#time wasting is the absolute antithesis of work
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my favorite moment of the entire match
just aitana being helpful and getting nüsken back to work 😐
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animehouse-moe · 6 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 21: I Am You
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I think it's pretty funny that I haven't been active at all this week due to life, but my first post since the question about my activity regarding JJK, is a post about JJK. Just a bit of irony.
Anyways, this was originally just going to be a short complaint about narrative flops in this episode (that I thought I might not even write about), but I have a feeling it's going to end up a pretty long winded complaint about the handling of key characters at the end of this season. So here we go.
I'll just get right into it with the egregious ending of Itadori vs Mahito here.
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I think that if for a minute you've understood who Itadori is, what he is, that this scene will immediately rub you the wrong way.
Why, on god's green earth, would you pull Sukuna into this conversation? Why would you make a reference to Sukuna with the words coming from Yuji's mouth in this context.
Better yet, why would you paint Yuji as a looming shadow above Mahito in this moment?
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It's just an egregious and wasteful depiction of Yuji that takes his character in the complete opposite direction.
Our boy Yuji here isn't some grand hero, he is not some otherworldly threat to Mahito. He is, quite literally, the antithesis to Mahito. These are words that Yuji himself states, within this very episode.
Yuji is a cog in the machine of the Jujutsu world, he is a single piece of the puzzle that creates a bigger picture. He is the wolf hunting the rabbit on sheer instinct. There is no greater goal, there is no lofty ideal. It is clear cut and simple, that this is Itadori accepting his fate, accepting his life. Using the hole in his mouth to show him carrying the carnage of Sukuna on his back? Great idea. Using that imagery at the completely wrong time though? I can't imagine why they would choose to do that.
His entire character arc through Shibuya is to own his life at this stage, to say that everything he's done is his own actions, and that he'll keep pushing until he has nothing left. Not that he'll get stronger, not that he'll save his friends or the world, but that he'll keep. killing. curses.
It just sort of blows my mind to see how they would handle something so expertly clear cut from the manga. Gege's vision was so incredibly well defined and expressed in these finals moments of the pair. It was pure art, and absolutely earned its status and popularity within the fandom.
I won't lie, it hurts. Not physically, but it hurts. And then there's just a bunch of odd animation work with the sequence, like Mahito's mouth and eyes shaking at a million miles per hour. There's obviously some really great animation and work throughout the episode, and it's not so much that it's poorly animated, but just incorrectly animated. These characters can feel insanely different just from cut to cut alone, and when the smallest details can make the biggest differences, those variances can really add turbulence to their character arcs.
Anyways, onto the next topic of discussion: Todo. I love this man. Hands down, my favorite side character through all his time on the page and screen. Incredible character to put beside Yuji for balance.
The production ran away with him a little too much. I get it, it's hard to not go crazy when you have the potential to, and in a vacuum I adore the two big sequences he's gotten in the last two episodes. However, I think you have to be pretty crazy to think that Todo's Takada Tandem (patent pending) is a good fit for the episode.
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Todo and Takada are an... interesting pair. Todo doesn't "use" Takada too much, so it makes it hard to really define a proper line with it, so let me put it another way.
Before Yuji was in the picture, Takada was Todo's #1 by a mile. With Yuji in the picture though? Sorry Takada, a brother's more important than an idol.
So, you could imagine my surprise when Todo tries to steal Yuji's thunder with a Takada powered delusion. I mean, he's fighting side by side with his brother, the person closest to him in the world.
Todo went to Takada to ask a question in his season 1 dilemma with Hanami because Yuji was out of the equation. Yuji was not at risk, it was not "Yuji's fight". Where Todo was leading Yuji with Hanami, it is absolutely the other way around with Mahito. And I mean, the most obvious thing to explain that with is the fact that Mahito basically shoves Todo to the side to start.
Regardless, the idea is that Yuji's in the pilot's seat, he's the one that knows the most about Mahito, he knows how to fight him. Todo is there to support his brother. Bringing out Takada, stealing Yuji's thunder, and weakening the balance and chemistry between our brothers just confuses me to no end.
Like, just simple things like Todo's hand. Dude has 3-5 business days to chop it off in the anime, and realizes on his own to do so. Kudos to Todo and his insane IQ, but the entire idea presented in the manga is that Yuji is faster at warning Todo than Todo is at grasping what's going on. It's just things like these that undermine the significance and value of this fight, and consistently appear in the episode.
Completely baffles me why it happens, but it's just a further extension of the narrative trend of stirring the pot where no stirring is needed. And it really hurts. Powerscaling is nonexistent, fights have ended up vastly different in tone and execution, and core narrative elements have just all sorts of these little inexplicable changes that undermine that masterful work of Gege through this arc. We're almost across the finish line, and all I'm hoping for is for it to be over at this point, which is flat out depressing.
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doriandistortion · 9 months
My favorite post on Letterboxd
I can’t explain how much this means to me
By reibureibu
Reviewing The Man Who Sleeps
After graduating college I thought I had things figured out. I had a paid internship that provided housing and other interns as roommates, at a maritime museum that was next to the ocean. Every day I woke up to my seaside surroundings and interacted with all kinds of people both indoors and outdoors, and every week we visited another museum to learn more about the field and just hang out as a group. In retrospect, that was one of the best periods of my life; certainly it was one of the most vibrant, and meaningful.
Though I wouldn't know it at the time, what I did next was the complete antithesis. I essentially worked a miscellaneous office job, doing whatever leftover tasks were necessary that no one else wanted to do. I had coworkers I never connected with no matter what I did, and I became even lonelier with how a few came so close (I still wish them well, they were really good people. And so I came home with the daylight all spent to a shabby floor I shared with two other people. They were terrible at cleaning. They also claimed the living room. So I spent all my time locked in my small room just staring at a screen that bathed the space sickly white, until it was too late to get any restful sleep.
This job was temporary so after a while it ended, but I still had a few months left on my housing contract. So instead of spending that time being productive like I promised my parents, my friends, and most importantly myself, I spent that time delving even deeper into exile.
I never left the house (I barely left my room) and the only thing I ever did was find momentary escapes from my increasing anxiety. Video-games I took no pleasure in, books I never read, music I listened to once... honestly I couldn't even really tell you specifics because I barely remember anything at all.
The few times I went outside was a haze, like stepping outside into a bright, blinding fog that took every ounce of will just to put one foot forward over the other.
Nothing felt real; nothing seemed real. The time spent outdoors warped like the paint on my walls. So I went back inside. At least there time stood still.
And when I ran out of all the food I had in the fridge, I just started ordering delivery online. And I ordered a lot, so I could eat a lot, because eating was the only thing that still gave me pleasure. And by ordering so much I had food for days; you'd be surprised how long pizza (and pasta, and burgers, and anything fried, and-) can last at room temperature.
Yeah, it's disgusting. I was disgusting. I just had containers of food lying around on the floor so I could eat it whenever I needed to feel something, anything; I probably smelled like stale grease all the time, plus I had no motivation to shower at all; I was unemployed and unproductive, wasting all my money on stuff I didn't need to buy that only gave me fleeting moments of joy; I stayed up all night feeling like a soulless husk so I could wake up with the next day already almost gone; and I stopped talking to all my friends and family, because suddenly that phone became too heavy to lift when I needed to text one of them back.
I guess that sounds like mavbe I had depression. I don't know. I think you rarely know when you do. At the time, it all just seemed so... normal. How different normal was then, compared to when I was at sea.
"It is on a day like this one, a little later, a little earlier, that you discover, without surprise, that something is wrong, that you don't know how to live and that you never will. Something has broken."
That's the story of The Man Who Sleeps, or at least, my story of when I was most asleep. The film ends, right there, at the absolute nadir of despair. The period when things are at their utter worst, yet, paradoxically, when one is at their most accepting of it. Perhaps it's because that's when we succumb to it entirely, at an uneasy peace now that we've renounced all else.
But I won't end it here, no, because that's not where my story ends.
If you told me at the time that I would get better, I wouldn't have believed you. If you told me at the time that I would start enjoying hobbies again, I wouldn't have believed you. If you told me at the time that I would reconnect with my loved ones, I wouldn't have believed you. And if you told me at the time that I would find any sense of worth in myself and my life, I especially, vehemently, would never have believed you.
But I did. I woke up. I am no longer asleep.
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sunflowersteves · 3 years
bloody & bruised || a night for galas
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mob!bucky barnes x boxer!reader
𝒄𝒉. 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : Bucky had finally asked you to attend an event regarding his mob life, but nothing is as joyous as everything seems. 
author’s note : it’s been while since i posted for this series and i suddenly had some inspiration. i hope you all enjoy. **not my photo
warnings : fluff, kidnapping, rich snobs, smut!!, public sex, teasing, afab!fic, [18+ only], minors do not interact
previous ch. // series m.list // m.list 
Bucky Barnes was not a man to be trifled with. 
Bucky Barnes was a hard-headed upright murderer that held an entire underground criminal system. The NYPD and the FBI had been trying to capture him for years on end, investigation after investigation to always end up falling short. 
He was dangerous, cynical, and deadly. 
He was a man that would send people running in the opposite direction of him. He was a man that controlled the depths of the city with fear; no one dared to trifle with him.
But, James Buchanan Barnes was also a man in love. He was totally and utterly smitten. He would give you tender kisses in the morning and trace patterns on your back as you slept. Steve liked to tease the hell out of him for being able to snatch someone as astonishing as you. He didn’t want to admit it, but Steve was right. 
You had come into his life so fast, and the sweet breath of fresh air you were had surprised him. You were stubborn and took no shit from anyone—even the mobster himself. You were kind and soft. Your laughter was the purest sound he had ever heard. But you were also tough; your fists bloodied and bruised more times than he could count. 
Before you came along, Bucky placed himself deep within his work. He never really had time for anything, so he normally only had one-night stands. The transaction of a quick fuck and then leaving was the best option. There were no strings attached, no grievances, no troubles, just a quick exchange. 
But you, you were so much more. You were absolutely everything. You were the summer breeze that floated through his hair. You were fresh berries that tasted pungent yet sweet as they burst in his mouth. 
You were it for him. His partner that would rest by his side no matter what, if that’s what you wanted anyway. And a part of him hated it. He wanted to push you away, so you would not be exposed to the dangerous life that he lived. But you were worth it. You were worth the risk, always. 
And you had been absolutely stunned by the man. You were an unstoppable force that had your opponents beaten down so easily. You were strong-willed and passionate about the world around you. 
So, to find yourself slowly falling for a man who has most likely done unspeakable things came as a surprise. But, he wasn’t the scary person that everyone deemed him to be, at least not to you. He was sweet, charming, and amazing in bed—too amazing in bed.
What you found interesting, though, is that ever since that night after your match, Bucky hadn’t left your side. For eight months, he’s been high alert. As though at any minute or any second, something would jump out at the two of you. He was always looking back when you’re walking around at night. He would always insist on two bodyguards at your side constantly, even when you were in the boxing ring. 
He knew you were capable. He always tried to reassure you. However, you knew that something was suspicious. He never told you what had tormented him so badly, but he would always refuse when you would ask him what was wrong. 
You had always thought he was just embarrassed by you. You were a girl from the Bronx who knew how to fight, and it always had been an antithesis in your relationships. However, Bucky had always shut your insecurities down and made it up to you in the best way possible. 
You let out a small yawn, “what time is it?”
He smiles slightly at your gruff morning voice before turning to look at the clock. “It’s almost noon.” 
You just hummed and snuggled into his chest even further. He traced small circular patterns up and down your spine, his mind drifting off to think about work. He didn’t want to leave your warm embrace, his heart dreading the idea of leaving the silky sheets and your cold feet resting on his calves. 
Your eyes flicker up to his before reaching up to give him a sweet yet somber kiss. His arms tightened around you for just a second before a finger rested on your cheek, wiping gently from side to side. 
“Yes?” You mumbled against his lips. 
“Will you accompany me to the gala tonight?”
Your eyes shot up at his question, completely catching you off guard. During your relationship, he never asked you to attend anything that regarded work. He had always said it was too dangerous, even for an infamous boxer. He always said that he just wanted to keep you safe, but still, you knew there was something else at play. 
Your eyes lit up in excitement, “really?”
He nodded, lips curling up into a smile. “Yes, really.” You giggled against his skin and relished in the warmth of it all. “Nothing would make me happier.”
“But Steve and Sam will be there the whole time and—” You groaned, interrupting his sentence as he just gave you a knowing look. You shift your arm and rest it on his cheek, his eye fluttering closed and leaning into your touch.
“What’s going on, baby?”
He let out a large sigh and opened his eyes to lock with yours. He knew he couldn’t lie to you, not anymore. You looked at him with puffy cheeks and fluttering eyelashes, knowing that he was done for. 
“Remember that night I took you to my place, and we danced to jazz?” You grin up at him at the memory, your mind becoming fuzzy with adoration from that very long night. “I remember that night very well, love.”
Your smile flattened slightly as you caught the look on his face. His eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes clouded with something you couldn’t quite figure out. Worry? Fear? “I got texts that night threatening you.” 
Your eyes widened at the profession he gave, not expecting it in the slightest. “From who?” He shakes his head. He shifts in the bed slightly, moving his face, so it practically ghosts yours.
“I don’t know. That’s why I’ve had guards around you this whole time. I’m sorry.”
Your lips curl into a smile, giving him a small peck to tell him you accept his apology. “They’ll have to get through my fists first.”
He chuckled. “Damn right, doll.”
You walked in with Bucky’s arms locked with yours, the stoic nature of the man you were with proceeded to lock onto his face. As you entered the crowd, they had immediately disappeared. They were almost afraid to touch you in fear of Bucky. A little proud smirk rested on your face at the thought of being untouchable. It felt enlightening—it felt addicting.   
The room was crowded with what looked like some of the most elite people you had seen in New York. The ballroom was large; white and gold splashed against the towering columns and swirled together. The chandeliers gleamed the brightest and sparkled throughout the room, creating little stars across the ground. Famous paintings were scattered across the walls, pairing nicely with the poised elegant furniture.
They wore lavish suits and dresses; your attire and Bucky's were matched perfectly. While in the car, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He had you pressed up the limo door and devoured your neck, nipping and biting at the sensitive flesh. You just giggled and tried to shove him off of you, you took way too long to get ready, and he wasn’t going to ruin your hair. “Sorry, doll. Jus’ can’t help myself.” And that cocky grin made you want to kiss him even more. 
You took a champagne glass off of a tray and took a sip. Bucky was currently talking to one of his donors, and you were beyond bored. All it was, was a bunch of rich snobs gathered in one room. You knew Bucky hated it as well; he knew how they really thought of him. They always thought that he and his men were just a bunch of criminals that took over the city. But they never mentioned how much he helped people too. 
“So, dear, what do you think? Why should we give to the homeless when it’s their fault they’re there in the first place?”
Your hand immediately tightened around Bucky’s arm. You look over at the old man and the urge to plummet him into the next century was suddenly very tempting. You then purse your lips, your voice loud and boisterous. “People need help, whether it’s their fault or not. If you think otherwise, then you’re a piece of shit person. Simple as that.” The old man and his wife gasped. “Plus, most of the time, it isn’t their fault.”
“Tame your woman, Mr. Barnes.”
Your eyes flicker over towards Bucky to find his eyes already locked onto you. His eyes were full of lust, and his once sparkling eyes were dark and swirling as though an ocean would. He smirks quickly, “Couldn’t even if I tried.” Swirling butterflies burst against your chest; he looked proud. He looked like he could devour you right then and there, but the pride radiated off of him. 
Before you know it, you find yourself backed up against a wall that’s far away from the crowd, and no one would bother you. Sam had shaken his head when he finally found the two of you, and Steve just sighed before saying he needed a drink. 
Bucky’s lips found yours in a heated dance, his mouth swallowing each and every sound you make. His hands gripped your hips tightly. The gruff sounds leaving his throat were heavenly to your ears. “I need you, Bucky. Please,” he didn’t waste a single moment as he shoved your dress up to your hips. 
He let out a string of curses as he noticed you weren’t wearing any underwear. “Fuckin’ killing me, doll.” His lips meet yours again, his hand reaching down to feel your slick between his fingers. You were absolutely drenched, and he moaned, the sound vibrating against your lips. 
“Barely even touched you, and you’re already this wet? Fuck, baby girl.” You reach down to feel his hard cock in the confined restraints of his pants suit. He was big. Your hand then rubbed the outline of his member, and you felt him twitch in your hand. 
“God, your cock is so big, Buck.” He pants, eyes closing at the sensation of your fingers dipping into his trousers. “I wanna put my mouth on it, swirl my tongue ‘round those good spots.”
His hands jerked forward and pinned you against the wall, lifting you up becoming flushed against him. “Think you can tease me, hmm? Hasn’t anyone told you not to mess with the big, bad mobster?” You open your mouth to respond but are quickly cut off by him pounding into you. His muscular arm still hung above you, keeping you in just the right place. You were warm and soft; Bucky couldn't get enough. The two of you groaned with each thrust as he filled you fuller than ever. 
“So tight,” he mutters into your ear. You bite your lip to keep you from screaming, his cock twisting and pulling every heavenly sensation. “You’re mine, yeah? You’re fucking mine.” The way he growled, the feral sound leaving his lips was intoxicating. 
“Say it. Say you’re mine.” His tone was firm and feral. Your mind could barely process what he was saying. His other hand grabs your jaw to make you look at him, “I’m yours! I’ll always be yours.”
He pounded even harder into you, the smacking sounds of your body meeting his hips were loud. Your hands clutch his shoulders, your lips repeating his name over and over. “Fuck, Bucky!” He coaxed that spongy spot over and over, his eyes trailing down to watch his cock disappear into your lips. Your walls clench around him. “That’s it, doll. Take my cock.” 
His words alone make you tip over the edge, your body seizing before releasing all of its pleasure. You don’t even care at this point, your screams escaping your mouth as he continues to pound into you. He goes to pull out of you to come, but you stop him. “No. Come in me, please. Wanna feel you for days.” 
The way you sound, so desperate and pleading for him to come, to fill you full. He groans a low sound, his teeth coming down to bite your shoulder. He empties inside you there, coaxing your sweet walls with him. A small content sigh leaves you as you feel some of his cum drip out of your lips. 
You both clean up as best as you can. You were trying to fix your hair while Bucky was trying to get the pre-cum out of his pants. You looked almost as good as new besides the post-sex glow radiating off of the two of you. 
He kisses you, this one sweet and savory like you would vanish if he hadn’t put his lips on yours. You grin, arms wrapping around his neck to pull him in a bit more. 
“C’mon. Let’s go back and greet more assh—” Darkness surrounded the whole ballroom as shrieks filled the air. His head whipped around as he tried to make his way through the crowd. “What’s going on?” Bucky shook his head at you, even though you couldn’t see a single thing. He didn’t know what was going on, but he didn’t like it. 
“Baby, follow me, okay?” He’s holding your hand as he finally finds Sam and Steve. Steve had told them that the whole grid is out, affecting most of Brooklyn. But something didn’t feel right. 
“Something feels off.” Sam agreed, prompting a suggestion to try and fix the power. Something rippled throughout his body and left a pang right in his chest.
“What’s going on?!” Steve tries to calm Bucky down. They knew something wasn’t right,  something felt suspicious. They didn’t know what or how, but it was. Bucky could practically feel it in the air. 
With a sigh of relief, the lights flickered back on. The sweet, soft music started playing again and everyone started to mingle. Bucky felt his shoulders relax as he turned towards you. But then he halted. You weren’t next to him. But you were just there, weren’t you? He had just been tugging you on the arm. He knew you were right there. 
“Doll?” He whipped around, Steve and Sam trying to find you as well. They walked through the whole crowd yelling to make some room. Bucky checks everywhere; the supply closets, the kitchen, and the entire crowd. You were nowhere to be found. You were just… gone. 
Bloody and Bruised: @xoasalxo​ @raven-rust​ @widowbite-legit @purselover2​ @met4no1a​ @t3a-bag​ @stuckysavedmylive​ @gudenuph​
Permanent: @captainchrisstan​ @angstysebfan​ @teenagereadersciencenerd​ @rebekahdawkins​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @stardust-galaxies​ @wiccanmetallicrose​ @keithseabrook27​ @hereforthesunrise​ @lxdyred​ @ironbabey​
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michaels-blackhat · 3 years
thoughts on evil Forrest 😈
We are going to start out by apologizing. This is very very late. I’m sure when you sent this ask, you meant it to be in the same joking tone that I approach all of my other propaganda posts. Sadly, this is actually going to be a deep dive into a few Evil Forrest related things, including the moment I feel they changed directions, the perfect wasted build-up, and the implications of the change/how it then negatively impacted the story. As I’m sure you already know, by being on my blog at all, I don’t think the story was good to begin with, so we are going to focus on the weird hoops they made themselves jump through to make that story still work. Additionally, I am only going to mention once, right now, how much of a waste it was to not have Forrest ‘fall for his mark’ and complete one of my absolute favorite tropes. Honestly, I think “because I want it” is a completely valid reason to like Evil Forrest. But, the question was “Thoughts on Evil Forrest” and these thoughts have been developing for over a year and a half. So, I apologize in advance.
The majority of this is under a cut, with highlights in the abstract. If no one wants to read this, I understand completely. Go ahead, skip it.
Note: it pains me greatly to not actually have full sources for this essay. Just know that in my heart I am using proper APA citations, I just absolutely do not feel like digging through tweets to find sources to properly cite.
Previous research indicates that Roswell New Mexico has a history of repeating excuses to explain mid-season changes to plots. This essay explores how those excuses are not only loads of crap, but how they hinder the show’s ability to tell a coherent story, misuse the multiple-plot structure to enhance the themes being explored, and lead to decisions that mean the show continuously goes over budget. This also means that characters are not used to their full potential and has led to what some fans consider to be “out of character” behaviors. While these behaviors are not universally agreed on, evidence can be shown that these behaviors directly contradict emotionally important character arc/plot points in the show.
The author of this paper acknowledges that the show took some strides to mend this problem. However, once again no consensus could be found on whether Forrest was a low-level member of Deep Sky and thus just allowed to fuck off on a bus, or his job was recruitment because he did a piss poor job of making Alex not join.
The concept of Evil Forrest has been with the fandom as early as New York Comic Con (NYCC) in 2019, when it was revealed that Alex had a new “blue-haired love interest”. Speculation abounded within the fandom, with some people, including the author, going “yeah, he’s evil” while others rejoiced in the concept of Alex having a loving partner. Speculation increased as fans discussed Tyler Blackburn’s seeming disinterest in his new love interest, prompting some once again to scream “EVIL” at the top of their lungs to anyone who would listen. Very little was revealed, beyond the fact that the new character would show up somewhere around episode 3 of the second season.
Episode 2.04 aired with some commenting on how he barely interacted with Alex- prompting more evil speculation- and others excited to see the characters interact more. The character appears again in 2.06, where he invites Alex to dubious spoken word poetry (which Alex attends); 2.08, where they have a paintball date and go to The Wild Pony; 2.10, where the two are seen writing together briefly at the beginning of the episode; and 2.13, where Alex performs his song at open mic night, tells Forrest his relationship with the person in the song was long over, and they kiss. Forrest was not revealed to be evil during season 2.
Amidst the season airing, Word of God via Twitter post announced that yes, Forrest had originally been planned as a villain, though not the main villain, but it was changed as filming progressed.
The Word of God Twitter post revealed that Forrest had originally been planned as a villain, but they decided that they could not make their “blue-haired gay man” a villain. This mirrors a similar situation and excuse used the previous season, where the character of Jenna Cameron was originally planned to work with Jesse Manes against the aliens, before it was changed because they just “loved Riley [the actress] too much”. Both of these examples occurred while already filming and reflect on a larger problem with the show. Though not the topic of this essay, it is important to note that both characters are white, both in the show and by virtue of being played by white actors. The fact that they couldn’t be villains for one reason or another is not a courtesy extended to the male villains who are all the most visibly brown, and thus ‘other’, members of the cast.
This also highlights the fact that, via Twitter, it has been revealed two other times that occurrences that were reported in season 1 also occurred in season 2. During the airing of episode 1.02, it was revealed that the single best build-up of tension in the show- when Alex walks to the Airstream not saying a word to Michael after a dramatic declaration- happened because one actor was sick at the time and they had to go back and film the kisses later. At the point of airing for episode 2.08, it was revealed that one of the actors were sick and unable to film a kissing scene. Allegedly, this caused the writers to retool the entire scene and deviate from the plan to make that subplot about Coming Out. The execution of this subplot will be explored later in this essay.
The last occurrence revealed via Twitter also revealed larger issues within the show: lack of planning and poor budgeting. During the airing of season 1, Tyler Blackburn was needed for an extra episode beyond his contracted 10. A full explanation was never given, but speculation about poor planning and to fill in because Heather Hemmens had to miss one of her 10 episodes due to scheduling conflicts for another project. During the airing of season 2, yet another tweet came out saying they made a mistake and Tyler would once again be in an additional episode. No explanations beyond “a mistake” were given, though once again speculation occurred. It is the opinion of the author that this was due to changing plot points over halfway through writing, while episodes were already in production. It has been speculated by some that these changes occurred during the writing of 2.08, which was being finished/pre-production was occurring roughly around the time of NYCC 2019.
Previous Literature:
A brief look at different theories of plots and subplots
Many people have written on the subject of plotting, for novels and screen alike. The author is more familiar with film writing than tv, but a lot of the concepts carry over. Largely, the B- and C- (and D- and E-… etc) plots should reinforce the theme of the A-plot. This can be through the use of a negative example, where the antithesis of the theme is explored to reinforce the theme presented by the A plot, or through other examples of the theme, generally on a small scale.
A movie example of this would be Hidden Figures (2016), where the A-plot explores how race and gender impact the main character (Katherine Johnson) in her new job. The B-plots explore the other characters navigating the same concepts in different settings and ways- learning a new skill as to not become obsolete and breaking boundaries there (Dorothy Vaugn) and being the first black woman to complete a specific degree program and the fight it took to get there (Mary Jackson). A TV example that utilizes this concept of plot and theme is the 911 shows. Each of the rescues in a given episode will directly relate to the overall theme of the episode and the overall plot for the focus character. This example is extremely blunt. It does not use any tools to hide the connection, to the point you can often guess the outcome for that A-plot fairly quickly.
This is not the only way to explore themes within visual media. Moonlight (2016) looks at three timestamps in the life of Chiron. Each timestamp has a plot even if they feel more like individual scenes or moments rather than plots as some are more used to in films. Each time stamp deals with rejection, isolation, connection, and acceptance in different ways. So while there is no clear A-, B-, or C-Plot, each time stamp works as their own A-Plot to explore the themes in a variety of ways, particularly by starting out in a place of rejection and moving to acceptance or a place of connection to isolation.
Please note that there are many ways to write multiple plots, there are just two examples.
While there are flaws within season 1 of RNM, overall the themes stayed consistent throughout the season, mainly the theme of alienation. The theme threads through the Alien’s isolation/alienation from humanity which is particularly seen through Michael’s unwillingness to participate and Isobel’s over participation. There is Rosa’s isolation from others, how her friendship with “Isobel” ended up compounding her existing alienation from her support system due to her mental illness and coping mechanisms. We see how Max and Liz couldn’t make connections. This theme presented itself over and over in season 1. While this essay is not an exploration of the breakdown of themes in season 2, it should be noted that there were some threads that followed throughout the season. The theme of mothers/motherhood was woven throughout season 2, with some elements more effective than others. Please contact the author for additional thoughts on Helena Ortecho and revenge plots.
One of the largest problems within season 2 was the sheer number of plots jammed into the season. These plot threads often ended up hindering the effectiveness of the themes and made the coherence of the season suffer. Additionally, a lot of them were convoluted and difficult to follow.
Essentially, season 2 was a mess. To look at it holistically is almost an exercise in futility. Either you grow angry about the dropped plots and premises, you hand wave them off, or you fill them in for yourself. Instead, this essay proposes to look at individual elements to explain why Forrest should have stayed evil.
We first meet Forrest in 2.04 when he is introduced on the Long Family Farm, which we later learn was the location where our past alien protagonists had their final standoff. He’s introduced. He’s largely just there. The audience learns he has more of a history with Michael. In 2.06, we meet him again with his dog Buffy (note: poor Buffy has not been seen again and we miss a chunky queen). There’s mild flirting, Alex is invited to an open mic night, which he attends. For the purpose of this essay, the author’s thoughts on the poetry will not be expressed. Readers can take a guess.
It is after this point that the author speculates the Decision was made. This choice to make Forrest not evil- paired with the aforementioned ‘can’t kiss, someone’s sick’- impacted the plot. We have Alex have a scene with his father- which the author believes could have been pushed to a different episode- and then have Alex go on a date and then not kiss Forrest at the end of the night. Here, the audience sees Forrest hit Alex in the leg, allegedly not knowing he had lost his leg despite ‘looking him up’, which parallels the shot to the leg that happens to Charlie. Besides wasting this ABSOLUTELY TEXTBOOK SET UP WTF, it also takes Alex away from the main plot and then forces a new plot for him. Up to this point, Alex’s plot was discovering more about the crash and his family’s involvement. Turning Alex’s date from a setup for evil Forrest to a Coming Out story adds yet another plot thread to a packed season. It is also the author’s thought that this is where the convoluted kidnapping plot comes in. With Forrest already in 2.10 for a moment, a plot where Alex is evil has Forrest attack him for Deep Sky rather than Jesse abduct him for a piece of alien glass Alex was going to give him anyway and then for Flint to abduct Alex from Jesse. It’s messy. In a bad way. Evil Forrest would have been a cleaner set up: no taking back a piece of alien glass Alex gave to Michael in a touching moment. No double abduction. Instead, there is only Forrest, who Alex trusts, breaking that trust to take him as leverage over Michael.
Now, Alex has two plots (Tripp & Coming Out). The Coming Out plot is largely ineffective, as they are only relevant to scenes with Forrest and have the undercurrent of there only being a certain acceptable way to be out. This could have been used for Alex to discover his comfort levels, mirroring Isobel’s self discovery, but there was not enough screen time for that. Additionally, Isobel’s coming out story was about her allowing herself the freedom to explore. Alex’s story was about the freedom to… act like this dude wanted him to. Alex’s internalized homophobia played out often in the series but it was also informed by the violence he experienced at Jesse’s hands and the literal hate crime he and his high school boyfriend experienced. With that in mind, the “kissing to piss off bigots” line comes off poorly. This is a character who experienced what a pissed off bigot could do- reluctance to kiss in public is not the same as not being out. There is more to be said on this topic, but as it is not actually the focus of the essay, it will be put on hold. To surmise: Alex’s coming out is attempted to be framed as being himself, but it is actually the conformity to someone else’s ideals. It does not work as an antithetical to Isobel’s story, as the framing indicates that the conformity/right was to be out contradicts Isobel’s theme.
Further Research:
Author Acknowledgements:
The author of this paper acknowledges that the show took some strides to mend this problem. However, once again no consensus could be found on whether Forrest was a low-level member of Deep Sky and thus just allowed to fuck off on a bus, or his job was recruitement because he did a piss poor job of making Alex not join.
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dclsbaby · 3 years
traitor - Dominic Calvert-Lewin 🦋
Summary: you reflect on your relationship, realised you've been wronged and should've trusted your gut
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 2.1k
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Brown guilty eyes and,
Little white lies,
I played dumb, but I always knew
That you talked to her, maybe did even worse
I kept quiet so I could keep you
It’s his green-hazel eyes that dissipate every logic, every sense of reason you had. It’s the way he would roll over to your side of the bed each morning to savour another 5 minutes before he has to leave, that made you feel yearned for and wanted. It’s the lingering kisses on your neck, on each shoulder and collarbone, that convinced you you’re the only one. It’s the grand dreams shared with you about your future together, filled with kids and their tiny jerseys, that made you believe his little white lies.
You had ignored the tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach that felt nothing like the butterflies you experienced on your first date with Dom. The feeling told you to succumb to your suspicions and unlock his phone, scroll through his messages and social media interactions. No, the feeling demanded you to swipe his phone, lock yourself in the bathroom, overstep boundaries, and find evidence of another woman. But that wasn’t who you are. You respected boundaries, and decided against it. You loved him enough to give him the benefit of the doubt.
The paranoia began to grow when you noticed the little things, such as the way he would put his phone screen-side down on the counter, or the way he brought it everywhere like it’s a part of him, even in the bathroom, or that he wouldn’t leave its sight when it's being charged. Then, these signs started getting stronger and more frequent. He’d get phone calls when you’re having dinner and every time you ask who it is, you’re always met with, “No one important enough to take me away from you,” and a kiss to suppress your suspicions.
Does he have anything to hide? You often ask yourself. Do I really want to know? Another voice asks.
You knew, deep down, that your gut was right. You knew what was happening behind your back.
It’s always the girl they tell you not to worry about.
You were first introduced to her one evening at a club event. Dom referred to her as the ‘girl with the magic hands’, to which you cringed at the innuendo. That was the first warning sign you ignored. Although shortly after exchanging names, you learned that she works at the training ground as a masseuse. Magic hands, makes sense, you thought. It did not make you feel better though.
You could see her appeal. You could imagine Dom and his teammates steal a glance, their eyes lingering much longer than they should. You could hear the locker room talk, words of adoration spilling from their mouths. Her charm is magnetising. She’s bubbly, she’s awfully kind. But did she really have to look like she could be on the cover of Playboy circa 2004 too? Though her beauty’s not your lack, it did not help with your brewing paranoia.
You can’t help but think she’s the reason he’s been staying back late at the training ground, why he comes home wearing a different shirt to the one he left with in the morning, and why he doesn’t talk about his day much anymore, as it probably mostly consisted of being lathered up in oil and getting sensual massages by a hot masseuse. The thought always made you sick to your stomach.
The overthinking had convinced you he had been seeing another woman right in front of you this whole time. But pretending that everything’s alright was so much easier than the inevitable confrontation, the accusation, the fight, the ending. So you kept quiet so you could keep him, and live in the false fairytale you try so hard to become reality.
Until you couldn't anymore.
And ain't it funny how you ran to her
The second that we called it quits?
And ain't it funny how you said you were friends?
Now it sure as hell don't look like it
You and Dom stayed friends after your relationship ran its course, for the first couple of weeks, at least. The days leading up to the break up were plagued with arguments over the little things like missing dinner plans and not keeping the room tidy, which led to bigger fights where you accused him of not being in love with you. Of course, he vehemently denied this, but you thought he didn’t fight for you enough. He didn’t push back, he didn’t give you a reason to stay, and that was enough for you to know that your relationship never stood a chance. You could handle disagreements and a few fights, but when you’ve been led to question your own worth—it’s done.
In the end, it was a mutual break up. It made sense, he needed to focus on his football and the constant fights weren’t helping his concentration. It was hard for him to leave each morning knowing you both went to bed angry, and although he would spend the drive home practicing his apologies, he would come home to find you fast asleep in bed before he could even make amends. As for you, well, you had to look for love elsewhere.
All seemed well until he turned more and more sour by the day. Sure, you didn’t expect to be glued to his hip at all times, or be the best of friends—you two broke up for a reason. But what you did not expect were the bitter remarks, the one-word replies, the sarcastic comments that portrayed the antithesis of who he was when he was with you.
Now you bring her around just to shut me down
Show her off like she's a new trophy
And I know if you were true
There's no damn way that you
Could fall in love with somebody that quickly
It all made sense when you began receiving texts from your friends attached with a photo of him with a young fan. You thought it was odd, why were you sent pictures of your ex with a fan, of all things? But there she was, in the background of the photo. Of course. Of course it was her.
More pictures started coming through of both of them in his black Range Rover driving around town, having coffee at your favourite coffee shop. You curse at him, now you have to find a new place to get your coffee. The pictures that stung the most were of the pair of them driving to the training centre together. Imagine the sight of a new couple in town pulling onto the Finch Farm carpark. You knew it wasn’t just a friendly carpool. She’s been staying on my side of the bed, you thought. Meanwhile, you’re still seeking the warmth from his side of the bed.
It dawned on you how much of a fool you’ve been. You feel angry for not trusting your gut, for letting yourself get played, for letting yourself take the beatings from people who had accused you for being with him for his money when it was you who was taken advantage of. If the love he had for you was true, it wouldn’t have taken him that quickly to find someone new.
You sat on your sofa for hours. Waiting to feel something other than numbness, the tingling sensation on the tip of your fingers from the shock is no longer there. The numbness eventually turned to chills, so you reach for a blanket in the woven basket next to the sofa. You wrap yourself into a cocoon, though all you wanted was to be a butterfly, spread your wings, and fly away. Pathetic. Even my metaphors remind me of him.
Feeling sorry for yourself, you sluggishly stood up and dragged your body to the kitchen and pulled out three different bottles of alcohol from the cupboard—ignoring what a senior had told you in uni to never mix alcohol unless you want to get absolutely wasted. You grab the glass from the top shelf, a cocktail shaker that came with the set your friend had got you for a secret santa gift, and make yourself a drink. One drink turned to two, to three. Then, you started watching recipe videos on YouTube on how to make a pornstar martini, which led to another two. 5 drinks in total. Lucky number 5.
After making a mess on the kitchen island, feeling delirious, you stumble across your flat, bumping a table on your way back to the living room, leaving a bruise on your hip that will hurt in the morning. The alcohol running through your veins giving you the urge to belt out a ballad and pour your heart out, so you somehow managed to open your music and play a song.
Don’t you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?
Don’t you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
You belted every word, not caring if your neighbours could hear you drunkenly sing the words to a depressing ballad about not being enough for a boy.
Realising with what’s left of your consciousness that your balance is becoming unsteady, you stagger your way to your bedroom, extending your arms, careful to not run yourself into any walls.
Upon reaching your bedroom, you undress yourself into just a bra and underwear and dive face first into your made up bed, curl up under the warm covers, and blankly stare at the ceiling. The lights appear as though it’s duplicating with every blink—you could’ve sworn there were only two.
With each passing second, you begin having flashbacks of him. Images of the bedroom you once shared which looks nothing like the room you’re in now tattooed in your brain. Whispers of “I love you,” and “you’re the love of my life,” haunt you as you try to shut your ears with your hands, desperate to rid of his voice. You feel angrier and angrier by the minute, waves of sadness taking over your body. You wanted him to know how you felt. You wanted him to know how badly he’s hurt you, something your sober self would never admit.
So you do what your gut tells you, no sense of reason in the way to stop you from unlocking your phone, scrolling until you’ve reached ‘D’ on your contact list, and clicking the name you’re looking for.
Pick up.
You asshole, pick up.
Fuck this, I—
“Hello,” a hoarse voice answers. You inhale a sharp breath.
His voice. The exact voice you hear every morning at 6:45am as he kisses you goodbye.
“You, you betrayed me,” you slurred as you made your way to your bedroom. He takes the phone off his ear to look at the Caller ID again, squinting at the bright light. “(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Dom jolted at your voice, the concern in his voice ever so clear, afraid that you might not be okay.
“And I know that you'll never feel sorry for the way I hurt,” your speech slows down with every syllable, ignoring his question. The sound of his breath tickles your ear, making you squirm a little. On the other line, there he was, awake from his sleep, listening silently to your drunken voice, his heart breaking all over again. “(Y/N), have you been drinking?” he asks, though he knows the answer.
“You talked to her when we were together,” finally throwing the accusation you never would’ve said to his face. He finally put together why you were not yourself towards the end of the relationship, you were convinced he was cheating on you. “I never—it has always been you, only you,” you ignore him. “I promise”, he whispers softly, trying to convince you with what’s left of his heart. He wants you to believe him so badly, but he doesn't know what else to say. Pain revisits him each time he tries to convince you that you’re the only one he’s ever been in love with.
“Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter,” you laugh humourlessly, remembering all the times you wanted to be assured, to be convinced that you were the only one, but his actions suggest otherwise and your paranoia ate you alive. He didn't fight for you even when it was the last straw.
“You gave me your word,” alluding to each time he would tell you that no one else compares to you, each time he made promises about your future together. “It took you two weeks to go off and date her”, you accuse him. “I’m not with anyone,” he says under his breath, knowing you’re too drunk to remember what he says.
“(Y/N)?” Dom asks when he couldn’t hear anything from your end. “Please, can we talk, I—“ “God, I wish that you had thought this through,” you cut him off, your eyes getting heavier by the second, “before I went and fell in love with you”.
There it was. The sentence that ripped him to shreds. The idea that you might have regretted him, regretted being in love with him broke him to bits. He hadn’t realised the damage he’d done during your relationship, and what he did after your break up was unnecessary. He knew what it would look like, to be seen out with her. But he did it anyway to hurt you.
After consuming way too much alcohol, your body feels it’s full effect as your phone slips from your hand and you cave into your tired body.
He hears a loud thump on the other line.
“(Y/N)? Are you there? I—I still love you, can you hear me?”
Line’s dead.
Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.
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shutupanakin · 3 years
Wasting Your Time Ch.3
“Wh— what?” Tommy choked out, his voice hoarse from the lack of use all day.
The man rolled his eyes, as if he didn’t just ask a completely impolite question. “I said, do you have any booze?”
Tommy sat still. He reached into his jacket pocket, his hand finding only a plastic pen. Could he stab this man with a plastic pen?
Tommy pulled said piece of plastic out, visibly holding it up. “I have a pen.” Something about the bemused look on the man's face made Tommy click it, and again, repeatedly.
click click click click click click click click—
or; Tommy planned on dying. He meets Wilbur instead.
Chapter Summary: Tommy is wrong. Wilbur tries to teach him color theory.
cw for suicidal ideation
Tommy was not proven right.
In better words, his thesis, his argument, it was wrong. He was wrong, okay? He could admit that! He was wrong and Wilbur was right. Wilbur, him, and his stupid antithesis. Wilbur got the good grade, Wilbur got the pat on the shoulder from the teacher. Tommy got credit for participation. Tommy got a pity smile and a gold star sticker and a ‘good job! You tried!’
Tommy should be happy. He is happy! He talked to Tubbo and Ranboo. After they were all done with classes on Friday, because Tommy had waited that long— he talked, and they listened! They did!
“ Would you guys be happier if I— I don’t know. Stop hanging around you, or something?” He was picking at the thread, pulling it so tight he could feel it move the inside of his sleeve.
The answer he got? They said no. Ranboo was quiet, letting Tubbo babble. Then Ranboo would reword what Tubbo said, more coherently. And Tommy resisted his urge to just scream, because that was their dynamic. Of course it was! Tubbo was the controlled forest fire and Ranboo was damage control.
What Tommy did not expect was when he had pointed that out, his friends didn’t let him burn out like he thought they would. Tommy wasn’t the tree burning up, Tommy was the water that Ranboo was using to put it out.
They had hung out at Ranboo’s all weekend, after that. Sam was busy and couldn’t handle the noise, Tubbo’s dad worked nights and refused to leave the house to them alone. Ranboo’s cousin was cool about it, thank god. The guys' friends were fucking awesome, Tommy thought. The shorter American was telling him about Molotov Cocktails and one with the stupid fucking glasses tried to teach him and Tubbo some clutch in Minecraft.
Tommy wasn’t afraid to admit that he lost.
The train, as it always does, stops in front of him. Tommy didn’t hesitate this time, grabbing his seat at the back. There might have been more of a skip in steps this time, but no one he knew was there to point it out. The woman at the front promptly ignored him. He sat down, hands tucked firmly in his jacket pockets.
He did not doubt that Wilbur would show up this time. The man himself had indicated that he’d love being proven right. Tommy was willing to let him take this, to take this ego boost. Tommy knew when to admit that he was wrong— he was, okay?
“I like your pin.” Ranboo’s cousin said, passing him a coke from the fridge. “Smile. Nice.”
Tubbo looked at him, his eyes settled on Tommy’s jacket. He reached out, fabric gripping up in his hand. His thumb ran over the yellow and black pin. “Bee.” Tubbo tilted his head. “When did you get this?”
“Oh. Uh.” Tommy stuttered. “Uhm. Two weeks ago! There’s this cool shop a bit out that sells them.”
Tommy fiddled with the bee, adjusting the diagonal position it had fallen into. He didn’t tell Tubbo or Ranboo about Wilbur— he didn’t know how to explain it. How to explain him. He didn’t want to tell them what had led him to go to the train station in the middle of the night. That was a conversation that Tommy was simply not ready for, yet.
Wilbur was also eerie, and he was sure that only Tommy himself could deal with his weirdness for a whole night. He would probably psychoanalyze Tubbo and make him cry, or monologue to Ranboo and give him a breakdown. He’d keep them separated for a bit, Tommy decided.
When they pulled into their next stop, Tommy didn’t shut his eyes this time. He watched Wilbur come into view through the window. Wilbur entered swiftly, following behind a man that nabbed a seat in the front.
“Hello, fellow science experiment,” Wilbur grinned, placing himself down opposite Tommy. “I assume it went well?”
If Tommy was in a worse mood he would curse him out. “I’ll have you know, it went exceptionally well, Mr. Soot. I even walked here with a bit of pep in my step. I did that! Not you!”
“Of course you did, they were your words, I just gave you a motive.” Wilbur hummed.
Tommy scowled. There it was. “You’re a prick,”
“A correct prick.” Wilbur said. “So your friends took it well then?”
Tommy hesitated. “Well. You could say that? They’re trying, now. They’re listening. I’m not just hitting the pavement anymore. But we’re talking! And we spent the whole weekend at Ranboo’s!”
“So you are getting somewhere,” Wilbur concluded. Tommy nodded.
“It— it’s nice enjoying myself, hanging out with them. Ya know? Like it’s not a chore. It’s easy. I don’t have to zone out to be around them.”
They stopped. No one got on, the man remained at the front.
When Tommy was around them, he would have to do that. Zone out. Sometimes it wasn’t on purpose, other times he just found himself begging to just go, anywhere else, but he was too aware to go away, their voices were too loud and the air was too cold and Tommy couldn’t fucking breathe—
He didn’t feel that way all weekend.
Tommy didn’t feel trapped. He was in the present. He was in the present and he was happy. If not just for a few moments, Tommy was okay and he didn’t have to think about anything else.
“So it worked,” Tommy said. “It did! We’re working on it; this weekend was fucking great though. I know how to make a Molotov Cocktail now—“
“You what —“
“I didn’t actually make one,” Tommy emphasized. “I was just taught how! It’s quite easy actually! Ranboos' cousin, one of his friends just... it was a lot of vandalism advice.”
Wilbur groaned. “Please do not get arrested for vandalism. You need better influences.”
“You’re a bad influence,” Tommy waved him off. “don’t worry big man. Can’t come to see you if I’m arrested. Sam would also kill me. In cold blood. Dead, I would be dead as fuck, man.”
If Sam had to bail him out for something as stupid as setting something on fire, he would be so fucked. Oh, Sam was so fucking overbearing when he was paying attention, he would never hang out with Ranboo again. Or Tubbo for that matter. Sam would deadbolt his door closed. Tommy would never see the sun again. Screw prison, Sam would lock him up himself.
Tommy will not be doing that, thank you. If anyone offered to help him burn something down, he would certainly not be taking it.
They stopped. A woman got on, the clanking of her jewelry as she sat down echoing in Tommy’s ears.
“How am I a bad influence?” Wilbur enquired.
“HAH!” Tommy blurted. “Look at me! Mr. Soot! I go on trains in the middle of the night! I gamble with teenagers. I am suuuuuuch a good role model.”
“I do not gamble with teenagers!” Wilbur cried. “No money has been placed! I told you that!” Wilbur accused. “Also I am not the one telling you to blow stuff up.”
“ Memememememe — I said nothing about blowing anything up,” Tommy argued. “I was at most implying arson. I said absolutely nothing about exploding shit! That’s you!”
Wilbur slapped his hand against his forehead. “Oh, you insolent child!”
“Oh, you cryptic old man!”
Wilbur shot up. “Hey!”
“I hardly know anything about you,” Tommy retorted. “You— you could be a war criminal or something for all I know—“
“Do I look like a fucking war criminal to you?” Wilbur interrupted.
“... You could be!” Tommy exclaimed. “What’s your favorite color?”
“What is your favorite color?”
“Red. Answer the question.”
Wilbur groaned. “Blue. Used to be teal.”
“Why did it change?” Tommy pressed.
“There is not enough of it here,” Oh god, Tommy thought. Here we go. “The sky is cloudy. The water is gray. It is muted, it is drowning in black and white film instead of saturation. I wish there was more of it. Especially down here.” He longed, Tommy was exasperated.
“Wilbur, we are underground. Look at the graffiti.” Tommy deadpanned. “Or just go on Google man. Color blue— not everything needs to be a Greek tragedy.”
“That is not a natural blue,” Wilbur objected. “It is artificial! From a spray bottle, or on a screen!”
“I’ll bring you some flowers or something, okay?” Tommy snapped. “You’ll get your fucking blue.”
“I will sneeze on you.”
Tommy hit the side of the seat. “You will not!”
Wilbur made a face, rearing his head back. “A—a— ACCHOO. Like that. But you will not be expecting it.”
“Fuck you! And your blue!” Tommy exclaimed, Wilbur cackled.
“And why do you like the color red so much then?”
There was no special reason as to why Tommy enjoyed red. When teachers asked in primary school he gave it as a response, no deep or intricate thought attached to it. That was the difference between him and Wilbur. Everything Wilbur did and said seemed to have some sort of deep thought attached to it, everything he said was planned out, and said carefully.
Tommy was decidedly not that.
Tommy existed in the moment and Wilbur existed around it, quietly observing. Whispering. Taking notes.
“No reason,” Tommy shrugged. “It’s just kinda nice. Loud.”
“Like you.” Wilbur teased.
Tommy groaned, hitting the back of his head against the glass. “Stop patronizing me! I’m done doing color theory with you!”
“Oh I can do color theory—“
Tommy put his hands out, gesturing for him to stop. “No, no. Please do not. I’m begging you. I can only handle so much of your monologues.”
Wilbur scoffed. “My ‘monologues’ are fantastic, I will have you know.”
“You should write songs,” Tommy said. “You’re a right emo; you— you— you could take all that messed up shit up there,” Tommy pointed. “and make stuff. I dunno.”
“I mean I used to,” Wilbur breathed. “not anymore though.”
“Why not?” Tommy pushed.
“Have not felt like it.” He said simply. “No fun in doing it anymore. Can not even sing to anyone.”
Tommy’s brows furrowed. “That’s shit,” he grumbled.
“Poor me, having to exist being friendless!” Wilbur sighed. Tommy knew he was being dramatic, but it still made Tommy glare.
“Hey!” Tommy objected. “I’m your friend!”
“That just makes me sad,” Wilbur groaned, rubbing his face. “we are friends?”
“ Nooo,” Tommy drawled. “I only meet mere acquaintances on the tube line in the middle of the night.”
“You came back here because of our deal,” Wilbur pointed out. Tommy’s brows creased, because technically he was right. To be proven right, to be proven wrong, that’s why he kept coming here. Some sort of odd mutual trust and genuine curiosity enabled Tommy to keep coming back.
Sam might call it a lack of self-preservation.
And he wouldn’t be wrong, sneaking out in the middle of the night, to a tube station, alone, to meet a practical stranger was in every right dangerous. The first time Wilbur had stumbled into the seat across from him, Tommy couldn’t bring himself to care about that part, the danger. If Wilbur had mugged him then and there it wouldn’t have changed anything.
Once again, the thought of not seeing Wilbur again was bothering Tommy. Did Tommy want to make another deal? To continue this odd tradition? Tommy felt, alright. Kinda. He was happy. This was a good weekend. His classes yesterday were bearable, the overwhelming feeling to pull his hair out was muffled under the warmth in his chest.
Did feeling better mean he would never see Wilbur again? Surely they could keep doing this. Just a... check-up.
“You should play again,” Tommy suggested. “if not for anyone else, then just for yourself ya know?”
“Do you play anything?” Wilbur asked.
“I know piano,” Tommy thought. He hadn’t played said instrument in a bit. He had a keyboard that sat in his closet collecting dust. He hadn’t taken it out since he moved into the flat with Sam. “I haven’t played it in a while. Too much noise.”
Their stop was coming, Tommy realized. Tommy hit his leg awake, standing up. “Guess we will dive into that later,” Wilbur said. Tommy shook his head.
“No, no,” Tommy was going to put a stop to that right now. “I’m not you. There’s no deep, depressing reason. I just don’t play anymore. Stop psyche evaluating me, or whatever the fuck you people call it.”
“Alright, alright.” Wilbur said lightly. Taking the lead as Tommy followed him out. “Are you still going to get pins?” Tommy hummed an ‘mm-hmm’ in response.
“I like the pins,” Tommy confirmed. “Do you want anything?”
Wilbur shrugged him off. “Nah,” He waved. “Knick knacks, I would have no use for that. Nowhere to put them.”
“Are you homeless?” Okay, that was a bit rude, Tommy would admit. But that slipped, alright? “Because that would explain a lot actually.”
“ No,” Wilbur said immediately. “I have a house, Tommy.” He groaned in exasperation. “Believe it or not, I can exist in different places other than a tube station. ”
“No, but it makes sense! Every time I see you you’re wearing the same shit!”
“It is my Tuesday jumper,” Wilbur defended. “I already told you that.”
“ It is my Tuesday jumper .” Tommy mocked. “Fuck you. You don’t have a house.”
They stopped outside the glowing Jack Of All Trades sign.
“Get something cool this time. Like an orca.” Wilbur suggested as Tommy pushed open the glass door, Tommy mumbling a ‘will do’.
Jack leaned over the counting, scrolling through his phone. His eyes met Tommy as he strolled further into the shop. “Hello again!” He put his phone down on the counter. “I was wonderin’ if you were gonna show up.”
“It’s become a habit,” Tommy said, reaching into the bowl.
“What’s ya name again?” Jack enquired.
Oh, Tommy realized. “Tommy,” He answered. He took the blood-orange-flame-shaped pin in his hand, placing it on the glass counter.
“You’re gonna run me out of pins,” Jack joked, sliding the pounds over to the register.
“You’re gonna run me broke,” Tommy joked back. He clipped the pin in, securing it. “Bye Jack!”
Jack waved as Tommy pushed out the door. Wilbur stood waiting for him, raising his eyebrow as Tommy showed him the new pin. “You did not get an orca,” Wilbur pointed, disappointed.
“He didn’t have any orcas, big dubs. Is that why you got banned?” Tommy asked, turning backward as he walked in front of Wilbur. “He didn’t have any orca merch? Is that it, Wilbur? Have I cracked the mystery yet?”
“Nope!” Tommy’s excitement visibly dropped. “Good guess! Still wrong.”
“ Ughhhh, ” Tommy groaned, kicking a stone. “Fuck you, man. Just tell meee,” Tommy begged.
“Still no.”
“Did you steal something?”
“Did you kill his mother?”
“ What ?!— Tommy, no!”
“Are you a felon, Wilbur?”
“Let me stop you while you are ahead,” Wilbur said. “The answer is no, no, and no. To everything.”
Fuck you, Tommy thought. He didn’t like not knowing things. He’d figure it out. He would drop it for now, because this clearly wasn’t getting anywhere, but he’ll make Wilbur slip. He will! He just needs to catch him off guard. He could do that! Outsmarting Wilbur would be a feat, an accomplishment.
“I’ll figure it out, you watch,” Tommy grumbled.
“Good luck with that Toms,” Wilbur hummed.
“I don’t need luck,” Tommy stated. “Just my big brain.”
“You do have a big head,” Okay, that was mean, Tommy thought.
“That was unnecessarily rude,” Tommy stated. “I can’t believe you’ve done this to me, Wilbur. My self-esteem. It’s ruined.”
“Oh come on,” Wilbur retorted. “I have a big forehead. Look.” Wilbur lifted the curly bangs that framed the front of his face.
“Oh no,” Tommy cried. “Don’t do that, please. My eyes! I can’t stare directly at it!”
Wilbur fixed his hair, chuckling. “My jumper buddy used to call me Forehead-Bur.”
Tommy snickered. “Jumper buddy sounds cool.”
“He really is not. He is a real loser.”
“Like you?” Tommy chortled.
Wilbur scoffed. “Shut it!”
When they got to the station, two women were standing together on the platform. Tommy nodded politely while Wilbur simply ignored them. When it had pulled in, Tommy trailed Wilbur to the back. The two women had sat down at the front.
“Got any plans for this week?” Wilbur asked, Tommy shrugged.
“Got a test Thursday. That’s about it.” Tommy thought. “I think Tubbo wanted to go to the mall Friday, dunno. I’ll have to text him.”
It would be the next time that Tommy would see him; his, Ranboo’s and Tubbo’s schedules made it difficult to see each other during the week. Tommy was no longer actively avoiding them now, though. Maybe Tommy could set up a game of Pub G, or CSGO.
He was starting to feel guilty for blowing them off, actually. Tommy would have to make up for that. He didn’t really regret coming to see Wilbur, he couldn’t. If Tommy was given the choice between playing a first-person shooter game on a Tuesday night with them versus… this…
Tommy knew what he would choose.
They stopped. No one on or off.
“You have anything planned?” Tommy asked.
Wilbur did not look like he was expecting to be asked. “Hmm,” He wondered. “Might go see my dad. Been a bit.”
Tommy did not know why that had shocked him so much. A father! Everyone had a father, Tommy knew that alright? That was completely logical.
Wilbur had just, given off the feeling of someone who didn’t have anyone. Wilbur was a feather floating in the wind. Tommy supposed that feather had to come from a bird then, perhaps it was missing it.
“You should bring your dad something,” Tommy said, shaking off the frown.
“Like what?”
“Like— like a snowglobe or something man, I don’t fucking know. Flowers!”
“He likes birds,” Wilbur thought aloud.
“Chicken,” Tommy decided.
“ No,”
“Chicken,” Tommy repeated. “You gotta let me know how that goes next time.”
“Next time?”
They stopped. The two women left, the brunette left quickly while the blonde frowned at him.
Tommy forgot that they hadn’t even thought of another deal yet. Did they need that at this point? Couldn’t Tommy just show up and trust that Wilbur would be there, deal in the air or not?
“I... I—I think I want to keep doing this?” Tommy admitted, pulling at his hair. “Showing up. And talking, to you, ya know? I enjoy it. I keep thinking like, what deal, what bet this time we could make again. And nothing comes up.”
“You want another deal?
“Do you?” Tommy asked, genuinely. “I don’t… I don’t want to make you feel like you have to come back here.”
They stopped. A small group got on, this time kids around Tommy’s age holding bottles wrapped in brown bags.
Wilbur thought for a moment, like he was mewling over his next words carefully. “As long as you need me, we can keep doing this,” Wilbur said softly.
Catharsis, there it was. Tommy swallowed. “Okay. We can do that.” It was another deal, in all technicality. An extended one at that. Conditional.
But Tommy was relieved from that pressure of not knowing if there will be a next time. Because now he knows for sure there will be! And another after that!
Wilbur might have started as a buffer to what Tommy considered the inevitable, a simple delay. Despite the serotonin high that he had for the past few days, Tommy hadn’t forgotten about Wilbur. He hadn’t forgotten about why he met him in the first place.
Did he want to anymore?
Tommy didn’t have an answer, apparently.
That’s why he needed these meetings with Wilbur to continue, they got him to the end of the week, they got him through his current problems. He helped him fix his relationship with Tubbo and Ranboo. Maybe Tommy wanted to figure out what he could solve before he left. What he fixes— then he’ll decide.
He’d make up his mind then.
Because was Tommy’s decision to make, not Wilbur’s. Not Sam’s, not Tubbo’s, not Ranboo’s. His. He knew that. Alright! Tommy knew that.
They stopped. The loud group got off.
Tommy eyed them as they left. “It looks like you asked the wrong teenager for booze,”
Wilbur cackled, his boisterous laugh filling the now mostly empty train car. “I had forgotten I did that,” He giggled, wiping away at his eye.
“I didn’t!” Tommy pointed. “Man, I thought you were going to stab me. Or demand for my wallet. Or both.”
“You thought I was going to mug you?”
“You asked me for booze!”
“I was breaking the ice!”
“You break the ice by asking for alcohol ?”
“Yeah! You looked miserable. I thought you could use a good laugh.”
“I didn’t,” Tommy said. “I clicked a pen at you. I was prepared to stab you with that in case you were a wrongun.”
“Oh no, ink poisoning,” Wilbur dismayed. “What will I do?”
“Go to the ER,” Tommy replied. “But you’re probably banned from that too.” Wilbur was silent. Tommy had meant that as a joke. “Wilbur…”
“It is a long story,”
“Oh my god.”
“It is!”
“Geez man,” Tommy rubbed his temple. “And you scold me for making jokes about Molotov Cocktails!”
“They are mini bombs.”
“And you’re not allowed in places in half of England!”
“I did not set anything ablaze, Tommy,” Wilbur said, rising. His stop was next. The night was coming to an end. “Try not to get arrested between now and next week.”
There it was, his confirmation. “No promises big man!” The train was stopping. “Try to stop pissing people off!”
“See you, Tommy!” Wilbur stepped out, not looking back at Tommy.
When they moved again, Tommy startlingly realized that he was alone. Just him. Two weeks ago, Tommy would’ve killed for this. He would’ve died for this.
Tommy sat alone, and the flashing markers of the tunnel were too bright and the rumbling, vibrating feeling of the tube going at its ungodly speed was nauseating because Tommy should’ve been—
He could’ve been—
Tommy shook his head. Squeezing his eyes shut. He could drown out the lights. He was okay. He was alone, and that was okay. It didn’t matter. Being alone didn’t make a difference. Nothing changed. The time of the night was really starting to become very prominent to Tommy. He wanted to go home and just sleep. Tommy checked his phone, no new messages other than some old Instagram notifications.
When his stop came up, he practically bounced up and sprinted off of the train, pushing past a concerned-looking ginger woman. He was up the steps before the train could even pull out.
Tommy was alive for right now, and he was okay with that.
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yuissamidare · 3 years
i feel like when the jigokuraku anime comes out that people are going to disregard yui 😫 its true she doesnt appear much but what we do get of her is absolutely fascinating to me. both her and her quiet rebellion really hits something in me bc shes exactly one of those characters that go through hell and, despite it all, still believes in the inherent goodness of and kindness of other people and stays kind herself despite other's attempts at breaking her will is... breathtaking to me
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something about her and gabimaru meeting each other really just screams "we are not alone in the endeavor of making ourselves" and they both help each other in different ways. something thats always been really telling is that. these two were noooot excited about getting married to each other even though they were both people that benefited from each other in the end - actually gabimaru's initial apathy towards yui's is probably the thing that jumpstarted her into her growing into her own as a person and and allowed her room to flourish as a person (re: he said he thought she was spoiled and 'dumb as a rock' but that doesnt seem like a sentiment that he ever held himself, though i don't doubt that Others never held her in high regard, he was more begruging and baffled) yui is the antithesis of everything he is, while he sits and obeys orders yui finds little ways to oppose and cling to her ideals and humanity. he does everything logically and with precision while, to others... yui just Does The Most. like if you could go overseas to a different country and instead of taking a plane or boat u go "hey what if i swim". yui's actions are That in comparison to the rest of the stone village.
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look at her face, shes sooooo not into him and the same goes for him lol but whether due to his complete and utter anhedonia towards life just meaning she'll do something if she asks or he's taking his role as a husband as another job he should preform perfectly or him just thinking he should humor the bosses' kid (both are doubtful considering what we know) or maybe he's just curious about why she chooses inconvenience over practicality and does not understand how to properly express himself and his confusion in a way that's satisfactory and logical towards himself (most likely, considering 121!), he's giving her room to do what she likes and figure things out for herself without fear of repercussion or injury (unlike her dad who's highly abusive and just. a master manipulator)
yui's obviously a combination of defensive and exhausted, instinctively defiant, this seems like this isnt the first time shes ever gotten this from someone - but instead of snapping at him, yui instead holds her tongue and withdraws (more on this later) and she explains herself and the what could be the source of her apparent oddness and while gabimaru doesnt understand he doesnt try to berate and "correct" her, he just sits down and joins her in what he considers "meaningless drudgery" and gives an attempt to understand. he doesn't have to, they could live in the same house parallel lives that never intersect until the chief decides he wanted grandchildren but gabimaru is still baffled enough by yui - her trifling and ineffective way of doing things and her gentle opposition of everything they were both raised to be - to sit down and try to understand.
re:gabimaru joining yui in this task. gabimaru is not a bad person, but at this point in time he had a very shallow emotional range and his compassion and empathy for other people was stomped out in favor of Just Doing His Job. he works through things very logically in a "if A happens then B then C but on the off chance of D happening then-" he doesn't like wasting his time, he doesn't like dragging things out if he doesn't have to in killing OR communicating with others but he sits down next to yui even tho he doesnt have to, tries to consider her point of view, even tho he doesn't have to, eats dinner with her and cooks with her - even tho the one glimpse of another woman in their village suggests this isnt the norm at all.
the woman from 107 is emancipated, she has a dead eyed stare, she has a shit ton of children that shes minding all by herself, and also has her face ruined which calls back to what yui previously said in the first chapter; women aren't considered people and in a different way from the men, get beaten down and broken and detached from humanity - tools in a different sense - and despite of all of gabimaru's initial emotionlessness and eventual self hate and disgust (for not being able to be what he considers good enough for yui) he's kind to her and treats her like an equal and doesn't facilitate the ideal of "men have their worth because they can be made into soldiers, women do nothing but breed viva misogyny or w/e" which is something she obviously greatly appreciates.
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yui's struggle isnt some big thing the grand scheme of the hey-plant-monsters-what-the-fuck, its relatively simple - she wants to live a normal life as a normal woman, and shes struggling to reclaim her agency. gabimaru gives her space, he lets her be, even joins in on... its a nasty, ugly, little personal thing that impacts every part of her life and time after time we see yui that this is something she's struggling with or/something that shes working on. that is something we can sneak peaks at even in the first chapter when yui jokingly says her stubbornness to not conform had cost her her face and then praises him for not reacting to her appearance negatively (then later gabimaru remembers this when theyre bathing says he doesn't mind/finds her beautiful even with her scar and yui tries to play it off with another joke, but she still ends up crying bc shes happy). yui clinging to her humanity in a village that tries to beat it out of children is just. Yall... she works hard - she actively chooses to be kind, she actively chooses to be a person and she works hard making sure she could live a happy life on her own terms.
they both grew up in the same vicious environment. she's wasn't raised to be a soldier but she's demonstrated the fact that shes been through a similiar though lesser extent of education and training (see: her crushing chestnuts with her bare hands) that shows that She's Not Normal; just like gabimaru, she can not taste - as demonstrated prior, she grows more frustrated and depressed every mealtime, but she does her best just so she could wear the veneer of a normal housewife, and eventually it works. maybe she just tricked herself into imagining she did, but she finally, after who knows how long has gotten the result she wanted. shes building herself up to be the woman she wants to be.
shes emotional, and stubborn, and she teaches gabimaru a great amount himself and his personal foibles yet doesn't even consider that gabimaru loves her and loves what she perceives as flaws profoundly or at the very least has rendered a version of her in his mind more than just her subjective self as they both have very different ways of viewing things and interacting with the world - gabimaru is someone who looks at the big picture yet doesn't take into account smaller details **coughs** vs sagiri **coughs** finding horai **hacks up a lung** (he does eventually learn tho! he gets better at it) meanwhile yui is more of a balanced individual due to her abusive upbringing vs her desires but still seems to narrow in on smaller details here and there in her chase for humaness (see:chapter one.)
which after reading jgkrk Several Times make me think these following lines arent just her being The Wise Perfect Wife i thought she was when this chapter first came out but things she has actually experienced and is relaying to gabimaru as advice because shes been through this process/is further along in her process of creating herself already
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(a good thing about these two is that you can tell what stage both her and gabimaru are in their relationship by yui's hair and gabimaru's facial expressions since their relationship isnt told in chronological order.)
"hold onto your convictions proudly yet know when to keep your mouth shut for your own good" is something yui obviously adheres to very strongly as shown!! 121 isnt an accurate depiction of their relationship bc gabimaru's been backhanded so hard he started hallucinating && literally pushing daisies but i wouldnt say that its totally wrong tho (again, this interaction is colored by gabimaru thinking he is a disgusting and cruel person while in his mind yui is the best thing on this planet, the best thing in his life. shes an angel that taught him empathy and compassion and someone he feels guilty being loved by despite having her own flaws... and I'll touch on 121 later bc wow that hallucination was very interesting) since 107 brings credibility to her being closed off and wary of him.
she glares at him, then backtracks and later she seems to be frustrated when he's asking Whats Ur Deal. shes very carefully considering her actions and words. in 121 (despite how unreliable this is bc its a hallucination and this version of yui is idealized) gabimaru goes back to the beginning of their relationship, and whether because this is due to his own low self image or his personal perception of their early relationship, yui flinches from his touch. i would not say this is out of place! yui has, from the start discussed the trauma the men in her village has put her through (either by her father's abuse or witnessing the treatment of the other women in the village). she would not willingly put herself in a position to be harmed, though again this is a naturally stubborn woman who is awarenof her position and i doubt she'd show weakness like that, considering like. we find out in chapter one she moved back in with her abusive father and and did that FuckYouDadx2 combo at the risk of being beaten/killed/worse because she wanted her husband back. yui shuts her mouth and takes note of the situation when she's unsure, then takes action, but, once she becomes more comfortable with gabimaru and he starts rubbing off on her in return she starts to act on her whims and express herself more.
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^^^ like compare these to 107. shes not even trying to hide the annoyed look on her face anymore when she thinks gabimaru's being slow on the uptake and shes like. im rude now. that's love baby. yui goes from saying "be yourself but act out only when you are safe to do so" to "if you feel something in that moment, theres no shame in following your heart". shes changed and become more open as well! she's not the same person either
(its also worth noting that gabimaru telling yui she doesnt need to hide her scars from him also comes from the "be yourself but act out only when you are safe to do so" flashback. she does not need to be wary of him, he likes her, she doesnt need to hide anything about herself from him or anyone, which is likely what causes her change in perspective and borderline suicidal behavior in chapter one when gabimaru is taken from her. she has her own baggage but its nothing to be ashamed of, the proof that yui is baring her fangs in her own way is not something she should hide, its even beautiful to some (22) and does not mark her as just an object to be used (33).)
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now for the horror show that is 121. yeah. this scene is sure something. gabimaru's self hate is tangible... and this version of yui thats used to manipulate and trick him is feeding into like... i wish i were better at words but its validating his self-deprecation and victimisation and saying "well since you feel bad, you dont need to work to better yourself, because i will make it better for you." i think my first time reading this i thought it was really innocuous and a call back to chapter five's "you are not the same as you once were"... but like bargin bin bc it felt Off. its alarmingly similar but carries the opposiye!! yui here is saying "you felt bad, and because you felt bad that makes you a good person automatically and now all the good things in your life will be handed to you, you can stagnate and theres no need to work to better yourself. no ones a good person so just chill abt it :)"
Like! gabimaru and yuis relationship worked because gabimaru actively tried to get better for her! because he put in the effort to understand her! because their striving to become normal people together - "if only one person appears who accepts you (yui) isnt that enough?" yui is the most important person in gabimaru's life and in this fantasy twice removed from the real world he's beguiled - all the extras are shunted off stage, he gets what he wants, an easy domestic life with yui (where they both still seem to be in stone village living with the chief??? the bathtub when they're bathing together looks similar to 22, and yet someone who kicks up a fuss about bathing because he cant allow himself to relax is bathing???? In the chiefs house??? the chief who exists as a menacing figure in this daydream?? sir) without taking responsibility for his actions or doing the hard work to get out of there for their desired idyllic life, even though yui has always pushed him to be better and to change his ways and, to qoute sagiri "accept the burden of living" and stand as his own person. its a band aid fix.
its very clear that gabimaru loves his wife, that she has the most value to him out of anyone in the world. yui affects his mannerisms (ch 8 & 53) how he interacts with others (the whole comic but most notable examples are 5, 22, 33 & the ending chapters), his emotions... everything. he wants yui, and not one thing could ever be as important and special...... but yui is not that kind of person.
yui cares for gabimaru because he treats her with kindness and will not take more from her than she has to give and shares in her burdens despite not fully understanding and yet this dream pushes everything on her. while yui was willing to offer him help and love and patience bc that was something she eventually decided to do herself in their relationship. yui does not mind guiding him, she has the perseverance and kindness to bestow love on someone who thought they were unlovable, but thats because it was one her terms and she had her own autonomy in the relationship - she's the one actively courting him after initially just not wanting to be there and she wants to commit herself to him (i wish we got to see that exact moment thoughhh yui side story when). this dream does not give her a choice, and that pause prior to her saying "yes" does indicate that even gabimaru's subconscious knows something is up, bc this doesn't sound like the yui whos all like "hey what up i fell for you Because i saw you could be kind and considerate to me and other people". its a twilight zone yui thats just. so off.
being "normal" is hard, its difficult and full of things he cant quite grasp even towards the end of the story, but its something they both have to work towards Together because its a different battlefield and nothing ever comes easy - they are not just playing the parts of human beings, they Are human beings, and dream yui is every bad thing shija said about yui, a puppet without emotion playing house and pretending to be human.
theyve both grown as people in the presence of each other and tldr i like yui i really am 12 again.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
ngl voyager gets a whole lot of very disproportional hate from the fandom and i'd hazard a guess that a lot of that is just garden-variety misogyny (and probably racism mixed in, considering how many of the most prominent characters are women, poc, or both). like, is voyager perfect? absolutely not. and no spoilers but there was a lot of executive meddling that wound up leading to the finale/conclusion being lacking and there's a lot of reasonable dissatisfaction with that--but again that was largely thanks to the execs fucking the show over and i recommend looking into that if you can once you've finished the show. but overall? voyager is trek right to its very core--it has heart, it's about family, and it never loses sight of that imo, even if some episodes are weaker or just duds (but, like, would it be a trek series without some episodes that just kinda suck but are still fun to watch???)
anyway, i absolutely love that you're getting into voyager, it is my all-time favorite trek series to this day for a lot of reasons, and i hope that ppl like that anon dont put you off bc i'd love to continue to see your thoughts as you watch the series!
Oh, it would take a whole lot more than some anons being salty that others enjoy things to turn me off :D 
Thus far (I lost internet last night so I’m still only on Episode 7 of Season 2), Voyager is the Trekiest Trek I’ve watched. Which is a weird sentence, but I mean it in the way you said it’s “trek right to its very core.” What is Star Trek, if we strip the intent of the story down to its basics? It’s about exploration, discovery, that “wagon train to the stars,” wrapped up in the argument that life is fundamentally good. We have problems, but we can work past them. We have differences, but they strengthen us. Diversity is the lifeblood of the universe and the future will continue to improve so long as we embrace that. 
Voyager is (again, from what I’ve seen so far!) basically a love song to that premise. I didn’t do too deep a dive because I’m trying to avoid spoilers, but I did look at a couple threads discussing why Voyager is so hated. Again and again I saw the same reason pop up: wasted potential. Now, a lot of fans left it at that (as if the answer to what potential Voyager apparently missed out on is self-evident. It’s not), but those who did expand on the idea consistently claimed that the show needed to be darker than it was, even if they rarely said it like that. Why aren’t the Federation and the Marquis at each other’s throats? Why isn’t the crew going crazy under these circumstances? Why aren’t characters getting killed off left and right in hostile space? “Anything could have happened out there and they played it safe!” but the “anything” here is always... awful. There’s this very pervasive idea that the world is inherently cruel, people are inherently divisive, that when pushed to the brink everything will fall apart... and that (while making for one kind of great story) is very much not Star Trek. 
See, Voyager created an unimaginable scenario--lost in space, 75 years from home, forced to live indefinitely with strangers--and their answer to the question of “What happens?” is “People make it work.” They learn to respect one another, they uphold their ideals, they maintain a love of life and discovery, and they create a family. And that’s fucking fantastic. That’s Star Trek! I’m not going to pretend there aren’t problems with the show, with plenty more to come, I’m sure, but I don’t think this is one of them. Why do so many viewers think that hatred, horror, death, and growing jaded is the only potential here? Why would they expect that in a Star Trek show whose premise is the very antithesis of those things? 
“But they don’t do enough with those things, even if they have happy outcomes.” They do plenty, they just do it in an episodic rather than serialized nature. I can point to multiple episodes where the replicator rations or Maquis differences are driving the characters’ actions. “But without that horror there’s no conflict.” There’s plenty of conflict. Hostile aliens aside, I just watched an episode where Tuvok and Chakotay are pissed as hell at one another because they fundamentally disagree over how to handle problems, but--because they’re adults with a well-tested respect for one another--they apologize and work through it. “But the characters don’t develop at all.” You mean they don’t grow harder. That’s not the same thing as no development. Tuvok is figuring out how to be more flexible, Chakotay is becoming more willing to accept cultures he doesn’t agree with, Harry is growing more confident now that he’s far from home, the Doctor is learning to see himself as a person, Paris is grabbing his second chance with both hands by making strong ties, and Janeway is learning to command and care for her crew simultaneously. I honestly believe that a lot of people think of “character development” as the character becoming a fundamentally different person, unrecognizable from where they started out. But  characters can also grow into the people they wanted to be in the first place. “We’re far from home, in hostile territory, tempted to do horrific things to survive... but no. Right now at least, we’re holding onto who we are. We’re scientists, so we’re going to explore and learn. We’re peaceful, so we’re going to make friends with as many species as we can. We’re members of a society that teaches acceptance, so we’re going to form a family on this spaceship.” That’s incredible!! Did fans miss why Seska was an antagonist in the episode she was unmasked? Because she was trying to convince them to give up everything they believe in in the name of survival, an ends justify the means argument. And the crew said no, we will not give up what we believe in just to make it through. I legit saw a ton of fans saying some version of, “I can’t believe they were that far from home and actually followed Starfleet’s rulebook.” It’s because those rules don’t exist for the hell of it. Overlooking their practical function, they’re a philosophy that the characters believe in, and they’re figuring out how important that part of their identity is to them under these circumstances. Am I willing to steal a specie’s technology if it gets us home? Am I willing to die to help another uphold their own philosophy? (Chakotay in “Imitations”). What regulations should we bend or change to accommodate our new situation? The first two things Janeway does are a) giving the guy who just came out of a penal colony a rank and b) deciding that she needs to be more familiar with her crew than is normally encouraged for a captain because she’s essentially their mom now. Developing doesn’t have to mean characters do a 180 on their initial personality, or characters getting killed off when stuff gets “boring” so that others can do edgy things in response. 
Voyager upholds Trek’s premise and runs it to its logical conclusion: 
Voyager has the most literal trek--a trek back home. 
Voyager has the most diverse crew--a woman Captain, Native American First officer, black Vulcan, Asian-American communications officer, and a White Dude pilot that realizes he wants to be soft and kind towards those who took a chance on him because Toxic Masculinity who? 
Voyager has the most literal family--not just a 5+ year mission, but a crew who expects to raise the next generation. They have no choice but to work together, so they indeed come together rather than pulling apart
Except they do, of course, have a choice. In “The 37′s” the crew is allowed to stay on the Earth-like planet with a city of other humans and Janeway is convinced that a sizable number will choose that. After all, they may never get home and this is a safer, kinder future for them. In fact, the real question is whether so many will stay that they can no longer run the ship... but Janeway would never dictate her crew’s choices in that manner. So she swallows her worry down, opens the door... 
... and finds that not a single person decided to stay behind. And the show has ensured we understand that this is not just because they all have some unshakable belief that they’ll get home (many don’t), but because this is their family now. This is home. 
And fans want to toss that out for a generic, gritty, sci-fi adventure where hope is scarce, the universe is cruel, and people need to be pushed to the limit just to admit that they maybe, sort of, like each other?? Obviously like what you like, but that’s a hard pass for me. I’ll take the bridge crew comforting each other in “Twisted,” thanks. Besides, we already have shows like that. And we already have DS9 which grapples with many of those dark, pessimistic themes. Voyager feels like a breath of fresh air, even within the breath of fresh air that is Star Trek as a franchise. It’s a show that says, “Yes, when everything goes wrong people will come together. They will love each other. They will make it through.” 
What’s more Star Trek than that? 
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yan-twst · 4 years
what about dorm leaders hcs for a s/o that is really laid-back and don't really care about classes and school but is actually really smart and mischievous and usually just use her smarts to prank and making the life of other students a freaking hell
riddle rosehearts
he loves his darling, but god, they drive him insane. he’s gonna start going grey at the fresh age of 17 if they keep this on-
listen!! riddle is all about the rules and scholarly excellence; the complete antithesis to his darling!! well, they do say opposites attract...
he’s always gonna be trying to kindle his beloved’s interest in school; despite not being a fan of their little pranks, he can tell they’re way smarter and skilled than they let on
gah!! he just wishes they’d put that skill into school, not their pranks!!
because they’re his darling, he miiight turn a blind eye to minor rule violations; as much as he thinks rules are absolute, he doesn’t want to be in his darling’s case all the time...
... unless they prank him. then yeah, no, it’s off with their head and he’s gonna drag them for a long lecture and a study session so they can think about what they did
he does think some pranks are very funny, especially the more elaborate ones- he’d specially love to see floyd get pranked, because he’s tired of being called goldfish!
... no, but he really wants his darling to do better in school. seeing that they’re natural pranksters, he’ll try his best to find another way to direct their mischievous energy towards studying!
leona kingscholar
leona, too, is a laid back, highly smart and skilled individual who has near failing grades in most classes because he simply cannot be damned to care about them- so in that sense, he really has no reason to tell his darling to put in any effort. hey, he isn’t a hypocrite!
while he prefers to spend his precious “wasting school time” time sleeping, his darling prefers to spend that time setting up elaborate pranks; he can, respect that, too, even if he doesn’t understand it
in leona’s mind, if anyone falls for the pranks, that’s their mistake. they walked right into the trap, their loss! he’ll do nothing to help the victims of his beloved’s traps, instead maybe even chuckling at them
of course it’s not nearly as funny when he is he victim of the prank. nope, his darling certainly won’t do that again: watching him growl and turn the bucket of water that had fallen on his head to sand had been enough of a message to find other targets
these two are every teacher’s biggest frustration; so smart, so full of potential, but.... just no drive to put said effort into classes... but maybe it’s leona’s darling who’s a bigger headache to the teachers; after all, leona just fucks off to nap, while his beloved isn’t above setting a prank for their dearest professor to run into
azul ashengrotto
well, he has to hand it to them; they’re mighty good at putting their brain to use when it comes to pranking others, even if their grades make them look like a careless student
he’s shocked to learn his darling has a reputation nearly as negative as his; until he sees just how much effort they put into making others’ lives misserable with their pranks. well, that’s certainly dedication, he can respect that
a prank is a very elaborate way to fool someone; setting their expectations in a way that doesn’t feel suspicious, subverting said expectation in a way that’s detrimental or even harmful to them but hilarious to the viewers, and making sure they don’t know they’re being fooled until it’s too late to stop it. in a sense, it’s a bit like his contracts
he... will ask to not get pranked. just right out, face to face ask his darling not to. he promises he’ll help wherever he can for their pranks- he just really, really doesn’t want to be a victim of one
like leona, he’ll laugh at those who fall for his beloved’s traps; their loss, their fault! though he can’t blame them: his darling is awfully crafty, and the way they set up pranks is almost unavoidable
kalim al-asim
while kalim is all for little pranks that make everyone laugh, he’s a little... horrified, by the magnitude of his darling’s pranks? like, they’re making people downright miserable- is that, um, something they wanted...?
on god his darling is gonna have to change their methods- because making others’ lives a living hell might be fun, but it makes kalim sad, and it’s just inhumane to make him sad
kalim is a bit surprised that his darling is so bright but just chooses to not apply that to school- hey, if he had that kinda brain, he’d be out there acing all his tests!! he knows they don’t care for school, but knowing they’re so bright, he might ask them for a tutoring session or two...
if he thinks whatever prank his darling is cooking up is relatively harmless, he might join in! he finds it fun, but only as long as it isn’t something that goes too far
vil schoenheit
oh, absolutely not. no, no! vil has to put in so much effort, not only on his appearance, but also to do well in school and keep his magic and brewing skills sharp; his darling just, can’t go and waste their smarts like that...!
it clearly drives him a little nuts, and he’s more than ready at any moment to remind his beloved that if they just apply themselves to school they could rise above- but he’s quick to realize that’s just something that doesn’t interest them
well... if being a prankster is what they want, then maybe he can’t criticize them for putting in the rare effort they do show into it, but...
pranks are just not allowed in his dorm- he makes that very, very clear. he works hard to make all the pomefiore students strive for the best, and a prank that may end up in ruined hair or outfits is... agh, no, he can’t even think of it!
people will seriously wonder how the hell he and his darling got together. vil is known for being harsh on laid back people or slackers, and it’s not like he’s a fan of pranksters, and yet somehow he fell for exactly that
still, vil won’t give up on trying to make his darling better themselves! if being a prankster is truly what they want, then they can at least prank people while looking flawless, right?
idia shroud
well, he doesn’t think much of the fact his darling doesn’t put in much effort into classes- he knows they’re smart, so does it really matter if they don’t care to stay awake during trein’s class?
idia thinks their pranks are hilarious. he has no problem hacking into the cctv to witness someone get owned by an ultra elaborate prank his darling set up; yup, this is peak entertainment
because he rarely leaves his room, it’s hard to set any serious pranks on him (besides, if ortho saw idia’s darling setting up a prank, they’d have to tell ortho they were gonna prank his beloved big bro and there’s no way they’re gonna hurt the little kid’s heart like that)
he likes having a laid back partner; it’s nice to just chill in his room, while he plays videogames and they do whatever
hell, he might even throw ideas for pranks- if there’s any gadget that could make them more interesting, he’d probably be all in to help. just- just don’t say he was in on it! he’d be terrified of angry students coming to knock on his door after a prank...
malleus draconia
malleus had simply assumed his beloved didn’t care for school- he’s surprised to see they’re actually highly capable (probably enough so to rival top students like azul or riddle), but simply... don’t care to apply that to academics?
well, if it’s on terms of pranks, while not being pranked often himself, lilia is the prankster of the dorm. he’s witnessed the ancient being pull a fast one on sebek more times than he can count
... oh, but his darling’s pranks aren’t like that, he notices. lilia usually takes advantage of sebek’s naivety to tell him wacky things that the green haired first year will believe without question to create hilarious antics- but, no, that’s too simple for his darling, isn’t it?
he finds their elaborate pranks supremely entertaining. what a large amount of effort to put into something with the goal to make someone else’s day a bit more confusing and terrible- my, is his beloved a little villainous? he likes that!
he’s not worried about being pranking: he firmly believes he’d be able to notice beforehand, which probably just eggs on his darling to try and pull off a prank on him... and they will succeed on this, leaving a supremely shocked malleus (and causing silver and sebek to chase after them for their actions)
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madamsnape921 · 3 years
I Believe You
Pairing: Bryan Kneef x female reader
Warning: NSFW, smut, language, Bryan levels of fluff maybe?
WC:  2628
This is part 1. Part 2; Part 3
Tag: @beccabarba​ 
Others I think might like this: @thatesqcrush​, @prurientpuddlejumper​, @itsjustmyfantasyroom​
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“Ah! Y/N, there you are,” your best friend Mary exclaimed as you approached her. “I want you to meet Bryan Kneef. He helped me out during the divorce. Bryan, this is my lovely friend Y/N Y/L/N! Oh! Is that the time?! I have to go. I have a meeting. I am so sorry, but since you’re both here, you might as well go inside for dinner. I already made a reservation. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” Just like that, Hurricane Mary was gone. You weren’t sure she’d even taken a breath during that entire monologue. 
As your friend disappeared around the corner, you turned back to the handsome man. He was tall and well built. His salt and pepper hair and full beard were immaculately groomed. Definitely older than you, Bryan oozed confidence. And wealth judging by the quality of the suit he wore so well. You felt a little underwhelming in your simple black dress and leather jacket, but, to be fair to yourself, you thought you were just having dinner with your friend, not the man who would get your vote for People’s Sexiest Man Alive. And those eyes!  Wow!  You’d never seen eyes so green. 
“Well, that was very subtle,” you said rolling your eyes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kneef. I’m sorry my friend set you up like this.” You held your hand out to him. He just stared at you, but, as you started to pull your hand back, he reached out and took it. 
Bryan was annoyed at first because he hated being blindsided by anything. He preferred control. Mary was tall and slender with platinum blonde hair. She looked liked most of the women he hooked up with, and he had been looking forward to taking her back to his place after dinner. The more he stared at you, the more intrigued he became. You were the antithesis of his typical type, but he thought you were pretty in a more simple way. You were a little thicker than anyone he had previously been with, but you had curves for days that he wanted to run his hands over. Bryan licked his lips. He could catch this curveball and roll with it. His new goal was to fuck you tonight. 
“I hope your pleasure won’t just be in our meeting, Y/N.” Instead of shaking your hand, he surprised you by bringing it up to his lips to kiss. “I would hate for your friend’s hard work and reservation to go to waste. Would you like to have dinner with me?” Bryan asked. 
He looked like a lion hunting a gazelle. You blushed as small warning bells went off inside your head due to his overwhelming charm, but you decided to ignore them for now. “I would love to, Bryan,” you answered with a smile. 
Bryan’s charm continued throughout dinner. The surprise date was going surprisingly well. The food was good, the wine was better, and the company was best. Mary had tried setting you up many times and each time was a complete disaster. Bryan seems to be laying it on pretty thick, but you found it to be fun.   
“Y/N, I don’t usually do this kind of thing, but,” Bryan started. 
You laughed, “Don’t lie to me, Mr. Kneef.”
“Ha! Okay okay! I do this all of the time. Would you be interested in going to my place? I believe this is going extremely well, Beautiful,” Bryan responded. 
“Hmm,” you started, “I actually have not done this before but yes. Yes, I would.”
“I believe you,” Bryan smirked. 
The ride to Bryan’s place was quiet but eventful because Bryan could not keep his hand off your thigh. It was difficult to concentrate on anything else. You were really looking forward to this. Bryan was extremely cocky, but he was also unbelievably interesting. Even though you could see yourself seeing him again, you could tell Bryan was not a relationship type of man. You were going to ignore that for the night because, to be honest, he was incredibly sexy. 
While on the elevator up to his apartment consent and limits were discussed. Bryan expressed his desire to be in control. While the sex you usually had was on the vanilla side, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t intrigued so you readily agreed to his desires. Butterflies were definitely in your stomach now. 
“I’m willing to try anything you want. If I don’t like something, I’ll tell you,” you offered.
“That’s very trusting of you,” Bryan replied.
“If I can’t trust you, then I should leave now,” you countered. 
“You can trust me, Sweetheart. I won’t hurt you. Tell me immediately if you don’t like or want to do something. Do you understand?” Bryan questioned.
“Absolutely.” you smiled.
After you entered his apartment, you only had time to notice a general sense of luxury as you removed your jacket which fell to the floor when Bryan pushed you up against a nearby wall. Bryan grabbed both of your arms and put them above your head. He held them there while looking in your eyes and demanded, “Keep them there.”
You felt your underwear get wet from just hearing the command. You could do nothing but obey. Bryan grabbed the bottom of your dress and started pulling it up above your head, leaving you standing there in nothing but your black thigh highs, heels, and lacy black bra and panties. 
He stepped back to look at you with nothing but lust in his eyes. You were feeling self conscious, so you started to lower your arms to wrap around yourself. Bryan quickly had them pinned back above your head with both of your wrists in one of his hands. He grabbed your face with his free hand, forcing you to look at him, “What did I just fucking tell you?” 
“To not move my arms. I won’t move them again. I’m sorry,” you answered. 
“You’re sorry, what?” he demanded.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you correctly answered.
“Good girl,” he said as he forcefully kissed your lips. His kiss was almost bruising but you gave him just as much back in the kiss. 
He released your hands, knowing you would keep them there. Pulling back from the kiss, Bryan trailed his mouth down to your neck as his hand drifted down your arms to your back. Then, he unhooked your bra and removed it. His lips immediately went to your breast, latching onto a nipple biting gently. 
“Bryan… please,” you moaned as his beard scratched your sensitive skin.
He released your breast with a pop and asked, “What do you want?” He moved his mouth to play with the other nipple, waiting for your response. 
“I… I want more,” you breathed out. 
“More what, Dear?” Bryan countered. 
“More of you please,” you begged. 
“That can be arranged,” he replied as he bent down and threw you over one of his shoulders. 
“BRYAN!” you gasped out in surprise. “What are you doing? I’m too heavy to carry!”
Bryan laughed, “Obviously not.” He carried you to his bedroom and tossed you on the bed. He looked at you with a smirk as he ran his hands down your legs then removed your shoes and stockings, tossing them to the floor. 
“Hmm, what do we have here?” he teased, running a finger over your wet panties. He grabbed the band and pulled them down your legs. He brought them to his face and inhaled deeply. “Mmm. These are ruined,” he groaned as he stuffed them in his pocket. 
You watched, captivated, as he undressed. That is until he was finally naked in front of you. “Oh my god,” an edge of worry laced your voice as you stared at his monstrous cock. He stroked it a few times to draw out your worry a bit. 
“Normally, I’d have you on your knees in front of me now but I’m suddenly very hungry. Spread your legs open wide for me, Babe,” Bryan ordered. 
Bryan climbed on the bed and licked the moisture from the inside of one of your thighs. “You’re so wet for me,” he growled. He moved up to look in your eyes as he cupped your pussy. “This is mine tonight and you’re mine. Do you understand, slut?” 
Under his spell, you moaned, “Yes, sir.” 
He ravished you with kisses as he worked his way down your body, leaving marks as he went. Your breasts, stomach, and thighs were bombarded with Bryan’s attention. You grew wetter with the anticipation of Bryan's hungry mouth on your pussy. 
“Please, Bryan," you whined, frustrated by your needy clit. 
He smiled, "Not yet, Y/N.” He knew he was in charge. 
He surprised you by grabbing one of your feet. You did not see the tie in his hand until he started tying it around your ankles. Using the tie as a handle he lifted your legs back exposing your swollen pussy. 
“Grab the tie with both of your hands. Do not let go,” he commanded. 
“Yes, sir,” you replied, grabbing the silky fabric. 
Once your hands were in place, Bryan wasted no time attacking your pussy with his mouth. He moaned as he licked you from end to end. He sucked your clit into his mouth as he plunged a finger inside of you. He slowly added more fingers to fuck you with. “We’ve got to make sure you can take this cock,” he teased.
You were so consumed by the pleasure that you found it difficult to maintain your hold on the tie. When Bryan added a fourth finger, you could no longer contain it. You called out his name as you came on his fingers. He removed his fingers but continued licking you throughout your orgasm. 
When you jerked away for him, he sat up and untied your legs. He moved to kiss your lips as he lowered your legs back to the bed. You held him tight while kissing him back. You could taste yourself in his kiss. You moaned. 
Bryan broke the kiss and smirked, “I don’t remember giving you permission to cum, naughty girl. I’ll forgive you this once since I didn’t tell you to ask beforehand. Don’t let it happen again.”
“Yes, sir!” you panted. 
“Now I want you on your hands and knees so I can fuck you,” he instructed. 
You hurry to turn over and assume the desired position. You look over your shoulder at Bryan as he rolled a condom on. “Please. I need you inside of me. I need you, Bryan,” you pleaded. 
Bryan gave you a look you did not recognize. He paused to look at you because no one had ever said they needed him before. You stared back, but when you wiggled your ass, Bryan snapped back into gear. 
He lined his cock up with your opening after coating it in your wetness. “Remember to not cum until I tell you to. You’re a good little slut. I know you’re going to take my cock so well,” he pushed into you slowly enjoying the tight heat of your core around his cock. 
You let out a breath you did not realize you were holding when he was finally buried inside you. “You’re so big. I feel so full,” you whimpered. 
Bryan pulled out then thrusted back in. He slowly built up speed and force after you begged him to fuck you harder. 
“You want it hard and fast, baby?” he asked, grabbing your hips. 
“Please! Yesss,” you answered. 
As Bryan was pounding into you, he moved one of his hands to smack your ass. 
You clenched around him in response, “Ohhhhh! Do that again!”
“Does my dirty girl like having her ass spanked? I should have bent you over my knee,” Bryan said while spanking your ass some more.
“I’m so close! May I cum, sir? Please!” you implored. 
Bryan grabbed your hair and pulled you up until your back pressed against his chest. “Are you ready to cum on my cock, Baby?” he whispered in your ear. 
“Yessssss,” you hissed in pleasure. 
“Cum for me, Y/N!” he demanded. He felt his own release coming when you screamed his name and your pussy clenched around him. After a few more thrust, Bryan came, growling your name. 
You both fell to the bed. Bryan’s sweaty body collapsed on top of yours with him still inside you. As Bryan started to withdraw, you stopped him. “That was amazing! Can we stay like this awhile longer?” you asked. Because you were not sure if you would ever get to see Bryan again, you wanted to enjoy him for as long as possible. The press of his weight was comforting after the most intense sexual experience of your life. 
“Sure,” he answered and settled back on top of you. Bryan never did this. He never cuddled or actually slept with any of the people he brought home. He thought about how good it felt to be inside of you as he tried to clear his mind. 
Bryan slowly pulled out of you and moved to throw the condom away then walked into the bathroom. As much as you wanted to just go to sleep, you knew you needed to leave so you do not come across as the clingy type. When Bryan came back out from cleaning up, he noticed you already had your dress back on as you stuffed your bra and stockings into your purse. He stared at you with a slightly confused look on his face. You gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek as you walked past him into the bathroom to clean up.
Bryan sat on the bed trying to figure out his confused thoughts. As soon as he saw that you were dressing to go home, he got an odd feeling in his chest. He had to kick out many of the women he brought home with him. But he was pretty sure he did not like the idea of you leaving. This was totally new territory for him. Truthfully, you did not fit into his world at all, but he had never felt any connection before like he did with you… and the sex was phenomenal. 
As you left the bathroom, you noticed Bryan sitting on the bed and walked over to stand in front of him. He looked up at you, putting his hands on your hips. You stepped forward to run your fingers through his hair. “My Uber will be here in twenty minutes then I’ll be out of your hair literally and figuratively,” you chuckled but Bryan did not react. “I can go wait downstairs if you want,” you offered, thinking he was tired of you being there. He did not seem like the type who wanted his lovers to linger. 
“No,” he answered quickly. “You can stay here if you want. It’s very late,” he said, trying to make it sound like he did not really care one way or the other. 
You tilted your head, “I can but only if you really want me to.”
Damn it! Bryan thought while growling out, “Cancel the Uber.” As he said this, he grabbed the bottom of your dress and stood up while pulling the material up and off your body for the second time. You grabbed your phone to cancel the car. 
“Hop in bed, Baby,” Bryan told you while pulling down the blanket. Bryan turned off the lamp and crawled in behind you, spooning up against your back. He wrapped his arms around you and whispered, “I really never do this kind of thing.”
“I believe you,” you whispered back, hiding your smile.
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years
I saw The Squid Game and here are thoughts (spoilers)
-First of all, maybe is my non korean ass being ignorant, but the shape they use through the entire thing to represent the Squid Game looks absolutely nothing like a squid and that has bothered me the entire time. I was waiting for someone to make sense of it and never happened. Was it just me? I was the only one who cared about the accurate representation of marine creatures through basic shapes? Yes? I am just being nitpicky? Okay.
-I already liked the actor who plays Jang Deok-su because of his role on another korean show, Beyond good and evil, that is an excelent mistery show I totally recommend, where he also plays as some kind of mafia lord that gets into trouble and is a little shit. Also he is hot as fuck, so that helps a lot. He was my personal favourite character right after Ali, a pakistan immigrant that was desperate to provide for his family, because Deok-su was such a fucking asshole that legitimately didn’t give a fuck about anything and that is always fun to see.
-And now that I mentioned him, Ali was too good for this fucking world and he didn’t deserved shit of what happened to him. Even before ever entering the game.
-The premise of this show is basically to contrast against how capitalism screws over people against basic kindness, which is antithesis to capitalism itself, and that i show we get to the final winner of the whole game. Now, there is a space to talk about how these type of stories could come across as kinda simplistic, but it doesn’t feel like the purpose of the show at all is to go out of it’s way to argue so much about this issue as just show the issue, show the consequences and talk about it within the context of a narrative.
-This is why my favourite episode of all has to be the one in which the majority of players decide to go home, after witnessing literal mass murder during the first game, only to realice life still fucking sucks for all of them and that is why they chose to participate on the first place. They still struggle to deal with the shit they did before, they still struggle to find money, even on circunstances in which nobody should have to fight so hard. It talks about a type of system that is so fundamentally broken and fucked up that it would really leave a diabetic elderly woman in pain to walk away to keep working simply because she doesn’t have the means to pay for her necesary treatment or even for her house if she doesn’t do that. -And sure, the reason why this happens is mostly because the protagonist had a gambling addiction that made him to waste all the money they did have, but ultimately he is not responsible for creating such hard conditions in the first place and the show goes out of it’s way to show different ways in which people are screwed over in ways they could have never had any control over, no matter how hard they worked. Some people chose to make their own mistakes and screw other people over, and they got to live with the results of that, but ultimately is all about the money and who has it, who gets it and who doesn’t, not about fairness or justice. So, when a big chunk realice that the outside world is just as hostile and unforgiving as before, they decide to come back because yeah, it’s hell, but at least they have a promise that things could turn better even if the cost is their own lives. Outside of the game they didn’t had not even that.
-I also really like how they contrasted the supposed principle behind the game against the actual structure of such, because at least I read it as a microcosmos representing the outside world as it is. Like of yeah, very fucking equal are people inside of this island where chain of command are still a thing, where they are still fucking pawns on someone’s else game whose rules they didn’t create or chose to, and where the people with the money literally laugh at their death because it’s that insignificant to them. Alright, yeah, keep telling youself that. But that is also the rationale outside, right? “Everyone has a chance to do better, if only you worked harder and keep trying surely you would be fine. Forget that the game was rigged against you from the start and don’t even fucking mind about the literal piles of bodies of nobodies that didn’t won like you did, because they didn’t worked as hard as you did. Don’t think too hard about it. Just keep working and then enjoy that money.” I don’t think you are meant to believe on that shit, but it’s what the Front Man tells himself to keep going. Everyone is equal… but some are more equal than others.
-On that sense it feels very reminiscent of the vibe that gave off Parasyte in it’s treatment of the same issue, so you can definitely enjoy it from that perspective or, if you don’t want to, can simply enjoy it as a entertaining, well made story about human drama and people literally struggling to survive, with some moments that will punch at your fucking heart and make you feel like shit as good stories tend to do.
-It’s a very aesthetically pleasing show, I can tell you that much. It’s not super artsy fartsy with a lot of symbolism going on, or maybe it was but it’s a cultural specific symbolism I didn’t catch on, but it’s still very competently made with a lot of just fucking beautiful shots in which every single frame matters and used with purpose. I don’t remember a single second that I was “why the fuck are you showing me this” because it’s actually what they DON’T show you what ends up mattering.
-Having said that, the show does have it’s twists and turns but they aren’t super difficult to not see coming if you pick up on how the show works. I wasn’t shocked by the ending because I had already seen the hows, they actually help you to come to it by going out of their way to always show you the dead bodies of past characters, so when they don’t actually do that it does stand out and if you pick on that then you can see it coming. So I personally wouldn’t recommend this show on the basis “the twist will surprise you!” because I don’t think that is right mindset to come into it. Come for the story and stay for the characters, that are all well worth it, not for the twists.
-The ending was an obvious cliff hanger for the next season, which I am fine with, but I also liked it because it kept consistent with the main character himself. Like sure, he does see how bullshit the whole game actually is, but it’s also, and this might be just my own interpretation, keeping up with what we have established already with him about having a gambling addiction because he genuelly enjoys the thrill. It’s not about the winning money, because if that were the case then he wouldn’t be immediately giving it away the second he has some, but just the winning and losing only to try again which keeps him going on. Also there is a tiny little implication that the man actually is using his gambling addiction as a consequences of untreated PTSD after watching his friend die during a protest like some form of self medication, since when he is losing or winning at least he is not having flashbacks or thinking how he tried to fight the system before one single time and it was all downhill from there. But that might be just my own intepretation again and not necesarily something they wanted to establish. In any case, that his entire character arc ends up being “he wins all the games for the first time… but at what cost” is still a very satisfactory one, so for him to be the only one to come back to play, hopefully so he can destroy it from within, is really the most interesting ending I could have imagined for him.
-I also really liked how they firmly established a narrative where some people come together through pure generosity (the group that the protagonist made) or through fear/intimidation (the group that Deok-su made). Every member from the first group comes to unite through little acts of kindness and then the protagonist just kept winning because they helped him out one way or another. He didn’t just won because he was the smartest, the most resilient or anything, but because he formed strong enough relationships with everyone to allow him keep advancing, showing another flaw of the game’s logic. See, because you are meant to work all on your own and be a lone wolf in wolf street and eliminate everyone that gets in your way, because that is supposed to be the only way you can “win”. But he doesn’t win like that, he literally just stumbled on with people he was nice to and then they were nice back to him until the end, where he kept betting on people being decent and end up winning the last bet.
-Of course, this winning doesn’tcover still for the great devide that exist between the protagonist and the men who put him through that hell. The comparison of the old man does between what a poor person with no money and a multimillionare have is fucking bullshit that rings hollow, because the poor person would have never have the power to do what they did to anyone and the things the poor person concern themselves with are note ven a thought for the powerful. But it makes sense that he thinks that way when he is literally an observer of the common people from a literal tower, safe by all the medical care that his money could get him. The biggest difference between him and the protagonist is that of looking at the value of human lives, and then their only point of connection is the love of games. The old man was looking at everyone losing their lives but he himself was never in any danger from it, so of course he got to just have a good time fooling everyone and playing around.
-Honestly, the more I think about it, fuck the old man, what a fucking dick.
-Until I see a dead body I won’t believe that the cop is dead, and I hope he isn’t because he and The Front Man have pending a long fucking conversation about what the fuck happened. It’s obvious that the Front Man has fully bought on the nonsense of the system, but the fact he still is pained for what he did to his brother could hint to him having a change of heart somehow that could be very interesting to see if well handled.
-The lady that was briefly with Deok-su was just mean. She and Deok-su made a good couple of two perfectly mesh dickheads, and I was actually kinda sad when they had to go but also thought it was the only appropiate ending for the both of them so, good job on that one.
-The way that the norkorean lady was finished was fucking bullshit though. Like, equal opportunities my cat, how the fuck is fair to make players play after recieving injuries from easily preventable hazzards made AFTER already beating a game? It would be like the doll detecting someone that someone still had a finger on the other side of the line and shooting it anyway even though the rest of the body was out. Like, they literally set that up in a way to hurt someone and they got what they wanted, but if different chunks of glass just perforated the skull of the three of them or something like that? Then there wouldn’t be any game for them to enjoy and no winner either.  All those richy rich richsons would have made their travel all the way there for fucking nothing. Yeah, it’s a very slim possibility but why even risk it like that so close to the finale? Narratively speaking I know why it happened, it makes sense because that allowed for the rest of the story to advance, but in-universe it really doesn’t and it was literally just to take her out of the way quick for the next plot point to take place. That was literally the only death that left me actually unsatisfied because it came out of nowhere, it wasn’t because of anything she did or could have prevented and it was so unceremonious. Like, you could have probably think some way for her to reach the same place without making so obvious you are pushing her there.
-She did looked very good on that suit, though. I wonder if the reason they gave her a suit and not a dress was because they never imagined that a woman could ever reach that far in the competition, because somehow I doubt they were specifically pushing for breaking gender norms. During a lot of the games everyone talks about how having women in your team is a disadvantage because strenght and “makes you look weak”, so I guess it makes sense that the people behind the game also had the same rationale and never even fucking bothered to get something new for her even when she turned out as a finalist. It would also explain why there is not a single employee on the entire island who is a woman, or at least none of the ones whose faces we actually get to see. Which I guess could work as another subtle evidence that despite all the posturing, there was never a “equal opportunity for all” sentiment behind any of it. The women were there literally assumed to be destined to fail from the very start. I hope that if that was the intention we get to explore a little bit of that on the next season.
-I have already seen some opinions about the show, so I might be alone on this one, but I appreciated the character of Sangwoo for what he was and how, despite all the bullshit he pulls, he is not all that evil like Deok-su and the mean lady. He genuelly helped Ali at the start without expecting anything in return because Ali helped the protagonist first, not even because he was the one getting the benefit himself, but he was also the man who turned himself into a criminal because he got greedy and wanted even more than the money he had. Like yeah, he was a selfish piece of shit, but he was allowed human moments and kept it interesting until the end. Also the actor was hot so that didn’t hurt.
-In conclusion: Ali was too good for this world.
If you enjoyed this sorta review, rambling or whatever this is about the show, and want to see more, consider supporting me through Ko-fi.
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chikabika · 4 years
I wanna talk about Whole Cake Island too!
So, I’m reading Whole Cake Island right now. And I have THOUGHTS about Sanji and Luffy’s “”””fight””””. And it’s probably nothing anyone hasn’t said before but I’m gonna write it out anyway.
(TL;DR Sanji and Luffy fight and it hurts because they both go for the throat. Also Nami has been through this shit I am surprised she’s putting up with Sanji trying to leave in the slightest.)
So first, yeah, I’m screaming into a pillow because this shit is rough. Let’s get those personal emotions out of the way first. 
Sanji’s whole thing is that he cares and serves, right? His love language is acts of service and that’s primarily shown through feeding people. When we meet the Vinsmokes (I shall not be referring to them as his family) we see pretty quickly that they are the antithesis to everything Sanji is. 
The men are literally said to lack the ability to sympathize or empathize. Not only do we see this is the case, but Reiju says so herself:
They do not value cooking nor food. Judge tells Sanji to never cook again, Niji wastes food.
And, of course, the brothers have no qualms about hitting women. The whole chivalry/won’t hit a women thing is a huge can of worms I don’t feel like unpacking in part because I don’t feel like I could talk about it without discussing women’s power levels and roles in One Piece. And I’ve already digressed too much.
So yeah, the Vinsmokes are the opposite of Sanji and hold none of his values. In fact, they may be why he holds some of his values, because they are as far from the Vinsmoke’s values as possible.
Okay so the two chapters in particular when Luffy and Nami find and confront Sanji! 
Pretty immediately we see that 1. Sanji was not expecting them, 2. He’s distressed that they’re here, and 3. It complicates things for him.
Like, that is not a face of someone happy to see his friends who have come to save him. That is an “oh fuck” face. (And as a sidenote, yeah, it’s a whole lot harder to sacrifice yourself when you’re confronted with the people you’re leaving behind, HUH, SANJI????)
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Luffy’s all happy to see him, feels like they’ve accomplished their goal, doesn’t question that Sanji would want to come back. And he’s got things to do! Like save Wano and beat up Kaido! Chop chop Sanji let’s go on adventures! Plus, I would think that Luffy would also have the expectation of his crew that they understand that no one gets to leave if they’re doing it to sacrifice themselves. He’s already shown he’s gonna come get you and Sanji knows this. Sanji’s first arc with them after Baratie was going to save Nami from Arlong and her self-sacrificial bullshit! Luffy’s modus operandi is saying “Oh, you thought you were in a lose-lose situation and the only solution was to sacrifice your happiness and well being? Fuck that! You’re my nakama, let me save you!”
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Both Luffy and Nami aren’t questioning Sanji’s wanting to come with them. They’re here, it’s time to go!
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And so then we see the surface level reasons why Sanji would say “No, I can’t go with you.” And we also see that he knows Judge is watching him.
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I don't think Nami's buying it either. She's done this. She knows what it's like to be trapped by circumstances, to have your loved ones held hostage. And she did this shit too! She fuckin laid it down, lied to her nakama about it all being a farce in her efforts to keep them out of her dangerous situation! Maybe the words sting, but I think this face of hers is even more from her thinking about how they all know eachother so much more, and know how Luffy wouldn't leave one of them behind. So Sanji must be under some real duress right now. Like, I feel like she could extrapolate a lot from what he's saying because she knows that's not who he is. And because she's tried the same shit. And, I wonder if she’s hurting for him because she knows what it’s like.
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Every chance she gets, she reiterates that there was nothing between them, that she doesn’t care about them, that she tricked them, and even uses her supposed killing of Usopp as support of her betraying them. She is desperately trying to get them off this island. Arlong is well covered, we all know what’s up.
And, the parallels are pretty clear for Sanji. He’s got family being held hostage (Zeff, and the Strawhats too), and he couldn’t leave anyway because he’s got explosion bracelets on. Plus he’s got his own self-sacrificial streak (which I could guess comes from being raised in a household where you’re told you don’t have any value and everything you do is wrong-the fact that Sanji still cried at Judge’s rejection of him right before his escape speaks to how as a child he still wanted Judge’s approval and love as a father).
So, he comes out swinging with the thing that we previously established would be the shittiest thing to say, that Luffy rejected the possibility of him saying.
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And then he starts on this buckwild speech that is so fucking hammed up I almost questioned if Sanji meant for them to understand the opposite of his words, and was just putting on a show for the Vinsmokes.
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Nami only says he’s going too far when Sanji starts insulting Luffy’s dream, which the whole crew believes in and supports. 
Also, as a side note, it doesn’t really make sense to me that Nami would just take on the role of “you’re going too far, you can’t believe what you’re saying!” Maybe Chopper would do that cuz he’s gullible and shit. BUT NAMI FREAKIN DID THE SAME SHIT. I would almost expect a “...” speechbubble from her and later her saying something like “He really tried his best to make that look convincing, didn’t he? He’s not very good at it.”
Nami’s savvy!
But anyway, yeah, Sanji tries to go for the throat to push thme away saying shit about Luffy not being able to become the Pirate King. My first reaction to this whole thing was: 
Usopp has tried to leave too, but his situation was different. His reasons were stated clearly and he didn’t try to pretend that all the shit they’ve gone through together and the bonds they’ve formed were fake. Nami, Robin, Sanji? They try to do the “ah, I never loved you” bullshit. 
But Sanji’s is the first time that from the get-go, the audience knows before the confrontation everything that’s going on for the crewmember trying to fake betrayal. With Nami and Robin, we didn’t learn their backstories until after they tried to push people away. With Sanji not only did we get it beforehand, but when Luffy and Nami show up, we are shown the three pieces of information that Sanji thinks about and that motivate him to push his crewmates away:
His hands (his treasures) are bound and threatened.
His nakama are threatened.
Zeff is threatened.
He’s backed into a freakin corner! And he know’s Luffy’s track record on crew members trying to leave! So he goes for the throat and when that doesn’t work (or for the whole performance he’s putting on for the Vinsmokes) he attacks Luffy.
Luffy says he won’t fight Sanji, and I wonder if this is because of Water 7 and Usopp. That fight was so fucking painful, I wonder if Luffy vowed to never fight someone like that again?
Clearly he isn’t getting through to Sanji, even though, to him, Sanji should know what the deal is by now.
So he goes for the throat himself! Which is honestly just heartwrenching on Oda’s part and pretty unfair on Luffy’s part. Though, when has Luffy ever been fair lol. His whole crew agrees his selfishness levels are above emperor!
This page pretty much sums it up:
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Also, throughout this entire encounter we get glimpses of Sanji thinking about the crew and meeting Luffy, which is cool to see his internal world somewhat.When Luffy first shows up. I mean. Look at the pain on his face.
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This is not a “we have a difference in ideals and are fighting over it and I’m thinking about how we met because I regret that it’s come to this.” fight. It’s not even a fight. It’s Sanji desperately saying “Please leave before you die because of me!”
Actually, maybe it is kind of a fight of ideals because Sanji is fighting to say “leave me behind I’m not worth it” and Luffy’s saying “yes you are.”
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For all the extremely clear things going on emotionally for people in this scene, I’m surprised Oda just left Nami’s responses at this. But, since he did, it means I get to interpret them how I please!
This could simply be read as her feeling betrayed and shit. But again, they all know the history of the crew. This could just as easily be her saying “You went too far.” or “I can’t believe you wouldn’t believe in Luffy enough to come back with us.”
I said she could probably guess at him feeling like he’s stuck, backed into a corner. And if I remember correctly she is aware that the Strawhat’s lives are threatened if Sanji doesn’t comply with Big Mom’s wishes. But she probably wouldn’t guess at the bracelets being bombs and doesn’t know (but might guess) at the Baratie being threatened too. Nami knows all about people who claim “family” as an excuse to hurt and bind you.
But basically, I would think for her, it would be a situation of her feeling like at this point Sanji should know Luffy well enough to know he won’t give up, and to trust Luffy enough to take Sanji home. So why the fuck would he try to play this game when they’ve all seen that it doesn’t work? Why say the most hurtful things he can think of? And why not just come home now?
I don’t think she’s angry at him for the betrayal he’s trying to act out, I think she’s angry at him for the betrayal he’s committing for not trusting the crew to get him out of there.
(Again, haven’t read past this part but I could absolutely see later Nami saying “do you think we acted hurt enough for them to buy it?”)
And then of course, the last four pages of the chapter where Luffy clearly calls bullshit on Sanji, saying Sanji felt the pain of his kicks more than Luffy did. And Sanji is just starting to fucking lose it. (panels from right to left)
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Like, Luffy. Chill. It hurts so much! But no, he can’t just call Sanji out. He’s gotta go for the kill, present Sanji with an unacceptable situation he knows he can’t refuse. Or at least hopes he can’t refuse. Because for Luffy, Sanji leaving is an unacceptable situation.
Not only will he not eat (which, god, using that against Sanji is almost too much, fuck, Luffy), but he won’t even fucking move so get your ass back here soon before I starve, Sanji.
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To use the two very deeply entrenched facts about these characters this way is sure something, huh?
Sanji will feed anyone who is hungry. He cannot stand hunger, almost.
Luffy eats all the damn time and lots and never refuses food. For him to say “i’m going on a hunger strike, I’m not eating until it’s from you” IS JUST SO MUCH.
Also side note god what cruel people to laugh at Sanji’s pain as Niji and Yonji are doing.
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Sanji thought he could get away with thinking he’s expendable (just like Judge has said in every time period we’ve seen him on the page) Luffy flat out rejects that. Sanji is essential, an required part of the crew and a required part of Luffy’s dream. Just like the crew have adopted his dream as a part of all of their own ultimate goals, so Luffy is saying that they are all part of his ultimate goal. He has adopted them into him becoming the Pirate King.
And goddamn if this arc isn’t about found family. The blood of the covenant is thicker, don’t cha know.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
While im on topic of dabi i think he suffers from jogging in place too much. Like what do we know about him? Hes a mysterious emo n his regular level not caring assholery is sometimes punctuated by points of delighted sadisam. He has plans seperate from shigaraki but we arent sure what exactly those plans are aside fromhhhhh kill endeavor
Like i cant even really say that his character arc is stretched out too much, because its more like prequel to his character arc is stretched out. Like all of his character is leading up to the reavel of his identity and while that was fun to theorize about one year ago, now everyone and their mother acepts that hes Touya. Its old n its honestly not very engaging and it doesnt really make me want to explore his character more because their is nothing that interesting for me to work with.
Like i feel his character arc will properly start once the truth is out and once we see his fellow villains, heroes, public at large and especially his family react and cope with this knowledge. Like dabi was introduced saying that he'll reavel his name later so that really makes me think hes waiting for the right opportunity to kickstart his plan with reaveling his identity (while also being the absolute worst in actually manipulating sittuations in his favor)
Ok dont take this next part too seriously cuz i just thought of it while typing n it has 1.5 thought put into it but with this arc really shaking up the status quo and all the injustices about endeavor n comission being made clear to the reader, i hope the next arc will be like about dealing with the flaws in hero systhem n trying to come up with better solutions. With that in mind i think it would be really interesting for dabi to kinda rise up n take shigarakis spot (or share it, depending on what happens to shigaraki) as the final boss cuz after all isnt he all about the flaws of the hero systhem n odd one out in the league for having a hero personally turn him into a villain. Idk i just thought of that so i might mull it in my head a bit more. Maybe i just want dabi to have an actual character arc to sink into cuz the wast majority of what we have for him now are easily disaprovable headcanons.
Also i want more todorokis, especially rei natsu n fuyumi i know they are supporting cast but i really wanna know how they react to reavel, do they try to shield rei from it, how it effects fuyumis longing for a complete family and how it effects natsu as the one closest to touya
Not me interested in dabi development for every reason other than dabi himself.
Fuck now im thinking about dabi being the next big bad n he n hawks having a rematch aaa i should not be allowed to send asks i always loose track
I do agree that Dabi can be a very stale character (and I honestly don’t think the League is helping him here because he just falls back on them whenever he fails. I’d love to see him have to develop himself as a character/villain outside of the influence of the League due to his current actions with Hawks causes him to become alienated from them).
As you said, we haven’t really gotten a chance to see Dabi really shine as a villain due to the fact that Horikoshi is building up to that big reveal. The times we see him be an interesting character actually is when he’s in the middle of conflict (when he approached Hawks and Endeavor after the Hood fight, when he fought Geten by himself during the MLA arc and this arc with his fight with Hawks) because that’s when his character moves forward. It’s the same reason I liked his scenes with Hawks because during them, Dabi felt like an actual person rather then the distant emo long ranged fighter for the League.
Horikoshi hasn’t really done Dabi any favours by stretching out his reveal though I understand why he did though, I think. Originally, Dabi revealing himself as the fourth abused child of the awful Endeavor would have almost been cathartic to see, Endeavor is finally facing justice for being a horrible person and so it would almost belittle every horrible thing Dabi has done to reach that point. However, by making Endeavor have a atonement/redemption and change his ways, we actually see how Dabi’s actions are selfish and how his goals are nothing but for personal revenge and it won’t have an impact on anything as Endeavor has already changed without having to be shocked into doing so by Dabi. I think Horikoshi is trying to show us that Dabi’s actions aren’t justifible, even if he has an understandable reason why and I think that’s pretty cool and has turned the “getting revenge for abuse” on it’s head by showing us that Dabi’s actions have done nothing but hurt the innocent.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Dabi double down and become even worse because of this either but a part of me is hoping that because Endeavor was able to see the error of his ways and change, that Dabi might be able to do the same (but still pay for his actions against others). However I wouldn’t mind if Hori makes Dabi the antithesis of Endeavor and has him go in the opposite direction.
It really depends on what he wants to do with him.
(Also if the reveal doesn’t focus on all the Todoroki members then what’s the point? Endeavor and Shouto aren’t going to be the only ones effected, give me that Natsuo, Rei and Fuyumi angst as well XD).
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#13 - Menace from the North, eh!
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Setting part 1: i mean......... whatever, right? at this point, India got 2 levels and Prague got 2 levels so i’m like ok, let’s get this over with. and i genuinely believe this and Anatomy for Disaster are the game’s two weakest episodes, despite the great conclusion. look, SP... they fucking delivered. they served absolute excellence with episodes 2-4, but it’s getting redundant and Menace from the North, eh! is just Menace from the North, meh? (please forgive me Lord). the game takes a weird environmentalist turn, which i fully appreciate but am ultimately confused by, seeing as He Who Tames The Iron Horse had absolutely nothing to do with Jean Bison’s pollution aspect. it feels weird to return to a Canadian outing after the gang had such a successful run in the previous episode, which felt like a conclusion even with the absence of a bossfight. like, SP could have easily inserted a Bison bossfight at the end of He Who Tames The Iron Horse in order to add another Klaww Gang member for an extra episode or maybe replace Menace from the North, eh! with the lost Monaco episode. it sounds like i’m bitching a lot, and i actually am. what really takes me aback every single time i play this game is that after you complete the Rajan/Contessa saga, it all becomes so anticlimactic. and i can’t comprehend why. by the end of this episode, the stakes are so high but the drive just isn’t there. and it’s not because the gang is demotivated. Sly has been having so much fun throughout the game, even with Neyla’s backstab being a huge obstacle. so getting down, dirty and serious is a much needed mood change. but i feel like i speak for all of us when i say that episodes 5-7 are overshadowed by episodes 2-4. with a few alterations to the order of the episodes and some changes to the script, i really think we could have had an awesome Contessa vs Clock-La final showdown episode and have Bison come right after Dimitri. because, honestly, Canada feels like ‘second episode’ material.
Setting part 2: i’m splitting it up because i don’t want my rant above to spoil the actual writing. the gang sticks around for another Canadian caper after some kooky stuff goes down with the environment and, mainly, the Northern Lights, which as we’ll soon find out, play a rather unexpectedly significant role in the grand scheme of things. and we’re treated to a log-chopping area, an off-the-maps secretive camp which really ups the ante, because Jean Bison is being such a jerk to nature. we’ve got deforestation, we’ve got melting ice, exploitation of wild animals, and Bison getting a raging red boner by literally destroying the environment in order to flex in the Lumberjack Games..... both the player and the gang have had enough of this dude, and i think SP used the fact that his only traits are being an angry idiot and a bigot to their advantage. instead of providing the necessary character development as they did with the Contessa and Rajan, Bison and his actions (especially his communication with the mYsTeRiOuS Arpeggio) are used as a prelude to Anatomy for Disaster. there’s not really a lot of dialogue apart from the final mission and bossfight, because the overall Klaww Gang plot begins to unravel, and particularly so by the time we find out about the lighthouse and its technological contents. in fact, if you think about it, Anatomy for Disaster starts with Clock-La’s shitshow and an info-dump at the beginning, which, if you’ve been paying enough attention to the details (i know that until i turned 12 and replayed the game as a young teen i hadn’t been paying attention to shit so it was all gasp!), is just the connecting of the dots. Menace from the North, eh! is essentially the last piece of the puzzle, before it’s all given to us in full detail by Arpeggio. i mean, apart from Dimitri serving dishes with drugs in them (i still can’t get over that at the age of 21), the rest is all things the player could pick up. and that’s this episode’s main focus. trying to prevent the inevitable under countdown, before Arpeggio’s blimp arrives to collect the Northern Lights energy. so it feels very anticlimactic and strange to put in all this effort without purpose. if you’ve played it before, you know it’s all for nothing since all the parts will be gone by the end of the episode. and it’s even more anticlimactic (although hilarious in tonal shift) to see how the gang scrambles under the pressure of preventing the Klaww Gang’s doomsday by hacking boats and having all these grandiose plans involving the lighthouse, just to then resort to taking part in the Lumberjack Games, without even a clever scheme but actually just cheating, and finally have Bison, an idiot, foil their plans by finding out where they’ve been hiding. and the bossfight is fine, but again, meh... i mean, woohoo Bentley! or whatever the fuck.
Characters: let’s talk about Jean Bison and his mistreatment as a character. we first meet him at Rajan’s ball, where Bentley introduces him as a Canadian shipping baron and says that he owns half the trains in Canada. later on, during the introductory cutscene for He Who Tames The Iron Horse, we get his backstory and how he’s risen from being practically dead, frozen since his time, and back with a vengeance against the environment. in my previous #episodeproject entry i said: SP plays up Bison’s savagery and gruesome nature by spotlighting how his plans affect the environment and even going so far as to call his house ‘the lair of the beast’. this is all true but is never put into practice. like, Jean Bison is all tell and no show, y’know? even the cutscene that plays when Sly gets caught in Bison’s cabin during He Who Tames The Iron Horse’s first mission shows Bison getting angry, but hunty, that’s about it. apart from the Lumberjack Games and his bossfight, it’s all oh Bison will get angry and oh Bison will kill us with the talons. well, where is it? where’s the fucking Canadian shipping baron with a vengeance against the environment? my baby heart was legit quivering when we had to steal Rajan’s blueprints as Bentley, and the Contessa was such a grand sleazebag of a woman, like what a douchebag - and you see that, although i’m often flamboyant in my writing (!!!), the way i describe these moments with these villains is both effective and relatable, because they showed up and lived up to their descriptions. Bison was written to be a ferocious beast of a villain but never showed that. and that’s on SP. whatever... let’s talk about the gang. now, despite the gang looking seriously badass in the opening cutscene for this episode (image below), they’re actually in a pretty good headspace. they’re only missing the talons and whatever Clockwerk parts Arpeggio had before collecting all of them. so it’s only natural for them to feel a bit cocky, and that’s actually gonna be their demise. before that, i just wanna mention that almost all the missions here (as with He Who Tames The Iron Horse) are group missions: Sly and Murray infiltrate the moose club in RC Combat Club, all three of them work together in Lighthouse Break-In, Boat Hack, and Old Grizzle Face. what really stood out to me every time i played this episode, is how, at the end when they take down Bison and they rush to the battery, each member has a different way of entering it, which is a small detail but important nonetheless. this further reinforces how united the gang has become since the Contessa levels and how their bond has strengthened. now, lemme circle back to how they’re cocky. i mean, apart from Jean Bison, Menace from the North, eh! doesn’t present any immediate danger or like trouble, seeing as both Neyla and Carmelita are absent. without any interference, the gang had lots of breathing space to plan ahead, even under countdown before Arpeggio’s blimp arrived. and they kinda wasted the opportunity because, as i’ve already mentioned, the operation was an absolute train-wreck. there’s no plan b, or like something clever or whatever. and usually, the operations tend to get disrupted by third parties, such as Carmelita or Neyla, but here, it failed because it was never smart. and it’s only natural for them to fall hard (by losing all the Clockwerk parts) after feeling all cocky (maybe i’m being too harsh). and all this directly leads to some more Bentley character development.... again. look, i’m all for character development, but the turtle already faced his demons when he busted Sly and Murray out of jail. i know we got Murray vs Rajan, but i don’t know, Murray was always kinda just there throughout the game. the hippo had his ups and downs (face-off with Rajan, imprisonment, losing the van), but not a fully realised story arc. that’s why, when Sly 3 starts off with his enlightenment and return, that story arc is instantly so iconic. i could go on about how Bentley gains self-confidence after defeating Bison, but um, we’ve already done that sis.
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Themes: He Who Tames The Iron Horse and Menace from the North, eh! should have been one episode and i truly believe that. they could have shared the same themes. for the former, i said there’s the speed theme, and that applies here too because the gang are under pressure. the countdown lights a fire under their asses and it’s all very destructive. again, there’s an antithesis between the calm Canadian atmosphere and the chaotic energy of the missions. but it’s not just speed theme anymore, it’s more like theme of ferocity. everyone’s kinda on edge??? Old Grizzle Face is a motherfucker and we get up close and personal with the eagles, lasers destroy huge ice pieces, there’s a mammoth, the destroyed oil manes create fiery air drafts... chaos. and it all results in the disastrous events and outcome of the Lumberjack Games, which make Menace from the North, eh! the straightest episode in the game. yuck. it only makes sense for the missions to become less sneaky and more destructive as the stakes get higher and the gang is in a hurry, and that kinda embodies the pollution motif/ environment motif. it’s less of a theme and more of a motif because it’s so story-centric, but that’s the other things the comes into contrast with the calm environment. saws, the buzzing, chopped-up logs flowing down the river, tree stumps spread across: these embody the pollution and the harm Jean Bison has been doing even though it’s a forced storyline in my opinion. and finally, size theme. it’s not major, but it feels like everything’s bigger in Canada... Sly feels so puny in this episode, like especially when climbing the lighthouse. the wild animals are huge, the structures are huge, Jean Bison’s house is huge. it’s just lots and lots of nothingness. if you took absolutely nothing and enlarged it by 10 times, you’d have this episode’s hub. and this is also seen in the bossfight when tiny Bentley takes on Jean Bison. so yea.
What I Like: gliding off the lighthouse and throwing fish onto already stinky guards before Old Grizzle Face rips them to shreds. also, those cute lil catfish-lookin viruses in Bentley’s hacking! they’re so adorable.
What I Don’t Like: erm... it’s not that i don’t like this episode, but i find it kinda boring? apart from interacting with the wild animals, the missions are meh. and i hate the Lumberjack Games...
Quote: Get too close and old Grizzle Face will be eating barbecued raccoon for dinner.
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nomadicism · 4 years
Now that She Ra is over, what are your thoughts on it? What about that Catradora kiss?
Hi Anon! Thank you for the Ask!
ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ Where to start?
I have so many thoughts on the show, and I’ve had so many thoughts since season 1. I’ve not written much of anything about She-Ra because I keep coming back to this problem of ‘where to start,’ or how to structure my thoughts beyond a +1000 item list. I can’t even pick one or two thoughts to dive into, because they all end up connecting to everything else —> honestly, that’s the mark of a tight narrative, even the big pieces that can fully stand on their own are still leading through to another piece. I fail at every attempt to write something brief.
Section I: Short answer first.
I have a very short and subjective list of media where I not only love (for different reasons) nearly every character (main, secondary, background), but where I also feel that their individual places or moments or arcs concluded in a way that felt right from start to finish. It’s a short list of media where connections and conflict between characters never felt forced, out-of-place, out-of-context, or done for shock value. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power makes that very short and subjective list.
It’s not often that a story hits all the right notes with me, and it’s much more often that a story starts off strong like that, and then turns me off ½-⅔ of the way through. I’ve quit video games during the final boss fight because the story lost me in the lead-up and I wasn’t going to waste 10-20 minutes of my time for something that turned out to be ‘meh’. It ain’t got to be deep, or anything either.
I really loved the voice acting. Everyone is great. A post for another time.
I love the aesthetics, which I wasn’t sure of at first teasers, but won me over in less than 3 minutes of the first episode (season 1) because I love bright pastels, the character designs are fun (can I still gush over variety of body types? YES), so many opportunities to explore stylish takes on the characters, and those Moebius-inspired scenery/background designs are a special interest delight. Season 5 delivered a visual ‘end game’ for the aesthetics in many ways, Section III further down will get into that a bit.
Section II: “What about that Catradora kiss?”
I gotta preface this with, shipping is not my go-to for how I enjoy creative works. It’s not a hobby for me. Sure there’s a few I dig more than others, but I’m otherwise agnostic about ships, unless there is a really bad story-fit (and that’s usually a subjective thing), or involves tropes that are a deal-breaker for me (and those typically relate a lot to the story fit).
With that said, I’m really happy to see Catradora be pulled off so brilliantly, and I think the kiss is a bold and beautiful big deal in a way that might not be obvious when considered in a vacuum. I see it as passionate and heart-felt, but also, it’s achieving(?) a relatable outcome (for me at least) that’s hard to describe. It’s an outcome yielded by a story in which two women—a hero and a villain—are divided and fight bitterly and then reconcile through love, while fighting a purity cult whose founder-prophet-god-king forces subservience through a conversion designed to strip someone of their identity (e.g. names they’ve chosen for themselves), memories-and-motivations, and love for others.
Despite these conversions, love still remains, it can’t just be baptized or therapy-ed away. Controlling puritans and authoritarians wielding religion or peace-panaceas as a weapon have been the villains in the lives of countless women and LGBTQIA people for a very long time. So yeah, I’ve got some feels about that. The last time I felt anything similarly relatable, or as strongly, was the Utena and Anthy relationship in Revolutionary Girl Utena (and really, their kiss during the surreal sequence at the end of the film adaptation).
Section III: Thoughts on Cult Aesthetics and Clones (the rough cut)
(1) In the future scenes at the end, Adora’s white dress with gold tiara and accents have this kind of goddess-like or Pallas Athena feel to it, which is a great mirror of the design choices for the god-like Horde Prime, his Purity Space Cult, mechanics/ship, and flagship interior scenery. Not saying that was the intention, but that’s how it came across to me.
Of course, those colors would be used because She-Ra already wears white and gold with a bit of red accent, which complement how the princesses are bright and colorful (pastels and jewel tones). The bold and bright colors helps signify that Etheria is full of life. Etheria is verdant and magical, and that sets up a contrast to the Fright Zone and the darker colors found in Horde characters (Hordak, Shadow Weaver, Scorpia, Catra, Entrapta, etc).
So the first kind of contrast was with the Fright Zone standing out as a poisoned/toxic against the bright, lively colors of Etheria and the princesses. Season 5 introduces another take on that contrast as Horde Prime is the opposite, or antithesis of Etheria’s colorful life. He’s like anti-life with his shades of light-and-dark grays on white, and only glow-green as an accent. In some cultures and religious traditions, white is associated with purity, and in others it is associated with death.
When Horde Prime ‘purifies’ Hordak for the sins of individuality and emotion (emotion for others, for his own sake), Hordak is drained of the colors he chose for himself during exile. In addition to being a contrast to Horde Prime (and informed by the 80s cartoon design), Hordak’s dark blue (or blue-black) and red color palette reflects the traditional use of red as a color for evil (especially vampirism) from back when diabolism was a stand-in for ‘the Devil’ in many forms of visual media (comics, live-action, animation, etc). In place of diabolic red, Horde Prime has toxic glow-green.
I absolutely love the use of the glow-green accents. Color trends for villains and significations of evil come and go, and I’m glad to see the color green be used again, and used so well. The last time I saw that shade of glow-green used so well was in Sleeping Beauty (re: Maleficent’s magic and the orb on her staff) and as the Loc-Nar in Heavy Metal. In both films, there are connotations of evil as a poisonous and corrupting influence. Green, in the context of evil, almost always signifies poison (and sometimes envy). I also like that the glow-green color is used in ways that aren’t immediately saying ‘this is evil’, such as the green baptismal waters and flames from the purification scene, or the green amniotic protein fluid. The language of piety and trappings of the sacred can cloak a sinister purpose.
I don’t know if any of that was intentional, but Horde Prime feels like the perfect synergy of purity and death (which has additional connotations, but that’s a very personal interpretation).
(2) Horde Prime immediately gave me subtle cult vibes in his first cameo (Season 3), and the follow-through on that was perfect and exactly what I was hoping to see. The background music throughout the scenes aboard the flagship fits well (love the soundtrack), and has the quality of Ecstatic Experience without pulling directly from any specific religion. Horde Prime’s dialogue is a delightful bit of narcissism veiled with the language of piety.
A purity cult comprised of clone-brother-worshippers of the cult’s founder-prophet-god-king reinforces that narcissism and has all the fun-dark feels of shiny-techno-future-dystopias. It is also an interesting use of clones, especially in a story format that usually never has the time to really dive into the complexities of cloning. This is the sort of thing that you’d be more likely to see in a one-off episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, rather than the basis for a greater scope villain, or multi-season nemesis. (and yes, Star Trek: TNG had an interesting clone episode)
Clones in science-fiction tend to fall into just a few tropes, and I generally dislike seeing clones show up in a story because the execution nearly always feels sloppy (in small ways or big ways). I did not get that feeling from She-Ra, where, the clones occupy the “cog in the machine” trope, but it is not their existence as clones that make them that way, it is the Will of Horde Prime that does. They are simultaneously expendable and sacred in their unity. It’s a nice flip on “stronger by working together” that Adora and the others have to learn (and struggle) to do.
It seems like, despite their religious programming, the clones have a little bit of their own personalities until Horde Prime ‘inhabits’ them to exert his Will. I’m trying not to read too much into it, b/c what comes across as ‘inhabits’ to me (especially with the religious/cult context), was probably meant more literal like described in the dialogue as a hive-mind control kind of thing. The first time it happens—to post-wipe/death Hordak—felt to me like a possession scene from The Exorcist, but without the kind of horror visuals that would scare both adults and children. The quick-and-subtle amount of body contortion and sound is still gross and creepy (because it should be), but it also reminds me of Ecstatic Experience in the form of speaking in tongues, or snake handling, or being a medium for a spirit. Again, I’m not saying any of that is intentional, but that’s how I see it.
(3) Finally, there is Entrapta, Hordak, and Wrong Hordak. Clones rarely get to be ‘humanized’ through friendship or romance arcs. I can think of a dozen or more robots that get to be humanized in that way, but can’t recall any clones that have (excluding doomed clones whose friendship/romance only existed for the sake of selling the tragedy of their death). Hordak gets death, renewal, and romance in a way that worked really well, and the totality of it is unique. I was a bit surprised that they could work in another clone—and I love Wrong Hordak—who pulls triple-duty as (1) comedy; (2) relevant to moving various pieces of the story along; and (3) more humanizing of the clones, which, again rarely happens as most stories take the easy low road when it comes to clones.
For Entrapta’s part, she’s never put in the position of giving up who she is (‘weird’ by many standards) for a romance. Her passion for technology is both an amusing double entendre at times, and integral to who she is. A romance for Entrapta does not replace her passion for technology, she can have both. Dating myself but, I came up in a time where most media (for children or adults) would rob a woman of her agency or passions during the resolution of a romance arc. Maybe times have changed, but it’s still nice to see none of that nonsense happening here.
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