#ugh. I actually don’t like a lot of things. But I’ve only watched two episode so I’ll be chill and wait for more
started watching the new live action avatar
it’s. It’s pretty ok I guess? But there’s a lot of things I’m not altogether happy about. It feels very. Generic. Which is kind of sad.
I’m only two episodes in though, so I won’t be too harsh. But there are a few things that I really don’t like, and number one was Aang going into the Avatar State in front of Sokka and Katara for the first time when seeing Monk Gyatso instead of when escaping Zuko, and that moment being isolated instead of the moment everyone in the world knew the Avatar had returned
in the original series, Aang goes into the Avatar State when confronted by irrefutable proof in the form of the skeleton of his best friend and mentor - the airbenders really were massacred and he can no longer deny it.
every statue of the Avatar around the globe lights up in a single moment. the legendary figure’s destined return is announced to the world by an overwhelming outpouring of grief and rage from a young child who just discovered that everyone he ever knew and loved is gone. it’s poignant. the Avatar’s return in that moment is not a triumph. that terrifying show of strength and power, enough to light up the world in its glow, is pure emotional anguish from a small twelve year old, who just saw the dead body of his mentor and now believes he is all alone
and Katara and Sokka having seen the Avatar State before means that there is less of the shock and “what is happening” in this pivotal scene (which was the main focus in the live action). of course Sokka is still concerned about them potentially getting flung off the mountain. but both of them know this reaction for what it is - mysterious power, sure, but primarily, they see and recognize his grief.
I just. what happened to “we’re your family now” and “neither of us are gonna let anything happen to you”??? :(
on a side note, I do feel like Katara and Sokka themselves have been heavily (heh) watered down. it’s a shame. Sokka’s my favourite, and I just think that I. Don’t trust writers with Katara now. (Why is her waterbending a secret? The whole reason she didn’t learn was because there was no one to teach her and she couldn’t leave… also where is her instant connection with Aang… where is their silliness… where did it go…)
however! I did like a couple things that were done and I want to be a bit positive so here
love Zuko and Suki’s actors. they did a great job
Sokka and Suki’s training together was cute ☺️ (though I wish he had worn the uniform of the Kyoshi Warriors…)
Aang himself is adorable :) (wish he got to be a little more silly but Netflix adaptations always are more serious for some reason)
I actually kind of enjoyed getting to see some of the scenes from the war’s outbreak. I prefer the way the original show portrays it, with a lot of info being learned reverse chronologically, but it was cool to see Sozin, and some of the airbenders, and a little more of Gyatso (who I also really enjoyed :’) )
Katara bending water at Aang and it reducing to them splashing each other without even trying to bend. Rare sillies!
I thought Kyoshi herself coming to defend her island was pretty sweet!!!
Katara getting flashbacks to her mother’s death on seeing firebending. Well I don’t like this, obviously, but it clearly shows how her mother’s death haunts her, and if they have Katara face off against Zuko again at the North Pole, it’ll be all the more triumphant.
Suki’s mom!!! Damn she was so cool!!!!!!
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zootopiathingz · 3 months
Genuine question: Why do you ship Radiobelle? I've seen a lot of people doing it, and I'm curious as to what the appeal is!
The real question is, why do people ship anything? Why do we all see two or sometimes more characters interact with each other and imagine how cool it would be if they both had deep-seated romantic feelings for the other?
Answer: cuz we can!😌
Idk about the rest of you, but I don’t exactly have much control over what I ship and don’t ship😅 I just see the characters together and my brain randomly decides either “yes I want them to make out” or “nooo I don’t really see it”. (I am in no way a pro shipper though cuz no)
But as for Radiobelle specifically, there’s just something about them that my silly fangirl heart can’t resist. While I am fairly new to the HH fandom, I did watch the pilot around the time it came out and a small part of me did ship them back then. But I never really allowed myself to indulge in it and I just wasn’t that into the show anyway so I didn’t bother. Now, after actually watching the episodes and engaging in fandom content, I finally embraced the cringe to the full extent and let myself be consumed by the radio demon and his charming demon belle! :P
Now I’m aware that the majority of people don’t like Radiobelle, or even full-on hate it for multiple reasons. Sure, whatever. You don’t have to like every ship, nor does anyone expect you to! I can understand it’s not for everybody. The main thing that bugs me, though, is when people try to start arguments about why it’ll never be canon and why you shouldn’t ship it. “Charlie is with Vaggie and Alastor is aro/ace!” People ship Alastor with a multitude of other characters and nobody bats an eye,, why is it only when you see him being drawn with Charlie that you lose your shit and get offended about his sexuality being ‘erased’? (That’s a topic for a whole other post tbh). And people can ship Charlie with other people. Hell, they DO! I’ve seen numerous art of her and other characters.
Then there’s also the “Alastor thinks of her as his daughter!” See, I want everybody to actually watch episode 5 again and come back to me on this. No, he fucking does not. The only reason he was saying any of that was to get under Lucifer’s skin. That’s it. That was his whole intention. He doesn’t like Lucifer and wanted to rub it in his face that he has been a lousy father to his daughter, in comparison to all the ways he has helped her, with the hotel and whatever else.
Phew, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way! Onto why Radiobelle has stolen my heart!
I just love their dynamic and it all really started with the pilot. Alastor—this mysterious force of nature who can kill anyone and anything, is capable of unimaginable power and torture—randomly showing up on the doorstep of a hotel to help out. And literally no one else trusts him (reasonably so) but Charlie, the good-hearted soul she is, lets him in. She’s cautious, of course, but she’s giving him the chance to do some good because that’s what her dream is all about!
Now while I do wish they had some more interactions in the actual show, what we have so far is scrumptious✨ Alastor may have been giving an abundance of praise to Charlie to piss off her dad, but I don’t think he was lying. Deep down I’m sure he is enjoying the time they’ve spent together—even if he doesn’t fully realize it. Charlie defends Al’s sadistic behavior to her dad because he was doing it to defend the hotel (and bc he’s a cocky mf lol but it’s endearing to her in a way).
Oh and don’t even get me STARTED on episode 7 bro,, omfg the content!! The way he’s extra touchy with her even after they’ve made their deal. Her being nervous and stressed out but he encourages her anyway and verbally admits that he had faith in her the whole time. Him giving her his microphone—which is likely the main source of his power as shown in episode 8 (where he let her use his mic AGAIN!!!) which just shows how much he actually trusts her,, UGH it’s just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 give me more!!
Now, do I expect Radiobelle to become canon? No. Would it be fucking awesome if it did? Oh absolutely. But I know it won’t, and I don’t care! I’m having the time of my life shipping these two hell-dwelling idiots and I don’t care what anyone says about it!😋
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mcheang · 1 year
I have a prompt idea! So a rich kid transfers into DuPont who is the son of the prime minister or something. He can be bratty like Chloe and deceitful like Lila. The first thing he does is put Chloe in her place since her dad can’t do anything to him and exposes Lila as the liar she is with the help from his connections.But here’s the kicker, he has a massive crush on Marinette. But she has a massive crush on Adrien, someone he looks down on. Cue jealousy and retribution. Basically Adrien gaining an antagonist of his own because if he can have FOUR girls getting into a cat fight of her (two of whom are nasty bullies) then Marinette can have her own evil love interest. Bonus points if he is beginning to endear to Marinette after standing up to her bullies.
Remy Gusteau
Can you guess where I got his name? But I imagine him to look like Draco Malfoy if he has to keep saying “My father….” Lol
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Your prompt is the first in a long while that has given my that old flair of imagination :D Thank you. Also, for anyone else who wants to send me a prompt, note I have not watched the latest season yet as I am waiting for all episodes to air first. So no spoilers please.
The only reason Remy even agreed to go to Paris after the rise of Hawkmoth was because it was the capital of gastronomy.
Even so, he refused to stay as a guest at the Le Grand Paris. There is no way he is staying in the same hotel as that bully Chloe. Honestly why Ladybug even let her remain a hero after she purposefully endangered a train full of Parisians is beyond him. And ever since he saw her purposefully sabotage a cooking show, he has been asking his father why her father was even still mayor if he could not even raise his daughter properly.
Even so, the mayor personally welcomed Remy at the airport.
Mayor: my daughter attends Dupont too, she can be your tour guide.
Remy: I certainly hope she learned to improve her personality. It doesn’t look good on France if the mayor of our capital has a bully for a daughter.
The mayor paled at the threat. “Of course she has improved. Why else would Ladybug give her a miraculous again?”
Remy: I guess we’ll see.
Later that night, Andre begged his daughter to be on her best behavior because otherwise, it might cost him his job.
Naturally Chloe was appalled. She started to protest when even her mother agreed with Andre. “It would never do for my darling to lose his job. All Chloe has to do is act nice in front of the prime minister’s boy, right? That’s easy to do. Chloe, if you can’t handle even this much, ask your sister for advice.”
The next day Chloe went out of her way to greet Remy and did not even give Sabrina orders…only to be ignored by Remy.
Ugh. Who did he think he is?
Sabrina: Um, the prime minister’s son?
The only seat left available was next to Ivan, right in front of Lila.
As Caline told Remy that Marinette would be his tour guide, Lila volunteered instead.
Lila: Oh, I can do it. As the ambassador’s daughter, I’m sure Marinette would has a lot to do anyway.
Marinette scowled at Lila. And she wasn’t the only one.
Remy himself was not happy. He recognised Marinette because of her parents and uncle. He had actually been looking forward to discuss recipes with her. Why did that nobody have to butt in?
Well that nobody was Lila, and clearly she never heard of personal space. For someone supposed to be giving a tour of the classrooms and teachers, she sure talked a lot about herself instead.
Don’t tell him that everybody actually indulged her like this?
Later that day, after class ended, he asked Caline why she does not try reining in Lila’s tall tales.
Caline: Lila has a special disease. She didn’t want her classmates to see her differently because of it.
Remy stared cooly at this dumb woman. “Hmm. Do you know something, I’ve heard the other students tell me I was in the akuma class. I thought perhaps it might be due to Chloe but perhaps you have something to do with it too. I wonder if I should ask my father to bring an inspector here.”
Caline: If you think it’s needed. I have only ever encouraged my students to forgive each other.
Remy: right, which is why you never told your class they were being lied to by Lila and denied them the chance to forgive her.
True to his word, Remy did bring an inspector around, and was he thorough! Marinette’s previous expulsion case was brought up and both Damocles and Caline were fired for mishandling the case. Remy even forced them to apologize to Marinette. Some, including Adrien, might protest this was harsh, but Remy drily pointed out that Caline’s method of forgiving bullies without punishing them was called enabling. Did she expect them to forgive Hawkmoth too? And Damocles is not supposed to turn school property into some cheap owl cave, nor punish the school for Chloe’s misdeeds. They were like children in the bodies of adults.
Oh, and Lila was exposed too. She had to confess her special ability to the whole school, outing her as someone who likes to tell tall tales.
Understandably, akumas appeared. Curiously though, they never got much chance to cause chaos. Mainly because the no-nonsense inspector and Remy struck them in the head once the transformation had finished, giving them no time to react, and proceeded to keep hitting them till they passed out.
Everyone stared at them.
Remy: What? The miraculous cure will fix everything.
And Remy finally got to discuss baking with Marinette! He just didn’t understand why she was so fixated on Adrien Agreste. The model reminded Remy of Caline, always about forgiving bullies. Spoken like someone who has never been bullied himself!
He just has to help Marinette see that Adrien isn’t worth her time. Some planned situations to show how useless the boy is. Good thing he has the mayor’s daughter at his beck and call. And he just knows she is dying to be mean again.
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greenskellyblob · 11 months
9 people I’d like to know better
Tagged by; @thefloatingstone
Last song; Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths, I’ve been listening to this song relentlessly a year ago, and it still frequently pops up when I let youtube radio do its thing. I’m not gonna complain!!! It’s still a banger! I’ve just googled it and realized it is a song in an album, and I never listened to the whole of it. Huh. I should do that sometimes.
Anyways, here’s the song:
Currently watching: Just finished Community and the last season of Black Mirror. I finally know where some memes come from now!!! I’ve been seeing Community memes around and I never knew TwT. Consider me enlightened now. I really enjoyed it, all the characters there are stupid and unhinged and taking their stupidity seriously and I loved it! V good, v nice way to spend the time.
On the other hand, this season of Black Mirror kinda dissapointed me? There was one episode I REALLY LOVED (Demon 79, the last one, hell yeah the ending!!!!! WOOO!!!!), the first one (Joan is awful) was kinda neat, Loch Henry was depressing and I laughed out loud at how one character died because it is SO STUPID, Mazey day was boring, and Beyond the Sea was the biggest bullshit I ever saw. Such a big old dump!!!!! Something Extremely Traumatic happens to one character on a very important mission, and the Earth command doesn’t even get them to talk to a therapist. Also a lot of dick measuring going on there. Also shitty ending nobody could have predicted (sarcastic). Just, ugh. Sorry about the vagueness but I don’t want to spoil people who haven’t watched it yet. But if you want to watch only one episode of season 6, make it the last one :D 10/10
Also I’ll be cheeky and say I just finished the VOD of C-Puff’s ( @thefloatingstone‘s) stream :3 Can’t wait to see more!!!! And, please, don’t apologize for lore dumps they are delightfull and I finally have a streamer I can watch and not feel like I’m missing most of the story/worldbuilding. You know what? Everyone, have a link for that too. For some reason it doesn’t let me embed it?
Currently reading: Nothing in particular, my brain is once again in the reading slump. I guess comics would count, actually? In that case, an absolutely amazing comic called “Tiger, Tiger” by @pepurika. It has two very gay siblings, A giant bisexual (?) himbo, an old god’s child (they are very chaotic and very, very gay from what I understand) and cool old ships. ALSO SEA SPONGES!!!! Sea sponges are very important. They literally drive the plot okay! There is ship stealing, identity theft, deals with gods, marvelous scientific discoveries and much, MUCH more, all in the name of sea sponges! The main character got hyperfixated as a child and went unhinged, and if that sounds relatable to you, you’ll enjoy her :) Also everyone there is very smart and capable and yet you have to wonder where they keep their braincells because they are all also??? Kinda dumb??? In incredibly relatable ways. Heccking 10/10 comic. I have to read it all from the beginning because I can’t wait for the last book to come out asaajudzgigui the suffering is sweet tho.
I slapp’a link your way. Go read, you’ll have a really good time (this is a threat)
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sonnetnumber23 · 10 months
Good Omens Season 2 Rewatch
I’ve started a rewatch of GO2 and I’ve got two main purposes:
1)      Find the reasonable proof and explanation that Aziraphale was not a complete stupid arsehole in the last episode, and all that had reasons – and therefore help my girlfriend and myself to make peace with this ending which we’ll have to live with for a very long time if not forever.
2)      Get into the material more properly to write my own fix-it fic. I really need one for therapy reasons and I want it to be a something I believe in.
Since writing is a very lonely process and I want to discuss things or at least shout into the void rn, I’ll comment on what I see and feel along the way if I feel like it. If anyone reads it, please be aware of the spoilers and forgive my mistakes – I’m not going to proofread it. Also feel free to discuss things with me too if you like. I wish us all to get the show renewal very soon.
1.      Before the beginning.
Okay, I’m with you, guys when you rage against the rewrite of the canonical meeting scene, and Aziraphale being the first to fall in love. I believe them when I see it, but I don’t like it. (*insert the Doctor Who gif here*)
Crowley is downright stunning in this scene despite the ridiculous hair. The way he marvels at his creation as if it’s his child and something entirely separate from him at the same time – that’s just incredibly moving, and I can see how Aziraphale is immediately drawn to him.
What struck me unexpectedly during the second watch was that…
From Aziraphale’s POV, it was him, Aziraphale who led Crowley to his Fall.
Not Lucifer and not even himself. It was Aziraphale who first made Crowley question the will of the Almighty. If it were not for him Crowley wouldn’t ask those questions that got him into trouble.
I mean, of course that’s not true. Crowley would have learnt about the limits of the universe eventually even without Aziraphale, and his constant urge to doubt things and think for himself would have brought him to Lucifer.
But in that moment Aziraphale has just seen the perfect angel exercising God’s will and a moment later – after his words – that angel started to doubt the Almighty.
Azraphale with all his experience at shoving the unpleasant thoughts away would certainly convince himself that it wasn’t his fault. But deep down he’d blame himself – if only just a little – for Crowley’s Fall.
Can’t that too be one of the reasons why he so desperately wants to unFall Crowley??
Don’t know about you, but I’d quite like that.
Aziraphale: “I’m very good at forgiveness. It’s one of my favourite things.”
Flash forward to “I forgive you”, ugh L
I do hate that line in the last episode sooo much. However, as a person who makes a lot of mistakes and often asks for forgiveness, this is what I think:
People who very easily forgive people are often those who wish that they were forgiven themselves. Aziraphale if desperately insecure and self-conscious (which I will address to in other episodes), and he compensates for that trying to be part of the system and a community and by claiming that he is the good one. Unlike Crowley he actually has very shaky beliefs about what good and evil are. That’s because he has this learnt truth and he has something he feels deep down. And they often contradict each other, but since he knows (deep down) he’s not a truly good person, he doesn’t trust his own guts more than he trusts what he knows.
So he actually craves forgiveness and approval himself, which is why he’s so quick to forgive people around him – even those who don’t need his forgiveness.
Crowley: “You have three reasons for calling me: you’re bored, you need to tell someone about something clever you did before you pop, or something’s wrong. << That’s one of the facts that prove that they both learnt very little after the Armageddon’t. They’re still the same weird sort of friends, only now they can meet more often without the fear of being punished. But they still haven’t talked anything through, Crowley still sleeps in his car, and they both aren’t sure what the other one think of their relationship. My darling idiots. T_T
When Crowley comes back after the talk with Beelzebub he apologizes even though his previous words were “Aziraphale, what have you done?” He has nothing to apologize for here and yet he does, because only this way he can be back at Aziraphale’s side. It’s such a parallel with S1’s scene where Crowley comes back to the bookshop after the bandstand argument and apologizes even though it was Aziraphale who said they were not friends and much more.
It’s interesting because while Aziraphale is eager to forgive because he feels guilty deep down, he doesn’t like to admit his fault – he remembers all the times he did. Crowley on the other hand is ready to say he’s sorry, maybe because he knows that he is right but he’s doing it for Aziraphale. He needs Aziraphale too much to let a little thing like apology stand between them.
Other things:
“It’s called hot chocolate. You drink it.” – a parallel to “It’s sushi. You dip it in soy sauce.” I love it so much that this time Aziraphale got to introduce Gabriel to some earthly delights.
Gabriel: “Well, I expect it will be fine. Most things are fine at the end.”
Oh yeah? Are they, Neil??
So funny that when Maggie thanks Aziraphale and says he’s an angel, and Crowley asks if he’s been doing good again, Aziraphale starts to deny it as if it were something embarrassing. :D Also lovely that Crowley actually wants to know – he loves Aziraphale being Aziraphale. I think this season I can finally agree with David Tennant saying that it infuriates Crowley that he loves Aziraphale. It has always seemed a bit far-fetched to me, because I’m sure Crowley came to terms with his feelings a while ago. But in this season you can see that it’s not about him being angry with himself for loving Aziraphale. He’s angry at himself for loving what Aziraphale is – all his trusting-believing-in-good self. :’D He hates that this is the part of Aziraphale that often both hurts him and puts Aziraphale himself in danger, and yet it’s the part that he loves.
(Which makes me think: if Aziraphale turned down the Metatron’s proposal and chose life with Crowley away from all this, and then started to lose his angelic features and beliefs, due to the disappointment in himself, wouldn’t Crowley feel like he’s losing Aziraphale, and it’s his fault?)
Crowley is the first in the scene after he sees Gabriel to use the word “we” and “us”. He Thinks of them as an item. Then he’s the first one to switch to “what I need…” He feels so threatened here; he feels that “they” aren’t as important to Aziraphale as to him, so he tries to hide his own feelings as if he only thinks of himself. Oh, Crowley! :’(
Aziraphale: “If you refuse to help me, then of course…” He’s such a manipulative bastard, I can’t. The fact that he tries to use the same weapon in the last episode... ugh.
Okay, this was only one episode yet, and it took forever. And I’m not even mentioning the bits I simply loved or those things which I’ve already read about in other people’s posts…
Oh my!
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caribbean-ace · 1 year
it’s been a hot minute since i’ve gone on a deep dive about station 19 (partially my faul because i’m busy losing my marbles on twitter, what can i say) anyways, i wanted to go in depth about the episodes because it’s nice to do what i started doing and two it allows me to rewatch the episode and catch details that i normally wouldn’t when i’m watching it live. after all that being said, buckle up folks it’s 6x07 time! as usual spoilers ahead:
picking up right where we left off, the incident at meredith’s which of course was the scene where 19 was called at and of course what mortified all of us for more than 100 days, maya’s fall and her injuries once someone found her + also interesting to notice that beckett allowed andy to handle the scene, does that mean he was unable to call the shots or he’s playing safe here? + jack finding maya made sense since he was there but i’m curious, he noticed her turnouts on the floor and didn’t wonder where she was? like if she was on desk duty her turnouts wouldn’t be there in the first place idk
something that lots of people pointed out is that jack just carried maya without any support on her neck and back and i agree with them, he didn’t know the extent of her injuries or how long she was down, i’m wondering why he didn’t call 911 first and just waited for them to help but i guess that was made for the drama (?) + i’m wondering how the whole mayor storyline will unfold, like is montgomery gonna quit being a firefighter or what? unless dixon gets arrested or something for a scandal i don’t know where this is headed
i just wished ross character wasn’t involved romantically with sullivan that would be great + oh travis you messed up big time + this story was wild af, to think that these things happen all the time and they turn way worse than this is disgusting + the way maya pushed herself to that limit hurts my soul, to know that she will get the help she needs down the road gives me a little comfort but right now it hurts + i have to say the cuffs threw me off so badly😂
“where’s carina?” oh no poor maya this is just the beginning of a rollercoaster + “you look guilty” lmao busted + this is so random for sure + poor kid :( + the second carina saw jack she knew something was wrong, the tremble in her voice gave it away + i have to say danielle’s performance is so incredible, you can notice how broken maya looks by just staring at her eyes + and of course she doesn’t realize how bad she is… trauma and abuse is a hell of a thing
hughes, herrera and ross were the mvp of this episode totally + i was so tense the entire scene geez + this scene is so important when jack tells carina about maya, at first i was like ugh not again jack being in the middle of maya and carina but rewatching it i noticed how this seems to be the moment where carina chooses to help maya whether she wants it or not.
these women are incredible and i wished they would fight sexism and the abuse within the force because i know they can
not adrdessing the ladies too much because the two storylines happening are literally the only thing i was able to think for this entire episode
the way maya doesn’t even begin to see how hurt she is and how badly she needs to allow others to help hurts me, the worst part is that so many people can relate to this, growing up under abusive parenting can result into this and even worse things, i just wanna hug maya so badly
i also want to hug carina so badly, i don’t think she knows the extent of maya’s trauma maybe just bits and pieces but not the whole story which makes me wonder if the show will ever let them figure this out and have a conversation about it + i hate how they all worried after maya literally was vanishing in front of them like ugh + i’m surprised how no one has actually caught beckett day drinking, this man has been slipping since he got to station 19 + carina leaving really broke me :(
that was such an emotional episode like wow i ended up having to lay down for a minute or two because my head was spinning. i watched this live, i read lots of opinions about maya and carina and i just have to say there’s no good or bad in this story, maya has endured abuse her entire life and as result she pushes herself to the point of hurting, physically and mentally of course; carina also has endured abuse but the way she was affected by this is clearly different from maya’s, she isn’t a bad person by taking some space and time to understand the next steps, she has to take care of herself and in order to do that she needed maya to understand she needs help too. it’s so easy to point fingers and say “oh maya is horrible for saying those things” or “carina is awful because she left”. maya is hurt and obviously what she said wasn’t nice by any means but i remember reading somewhere that hurt people hurts people, and again carina has spend basically her entire life taking care of others, she needs the space to heal and allow maya to heal too.
station 19 came back stronger than ever and after this episode and 6x08 (which i watched live but i’m gonna rewatch because the streaming was wacky) it makes me feel that we’re getting something far better than we got in season 5 and for that i’m grateful. it may or may not be the writer’s intention but they created the most layered and best character in the entire show and her name is maya bishop. catch ya in the next one!
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garlicbreadwitch · 2 years
My review of TUC season 3 in 7 parts
- definitely the worse of the 3
- only bad thing about viktors transition was the god awful hair and makeup on V***. (I’ve seen better wigs in a high school production of hairspray)
- the special effects were oddly hit and miss- see Marcus throwing the towel vs five sitting at the edge of the world.
- far too much exposition not enough action
- if your trying to figure out why you don’t like this season re-watch episode 9. Basically pointless except for the last few minutes. Didn’t need a whole episode of talking. (When they take an hour to think before they vote I nearly screamed - so boring).
- footloose was a highlight for me I only wish they’d kept this energy for the remainder of the season
- the acting was great (with the exception of Toms accent- he needs an accent coach next season please)
- some parts felt like bad fan fiction writing
- Felt like a filler season
-still excited for season 4
#PART 1 - Luther (& Sloane)
Luthers storyline this season was definitely designed to undo a lot of the ick he’d given fans before and tbh it worked. My only issue was how fast this love story happened making it feel not very grounded in reality.
I can’t decide if it got too much or not enough screen time but these two goofy dumb lovey characters had possibly one of my top arcs of the season. PS: I love Genesis - she did great work.
PART 2 - Diego (& Lilah)
As much as I love these two characters and the actors who play them. This was one of the worst written arcs of the season. Despite multiple conflicts none of these ever get far enough off the ground to be meaningful or lead to any sensible character development. The introduction of Stan was exciting but the writers immediately back-tracked and shoehorned in a surprise pregnancy. The writers again seemed to have forgotten that Lilah and Diego have only known each other for a few days to months max.
I would’ve liked to see the Stan storyline used to develop these characters more. Diego confronting his vigilante behaviour and recognising the need to put his child first, as wel as reconciling with his own daddy issues would have been welcome. While Lilah would confront her mommy issues and general childishness. Instead they dropped this story so quickly and it ended up meaning nothing.
(I think it would’ve been great had Stan been Diego and Lilahs actual child that Lilah kidnapped from the future in order to test Diego. Seeing future Lilah fight current Lilah would’ve been great and very on brand.) I felt like I was watching the filler chapter in a bad fanfiction- where the writer doesn’t want to have real conflict yet so they manufacture pretend fights with no real stakes that are over before they have any meaningful impact. Specifically Diego locking Lilah in the closet - im sure I’ve read that shitty fanfic before.
PART 3 - Alison (& trauma)
Possibly the most polarising plot line of the season I take no issue with Alison responding to her trauma. Do I think this is a teensy bit far for her character? yes- but I don’t overall hate this development.
I only wish we could’ve SEEN Alisons rage rather than being told about it. What is the point of showing some bloodied up knuckles or Alison saying she killed Harlan? (When Alison said this I actually thought it was a lie to hurt Victor because we didn’t see it on screen.) I would’ve loved to watch Emmy use her full talents to show us Alison grappling with her anger. Plus the incredible drama that could’ve been “I heard a rumor you dropped dead”. (Or even a redeeming mercy kill over sparrow torture?).
Much the same with the deal she makes with Reggie, it would’ve helped to see Reggie manipulate Alisons anger as well as her drive to protect her siblings. I don’t see why this needed to be a mystery when it was obvious to the audience pretty much straight away. Ugh.
PART 4 - Klaus (& his mom I guess?)
I didn’t hate Klaus and Reggies scenes. I liked seeing Klaus grasp his powers finally- but that’s it. The complete lack of any reference to the man Klaus was obsessed with the whole last season, plus the lack of cult references made this the most disappointing arc of the season. Klaus really had few moments to shine. With the exception of episode 10. And his mom was such an obvious step to get to the realisation there mothers are dead I won’t even mention it here.
Also how did he get into oblivion without a body? The writers thought we’d just accept that giant plot hole I guess.
PART 5 Five (& his existential crisis)
In the first two seasons Fives determination has been the primary momentum boost for the story. Essentially he drives the story forward while his siblings bumble around him. So with Fives retirement comes the apparent retirement of any good writing.
Fives lack of motivation does genuinely make the story duller. Everything after his visit to see his future self is pretty much a nothingburger while we wait for season four so he can have a mission again.
On a positive note I much preferred the interactions between five and Lilah than Diego and Lilah. Much truer to the previous seasons. The tattoo and the Pogo thing were mildly interesting but ultimately pointless.
As mentioned above I hated the drunken revelation storyline. It was obvious it was Alison straight away and the fact that Five who’s supposed to be a genius couldn’t do simple deductive reasoning really ground my gears.
PART 6 - Sparrow Ben (& the ever decreasing sparrows)
I did enjoy the new Ben. Justin Min did a fantastic job of being a whole new character and giving him depth. I liked evil Ben. His story made sense I only wish -much like with this whole season- that they’d shown us rather than told us his motivation. See Ben mumbling “because I have nothing else” in episode 8.
I don’t think it would’ve killed the writers to show us how lonely Ben is among the Sparrows. Show us how Reg’s bad parenting made him emotionally cold. I wish they would’ve showed us the Sparrows coldness in comparison to the umbrellas misguided affection for each other. Show us Ben longing for a brotherly love like Diego and Luther or a sisterly advice giver like Alison. That way I care a little more when he wants to be included in episode 8. PS would’ve loved more Klaus Ben interaction.
Also I hope I’m not the only person who wanted to see the Sparrows in action more.
PART 7 - Viktor (& the worst wig I’ve ever seen)
Honestly I liked Viktors transition. I thought it was handled well and didn’t affect the plot all that much. I was actually relieved when he was no longer wearing the V**** wig and makeup (whoever is responsible for the first episode hair and makeup for Elliot should be fired).
The Harlan plot was fine if heavy on exposition. I get that they needed to find a way for all the mothers to die but this whole bit was meh for me and far too forced.
I remember how excited I was watching the first episode and the foreshadowing of Harlan on the bus only for the story to be somewhat underwhelming all up. That was a metaphor for the whole season. So much foreshadowing and great work from season 2 ignored or poorly used.
I can only assume the writers have a great idea for season 4 and wish we could’ve condensed all of season 3 into two or three longer episodes and gotten to the point instead of 10 somewhat stagnant, constantly disappointing episodes.
There is an old piece of writers advice that says to show and not tell the audience. I only hope the umbrella academy writers hear this before they embark on season 4.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
Anon from earlier here — please feel free to ignore this because it is so ridiculously long and self indulgent that I feel the need to apologise for even putting it in your inbox at all.
Perhaps similarly to you, I’m sort of toe-deep in the Ted Lasso fandom. I’m far too obsessive about the show and the characters to be considered a casual viewer, but completely lacking the emotional capacity to fully absorb myself into a new space. I think this is why I’m so protective of the characters, specifically Jamie, because there’s so much of his arc and backstory that I can relate to, and I’m SO sensitive to the way abuse is portrayed in shows, because it’s rarely done well (from what I’ve seen personally).
The Same Story was one of the first fics I read about Ted Lasso because I wanted read more about Jamie specifically, and I CANNOT tell you how excited I was when I found it. It does (along with your other writing) exactly what the show doesn’t for me. I think the show is the best example of an abused character I’ve seen, but it can’t be perfect, and I found everything I was looking for in your writing. I genuinely can’t thank you enough for that, because it’s been very…. healing ? might be the word ? to read. It’s just done so beautifully and realistically ugh. You’re a really special author.
Going back to the whole Roy thing (who is another favourite character of mine) I think my main issue is the regression as well. Like, yes, first season Roy would ABSOLUTELY charge toward Jamie. Except now we’ve come to understand Roy as a deeply caring, sensitive, protective and anxious person. I don’t think Roy would EVER be violent toward Jamie again after knowing what he knows now, and if he did, he would apologise (or try to, at least.) Maybe we get that in a later episode, I’m not sure.
What’s painful for me about 2.08 is that there was this beautiful, incredible scene that was everything I have ever wanted from an abuse storyline, I could hardly believe what I was watching, and then just…. Nothing. Literally no after effects. Which was ??? Very disorienting ??? Not even a “hey, just checking in man” from one of Jamie’s teammates, a reluctant nod of acknowledgment from Roy, an extra pat on the back from Ted, just… Nothing ??? I absolutely love the show, wouldn’t want to mess with it at all, but this threw me. I’m aware that it is also written for a general audience and not specially for me, a shamelessly demanding and traumatised person, (how dare they!) but yeah, I have a lot of Thoughts on that one.
I’ll self-indulgently attempt to express what I think would be a far more in character interaction between these two post Man City — let’s use the locker room scene in 3.02 as an example:
I don’t think Roy wouldn’t NOT get an instinct to shove Jamie away, because he’s far from perfect — which like you say, makes him far more interesting. I think that Jamie would try and hug him, Roy would make to shove him off, and then stop himself with a Roy Grunt and step away. I think Jamie — being as emotionally intuitive as he is — would pick up on this immediately. Perhaps Jamie would become defensive of this, asking Roy if he’s too afraid to shove him how. He’s not going to break. And I think Roy would probably respond with something along the lines of, “Of course I want to shove you. We’re both pricks. But I’m trying not to be.”
This is of course “along the lines of” as it’s rubbish, hastily put together dialogue, but hopefully you get the idea. Also this is all subjective and I could be completely wrong about Roy and Jamie and Everyone and blah blah blah but yeah. It’s not a perfect response from Roy by any means, but it’s also not a violent one. After all Roy’s growth, I just don’t think he’d ever regress to violence around Jamie ever again — or at least he’d try his best not to.
I have a thousand more thoughts on all of this but I’ll restrain myself here. I’ve sent one or two asks before (you’re actually the only person I’ve interacted with who is interested in Ted Lasso) and I must say it’s been such a delight to get a response. As a fellow aromantic / survivor (I’m always embarrassed to use that word) of abuse, it’s really really lovely to have these little mini discussions with you. I love love love hearing what you have to say. If I ever send an ask again, perhaps I could use a letter to sign off with so you know it’s that person who won’t shut up in your inbox again (I’m too much of a frightened deer to come off of anon just yet). At the same time, if you want to tell me to kindly fuck off, I’d completely get it.
Thanks for making me feel like you’re writing just for me with your writing. I know that you’re not, but thanks anyway. It’s a really wild feeling to read something that feels so perfectly fine-tuned for my brain. I hope to god you’re already a published author.
Anyway, have a great day/night and I’m really truly sorry for the outrageous length of this silly little ask.
— L
no listen you don’t need to apologize at ALL this is so much exactly my feelings on a lot of things that i sat here physically nodding my head the whole time. i get it. Buddy I Get It, me of all people, I REALLY do.
i just tend not to have a good time in general fandom tags and whatnot overall, bad combination of brain ghosts and romance repulsion that just makes that a bad fit, and it just makes the friends i make via whatever means that much more of an absolute treasure to me. especially when, like with this show, it’s moved into my brain completely and taken over and that’s just What’s Going On in here and otherwise it’s a lot of me running in circles and climbing walls absksbsk.
and yeah same if there is One button that always always always trips me it’s “presentations of abuse and abuse victims/survivors in fiction,” im pretty hypersensitive about that. and like i get that it’s My Specific Priority and it’s not gonna be everyone’s or most people’s or whatever narrative it is on the whole but yknow! ill own my bias and i try not to be embarrassed for it. that’s a lot of why i write - the narratives have their own priorities and so do fandoms so im gonna take advantage of the opportunities i have to spend some time with mine.
im really, REALLY glad that my writing’s been meaningful for you! that’s honestly why i do it. because stories like the ones i write have been like, everything to me for a really long time, and a big driving force in getting myself to actually Allow Myself to write them is by going hey, maybe someone else needs to see this too. same story specifically was one i had to push myself to actually release into the world but im very very glad i did and im that much more bolstered to keep going both with it and whatever else there is in my back pocket after this <3
roy is a fantastic, fascinating character and a big part of why he gets my attention and i keep coming back to him is this interesting combination of being a very shut down, reserved person while also being HIGHLY critical of himself and afraid of negatively impacting the people around himself that he’s got influence on. i think about that conversation in the car with phoebe almost as much as the scene with jamie later in that episode when it comes to roy in 2x08. it just feels….. bizarrely static at best and regressive at worst.
i love this alternate version. that’s very fun, and way more in line what what i think roy’s progression to this point would more likely lead to. character interpretations are extremely variable and biased in a million directions but i personally think you’re right on the money and it’s a version of that story that im personally invested in exploring no question. (for what it’s worth, i think you’re gonna enjoy the episode tag im knee deep in writing.)
and yeah im on exactly the same page about 2x08. nobody has to agree with me or whatever but far as im concerned it just….. bizarre and jarring that there were literally no consequences or even blink and you’ll miss it follow up like you mentioned, some hey how’re you holding up, or. Anything. it’s like it didn’t happen, at least as far as jamie and people’s reaction to him is concerned, which is like…. again, this is me and my personal bias speaking but that was an ENORMOUSLY rattling event for everyone there, and just, any kind of recognition that it happened would’ve gone a long way to making that way less disorienting.
also- im so glad you’ve enjoyed my answers and i also apologize if ive missed any!! i am SO bad at remembering to answer things and my inbox gets glitchy sometimes so please please feel free to send something again if you don’t see an answer for a while. id love to hear from you again should you want to chat and the sign off letter is a great idea, i love knowing it’s the same person!!
and for the record, it IS for you. as much as it is for me. i joke around a lot that i write for aros and abuse survivors first and everyone else can read it too so. it is for you, specifically, and it really does mean everything for me to hear that my writing is making it to the people it’s meant for. im not a published author YET but hopefully someday! ive got quite a bit of original work hanging out on my computer and bouncing around in my head thatll ideally see the light of day eventually.
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lifezvictory · 2 years
More Sun And Moon show ramblings (aka me totally not procrastinating on working on any of my fics)
So I just saw the new lore/story video I was waiting on, and boy did it not disappoint! Watching it feels like I’m opening a birthday present to find what I’ve been wanting for months even though it was only a day or two.
First of all, I would like to formally (and very sincerely) apologize to Lunar. I was worried that he was blindly trusting Blood Moon, thinking that he’d actually give a crap about him once his body was built, and maybe a part of him did given his little monologue thingy at the end of the last lore episode. but he doesn’t, at least not fully; what he said to Monty this episode proves that. So yeah, Lunar, I’m really sorry for underestimating you; I hope you can forgive me.
When we learned that Lunar was trying his best to not let Moon be in pain, I melted. I’m tempted to write a fluffy oneshot with him and Moon having a bonding moment over that (and maybe the glowing body thing too) and I would if I didn’t already have a whole bunch of other WIPs, and I wasn’t worried I’d get the characterization wrong and it’d be cringe and no one would like it, or because as i mentioned in the last post I’m blind/visually impaired and don’t know what characters/locations look like so can’t describe them well…
I’ll probably end up doing it eventually; there’s a criminal lack of fics set in this universe. Would anyone read it? Would anyone like it? I know that’s not really the point and i should write for me, but validation is really nice. It’s in the hierarchy of needs. So writing fanfiction isn’t just a hobby; it can greatly assist in fulfilling your emotional needs. /ot
Ugh! I just love Lunar so much. /p And I’m so grateful for Monty who did what all of us craved to and helped Lunar get away from that dumbnut Eclipse. Seriously, when he tested out his taser on Lunar, I felt so bad for him, and so mad at Eclipse! I mean, if I’m not wrong animatronics are made of metal or at least have metal parts, so getting zapped like that can’t be good for him.
I want a Lunar plushie like Lunar wants a beanbag chair. If folks on Etsy could make one or something I’d give them all the money in the world, or at least as much money I can get my hands on without breaking the law and keeping myself and my fam from being homeless. I’m hugging the crap out of him in my head right now.
Okay, I should probably stop now, because this is getting a lot more tangent-y than i planned to. But it’s just, ever since I started really using Tumblr, the ‘anything goes’ vibe of it has made me right in a way that I normally wouldn’t outside of my journal.
Although, it’s probably not as long as I think it is. I have this thing where I write something and think it’s long because of all the time and effort i spend on it, only to discover that it’s a thousand words or so. And I worry that my readers will be disappointed because it’s like:
“We waited days, weeks, months, only to get something we could finish reading in five minutes???”
I don’t want to do that to people. Although I know, I’m probably overthinking it a little.
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annsillsomething · 2 years
this is going to be a long post
so I watched the rings of power
and I have to emphasize that I didn’t pay anything for it because I would never pay someone for defiling the beautiful world J. R. R. Tolkien created
well, I say I didn’t pay anything but it have definitely costed me some nerves
and not only because it is so devastatingly different from the original work, it hurt, but I was willing to give the creators a chance to tell a « new story »
if they had succeeded I would have still complained because I believe it’s unacceptable when dealing with such a well written and detailed world like J. R. R. Tolkien’s but there would have been at least something positive about the whole situation
but this series don’t tell a good « new story »
and I don’t have to see the end of it to be completely sure
the number of scenes that do not make any sense even in the context of the « new story » is ridiculously large
like that one with Galadriel jumping overboard in the middle of the sea
and speaking of Galadriel
let’s ignore for a moment the fact that what we see in the rings of power is a completely different character (where is her husband, by the way, I wonder)
but I can’t ignore that she was turned into Mary Sue
like her single-handedly killing the troll that at least three of her soldiers failed to even scratch
or defeating 4 guards in full armor while being in chains and unarmed
that’s not what a strong female character is supposed to be, that’s a badly written overpowered character whose personality can be described in two words: independent (which is more like arrogant asshole who « doesn’t need anyone’s help ») and badass (not in a good way, something like « I’ll punch you in the face if you as much as look at me slightly wrong »)
seems like more than two words, but I wanted to be as clear as possible
I don’t understand why this kind of characters is so popular nowadays (not among the audience but in the industry, I still can’t get over Carol Danvers… she was so damn annoying and flat)
ok, some might say « she is an ancient elf with thousands years of experience », but so are her soldiers, what makes her different?
honestly, I’ve got so many questions, Galadriel in the books is incredible why make her so… shallow
ok, enough about Galadriel
let’s move on to other stupid things
Arondir (and some elves whose names I didn’t catch, they died too fast anyway) fighting the orcs in their camp (or whatever that was, I’m not sure I got it right)
the scene looks so unrealistic and physically impossible… ugh… I just can’t, it’s not even cool because the rings of power is not an anime, it’s supposed to be fantasy (probably dark fantasy in this case) series, that implies some magic, yes, but none of defying gravity and flying on the giant chains
then there was the tunnel that Arondir was investigating
that’s some of the horror film’s logic like « let’s go into a potentially dangerous place which is hard to get out of fast »
additional points for going alone
and when he tried to get deeper when he spotted enemies instead of going back the way he came
without knowing whether there is a way out
that might be my claustrophobia talking but I still believe it wasn’t the smartest move
and I don’t think this character is supposed to be stupid
those are the things that annoyed me the most
and I really try not to dive into the abyss of complaints about canon deviations (J. R. R. Tolkien’s works are very important to me personally, I spent my whole youth reading and rereading everything I could get my hands on, so yeah… I don’t want to speak about all this shit in the series now)
the story itself is barely there
4 (5th being watched while I edit the post) episodes in and nothing actually happened
and I don’t like where this is going (for a lot of reasons)
there is another thing which… surprised me
while watching the scene where Teo is hiding from orcs I found myself hoping they will find him
I really wanted them to
and this is when I realized that the problem is even bigger than I estimated
that has been the first time I actually rooted for orcs
I couldn’t find a single reason to empathize with Teo or any other positive character (aside from Durin, Disa and Nori with her family, those are fine), I didn’t want to see them happy or even alive, I didn’t want to hear their story
this has been the first time I wanted Sauron to actually succeed in his quest to conquer the world
and that must mean something
in conclusion, I can say that I didn’t have high expectations for these series to begin with (at least after the trailers, before that… talking about it is just going to make me sad) so I wasn’t too disappointed
it is exactly as bad as I thought it would be but now I can make a list of things that make it bad instead of just saying that it is
my sister made me watch it to see me suffer (she got what she wanted)
Upd.: the 5th episode was something
I’ve never heard anything more stupid than the explanation of the necessity of mithril for the elves (no spoilers my friends, I want you to hear it yourself)
someone must have been drunk or high when they came up with it
it was so terribly stupid I couldn’t even get angry
the rest of the episodes pales in comparison to this shit
I’m still rooting for orcs and whoever is leading them (I don’t care who this guy is, Sauron or someone else, I like his voice and overall vibe), haha
oh, and Númenóreans’ armor is probably made of cardboard or something like that, really, it looks so cheap and ugly, ugh
well, it probably won’t protect from anything but at least the soldiers won’t sink if they fall overboard heheh
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amtrak12 · 1 year
Lucifer Rewatch Liveblog: 1.05
I took my dog for a walk AND I ran OUTSIDE (which is much harder than on a treadmill) so I’m super tired and don’t know how coherent I’ll be. But I need a hyperfixation fix so let’s liveblog S1 ep 5 of Lucifer!
I have no fucking idea what episode this will be. Not the one where Maze meets Trixie because I know which ep that is. But could it be the ep where Dan meets Maze? :O
Let’s find out.
Oh I missed my blorbos over the past week. And I have a five day weekend thanks to holiday (today) and vacation (Monday and Tuesday) so lots of time for full Lucifer eps!
>>>   ... Okay I have a vague memory of a designer shoe episode.
>>>   "No sharp objects until we find out why." -- ROTFL Maze going full parent bodyguard mode there :P
>>>   Really it's so boring that "reflection of your desires" always means sex. And always Hollywood thin women sleeping/wanting to sleep with Lucifer. You are a show about the devil. BE GAYER! (And not just gayer sex. I mean gayer everything! Give me more diverse desires!!)
>>>  *snort* Dan always knows Lucifer's around before Chloe does.
>>>   Dan: You need to stop hanging out with Lucifer. Chloe: Already did. Dan: *points at Lucifer behind her* Nope.
>>>   Makes me giggle everytime lol
>>>   Still so foreign to me for them to have a lieutenant/boss. In later seasons, you'd think Chloe and Dan (and Ella) just ran the department by themselves
>>>   "I'll never get elected without support from the minority communities." -- Fairly certain that's never been obstacle before in becoming chief of police but okay.
>>>   "My job's gonna totally get me killed." -- No, siding with Lucifer during an angel war to be the next God will, though. Sorry.
>>>   Okay but I do adore that Chloe does in fact always drive. For the rest of the series. You know who didn't do that? Warehouse 13. And SUSPICIOUSLY Myka stopped driving when the show went from canon to those OOC and terrible videos written by fan wannabes. (And yes, I’m including S4 in there.)
>>>   LMFAO!!! THAT'S WHY SHE SLAPPED HIM??? I've seen it in fanvids and had no memory of its canon occurrence.
>>>   "So you want to feel new things?" *slap* - fucking hilarious. I'm dying.
>>>   Okay I'm pretty sure the pig dies. :( RIP Pig Diddy.
>>>   The only memory I have of a cop bar isin fanfic. But it was S1/early S2 era fanfic, so this is probably where the author pulled that from.
>>>   Anthony Paolucci? No, no, no. That's Jack from Prue's old auction firm. #Charmed
>>>   Is this the first time they said Malcolm Graham's name in the show? Does this mean we’re out of the character introduction stage and into the season plot stage? Always a good transition for a show.
>>>   (Like both stages are super important. I’m not knocking the character introductions. It’s also just really fun to watch the show leave the intros and start walking on its own two feet.)
>>>   "On behalf of myself and only myself, I think you're a sack of ass." *punch* -- He’s actually speaking for me too here. *shouts* Punch him harder, Lucifer!
>>>   Oh Maze sends Amenadiel over to Linda? Well, then she really only has herself to blame for them sleeping together in S3, doesn't she? lol :P
>>>   "I know Krav Maga!" -- LOL Okay Linda. I'm sure a bad guy would be real scared by you shouting that.
>>>   "I have a key." ... "Yeah, let me start over." -- Yeah maybe you should there, Amenadiel LOL God I love his early days of pretending to be human. He's so bad at it!
>>>   “Jealous of a mortal woman?" -- Maze, honey, you're jealous of a lot of people, so yeah probably.
>>>   Ugh, I was so close about this being the episode where Dan meets Maze. They bumped shoulders but alas, no more.
>>>   "Chloe is the mother of my child" -- I mean, she's also just Chloe who deserves not to get hurt/killed on her own merit but whatever. I'll blame the writers for that one.
>>>   "Quite condescending if you ask me." -- Yeah, me too, Lucifer.
>>>   "Act like a child, get treated like a child." / "Isn't it illegal to leave your child locked in a car?" -- ROTFL that was fantastic, both Chloe locking him in the car and Lucifer’s immediate follow up retort. Absolutely no hesitation from him. Love it.
>>>   Is that a granny square door curtain? What weight yarn did they use? Surely it had to be weight 3 or lighter, right? Weight 4 would be too heavy to hang in a doorway. It would stretch too much.
>>>   Yellow Viper -- Hold on the ending of this episode is coming back to me now.  Isn't he helping kids get out of the gang now? Or was there a double twist with him? It was something like that.
>>>   Yep. RIP Pig Diddy. :/
>>>   "They really don't make bad guys like they used to." -- He means that literally, Chloe. He’s had every bad guy (and every person who simply felt guilty for something) in Hell with him since the beginning of time.
>>>   "A fluid exchange." -- LMFAO Amenadiel, you really have no idea what words are coming out of your mouth, do you? ROTFL
>>>   "If there's one thing the Devil knows it's that people need to take responsibility for their own bad behavior." -- Yet another blatant statement of what the end game is.
>>>   "Yes, people do need to take responsibility for their own bad behavior." -- And that's the journey we take to get to the end game, and Lucifer not grasping Chloe’s implications there is why that’s the series journey.
>>>   OMG there was a parallel 'Chloe shoves Lucifer down and lies on top of him' scene to the S1 finale’s 'Chloe shoves Maze down and lies on top of her' scene?? I had no memory of that, but of course that was a parallel. Everything in this show is a parallel.
>>>   "Your bartender's a ninja? Of course, she is." / "Yeah." (casual and smiling)
>>>   "Ass saved. You're welcome -- his ass. Not yours." -- Just give it a few more months to a year, Maze. You'll be blowing up cars on Chloe's behalf.
>>>   GOD, they really do have some juicy Chloe/Lucifer conversations in S1, don't they? 'Addicted to creating chaos and seeing where the chips lay' -- which Lucifer obviously didn't like but he could laugh it off and then Chloe came for the jugular: "It's like you have a god complex." OOPH! That one hit Lucifer hard. That was both meaty and juicy. Delicious.
>>>   "I saw your Marine tattoo." and thus knew exactly what it meant. AND YET, neither you nor Lucifer noticed the scar being badly hidden by Pierce's Marine tattoo and so didn’t realize he was CAIN????
>>>   (admittedly, Chloe had no possible way of knowing that in S3, but I'm still blaming her and everyone else for Cain.)
>>>   I abhor Cain
>>>   THREE! Chloe has played Lucifer THREE separate times now and he still hasn't learned ROTFL. Like ‘oh yeah, I’m totally interested in having sex with you -- SIKE! and it gets him everytime!!! #dumdum
>>>   Also, good for her for leaving him there! lol
>>>   Maze is now stalking Chloe. Debates killing her. Imagines about 13 different ways she could do it without making a sound (and another dozen that are messier and rougher that would let Maze vent some of her anger) -- and then leaves without harming a hair on Chloe's head. God, I love Maze.
>>>   Also cool that that's the first time we get to see her demon face. I like her demon face a lot.
Good shit! Good shit! Good shit! S1 is way better than my first impression of it was. Like, it's still ranked fifth when ordering the six seasons by favorite. But it's fifth favorite now instead of second least liked!
Be prepared for more liveblogs over the next few days since I'm on a long weekend! Catch you next time!
0 notes
me-uglypretty · 2 years
OMFG I ACTUALLY LOST IT WHEN YOU SAID NICO IS A CHIHUAHUA CAUSE ITS SO TRUE (their parent energy is so fucking cute and definitely what keeps the group in line I LOVE THEM TOO!!!)
the parents piss me off so much it’s not even funny anymore and i know there’s still so much more messed up stuff i’m going to see from them ((definitely except tina minoru in a lgbtq+ way))
LESLIE IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST!!! the scaly-ness of him is nasty af and the fake-ness of how like pristine he is is unsettling. like what girl? you could legit have anyone else WAIT YOU HAVE A HUSBAND poor frank but also like screw him too
ANYWAYS i’ve only been able to watch the first episode of season two so here are my hot inputs (((you know like hot takes, but hot inputs since i’m input runaway anon? yeah, okay, moving on)))
okay so it wasn’t jonah who framed the kids, it was mr. wilder… what was this mans thinking smh, ooooh i do love how the parents have their own secret lair
mmmmmm i’m not feeling good about alex “teaming” up with his dad’s ex bestie
BAHAHAHAHAHA gert: “pretty white privilege for the win.” ugh i love gert, she’s the definition of girlboss ((((okay like all the gals are girlbosses, but gert’s the leader of girlbossing))))
okay, nvm i’m tolerating alex’s dad’s ex-bestie, making alex fix up that house for the money is giving major dad joke vibes
YUP IM SOBBING the little funeral they had for graciela was so beautiful, how others began to chop to add as offerings (((((not to mention the little pride flag, it’s the small things))))))
my heart is breaking! gert just needs to believe that she’s good enough for and deserves chase!!! i respect chase for not pushing anything atm but i also just want to shove them together myself and make them hug or kiss or something
oop karolina meeting up with her dad? i feel that’s gonna cause tension once the group finds out
i have lots of free time tomorrow and you can absolutely bet i’ll be spending it watching runways
so until then yours truly,
~ input runaway anon
THE PARENTS ARE SO MESSY that it make sense when some of them ended up being messy like Karolina baby what are you doing and Alex too but it's Alex so like uh what's next (also the whole frank + the religion thing is so messed up like that is a cult sir r u ok why do u wanna join a cult)
Strangers honouring someone they don’t even know??? And it’s people who barely have enough for their own self??? That scene was so heavy ((cause look at the parents who has everything and yet they’re so???))(((the pride flag made me emotional too)))
THE SECRET LAIR!!! They went from one expensive house to another (but it is so cool tho like really, I love the whole vibe). Also, Gert has the best comebacks/lines even in the comic!! SHE AND CHASE ARE THE ONLY HETERO COUPLE I GENUINELY SHIP. You haven't seen the length what their love makes them do (shit will hurt<3)
To end this in the daily word of DEANORU SWEET BABY GAYS. And the Old Lace moments warms my heart, plus Old Lace’s connection with Gert = protecting everyone close to Gert and I AM HERE FOR IT.
I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO BE SHOCKED BY THE NEXT EPISODES or not, tbh, sometimes it's like ah okay then AHHH THE GAYYSSS and DINOSAUR SO COOL, but that's just me.
Thank you for sharing your hot inputs, input runaway anon <3
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theoncomingchaos · 2 years
An Essay about Authentic Queer Narrative & Why SCOY deserves more credit
Looking through the tags, it’s obvious that a lot of people watch the first episode of SCOY, get a little freaked out and drop it or fast forward through parts because of “cringe”. However, I’d like to give some explanation as to why it is the way is and hopefully bring some appreciation to honestly one of the most authentically queer BL I’ve seen.
This essay addresses: (In this essay I will...ugh what am I doing with my life?) 
-Historical LGBT+ representation (BLs and Western media)
-The goal of SCOY and how each character represents important issues in the queer community. 
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First, it’s important to understand that the goal of this series is different than most bl. Most bl are aimed at fujoshi- they are written by straight women for straight women. This means that even though the main characters are two men, they are often living in heteronormative stories that follow straight expectations of love and romance. You can see the differences when comparing to series that were made by queer writers and beloved by queer audiences. Some classic examples that really started things off would be Queer as Folk and the movie But I’m a Cheerleader. 
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Saint, the founder and owner of Idol Factory, has said that his goal is to give voice to the LGBT+ community- even if that means not following the trends of what is popular among bls. Thus, SCOY and GAP. This would suggest that his primary audience isn’t necessary the fujoshi who are sometimes out to self insert into romances or watch for the sex scenes, it’s to help LGBT+ people see themselves and their issues on screen in a more authentic way, and honestly I believe he’s achieved that really well so far with Scoy. Even though the genre is very different, it actually like watching Queer as Folk. It’s nostalgic. While this may be difficult to believe- the parts people find “cringe” are a part of why this show comes off so authentic.
Time for a quick history lesson! Depending on the country, LGBT+ stories have a long history of being forced to exist only as subtext. The primary reason being that were anti-sodomy laws all over the world, so authors could get in serious trouble for writing them. However, queer authors of course wanted to tell their stories anyway, so they found ways to do it through symbolism and queer coding. This same strategy was used in Hollywood during the Hays Code where LGBT+ stories were very subtly inserted through masculine women and feminine men. This solidified stereotypes for a wide general audience, but these characters were also beloved by the queer audience because they could read the subtext and see their stories played out. When you don’t have options, crumbs start to look pretty tasty. 
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Eventually, more freedom was given and now we can see queer stories being played out in many countries in many different ways which is amazing, but when you look at series that are made by queer people for queer people, they still involve an element of campiness. Even in modern shows like “Our Flag Means Death.” 
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The reason is because that element is genuinely a part of the queer community, culture, and history. This is why bl aimed at fujoshi and written by straight people can never quite get it right because the life experience is just inherently different. When I watch SCOY, their little friend group reminds me of being a first year in college with my own little queer found family stuck together in in the conservative countryside. Yeah, we were loud and energetic, maybe a little crazy, but when I see Toh and his group acting like that, I’m reminded that despite how hopeless they feel about love and all the personal issues they are going through, they haven’t let adversity win, just like we didn’t. 
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Toh, Jao, and Daisy each show an important issue within the queer community that is often ignored by fantasy based bls and therefore gives real, authentic, representation to groups that need their voices heard. 
To begin, let’s start with our chaotic disaster of a hero. Many people have a big problem with Toh’s tendency to pick up Nuea’s trash. Yes, it’s gross, but it’s meant to emphasize how feminine men are often treated and looked at. Even in Western media, they are the funny/quirky sidekick or they are the token gay in straight shows because they are “safe” for straight audiences due to the fact that they are de-sexualized. They are never taken seriously or given genuine feelings. We could all imagine Toh in another series doing this as a running gag. Get a laugh, then move on to the real characters. The beauty of SCOY in Toh’s story is that it has allowed him to be who he is AND sexual.
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In Scoy, Toh does this collecting because he genuinely believes that someone like Nuea could never love him, so he does what many tumblr users do- he feeds his hyperfixation by collecting pictures, merch, and information about the man he is interested in. He’s happy enough to fan over him from afar. He’s not hurting Nuea or anyone else, he’s enjoying love the only way he thinks he can. Once Nuea is interested and eventually with him, he continues these habits because he believes it won’t last, and he wants something to hold onto after it’s over. Scoy uses traditional campiness and humor to make real issues more palatable. When you understand what is happening, the fact that Toh does these things should be more tragic than “cringy”. 
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Jao’s story shows the issues in the community with body image and I can’t help but remember the storylines in Queer as Folk where the boys went to the gym all the time because they felt pressured to be muscular in order to find sexual and romantic partners. For Jao, different cultures bring different expectations and the expectation placed on him is to be thin. While it isn’t said directly, Jao may very well be leaning towards developing an eating disorder. He is often giving away food and refusing to eat. Although he often plays it off as being cheeky or sweet, Sky clearly has noticed this problem, and thus is always offering him food, checking up on him, and making him healthy meals or taking him out to eat. 
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Often, we only hear about how the media puts pressure on women to look a certain way, but this is a big problem in the queer community as well, and it’s great to see more light being shed on it in comparison to the fantasy bls that actually contribute to these problems by only showcasing Adnois types and K-pop idol level beauties. 
Now, I have to admit, I haven’t read the novel, but it sounds like Daisy is either third gender or trans, and so far from her story we have seen how surprised and happy she is that Touch is actually trying to court her which shows us that despite her beauty this isn’t normal for her. Trans culture in Thailand seems very different from the Western world, but based on Daisy’s reaction, I can imagine there are some similarities like the challenges and uncertainties involved in finding a romantic partner that will love you for who you are and accept all of you. 
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In Western culture, many people outside of the LGBT+ community don’t know much about trans people or culture, and so they base what little they know off of media representation, and unfortunately up until recently almost all trans representation was trans murderers, trans murder victims, prostitutes, and scenes of trans people showing their body to their lovers only to have their lovers puke… Thankfully, that is starting to change, but progress is slow. This is all the more reason that it’s important to have characters like Daisy that are humanized. Her story will help others be more empathetic and understanding of real world issues, but also give hope to trans and nonbinary people who struggle with love. 
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While the beginning of this series can be difficult for some people to enjoy- particularly if their experience is primarily with the fantasy styled bls developed around heteronormative experiences and culture, I really hope people will give it a proper chance because it is such an authentic and loving narrative that clearly wants to give real representation to issues in the community that need a voice. Just relax and enjoy the comedy, yes it’s absurd, yes it’s camp, but keep in mind it’s meant to be a fun and easy vehicle to get at the heart of the issue. 
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thedoubteriswise · 4 years
okay so. I am a smart adult with many important responsibilities. I have good taste and care about things that matter. for this reason, I’ve been trying to identify where in cql canon wangxian manage to fuck.
because they definitely do; I like a good post-canon getting together fic as much as the next guy, but it’s just not realistic.
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allow them. it’s already been so long.
(just like this goddamn post turned out to be, let’s do a cut)
right. so initially it looks like you could place this right after the time skip in episode 33, because it shows us that wwx is with lwj in cloud recesses. we know that he spent the night in the jingshi because he wakes up there the next morning before he goes for a nostalgic tour of his old school.
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and also visits the cold spring, where lwj is mostly naked. nice.
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but wait! wwx is surprised by the scars on his back and chest. that seems like something he would have known about if they’d already been naked together the night before, so I’m going to say they did not fuck immediately upon wwx’s return to cloud recesses. okay, fine, they’re taking things slow, that’s cool.
maybe they could work it into the next night, then. oh wait, lqr is injured and... staying in the jingshi? for reasons?
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I don’t know why. he must have his own house in cloud recesses, and it’s probably at least as comfortable as lwj’s, but here he is. he lives to stop his nephew from getting laid, I guess.
the next day they do some Q&A with the kids and determine that they need to head to qinghe to figure out what’s going on with this sword thing. great! we love a romantic road trip, plenty of alone time. but they also have to do their jobs, and then jin ling needs to get rescued from a wall of dirt, and jc is unfortunately there being himself, and then they have to grill nhs about his tomb full of angry sabers, etc. etc.
with all that going on, their next obvious chance is at the inn immediately after interviewing nhs. this evening has already included:
wwx gazing lovingly at lwj from afar
lwj carrying wwx on his back
lwj pawing at wwx’s robes trying to deal with his cursed leg
lwj helping wwx up the stairs, serving him wine, fixing his flute, and generally being at his beck and call
a very sexy and homoerotic duet
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and now they’re alone and drooling over each other as usual. this seems like a plausible spot, right?
it does! but no. after they go back to the nie basement o’ swords and hear the backstory on nmj’s death, we see them walking in yueyang and lwj asks wwx how the curse mark on his leg is doing. wwx says it’s almost healed, which may or may not be a lie, but his inner monologue says:
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he’s more concerned about the wound on his arm from the sacrificing curse, which lwj doesn’t know about, because wwx won’t tell him and they still haven’t been naked together.
also, this silly teenage shit doesn’t make much sense unless they’re still dancing around each other.
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you guys love the sound of opportunities as they go flying past, don’t you?
right after this, lwj gets drunk. I’m aware that Stuff Happens in the novel scene that inspired this bit, and they do incorporate some of that into the show by having lwj commit petty larceny and admit that he “likes rabbits” as part of the softest and most loving conversation in human history oh my god
but lwj goes to sleep right on time, and the next morning, wwx is laughing and reassuring him that nothing happened.
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after this, it’s time to go on a fucked up field trip with the kids in yi city, so they don’t really have any time alone for a few episodes until they’ve finished that and everyone is back at yet another inn. I wonder if they learned something about wasted chances and poor communication from this miserable songxiao story?
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maybe! look, they’re being cute and domestic. there are currently no material barriers preventing them from having sex, nor will there be any specific evidence later on proving that they didn’t.
but they’re still firmly in mystery-solving mode and the juniors and lxc are floating around. the vibe isn’t quite there. if I were to pick the most solid reason why I think they’re saving room for jesus at this point, it would be the tension that happens when wwx again asks how lwj recognized him. lwj asks why his memory is so bad, and wwx replies that he wishes he had a bad memory. even though they’re comfortable and happy being together, there’s still some fundamental distance remaining. there’s no sense of romantic resolution. that was actually a point against all their previous opportunities as well; they’re all very sweet, but none of these feel like the place in a story where the romantic leads Officially Get Together.
okay, off to koi tower! shit is getting extremely real. everyone’s busy insinuating that they recognize wwx, but no one is saying it explicitly. wwx isn’t supposed to be here. the guy he’s pretending to be also isn’t supposed to be here. he and his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s brother are trying to figure out if his boyfriend’s brother’s boyfriend is a murderer. no one is comfortable and the political intrigue leaves no time for fucking in front of anyone’s salad.
I guess there’s plenty of time to make dozens of armed guards and like half the people they know wait while they have a romantic moment, though.
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could they be more in love? And that sure feels like a romantic resolution that might be followed by narratively-earned sex.
ah. no, unfortunately wwx gets stabbed again. this certainly sucks, but it does have the helpful consequence of making lwj take him back to cloud recesses, where they are mostly alone and as safe as they can be in the circumstances. now there’s even more tenderness and also some plot-justified touching and skin exposure. plus, lwj just made a very public declaration of love.
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too bad wwx has probably been unconscious since he started coughing up blood in the forest near lanling. he’s also still visibly in pain. fresh abdominal wounds tend to kill the mood.
but hey, the injuries on this show are only as serious as they need to be to move the plot forward and facilitate gentle h/c scenes, so by evening he’s looking perfectly healthy and walking around under his own steam like nothing’s wrong. I guess that problem can be ignored moving forward.
lxc then offers the the most devastating highlights of lwj’s backstory, like, all at once. it’s nice that he includes a flute solo to give wwx a second to process this mountain of terrible information. what the fuck.
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there he is! the most devoted man in the whole world! turns out they can actually be more in love after all.
and then the following scene... look, I’m lazy and I don’t know how to make gifs, but screenshots cannot properly convey how good it is. you all know. the hesitant way wwx approaches, the slow and gentle piano version of wangxian, the two of them watching the snow together, it’s. ugh.
remember how I was talking about how the last scene with no material barriers was an unlikely candidate because of the lack of romantic resolution?
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well, here’s wwx still being cagey at the beginning of this conversation.
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and here they are in the middle of this conversation, having some epiphanies about the course of wwx’s life - I love this shot for a lot of reasons, but I extra love it because it shows wwx out in the snow, with lwj as the safety and warmth waiting behind him, god this show goes hard, holy shit
they both recall their vow to live with a clean conscience and internally say some very corny things about each other because they are both So Much, and then,
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ah, what the hell. he can say it out loud after all. romantic resolution accomplished.
and then the camera slowly pulls away as wuji plays.
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a slow zoom out? swelling music? listen, I am a connoisseur, I know a tasteful fade-to-black indicating a sex scene that won’t happen on camera when I see one. at last, we have a winner!
now you may think this post is finally over, but I actually have one more piece of evidence for you - the next scene shows the two of them the morning after, meditating behind a screen in the hanshi while lxc is waiting for jgy to show up.
before wwx got de-cored, he was a pretty powerful cultivator, right? the chances that he’s just bad at meditating or that he can’t stay focused on this task seem slim to me. so why does he keep falling asleep?
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well. he had kind of a late night.
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din-djarins-riduur · 2 years
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The Book of Boba Fett | Thoughts Pt. VII
Gif 1 : by @humanveil
Gif 2 : by @trashcora
Gif 3 : by @bobafettdaily
Kandosii ! That was so fun to watch ! It honestly breaks my heart how a lot of people didn’t like this show. Though it did have some flaws, overall, I would say this show is a 9/10. It felt a bit rushed in some moments, but what else could you do with only seven episodes ? I think they did fine with about one hour long episodes. For me at least, we got the perfect amount of fleshing out for Boba’s character and I know that this isn’t the last that we’ll see of him. Him and Din are vode now. Nothing can ever separate that bond. They’re aliit.
I loved this episode. It was full of action and kept you at the edge of your seat. I loved the environment, the sets and the amount of people they actually used to film. They didn’t just stick with Boba’s palace team, but also used civilians and the people of Freetown. I appreciated how much detail went into the costumes, the make up and the overall whole look and atmosphere of Mos Espa. They really brought so much more life to it and for once I don’t see Tatooine as just a sand pit. It has people who love living there and who want to see better things for it. It’s not just a planet for scum and villainy.
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I also loved seeing Boba and Din working together. Of course, I’ve never seen them as enemies, but they come from the same culture in a way even if it’s a little different. It’s like a Mexican and a Chicano meeting together, sharing the same culture and beliefs, but also growing up in very different places. (I’m Mexican-American myself so that’s why I used the comparison) It was beautiful seeing them fight together and even helping one another up and shielding the other. As a fan of the Republic Commando books this was also very satisfying to see. In the Clone Wars, we only ever saw the Death Watch. And in Mandalorian we met a cult of Mandalorians with intense beliefs and rules. Here though, we really get to see what Mandalorians are truly about: helping a brother in need and fighting together to protect family and territory. When I saw these two fly in together I couldn’t help but see Walon Vau and Kal Skirata from the Republic Commando series. It was beautiful honestly.
Other parts that I loved :
• The stand off between Cad and Boba was so satisfying. I loved how Boba’s past insecurities showed up for a moment, saying he was no longer a little boy. And I loved how heated he got when Cad insulted Jango. I love that that’s never gone away from his character. Boba loved his father fiercely and protecting his buir’s honor is the most Mandalorian thing I’ve ever seen.
• The reunion between Grogu and Din was honestly the most gut wrenching thing I’ve ever seen. The way Grogu flew into Din’s arms and the way Din struggled to speak and cried made me so happy to see them together. Those two deserve one another and I don’t see it at all as Disney needing Grogu to stay for merchandizing. Mandalorians are a loyal to one another and cherish family and the relationship between Grogu and Din shows that.
• Lastly, I’d like to say the scene with Grogu and the rancor made me tear up. Idk it just made me gush with so much pride seeing how far he’s come, no longer being scared to use the Force. For so long he’s had to hide it, but Luke showed him that it’s okay. Grogu’s confidence in himself with the Force has grown so much and I’m so proud of my little green son. I can’t wait to see him learn more skills in his own time.
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Ugh can we please live in a world where men dress like this instead of t-shirts and shorts bahahaha
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
i cannot stop thinking about tma hell's kitchen au
(@f0xesand0wls thank you for enabling me)
- elias is the head chef, and peter and gertrude are his sous chefs. there are 20 total chefs in the competition: red team: jon, tim, georgie, daisy, naomi, agnes, gerry, jordan, helen/michael, oliver blue team: martin, sasha, melanie, basira, mike, jude, julia, jared, jane, manuela
- the black jackets are jon, martin, tim, sasha, georgie, and melanie, and the finalists are jon and martin. the winner is probably martin, but it doesn't really matter, because the actual plot of this is a jonmartin rivals-to-friends-to-lovers slowburn
- annabelle is the one who puts all of the film and audio together at the end. jmart watch the show once it's put on television and go 'what the fuck i didn't say any of that' because that's how reality tv is babey
- martin is one of those chefs who does poorly at the beginning but gets better and ends up in the final two. even though he's not on the same team as jon, jon is like 'this guy sucks' and maybe martin messes something up for jon early on and jon decides he does not like martin.
- jon is so nervous that he's going to screw up and get sent home early (he doesn't have formal culinary training and feels deeply underqualified) so he's very stiff and overly professional at the beginning. he relaxes over time as he becomes more confident in his own cooking and as he does well at challenges and dinner services.
- somewhere around chapter/episode 5, martin tells jon that he doesn't have any formal culinary training and that he said he did in order to get into the restaurant job he had prior to coming on the show. he's been cooking for his mother since he was ten though, and jon surprises himself by saying that that's a lot more impressive than studying technique in france or something. that's the catalyst of their transition from rivals into friends
- somewhere around episode 8, jude (who got switched to the red team a few episodes prior) gets eliminated, but on the dinner service before she does, there's an incident in the kitchen and jon's hand gets burnt pretty badly (not so badly that he has to go home, and he fights through the rest of dinner service because of course he does). he insists he doesn't have to go to the hospital for it, and elias reluctantly agrees and has the medic look at it. in the dorms later, martin helps jon unwrap it and put more burn cream on it and change the bandages and... yeah <3
- daisy and jon do not get along at first, and daisy actually tries to sabotage jon early in the season/fic. jon nearly gets eliminated because of it and he is not happy. then, a good few episodes later, the red team wins a challenge and they go on some sort of outdoorsy award and something happens and jon saves daisy from getting seriously injured. they're on better terms after that.
- when jon, tim, sasha, martin, melanie, and georgie get black jackets, elias (like every actual season of hell's kitchen) brings their family members/friends in for them to see. jon gets his grandmother, tim his brother, sasha her mother, georgie her best friend alex, and melanie some of her ghosthunt uk (the restaurant) friends. the only person martin has is his mother, and they tell him that she was too sick to come, but he can't shake the feeling that she just didn't want to. she didn't even agree to make him a video. it's a very awkward affair, and after the challenge (which tim wins) jon stands by martin while they're... idk, peeling 200 pounds of potatoes or something and they talk about it and they talk about a lot of their personal lives. for most of the competition, they're very aware that they're on camera at all times, but jon decides that being there for martin is more important than worrying about that.
- jon wins the next black jacket challenge and, when asked who he wants to invite on the reward, invites martin. they get to go wine tasting in a beautiful vinyard together and then they get some time to sit in the vinyard and just relax. martin probably realized he had a crush on jon around... episode/chapter 8? pretty soon after his admission that he doesn't have formal training. this episode is when jon realizes that he has a crush on martin, and the wine tasting suddenly seems very romantic and he gets very flustered. martin just thinks he's getting nervous since they're getting closer to the end of the competition.
- it's martin and jon in the finals. martin has tim, melanie, basira, and agnes on his bridage and jon has sasha, georgie, daisy, and gerry. in the middle of the entrees, something goes very wrong in martin's kitchen (not because of martin, because agnes burns like... ten racks of lamb or something ridiculous like that) and it looks like martin might not even be able to finish and he's freaking out just a little bit, so jon does something incredibly stupid and tells sasha to take charge of the kitchen for a moment and goes over into the other kitchen and pulls martin aside and takes martin's hands in his and is like 'it's okay, you're okay, everything's going to be okay. you're extremely talented and an amazing chef and an amazing person and i love you and this is not your fault and you're going to go back out there and get things back on track.'
jon goes back to his kitchen, elias yelling at him the whole way, and martin kicks agnes out and gets his kitchen back under control and they have no other issues that night. and martin's brain completely skips over the 'i love you' until the end of service, when the adrenaline wears off and they start to clear down and jon gives him this smile and suddenly martin remembers and he's like 'oh fuck'
but jon doesn't say anything about it so martin assumes he hadn't meant to say it, because of course he didn't, because they're competing for a job and $250,000 and he probably just heard jon wrong or something. jon probably said 'i love your cooking' and martin's just being stupid and letting his crush get away from him. so they both go back and sit in the dorms and wait for elias to call them up to his office. meanwhile, jon also remembers that he accidentally let i love you slip and he's having a bit of a crisis about it because on the one hand he meant it, but on the other hand he should not have said it then and martin hasn't said anything, so maybe he didn't even hear.
still, martin needs to thank jon. so he's eventually like 'thank you for what you did back there. i don't think i would have made it through service without what you said.' then, after a moment, because it is a competition: 'why did you help me? you could have let me drown and you'd have a secure win'
and jon just shrugs and says, 'because you needed help, and i... i care about you. i didn't want to see you fail. you are a good chef, martin, and i... i know you deserve this job just as much as me. you can go work at elias's restaurant and i can go back to mine and... and that'll be okay, if that's what happens'
and martin realizes suddenly that jon lives across the country from him normally and he doesn't know if he'll be able to see jon after this (chefs are busy people, after all, not a lot of time for family and such) and before he can really think about it he's like 'i wouldn't be okay with that' and then when jon just looks at him he clarifies, 'i... i don't want to just go back to living in [washington?], working all day and coming home to an empty apartment, and you'll go back to [new york?] and i... will i even see you again? because it's been so nice, being here, being with you, and i want to see you again, jon. every day.' he hesitates a moment, then decides fuck it, if i'm wrong, at least i'll only be embarrassed for a little while longer and says, 'what you said during service. did you mean it?'
and jon, tentatively, is like, 'that you're a good chef? yes, martin, i meant it, of course i did' and martin's like 'no, the... the other thing you said. right in the middle of it all. i- i don't know if i heard you right, and i just... i need to know if you meant it'
and it would be easy for jon to say no, to pretend like he didn't. but instead, he sits next to martin on the couch and takes martin's hand in his and nods and says, 'i... i've meant it for quite some time, i think' and he smiles at martin, a little bit shy, and martin's overwhelmed with affection and he reaches for jon's face, leans forward, and--
and the phone rings. unfortunately. because elias made a decision
- martin's door opens and jon's doesn't. jon thinks he should feel crushed, and he does feel disappointed, but mostly he's just so, so happy for martin. martin is stunned, and tim and sasha and georgie and melanie and basira and daisy are waiting for him below to congratulate him. martin's stuck in a round of thank yous when he turns and sees jon, who's run down the stairs to join the celebration and is looking at martin with those same eyes he would get when he was determined to win a challenge or finish a dish that needed two more minutes in one minute. and then jon just hugs martin, so tightly martin can barely breathe, and he mumbles into martin's neck, 'i would very much like to kiss you, but i very much do not want our first kiss to be on national television' and martin laughs and hugs jon tightly in return and mumbles back, 'i love you too, jon. just in case it wasn't obvious' and even though jon just lost, he's never been happier
- (they watch the show when it comes out together half a year later, in the little bit of free time they have around running their own respective restaurants, and they spend the whole time picking it apart
jon: okay i did not say that, where did they even get that from??
martin: god do i really look like that from behind...
jon: oh christ. martin, i- i think they thought i wanted to have sex with you. ugh, they've put on weird romantic music. red lighting. i hate this. i clearly did not--no, martin, don't give me that look, you know what i mean.
martin: wow, this makes us look like terrible chefs
and, at the end:
jon: christ, of course they were recording us in the dorms after the last service. this is a cooking competition, not a romance.
martin: eh, it was a bit of a romance.
jon: hush, i'm trying to watch. they're about to announce the winner. i don't have much hope for this chef martin; after all, he did burn that risotto back in episode 2--
martin, trying not to laugh while he glares at jon: oh my god jon let it go)
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