#their best friend came into the room and said this drink is gross try it
epilogueart · 1 year
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the worst part is that they really aren’t together they’re just Like That
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voxisdaddy · 1 month
Love Me, Please
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairings: Alastor/Lucifer/Adam/Husk/Angel/Vox/Valentino/Tom Trench/Saint Peter
Type: Scenarios/Comfort
C/TW: Swearing, blood, reader written with fem parts in mind (bc this bout periods, duh)
In which you miss your boyfriend/cling to your boyfriend and are being emotional about it. Basically—period emotions.
This is more for me bc it’s that time of the month and I desperately want some comfort lol | also Angel’s I left up to either be platonic or romantic
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He was at yet another unremarkable overlord meeting when he felt something pulling on him. Back at the hotel, you laid on your bed wrapped in a cocoon of sorts, eyes tiredly watching your shadow pulling on one of Alastor’s shadows-which he left to keep an eye on you. Alastor’s grin turned to one of amusement—oh how needy you are when it’s that time of the month for you. The meeting finally came to a close and instead of making his way back to the hotel with a lovely stroll, he disappears in his shadows. Not before bidding a friendly farewell with his dear friend, Rosie. He materializes in the center of your room with a shit eating grin as he twirls his microphone around.
“I was hardly apart from you for more than an hour, my dear.”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lucifer had errands he couldn’t postpone today and so he made you promise to text him when you miss him and he’ll make his way right back in a jiffy! The bedroom door only closed behind him when he got a text from you. An ‘I miss you’ along with a sad face emoticon. He burst the door open, tears welling up in his eyes, as he crawled back into bed with you to hold you close. You honestly thought he was more emotional than you at the moment.
“My poor ducky! I’m sowwy!”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Adam has been around for ages so I like to think he knows a bit about menstruation. On top of that, he has an army of baddies he likes spending time with-usually training but that's still time spent with them regardless. However he's definitely still rough around the edges since usually with his girls, he uses that to egg them on into being tougher fighters either physically or emotionally. If you're a person who's quick to be a grump or a crying mess then uhhh...just know he doesn't mean to be a dick all the time. He tries though, despite how annoying and tiresome it is. Especially since you make him feel oh so special with how you seem to demand his attention and his attention only. Right now you lay on his chest, looking on at the items set on the coffee table with a glint of amusement.
"Babe-you said pads with wings! I got that! I even made sure the chicken wings came with the good sauce."
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Husk is very vigilant so he's quickly able to come to the conclusion that you're on your period before even you realize it. It was just after he finished closing up the bar and returned to your room for a late nights rest when he smelt it. He might technically be an old man, but he's a respectful one and has been around for quite some time. He knows that small. Despite knowing you might be embarrassed to find out that he can smell it, he figured you'd be more grateful that he woke you up so you can deal with it before you wake up feeling all gross and annoyed in the morning. Plus it was worth it to almost immediately get a hug from you after being apart for a few extra hours than he liked.
"Come on. Don't wanna ruin your new pajama's now, do you baby doll?
Angel Dust
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This man was out on a much needed night out with his long time bestie, Cherri Bomb. You of course coming as his plus one that his bestie always welcomed like the supportive girly she is. He couldn't quite enjoy himself as much this time around though as he sat at in a corner booth with you hunched over your drink. You're hand gripping one of his hands as if you're afraid he's gonna leave. Despite how awkward he felt trying to comfort you, he did his best and allowed himself to be as sympathetic as much as he could.
"Toot's-if you wanna leave it's okay! You know I'll stick with ya! No need to make ya headache worse than it already is!"
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox still holds certain belief's and mindsets he had from his time in the 1950's. Part of that meaning him being 'grossed out' by your period and beliefs in woman faking or over exaggerating their monthly disturbances. He learned to keep his opinions to himself though, due to previous encounters with Velvette, and found it easier to just well, cater to your needs. They were easy enough for the most part. Food and beverage cravings? He's got ya covered. Cramps and aches? You're in luck because this man is basically one large heating pad. Which quickly became a downside for him because then you wanted him all the time. Didn't matter if he was working or not. He tried to put his foot down once but it only made you emotional so uhhh-
"Honey, I'll only be gone for one hour. As soon as the meeting ends, I'll lay my head on your stomach, okay?"
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Valentino can only smirk to himself when he finds out it's now your time of the month. Which isn't hard to figure out since he woke up to you latched onto him like a koala this morning. A puff of red smoke invades your senses as a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders, a third hand coming to play with the top of your head. Valentino, spending years working with woman and people who endure this bloody cycle, knows a few...remedy's. He has his favourite solutions, obviously. Only if you're down. The last time he tried being more...persuasive with his advances to you during these times, it didn't go well-to put it lightly.
"Mi cariño~A good fucking helps with this time of the month, you kno-" ... "Or we could share some snacks. Kitty!"
Tom Trench
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ For this man I pray you are not a bitch on your period. Poor guy already has to deal with his co-star Katie Killjoy everyday. Whatever you deal with on your period though, just know your man is there and keeps your needy ass close. Such as right now, as you sit in an oversized fuzzy hoodie on Tom's couch, watching him and Katie host the latest news live. You glance down at your phone with Tom's messages open. You want to text him but you knew it wouldn't reach him anyways-they had to keep their devices on silent while they hosted. As soon as they were finished with their shift of the day however, Tom rushed to his dressing room to find you staring at the door with open arms.
"The interns told me you were waiting for me."
Saint Peter
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This man would never admit it out loud, and if he did he would word it very carefully, but he loves it when its your time of the month. I mean he feels bad for you obviously; dealing with an inconvenience once a month even in your afterlife does not sound like any sort of blessing, but he's clingy and affectionate himself. And you clinging to him just as much? Oh it's like he's died and went to Heaven-again! Currently he lays on the couch with you in his arms, you both engulfing each other in a snuggly cuddle. He periodically checks the time-as much as he loves this he's still got a job to do. He voices this but quickly finds himself soothing you.
"I'm only going to work, sweetheart! P-please don't cry!"
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This was supposed to be reader missing them but some of them became not exactly that and I’m sorry lol
I’ve had this in my drafts for a month, felt about right to finally post it. I’m also ashamed to admit, it took me way too long trynna figure out what to write for Tom’s dialogue. I love him but if I don’t know him as well as I thought 😭
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jamiedryssnail · 4 months
Safe now
Love of my Life Au
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Warnings : fighting, swearing, underage drinking, and attempted SA
He was 6,1 and on the hockey team guys knew to keep clear of him and his girl. Obviously he is the biggest sweetheart but if you didn’t know this well then good luck because he can be intimidating when he wants to.
He always has a need to hold her, go to the bathroom with her, get her drinks so they don’t get spiked. He is protective but he knows he needs to be because you don’t know what types you get at big parties like this.
He also knows that all the hockey boys will look out for each others girls. Madi especially I mean she is practically hockey royalty and they are all like her older brothers. There is also the factor that her brothers would kill you if anything happened to her. Now if you think Rutger looks intimidating try her three NHL player brothers Quinn, Jack, and Luke.
Mads was not drinking at all just Coke Zero for her. She is a very serious athlete and her mum Ellen always said athletes don’t drink in the season. This came as more of a suggestion to her brothers ( jack ) but she took it to heart. Always wanting to perform her best and not take any chances of being sick, dehydrated, or tired.
Hence why Rut thought it was fine for her to go to the bathroom by herself. She hadn’t been drinking and the bathroom was in view from we’re they were standing, talking to Mark and Ethan. “Just meet me right back here as soon as you are done” he noted as he was very cautious of his girl. “It’s one of the biggest parties of the year who knows who is here mads, ok” he says making his point clear.
If it was any other party he would have been fine and more at ease. But Michigan had just won the rose bowl so it was hectic and everyone was there drunk off their asses. He had heard of many cases at parties like this of girls getting spiked or assaulted by guys. “Ok baby I’ll be quick, then maybe we could head home yeah” she said in a suggestive tone. Mads wondered off into the crowd seeing the huge line for the bathroom. There had to be at least twelve people ahead of her.
As she waited in the line she saw Dylan duke her long time best friend. “Dyl, we’re have you been all night” she asked knowing just why he had been preoccupied. “Oh shut up she is pretty ok and she thinks I’m hot” “Sure, Dylan” she joked.
As they chit chatted she gave rut a little wave before he looked away smiling re entering the conversation he was having.
“Oh my god what are these people doing in the bathroom” She exclaimed obviously busting to pee. “Mads don’t wait in this queue just go upstairs, it’s what I’ve been using”. Dylan says directing her
Unsure Madi made her way upstairs passing a few couples that couldn’t seem to wait til they got home to get with each other. As she made her way to the top she looked in a few rooms for a free bathroom. Accidentally walking in on a few couples getting at it she got a few ‘what the hell’s’ and ‘do you minds’. She finally found a free one and quickly used it.
Quickly using it and then touching up her makeup for the night ahead with rut she opened the door ready to go downstairs. As she started walking out she saw a guy she had never seen before looking directly at her. “Hey Mads right?” He asked “It’s Madison.” She said sternly trying to get out of there as soon as possible. She so did not feel like having a conversation with a gross stranger who obviously just wanted to get in her pants. Mads tried to exit but he grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear “ I don’t really care what your name is or how you say it you have a decent rack so you better shut the fuck up” Madi then trying to scream and kick her way out causing some kind of attention.
The guy put her hand over her mouth and dragged her back into the bathroom locking the door. She tried to fight back but he wasn’t budging instead hitting her in the face making her drowsy. She kept trying to push him away but he was a big dude and was to strong.
As she felt the blood start drip down from the top of her face she couldn’t help but cry.
Rutgers Pov,
“Hey has anyone seen Mads”
He had been asking everyone at the party for the last ten minutes.
“Rut hey dude mads just went to the toilet upstairs”
“Alone are you fucking with me” he said fuming at Dylan for even thinking that was ok. Rutger knows what guys are like and he was ready to beat the shit out of anyone.
Rutger rushed upstairs and searched everywhere to find one bathroom door locked. He banged on it then to hear Madi’s soft pleas to stop and get off her.
“Open up you asshole” Rutger screamed he swore the whole party had heard him but he didn’t care, he just wanted to hold mads. Luckily the guy had only just locked the door so nothing major had happened.
Finally the guy opened up the door expecting some guy who drank to much beer and needed the restroom. Before he knew it there was a guy jumping on him punching him repeatedly until he had blood all over his face. “Fucking touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you” he yelled like someone had died. Luca and Dylan seeing this run to pull Rut off the guy, then something catches ruts eyes. Madi standing frail and scared a few feet away. He goes to hold her and then sees blood. She has a cut on her upper eyebrow.
“You son of a bitch you laid hands on my girl” Rutger yells knowing he can’t do anything because he has to hold mads. “Oh fuck off as if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack”. Then the guy spoke up again “she’s a slut you know what have ur hooker looking girlfriend”. At this point Rutger was beyond pissed he couldn’t believe his ears.
“Fucking say it again I dare you” “As if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack she’s a good hit admit it” Rutger then decided to leave it until he heard a “Yea go have my sloppy seconds I got to her first tonight” and with that the guy was almost passed out on the floor from another hit. Luca lunges to towards him telling him to leave before they call the cops.
“Oh my girl you poor thing come here” rut says to mads. “I’m sorry for not being there I’m horrible” he whispers. “No Rut you were there don’t blame yourself for others actions, please baby”. Madi said
Rutger and Mads slowly walk down stairs trying to exit the house and get back to someone’s dorm. He did not let go of her at all after that. Finally finding the front yard Rutger picks her up and puts her in his car. “Oh sweet girl I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again”.
When they get to Madi’s dorm Rutger grabs the first aid kit Madi uses to clean him up after he gets into fights at games. He carefully dabs a cotton bud and some disinfectant oil for her cut. He then fixes himself up knowing his girl is to tired to do it for him like usual.
Rutger helps madi out of her little dress and into one of her (his) shirts and his boxers. He can’t help at smile at his beautiful girl almost drowning in his clothes.
After they both get into comfy clothes they find themselves cuddled up in bundles of blankets and pillows holding each other. Rutger is just happy she is safe now, and when I tell you he will never let her go again i mean never. He is walking her to and from every class, holding her tightly at parties, and taking her to her training. Anyway let’s just say Rut is content but also not looking forward to her brothers finding out especially jack.
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nicksbestie · 1 month
Inside Your Head - N. Sturniolo
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Summary : You had no way to block out the thoughts of others, and one specific person just wouldn't leave your mind.
Warnings : descriptions of migraines, 16+ content (no smut, makeout/suggestive content)
Word Count : 2,300
Pairing : Nick Sturniolo/Male Reader (romantic)
A/N : got this idea from a Pinterest prompt!
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You had a splitting migraine.
This wasn’t completely uncommon for you, and you had tried to seek out many ways to keep it from happening again. You’d tried painkillers, endless doctor appointments, sleeping more, drinking tons of water, but nothing had worked. Deep down, you knew nothing would fix it, but you were still holding out a little bit of hope that something would blanket the real reason you could never stop the headaches. You could hear the doctor’s disappointment as you explained everything that you had already tried, and you could hear the hope fade out of them. Except when you said you could hear it, it wasn’t a figure of speech like most people used. You could hear their thoughts, just like everybody else. What a bomb drop, right? 
Telepathy really wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Not by a long shot. Sure, it would be cool sometimes if you could choose when to hear what people were thinking, but in your case, that wasn’t possible. Or if it was, you had no idea how to do that, so you got to hear everything, which sometimes hurt your feelings much more than told you juicy secrets. Or other times, the secrets were just plain depressing. You also got to hear all of the gross thoughts, ranging from illegal things to just disgusting ones. You weren’t unattractive, so you got to hear all of the thoughts about yourself as well, but the only thing that sucked was that they all came from girls, and you swung for the other team, so it didn’t really help you out much. 
You had no idea why this had happened to you. You knew what had caused it, but not why it had affected you in this way, and most of the time, it was fucking annoying. You’d been in a traumatic accident as a child, and had suffered a lot of blunt force to your head. You didn’t remember most of it happening. Your only memory was waking up in the hospital to bright lights piercing through your mind, and hundreds of worried voices racing around. Alarm bells didn’t ring for a while, because you were so groggy that you couldn’t tell what was going on. It wasn’t until later that you heard the doctor saying that you didn’t have a high chance of full recovery, wondering why your parents had said anything, when you realized that your doctor’s mouth hadn’t moved. He hadn’t spoken anything out loud. 
You didn’t know what to do, so you didn’t say anything, fear still racing through you and pain beginning to follow it as all of the medication in your veins was starting to slowly wear off. You didn’t even want to think about what had happened to you, let alone other people’s thoughts, so you’d never breathed a word about it, even now, ten years later. After all, if you walked up to someone and told them you could hear all of theirs, and everyone else’s, thoughts, who would believe you? You would probably get reported and sent somewhere for acting crazy, so was it really worth the risk? Besides, people wouldn’t want to be near you if they knew that they could never keep a single thing secret from you, even if you really, really, didn’t want to know about it. 
So here you were, sitting in your best friend’s bedroom, attempting to hang out and talk with him, but all you could focus on was the stabbing pain in your head from the bedroom on the other side of the wall, the loudest internal screaming and cursing you had ever heard. Matt noticed you rubbing the sides of your head, of course he did, but he also knew you struggled with bad headaches a lot, so he simply cut off all of the large lights in his room, trying to help you stay comfortable. He offered for you to go home if you needed to, but you had just gotten there, and you hadn’t seen each other in weeks, so there was no way you were leaving so soon. They had just gotten back to Boston from three weeks in LA, and you’d missed your friends like crazy.
You just really hoped Nick would stop fucking screaming. You didn’t need to check who was in the room, because everyone’s thoughts were in their own voices, and even if they weren’t, you’d still be able to tell that Nick was the only one coming up with such colorful words. Matt only knew that you had really bad migraines, he didn’t know what caused them, so he had no idea how to help you from here, simply letting you have your space, comfortable silence between the two of you. You could hear his thoughts as well, most of them pitying you for being in pain, and a couple about the video game he was playing. You excused yourself, stealing some of the painkillers in the bathroom cabinet, telling Matt you were going to go say hi to Nick. It wasn’t something that raised any alarms with him because you hadn’t really spoken to Nick since you had gotten there, as he was editing in his room.
You fought the urge to wince as the closer you got to Nick’s door, the louder his voice got, but as you knocked, it suddenly stopped, giving you some moments of relief. You sighed deeply, hearing the thought of “who the fuck is that?” before the door opened just a few seconds later. The smile that spread across Nick’s face was worth every moment of pain as he immediately pulled you into a hug, a happy greeting leaving from his lips. You hugged him back, smiling just as wide, hoping that if you were in here he would stop the yelling, and you really just wanted to be around him. His presence was calming, when he wasn’t losing his mind over an argument or editing a new video. 
You liked Nick. A lot, and you couldn’t deny that fact. You’d already tried so many times to pretend like it wasn’t real, that you were kidding yourself, but it hadn’t worked. He didn’t know, obviously, because how could you tell him? He didn’t even know you were gay. Figuring out your sexuality had been a recent development in your life, and thank god nobody could read your thoughts, because it was not pretty. You hadn’t told anyone, and that included all three of the triplets. So part of the reason that you were eager to hang around Nick was just due to the fact that you had a massive crush on him. Sitting down on his bed after finally making it through the doorway, you couldn’t help the fact that the smile didn’t leave your face. 
“You seem frustrated, what’s wrong?” 
Nick shook his head, smiling and gesturing towards the screens he had been editing on.
“This new video is being a pain in the ass to edit, and I’m about at my limit, even though it’s supposed to go up tomorrow.”
You shrugged, laying down and setting your phone down next to you.
“So do it tomorrow, then.” 
He looked at you with an incredulous smile, laying down next to you.
“You’re a terrible influence, my career will go downhill if I listen to you.” 
You laughed, stealing his phone and unlocking it before posting stupid pictures on his Close Friends story that he would probably have to delete later. He laughed with you, taking it back from your hands and posting a ridiculous photo on his public story of the two of you, knowing you were a known figure in his fanbase, so it wouldn’t cause too much uproar.
“I’m a wonderful influence, thank you. You’re clearly stressed, so just take a break, you’re allowed to relax for a bit. I think you should just stop for the day and hang out with me, I fucking missed you.”
“I missed you too, how have things been here?” 
A conversation panned for the next thirty minutes, both of you talking about the different things you had done while in different states, and thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. It wasn’t until you were halfway through a sentence when a thought popped through, and despite it being in Nick’s voice, you had to take a second to figure out if it was your imagination. 
“I really want to kiss him right now.” 
You had gotten another quarter of the way through your sentence before what you had just heard hit you, and you paused. Nick noticed, because he had been watching your face and listening intently, but if you had been able to see yourself through his eyes, you would’ve only seen your lips. He had really only been focusing on those, admiring the way you could spin and tell a story, while he had his supposedly secret thoughts about being able to do more with your lips than just listen to them speak. When you paused, he did too, looking concerned. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, sorry, just had a brain blank.”
You couldn’t tell him. There was no way that you could just spit that out, but as you continued to tell your story, he unintentionally caused you to stop again. 
“He reacted as soon as I thought about kissing him. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he could read my mind or something fucking insane like that.”
You covered your shock with a cough, but your cheeks definitely flushed. 
He wanted you the same way you wanted him. 
But you weren’t going to do anything about it, not right this second, at least. You were going to let it sit for a while, because maybe it was just a fluke, an intrusive thought that he hadn’t pushed to the side just yet. But when yet another one of Nick’s thoughts spun around in your head, you didn’t want to wait any longer.
“He’s blushing, what the fuck, why does he look so pretty when he’s blushing?” 
You love to talk, but you swear you had never wrapped up a sentence quicker, just quietly staring at him. He laughed awkwardly, just looking back at you.
“Nothing, I just…” 
You trailed off, staring at Nick’s face, a smile still covering yours, but not an awkward one, one of relief, the stress of concealing a crush no longer on your mind. 
“You just what?” 
Nick still seemed slightly confused, but he had a gentle smile on his face as well, albeit his eyes looking a little concerned. There were a lot of thoughts running around your head, but the main one was: when were you going to get another chance like this? It was that exact question playing on repeat in your mind that caused you to close the small gap between the two of you, gently but firmly pressing your lips against his, one hand holding his. You could hear his mind go completely silent, and you were scared for a moment, wondering if you’d done something wrong, but just as you were about to pull back, Nick’s free hand flew up to cup the side of your face, kissing back, much rougher than your original kiss. This one was full of desperation, longing, the movement of his lips against yours saying everything that his words hadn’t been able to for however long. Pulling back, both of your lips red and gasping in breaths of air, he looked shocked but happiness lit up his eyes.
“You’re an even better kisser than I thought.” 
You softly laughed, staring at him before putting your hand on his face, mirroring yours, and pulling him back in. You’d been daydreaming about this for ages, there was no way you were going to just let it end with only one kiss. You both tried to take control of the kiss, but Nick eventually won, deepening it as he felt you go lax against him. Your mind went completely blank, shutting everything out, lost in the feeling of the man you’d wanted for what felt like forever up against your body. You didn’t process anything happening until you realized Nick was over top of you, only breaking your kiss to breathe before reconnecting the two of you. He finally broke it, a whine leaving your lips as you felt the loss of his. He moved down to leave open kisses on your neck, smiling against you, deep breaths leaving the both of you. 
It was a perfect moment, until it wasn’t. The door opened, and you heard a horrified yell coming from the general area of the doorway. It wasn’t until the person spoke that you realized who it was.
“Are you serious?! You told me you were going to come say hi to him, not this!” 
You couldn’t do anything but laugh against Nick’s skin, the happiness still coursing through you overwhelming the embarrassment that would come later. Nick turned his head, a glare shooting across the room at his brother.
“Matt, get the fuck out.” 
Matt had a hand over his eyes, being as dramatic as he possibly could.
“Ugh. That’s my brother. Gross!” 
He slammed the door behind him as he left, not wanting to see a second more. Nick looked back at you, an exasperated smile on his face, pressing a short kiss to your lips before speaking himself.
“Did he know? About you feeling like this?” 
“No. I was going to tell him, but he figured it out for himself.”
Nick nodded, before returning to what he had been doing before Matt had walked in, only pausing to say one more thing. 
“You’re staying here tonight, right?” 
You smiled up at him. 
“Absolutely. You read my mind.”
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slvthrs · 1 year
SWEET DREAMS | vinnie hacker
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your best friend sleeps over and what more can you really say- hot best friend sleeping over almost always results in sex?
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, praise n degradation kink, pet names, unprotected sex, choking, 
word count: 2.3k
Vinnie and I have been best friends since we were 13. I had met due to him moving to my school and I was assigned with showing him around the school and that’s what led to both of us ending up making fun of shitty rom coms in my apartment 8 years later.
“No no they’re both gonna get locked in the room together and confess their love to each other and get married and have 2 kids and a pet fish” I laughed out, rom coms could be great but if only the directors tried to be a bit creative.
“No no what, he’s obviously a secret billionaire and the girl is poor so he’s gonna pay for her collage or some stupid shit and then they’ll confess their love to each other and get married and have 2 kids and a pet fish obviously” He said staring at me with a stupid grin on his stupidly attractive face
As we grew up together and puberty hit both of us like a moving van on fire I came to the pretty quick realization that my friend was hot- and that was fine- but I also realized I had the tiniest crush on him, but that's all it was a meaningless crush I wasn’t going to do anything about it.
“Shut up no there no way he’s a bill-” I was cut-off with my cat nipping at my leg- their so fucking cute
“Awe shit it’s really fucking late and it seems like my baby boy wants some food” I coo to my cat, ignoring Vinnie
“Awe I am a bit hungry” Vinnie jokes, both of us had a pretty flirty relationship and we’ve probably kissed while drunk- though I can’t really remember it- but I’ve tried to keep everything platonic no matter how hot he was and no matter how much I really wanted to kiss his stupid fucking mouth.
“Shut up weirdo I'm gonna head to bed you can do whatever weird shit you do at night” I picked up my cat and walked to my room, Vinnie was sleeping on the couch and something he insisted on since he was a ‘gentleman’.
I heard a faint ‘Yes Ma’am’ from the living room and cuddled up onto my bed watching my cat curl up on the end of my bed, I put on some mood music and tried to fall asleep.
After about 5 minutes of tossing around on my bed I fell asleep to the sound of rain outside my window and Deftones playing on my speaker.
His hands curled around my neck squeezing the sides, 
“Your such a fucking slut for your best friend aren’t you” I knew that voice, the voice that had been tormenting my life for years- Vinnie
“Please Vinnie, fuck please” I was begging
“C’mon you can beg better than that, I know you can be a good girl and beg” Fuck fuck fuck was this really happening
Before I could beg our lips connected- it was so much, almost too much- He bit down on my lip and his hands trailed to rub on my clothed cunt, his hands dipped into my waistband and-
I woke up in a cold sweat- I felt so fucking gross.
Of course I’ve had dreams about him- he’s hot and I’m only human- but when his in the same house as me... fuck no
Oh god what if he heard me- what if he heard me having a fucking wet dream about him.
I wanted to curl up into a little ball and die
We are best friends
Just best friends. No more
I got out of my bed- if I was gonna act normal I need to get something to drink- I walked out into the hallway and heard shuffling coming from the living room.
Great he’s still up
I walked into the kitchen trying to ignore him heading straight for my fridge
“Oh hey I thought you were going to bed, are you okay?” He says now standing right in front of me and he’s fucking shirtless- fuck this is so hard for no reason
“Oh I just needed to get something to drink- y’know” I say trying not to stare at his bare torso
“Yeah want me to pour you some water” He asks, he’s really sweet but that's not what I’m looking for
“Thank you for the offer but I’m just gonna settle on some good old fashioned alcohol” I giggle and pick up a bottle, but he scrunches up his face- he’s confused
“Um this late are you sure y/n we can get food if you want” He’s says with his voice laced with concern
“Uh no thanks I’m fine with alcohol I guess” I say- the tension is suffocating and it makes me want to throw up- I turn around hoping that if I walk away Vinnie will drop it.
“Y’know your really talkative in your sleep” 
“Huh what” This can’t be happening, no it's not happening I don’t believe it. I turn around so carefully as not to disturb the thick fog of tension enveloping the room, to see him leaning on my kitchen counter with a stupid grin on his face
He’s walking toward me- fuck fuck fuck
“I said you talk in your sleep- I was walking past your room and heard noises coming from your room” He’s way to calm for this
“I-I guess but y’know a lot of what people say in their sleep could I don’t know be taken out of context or-” I’m cut off by him laughing- he’s enjoying this while I want to die, I really fucking hate him right now
He leans right next to my ear with his hands lazily resting on my waist, 
“I don’t really know what other context ‘Please Vinnie, fuck please’ could be in besides me fucking you” he breathes right into my ear and I have decided that I want to shrivel up and die
I want to say something but I can’t- I literally can’t my voice is drying up 
“C’mon don’t tell me you’ve lost your voice please do tell me what other context you moaning my name could be” He quirks an eyebrow and i’ve lost all form of constraint, I’m staring directly at his lips god there really pretty lips
He very obviously notices and catches my chin with his first two fingers forcing me to stare at him in the eye.
“Y’know” He draws out, while cocking his head to the side “I dream about you too” 
“What” I can’t believe what I’m hearing
“Yeah, I dream about a lot of stuff but mainly you and I… fucking” He says with so much composure that for a second I don’t register what he means
He dreams of him and I… fucking.
His face moves from my ear to right in front of my face
I can’t even tell what’s happening until he’s inches away from my face with his hot breath fanning my face, waiting for me to close the space.
Am I really going to ruin our friendship just because Im horny? 
I instantly connect our lips, hooking my hands around his neck to link our bodies together. His mouth lifts off mine for just a second to tell me to “jump” before he’s on me again while walking both of us into my room as he throws me onto the bed.
He sits up for a second while he takes his pants off and then his boxers. And he hands trail up to my shit and then looks up at me as if he’s asking for permission and I answer him myself by pulling my shirt off and hooking my hands around his neck
Vinnie and I had been friends for as long as I could remember. We had grown up together, gone to the same schools, and shared so many memories. We knew everything about each other, but somehow, we had never crossed the line from friendship to something more.
But tonight, I couldn't help it. I needed him. I needed to feel his arms around me and his lips all over my body.
Our lips met again, this time with more passion and intensity, as we explored each other's mouths with our tongues. The taste of his lips was intoxicating, and I couldn't get enough of it.
As we continued to kiss, my hands found their way to the back of his head, pulling him in even closer. His hands roamed over my body, caressing every inch of my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
Our bodies entwined, our breaths becoming one, as we lost ourselves in the moment. Nothing else mattered except the feeling of his lips on mine and the warmth of his body pressed against mine.
He disconnects the kiss again, “God if I knew how bad you wanted me I would have fucked over my fucking counter the last time you were over” He tells you before looking down at me with admiration mixed with lust in his eyes.
“Hey Vin?”
“Yes, pretty girl?”
“Fuck me.”
And he finally shifts above me, guiding his dick into my folds and ever so slowly pushing it in. 
He’s so big that I can feel him over me yet he’s not close enough. I arch my back trying to get more but he just laughs in my face shaking his head, “Baby just relax your worrying too much” He tells me.
He’s being so slow and so sweet but god I really just want him to fuck the living daylights out of me;
“Vinnieeee” I whine, 
“Yeah doll” He replies
“Harderrr” And as I finish that sentence it’s like a spark ignites in him
His pace goes from slow and sensual to fast and rough, every thrust hits my deepest spots and makes my entire body loosen up. He hovers over me and presses chaste kisses all along my body and he focuses on my collarbones and shoulders biting and licking them, it's bound to leave marks for days.
His hands move in unison with his dick, going in circles as they press on my clit, forcing me to scream loudly enough for everyone outside to hear me. When his fingers do eventually touch my clit, a pool of heat forms in my belly.
And that’s when I remember how thin my walls are and if my neighbors can probably hear, and feel, me. 
I quickly use my hand to cover my mouth to prevent me from any form of embarrassment. But I’m quickly met with a sound of disapproval from Vinnie.
“No baby I wanna hear how good I make you feel, I want everyone to know your my girl” He tells me, pressing a kiss to my tits, “So show them,” 
That almost makes me lose it because those words transform me into putty that he can shape whichever he wants. At this moment, I no longer have any control over my body; he is pinning my hands over my head, and I have no intention of resisting him.
His actions don’t stop, I can feel each of his thrusts and the way they stretch me out until I go dumb, unable to form coherent sentences.
One of his hands leaves my hip and ends up next to my head caging me in. I’ve always loved his hands, they’re bigger than mine and when they flex over his keyboard or how their able to catch the light in a such a special way and god, when their adorned with rings it’s like he wants me to go fucking feral
I feel like he would be good at choking someone…
I need him to choke me.
“Baby I need you” I whine out not being able to express what I want.
“Princess, whaddya need, I’ll give you everything” 
“Your hands… please” I tell him and he giggles in confusion
Cute “Baby where am I gonna put my hands?”
And I just watch as his eyes blow out thinking for a second before his pretty tatted hand slides across my body reaching the base of my neck.
“If you ever can’t handle it just tap my leg pretty” He tells me before squeezing.
I don't see stars; all I can see is him hanging above me with a stupid smile, and I don't believe I've ever seen anyone more beautiful than him. It feels so fucking amazing. I roll my eyes to the back of my head and arch into his chest.
“So good for me, such a good, dirty girl” He says no louder than a whisper and he continues to jam into me
He lets go but returns his hands back shortly but uses his thumb to open my mouth, “Open pretty girl,” and fucking spits in my mouth
Now if this was another guy, I’d gag but the way Vinnies eyes are so dark and his lips curve into his cute ass smile, I swallow immediately arching into his touch
It feels like this ritual goes on forever, him rutting into me, choking me, letting go and then repeating- I feel like the best I’ve ever felt in my life.
And finally after a particularly hard thrust, I come undone below him, my hands freed and I use them to dig my nails into Vinnies back as he rides me through my orgasm making me feel so goddamn good.
He cums after a little with his forehead pressed to mine his presses kisses all over me and when he's finally done he pulls out and heads to the kitchen.
I’m so loopy that I don’t realize he’s gone until he comes back wiping me down with a towel and placing a glass of water on the bedside,
“Hey princess, how are you doing?”
“Good… really fucking good” I giggle
“Yeah, don’t worry too much about this, we can talk about it later.” He says pressing a chaste kiss on my lips and before pulling away he whispers,
“But we both know your mine, sweet dreams.”
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berryhobii · 8 months
I just want say I love your writing! Like I have never related to any work more than yours! You’re doing something special for black army and I just want thank you for that! Hope you’re doing well and I wish you the best and a million dollar lottery ticket girl! 😄😂🫶🏾
(P.S if you feel like it and if you get a chance please write more for Yoongi 💔 us Yoongi Stans starving and having withdrawals 😪)
Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words. They really mean so much. I’m so glad I could bring more representation and I hope you feel good reading my works.
Here’s a special little something for you Yoongi stans🥰🩵
“I don’t think this looks right, Yoongi.” You pouted, twisting your body every which way in the mirror. Your hands tugged at the top of the dress as if trying to magically make it fit the way you wanted it to in your head.
Yoongi, who was sitting outside typing some quick minute work emails, said, “I’m sure it looks fine, lovely. Come out and show me.”
Sighing, you turned around to open the dressing room door, stepping out to show your sugar daddy turned totally exclusive boyfriend one of the dresses you’ve chosen. It’s the 8th one you’ve tried on but you didn’t really like any of them. What you thought would just be a cute little date had transitioned into a full blown shopping spree. Yoongi pulled up to your apartment, your favorite Starbucks drink and snack already waiting, and whisked you away to the luxury district of Seoul. Hand in hand, he led you into stores, wanting you to pick something out in each one.
“You deserve it after being asked to take over the north branch of the company. I want you dressed like you own that place.”
So to Cartier, Gucci, and Zara you went to get you an entirely new wardrobe worthy of your position. To be honest, you stopped shopping for work a little while ago and now you were just choosing dresses for fun nights out.
For someone as accomplished as you, a sugar daddy probably seemed like overkill. You’ve managed to rise in the ranks at your dream job, getting a managerial title in less than 2 years. No doubt you had enough money to support the lifestyle Yoongi was giving you. Truthfully, this relationship didn’t start as a sugar daddy sugar baby thing. Your friends had taken it upon themselves to sign you up for a singles mixer—you know, one of those events where a bunch of single people went to try and find dates. You talked for about a minute before a bell rang and you moved on to a new stranger. Stuff like that really wasn’t your cup of tea.
What your friends had conveniently left out that it was a singles mixer exclusively for sugar daddies and sugar babies to find each other. Imagine your surprise when you and a couple of your friends rolled up to the bar, only to find a gaggle of late middle aged and older men sitting around the tables. You almost broke your ankle trying to run back out but your friends forced you to the bar for a drink.
Before you knew it, you were going through the rounds of meeting a lot of gentlemen that reminded you of your uncles. Gross.
So when you finally came across Yoongi during the last round, you thought maybe this thing wasn’t so bad.
One thing led to another and now you and Yoongi had been together for a little over 2 and a half years.
He had captured your heart with his clever remarks and charming personality. And he was very easy on the eyes. Not to mention, he was only a couple of years older than you with his very own successful law office.
And you had caught his interest with your timeless beauty and charisma. He doesn’t think he’s laughed as much in his life as he does when he’s with you. You were just so lovely and honest and sweet. It was hard not to fall for you.
Now seeing you in that dress, Yoongi thinks he was falling even deeper.
His mouth dropped at the sight of you in the mid thigh navy blue dress—long sheer sleeves and square cut at your chest to show the gorgeous expanse of your chest.
“Do you like the sleeves? This dress definitely isn’t for the workplace but it’s very nice.”
He wasn’t even listening to what you were saying, eyes going down to your ass. The dress had a deeeepppp incline, the open back stopping just above the curve of your ass. Everytime you shifted from foot to foot, your ass jiggled a little and you both knew you were wearing the tiniest pair of panties.
“Yoongi?” You had asked him a question three times with no answer.
Turning around, you found him standing right behind you, flinching a little at his sudden closeness. “Y-yoongi?”
Suddenly, his lips were on yours, his body crowding all of your space. It took you a moment to respond but you did, kissing him back just as fervently and desperately.
You pulled back to whisper, “what’s gotten into you?”
His dark eyes sent shivers down your spine and right to your pussy which was already wet from him fingering you in the car on your way here.
His rough hands pushed you back into the dressing room, barely managing to close the door behind him before he was back on you. Deft and experienced fingers ran up your bare back, goosebumps popping up in his wake, his lips trailing across your jaw and neck.
Your own hands went straight to the waistband of the loose pants he was wearing. He normally wore suits so seeing him casual was secretly a favorite look of yours.
“You look divine in this dress. I’m buying you one in every color.”
You giggled at his words but you knew he was probably serious. He’s done the exact same thing with a lingerie set you surprised him in on his birthday. The way the white lace set made your dark skin look even more sinful and delectable than it already was should be considered a crime.
“I’ll wear whatever you want.” You leaned closer to be right next to his ear. “My body is yours, sir.”
His eyes rolled back, both at your tone and the name you called him. God, you were so sexy. And all his.
“Then get on your knees and suck my cock. Show sir that you’re grateful.”
Falling to your knees, you took the elastic off your wrist to tie up your knotless braids, happy you sprung for a style that could easily be put up when you wanted to pleasure your man.
Yoongi helped you get some of the stragglers in the back before holding your hair for leverage. You both knew where this was going.
Eyes locked on his, you pulled his pants and underwear down, his hard cock springing out from its confines. Your warm palm encased him, a sigh falling from his doll like lips.
Gathering spit in your mouth, you opened your lips to take him all the way in to the hilt.
Yoongi’s head dropped back as the heat of your mouth surrounded him. His hand gripped your ponytail tighter, keeping you down and letting your tongue work over him.
“Oh my god…..” he huffed out, pulling your head back so that only the tip was resting against your tongue.
Your nails scratched up his thighs. “Fuck my mouth, baby. Give it to me.”
That was his breaking point. Using both hands to hold either side of your head, he began thrusting his cock in and out of your mouth. You relaxed your throat, patting yourself on the back for training your gag reflex during quarantine. You know………..for when you could go back out and mingle….anyway.
Your eyes remained focused on Yoongi’s face, your pussy clenching at the sight of his tightly shut eyes and dropped mouth. His long hair had fallen out of his manbun, the strands sticking to the building sweat on his forehead. Your fingers itched to hold onto that bun and ride his face until his neck hurt. Maybe once you got home.
Yoongi forced you to take all of him in, holding you there for a few seconds before pulling back and doing the same thing. Eyes watering from the assault on your throat, you let Yoongi use your throat however he liked. You were his and vice versa.
“Fuck….” Yoongi yanked your head back off of him, his orgasm feeling too close already. “Stand up.” He shakily breathed out, holding out his hand to help you to your weak legs. He placed a quick kiss to your lips, wiping away the drool that had slipped past before turning you around and pushing you against the mirror. You took a moment to look at your disheveled appearance in the reflection—your edges had began to curl back up, your pupils dilated and slightly unfocused, and the dress had became slightly skewed from all of your heavy petting. You looked a mess.
Not time to think about that now though. It didn’t take long for Yoongi to have your dress pulled up and your panties around one of your ankles. He also pulled the front of your dress down to allow your breasts to spill out, your already soaked cunt was practically screaming for his cock.
The mirror was fogged up from your breath, the cool glass making your nipples harden. “Fuck me, baby.” A sharp slap came down on your ass, the fat jiggling under the force.
“Don’t rush me.” His gruff voice said. And you’d be lying if you said that little show of dominance didn’t get you wetter than that scene in Step Up.
After moving your hair over your shoulder, Yoongi’s hand grabbed your shoulder, the other holding his cock to line up with your awaiting hole. You spread your legs a little more, arching your back to give him more access.
He didn’t give you any warning before he was diving into your wet cunt. Your mouth dropped as his cock stretched your tight walls, the overwhelming girth knocking all of the air out of your lungs.
“Oooooo…..Yoongi…..fuck. That cock’s so fucking big.” You gritted out, resisting from punching the mirror.
Yoongi inhaled a deep breath, trying not to cum as your silky walls tried to milk him for everything he was worth. The effect you had on him was just too strong. Only you could push him to the brink that fast.
Once he had calmed himself, Yoongi started a pace that could only be described as animalistic. The absolute force of which he was pushing his hips against your ass was causing a clapping noise so loud that you thought there were people giving you two a standing ovation.
An almost shriek like moan flew from your lips but Yoongi slapped his hand over your mouth to muffle it, one of your hands going up to hold onto his and the other squeezing your breast.
“Quiet.” He spit. “You want everyone to know I’m in here fucking you like a slut? Huh? Is that what you want?” His hips never slowed down as he spoke, pushing deeper and deeper until it felt like he was in your guts.
Your eyes crossed as his cock bullied your sweet spot, orgasm building faster than ever. His degradation along with the fact that you two could be caught at any moment was enough to propel you right over the edge.
Your knees buckled, Yoongi’s arm going out to wrap around your waist to keep you up.
“Good girl. Look at yourself while you cum.”
Your bleary eyes, that you didn’t even realize you had closed, slowly opened to look at your reflection and the sight sent you straight there.
Yoongi was staring directly at you, those panther like eyes making you feel so open and vulnerable. Both of your hungry eyes begging. Out of all of your moments with Yoongi, times like this really reminded you of just how much he had broken down your walls. He brought out a sexually adventurous side of you that you didn’t even know you had and you were actually grateful for it.
Or maybe you were just dickmatized…..eh.
Your pulsing walls were squeezing Yoongi’s cock hard enough to almost break it off, his own orgasm feeling incredibly close.
“Get back down.” He pushed you back down to your knees, your body quickly turning despite your orgasm still making you feel weightless. He just commanded your body that way.
Like it was muscle memory, you opened your mouth and held out your tongue, your hand coming up to take hold of his shaft. You pumped his fast, making sure to squeeze him at the tip just how he likes.
Yoongi’s eyes clenched shut, his breath labored as his orgasm got closer and closer. He braced his hands against the mirror behind you, his knees ready to give out much like yours had.
You couldn’t help but focus on the sexiness of your man’s face. It honestly made you want another round but you had something else to focus on.
“Fuck…..fuck….I’m cumming, love. Oh shit.”
“I want it. Give it to me.” You sucked harshly at his tip, still pumping him quickly.
With a moan and a full body shudder, Yoongi’s cum hit your tongue, the saltiness familiar. You continued to suck until he was recoiling from sensitivity.
He reached a hand down to tap against your chin, your head tilting back and eyes staring directly into his.
“Show me.”
You opened your mouth to show his release on your tongue. His hand dipped your chin, thumb pulling at your juicy bottom lip—his own lip pulling between his teeth.
“Swallow.” And who were you to deny?
Swallowing his cum down and then opening your mouth to show him you obeyed, you got a hum of approval from him.
You both took a moment to regain your breaths. Yoongi held out his hand to help you stand, pulling you into a hug. You sighed as his warmth seeped into your skin.
“You okay?” He asked you after a brief moment of silence.
You hummed. “Perfect. I’d have to say, I’m shocked you’re into public displays. What happened to that whole ‘your moans are only for me’ thing?” You teased. You could imagine him rolling his eyes.
Before he could give you a smart mouthed retort, a knock on the door caused both of you to scramble. You practically pushed him away to adjust your dress as Yoongi yanked his pants back up and fixed his hair.
“Um, yes?” You tried to call out in a normal voice, tone a bit hoarse from the recent exercise.
“Is everything fitting well? Should I bring you another size?” The polite voice of the associate asked.
You made eye contact with Yoongi, a cheeky smile spreading across his face and making you laugh.
“Uh, could you actually get me this same dress in all of the available colors? I’ll be purchasing them.”
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The One for Me
Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff at the end
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I woke up from all sweaty and drool was all over my pillow. Gross. I wasn’t gonna go to sleep anytime soon it was 2:24 am. I looked out my window and saw someone standing on the porch. My first thought was holy shit a strangers on our porch! but looking at the silhouette closely it was Conrads. Huh weird why would he be up late? I walked out of the room grabbing a hoodie that was by my door and walked out. The sky was beautful it was clear and the stars were shining so bright they were like diamonds in the sky. I stood by for a bit a few feet away from Con admiring him in the slight glow of the stars. He was beautful painfully beautful actually. I didn’t even notice how long I stood there for until he spoke up “Didn’t your mom ever teach you staring was rude?” he said in an amused voice. I swear the boy has eyes on the back of the head.
“Actually no, she didn’t. What are you doing up?”
“I couldn’t sleep. What about you? Don’t you have a bedtime?”
“Ha ha very funny Fisher. I woke up and I won’t be getting sleep anytime soon” I said walking over to stand by him.
We stood in silence a bit. It was a bit awkward to be completely honest he’s been M.I.A for practically the whole summer either drinking half the time or being around Belly. I missed hanging out with everyone as a group. Before this summer the five of us would at least talk or play board games but now it felt like everyone was off doing something else. I missed hanging out with conrad more specifically out of everyone I felt the closest with him. I wasn’t sure if the feelings were reciprocated but at least we had talked in the past now it felt like there was never a chance to. I was snapped out of my thoughts when “We don’t talk much anymore do we? You’ve been spending a lot of time with Jere instead.” Con said.
Ok so we’ve established Conrad most definitely has eyes on the back of his head but is he a freaking mind reader too?!
“What’s that supposed to mean? I’ve asked you to hang out with us before but you declined.” Conrad looked a little hurt when I pointed out that we’ve been distant but it was the truth I’d asked him multiple times to go down on a muffin run or to go swimming but he’d always declined instead opting to go get drunk or high.
“I’ve had things on my mind.” I could feel he was shutting himself down
“Things like what? You know that if you ever wanted to talk I would be here for you. Always and forever? just like when we were kids.”
He looked annoyed when I mentioned that. “Always and forever? That’s bullshit. I see you’ve been hanging out with Jere the second you got here. You guys have been doing everything together!”
“Conrad are you serious I’ve literally asked you multiple times to hang out you’ve been the one to decline not me you.” I could feel myself losing my temper. I came out here so maybe I could try to get Conrad to talk about what had been going on but now it just felt like a mistake.
“Whatever why don’t you go back inside to Jeremiah. He might be getting anxious being away from you so long” Conrad said in a mocking voice.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean“ you said confused.
“It means exactly what it sounds like you should get back to your lover.” Lover? What the actual fuck?
“Jeremiah’s my best friend. He’s not my ‘lover’”
“Sure doesn’t seem like it.” His voice steady but it felt like he was jealous. Wait no way Conrad Fisher couldn’t be jealous. Conrad Fisher only had eyes for Isabel Conklin. Right?
“I don’t get it you’re literally with Belly if you’re not drunk or high. Why are you complaining about who I spend my time with?”
He paused for moment. He seemed to want to choose his words carefully. “With Belly…it’s not the same as it is with you and you’ve been with Jeremiah that it feels like we’re not the same anymore. That you might like Jeremiah.”
“Jeez and I thought you were the smart one of us. I like you, I’ve liked you since I first saw you when you accidentally ran into me and your muffin stained my favorite shirt, I’ve liked you since you looked up at me and continuously apologized and offered me the last muffin you had to make up for it. I’ve liked you since we danced to our favorite song, when we swam in the ocean at 2am, or when we got lost when you tried to teach me how to drive. But I knew I was utterly in love with you when you made me feel safe when I was 15 and I had my first panic attack. You had talked about sailing and how we would go down early in the morning to go see a sunrise together and then get our muffins. And the sunrise that we saw was the best one because that was when I had thought to myself that you were the only one for me. So no it is different with Jeremiah and I because he’s my best friend. But you, Conrad you’re my sun and you’re the only one for me.”
Conrad looked at me stunned. For once I caught him off guard but for what price? I was right he had eyes only for Belly. I mean who wouldn’t she was gorgeous and incredible in general. I felt my eyes getting watery and I felt my cheeks get hot with embarrassment. I could feel myself choking up. I turned away. I wouldn’t let myself cry in front of him. I would get shit from the boys for a whole month. As I walked away a warm hand grabbed my wrist. I couldn’t even process what was happening. All I could tell you was that I had tears running down my face but my lips were touching a pair of soft lips. Conrads lips. Then just as quick the lips touched mine they were gone. Conrad Fisher had just kissed me.
“Wha-“ I was cut off by his voice.
“I love you.” He was out of breathe from kissing me but he was smiling. He wiped my tears away and laughed while doing so.
“Still a crybaby huh?”
“You’re such a jackass you know that.” I smiled so did he. And then we kissed once more. Before he pulled away.
“You know you look beautiful in my hoodie.” He had a light dust of blush as he said it. So did my cheeks though. I looked down and I saw I had been wearing his rowing hoodie he had given me a few summers ago when I was cold.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for that hoodie” He said laughing
“Well finders keepers losers weepers” I said.
“But you didn’t fi-“
Just as he was responding protesting against what I said since it was his favorite hoodie. I kissed him. And he let me.
I don’t know what tomorrows gonna hold or the day after but the one thing I do know is that Conrad Fisher is the one for me.
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stratossphere · 2 years
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cheater cheater | j.k
*disclaimer: i in no way support cheating, and do not see johnny as a cheater! this is just a hypothetical scenario :)*
you and johnny have been broken up for months now, and he’s started to ‘move on’, but you’re not done yet.
warnings: mentions of smoking and drinking, very slight angst, cheating, smut, extremely irresponsible sex, unprotected sex, slapping, choking, Knoxville’s Dirty Mouth
word count: 6.9k
— —
You and Knoxville had been…in a funk. You had been broken up for months now, and up until this point, you’d been almost 100% sure that there was no chance of reconciliation. But tonight, something felt different.
You’d been trying your best to avoid him, because you knew that if you let yourself slip up even a little bit you were going to do something you would really regret, but you couldn’t avoid him forever. Especially with your friends’ love for partying.
You had all finished filming for the day, and had all been invited out to a set producer’s house to party for the night seeing as no one really wanted to deal with the laws and charges that came with partying in public places. So, once again, against your will, you found yourself looking for him as soon as you walked into the house.
As a result of the privacy freedom and all of the booze and drugs flowing throughout the house, everyone was acting like a fucking idiot in someone’s half-dark living room with shitty music blasting so loudly that the walls felt as if they were vibrating. And Bam, who you had somehow ended up next to, had decided that it would be hilarious to start pestering you with questions and ‘concerns’ about Johnny.
“You’re lying.” He was singing in your ear after you had been very adamant that you and Johnny weren’t still fucking. You shoved his face away in irritation, only for him to gleefully continue to talk despite your palm shoved against his cheek. “Who cares, dude? Just fuck him and get it over with so you stop being such a pissy bitch.”
“Will you put a fucking cock in it? Why do you want me to fuck Knoxville so bad?” You complained, taking a long drink of your beer after you spoke in an attempt to relax yourself a little bit. You were pretty drunk already, but he was still finding a way to stress you out regardless. You did, in fact, kind of want to fuck Knoxville, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Because you two are so annoying when you’re not fucking. He’s literally just sitting in the bathroom drinking by himself like a goddamn loser right now.” Bam groaned, motioning vaguely towards where you knew there was a bathroom around the corner. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. To be fair, there were a lot of people crammed into a house that wasn’t built for it, and not everyone could be expected to shove themselves into the living room like you and Bam had done, but the bathroom? Alone? Seriously?
“Why? Is he okay?” As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you winced at how ‘I wanna fuck Johnny Knoxville’ they sounded. Bam clearly didn’t miss it either, because he smirked.
“I don’t know. You should probably go find out.” He nudged your shoulder, and you took another long drink whilst staring him down.
“If we fuck, you can’t judge me. Like, at all.” You said with finality, raising your eyebrows at him because you knew it was going to be a monumental task for him. Bam, for some reason, was the nosiest person on the planet, but then had the nerve to judge you and act grossed out about anything involving sex if you actually told him. He made a face at your proposal.
“Fine. But don’t do anything super disgusting.” He caved, suddenly reaching back and pulling out a long strip of condoms. When you deadpanned, he pressed the entire thing into your hand before you could get a word in edgewise. “Would you like to add pregnancy to the mix, you fucking idiot?”
“Okay! Jesus!” You accepted the condoms with an extremely dirty look, shoving him slightly as you got up off the floor that the both of you had been sitting on in the corner of the room and dropped your coat down towards him so that he could hold onto it. You had never actually been on a mission where the only clear objective was to get in Johnny Knoxville’s pants (usually it wasn’t really a mission, more of a ‘look at him and he’s already taking his pants off’ type of thing), but with a row of condoms in one hand and a beer bottle in the other, that’s exactly what you set out to do.
When you rounded the corner, you were met with a shut (and locked, as luck would have it) bathroom door. You paused for a second, because there was a chance that Johnny had just moved on to a different part of the house and you were about to fuck with some poor person who was just trying to take a piss, but then decided that who gave a fuck. Everyone was too drunk to be offended, anyway.
When you banged harshly on the door and then kicked it with your foot for good measure, you heard a deep sigh from the other end that sounded suspiciously like your ex-boyfriend. You caught yourself smiling for a second at the sound, and quickly reached into your back pocket to fish out a cigarette to stop yourself from doing it again.
“What?” Oh yeah. He was pissed. You sighed softly as you lit the cigarette now perched between your lips, resting your head against the door momentarily as you puffed small clouds of smoke out through your nose as mentally prepared yourself for what was on the other side of the door.
“Let me in! I gotta pee!” You lied, banging on the door a couple more times just to urge him on. There was a pause, which was clearly him grappling with the fact that it was you on the other side of the door, before you heard footsteps and then PJ Clapp himself was standing in front of you with his hand on the doorknob as he pulled the door open. You grinned, pushing past him and then pulling the door shut behind the both of you before he could get a chance to escape. “Hey! Whatcha doing in here?”
“What are you—” He made a face when you didn’t let him past you and out the now-closed door, looking between you and the door momentarily before sighing. “What do you usually do in bathrooms, Y/n?”
“Coke? Drink, apparently.” You said wryly, motioning to the large collection of beer cans that were on the floor by his feet. You knew he probably hadn’t done coke, but that’s what most of the Jackass crew were up to if they were in the bathroom for more than five minutes at a time.
“I thought you had to pee.” He sounded suspicious, and you could see that he was glancing towards the door like he was getting ready to leave. You shrugged, taking your cigarette out of your mouth and offering it over to him.
“I will have to pee. At some point.” You couldn’t keep the hint of a laugh out of your voice as you spoke. You were drunk, okay? You could tell that he could tell, and judging by the number of cans on the floor. He couldn’t have been much better. He seemed to be in a sulky drunk kind of mood tonight. “In the meantime, whatcha up to?”
“Trying to get out of here. You’re blocking the door.” He said uninterestedly as he puffed on your cigarette, motioning to the fact that your back was pressed up against his only escape. You pretended to pout, not moving from where you were standing despite his clear attempt to end your conversation and then taking your cigarette when he handed it back.
“Come on. Just hang out with me for a little bit.” You whined, reaching out and taking his hand in an attempt to entice him into giving you the time of day. He looked down, sighed, and then made a face when he looked at your hand.
“What the hell do you have these for?” He removed his hand from yours so that he could peel your fingers open, revealing the bunched up strip of condoms that you had fisted in your hand. You waved them in front of him enticingly, a smirk on your face.
“Propositions. Just in case I need them.” You said vaguely, winking at him like he was in on your joke. He just stared at you, letting go of your wrist and then taking a step back from you. Collecting them back up so that they were stacked in your palm, you took a sip of your beer. “Bam ‘gifted’ them to me. You can use them on that bitchass blonde chick, if you want.”
God, you sounded drunk and jealous. ‘That bitchass blonde chick’ you were referring to was a girl that had been half-tagging-along to a lot of parties as of late, and had seemed almost attached to Johnny’s hip every time you’d seen her in the past few weeks. Johnny sucked on his teeth.
“My girlfriend?” He corrected, narrowing his eyes at you as he spoke in a tone that basically spat in your face. Your jaw dropped slightly despite your best attempts to control your reaction, and the cigarette you had been holding between your lips fell right down onto the ground. It would’ve been almost comical had it not felt like he had just punched you right in the chest. What. The. Fuck.
“What?” You couldn’t even form a coherent thought to respond to his news. A fucking girlfriend. After all of the long stares and the extra touching that had made you think you still had him even when you weren’t sure you could want him. Once again, what the fuck.
“Stop.” He clearly read your reaction clear as day, because he spoke before you could even give him an idea of what you were thinking. “Don’t get like that.”
“I didn’t say anything. I’m just…surprised.” Suddenly you were desperately wishing that you were anywhere but trapped in that bathroom with him. You hated the fact that you felt so crushed by his news when you’d been so sure that you didn’t even want to be with him anymore. You toed the cigarette that you’d dropped out on the tile floor to cover the fact that you’d dropped it by accident, not moving your eyes back up once they landed on your feet.
“Why did you come in here?” His words just crushed you more. You were starting to silently wish that you’d accepted the molly that Ehren had offered you when you’d showed up for the night.
Maybe you did hate him.
“I just wanted to check on you.” You hated the way your voice had gone quiet, and you just added fuel to the fire when you tossed the condoms towards him and turned to open the bathroom door. “You’re clearly fine, so…”
“Y/n.” Suddenly a hand slammed onto the door above your head, stopping you from being able to open it and essentially blocking you in just as you had been him no less than a couple minutes before. You clenched your jaw.
“What.” Deep breaths. As soon as he let you out, you were going straight for Ehren. You didn’t want to remember this interaction by the time that morning came. Especially because you knew that Johnny was reading you like a fucking book; scrutinizing page by page with every second that went by.
“You can stay in here for a while.” He was fucking serious. And motioning to a pack of beer that he had apparently stolen and hid on the floor by the trash can. “This party kind of fucking blows, anyway.”
Suddenly, something in your mind clicked. He was clearly unbothered by the fact that he was in a very small bathroom with his ex while he was (apparently) dating someone else, and he was inviting you to stay. He didn’t give a fuck about that girl. And if he didn’t give a fuck, you were starting to realize that you didn’t give a fuck either. If he wanted to make bad decisions and ruin another relationship, by god if you weren’t going to help him towards his demise.
“Yeah? Why?” You crossed your arms, meeting his eyes when he didn’t move his hand from the door behind you. “I gave you condoms to get out of here and fuck her, didn’t I?”
“Will you stop? I’m trying to talk to you.” His eyes searched yours, and you wondered if he could see the lack of care that you were slowly falling into. So, based on his close proximity and the liquor in your system, you took a leap.
“I don’t want to talk.” You moved your hands to rest your fingers on his belt buckle, fingertips brushing the soft skin under his shirt just like you knew he liked. It had worked every single time when you’d been together, and you could tell by the way his breath caught in his throat that it was close to working now. “Why do you think I came into this small-ass bathroom with you with a handful of condoms, PJ? To fucking hang out?”
“I don’t know if…” He spluttered over his words as his hand pushed yours away, eyes wide and demeanor completely stiff as he struggled to swallow the medicine that he had fed you so many times before. Serves him fucking right. “Y/n, I’m not sure if…”
“You know, all these times that we’ve been around each other lately, I thought we were going to fuck again.” You put your hand right back where it had been, because you knew his limits, and he knew yours. If he was really against what you were proposing, he would’ve been out of that bathroom long ago. And he wouldn’t be staring at you the way he was.
“You said you never wanted me to fuck you again.” He breathed unevenly as he spoke, your hand slowly starting to peel his belt open as he watched with hooded eyes. It was the stupid ‘Knoxville’ belt that was becoming more and more of a staple in his wardrobe as the days went on. Hell, he’d even let you wear it a couple times before…well, before.
“I lied. I miss you.” More missed his dick than anything else, but that wasn’t in great taste to say at the present moment. Especially when you could tell that he was still teetering between feeling guilty for what he was doing and helping you pull his belt from each loop of his jeans.
“Don’t say that.” He muttered, pulling his lip between his teeth and looking down at you like it pained him to listen to you talk. You just gave him a sour look, dropping his belt onto the floor and listening to the satisfying sound of the buckle hitting tile.
“Is she here?” You asked boldly after a second of letting him look at you. You weren’t sure whether or not you were going to be annoyed if he said yes or slightly disappointed if he said no. Maybe a little bit of both. His jaw clenched, and you started to undo the zipper of his pants to add fuel to the fire that was what you suspected his answer was going to be.
“Yes she’s here. Would you–would you slow down, please?” He said, sounding slightly agitated as his hand stilled your fingers at the zipper of his Dickies. You clenched your jaw in an attempt to control your temper, starting to get irritated with his indecisiveness over your current situation. “She’s…she’s waiting for me.”
“Yeah? Then why the fuck have you been sitting in a bathroom with a case of beer and a bitchy look on your face all night?” You asked critically, letting your lack of patience bleed through your voice for a moment. He looked a little taken aback by your observation, and he spluttered momentarily before he cleared his throat to respond.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” That’s what he came up with. That was his lame-ass fucking excuse while he forced you to stand there and wait for him to make up his mind about some stupid girl you had never even heard speak before. You were sure he cared about her just as much as he cared about everyone else he was supposed to be showing an ounce of respect towards. You threw a hand in the air, starting to put space between the two of you. You weren’t going to stand in the bathroom with him all night while he decided on whether or not he was going to commit. God knows how he did with committing to things.
“I’m not asking you to talk about it, for fuck’s sake. I’m asking you to make up your fucking mind and stop acting like a mopey little bitch while you sit here and whine.” You spoke a little harsher than you intended, but you knew deep down that he could handle it. It wasn’t like he didn’t deserve it, anyway. “Fuck me or don’t. You’ve got ten seconds.”
And, of course, he chose to use those ten seconds to stare at you, lips parted in a look that you had seen so many times before. He was giving you your answer without making a sound. Despite how macho and composed Johnny Knoxville wanted to seem, he would fold at your feet if you raised your voice at him even a little.
Just as you were opening your mouth to give some smart-ass retort about his weak resolve in that very department, he was suddenly reaching out and pulling you back from where you’d stepped away from him, his lips finding yours as soon as your chest pressed up against his. You could taste the beer on his breath, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss at the triumph of getting what you had secretly known you wanted so fucking badly ever since you’d gotten over the initial anger of your breakup. You knew it was hypocritical to tease him for his weak resolve when you didn’t even have a resolve when it came to him. He was your Kryptonite.
Johnny broke the kiss after a second, his demeanor now completely relaxed as he kept one hand on your arm and the other on your cheek. “God, you make me miss you so fucking much.”
You didn’t respond, just kissed him again. You weren’t ready for the whole ‘I miss you every waking moment that I’m not around you and it physically pains me that you’re not mine anymore’ conversation in the middle of someone you barely knew’s bathroom, and you had grown sick of talking anyway. Johnny didn’t complain, and this time he allowed you to get his zipper the rest of the day down without a word as his lips trailed down your neck.
“Fuck me. Right now. I don’t want to wait.” You said as soon as you had his zipper undone, your hands already pushing his pants down his hips as you leaned away so that he was forced to look at you. You’d been staring at him for too long with no outlet over the past few weeks to go through even more waiting when you had him right there and ready in front of you.
“Yeah. Okay.” He was breathless, and seemed to be stuck in limbo as he watched you push his Dickies the rest of the day down before hooking your fingers in the waistband of his boxers and doing the same. He was already haard, just as you had anticipated despite his protesting about his so-called ‘girlfriend’. It made you feel a small, spiteful surge of accomplishment as he returned the favor, pulling the dress that you were wearing up over your hips before ripping the fishnets you were wearing right at the crotch. You huffed at him.
“Seriously? I just got these.” You couldn’t decide whether or not to be mad that he’d just wasted ten dollars of your hard-earned money or deeply aroused that he was being so careless with you. It was like he was reading your mind. He scoffed, showing that he clearly didn’t care as he pulled your underwear to the side through the crude hole in your tights.
“Good.” He breathed, pushing you back slightly so that your ass was up against the sink as he pulled one of your legs up so that he had a grip on the bottom of your thigh and your legs spread wide open for him. Your mouth dropped open as your body quickly decided on the deeply aroused option, and you wrapped an arm around his shoulders as you stared at him.
“Can you go rough?” Your voice had suddenly lost its force, and you sounded like a little kid begging for ten extra minutes after bedtime as he lined the head of his cock up with your entrance with the hand that wasn’t holding your leg up. You were already dripping wet (who could blame you?), and you knew he could tell by the way his eyes darted up to yours with a small smirk on his face.
“Stop fuckin’ begging me for things.” He said after a second, his lips dropping down to your neck as he pushed into you. Every back-of-your-mind warning about how bad of an idea this was immediately dissipated at the feeling of his cock sliding fully into you, a sensation that made you gasp out at the same time that he let out a little groan right in your ear. If you had been fucked before, you definitely were now (no pun intended).
“Fuck, baby–”
“Stop.” The moment that he stopped you from calling him baby, which was more of an accident and a reflex than an actual formed thought, would’ve been awkward at any other time, but you were too turned on and distracted by the feeling of him pulling out and then slamming back into you to care. “I’m not in the mood, Y/n.”
“Yeah? Then fuck me like it.” You were so clearly instigating as you mumbled into his ear, and you could tell that you hit him right where you were aiming for when his lips stilled on your neck and then his head pulled away from you. Then, in a moment that nothing was ever going to compare to for the rest of your life, he slapped you right across the face and then grabbed your jaw between his fingers while he continued to fuck you.
“Shut the fuck up.” He said through his teeth, a moment of something you didn’t see in him often taking over as the hand that had just made contact with your cheek moved to your throat instead. He didn’t grip tight, but he didn’t have to. Despite the fact that he’d literally just told you to shut the fuck up, you moaned loudly, one hand coming up to circle his wrist where his hand was at your throat. You couldn’t help yourself. You had no reserves when it came to erotic violence.
“PJ.” That definitely hadn’t been on purpose, and you almost blushed at how loudly his name had just fallen from your lips. At that moment he seemed to realize what he’d just done, and even though he didn’t stop thrusting his cock into you hard enough to guarantee that you were going to be extremely sore by the time you left the bathroom, he grimaced and took his hand off of your throat to brush his fingers across your probably-red cheek.
“You okay?” He mumbled, clearly not taking a good enough hint by the unbroken stream of gasps and whimpers that were coming out of your mouth as he continued to fuck you like his life depended on it. Every thrust of his hips seemed to hit you deeper and deeper, and it didn’t help that it felt like he was subconsciously pulling your leg up higher every few seconds to make sure that he had you as open as possible for the cock that was currently splitting you open.
“Again.” You begged, voice coming out strained and broken as you tried to form coherent sentences through the waves of pleasure that were making your heart race and your legs shake. No one knew how to fuck you like Johnny did. You had to shut your mind off when you started to wonder how many girls thought that same exact thing when he was fucking them. That was not a place you wanted to go when he was currently so intimately close to you. He let out a chuckle of disbelief.
“You’re fucking crazy.” He shook his head as he let you take his hand and bring it back to your throat from where it had been at your cheek. You couldn’t call him baby, but he could cradle your face like he did when you’d been deeply in love and having sex way nicer than what you were having now. Typical.
“Ple–” You had just been about to give up your pride and beg, when suddenly he cut your voice off by doing exactly what you’d asked, hitting you just as hard as he had before at the same time that the tip of his cock hit that sweet spot inside of you for the first time that night. If what the two of you were holed up in the bathroom doing together had been a secret before, it definitely wasn’t after that, because the sound that came out of your mouth was not one that could’ve been mistaken for anything other than proof that you were definitely getting the attitude fucked out of you. You secretly hoped his stupid girlfriend was in earshot.
“Good fucking girl. Show me how much you love taking cock.” Johnny crooned his words like it was the sweetest thing he’d ever said despite how filthy what he was saying really was. You were a little surprised, because you’d assumed that he was going to want you to be as quiet as possible, but with your orgasm getting closer and closer, you didn’t really stop and think long enough for you to actually care.
Despite how much control he’d been displaying so far, you could tell that Johnny’s resolve was starting to crack. He was fucking you so hard that your head and shoulders were hitting the cheap mirror/medicine cabinet behind you, which was making aloud slamming sound, and every break of his voice was villed with a grunt or a groan that got louder with each second that passed.
“Shit, PJ. I’m gonna cum. Fucking…keep going.” You moaned, the hand that was gripping his shoulder starting to dig your fingernails in a little deeper than what was probably comfortable for him as he picked up his pace up in lieu of what you had just said to him. This was what you loved. Ridiculously loud sex where everyone around you could probably easily figure out what you were doing while the two of you were so entrance with each other that neither one cared.
“You gonna cream on my cock? Mark what’s fucking yours?” God, he was just making it worse and worse. It’s like he wanted you to make you fall in love with him all over again…because you’d totally stopped doing that. You really hoped he didn’t notice the heart-eyes stare you were giving him. There was a thin sheen of sweat coating his forehead, and his eyes were slammed shut in pleasure, which was when he was at his hottest in your opinion.
I love you. I love you. I love you. You couldn’t help it. It was all you could do not to let those words make it past your lips as he hit that sweet spot once more, pushing you into spilling over the edge as you did exactly what he had just asked of you. You dropped your forehead to his shoulder as you cried out, your whole body jerking as your orgasm was pushed further by the fact that his thrusts didn’t cease their harsh pace.
“Fuck, sweetheart. This pussy was fucking made for me.” Johnny groaned, pulling your leg up just a little more than what you could handle in his fucked out haze. You gasped slightly, half because you were bordering on overstimulation and half because he had for sure just pulled multiple muscles in your leg. Suddenly, his eyes shot back open. “Damn it. We forgot a condom.”
Fuck. So much for Bam’s present.
“Pull out.” You panicked, hoping that he was actually listening to you and not just going into ‘fuck until I can’t anymore’ mode, which was a frequent habit of his. He managed to chuckle through the increasingly frequent moans making their way out of his mouth, an idea clearly forming on his face as he looked down between the two of you where his cock was still dragging in and out of you over and over again.
“Look.” He demanded, clearly requesting that you let your eyes drop down to where his were focused. You grimaced, because he didn’t always have the best ideas, but did as he asked, looking down where his hips were starting to stutter. Sometimes you were really shocked by how impressive his stamina was even after as many beers as he had gone through in such a short period of time. “M’ not gonna cum in you. Just gonna make sure you’re not fuckin’ anyone else tonight.”
“What the fuck does that m–” Before you could even fully get your sentence out, he let out a loud, stuttered groan, and then he was cumming directly onto your pussy, stroking himself through his orgasm as he took his turn to drop his head onto your shoulder. He was insane. Actually. Fucking. Insane. You just stared at him for a second, in shock that he had actually just done that. Johnny Knoxville, who had started the night out trying to get away from you so that he wouldn’t have to talk to you.
“Wish I had a camera.” He said breathlessly, loosening his harsh grip on your leg a little once he realized how high he’d been holding it, and in the weird position that he had been holding it in. If you hadn’t known fully well that the girl he had shown up with was probably actively looking for him by now, you would’ve immediately pushed him down to his knees and made him clean you up with his mouth. But, instead, you were forced to let him pull your underwear right back into place, watching as he pressed his palm directly into place to smooth the fabric in while he grinned like a fucking idiot.
“Come here.” If he was going to do that shit, you were getting payback before you made your exit from the bathroom that was starting to reek of sex. You didn’t know how he fell for it, but he did, immediately accepting your request and letting you wrap your arms around his waist. You began to press kisses to his neck, which earned you a lot of responsive gasps and shaky breathing as he was distracted by the fact that you were hitting all of his sweet spots. What he didn’t notice was that you were sucking the biggest, darkest hickeys you could possibly muster on every inch of his throat and jaw, leaving him looking like an overzealous teenager in their first real romance.
However, when you broke away from him and handed him his boxers, he happened to glance up at the mirror, and immediately went pale at the sight of his dark and purple-spotted neck.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He deadpanned, a hand running over the expanse of his throat as he stared at his reflection with a look that had rivaled your own when you’d watched him cum on you only a couple minutes before. You weren’t much better off, with two decently-red handprints on your cheek and a couple of faint hickeys on your neck, but you still laughed at him.
“Payback’s a bitch, Knoxville.” You blew him a kiss over his shoulder as you pulled your dress back down, hoping that you looked at least half-presentable so that you didn’t have everyone eyeing you up suspiciously for the rest of the night. You really didn’t mind the post-fuck look, but you did mind the crude comments that came from space-invading men with a little too much booze in their system. It was a good thing you were starting to get a craving for a joint, because you knew Bam would go outside to smoke with you even if he didn’t want to hear about the sex you’d just been having. You looked back at Johnny once more as your hand made contact with the door handle. “Give your girlfriend a kiss for me. And tell me what she thinks of my decorations when you get the chance.”
You made sure to slip out of the bathroom before he could get a word in, because you knew that you had just royally pissed him off, only to run almost directly into the back of a loudly-shouting Bam Margera. He whipped around as soon as you made contact, evidently about to lay into the douche party-goer that had just spilled a little bit of his beer, only to have a look of concern flood his face instead when he got a good look at you.
“Did that motherfucker slap you?” His eyes immediately darted towards the door as his face changed like he was going to storm towards it, and you grabbed his arm before he could go rushing in there to berate a probably still-pantsless Johnny Knoxville inside.
“Consensual! Don’t worry!” You said with a playful grin, watching his face screw up in disgust as soon as the words were out of your mouth just like you thought it would. He looked you over, his eyes clearly catching the hickeys and the rips of your fishnets that were just visible below the hem of your dress with an extremely judgemental look on his face.
“You two sounded like you were fucking killing each other in there. Did you use all of those condoms?” You couldn’t tell if he sounded impressed or disgusted. Probably a little bit of both. Your playful grin turned into a sheepish one, and you made sure to take a step away from the rest of the people around you so that everyone else wasn’t getting more of an earful about what you had just been doing than they already had.
“Uh…actually none of them.” You admitted, wincing when you saw the look that quickly set on his face. You put your hands up in defense, mentally reminding yourself that you were blaming it on alcohol consumption and definitely not the fact that you might’ve been a little obsessed with the feeling of Johnny cumming in you. Bam certainly didn’t need to know that. “It was an accident! And he didn’t even really cum in me, anyway.”
“Dude. What the fuck is wrong with you guys?” Bam groaned, throwing a hand in the air like an exasperated parent of irresponsible teenagers. “I gave you condoms for a reason.”
“Did you know that he has a girlfriend?” You ignored his lecturing, making a face at how quickly alcohol pushed that admission right out of your mouth. Bam looked bewildered as he handed you a new beer.
“And you two…fucked?” Bam, of all people, was giving you a judgemental stare. You shrugged aggressively, popping your beer tap with one of the rings on your fingers and then taking a big swig.
“Don’t give me that look. Have you ever actually seen those two within five feet of each other?” You defended yourself, pulling a joint out of the pocket of your coat that he was still holding before motioning towards the side door that led outside.
“No, but…damn, dude. I didn’t know you could just openly admit that he’s cheating.” Bam muttered, opening the door for you and then sliding it closed behind himself once the two of you stepped outside.
“You’re making me feel guilty.” You complained as he handed you a lighter to spark up the joint that you had just put between your lips. Surprisingly, there was no one outside except for a couple who looked like there were a couple seconds from fucking in the pool, so the two of you just turned your backs and faced the other way for decency’s sake.
“Sorry, man. You two are just some weird-ass people.” He shook his head to himself, side-eyeing you like he hadn’t told you some seriously fucked-up shit that he’d done with and for significant others. Hypocrisy at its finest.
“Don’t care.” You took the first hit off the spliff, savoring the burn in your throat that cleared the fog out of your head a little bit of the mess that had been this night. “On the bright side, that was like, the best fucking sex ever.”
“I don’t understand how you like being hit. On purpose.” Bam judged, motioning to the handprints on your cheek before accepting the spliff when you handed it over. You wrinkled your nose at him, taking another sip of your beer and glancing through the window of the house to see if you could make out Johnny. You kind of wanted to see the aftermath of what his girlfriend seeing all the hickeys on his neck was going to be.
“Will you just let me exist? God. You don’t know what it’s like until you’ve done it, asshole.” You groaned, running a hand over your face and silently wishing that he wouldn’t take so long deepthroating your joint.
“I’ve been slapped by Knoxville like, a million times. Never made me jizz my pants.” Bam said crudely as he handed the joint back over, shrugging like it couldn’t have concerned him less.
“Well good for you. Can’t say the same.” You grinned at the disgusted look that quickly formed on his face at your words. Suddenly, as if the two of you had spoken it into existence, the side door slammed open, and then shut, and then you both turned and watched a suspiciously familiar blonde girl stomping her way across the lawn and then out of sight towards the side street behind the house.
“No fucking way that’s her.” Bam snickered, looking back towards you with a look of pure enjoyment on his face that rivaled your own as you both broke into a fit of laughter at the sight of Johnny’s girlfriend clearly running away from him. And then, just to make it ten times better, suddenly the side door was behind pulled open again, and then out came the man of the hour.
“Knoxville, you are one stupid fucker.” Bam whooped in Johnny’s direction, flipping him off while Johnny just, as always, grinned like an idiot. And, of course, things could never go well for you, because then Johnny was diverting off of his path to come straight in your direction.
“Why thank you.” He said, sounding completely good-natured despite the fact that his girlfriend had just vacated the party for reasons that everyone could easily guess. The hickeys on his neck had only deepened in color since you’d left him in the bathroom, and you could so clearly see that he didn’t care. He jutted his thumb back in the direction that his girlfriend had gone. “Probably fucked that up, though.”
“Can tell you’re really torn up about it.” You said dryly, taking a long hit in an attempt to keep yourself calm and collected. If only he could take things seriously for once in his life instead of turning everything into one big joke.
“Yeah, and I have you to thank for that, don’t I?” Suddenly he was way too up close and personal in your space, and then he was towering over you as he used his height as an advantage that he didn’t often take. “Don’t go switching up on me, now.”
“Okay. You should probably go chase after Melissa or Courtney, or whatever.” You pushed him back a little bit by his shoulders, consciously aware of the fact that Bam was watching every second of your interaction with an entertained grin on his face.
“Whaddya mean? I got the only girl I need right here.” It’s like he wanted to be punched. Or slapped, at the very least. And then, to add the sickly sweet cherry on top, he looked right at the dirty look on your face and then pressed a kiss to your lips. Right in front of Bam.
“PJ.” You snapped, giving him a warning look with your hand now permanently pushing him back by his shoulder. Deep down you knew that if Bam hadn’t been there, the two of you would’ve been making out by now, and you could tell that Johnny was thinking the same thing, but for the time being he just put up his hands in surrender.
“I’m going! I’m going.” And then he was walking off in the direction that his girlfriend had run off in, whistling to himself as he went. You slowly looked towards Bam, who was already staring at you, and jabbed a finger at him when he opened his mouth to speak.
“Don’t say anything. Not. A. Fucking. Word.”
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notcorson27 · 5 months
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Jealousy, Jealousy
“I think it’s a good idea.” Sam said ask Kenzie shook her head no.
“Mom and dad will certainly know that we threw a party and we both will get banned from coming to the lake house.” Sam and Kenzies parents had left their lake house in the hands of the two for a weekend and Sam really wanted to throw a party.
“Of course you would object Kenzie. You don’t like parties.” Sam grumbled which make Kenzie shrug her shoulders.
He wasn’t wrong, Kenzie hated parties. The loud music, drunk idiots, sweaty bodies, she didn’t like any of it.
“What’s going on here?” Colby said as he walked into the room. Instantly Kenzie’s eyes went to him. Colby Brock has been Sam’s best friend for as long as she could remember. For as long as she could remember Colby could hardly stand her, and for as long as she could remember she had a biggest crush on Colby.
No matter how rude or unkind he was she still liked him. No matter how hard she tried to make the feelings go away they always made themselves known.
“Kenzie is trying to convince me out of throwing a party.” Sam said, his voice laced with annoyance. Colby’s eyes snapped to the girl before he rolled his eyes.
“Come on Kenz, loosen up a little. You’re 21 now.” Colby said sitting down next to Sam. As much as Colby will always say he despises her, Kenzie has never heard him call her anything but Kenz.
“They are unsafe and gross Colby.” She replied with an eye roll of her own.
“You act like Sam or I… Sam will let anything happen to you.” He said with a simple shrug. Kenzie noticed how he tried to brush off him saying I however that seemed to be about the only word she stuck on to.
“I-I fine whatever.” Kenzie mumbled before standing up. Sam’s face lit up with joy as he turned to his best friend and told him to start sending invites.
Kenzie didn’t quite know what came over her when she chose her outfit for the party. She never wore any sort of revealing dress but when her fingers touched the fabric I’m the back of the closet she felt compelled to put it on.
The tight black fabric hugged her body like a glove, showing off the curves she normally refused to show. The lace detailing on the cups is what sold her on the dress. She honestly forgot that she had bought it. Her best friend Hailey urged her to buy it for a case like this. She was thankful she listened.
“You are NOT wearing that!” Sam exclaimed as Kenzie walked down stairs. Kenzie rolled her eyes before walking further into the room.
“You can’t stop me Sam.” She replied snatching a seat on the couch. Sam mumbled something along the lines of ‘tonight isn’t going to be easy’ under his breath before sitting down next to her.
People began showing up slowly at first and then before she knew it their lake house was filled with drunk friends of Sam’s. All of his friends but the one she was wanting to see the most.
She tried to avoid people at the party but as soon as her friend Hailey showed up and convinced her to take her first drink of the night, it was like a flip inside of her had switched.
Kenzie always had been this way when she drank alcohol. She hated it at first but as soon as took a drink the switch was flipped and she was a whole new person.
Kenzie always hated parties but drinking with her friends was a completely different thing. Drinking with her friends was something she did often in high school and college but even more now.
“Let’s dance!” Hailey yelled to Kenzie who was already swaying her hips to the music. Hailey pulled Kenzie through the crowd and into the living room where the most dancing was.
The more sips of alcohol she took the more free she felt. She danced with her best friend, a large smile never leaving her lips. She was having fun at a party which is something she never thought that she would admit.
That was until she looked to the corner of the room and saw Colby. Well Colby’s back. Hands were in his hair as he made out with a girl against the rail of the stair case. A sharp pain shot through her chest as she witnessed the scene.
Hailey was quick to notice what happened and stepped in front of the girl and passed a new drink.
“Fuck him girl. If he can’t see how great you are then that’s his loss. Now drink up, there’s lots of attractive guys here.” She said tapping the drink in Kenzies hand. Without a thought Kenzie downed the drink and turned away from Colby and the girl.
“Time to party.” She said just loud enough for Hailey to hear which made her cheer.
Kenzie danced in a way she told herself she never would, the alcohol was making her confident. She swayed her hips to the music and laughed more than ever with Hailey. The alcohol taking over her senses.
She slowly felt hands snaking their way around her waist and at first she froze but a big thumbs up from Hailey and a peek at the guy was enough to make her keep dancing.
Jake Webber, another really good friend of Sam and Colby’s stood behind her, a large smile on his face.
“Are you having fun!” Kenzie slurred as they moved in sync to the music.
“Always! Sam always throws the best parties.” He said before spinning the girl around so they were facing each other.
She could feel eyes on her as she danced with Jake but she chose to ignore it.
“Hey I’m kind of thirsty. I’m going to go get a new drink.” Kenzie said with a smile. Jake matched her smile before letting his hands drop from her waist.
“Dance again when you are back?” He asked, while reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. A slight blush took over her cheeks as she nodded.
When Kenzie got to the kitchen it was surprisingly empty. She had expected at least some people to be in here.
She reached forward to grab a drink off the counter before a voice interrupted her.
“Jake Webber really?” Kenzie turned towards Colby who stared at her with a raised eyebrow. She felt his eyes drop toward her chest before slowly making their way down her body. Every part of her felt on fire under his gaze.
“He’s nice.” She said trying to shrug off her feelings.
“He’s just trying to get in your pants.” Colby said calmly. A lump began to form in her throat before she swallowed it.
“H-how do you know that?” She said unsteadily. Colby smirked at her.
“He’s been slowly riding your dress up all night. Anyone drunk or sober could see what his intentions are.” His words were like daggers shooting at her.
Then it was like her switch came back on and her confidence was back.
“So what if he is? Maybe I want to sleep with him too?” Colby’s smirk was wiped off his face and you could see something flash in his eyes.
“Don’t dance with him anymore tonight Kenz.” He started before walking closer towards her. Every step he took forward she took one back, until her back hit the back of the counter.
Colby pressed himself tightly against the girl before grabbing onto her chin making sure she was looking right at him.
“And don’t you dare fuck him.” He whispered harshly. Kenzies breath came out in pants as she stared at him.
She watched as his eyes trailed down to her lips. Everything in her wanted him to kiss her but before she knew it he let go of her chin backed up.
Out of a fit of anger and humiliation she stared straight at Colby, knowing what she was going to say next would add fuel to the flame.
“Watch me.” She said before walking around him and out of the kitchen.
It didn’t take her long to find Jake in the crowd of people. He was talking with a few of his buddies, those who he shewed off when she walked up to him.
It was like no time had passed and the two instantly began dancing once again as a new song came on. Jakes hands snaked around her waist as she grinded against him.
She knew Colby was watching, she could feel the heat of his gaze. So when she looked up it didn’t surprise her that she instantly locked eyes with him… and he was seething.
Anger swam around in his eyes along with something Kenzie had never seen in him before. Jealousy.
Kenzie looked away for what felt like a split second before she was pulled away from Jake and was being pulled through the crowd of people. She instantly recognized the mop of black hair.
Colby shoved her into her room at the lake house before turning around and locking the door behind him.
Colby stood facing the door for what felt like an eternity before he turned and faced Kenzie. The room was silent besides of their heavy breathing.
“You’re so fucking infuriating.” Colby snapped at her. She went to speak but before she could say anything Colby closed the distance and smashed his lips onto hers.
“I think you were jealous. If you wanted to kiss me you could’ve just asked” Kenzie panted after he pulled away, a small smile on her lips. He smirked down at her and pressed his lips to hers once more.
“Just shut up Kenz.” He said before kissing her once again.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
ST Jonathan Byers x Reader - Obnoxious
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Warnings: intoxication, underaged drinking, angst, abandonment
Summary: You convince Jonathan to sneak out with you to go to a Halloween party. (Season two spoilers!)
“This is a bad idea.” Jonathan whispered, his usual casually panicked demeanor playing on his features. 
“Oh, grow a pair, Byers.” you retorted, crouching around the framing of the staircase that connected the two stories of your home. Finding your father asleep on the couch, you grinned, and turned back to your best friend. “It’s a great idea, wanna know why?”
He sighed, rolling his eyes, knowing exactly what you’d say. “Because you came up with it?”
“Because I came- yeah! You’re learning, good for you!”
He rolled his eyes again. “What if we get caught?��
“Puh-lease. Your mom has been begging you to go out and have some fun, you really think she’ll care if you go to a little party?” you asked, cocking a brow.
“Oh, yeah, my mom’ll give me a weird look and then your dad with bury me in the back yard and build a patio on top of my bones.” You simply hushed him and instructed him to follow you around the corner, through the living room, right passed your dad.
You were a complicated topic for Jonathan. He hated the situations you put him in, but he couldn’t tell you no. The two of you weren’t dating, the farthest thing from. Whenever the question would arise, the two of you would just sputter out excuses for why you found the other revolting. And you were revolting to him, with you gross sense of humor, your snaggle toothed smile, and snorty laugh.
Regardless, he he was, stopping on the side of a desolate road, on the left side of his car, hastily shimmying into an embarrassingly short pair of shorts that came with the Camp Crystal Lake Councilor costume you’d force him to wear, all the while, having to restrain himself from glancing at you, doing the same on the other side of the car.
“There’s no way I’m wearing this in public.” he retorted, settling back into the drivers seat. “My dick is longer than these shorts.” You snorted at him. 
“So, either you’re exaggerating the length of the shorts, or admit to having a micro penis, either way, that's embarrassing for you.”
“Shut up.”
Minutes later, the car screeched to a halt in from of a busy suburban home. Lights and music streamed out of the windows and party goers occupied space in hoards. You were ecstatic for your first party, especially attending with one of the closest people in your life. Classmates stared as the pair of you walked into the house, and through the various rooms, trying to find your place among the crowd.
Suddenly, you heard a feminine voice call out from the kitchen, making it’s way over to you. “Jonathan! Hey, I’m so glad you came!” Your smile faltered as Nancy slipped passed other teenagers into your view. Jonathan seemed to perk up instantly. 
“Nancy, hey what’s up?”
 “Oh, (Y/N), I’m sorry, I totally didn’t even see you.” she smiled, wrapping her arms around you, causing you to back away from the contact. “Oh my gosh you guys are too cute! The Jason kids, right?”
You rolled your eyes. “Camp Crystal Lake Councilors.” you corrected. She was obviously wasted, and judging by the stain on her shirt, you guessed that she’d been unsupervised. As if on que, Jonathan seemed to take note of the stain, as well as her swaying movement. 
“Woah, Nanc, you okay?” he asked, caringly reaching out, laying his hands on her shoulders to stabilize her. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. My boyfriend’s a dick, and left me here, but now you’re here.” she replied, running through the full range of emotions during her sentence, ending with a blissful fondness. “I have a headache.” she mumbled, dropping her head on his chest.
Your blood boiled in your chest, watching her fall all over him, and watching him cater to her in a way he never would for you. You knew it was unfair to be angry with her. She was intoxicated, and a victim of abandonment. That didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Listen, (Y/N), I’ve gotta go,” Jonathan said sorely. Your heart sank with disappointment. 
“W-What...?” you asked, tears brimming your eyes, intending to say more, but just lacking the heart to go on.
“I’m really sorry, I should really take Nanc home.” he apologized, his brows knitting together, as he hoisted the drunk girl’s arm over his shoulders to carry her away. 
“But...how am I gonna get home..?” you asked, not actually caring about that, but more about his promise to spend Halloween with you.
“It’ll come back for you after the party ends, I promise. Just try to have fun while I’m gone.”
With little left to argue, Jonathan was already dragging his love interest toward the door, her knight in red short shorts. Red short shorts that you’d made from scratch.
As soon as you were sure his car was gone, your fists clenched. You stormed off to the kitchen, harshly snatching a solo cup from the stack on the table and dipping it it into the punch bowl, before throwing it back. One drink turned into a few and soon, the level of the punch in bowl was too low to dip your cup into. Cursing your best friend’s name, you threw open the fridge door, unbothered by the clinking of glass containers in the door as it slammed into the wall. Angrily, you hoarded as many cans of beer you could fit into your purse before deciding it was time to leave.
The outdoor air was cooler than you remembered it being earlier in the evening. Frankly, you weren’t even sure how much time had passed, nor did you care. You just wanted to get home. Pulling a can out of your pause, you guzzled a bit of it down, before cringing at the taste. You’d never had actual beer before, and you obviously were not a fan. You tossed the can at a passing car in distain, before crumbling to sit beneath a street light. 
The screech of brakes pulled you out of your dramatic self pity as you realized that the car had stopped, and the owner was getting out. “Shit.” you mumbled, standing up in defense, to run or to fight, you didn’t know.
“Hey, What the fuck! Who the f- (Y/N)?” You focused on the infuriated man to recognize him as..,Jonathan? His brows raised, as he began to jog over to you. “What the hell are you doing out here, (Y/N), you should be at the party.” he asked, concerned.
“You should be at the party.” you spat. He sighed.
“Be fair, I couldn’t just leave her there.” he explained. “She was in danger.”
“I don’t care about that.” you sniffled, rubbing your eyes, dropping back down onto the side walk. 
“(Y/N), what are you talking about?” You tugged on his jeans, not looking up at him, still rubbing your eye.
“You went home to change.” Jonathan dropped his head in shame. 
“Yeah...I did.”
“You said you’d come back after you dropped Nancy off.”
“I did.”
“You’re a liar, Jonathan.” You spat. “You lie about everything!” Jonathan sighed, sitting down beside you. 
“I know.”
“You’re a jerk.”
“I know.” he replied, waiting for your to get everything out of your system. This was how all your arguments went.  “Anything else?” He was surprised to hear you fall silent, ending the barrage of mild middle school insults. “(Y/N)?” As you choked out a few sobs that you’d been holding onto, Jonathan’s head snapped to your direction as he threw his arms around you. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s the matter?”
“You still love her..” you sobbed, cradling your head in your knees. “You love her and I want you to love me!”
“(Y/N), you’re drunk, you don’t mean that.” he whispered, dismissing your confession. 
“Yes I do!” you shouted, unravelling the ball you’d rolled yourself into. “I crave your attention, Jonathan! I want you to look at me the way you look at Nancy. But I settle.”
“Settle for what?” he asked cautiously. 
“For your time.” you responded weakly, wiping your tears away. “Any sliver of time that i can convince you to spend with me. Hell, Jon, I spent two weeks making these stupid costumes just or you to wear it for an hour and bitch the whole time!” your head fell back into your arms as you began to sob again.
Suddenly you felt a weight on your shoulders, and you were enveloped in Sherpa warmth. Looking up, you found yourself blanketed by Jonathan’s jacket as he looked up at the sky. 
“You’re dead wrong, as usual.” he smiled softly. “I’m not in love with Nancy. Do I still like her? Sure. Would I take the chance if she asked? Absolutely. But she’s not at the top of my list.”
“W-Who is?” you asked, sniffling. 
“Just this obnoxious girl, she’s so annoying. She begs be to give her homework answers, shows up at my house just to bug me, and if I’m not home, she swaps embarrassing stories with my mom.” Now sure he has your captive attention, he turned his gaze back to you, looking deeply into your eyes. “And she spent two weeks making us Halloween costumes, just to drag me to a party I didn’t want to go to.”
“You love me...?” you asked, a hint of wonder in your tone. 
“Duh, I figured it’d be obvious.” he chuckled. “Why else would I let you get me into trouble so often?” You giggle a bit, hugging him. “Now, can I take you home? It’s cold as shit out here.”
It wasn’t long before Jon’s car was entering your block. He smiled softly at you sleeping soundly in his passenger seat, his coat still draped over you. As he approached your driveway, he cut off his headlights, so as not to wake your parents. Just as he parked into the drive way and disembarked, he only got as far as your door before the sound of the garage door rolling up startled him. Behind it, sat your father, who already had a strong distain for Jonathan, sitting in a wooden chair, with a baseball bat.
“Son, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
Hey, if you liked this, and possibly want to check out some more NSFW Jonathan content, check out Lace! I worked really hard on this one, and it got lost in the algorithm, so if you’d check it out, I'd deeply appreciate it!
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firefly-bites · 2 years
no crying in the club (jotaro kujo x F!reader) Pt.1 Pt.2
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Synopsis: y/n, trying to keep her friend happy, forces herself to go to a popular club. Little does she know it would be the best and worst night of her life.
Warnings: minor sexual assault(not by jotaro), alcohol, drugs, swearing, gross party stuff.
Two girls sat in a room. Pink bedsheets and white dressers filled the room with life. The sun had long set as night fell over the horizon. 
“Hold your head still, mascara smudges easily,” Nena said, carefully applying the black liquid to my eyelashes. In about thirty minutes, we were getting picked up by Nena’s boyfriend to go to the newest club downtown. I was already preparing for the noise and the lights. Being blinded by the lack of overhead lights while simultaneously being stunned by the blaring neon lights was something I was not excited about.
“Sorry, sorry, what should I wear?” I asked once she finished with my makeup. Her face was already done when I came over. “Don’t worry, I have the perfect outfit.”
She left for her walk-in closet, rummaging around for the dress she had saved for her friend. In the meantime, I looked around for something to do. I swiped around on my phone to pretend to be busy. Looking in the mirror across the room, I noticed she did full-face makeup on me. On my eyelids were shining highlights, complimenting the black eyeliner and mascara caked on my eyes. Tinted lip-gloss shone on my lips and made them glow a subtle red. Her art made me look hot. I felt good about my looks.
When Nena returned she was carrying a silver dress. It was spaghetti strapped with sequins covering every inch of the fabric. the neckline was loose and would show a small amount of cleavage. It went to about mid-thigh with small slits on each side. 
“Here, it doesn’t look good on me, but you look good in everything, so unfair,” she teasingly said the last part to herself. I took the dress from her hands, sauntering to the bathroom and stealing a pair of five-inch heels covered in fake diamonds. They were strappy and long, reaching to my knees with a small butterfly placed on top of my foot gently. With the whole look put together, I left the washroom with a smile, having a good feeling about tonight.
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“Let’s go, Pol Pol! I heard they have super good cocktails!” Nena said, already drunk on the smell of the club alone. I blinked as she left through the crowd, heading to either the bar or the dancefloor, neither of which I wanted to visit. But alas, the bar was better to relax in and maybe I could even find a booth for us. That idea was blown from my head as I saw a group of people snort lines from the polished marble, then make out with each other. Gross.
As I approached the counter, I felt a stare burning holes into my body, raking up and down. I shivered, sitting down at a barstool and ignoring the uneasy gut feeling rising in my stomach. The bar wasn’t super full and there was an empty seat on each side of me which was nice. 
A man came to stand in front of me from behind the bar. He was handsome, tall, and muscular, and the black t-shirt he wore showed the amount of muscle on his arms. His black hair had been gelled back lazily as a small, charcoal-coloured curl hung on his forehead. What stood out were his stunning eyes. They were sharp and shaded with a captivating blue. 
“Can I get you anything?” His voice was deep and gruff, seemingly tired from serving customers for the past five or six hours.
“Yeah, Uhm, just a margarita.”
In about ten seconds flat, a fancy glass with a lime garnish was placed on the counter. With a quick ‘thanks’ I took a sip of the alcoholic beverage. He nodded before turning around, preparing another drink for a different person. 
It took only ten minutes for someone to come sit beside me. He was a little creepy. The man was drunk and reeked of sweat and beer, wafting around the area and making me grateful for the strawberry perfume I used before coming.
His eyes were the same ones that had been following me since I walked in...ew. I chose to ignore him, his stare making me shift in my seat. My margarita was almost gone, maybe another two or three sips left. I savoured the bitter taste of alcohol for once in my life, opting to spend as much time drinking the beverage as I could. As soon as those were done, I shifted my gaze to the weird man. 
“Can I help you?” I said giving him my nicest smile. Sure, he looked like a creep and his smell was making her eyes water, but maybe he was just trying to have a drink.
“You sure can, how ‘bout me ‘n you ditch this bar ‘n go to my place, sugartits” Woah, Woah, Woah. 
“Sorry, I just got here and I’m waiting for a friend,” I said, still trying to smile at him.
“I don’t see no friend, so we should head out,” he laughed, a musty scent coming from his mouth. His arm slung around my waist, gripping my hip and going further towards the small slits in my dress by the second. 
“Please let go of me, I don’t want to leave with you,” a frown crawled across my lips as my heart began to beat faster. I could feel subtle tears wet my waterline as the fear of what could happen settled in.
“Don’t be a bitch ‘bout it, just come nice ‘n easy ‘n nothing will happen to your pretty little face.”
His hand pulled me from her seat, making me almost slip over my heeled shoes. He continued to grope at my butt while smirking, trying to lead me away. I tried to stand my ground, although it was difficult when a man taller, stronger, and bigger was fondling me and trying to drag me away. 
“Let go of me! Please, I don’t want to go with you!” 
“Don’t be so annoying, you fucking who-”
“Get your hands off her, or we’ll use force to remove you from this establishment.”
Jotaro’s P.O.V
Today was shit. Not only had Jotaro been annoyed by a group of whiny girls on his way to work, but he had also been put on bar duty. Sure, it was better than cleaning but people yelling at him and being rude to him pissed the man off. After serving another beer to a customer his eyes locked on a woman walking up to the counter. Her silver dress hugged her waist and showed quite a bit of skin, but that's not the reason he was staring. He was staring at the fact that she was alone In a busy club. 
He sighed, realizing he’d have to keep a careful eye on her. 
When she ordered, he couldn’t help but want to hear her voice more. The way it smothered out all the loud music and partying people was a nice break. He could even smell a wave of fruitiness that seemed to envelop her. And when she thanked him his glare broke for a mere second. His oceanic eyes softened at her before walking away to tend to other customers. Only when he saw a creep prowling on her did his glare harden again. The man's hands were on her hip as she looked very uncomfortable. Jotaro pretended to look busy while cleaning some already polished glasses to not look suspicious.
“Don’t be a bitch ‘bout it, just come nice ‘n easy ‘n nothing will happen to your pretty little face.”
Jotaro felt rage boil inside him when the pervert slurred the nasty words. Even if Jotaro was an asshole, he knew that respect was a basic human right and that women should be appreciated, not forced to lose their dignity for some dirty pig. The towel he had been using was now slung over his shoulder. He put his full attention on the situation in front of him. If that man pushes his luck any farther he wasn’t afraid to step in. 
The breaking point came when she was lifted from her chair by the man as he groped and touched her in a very gross fashion. The black-haired man watched as a fearful tear escaped her eye. Jotaro took it upon himself to walk over, his pace quickening when she quietly yelled more words of protest. 
“Get your hands off her, or we’ll use force to remove you from this establishment.”
His voice was powerful and demanding. The woman felt her legs almost crumble in relief when he stepped in. Jotaro could practically feel the thankfulness radiating off of her. 
“Oh? And what’re you gunna do ‘bout it, big boy? ‘M just taking the lady back home,” he slurred, moving his sweaty hand up and down her side. She shivered, goosebumps raising across her arms as she looked at the bartender with pleading eyes. She could only hope it would give the message that she didn’t want to be left alone with the creep. 
Good -fucking- grief
“I’ll take you out of here myself if I have to. Let her go and we can all move on with our nights.”
“No, I don’t think I will. She’s just playin’ hard to get. I know how these women work.”
“Please, I promise I’m not, please just let go of me,” She begged, tears now dribbling down to her chin. His hand raised and before anyone could blink, y/n felt a searing pain on her cheek, the skin turning a vibrant red that was visible even through the club lights. More tears fell from her eyes as she almost sobbed at the pain. 
“Shut up, you bitc-” 
Before he could finish his insult, a fist came hurling at his head, knocking him out cold. The moment his hands left her body she scurried behind the bartender, his large body sheltering her. Her eyes were closed as silent tears left them. Her mind wandered to what would’ve happened if the man hadn’t stepped in, making her shudder in disgust and fear. The mysterious man called security over to grab the unconscious pig as the man turned around to face y/n.
“Good grief, what a mess.”
She stifled a giggle at his reaction, bringing a hand up to wipe her tears away. 
“Thank you, I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t come,” she admitted, wiping the ruined makeup from her face. As Nena would say, ‘No crying in the club.’
“Whatever, I hate creeps like that,” Even with his scruffy voice he still sounded somewhat worried and considerate when speaking to her, “You feeling alright?”
She laughed. It wasn’t a happy laugh, but rather the kind that you sing when there’s nothing else to say. “Jotaro? That's your name, right?”
Her words confused him for a second before he remembering his name was plastered on his chest. “Yeah, but call me Jojo. What’s yours?” 
“y/n.” Pretty name for a pretty woman. It was a beautiful melody that left her glossed lips like a sonnet. Only now that he could see her close-up, did he realize how gorgeous she really was. Even with smudged makeup and tear streaks running down her cheeks she was still the most stunning girl he had ever seen.
As y/n offered her name, she looked into his deep, ocean-like eyes. He had long lashes that framed the mans pupils perfectly. Sharp cheekbones and jawline that made her want to drool over him. He was way taller than her, towering at around six-foot-five. He seemed to be staring at her with a slight frown and she took that as a sign that she looked a little gross with beauty products smeared across her skin.
“Sorry, I probably look pretty shitty right now,” she chuckled, turning her head to shield her face, must to Jotaro’s disdain. “Could you…take me home? I really don’t want to go alone right now. It’s totally okay if you can’t, I can just find my fr-”
Jotaro cut her off with a grunt, telling her that it wasn’t safe to be alone in her current circumstance. She agreed, lightly holding onto his much larger hand for comfort as the two exited the club.
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Word Count: 2,038
do y’all want smut in the next part or fluff? I cant decide T-T
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loungingbear · 1 month
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I hope someday, I can live without fearing I've said something wrong, that every choice I make is a mistake, not to be called a victim. I feel like a fucking loser for not letting go of shit that's been long over, for over half of my life span. I hate that I feel like my pain isn't valid. I've had to grow up with an alchoholic mother and a drug addict father that didn't give enough of a damn about their son. I had to grow up masking around a shitty crowd of people that were my only chance of not feeling alone, even in that shitty racist hell hole of a town. Having to know my father is in jail as I graduated. Being left alone somewhere because dad decided to get drunk and just throw me anywhere. Better than when I have to sit alone in the dark and wait for a mother to return because I can't stay at my grandparents because my drunken father nearly assaulted me, again. Having to run to a friends house to call the police to because I was afraid he'd hurt my mom. The same mother who took in a dangerous piece of shit, who constantly harassed me along with his children. Growing up having to constantly leave home, because dad is drinking again. Coming home to blood in the carpet and a gun on the couch, but having to get ready and dressed for school. Having brothers and sisters that don't give a rats ass about you, hating you because "your parents love you more." If you wanted their fucking love, you could have had it. Cutting off all of them now so I can have a bit of brevity. But at least I had friends during all this time right? My best friend set me up with someone who's homophobic, almost outed me to my parents via valentines grams at my school and constantly harassed me until I was finally out of school. Only one person from that town, I still care about, and I probably won't ever see her again. But at least online was alright though right? No, ontop of everyhing, online I was stupidly trying to make friends with people, falling in with people who turned out to be gross fucking people of the furry fandom. If anyone knows of the names, Tamias6, Skorksis, Tanookicatoon. It fucking sucks growing up knowing what's right, when you see the cracks in the people who you thought you could FINALLY FUCKING TRUST. AND YOU HAVE TO LEAVE, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SAFE FOR YOU, OR ANYONE. But really, nothing tops Tokimasu Blazer. Imagine, you find a group of friends you finally feel at home with, you get close to someone specific in the group. They pretend they've killed themselves. And now you have to sit there while everyone else freaks out. And what would you do? I told everyone the truth. Tokimasu came back, miffed that he couldn't just slink off. Now threatening suicide for real. It's too the point I can hardly talk about my feeling anymore, this being here, is a fucking miracle I was able to say any of this. I never feel like I can ever get any sort of break. All I've ever felt like I've had in life, is to lose everything I thought I'd hold dear, for all of it to ALWAYS fall apart. Even friendships that felt stable, I've watched people just grow and leave, knowing them before their current sonas even. I don't even know where to go from here anymore, my whole life is a fucking mess and I have no idea how to.. do anything about it. I'm trying to do therapy, but my first.. legitimate checkup in probably a decade is in November. Going to try and get to therapy or something. At this point, I'm just a hermit, curled up in my room, self medicating, just hoping things will get better. But the way I look outside and here the news, I feel like the world is going to end this year. Probably why I took the time to type this out, because I have so little hope anymore for anything.
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crmsnmth · 2 months
September Sky Chapter Two, Part 5
"Yeah, he got here, like, an hour ago?" That was Amber's only flaw. The word like. Yeah, I get she was young and that seems to be one of those things with every generation, but it always drove me nuts then. It drives me nuts now. Anybody else does that, I'm liable to just walk away. And then people think I'm rude, not knowing walking away is better than letting out my inner asshole. I don't like letting that out. I like it too much. And that scares me.
"Oh cool. This been it since you've been in?" I motioned around the room.
"Pretty much. And they were done eating when I got in. So about a half hour of making whiskey cokes." Amber liked her job. When she got to be what she thought a bartender was. She should've been working at seem theme bar, where the bartenders have stupid games and stupid little dances. Not making the same five drinks for the same five type of people that came here.
The five types? First dates; we're affordable for the type of food we put out. Be fancy without actually being fancy. Show off without destroying any chance to do anything for the rest of your night.
Celebration tables: some kid just aced his dissertation, so the friends and family wanted to celebrate. At least once every couple of weeks we have a table of at least ten people. And a lot of those times, these people don't understand how to make a reservation.
Quick business meetings: even on the edges of Riverwest and the Eastside, there sat the people who wore three-piece suits to work and made deals with five digits at the least. They ate fast, efficient and never left a mess. Or a good tip.
The tourist; this person has no idea how they got here. They wandered in somehow, and just said fuck it. They'll stick with the flow. They'll love the place for the night, and usually their waitress got a pretty bad ass tip from them. Tourists, are honestly the best to work for. I love them. No matter what, they will love the food. They care about nothing but the experience.
And finally, the middle-aged date night; these are depressing to watch. Two people who at one point loved each other and got married. Now they've gotten old, and busy, and life isn't this bright and full of opportunities. The spark died, and they don't want to admit it. So they try every trick in the book. And one of those, and it never worked, was weekly date nights. And every so often, they would show up here.
Those were the main five types. I mean there were other sorts that came in. But those were the five. The table right now, drinking? Business meeting that apparently went very well.
We clacked our shot glasses together and downed them. Amber made a gross face. She never was a fan of whiskey, and I was not a fan of vodka, which was usually her choice. I, on the other hand, enjoyed the smooth shot. Good whiskey is good whiskey.
I hopped off the stool. "I'll talk to you later. I should go see what Skeletor is doing." I said, grabbing my jacket and heading for the swinging door that separated the kitchen from the rest of the building.
"See you later," Amber said, going back to marrying bottles and wiping a spotless bar down even more than she needed.
"Skeletor!" I shouted as I came into the kitchen. I was officially and fully in the work part of my personality. The loudness, the living. The things you have to be to be a good manager.
"'Sup!" He shouted back from the line. He was there, a black t-shirt and blue jeans covered with a black apron. An apron that stopped above his knees. We only had one apron that fit him and it had gotten covered by a spilt pot of tomato sauce. Our laundry was done on Thursday nights, so he'd always have it on the weekend. Maybe you don't think of how your kitchen looks, but we do, and we do have the uniform. Burns and cuts lining the forearms. Pen or pencil in the ear. A sauce covered apron covering our clothes,
"How we standing?" I asked, walking into the back office, where the three desks stood. One was mine, the most covered in paper and it looked very messy to the untrained eye. But I knew where everything actually was so don't fucking touch it. Angela's desk was spot less and clean. Not a paper clip out of place. Just like her. We didn't get along all that well. And then Amber's desk. It was covered in little nick-nacks that she'd brought in. Even her laptop had a dorky sticker on it. I threw my jacket on the desk, grabbed an apron and headed back to where Justin was chopping up an onion.
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miracleweaponhunt · 4 months
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 30: Is This It?
No way this was it.
The kiss felt…gross? Their tongues pushed against each other like some kind of bizarre species of slugs while their lips were pressed together. That was it? That couldn’t have been it.
“You doing okay?” Willow asked. “All good?”
Something was showing on her face. Disappointment, confusion, she didn’t know what.
“Um, I think something I ate during dinner didn’t go down right. Mind if I use your bathroom before we do anything else?”
During the party, Cassandra was trying out all the alcoholic drinks she could, slamming back shots while Rory was lying on the table. Sylvestro was laughing with her, also getting mildly tipsy off the serving trays offerings, with Fen Hou dragging him away before anything got worse. Cassandra took one more shot of Witburn before her phone rang. She discreetly removed it from her bust and answered it.
“Hello?” She whispered, going to a quieter part of the room.
“Cass?” Roxanne asked, her voice waving.
“Roxanne? Something up?”
“I’m in Willow’s bathroom and can’t go out without it being…really bad. Just come up and try to think of a reason to get me out.”
Cassandra shut her phone and walked over to Julian, casually drinking a glass of milk next to Javier.
“We gotta go, it’s about Roxanne.” She spoke. Julian gave a quick nod and downed his milk, following her to the door where a lanky servant came holding a plate of drinks.
“Is there a reason you have to leave?”
“Where’s Roxanne?”
“Willow’s friend, correct?” He asked. “I believe she had lady problems to attend to.”
“Well, I need to see her.”
“There’s no reason to leave for the next few hours outside of emergencies. Now then, enjoy the festivities.”
Cassandra pushed the doofus in front of her to the side, with Julian rushing behind him to break his fall. Once he knew he wouldn’t sustain any major damage from this height, he let go and let gravity run its course, following Cassandra to Willow’s room.
Willow answered her door to see a mildly concerned Cassandra standing in front of her.
“You need something?” She asked, glancing around the hallway.
“Yeah, it’s about Roxanne.” Cassandra started, trying to sound casual. “I got a call from her, and I’m pretty sure she…died in your bathroom.”
“She what?” Willow asked, looking over at her door.
“Yeah, we’ll take her out.”
Cassandra pushed past Willow as she knocked on the door. The door unlocked, and Cassandra walked in and carried Roxanne out of the room. Julian moved Willow aside to ensure nothing collided.
“Okay…mind explaining what’s up?” Julian asked, standing in front of Willow’s door in case she tried getting out.
“I kissed her, right?” Roxanne said to Julian’s nodding face. “And it was all nice and romantic until that point. But then when we actually began to kiss it felt so…gross? Like, it felt like I shouldn’t have been there.”
“Eh, I wouldn’t look too deep into it. You weren’t as into Willow as you thought. This happens.” Cassandra said, putting a comforting hand on Roxanne’s shoulder. Next person you find, you’ll get them.”
“But will she?” Julian asked.
Cassandra furrowed her brow at him. “Yeah.”
Julian opened his mouth, paused for a second then let his thoughts out.
“Look, Roxanne. Do you really know if you’re cut out for this?”
“Cut out for what?”
“You know, the whole…romance thing. Because I see you just kind of latch onto the first person we meet, go on a date or two, and then abandon them after it goes nowhere.”
“Julian, what are you saying?” Cassandra asked.
“It’s just a pattern I’ve noticed.” Julian said. “Look, I’m not trying to draw any conclusions for you, but did you see anything long term between any of the people you dated?”
“Well, no, but It’s not like I had the option to find the best of the best or anything.”
“Two were close to Lux leaders, and one’s literally gonna become one. How are they not the best of the best?”
“Well, I mean…there’s more to it all than all that…right?”
“Way more.” Cassandra nodded.
“Look, maybe put a pause on the whole love thing for a while, okay? Because as I see it, you don’t even know what you want out of it.”
“What are you saying?!” Roxanne asked, getting up to Julian’s face.
“Look, listen to me. Cassandra likes men, Willow likes women, I like both. Maybe you just like nothing.”
A shock went through Roxanne’s heart when that word was said. She felt a force close in on her she just had to break out of. She clutched her necklace, and as if it was guiding her, an idea made it’s way into her head.
“I’m something! I love people! I-I love a lot of people! Like you!”
“I’m sorry, what?” Julian took a brief step back as Roxanne approached him. Roxanne pulled him close and pressed their lips together.
It didn’t feel good.
Julian managed to pry her off him, accidentally shoving her to the ground. Cassandra ran over to pick her up, and Roxanne immediately went to kiss her, closing their lips together. Cassandra calmly tried to push her away and put one hand over her mouth.
“Roxanne, are you okay?” She asked.
“More than okay!” Roxanne yelled. “I’m in love!”
“Are you?” Julian asked from behind them, looking slightly unnerved.
“Who, even?”
Roxanne stood in silence for a brief moment, before falling on her knees.
“I don’t know!”
Willow stepped out of her room to see what was happening, and Julian just gestured for her to go back to her room.
“So, I’ve been sent to look for…”
Kazumi’s voice slowly diminished as she saw whatever was happening in front of her. Roxanne took one look at her and slowly began to run down the hallway.
“So, what did I miss?” Kazumi asked, looking at the worried faces of Julian and Cassandra.
“She’s just having a…mild crisis, so to speak.” Julian sighed, gazing at the path Roxanne tread on.
“Oh damn, over what?”
“She’s been having trouble finding love when we landed in new places. And when I asked if she even knew what she wanted, she started panicking and ran off.”
“That wasn’t it.” Cassandra sighed. “He started asking if she could even feel romantic feelings, and that’s when she started panicking.”
“Ah, it’s that kind of crisis.” Kazumi said. “Listen, you two and Willow need go back to the dining hall, and I’ll track Roxanne down. Sound good?”
“If you can get her out of her mood.” Julian nodded. “If I were to guess, she’d go inside her room seeing as she doesn’t know the layout of this place.”
Roxanne lay on her bed, trying not let tears leak from her face onto her dress. She was ready for this her whole life. All the shows she watched, all the music she listened to, it was all in preparation for her journey of love. She played the song she always returned to in her head. Raided Hearts by Diamond Dragons. The song about two people taking solace in heartbreak before finding each other was so beautiful. So why couldn’t she recall the lyrics? Before she finally heard a knock at the door.
“Hey Roxanne, you in there?”
Kazumi’s voice.
“I’m…getting changed!”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” She replied coolly. “I heard about what happened.”
“What, exactly? A lot of things happened lately, especially to me! I’d probably rank in the top ten of people doing things when you think about it.”
“I suppose, yes.” Kazumi said from behind the door. “But you only signed up to all of it to find someone to fall in love with you, right?”
“Well, what’s your point?” Roxanne asked, knocking some of her clothes on the floor to create the impression of something busy going on beyond the door.
“I’m saying that…I might be able to help you out a little. Because I might have been where you are right now.”
Roxanne stopped shuffling around her room. “In what way?”
“Well, you know, love. Or…the lack of it. You know, when everyone and everything around you is telling you to fall in love. Your friends all get in relationships and start spending less time with you. Basically every song and movie is about love or has it shoved in there. Because it’s what people want to see. On a screen, in a song, and in you. And when you learn you just…can’t feel it, it’s tiring. Frustrating, even. You start thinking you’re broken. That there’s some level of society that you’ll never be able to reach. And then you don’t really know what to do with yourself.”
“So what are you saying?”
“Just that…whatever you’re feeling, it’s fine. Being ace is fine.”
Roxanne didn’t reply. Kazumi silently fist-bumped the door, not knowing how to finish the conversation. She turned around to a young servant girl looking distressed behind her.
“Miss Kazumi, there’s been some news delivered in the dining hall. Everyone has to attend to discuss the next course of action.”
Kazumi knocked on the door.
“Roxanne? We have to leave. You don’t have to think about what I just said, but something important just happened downstairs.”
Roxanne silently walked out. As she walked past Kazumi, all she did was nod. The servant went to get Willow, who reunited with the two of them.
“Hey, mind telling me what’s up?” She asked.
“No idea.” Kazumi replied.
Julian and Cassandra met up with them and were filled in on the situation. The five of them walked into the hall, where everyone was turned to statues with the news. A single servant stood before all of them, his eyes darting around the room in a nervous panic. With nothing to do, Willow tapped Javier on the shoulder.
“Hey, what happened?” She whispered.
Javier turned around, his hands shaking.
“Over in Sangaria.” He said through quivering lips. “Marcel was killed, and the shield was taken.”
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Michael: Depressed
This story mentions suicide, and depression. Read at your own risk.
Michael’s life was going great. Touring with his band was the best feeling ever, considering how far they had come. His bandmates were his best friends, and he had a wonderful girlfriend,  who didn't just use him for his money. 
He was happy all the time. He loved his bandmates, and his girlfriend more than anything else in the world. He loved his fans, and twitch streaming was his favourite hobby.
His life was perfect. He couldn’t ask for anything better. 
Until that night. 
It was January 19th, 2019. (this date is just made up :))
Him and Abigail were going to dinner. He had been planning their date for weeks, and couldn't be more excited. He checked himself, and fixed himself in the mirror. He looked at the ring once more, and tucked it into his inside pocket.
It was the night he had been waiting for forever. He hoped she would say yes, and he was sure she would. They loved each other more than anything. But the nerves were still there.  
His phone buzzed, and a message from her appeared on the screen.
‘Hey Mikey, can we reschedule? Im not feeling well :(‘
He read the text a couple times before responding. Yes he was excited, but to him, she mattered more than anything to him. I guess the proposal would have to wait. 
‘Of course baby. Do you need anything?’
‘Im okay, thanks’ 
And with that, his amazing date-to-be was canceled. He had to wait a little while longer to claim his soon-to-be fiance. He had everything planned out. 
He sighed, and called the restaurant to cancel the plans. He was a little disappointed, but he'd be fine. He decided to stream for a little while to get his mind off things. 
He was only live for a few short minutes when the comments started coming in.
“Ew ,why does he look like that?” someone said
“Looks like someones been eating too much XD” 
“Bruh, go get a tan lmao”
He shut off the stream. He decided to go see what everyone else was up to. He walked into the living room of the boys' shared flat. The boys were all playing FIFA. 
“Oooooo Hey Mikey!” Luke exclaimed. 
“Hey guys.” Michael sat on the couch beside Ashton
“Are you ready for your date tonight? To Propose! Wait, that's tonight right?” Ashton questioned, confusing himself
“It was, but not anymore. Abigail canceled. I guess she's not feeling well enough to go” Michael sighed.
“Oh really? I'm so sorry.” Ashton replied. 
“You guys wanna go to- I don't know, somewhere?” Ashton added, seeing Michaels sad expressions.
“Oooo We should go to the steakhouse! I love steak!” Luke practically yelled.
“Okay. Michael, is that okay” Ashton wanted to make sure he wanted to first. It's no fun trying to have fun with someone who doesn't want to have fun.
“Yeah. That sounds great actually” Michael smiled. This night was going to be great after all. 
“Okay we’ll leave in 20” Ashton said, leaving the room to shower. 
They all loaded into Michael's car, and headed to the steakhouse. It wasn't a far drive , and shouldnt take them that long.
When they arrived, they had to wait for about 10 minutes. It was a popular place, and was really busy. He was still a little disappointed remembering the ring, but he was excited to have fun with his best friends.
They walked in, and the waiter sat them in a booth, Michael sat by Luke, and Calum by Ashton. The waiter asked them what they wanted to drink. 
Luke ordered a Coke.
Ashton ordered a Tea
Calum ordered a Tea
Michael ordered a water, remembering the twitch comments from earlier. 
“I thought you thought water was gross?” Ashton questioned. 
“Eh, I don’t drink enough” Michael replied, adding a fake half laugh for effect. 
The waiter came back with the drinks, and got their orders. 
They all ordered Steak, except Luke who ordered chicken tenders.
“You're such a child” Michael laughed
They started talking about upcoming shows and touring. They created a set list, and opening songs. By the time they had finished, Michael was more insecure than before. And it wasn't anyone's fault.
Was he really good at singing? Or did everyone feel bad for him?
Does he actually belong in the band?
‘I bet their looking to replace me’ Michael told himself.
He felt useless all the sudden.
Did his best friends hate him?
He was pathetic. Fucking pathetic. 
The waiter came back with their food. Everyone started eating, except michael. Who just sat there, staring at his steak. 
Nobody mentioned it though. They knew he was upset, and they didn't want to upset him anymore. He sat there and picked at his food, taking a bite every so often.
“Who’s up for ice cream? I could use a banana milkshake!” Ashton laughed.
“What kind of question is that? I love ice cream!” Luke chimed in
“Of course you would. You're literally a 5 year old.” Calum laughed
“Am not”
“Are too”
“Am not”
“Oh my god. You're both children, grow up’ Ashton interrupted, followed by all three of the boys laughing. 
The waiter brought the check. Ashton paid, and they all left. 
They drove to get ice cream, about 15 minutes away from where they were. The whole ride was all the boys, including Michael who cheered up a bit at this point, blasting sgfg and singing along. There was some dancing, except from Michael, who was busy driving. 
Once they had arrived at the ice cream place, they all went inside to order. Ashton of course ordered a Banana Milkshake, and Luke got Cookies and Cream. Calum got Mint Chocolate Chip, and Michael got Chocolate Ice Cream.  
Then it happened. 
They were walking out of the store, which was crowded by the way, and then he saw her. 
Who was she with?
“Abi-” He started, when the guy leaned down and kissed her.
His heart shattered.
“Michael? What's wron-” Ash stoped mid sentence. He saw it. 
“Come on.” He grabbed Michaels arm and brought him twarts the car. 
They got in the car. Ashton decided to drive, and convinced Michael to sit in the back with Calum. 
As soon as they got in the car, Michael burst into tears. 
The love of his life- His whole life, just betrayed him. 
He couldn't believe it. He cried. He couldn't talk. He couldn't breathe. He just cried. 
It was a silent ride home. The only sound made was Michael's brief sniffles and sobs in the background.
They got home, and Michael just went to his room. He laid there. He just laid there. For hours, and cried.
Then he had to go to the bathroom. He was too sad, so he just held it. 
How could he not have seen this coming? 
He thought she loved him.
Because he loved her. And so he thought she loved him.
He cried off and on for a few hours. He tried not to think about her, he really did, but every single second, all he saw was her kissing him. 
He continued to try to think of ways to make himself feel better. All the advice he’d ever given, or had been given. Then he remembered.
Ashton told him once that when he was younger, he would cut his arms with a razor. It helped him feel better. 
Maybe he could do that.
Or maybe he shouldn't.
But maybe he could try.
He looked at the posters above his head. Almost all of them had pictures of the band. He took one of the pins out of the corner, letting the poster fall slightly. 
He stared at it for a minute, not knowing if what he was doing was right. Maybe it would help. 
He pressed the tip of the pin against the bottom of his wrist. He pushed it in slightly, feeling the pain of the tip stabbing him. He slowly pulled across his wrist, wincing in pain. He continued to drag it over the entirety of his wrist. He slowly made a few more going up his arm. Then he stopped. 
He looked at wrist. What had he just done. He had purposely hurt himself.
Maybe he should tell someone.
Or maybe he shouldn't. 
He stared at the blood dripping down his wrists. He didn’t cry anymore. He couldn’t.
He checked the time on his phone. It was 3:27 am.
Well. It's been around 6 hours, and nobody bothered to check on him. 
He sighed. He needed to go to the bathroom. After about 10 minutes of trying to get the energy, he shakily stood up and walked to the bathroom. He flipped on the lights and looked at himself in the mirror. He didn’t look good. He went to the bathroom, washed his hands, and walked back to his room. He climbed back into his bed and stared at the ceiling. He soon fell asleep.
He awoke a few hours later. Or that's what he thought, before he checked the time. He flipped his phone on, and the numbers read 4:30 pm.
“Jesus” he said out loud. 
After laying there for a few minutes, He got up and went to the bathroom. Getting up was a little easier this time. 
He then walked out to the living room. The boys were sitting in the living room playing FIFA.
Michael felt left out. He knew why they didn’t bother him, and quite honestly, he was glad they didn’t. He wanted to be alone anyway. Then he remembered.
His wrists. He looked down to make sure they were still covered, which they were. He sighed and walked into the living room. The three boys turned to look at him, all at once.
“The zombie has risen!” Ashton exclaimed, earning a slap by Calum.
“Be nice” Calum playfully scolded. 
Ashton rolled his eyes. “Wanna play?”
“No thanks. I just came to get some water.” 
“Okay.. If you need anything, let us know” He frowned
“Yep” and with that, he grabbed a water bottle and went back to his room. 
He sat on his bed. He couldn't do this, his chest hurt. He felt horrible. 
He felt unloved.
He felt his world come crashing down. His girlfriend never gave a shit about him. Why was he even in this fucking band. He didn’t deserve what he has. The fans, the friends. 
Or maybe he didn't have any. Maybe his friends just felt bad for him. The fans probably didn't like him either. Why would they? He was just some lazy fuck up whose life doesn’t matter to anyone. 
He let out a choked sob as he felt the tears on his cheeks. He didn’t even realise he’d been crying. He laid down and buried his face into his pillow. 
He didn’t remember it, but he must have fallen asleep while crying, because when he woke up, his face was buried in his wet, tear-soaked pillow.
He rolled up his sleeves. His cuts had scabbed over. He needed more. It felt so good last time. 
He took the pin from his bedside table. He rolled down his other sleeve and pressed the pin into his skin. He made three. He had five going down one arm, and three going down the other. 
He just stared at them. He wanted to cry, but he knew he needed to stop with the tears. They were childish, and he was pathetic. 
He hadn’t eaten in two days. His stomach started to hurt a little. He couldn’t take it anymore. He wasn’t needed anymore. He stood, went to his desk, and sat down. He pulled out a piece of paper, and a pen. He started to write letters to everyone.
One was addressed to friends.
One to his family, with separate ones to his mum and dad. 
One to his best friends, his band mates. 
And one to his fans.
There wasn't enough space to write everything he needed to. There shouldn’t have been an end to the note. There was still so much he had to say. 
Now he was ready. He just needed a way to do it.
He walked out to the living room. It was 11, so he thought everyone would still be awake, which they were. Well, Luke and Calum were. 
“Guys? Where's Ashton?” He wanted to say a goodbye to them in person, and he knew that Ashton had a variety of different pills. He knew you could overdose on ibuprofen, which he knew Ashton had. 
“He went to the store. He said he didn't feel well and went to get some cough drops. WHatcha need? Luke questioned, eyes glued to the tv.
“Nothing. Nevermind” He turned to walk back to the room, when the door opened and Ashton walked in.
“Nevermind, there he is” Luke grinned
“Yeah i'm here, You okay Mikey?” Ashton sympathetically questioned.
“Yeah, I just um” He started. 
Was this something he should really do? 
“I was wondering if you had any ibuprofen. I've got a bit of a headache” he finished.
He needed to, He was too prepared to go back now. 
“Yeah, there's some in my bathroom cabinet” He began to walk back to the living room “Oh and you should probably eat something, that could help.” He smiled before sitting down with the other two boys.
“Okay thanks” He already started walking back to his room. He stopped and turned around.
 “I love you guys.” He said with tears in his eyes. 
“We love you too, is everything okay?” Ashton said, getting immediately alert.
“Yeah, I just wanted you to know that.” And with that he walked back to his room.
He walked to the cabinet. He took two handfuls of the small white pills, and walked back to his room. 
He sat there for about an hour, thinking about whether this is what he wanted to do or not, but his mind was already made up.
He took the water on his table, and took the pills. 
One by one. He texted his mum and dad and told them he loved him. He waited for a few minutes. 
Then he got scared. He didn’t want to say goodbye. He wasn’t ready yet. He began to cry. He decided to call someone who wouldn't be mad at him
He picked up his phone and tapped on Liam’s contact. 
“Michael? It's 1:30 in the morning. Are you okay?’ He heard a yawn from the other end and he immediately felt guilty. 
“Nothing. Sorry. I'm okay.” And he went to hang up
“No no don’t hang up. What's wrong? You sound upset.” 
“I just-” He choked on a sob. He couldn’t breathe. 
“I t-took too many pills liam. Im scared. Help me please.” He choked out. He was full on bawling now. 
“You took pills micael? What kind? Michael answered me!” Liam practically screamed into the phone.
“Ibuprofen” He choked out.
“Shit. Listen buddy. I need you to go wake up Ashton. Im five minutes away”
“But i don’t want t-” 
“Michael please.”
“Ill be there in five minutes. You don't even have to explain. I will when I get there. Just wake him up and tell him I said to get dressed.” Liam tried to calm him. 
“Okay” And he hung up.
He shakily walked to Ashtons room. He didn't even get to the bed when Ashton shot up. 
“Mikey? Whats wrong?” he frantically stood up. 
“I- Liam said-” He started.
“Liams said what? Ill beat the shit outta him” Ashton said angrily\
“No Liam said to get dressed” He finished.
“Okay..?’ Ashton threw on some clothes as Liam walked through the door. He had Louis with him.
“Louis with Ashton. Michael, lets go” 
“Where are we-” Ashton started
“Louis will explain on the way. Now let's go” Liam instructed. 
Ashton looked really confused, and really scared.
“You wanna explain what's going on yet?” He questioned
“Michael took a bunch of pills. He wanted to kill himself. Then he got scared and he called Liam for help. Liam called poison control, and told him to take  him to the hospital because it could kill him.”
Ashton froze. 
“Come on” They walked out the door.
“Damn it Michael, how many did you take?!?” He yelled, frustrated
“I don’t know, okay? It's not like I counted them!” He shouted back
Liam sighed in frustration. 
“Look, when we get there, they’re gonna ask. And they’re probably going to want to admit you for observation. Don’t act aggressive or anything. I'm gonna try to get them to let you come home. We can tell them that you'll stay with me. Don’t be scared, just go along with it, alright?” Liam explained, a little more sympathetically
“Two handfuls”
“Two handfuls. I took two handfuls.” 
“Really? Fucking christ Michael.” 
They sat in silence for the next few minutes. Though the minutes felt like hours. He hates himself right now. If he wasn’t so pathetic, he would still probably be in bed, or even better, maybe dead.
“Why’d you do it? We love you. We could have helped you.” Liam sighed. He had an upset sounding tone to his voice.
“I don’t want help, Liam. I just want it to stop.” He choked
“I just want the pain to go away.”
The rest of the ride was silent. Nobody said anything.
“You okay?”
 They had been driving, and Ashton hadn’t said a word. Louis was getting a little concerned. 
“It's my fault.” Ashton finally said.
“What do you mean? This has nothing to do with you.” Louis questioned.
“I shouldn’t have suggested dinner.”
“He would've found out anyway.”
Ashton sighed. 
“I told him”
“Told him what?’
“About me. What I-”
The realization suddenly hit him.
“Do you think he- His arms- I told him it helped. Fuck, this is my fault.” Ashton started crying. 
“No this isn’t your fault. You can’t control his decisions. It'll be okay, We can get him help, okay?”
Ashton silently cried the rest of the way there. What had he done?
They pulled in the Accidents and Emergency entrance. They walked inside, Michael was shaking. They walked up to the desk.
“Hello ma’am. I called about 30 minutes ago about the-” Liam Started
“Yes sir, right this way. We have a room ready for him.” The nurse motioned for them to follow. 
She took them to their room, and let them get situated. Liam texted Louis, and told him and ashton to get ahold of the other boys to let them know what was going on, and hopefully keep this all off the news,
A doctor came in to get Michaels weight, height, and blood pressure. They then did some bloodwork to check his drug levels, to see what the medicine was doing.
They were happy to inform the boy that they had caught the ibuprofen early enough to stop it before it could do any harm.
They had him drink an orange drink to help with his potassium levels, then sent in a physiatrist. 
“You want me to leave?” Liam questioned. He wanted Michael to feel comfortable.
“No. Please stay. I don’t want to be alone.”
“Okay, you sure?”
The physiatrist walked in, and began trying to talk to him.
“So what made you take these pills, Michael?”
“I don’t know”
“Okay.. How many did you take?”
“I don’t know.”
“Alrigty then. Are there any events that have happened recently that would make you want to harm yourself?”
“I don’t know.”
The doctor sighed. 
“Michael, I hate to tell you, but taking the pills doesn’t make you forget. If you don’t start talking soon, we’ll have to admit you for close observation.” 
Michael sighed.
“I'll give you the basics of what happened. I was supposed to propose to my girlfriend, and she canceled. I went out with my friends, best friends, to cheer myself up. I saw her kissing someone else. Then some people called me f-fat and w-worthless and I can’t handle it anymore” He choked out
“I see.” The doctor wrote some things on his notepad. 
“I’ll leave you be for a little bit.” Then he walked out.
As soon as he left, Michael started bawling. 
Liam walked over and hugged him. Louis walked in, and Ashton followed with red eyes. 
Liam moved out of the way, to make room for ashton. Ashton and Michael looked at eachother, then Ashton walked over and gave him a hug. 
Nobody said anything. 
About 3 hours later, a doctor came in and released them. They had tried to keep Michael for a day or two of observation, but Liam not-so-politely declined. 
It was now 5 in the morning. 
Liam filled out the papers for the dismissal, then they left. It was an awkward silence, with nobody really ready to talk about it. 
Everyone in the band had been informed of the situation and was told not to say anything about it. 
The all climbed into Liam’s car. Harry had to come get Louis’ for something earlier, and began the drive home.
Michael was stuck in his own thoughts. What if their fans found out what he had done? What if they would think of him as weak? What would they think of him?
They pulled into the driveway. 
Ashton and Michael climbed out of the car. Michael went inside while Ashton talked to Louis and Liam for a few minutes. 
He went inside and climbed into his bed,
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Michael didn’t say anything. It was Ashton. He walked in the room, and stood in the doorway.
“It’ll be alright. I don’t want to say I know what you’re going through, because I don’t, but It’ll be okay.”
They stood in silence for a few minutes.
“We’ll get through this. Together.” He shot him a slight smile, and left him to get some sleep.
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