#they are just SO
starjammin · 10 months
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staring lovingly into your partner’s eyes? Cringe 🙄/aff
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rainbow-femme · 2 months
Of all the companion pairings, I hadn’t expected Wyll/Karlach being my favorite but I just love the dynamic
Because obviously you’ve got the whole thing of him wanting to kill her because he thought she was evil and then realized she was also a victim and was willing to be turned into a demon because he wasn’t willing to sacrifice an innocent person for himself, and her then being willing to stand up to the devils who want her dead on his behalf
But I also feel like as far as a relationship dynamic they would be a Prince Charming/damsel thing except they both think they’re the Prince Charming and the other is the damsel
Wyll lamenting how his endlessly kind wife who only wants to live a simple life where she is treated equally kindly was tricked, sold, had her heart replaced with an infernal engine that keeps her trapped in basically hell, and was forced to be the first line of attack for the devil who did this to her. Meanwhile behind him Karlach is looking at a locked metal gate and just decides to open it by bending the bars with her bare hands, melting the iron as she does because she has flames inside of her body
Karlach talking about her poor husband Wyll who gave up a comfortable life as the son of a duke to be entered into a devil’s pact and made into a homeless hero who would always protect people but never really get to exist as his own person outside of his pact and his folk hero perception. Meanwhile Wyll is eldritch blasting a demon in the face behind her with an entirely casual and unbothered look on his face
They fix Karlach to the point where she can leave Avernus and Wyll goes to his family and friends to prepare them for meeting her, telling them that she can be very sensitive and has gone through some rough times and grew up on the streets so she’s going to be more rough around the edges than they’re used to and it would probably upset her to come back home only to be made fun of, so please be kind. And in walks his 7 foot tall wife who is as wide as the door with her big giant muscles, battle ax strapped to her back, slapping Duke Ravengard on the shoulder and asking “How the hell are ya?”
Karlach goes to her old Baldur’s Gate friends and says she wants them to meet her husband but he’s the son of nobility and spent a long time living in that more polished world so he talks very formal and polite and isn’t really used to how they talk and interact so please don’t make fun of him if you think he speaks funny. And in walks the Blade of the Frontiers with a suspicious amount of not quite dried blood on his pants
They both think they’re the “They said no pickles” part of the relationship but actually if they asked for no pickles and were given pickles they would make eye contact with the person who did it while using their biggest two handed weapon to scrape the pickles off onto the floor
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forever thinking about annabeth ‘i have abandonment issues and the people who left haunt me’ chase and percy ‘my fatal flaw is loyalty and i would die or kill for the people i love’ jackson
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Captain...you almost make me believe in luck.
Why, Mr Spock, you almost make me believe in miracles.
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b3an0 · 3 months
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Fem Crowley and Aziraphale because ✨Y E S✨
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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it's sad xiyao hours again in this chilis tonight
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loveforbobandeliza · 6 months
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elizajaneface: Happy birthday to my favorite person. Every day with you is a gift! Love you @wildpip_morley 🤗❤️
📸 @netovelasco
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kiasbarse · 5 days
whenever someone asks me what my gender is this is what i send them
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rondoel · 2 years
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I’ve found some funky poses on pinterest and had to do em
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ghostoftheyear · 1 year
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There have been a lot of lovely photos coming out of the new run of the stage play, and I am beyond grateful to finally have clear, up-close images of my boys, I can’t even tell you how amazing it’s been. But I think this most recent one from this 4gamer.net article finally did me in. At this point I’m not actually sure I’ll survive the livestream.
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catastrxblues · 9 months
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oh i try, i try, i try. but it takes over my life, i see you everywhere <3
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astrobei · 1 year
concept: lumax goes on a roller skating date. and at first, max thinks she’s going to be so good at it, because skateboarding is basically the same thing, and she knows how to move on wheels and every time lucas had tried to use her skateboard he fell and totally ate shit. she shows up feeling pretty good about herself— “don’t worry,” she keeps telling lucas, “if you fall i’ll catch you.” and lucas doesn’t say anything, and max just gets more and more smug until they finally step out onto the rink and my girl’s legs go flying out from under her, and she’s so confused as to what’s happening because she skateboards all the time, but she’s not used to having wheels actually on her feet, and she’s not used to them being able to go in two different directions. meanwhile lucas, basketball king of hawkins high and coordinated student athlete extraordinaire, is completely fine. and max keeps telling him to stop laughing— stop laughing, lucas, this isn’t funny!— even though it totally is. and he catches her the first couple of times she falls, and it’s no big deal, but then she falls hard and takes him down with her, and they land on top of each other and they’re laughing so hard that their chests hurt. and then lucas grins and says, “nice one, zoomer,” and max turns so, so red.
(@elekinetic thank u for the rollerskating lumax brainrot)
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jestroer · 8 months
As you can see I am having a normal one about the Clethubs
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hyperfocusthusly · 9 months
I will never be over Flood era Crowley
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 7 months
sooooooo I’ve been deep down an everlark rabbit hole and all my new ao3 bookmarks reflect that 🥲
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
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I love wemen
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