblog · 9 months
Astrological jewelry and birthstones
Zodiac-inspired fashion jewelry" refers to jewelry pieces that draw inspiration from the astrological signs of the zodiac. These pieces often incorporate zodiac symbols, birthstones, and other elements associated with each sign. Here are some key points about Astrological jewelry and birthstones:
Zodiac Symbols: Many zodiac-inspired jewelry pieces feature the symbols or icons associated with each of the twelve zodiac signs. For example, the ram for Aries, the scales for Libra, or the fish for Pisces.
Birthstones: Each zodiac sign is associated with one or more specific gemstones, known as birthstones. These gemstones are frequently used in jewelry pieces related to astrology. For example, garnet for Capricorn, amethyst for Aquarius, and ruby for Cancer.
Constellations: Some zodiac jewelry incorporates the constellation patterns associated with each zodiac sign. These designs often feature tiny, sparkling stones arranged to resemble the stars in the night sky.
Customization: Many people choose zodiac-inspired jewelry as a way to personalize their style. They may select pieces that correspond to their own zodiac sign or those of loved ones, making them meaningful and sentimental accessories.
Astrological Compatibility: Couples often wear zodiac-inspired jewelry that represents the compatibility between their signs. This can be a romantic way to celebrate their astrological connection.
Celestial Motifs: In addition to zodiac symbols, jewelry may include celestial motifs like moons, stars, and planets to evoke a sense of cosmic wonder and mysticism.
Gifts: Zodiac-inspired jewelry is a popular choice for gifts, especially for birthdays or special occasions. Gifting someone a piece that aligns with their zodiac sign can be a thoughtful gesture.
Trends: The popularity of zodiac-inspired fashion jewelry tends to ebb and flow with fashion trends and astrological interests. Some years, specific zodiac signs may become particularly fashionable, influencing jewelry designs.
Astrology Enthusiasts: Individuals who have a strong interest in astrology often gravitate toward zodiac-inspired jewelry as a way to express their passion for the subject.
Versatility: Zodiac jewelry comes in various forms, including necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, and even anklets. This versatility allows people to incorporate astrological elements into their daily attire.
Whether worn as a personal statement, a fashion statement, or a symbol of astrological belief, zodiac-inspired fashion jewelry allows individuals to carry a piece of their astrological identity with them in a stylish and meaningful way.
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jadelynlace · 3 years
NSFW Prompts / Ink Drinker Modern Vikings AU Request [Ivar x F!Reader]
full series is here
request by: @quantumlocked310 
author’s note: you can find the complete NSFW prompt list here, and you can find the request by the love of my life, I mean @quantumlocked310 here. also, see if you can spot my new favorite HC for this series!
content warnings: we’re taking another trip (no, not in our favorite rocket ship), back to before these two dumb asses were out to everyone. even though, everyone basically knew it. this is mostly just sweet fluff, like you’ll need an insulin shot.
prompt: “to skinny dip with my muse”
synopsis: a weekend retreat proves to you how much Ivar is already devoted.
“Ivar went up to the lake house for the weekend, he said ‘for inspiration’ but I’m sure it to fuck,” Ubbe said. 
“Oh, I bet Y/N went up there too!” Hvitserk laughed. “I’ll have to text her, see what her excuse is.”
“I wonder how much longer they’re going to hide it from us, they’re practically a couple anyways.” Ubbe groaned, tossing the popcorn through the air to land on his tongue.
“Do you know how hard it is not to turn to her in the ambulance and just go “so how big is my little brother’s dick, Y/N’?” Hvitserk said. “I just want to see the look on her face before she kills me.”
“Probably the same as yours,” Ubbe started. “You two are fraternal twins after all.”
“Thanks, Ubbe, not a thought I wanted to think.” Hvitserk groaned.
The drive isn’t very long, low hum to the playlist in the mustang, your reflection in the glass as you tell Ivar about the week’s worth of calls, detail by ever loving disgusting detail. And not once does he stop you, not once does he grimace or groan, he tells you to keep going and he asks you questions about such as you blabber to him. The sun had just set as the gravel road takes to the tires, crunching as the engine slowed, rolling around the bend of the driveway and parking next to the cabin. You’re silent as you gaze at the view, pure water with the rays of diminishing sun and the breeze blows an immediate calmness through your whole body. 
Dotting the sky with a speckle of tiny lights, when night finally crept over, you two had taken to the blanket on the small patch of grass that lead to the dock. Cobble stone path in between you and the shore line as you rested your head across Ivar’s chest. Steady beating of his heart in your ears while his hands never stopped their small strokes over your shoulders, tracing your spine, but going no lower, no dirtier than he was known for. Almost as if he was trying to gauge your time together with something other than the tangles of sheets and the moans, and you gladly accepted this side of Ivar. The peaceful, relaxed side.
“Those three dots are—”
“The summer triangle,” Ivar answers. “And those, make up Sagittarius,” He adds, pulling you closer to him as the summer air laps at bare skin. 
“What about that one?” You ask, pointing your finger back at the sky. 
“That’s Libra—kinda like you,” Ivar answers through a breath of clouds as he chuckles before pulling your hand back down as he places a peck over you knuckles. 
“I’m not a Libra, actually, I’m a—”
“I meant the air sign part,” Ivar snorts. “You have strong intellect and a good mind,” He adds, taking his finger down the bridge of your nose. Your face wrinkles into a smile as your own eyes sparkle in the moon light, rivaling the great sky before you two. 
“I didn’t know you knew about constellations,” You whisper. 
“My mother used to bring me outside at night when I couldn’t sleep and she would show me the stars, and tell me the tales about each one. Sometimes I made myself stay awake just to hear her talk,” Ivar hums, turn of his lips against your forehead.
“You think I have a good mind?” You whisper, curling back up against him, inhaling the scent of his cologne from his neck line and he only hums as you nuzzle closer. “Not a dirty one?”
“I never said good can’t mean dirty,” Ivar laughs, bringing and arm out to his side to crack his elbow, popping it with a snap before curling it back around you. “Did you tell Hvitserk what you were doing this weekend?”
“No, I don’t always have to talk to him, goof ball. And he doesn’t always need to know what I’m doing, even if it’s you.” And Ivar only snorts.
“I didn’t just bring you out here for sex,”
“Oh, you’re going to kill me? Great, thank you.”
“I can’t spend time with you, without my dick being inside of you?” Ivar asks and there was a tone in his question that warranted a serious answer, like he was baring his soul and opening it before you in the night sky.
“You can, Ivar. I really like it actually,” You answer, pushing yourself up and pecking the corner of his mouth. His eyes are closed as you do so, and he fears if he opens them you’re not going to be there—it’ll all have been a dream and he’s asleep in his bed in his flat, cold and alone and sad. But they finally peel apart and catch the moon light, glimmering and lightening and you lean down to kiss his mouth, only to pull back up so you can look at him. “Your eyes are really blue…” You hum.
“I let my Dad know that you said that,” Ivar teases, cheeky smirk and you only giggle, lean back down to peck his mouth a final time but his hand stops you. Holding your head near his as his mouth takes on a war against yours, a low vibration through Ivar’s chest as he kisses you, and you can feel it from where your hand is stationed. You’re moved slowly, pushed back along the blanket and Ivar is over you, holding his weight on his forearms as his lips move with yours. It’s a slow dance they take to, a waltz that’s not hurried like most of his kisses have been. He’s savoring you now, enjoying the hours with just you and no worry for the moment you two might be caught by someone. And Ivar realizes this is what he likes more—most of all so far, between the two of you, the hidden times alone where he can enjoy you, savor you and worship you like the Goddess you are.
Your nails rake against his neck as he settles between your bent knees, nose squishing against yours and you moan as one of his hands takes on a journey down your curves. Supple touches and soft strokes from his fingerprints gracing you, touching you like a prized relic he wants to admire. Ivar’s mouth finally pulls back enough as he rests his forehead against yours, and when you open your eyes to peek up, his are still closed and there’s a soft smile on his swollen lips.
“Do you want to go swimming?” He asks suddenly.
“Yes, I love the thought of whatever is lurking in those waters having a chance to touch me.” You say back.
“I’ll hold you,” Ivar starts, moving away. “It’ll be fine trust me,” And he’s pulling you up to sit, peeling his own shirt off and then taking yours with you and you can’t help but laugh as he moves. Fingers unhooking your bra and his lips trace your shoulder blades as he works.
“Ivar—no—not fucking naked!” You squeak as he lifts you up.
“I can throw you in?”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” You hiss as he wraps you in his arms. “I will give you blue balls for the next six months,”
“Noted,” Ivar chuckles, bare feet slipping into the shore line and you shriek quietly as the water graces the backs of your thighs, chilling the heated skin and your arms are wrapped around Ivar for dear life.
“We’re not having sex in the lake,” You mumble against him and he nods, lets out a fake whine and you laugh as you feel his hands swarm your back. “And you’re going to cut your feet on the rocks,”
“Would you stop worrying for thirty seconds?” Ivar asks you, his hands dipping into the lake before he lets the water trickle down your back.
“My record is twenty, but I can try,” You answer, lips on his neck as the same wet hands start against the ends of your hair, easing you into the lake as you shiver against him slightly. “Feels nice,” You whisper and he hums as you take your own hand and drip water over his shoulder.
“Thanks for coming up with me,” Ivar says to you suddenly and you move your head away to look at him when he talks.
“Of course, Ivar,” You smile back and he can still see it, even in the darkness of the evening as you push your mouth against his gently. His hands skim your thighs, around the swell of your ass and take to your hips. You hum against him as his hands roam, sending butterflies through you. “We’re still not having sex in the lake,”
“I’ll be quick,” Ivar tries.
“As suppose to what?” You tease and Ivar scoffs. His noise makes you laugh and there’s water splashed in your face a second later; small waves you’re eager to give back before laughter rings between the two of you. “I’m only teasing, you know that I like it.” You giggle and you sag against him as he relaxes beneath the water. 
“I like it too,” Is all Ivar replies as you two stay still, relishing in each others company as the lake moves around your bodies. You know Ivar’s caught feelings, it’s so evident in how he’s holding you, how he’s being around you, and you keep you mouth closed under tight lock and key, and simply enjoy the moment. Because you know that you’ve caught them too.
Ink Drinker Tags:
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk  @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang   @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @walkxthexmoon  @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @istorkyou @victoria-styles @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @ivarhoegh @a5hl3y5ibley  @hashimily @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing  @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @synnersaint
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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phoebosacerales · 3 years
Idk if you answer this kind of asks right now but I was just listening to Ariana Grande and out of the blue I wondered, what in her chart is indicating those huge amounts of fame?
I'm glad you ask, because I'm a huge fan and I know the answer. There are very obvious indicators, which are the crescent Moon conjunct Jupiter with the Lot of Fortune in the 10th house, the house of praxis (or career). The Moon generally represents popularity, or everything that's common and known. Like, in charts for countries or in mundane astrology, if you want to predict politics and elections etc, the Moon will be the planet representing the people.
Famous people tend to have the Sun or the Moon in the upper parts of the chart, but there's something special about the Moon that makes them not just famous, but well liked, because of course you can be famous and hated. The Sun gives visibility and authourity, but the Moon gives visibility and popularity.
Jupiter gives honors and magnanimity, privilege. He's not powerful like the Sun, the king, but he's like a really important clergyman in the kingdom. So, a conjunction is a blending of the significations of the planets involved, and Jupiter, who likes to exaggerate things, will exaggerate her visibility and popularity. Ariana released her first single when her ascendant progressed to the terms of Jupiter.
Firmicus Maternus emphasized the phases of the Moon when making his delineations, and here I emphasize the crescent Moon because that's a phase when she's more fiery and diurnal, which gives Jupiter more dignity and strength, since he's a diurnal planet.
Kurt Cobain had the crescent Moon with Jupiter in Cancer in the 11th house. The Moon in domicile and Jupiter exalted and in his house of joy. The man was WORSHIPPED.
Ariana's 10th house is Libra, and we'll see Venus in Taurus, the ruler of career domiciled and in the 5th house, the house she rejoices. On top of that, she has a night chart. Venus also rejoices in the night. Venus is her most benefic planet, although Moon-Jupiter is giving all that fame, Venus is giving talent. The 5th is the house most related to creativity and there's strength in her Venus because of the angularity given by it's proximity to the IC, so she's even more powerful. Ariana is very productive and makes excellent albums within really short breaks.
Venus also makes an exact trine to the ascendant, which is on one of the fixed stars of the constellation Lyra. The lyre was an invention of Mercury and given to Orpheus, who became an insanely gifted musician in myth. Ariana's story kinda relates to the myth in a sad way. Orpheus is described as a melancholic musician, especially after the loss of his wife Eurydice. It's a very rich and interesting story.
"...and one may see among the stars the lyre, its arms spread apart in heaven with which in time gone by Orpheus charmed all that his music reached, making his way even to the ghosts of the dead and causing the decrees of hell to yield to his song. Wherefore it has honour in heaven and power to match its origin: then it drew in its train forests and rocks; now it leads the stars after it and makes off with the vast orb of the revolving sky."
Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 1, p.30.
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vivivox · 3 years
JUNO in hard aspect to personal planets (especially Sun, Moon and Venus)
... and generally prominent in the Chart or Synastry (conjunct IC/MC, AC/DC etc)
I have the Juno/ Moon inconjunct and for the longest time I’ve wondered what that actually means (as it’s harder to get by interpretations for Juno aspects as well as for the quincunx aspect in general).
Asteroid Juno is the archetype of the faithful, loyal and devoted wife. Commitment over everything! She is, in a way, the opposite of Lilith as Lilith is the independent, fierce and non-compromising woman who will never bow to any man, or anyone, for that matter.
Asteroids Lilith energy (in my eyes) can be seen as a mix of the dark, deep and uncompromising aspects of Scorpio combined with the ultra-independent, free willed and sometimes radical nature of Aquarius. She’s a rebel and a trouble maker and at the same time she’s a liberator and the defender of free will, individuality, equality and the self. Of course there’s a fair bit of Aries thrown in there as well as Lilith is all about instinct, our basic needs and a me-first attitude.
Juno, on the other hand, is a mix of Libra and Taurus with some Cancer. She thrives for balance, harmony and stability. She’s the ever forgiving wife, trying to hold the marriage together for the sake of the union and commitment. She can endure a lot and she’s always looking for union, always looking for reconciliation. She doesn’t count tit for tat. She will welcome you with open arms and look for ways to make things work, for the sake of it. She compromises and puts the relationship first and she can be very family-oriented although the focus is on the „foundation“ of the family unit, being the relationship.
As with every planet and asteroid in Astrology, both qualities (that of Lilith and of Juno are needed), at least in form of their positive, mature and purest expression.
Also, everyone will be different when it comes to expressing those energies and experiencing them in their lives which can be seen within their Charts. Transits and Synastry contacts can bring further insights and bring those themes to life so transformative experiences can happen.
Anyways, back to topic.
Juno in positive aspect (trine, sextile, and in this case conjunction) to the personal planets (especially the relationship planets Sun, Moon and Venus) will give someone an attitude of harmonizing relationships, avoiding unnecessary conflict and being faithful, true and committed to the people in their lives. They will be devoted in a healthy way and carry the virtues mentioned above in a way that brings people together. Very beneficial. This can show in relationships, friendships, work relationships and within familial ties. You can look at the individual Chart for further insights.
The conjunction will probably be a little more gullible than the trine and sextile and more prone to the more „negative“ associations of Juno (being naive or too lenient).
What about the harsh aspects (square, opposition, quincunx) then?
From my experience (Moon quincunx Juno), those constellations will make someone compliant and devoted to a fault. It’s the kind of wife who will let her husband cheat on her but forgive him everytime. It’s the kind of man who will let his girlfriend mistreat him and never step up. In a way, it could be seen as missing Lilith energy (the fighter spirit, ready to defend the self against all odds).
None of this is said in a way to be judged. Who are we to say someone should not forgive their partner for cheating etc? It’s all about what feels good, justifiable and desirable for the person who experiences something. Having Uranus prominent in my Chart, I am all for „each their own“ and I am an advocate that everyone is entitled to their own truth.
However, as with most adverse aspects, the energies may not always feel good to the native themselves.
For me (Moon/Juno quincunx) it’s about giving up my emotions (Moon) for the sake of harmony within the relationship (Juno), even if I don’t know if that is actually necessary. It’s very much encouraged by my prominent Neptune and I don’t do this consciously, and it’s something I am working on. It can get to a point where I only start to feel my emotions again when I’m by myself. This happens in relationships and close friendships, too. Doesn’t help that the Moon is the ruler of my 7th House (close relationships) and hidden away in the 8th (suppression) in the sign of Virgo (service to others).
When finding out more about your personal Juno aspects it can be helpful to see how your parents behaved in terms of Juno qualities. My Moon (mother) in quincunx to Juno shows that it’s something I learned from / saw in my mother, and I relate to that. Juno is def something that we „learn“ / see from our own parents relationship and their behavior within and attitudes towards committed relationships.
As with everything in Astrology I do not believe in „bad“ aspects and I do believe there is something to learn from every aspect we have - something our Soul chose to try to learn, otherwise we wouldn’t have this aspect.
So called adverse aspects make us learn through adversity rather than though flow situations. We learn from „good“ and “bad“ aspects - and learning from bad aspects can have ever so powerful results and they let us progress in ways that a beneficial aspect (one we have probably already mastered in other life times) can’t, because we have already mastered that and are now more on the side of reaping its benefits. Working though your difficult aspects brings you closer to Wholeness, just like beneficial aspects help you doing this by providing you with resources to master them.
Anyways, what are your Juno aspects (and Lilith, for that matter) and how do you feel it’s played out on your life?
Do you feel that what I described holds true in your case?
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hunterartemisanime · 4 years
Kuroko no Basket Headcanon : GoM (+others) Horoscopes and Planetary Positions (Sun and Moon Sign)
Going full Oha-Asa over here, I really wanted to write something on it. As meticulous as Fujimaki-sensei is, he already noted what sun sign each and every character is born under. The internet is filled with Zodiac stereotypes and sets every signs into boxes: this character should be like this and all. But the surprising thing about Kuroko no Basket characters is none of them fall under their zodiac stereotypes. So I looked around and discovered that in Eastern Astrology, especially Vedic astrology each sign of the Zodiac is divided into 2 and a half star division, which makes two people of the same sign completely different persons. That makes 12 Zodiac Signs ruled by 27 different constellations! I was inspired by an Youtuber called “Claire Nakti” who sheds some brilliant light upon it. So here is my take on it. 
The calculations I did is based on the Cafe Astrology
I will also try to add different characters of the same zodiac signs to prove my point. So This may get a little longer. I understand there could be jargons and all, so I will be adding English names also so that you can read about them.
Disclaimer: I ain’t no astrologer, I just made an analogy to an anime where Horoscope is much discussed topic (by a certain Green haired character) so I thought why don’t I pull an Oha-Asa in my way?
Kuroko Tetsuya (31st January, Aquarius sun-Scorpio Moon, North Node and Jupiter Influenced)
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Kuroko has always been unique as a character in sports anime. His sun sign falls in Aquarius in Shatabhisa constellation or The Constellation of 100 healers (eng: γ Aquarii), and his moon falls in Scorpio, in Vishaka Constellation or The constellation of Tree branches (eng: α, β, γ and ι Librae ). His sun position makes him not hesitate to sacrifice his self-interests to stand by his principles. Indeed Kuroko is a moral person and calls out the wrong, even though his enemies are larger and scarier than he is. This moral nature is further heightened by Jupiter ruled moon sign: Vishaka people are clear speakers, unique thinkers and justice lovers. Kuroko may be soft spoken but he clearly depicts all of those qualities. 
Looks wise Nodal males have light, magnetic wide eyes. North node of the moon is the shadow of the moon, and Kuroko is the “phantom”, an illusion which is also under the domain of the North Node of the moon: as sun plays a forefront in astrology, his Sun ruled Aquarius north node perhaps makes him the way he is.  His name is “Tetsuya”, which was written in Katakana; if it were written in Kanji it means “Philosophical”. North node controls darkness and illusions, out-of-the-box ideas, Jupiter controls morality and higher truth: His name is “Kuroko” (child of the dark) “Tetsuya” (Philosophical)
Kise Ryota (June 18th, Gemini sun-Scorpio Moon, Jupiter and Mercury influenced)
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That is a really odd combination for Kise, because Jupiter characteristics are not at all frivolous and smiling all over the place like Kise. His Gemini sun falls in Punarvasu Constellation of the Constellation of “Return of the Good” ( eng: Castor and Pollux ), and His moon sign is in Scorpio in Jyestha Constellation, or the constellation “of the elder” (α, σ, and τ Scorpionis). Both of his constellations sit at the cusp of air (Gemini and Libra) and water signs (Cancer and Scorpio). This brings two things in line: Air sign gives him his mutability or ability to change, while water sign brings him closer to his emotions. He is not a “perfect copy” without any reason (Midorima agrees)
Looks wise, His mercury ruled moon sign is more dominant than his Jupiter rule Gemini constellation. Mercury men are very youthful looking, have narrow but bright eyes and are very much babied by the people around him: Mercury being the infant planet of the zodiac brings this quality. His moon sign also dictates his career as a model because Jyestha males are prone to go to the entertainment industry. Both Jupiter and Mercury are responsible for learning, knowledge. Kise is known to catch up with basketball in the shortest amount of time, and perhaps this is the reason. These people are also bad at hiding their emotions and are very honest in nature. Both him and Kuroko share Jupiter moon signs, perhaps that is why Kise is very attached to Kuroko.
MIdorima Shintarou (7th July, Cancer sun-Leo Moon, Saturn and South Node Influenced)
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We all knew that Midorin was a Cancer, but Leo moon, we did not see it coming. Midorima is a Cancer sun and falls under the Pusya Constellation or the Constellation of Nourisher (eng: γ, δ and θ Cancri ). People born under the constellation are well respected, stable-minded and moral (we all agree on that). The Leo moon falls under the Magha (the blessed) constellation (eng: Regulus). These people  are very hard-working, and whatever progress they makes is owing to this attitude of sincerity. Well, no one can disagree on that part also. 
Pusya males are saturn ruled and they come with extremely good looks. Saturn beauties have long-ish faces, narrow eyes and a serious look on their face which looks quite attractive especially on males. South Node  moon makes a man magnetically handsome and to some extend emotionally distant--he may have hard time figuring and expressing his or other’s emotions. South Nodes also gives people a weird way to speak: be it voice, dialect or accent, and in Midorima’s case it is suffixing everything with “Nanodayo”. Saturn born people are very spiritual as well, they believe in a higher power and often follow it unquestioningly: with Midorima’s case, it’s his Horoscopes. With the saturn influenced sun, he will be disciplined, orderly and somewhat submissive in his nature: figures when he gets scolded or bullied by his seniors (and Takao) he takes it quietly. Guess Midorima knew Oha-Asa wasn’t hoax when he self diagnosed himself.
Aomine Daiki (August 31st, Virgo sun- Leo Moon, Sun and South Node influenced)
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I had a hunch that Daiki is Sun influenced the moment I started doing this thing. He is a Virgo sun that falls into a Sun ruled constellation called Uttar Phalguni (The Younger Red One) (eng: Denebola), which is called the best Constellation for leadership and masculinity; Sun attends Youth in this constellation and therefore these people are leaders, egotistic and often harsh speakers. He is a Leo Moon which falls on the Magha or The Constellation of the Blessed (Eng: Regulus). His sun sign sits between the cusp of Leo and Virgo and this brings the fieriness in him. Stereotypical Virgos are portrayed as Nerdy and Neat people, but Virgo behaves like Leo when sun is sitting in Denebola Constellation and it amplifies Virgo’s ambitious nature and Leo’s Ego.
Sun influenced men are very masculine in looking and particularly the constellation under which Daiki is born makes the men hypersexual and lovers of all things erotic. Sun men are also the people who attract a lot of Nodal natives, moon born natives in their lives. Kuroko, who is North Node influenced, was once Aomine’s “shadow”-- a Sun influenced person who was Kuroko’s light. However, here comes his south node moon in play. South Node men are quiet emotionally distant, even from his own friends and loved once: they frequently hurt people with their words and have trouble expressing their feelings. Daiki also has the South Node speech type: he tends to drag the words “in--dayo” whenever he speaks, especially if he is annoyed. They speak often forcefully which may come off as rude, which also contributes to their loneliness. They are the “lone wolves” and people cannot stand them often: Sounds like Aomine? because he is like that. 
Murasakibara Atsushi (October 9th Libra sun-Capricorn moon, North Node and Sun influenced)
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Anyone with Libra sun hear me out: Sun is said to be at his Weakest in Libra, and that means out Purple Giant has an unfortunate sun position. His Sun Sign falls in Swati Constellation or the Constellation of “Goodness” (Eng: Arcturus), and his moon falls in Uttar Ashada or the Constellation of the Undefeated (Eng: Zeta Sagitarrii) which is a Sun ruled constellation that sits at the Cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Thus Murasakibara is not a stereotypical Libra, he has some grounding qualities in him. Libras are most compatible with Gemini, Aries and Aquarius but Murasakibara’s best friend is Himuro Tatsuya who is a Scorpio. This must be because the Capricorn enters in his chart as his House of Moon, which has medium compatibility with Scorpio.
Any Nodal person mentioned in this post, especially if they are North Node are exceptionally tall in heights and it is said that Nodes, like trees in the deep equatorial forest, grow tall to get the Sun, which makes them so execptionally tall. Murasakibara is very large compared to a Japanese. Although his sun is weakened in the sign of Libra, which snatches all the honour, glory and leadership positions, he strengthens it back in his Capricorn moon which is a Sun ruled Constellation. Although the Constellation is mainly on Sagittarius’ side, but when it enters Capricorn’s side it loses it’s philosophical edge of the Sagittarius house and gets more practical because Capricorn is an earth sign. This moon position gives him those Sun ruled narrow and sharp eyes, deep voice, imposing alpha qualities. People who have sun in Swati tend to be my-pace kind of people: they have their own ways to do things, they hate being criticized and they have fierce angers. 
Akashi Seijuro (December 20th, Sagittarius Sun- Aries Moon, Sun and Venus Influenced)
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Boy! Here comes one big ball of Ego! I always wondered (when I first saw Akashi) wow, he acts like a Greek God who just got pissed off by a mortal, and turns out he was just born on certain influence. He is a Sagittarius Sun that falls on the Uttar Ashada Constellation or the Constellation of the Undefeated (eng: Zeta Sagittarii), and His Aries Moon falls on Varani constellation or The Constellation of the Bearer (Eng: 35 Arietis). Uttar Ashada is the last sun ruled constellation of the Zodiacs and Varani is the First Venus ruled constellation. As a fire sign he should be getting along with other fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, (even airs signs like Gemini and Libra) but he is closest with Midorima, who is a Cancer Sign, and Kuroko who is an Aquarius. All of them have one thing in common: Jupiter. Sagittarius is Jupiter’s domain, Cancer is Jupiter’s favorite house to be, and Kuroko has Scorpio moon in Vishakha Constellation, which is ruled by Jupiter.
Sun ruled males are hands down the alpha males around as i have written before, but dear Akashi’s constellation has an added twist. As Sagittarius is Jupiter Ruled (the eldest of the Zodiac) where Akashi’s sun sign sits, it gives him a sense of older-than-his age dignity. Thus people around him, older or younger, stronger or weaker obey him without contest. People with these placements may be blessed with the Supreme Leadership image, but it also gives them an overly authoritative and egotistic father figures (with which Akashi has had torments). His moon sign which is Venus influenced makes him very unconventionally attractive and in touch with his feminine sides, females or feminine gay men are likely to be attracted to him for this. But all of this politeness are outside features: inside, he is harsh and broken. Venus men are very particular about what women they desire in life, and Sun men are rapid womanizers. However Akashi’s Constellation has no opposite gender consort available in the 27 constellations (26 others are assigned with 13 pairs of male and female animals). So he will have high standards in women, not likely to have steady partners because of this--he may (god forbid) also die a virgin.  
(Fun Fact: the symbol of Varani Constellation is a Vagina)
Kagami Taiga (August 2nd, Leo sun- Leo Moon, Double South Node Influenced)
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Kagami may have Leo sun and Leo moon and we may think--oh, he is full of sun power, but it is not hat simple. He is doubly influenced with South Nodes. South Nodes are responsible for morbidity, detachment, emotional alienation, aloofness etc, but none of them is really seen in Kagami. He shares Leo moon sign with Takao and Midorima, Aomine and on the same constellation: Magha, the constellation of the Blessed (eng: Regulus). At the beginning he seems to be very aggressive and his speeches rub people in the wrong way which is a typical South Node influence that come with his Sun and Moon sign. But later we see that he has a huge gap between appearance and reality. 
Magha people usually come from wealth, but due to Kagami’s sun sign falls in a nodal constellation he faces detachment from his father figure. Nodal people usually have wide and doe like eyes, but as Kagami’s Sun and Moon sign sits on a Sun ruled House of Leo, his South nodes mimic the looks of a typical Sun dominant man: narrow eyes, alpha male qualities, deep voice and great leadership skills. Their speech tends to be loud, forceful and may seem harsh and rude, but it’s far from it. It is to be noted. Kagami’s voice also have the typical South node eccentricity, he ends his speeches with “desu” in polite conversations, even when it is not necessary. South Node is the headless tail of dragon and when sun comes to it, it takes the sun as it’s missing head and magnifies the qualities of the Sun. Kagami is so beautifully written that he is not a typical rugged charmed beauty: there is more to him in the bottom than we can see. South nodes enables a person to reach the higher truth, if they are placed in a good sign--remember how Kagami opened the Direct drive Zone? it was really like discovering the unconscious mind.
Takao Kazunari (November 21st, Scorpio Sun-Leo Moon: Mercury and South Node influenced)
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Charming, playful, good looking, Takao Kazunari is Scorpio Sun and a Leo Moon. Surprised? I was too--our Takao influenced by Leo? but that’s what he is completely opposite inside and out. He Mercury influenced Jyestha Constellation Sun or the Constellation of the Eldest (Eng: Alpha Scorpionis) and South Node influenced Magha Constellation or The Blessed Constellation moon (Eng: Regulus). The Mercury influenced Sun sign makes him swift and outspoken in nature; these people can be so quick thinkers that it makes them almost unpredictable.
 South Node influenced men have light eyes, great looks and magnetic personality, while the Mercury influence gives them youthfulness, lightheartedness and great intelligence. they may have forceful speech or a weird accent: Takao adds a “-ssho” at the end of his sentence, despite he laughs at Midorima’s “Nanodayo suffix”. They don’t take life or themselves too seriously but can hold grudge for a long time. South Node men are prone to be ‘draining’ emotionally, but that aspect of Takao is not revealed. He and Midorima shares the same moon sign, The Leo Magha Moon, which makes them so different and so uncanny to be friends together. HIs Moon constellation, Magha makes him sort of selfless and detached at the same time. I always wondered why Takao wheels Midorima around and doesn’t get mad? because he is generous in a very selfless way.
Hyuuga Junpei (May 16th, Taurus Sun- Taurus Moon: Mars and Sun influenced)
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Hyuuga is Taurus sun and Taurus moon respectively. Hyuuga’s sun fall in Mrigshira Constellation or Deer Head Constellation (Eng: Lambda Orionis), which is the third Taurus constellation and it sits between Taurus and Gemini. His moon falls in Krittika constellation or Axe Constellation (Eng: Eta Tauri or Pleiades) which sits between Aries and Taurus. Sun influenced males depict a lot of alpha male qualities that attract both males and females (remember Reo Mibuchi) But Mars males usually are short tempered and express their anger in a funny way. Hyuuga is acknowledged by all as a captain but he struggles with his temper and his position, several times, perhaps due to these position. Looks wise Sun influenced males are very attractive in their own way, they usually have large forehead, sharp and narrow eyes and husky voice.
Sterotypically Taurus people cannot stand any other signs than specific earth and water signs, but this combination brings a taurian very well in terms with fire and air signs, especially with Leos, Geminis and Aquariuses. Aquarius people become very special in these types of taurians because they keep coming into Taurus’ throughout their lives: even though they are completely opposites. Hyuuga’s romantic interest is Riko, an aquarius. Taurus and Gemini are said to be in bad terms, but due to this combination of constellations, Hyuuga is in good terms with Kiyoshi. His Moon sign that falls in Krittika Constellation is symbolised by Axe (and any kind of blades in general) so, these natives are usually good with jobs that requires cutting: Hyuuga cuts hair nicely, don’t you think? Cutting also means cutting remarks--his Tsukkomis bite
Kiyoshi Teppei (June 10th, Gemini sun-Aries Moon: North and South Node influenced)
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No wonder Kiyoshi is the way he is. I always thought he is not a typical Gemini, there is a hidden aspect to him. South and North nodes of the moon are nodal planets and they love being around Sun influenced people (Hyuuga). Kiyoshi is an Aries Moon that falls on Aswini or Horse Head Constellation (eng: Beta Arietis), and he is a Gemini Sun that falls on the Ardra or Wet Wind Constellation (Eng: Betelgeuse) If You want a stable, cool-headed, life of the party, salt of the earth kind of person, go for Kiyoshi or the combination of his Sun and Moon placement.
The males born with the Moon in Ashwini Nakshatra will almost always have a handsome face, and bright and big eyes (South Node, trying to absorb light through big doe eyes). His forehead will be broad and his nose will tend to be on the bigger side. He will be grateful to those who love him and will go to any extents to do anything for them. He is the best friend you can have when you need one desperately. Ardra people have the special power to persevere, communicate and be gentle and soft spoken at the same time. The natives are soft, stable, strong, sacrifice a lot to earn, and may be prone to sickness--the last can connote with Kiyoshi’s knee injury. North Node people tend to be ambitious in nature and they will to any lengths to fulfill it, Nodal people tend to have wide and often doe like eyes, dry but sophisticated sense of humour and they love to be around Sun influenced people. That is why, despite being completely opposites, Kiyoshi and Hyuuga are in good terms. 
Riko Aida (February 5th, Aquarius sun and Leo Moon: Venus and North Node influenced)
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Riko is Aquarius sun and Leo moon. NO wonder she exercises great leadership skills. Her Aquarius sun falls in Satavisha constellation or the constellation of 100 physicians and her Leo Moon falls in Purva Phalguni constellation or the Elder Red constellation. The North Node ruled sun constellation gives her harsh, strict, healing and truthful nature while the Venus ruled Moon constellation gives her charming outlook: she is soft on the outside, hard on the inside kind of girl. She used to have relationship with Kiyoshi at the beginning, and I wondered why, and then I discovered: Kiyoshi’s moon’ s constellation Ashwini is symbolised with a Male Horse and Riko’s Sun’s constellation Shatabhisha is symbolised with a Female Horse. The stars truly came together with these two.
The Purvaphalguni women are instructive and very good teachers and mentors: Riko is a coach and is very good at her job. Because her moon sign in ruled by Venus, she attracts a Taurian Hyuuga, whose Zodiac Sign Taurus is general is ruled by Venus. Nodal women have wide set and usually lighter eyes (according to the race) and Venus gives them an overall charming beauty (because Venus is the Goddess of Beauty). But along with it comes vanity as well: venus is extremely proud of her looks and will not stand any other’s presence who is more good looking than her. Perhaps that’s why she is quite jealous of Momoi.
Tags: @sidd-hit-my-butt-ham​ @yanderebakugo @kurokonbscenarios​ @kurokonobasket​ @kurokonoboisket​ @art-zites​ @idinaxye @sp-chernobyl​ @strawbe3ryshortcake​ @reservethemoon​ @rilnen​ @a-shy-potato​ @thirsthourdemon​ @animebxxch @edagawasatoru​ @akawaiishi-blog​ @reinyrei​ @chloe-noir​ @theswahn @ahobaka-trash​ @jeilliane​
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awoken-lights · 3 years
Kit invites Core to go camping! Its a nice and safe spot, with a clear view of the stars and Kit brings a blanket so they can even cuddle. He nuzzles into their shoulder, his eyes closing as he gives soft rumbles before looking back upm "I know I brought you out here to stargaze but I know like....nothing about stars. So if you have any knowledge i'd be glad to hear it." He chuckles softly.
Coreopsis was practically bouncing with excitement at the invitation to go camping with Kit. Any chance they got to spend with the Warlock was time well spent that that they cherished, and the bonus of getting some fresh air and the sight of the stars were quite nice. As they laid down together on the blanket to cuddle, a soft Solar warmth emanated from Core to keep them both from getting chilled, just in case the breeze became stronger.
The feeling of Kit nuzzling against their shoulder made them smile, their eyes crinkling while their slipped their prosthetic into his hand and tangled their fingers together to give a gentle squeeze. They found his soft rumbles to be really quite cute, and were very content to simply stay like that. Of course, hearing him speak up was always welcome too.
Looking slightly down to meet his gaze, Core joined in his laughter with quiet giggles of their own. “Well, sometimes it’s n-nice to just appreciate their beauty,” they said through their smile, though a tiny hint of teasing was in their voice before they continued, “But...I do k-know a little bit about them. Mostly just the old Golden Age c-constellations, Libra, Taurus, the Big Dipper, and the like.” At they turned their gaze to the stars, Core idly wondered how much of their night sky and the constellations had changed between the Golden Age and the City Age. Trying to find the constellations, Core lifted their hands to point out and trace the constellation for Virgo. “There’s Virgo, one of the zodiacs. And over there,” they moved their hand a bit to the left to trace another constellation, “I don’t k-know if it’s an official one to be honest, but I’ve a-always that set of stars the dancing pig.”
A soft blush dusted their cheeks at the confession, which only urged them to explain a bit more, “When I was first t-traveling with Snowdrop, I didn’t k-know anything about the stars, or much about a-anything really. I just had...fragments of my past life, and I remembered describing t-those stars to someone as a dancing pig so...that’s what t-they’ve always been to me.”
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rzeqvrtz · 3 years
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&&. cauldron above, ( saria young ) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( she ) is affiliated with ( the winter court ). ( she ) is a(n) ( 70 / appears 21 ) year old ( lesser fae ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( freya mavor ). ( she ) has been said to be ( friendly & earnest ) but also quite ( shy & clumsy ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( tatiana valentina’s handmaiden ).
                                               ~*{ run, doe eyes }*~
full name: saria elizabeth young
born: september 27th | libra
aesthetics: oversized sweaters, new spring buds, freckles that look like constellations, the smell of old books, barefeet, hidden glances, longing looks, red cheeks, pastel pink, fresh baked goods, nervous giggles, sleeping in until noon, clean laundry, gardenia flowers, hummingbird kisses
basic physical stats: 5’4 | gold-blonde hair | blue eyes |
distinctive features: freckles | full breasted | curly hair
notable connections: arielle deerling, hazar korkmaz, the spring court, the valentina family, the winter court
It is not often that the Lesser Fae of Astralis are anything other than what their name entails; lesser than the other great fae species on the magical continent, living their lives peacefully together and one with nature. But, from time to time, fate throws the normal out into the wind. A twist of fate is what began the lonely life of Saria Young, starting with her mother and father.
Both of Saria’s parents were lesser fae, but it was her mother who belonged to a family who existed slightly higher than the rest. Lesser fae lived together in sprawling towns and villages across the Courts of Astralis, and her mother’s family was no different, yet her grandfather had managed to make a name for himself within their commune only several miles away from Deerling Castle and the Avalon City. A cutthroat man with little regard for the struggles of others, he quite literally fell into a fortune when he happened upon a dragon’s cave lair some three hundred years ago while out exploring Cloverwood Forrest, though he did not slay the dragon himself. Rather, the dragon appeared to have passed on to the next life because of old age. Her grandfather took all the gold and jewels he could carry and brought it back to the small home he shared with his wife. With their new found wealth, Saria’s grandfather and grandmother quickly invested in trade and commerce, and over the next several decades, would become one of those few lesser fae who were able to climb the social ladder. Though her grandparents would never be close to the status of a lord or lady, they were still influential merchants all the same, and her grandfather would eventually become something of a local legend and leader of their small village.
After their wealth and life had become solidified, Saria’s mother was born — a picture of sunshine golden curls, freckled skin, and soft spoken brown eyes. As she was a daughter born into somewhat better circumstances than other lesser fae like her, Saria’s grandparents expected her to marry someone who was not lesser fae, instead setting their sights on the other, more renowned species of Astralis fae. But it is not uncommon for children to rebel against parents who try to plan their child’s life for them — and while it is from she who Saria gets her shyness and gentle charm, her mother could not help but rebel, though not intentionally. Once upon a time, a handsome lesser fae man with crystal blue eyes hailing from the Winter Court happened upon their village. 
Their love would not last. Rather, it was nothing but a game to the strange man — he seduced the young blonde over several weeks, and when they finally shared a night beneath the constellations together in the warm embrace of Spring, he was gone the next morning without a trace. Heart broken and ashamed that she had been tricked into giving herself to someone who did not love her, Saria’s mother finally agreed to do as her parents willed. But before she could be married, she soon discovered she was pregnant. Saria’s grandparents locked her away in the hopes that nobody would notice, that they could be rid of the bastard child born of lust, and eventually marry their daughter to the fae of their choosing.
Saria’s mother became ill during her pregnancy, and though the midwives thought they would lose the child, the mother was lost instead. Just as Saria took her first breath, her mother took her last. Her grandparents were heartbroken. Saria might have had an easy life, might have grown up with a loving family to call her own… Saria looked so much like her mother that her grandparents considered raising her as their own. But soon, Saria would open her eyes for the first time, and that imaginary life was shattered. Blue eyes, like her father — crystal blue eyes that ruined the illusion that Saria might be the daughter that they had lost.
Her grandfather ordered their servants to get rid of her — but her grandmother knew what that might entail, and behind her husband’s back and surly the opposite of what he wanted, and in her guilt she paid the servant to find a place where Saria might grow up happy. That is how Saria Young arrived in Avalon City, left in a swaddle of fabric outside the entrance to the kitchens of Deerling Castle, and where she would grow from child into young woman.
Saria’s childhood was not an easy one — though her fellow servants in Deerling Castle were kind, it could not be helped that Saria was an outsider. The other servants her age thought her strange because of her shyness, and she had never been good at making friends — her voice would shake whenever she tried, and try as she might to run and play with the servant’s children her own age, she was too small to keep up and too meek to participate in their banter. Many had a hand in raising her, but none of them ever truly considered her family — there were many nights where Saria tucked herself into bed, and many more where she fell asleep wondering about the family who had left her behind.
Once she was old enough, Saria became a kitchen wench in the kitchens. Though she was not at all a fine cook, she found solace in baking every sweet under the Spring sun. In the kitchens, she could hide herself away and clean the pots and pans, and use the ovens once everybody had fallen asleep. It was in these years that Saria would grow from an awkward teenager — a phase that seemed to last well past her 50th birthday — into a beautiful young woman. Over time, Saria had managed to make true friends within the castle… including a handsome knight whom made her cheeks warm and her heart flutter. Finally, the cook — one of many who had helped raised her, and the closest thing she had to a father figure despite that their relationship consisted mostly of his chastising — decided Saria’s skills would be better used elsewhere. 
This was how Saria became a chambermaid to none other than Princess Arielle Deerling — a ray of sunshine who Saria was several decades older than. Saria had always had something of a softspot for the young princess — it was Saria who knew her favorite sweets for desert despite not yet having met her — because she knew what it was like to grow up without a mother. Saria did her best to make the princess as comfortable as possible, quickly learning how to fluff her overstuffed pillows and arrange her luxurious duvet just so. As Arielle quickly grew into a beautiful young nymph right before Saria’s very eyes, they became close friends — and though her elder brothers Ares and Apollo made Saria extremely nervous with their womanizing ways, nothing made Saria happier than watching the Deerling siblings interact and laugh with one another. For a decade, Saria remained in Arielle’s service, and it was no surprise that the two were fast friends. During this ten or so years as a chambermaid, Saria was happier than she’d ever been in the kitchens, despite that she would still sneak away in the night and return in the morning covered in flour. 
Saria was perfectly content to spend the rest of her life as a servant to the princess, but even though she had no complaints about her life, Saria could not help but wonder about her own family and what might have been. Who was her mother? Did she look like her? Was her father a brave knight like the one she watched so closely with a racing heart? These questions simmered and simmered in her golden-curled head, until she finally gained the courage to ask the cook what he might know of her past. The cook was not able to tell her much, instead directing her to the woman who had found her outside the castle; the one who had taken her from her grandparent’s servant. Knowing Saria would come asking one day, she told her what little information she could. Her mother had died giving birth to her, and her father was nowhere to be found… but she had kept up with rumors over the years, and was able to find out that he was a lesser fae of the Winter Court. With this new information, Saria could not help that her curiosity grew until it was a tremendous force that would not leave her mind. 
It was no surprise that Princess Arielle could tell something was bothering her friend. Saria would eventually tell her of her thoughts of her father — supposedly living and the only true family she had in the world. Excitable as always, Arielle eagerly declared that it was Saria’s destiny to find him. During her service to Arielle, Saria had met the High Lord and Princess of the Winter Court, Viktor and Tatiana Valentina. Though she would be sad to see her go, Arielle encouraged her to travel to the Winter Court and work as a handmaid for the Winter princess. Mortified, Saria tried to turn down the idea. How could she work for Tataiana, when secretly she had been watching Viktor for years? They had only spoken briefly, of course — nothing like the conversations she had with her knight, though he had left Deerling Castle — but…
But Viktor Valentina was a dream, one that constantly visited her in the night as she slept. A man she always asked after in the softest voice possible, checking her reflection in polished silver each time she knew he would be visiting Spring. She loved her knight, though she did not know the complications of their relationship until much later, but Viktor? Viktor was always kind to her, with his dark eyes and curly dark hair… the man she wished would fall in love with her, just like in the stories of common girls and princes finding their hearts were one. 
Despite insisting she remain, it was not long before Arielle secured her new employment. Everything happened in such a whirlwind after that. One minute, Saria was basking in the glow of Spring, and the next, she was packing her meager belongings and arriving in Matovaya Zemlya with her delicate hummingbird wings tucked into warm furs. She has only been a citizen of the Winter Court for a short time — a handmaid, now, and working all the more closer with the man of her dreams — and doing all she can to find her father… but Saria has a secret that she is too embarrassed to reveal, and believes her goal might be unachievable. How can she find any written proof of her father’s whereabouts in Winter when she was never taught to read?
Though her time in Winter has not been long, Saria is determined to prove her worth to the Valentinas; specifically to Princess Tatiana. The Princess, closer to her age than Arielle, is certainly a handful, though Saria has always enjoyed her visits with Arielle. Saria has vowed to be the best she can be because of Arielle’s kindness, and hopes that she and Tatiana can become just as close; the friendship has already begun to blossom, and Saria — despite her initial reluctance — is thrilled to be a member of her household. Fate is a fickle thing, and somehow, a lesser fae commoner — a servant in every form — has managed to gain the trust of not one, but two giggly, excitable, and eternally kind princesses. Though she has left the Spring Court behind, little does she know, familiar faces run wild in her new frosted home...
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cecilspeaks · 4 years
169 - The Whittler
Let us go then, you and I When the evening is spread out Against the sky And pick up some Dell Taco for dinner. Welcome to Night Vale.
Beyond our town, past the Sand Wastes, in the Scrublands, sits the old general store. An oaken cabin style A-frame with boxed windows and a covered patio. On the porch there sits a swinging bench and upon that bench sits an elderly man, his face crumpled like a discarded letter, his eyes like tire tracks hidden beneath the shady brim of a straw cowboy hat. The old man holds a block of Elmwood the size of a potato in his right hand, and in his left, a carving jack. He whittles away at the knot of food, shaving off small corners, making detailed lines and indentations. The wood is all his world. And this world is quiet in his lap, on his bench, on his patio, before his general store amid the Scrublands past the Sand Wastes, which curl about Night Vale like the gentle but calloused hands of a father holding a newborn. As the old man whittles, he whistles sad songs with no words. But all those who hear the notes know they are bout loss. That they are about loneliness. But no one hears those notes. Not yet. No one sees the old whittler, nor his general store far out in an uninhabited stretch of desert. Not yet. If they did, they would wonder how an old general store, which was not there yesterday, was suddenly here today, a shop that by all accounts had weathered decades of abusive heat, wind, and isolation. They would hear his sad song, and the universal language of wistful sorrow would hide from them their understanding of time.
Let’s have a look now at sports. This Saturday night, the Night Vale High School Scorpions basketball team begins the district tournament. The Scorpions, having finished the season 18-2, earned the number 1 seat this year, but face some tough competition in their bracket. In the first round, they must battle another basketball team. This is logical, because most basketball tournaments feature other basketball teams. But the other basketball team is considered weaker than the Night Vale Scorpions, because a series of accumulated numbers indicates this is so. Should the Scorpions make it out of the first round and into the semi-finals, they would likely battle the number 4 seed, Nature. A tougher matchup to be sure, as Nature is unpredictable and ubiquitous. Nature’s style of play is best described as capricious and random, sometimes showcasing an array of flashy skills like sunny days, crystalline lakes, and otters. But Nature is a lockdown defensive force with effective momentum stoppers like lightning, quicksand, and poison ivy.
And in the finals, the favorites to compete for the title are Night Vale High School versus themselves, perhaps the toughest battle of them all, as each player must confront their harmful secrets, painful pasts, and darkest nightmares. Themselves are able to match the pace and power of Night Vale’s offensive and defensive sets, and we expect an excellent game. Good luck, Scorpions!  
Most days the Scrublands are absent of humans, unapproachable and hostile. Today is not most days, as a line of Night Vale citizens has formed outside of the general store to see the old whittler and his wood menagerie. Parents ask for photos of their children with his work, and he only whistles and nods nearly imperceptibly. It could almost be interpreted as a slight twitch of the neck, rather than an affirming nod, but interpretations grow liberal when want is high.
Fathers and mothers snap pictures on their phones of children accepting gifts of wood figurines from the old man. The kids stare into the thin black ellipses that pass for his eyes, searching for the charming smile of elderly approval. But instead, seeing every single constellation of the night sky inside slits as thin as thistles and as black as tar. The historic expansion of the universe cannot be fully understood in words or even human thought, but it can be comprehended in the eyes of the tanned, wrinkled stranger.
The old whittler does not charge a penny for any of his work. He does not smile nor accept the many thank-yous coaxed out of the young ones by their manner-minded handlers. Nor does he accept requests. Children have many mascots, heroes, and cartoons that they love to possess via keepsake totems, and they repeatedly ask the old man for whittled representations of their favorite things, like Pokemon characters or one of Pixar’s anthropomorphic cars, or even Ted Allen, host of Food Network’s long running cooking competition “Chopped”. But the old whittler only carves what he carves. And he carves tiny horses, little cowboys, old-timey wagons, armadillos, tigers, tractors, almost anything you can think of. He finishes his sculpture of a koala bear and hands it to Amber Akinyi, who looks at her husband Wilson Levy, who is holding their sobbing, screaming 16-month-old baby Flora. The couple smiles together, never knowing that this balsa koala is everything they could have ever wanted beyond a loving family. Wilson begins to cry at the simple beauty of this craft. Amber begins to cry at the feeling of being understood, and young Flora stops crying as she fawns over the 6-inch tall antipodean marsupial, cartoonishly gnawing on a eucalyptus leaf.
The whittler also carves people. Small human figures, yes, like firefighters and ballerinas and clowns, but also actual people. Harrison Kip told the old man he wished to be happier in his own skin, and the old whittler grabbed Harrison’s cheeks and brought Harrison’s round, soft face before his own crinkled countenance, and Harrison screamed. He screamed in fear of what the old man was about to do. He also screamed in joyous anticipation, and the two screams were discordant like adjacent keys pressed simultaneously on a church organ. The old whittler pressed his knife against Harrison’s chin and began to pull the blade back, using the force of his thumb and the trunk of his forefinger. He repeated throughout Harrison’s assenting and defiant shouts, and after a few moments, Harrison stopped yelling and stood. His jaw squarer, his nose thinner and longer, his shoulders broader. And Harrison smiled.
Soon, the whittler began carving houses, roads, and city buildings. They were larger than the koala, much larger, for they were full-sized renditions of these things. He sliced and sawed away at block after block of red oak, hackberry and peachwood, forming new arteries of city travel, whole blocks of residences, and even cultural landmarks and venues. And the town of Night Vale, in a single late morning, began to expand into the distant and uninhabitable Scrublands of our desert.
Let’s have a look now at horoscopes. Gemini. Bury yourself in your work today, Gemini. Pile that garbage high and rest your weary head beneath its odorous, but comforting weight. Cancer. No more Mr. Nice Guy, Cancer. Today you are Mrs. Disinterested Lady. Get out there and be uninvolved in everything. Leo. You’re the talk of the town, Leo. Word after word is about you, and it is juicy! Like a rare steak, like a blood orange. Juicy like 2008 coutoure. Whew! You should hear what they’re saying. Virgo. You are not what you seem to be, Virgo. You seem to be a blackberry shrub, overreaching and prickly. But really you are a human, squishy and small. Continue to be the thorny fruit-bearing bush, though. Libra. You seek balance, Libra, but you are as lopsided as wealth disparity graph in an economist’s classroom. Share your worth, distribute your value fairly and compassionately, Libra, for the villagers are sharpening their tools. Scorpio. Hey Steve, love you pal! 
Sagittarius. Your (-) [0:10:42] in relationships is going to be your downfall, Sagittarius. You’re an obsidian monolith, towering over everyone, absorbing all light, except the faint reflection of those who want to know what glows inside your stony façade. You don’t have to be a diamond, Sagittarius, or even quartz. Just try for salt lick, OK? I think you can achieve that. 
Capricorn. Oh the games you play, Capricorn, you wicked little sea goat! You naughty caprine ocean dweller with your horns and scales, vexing us with your riddles and labyrinthian logic! The stars offer no advice for you, Capricorn, only envious praise. Aquarius. Put your money where your mouth is, but wash that money first, Aquarius. It’s been in so many other people’s mouths, ever since we added Jolly Ranchers as legal currency. Pisces. You’re swimming upstream, Pisces. Figuratively speaking, of course. I mean you are a human who does not need to actually swim upstream for food or a mate. Get out of the metaphorical stream and avoid the damage you’re going to do to your body and soul. Except for you, Tim. You’re a woodchuck, who is literally swimming upstream. I don’t like you, Tim, because you are eating my tulips. You can drown. Aries. Fake it til you pretend to make it, Aries. Taurus. Don’t hide your feelings, Taurus! Frame them! Display them ostentatiously on the wall. Mount them on plinths behind velvet robed (-) [0:12:33]. Curate an exhibit of your feelings, Taurus. Charge admission.
And now the news. The Night Vale City Council deliberated today on whether the old whittler in front of the old general store in the Scrublands was friend or foe to our town. Those voices arguing in favor of the old man celebrated the huge municipal expansion he was creating so quickly onto undeveloped land. 
“This new infrastructure would have taken us dozens of years and millions of dollars to deploy, and he has accomplished it all in half day!” these voices said in unison. “Plus,” they added, “he whittled a little army man for my kid, a bracelet for my wife, and a sweater for our cat. It’s everything we ever wanted!”
The dissenting voices, and they were few, could only argue that he failed to acquire proper permits for any of this construction, let alone an outdoor vendor’s license which is mandatory even for giveaways. Excepting restaurant samples, marketing promotions, and military dispersion of chemtrails. The many-voiced, uni-bodied creature that is the City Council, huffed in nearly unanimous support for this old man. His sad whistling, his prolific whittling, and his beneficence to our city. “Did you see?” said there of the voices, “that inside the general store there’s everything you could ever need. Cans, boxes, shelves, counters! Walls. It’s amazing. Everything is craved from a single block of wood, and it’s all connected! No glue or bolts or rivets anywhere.” “He’s a deft hand,” concurred four other voices. “How does he even find single blocks of wood that huge?” wondered a solo voice aloud. “Whatever!” the entire City Council roared in unison. “That old man is a superb whittler!”
And now financial news. [hysterical laughter Ha ha hahahaha hahaha every-everything’s fine! It’s just dandy! Uh, thank you for asking.
And now back to our top story. Out in the Scrublands, an entire wooden suburb has grown from the withered hands and sharp knife of the old whittler, who has for the first time today, moved from the porch of his general store. He stands now upon a stage, a round platform on the center of a great amphitheater, which he personally carved deep into the cracked, red rock of the desert floor. The people of Night Vale gather and sit on wood plank rows, which curve in a semi-circle around the old man on the stage. Each person in attendance holds in their hands a whittled object given to them as they entered the audience space. The items are all different, esoteric, and unique, each item and unexpected gift of the whittler. Each item the very thing they have always wanted, even if it was never what they thought they wanted. They hold gently their presents, protecting them with their very lives. The whittler, with his straw hat still shading his keyhole eyes and riverbend mouth, stands before the people of Night Vale who sit in an arena of his own making, each cradling a beloved statuette of his own making. The old man reaches out and takes the hand of his bride. She, of course, is of his own making as well. She is craved of weeping cedar. Her veil, though entirely wood, is somehow translucent, and her sorrowful eyes are faintly visible behind the intricate work of the whittler’s blade. The old man whistles once again, and the crowd whistles along with him. They know the song now. It lives in them like longing, like blood. Like a soul. They know every word of the wordless (-) [0:16:51], and the notes of loneliness spread across the Scrublands to the mountains’ edge and echo back in the key of hope, with a lilt of contentment and satisfaction. They will only be happy when he is happy and he is, indeed, happy. As the whittler clutches the hand of his newly carved betrothed, the clouds part, revealing the happiest thing of all: The weather.
[“Embroidery Stars” by Carrie Elkin http://carrieelkin.com/]
Into the Scrublands I went, myself already as happy as I could ever be for I was with my own true love, my husband. I journeyed to see the whittler for myself, as an effort of journalism, a chronicler of interesting events. I wanted for nothing. My happiness cannot be improved. Or so I believed.
When I arrived, the whittler more than 100 feet a way, and through a mass of thousands, greeted me with a nod so unobtrusive, I believed it to be a trick of the eye. But from the distance, I could see the whole of the universe in those dark eyes under dark shadow, behind the final violet of sunset. I knew he meant me.
Carlos and I stepped to the podium, and the old man opened his palm to reveal an original carving just for me. I had hoped it was a Nintendo Switch, but it was a [sea plane] [0:23:05]. Carlos, like a child on Santa’s lap, cooed and asked the old man for a superconductive supercollider. And the old whittler, his burlap cheeks heavy with gravity and history, reached into the breast pocket of his (-) shirt and handed Carlos a tiny wooden rose. Carlos hugged his rose to his chest, and I my (sea plane). The whittler took the hand again off his bride and gazed upon her, her veiled eyes met by his boundless stare. They stood like that for more than an hour, not speaking. The only sounds were the cicadas chirping and the crowd whistling.
But the tune faded, and soon only the cicadas cut through the silence of a still desert twilight. And one of us, Larry Leroy, stood and walked on to the stage. He touched the old man’s shoulder. The old man did not turn. He did not speak. He collapsed into black ash. Then his bride, then the seats beneath us, it all gave way to crumbling nothing. Then the buildings and roads and even the general store turned into ash. Finally, every one of our object dissipated, like Eurydice almost free from Hades. A gentle cool breeze arrived to sweep our hope away.
We returned home, wordless, with occasional whistles of the whittler’s tune, once again in a sad and lonesome key. Our cherished gifts, we told ourselves, were nothing more than baubles, ephemera, however blessed or magical. They were mere things, not love, not family, not true love, they were objects, toys. Props. Distractions. They were everything we have ever wanted, because we could hold them, see them, touch them. We can no longer do that, but we can remember what it was like. The rough of the wood against the soft of our hand.
Stay tuned next for our new game show: “Name all the nouns!”
And as always, good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Give a man and a fish and he’ll wonder what your deal is. Teach a man to fish and he’ll ask you once again to please leave him alone.
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randomuser678 · 4 years
Constellation tales
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In New Horizons, if you show a Star Fragment of one of the Zoidac Signs to Celeste, you get a story of that constellation, so here are the tales of each the twelve zodiac signs.
"There are many tales and stories about Aries. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away... There were a pair of royal twins named Phrixus and Helle whose stepmother, the queen, hated them. When one of the queen's schemes put the twins' lives in peril, their mother prayed to Zeus for help. A flying sheep with golden fleece descended from the heavens and rescued the twins! Zeus commemorated the event by hanging the image of the sheep in the stars as the constellation, Aries. Did you notice how Zeus celebrates things Zeus did for Zeus's followers by hanging things in Zeus's sky?"
"There are many tales and stories about Taurus. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...An extraordinarily beautiful princess called Europa was picking flowers with her servants by the sea. She was approached by a lovely white bull that seemed very friendly, so Europa hopped on its back. As she did so, the bull suddenly took off, dashing across the ocean in a most unbull-like way. The bull, it turned out, was the god, Zeus, who had fallen for Europa...but he had trouble with boundaries. The constellation, Taurus, honors the great bull, and Europa herself has a whole continent named for her! But, continent names aside, I imagine Europa would have preferred it if Zeus simply asked her to tea." "There are many tales and stores about Gemini. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...The great god, Zeus, had twin sons named Castor and Pollux, who were both brave warriors. While the brothers were very close and alike, only Pollux had inherited Zeus´s immortality. When Castor eventually died, the grieving Pollux prayed to share his immortality with his brother. Zeus took pity and turned the twins into constellation, Gemini, so they would always be together. I suppose the lesson of this story is that, occasionally, even Zeus does something for someone else."
"There are many tales and stories about Cancer. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...There was a monster called the Hydra poisoning a spring that was a kingdom's main water supply. When the great hero Heracles heard about this, he set out to rid the land of the beast. Just as Heracles was about to land the finishing blow, the Hydra's friend, a crab, arrived to help it out. But the crab was no match for Heracles, who stepped on it and crushed it instantly. The brave crab, was immortalized in the stars as the constellation, Cancer. If only everyone was so lucky as to have a friend who come running when they're in a pinch!" "There are many tales and stories about Leo. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...There was a mighty lion with unbreakable skin that menaced the forest of Nemea. The great hero Heracles fought the beast and defeated it with nothing but his incredible strength! The goddess Hera placed the lion in the stars as the constellation, Leo, to honor its fight with the hero. I'm not usually the one to gossip, but I believe there may have been bad blood between Hera and Heracles!" "There are many tales and stories about Virgo. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...Persephone, daughter of Demeter was picking flowers when she was abducted by Hades, god of the dead. Demeter was the goddess of the harvest, and she was so upset that all crops stopped growing! Eventually, mother and child were reunited, but only for part of each year, which is why we have seasons. The constellation, Virgo, is depicted as a young woman holding wheat, in honor of this story. Between you and me, I think Demeter was suffering from what we call "empty-nest syndrome.""
"There are many tales and stories about Libra. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...The goddess of justice, Astrea, had a set of scales that could measure whether someone was good or bad. But she didn't have much use for them...until Pandora opened the box that brought evil into the world. I guess someone thought they were interesting enough to hang in the sky as the constellation, Libra, though. I do wonder why she had those scales already, though...Were the gods...up to something?" "There are many tales and stories about Scorpio. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...There was a very skilled hunter named Orion who boasted often of his abilities. Orion's arrogance angered the gods, who sent a poisonous scorpion to sting him to death. The goddess Artemis, who had always been fond of Orion, arranged for him to become a constellation. But he still feared scorpions, which is why his constellation and Scorpio are never seen together. Personally, I try to learn from this tale by being humble about my skills as an astronomer and DIY enthusiast."
"There are many tales and stories about Sagittarius. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...The half-man, half-horse creatures called centaurs were a rowdy, troublesome bunch....With the exception of Chiron, who was very wise as well as a gifted healer. But Chiron got mixed in a battle between Heracles and the centaurs, and was hit by a poisoned arrow. But the poison could not kill Chiron, because he was an immortal being with divine parents. The god Zeus saw his disconfort and took pity on him, raising him into the sky as a constellation. Immortality is one of those things that seem cool, but... it's probably not for everyone."
"There are many tales and stories about Capricorn. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...The gods were enjoying a fantastical banquet by a river when the terrible monster Typhon appeared! Unprepared as they were for a fight, the gods assumed various animal shapes and fled with all speed. But Pan, the goatish god of shepherds, jumped into the river, transforming as he did so. Perhaps because he was so shocked, he did not finish changing himself into a fish, only changed his tail. The chief god, Zeus, was highly amused at the sight of a goatfish, and hung the image in the stars. I feel sort of bad for Pan in that story, having a constellation based on this embarrassing incident...It would be like someone making a billboard of you while you were changing your clothes!"
"There are many tales and stories about Aquarius. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...The gods found themselves in need of a cupbearer to refresh their drinks as they lounged on Mount Olympus. Zeus, in the form of a great eagle, spotted an astonishingly hansome young man named Ganymede. He, er, convinced Ganymede to serve on Mount Olympus, though it meant he would never see his family again. To console Ganymede's parents, Zeus hung the cupbearer's image in the stars so they could see him. Before hearing this story, I had no idea there was so much drama in the lives of the extremely attractive!"
"There are many tales and stories about Pisces. This is my favorite: Long ago and far away...The gods were enjoying a fantastical banquet by a river when the terrible monster Typhon appeared! As the gods ran, Aphrodite tied herself to her son Eros with a rope so that they wouldn't be separated. They then turned into fish and fled, which is why Pisces is often depicted as two fish connected by a rope." (Also, note that I typed all of these, except for the Pisces, Aries and Taurus descriptions that were already on the wiki, and then I put the rest there. Pls give me validation)
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roger-reblogs · 4 years
Tagged by: @masterfuldoodler
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people.
Name: My real name is Ethan.
Nickname: Pretzel, Roger Dear, Ephan, Your Majesty—take your pick.
Gender: Male, He/him, Son of Adam.
Star Sign: I guess it's Libra, but like, I don't care.
Current Time: 10:04 PM, Sunday, 4/26/2020
Song stuck in my head: Nothing atm, but I had the "Nester Was A Donkey" song stuck in my head an hour or so ago... oh no, I think it's coming back...
Last movie I saw: The Desolation of Smaug dir. Peter Jackson (man, guys, wait until I watch a new movie to ask me this question XD)
Last thing I Googled: Autodidact, au·to·di·dact /ˌôdōˈdīdakt/ noun, a self-taught person. :)
Other Blogs: @pretzelsketch, my art blog, that's it.
Do I get asks: No not really, not unless I do an "ask me" thing.
Reasons for your url: story time—get comfy. Once upon a time, me and my family were celebrating the fourth of July, we were doing our own little fireworks at home because we live too far away to go to a real fireworks show and still get to bed at a reasonable time. Now this one year we had a trampoline, (it blew away like, the next month or smth, rip) so all the kids who could sit still sat on the trampoline for a nice view. While we were waiting for the show to start, we all laid down to look at the stars. And then for some strange reason I started calling my sister Martha Dear, but I said it in an exaggerated British accent, like "Mah-thuh Dee-uh", and then "Martha" pointed to a constellation and asked me what we should call it, and I said, "Roger, after me — Rog-uh Dee-uh". And then for the rest of the night we just called each other by these new names. And a legend was born.
This has been Story Time with Roger Dear, thanks for reading.
Following: 141 blogs, and if you're reading this, chances are you're one of them.
Average Sleep: I try to sleep every night, but ya know, what ever works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (7-8 hours idk)
Lucky Number: I am confused by all numbers.
Currently Wearing: Khaki cargo pants w/ a plaid button-up over a red t-shirt.
Dream Job: I think it might be fun to be a college professor actually,
Dream Trip: I wanna fly in a blimp. It'll be a big blimp, and the gondola will be like a camper van, with a bathroom and a bed and a table and everything. We'll fly over the ocean and the waves and feel the wind in our faces. We'll go everywhere and we'll see everything. We'll go to those places that look like they came right out of a fantasy book, and we'll pretend that we did too. Big cities with bright lights and small houses? We'll give them a visit. World wonders? We'll take all the classic pictures. Exotic animals? You bet. We'll go everywhere.
Favorite Food: I like things involving chicken.
Instruments: I don't play any instruments, but I can sing.
Favorite Song: I don't have one favorite song, but I've been enjoying mxmtoon's new songs, like "No Faker" and "Used To You".
Tags: Twenty people? I Don't know that many people. I'll just mention a couple. @cowboypagoda, @the-varmin, @scribbly-bear, @daylilydoodles, @hero-of-dork, @conquering-the-carnival, @meadow-roses, @granny-griffin @april-musings, @noomissama, @banana-with-a-bow-tie, and idk, I think a bunch of you guys have already been tagged...
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