#typewriter astrology
latibule79 · 4 months
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Venus in the houses (more posts using link in bio)💌
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thatstoomuchman · 1 year
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hopelesstaemintic · 1 year
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This all came together in my camera roll in a moment of serendipity. My Sun and Moon with my sun and moon ☺️ Anyway I feel like I need to go back to these two soon because there isn’t nearly enough written with them. The fact they are both looking at me like they want me to join doesn’t help.
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dudefrommywesterns · 4 months
he's a virgo that tracks
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demi-shoggoth · 4 months
2023 Reading Log pt 16
The last books I read in 2023, and the least books I've read in a year since starting to keep track. But 80 books is still nothing to sneeze at.
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76. Pandemonium: A Visual History of Demonology by Ed Simon. This book rules; it’s up there for best books I’ve read in 2023. As the title suggests, the book is primarily concerned with high quality reproductions of art of demons and hell in the Western tradition, organized by era, with accompanying essays discussing the role played by demons in culture and what they symbolize in literature, religion and art. These build to a crescendo, as the last essays are about the modern era as an Age of Moloch, where destructive, unrelenting consumption is the rule of the elite, which articulates feelings that I have had as a demon-obsessed ex-Christian for some time. It also talks about the Cthulhu Mythos as a post-modern demonology, which probably pisses ST Joshi off something fierce, so I give it props for that as well.
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76a. A Curious History of Vegetables by Wolf D. Storl. “Curious” is an excellent word to describe this book, as its author is a nut. We’re talking, “consults astrological charts for planting certain vegetables” nut. Although the cover calls him an “ethnobotanist”, Storl is clearly a crank of the highest order—the introduction includes ranting about how vegetables are full of deva spirits, but GMOs are possessed by rakshasas. I was willing to read along for quite a while with this as a book about the magical properties and beliefs about plants—I got about halfway. But by that point, the author’s continual paranoia about using drugs as medicine, claiming that every vegetable is a panacea, and obvious disdain for scientific curiosity or little things like “evidence” got to be too much for me. That’s not me elevating him into a strawman, BTW. He goes into a lengthy rant about “The Shoemaker and the Elves”, talking about how scientists destroy magic with their curiosity and thus ruin the world. Blech.
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77. Most Delicious Poison by Noah Whiteman. I’m a sucker for books about poison, and this is a good one. I think I’d still recommend Plants that Kill above this, but this is an excellent follow-up for the reader. This book talks a lot more about the modes of action of particular chemicals, and how chemicals fall into families of molecules that often have related properties. The book is one of those part science/part memoir nonfiction books that seem to have grown in popularity. The author was inspired to write it in part by his father’s death from alcoholism. So definitely go into it with a trigger warning in mind.
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77a. Sex in the World of Myth by David Leeming. Abandoned after the Greece/Rome chapter. I abandoned it partially because it lumped Greece and Rome together and talked about their views on sex and sexuality as if they were interchangeable and consistent through the thousands of years of their existences, partially because the author is a Freudian. Life is too short to read books by Freudians. The specific line that made me give up was when the author defined all pornography as violent and exploitative. Blanket statement.
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78. Household Horror by Marc Olivier. This is a weird one, even by the standards of “scholarly analyses of horror movies”, in that it looks at the horror movies it covers from the perspective of inanimate objects within them. Sometimes literally—the author discusses The Exorcist through the lens of Regan’s bed being possessed before she is—and sometimes figuratively—what does the exact make and model of the typewriter, and the reams and reams of hand typed text, say about The Shining? It’s witty and engaging, and an interesting way to view and review movies that, for the most part, have received a lot of critical attention already.
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79. Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything by Lydia Kang and Nate Pedersen. This is a re-read; I bought this book shortly after it was released in 2017 and read it then. But, the podcast Behind the Bastards did an episode on radium quackery that used it as a source, and I was still stinging from having started and abandoned two crappy books in as many weeks, so I wanted something of a comfort read. Of course, my version of a “comfort read” involves gross medical malpractice and people poisoning themselves and others. I’m strange. The book is organized into chapters by subject (elements, animal products, vegetable poisons, etc), and is very well illustrated with vintage advertisements, engravings and photographs. There are more in-depth books about just about all of the topics covered here, but this is an excellent survey of the more shameful corners of medical history.
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80. Words from Hell by Jess Zafarris. It’s a book on etymology! Namely, the etymology of profanity, slurs, sex, violence, drugs, crime, monsters… It’s a bit of a mixed bag in terms of theme, but is organized well within. A recurring topic is the hidden biases built into the English language, from “sinister” meaning “left-handed” to the classism built into words like “rascal” and “villain”. The author is good about discussing multiple hypotheses for word origins, and about when things are uncertain and unknown. And she’s a sex-positive WLW, which goes a long way towards giving me good feelings towards any book (an example joke: when discussing the shared root word of “vagina” and “vanilla”, she quips “no wonder they’re both so fun to lick”).
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pumpkin-wanderer · 7 months
I realized that I have one more academia aesthetic that suits me so well. Heres some description and pics for inspo. Let`s call it "spiritual academia" The "Spiritual Academia" aesthetic is a captivating fusion of intellectual curiosity, vintage charm, and mystical allure. It seeks to harmonize the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom with a deep connection to the spiritual and metaphysical realms. This aesthetic embraces both the earthly and the ethereal, resulting in a unique style that is both contemplative and enchanting Wardrobe: A blend of vintage, classic, and bohemian styles. Think tweed blazers paired with flowing, ethereal dresses, adorned with occult symbols like pentagrams or crystals. Earthy colors like deep browns, dark greens, and rich purples dominate the palette. Accessories: Incorporate statement pieces like crystal pendants, antique rings, and feathered headbands. Layered necklaces featuring both literary and spiritual symbols can be a key element. Books and Altar: Create a study space that doubles as a spiritual altar. Arrange old leather-bound books alongside candles, incense, and tarot cards. A vintage typewriter can sit next to a crystal ball or a set of runes. Nature Connection: Integrate nature into your space with potted plants, dried herbs, and botanical illustrations. A window with billowing curtains that catch the sunlight adds a dreamy touch. Rituals and Mindfulness: Embrace practices like tarot reading, astrology, meditation, and journaling to cultivate a sense of self-discovery and intellectual growth. Aesthetic Inspiration: Draw inspiration from literary figures like Virginia Woolf or Hermann Hesse, who explored both intellectual and spiritual themes in their work.
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tsubasaclones · 7 months
my schools dining halls installed these new really long screen things (they aren't tvs) that show like the weather and news and random ads and shit. but they also show horoscopes and while idgaf about astrology, what bothers me is their use of double hyphens + a space after it instead of em dashes (so it's written like-- this instead of like—this). and like iirc it's technically okay but man it bothers me. like you made the rest of the layout look all nice and aesthetic but you can't even bother to insert em dashes. we're not in typewriter times anymore.
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hlaexcelente · 2 years
can't wait to live in Europe, make new friends, & start a small secret dark academia society with 'em LIKEEE imagine hanging out with like-minded people to share the flame of thirst for knowledge & creativity???
imagine: you're all on the same wavelength, joining forces to uncover the mysteries of life that are tucked away in the vastness of the universe through your curious & versatile minds. you have a meeting place (let's say) in Italy, where you meet them at midnight in the paths of an old castle, or in a quiet space of an old library or cafe to talk about astrology, psychology, literature, the arts, & philosophy. you all write poetry & essays, memorize poems to share, you’re all driven to learn Latin, Spanish, French, or Greek together, & share books with marks & annotations. you all practice drawing & painting together. you also scream verses that were written on an old typewriter a few centuries prior to your existence at the top of your lungs. everyone is an avid feminist, & have strong opinions & anger to particular institutions, & you all consider yourselves as gods, as if you have the entire world at your fingertips, possessing all power in the universe. a group of women with varying female archetypes who harmoniously fit & blend together, where you literally can appreciate all the magnificent pretentious things in life.
LIKE IMAfuckingGINE??? 😮‍💨 ahuh… this my drug of choice. I’M MANIFESTING THIS SHID & I’LL BE LIVING THE LIFE ❕just can’t find the right people rn cus yk these typa bitches always gotta be a thousand miles away 😓
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I was tagged by @onmywaytonarnia so here's some stuff about me
Nickname: Florida Man or just Florida (god help me, I hate it down here...)
Height: 6'1" or 6'2"
Last thing I googled: Perseverance rover
Song stuck in my head: for some reason I have a mashup of Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls and Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson stuck in my head. I don't know if I actually heard a mashup somewhere, or if they were both part of that 4-chords song by Axis of Awesome, but I can't stop thinking of the two choruses layered on top of each other (🎶and I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think that they'd understand/🎶I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly🎶)
Follower count: officially 3222, but I noticed when I was just starting out that tumblr inflated the actual count by like 20, 30, 40%. When it said I had 100 followers, I counted, and I actually had 85. When it said I had 1000, I only had like 700. I stopped counting after that, so I have no clue how many I actually have right now. Probably more than 1000, but probably not more than 2000. I have maybe 100 followers who regularly interact with my stuff, about 30 of whom are mutuals (maybe 10 or 15 close friends).
Amount of aleep: AHAHAHAHAHAHA (5, maybe 6 hours on a good night? Sometimes none, just endless tossing and turning because my brain won't shut off)
Lucky number: 13, and I'm not being ironic about that. I'm serious. 13 is my favorite number of a variety if personal reasons
Dream job: I want to be part of a creative team, I want to work with a bunch of people to make something for people to see! I want to make art, and I want to collaborate so I'm not alone. Writing scripts or making props or dressing sets, some manner of production design. I want to craft!
Wearing: Goodfellow t-shirt and cargo shorts
Movie/book that summarizes me: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir feels like it was written for me personally. That is how my thought process works, that is how I deal with problems, that is who I want to be. I have a higher than average understanding of math and science but I always try to explain it in as simple terms as possible for people who find it all too daunting. This is the kind of book I want to write, sci-fi that explains the sci.
Favorite songs: Ramblin Man, the Gambler, Country Roads, the Devil Went Down to Georgia (I'm noticing a country pattern...), anything by Weird Al Yankovic (Hardware Store and Albuquerque are probably my top 2 of his),the Little Shop of Horrors movie soundtrack, White Squall and Northwest Passage by Stan Rogers (I went through a sea shanty phase when Wellerman was big), anything by Jonathan Coulton (Skullcrusher Mountain, Code Monkey, Blue Sunny Day, Big Wide World One, Shop Vac, Mandelbrot Set, to name a few), Climb Out Your Window, Addicted, and Here We Go by Walk off the Earth, and the Celtic Woman cover of Danny Boy (this is my go-to cry song; if I need a nice long cry, I put this on and it all comes flowing out of me)
Favorite instrument: I love brass, trumpet specifically, I could listen to Louis Armstrong all day
Aesthetic: analog technology, typewriters, instant photography, clockwork watches without quartz, sacrificing convenience for the sake of privacy, nostalgia for the early 2000s (but through the eyes of a child, so no George W. Bullshit)
Favorite author: per capita, Andy Weir. He's only written 3 books, but I love them all and want to emulate him. Max Brooks for World War Z. Cormac McCarthy for The Road (very depressing, but hopeful near the end; one of the only books to really tug at my heartstrings). John Steinbeck for Of Mice and Men (another heartstring tugger). Audrey Niffenegger for The Time Traveler's Wife.
Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Favorite colors: cyan, lime green, heliotrope purple
Favorite animal sounds: the scuttling of crabs on pavement, the sneef-snorfing of a curious dog, the bleat of a baby goat, the EHHH of a baby sloth, the MEHH of a baby deer, the chirping of bats, ethereal whale songs
Last song: either I'm Going to go Back There Someday from the Muppet Movie, or Hey I Don't Work Here by Tom Cardy
Last Series: Owl House (Lulu + Hootcifer 4ever!!! Oh yeah and lumity's pretty good too I guess)
Random: I once learned all the lyrics to Bobby Darin's Mack the Knife without ever actually listening to the lyrics of Mack the Knife. Like, I listened to the song all the time, but I never paid attention to what was being said. It was just gibberish to me, but I learned the gibberish, and I sang along to it in the car one day and my mom asked why I was so enthusiastic about murder. Turns out Mack the Knife is about an old londontown ripper named Macheath. Still a banger though.
@goldenmoldies @olivia-online @nsomniacsdream @schifty-al @richardjager @n-brio @orange-birdie
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jayalexandria · 1 year
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Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to visit the start of it all, The Louis Vuitton Trunk Exhibition.
Located on 660 Madison Avenue between 60th and Madison.
The Louis Vuitton Exhibition was a dynamic display of LV's first ever assortment, trunks.Three floors of trunks that were designed and reimagined by essential figures, artist and designers.
The expansive exhibition, which is being live streamed on the building's exterior, explores never-before-seen installations, interactive experiences, and most notably, 200 trunks from visionaries like Franky Zapata, Willo Perron, Francesca Sorrenti, Peter Marino, and Brooklyn Balloons, to name a few.The 200 contributors, each of whom was given the identical brief, "the construction of a box, a vessel, a dream," agree that "creativity is always at the center of our business, and making is always at the heart of what we do, and storytelling and dreaming and imagination and team spirit. While some competitors chose to do everything themselves, others collaborated with the Vuitton team to bring their ideas to life. The latter group includes Susan Miller, an astrologer who created a chart using data from Louis Vuitton.
Notable people like Drake, MarcJacobs, BTS etc.One of my favorite reimageings was Gloria Stienem's.
Considering that Gloria Steinem is a well known figure for women's activism.She is a feminist campaigner, author, lecturer, and political activist. She has spent decades lecturing and organizing in this and other nations, and she is a frequent media spokesperson on equality-related problems.Her areas of interest include nonviolent conflict resolution, indigenous cultures, gender roles and child abuse as the bases of violence, the shared origins of sex, race, and caste systems, as well as organizing across boundaries for peace and justice. She resides in the Big Apple. Gloria Steinem sat down to write an article for Louis 200, she started where she has always started during her six-decade career: with a yellow legal pad. After I've written a certain amount, I typically transfer it to what was formerly the typewriter but is now a computer, she explains. The tactile contact between your hand and the paper seems to me to be still more intimate than running your writing via a word processor. This time, Steinem was allowed to bypass the transcribing stage after the Louis Vuitton crew suggested wrapping a smaller trunk with her lined paper. Steinem writes, "I've learnt that baggage is biography," in her essay.(Cohn,2021)
I particularly like the overall exhibition! It was a very fluid, immersive, and very cool to see the history of a luxury brand start with a trunk.Making this display a collaborative based exhibit.I loved the inclusionary aspect at the bottom for designing and it carried the luxury aesthetic well throughout the exhibit.
Towards the end of the exhibit there was a point where vistors could have a point of the products related to Louis Vuitton.Athough it could be question that this wasn't a necessary element, however I feel that this element of buying acclaimed products from an acclaimed exhibition is grand souvenir for a moment in fashion history.
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danihodgs · 2 years
A fun GridArt photo I just made with a photo of me and my rising sign 💖💖 The rising sign photo is from Typewriter Astrology on both Twitter and Instagram!!!!
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Moon in the houses part one - more using link in bio 💌
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wyrmfedgrave · 4 months
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Pics: HPL' s influence is inescapable.
1. Say, are those radioactive drums in the background? Or, brain carriers?!!
2. Sigh. That's not the non-Euclidean architecture described in the story! It's too human/squared & needs more rounded edges, domes, etc...
3. Swami Alhazred knows all...
4. Say, is that the Monolith from "2001: A Space Odyssey"?
5. There's a lot of 'noise' as to which, of Lovecraft's works, is the best. Some readers like "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Mountains of Madness", etc.
But, for my money, "The Shadow Out of Time" is HPL's best use of his basic plot tropes.
Change My Mind.
H.P. Lovecraft: Overview.
1904 was a disastrous year for Howard. Before Whipple (his grandad) died, he was set to become another rich dilettante.
The sudden loss of his grandad's riches, left Lovecraft (& the rest of his family) almost destitute.
Howard even considered committing suicide. Luckily, for readers, he didn't choose this most final path.
But, it wouldn't be the last time that Lovecraft felt this way...
HPL would never get over the loss of Whipple's mansion - along with his status & childhood happiness.
Lovecraft's yearning for his former life led to his lugging certain items (fine linen, china pieces, books, etc) around with him, wherever he moved.
It would also lead to Howard's later affectation of being a "gentleman."
Now forced to live in a shared duplex, HPL would 1st come under Sarah's verbal abuse...
Worse, Lovecraft had to get ready to go to high school - after a long, home schooled period.
At the Hope Street High School, Howard clashed with his teachers, was bored by most of their lessons & was tagged with the nickname of "Lovey."
The next year (1905), was no better.
July found Lovecraft working on "De Triumpho Naturae" & complaining of some "nervous condition."
Not surprisingly, Sarah kept Howard home for the Fall school session. He ended up missing that whole year's school work!
This time, however, Sarah couldn't pay for private tutoring...
1906, however, would be a better year - for HPL's blossoming writing career.
Lovecraft started out his 'professional career' by writing letters of comment to newspaper editors.
In May, Howard sent his 1st letter (on some astronomical matter) to the Providence Sunday Journal.
A month later, HPL attacked astrology in another letter to the editor.
In July, Lovecraft received a used Remington typewriter from his mom, which he used for the rest of his life...
This same month, Howard started on his 1st true job. He began a weekly column (on astronomy) for the Pawtucket Valley Gleaner.
Obviously, this wasn't enough work for HPL. As he soon started writing another astronomy column. This time, for the Providence Tribune.
This 2nd job would last him 2 years.
(Til the horrors of 1908...)
Better yet, this was a job which allowed Lovecraft to write his own, larger articles.
The 1st such article being, "Could the Moon be Reached by Man?", which was printed that very August.
When HPL reentered high school, his new job - as a journalist - actually helped him out with his status.
Lovecraft had 'earned' a new moniker. Now, the other students called him "Professor."
At this time, HPL was motivated by the wish to graduate from Brown University to work as an astronomer!
So, he persevered...
During his 1st month back in school, Lovecraft finished another article, "Is Mars Inhabited?"
(Strangely enough, our own biologists are still working on this very subject.)
Weird Bit: Howard's English teacher thought that HPL had plagiarized a newspaper article - &, Lovecraft agreed with her!!
Then, of course, Howard showed her his byline - proving that he had written the story himself!
By October, HPL had finished another astronomy article "Are There (Any More) Undiscovered Planets?"
This was all atop of Lovecraft's school work & the weekly newspaper column.
But, Howard had to struggle thru another 2 years of schooling.
As a student, Howard focused on 3 subjects - 1 a repeat of algebra. The other 2 were chemistry & physics.
But, these classes all featured the kinds of math that HPL had a hard time understanding!
He had, it seemed, reached the limits of his skills as a student...
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icarusthelunarguard · 8 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!”
This week… yeah, we’re going back to the music collection’s shuffleboard - but we’re limiting it to the Sound Effects section! You thought musical cues was bad before? Well folks.. Ya ain’t heard NUTHIN’ yet!
Although yours is listed as “Arcade”, it includes the sounds of some driving game and Asteroids. The best part about Asteroids is… there were sequels that were actually better than the original in almost every way. Asteroids Deluxe replaced Hyperspace with a shield; Space Duel gave you co-operative ship gameplay, and Blasteroids replaced the vector graphics with sprites, spaceship morphing, and an actual BOSS to beat! This week… find a bowling alley with an actual arcade and PLAY! 
You get the sounds of a car door opening and shutting. No locks, no latches being clicked open, nothing except that. Which is exactly how your week will be, Taurus - all business, no pleasure. This week find your pleasure where you can in food, ‘cause you sure ain’t havin’ fun any other way. Pick up cheap Chinese takeaway on Friday - you can make your own fried rice for breakfast on Saturday Morning.
This one is fun. Listed as “Tank Army”, it sounds less like a tank and more like a 70 year old tractor with a lawn mower attachment under it trying to hold on for dear life. This is your way of knowing that you need to get more exercise; and you have no excuses this time; Mall Walking is still a thing. So lace up your Converse and head out to the food court.
Cancer Moon-Child 
Your sounds are the ambiance from the Cafe’ Pecs in southern Hungary. For over three and-a-half minutes all we get are the overlapping Hungarian voices, where not a single piece of silverware can be heard. No spoons, no cups and saucers, no one walking around… Just chatter. This week have a sit-down and just listen to the voices in your head. Some of them would like to have a word with you.  
The randomizer just picked for you…. “Two horses pass at trot on gravel”. Truth be told, we’ve got no real idea on what to think about this one. There’s the old adage about how “Inside you there are two animals”, but of all the animals they might be, we’d never pick horses for you. This week… Honestly, we don’t know. How about you go find a Brannock Device and put it to good use. 
Oh, perfect. You got one of the shortest sound effects in the collections. At BARELY 1 second worth, it’s Big Macintosh from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic saying, “...eeyup!”. No, we’re not suggesting you watch the show - though you could do worse than that one. This week try agreeing with everything for just one day solid. After all… What’s The Worst That Could Happen?
Apparently a bunch of you people are celebrating a BUNCH of birthdays this week, so without wasting any more time, here are the names…  Michelle (Susan) Jean (Mark) Fran (Carrie) Jay (Phil) Cirus (Theo) Stephany (Noah) Erica (Wolfgang) Timothy (Aaron) Jerry. Happy birthday to you all. And if you didn’t hear your name called, stop being so selfish! It’s their birthday too, you know. Learn to be more… you know.. Less Like ‘You’. 
You get the sounds of Telex And Typewriter. You’re so young you probably don’t even know what Telex was used for, but you enjoy the fruits of its technology. We know you know what a typewriter is, but we’ll bet you’ve never changed a Daisy Wheel even once. This week, get your fingers dirty on red and black ribbon ink.
NOW we’re talkin’! From the Star Trek Original Series Sound Effects CD… Yes, that’s an OFFICIAL CD out there! With 69 tracks no less! (*NICE!*). You get “Enterprise Doors Open Into Transporter Room”. And before you think that’s not a cool sound… DUDE! It’s a background warble that’s just all KINDS of soothing at night. Turn that on for a Repeat Forever when you go to sleep, and you’ll totally sleep like a baby. This week… Find the track on YouTube and play it. You’ll see we’re right. And you need the sleep. 
Some of you are too young to remember this sound effect. Most of you likely know the old AOL Dial Up sounds, but we’ll bet you don’t know the difference between K56flex and X2 handshaking sounds. If you thought you can tell the difference, you’re kidding yourself. Unless you worked I.T. in some capacity you wouldn’t know which was which. This week… be proud if someone calls you a “Phreak”... spelled with a P-H.
You’ve got a sound that isn’t annoying on its own, surprisingly. The sound of an ATM and its internal mechanical parts at work, like the receipt printer and the money counter. The annoying part is that you… Ok, look.. We promise this isn’t personal, OK?! –you keep saying “ATM… Machine”. PLEASE! Please, just… just stop saying that. It’s just an “ATM” or “Cash Machine”. It’s not an “Automated Teller Machine Machine”, ok? This week.. Just.. stop talking so much. 
You’re gunna get a sound effect that almost everyone, everywhere, will recognize. Kids have been imitating it for YEARS, and we’ll bet you have too! No, it’s not the Six Million-Dollar Man Bionic sound, you know.. Like the Eye? That goes (DOO-DOO-DOO-dahh-dahh-dahh-dahh). No, you get the one that goes, “Vr–VOO-Vah-vah-VEE!” That’s right, you get the sound of The Transformers changing from their robot to vehicle forms because… DAMNIT! We’re STILL pissed off about Rodimus Prime last week, OK? We’re NOT letting that one go! Just… Just deal with it, ok? (*DUDE! Take it easy, man!*) I’m fine! I’m ok, ok… So.. This week, Pisces… Uhm… Buy more boxes of tissues.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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cupooftea · 4 years
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leo sun, capricorn moon, scorpio mercury, libra venus, scorpio rising for anon
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