#the star wars isekai fic
dapurinthos · 20 days
not watching the last episode of obi-wan kenobi at this time because i don't want to be laid out on the floor for the rest of the day.
so it's 'end of initiate trip to the senate time'
“Come and meet Senator Palpatine,” calls Master Gallia. No thanks. Not unless someone gets real cool real fast about me attempting to turn him into a ’saber-kabob. I make a strategic retreat behind the tallest and most cape-wearing of the nearby adults. I slide around Sifo-Dyas and squeeze up next to Dooku like I’m a burr catching onto a loose thread. I duck against his leg and pull his cape back into place, completely submerged in the darkness except for my feet. There’s probably a metaphor in that. Dooku twitches his cape back. I grab for it. “What are you doing?” “Senators have bad juju.” Sifo-Dyas hides a laugh in a cough. “Juju?” asks Dooku. I can see Sidious heading this way. Great. He’s probably going to say hello to his good friend Count Dooku. I tug at his cape again. No luck. “Baaaad juju,” I repeat, ducking around behind him to the side further away from Sidious and not made useless as a hiding spot. I peek one eye out. “The Senate is a wretched hive of scum and villainy filled with delusional Inner Core dwellers who think they can go on ignoring the exploitation of Rim-outward planets by the very same companies they were bribed into letting sit in the Senate. They get fat off their profits while not paying the taxes needed to fund the socialist programmes the Core Faction wants to establish in the outlying regions who are correct in saying that the Core Faction doesn’t understand what life is like further out.” Sifo-Dyas looks Dooku up and down. “Taking up ventriloquism at this stage in your life?”
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ladysparklefarts · 1 year
A Song Of Second Chances chapter 3
Summary: Lora gets to geek out and makes a few friends along the way. More caf and even more feels.
Warnings: Angst, talks of trauma, Lora being a bit too self-aware. If I missed anything please let me know. I'm bad at this.
A/N: I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this out there. Mental health issues, moving, and computer glitches are not nice things to deal with all at the same time.
I watched as Obi-wan made his way to another door not far from my own and smiled softly as that door slid open and his expression fell into that of exasperation. Anakin must not be resting the way he’s supposed to. I turned and entered my own room. Digging through my pockets I quickly found my phone and turned it on.
“No new notifications. Fancy that,” I muttered pulling up an app and tapping the screen. Music soon filled the silence and I set the phone on the side table before falling onto the bed. That little meltdown took a lot out of me. I shook my head against the thoughts that were now trying to invade my mind. The warmth of Obi-wan's arms, his unrecognizable yet somehow still familiar scent was plaguing me. I sat up and stared down at my feet. I shook my head.
“Yeah, not gonna happen,” I said shaking my head free from the starstruck crush that was creeping up on me. Moving my attention to my duffel bag, I snatched it up and started digging around throwing a few articles of clothing onto the bed next to me. I also pulled a pack of cleansing wipes from a side pocket and set it next to the clothes. Standing and stretching I removed my jacket and shirt, shuddering as the cool air hit my skin. Pulling one of the wipes from the pack I scrubbed lightly under my arms and around my neck. Discarding the wipe, I grabbed another and wiped the vestiges of my tears from my face. It wasn’t much but it refreshed me, and I felt a bit better. I grabbed the black sweater I had set on the bed and pulled it over my head. It was soft and flattered my figure, with muttonchop-style sleeves billowing around my upper arms. I smoothed the knit fabric over my front and pulled a dark olive-green tube top over it. Satisfied with how that looked I tugged a pair of dark brown leg warmers out of the bag and pulled them up over my black jeans, settling the tops just above my knees. I caught my reflection in a small mirror on the wall and grimaced.
“My hair is a mess,” I said bending to pull my brush from the confines of my bag. Making my way over to the mirror, I pulled my hair from the messy ponytail I had it in. I pulled the brush through my hair gently working out any knots I came across. It fell to the small of my back in dark soft waves and I turned my head back and forth trying to decide what to do with it. After deciding, I started to braid it as a knock at the door startled me.
“Come in,” I called. The door slid open and Obi-wan stepped in.
“Almost ready?” he asked. I nodded, finishing my braid and tossing it over my shoulder. Obi-wan paused and looked me up and down.
“Something wrong with what I’m wearing?” I stammered suddenly unsure about my decision on what to wear. He shook his head reassuring me with a gentle smile.
“It looks perfectly fine. I would even say the look suits you,” something flashed in his eyes as he spoke though what it was, I wasn’t sure. He had put up walls so I couldn’t read him as easily.
“Thank you, again. Before we continue our tour would you mind if we stopped at the refectory for a cup of coffee and maybe a snack? I think I need a pick-me-up after my little... episode,” I smiled sheepishly at him, and he chuckled.
“That actually sounds quite good, especially after fighting with that stubborn padawan of mine,” he responded with an exasperated groan that made me giggle.
“I’m gonna guess he wasn’t resting like he should have been? Probably working on some little gadget or droid,” I said rolling my eyes with amusement.
“Close, he was drafting upgrades for the speeder he’s been trying to save up for,” Obi-wan grumbled.
“Yeah, that definitely sounds like something he would do,” I nodded as I made my way through the door with him following closely behind.
“He’s quite the difficult boy, but he does have his moments. I just hope he doesn’t feel like you’re intruding,” Obi-wan mused, running his hand over his jaw. I snorted.
“I think it might actually be good for him,” I said, grasping my hands behind me. Obi-wan glanced over at me.
“How do you figure that?” he asked.
“Well at this point he sees you as an older brother, father-type figure. Something he never had when he was growing up on Tatooine. He did have his mother though, and from what I can gather they were very close before he left. A female figure he can look up to might be beneficial,” my explanation was simple and Obi-wan nodded slowly, processing what I had said.
“As it is he doesn’t have many close friends his age. The other padawans his age don’t really feel comfortable around him due to his status as ‘the chosen one’ and unfortunately, they tend to keep him at arm’s length because of it,” Obi-wan's eyes widened.
“I always knew he didn’t have many friends, but he never really spoke of it. He always changed the subject when I brought it up,” he said quietly.
“Yeah, he’s stubborn. He probably doesn’t want it to be seen as a weakness, what with the Jedi’s beliefs about attachment and possession. He’s probably been misinterpreting them. Hell, I know I did when I was younger,” I shook my head at the memory. Obi-wan tilted his head at me in curiosity.
“There are a few things I still disagree with but as I got older and dealt more and more with the traumatic scenarios in my life, I realized it was less about repressing emotion and more about learning that there is a time and place for certain emotions,” I sighed as certain memories bounced around in my head. I pushed them away.
“There was a time when my fear and anger were the only things keeping me alive, though I never let them show. I didn’t want to give that bastard the satisfaction,” I all but sneered as I spoke. Inhaling deeply, I pushed those thoughts to the surface and exhaled allowing them to dissipate like smoke.
“I almost want to ask what you are talking about, but I feel like it might not be the best idea at the current moment,” Obi-wan said, looking over at me with a slightly bewildered expression. I smile at him.
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll find out eventually. The nightmares I still have from time to time will probably make it unavoidable,” I returned my attention to where I was walking as we made our way to the refectory.
“Nightmares? Should I be worried?” he asked half joking. I turned to make eye contact.
“Probably. Despite being known as the most stable member of my family, I’m also known as the most unhinged,” I grinned at him. He nervously returned my grin.
“I’m impulsive, reckless, and in some cases worse than Anakin when it comes to stubbornness,” I continue. I figured I should lay it all out before him, that way he knew what he was getting himself into.
“I’m argumentative and if you tell me I can’t do something, depending on what it is, I’ll do it anyway, just to prove you wrong. It’s an old family tradition, in a way,” I smiled sadly remembering my parents. Obi-wan chuckled.
“I still have a lot of anger. I probably always will,” I said with a sigh.
“Your honesty is admirable. Not many Jedi are willing to admit that,” Obi-wan stated setting his hand on my shoulder. I leaned into the touch.
“Well, I’m not a Jedi yet,” I remind him as he removes his hand from my shoulder, tucking both hands into his sleeves.
“Maybe not, but it's still admirable. Now I think it's time for that cup of caf,” he nodded his head towards the doors of the refectory. I nod and quicken my pace, the same as he does. After we’d each secured our warm beverage, we continued our tour of the temple. The day passed quickly as Obi-wan showed me around, with him revealing bits of history and intrigue about each area. From the training halls to the briefing rooms and meditation chambers each room brought out a new round of excitement as I recognized some rooms from certain scenes from the saga I had grown up loving. We ended our tour at the archives.
“I could probably disappear in here for days on end,” I said quietly as we wove our way through the many shelves. Obi-wan chuckled.
“I did. So many times. Whether it was hiding from my master or just to cool my head,” he whispered. I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of my chest.
“I can see that. I will have one problem if I want to be able to read any of this though. I don’t know how to read Aurebesh. Not to say I can’t read, I can. It’s just hard to read something in a language you’re not familiar with,” I sighed indignantly. I wanted to start reading it all right away. Find out what kind of Jedi lore I was missing out on.
“Well, that will be one of the first things we work on then,” Obi-wan said with a smirk.
“So, when do we leave for Ilum? I know it’s a fair way away even with hyperspace travel,” I asked. He thought for a moment before responding.
“We’ll head out in the morning. Usually, younglings would go in groups on the Crucible but this is a special circumstance so we can just take another ship,” he remarked with a shrug.
“Will we have that ancient droid that teaches younglings how to build their sabers? Huyang, I think his name is?” a part of me hoped Obi-wan would say yes. The thought of pestering the droid, given his rumored origins, with unending questions brought my inner nerd infinite joy.
“Unfortunately, he won’t be able to join us. As it is, Master Yoda sent me a comm not too long ago informing me that he had a large kit prepared for you to use. With that, you should be able to find the materials you’ll need,” he explained.
“Cool! It’s kinda funny actually. There are a ton of people where I’m from that have always wondered and theorized what their lightsabers would have looked like, myself included. Knowing that I’m lucky enough to be able to actually find out what my saber will look like...” I paused, unable to find the words that would describe the feeling.
“Knowing that the childhood dream millions of others also had is being granted to me, it’s amazing, in a way that words can’t describe,” I looked up at him, my eyes wide and a small smile turning up the corners of my mouth. The laugh he responded with was warm.
“That would be a feeling a lot of padawans experience,” he said, smiling down at me with a look I could only describe as nostalgic.
“Tell me, Lora, what do you think your lightsaber should look like?” he asked sounding genuinely curious. I closed my eyes and raised my hand in front of me closing it around an imaginary hilt.
“It would need to be built for durability. The extra weight wouldn’t be an issue. Hand and a half for either single-hand or two-hand capabilities, with a small cross guard perhaps made of beskar or a similar material. Leather grip for comfort and a small pommel for potential melee usage,” when I finished and opened my eyes to look up at Obi-wan his expression was that of impressed surprise.
“That is perhaps the first time I have ever actually heard someone give a functional first description of what their lightsaber should look like,” his compliment made me preen a bit.
“I spent a few years getting free fencing lessons. I kinda miss the feel of a sword in my hand,” I stared down at my empty hand.
“It’s gonna be nice to spar again,” I said meeting his eyes again. He nodded in agreement.
“It will be nice to have another sparring partner for Anakin that I can give demonstrations with,” he admitted rubbing the back of his neck as he stared ahead thoughtfully. I turned and stared down the hall as we made our way back to the refectory to meet Anakin for dinner.
“I’m probably really rusty and the style I learned was nothing like any of the lightsaber forms that I’m aware of, so I’m probably stuck at square one in that department,” I said struggling to not stare at the man next to me. I had to keep reminding myself that this was real life.
“That shouldn’t be too big of an issue, it’s something to build upon, and if you take a padawan eventually it might even become a new form that can be taught,” mused Obi-wan gesturing towards me pointedly.
“That would be cool,” I admitted. That thought had never occurred to me. It made my heart almost skip a beat, at the thought of having a warrior’s legacy. I was still basking in the thought when we arrived at the refectory. The smells coming from the dining hall made my stomach rumble painfully. I was suddenly aware of just how hungry I was.
“What were you thinking of getting? I have no clue what's good. The meat pie that Master Yoda suggested for breakfast was amazing so I’m looking forward to being able to try something else,” Obi-wan stared, side-eyeing me with a bit more concern than what I really felt was necessary.
“What?” I shrank from his stare.
“The fact that you actually liked that meat pie is more than enough to make anyone worry for your sanity, Lora. Most people can’t get past the smell alone,” he explained, coughing into the back of his hand to hide his amusement.
“Well, that explains the number of stares I was getting this morning. Ah well, I’ve never claimed to be sane anyways, might as well roll with it,” I said with a grin and a shrug. We made our way to the serving droid, Obi-wan still fighting laughter on the short walk there.
“I’ll have my usual please, and am I correct in assuming that you will have the same?” Obi-wan smirked as he asked.
“Yes please,” I nodded enthusiastically. The droid just nodded, though based on the mechanized sigh, I was pretty sure if he could, he would have rolled his eyes. After we’d collected our plates and refilled our coffee mugs Obi-wan searched the room, looking for his padawan.
“Found him. He’s sitting with Master Windu,” he stated, leading the way to the table. I eyed my plate as we crossed the room. Once we reached the table and set our food down, Obi-wan slid in with more grace than I had been able to muster in my life so far. Having seated himself across from Anakin, I chose to sit a bit closer in proximity to Master Windu. I had a few questions I wanted to ask the man. My mind stumbled over the people I’ve seen this face portray.
“Hello Master,” I greeted him cheerfully. Master Windu looked up from the data pad next to his plate. When he saw me across the table from him, he smiled broadly at me.
“Lora, hello, how have you enjoyed the Temple so far?” he asked warmly. I grinned in return.
“It’s been more amazing than I’ve ever been able to imagine,” I gushed over everything I had seen that day, unaware of the two sets of eyes watching me.
“Dare I say the gardens definitely brought tears to your eyes,” Obi-wan said over the rim of his coffee mug without looking over at us. He smirked when I shot a glare toward him.
“How could it not? It was like a comforting embrace after all,” I remarked with narrowed eyes and a smirk. Though his brow shot up his expression didn’t change. Unbeknownst to both of us, the exchange was under scrutiny.
“Should I assume that the two of you get along then?” Windu’s amused voice also held a bit of suspicion as he glanced between the two of us. I decided to fuel that fire and nodded, a mischievous grin curling my lips.
“I’d say so. Almost as easily as water and fire make steam," I propped my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my fist. Obi-wan choked on his coffee as I spoke, my voice low, almost flirtatious. Anakin snorted suddenly fighting laughter at his master's expense. Of course, the teenager would get it. Obi-wan glared daggers at his apprentice. Master Windu cleared his throat, his expression stern, despite the amusement I felt from his gaze.
“I’m actually glad I was able to talk to you so soon Master, I have a question I wanted to ask you concerning something you said during the council meeting this morning,” I returned my attention to Windu as Obi-wan wiped the coffee from his beard.
“You said I was a walking contradiction. What did you mean by that?” My curiosity had been rising all day and now seemed like a good time to ask.
“Well, Lora, you have a combination of traits I’ve only seen once before,” Master Windu glanced at Anakin, his expression full of remorse.
“The first time I saw this, it frightened me. When I sensed that fear, that anger, I saw a potential threat. But the moment you chose to show me all that led you to who you are and who you are choosing to become, I realized that they can be powerful allies albeit in a different form than what I have always believed them to be. Although I sense a deep connection to the dark, I also sense an unwavering embracement of the light,” Master Windu’s voice was quiet but somehow, I still heard him over the other chatter in the refectory. My eyes darted to Anakin before settling on my plate where my food had gone cold.
“You are so full of hope, but you seem to have already accepted the possibility you might lose everything,” he continued with added attention from Obi-wan and Anakin.
“Well in a sense I already have lost everything. I know I’ll never be able to see my family or my planet again, what’s stopping the universe from ripping this from me? I don’t seem to have much of a choice, do I? The least I can do is to do everything in my power to be a force of good for however long that may last,” sadness seeped into my smile as I spoke, meeting Windu’s eyes. He remained silent longer than I expected, the empathetic glint in his eyes nearly bringing me to tears for the second time that day. I quickly swallowed the rising lump in my throat. My gaze fell onto Anakin, who was staring at me wide-eyed. I could sense the same pain rolling off him that I had pounding in the confines of my heart.
“Sorry if that seems rather pessimistic, it's been a long day, and everything seems to be happening all at once,” I laughed awkwardly, trying to diffuse the sudden tension.
“Well, I do hope you know, you are more than welcome to talk to any of us if you need,” Master Windu’s words held just the warmth I needed and I latched onto the feeling.
“Thank you, Master. That means more than you know,” I said softly raising one of the cold dumplings from my plate to my mouth. There wasn’t any more conversation until I’d finished my plate at which point, I excused myself.
“I'm going to call it an early night. Thank you for everything,” I smiled at Obi-wan and Windu before turning to face Anakin.
“It was wonderful to meet you Anakin,” I grinned warmly at the teenager, and he smiled awkwardly. I could sense the admiration in him growing slightly. I saw so much of myself in him, as well as so much more that I both dreaded and admired, that it was hard not to feel my heart swell. After I’d said goodnight, I found my way to the padawan’s dormitory and my room. Once the door slid shut behind me, I collapsed, facedown, on my bed.
“Fuuhhhh... what am I getting myself into?” I grumbled; my words muffled by the blanket.
“Those coping mechanisms my therapist taught me had better NOT let me down,” I groaned as I turned onto my back. My eyes wandered to the window, and I lost myself in my thoughts. Deep thought turned to meditation as the sky changed color. I could feel the Force just as much as I could hear it, silent whispers and cries the same as I'd heard all my life. Schizophrenia the people from my old world had called it. A byproduct of stress. I could feel the walls of my small room pressing against me as I let myself expand. I pushed past them feeling the life force flowing through seemingly empty air. My mind was quiet despite feeling both everything and nothing simultaneously. A stray thought brought me back to my little room.
“If I’m gonna be here a while, I should probably figure out what I have,” I grumbled as I sat up feeling more relaxed than I could remember having been. I kicked off my boots and shoved them under the side table out of the way.
“Probably not gonna get any sleep tonight anyways. No matter how tired I am,” I said snatching my duffel bag from where I had left it on the floor. Dumping the contents on the bed I sat cross-legged in front of the disorganized pile. I wanted to pull out my phone and play some music, but a quiet voice in my mind urged me not to.
“I should have organized this better,” I stared at the pile. There were clothing, books, accessories, and a few other random items that I had no clue why I had included. As I started tugging and separating the items a knock at my door startled me causing me to drop an ornate-looking resin-cast goat’s skull embellished with a purple gem in the center of its forehead. I panicked slightly.
“Come on in,” I called as I snatched the wall décor off the floor. The door slid open, and an embarrassed and frustrated-looking Anakin stepped in.
“Anakin? What's up?” I asked tilting my head at him.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t want to bother you, but I could sense you were still awake,” the teen shuffled his feet as he spoke, his eyes concentrating on his hands as he picked at the sleeves of his tunic.
“You’re fine. I doubt I was gonna get much sleep anyways. It’s my first time out in space tomorrow. I’m both excited and terrified,” I admitted setting the skull on the table beside me.
“I think you’ll be fine,” Anakin said sitting on the floor next to the bed.
“Yeah, probably. First-time flier though so it’s still one of those scary first times that I never thought I’d get to experience. It’s fun,” I chuckled and shrugged.
“You’ve never flown?” Anakin sounded almost insulted. I shook my head.
“Nope, never. Where I’m from, flying is for the more well-off. I was a poor little peasant. Never had the time to fly anywhere anyways. I had to work too much,” I chose my words carefully. It was all true, but I wanted to emphasize certain similarities between us.
“But enough about me. Why can’t you sleep? Obi-wan would probably get a bit upset if he knew you weren’t in bed,” I asked as I continued my organizing. Anakin sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“Yeah, he would, but he’d also tell me that dreams are just dreams. But I feel like you’d understand a bit better,” he explained looking beaten.
“Your mother?” I asked softly. He looked up at me and nodded, his eyes meeting mine. I smiled kindly at him.
“Your master is right that dreams are only dreams. But I also feel like maybe they’re a good thing. What do your dreams show you?” Anakin blinked at me as I spoke.
“Mostly pain. And there’s nothing I can do for her. Sometimes though it's like my mom is just talking to me,” he explained eyeing me cautiously. I nodded as I crossed my arms across my chest.
“I’ve had the same kind of dreams. For a while, I was terrified of them becoming reality. But when I acknowledged the fear behind them and discovered the root cause of that fear, I realized they were there to help me,” I told him. Anakin leaned closer as he listened.
“As for the dreams where your mom is just talking to you, perhaps it’s the Force just trying to help you feel closer to her. Obi-wan told me a bit about your history. When you left home and came to the temple, it was a bit traumatic for you wouldn’t you say?” It was a lie. Obi-wan hadn't said anything to me about the boy’s past, but it must have been believable because Anakin just tilted his head confused.
“Traumatic?” his eyes narrowed.
“I wouldn’t consider that traumatic,” he said stubbornly. I sighed, having forgotten this galaxy’s systems.
“On my world, Anakin, what you went through at such a young age, you were what? Nine? That would have been considered very traumatic. Slavery, forced into dangerous, possibly life-threatening competitions, leaving home with someone who could easily be considered a complete stranger? Having said stranger suddenly murdered leaving your fate uncertain? Yeah sweetie, I think you might have a few issues,” I pursed my lips and stared at him as the horror in his eyes grew.
“Though based on your expression, I’d say the revelation was more traumatizing than the actual events. You gonna be all right, kiddo?” I asked, having grown concerned by his silence. He straightened and inhaled, grounding himself. Upon exhaling he looked up at me again, fighting back tears.
“Yeah, I'll be fine, I think. But, when you put it in that light, it's no wonder the council didn’t want to let me be trained,” he pawed at his eyes, wiping away a few tears that had stealthily made their way down his cheeks.
“Maybe I was right when I made that choice to leave the order. But Obi-wan made me think that I was where I'm supposed to be,” his voice cracked as he spoke, and I could feel the anger and sorrow both building within him. I didn’t know what to say but I did know I had to say something. My hand shot out to his shoulder.
“Anakin, look at me,” he stared up into my eyes and I yanked him, by his robes up into a firm hug.
“You are right where you belong. I can guarantee that. Did Obi-wan tell you why the council decided to let me into the order?” I rubbed circles on his back with one hand, the other smoothing down the hair on the back of his head. He shook his head against my shoulder, sobs wracking his body.
“I’m a seer. I’ve had visions that have shown me exactly where a lot of people end up on their current paths. You and Obi-wan have featured very prominently in these visions. There are things I’m gonna work to change, but the one thing I will fight to keep the same is you within the order. You belong here. The amount of good you bring to this galaxy is irrefutable,” Anakin pulled away from me to stare at me with wide, hopeful eyes.
“Is that true?” he asked, his voice still quivering. I nodded cupping his cheek in my hand, with the warm smile of a mother comforting her child.
“Every word, I promise,” I reassured him, using my thumb to wipe away a stray tear. He hiccupped before throwing his arms around my neck, startling me. His admiration of me had grown even more than before, and it caught me by surprise. I hadn’t expected to make that much of an impact so soon. I leaned into the hug, a sense of comfort washing over both of us.
“It’s late, you should probably get back to bed,” I whispered into his ear. He nodded and scrambled to his feet. I stood and slipped my feet into my boots, without tying them.
“Yeah. You’re right. Thank you for talking with me,” he sniffled with a wet smile, suddenly looking much more like the child he was than the warrior he was training to be.
“Of course. And if you ever need to talk again, I’m only a couple of doors away,” I gestured the short distance between our doors. He smiled as I walked him to his room. Entering his room, I glanced around at the assortment of small broken mechanisms and droids scattered around. He always had been good at fixing things. I followed him to his bed and once he’d slid under the blankets, I tucked them around him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. He seemed to lean into this small show of affection, and I felt my heart beat a bit faster.
“Sleep well, Ani. I’ll see you in the morning,” I whispered softly. As I made my way to the door, tiptoeing through the obstacle course of parts and hardware I heard his voice quietly call after me.
“I will, Lora. Thank you again,” he said as I stepped out the door. I smiled back at him before the door slid shut. After getting back to my own room, I quickly put my things in designated spots and stared for a moment at my own bed, feeling like maybe I would sleep if I tried. I stripped out of my clothes and changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants, setting the clothing I had been wearing on the desk intending to wear them again in the morning. Sliding into bed and curling around my stuffed animal I flicked my hand towards the control panel by the door turning the lights off. Soon enough I was drifting into a restful and thankfully dream-free sleep.
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wizard-finix · 3 months
Ao3 tag game!
*cracks knuckles* lets do this
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 works! I would have never expected to have that many 5 years ago, hahaha
What's your total AO3 word count?
186,291! oh wow, almost 200k!! (unsurprisingly PT minato takes up over a third of that LMAO)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
10 fandoms! I'm counting Persona 3, 4, and 5 and separate, but I'm grouping all the Zelda fandoms together since it's all Linked Universe fic.
Here's the breakdown!
The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms (6)
Persona 5 (5)
Persona 3 (5)
SPY x FAMILY (Anime) (3)
Wizard101 (Video Game) (3)
SPY x FAMILY (Manga) (3)
Runescape (Video Games) (3)
Pirate101 (Video Game) (3)
Persona 4 (2)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (2)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (1)
Top five fics by kudos:
The Ghost of Mementos/Stygian Ringlet (Persona3/5) - to the surprise of absolutely no one, since this is currently my longest fic. I'm very happy with Stygian Ringlet being the top because I love my boys :)
True Crime Special on the Midnight Channel (Persona 4/5) - my Ren has a TV Dungeon fic! also very proud of the dungeon concept for this one, I really need to finish the last two chapters
Dark Clouds on the Horizon (Linked Universe/TOTK) - I feel like this one got a lot of momentum partially because it was directly in the wake of TOTK's release, but I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met (Persona 3/SPY x FAMILY) - this was a collab series with mewrose and a few others in the marigolds discord! we were throwing ideas at the wall to see what stuck and I really had a lot of fun with Shinjiro-related prompts, because I LOVE him and hitting him with the isekai baseball bat into a universe with Anya brings me great joy
Salt Tears and Raindrops (Linked Universe/TOTK) - directly related to Dark Clouds, and I'm glad people enjoyed good ol' fashioned angst >:) (I do need to post more of my wips, I do have a couple more roleswap AU wips that I want to post)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I almost always do because I really appreciate them and its my way of saying thanks for the comment! If I don't comment it's because I lost track of it or because I can't think of a response.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
Probably Salt Tears and Raindrops. I was in a Mood and decided to go for the tried-and-true method of putting fictional characters I like through the emotional wringer. That's how I got the rough draft for this fic :)
Do you write crossovers?
*looks at my persona fics and recent LU fics*
...I think it's safe to say most of my fics these days fall under crossovers lmao
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say I have? One or two comments that came off as rude, but no actual hate, thankfully. If I did, I forgot about it. I've been blessed by wonderfully nice readers <3
Do you write smut?
Nope. I don't read it, so I wouldn't know how to write it anyway.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I sure hope not.
I have seen a couple short fics slightly imitate Ghost of Mementos though, which I thought was really sweet that they liked it enough to inspire their own writing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd definitely be open to it!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
RYOMINA. Hands down. I love them so much, I am so mentally unwell about these two
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
My two Runescape fics, Whispers in the Temple and Welcome to the Jungle. I absolutely loved going hogwild with rewriting old quests in Runescape, but I psyched myself out of Welcome to the Jungle because I got overly anxious about accidentally doing bad representation.
(in hindsight, it probably wouldn't have been as big a deal as I thought; it's hard to make it worse considering how bad Legend's Quest was with the british-african stereotypes. that quest DID NOT age well.)
I also want to finish Snake in the Grass; that was my first attempt at a genuine mystery plot and I really liked playing with Warriors in that fic in the context of the gang trying to figure out who the heck is trying to murder him.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at dialogue! I try to make sure it matches the character's speech patterns and personality. Really well-written dialogue can tell you who's speaking without actually telling who it is. (For example, the way I write them: Minato speaks as few words as possible and has very little filter with his observations when he does share them, and Shinjiro is pretty rough around the edges, with shortened words and the occasional swear. Warriors is good with words and wit, but he has a certain military-esque directness and doesn't dance around the topic.)
I do try hard to keep the plot clear and understandable over everything else, so probably that as well.
Also, now that I think about it, maybe fight sequences? I don't do them much, but I do enjoy the challenge of making a clear sequence of what happens in a fight and trying to make it understandable. Fight sequences are easy to skip or gloss over, but I think of them like their own miniature plot. What happens? What surprises are there? What are their movesets? How do they get the upper hand? (and of course, what looks cool as fuck)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. I tend to over-proofread since I beta my own work, and often I'll go back to tweak stuff if I had additional thoughts to add to it, or extra insight. Lately, it takes longer to write chapters than I'd like.
Also, dialogue-heavy scenes often get very chaotic in my WIPs because of the way I rough out fics. I'll throw together a bunch of dialogue bits I think would be cool to include, and sometimes they'll clash or get really messy, especially if there's lots of characters (looking at the latest two chapters of Stygian Ringlet)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's cool! It adds flavor to fics. If it's more than one short phrase though, or if it's story important, then I do prefer that there is a translation in the author's notes. I haven't done any non-English dialogue in fics, save for one memorable adventure into trying to figure out how Latin grammar structure works for a character that didn't speak English.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Wizard101 and Pirate101. I was obsessed with those two for YEARS. I really, really liked pirate stories in high school, and having a cast of crewmates that accompany you throughout the game really inspired me to write my first fic featuring my OC. (I was also into One Piece at the time, but I never wrote for it.)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Stygian Ringlet. It's really dear to my heart. I have poured so much love and effort into that fic, and the reception on it has completely blown me away.
THANKS FOR THE TAG!! Uhhhmmm for tags I'm going to go with @skyward-floored, @catreginae and @breannasfluff (but only if you want to!! no obligation of course)
and of course any other writers that want to do it as well!! go forth
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occasionalsnippets · 24 days
Do you have any new fic recs?
Uhh no notes for this time because i'm busy but fic rec part 2 :)
again mix of stuff, gen, romance, x reader, etc etc. some of the crossovers are in random sections b/c i can't be bothered to have a whole separate thing for each crossover
check back in like 2 years maybe for another list
Mashig! [Quotev]
Easton’s Prefect Trio and a Round of Old Maid [AO3]
Determination [Quotev]
Candid [Quotev]
beware the dust devil. [AO3]
The life and times of Kibutsuji Muzan, Bored Immortal Guy [AO3]
the awakening of the demon king [AO3]
An Unexpected Training Trip [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
The Future's Keeper [Quotev]
Record of Ragnorak
Ganymede [Quotev]
Obey Me
The Idiot [Quotev]
One Piece
World-Seeing Eyes [Quotev]
Black Butler
my soul, you know it aches for you [Quotev]
Hush, little baby, don't say a word [AO3]
The Art of Mortal Quests [AO3] [Percy Jackson Crossover]
what goes around [AO3]
Ain't No Compass, Ain't No Map [AO3]
Unable to Forward [AO3]
The Peacock Chronicles [AO3]
Putting the Joy in Joyride [AO3]
Dead Man Walking [AO3]
If You Give a Bat a Burger [AO3]
Danny the Intern [AO3]
Wait, I'm a what? [AO3
Ghost in the Morgue [AO3]
Bus to Nowhere [AO3]
DC x Marvel
Untangling the Web [AO3]
Help Me, I Don't Feel Like Myself Anymore [AO3]
Spider and Bat Friends [AO3]
Dark Matter [AO3]
Ghost Hunting With Skeletons [AO3]
Help, I've Fallen Into a Surveillance State and I Can't Get Up! [AO3]
Turn The Page [AO3]
with you here between [AO3]
bon courage [AO3]
passione speedrun any percent (world record) [AO3]
Healthy Coping Mechanisms [AO3]
Last Resort [AO3] [DC crossover]
complete disarray [AO3]
Morpheme [AO3]
limited vision [AO3]
obito and jjk is occupying my brain and in this essay i will [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
Team Building Exercises [AO3]
You Will Understand Now That Yours Is Unique in All the World [AO3]
Isekai as the Side Character Destined for Intoxication [AO3]
the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea [AO3]
Debut or Die
I must debut (or die) [AO3]
Vacation [AO3]
Date or Die! [AO3]
Shokugeki no Soma
and only the bitterness remains. [AO3]
The Cultivating Force [AO3] [Star Wars crossover]
Misinformation [AO3]
Master of Dual Cultivation [AO3]
Scum Villain's White Lotus Halo [AO3]
how to avoid love for dummies [AO3]
bet i made you look [AO3]
The Reborn Villainess Can't Possibly Be This Cute! [AO3]
One Kim Dokja to Rule them All [AO3]
you got me starstruck [AO3]
“You are loved,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. “This is a threat,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. [AO3]
black dragons and white crowns [AO3]
What Lies ahead [AO3]
Amaranthine [AO3]
Treasure of the (Vampire) Duke's Family?! [AO3]
The Distress of the Middleman [AO3]
everybody talks [AO3]
0% Love [AO3]
Genshin Impact
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑙𝑑 [AO3]
living, not breathing [AO3]
The Fourth Seat [AO3]
Indelible Stains [AO3]
半个花瓣 || Petal Fragment [AO3]
Nothing but the Truth [AO3]
Chilled Peaches [AO3]
Not exactly pushing daisies [AO3]
Bait and Switch [AO3]
The Unfought [AO3]
Sight [AO3]
Swinging Pendulum [AO3]
Ball Is Life, But You Still Need To Pay Rent [AO3]
Tokyo Revengers
all for one [AO3]
if trouble must come (let it come) [AO3]
Marbled Elbows [AO3]
Chain Me Up, Darling [Quotev]
Anomalous [Quotev]
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luimagines · 6 months
I've been a Time simp for years and read that last fic UFF. It really made simp more and I loved it so much.
I would like to thank you for writing these stories (they always make me happy) and I hope you don't mind if I make a short continuation of "You realize that you love him" (with isekai player! reader. Sorry if there are typos or errors. Anyway, thanks for accepting. It's amateur, but I hope you like it.
You were in front of the fire, tonight you couldn't sleep and you just closed your eyes tiredly but in those moments of "peace" your mind attacked that silence with thoughts of him.
The sounds of wood burning made a timer and with each click one more wish appeared. You knew that the feelings were present and the clarity of those wishes could one day be mistaken for reality.
You didn't hate it, but that pressure in your chest made it difficult to keep a straight face every time he was in front of you. And you didn't want the boys to place their bets or bother you, so you hid it with less and less success.
When he worried about you, when he always checked on you before deciding whether to camp there or if you could go a little further, everything that was normal before was now a moment where you wanted but couldn't look away from his beautiful blue eyes.
While you were in your thoughts, Time sat next to you and took your previously injured hand. You jumped a little in surprise and sighed, "Do you really never make a noise, old man?" He laughed a little, taking a bit of pride in your words.
"It looks like it healed well," he said as he removed the bandages and caressed the still slightly sensitive skin. You decided to take a little revenge and put your other hand on top of his, trapping him between your palms.
The years and the battles took their toll on his skin. It was full of scars and calluses, as well as being scratchy and thick, but that didn't mean those hands carried less love. They were the hands of a protector.
"Thanks to you". Your revenge worked because in that second it took him to react, despite his stoic face you saw the surprise in his eye.
He looked at the fire to avoid your gaze, and you did the same. For a moment, your heart wanted to scream with nerves, but with the minutes, you forgot that intensity. Your grip lost strength, and the fire dance hypnotized you again. Your thoughts once again drowned your mind.
Time was ready to leave after checking that there was nothing more to do for you. Maybe to wake up Wars for his shift or maybe to give you space; but the moment he was going to get up, your grip regained all its strength.
Time searched your face with his eye to look for a reaction or why you had stopped him, but your eyes were fixed on the fire, and your mind was lost in another world. You were so sleepy that you hadn't realized that you reflexively didn't let go.
Time sat next to you again to accompany you a little more. It was there that you woke up from your trance and realized the pressure you were exerting with your hand and the surprise that he returned the gesture, soft but firm.
"I'm sorry" you murmured, trying to justify yourself. "It's just that I feel safe next to you." His hero soul was pleased. He always showed that he would do a lot to heal and protect others, and hearing that from you ... it made him think that his efforts were not in vain.
"You don't have to apologize. It's okay" and he squeezed your hand a little tighter. You hid the heartbeat that almost broke your chest.
You spent a while there feeling the heat of the flames, breathing the humidity of the forest and looking at the stars.
Your heart did not rest, and at the same time, you were at peace. Words were not necessary, just the company of the other. His presence lulled you, and gravity brought your head to his shoulder and your eyes to close.
You loved him and you wanted to love him, you wanted to hold him in your hands like a beautiful porcelain figure and care for him infinitely, sing songs for his dark nights and dance next to him in his joy.
You knew his destiny, and that one day, everything would be taken from him but for now, you wanted to hold the fragments of his heart, kiss his tired soul and fill his memories with flowers.
"I love you" you said babbling, and without waiting for a response, you fell asleep, dreaming of never stopping holding his hand.
I- Hello? I love this??? Thank you!!!
Also thank you for telling you enjoyed the latest story DX
I'm not entirely sure if you mean the dragon au post or the one you already mentioned but I adore this all the same.
This was just what I needed today, you have no idea. Thank you so much. <3
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
{♡} 4k followers special ; CLOSED!
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Hello everyone! On the occasion of 4000 followers at my account, I decided to make a small special! This is a ‘Quote Prompts Special’ where the sentences will have an impact on the plots! Some of them will be SFW or suggestive and some will be NSFW! I hope you all will like my ideas just like before! I was doing something quite similar around the time I hit 1000 followers i.e. ‘Kissing Prompts’! For a next month (August) I will receive your requests and write them one by one :)
I. How to send a request?
Choose the number and one character you like (if the prompt looks like it has two or more characters then add more than one name). You can also give me your pronouns (if you don’t, I’ll write the story in neutral form!). Also! The examples below are just examples. You can write which ones you are interested in or leave me the right to choose. When it comes to NSFW prompts, you can tell me what you definitely don’t want to see!
for example: ‘10 + Poseidon from RoR + pregnant female reader’ or ‘ 33 with Sakura Haruno and reader with he/they prns’ or ‘Dio Brando and Joseph Joestar plus 53 but without cheating’
{!} Then send your request to my request/ask box.
II. Please be patient! I will write each request one by one.
{!!} Also, here are my Masterlist and MyAnimeList account to see what I would like to write! I am happy to write about characters who don’t have their lists yet, such as ‘Yakusoku no Neverland’, ‘Beastars’, ‘number24’, ‘Oshi no Ko’, ‘Kaguya-sama: Love is War’, ‘Blue Lock’, ‘Vanitas no Karte’ or anything else rated higher than 5 on my MAL.
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sfw prompts;
for example – fluff, comedy, crack fic, school/college!au, kid!fic or family!fic and also pet!fic, isekai, turning into a child or animal, royalty, cute romance, friendship, idols or streamers or models!au (etc.), internet friends/lovers, flower/coffee shop!au, enemies/friends to lovers, love at the first sight, soulmates!au (colors, tattoos, red thread), song!fic, pranking someone, sharing a bed, staring at the stars, date!au, soft angst (like first quarrel, misunderstanding, wrong number), mention of crying, pregnancy/marriage, gender swap, [...]
1. “Let’s watch some movies from Studio Ghibli (or Disney, or Pixar)!”
2. “... Do you want to stay with me for the night?”
3. “Are we gonna fight? Like fist to fist or rather... lips to lips?”
4. “Shut up, I’m listening to Big Time Rush.”
5. “... but I love your sister/brother.”
6. “Haven’t we met before?”
7. “You’re so dumb!”
“No? You’re dumb.”
8. “Bring your ass over here. I wanna some cuddles (or kisses).”
9. “Why did you do that?”
10. “I’d kill for you.”
11. “I– I like both of you...”
12. “But we are not married.”
“Then marry me.”
13. “Look into my eyes and tell me that you’re not lying. Do it, I am waiting.”
14. “Need some help, shortie?”
15. “Wow, I didn’t know that you could play on the instrument.”
16. “I haven’t been feeling well for the past few days...”
17. “The princess/prince shouldn’t wait, you know?”
18. “I have some good news and some bad news too...”
19. “I’m pregnant.”
20. “Why are not you listening to me?
... I’m very lucky to have you, you know?”
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suggestive prompts;
for example – romance, making out, soft smut (including first time, masturbation, oral sex, body worship, general vanilla, etc.), angst, single parent or orphan!au, supernatural things (like demons, vampires, werewolves, zombies, fairies, etc.), dysphoria & misgendering, -shaming in general, diseases (like ed, amnesia, hanahaki), lovers to friends/enemies, mention of blood/vomit/faint, miscarriage, fake relationship, tattoos and piercing, bruises and scars on body, domestic or relationship violence, alcohol consumption, sexual harassment, [...]
21. “You’re drunk.”
“... But you’re drunk too.”
22. “You’re so ugly.”
“Yeah, I know that.”
23. “This is my b-blood?”
23. “Goodbye.”
24. “I’m a monster! Can’t you see it?!”
25. “It’s just a prank! Stop, please!”
26. “It’s not that I hate you, but if you were on fire and I had a bottle of water, I would drink that stupid water.”
27. “You look beautiful. This color suits you so well.”
28. “Stop being a brat.”
29. “Please! Please, don’t leave me!”
30. “Stop talking such nonsense, it’s not true!”
31. “Don’t cry.”
32. “Its all my fault...”
33. “Let’s stay like this forever, please.”
34. “Don’t touch me!”
35. “Haha, look at them. What a freak!”
36. “Your partner won’t catch us... What are you afraid of?”
37. “I don’t think they love me anymore.”
38. “You love flowers, right?
Yes... I love flowers very much.”
39. “No! It hurts, stop, please!”
40. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
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nsfw prompts;
for example – hard angst, death (including suicide, murder, accident), mental illness, hard smut (including normal sex, non-con/rape or dub-con, hurt-comfort; 69, size kink, voyeurism, breeding, food play, etc.), ons, bdsm, threesome or gang bang, sex pollen, public or semi-public sex, cheating, manipulation or grooming, age-gap, police!au and law court!au, general abuse, a/b/o, gore or horror, monsters, guns and illegal racing, drugs or alcohol abuse, other triggers, [...]
41. “Of course. I am yours. Only yours.”
42. “... You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
43. “It was an a-accident, I swear...”
44. “Do you have anything else to say, fuckdoll?���
45. “Should I fuck you? So beg for it.”
46. “I hate myself, you, this life and everything else!”
47. “Yes, I did it on purpose. Any problem?”
48. “They were such a good person. Too bad they died.”
49. “I told you this is how it ends.”
50. “S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.”
51. “Maybe in the next life we will be in love. Who knows?”
52. “I’m so scared. I don’t want to die.”
53. “Wanna join?”
54. “I’ll kill you next time.”
55. “You really think someone like me would love someone like you?”
56. “It was my sister/brother!”
57. “What the fuck are you two doing?!”
58. “Please, leave me alone. Stop... Stop...”
59. “I wonder why they did it.”
60. “See? Not everything is like in a fairy tale.”
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bad4amficideas · 8 months
Do you know that there are many Star Wars Isekai Fics in AO3??? I just found out!!!! <- happy in the little things.
Someone to write a fic where isekai!Reader (rejuvenated to Anakin's age or a little older, maybe Padme's) appears nears Dooku at the moment of Qui Gon Jinn's death and does the crucial step of returning him to the Light, reminding him of his favorite apprentice (because I think Reader would align with Dooku and Jinn's initial ideals) and he's in a moment of "come on, it's not THAT horrible here, redeem yourself, Christopher Lee, I mean Dooku". (Well, all that after the "what the hell language are you speaking to me?")
Then he trains Reader for a few years on his own (and not only in jedi matters but miscelanea) until speaking with Reader he tells them that if they seriously wants to be a Jedi they will have to go to Coruscant (and so they go and the story converges meeting the wonder duo JUST BEFORE Ani reunited with Padme and it is free ship reign -preferably poly, any poly you want).
Maybe Dooku half resumes funtions as Reader Master as time is the Count of Serenoo, maybe Reader gets asigned another master Surely there is discussion about their age and their non-traditional upbringing and education.
Then the story progresses with a Reader who really only half-knows Star Wars history but has everyone best interests at heart. And they gets very confused with the timelines, the fanfics they has read, canon and legends, BUT THEY tries.
I suspect that Reader would retire, keeping their lightsaber at the end of the war, or would see a reform where Jedi understand the saying "it is better to have loved and have lost than to have never loved at all" (but with healthy mourning). And that you can love someone and save the universe (or at least many heroes in stories can, THEY ARE NOT MY FAVORITE HEROES, but there are martyrs everywhere. Look, see Marvel Universe, see Sakura x Shaoran, KananHera, live for the other but at the end put the world between them, no sense!)
Then you can put in those things that people discuss like marriage yes or no, Jedi-Republic separation yes or yes (we are with Dooku in this after all). Jedi reform and rights yes or no. Clones linked to the Jedi in some way because who knows if society considers them people but the Jedi, of course, do. Feat Force Ghosts, villains gonna good, maybe goods gonna bad. Ashoka deserves better squad.
Oh, you can also play with the theories: Reader has NO FORCE for themselves. They doesn't have it but it absorbs or act as a channel (and can be easily possesed by ghosts, father/daughter/son and things like that). Reader has FORCE but rare, like otherworldly who does not play on the team light and darkness (idk The Mother who is both and none while the father balances both?? XD)
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athasshi · 1 year
The reason why I feel confident to rate LCF 100/10.
Reminder, this is only my opinion.
First of all, I have a thing where if I am given a recommendation for a movie or book that is popular or said to be good, I will not read or watch the recommended thing. Why? I don't know, but I've always done that kind of thing.
When I first read LCF, I actually read it because I accidentally saw Cale Henituse on tiktok. I saw his beautiful art. Shoulder-length red hair, handsome, beautiful, looks very cold but his noble aura is also very strong. Mind you, this is my first time reading a novel with transmigration, regression and isekai genres.
I don't know what I actually read. It's just that I think it's interesting that the theme is that we suddenly enter into a novel that we previously read and become a character who has a destiny to be beaten by the main character.
I didn't expect much when I read LCF, and I didn't really care about the large number of chapters. I read it casually, not realizing that LCF is a very slow burn novel.
Maybe because I expected the story to end after the war, I just kept reading until the War era started. That is at chapter 200+
I kept reading it every day after work, faster and faster because I was curious about White Star and the whole mindblowing theory. I had such a fun experience while reading the novel.
I literally laughed, cried until I couldn't breathe and then confused myself after the first book was finished.
After I finished reading the entire first book, I realized that I really liked the novel. I reread the chapters I liked to get new details that I had previously missed. I really fell in love with the novel.
Then I saw some comments saying that LCF was boring, too many chapters, too many unnecessary things to write about and blablabla...
I was honestly hurt, but what could I do? Maybe they like reading things that get to the climax of the story after 100 chapters.
I want to read another novel after LCF, but I can't make myself read it yet because I'm writing a reaction fic. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE THE FEEL OF WRITING MY REACTION FIC! BUT I ALSO DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW THAT I'M SAVING CHAPTERS TO READ NOVEL PART 2!
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rarepears · 2 years
Sept 2022 Masterpost
made up fic title ask game
Five times There Was Only One Bed was not a concern and the one time it was: Sung Jinwoo edition
meet percy jackson god of kamino and star wars clones au
shen jiu gets a thirsty onlyfans system so he never goes to cang qiong au
reimagine star wars clone wars if mr. i will do anything for my brother(s) Itachi Uchiha was reborn as one of the clones on kamino au
when the gen z muggleborns start hitting up hogwarts au
where a typo makes the gojo clan claim sephiroth as a bastard child of the clan and satoru grows up with an OP cousin au
Ashborn (solo leveling) & Hagoromo (naruto) were lovers thus the tailed beasts think Sung Jinwoo is their mother reborn au
Commander Fox travels back in time & makes a series of decisions that bites him in the ass later... like getting dooku pregnant au
BNHA izuku transmigrates into shen qingqiu (svsss) au
shen jiu is the victim of switched at birth plot and shen yuan is the son of the fake young master who replaced shen jiu au
sung jinah gets the isekai protagonist treatment and she vlogs the whole thing on social media au
pidw au where transmigrator!lqg thinks he’s entered lqgxsqq svsss fanfic and svsss!sqh thinks he’s time traveled with cucumber bro
in which the system picks up a 12 year old Shen Yuan to transmigrate into PIDW instead au
in which palpatine gets the obama call me maybe video treatment and the star wars universe is saved au
in which luo binghe mistakens shen yuan to be boyfriend and shen yuan thinks luo binghe is the bodyguard his brother hired for him au
epilogue sung jinwoo has a supposed porn addiction in order to explain why he spends so much time locked up in his bedroom au
wei wuxian becomes a rabbit after his death and stalks lan wangji everywhere au
mdzs meets batman: lan wangji thinks wei wuxian is dating billionaire bruce wayne au
svsss transmigration loop where shen yuan and shen jiu are brothers in every cycle au
Jedi Order think that FFVII soldiers are old jedi warriors of the ancient past au
luo bingge finds the reincarnation of his scum master & tricks his way into shen jiu's house by shapeshifting into a very cute pupper au
a jedi and their clone troopers land near sung jinwoo's castle; beru and shadow summons are Not Pleased au
the many ways to make obiwan's rako hardeen episode 100X harder au
 shen jiu’s brocon brother au
of the raccoons and rabbits in gusu lan au
cang qiong ensures next gen of peak lords get along via coparenting baby dolls except these are actual babies and sj has a harem now au
shen yuan transmigrates into orochimaru’s body and the naruto universe instead au
liu qingge begins courting shen yuan by dumping a just-emerged-from-abyss luo binghe in front of shen yuan during a peak lord meeting au
ichigo (bleach) became a tiktok star before he became a shinigami au
luo binghe accidentally gifted a racoon instead of a dog to his shizun au
 the married life of sung jinwoo and wen ruohan au
Obi Wan time travels via falling into a toilet au
luo bingge is reborn as anakin skywalker's twin brother au
kisame gets dumped in star wars and sows chaos au
shen jiu becomes a spirit au
star wars clones are missing proper parents; the tolkien elves want kids to parent; the tolkien elves should adopt the clone kids au
mansplain; manipulate; and malewife in the svsss world
dr doofenschmirtz is the new shadow monarch au
Liu Qingge the conspiracy theorist vs deaged Shen Yuan running around Cang Qiong without adult supervision au
keeping up with the all might: all might guest stars on the kardashian reality show au
shen qingqiu has an emotional support parrot and hijinks happen au
sung jinwoo x personification of death and harry potter is his new stepkid au
shen yuan's PIDW game turns into a dating sim but the PIDW characters actually fall in love... oh dear au
shen yuan and luo binghe are aizawa’s adoptive parents au
the hunt for shen jiu’s biological family au
bruce wayne goes on yatch vacations because That's What Rich People do au
sha hualing also runs a demonic bakery in svsss where mobei jun and airplane unknowingly run through a bunch of coffeeshop tropes au
harry potter's master of death title means that he's married to ashborn (solo leveling) au
single parent of a plant baby thy name is shen jiu au
a new way for liu qingge to misunderstand shen qingqiu's visits to the brothel aka the waxing parlor au
luo binghe's xinmo sword is actually a plasma sword once known as darksaber - svsss X star wars au
aizawa is actually a secret kardashian au
When PIDW!Luo Binghe is pushed into the Endless Abyss he falls through a dimensional rip into SVSSS world au
toji x endeavor au
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pyrrhicraven · 1 month
Tumblr media
Hello all! Welcome to the circus! Below you will find the random assortment of my written works on A03 :)
⚠️ warning ⚠️
Majority of my works are NSFW
Containing things such as profanity, sexual content, blood/gore, and death.
I'm the author of several books such as Christmas Crimes and Shadow of Obsession both of which can be found on Amazon!
Diamond Heart
Phantom Caress
Reverse Harem Series
Professor is Irken series
First Fic for fandom
Izuku died...Kinda?
First Posted Batman fic on A03
Angel Shrine
Where I've collected short fics of all the fandoms I've ever written for
Last Knight
Train Wreck
Blood Blockade Battlefront
Sick of it all
Megamind (2010)
Red Windows
Isekai: Slow Life (Video Game)
Is it really a Harem if the Main Character is Aro-Ace?
A Silent Scream
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ignitesthestxrs · 10 months
fuck yeah I'll come talk to you! my goodness. I've long been hesitant to send asks to blogs I don't know or consider popular.
I followed you for your pjo writing, so I was very surprised to find out that your url is from matthew stover's ROTS novelisation. two-ish years ago I watched star wars for the first time and fell in love with the prequels, it is probably still the fandom I most interact with on here.
I notice most (all?) of your star wars fics on ao3 are sequel things. I haven't seen the sequels yet because of general negative internet sentiment towards them. although this is bad logic because the internet feels negatively about a lot of great things, including ("great" is subjective I suppose) the prequels.
as someone who still mainly associates you with pjo, I guess I'm just curious about you and star wars in general. did you watch the movies when they first came out? or did you, like me, discover them later? and would you care to make a case for watching the sequels?
and as an aside - how do you feel about anon asks. do you prefer when people are non-anon?
truly genuinely i dont think i've ever met a person on this website, Popular Online or not, who has been upset about receiving genuine asks. LIKE as someone who prefers to be approached rather than to approach people i very understand the reticence to make contact, but if you ever have hesitance because your brain is like 'ooooh they aren't gonna want to talk to meeeeeee' i really truly think you can let that one go. esp because anon is an option - the worst thing that happens is that someone doesn't respond, which is also not personal and is usually related to brain death on the part of the person receiving the ask
BASICALLY i really think that most people making themselves available on the social media want to use the media to be social - if they didn't, they'd close their ask box.
MAN okok i love to talk about a personal fandom history LOL star wars is a weird one for me! i came into the fandom extremely sideways - while it turns out i had watched at least one of the prequels in theatres as a child, i had somehow wiped all memory of them from my mind, leaving only a residual obsession with padme amidala's lipstick lingering in my hindbrain
so my first Real Encounter with star wars as a fan concept was via Livejournal Role Play lolol, the premise of which is that you would roleplay as characters either in an AU setting, or an isekai-your-character-was-captured-from-their-home-world-somehow setting. so i was playing sakura from naruto in a harry potter/final fantasy fusion AU (there's a fun sentence) when someone joined the game with Jaina Solo from the star wars extended universe, and i just thought the character and player were the fucking coolest?
so that's how i ended up learning about like, the post-original Star Wars trilogy EU books first LMAO and then eventually i watched the original trilogy and re-watched the prequel trilogy (this was back in 2009/10 so sequel series were not on the horizon at all). i rp'd a bunch of star wars characters in a bunch of games (most notably middle aged Leia from the later EU books and a man called Kyp Durron who i refuse to believe was not the template and inspiration for kylo ren), and also played the Knights of the Old Republic games, and eventually helped create and moderate an rp based on those games. so my first star wars creative endeavors were very rp based, and kotor based, and any fic i was writing at the time was like, kyp durron and alyss from a ya novel adaptation of alice in wonderland are falling in love in the harry potter/final fantasy fusion setting where we also included pokemon so kyp has a shuckle for a pet because jaina gifted it to him as a gag. all that fic is littered around the internet - lj accounts and dreamwidth accounts and defunct aim group chats, where you'd write stuff for like the three people who were into your extremely, impossible to replicate cross canon ship instead of doing your stats homework, it was heady shit.
the username came about after i decided to abandon my old internet handle/identity of 'feilyn' lolol. basically i made up 'feilyn' as a name for myself when i was like 15 and used it everywhere, which resulted in most online friends i made at the time calling me 'fei', which in turn got cuteified into 'feibean', which is what i originally called this blog right up until someone sent me an ask going 'hey feibean' and i went oh NO i HATE that, and decided that i needed a username that was like, Poetic and Pretty
the funniest part to me is that i hadn't actually read the stover novelisation at that time? i just knew about the passage it came from because a friend had quoted it at me before and i was like oh that's Beautiful. so i did probably the most pretentious thing in the process of making a pretentious internet handle, which was to refer to a thing i hadn't actually read (i have since read the novelisation LOL and highly recommend it to anyone into star wars i general, but especially if you feel the prequels had Great Themes and Poor Execution - the book does a much better job at the execution part)
SO by the time the sequel movies were announced i had been into star wars for like, 5, 6 years? and it had been a staple part of not only my creative life but also my social and romantic life, so i was primed to be fucking obsessed. at that point i wasn't journal rping anymore, and most of my creative energy was split between fic (pjo and grisha at the time) and trying to make my original book idea work (it did not), and i had gotten into the groove of Writing Fic For An Audience.
and then the first sequel movie came out and i fucking loved it! like sure it was a little derivative, but it had so much of what i loved about star wars in it, and it especially helped that kylo ren really did seem like a kyp durron expy, and i was right in the middle of my weird heterosexual lesbianism phase where all i wanted to write was Overpowered Man Gets Stepped On By Brunette Teenager He Underestimated so reylo hit me like a fucking freight train.
i think in the first month after that movie came out i wrote like, 21 fics in he space of a month. i went to my first ever music festival and was just lying in the tent writing fic on the budget smart phone i had bought so my actual phone didn't get stolen. it was SUCH a flurry of creative energy for me, because star wars before that point had been not a dead fandom, but certainly not a fandom that had a lot of Fic-Centric Life in the spaces i was in, and the movie brought so much new blood and voices and interest and readers to the canon. so if i told people i felt like writing x thing and asked for prompts, i'd get like 10 or 12 requests at a time - more than i could fulfill, certainly, but also so many that it really fed the fire of my interest and determination to Provide Content
and then, you know, the Drama and the Discourse and the weird creation of shipping as identity where people became A Reylo instead of shipping reylo, and this formation of Antis as a thing, and on and on until fandom in general becomes this place of adversarial combat that is supposed to reflect on your ethics and moral as a person and Oh Man i do remember being exhausted by all of these arguments at the time (and now tbh, but these days i am not actively participating in them). eventually i dropped out of star wars as a fandom from like, creative and discourse burnout i think, and also my relationships with the friends i shared the fandom with were changing, and i was also changing as a person and then TROS came out and was really a death knell to any joy i'd gotten out of the fandom or canon from that point.
as for a case for watching the sequels - i think if you can watch them without needing them to Be Anything In Particular, you can have a good time with them. like, for example, i think TROS was an objectively bad fucking movie, but i had a lot of fun when i watched it because i went it with a baseline of curiosity about how or if abrams could pull this off, and the answer was 'by trying to split every fandom argument of the last 4 years down the exact middle' and 'no, he can't pull it off'. that shit isn't a movie, it's a video response to every star wars trending topic between 2015-2019. and at the time of viewing, this was very fucking funny to me. i had a ball.
SO if you can watch them with the contextual understanding of like, these are massive corporate enterprises created by committee, with different people at the helm of different movies who had very different understandings on what the point of this trilogy was, i genuinely think they can be a good time. there's pew pew lasers, there are some real affecting moments, and there is a lot of bewildered amusement to be had at nature of attempting to create Billion Dollar Art.
if you are looking for a story that is going to leave you feeling fulfilled and as though the creators had consideration and respect for either their viewers, their actors, or the story they were telling, then give them a pass. like i really really think there is a lot of fun and interest to be had in watching the sequels for both 'here is a space fantasy laser fun time' reasons and 'what does art look like when it's primary purpose is to create obscene amounts of wealth based off the nostalgia of nerds but also the concept of modernising a franchise for the 21st century' reasons, and these are both big reasons why i engage in any kind of media LOL
but i also understand the special place star wars holds in a lot of people's hearts, and not wanting to engage in material thatg feels like it has sucked a lot of the joy out of that special place is always legit. so like, if you are intrigued, give them a shot, and if you find yourself hating the experience then stop watching. trust ur heart babe
FINALLY i have no strong opinion on whether people are anon or signed in! it's all about your comfort level truly, i do not put emphasis on one mode or another. sometimes people will send me something signed in and ask me to respond privately, which i am always happy to do, and sometimes people will send messages anon, but identify themselves as like 'oh im the anon who asked about sunflowers, i'm sunflower anon'. SO YEAH whatever combination of identifiers is personally comfortable for the person sending the ask is how i prefer people to communicate.
THANK U for ur ask clearly i love to Talk & Engage and i appreciate u giving me the opportunity <3 <3
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dapurinthos · 2 months
better coping mechanisms through fic?
Sifo-Dyas has my sunglasses on his face. He looks absolutely exhausted and ridiculous at the same time, wrapped up in three layers of robes and his hair held up out of his face in the messiest bun I’ve seen on someone not me. There’s an ink-stylus, a chopstick, and an actual hair-stick holding it in place. The lenses of my glasses are pressed right up against his eyeballs, the arms sticking out at greater angles than they really should be. The ends are tucked into his hair instead of over his ears. It’s been a tiring day, with a seizure, a migraine, a complete lack of appetite, and an almost-meltdown between the two of us. I’m sideways on his lap, my feet swinging freely in the air, pointedly ignoring the very bland plate of food on the refectory table. It contains two intact pastries, the crumbs of one, and the tattered remains of the one I pulled apart, methodically separated by the layers of lamination within. Qui-Gon Jinn goes to pull out a chair. It doesn’t move. He pulls harder. He can’t see that Master Si has his feet locked around the slats making up the back of the chair, keeping it in place. I can’t imagine why he would want to sit here. This is one of the refectories that keeps to strict food rules, barring animal-derived products for people who are allergic or intolerant. I put my face down on the table to smother my laughing as Jinn decides discretion is the better part of valour and ignores the immovable chair. Master Si places the end of one of his sleeves over my head.
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mikaharuka · 1 year
My Revamped Masterpost!
Heyo y'all! I finally got around to creating this master list!
I'm on AO3 as Mizuka, and am the author of the Winter Light Verse.
Long story short, I had a worldbuilding concept, ended up with the Twilight/Life and Death fandom combo, threw out 98% of canon, and started a rewrite from scratch with totally different lore, history, vampire biology/society, and plot altogether. All while going full gay.
I've also written for other fandoms - most notably, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Ace Attorney. I even started my 'Fandom Odyssey', where I write the occasional fic in other fandoms - fandoms I like, fandoms my friends like, random fandoms, or even, all of the above!
Twilight/Life and Death - The Winter Light Verse
Apricity - Twilight Rewrite (M, ~81k words, 14/? chapters)
Mahabhuta - Apricity Interlude (E, ~7.7k words, 1/18 chapters)
Semper Felidae - Apricity Prelude (M, 3k words, 2/2 chapters)
Febris Amatoria - Apricity Kinktober (E, 1.2k words, 2/31 chapters)
Moonglade - Seattle, Beau POV (M, 750 words, 1/4 chapters)
A Series in Hands - Carlisle/Beau-centric fics, 900 words
A Study in Hands (M); An Indulgence in Hands (E);
A Lace in Hands (E); A Flirt in Hands (T); A Delight in Hands (T);
A Question in Series - Edward/Mike-centric fics, 900 words
A Question in Hands (T);
Elegance in the Series - Alice/Mina-centric fics, 900 words
Elegance in the Moonlight (M);
June Colors - Carlisle/Beau-centric color prompt fics
Amber Honey (E); Burgundy Affinity (E);
Winter Light Divergences, Derivatives & AUs
A Mosaic of Parallels - ficlet anthology (varied, index in chapter 1)
Flora Fati - fantasy/isekai, Harlequin (E, ~1.6k words, 1/6 chapters)
Ktêma es Aieí - Apricity time travel AU (T, 7.6k words, 4 chapters)
Danza de las Flores - FF Beaulisle AU, Carine/Bella (M, 1.5k words)
Non-Winter Light Twilight/Life and Death
The Sun, Moon, and Stars - Carine/Edythe (M, 900 words)
Fire Emblem Three Houses
The Tape - Modern AU Ferdibert smut (E, ~12.3k words)
The Forsaken Throne - BatB Prologue (T, 1.7k words)
Alluvium H - NSFW Ferdibert Zine Fic (E, 1.2k words)
Fusillade Z - NSFW Ferdibert Zine Fic (E, 1.2k words)
In Draconic Harmony - Edelthea, Post-Canon (M, 900 words)
Another Future - Ferdibert and Edelthea Reincarnation, 900 words
Desiderium - Canon-Compliant MCD (M, Ferdibert Part 1 of 3)
Translations of JP FE3H Supports
Hubert/Ferdinand - C-A+, Dining Hall, Group Tasks, Ending Card
Edelgard/Dorothea - C-A, Ending Card
Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判)
Summer Night Verse (Vampire AU)
Relentless Seduction - Narumitsu, mystery/Harlequin (T, 4.1k words)
Ruthless Seduction - Mitsunaru, future world smut (E, 1.5k words)
Other Fandoms - Mizuka's Fandom Odyssey
A Touch Through Time - Dracula/Jonathan Harker (M, 1k words)
Fire Emblem Awakening
Melle et Felle - Chrom/Robin (E, 1k words)
The Sword and The Flame - Frederick/Robin (M, 1k words)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika (PMMM)
The Die is Cast - Akemi Homura/Kaname Madoka (M, 900 words)
Persona 3
The Space Between - Arisato Minato/Sanada Akihiko (M, 1k words)
Star Wars / The Mandalorian
Metamorphosis - Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker (M, ~2.2k words, WIP)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Island of Illusion - Elim Garak/Julian Bashir (M, ~2k words, WIP)
Verdant Victory - Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair (T, 900 words)
(see this post for one-word prompt asks for the Winter Light Series!)
(see this post for my multi-fandom, chaotic collection of fics that wonderful authors and friends of mine wrote, based off my prompts!)
Also, I GOT THESE GIFTS! Some are set in the Winter Light Verse!
Anyways... glad to be here and don't be shy!
~Mizuka (or Mika, either is fine by me)
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manic-intent · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thanks for tagging me!! :) 
Sacred Treasures (Cyberpunk 2077) Takemura x V, E-Rated, Postcanon (Arasaka ending). V doesn’t take getting stashed into Mikoshi lying down, and Takemura returns to Night City to deal with it. 
The Tiger and its Skin (Word of Honor) ZZH x WKX, E-Rated, Transmigration AU where ZZH isekais into an alternative universe where he’s a prince of another surname. 
The Dragon Gate (Ghost of Tsushima), Ryuzo x Jin, E-Rated, Postcanon Fix-it AU (Ghost ending). Years after the events of Ghost of Tsushima, the Mongols gear up for a second invasion of the island. Jin and Ryuzo have to deal with facing off against an even more overwhelming force -- while trying to bury some old grudges. 
American Outlaws (RDR2) Arthur x John, E-Rated, Postcanon Fix-it AU (Arthur survives). Sadie attempts to take care of a recovering Arthur while picking up bounties. Their latest bounty is for a certain “Jim Milton”, wanted dead or alive.
Petrichor (Star Wars) Poe x Finn, E-Rated, Postcanon after TFA, fix-it. Han Solo finds himself not dead after all, Poe and Finn navigate an increasingly awkward relationship, while Rey realises finding Han Solo is only the beginning of all her problems. 
Not sure which authors I know are still on this thing and want to do this, but if you see this, feel free to consider yourself tagged. 
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
🍄Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
Batman Returns + The Pied Piper of Hamelin = The Pied Piper of Central City
... that was probably too easy, though ;)
Lets see...
Sleeping Beauty + The Man in the Iron Mask = That untitled Star Wars fic I swear I'm gonna finish one day
Yeah, that works. :D
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
There's not much to it yet, but I'm working on an Iris-centric Armageddon fic, so that one will likely need at least to be tagged for gaslighting given how Eobard is treating Iris there. Not really sure if re-writing reality counts as mind rape, but yeah... it's gonna be a heavy one, especially as Iris will be asking Barry about the daughter and son she saw them having together in one of her alt timeline visions. When she realizes all the Eobard's taken from her, Iris is gonna be so pissed.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
one of those Isekai manga style fic ideas I had. They're both poly fic ideas, so maybe I'll try to write one for March. :D
One is where Iris winds up in a super hero AU world and uses her knowledge of the game she loved before being catapulted into this new world in order to catch all the guys and gals since it's all rather suspiciously similar to the game's main plot.
The other is where Caitlin - while out as Killer Frost - gets hit on the head and remembers her past life where she played a super hero AU game suspiciously similar to the life she's been reincarnated into. Her past life experience helps her deal with her present day traumas and her resolution to lead a quiet life without becoming a villainess after all is challenged when she winds up saving the hero The Flash and outs him to the 'main character' of the game she remembers, Iris West.
The first is much more harem style, or intended to be at the moment, as a tribute to the genre. While the second one is Westhallen with some back up ships.
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
Actively? Um... three. Yeah. Let's say three. *side-eying a fourth fic that's innocently trying to slip in under the radar*
But I have way more that are inactive, don't ask, I refuse to count them all right now. *hides*
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annwayne · 1 year
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @klynnvakarian !
Wip Titles Game
Star Wars
Ari x Bane
The Red Logs: Murder in a Bar
Crosshair x Jedi!Commander
Hunter x Reader Request
Sith!Obi-Wan x Jedi!Reader
Stargate Atlantis
Alice in Atlantis
Mission Fic
Feral!Predator!OC x Amber Park Ranger OC
OC x Riddick isekai Fic
Crashed Dove
Haaaa I have a lot. Ok tags. No pressure. @nimata-beroya @freesia-writes @wolveria @bagheerita @chaniis-atlantis @l-lend
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