#thomas chatterton
burningvelvet · 4 months
being a romantic era poet: a quick how-to guide
walk around in nature contemplating Things. start hiking, swimming, sailing, rowing, shooting, riding, etc. for inspiration
be obsessed with the french revolution and related enlightenment-era figures like rousseau, voltaire, mary wollstonecraft, and madame de staël. be more disappointed by napoleon bonaparte than you are by your own father. 
speaking of fathers, your parents and most of your other relatives are all either dying or dead or emotionally abusive. if you have any siblings (full, half, step, or adopted) who DIDN'T die tragically already, then you may choose to be close to them. you also may end up being much TOO close to them. various circumstances may also ban you from seeing them. 
be at least slightly touched by madness and/or some other severe illness(es) including but not limited to: consumption, horrors, syphilis, deformities, lameness, terrors, piles, boils, pox, allergies, coughing, sleep abnormalities, gonorrhea, etc. — for which you must take frequent bed rest and copious amounts of Laudanum (opium derivation)
consider foregoing meat and adopting a vegetable diet instead to purify the spirits. you may also abstain from alcohol for the same reasons. alternatively, you may attempt the veggie diet, end up rejecting it, and becoming a rampant alcoholic instead. in romanticism there is no healthy medium between abstinence and excess.
reject, or at least heavily criticize, christianity. refuse to get married in a church and consider becoming a fervent champion of atheism. alternatively, you may embrace catholicism, but only on an aesthetic basis. eastern religions and minority religions are also acceptable, only because they piss off the christians. 
if you’re not a self-hating member of the aristocracy and instead have to work for a living, do something that allows you to benefit society, be creative, and/or contemplate life. viable options include, but are not limited to: apothecarist, doctor, teacher, preacher, lawyer, farmer, printmaker, publisher, editor. there is also the possibility of earning a few coins from your art. if you were cursed to be born a She, no worries. we believe in equality. you may choose from these occupations: wife, nanny, housekeeper, spinster, amanuensis (copy writer for a man), lady’s companion, divorced wife, singer/actress/escort, widow, regular escort, tutor, or housewife. 
speaking of sexist institutions, try rejecting marriage entirely. Declare your eternal devotion to your lover by having sex with them on your mother’s grave instead.
if you do get married — elope, and only let it be for necessary financial reasons, or to try and save a teenage girl from her controlling family, or out of true love with someone you view as your intellectual equal, or because your life is so racked with scandals and debt that you can only clear your name by matrimony to a wealthy religious woman as your last resort before fleeing the country.
After marriage, quickly assert your belief in the powers of free love and bisexuality by taking extramarital lovers and suggesting your spouse follow suit. If they cannot keep up with your intellectual escapades then consider leaving them. Later on, propose a platonic friendship with them following the separation, or beg them for reconciliation.
If your marriage is happy, try moving in with another bohemian couple to shake things up. Alternatively, you may die before the wedding for dramatic effect.
If you beget children (whether in or out of marriage, makes no matter), do society a favor by choosing to raise them with your beliefs. Consider adopting orphan children, or even non-orphan children. If their parents are poor enough they probably won’t mind. Try kidnapp— I mean adopting — children off the side of the road if you can. 
DIE but do it creatively. ideally young. ideas: prophecy your own death, lead an army into war and then die right before your first battle and on your deathbed curse everyone and demand to see a witch, write a will leaving money to your mistresses or some random young man you have an unrequited romantic obsession with, carry a copy of your dead friend's poetry and read it right before you drown so that your washed up corpse can only be identified by his book in your pocket, die while staring at your lover's shriveled up heart that you keep wrapped up in a copy of his own poetry and then be buried with it, die of the poet's illness (consumption) while your artist friend draws you and then be buried with your lover's writing, get mysteriously poisoned (by yourself) after a series of scandals and accidents and then have your family announce that you were killed by god, die from romanticizing poverty or receiving bad reviews from literary critics, die from walking or horseback riding in the cold and the rain while poeticizing, etc.
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detroitlib · 2 years
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From our stacks: Frontispiece "'The Death of Chatterton.' Hand-painted photogravure after the painting by H. Wallis." From English Belles-Lettres. From A. D. 901 to 1834. By Alfred the Great, Thomas Browne, Roger Ascham, John Arbuthnot, George Gascoigne, Lord Bolingbroke, Philip Sidney, Thomas Chatterton, John Selden, S. T. Coleridge. With Special Introduction and Biographical Notes By Oliver H. G. Leigh. Washington & London: M. Walter Dunne, 1901.
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hamletthedane · 2 months
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A/N by john_keats: This fic was originally planned to be just as long as my other one, but the haters in the comments discouraged me from finishing it, so don’t expect any updates.
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"The most shocking aspect of today’s mainstream antiracist discourse is the extent to which it mirrors ideas of race—specifically the specialness of whiteness—that white supremacist thinkers cherish.
“Woke” antiracism proceeds from the premise that race is real—if not biological, then socially constructed and therefore equally if not more significant still—putting it in sync with toxic presumptions of white supremacism that would also like to insist on the fundamentality of racial difference.
Working toward opposing conclusions, racists and many antiracists alike eagerly reduce people to abstract color categories, all the while feeding off of and legitimizing each other, while any of us searching for gray areas and common ground get devoured twice."
-- Thomas Chatterton Williams
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snifekinner · 8 months
exhausted from work, lying on the sofa sipping beer as if it were tonic wine and i a sickening victorian poet dying in a garrett
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dk-thrive · 2 years
I guess I’m frightened, almost, at staying still
“Many people find enormous wisdom and serenity and all the things that I don’t have by staying still,” she continued. “I don’t have it, and I guess I’m frightened, almost, at staying still. I think, Why give things the opportunity—things like illness—to come and find you, which is what happened to us there.”
— Thomas Chatterton Williams, Rachel Cusk Won’t Stay Still (The Atlantic, October 24, 22)
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afieldinengland · 2 years
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bought this yesterday and by the handwritten christmas greeting on its front page they’d drawn a green man of their own
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
One must wonder indeed- verbosity aside (which we are in agreement on) would pronoun maximalism (in other words, taking all of em) qualify as bien-pensant as you’ve stated you find they/them? In any case I was relistening to the Beloved episode of the pod the other day, some of your finest work, one the best podcast episodes I’ve ever had the privilege of listening to- I mourn that we didn’t get that episode on Mason & Dixon. I do see what you mean when you’ve judged the pod not entirely successful at what it set out to be- for the most part I found the aesthetics sensible (or acceptably beyond the pale) and the politics within the threshold of acceptable (old) liberalism regarding/excitement over disreputable ideas (the only thing I remember thinking could be read as objectionable outside of humanitiesworld was the very brief intimation in one of the shock jocks episodes that you thought the left needed to return to center on gender issues) and if you’re going to go for the Red Scare crowd you probably do need to take off the gloves and say some stuff that’s genuinely offensive to regular people. That said I do miss it-there are so very few literary podcasts worth a damn out there.
Thank you! Yes, the Beloved episode is almost certainly the best, along, I think, with the aurally pyrotechnic one on Eliot. I was at times dancing around some perhaps unacceptable views, but, given the time of recording, these were more of the old-fashioned anti-war left variety. I don't regularly listen to Chapo, but I checked out their Norman Finkelstein interview out of curiosity and had to laugh at their nervous silence after he gave the full-throated Marxist anti-imperialist perspective on Putin and Ukraine. I don't go nearly as far as that, or maybe my views aren't that systematic, but still, my mission in life is not to lend my talents to the defense of NATO, especially since the CIA doesn't even pay writers for those services anymore. (Admittedly, on foreign policy the left and the right may have switched sides since my youth, as they have before.) I wouldn't have said any of the Steve Sailer stuff Anna and Dasha eventually fell for, not because I was hiding it, but because I don't believe it or don't care about it. Even Anna and Dasha seem to have ended their Sailer arc with the recent Thomas Chatterton Williams episode where he genially upbraided them for it. Surely it's "problematic" enough in this atmosphere to agree with Thomas Chatterton Williams's racial politics!—which, for the most part, I do.
Re: the pronoun question, partially Major Arcana is an attempt to find out. I have they/them characters later on and am finding it basically impossible to avoid referential confusion, so I'm just leaning into it for a delirious effect. (When Joyce Carol Oates objected to they/them on strictly linguistic rather than gender grounds—as we've seen lately, on gender per se, she's with the left—it doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that she did so from the perspective of someone who wants to write 800-page novels as quickly as possible.) On the other hand, the constant repetition of "Simon Magnus," not to mention that I've elected to call every character by first and last name, has an almost Steinian avant-garde abrasiveness I both love and hate, or in any case wouldn't have thought myself capable of. I'm not usually warm to mere verbal hijinks in a novel, but it seems to me that this experimental fiction is running a large-scale social experiment on these linguistic interventions and their underlying logic and effect rather than just for the sake of toying with the signifier or whatever.
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arcticdementor · 2 years
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lesamis · 3 months
1810s dashboard but it's niche drama
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💛 heartofanna Following
imagine cancelling someone for saying war is bad
🧵 sharethewoe Follow
#didn't expect better from w*rdsworth but some people i rly thought i could count on…… #anyway we will live to see this empire fall. can't stop history lol (via @heartofanna)
speaking as someone who was press ganged at the age of 17 to serve in his majesty's royal navy i couldn't be more grateful for your poem. young men like me are cannon fodder and you spoke for so many of us. fuck napoleon but fuck parliament even more.
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stable forgiving virtuous flourishing in my lane definitely not buying poison moisturized unbothered never been better
me when i lie
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🏛 mynoseisfine Follow
Settling this once and for all. What does the public actually think about the Parthenon marbles debate:
🦉 realminerva Follow
lol i know it’s you lord elgin
🦉 realminerva Follow
like we joke and all but fully aside from the fact that removing the sculptures from greek soil was vulturine and opportunistic etc, it’s really just the tip of a frankly gigantic mountain of imperialist bullshit. let’s not pretend we haven’t been brutally killing hundreds who resisted oppression in india, LITERALLY BOMBED A NEUTRAL EUROPEAN CAPITAL, and embarrassed ourselves in the charge against napoleon for years now. pathetic ass empire & evil as hell to boot. @mynoseisfine the greeks who carved your marbles millennia ago would kick your tory ass so hard
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🎀 emmawoodhousestan Follow
how do i still keep seeing thomas chatterton's final post being reblogged, wtf is wrong with you freaks??? he was seventeen it was tragic and horrible and happened ages ago. he was a kid just let him rest
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🍎 masque-off Following
callout post for @castleyeah @lordsidmouth @officialcoe @parliamentofficial: they oppress, murder and famish the british working people & also suck majorly
⛪ castleyeah Follow
sour cuz you’re unfit to have custody of your own kids huh
🍎 masque-off Following
proud to be the dad of a newborn who could already rend your pudding spine asunder with a mere glance
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🦆 mallardturner Following
finished this today 😊
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😎 chadeharold Follow
why is it always “you’re risking your life and legacy & will get yourself killed before the age of five and twenty” and never how was swimming the hellespont the hellespont looked fun was it fun
🎭 loved-joanna Mutuals
ohhh my god you swam the hellespont five years ago?? wooow should we tell everyone?? should we throw a party?? should we invite famous hero of greek myth leander who swam the hellespont
😎 chadeharold Follow
@loved-joanna look we never had any beef & don’t have to start this now. it’s cool that you’re sticking up for my ex, you guys were friends first, but just know that i’ve always trusted your opinion on my work & genuinely respect and admire you & would still be up for a collab whenever.
🎭 loved-joanna Mutuals
yea sure why don’t your lips collab with my ass
😎 chadeharold Follow
on it boss
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#literally call me. down if you are
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🍂 endymion Follow
sorry is it me or is the assassin who stabbed german bootleg wordsworth kinda…… 🥵
💄 biprincesscharlotte Mutuals
JOHN KEATS????????
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#i'm p sure this is the author of lamia thirstposting on main??? help
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🌾 huntsmanx Follow
romanticism this romanticism that why don’t you romanticise universal suffrage and rights for labouring people
🌾 huntsmanx Follow
anyone else in jail for seditious libel
🏹 axelaidtotheroot Mutuals
lmao i'm one of the “anyone else”s and i know you’re enjoying family visits and apparently some kind of cushy armchair situation, plus tons of books. try being in here as a spencean dude they won’t even let me learn how to write. worst of all some evangelical came by yesterday just to proselytize & put me “on the right path” fml
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🗻 mounttambora Follow
y'all i don't feel so good :/
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mosertone · 11 days
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Looking through history we discover that there have always been depressed artists. Nevertheless, the idea of the suffering artist, writer, poet, or composer came into existence with Romanticism, which later expanded to include the macabre. There was just something about the tormented soul that seemed to lend itself to greater expressiveness. It's still with us today. Pain didn't have the same charm previous to the Romantic era. Nevertheless, whether it's Beethoven or Van Gogh, many consider the expressions of a tortured soul to have more weight.
Ironically, Claude Monet and Picasso are two of today's most popular artists and neither's life was burdened with unusual hardships. I've attached this Romantic painting which I think embodies the tortured artist. It's entitled The Death of Chatterton by the English artist Henry Wallis. The subject is the suicide death of the depressed poet Thomas Chatterton. - Tom Mallon
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Why is this painting reminds me Crowley?
A Crowley that’s already fall asleep waiting for his Angel to comes in his dreams... Source: Wikipedia   Thomas Chatterton (20 November 1752 – 24 August 1770) was an English poet whose precocious talents ended in suicide at age 17. He was an influence on Romantic artists of the period such as Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth and Coleridge. Painting name:  The Death of Chatterton, 1856, by Henry Wallis
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justineportraits · 1 year
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Henry Wallis The Death of Thomas Chatterton 1856
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aramielles · 10 months
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By: Thomas Chatterton Williams
Published: Feb 1, 2023
On Friday, Memphis police released body- and street-cam video of five officers beating Tyre Nichols, an unarmed civilian who later died of his injuries. Unlike many recent notorious examples of police brutality, in this instance the victim and perpetrators were all Black, leading to confusion and distress. The basketball star LeBron James tweeted, “WE ARE OUR OWN WORSE ENEMY!” This kind of self-directed criticism is familiar to anyone who has had their hair trimmed in a Black barbershop. What is novel today is the amount of anger and the specific form of critique that James’s tweet, for one prominent example, engendered. One of the more polite and re-printable responses: “i’d say white supremacy was our worse enemy but okay lebron.”
White supremacy used to refer to the belief, encoded in both custom and law, that white people sit at the top of a biological racial hierarchy and that they must remain there. But in the past decade or so, it has become a much vaguer and more totalizing concept, denoting invisible structures, latent beliefs, and even innocuous practices, such as punctuality, that supposedly maintain the comparative advantage of white people at the expense of everyone else. After the murder of George Floyd in 2020 and the period of racial reckoning that followed, all manner of experience was probed for evidence of “white supremacy.” Some on the left have adopted the term as a sort of shorthand for the the invisible hand of all American social and political life.
This understanding of white supremacy has led progressive journalists and activists to bring attention to (some might say obsess over) racial background in lethal encounters involving white and nonwhite people. George Zimmerman, who killed Trayvon Martin, was a white Hispanic. Darren Wilson, who killed Michael Brown, was not merely an agent of the state but specifically a white police officer. Derek Chauvin, a white man in a multiracial group of officers responding to the scene, was the one to kneel on George Floyd. When Robert Aaron Long, a white man, murdered eight mostly Asian workers in three massage parlors in Atlanta in 2021, he said he was a sex addict and suggested he was driven by shame. But some community leaders insisted that anti-Asian animus was the X factor. According to one media narrative, repeating Long’s professed motive amounted to making “excuses” for “white male murderers.”
For some on the left, whiteness and white supremacy retain their explanatory power even when white people are nowhere to be seen. The same year as the spa shootings, when Americans were bristling against school and business shutdowns and crime rates were spiking, nationwide hate crimes against Asian Americans surged by 339 percent. Anti-Asian violence in America has always been “a diverse and majority-minority affair,” as Wilfred Reilly wrote in 2021. “The 2019 Bureau of Justice Statistics report [found] that 27.5 percent of violent criminals targeting an Asian victim are black and only 24.1 percent are white.” Yet as video and anecdotal evidence emerged of vicious Black-on-Asian assaults and homicides, progressives wouldn’t let go of their hobbyhorse.
“Ultimately, there is a failure to remember what got America to this place of racial hierarchies and lingering Black-Asian tensions: white supremacy,” a 2021 Vox article explains. “White supremacy is what created segregation, policing, and scarcity of resources in low-income neighborhoods, as well as the creation of the ‘model minority’ myth—all of which has driven a wedge between Black and Asian communities. In fact, it is white Christian nationalism, more than any other ideology, that has shaped xenophobic and racist views around Covid-19.”
* * *
Like everyone I have spoken with, I was sickened and saddened by the killing of Tyre Nichols. When the videos were released, I was visiting my parents, and the footage was all any of us could talk about. Any attempt to make sense of the atrocity felt insufficient. My mother, an observant Christian, pointed to the existence of evil. My father, a sociologist by training, noted how power dynamics can affect, or corrupt, encounters between strangers. I stressed the role of ego and general incompetence—these officers were young, granted far too much authority, and grossly inexperienced.
Writing at CNN on Friday, Van Jones offered another explanation under the headline “The police who killed Tyre Nichols were Black. But they might still have been driven by racism.” It is certainly possible that the five young, dark-skinned men who beat Nichols so mercilessly had each internalized a poisonous self-hatred. (On Monday, the Memphis police department revealed that two other officers had been disciplined as part of the investigation, at least one of whom is white.) And there is also a serious argument to be made that racism does not require interpersonal malice but may be understood as the limited and limiting system in which individuals make free but constrained decisions. In the latter telling, the institution of American policing is foundationally derived from southern slave patrols and now operates as a disciplining force to protect capital and hold the poor and marginalized in place—all of which makes it an inherently anti-Black enterprise, regardless of the racial or ethnic makeup of the individual officers in its employ.
I am, to a degree, sympathetic to these views. I will never forget the day my brother had his front teeth separated from his mouth by the cold flashlight of a cop whose skin was darker than his own. But I am deeply skeptical of the reflex to attribute all violence and misconduct to structural racism, to impose that smooth framework on every atrocity no matter its jagged grain. I tweeted in response to Jones’s headline that we ought to at least consider the possibility that these five officers’ reprehensible actions fall on them alone.
By the next morning, that tweet had gone viral. I attempted to extend the thought further, writing, “Twitter is an amazing prism because you can watch fringe epistemologies congeal into orthodoxy in real time. A view that still strikes most as an enormous stretch—that white supremacist racism explains bad actions of non-whites even where no whites are present—is one example.”
This statement drew support as well as ire. The writer Joyce Carol Oates quoted it with a rebuttal: “yours is a somewhat disingenuous interpretation of a simple theory: that the race of the victim may determine the punishment, regardless of the race of the perpetrators. (in which case, if the victim had been white, the Black officers might have treated him less brutally.)” That tweet went viral, too, generating millions of views. Soon, my notifications were flooded with responses making a similar point, many of them quoting a specific passage from James Baldwin’s 1985 book, The Evidence of Things Not Seen:
Black policemen were another matter. We used to say, “If you just must call a policeman”—for we hardly ever did—“for God’s sake, try to make sure it’s a White one.” A Black policeman could completely demolish you. He knew far more about you than a White policeman could and you were without defenses before this Black brother in uniform whose entire reason for breathing seemed to be his hope to offer proof that, though he was Black, he was not Black like you.
Baldwin made this point with psychological acuity throughout his career. In his 1955 debut, Notes of a Native Son, he writes—eerily, in light of Memphis—“There were, incidentally, according to my brother, five Negro policemen in Atlanta at this time, who, though they were not allowed to arrest whites, would, of course, be willing, indeed, in their position, anxious, to arrest any Negro who seemed to need it. In Harlem, Negro policemen are feared even more than whites, for they have more to prove and fewer ways to prove it.”
Those were Baldwin’s insights some 40 and nearly 80 years ago, respectively, and they say something historically true with ramifications for the present. I erred on Twitter in dismissing as merely “fringe” this position—that even nonwhite actors can buy into notions of their own personal or group inferiority, and also contribute to their own structural disadvantage. And yet, is even Baldwin’s exquisite articulation really the last or even the most compelling word on what is happening between and within groups in 2023?
Americans hardly have a monopoly on brutality, or state-sanctioned brutality, such that only peculiarities of American history can explain violence in the present. We have spent the past year observing groups of white-skinned Russian men do unspeakable things to the white-skinned Ukrainians at their mercy—things most of these same men would never do by themselves—simply because they were together and they could. Strength is provocative; weakness is too. I believe that this is what my father means when he invokes power dynamics (it may also be what my mother means by evil), and it cuts across every ethnic line.
In the case of Tyre Nichols, in particular, the offending officers are Black, but so is the city’s chief of police, the majority of the force she oversees, and the community at large. The notion that the most likely explanation for this specific horror in this specific locality at this specific time ought to be reduced to a permanent, invisible, and unfalsifiable force called white supremacy veers dangerously close to determinism. Perversely, this infantilizing logic can’t help but absolve the five officers of responsibility for a heinous crime that most people and most police officers of any background do not commit.
Such moral reasoning has become conventional wisdom, embraced vocally by white liberals, among others. But white and nonwhite people alike should be wary of forfeiting their agency so easily. We should always remain skeptical of systems-level thinking that reduces the complexity and unpredictability of human action to a simple formula.
Why did those officers kill Tyre Nichols? I don’t know, and I’m wary of anyone who says they do.
[ Via: https://archive.vn/eVOYu ]
Presupposing the motivation for a social phenomenon is no better than academics starting with their conclusion and working backwards, or Xians and Muslims scouring their scripture for verses they can interpret as scientific "proof" of their god.
"Faith is pretending to know things you don't know."
-- Peter Boghossian
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artemisiabanjax · 8 months
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Crowley in history - here is Thomas Chatterton, tragic gothic poet of 19th-century England.
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