#we could even get little peaks of reality before the big reveal of whats actually happening
soups-archive · 6 months
Im in love with the implications of tape 1 of Roier's lore because he either:
1) Was legitimately turned into a rat by the federation, which, beyond the goofy fucking model, is genuinely frightening body horror that I think roier (the guy not the cubito) has the full capacity to explore knowing his rp abilities.
2) He was hallucinating getting turned into a rat because of all the drugs he the feds are pumping him with. This comes with the extra terrifying implication that the feds ARE actually experimenting on him, but what they're actually doing to him is being obscured by the effects of the drugs.
Either way it's fucking horrific and I love it. I can't wait to see what he has planned next.
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outivv · 1 year
— Sneaking in —
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Synopsis: sneaking into their dorms!! For… different reasons that barely correlate to actually sneaking in :’)
Warnings: Idia being sick lol, not proofread
Characters: Sebek, azul, jamil, rook, and Idia
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello!! I know I have a lot of requests to finish but I couldn’t focus with this idea in my head :’). So!! I’m quickly writing this then back to requests >:O. I’ve been posting a lot of twst recently, so I do apologize for the people who follow me strictly for genshin content, I do hope you’re hanging in there OAVEJEG anyway, hope you enjoy!! And take care of yourself!!
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— Sebek —
You carefully snuck through the diasomnia form hallways, the creaking of the floorboards were the only thing that could give you away. That or the loud opening of sebeks door, and his head peaking out, with a large comical scowl, and frown on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but thought against it as Lilia’s room was right across from his own, and he didn’t want to wake Lilia of all people. So he grabbed your arm, and hurried you inside his room.
“You were so loud I could hear you open the front door.” Sebek said his hand sliding down your arm, to carefully grab intertwine his hand with your own. “Nuh uh!! I was super careful!!” You protested. He scowled even harder, but despite that he was somehow very… docile this evening. He caught himself before shouting, he’s very gentle with his hold on your hand, he even asked you to sneak into his dorm, even though the curfew is 10pm and it’s currently 11pm, which all give the vibe that he’s not quite his usual self tonight.
“Sebek? Are you ok?” You squeeze his hand, which is still holding your own. He hums in response, his demeanor very… shy, and even embarrassed. You laugh a little, at how your big, half fae crocodile, loud, boyfriend is acting all… shy. It’s cute, you wouldn’t tell him that, but you know… he’s cute!! “I know you didn’t ask me to sneak in here without a reason.” You say, grabbing his other hand. He mumbles something completely incoherent as a response. “What was that?” You tease, even if it was a genuine question.
“I said… I just missed you.” His pointy ears turn pink, as his eyes meet your own. Ahh, now this makes more sense. Of course with the overblotting, and events, and etc etc, Malleus has been busy, which by extension means Sebek has been busy. Barely has any time to see you even, and he hates that, even if he doesn’t want to admit it because while he isn’t with you, he’s doing his duty and protecting Malleus. But, he can’t help himself, he misses you. You sigh, “alright c’mere.” You say, dragging him over to his bed, and laying down with him, beginning to talk about mindless things like you usually do.
— Azul —
“Thank you jade.” You say politely, as jade closes, and locks the mostro lounge doors again. “Of course.” You look over the massive box you’re holding, to try and make your way towards azul’s office. Getting close to the doors you can hear Floyd doing his agreed upon job, and distracting Azul so he’d stay in his office longer than usual. You creak open the door, and neither Floyd nor Azul could see you over the again, very very large box you were carrying.
Floyd rushes over to help place said box on the coffee table in the middle of the office. “Delivery forrrrrr… the prettiest boy in the world!! A-k-a the birthday boy!!” You say with a cheeky smile, thankfully for Azul Floyd has already left the room, saving him from the embarrassment. Well… you can’t really save completely, his face already turning red, as he bites down on his lip to stop himself from smiling. “What are you doing? I thought we were going out for dinner.” Azul says as he walks over to where you’re standing by your box.
“Well, maybe that was a lie to get you to think we were doing that when in reality…” you proceed to open said box, lifting it up to reveal a beautifully decorated cake. “We’re having cake for dinner!!” Azul think over how… unhealthy that is, but before he can get worked up ok how own thoughts you’re already sitting him down and lighting his candles. “You really got jade and Floyd in on this to help you sneak in?” Azul questioned, intertwining his pinky with yours. “Of course, as long as I give them some cake”
— Jamil —
“What are you doing?” Jamil asks as he suddenly appears right behind you. You jump away from your spot peering around the corner, your hands find their way to grasp the over the shoulder bag you were carrying. They have very valuable goods in I’ll have you know!! “uhhhhhhhhhhhh sneaking… into… your dorm?” You say it like a question. Jamil quirks an eyebrow, “really?” “Yes really!! That’s what I was doing before… you caught me” your demeanor goes to shy, and embarrassed real fast, which jamil chickened at a bit.
“You know you could have just… used the front door.” Jamil comments. You sigh, resting your hand ok your hip, and tsk at his naivety, “now now jamil. You know it’s less fun that way. Plus I wanted to surprise you!!” He crosses his arms, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, “oh? And why would that be?” Your face flushes as you suddenly remember why you came here.
“Well… I uh-“ you open up the bag you had with you, and carefully pull out a small bouquet you had with you “I actually wanted to give you this!!” You hold it out in front of you, a bright and almost innocent smile spreading on your face as you outstretched your arms. Jamil carefully holds the bouquet, looking at it confused, he’s never gotten such a thing from someone… what exactly does this mean? Do you feel the same way for him? Or is it a… friendly gesture amongst friendly friends for friends. He’s not sure. The more he stares at your gift the more your face reddens. “If… you don’t like it that’s fine, I know it’s not really a uh… what’s the word… hmm… practical? Gift?” Jamil now looks up from the flowers “No no it’s just… never mind, thank you. I appreciate it.”
— Rook —
You casually walked through the halls of Pomefiore, you were just gonna meet up with epel for some studying!! Nothing more!! And yet… “ah Mon cherie!! Were you trying to surprise me with your presence?” Rook said as he quickly revealed himself behind the corner, a sharp smile on his face. You step back and scream, obviously surprised by his appearance, rightfully so too!! “Holy sh- rook?!”
He tilts his head, and fully steps away from the corner, walking towards you, and taking your hand in his to kiss it tenderly. Your face bursts into a fit of blush, but also still shock from him startling you, “hey!! No flattery.” Rook looks at you, still with that same sharp close mouthed smile, “Hm, I do apologize for scaring you, but I just couldn’t help myself”
Rook leans against the wall next to him, “I thought you were sneaking up on me, oh how scary that would be” he fakes being dramatic, for a little added flair. “No, I’m just going to study with epel.” You tilt your head, clearly confused. “Oh now you’re even choosing epel over me, oh my!!” “What do you mean??” You respond, very clearly confused on how he keeps pulling random scenarios out of thin air “oh I can’t believe my beloved dear, is hanging out with someone other than me in my own dorm!!” You sigh and start walking to epel’s room, with rook still tailing behind you like a dramatic puppy. God this study session is gonna be obnoxious.
— Idia —
The ignihyde halls are usually very empty, as the echos of your footsteps are played over and over again. There’s not many students in ignihyde, and the ones that are here typically find themselves in their room, or on campus. Either way, meant you got to sneak into the dorms easily, well… after you notified ortho before hand (ortho is ignihyde equivalent of Cerberus prove me wrong).
Now, all you had to do was… not startle Idia, should be easy enough. You knocked on his door, and slowly opened it after hearing him groan. Upon entering you saw him huddled in a blanket, his face illuminated by the screen of his pc, and screen. “Hey.” You say, and you can hear a little squeak, and see him jump a bit in his chair. “What… are you doing here?” Idia says turning around, with a sniffle. You shrugs and say, “well I thought I should cheer you up.” You hold up a bag you were carrying, “I brought candy, that new game you’ve been wanting, and I even brought a copy for myself and my console. Oh and more tissues and medicine, cause you look all… drippy.
It’s funny how whenever Idia gets sick, it’s ortho who calls you for help. Idia was miserable this whole day so far, until you snuck in, and decided to take care of him. Idia, snuggles again, the tops of his hair turning a bright shade of pink, “thanks…” he mumbles, he is truly thankful for everything!! He just… god you make him so nervous, and so happy all at once. You walk over and hand him the box of tissues, “of course. Anytime.”
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
hi! prompts 16 and 27, if that's alright with you? thank you so much!
♡ Hi! Thanks for sending in this request. As for a summary, let's just say that there's nothing like summer in the city. Bucky and the reader decide to leave Brooklyn for a night out in Manhattan and have a mini hotel staycation. I hope you enjoy!
♡ Prompt 16: “You’re not good at pretending to be asleep.”
♡ Prompt 27: “What do you want for breakfast, grumpy.”
♡ To make a request for my One Month Tumblr-versary, check out my Fluffy Prompt List :)
As Long as It's With You
It had been an hour since night had fallen over Times Square. In the midst of the crowds, chatter, and array LED screens, you and Bucky sat at a small red table with a basket of fries between you. You remembered the words he spoke to you earlier that evening, let’s go be tourists for the night. It was a last minute suggestion, one you almost made the mistake of turning down. But because it was the weekend and there was a sparkle in his eyes, you figured why not? That’s how the two of you found yourselves in a cab from Brooklyn to the heart of Manhattan with overnight bags in the trunk. He managed to book a room in a hotel on 8th Avenue.
As the energetic atmosphere encamped you, you were glad you came. As hectic as it was, the familiar charm is what always managed to draw you back. There was always something new to experience, and an abundance of interesting people to watch. When Bucky took a break from eating to look around, you admired the way his face was illuminated by the lights. Not too far away, a man was playing a smooth melody on the saxophone. It flowed up into the air and mixed with the symphony of voices and laughter.
Upon meeting your gaze once again, Bucky smiled and told you that he loved you. When you told him that you loved him more, he shook his head but didn’t say anything. There was just an intensity to his gaze that suggested you didn’t know half of how highly he thought of and valued you. Everything within you wanted to melt in gratitude for the pathways that had led him to you. Out of everyone and everything, he was one of the good ones.
The moment he rested his hand face up on the table for you, you grasped it. It was warm. Times Square seemed to still as he started brushing his thumb over the back of your hand. There was something different about his touch that night, more reverent. And it remained that way even as the two of you arrived back at the hotel. In the elevator, he cupped your chin and kissed you as if you were a treasure. You didn’t mind being one if it meant being admired by him time after time again.
The room was small, and the accent wall behind the bed was a beautiful cobalt blue with the phrase ‘Lights Out Please’ printed across it in big letters. Everything was still tidy because all you and Bucky had done was drop off your bags before venturing back out. The scent of the fresh sheets lingered in the air with a pleasant undertone of lemongrass. You allowed yourself to fall back onto the bed with a sigh. Light from the city skyline helped illuminate the room along with the lamps Bucky had clicked on.
“Tired?” He eyed you.
You sat back up to the sight of him toeing off his shoes, and smiled when he stumbled a bit. “Only a little.”
“We can go ahead and get ready for bed.” He started undoing the buttons on his black shirt. “We don’t have to go to sleep—maybe we’ll be able to find something on TV.”
“Even though hotel TV channels are always wonky,” you noted.
Upon reaching the last button, his shirt split open to reveal his chest and stomach. There was a dusting of hair over his pecs and a line of it trailing down from his belly button.
“Fingers crossed then,” he said.
“Yeah... hey, Buck?” He raised his brows in encouragement for you to continue. “That’s a good look on you.”
He looked down at his torso and the parted halves of his shirt. “Yeah?”
“Mhmm. You look handsome.” You crossed the room to meet him, and he smiled when you pressed your lips to his.
“Thank you.” He quietly spoke those words against your lips. “You already know that you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. At least in my eyes, you are. Always gonna be that way.”
Bucky was the first to stir the following morning, only moments before you. Your back was turned towards him and you heard the sheets ruffling as he stretched, quiet grunts escaping him. When his foot grazed your calf, you thought it was unintentional at first. But then he draped his whole leg overtop of yours, his leg hair tickling your skin. The two of you laid in that comfortable silence for a while, aware of the other, but feeling no immediate urge to engage yet. Based on the amount of sunlight slipping in from around curtains' perimeters, you could tell the room looked out east towards where the sun had risen.
Eventually, you felt Bucky scoot closer to you so that the front of his body was against your back. You basked in his pleasant warmth and the feeling of his soft exhales gracing your neck. He was the first one to speak, his voice joining the distant sound of car engines humming from the streets below. “G’morning,” he said, kissing your nape.
You responded in your head, but remained quiet in reality, eyes slipping back shut in content. Bucky peaked over you to get a look at your face, because he could’ve sworn you were awake. But finding that your eyes weren’t open made him conclude otherwise. When he settled back into his previous position, he pressed more gentle kisses to your neck in hopes of rousing you. Not knowing you were awake.
You were messing with him at that point, purposely ignoring him. But when Bucky’s flesh hand started to caress different parts of your body, it became harder for you to suppress the reactions that someone who was actually sleeping wouldn’t have had. He didn’t call you out upfront when he caught on. He waited until a small sound rose from the back of your throat at the feeling of his fingertips trailing over your thigh beneath the sheets.
Bucky’s voice was deeper and had a slight rasp when he spoke. “You’re not good at pretending to be asleep, pretty girl.”
After a beat, you finally rolled over to face him, and he scooted back to give you more space. His hair was disheveled and the skin around his gorgeous steel eyes was the slightest bit puffy. The lazy little smirk on his face made your stomach flutter.
“You have to admit, though, I had you for a second,” you said, voice soft and hopeful. A tad sleep ridden.
“No you didn’t.” He tried to keep his smile from growing wider.
“Doll?” You mimicked his rousing attempt from earlier.
"Okay, maybe you had me for a second," he admitted. "But that's all."
That response prompted you to pull the sheets over your head with a fake grumble of disappointment, making him laugh. It was so easy for the two of you to be playful with each other. Especially on a morning like that when you woke up in a different borough with no obligations. All there was to do was enjoy each other's company.
He tried to pull them down but your grip remained firm. "C'mon, lemme see you," he drawled.
You heard him shifting. "How about food—you hungry?" His hand squeezed your leg. "What do you want for breakfast, grumpy? We can go anywhere you wanna go."
You didn't say anything, so he continued talking. "Westway Diner's a block or two over I think. I know you like it there. And we don't have to check out till noon, so we've got time," he said. "You wanna hop in the shower with me?"
Bucky was smiling when you lowered the sheets from your face. "Yes," you answered.
"Which part are you saying yes to?"
"Everything. Being hungry, the diner, the shower… everything. As long as it's with you, I'm game."
Previously fulfilled request: “No Such Thing as Winning By Default Tonight”
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years
The Two of Us. pt 4
Author’s note; Sorry guys for being so inconsistent about posting guys! i promise i’ll do better but i was kinda distracted with a dina fic i’m writing🧍🏽‍♀️anyways this is the end, i hope you guys enjoy it! also i know this feels slightly rushed so i’m sorry for that :/
endgame pairings: ellie williams x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, marijuana, violence, ect.
ps: i’m still learning how to use tumblr when it comes to replying and doing other stuff so please give me time 😭
“I knew i’d find ya’ here,” Joel’s voice was oddly gruff but soft at the same time. He was loud enough for you to hear, even from the different distances. It was nice hearing his voice. You heard the rocks under his feet crunch together, making noise as he got closer and closer to your hiding spot. You were hiding in the tree house that was built into a large tree. The tree house was small but big enough for you, even though you built it when you were younger. It was surprisingly stable.
You didn’t say anything, and just stayed where you were. Hopefully he would think that you weren’t in here if you weren’t responding to him. “Kiddo, get down from there and talk to me. I ain’t gonna leave, so you can’t hide from me.”
You sighed quietly, and crawled towards the door- which in reality was just an old blanket that covered the entrance. You hated how noble Joel was. Your head peaked through the fabric. “Did Maria send you? Tell her i’m okay, i’m just sick.”
“Actually, i came here on my own. I’ve just… Noticed the changes between you and Ellie these past few days… I think if you could just talk to her-“
“Joel, this won’t get fixed by just talking. I fucked up this time.”
“What did you do…?” Joel questioned curiously. You looked away and decided to stay quiet as you clenched your jaw. Joel looked down at the ground awkwardly, noticing the look on your face. “I know y’all kids think i don’t know anything… But i’m not dumb. People talk… I’m just waiting for her to tell me so… whatever it is, i can guarantee that i won’t judge.” 
You bit your lip, and decided it would be better to talk to him. It was a little awkward when you first met but after continuously talking to him and hanging with him really changed that. He was one of the many people you were grateful for. You gave him a small smile. “I would invite you up but you’re kinda…”
“What? Too old? I’ll have ya’ know that i’m in the prime of my life.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to hide your laugh. “Fat. I meant fat, you would break the tree house.” You were joking, it wasn’t anything serious and he knew that.
“Oh yeah?”
He hummed, giving you a mischievous smile. He then moved towards the tree, and started to slowly climb up the ladder without any hesitation. You retreated back to the spot you were in, and watched as Joel struggled to get in quietly. He then sat across from you. He was curious about the inside- it didn’t look as abandoned as he thought he would be. “Cozy,”
You laughed. “Thanks, i guess you never been up here, huh? You should’ve seen it when me and Ellie put fairy lights up…” Joel stayed quiet for a moment. You brought your knees up to your chest and let out a quiet sigh. “You know, she’d say something dumb like, ‘it’s Ellie and I’ or something.”
Joel felt like patting you on the back and saying ‘it would be okay’ but that wasn’t what you needed right now. You needed someone to talk to. He needed to be that person for you because of how much he cared about you and Ellie. “What happened?”
“You won’t judge me?” Your voice cracked at the question, and he could tell you were scared. He shook his head in response which made you feel slightly better. You covered your eyes with your hands in frustration. “Ellie found out that i… Have feelings for her.” Your voice was quiet, and he almost didn’t hear you.
He was quiet for what seemed like forever but in reality it was only a couple of seconds. “…And does she like you back?” He questioned in the softest way possible. You removed your hands from your eyes and decided to look at him.
“If she did we wouldn’t be up here…” You replied awkwardly.
“So… You two talked about it? And you’re certain that she doesn’t like you?”
You shook your head slowly at his questions. “No, i kinda just walked away before she could say anything… But i know she doesn’t like me because she’s-“
“Dating Cat.” Joel finished for you. He already knew about Ellie and Cat. Not much, but enough to know how they dote on each other. People talk, so mostly everyone knew about them. Joel was just waiting for Ellie to tell him, and she hasn’t.
You nodded. “Yeah. Dating fucking Cat.” You spat bitterly.
Joel sighed, and continued to watch you. He noticed a lot by just watching you. You were playing with your hands, almost as if you were trying to calm your down from the hurricane that is your brain. You looked pretty sad. “Alright, i’m tired of it. You needa’ stop moping. So, we’re going.”
“Where are we going?” You asked quickly and followed him down the tree house. He waited for you, and once you reached the pebbles on the floor he started moving ahead once again. All you could really do was follow him.
“Just follow me, kid.”
“No way! I can’t do this right now, at least let me get a drink or something! I need whiskey in my system before i can talk to her!”
You don’t know how it happened. You let Joel drag you around town- just so he could get you to let your guard down. His real plan was getting you to Ellie’s garage. He asked you to close your eyes and lead you somewhere- and that’s where you are now. Right behind his house, aka in front of Ellie’s door.
“What if Cat’s here? This’ll be really awkward and pretty messed up.!” He was dragging you by your collar now, just so you couldn’t run away. You hated how strong he was. He then knocked on her door, and your skin shivered anxiously. You didn’t want to be here. You weren’t ready.
“Sorry, kid. In life, you gotta face your problems one way or another. I’m just giving you a gentle push.”
“More like a forceful shove!”
“Quit your whinin’. You need this. Closure or whatever you kids are saying these days.”
The door lock clicking caught your attention, then the door opened slowly. It revealed a very tired looking Ellie. She looked up at Joel and then down at you in surprise. “Sup..?”
Joel nodded in acknowledgment. “Heya, kiddo. Just thought i’d drop this off.” He let go of your collar, and suddenly you were on the floor. He turned on his heel and returned into his house through the back door. Fucking Joel, acting like i’m some sort of package. You couldn’t help think as you sat there.
“Fuck me,” You muttered lowly to yourself. You couldn’t even look up at Ellie. You were ashamed. You weren’t planning on telling Ellie about how you felt. Especially when you didn’t know if your feelings would last long. “This was a bad idea, i’m gonna go.” You stood up and brushed the dirt off your clothes.
You were about to walk- maybe even run away if it weren’t for Ellie talking first. “I never pegged you as a coward.”
You sighed, turning back to face her. To finally look at her. You noticed the bags under her eyes, that she looked paler than usual and her voice sounded hoarse. Seeing her this way made you sad. “Ellie…”
“No. You won’t talk right now.” She stopped you from speaking further. Maybe you deserved that. “Avoiding me, ignoring me and running away from me whenever i’m near? That’s all the things a coward would do. And that coward is you, y/n. I never thought that you were that type of person… You always faced your problems head on.”
Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she was leaning against her door. It was the support she needed at the moment. Her words were hitting you hard. It was like a wake up call, just what you needed to get out from the hole you found yourself in.
But you also felt like denying her words.
You scoffed, and took a few steps back from her. You felt even more far away from her then ever. “Look, Ellie what do you want from me? You know why. Why can’t we leave it at that and move on. Never talk about it again.”
“Right, cause’ this is something we can move on from… Y/n, I need to hear you say it.” She pushed herself off her door and slowly moved closer to you.
“I’m not gonna do that.”
“Why? Are you afraid? I never knew you were such a pussy.” The way those words left her lips made it seem like she wanted to piss you off, to push you over the edge. Just so she could get your reaction.
“Fuck you, ellie… God, why do you need to hear me say it? You and your girlfriend are fucked up for wanting me to say it despite knowing already.”
She hummed, and continued to take steps towards you. “Are you scared? Is that it? Why is it that this conversation scares you but not a pack of infected…?” You scoffed, and didn’t say anything. You didn’t want to. She ended up being a few inches away from you. You couldn’t look up at her. You’re scared of doing something that you’ll regret. God, you wished you had gotten a drink or something. Maybe then you could at least blame it on the alcohol.
“What are you so afraid of?” She questioned in a whisper. Ellie wanted you to say it, she wanted to confirm that you actually liked her. She needed to hear you say it. Not insinuate it, but to actually hear it from your lips. That’s what she wanted.
Your eyes travelled from the ground and slowly trailed up her body. Your eyes lingered on Ellie’s neck, and then stopped at her chapped lips. Instinctively, she licked her lips as she continued to stare at you. You swallowed lowly, finally finding yourself looking into her green eyes. “I’m scared that you won’t like it.” Again, your eyes flickered to her lips.
“I will.”
For a split second you’re happy. But then you remember Cat. You frown, and decided to take a step back. “You’re with Cat- in love with her. That’s what you said, isn’t it? I may be in love with you but i’m not gonna let you cheat on her.”
Ellie pressed her lips together, a nod and small smile on her lips. “You’re a good person, y/n. That’s one of the many things that i love about you..” Your stomach did a flip, but you tried to listen to her next words carefully. You couldn’t be distracted by her sweet words. “I broke up with Cat. As fucked up as it is… I was only with her to try and get over you.”
“So, what i’m getting from this conversation is… You’re single?”
She laughed, and walked closer to you. “Not for long i hope.” She winked- well, tried to to. It was a pretty bad wink. But it was cute that she tried.
“I feel bad for the next person who dates you… you’re infuriating.” You whispered, watching and you and Ellie inched closer to each other.
She grinned, and watched and you closed you eyes. “You love it.” She paused for a moment, just to tease you before she finally brings your lips together in a sweet kiss. Her hands trail down to your hips so you could be flushed against her body. Your arms wrap around her shoulders loosely. She groans when you nip at her lower lip, then slides her hand under your shirt. God… you’re so enticing, y/n. Ellie was only thinking of you in this moment.
“Oi! Y/n! Ellie! PDA!!” Joel’s head popped out from the kitchen window as he glared at you two playfully.
“Right,” You pushed away from Ellie’s lips. “Joel knows.”
Ellie nodded, a smile on her lips as she continued to look at you. She was awestruck. She finally got to kiss you, to hold you and in the future there would be more memories with you. More memorable memories. “I guess he does.” She peck you on the lips and grab your hands. “You’re with me, right?”
You nodded, squeezing her hands to comfort her. God, you loved her so much. There is nothing better than being with her. You wished you had told her your feelings sooner, way before Cat. Maybe things could’ve been different.
But things are back on track for you and Ellie, and will be for a long time. Your gut is telling you everything will be fine. “Always.”
As long as you were with Ellie, nothing could go wrong.
end <3
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Fearfull Proposal
Summary: henry plans a romantic proposal... and instead of coming clean about your secret fear of heights and ruining his romantic plan, you put on a brave face... well until your nearing the top of the london eye.
Warnings: fear, fluff, swearing, typos.
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You quivered as you rose higher and higher over londons skyline.
Fuck why? Why the fuck had you got in this dangling glass death trap. A faulty few bolts and you'd be plummeting into the fucking thames!
Henry was standing by the window looking out at the glittering lights in awe.
You were standing with your back turned to the houses of Parliament hands clutching the rail eitherside of you knuckles white. Knees knocking.
God this was the stupidest thing you'd ever fucking done! And it was your own fault.
"Babe, look! God big ben looks soo small never been on this at night"
You hummed nodding but continued looking to the floor.
Henry paused when you didnt correct him with the whole 'big ben is the bell' you usually countered
He turned looking back to you and his stomach dropped.
"Babe? Whoa are you okay there love?" He asked frowning as he saw your eyes clenched shut almost as if you were in pain.
You were trembling and pale to the point he fearded youd pass out.
"Here come sit down and relax, i packed some snacks-" he said placing the specially packed bag of snacks and screw top mini wine bottles.
"No! No I'm fine... I will just stay here... By the saftey bar" you said giggling nervously sparing him a glance and patting the metal you were holding onto for dear life..
Henry faltered and really took in your apperance unsure what to do. It wasn't like he could get you off, you had to ride the ride.
"Babe? Are you scared of heights?"
"Nooo dont be sillyeee- OH MY GOD IM GONNA FUCKING DIE!" you began laughing him off then screamed as the ride stopped.
Instantly you ducked crouching whilst wrapping your arms around the silver bar shouting bloody murder.
It didn't help you were bathed in purple light so couldn't see shit.
Henry got up and rushed to you standing over you arms rounding you holding you securly.
"No, no its fine love... shh its fine baby, they said it could stop to let people on poppet remember?" He said quickly rubbing your sides as you cowered trying to fend off the temptation to look at the thames below.
"Y-yeah fuck hen- im sorry i just..." you mewled turning towards him tucking your head to his chest.
"Scared of heights huh? Why didnt you tell me?" He sighed pressing kisses to your head as you whimpered adn the ride began moving once again.
"Because you went to all this trouble, you planned this surprise and i didnt want to ruin it, you were soo excited" you sniffled blinking at him.
"Hey shh you silly girl, you should have told me. You wouldnt have ruined anything you silly sausage" he cooed winding himself around you tighter.
He was actually annoyed at himself, how the fuck had he not known his girlfriend of a year and a half was scared of heights?
He'd suspected a fear of heights when you both went on holiday for your birthday, but youd managed to convince him it was a fear of flying and planes... not heights.
And come to think of it you didnt even like the glass lifts in shopping centers, you ran to the corner and held on eyes locked onto the doors the entire time.
So this was the worst surprize he could of planned for tonight. Things weren't going to plan. Fuck.
"Babe im sorry" he apologised feeling like an asshole.
"No no dont be, this was extremly sweet bear" you said quickly not wantin to make him feel bad fpr your own short commings.
"Theres noting sweet about terrifying you"
"Do... do you want to sit down? Ill hold you the entire time" he offered peaking to the central bench where both your bags sat.
"I.. yes okay i think sitting will be better" you said then yipped as he prompty scooped you up and placed you in his lap securly.
"Im so sorry love, I just wanted to make this special and romantic" he muttered holding you as close as he could letting you know that you were safe and sound.
"It is! It is love really im just a baby" you said quickly grasping his face pulling him closer before peppering his face with kisses.
"Your not a babe we all have our fears" he said quietly pressing his forehead to yours.
"You dont" you sighed closing your eyes trying to ignore the snails pace of the pod that still rose over london.
You could barely feel it, but your fear amplified it.
"Oh but i do~" he replied peering at you, as yur eyes fluttered open.
"Like what?" The questionnescaped before you could think.
"No" he said eyes now becoming worried, anxiety clouding them.
"Yes, at the moment thats my biggest fear" he said releasing a shakey breath as you frowned at him not following but didnt dwell as your ees darted to the side seeing the houses
"You see, i was trying to be all romantic and wait untill we got tp the top, but i think you'll be too terrified"
"Henry?" You said leaning back unsure about the serious tone he seemed to take.
"I brought us here, to the spot we met two years ago today..." he said drawing deeper breaths as the reality of what was about to happen hit him.
"Was it really?" You asked surprized he'd remember something like that. Anniversary? Definitely. But the day you first met? And asked for a selfie with a series of embarrassing squeaks? No you didnt think he'd remember.
"Yep. I remember doing a promo and shoot on this thing, then got off and was sat next to you in wagamama"
"And i squeaked for a selfie" you groaned with a small giggle.
"Im glad you did, i scanned instagram for days after- scouring my hashtag trying to find you... i kicked myself for not getting your number~"
"I still cant belive you did that... but im gld you did henry"
"Who'd have thought the nervous little thing trying not to even breath in my direction would be my girlfriend six months down the line"
"Or that we'd last this long?" You quipped at him trying to reme,ber to breath.
"And.. hopefully a lifetime? Despite me dragging you intoyour actual living nightmare- which i promise to never do again! Not even lifts"
You scowled and tilted your head to him not sure if you heard him correctly.
Untill he pulled the small velvet box from his pocket.
"Henry?! What? You cant be serious?"
"Oh but i am love, as much as i want to do this right and drop to one knee i doubt you'll thank me for releasing you?"
"Dont you dare let me go!"
"I think you'll find im trying to do the opposite~" he chuckled opening the box revealing the simple elegant ring three tiny diamonds.
"Im trying to marry you..."
You gasped eyes glazing over as you locked on to the dainty ring pinched between his fingers.
"I love you y/n, and i want to know if you'd become my wife and share your life with me. Will you marry me?"
"Oh god yes of course its a yes henry i love you bear!" You cried throwing your arms around him making him grunt and quickly clench his fist arohnd the ring before he dropped it.
He groaned into you rocking from side to side littering your head with kisses before peeling you away to sit the ring on your finger.
You looked at the glittering stones on your finger weeping. You may have been cursing yourself for getting into this godforsaken glass bauble in the sky.
But now you were he happiest woman alive.
"I love you bear"
"I love you too"
"Would you like some wine? I brough the little cute bottles you like" he offered nodding to the bag of snacks.
"Err lets not push it hun" you whined not sure wine at this altitude was a good idea.
You kept glancing at him still sniffing and giggleing unable to look from your ring for long.
"Gotcha, no wine"
"You look surprized i said yes?"you quipped needing to talk and take your mind off the fact your at the tippity top.
"I made you face one of your nightmares i thought you'd slap me silly when i ask" he scoffed pressing a kiss to your cheek unable to stop.
"Never love... but please never ever get on this thing again okay?" You pleaded fluttering your lashes at him pleading.
"I swear. Never again, but seeing as this is our one and only ride we should take a few selfies? Mark the occasion?" He said standing letting your feet hit the floor but never once did he let go.
"Absolutly, gotta show off my new fiancé" you hummed rising to share another kiss with him not really paying attention to the height you'd now reached, you had more important things to think about. Like sharing the rest of your life with this glorious man.
"My thoughts exactly" he grinned pulling out his phone aiming it at the two of you, makeing sure to have the hand that rested on his chest donning his ring in shot.
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
hi!! i love your works sm!! they always make my heart flutter and it helps me get through these past few weeks without breaking down so thank you for your service <3 *salutes*
may I request levi with his SO (who just got over her 4 years of bisexual relationship then realized they became toxic af and just wanted to do nothing with that person anymore) and levi being patient with her + being a man of his words (because she never experienced it with her ex) and fluff prompts #2 and #8 if it's okay 🤗
love u!!! - ⚙️
C/n: *salutes back with tears in my eyes* I’m so sorry that you have breakdowns. I hate it so much but I’m honored that I have been helping you in coping with anything. Love you, take care of yourself, thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
𝖶𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍: 2.4𝗄
I Wouldn’t Leave.(Levi x Reader)
TW: toxic relationship.
“Mia, come with me to watch the stars!”
“To watch the stars? What are you, five? Grow up Y/n. Seriously.”
“Mia I think I’m getting pretty good at this what do you think?”
“Your stance is shit and you would move faster if you weren’t that big. Lose some weight, yeah?”
“I love you Mia.”
“Whatever Y/n.”
This was how it was. You and Mia were dating for almost four years now. In the beginning, everything was perfect. Mia would steal kisses from you and make you smile. She would stick by you throughout the days and would sneak into your bed at night to cuddle. But that only lasted for the first year. After that, you two slowly drifted apart. You didn’t even know what had happened. One day, she’s the best thing that has ever happened to you and the next she’s bad-mouthing you to everyone. Although this happened, you didn’t leave her. Rather, you didn’t want to.
There was so much going on in this godforsaken world and to have someone there to lean on was rare. So letting go of Mia wasn’t the best of decisions right now.
But, would she even care if you died out there? If a Titan suddenly crushed you in front of her eyes? Would she even shed a tear to show her sorrow for the girl that stood by her for years?
“Mia?” You called her. She didn’t even hear you despite sitting next to you. So you tapped her shoulder and called her again. “Mia?” “What do you want?!” Mia yelled, shocking you. “Uhm, I just wanted to ask if you’re going to train with me tomorrow?” You ask and she scoffs. “Why would I train with you? I have others who could actually keep up with me. So no. I won’t be training with you.” She finishes and turns away from you. You nod to yourself and wake up to go to your room.
Levi noticed how badly Mia treated you. Everyone knew you two were together since your cadet days. You mentioned in a conversation to Eren that you were bisexual but it didn’t bother Levi. You loved who you loved but now, he doubts that you loved Mia. Maybe you did back then but that love wasn’t meant to last long. Levi hated seeing you sad or upset. He developed a little crush on you but he buried those feelings deep down because, well, you were taken.
He woke up and followed you out of the Mess Hall. You walked up to your room door but stopped. Suddenly, you ran away. Levi’s eyes widened and ran to you. You ran right up the stairs to the roof and slammed opened the door. Levi stopped running and walked quietly behind you. You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. They fell to the floor and the cool air blew against your face making you shiver. You sat on the ledge and put your knees up to your chest and cried.
Levi stood by the door and watched you. This was your spot too, huh? He used to come here when he had the time to unwind. Levi heard your sobs all the way there and walked to you. He didn’t want to startle you so he made his presence known by clearing his throat. You gasped and looked up at Levi. Your current state could make him break down.
“C-Captain Levi? What are you doing here?” You ask in between hiccups. He turns and leans his back against the ledge. “I followed you here.” He says bluntly and your eyes widen. “Listen. I know it’s none of my business. Hell, you’re probably gonna slap me if I say this but I feel like you should know,” he begins and you face him while wiping your tears. “Your girlfriend is a bitch. She doesn’t deserve you. I see the way you look at her like she’s your everything and I see her looking at you like dirt. Mia might be the one you felt could love you the way you love her but it isn’t true. I respect you as a soldier and as a person so you needed to know. One day, you’re going to wake up and realize that there’s more to life than shitty people treating you like shit and you need to stand up for yourself.” Levi continues and faces you. Your eyes were red and tears flowed heavier than before. He was right. You didn’t deserve this shit. But hearing it come from another person, a captain nonetheless, meant that it was time for you to let go.
“There’s someone out there who could love you better.” He says quietly and you turn around and face the same way he was. You wiped your tears and looked back at his side-profile. Now that you think about it, Levi had always had an eye out for you. During training he’d always help out and expeditions would always check on you. But you always ran to Mia whenever you could, leaving him.
“I, I don’t know what to do. Should I break up with her?” You ask and he looks up at the sky then you. “You do what you feel is the right thing to do. I just wanted to let you know that you don’t deserve to be treated like that.” Levi explains and turns to walk away. “Levi?” You call and he turns to face you. “Hm?” You look up at him and smile through your tears. “Thank you.” He nods and turns and walks away with his heart beating through his chest.
“What the fuck do you mean, Y/n?! We can’t break up!” Mia yells, catching the attention of the people around the pair of you. You flinch at her telling but you stand your ground and look back at her. “I’m tired of your bullshit, Mia. And I can’t believe that it took me this long to realize that you never loved me the way that I loved you. So it’s only fair for us to break up.” You say and Mia closes her fists. “You bitch. You’ll never make it without me.” She spits out and you chuckle. “I’ll be fine. Goodbye Mia.” You smile at her and walk away, leaving her shunned. You start walking to the stables and walk past Levi who caught your eye. You smiled and waved at him while he gave you a curt nod. You go to your horse when you hear footsteps approaching you. “You heard everything, didn’t you?” You ask and Levi scoffs. “With her big mouth of course.” You chuckle at his bluntness and face him. Your eyes were still swollen but you looked...happier. He liked seeing you happy.
“Thanks for yesterday, Levi. I needed the push.” You say and he waves you off. “Don’t mention it. You’re a good soldier. Don’t let people like her put you down.” Levi says and walks away leaving you smiling the whole day.
The following days, Levi saw you become a whole new person. You became a social butterfly. Smiling more, laughing, cracking jokes. The way you were acting no one would ever think you just came out of a 4 year relationship. Levi’s heart would sometimes skip a beat when you looked his way. Your eye bags started to disappear and you looked so much healthier. You peaked in training and left Mia in the dust. He saw that she would sometimes try to talk to you but you just ignored her. Karma^
You and Levi had started to interact more and more and you felt so much happier. Levi had made it a point to come to his office to help with paperwork but in reality it was just to spend more time together.
Although it’s been three months since your break up, you could feel yourself falling for Levi. And it scared you. The little gestures you both would do for each other and the stealing glances made you have butterflies.
It was scary, this feeling. Not even Mia made you feel like this. You started to avoid him, little by little. You Knew that if you gave into your true feelings for him, it wasn’t going to end well. The fear showed on your face whenever you were with him and Levi took notice of the change in your behavior and called you to his office one night.
“Name and business.” His deep, monotonous voice called out. “Y/n L/n. You called for me?” You say and the door opens revealing Levi. He gestures for you to enter and you walk into his office, anxious. You heard the door close and Levi’s footsteps. “Sit. Would you like some tea?” He asks and you shake your head as you sit down. He furrows his eyebrows in slight confusion but brushes it off. You always liked his tea so it was confusing why you would reject the offer. Levi sat in his chair and looked at you. You seemed...uncomfortable. “Y/n?” He called out to you and you looked back up at him. “Yes?”
“Do you know that saying “beating around the bush”?” He asks and you nod. “Yes.” “I guess it’s time for us to stop doing that with our feelings for each other.” Your breath hitches and it seemed like time stopped when he said that. You just wanted to leap into his arms and plant your lips on his but it was too soon.
“I agree, Levi, but I don’t know if it’s time yet. Even though Mia was a horrible person to me, she was my first love and it still hurts letting her go. So maybe, if you find it okay, can we wait? Just for a little more. Until I know for sure.” You explain softly as Levi listens intently. The silence settles around the room and you exhale a breath. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. You wake up and turn to leave. “I’m sorry. I should-...” “No.” Levi says and holds your arm, turning you around.
He brings you closer and cups your cheek. He ghosts his lips over your forehead then plants a soft kiss on it. He pulled away and looked at you. “I’ll wait forever if that was what it takes. There’s no rush,” he takes your hand and places it over his heart, “it’s yours. I’m yours. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here.” He assures you and you wrap your arms around his neck. “Thank you, Levi.”
Couple of months passed by and Levi gave you the time and space for you to get yourself together. Healing. He would wait for you. Even if it wasn’t in his favor, he still wanted you to find happiness. You deserved it and everything more.
Now you were on the training grounds, sparring with Annie. You improved quite a lot but Annie caught you and threw you down. “Ah, shit.” You pant out and Annie holds out her hand for you. “You’re getting better, L/n. Almost got me there.” She says and pulls you up. “Almost.” You smile and look around where your eyes landed on the captain. He was watching you with a glare, that other people would find terrifying, but you found it reassuring. You flashed a quick smile to him and went back to training.
That night you made your way to his office. He didn’t call you, nor was he expecting you. But you wanted to see him. So you knocked on his door which was quickly opened by the captain. “Y/n? What’s wrong?” He asks and you take a moment to look at him. Unbuttoned shirt, black pants with his feet bare. Looks like he just came out of a shower. “Does something need to be wrong for me to see you?” You ask and he shakes his head with a soft smile. “No. Come in.” He says and moves out of the way for you to enter. He shuts the door behind you and you face him. He was a few meters away and you took in a shaky breath. “Levi. I, uh, I’ve been thinking. For the past couple of months, I’ve realized that it was time to move on. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and about..us. I want you, Levi. I think I have for a while but I wasn't sure if it was true. But I know now that you’re the one who had my heart all this time. So, if you still want me, I’m here.” You say smiling and looking at the ground.
You see his feet in front of yours and you look up to see him. He had a smile of his own plastered on his face. “It’s about time, brat.” He whispers and kisses you softly. You melt into his kiss as his arms move around your waist and yours around his neck. This feeling. This moment. It was like all of your senses came to life and the joy you never knew you had blossomed.
When you both pulled away, Levi took you to his bedroom and laid you down on his bed. He crawled over you and planted kisses all over your face and neck. You giggled which in turn made him chuckle. He looked up at your flushed face as you cupped his face. “May I?” He asks softly as he brushes his nose against yours as his hands started to roam. “Of course. I’m yours.” And the night became the night you felt alive after all these years.
The morning sun shines through the bedroom window and brightens up the room. You groan and move away from the light and roll over to the other side bumping into Levi’s chest. You smile to yourself and cuddle into him further. “You’re very lazy.” Levi says and you chuckle. “It’s too early. Plus we’re off today so shut up.” You groggily say and he scoffs and pulls you up and holds you. You slowly open your eyes and look at Levi who was already staring. “Hi.” “Hey.” You two stay like that for a few minutes but then Levi moves your hair away from your face and rubs his thumb over your cheekbone. “Never would I have thought that your eyes would be the ones that I want to stare at forever.” He whispers to you and you smile and hug him. He wraps his arms around your bare waist and holds you tighter. “I love you Levi.” You whisper with a few tears falling. He rubs your head and closes his eyes. “I love you too, Y/n. And just so you know,” he says and pulls away to look at you. He wipes your tears away and continues:
“I wouldn’t leave.”
“You deserve everything good in this world.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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nitrochiralfan · 3 years
The Day is Dawning [Tokiakari]
All credit to the transualtion of the novel chapter belongs to memera and their hard work don’t repost without crediting them.
That day it had rained since morning. That’s why for the entire day, the sky had been so dark you could not tell if it was noon or night. Right now the time was 2am. Akira breathed out a sigh as he gazed out the window. Occasionally, a straight line of light from the east flashed through the rain.
Isn’t he kind of late?
As Motomi worked as a journalist, it wasn’t surprising that he often came home after midnight, but today’s case was supposed to be a simple one.
Akira’s eyes darted over and over to the clock hanging on the wall.
So slow.
In this room lighted by only a small lamp, Akira had lost count of how many times he had sighed as he looked at the empty road outside through his own reflection on the window. They had moved here for only a month, but it wouldn’t be long before they moved again.
What’s the next case? Your work seems to be going smoothly.
At first Akira had simply been cluelessly following along, but he had quickly become a proper assistant. It had been years since the happenings in Toshima. It wasn’t always peaceful, but their life had never had any serious problems.
Travelling around with Motomi had been quite exciting and fun.At one point he even thought he could do this forever.However, sometimes the little flickers of doubt would cross his mind.
There’s no such thing as forever. Surely someday, something bad would happen.
Usually Akira could erase those thoughts quickly, but today, he couldn’t even push them away. The thoughts were quickly piling up instead.
I hate this feeling, but what if something bad had really happened?
Unable to suppress the bad feelings, Akira clenched his teeth as he stood in the dark watching the rain fall outside.
It was then that it happened. A faint sound came from the front door. Was it the sound of footsteps? It seemed too uneven and irregular for that. Just as Akira was cautiously approaching the door, an unnatural sound thumped against the door.
Akira tensed up. He pinned his eyes at the door instinctively. The door stood in the dimly lit hall way, as the sound of someone shaking the door repeatedly could be heard.
Is it a robber or a thug?
Akira held his breath and watched silently as the door unlocked and slowly opened. Akira concentrated hard, his body ready to pounce.
The silhouette that the dim lights were showing was——
Akira breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that face.
It was Motomi.
Was that unsteady gait because he’s drunk?
Motomi’s brows were furrowed as he tried to call out Akira’s name.
Motomi did not seem to enter the room. His posture was unnatural, and he leaned heavily against the door. A droplet dripped down from his right side. At first Akira had thought it was a raindrop, but as soon as the light in the room hit Motomi, Akira knew he was wrong.
——It was blood.
“Old man…!?”
“Akira… sorry but… could you lend me a hand?”
Motomi’s voice was slow and unconcerned, a tone completely opposite to the severity of the situation. Akira immediately went up and put Motomi’s outstretched arm around his shoulder. The dark orange shirt he wore under his coat had a huge black stain on it. Just that alone drew Akira’s attention to the blood.
Motomi leaned against Akira and they moved slowly, his face frowning and his one eye squeezed shut in pain. Motomi gave a bitter laugh.
“Ow…ouch ouch. They really did me in this time.”
“What in the world happened?”
“Mm, well, you know…”
The talk can wait. Right now the important thing was to tend to these wounds. Carefully supporting this body so much bigger than his, Akira led Motomi to the bedroom.
“Man, I’m beat.”
Motomi breathed out a large puff of smoke from the cigarette he had taken a deep puff from, and fell onto the bed he was leaning on. Akira took out some bandages from the first aid kit and sighed as he closed the lid. They had prepared this kit in case of any injuries on their travels.
The hospital was closed at this hour of night, but thankfully his injuries were not too serious.
Rest for now, we can go see a doctor tomorrow.
Motomi’s right torso had been slashed with a knife.
Akira had since wrapped it in bandages cleanly. Motomi had been bleeding so bad before the bandages, yet now after it was so nicely wrapped up in white, it almost looked like there hadn’t been a wound at all. But one look at the blood-soaked towel used to clean the wounds, and you would know that wasn’t true.
“Don’t ‘huh’ me.”
Akira glared at Motomi, who was lying on the bed acting like there wasn’t a problem. Even without using words, it was obvious Akira had a billion questions he was demanding answers to. Akira haphazardly left the first aid kit on the side table and sat down lightly on the bed.
“Mmm? Well yeah…” Motomi scratched his nose with the hand holding his cigarette and replied lazily, “Maybe it was just a random attacker or somethin’. I dunno.”
——Something must’ve definitely happened, Akira thought.
If Motomi was brushing it off like that, it must’ve been something he found hard to talk about. But that was also why the silence that Akira returned was filled with serious anger. He wasn’t mad that Motomi was pretending to make light of the situation, he was mad that it was something so bad that would make Motomi clamp up in silence. Motomi peaked at Akira, saw his glare, and quickly looked away.
Akira held his glare steady, never looking away. The smoke from Motomi’s cigarette filled the space between them.
Motomi emptied his cigarette ashes into an empty can on the side table. Even a movement as light as this, sounded extremely loud in their silence. It was a brief minute, but it felt like an endless moment of tension and nerves.
“Geez, I just don’t know what to do with you.”
Motomi let out a laugh of defeat as he put out his cigarette on the brim of the empty can. His brows were furrowed as he tried to get up.
“Does it hurt?”
“…Sort of. But I’m fine.”
Motomi supported himself up with an elbow on the edge of the bed, and leaned against the wall. He looked straight into Akira’s eyes. “Well, the situation was like this. I was attacked suddenly. There was a back alley, away from the main road. It was dark and narrow. They hit me from the back when I was passing through.”
“Did you see their face?”
“It was too dark and too sudden. I didn’t. …But well my guess is…”
Motomi stopped there, rubbing his chin like he was thinking of something.
“Your guess is…?”
“Nah, it just feels like it was a face I had seen before somewhere. …My guess is it’s someone from Rabbit, maybe.”
——The pharmaceutical company, Rabbit. A big-named company that everyone knew. In reality, it was a coverup for the research institute ENED, that was the cause of all the tragedies in Toshima.
“But why would they do that to you, old man?”
“Well, I can think of a million reasons why. After all, I am a journalist of the truth, ya know?”
Saying that, Motomi shrugged his shoulders in a joking way.
I want to bring to light the truths that were twisted or silenced —— That motto of his was what led Motomi to do this line of work even to this day. Of course, he had also tried to reveal as much as he could about what had happened in Toshima, even though that had put his life at risk. It was also the reason why they never stayed put in one place too long. But because they had never actually gotten seriously injured before, Akira had grown complacent and ignored all the occasional little worries that would appear in his head.
If only we could just keep on living like this peacefully and carefree, he had thought.
But of course…
“Well, this could also be considered a scoop! ‘Employee of a seemingly-good company, attacks a civilian!’ or something like that.”
“Is it really the time to be joking?”
The words that escaped Akira’s lips sounded calm, but inside he was mad at how Motomi always acted like everything was a joke and nothing was serious to him. Like his wound just now. Even though it wasn’t a deep injury, he had lost a lot of blood.
So much blood.
“…Hey. Akira?”
The sight of Motomi’s bandages was wavering in Akira’s vision.
Motomi was frowning as he peaked at Akira’s face.
Under all that white bandage, was all red. The white hides the red; the color of emptiness. Suddenly, Akira’s anger evaporated and he felt absolutely nothing. He felt separated from his vision and from his consciousness, as if he had gone into someone else’s body. An image appeared, overlapping with what his eyes were actually seeing before him. A world covered in red. A reality that felt so far away. The scene that was flashing before his eyes was not that of the room he was in.
It was dark, and dirty; a scene of Toshima.
“Oi! What’s wrong?!”
Motomi’s voice was far, far away. Akira felt like his consciousness was being swallowed up. A nausea started to bubble up in him. It felt intolerable.
“Akira? Akira!”
When Akira’s eyes opened, the first thing he saw was the beige ceiling, dimly lit by the room lamp.
—— This isn’t Toshima.
When Akira realized this, he slowly let out the breath he had been holding.
Akira had covered his eyes with an arm. When he blocked his sight this way, he could feel his heartbeat was pounding faster than usual. On that same arm, Akira felt something dry and warm touch him.
“…Are you alright?”
When Akira uncovered his eyes, he was looking right into Motomi’s gentle eyes above him.
“…Old man, what about your wound?”
“Idiot. Worry about yourself right now, not me.”
Even though Motomi’s words sounded surprised, it was dipped with concern. Motomi lifted the hand he was holding Akira’s arm with, and touched his forehead.
“You don’t seem to have a fever. How are you feeling?”
“I’m ok.”
“Do you want to eat something?”
“But let me guess, you haven’t eaten a thing since morning right? The contents of the fridge and the food stocked up haven’t changed since I left.” Motomi looked so brusque, yet because of his work he had a surprising eye for detail.
Weirdly touched by this thought, Akira shook his head.
Although Akira had always been this way, always having little to no appetite, it was especially so when he was left alone. He just simply did not feel like eating when he was alone, and he often went the whole day without food.
Although he was usually alright without food, today he just felt rather out of it. He was starting to feel like he might have a fever.
“Even if it’s just a bite, you have to eat something. Hang on.”
This time Motomi really sounded teasing. He got up as if to go to the kitchen, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around, looking surprised.
Confused, Akira followed Motomi’s eyes right down to…
Akira quickly let go of his hand.
Instinctively, he had grabbed Motomi’s shirt. Maybe it was the fever frying his brain, but he himself had not realized what he had done.
——He’s going to tease me…
Although Akira had braced himself, Motomi said nothing, but instead cracked a small smile. He lowered his big hand and patted Akira’s head.
“What’s wrong? Are you worried?”
“Well we did have a smooth trip so far.”
Even though Akira did not say a word, Motomi probably knew what he was thinking. Motomi sat back down on the bed. The bed springs bounced lightly. Because he was wearing a shirt, the badges on his torso were not visible.
“Well, anyway, I kinda figured something like that would happen one day. …But really, relax! It’s nothing for you worry about at all!”
His rugged fingertips brushed against Akira’s cheek.
“I said I would bring you with me, even to my grave, right? A man never goes back on his words. Anyway you’re the dangerous one.”
“What the heck does that mean?”
“It means I can’t leave you alone. You’re always so freaking stubborn, yet also surprisingly frail.”
Akira opened his mouth to argue, but he could not find the words, so he averted his eyes instead. He could not disagree. After all, he had just passed out for no reason.
“I won’t die that easily even if I’m killed.” Motomi laughed.
Akira glared at him. “Stop that.”
“Don’t talk about dying and stuff.”
Motomi might have been trying to be funny, but Akira thought it was extremely unpleasant. It was not something Akira thought one should be joking about. Motomi looked surprised for one second, then he quickly resumed his smile.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Two thick arms slid around Akira, and carefully pulled him into a huge hug.
Akira instinctively wanted to struggle against it, but his body went limp as it was engulfed in Motomi’s.
I almost forgot he was injured. Better not struggle.
But even if Motomi had not been injured, Akira somehow guessed that he would probably not have struggled either. Akira rested his chin on the strong shoulders before him. Usually at this point, Motomi would be teasing Akira, but instead of doing that, he was quietly and gently patting Akira’s back.
“Ok, how about this. I won’t die. You won’t die either. Until the day you tell us to go and die, we will keep living on for a hundred, no, a thousand years. Yeah?”
“I don’t want to live for that long.”
“Haha, I see.”
Akira could feel Motomi’s warmth from the arm he was resting his cheek on. He was wrapped in Motomi’s smell.
To be honest, Akira was surprised at himself. Despite that bad memory that had flooded his head just as he was about to pass out, Akira suddenly felt like everything was ok now. He felt like he could “exist together” with this memory. But it was just too vivid to think that way. Without losing its color, the pain would slowly but gradually overflow.
But was that alright? Akira thought. No, more like, it is alright. These wounds embedded deeply in him from all that he had lost, Akira had decided to accept and live with them from the day he left Toshima.
And thus, this pain and this fear, they were necessary. He must never forget them. They were the undeniable proof that right now, he was breathing and living.
And right now, he had someone who could share his pain and support him. Just this alone filled Akira with joy.
If Motomi said he was ok, then Akira wanted to accept that and wanted to believe in him.
Akira found it funny and a little strange that he was now able to to think this way. The large hand that was patting Akira’s back, moved up to caress his cheek. The distance between them shortened.
Akira waited for Motomi’s gentle eyes to close, then he too, did the same.
They touched. Their lips met again and again. Slowly Akira got used to the prodding tongue that carefully pushed into his mouth. Motomi’s rugged fingers treated Akira like he was glass, occasionally a bit rough, but always gentle. These fingers ran through Akira’s hair, clasping. The occasional wet sounds made Akira feel embarrassed, but their intertwining, fluttering tongues quickly made that embarrassment disappear.
“…I can’t get enough of you, seriously.”
The words that Motomi had blurted out in the heat of their kiss lit a fire in the pits of Akira’s belly.
He’s always like that. He always says things that he knew would embarrass Akira. And worse, he always knew the worst time to do it.
“…That’s enough.”
Akira had pushed his arms out, trying to get away, but even his entire resistance was swallowed up in an embrace.
“Let go.”
“Sure, sure.”
“I’m telling you to let go.”
“Well that’s going to be a problem. ‘Cause I’m mad…”
“…Mad about what?”
“This old man. Is mad. About you.”
Clearly Akira’s words were not getting into Motomi’s head. He was starting to feel super annoyed, and he let out a loud sigh. As if to scoop up all of Akira’s sighs, Motomi broke into a small smile as he pressed their lips together again.
As Akira slowly gave in, he thought, I don’t exactly hate this.
When did I start to feel comfortable with this feeling of excitement?
When did I start to feel relief whenever Motomi’s hands touched me?
This is how two people shared their feelings and accepted one another.
Since when did I start to realize this?
After a long kiss, Akira felt the springs of the bed on his back. He took in a deep breath.
“You know, I’ve always thought this.”
“Thought what?”
“That your cooking is really bad, you know….?”
Akira pouted and muttered unhappily to himself.
“Well fine, then don’t eat it.” Akira said, as he slammed the table with one hand and stood up.
Who was it that said they were busy so they wanted me to cook?
When they had just come back from the hospital, a work call had come in. Akira had tried to tell Motomi he should rest instead, but it was a major client so Motomi could not refuse. Akira narrowed his eyes at the gentle sunshine coming in from the window. The sky was so clear today that the dark rain from yesterday felt like a lie. Ever since he started living with Motomi, he had tried to do housework. Maybe it was because Akira never had a homely lifestyle before, but no matter how he tried he just could not get better at it.
Especially when it came to food.
Akira had always felt he was ok even if he didn’t eat. Needless to say, he did not care about the taste either.
Motomi raised a brow and seemed to want to say something but he couldn’t decide how to put it.
“Well I mean……, the person who marries you is gonna suffer.”
“Not really. It’s not confirmed that I’ll be the one doing the cooking.”
“Hey you never know. Housework and child raising is too hard for only one party. It’s important to share the workload, you know?”
After swallowing the ‘thing’ on his spoon, Motomi made a weird face. He then pressed his index finger to his wrinkled brow in a deliberate manner. It got on Akira’s nerves the way Motomi was talking him to like he was arguing with a child.
“In the first place, who would I even marry?”
“Hmm, who knows?”
Hearing that answer, Akira grew increasingly irritated.
When he said they would be together to the grave, didn’t he mean they’d be together till death do us part? Wasn’t it Motomi who said that?
But despite that, it’s not like Akira had ever gave any thought about their relationship or anything like that. It’s not like Akira had ever expected ‘Forever’ or other words like that. He just thought he wanted them to be together, for as long as possible. That was all. However, hearing such words and their vague meaning wasn’t pleasant at all.
Was it ok for the two of them to be together? Or was it actually not ok, but they just kind of ended up together? Such thoughts started to flood Akira’s head. Leaning with one elbow on the table, Motomi looked up at Akira, grinning.
“Ohh what a poor thing! I feel so sorry for the poor person who has to marry you.”
Listening to what was Motomi’s obvious teasing, Akira’s irritation turned into anger.
I was an idiot to think about our relationship so seriously!
“Old man.”
“Are you done?”
“With what?”
“…Are you DONE—“
With a swoop, Motomi had suddenly stood up and slipped his arm under Akira’s thigh and arm. Akira was so shocked he forgot what he was about to say, letting his guard down. In a scoop, Motomi picked Akira right up.
“……oof, you’re really heavy.”
“Yeah no shit. PUT ME DOWN!”
Motomi grimaced and gave a bitter laugh.
He was injured just yesterday. It wouldn’t be a surprise if doing this was painful. “Ow ow ow. Don’t struggle, it makes my wound hurt more. Well anyway, don’t you think there’s at least one of these poor sobs in the world who would? Huh Akira?”
“I mean if it was me I’d even cook delicious food.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Akira was so busy trying to figure out how to get down that he was not really getting what Motomi was talking about. In fact, Motomi’s words were going in his right ear and exiting right out the left.
Motomi happily squinted at Akira struggling in his arms and the corners of his mouth raised  into a grin.
“In fact, how about we get married right now?”
The words were so shocking that it snapped Akira right back into attention. He stared at Motomi’s face.
What the heck was this old man talking about?
…Was my cooking that bad that it had made him go strange?
While these thoughts were racing through Akira’s mind, Motomi’s grin got wider and wider. Akira suddenly got really mad, and ignoring Motomi’s injuries he struggled wildly to get out of Motomi’s grip.
Motomi watched Akira’s reaction but continue going on about how painful his wound was, as he quietly adjusted his balance and tightened his grip so that Akira could not get away.
“Idiot! Let go!”
Motomi’s joyful laughter reverberated from the rampaging Akira under his chin, all the way out the open window, into the bright blue sky.
First Publication: Cool-B 2005 vol. 3 / 2005 August 4th
The Day is Dawning Explanation
This was a short story published in Cool-B. The theme was Motomi and Akira.
I was trying to write that Akira, who was completely indifferent to the warmth and connection to other people, gradually beginning to realize that it was ‘good thing” after being near Motomi. And once he slowly began to accept it, he would start to try approaching people on his own accord. Akira would also start to worry about how vague the future is, and I think this shows a change in how he thinks now.
I also did not plan for Motomi to say “Let’s get married” at all, but somehow Motomi just ended up saying it (LOL). When it comes to Motomi, he seems to write himself often, just like his “Bring you with me to the grave” words.
I chose this title (Tokiakari) after seeing the dictionary explanation: “As dawn breaks, the eastern sky becomes slightly brighter, or, when it’s raining, the clouds occasionally part, and the sky become brighter”.
—Fuchii Kabura
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Coach Cavill - Chapter 11
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Summary: Amelia and Henry are going apple picking.
Coach!Henry Cavill x Amelia Jung (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 5.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: I don’t know Henry’s family (well duh 🙄), but I wrote them in a way it would fit into this story. However, please keep in mind that this is in no way reality. Also, I know it has been over a month since I last updated this fic, so thank you for your patience 🥰
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
After what seemed the longest day at school, I quickly drove home, so I could get ready for my date with Henry. I’ve been looking forward to it since the moment we agreed to it. I love apple picking and the fact that I get to spend even more time with Henry, is definitely something I’m not saying no to.
Yesterday morning and this morning Henry came by to bring us all something nice to drink (a caramel cappuccino in the morning just hits different) and to pick up his sandwiches. I can’t believe that this is actually happening right now. After divorcing Dean, I thought dating was out of the question, really. I figured Dean would move on with his new girlfriend (and I mean, he certainly did: they’re getting married and have a baby—I think that definitely qualifies for moving on), while I would sit in my house, surrounded by my kids and my friends and I’d probably date when I was over fifty, when the kids would be long off on their own.
I mean, I wasn’t opposed to it. I had been with the same man since I was eighteen, being on my own felt like an entire lifetime ago and I was thoroughly enjoying it.
However, I met Henry and it seems to fit. I wouldn’t have dared to dream someone like him fitting here so perfectly.
My house is filled with kids. They all know I’m going out and when I’m gone, they have the place to themselves and don’t have to—and I’m quoting both myself and Eve here—use their inside voices as Eve is still working. While Benji, Lola, Jake, Isabella and Yara are all hanging on the couches watching some tv, I’m frantically running around, in order to get myself ready for this date. I took a quick shower, to clean myself up a little, since there was a slight peeing incident today at school and unfortunately, some got spilled on me. Not on accident of course. Poor kid was really anxious the entire day, since it’s not going well with his grandma. Besides, my own kids and Eve’s kids all peed or puked on me at least once, so you could say I have seen my fair share.
‘Amelia,’ Lola says, as I’m pacing through the living room, ‘why are you nervous?’
‘I’m not nervous,’ I tell her.
Benji smiles. ‘Yes mom, you are. Relax, it’s not a big deal. It’s just a date.’
I sigh deeply, knowing deep down that it’s not a big deal and I should relax. It’s indeed just a date and I already know Henry. He comes by in the morning and gives me a kiss. Nothing to worry about. ‘Am I looking too casual?’ I ask them, as I look down to my tight blue jeans, the thick black sweater and the black ankle boots. I have my warm white coat ready on the backrest of the seat. ‘This is too casual,’ I conclude.
‘Mom,’ Isabella says, while she sits on Lola’s lap, ‘you look really pretty and I know that Henry thinks so too. This morning he said that you looked really pretty.’
He did what? ‘When did he say that to you?’ I ask her.
‘When you were checking your bag.’ Isabella smiles and I can’t even hide my blush.
The doorbell rings and I let out a high pitched scream.
Yara starts to giggle. ‘You can do this, Amelia,’ she says. ‘Really you can.’
I can’t believe I need a few kids to hype me up, but to be fair: I am a bit rusty in the whole dating department. If they think I’m a nervous wreck now, they should’ve seen me seventeen years ago when I went on a date with Dean. ‘I know, I’ve got this,’ I say as casual as possible. I walk to the door and when I open it, I’m met with the beauty that is called Henry Cavill. His coat hangs open, only to reveal yet another cable sweater.
‘You are absolutely breathtaking,’ Henry says with a smile. ‘I’m so lucky.’
My mouth falls open. ‘You have got to be kidding me,’ I laugh. ‘Seriously Henry, you are already the embodiment of perfection and then you say this.’
Henry looks at his shoes and from the looks of it, he is trying to cover up a blush. That is adorable, really.
‘I just have to get my coat. You want to come in?’
‘Of course,’ he says, when I step to the side to let him in.
‘Where is Kal?’ I ask him. ‘I haven’t seen him in a while.'
‘Greg and Annabelle are watching him. I can’t say no to that sweet face.’
‘Whose sweet face?’ I ask with a chuckle.
Henry simply rolls his eyes, but lets out a laugh anyway
‘Oh, by the way, you have to know there are three teenagers and two young girls sitting in the living room.’
He nods. ‘Nothing I can’t handle.’ He closes the door behind me and presses a light kiss on forehead. ‘Did I already say to you that you’re pretty?’
‘You told me I was breathtaking,’ I say with a smile. ‘But I did hear you were talking to my daughter about how pretty I looked this morning.’
He chuckles. ‘I might’ve.’ I feel his lips on the tip of my nose and my stomach twists and turns in a pleasant way. I almost forgot how the first weeks of a new relationship type of thing feels like.
I clear my throat as I try to regain some composure and together we enter the living room. Jake starts to make kissy sounds, causing me to roll my eyes. ‘Grow up, will you?’ I say to him, as I grab my coat.
Henry gently pulls it out of my hands, before holding it up for me, so I can easily slide my arms through the sleeves.
This man… Is he honestly real? I hope every minor on that couch is making mental notes, because this is peak gentleman behavior and I want them all to remember this for when they start dating.
‘I won’t,’ Jake laughs. ‘This is way too much fun.’
‘Well, I’ll keep this in mind for when you start dating,’ I say, as I zip up the coat. ‘Remember, I can embarrass you even better. Remind me, how old were you again when you peed on my porch?’
Yara pretends to vomit, while Isabella exclaims: ‘Ew, you peed on our porch? That’s disgusting!’
‘I think he was six the first time, mom,’ Benji says with a chuckle and Lola starts to laugh as well, before adding: ‘And the last time he was ten.’
‘You wouldn’t, right?’ Jake asks, his eyes enlarged.
‘If you don’t zip it, I definitely will. I have tons up my sleeve,’ I say with a smile. ‘Okay, kids, I’ll be back around dinner time. Isabella and Yara, please don’t touch the stove and oven. If you need something, ask the older kids, okay?’
‘Yes,’ the two of them say.
‘If you guys need anything, just remember, Eve is next door and I’m one phone call away.’
The five of them nod. ‘We know.’
‘Also, I’d rather have something left to eat here, so please don’t be swines and eat everything.’
‘We won’t,’ they all say.
‘Amelia, just go!’ Lola laughs. ‘We know how to behave ourselves here. It’s not the first time we’re alone here.’
‘Yes, mom, we’ll manage,’ Benji adds.
I nod, realizing I’m totally overreacting. They are home alone here all the time, while I hang out with Eve and Johnny. This isn’t new. ‘Right, you are totally right. I’m so sorry.’
‘Have fun,’ my daughter says.
‘We will,’ I say, ‘and Jake, for the love of God, don’t say: but not too much fun.’
‘How did you know I was about to say that?’ he asks, his voice a bit higher from sheer surprise.
‘You are fairly predictable,’ Henry says. ‘Even I knew you were going to say that.’
I finally manage to leave the place with Henry and when we’re finally in his truck, I lean over to give him a long kiss on his soft lips. He hums against my mouth, as he places his rough hand on my cheek. I can’t believe he actually deepens the kiss, but I’m not complaining at all. I could kiss this man non stop for hours on end, without getting tired of it. When we let each other go, I smile. ‘I really missed you,’ I say, ‘though I saw you this morning. Is that too clingy?’
‘Not too clingy at all, because I missed you too. I can’t get quite enough of you.’ He starts the car when we put on the seatbelts and he says: ‘I bought the ingredients you told me to buy for the pies. I also bought some whipped cream, because Greg told me if I were going to eat one of your apple pies, there has to be whipped cream on top of it.’
‘Greg is an absolute angel for reminding you, because I am out of whipped cream and he is totally right. Did you know I won the pie baking contest back in middle school with my fabulous apple pie?’
‘I did not know,’ Henry says, as he drives off. He mindlessly places his hand on my leg and I can’t stop myself to place mine on top of it. ‘I really look forward to this,’ he admits. ‘I have never been apple picking before.’
‘It’s so much fun. Pro tip: you have to walk at least twenty minutes before you start picking. Then you find the best apples.’
‘Good thing I have an expert with me,’ he says. ‘Greg told me it would be fun.’
‘You tell Greg quite a lot,’ I say with a chuckle. ‘Well, no wonder he kept wiggling his eyebrows at me yesterday.’ I wrap my arms around his thick one, before placing my head on his bicep. When Dean and I were still married, I could never sit against him like this in the car, because our seats were separated. Henry’s truck allows me to scoot over a bit to the middle, so I can melt against his broad frame. ‘I’m sorry about Jake,’ I say.
‘Well, don’t be. I really love the way you are with not only your kids, but also with Eve’s. It truly shows how close you guys are. I think it’s great you two live next to one another and you can always lean on each other.’
‘It sure is.’
‘Tell me, Amelia, how was your day at school?’
I tell him about how the kids were sweet today and how we made some Halloween related drawings. I even mention the slight peeing incident, but also that it was no big deal really. ‘How was your day?’
‘It was okay,’ he says, but I can hear his voice flatten a bit.
I look to the side, only to discover a deep frown between his brows. From the looks of it, today was not okay. ‘What happened?’
‘My mother called,’ he says, ‘telling me to come back home.’
‘Oh,’ I say. That can’t be good? ‘Are you going back?’
‘No of course not, I just arrived here. Besides, my life here is much better than in Jersey.’ He sighs. ‘She thought it was a horrible idea to move here. She also didn’t approve of my choices of work and sure doesn’t like it I’m doing it overseas now.’
‘Why not?’
‘Well, when you have four brothers who are either with the Marines, lawyers and all that stuff, you could say I’m the loser of the family.’
‘Or are you the only one that followed their heart?’ I ask. ‘I mean, do you even know if your brothers enjoy what they do?’
He simply shrugs. It’s been hard on Henry to open up, I can see that. ‘Henry,’ I say, ‘when I grew up, I wanted to work at the mortuary.’
‘What?’ he asks. ‘Really?’
‘Yeah, I went to my granddad’s funeral and I was in that age where I wanted to experience everything. The woman who helped us arranging the funeral, I was in awe of her. I went with her probably the entire time and she told me what she did for a living. I was actually planning on becoming one, figuring out to what colleges I had to go to, but then I went to Korea. After I came back, I realized I didn’t want to work with the dead, but with the living and preferably our future.’ Realizing that, per usual, I’m about to miss the point I was going to make. ‘What I’m trying to say with this, was that every career move I had in mind, it wasn’t something my parents wanted me to do. They envisioned me becoming a doctor, or a a lawyer, owning my own business. But they just accepted all the choices I made, whether they liked it or not.’
Henry laughs. ‘Wow,’ he says. ‘I just can’t believe you wanted to work at a mortuary. You sure are quite something, Amelia.’
‘I like to keep on surprising.’
‘Figured. What about your kids?’
I chuckle. ‘They have interesting plans. Benji wants to become a career judoka, but I told him he needs to think about getting a degree. He might be quite the judoka now, but what if one day he gets injured or he doesn’t make it? So he came up with the idea of either becoming a dentist or a coach, like you.’
‘Mhm and to be honest, I’m leaning more towards coach. I think he would be really good at that. He really has an eye for the details, with not only himself, but also with others. And Isabella wants to be famous, but she hasn’t figured out how she’ll get famous.’
He nods. ‘And you support them?’
‘Of course, they are my kids. The point is that your parents should accept you and your choices. The idea of parenting is that you prepare your kids to be ready for the world, not to dictate their lives. You might have an idea of what type of career fits them best, but they have to decide for themselves, make their own choices and mistakes. Besides, I could think of worse career moves. I mean, a judo coach is a great job and being famous… It’s quite something, I have to give her that and with Isabella’s personality, she would enjoy it so much. She loves being in the spotlights, preferably alone.’
‘You’re an excellent mother. Mine could learn a thing or two from you.’ Henry parks the car on the lot, but doesn’t get out. It’s almost like he wants to say something else to me. Knowing how hard it can be for some people to open up, I decide to wait and see whether or not he wants to tell me what is on his heart. ‘You know,’ he starts with a sigh, ‘my mom never went to one of my games.’
‘Are you kidding me?’ I ask him. ‘I’m so sorry.’
‘Seeing these kids here, with their entire support system at the games, it warms my heart. I’m happy they have that.’
I study his face. ‘But you can be a bit jealous,’ I say. ‘That’s allowed.’
‘By you?’
‘By everyone. We all want something we didn’t have growing up and that’s normal. Parents try—or at least it appears as if they do—but they can never give their kids what they deserve. It pains me to know that there are things that I can’t provide for my kids or that I can’t meet their needs. I remember when I was doing my first internship at a primary school, I saw this mother who had four beautiful daughters. That’s what I wanted: sisters or brothers. I was all alone growing up and people would kill for that, but I just wanted a companion within my family. But my parents couldn’t give me that.’ I send him a reassuring smile. ‘Believe me, it can be hard to see kids who have what you have always wanted growing up or kids that are deprived of that what you had.’
Henry nods. ‘Wise woman you are.’
‘Shut up.’
‘I mean it! And just know that when I look over at the bleachers now and I see you, I realize that you are my support system.’
That is the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me.
We get out of the car and all the nerves I experienced back in my own house, are all gone now, especially when he reaches over to hold my hand. Being around Henry is so easy and it worried me  a bit I didn’t feel so tense and nervous around him. When I first started dating Dean, I was a nervous wreck for at least two months. But maybe it’s unfair to compare teen Amelia, to adult Amelia who is divorced and has two kids.
When we arrive at the apple picking field, Henry hands me a bucket and together we walk over the grass, finding the spot with the best apples. ‘So tell me all about the divorce, Henry.’
He chuckles. ‘How long have you been thinking about this?’
‘To be fair? The second you told me about it. I mean, who would divorce you?’
‘I could say the same thing about you. You are the catch of the town.’
‘You are too,’ I say.
He bites his bottom lip as he stares ahead of him. ‘Okay, so I told you that my parents wanted me to marry her and her family wanted her to marry me.’
‘And how she dated my friend behind my back and we got divorced, right?’
‘Yes. I’m just curious to why you agreed to it?’
He snickers. ‘It had to do with a trust fund.’
‘Trust fund? That is honestly a thing?’ I ask.
Henry nods. ‘It is. So, if I married her, I would eventually get access to the trust fund.’
Eventually. That isn’t promising. ‘But you got divorced,’ I note. ‘What happened to the trust fund?’
‘It is now a yacht, owned by my parents.’
I place my hand on his arm. ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’
‘Never expected the word fucking to leave the lips of kindergarten teacher Amelia Jung,’ he chuckles. ‘But no, I’m not kidding. When I divorced Vera, that’s my ex, they knew she slept with my best friend, but they blamed me.’
This is absolutely infuriating me. ‘You have to give me your parents’ number,’ I say in all seriousness, ‘so I can call them and tell them their parenting style is honestly unbelievable. Henry you are a grown man! You should decide for yourself who you are dating or what kind of career you want to pursue. And that trust fund thing, how low, my goodness.’
Henry chuckles. ‘You understand why I had to leave?’
‘Oh, I more than understand, I just wonder why you didn’t leave sooner. I really don’t want to talk badly about your parents since I don’t know them, but this crosses a line. What an idiots.’
He nudges my side. ‘This fired up look really suits you, Amelia,’ he admits. ‘I like it.’
I look up and he smiles. He is so beautiful, my oh my. ‘Can I ask you something?’
‘How rich are your parents? I don’t need a number, but just an indication.’
‘They are pretty rich,’ he says. ‘Like, there is a possibility we would have marry a distant cousin to keep the money in the family, if there are no more trusted family friends who are single.’
Why do I know exactly what kind of family this is about? ‘I didn’t know Jersey had those types of rich.’
‘We keep on surprising,’ he chuckles. ‘Honestly, I never really fitted in, always the black sheep of the family. I’m just grateful I’m out of there and living my own life, even if it’s at age thirty eight.’
‘Luna Meadows sure is lucky to have you here.’ I stand on my toes, to give him a kiss on his soft lips. ‘You sure you don’t want me to call your parents?’
‘I don’t think they are ready for that,’ he smiles. ‘If they find out I’m dating you, they’ll flip.’
Oh my, we’re dating? Is that what he is saying? ‘Is it because I’m Korean?’
He shakes his head. ‘No, it’s more you having kids.’
‘Don’t your parents want grandkids? I thought everyone with kids is desperate to become grandparents.’
‘They do, just blood related grandkids.’
I simply scoff. ‘Your parents are a piece of work.’
‘You can say that again.’ I’m already opening my mouth, but he is way ahead of me. ‘Don’t even think about it,’ he chuckles. We start picking some good looking apples, as the late autumn sun warms my back. ‘Okay Amelia, I see a nice apple, but I can’t reach.’
‘Well, that sucks,’ I say, ‘because of you can’t reach it, I certainly ca— Oh no! Henry, put me down!’ I scream as he wraps his arm around my legs, lifting me up.
‘It’s the one on your right,’ he tells me, but I have closed my eyes shut. ‘Come on, Jung, it’s not that high!’
‘It is!’ I say. ‘You know I’m afraid of heights.’
‘I know you are. Just pick that one apple.’
I manage to open only one eye and quickly grab the one on my right. After I nearly broke the branch while picking it, he carefully puts me down. ‘That wasn’t funny, coach Cavill,’ I tell him, pointing dangerously at him with my pointer finger.
‘Oh look at that,’ he chuckles, ‘the teacher-finger.’
I try not to smile, but I fail. ‘Shut up.’
He bites his bottom lip, only making my heart pound really fast. Is he aware of the effect he has on my heart, especially when he does that? Henry leans in to give me a quick peck on my lips.
Amelia, please, now is not the time to faint.
‘Excuse me,’ I hear a voice behind me say and I cannot believe it’s Trixie again. Of course she is here, to ruin my fantastic date. She accidentally sat in the booth next to me on my second date with Dean, together with her friends. ‘Coach Cavill, I wanted to talk to you about George, is now a good time?’
I want to smack that smug grin of her face. No, now isn’t a good time and any human being with even one braincell could’ve figured that out.
Henry clears his throat, obviously a little caught off guard. ‘Uh, what did you wanted to talk about?’ he asks, as he scratches himself in the back of his neck.
‘His progress.’
Well, I can tell her all about that: her twelve year old is just as bad as he was three years ago. There is no progress with George Yates.
‘I think we should have that conversation a little later,’ Henry says with a professional tone, ‘when we’re at the center for example. I have video material and all. We could have a chat tomorrow, before training.’
‘Can’t wait,’ she says. ‘Amelia, are you having fun?’
‘Mhm, we’re going to make an apple pie at his place,’ I say, holding up the basket. ‘Remember, back in middle school when we were in that pie baking contest and I made one of my famous apple pies. What did you make again?’
Her face grows pale.
‘Oh right, pecan pie, with that very dark crust.’
Trixie is ready to skin me alive and honestly, I can’t really blame her, because I have been in her shoes more than once. For years her words would stab me like knives and now it’s the other way around. I remember when I came back from Korea, the way she gave me a hard time because my band Forever Hope disbanded. I mean, what did she accomplishment in those years? A date with Lucas Yates?
However, back then I just ignored her, but now I can’t. She will do anything to discredit me, but after that last phone call I had with Eve, when Trixie told me how I did not want to host a baby shower and a sweet sixteen at the same time, I felt this newly gained power to not allow her words to get to me.
I came to the realization that Trixie is still stuck in her high school mentality, while I grew up and actually matured. This gossiping and undermining thing was ridiculous back in school, but now… It’s still ridiculous, but also just plain pathetic. And maybe my comments aren’t exactly mature, but this is honestly just a small part of the payback she deserves after all those years of nearly bullying me.
‘Well, Trixie, Henry and I have some baking to do. See you later.’ I grab Henry by his hand and pull him with me. Henry doesn’t say a word on our way back to the truck, but once we’re both seated, he starts to laugh. ‘What?’ I ask.
‘How much underlying anger was in that conversation?’
‘Oh, quite a lot,’ I chuckle. I try not to think about the whole kid thing, because I honestly think it’s too soon for Henry and I to have that discussion. ‘Trixie and I go way back and I just felt this need to tell her off. Sorry.’
‘No need for apologies, remember?’ He places his hand on my leg and gives me a comforting squeeze. ‘Just so you know: I like you seeing you like this.’ He leans over and presses a kiss on my lips. ‘Now let’s go and make that famous apple pie of yours.’
✰ ✰ ✰
Making apple pie with Henry was nearly impossible. For starters, I had to make a checklist of every single thing that needed to be done at his place and spoiler alert: it’s a lot. I don’t want to call this place a dump, but… It kind of resembles one, if I’m being honest. When I finally managed to get myself to the kitchen, he continued to distract me with hugs and kisses. I mean, it’s not the worst thing I could think of (it was quite romantic), but once I’m baking pies, there is just this instant switch and I have a severe case of tunnel vision.
But of course, I managed to pull it off, with shockingly little help of Henry (but he made it all up by being handsome and handing me the stuff I needed). Now we are waiting for the three pies to cool a bit, as we are sitting on the couch. ‘I didn’t get any texts from the kids,’ I say, as I stare at my phone. ‘Or Eve for that matter. Are they okay?’
‘I think you are worrying too much.’
‘I’m not,’ I tell him, but when I look up and see his eyes, I realize I’m lying. ‘Okay, maybe I worry too much. It’s a trait I got only after the divorce. I usually was pretty chilled, very laid back, however when they went to their dad for the first time after the divorce… I was a nervous wreck. I think I finished up an entire bottle of wine and some.’
‘Oh no,’ he chuckles. ‘I’m sorry.’ He wraps an arm around my shoulders and lets out a sigh. ‘But I think it’s a mom’s job to worry.’
‘Yeah, part of the job, indeed.’
He doesn’t say anything for a while, but then he breaks the silence by saying: ‘You know, I keep thinking about Benji and that… anger outburst he had the other day.’
‘I know, I know, we’re trying to work on it, but… He just bottles up all of his emotions and then they come out uncontrolled. It’s so uncharacteristic of him, but he has been having them since he was little. I just worry sometimes he might hurt someone.’
‘I understand,’ Henry whispers.
‘But when he was younger, he would also save it when it was just us, when his dad wasn’t around. Probably because I just let him have his rage, before finally stopping when it was about to get out of hand. Dean on the other hand would get really angry. I think he felt and still feels safer to do it when he is with me.’
‘I just worry a lot and that resulted in quite a few grey hairs.’
‘Listen,’ he says, ‘you are doing an excellent job, that I can guarantee. I mean, listen only to my parents and how much of a train wreck they are.’
I chuckle. ‘That’s a wonderful compliment, thanks for that, Henry.’
‘You understand what I mean.’
‘I sure do and… I know I’m doing good, but sometimes I just lack so much in my own opinion.’ I lean towards him, to press a long kiss on his lips. Before he can say anything to that last statement I made, I say: ��We should get going. Think the pies are ready.’
‘And you desperately want to get back to your children, copy that.’
Henry and I get in his truck, with the slightly steaming pies covered in tea towels so you won’t burn your hands when you hold them. I adore being in a car with him, especially when he places his hand on my thigh. When we arrive home, Henry holds the pies in his hands and when I open the door, I only hear Isabella’s and Benji’s laughs, meaning the other kids went home. I’ll bring the other pie to Eve’s tonight. ‘Hi sweeties,’ I say when I walk into the living room, seeing the two of them on the couch.
‘Mom!’ They jump up and rush towards me and hug me close. ‘How was it?’ Benji asks.
‘It was wonderful,’ Henry says, ‘and you kids are lucky your mom loves you a lot, because otherwise I would’ve eaten all of this all by myself.’
Benji holds out his hands to help Henry out and brings the pies to the kitchen. Isabella jumps up and with one arm he balances her on his hip. ‘You wouldn’t, right?’
‘Oh, I think he would,’ I chuckle.
We walk to the kitchen, where Benji already has four plates prepared. ‘Oh shoot,’ I say to Henry, ‘I left the whipped cream in the car.’
‘I’ll get it, no worries,’ he says with a smile, before turning around, as he grabs his keys from the counter.
When he is out of hearing distance, Isabella pokes my arm. ‘And?’
‘And what?’ I ask her.
‘Did you two kiss again?’
The fact that I’m stammering, is the answer to her question. ‘Why do you care?’ Benji asks his little sister.
‘It’s just so romantic,’ she exclaims and wraps her arms around my shoulders, pressing her cheek against mine.
Henry walks back in with the whipped cream, tosses it up, before catching it with his other hand. Show off, I think to myself. ‘Who wants some?’ he asks.
‘I do, I do!’ Isabella says.
‘On your nose or on the pie?’ Henry asks with a smile.
‘On the pie,’ she chuckles. ‘You are a pig.’
‘You can’t just call people pigs,’ I say to her, softly squeezing her side.
‘You do it all the time, mom.’
‘Some things need to stay within the Jung family, honey,’ I whisper in her ear. ‘Okay, Isabella, pick a piece.’
We take our plates with the piece of pie and the whipped cream and sit at the table. Benji is seated next to me and when I look to the side, I notice him looking at Henry and how he is treating Isabella. I bump my knee against his and our eyes meet. My sweet boy, I think to myself. He sends me a quick smile and I chuckle.
‘Benji and Isabella, do you mind if I talk to you two about something?’
‘Is it something we did?’ Benji asks, his voice dripping with worry.
I place my hand on his wrist. ‘No, sweetheart, it’s nothing you did.’
Henry shakes his head. ‘It’s just something I need you to know.’
Isabella looks up to the side, as she takes in the broad man next to him. ‘What is it?’
‘Well I want you two to know that… Just because I’m dating your mom, doesn’t mean I’m trying to steal her away from you nor to become your new dad. She is still your mom and you two are her number one priorities.’
My daughter chuckles. ‘Henry, we know all that.’
‘And we are more than happy to share our mom with you,’ Benji tells him.
While Henry is a bit surprised, I am not, because I just knew my kids would react like this. ‘Really?’ He can’t help but smile and that melts my heart.
‘Really,’ my two kids confirm and I smile when I see how happy the three of them are. ‘Is there anything you wish I know or you expect from me?’ He looks over at Isabella, who already opened her mouth. ‘And that does not involve watching television with you passed your bedtime,’ he says, causing her to pout.
‘Just make my mom happy,’ Benji says and if my heart wasn’t completely melted away, it is now.
‘Honey,’ I say, as I wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel he is rolling his eyes. ‘You are too sweet.’
‘Mom, stop,’ he laughs.
‘My boy is such a darling,’ I continue, simply to pester him.
‘Mom!’ Benji says, trying to push me off, but I’m simply too strong for now.
‘I did such a good job raising you,’ I chuckle, as I pepper his cheek with kisses.
‘Mom!’ He starts to laugh and I actually let him go now. ‘Don’t hug me like that again, but I meant what I said. Just make my mom happy and then I’m happy.’
‘I can do that,’ Henry says. ‘I promise.’
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Classic Heavy x OnPeriod!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Period Horniness Mixed With Boredom and a Busy Boyfriend? 
Please let me know if I haven't used AFAB correctly! I just didn't want to back y’all into too small a corner. So, this is meant to be ‘Reader who gets periods’. Could be a cis female, transitioning trans female, gender-neutral or agender person with a vagina, etc. Just, provided you have a vagina. 
I know he isn't on the list but I wanted to try someone new! I don't play TF2 but I’ve read what there is of the comics! I loved them! ^^
Plot: So...
You decided that it was a good idea to sext Chevy. 
Warnings: SMUT (Penis in Vagina). Period sex (He licks it once but that’s it in the way of blood to mouth), dirty talk, Daddy kink, dirty names, etc. *Cough* Creampie also. Lets hope videogame characters cant procreate or contract STD’s. I meant for it to be nasty smut, but due to my lack of experience and fluff brain I dunno if it actually is 😅 So beware. 
As you are bored out of your mind and reading smuts (Dean Winchester. Beetlejuice. Herman Carter. Oh boy), causing your libido to get even more aggressive in your current hormonal state, you shrink down further into the couch cushions and groan from pain. 
Not from cramps; You don’t get them as bad as others anymore, thank god (And besides, you have a hot water bottle underwear your shirt and the top of your sweats), but from the fact that your very huge, very hot and very lusty boyfriend is stuck in a meeting elsewhere!! Pouting, you drop your phone onto your chest and drop your head to the side, staring at the ceiling. 
You sigh. 
Ross, on the other couch across from you, rolls his head to the side and puts down his magazine to raise his bushy brows at you. “What is yer problem??” 
“Hm,” You sigh again. “Nothing... “ 
As Ross looks back at his Lifestyle you get an idea, a cheeky smile slowly skidding across your lips as you peak down at your phone on your chest. Ooooh... Snatching up the phone, you open up Chevy’s message tab and start tapping out a text. “Heheh... “ 
You: Hey Chev. If you could do anything to me and I h a d to say yes, what would you do? 
Then quickly you turn off the phone and set it back in its place screen down on your chest. You wonder, what would he say if he responded? What would you really agree to? 
... actually lets not wonder that. We may scare ourselves. Lets just say; Much. 
A few minutes later your phone buzzes and you take a moment, calming your nerves and your excitement before you pick it up and open the messages again. 
Chevy: Ohhh, I wouldn’t go there sweet bottom. Very, very busy right now.  
Chewing on your thumb nail, you grin broadly at the screen and wonder even more what he’s thinking. 
You: What should I do while I wait for you then? If you’re so busy I’ll be so wet when you get here... 
You: Already am pretty soaked actually. I tried to handle it myself. . . 
Okay, this is the great thing about Chevy, realise. You can say whatever you like, sex-wise, and you wont ever be embarrassed. Because you know he’s always up to fuck, and he’s usually thinking about it first. 
Chevy: Oh, are you just teasing me or are you gonna send proof? This is a dangerous game your playing princess/prince. 
Oh dear. You cant send proof! How can you deflect this? “Ahh... “ Thinking as you look around the room, muttering in a panic ‘Um. Um. Um. Um-’, “OH!” You hop up from the couch and duck behind it, pull the front of your shirt forward and quickly snap a picture of your chest, before fixing your clothes and jumping back onto the couch, laying on your back again. Cheeks rosy from the adrenaline. Ross looks confused at you, nose scrunched up and beard askew, but you just waive him off and send the picture. You don’t type anything this time. 
“Squirrely... “ Ross mutters in annoyance, shaking his head back at his reading material. 
Your phone buzzes again and you try to keep a straight face as you read the block of text, and watch the attachment, the bottom half of your face hidden comfortably behind the collar of your shirt to hide your frazzled-ness. 
Chevy: Baby, you know that’s not what I meant... But look what its done to me. Devil person. 
*Chevy Attached: A video of his lap shifting, and there’s a slight bulge in his black pants. 
Eyes wide at the video he must’ve taken on the sly under the table, of his gently growing prominence, as he shifts to get more comfortable with it. Its just enough movement for you to imagine it thrusting onto your aching section and it makes you hide even more of your face under your shirt. “Jesus... “ This may have been a bad idea. 
Bad I cant stop. 
You: I love that
Chevy: I know 
*Chevy Attached: A picture of his grinning face from below, looking off assumedly to the slideshow or whatever they’re being shown in that meeting. 
Why is that cocky, mischievous look on his face, which some (Including yourself sometimes) would call an asshole look, hotter then the outline of his huge, ever loving cock?? It just doesn't add up! 
This is becoming a cruel, and unusual form of torture. You’ve never tried sexting before today, and you regret it. 
Ohhh, god. You wish he was here! Closing your eyes for a moment and furrowing your eyebrows from frustration and longing, you shamelessly imagine how Chev would lead you to the nearest empty room with a door (Any room. Laundry? Kitchen? Your room? His? Someone else's?? It wouldn’t matter to him, and by the time he got your favourite weapon of his out you wouldn't either. At least, that’s the way things were the last time you checked.) push your body against the wall and thrust his cock deep into you as he plays torturously with your front with his huge hands... 
And it wouldn't be hard. You’re already totally slick, with blood and slick. 
Oh, god. You love that he’s there for period sex. 
As you imagined, you had let your head fall to the side slowly relaxing. And, as you imagined further, fantasising about your orgasm building up and feeling your pussy ache for pressure in real life you start to hear h e a v y footsteps coming towards this room in the hall. 
Just as you realise that your knight in shining cargo has come you snap your eyes open and there that man is, standing behind the couch above you, jaw taught. You cant see his lower section due to the back of the couch obscuring your view but a broad grin rips across your lips anyway at the speediness of his arrival and the forcefulness - in other words, desperation, - in his face. You immediately, kind of hilariously, yank out the hot water bottle from your clothes.  “Well, hi there!- Oh,”
He just leans down, fixes his ginormous, manly hands around your waist and plucks you off the couch with ease, literally throwing you over his shoulder - your ass by his head, - and starts walking with just as much force as he came towards the exit. Oh, here we go... 
Your pussy sings at the pressure of his broad shoulder pressing against it, and bumping against it as he walks, and you would be embarrassed by that but instead you just promise it that its going to get its real treat, real soon. 
“Baby girl/boy, you’ve been a real, desperate, whore.” Cheavy growls out as he finds a room and turns on his heel, getting you both inside and kicking the door hard closed. You take that as a sign of how hard he’s about to fuck you, tingling with excitement. He lifts you off his shoulder and plops you down on the washing machine - or dryer? You don’t know. You just know its on, and its sending delicious vibrations through your core, - making you moan at the sudden, total attention to your cunt. But you’re also occupied sitting still, caught in his stern, smirking expression. “I really shouldn't reward you for behaviour like that, kid.”
Knitting your eyebrows together and shifting forward on the machine, opening your legs so he can nestle himself between them and running your hands around his neck so you can guide him forward you whine. Simping. “You don’t want to leave either, though, do you... ?” You smirk slyly. 
“Right.” He smirks back, even more mischievously then you. It makes you wonder, and your pussy yearn. “That’s why I’m doing this for me.” One of those hands, your favourite hands in the entire world (Well apart from that of those who fight for minorities rights every day *Sit com wink into the camera*. ) moves between the two and latches onto your mound, making you jolt forwards into it as he cups and massages it. His hand perfectly cups it, too. Palm big enough to press against the lips, thumb strong enough at the top to rub up and down the top and the rest of his fingers just warm it all up. “Are you gonna be an obedient, disgusting little cock sleeve?” Caught in his gaze, and almost too turned on to respond, you stay still for a moment, thighs just clamping around his hand. 
Quickly, when he stops his movements on your core you nod fervently. “Yes! Yes, I am.” 
“Hmmm?” He tilts his head, looking down as he unbuttons your jeans and makes your breath hitch as dips a thick finger past your underwear, into you and immediately takes it up again to his lips to taste, smirking at your stupefied expression. Blood... he just... tasted... your... He does this every time you two engage in period sex, just to see this reaction from you but you never get used to it. How does he do it?? “What do you call me when I fuck you, Y/N?” 
You break yourself out of the moment, getting back to reality. “D-Daddy. Sorry. Sorry, Daddy... “
“That’s right, baby doll. I’m your Daddy, and you are... ?” 
“Your amenable, disgusting little whore.” You respond obediently, like a student... yeah. A student right out of a porn video. 
“Correct, now... Undo my pants now, wild cat. Somethings just begging for your aching, pretty cunt.” All too happy to do so, your hands dive down - well, not without feeling his chest up on your way down which is made so much easier as he’s just wearing a normal t-shirt instead of chest armour, - and wolfishly unzip and push down his trousers, revealing a fully, entirely enlarged and throbbing penis hidden behind worn cotton boxers. You chew on your lips as you go to pull down those, too, but Chevy chuckles and and gathers your eager hands in one his, reclaiming control that he never really lost. “Oh, not yet. I told you this was for me, didn't I?- “ 
“When are our carnal relations ever any different, Chev?” You ask, scrunching up your nose cheekily. Then, “Ah,”, remembering your place for the moment, you correct yourself carefully. But, you still smirk. “I mean... Daddy.” 
“Get on your knees and use your mouth. You are so good at that- your best quality, really.” 
Scrunching up your nose at his snark this time, scowling, you do as he says anyway hopping off the machine and coming face-to-dick. 
Because you are a whore. 
In this moment, at least. 
And, besides; You are really, really good at this. If you do say so yourself. if you do it just right, his animal instincts will completely take over and he’ll really use you. He steps closer, feet on either side of your thighs making you crane your neck to not be motorboating his freaken balls. Pulling down his boxers, finally completely exposing his, admittedly perfect - for you, - , genitalia and sigh as you get to wrap both your hands around the girth. Its so thick. God, you love it. 
I would love it a heck of a lot more if it was nailing me into the tiles right now instead of nearly poking my eye out... but there are ways we can make that happen. 
Moaning, like you’re taking the first bite of a really good sandwich you take as much of his hot, leaking cock between your lips and your hot mouth. Immediately one of his hands cups the back of your head and firmly pushes you further, the girth disappearing into you until hair tickles your nose. You can only imagine how you look... and it kind of turns you on even more. 
“You are the best cocksleeve, sweet’eart... “ He says, voice not betraying anything so far. You can change that. 
Utilising the tip of your tongue, you begin to stroke the the bottom, all along it to the tip and you suck - gently at first, - and slipping your lips along the shaft over and over, like you’re eating an icy poll. Its a slick, spit sheening mess by the time he’s literally spilling spurts of cum into your mouth and chin, which you wipe off. Not a full orgasm, but enough to grant you what you really want. And damn, is it hot. 
As you slip off of his head again, licking up the creamy substance from the very tip, guided back by his hands in your hair gently but authoritatively he lets out a loud growl at the pleasure you give him. “... Tell me, who’s your Daddy?” 
You just innocently lean forward and nuzzle his thighs in response, making him shudder and get down to the floor with you. Frustratedly, like this has to happen right fucking now, Chevy lays you on your back on the cold floor and straddles you after tugging down your pants and your underwear, and shoves himself fully in you all at once. 
Its an easy fit, spearing into your searing, red, mess of a hole like it can only be one time of the month and when you have sex with Chevy. He grunts, and starts absolutely thundering into you over and over, like you’re the best feeling cunt he’s every experienced. You believe it. And, because of the way he makes you feel with that gorgeous, stone-hard cock of his you hope it is really true.  
The sounds that it causes you to make are completely pornographic, and can absolutely be heard outside the room. The strength he uses to pound your dripping pussy both presses your bare ass into the cold tiles of the floor and pushes you up across the ground, and you whine. So hard... “Oh my god, oh my god!!” You cant help how your legs spread as wide as possible at the thighs but your ankles press tightly to his back. You arch your back to meet him, listening to the squish sounds that come out of you and his growly, fast breathing. “So good, Chevy!!” 
“What.” He says quickly, wrapping his hands around your waist to keep you still and not sliding up the floor- so his hits find their target every time with an agonising strength. Pounding your pussy in a way you wish wouldn't stop. 
Pushing his chest up so you can relocate, and get a different position, making him sit and you straddle his waist, hands up his shirt and fingers spreading across his hairy chest. “I meant Daddy.”
“Yes you fucking did.” 
He always gets so cranky when he’s close to blowing. 
Its not a bad thing, cranky is sexy on him- provided his penis is shoved inside you. 
Grinding in his lap now, you do much of the grunt work, until he cant take your torment this time and takes your waist in his hands again, lifting you and jamming you back down on his rod over and over again, until he explodes cum inside you. 
The outburst fills you up completely, the funk dripping out from between your walls and around his base, dripping on the floor pink from your period causing you to see stars come too, a moment later as he slams you down on his manhood once more. 
Catching your breathes, you two stay sitting there like that, letting your shared fluid ooze out of you from around him, until his cock softens totally in you. When that’s done, he lifts your body off his and sets you down on the ground away from the puddle you two made. Your legs feel shaky, your breath is hard to catch, and your pussy feels battered. 
This was a good session. 
Chevy seems to think so too, as he grins and picks you up again, sitting you sideways, carefully on lap. “Oh, did I do well, Daddy?” You blink innocently, happy to keep playing the game but tired. 
“Mhm. As always. You’ve got the perfect cunt, baby girl/boy.” 
You look up, waiting for a kiss. “Oh, hope so.” Your lips meet, finally, tongues playing together gentle. You exchange long, open mouthed kisses with each other for a while after your session, making out lazily and dining on each others tastes as desert. 
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arieswonjin · 3 years
softbound; p.1
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title: softbound; (modern royalty au)
pairings: bookshop owner!allen ma x princess!reader
genre: fluff, some angst
word count: 4.3k (p.1) 
navigation: teaser; p.1; p.2; epilogue;
warnings: none
masterlist | request here! | how to request |
story playlist; (pls this is cute)
a/n: first part of my fic exchange with @cravicton​
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the one-seater sofa you were nestled in was threadbare and faded, but its old charm was what made it the perfect finishing piece to your little nook. 
it sat between two wooden shelves, the excellent fit making it look like it's been specially made to be placed in that very corner of the downtown bookshop. the seat dipped down significantly after hours and hours spent carrying weight as people momentarily escaped from their mundane days and glided through one fictional world into another where they could live some other life apart from the one they had in this modern 21st-century town. 
it was probably fate telling you to savor life’s simpler pleasures, having found the bookshop in one of your low-profile tours of the kingdom—one of your responsibilities as a ruler in training. you’ve been coming here ever since to no one but your assistant’s knowledge.
in the three years that passed, you couldn't remember if you have seen the seemingly insignificant yet inviting piece of furniture you were sitting on ever look new or if there was anybody in your town who has used it as much as you have.
what you did know was that every time you came to get lost in reading, a new trinket prepared by the bookshop's only owner, allen, would always be waiting on top of it. a book with a marked page, illustrations that reminded him of you, or simple items that made you smile were always accompanied by a mug of dark cocoa placed on top of a nearby shelf with a neat coaster. and don't forget the little note signed with a tiny, almost reluctantly-drawn, heart. 
tonight, it was a newly-bought knitted blanket the color of lush forests in autumn. you wrapped it around yourself the moment you sat down and you noticed that it smelled like old books and oat-scented candles. "because it's almost your favorite season," the note said. 
“how's my best customer enjoying their favorite spot tonight?” allen's face appeared peeking through a small space between the books to your right. he smiled, eyes and all, seeing you cradled in the knitted blanket with a book propped up with your knees, his warm mug in your hand.
allen was doing his nightly rounds, making sure new book arrivals were well stacked and sorted before he called it a day and went home. seeing you still immersed in reading a few minutes before the shop's closing time was not a new sight to him. in fact, it was how he finished many of his more enjoyable workdays.
"you know, if you treat every customer like this, they might end up falling for you." you took a sip of the dark cocoa and raised an eyebrow at him, ignoring the question. "with hot cocoa like this every time they're here? i'm surprised people aren't lining up outside."
allen didn't stop smiling and raised an eyebrow back to tease you, "so that means you're enjoying it?" he asked, making his way around the shelves and towards your sofa, plopping himself down on one of its arms.
the answer to his question was apparent with the relaxed way you were sitting, but you answered him anyway. "yes, allen. as always. thank you." you looked up at him, smiling sincerely and noticing how his warm stare didn’t falter.
"i like this one." he tapped the spine of the book you were holding, the white palace, by tom lee. allen always liked discussing books you’ve both read, going over details you yourself would have missed. he looked at you, taking the softbound item in his hand. “princess…”
you kept yourself from choking on your drink. for the past three years, a set of unusual circumstances led to allen still being clueless that you, his bookshop’s most avid patron, were indeed a crowned princess. 
did he finally hear about who you were? you really wanted to be the one to tell him and you were planning to do it soon, but he must’ve found the timing impeccable, seeing you read a novel about royalty then and there. 
you braced yourself for the questions, gathering up remnants of an unfinished explanation that you wanted to save for later.
“….princess mary, was that her name? the main character?” you inwardly sighed in relief and nodded.  maybe not. but soon.“how are you liking it so far?”
"i think it's quite exaggerated, the way they described the king and queen's private life. you know, they have an ordinary side to them, too. more than you would think.” you replied.
"mmhmm." he nodded thoughtfully like he always does when you expressed your opinion, like he was doing his best to grasp your perspective. “fiction has that tendency. and what are the chances of the princess getting married to a commoner?” 
you shrugged and patted the small space beside you on the one-seater. what are the chances of the princess getting married to a commoner? you turned the question over and over in your head. 
"i already closed up the entrance, but we can stay for another hour again if you want? wouldn't be the first time," allen said, accepting your silent offer and laughing at how both of you fit snuggly on the sofa, his chest pressed against your shoulder and his arms draped behind you. 
"how about just another five minutes? i actually have to go earlier today. work." you offered him a sip from the mug to which he obliged, putting his hands over yours as he sipped up the warm drink. "but this is just too comfortable to pass up." you finished. 
after a few lovely minutes, you helped allen close the bookshop. both of you walked side by side, taking the small path to the main road. the space between you two was almost nonexistent as the cold fall evening made you seek for each other’s warmth, however slight. 
you loved this, the comfortable silence he always gave you when you were about to part. he wasn’t too keen about asking you questions and was contented with listening only to what you wanted to share. he never asked, for instance, why you always refused to let him bring you home. instead, he told you almost a hundred times to be careful on the way. 
"i'm glad you enjoyed your nook today.” he faced you and you smiled at his words, giving him an intuitive peck on the cheek to which he scrunched his nose in delight. i enjoyed it too much, you thought. sometimes, being there made you forget that you were in line to rule an entire kingdom. you wanted to say this but decided against it. next time. i promise. “be careful on the way back, okay?” 
you nodded at him to go ahead. he never ever failed to look back at you at least thrice while walking away. 
tonight, you counted four. 
finally, he turned a corner and you sighed.
"your highness." a car stopped in front of you not even a minute after, its front windows rolling down to reveal your assistant. you remember specifically asking him not to open the car door for you when he drops you off and picks you up a block away from the bookshop, things he still remembers to do until now. 
you opened the door and sat yourself down on the backseat. "thanks, serim." 
upon getting in, you knew serim was ready to update you about any developments on your current dealings, the most pertinent one being the donor’s ball, the first-ever palace event your parents, the king and queen, were letting you host on your own. 
“there are some catering concerns that need to be finalized and i was told the guestlist for the donor’s ball is ready for you, your highness. when would you want to view it?” 
“tonight is fine. it would be great if it was brought to the drawing-room when we arrive.” 
“i’ll have it arranged. and a slot needs filling. one of the donors said they were withdrawing the donations for the children’s home, your highness,” serim reported, an undertone of annoyance just barely showing through at the said withdrawal.
“is it kim’s pages inc.?” you leaned your head on the window of the car and saw serim nod. “that’s fine. we have two weeks. that should be enough to find a replacement. let’s have a message sent to similar companies in town.” 
“right away, your highness.”
you made a mental list of your commitments for the rest of the week, knowing you’d have no free time to have another one of your nights at the bookshop with allen for a few days. but this was your reality and you weren’t complaining. you were bringing people the help they needed. telling allen would have to wait.
"oh, and serim?” you leaned forward to peak at his face through the rearview mirror. 
"yes, your highness?” 
“remember when i told you not to call me ‘your highness’?”
“yes….your highness.” he shifted in his seat, holding back a snort.
"you don't have to call me that when we're alone. we're practically siblings and it feels weird. just casually, okay? and take those sunglasses off, it’s evening.” you patted his shoulder playfully from the backseat, all the walls of professionalism crumbling down with your high-pitched laughter.
"alright, y/n." he laughed and cleared his throat, loosening up at your signal. 
serim, the only person inside the palace you could freely confide in when you were growing up, became your assistant at your request. his family has worked for the palace for years and no one could do the job better than him. ”since we're acting like actual buddies now, how's that bookshop owner doing? you told him already?” he asked, pulling up to the front gates of your residence which opened automatically at the sight of your vehicle.
"i will. soon.” 
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your decision to not appear on television, or any platform for that matter, even while you were accomplishing work for public service was something your family never questioned. in fact, they supported it, knowing what scrutiny could do to a young woman still finding her character. 
that said, allen not knowing that you were a member of the royal family was not a big surprise, as you were less of a household face than the rest of the monarchy. you deliberately avoided media and the public eye with the help of your dedicated staff, but this didn't mean you dodged your responsibilities. you were busy as can be, meeting partners in private meetings, arranging food and basic support for local shelters, and making sure the palace helpers were well-compensated. 
allen’s bookshop was your breath of relief after a long day. in fact, the morning after spending hours at your small second home always made you feel like you were living a double life—from the worn-down sofa and aged bookshelves to the grand halls and luxurious decorative pieces of the palace.
“honey, i heard you were working until 2 am last night. you should really be getting rest. you know how busy we’ll all be on the day of the ball.” the queen greeted you with a frown as you approached the breakfast table set under a small gazebo in the middle of the palace garden. you sat down and were faced with a complete breakfast setup of the best eggs, toast, fruit, and all kinds of beverages, ready for you like they always were in the mornings. 
“good morning, darling.” the king greeted you after taking a sip of coffee. he eyed your mother, urging her to greet you good morning before the rest of her concerned reminders. “have some breakfast. you’ll need it with the way you’re bustling nowadays.”
“yes, father. and don’t worry, mother, we just had some unexpected things to iron out,” you assured your parents. with you taking care of the event for the first time ever, you knew they just wanted things to go smoothly.
the donor's ball was hosted every fall. its main purpose was to gather potential partners that will support the charities under the royal family’s care. it did mean going out and being seen more than you would like, but it was the perfect opportunity to bring more to your constituents. you couldn't pass up the additional support for your advocacies. 
but to add to that, your parents seemed to think the donor’s ball had another purpose.
“the kangs are on the guestlist. i heard they were bringing their heir, minhee,” your mother shared, trying to sound nonchalant, but you knew exactly what she was hinting at. “right?” she nudged your father who almost choked on his buttered roll. 
“right. jungmo is coming too. remember him? your horseback riding partner?” your father asked. 
“when i was 12? yes, father. i remember. and for the nth time…” you smiled at both of them patiently. “i’m marrying neither minhee nor jungmo.”
the king and queen merely looked at each other. their attempts to push you to meet potential grooms in the donor’s ball were now out of the picture. 
“it’s alright, i got it, thank you.” you smiled at the palace helper and took the pot of tea from her hands, pouring your own cup. 
“then who will it be, y/n? you know we always let you do what you think is best for you, but we only had one request: good in-laws.” the king asked, still sounding gentle as ever despite his hard exterior and the ever-so-pressing question. 
“you get a choice, dear.” your mother smiled at you over the breakfast table. “you can find someone to marry yourself or you can entrust the task to me.” 
“i’m on it.” you said almost inaudibly before taking a bite of your breakfast. 
“come again?” your parents were all ears now. never hearing anything about the state of your heart was the norm for them, so you suddenly saying that you were ‘on it’ was quite the surprise. 
you figured that if you were going to tell allen who you really were and how you really felt about him soon, your parents might as well know before they did anything funny, like set you up with kang minhee for example. minhee was great, but he was not allen. 
“what if i want to marry the owner of that small bookstore?” you asked more confidently than before. they were silenced for a few seconds, again exchanging looks, but later on, they merely shrugged like they realized just who they were talking to. by now, they would have gotten used to how unpredictable their only child could be. 
“then they had better pass their background checks. oh, and of course, we will have to interview them.” your mother explained. “—and don’t worry, i’ll tell your father not to scare them away.” she added after seeing that you were about to protest. to this, your father simply rolled his eyes, making the palace helpers giggle behind you. they always loved witnessing the rather casual exchanges you had with your parents. 
“alright.” you smiled, grateful that you three reached an understanding. you were anxious, yes. how is he going to take this? but you were also visibly giddy. you had too many butterflies in your stomach to worry about anything else. the technicalities would have to be taken care of some other time. “you’re going to love him.”
your parents smiled at you purely, “we can’t wait to meet him.”
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“if you treat every customer like this, they might end up falling for you.” allen shook his head, chuckling by himself inside his humble studio apartment. he was cooking up a simple lunch when he remembered what you told him the day before. unconsciously, he caught himself hoping that it was a masked confession. allen knew it was a reach, trying to deduce how you felt just from those words, but seeing how close you two have become—the lingering gazes, warm hugs, and pecks on the cheek—he hoped he had a chance to have his feelings reciprocated openly. it’s probably time to clear out where both of you stood. it’s been 3 years after all. 
the first time you ever stepped inside the bookshop, allen thought you were terribly overdressed. it was just at the break of spring and summer. you entered the shop alone and almost unnoticed, with allen’s back turned and you making the door chimes sound softer than they usually do. he actually only realized you were inside the shop when he saw you perusing the aisle containing contemporary mystery novels. with the beige sundress and huge sunglasses that you wore, one wouldn’t assume that you were from that town. 
“hi, uhm, are you a tourist?” allen asked, ready to offer his help if you said yes. however, he was not looking directly at you but at the book you had in your hands. it was one of the novels in his shop he was not very fond of due to its unnecessary wordiness and lack of research. 
“uhm, no. but i am new to this shop. they have a good selection, huh?” you paused and chuckled at the expression on allen’s face. “don’t worry, i’m not fond of his writing, either.”
“huh?” with a confused expression, he looked up at your face for the first time.
“i noticed you were squinting at it,” you said, raising the book up to eye level. 
“ah, i’m sorry.” a bashful laugh sounded throughout the bookshop. allen looked like he could be your age but he carried himself like a young child meeting someone for the first time. “but you have to admit, his book covers feel very satisfying.” 
“that’s the only reason why i was holding it. to feel it.” you laughed along with him and noticed that he was carrying a stack of at least 10 books. you removed your sunglasses to have a closer look at the titles. “you’re buying all of that?” 
“no, no. i— uh, own the shop, actually. just reorganizing.” he said shyly, not used to introducing himself to a customer because everyone in the neighborhood who came to buy from him already knew this fact.
“oh! and here i was asking you about your own selections! lovely shop, by the way, sir…?” 
“allen. just allen.” he held out his hand. when he asked for your name with complete curiosity and with no trace of recognition on his face, you knew that this was going to be a new and interesting place to be. from then on, his bookshop was the only place outside the palace to witness your unquenchable thirst for reading. 
with every visit, your relationship with allen bloomed from awkward exchanges of greetings and smiles to a routine of long-winded discussions—ranging from the sweet and the natural to the borderline debate-like—a welcome sign that you have grown comfortable in each other’s presence. aside from the fact that he still did not know a single thing about your family background, both of you could say that you’ve come to know each other well, even up to the smallest habits and preferences. 
allen could not remember when he realized that he always missed you terribly on the days you wouldn’t come. he did not know when he started to want to hold you while you had your nose up in a book. he also couldn’t tell at what point in time in the past three years his heart started beating faster at every soft tinkling sound of the door chime, always wishing it was you who entered when he turned and looked.  
although he was not sure exactly when he fell for you, he’s more than certain that he wanted to be able to spend time with you and maybe have a future with you outside of the confines of his store. 
“if you treat every customer like this, they might end up falling for you.” the next time you came, he was going to tell you that he’s never done special gestures like that for any other customer. his heart simply becomes happy making you smile and he’ll be glad to continue doing so for as long as you let him. 
allen smiled by himself again, thinking about the mug of hot cocoa and heartfelt confession he was going to give you when you come back.
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it’s been a few days since you last got the chance to take a break from your endless meetings. the two weeks leading up to the ball clouded your mind with nothing but work, work, and work. the one free night you had before the ball was tomorrow and you would usually be feeling excited at the thought of seeing allen and being cradled by pages of fiction in your spot between the shelves. but with the case at hand, all you could do was worry. the excitement upon telling your parents about him was now replaced with a rabbit hole of concern. 
“i can hear your heart racing through the phone lines, y/n…” your best friend said through the phone call. staying in your room cooped up with your thoughts just wasn’t going to do it. you needed someone who was not on edge to put you in the right mindset for tomorrow and no one could do it better than your childhood best friend, who just so happened to be the young prince of a neighboring kingdom. 
“i know, hyeongjun. be the prince that you are and give me your thoughts, please.” you leaned your back on one of the pillars of your balcony, staring out at the wide expanse of your town and the few flickering lights in the distance. you wondered if allen was closing up his shop right this very moment. 
“before that… tell me. why do you like this allen?” hyeongjun asked. as you knew he wasn’t one to judge based on status or occupation, you obliged. 
“well…” you started to fill him in right from the very beginning. your eyes were still looking out at the town, but your mind was replaying your typical visits to the shop like a movie reel. 
you told hyeongjun about how your heart would do somersaults seeing allen sitting on the front desk, looking dashing even in just a simple sweater; about how his eyes would light up when he turned and saw you enter the shop; how he would look down and have a tint of red on his cheeks, catching himself in the middle of a rant when you listened to his stories with a loving gaze and undivided attention.
you smiled dreamily as you continued to narrate how you found the very first note allen left for you. it was placed on top of a stack of aged books at the shelf you frequented. the note said: “y/n. because i noticed you seemed to love horror fiction. these are some of my favorites. tell me what you think about them? :)” you looked over at the front desk, meeting his eyes which were already looking in your direction. you gave him a thumbs up, earning an excited smile from him. 
before you left the bookshop that day, you noticed a bunch of crumpled post-it notes inside the bin beside the front door, some of them with longer messages, some with scribbled out hearts and more smiley faces. you chuckled, imagining how flustered he must’ve been while deciding what to write before finally settling for the simpler message instead. 
you jumpily described your surprise at how, several months after you first met, allen dared to hold your hand and pull you between the wooden shelves to show you the seat he set up just for you; how he would smile when you told him his shop brought you comfort; how the hours spent with him are the longest you could go without being served or addressed as a noble, but as a beloved friend and maybe even more.
“and his mind… he knows more things than i could possibly know. he’s smart. but he still listens to me like everything i say is brand new to him. he’s no prince, but he’s left me more to think about than any other prince i’ve met. no offense, hyeongjun. you know i love you.”
“none taken.” hyeongjun breathed out, taking in everything you said. “just now, it sounded like you were reading me a fairytale. y/n, i know you’re already a real princess, but you saying such things makes me think you’re a princess out of actual fantasy.”
“hyeongjun…” you whined, not understanding where he was going with this. 
“okay, look. i don’t think it was for the fear of him treating you differently that you still have not told him about your background,” he rationalized. hyeongjun has always been a bubbly friend, but you could rely on him to be wise and objective when you needed it the most. “it was the comfort that he brought you after a long day. maybe it was the way he treated you like an equal that kept you contented with what he knows about you at this point in time.” 
you stayed silent and felt the waves of worry ebbing away because of how accurately he described your situation.
“my point is, y/n, if he was everything you described him to be, he would understand why you took this long to tell him. don’t get ahead of yourself, okay?” hyeongjun asked. “but if he reacts negatively, i can always send some of my personal guards to talk it out with him and—“ 
“i’m kidding! i just wanted to make you laugh,” he said giggling. you shook your head and laughed along with him, feeling yourself gaining more will to face the next day. the sigh you had now was one of partial relief
“thank you… i mean it.” you told him. “see you at the ball?” 
“it’s your first donor’s ball. i wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter 3
𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝓮 𝓝𝓸𝔀
A few hours later I was sitting on the couch. One of my hands handcuffed to the arm of the couch and my other was softly petting a cat that was resting in my lap. I should’ve expected that they weren’t going to completely untie me. They’re trained assassins, that would be dumb of them. I probably would’ve tried to escape anyway. Axel had also put the gag back over my mouth. I guess we weren’t on the level of asking personal questions.
The day just kept getting weirder. Axel had taken off his clothes and was now cooking in the kitchen in just his underwear, a white t-shirt, and a pink apron. What could be weirder than that?! I asked myself. Lo and behold, Otto and Oscar stood face to face in front of me. I watched with perplexed look upon my face. Otto had a knife in his hand, ready to throw. Keeping his eyes on Oscar, he threw the knife in one swift motion. The knife barely missing his foot by an inch. My brows furrowed in confusion as I stayed silent and continued to watch. Oscar picked up the knife and did the same thing. Although this time the knife actually could be seen penetrating Ottos thigh. My eyes widened at the amount of blood that started to pour out. “What the hell?!” I tried to say but it only came out as a muffled noise. They both looked at me a little alarmed, but not even fazed about the blood.
Oscar finally got what I had said and tsked his tongue. “Oh he’s fine, right Otto?”
Otto removed the knife with no effort and nodded to Oscars question. It made me wonder what era they were from, seeing that this is their way of passing time and also I noted their very outdated clothes.
In an instant, it was like I had vertigo. I was thrown into another vision. The three brothers were in a cornfield. Vanya was also in the cornfield. She seemed to be running away from them. In another moment, Axel was about to shoot her but Vanya has sent them flying backwards with her powers.
The vision had come to an end and I was back in my reality. “Are you ok?” Oscar had asked. Axel was about to come and investigate what was wrong but a ‘woosh’ sound could be heard coming from the cupboard. He opened the small door revealing a tube with a message inside. Oscar and Otto came up behind him to see what the message from Commission was.
I already knew what the message was. A picture of Vanya and her coordinates. To get their attention I decided to try speaking again, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to understand what I was saying. So they would have no choice but to take off the gag. Otto came and took it off of me. “Thank god, finally!”
“What were you saying?” Axel asked.
“The message you got from the Commission, it’s about Vanya isn’t it?” They looked at each other, which made me certain that it’s true. “Listen, you shouldn’t go. Vanya’s more powerful than you think!” I continued.
“It doesn’t matter. We have orders.” Axel said before going back to the kitchen. Otto went to the freezer to get ice for his leg while Oscar took the seat next to me and began playing with another cat. When Otto opened the freezer door, I gasped. Sitting inside was the head of the lady that lived here. I turned away quickly, directing my attention to the cat Oscar played with. “I’m gonna be sick.” I mumbled. Oscar turned, seeing the head in the freezer too? “What? Just a head..” He shrugged.
“Just a head!” I scoffed.
Axel had finished making their dinner. He set their plates on the table then came over to me and tried handing me a plate. The smell of fish almost made me gag. “You know, I may not remember who I am but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t a seafood person.” I laughed lightly while trying to block the smell by pinching my nose. Axel still had the plate out for me to grab. Geez I wonder when he’ll loosen up. I shook my head and pushed the plate back towards him. “I appreciate it but no thank you. I’ll pass..”
“You can’t just eat nothing!” Axel said while going over to the table to give his brothers the fish, which they happily took.
“If I’m not mistaken, I think you’re sassing me!” I said in the same tone as him. Oscar and Otto looked at each other after I said that. Axel, taken aback by my words, turned back to me and scoffed. “You’re being difficult..” He grumbled.
“Maybe if you wouldn’t keep me chained, you’d see that I’m not so much of a pain.” I countered, crossing one of my arms around my waist and tilting my head. He narrowed his eyes in thought. “So what you’re saying is you’ll cook for yourself?”
“Yeah I will if I’m hungry but right now I’m not...I’d much rather take a shower..” I mumbled the last part. Axel gave me a funny look, not knowing what to say. “You are going to allow me to shower right?!” I hated this. It felt as though I was being treated like a child.
This time Otto spoke up. But this time they spoke amongst each other in Swedish. I internally groaned. What the hell was being said this time? They didn’t appear to be saying anything bad about me, otherwise they probably would be laughing and smirking. But they sounded serious.
“Fine.” Axel said when he turned back to me. I smiled. “You know I think we will learn to get along very well with each other..” I said as he unlocked the handcuffs. I stood and walked over to the hall entrance. “And don’t worry, I won’t try to escape.” I turned to say. I walked calmly away until I wasn’t in their vision then bolted down the hallway to the bathroom. It wasn’t that hard to find. There were four rooms. Three of them being bedrooms and one being the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door I went straight up to the window. A clever smirk on my face as I pulled the curtains apart.
It was a single hung window which was the type that only opens up a few inches. Not enough room for anyone to fit through. I guess a shower really wasn’t such a bad idea anyways. As I showered, I thought about what was happening with the Hargreeves siblings. I wondered if Five was worried that I disappeared. He probably isn’t though. I was just a burden that was thrown into a story that’s not even mine. But how do I know this isn’t my story? Or maybe I was just in the afterlife. Some weird afterlife if you ask me.
Once I was done, I felt a million times better. I was refreshed and ready to make peace with the Swedes. Or at least try to be on civil terms with them. I still thought it was a bad idea for them to go on their mission. I tried to think of things to get them to stay but no solid statement could come to mind.
I looked down at my pile of clothes. They were absolutely filthy. Both my pants and my shirt were covered in dirt and grime. My shirt also having the smell of sweat and the slight metallic scent of blood. It made me gag. I never knew my clothes would ever smell that bad. I had a decision to make. I either put these clothes back on or I can try to find something to wear in one of the rooms. Leaving the bathroom was a risk I was willing to take. I opened the door slowly as to not make a creak and peaked my head out. The coast was clear, they seemed to still be in the living room. I quickly tiptoed into the nearest room. I turned the light on to see better and took a look around. If I had to guess this was the landlady’s room. Opening the closet I took out a sleeveless dress with a multi colored checkered pattern. Oh yeah this was definitely the sixties. The dress itself was too big compared to my frame. I put it back in its place and made my way into the next room. This room had a slight teenager-ish vibe to it. To put it simple, the walls were slight darkish pink but covered in posters and the furniture and decor were a light cotton candy pink. I walked over to a vanity and picked up a notepad that sat on top. “Packing for college checklist.” I whispered. The lady must’ve had a daughter who just recently went to college. Well I hope she doesn’t mind if I raid her closet.
With that in mind I opened her closet. She barely had any dresses in here, at least none that I would feel comfortable wearing, so I went to take a look in her drawers. I picked out a pair of high waisted plaid pants and a white sleeveless button up top. When I went to close one of the drawers it had gotten slightly stuck. For a moment I had forgotten where I was and went ahead forced it shut with a loud bang. ‘Oh shit they had to have heard that!’ I thought to myself in a panic. I stayed quiet to see if I could hear any footsteps. Within a few moments someone could be heard coming down the hall. I was still wrapped up in a towel and didn’t have the time to change before one of them came. I dashed to the door to shut it all the way before anyone could come in. I closed it with a slam and reached down to lock it, yet there was no lock to be found. “Shit, shit, shit!” I said in a hushed tone as I held my body to the door. One of them tried to open it but found that the door knob wouldn’t budge. “Huh? What are you doing in there?!” Came the angry voice of Axel. He banged on the door. “No! D-Don’t come in!” My strength was no match for his and he was able to push the door open. I took a few steps back and mentally prepared myself for the embarrassment I was about to endure. I turned my head down to the side and winced as I held on to the towel wrapped around me tightly. “What do you think you’re. . oh. .” His voice started off furious but it quickly trailed off. I could feel my face flush as I tried to regain my composure and look at him. He looked absolutely confounded and lost for words. “Uh —umm..” I was also lost for words but I at least broke the silence making him snap out of it and avert his eyes away. He stepped back through the doorway. “Uh, sorry.” Was all he said before closing the door gently. I put my hand up to my my mouth to keep myself from the burst of nervous laughter that wanted to come out. I had mixed feelings of uneasiness, shock, and giddiness. What just happened?!
I quickly changed into the new clothes, not wanting to ponder on the thought much longer, and walked into the living room like nothing happened. They three were loading up guns. They looked up as I entered the room. I put my hands on my hips as I looked at each of them. “You’re still gonna go? Even after what I told you!” Axel looked at me, his eyes lingering for a second before turning to Oscar and saying something in Swedish.
Was it bad that I wanted him to look at me again the way he did earlier?
Oscar made his way over to me and pulled me towards the couch, once again hand cuffing me to it. “You guys don’t believe me, do you?” I sighed as I stared at the wall in front of me. None of them spoke until they were about to walk through the door.
“Even if we did believe you, we still have to do our job.” Axel said before shutting the door behind him.
As I sat there on the couch, the cat from earlier had come up to me again and sat in my lap. “I may not have known them for long . . but I worry for them.” I said softly to the cat, who stared up at me while purring. “Yeah, maybe I will be able to help them. Maybe that’s why I’m here?”
A few hours passed by before I stirred awake again, the cat still sitting with me. I looked at a clock that read ‘1:11 am’. They still weren’t back yet and I wondered what could be happening. As if on queue, one by one walked inside. Their shoulders were slumped and their eyes looked tired. Oscar has a gash the side of his head that was bleeding slightly. Otto has some fresh cuts on his face. “What happened?” I questioned. I knew something was going to go wrong.
Axel was the last to walk in, his face contorted in pain. He took off his coat, his whole sleeve was soaked in blood from a wound on his arm. I gasped softly at the sight of it. I’ve seen so much blood in such a short time. I wondered if it was always like this for me.
Axel rolled up his sleeve revealing a bullet wound. A feeling, almost like and instinct, took over and before I could stop myself, I spoke up. “You guys looks awful! Un cuff me and let me help.”
They all looked at me with their same expression of surprise and suspicion. “Please . . Let me help you.” I said slowly and earnestly. They gave in with little hesitation. Once I was freed I asked Otto, him being the least injured to go find some washcloths and other medical supplies. I went ahead and helped Oscar first. The cut on his head wasn’t too bad, it just needed to be cleaned up. He smiled and thanked me for helping. He stood from the chair to leave the room. “Careful with Axel he may bite.” Oscar joked before disappearing into the hall. I felt my face heat up as I turned to Axel. He had his face in his hand, shaking his head slightly.
“Well anyways..” I said trying to get back to the task at hand. I cleaned the wound up as much as I could. “It looks like you need stitches.” I told him. He nodded for me to go ahead.
“Why are you being kind to us?” He asked as I began stitching.
“I’m not sure.” I said after a moment. I didn’t really know how to answer his sudden questions. “Maybe because you decided not to kill me.” I said with a small smile. I finished up and we stayed sitting there on the couch. “And I feel as though there’s . . Something more to you guys than what’s on the surface.”
“What’s on the surface?”
“Cold hearted assassins that work for the Commission.” I said without a second thought.
“And the ‘something more’?” He asked. His aura seemed to be more at ease and not so tense around me anymore, making me feel more relaxed.
“I don’t know yet . . But I’d like to find out.” I replied in the same soft tone.
“You’re very different.” He said and smiled to that. We sat there in comfortable silence for a while. I felt myself become more tired again and soon my head leaned to the side and I fell back asleep.
“Thank you . .” Axel whispered before falling asleep as well.
❤️Tags : @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd
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Better Late Than Never
Characters: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff
Word Count: 2.4k 
Warnings: angst, fluff at the end, reunion
Request by anon: Hi there!! Just curious, would you ever make a one shot to the avengers reunion for your story pick a side?
Summary: After years apart from your dad, you come face to face with him. Will he hate you for leaving? Will he resent you even more? Or will he accept you back into his life?
sam’s wings for @star-spangled-bingo
tears of joy for @foundfamilybingo
Part One
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
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You’re good at your job, but you’re not that good. You take after your father--working on things building big projects, and always innovating new ideas. You’re not as good as he is, but you try to do your best. Sam managed to break his wings, so you tried fixing it on your own. He gave you enough time to come up with a plan and execute it, but as soon as that time was up, he needed to move on to someone slightly better than you.
After all, you have the Captain America serum in your body, so you’re more useful out in the field than behind a welding mask. Sam needed an expert to fix his wings, and you were slightly offended that it wasn’t going to be you. All he said is that he found someone to do the job, but he never said who. Even Steve, Wanda, and Natasha were very quiet about it, but you kind of brushed it off.
“Give me another chance, okay? I think I can fix it,” you beg Sam as you follow him around the Quinjet.
“Major, you’ve done enough,” he laughs.
“My name is Y/N,” you pout.
“You’re just below Cap. You’re Major.”
“Fine, but you need to give me another chance. I have a better understanding of it now!”
You don’t take no for an answer and head over to his wings that are on the table in the middle of the jet. You whip off the blanket that is covering them only to have him drag it back on.
“I said no. I found a guy.”
“Y/N, I love you, but you’re a crappy welder and an even more crappy engineer.”
“Language,” you gasp teasingly, and he rolls his eyes slightly.
“We’re approaching our destination,” Natasha calls from the driver’s seat.
“Where are we going?” you ask and bounce to the window.
“Y/N, wait--”
Steve’s warning is cut off when you reach the window. The clouds clear to reveal the new Avengers facility that your dad had built in upstate New York. Your blood runs cold and you freeze in your spot at the thought of running into him. It’s been three years since you two last saw each other--after he made no moe to contact you. The last thing you heard from him was him accusing you of picking Steve’s side because you were “fucking” him.
He’s never made any effort to call you after you left with Steve.
“Y/N, we were going to tell you, but he’s the only one who can fix this,” Steve whispers.
You hear him, but your brain doesn’t register the words that are coming out of his mouth. All you can think about was the fight that happened at the airport in Germany. When you got in line with Steve and his team, your dad gave you the coldest look you’ve ever seen. He was so angry at you for not picking his side that he didn’t care why you did it or what you believed in. All he saw was betrayal, and all you saw was hatred and disappointment.
When the fight started, he tried his best not to fight you because even though he was mad, he didn’t know if he could hurt you. Then, the unthinkable happened. Steve and Bucky were racing to the jet to get to the place where the other winter soldiers were when you stood between them and your dad. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he couldn’t let them get away.
He ended up hurting you in more ways than just physical. Physically, you only had a bruised stomach and some cuts on your face. However, emotionally, there was a gaping hole left in your chest. Your dad saw the damage he did to you and he just left without another word or a glance in your direction. He just took off, and that was the last time you ever saw him.
The months rolled by, and you thought he was going to call you, but he never did. Those months turned to years, and you lost all hope of seeing your dad. It crossed your mind that you should be the one to go after him, but he hurt you a lot more than you hurt him. You couldn’t put yourself through that embarrassment and torture of seeing how you made him disappointed by coming back.
So, you never did.
Fighting with Steve made you happy--at least, that’s what you tell yourself. In reality, it provided you with a distraction long enough to keep thoughts of your dad out of your mind. Then, when the distraction subsided, Steve had already found another case to be on. It’s been a few years, and you’ve been everything related to misery. You miss him so much, but he clearly doesn’t miss you. So, seeing his new Avengers facility brought all those unwanted feelings back to the surface--the ones you tried so hard burying.
“You know, you could have told me,” you sigh and look away from the window.
“I didn’t know how.”
Steve thought about calling Tony plenty of times just to kick his ass into being with you, but he always thought twice about it. You were at a point in your life where you were almost at the peak of getting over it, so he couldn’t possibly let you bring all those feelings back into the light. You were just so sad and you cried almost every night for a long time because all you needed was your dad. He couldn’t give you the comfort you needed, and because there was a small possibility that Tony would reject you once again, he just couldn’t make that call. It breaks his heart to see you so sad.
When Sam’s wings broke, and no one in his group could fix them, he knew that it was time to go see Tony once again. There was no way you would be staying on your own, and he couldn’t think of a good enough reason to keep you away, so you joined them without a hint of where you were going. Ever since the big fight happened, they’ve all been looking at you like you’re going to explode at any given moment. They’ve been hovering to catch you despite you telling them that you’re okay.
But you’re not okay.
How can you just worry everyone like that when there is no fixing it? There is nothing they can do, so why bother them with it in the first place? Everything you’ve ever mashed down inside you started to inflate the minute the Quinjet landed. As soon as the doors opened, you became frozen where you stood. Natasha and Sam left the bird first with his wings in hand, leaving you, Steve, and Wanda left inside.
“I can take away your fear if you want me to,” Wanda whispers.
“No, it’s okay,” you whisper back. “Go on, I’ll be there in a minute.”
All you see is pity on her face, but she leaves your side nonetheless.
“Are you sure you can do this? You don’t have to go in there,” Steve supports.
“I do. He left, not me. I shouldn’t be scared to walk in there, he should be scared that I’m here. Does he know I’m coming?”
“No, I didn’t tell him. I was afraid he would say no to fixing Sam’s wings. Listen, he sounded pretty miserable on the phone. I think he’ll be happy to see you.”
“He was so mad at me,” you remember your last conversation that actually mattered, “like he couldn’t fathom the thought that I would pick your side over his. I just did what I thought was right—I still think that. He always taught me to stand up for what I believe in, and I did just that. I’m just scared he’ll hate me all over again. I don’t think I’ll survive that again.”
“Then stay in here. We’ll be in and out. I promise.”
“I’m sorry,” you sigh sadly.
You look down at the ground just as two tears left your eyes. Steve looks at you, and he just cups your chin with two fingers and lifts your head so you’re staring at him. He wipes the tears away with his thumbs as gently as he can.
“Don’t be. You’re not ready. That’s okay. I have to go inside now, but I promise we will be back before you know it.”
He leans down and kisses you tenderly, keeping it short. The feel of his lips on yours help keep you grounded, and you hold onto that comfort even when he pulls away from you. You keep your eyes closed for a few more minutes as if it would shield you from the fear. If you can’t see your dad’s place, then you’re not really there. However, just as soon as you open them, you miss the comfort from Steve immediately.
Why should you be the one who fears this place? It should be your dad that fears you coming here. He was the one who broke things off with you, so why do you feel like it’s your fault? You’re his daughter, and he is supposed to treat you as such. You’re not one of his friends that pissed him off--he doesn’t get to cut you out of his life like you mean nothing. You’re his fucking daughter; he is supposed to love you no matter what. It’s what a parent does for their children. Yeah, they are supposed to make you mad and get on your nerves, but you don’t get to cut them out of your life like that.
Why should you just stand here while everyone else gets to be inside? Maybe seeing your dad’s new place is giving you the courage you never had. It’s giving you a sense of what’s right and wrong in this situation. Fuck this, you’re not going to wait out here like some scared little girl afraid she is going to get grounded by her dad. You’re an adult, so he can’t punish you anymore--not like this.
You leave the Quinjet and head inside the place, impressed how it turned out. Your dad is an arrogant ass sometimes, but he sure doesn’t know how to build a beautiful building. Jarvis is no longer with your dad, so he had a new system put in place: Friday. The only thing different about her is that she has an Irish accent while Jarvis had a British one. Since your face is known on every server that your dad has, Friday doesn’t announce your presence. Jarvis did that with strangers, and you think that it’s the same thing with Friday.
This place is huge on the inside as much as it is on the outside, but you don’t have any trouble going where you need to go. The main room is close to the entrance of the place, so just as soon as you enter, you hear everyone’s voice come from the room. Despite being angry and pissed at your dad for treating you this way, there is something inside of you--no matter how small--that tells you he is going to hate you when he sees you.
You freeze right before you can turn the corner. The doors are open, so you can hear everything clearly, but you’re completely out of sight. Will he stare at you with disgust and disappointment? Will he yell? Throw you out? Tell you that he never wants to see you again?
“Thanks for doing this, Tony,” Steve says as Sam hands over his wings to the billionaire.
“First time you called in, what, years, and this is what you asked me?” Tony says and glances at Steve.
He noticed immediately that you weren't in the room.
“Is it safe to come home yet?”
“Then, yes, it’s what I asked you to do.”
“Where is she?” your dad asks as he inspects the wings.
“Do you care?”
“Do I care? Of course I fucking care, Rogers. How can you ask that?” your dad hisses.
“You haven’t called in, what, years?” Steve throws that comment back in your dad’s face.
“Is she at least here?”
“I’m not going to answer that. What needs to be done is fixing these wings so we can be on our way.”
Tony looks at everyone’s faces and knows immediately what they are saying. You are here, probably on the Quinjet that just flew in, and there is a reason why you’re not coming in. He really fucked up big time. All Tony has ever done for the past few years is regret yelling at you in the first place. All he wants now is his daughter, and you can’t even come inside.
“I’m right here,” you say and reveal yourself.
Hearing your dad ask those questions pushed the doubt to the back of your mind and brought back the courage. Every single person turned to look at you, but you’re only looking at your dad. He seems frozen where he stands, unable to do anything but just look at you. You’re really here no thanks to him. He grips Sam’s wings tightly in his hands, wincing when one of the parts dig into his palm. Feeling that pain brings him back to reality.
He sets the wings on the table right in front of him before marching over to you. You honestly think he is going to yell at you or do something mean, but instead, he just brings you into a tight hug. Your arms immediately wrap around his neck, and you find yourself sinking into his body.
“I missed you so fucing much,” your dad says emotionally.
“I’m so sorry,” you cry into his neck.
He pulls away and makes sure you’re staring into his eyes when he speaks.
“No, you don’t get to be sorry. I’m the one who should be sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you or made you feel like what you did was wrong. I’m the one who fucked up. You’re my daughter, and I shouldn’t have ever let you go.”
He brings you back into a hug, and you squeeze him tightly to remind yourself that this is really happening. You look at Steve from over your dad’s shoulder, and he smiles proudly because this is the moment he has been waiting for. This is the moment that should have happened years ago. Well, better late than never is what everyone always says.
You and your dad have grown separately, but it’s time you grow together. You’ve lost precious years without him, and you’re not going to waste another over something stupid like last time.
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inspirationdivine · 4 years
End of the Line || Kaden, Agatha, Ariana, Chloe, Kelly, Todd
Timing: Current Parties: @chasseurdeloup, @letsbenditlikebennett @detective-keen @itsyaboytodd Summary: Pain.  Warnings: Significant discussion of domestic abuse, emotional abuse, drug manipulation (leanan-sidhe kiss), vomit
There was no waiting anymore. No avoiding the inevitable. When Kaden mentioned that Lydia should be leaving town, Ariana knew this was the only chance they had to get the humans she’d taken hostage out of there. How many humans Lydia currently had living in her basement was unknown, but they needed to be out. They needed to get their life back. She hadn’t been able to do it for Ace, but she could help these people. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she had the worry she felt for Athena shoved away. She was capable and she had people on her side helping her against Lydia. She would be okay. She had to keep telling herself as much. Being on separate sides of this mission did little to squash her worries, but this was bigger than that. These people needed them, so she’d step up and went over everything Athena told her about fae promises in her head over and over. She’d only seen Agatha once before, so she turned to Kaden and asked, “You’re sure she’ll be out?” 
 Kaden had been grazed with a fucking bullet earlier tonight. He shouldn’t even be out here but he couldn’t sit back and let this lie. Not when he had a shot at actually making this right. For once. “Positive,” he told her. What he failed to mention was why he knew that. What he’d failed to do. What it might have cost. This was his mistake. He should have waited for the fucking plan. He took a deep breath, steeled himself, readied himself to push past the pain. It wasn’t like it was anything new. “Keen was a last ditch effort. She’s banking on her promises,” he assured them. Not to mention the ones he bound her to himself. Part of him hoped she’d be there waiting and she’d see him again and feel a fraction of the pain she caused others over the years, selfish as that hope was. Reality set in. This wasn’t about him. Or even Lydia. This was about protecting humanity, always came down to that. He peaked around at the entrance to the house in question. The garden was trashed, glass everywhere, the windows were either gone or covered with tarp. Regan’s work if he ever saw it. “It looks like security’s gone. Maybe.” He shut his eyes a moment, tried to listen harder, make sure. “I can’t tell one way or another. We should be careful,” he said, looking back at both Ari and Keen before reaching down to unholster his gun. Better safe than sorry. 
 Agatha stood beside the pair. Staring into the void, she recalled what had happened over at Kaden’s flat. She still couldn’t make any sense of what had happened to her, but if what she had understood was real, as nonsensical as it seemed, then there were people being kept inside Lydia’s house, against their will, just like she had shot Kaden against her own. The mention of her name managed to draw her out of this day dreaming. She gave her co-worker a glance, worried, and feeling as if she would never forgive herself for what she’d done. She had shot an innocent, and it felt like the right thing to do. How. How. All she wanted now was to get in there, and make sure that Lydia would not harm anyone ever again. But first, they had to get her captives out. Kaden seemed sure of himself when he claimed that she was not here, and wouldn’t be here in a while, still Agatha worried of what would happen if the woman came home early. She had put on her bullet vest, and prepared herself for what she understood would not be a piece of cake. Following after Kaden, she glanced at the kid with a frown of disapproval. Perhaps Ariana was capable, but what was she doing here? This was going to be intense, dangerous perhaps, and she did not want to babysit while she was working.  
 Somehow even though Lydia wasn’t home, the house seemed daunting. Ariana wasn’t sure she was ready to see the conditions Sammy lived in. Where he had spent his final days before Lydia had done the unspeakable. She bit back the wave of emotion that threatened to spill over. She could be sad later. Right now, the other people in Lydia’s home still needed their help. There was only one way to go from here. She closed her eyes momentarily and concentrated on what she could hear and smell in the home. There were only a few people in there, tops, and they smelled vaguely familiar. Outside the door, it was still too difficult to tell. “I don’t think security is here. There are a few people from what I can smell.” She had no idea what Agatha knew about all of this, but it was too serious a situation for her to mince her words and not communicate clearly with Kaden. Let the detective think she was weird for all she cared. She turned to Kaden and asked, “You up for breaking down the door with me?” She waited a moment for confirmation before charging the door. A few sturdy slams and it busted open revealing the lavish mansion that Lydia called home. Something about it sent a chill through her. It was nicely decorated and there was art there, but knowing where the art likely came from only served to make her stomach turn. She took a few sniffs and pointed, “We should start upstairs, I think.” 
 Couldn’t smell them? Kaden’s face scrunched a moment, trying to push away any discomfort trying to burrow its way inside him. He wasn’t exactly used to working with a werewolf. Funny enough. Still, he trusted Ariana. He had to remember that. Still, he paused and shut his eyes a second, listening for any heart beats. He heard his, Agatha’s was pounding, and so was Ariana’s. He didn’t hear anyone immediately nearby. Didn’t mean there wasn’t anyone inside; even combined their senses were only so good. “Breaking down the door?” He didn’t see any reason why not to. It’s not like the house was in good condition right now. Maybe they’d get lucky and the previous banshee destruction would work in their favor. With a quick nod, he turned and threw himself into the door right alongside her. Putain. He forgot how much he still hurt, how recent his fight was. His face contorted and he took a deep inhale before slamming into the door with her a second time. Shit. He was going to regret that. Hell, he already regretted that, cradling his arm in his hand a moment as he winced. At least the door broke down relatively easily. No doubt Lydia wasn’t here considering how simple that was. That and the fact that there were no security guards waiting for them on the other side. The house was strangely normal. He wasn’t sure what he expected, honestly. Something darker, maybe? Danker. More like the prison and torture chamber that it was. He waited and listened some more. There were traces of something, but it was hard to pinpoint. “Sure, might as well.” It was a big place, it would take a while to comb through. His hand still gripped his knife as they climbed the stairs, shoes occasionally crunching on shards of glass. There were plenty of doors. Even with the destruction, the house was bright, clean and almost inviting. It sent a chill down his spine, knowing what he did. “Should we split up? Or stick together? This place is big.” 
 The ache of Lydia’s absence was beginning to sting in Chloe’s chest. She worked quietly, occasionally tapping a rhythm against the table to test how the words of her lyrics would flow. Todd and Kelly had calmed down enough, although she couldn’t help but occasionally glance over at them whenever they were in the same room. Lydia had left them with lots of carefully prepared meals in the kitchen, as she always did when she planned to spend some time in fairy rings. It was better when she didn’t come back for a few days, even when it hurt. Chloe was jarred out of her reverie when the door downstairs banged and clattered. She glanced at Todd, in the music room with her, but Kelly was elsewhere. Swallowing, she gestured for him to hide, walking silently over to the door of their room and turning the lock. You won’t ever let any guest of mine know you’re here. She retreated a little further back, remembering the red eyes of the last man who had broken into this hellscape sanctuary. She looked around cautiously, but Lydia’s upstairs office was the only place she could creep to with another lock on it, so she backed into it, locked that door too, and sank down against the wall, cradling her knees against her chest as the promise gnawed at her skin. 
 Kelly panicked, the moment she heard people smashing through the door. She looked around wildly, before scuttling into the one place Lydia didn’t take most of her guests - her bedroom. It was only once she was in there that Kelly realised that Lydia had several guests she did bring in here. Oh god, could she maybe hide in the bathroom? With a squeak, Kelly locked herself in Lydia’s bathroom, and clambered into the warm towel cabinet, pulling it closed behind her. 
 The days that had turned into weeks since Todd first found himself trapped in Lydia’s home, they’d passed by in a daze of confusion, longing, and pain. Pain, because he didn’t understand what Chloe and Kelly tried to tell him. He couldn’t make sense of the words that bound him to this place, didn’t understand any of it. Magic? It was magic? But, magic wasn’t supposed to do things like this, right? He had been in the sound studio when he’d first heard the door being knocked down, the impact shaking the otherwise still house. And, for an instant, he’d wanted to scream. But, the sound died in his throat, the promise that bound him to Lydia searing his vocal cords shut with a sharp lance of pain. Clutching his throat, Todd felt his body move, seemingly on its own, looking for a place to hide. Because that was one of the many promises he’d made-- he would hide, he would stay out of sight, and he would remain quiet. Rising from his chair, Todd locked the door of the room, the pain easing slightly as he did so. He tip-toed across the floor before squeezing himself in the gap between the wall and the desk. His hands pressed against his face, teeth biting into his fingers to keep from shouting. He had to keep quiet. He had to obey.
 There was something eerie about Lydia’s home even though she knew the woman wasn’t home. Maybe it was because she knew all too well what happened here, but on the surface, it looked like just an ordinary home. Like Lydia was just an ordinary albeit wealthy person. The art that hung on the walls was a bit pretentious, but homey in its own way. How someplace could look so welcoming and yet be so dark was a lot to digest. Ariana knew better than to get too caught up in any of the small things lying around. Getting these people out alive was their priority here today. She closed her eyes and focused on the smells around her. There were two that smelled familiar, but one pulled at the heels of her feet. “Wait,” she said as she reoriented herself to follow what she was smelling when realization hit, “That bitch.” There was venom in her voice as she could smell Todd. That was why he had been taking time to work on projects and not perform. She felt her fists ball up at her side as she stomped forward toward an office. “Someone’s this way. I-- Kaden, I know who it is.” It only pushed her forward further only to push right into a locked door. “Fuck,” she grumbled as she grabbed a bobby pin out of her hair. “Don’t worry, I got this one,” she told Kaden and Agatha. She pressed her ear against the door and fiddled with the pin until she heard the click of a lock. She let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and softly said, “Todd? I know you’re in here, it’s okay, we’re not guests.” She hoped that statement somewhat helped work around Lydia’s promises. 
 Please just go away, please just go away, Todd thought to himself as his body continued to contort in pain, filling his bones. What had he done wrong? He was hiding, he was doing what he should, he was doing what Lydia wanted-- as he tried to figure it out, the doorknob rattled and he heard a voice. A… familiar voice. Megan? No, her name was Ariana, wasn’t it? No, no, no, no, no, please, he wanted to say. But, he still had his hand pressed firmly against his mouth, trying not to make a sound. If he kept quiet, if he kept quiet, the pain would stop, wouldn’t it? When she said his name, when she specified they weren’t guests, the awful feeling lessened and he let out a breath. “Y-you can’t be here. You shouldn’t be here. Sh--” His throat closed as he tried to say Lydia’s name, the promise that had originally gotten him into this mess reminding him of its presence. Gasping, he shook his head. “No, no, no, no.”
 Kaden’s mouth pulled into a thin line as Ari went off by herself. Something about this house, he didn’t like the idea of leaving her behind. What if Lydia had added layers of words binding the humans since Sammy was killed? What if there was something horrible waiting for them in each of these rooms? No, there wasn’t time for that. He didn’t think. And either way, he had to trust Ariana could handle herself. She’d proven that much. “Okay. I, uh… Left it is,” he said with a shrug and went towards the door across the way. He tried the knob and it opened easily enough. It almost unsettled him more to know he was entering somewhere that wasn’t off limits. He gulped back the uneasiness that had settled in since stepping through the threshold of this place and walked into the room. “Woah.” The words left his lips without a second thought. The room was huge. Possibly bigger than his apartment. And this was just the master bedroom? 
 Kaden shook off the awe. This was nothing to be jealous of. And it wasn’t why they were here. He wandered in, quietly and carefully. There weren’t any signs of movement, not yet. He couldn’t hear any new heartbeats just yet but he kept moving through the room. It felt like a home. Normal, almost. Queasiness dropped into his stomach. Still, he found his feet moving towards the dresser in the corner, practically drawn there by something, like there was a string pulling him along. There were pictures of smiling faces, Lydia with what had to be friends and family. She looked so normal, so much like any other human. His eyes drifted down to the bones sitting on the dresser, arranged lovingly even if in the corner. His fingers ran over them, feeling the smooth, cold surface. Banshee gifts if he ever saw them. Were they from Deirdre? Regan? Maybe both. He clenched his jaw against the tears pricking at his eyes. This was too complicated. It couldn’t be. This couldn’t be about Regan or even Lydia. He shut his eyes and concentrated, pushed past the barriers he put up around his senses and listened. A new set of thudding pounded in his ear. He tried to the right, quieter, then the left, louder and louder as he went. “Hello?” he said tepidly, opening his eyes as he walked slowly towards what looked like the bathroom. “I’m not here to hurt you. And I already know you’re here so it’s not breaking any promises to answer.” He didn’t know if that was true, but it didn’t hurt to try. He tried the knob. Locked. “I won’t hurt you. At least-- I’m not a friend of Lydia’s. Please. Let me in.” He tried the handle again. Nothing. He waited for a response, anything. If nothing changed in a few seconds, Kaden had no issues wrenching the handle open himself. 
 Kelly pressed her hand over her mouth, trying to suffocate her whimpers and hummingbird fast breathing. She heard Lydia’s bedroom door open, and imagined some creeping, monstrous shadow of a creature creeping through the room, like the Mindflayer in Stranger Things. Hello, it called, and the image in her head shifted. It was something bipedal, its limbs distorted and a voice like an angel only to disguise a maw full of teeth. Lydia wanted her to stay hidden. She whimpered as the closet door whimpered, the promise burning her lungs. She was going to stay quiet. She would be good. 
 As the two others decided to stick together, Agatha chose to go the other way. Just like them, she climbed up the stairs, but when they turned left, she went to the right. Alone now, she had gotten her weapon out, ready to fight back should she be there, somewhere, waiting to get them one by one. She arrived in one of the most spacious living room she had ever seen. She moved around grazing the walls, checking on every door. Some of them were closed, while others were not. Although, upon inspection, she had found, aside from a large amount of beds in one room, not found anything shocking. She noticed that there was not a single computer in sight, nor was there a phone, or anything that could have facilitated communication with the outside world. Will there was an obvious and expected lack here, there were none as far as the bookshelves were concerned. She couldn’t help but gaze for a short moment at the book spines, wondering what those were about. Her eyes were drawn toward some of the names. “The Eyes to the sky?” Her brows furrowed as she picked up one of the books that bore Lydia’s name. Wait, she was that Lydia Griffin? Under her breath, the detective muttered one particularly surprised what the fuck as a photograph of the woman on the other side confirmed it. “Well now you gotta tell me what face cream you use,” she commented, dropping the book back on its shelf. Now perhaps was a good time to see what all these doors were hiding. One of them was a recording studio, kicking the second door open, she did not expect to get so lucky on her second try. In there, hiding in a corner, there was someone. Remembering what the other two had said, she put her hands up and calmly, she explained: “I’m not a guest, I’m... “ Well the badge certainly helped get her point through. Damn, this room was busy, she thought to herself, for a split second turning her attention toward the rest of the office. “It’s going to be okay, I’m just going to talk with you, alright? As a not guest.” 
 Police officer. Chloe stared at the badge, trembling. Hives were beginning to raise along her skin as the blonde woman stared at her. No one ever came up here, not without Lydia. Remmy hadn’t come in here in the months they’d been here. It was only ever business associates. But she’d heard the wood of the oak door splinter downstairs. The door in front of her had been kicked open. Something had changed. Something was changing. As a not guest. The emphasis was weird, strangely knowing. Chloe felt a horrible ache in her chest. If there were police here, Lydia wouldn’t come back. She’d never knowingly betray herself. Chloe had known for years that Chloe needed Lydia more than Lydia needed Chloe. That was the way her brand of intoxication worked. Fuck. “Why are you here?” She asked hoarsely, pushing herself onto her feet, pressing herself against the back wall as hard as she could. “Who are you?”
 Seeing Todd’s pained expression sent a fresh wave of rage through her body. While it stood she didn’t have it in her to deal the final blow, Ariana could only hope Luce and Athena made it painful for all she’d done to these poor people. Her heart sank realizing she hadn’t even known Todd would be here. She should have been a better friend, reached out and checked in on him more. She’d been so caught up in her own shit, that Lydia managed to get yet another one of her friends. “Hey, shhh,” she assured him as she reached out a hand for him, “It’s going to be okay. I should be here, you’re not doing anything wrong.” It was hard to gauge what his promises were, but he was in pain and she could only hope Lydia would be dead sooner rather than later. “I’m going to make sure you’re safe, I promise.” She looked to him with pleading eyes using a word she had promised herself to never use again, but she planned on delivering. There wasn’t another option. She refused to let Lydia take another friend from her. “Lydia’s not here. I’m not a guest, friend, or company-- Well, I’m your friend but-- Please come out, Todd. The pain should fade soon, but don’t push too hard.” 
 As Ariana came into view, a wave of relief rushed over Todd as he saw a friendly, familiar face. Well, friendly wasn’t quite how he’d describe how she looked at him. Worried, more like. Really, really worried. And, he was too. As she kept talking, he could feel the sharp edges of the promise start to dull, the pain lessening. She wasn’t a guest, she wasn’t a friend of Lydia’s. There was wiggle room with the magic, like the silence between notes of music. And that was what he could use to-- Swallowing, he didn’t dare let himself think about that, knowing full well what the promise would do to him. “How are you here?” He managed to say, his hands shaking with fear and dread as he stared at his friend with wild eyes. “I-- I’m trying. I’m trying.” He repeated as he managed to pull himself from the corner he’d shoved himself into. Ariana wasn’t a friend of Lydia’s, she wasn’t a guest, this wasn’t covered by the promise, which meant it was okay. The mental gymnastics of the magic were hard, but they were all that allowed him to stand upright and take a shaky step forward. “Kelly. And Chloe. They’re here too.”
 Shit. There was no response. Kaden knocked again just to see. Alright, guess there was no other choice. He yanked the door knob and forced it open, breaking the handle and pushed the door open. Shit, the bathroom was huge, too. He peaked around the corner and saw the huge jacuzzi tub and vanity. Right. He approached and… no one there. He looked in the actual bathroom. Nothing there. Not in the shower, either. “I know this is probably terrifying but I’m not going to hurt you. I pr--” Shit. That word. That stupid fucking word. Whoever was here had heard enough of that word. “I know you’re probably bound a million different ways but I’m going to help. I’m… I’m with the WCPD.” Kaden wasn’t sure if that was going to help or make things worse. There was only one place left to look, though. One door. He opened up the door to the linen closet and saw a terrified, shaking girl. Shit. Shit. His heart shattered and he wanted nothing more than to haul her out of there and make a break for it out of this fucking house. Instead, he took a deep breath and held up his hands in surrender. “See, not going to hurt you. Can you speak to me? Are you able?”
 Kelly screamed as light flooded into her cupboard, jerking back so ferociously she banged her head against a warm pipe, and tried to pull a towel over herself to hide. The promise was broken, it was already too late, Every muscle felt like she’d pulled it without warming up, but she still tried to hide. “I don’t know. Please- please go away!” Kelly scrambled forward, reaching for the cupboard door, and tried to pull it shut to hide her back in the dark.
 She had to be careful about what she would tell that woman. Since Agatha did not fully understand the extent of the manipulation, she felt like she was a tightrope walker, 30 feet above the ground. Her hands still up, she lowered them to place the gun back in its holster. At least that woman allowed herself to speak with the detective, she realized, relief making her shoulders loosen down just a little. This was good news, although it did not look like she saw Agatha as her savior, or like she wanted to leave the place. While having never encountered this in the past, it reminded her of those articles she read on Stockholm’s syndrome. All she hoped was that this was not bad to the point of attacking the people who were here to save her. 
She did not move closer to the other woman immediately. That woman was terrified, and nothing good would come from forcing her out of the room. This was Agatha’s ultimate resort, and one she did not intend to use. Lowering her voice, her tone was a bit calmer, soothing like a caress.  “Do you mind if I have a look around?” She asked. An excuse to get closer, as well as an excuse to talk to her. “I’m Agatha, it’s nice meeting you,” she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, doing her best to appear as friendly and welcoming. Slowly, she moved toward the desk. Each and every drawer and cabinet was closed. Great. Her eyebrows raised and she glanced at the woman. “Do you know how I can open it? I really don’t want to damage anything,” everything in here was evidence, and she was sorry in advance for ruining the room for forensics. “Do you think you could help me perhaps?” Agatha had had a promise in her head for just a few hours, and it had been hell, she could not imagine how that woman felt, and she wondered for how long she had been there. 
 “You’ll get us in more trouble,” Chloe replied, still hard against the wall. She didn’t match Agatha’s gentle demeanour, but mouthed the name back at herself. Agatha. Agatha, the cop, rummaging through Lydia’s home. Something prickled in Chloe’s chest. “I don’t think I should help you. She’s coming back. She’ll come back. You can’t- She would want me to stop you.” But Lydia had never said anything about a police officer rummaging through her things. “Under the books. Nineteen forty nine.” There was a keypad. Chloe looked away, her insides churning. Just as quickly, she added, “We chose to be here. We want to be here. She’s going to come back, you know, and that- that’s good.” Two sides, always struggling. Lydia was going to be so upset when she came home to all this damage. The other two didn’t know better yet, but Chloe- Chloe watched Agatha and felt a tiny match in the darkness of her despair. She couldn’t think like that. “It really would be best if you just left, or talked to Lydia when she’s back. It’s not what you think, whatever you think it is.”
 Something akin to relief washed over Ariana as he stepped out from his hiding space. Working within the bounds of everything Lydia made them promise wasn’t easy, but she so desperately wanted to get them out of here alive. It wasn’t a guarantee, but hopefully once Lydia was dead some of these promises would be released. She knew better than to ride on that though. She did her best to hide the nervous energy that was pulsing through her. Unlike her, he didn’t have the advantage of supernatural hearing and probably couldn’t even tell that her heart was practically racing. How she was here was a loaded question and there was hardly enough time to explain. “It’s a long story. Lydia had another one of my friends hostage before, I got help. She won’t be keeping you or anyone else like this anymore.” Her eyes nearly dared to plead with him, but she kept herself confident. Todd needed to believe her. He needed to think he wasn’t breaking any promises to find that small space between them. He needed to believe he could go back to his normal life. The certain brightness and enthusiasm he had possessed before seemed so diminished now and it only served to further her hatred for Lydia. Then he said the name Kelly and she felt herself turn queasy. Not her too. That absolute bitch. “Kelly? Singer who is about my age- she- what?” It had only been a few weeks since she last watched her open mic night. How had she forgotten to check back in? “Okay, okay. I didn’t come here alone. We’ll help Kelly and Chloe, too. We just have to find the others.” 
 He could walk, he could follow her, Todd thought to himself, willing himself to take step after step behind Ariana. It hurt, all of this hurt. It would just be so much easier to stay here. He could hide himself away, tuck himself back in the corner and wait for Lydia to return. It would be better than this pain, wouldn’t it? Swallowing, he stared at Ariana as she talked to him. She knew someone else who’d been here? Someone else who’d been trapped in this house? “I-- Okay. Okay. Chloe, she, she was here with me before, but I don’t know where she went now. Maybe the office? But I want to,” His body contorting in on itself as he let out a wince of pain as he forced himself not to think about leaving, not even dare to hope for it. “I’ll follow you.” He said shakily, the words just enough of a loophole for the magical pain to stop clawing at him. Would this work? Would any of it work? He just wanted to be free.
 Shit. She hit her head and Kaden’s first instinct was to reach out and help her, apply pressure, check the wound. But he had a feeling that would only make this worse, cause more pain than he already was. “Sorry, I’m--” Putain, how could he help? He had to-- “What did you promise? We’ll-- Is it that I can’t see you? I’ll shut my eyes or, or-- If you have to hide, we’ll-- put a towel over you and you’re hidden. Right? I-- Just please. Please, I’m going to help. I just want to get you out of here.” He put his hand out for her to take, wedging himself between her and the door, wishing it was enough. She looked so young and so broken already. And he didn’t know what to do. But he had to try. “I know it hurts. It’ll be over, soon. Please. Let me help.”
 Kelly just shrank even more deeply into herself. “No, no! You’re lying!” Some part of her knew, deep down, that Josh wouldn’t want her to be like this. Her brother would want her to reach out and take his hand. She knew, god, she knew that leaving was the right choice. Everyone had explained so much, but it still didn’t seem real. Was it really wrong to want the stability and warmth that Lydia offered? As long as she did the right thing, it would be okay. It would be awesome, the music she’d already written in the last couple weeks would more than catch the attention of a crowd bigger than the local bar.  But she didn’t know this man, and if she did the wrong thing… well, Chloe’s scars told a story of their own, didn’t they? “I’m being good. Please go away.”
 Agatha, her heart heavy in her chest, looked Chloe in the eyes and with all the assertiveness she could muster, assured her that Lydia was not coming back. Never.  She made sure not to promise anything, but rather spoke just as calmly, explaining everything she was doing as she moved across the office. 1949. Agatha repeated the number in her head and searching through the books, found a concealed safe. The code provided opened it, and within it, Agatha found what she was looking for. “Thank you,” she gave her a warm smile and sat down at the desk, opening the cabinets one by one. “Do you have any free will left?” She glanced up from the drawer she inspected, once again searching for a hint of anything in the other woman’s eyes. “I do not think anything. I find evidence, and then I draw conclusions,” and what she was seeing was not comforting. In a box, within the drawer, she found a stack of identity papers, some expired, some dating back to a few decades ago. All of those belonged to different faces, and Agatha had to take a deep breath to stop her head from spinning. What the fuck had happened here. Who the fuck was Lydia? Well, at least now she knew who the other woman was. “Chloe, you’re Chloe,” she had a small sigh of relief and a sunny smile for her. “It’s good to meet you Chloe.”
 Agatha’s words hit Chloe like a waterfall, crushing her. She didn’t believe it, not at first, but the whiplash sting of Lydia’s biggest rejection hit her right in the chest. She wouldn’t have. She couldn’t have. Chloe hadn’t always behaved, but Lydia wouldn’t lie about going to a fairy ring, would she? Why wouldn’t she- Chloe covered her mouth and stifled an unwelcome sob, determined not to fall apart here, not under the force of toxins she had no control over. That didn’t make it any less real now, her brain could not separate the ache as clearly as it could the intent. “How do you know?” She breathed, scratching at the hives on her neck as Agatha began digging through Lydia’s desk. Finally, she summoned the courage to step away from the wall, staring at the box Agatha pulled out. “That’s a loaded question. I’m still me. It’s- it’s not like I’m just a puppet.” The instinct to protect Lydia even now left an acrid taste in Chloe’s mouth. As Agatha opened the box, her mouth ran dry. Right on the top was Todd’s and Kelly’s drivers licenses, but as Agatha began to sort through, there were more faces than Chloe could begin to recognise. Some, she did. One was a very young Anneliese, who had been taken seven years before her death, barely twenty at the time. Sammy, who looked almost the same, except there was a sparkle in his features in the dull photobooth photograph that she hadn’t seen in his real smile for months. Owen, too, and then there she was. Four years ago. The face there was almost unrecognisable. Agatha smiled warmly, and Chloe could barely force a half smile on her lips. “I guess I’ll find out if it’s good to meet you, Agatha.” There were voices coming from beyond, catching her attention. “Who else is here? More police?”
 The pain so clearly etched on Todd’s face only furthered her desire to see Lydia dead. Well, perhaps not actually see her, but at least know she was stopped. Everything in Ariana wanted to grab him and just run out of here. She couldn’t be that reckless though. A broken promise could do more harm than good and she had to get him out of here. Everything about Todd had always been so genuine and sweet from the moment she’d met him. He was the absolute last person who deserved to be trapped here. She should have noticed something sooner. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and assured, “You don’t have to say anything else. I know it hurts. Kaden and Agatha will find the others.” She couldn’t shake the sick feeling in her stomach as she wondered if Kelly was her Kelly. If her decision to not trade her to Lydia to free Sammy or break her promise had been all for nothing. She put on a brave face anyway. Todd needed to believe in her right now even if she didn’t quite believe in herself. He agreed to follow her so she led him out of the room, not daring to leave his side. 
 Ariana took her time with him and listened for the others until they walked by a room with an open door. Curiosity compelled her to peek inside and she felt her breath hitch in her throat. “I-- we need to go in here first.” The room had a decent stock of pottery along the shelves and she knew they had to be Sammy’s. Her fingers ran along some of the vases as if touching the same clay he once touched would connect her to him again somehow. Her hand stopped on one that had some motifs of the moon decorating it and a sad smile crossed her face. Sammy had to have made it. Without thinking about whether she should, she grabbed it off the shelf and looked back to Todd with strengthened resolve. “Okay, let’s get to the others. Are you-- How are you feeling? We can go slow, just tell me if it hurts too much and we can stop. Figure out a way around it.” 
 Todd trailed behind Ariana in mute silence, because if he did not talk, he couldn’t lie. He just focused on putting one foot in front of the other, keeping pace with the girl. If he didn’t think about what he was doing, he couldn’t break his promise. If he could just keep his mind clear and just let it happen, the nightmare would end, right? He would be free. Shoulders hunched over, he thought about all the things he would do when he got back. He’d call his parents. Call his siblings. Let them know how much he missed them. Tell them he was sorry for not talking to them more, for not listening to them. He’d call Winston and Ricky and tell them that he hadn’t wanted to lose them. He’d tell them that he hadn’t wanted to cut them off. He’d tell them the truth, that magic was real and that he wanted nothing to do with it anymore. He just wanted to be free. When Ariana turned to look at him, he realized she’d asked him something. Rubbing his arms nervously, he nodded, “I’m… It’s okay. It’s okay right now.” He said. It wasn’t true. He’d been thinking of what would come after all this, and with the thinking, the pain had returned. “We should-- do this. It’s gonna be okay, it’s gonna be okay.”
 “I’m not. I know it must-- But I’m not lying. Please. Let me help.” Kaden’s hand stayed there, outstretched and untaken. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but he hadn’t prepared for this. Not in the slightest. He was used to dealing with tough scenarios between police and hunting work, sure, but there was a reason he preferred animal control to standard jobs. Dealing with people was hard. Especially when they were going against their best interests so painfully. He knew he must look like a monster, coming in and dragging her out of what was, unfortunately, her home. He couldn’t even imagine how he appeared to her, his face beaten and worn, half of him bandaged and certainly worse for wear. “I’m sorry,” he said before he reached in and pulled her out of the closet, trying to sling her across his back in a fireman's carry. Kaden winced, the pain of everything that came before settling into his bones as he did. It didn’t matter. He pushed it away, he could hurt later. For now, he was sure she was going to resist and fight him tooth and nail. He was going to get her out of here. She could thank him later. “I’m sorry. She’s not coming back. We have to get you out of here.”
 Kelly screamed, her voice hoarse from all the singing she’d already been doing the past few hours. She tried to grab the inside of the cupboard, but no matter how hard she pulled it didn’t even slow him down. Terrified of him and terrified of breaking the promise, she trashed her legs and squirmed, but he wasn’t letting go. “Stop it! Let me GO!” She screamed. “YOU’RE HURTING ME! TODD! CHLOE! HELP!”
 “That’s my job, dear,” she had a hint of confidence in a smile as she glanced at Chloe, one that matched the light in her eyes. Knowing things was something Agatha had always done quite well, and she did not care for those who called her a Know it all. As if it were an insult. Better a know it all, than a know nothing at all, she had always told herself. Still the look on Chloe’s face took its toll on the police woman’s morale, and she approached Chloe carefully, putting her hands on her arms, and looking her in the eyes. Truth was, the detective was not feeling too great herself. She had just shot a coworker, found out that some people could make you do things, put you in some sort of trance, and now, she had to deal with a case that was getting more horrific the more she found out things. And yet, she kept her chin up, no matter how heavy her heart felt in her chest, no matter how much she wanted to cry and scream as she remembered how scared and helpless she had been back at Kaden’s. She kept her chin up, and she looked at Chloe with a look on her face that said everything is going to be okay, you’re under good care. With Chloe by her side, she had looked at the different IDs and would have kept doing so, had it not been for the screaming. “I’m with another police officer, and a …” She frowned. “Someone who’s great at finding missing people,” well that covered it. “Let’s go have a look, alright? Stay behind me,” she closed the drawer, locked it and took the keys with her as she went out of the office.
 “That not an answer,” Chloe replied, squaring her jaw, as if she could make herself immune to Agatha’s gentle demeanor. She didn’t- couldn’t believe it. Lydia had made herself the center of their universes, the sun and stars set at her beck and call. It wasn’t that Chloe missed her, it was that a world without her was impossible to imagine. It was impossible not to want to sob about the pain they’d caused Lydia just by being caught. Chloe was about to ask more about the police officer and the person find her when Kelly began to scream. “Wh-” As soon as they were through the door, when Chloe saw Kelly being hauled around, she didn’t stay behind Agatha at all, running over to Kelly. She almost lost her balance at the last second, staggering slightly as she got close to Todd. It wasn’t a fae promise to Lydia that propelled her forward, but a promise to herself. It had admittedly been about not letting the two kids absorb any of Lydia’s wrath if she could avoid it, but considering Kelly was currently slung over a stranger’s shoulders- she swallowed, grabbing a pencil from a nearby table, as if it could serve against any kind of weapon. “Please… please put her down! You’re hurting her, she doesn’t understand!” Chloe’s head whipped around, looking at Todd, and the girl standing next to him, away, and then blinked. It couldn’t be. Sammy wasn’t that good of a sketch artist.   
 Okay was such a relative term for Todd to use here when it stood that absolutely none of this was okay. He never should have been here. Ariana should have noticed he was gone. Should have checked in on Kelly more. “Good, just keep pushing forward. Everything is going to be okay,” she assured while placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Was it to steady herself or reassure him? She couldn’t really tell anymore. The vase Sammy made was clutched tightly in her other arm though she nearly dropped it when she heard a scream echo through the hallway. It confirmed it was in fact her Kelly. The very Kelly she decided to keep away from all of this and yet here she was anyway. Fucking bitch. She hoped Athena got a nice stab in for her though immediately chided herself for that thought. “Don’t worry, Todd, she’s just scared. I know all of this is hard and scary, but I’m going to make sure everyone gets out of this, okay?” She desperately hoped she could live up to that statement. They quickly approached Kaden who had Kelly slung over his shoulder. She raced up to comfort Kelly and let her know a familiar face was here. “Hey,” she said softly, getting a good look in Kelly’s eyes, “It’s okay, it’s me, Ari. This is Kaden, he’s not going to hurt you. We’re going to get you out of here, alright? You’re not safe here.” 
 Even though Todd was doing his best to keep himself together, it felt like his brain was going to explode as he tried to keep himself calm. And then, he heard Kelly screaming, heard her yelling, heard her begging for his help. Then a man, who was carrying her. Terrified, Todd felt the pull of the magic begin to curl in the back of his throat, choking him until he reminded himself that they weren’t friends, that they weren’t guests, they weren’t invited. Which didn’t count, it didn’t count, this was a loophole. Even so, he’d heard the fear in Kelly’s voice. He hoped that Ariana was right, that he wouldn’t hurt them. But, what choice did he have? He knew he couldn’t stay here, even though every inch of his body wanted to curl up and hide and wait for Lydia to return. He had to do this. The very thought sent another sharp wave of pain stabbing through his side and Todd staggered a bit, leaning against the wall. “We… We’re not safe here.” He repeated, because it was true and it wasn’t bound in magic. “Hurry. Hurry.” He urged the others. This nightmare, this hell? He just wanted it to end.
 Chloe looked from Agatha to their other rescuers, to Todd, his face scrunched in concentration. Her stomach churned, her insides turned inside out at the thought of how disappointed Lydia would be, at the promises that she was so close to breaking with every breath. “We’re not going anywhere special, okay? We’re going to go look at the Magritte. If you lied to me-” Chloe turned to Agatha, her voice trembling, “If you lied, you could be killing us. But, we’re not doing anything special right now this second. We’re just going to get some inspiration from the Magritte painting. Without Lydia around- Without Lydia around we can just get some second hand inspiration from one of her ancestors.” The painting downstairs, near the front door. She looked back at the blue haired girl, and thought about the glaze Sammy had ordered in just that shade of blue. Could it be?
 Kaden was used to screams in his ears. And she wasn’t even a banshee. Not that it stopped her from trying to rival them, that was for sure. He winced under the weight of her kicking and thrashing against his back. If he clenched his jaw, maybe he wouldn’t feel the pain shooting through his arm, maybe he could just ignore it. As he entered into the foyer, he saw Ari and Keen along with two others. They must be the other hostages. His brow furrowed as the woman begged him to put Kelly down. Guilt seeped deeper into him as he did as he was told, placing her down gently as he could and taking a step back. “Sorry, I-- I’m-- She wouldn’t leave the closet and I didn’t know what else to--” Before he could apologize any further, he felt the pain flashing through his arm again and rubbed the wound. “I’m not trying to hurt you. I--” As Ari said his name, it occurred to him that he never introduced himself, either. Why the fuck was he even here? He certainly wasn’t fucking helping, was he? “That’s right. I’m Kaden. Officer Langley. And this is Detective Keen. And we’re--” His face scrunched up in confusion again when Chloe explained even further. “Just…. here to… admire the, uh, the art.” Was that right? Was that what she was suggesting? There must have been layers upon layers of word binding and fae magic at work. And certainly she’d know how to work around it better than him. “So let’s all head downstairs and make sure we get a good look.” He held out his hand and gestured for them to go ahead of him. He’d make sure they made it down the stairs one way or another. As much as he didn’t want to have to carry on as he had been. 
 Kelly almost bolted the second she was set down, and would have if Ariana hadn’t been right there, alongside Todd. “I don’t understand. Ariana? Are you here too? Did she get you too?” She looked from Ariana to Todd to Chloe, who was slowly lowering her pencil. She looked at Todd, then Chloe, her face wrinkling. “I-... I don’t want to go. We should be staying here, for Lydia.” She looked at Kaden Langley, who was apparently a police officer, which meant… which meant… “Just… Just looking at the art, right. Um, okay.” She agreed, and cautiously walked down the stairs, to look at the Magritte. 
 Shit. She rushed after Chloe, and stopped in the foyer, where the rest of them were. So there were two other hostages then. At least two, she corrected herself, observing what was going on. She almost said something about Kaden’s way of handling the issue, but decided against it. Agatha refused to demolish his authority in a situation as unstable as this one, even if she did not like this. “Well now she’s out of the closet,” this was not intended as a joke, and she kept her upper lip stiff. “Alright, yes. We were going to go downstairs to look at the Magritte,” wait they had a Magritte in here? What the fuck. Her face remained neutral, but the cogs in her heads were starting to hurt, as it seemed that she was hopping from surprise to surprise in this house. As one of the people in the room mentioned that Lydia could come back, she looked over at Chloe and shook her head, to remind her that no, Lydia was gone. Apparently the person Kaden had been carrying was not ready for that, and it was probably best to persuade her out of here through other means. She approached her coworker and, her eyebrow raised, she commented: “this is even worse than we imagined, isn’t it?”
 Magritte? Who was that? Todd wasn’t sure what they were talking about; hadn’t Ariana told him they were going to get-- A fresh spike of pain had him leaning heavily against the hallway, grasping at his side. No, no, no, no. No, they were just going to see Magritte or whatever and they were… he was being good. He was listening, he was keeping his promise. He wasn’t disobeying. He was here, he was here, he was here. “Uh huh. Uh huh.” He nodded, trying to keep his mind as clear of this as he could. But, it was getting harder and harder to not think of the circumstances when he realized that the two not-guests Ariana had were police officers. “Let’s go look at the art.” He nodded in agreement.
 The inclination to run was evident on Kelly’s face and she couldn’t ignore the guilt churning in her stomach. Ariana should have figured out a way to warn her, she did know she was perfect prey for Lydia. She reached out to give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “It’s me,” she said softly, “She didn’t get me. I figured out what was going on here.” The other woman had to be Chloe. Sammy had mentioned her and she had hoped she’d still be here. That she hadn’t been too late. There was something akin to relief running through her, but they weren’t out of the clear just yet. She nodded, “Chloe’s right. We should all get some inspiration from Magritte.” Whoever the hell that was. It hardly mattered if it helped them out of here. It was only a matter of time before Lydia was dead if she wasn’t already. Kelly didn’t seem ready to face that news so they’d focus on one thing at a time. 
 Magritte was a painter Lydia liked to show off several times a year, because his bizarre art style was often popular, even in the less expensive and famous pieces that she owned. Had owned, if she had abandoned it all here. Chloe paused the group in front of the painting, her hand curled in a tight fist to distract from the pain of thinking about this. “She’s not coming back,” Chloe said softly to the other two, taking Kelly’s hand in her own. Sickeningly, it reminded her of how Lydia comforted them from time to time, so she dropped that hand just as quickly. “It’s going to hurt more the longer we wait.” Chloe had been here too long. Her bones felt stiff, her body weary. She couldn’t frighten them off, especially Kelly, who was struggling to understand so much. “You’re going to have to break a promise. These-” Chloe looked at Kaden, who Lydia had once described as the most monstrous french creature in town, with frightening strength, and then to Ariana, who was a werewolf, that Sammy had waxed lyrical about. “These people can help, but it’s going to hurt, okay? But you’re going to go first, both of you, and it’s going to be -ah,” Chloe curled in on herself as the promise against lies pulled a stitch in her side. “We’ll figure it out. She’s not coming back, leaving isn’t disappointing her.”
 “And it’s not over yet,” Kaden said quietly to Keen. He lingered behind in the foyer, let everyone go down ahead of him, hand hovering by his pistol, just in case. He knew there was no one else here, but something about this place made him worry that anything could jump out at them at any time. That it couldn’t be as simple as walking right out the front door. When they got down there by what he assumed was the Magritte, he turned the door handle and pushed. It was nearly silent, and yet the sound of the door swinging open on its hinges echoed around them. He took a step past the threshold of the house like it was simple. For him, it was. “She’s right,” he said after Chloe spoke. “This isn’t going to be easy. Even if Lydia’s gone and never coming back.” There was no guarantee this would work, that the promises wouldn’t hold post death. As far as he knew, they did. That’s what the fae all said, at least. Words were more powerful than mortality. “Is there, uh, any more inspiration outside? On the grounds, maybe?” he asked tentatively, trying to catch Chloe’s eye for some confirmation that he was on the right track. There wasn’t much left in the garden that wasn’t destroyed, not now. But that wasn’t the point. “Kelly? Are you okay to find out? Maybe take a look?” he asked, shifting his focus to her and tentatively holding out his hand. 
 The moment of truth was upon them. They were coming up on the door and this was where things would get difficult. Ariana took in a deep breath to keep herself steady as she spoke. “That could work, I know the promises are varied,” she said in a hushed tone mostly meant for Kaden and Agatha to hear. She stood closer to Agatha, but she hoped Kaden’s handy dandy hunter hearing would come into play here. “She usually makes them promise not to leave her home. Not to make any sounds when guests are present, they can’t even sneeze. She’ll turn anything they say that she can into a promise. I’m not sure what our work around should be.” 
 Agatha still didn’t understand how this worked, it was most likely hypnosis, but there was a way to go around those, as she’d found out earlier, as she shot Kaden without causing too much harm to him. As Ariana mentioned Lydia’s home, the detective had a small, and yet malicious smile. There might have been a way for them all to get out of here, and no one getting hurt, she thought to herself. She felt her heart lifting in her chest as she took a deep breath. “This is not her home anymore,” she glanced at Ariana, then at her coworker and added. “She left, and this is a crime scene. This place is now under custody of the police department,” her smile brightened and she gave Chloe a look full of hope, nodding at her.
 Kelly stared at Kaden’s hand, as he offered it, and took it cautiously. She was pretty sure it didn’t work like that, and one look at Chloe’s face suggested it wasn’t very convincing. But Ariana… Ariana just knew, apparently, she knew things about Lydia that Kelly hadn’t until it was way too late. Finally, she looked to Agatha. “It’s- A crime scene? But, I want.” Chloe swallowed. “She left. It’s not her home. I- okay.” She turned back to Kaden, grit her teeth, and tried to move. Her joints locked up, freezing her in the doorway.  “Help,” she breathed, her muscles beginning to burn as if she’d run a marathon rather than just walked down the stairs. Everything in her strained to stay inside the house, to drop his hand, to return to their bedroom and curl away from the world. It felt like it was breaking a promise, it felt wrong, even if this wasn’t Lydia’s home. She didn’t even know if her hesitation was psychological or the promise itself. It was embarrassing, all these people watching her. But suddenly her muscles moved and Kaden pulled and she had to put her foot down just so she wouldn’t fall on her face, and… she was outside. Kelly stared up at Kaden with the biggest look of confusion, then back through the door. “I’m… okay? I’m okay!”
 This all sounded way too easy. Kaden wasn’t sure if they could just walk out the door and be perfectly okay. Would Keen’s idea even work? He held his breath and waited, watching Kelly take tepid steps towards the door. It felt like she stood there forever. Maybe she couldn’t do it on her own. And when she asked for help, it was clear that she couldn’t. Help. He was trying, but he didn’t know if he was doing the right thing. That didn’t stop him from trying. He reached out and pulled her across the threshold. He braced himself for her to collapse into pain or try to run back, something, anything. “You’re okay?” he repeated. The tension held in his chest dissipated as relief started to wash over him. One down. This would work. They’d be okay. They could save them. “You’re going to be okay,” he assured her with a smile before looking back to see who was next. 
 A tiny ball dissolved in Chloe’s chest as Kelly’s eyes lit up properly in the outside floodlights. Kelly looked from the door to Kaden and the outside again. It would start to ache soon enough, she knew. Not the promise, perhaps, but biochemical need to be with Lydia. Chloe just didn’t point that out. She also didn’t point out that Kelly and Todd only had a couple dozen promises between them, far fewer things to trip over than Chloe’s hundreds of promises. She looked at Agatha briefly, and tried to match that smile with one of her own. Maybe Lydia being gone meant Lydia being dead. Chloe swallowed, and tried to smile even more brightly for Todd. “You next, tough guy.” She gave him a quick hug, just in case she didn’t make it to the other side with them. 
 Thankfully, Agatha seemed to say the right thing and with a little push, Kelly was over the threshold. Ariana felt like she could breathe a little easier. This could work. They were going to get everyone out of here. She wasn’t going to fail all of them the same way she failed Sammy. She just needed to keep herself steady and confident to give the other two the push they needed to get out of here. They were relying on her so she did her best to hide her shock. “You’re okay,” she said with a soft smile before turning to Todd. Chloe had given him a quick hug and she stood beside him. Ariana placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You got this, we’re almost there,” she explained and offered up her hand if he wanted to take it. 
 Listening intently to the others, Todd tried to reassure himself that they were right. This wasn’t Lydia’s home anymore, it wasn’t hers. It was a crime scene. And he’d be able to leave a crime scene, right? She didn’t live here, it wasn’t her property, it wasn’t hers anymore. She didn’t own this place and she didn’t own him. He watched, with bated breath, as Kelly stepped over the threshold and out into the yard. And, for a long moment, all eyes were glued on her. But, if the punishment was going to come, wouldn’t it have happened already? A rush of relief washed over him as Kelly celebrated. Swallowing, he nodded at the others around him. “I got this,” He mumbled, cheek pressed against Chloe’s head as she hugged her tightly. “I got this. We’re getting out of here. We’re getting out of here.” He said and looked at Ariana with a nod. 
 Todd took a deep breath, steadying himself. This wasn’t her home, it was a crime scene. It was a crime scene. Those were the words he kept repeating to himself as he leaped forward, forcing himself to push through the pain that threatened to bring him to his knees. It wasn’t hers, he wasn’t hers. He was going to be free, just like Kelly and then Chloe would join them and they’d all be free. He’d be able to tell his parents how sorry he was, he’d apologize to Winston, he’d tell them everything about what had happened, he’d make it up to Ariana for having to rescue him from this. He’d do so much, once he was free. And, as he staggered upright in the front yard, he looked around with wide eyes.
 But that’s not how Fae promises work.
 Excruciating pain stabbed through his chest, starting in his heart and exploding outwards. It felt like someone had injected liquid metal into his body, boiling hot, and burning him from the inside out. A choking scream escaped his lips as Todd’s knees buckled underneath him, unable to keep him upright. He collapsed onto his stomach, body shaking with tremors as his hands reached up to grip his skull. His head felt as though it was imploding, like someone had stuck his brain in a vacuum, like it was going to collapse in on itself. His fingers clawed at his chest, his forehead, scraping at the flesh in an attempt to relieve the pain. He scrabbled against the earth, screaming, weeping, bleeding as he tried to crawl back to the house. But, he’d broken his promise.
 With a shuddering gasp, Todd’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. A final violent tremor ran through his body and then, the DJ was no more.
 “You totally got this,” Ariana assured as he prepared himself to step outside of Lydia’s home. Kelly making it over the threshold had given her confidence that Todd would be okay. That he’d leave here and she could tell Winston they’d need to look after him from here on out. She’d be a better friend. She’d check in on him more and make sure no more vile women like Lydia went near him ever again. If she hadn’t completely erased the word from her vocabulary, she would have promised him as much. She stood just outside the doorway now, ready to give him a hand if needed. There was a momentary proud look on her face as he began to step out of the house that was quickly replaced with one of horror.
 “No,” Ariana whispered to herself, “No.” She quickly knelt down to try and hold Todd up, but the way he was clawing at his own chest made it impossible to do so. The pain on his face and in his screams was enough to make her feel sick. She reached out unsure of what to do. “Todd, no, breathe.” Come on, just breathe. Please don’t. “You’re over, it’s over, you’ll-” Her voice was strained and her hands felt useless trying to find a way to keep him upright. There had to be something she could do, but she was paralyzed by trying to find the answer, hands still extended hoping he’d reach for them and find a way to steady himself. Grip to her through the pain, she could take it. What she couldn’t take was what happened instead. 
 Defeat was evident in the way her features contorted on her face. Ariana dropped down to the ground beside Todd, hoping against all better judgment that this wasn’t it. That he just needed to be carried out of here. Her ears felt as if they were about to pop with the pressure that was building up as she bit back tears. Still, she listened for any sign of a heartbeat, but there was none to be found. Shaky hands reached down to feel for Todd’s pulse even though she knew better. She knew she failed Todd just like she had failed Sammy. “I’m so sorry,” she breathed out soft enough that no one with ordinary hearing would be able to hear. She was frozen in place, staring down at the damage as if she could will it to change. Will Todd to move again, to stand up and say this was all some sort of joke. She wanted to move, wanted to remember that Kelly and Chloe still needed her, but she couldn’t find it in her to stand back up. They were better off with Kaden and Agatha anyhow. All she seemed to do is make this whole thing worse. 
 Kelly watched Todd with wide eyes as Todd stepped over the door, her own smile cautiously watching him. For a second, when his foot touched the pavement, he was fine, and Kelly was about to be ready to celebrate with him when he contorted. She jumped back as he screamed, her hand flying over her mouth as he clutched at his head. “Do something!” She cried out, but stood frozen on the ground as Todd collapsed to the ground. “Do something!” He tried to crawl back, but it was too late. He shook, once, twice, as Kelly leant against 
Kaden and wept, but the silence after his last scream was so much worse. Watching Ariana, Kelly found the courage to move forward too, cracking her knees against the pavement as she knelt over him. “TODD!” Kelly shook his shoulders, and then did the only thing she could think of, a move half remembered from a training video she’d watched years ago.  Pounding on his chest, Kelly begged him to come back, or anything. 
 For all the misery in Kelly’s scream, the sound Chloe made was even more wretched. She choked and gagged after trying to scream herself, silent tears spilling down her face. “Don’t ever scream again,” Lydia had once told her, and Chloe had promised without hesitation, Sammy’s blood still soaking her clothes. Her tongue swelled up as if stung by a bee. Chloe clutched her chest until the coughing subsided, but when she looked up, Todd was already dead. “No,” Chloe breathed, sagging against the wall. Surrender was so much easier. “No, no.” She could clean it up. She could fix the door and sweep up the glass and make everything fine, so Lydia wouldn’t be upset. Todd wouldn’t have to bear the weight of Lydia’s wrath if Chloe was- She swallowed. Todd was dead. It was too late.
 Kaden stood and watched as Todd started to walk forward. He knew he shouldn’t be as hopeful as he felt, and yet, he was sure this would work. Up until the kid collapsed. Part of him wanted to reach out, but Ari was already there, so he held Kelly back instead for the moment. The last thing they needed was for her to go back into that place. And Ari had it. Didn’t she? He would be-- But he wasn’t fine. He seized and Kelly and Chloe screamed. Kaden wasn’t sure what he did because the world seemed to stop and stand still. His grip on Kelly fell and all he could do was watch as she and Ari tried to bring Todd back to life. The sounds finally hit his ears and the world was turning again. He didn’t need to feel his pulse, he saw Ari check it and he could hear that his heart was no longer beating. There was no more hope left for Todd. He thought about pulling Kelly away, Ari, too. But he thought better of it. There was nothing more he could do there and they were okay as they could be. But Chloe. What was going to happen to Chloe? His pulse spiked as he looked over at her. “Hey,” he said trying to catch her attention from the other side of the doorway. “Chloe, I know-- Don’t give up. Not yet. Don’t--” He wasn’t sure he was any help. His eyes darted to Agatha, hoping she might have an answer. Forcing Chloe out of the house seemed so much more dangerous now. But she couldn’t stay, could she? Putain. What did they do?
 All she could do was watch, watch Todd drop to the ground, Kelly beg, Chloe turn back to the state she found her in back in the office. She’d never been one to stand and watch as things happened before her, and yet, here she was completely speechless as she tried to make sense of what had happened here. Elation had given room to death and despair much too soon. If her heart once again felt heavy in her chest, she put it aside, refusing this desperate situation to take control of them all. If Kelly had managed to get out, then maybe Chloe would be fine, or maybe Agatha would regret this. Sourly. Gathering all the softness that she could muster, the detective squatted down, sitting just a little lower than Chloe, and with hope in her eyes, she looked straight into Chloe’s and reached for her hands, slowly. She would have usually gone straight to the other side of the door, see if she could do anything to help save Todd, but there was something inevitable, almost prophetic about the way he had died. Brutal, ruthless, with no chance of survival. Yet, Agatha believed. She looked at Chloe as someone who believed, and when she spoke, if it felt like walking on a line high above the ground, she made sure not to look down. “We’re going to try. You and I, we’re going to try, because we know she’s gone for good, and I know there’s a lot for you out there, so much more than in here. Think of all the places you’ll go, and see. The beauty,” there was a quiver in her voice the more she spoke, but she did not break. “Let’s try, please.”
 “I gave up years ago,” Chloe snapped at Kaden, instantly regretting her words as Kelly whimpered. She rubbed her face, trying to get the tears against her face. She pulled a face that she hoped looked like an apology to Kaden, but her gaze slid back to Todd, dead on the floor. Like Sammy, trying to escape in his own way. Sammy had meant to come back, but it hadn’t made any difference. Chloe had cleaned his brain off the wall because of it, and she had thought then that she was proud of him having tried to escape. Maybe a quick death was better than what Anneliese had had in the end. Taking Agatha’s hand, she stood up shakily. Every atom in her wanted to split itself into two: the part that needed to stay, and the part that had seen Lydia for the viper she had been from the start. She didn’t listen to Agatha’s pretty words. Pretty words held lies and half truths. Everyone was looking at Todd’s dead body, and wondering how hers would survive if his hadn’t. They all used different words, which to fae made all the difference, but Chloe could barely remember what words she’d used before this. Hell, a single tense could kill her or save her. She just… couldn’t say that. She couldn’t tell them that she’d resigned herself to dying in this dragon’s lair years ago. She couldn’t extinguish the hopes on her rescuers’ faces before trying.
  “Look away,” Chloe said to Kelly, and didn’t even try until Kelly had. She took a deep breath, nearly throwing up with the effort of pushing her muscles over the edge. It was like trying to get through tar. Maybe it wasn’t worth the fight at all. She could live here comfortably until her natural death, which was what Lydia would want. She could avoid the pain of breaking this promise. She grit her teeth. Life in a gilded cage was still caged. Then, like an elastic band snapping, she was over the threshold and felt nothing trying to pull her back in. Chloe inhaled the chilly, winter air, and thought maybe she should have grabbed a coat before all this. Then lightning tore through her mind, blood spilled on her face from her nose, and Chloe went the same way Todd had, right to the ground. 
 Everything around her kept moving, but Ariana remained frozen for a moment, staring at Todd’s lifeless body. If she stared at it long enough, maybe it would distort back to how it was supposed to be. Kelly and Chloe’s screams barely even registered in her ears until Kelly was beside her beating on Todd’s chest. Kelly. She’d wanted so badly for her to never know this kind of pain, so much so she put herself through more just to avoid it, but it had all been for not. Hadn’t they lost enough? Seeing Kelly’s panic awoke something in her and she took a shaky breath. She could be strong for right now. She could be strong for Kelly who needed someone to be strong for her. Kaden and Agatha were already with Chloe. After her failed attempt with Todd, it only seemed right to leave that to them. This, she could do. She placed her hand gently on Kelly’s shoulder and softly said, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but he’s gone. We need to keep moving and help Chloe now, okay?” 
 “Well I haven’t,” Kaden replied, not combatively but with no room to argue. He knew hope hurt like hell. He didn’t know how long she’d been there or how she got there, but he could only imagine that trying to hold onto any spark of hope in the situation she found herself in would have torn her apart. He was getting used to holding onto hope for someone else, carrying it for them when they couldn’t bear to conceive of it. He’d do it for her now if he could. And thankfully, so would Keen. He was grateful she was there, keeping them level and together, standing beside Chloe. He nodded and waited on the other side of the door, just in case anything went wrong. Now that there was no doubt just how possible that was. 
 He watched her closely, monitored each step she took. He saw the struggle on her face, but there was a brief pause where she looked like she was just fine, like she would face the same fate as Kelly. And then the blood poured from her nose. “No. No, no,” he started and she tumbled down towards the ground. Kaden lunged out for her, catching her before she toppled to the ground, stumbling down to his knees as he did. “Chloe! Chloe, no,” he shouted, giving her one shake to try and revive her. She couldn't die. She couldn’t. They were going to fix this, they were supposed to save them. Losing Todd was horrible enough this-- “Chloe, please, don’t--” He could feel his own breaths get shallow and then remembered to check her pulse. Her heart had slowed, but it was still beating. “I think she’s alive. She should be--” Please wake up, please. These people deserved so much better and Lydia didn’t deserve a single victory, even in death. 
 For a short moment, Agatha had wondered whether Chloe would step over that threshold or not. Perhaps she should have, she thought to herself. No, no, absolutely not. A life spent in this house was not a life, and the detective was both proud and full of sorrow as she reflected on Chloe’s last action. No, this could not be her last. No, no, no, no. The detective repeated the word under her breath, exiting the house last to rush to Chloe’s side. “I’m calling an ambulance,” she declared, glancing at everyone around her as she dialled the number. She would call for backup next, but for now they had to save Chloe while they still could. “Put her on her side,” she commanded, standing up and walking aside to speak to the 
 “No,” Kelly said, tear tracks on her face. She looked over to Ariana. “No, I can’t- I don’t understand. I don’t understand what happened. He- he was fine. Chloe- Chloe, don’t!” She stared at Chloe before nodding and squeezing her eyes shut. She whimpered as she heard Kaden yell, her eyes flashing open to look at Ari. It wasn’t until Agatha said she was calling an ambulance that she dared look back okay. “Is it over?”
 There were warm arms around her. A chilly breeze tickled her cheeks. Grey winter light streamed through her eyelids. There was more pain than Chloe had felt in months, but there was more than that too. She blinked open her eyes, and tried to sit up. That- that was a bad idea. “I think- I think I’m going to stay down here,” Chloe murmured. She squinted up at the three of them, Agatha walking away with her phone, Kaden holding her and Ariana holding Kelly. That blue hair... “You’re the one who tried to save Sammy, aren’t you?” She asked Ariana softly, her voice croaking. Her eyes drifted back over to Todd, his eyes shuttered. No one home. She moved just enough to take his hand. There was so much pain. There was also something else. 
 Ariana couldn’t refrain from outwardly cringing when she saw the struggle Chloe went through upon exiting the home. Prison. Whatever someone would call it. This couldn't be happening. Lydia couldn’t be having this much of a victory. Not in death. Her stomach turned as she was unable to take her eyes off the scene in front of her. A comforting hand remained on Kelly’s shoulder though at some point she had to wonder which one of them she was even supporting. The blur of sounds around her stopped mattering as she remained hyperfocused on the sound of Chloe’s heartbeat that wasn’t quitting. She was still there. Still fighting. Hope wasn’t lost yet though the fear of it being crushed yet again was far from gone. An ambulance was on the way and Kaden was supporting Chloe, keeping her on her side. The storm had died down and she calmly said, “It’s over.” As much as it could be over. She knew better than to believe they wouldn’t be living with the scars long after this. “You’re free,” she assured Kelly as she still stared at Chloe. Her voice sounded strained, but Sammy’s name rang out in her mind. She nodded slowly and said, “I-- That’s me. I’m sorry I didn’t. But you’re getting out of here and she’ll never do this to anyone again.” She knew Athena would make sure of that. Everything still felt like hell and she could hear the sirens approaching in the distance, but it was over. This was finally over.  
 Kaden tried to get Chloe on her side before she pulled herself up. “Hey, wait, don’t--” Thankfully she figured it out before he had to pull her back down. He nodded at Keen as she went over to call 911. “We have to call in the death,” he added. It was meant to be nothing more than matter of fact, procedure. It hit him harder than he expected. They were supposed to save them. All of them. He wasn’t even sure if Chloe would remain okay. If she had broken free from all of the promises. But she was here. And breathing. And out of that prison of a house. He looked up at it, most of the windows broken or covered. It was shattered, just like the illusion of who Lydia was. Forever. He wanted to burn the place down, be rid of it and her once and for all. But they needed the evidence still left there. They’d make sure that no trace left of Lydia Griffin would be praised or lauded ever again. And make sure that Kelly and Chloe got justice they deserved, some compensation or retribution for this. And that meant leaving that awful place intact. “It’s over,” he repeated. “You’re safe,” he said, looking from Kelly back to Chloe. He hoped that was finally true. 
Returning to Chloe’s side, Agatha assured her that an ambulance would come soon, and that she would be taken good care of. Her eyes then drifted toward Kaden’s arm, then to him. A silent nod answering his demand, the detective once again stepped away from the rest of the group, this time calling the morgue. She looked away, the group fussing around Chloe, responding mechanically to the operator's injunctions on the other end of the line. A tear came to burn her cheek, then another. With an audible sniff, she turned her back to the others, and walked away a little further. Behind his back, she heard Kaden repeat: You're safe, and although she was often optimistic this time, the idea that this nightmare was over did not seem to satisfy. Not that she thought all was well that ended well, but because it was hard to believe until Chloe got out of the woods.
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Tower (one shot)
Summary: Paige is going to a party with a high status guest list. She meets Changkyun and Jooheon in the elevator...all three of them are lost.
Warning: SMUT. Threesome (Eiffel Tower, hence the title, get it?), spanking, exhibitionism kink, praise.
Word count: ~2k
A/N: I’ve been dreaming of this scenario for too long (even revealed the concept in a anon ask whoops). I am a raging slut for these two boys, I want to bring more fluff in my palette, but I had to get this off my chest. Will finish the second part of my Ultimate fic soon. This is my first one shot, I’m so proud of myself!
It's just a party, this isn't new. Hell, I've been at this hotel before! I hound my phone to see where exactly this party is, my instructions aren't very clear, thanks to my friend who is already there and has the worst luck with spell check while drunk. So, I guess I'm on my own. First ride to the elevator. I'm just gonna stop at each floor till I hear or see the party. It's annoying, but odds are it'll work. Floor two, nothing. I check myself out using the mirrors surrounding the elevator. Damn do I look good. I adjust the girls to not show too much cleavage in my halter top, just a tasteful amount. What about ass? A little bit of ass cheek, but not too bad, I've worn worse. The doors open at floor three, making me cautious of adjusting myself too much. Nothing. I browse my phone to kill time. Floor four, two people walk in. I look up from my phone and I see Changkyun and Jooheon from Monsta X looking at me in the mirror wall.
"All the floors?", Changkyun points out, chuckling over every button pressed. His laugh makes my panties want to drop.
"If you wanted to go down, I'm sorry, I'm trying to find a party, but I'm lost", I explain. Both boys laugh, making me feel better, but also worse. What are they laughing at? The doors close and we ascend to floor five.
"We're trying to get to that party too, but we have no idea where it is either", Jooheon sighs. Oh thank goodness. Wait, they're going to the same party? My dreams have been fulfilled!
"You're going to that party too?", I bashfully ask for confirmation.
"Just wanted to go to say hi, but if you're going to be there, I guess we can stay a bit longer", Changkyun gives me his slick, half smile grin. My grip around my phone tighten to prevent myself from losing it.
"And with twenty-five floors, we'll have plenty of time to get to know you before we find the party", Jooheon joins the flirtatious attack.
"What's your name, babygirl?", Changkyun starts with the questions. Call me babygirl one more time, I dare you. The door opens and we listen in to hear any music from the hallway. Nothing. We go back to casually leaning.
"I'm Paige. No need to tell me your names, I know exactly who you are, Jooheon and Changkyun", I reveal. If they want to play this flirting game, I'll play this flirting game. They're surprised that I know their names.
Level six, nothing. This is going to take a while.
"What's a beautiful girl doing at a party like this?", Jooheon wonders.
"There's nothing wrong with free booze and young celebrities checking you out. It's all fun and games till they learn how simple you are", I shrug. Celebs expect to be with celebs or with people of some significance. I'm a good fuck, but nothing stays for long.
"Simple is good. Those people just don't understand the masterpiece they have in front of them", Changkyun steps it up.
"Oh, I'm a masterpiece?", I act flattered. I look at their reflections and they both examine me fully, scanning me from head to toe. Jooheon bites his juicy lip, flashing me his iconic dimples. Changkyun licks the corner of his mouth, raising his pierced brow. I must be dreaming.
"Oh, please, any girl would drop their panties for those looks. You'll have to try harder if you want to impress me", I call them out on their attempt to seduce. The boys like the challenge. The door opens and we're struck back to reality. Floor seven, nothing. Both of them move to either side of me. I realize how much taller they are compared to me, but I won't let that aspect intimidate me.
The door closes and the boys are in full alert.
"Can I touch you?", Jooheon asks for consent. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"What are you going to do?", I call his bluff. He twists me to face him then uses both hands to get a handful of my ass. He pulls me to him and begins to kiss my exposed shoulder. I am definitely not the first ass he's grabbed, this man knows what he's doing. I already feel his hard on teasing me against my abdomen. I know the internet says he radiates big dick energy, but I confidently confirm it. Changkyun comes from behind me and presses his hard dick against my ass. Fuck, his big dick energy is also more accurate than I thought. One hand cups a tit while the other brushes my hair out of the way so he could kiss my neck, then proceeds to cup the other. Both of them fondling my ass and tits, nearly synchronized. Both pairs of lips against my skin, varying from light pecks to full on marking via sucking or biting. Their muffled moans buzz against my skin. They know how to work me. I didn't expect them to actually commit to those, I should've known better than to be a helpless flirt.
"Fuck me", I couldn't help myself from moaning.
"Don't have to tell us twice, baby girl", Changkyun growls in my ear, tugging on my shorts.
"You two are cool with sharing?", I nearly panic from how fast this is transitioning.
"For you, baby", Jooheon sighs in ecstasy. I doubt I would be the first one to have both of them in a threesome, but what the hell. I told them they needed to work for it and damn they did! Changkyun slides my shorts down to my knees and places a gentle kiss on my ass. Honey grabs my face and tenderly kisses my lips. Changkyun spreads my legs apart enough for my shorts to stay on my knees. He growls deep in his throat and licks a strip along my folds. I moan in Honey's mouth, he pulls me in deeper, our tongues getting acquainted. We hear dings and realize we're still going through the line of floors. Floor nine, nothing. Thank goodness no one is in the hallway to witness this. I wouldn't mind if they do. I hear Changkyun unbuckle his belt, Honey soon follows. A dick is rubbed against my ass, the warmth making my skin tingle. His strong hands knead my ass while he glides his length along my folds to tease me.
"Fuck, Paige, you're already wet for us", Changkyun grunts. Honey pulls away from my lips and looks deep in my eyes.
"That mouth is all mine. Slap my leg if you want us to stop, alright, baby?", Honey discusses protocol.
"You have every right to make us stop without question. The last thing we want to do is hurt you", Changkyun adds. I pull down Honey's boxer briefs to free his already throbbing dick. I let out a little gasp when I see what to expect.
"It's ok to say no", Honey whispers.
"I'll be ok", I assure. I put one arm behind my back for Changkyun to hold onto. I bend over to be eye level with Honey's dick and I take a second to compose myself. I could stop this at any time, it'll be ok. I lick my lips and drag my tongue along his impressive length. Just the sound of Honey's whimpery moan could make me cum. Changkyun lines himself to my entrance and slowly thrusts with ease. Holy shit, I wish I could've seen what he's packing before he buried his dick in me, I bet it's fucking beautiful as it feels. After I manage to fully throat him, Honey takes control and begins to fuck my face, holding either side of my cheeks. He does hit my gag reflex, but I don't believe I will puke, it will make my eyes water though. Changkyun matches the pace with Honey by pure instinct. Given his dancer experience, he body rolls into me, perfectly hitting where I want him. The sound of skin slapping is one of my favorite parts, other than the glorious moans from both parties, well in this case, from all three parties. Changkyun's grip on my arm tightens when the pace goes faster. Honey's hands move to my hair, pulling my head up to look at him. It's a sight I never imagined I'd see in my lifetime. Changkyun spanks my ass out of impulse. Honey and Changkyun look at each other with such confidence. They exchange a look with a little nod. This is it. This is the moment I'm done for. I'm nearly screaming on Honey's dick, this feels so good I never want this to stop! Changkyun notices my legs getting wobbly. He gives me another swift spank.
"You can do it, baby. You're doing so good", Changkyun encourages. Both men are getting feisty, they're at their limit. I let out a long moan while I cum on Changkyun. The orgasm was so sudden, or maybe I was just distracted by the feeling of both of them at the same time. Changkyun knows I came, chuckles at the feeling of me clenching around him.
"I'm going to cum, baby. Do you want Honey to cum in your mouth or cum in your pussy after me?", Changkyun pants. I use my free hand to gesture to my pussy.
"As you wish, princess", Changkyun grunts before slamming into me. He hits his peak of throttle till he cums. I wish I could record the sound he makes while he cums. It's a moan with a whimper, but it's slightly raspy with his deep voice, and there is a little giggle in it too. He rides out his high before he pulls out of me. Honey pulls out, spins me around and fucks me silly, holding me by my waist. His dick feels even more beautiful in my pussy than my mouth. Changkyun leans against a wall to catch his breath, but this way, I can finally get to see Changkyun's dick and holy fuck that was inside me?! I'm impressed with how I handled it. Honey slams into me, making a symphony of sounds. Skin slapping, my pussy quenching, variety of grunts and moans. Now that my mouth is free, I could finally be vocal.
"Fuck!", I moan in delight as I cum on Honey. My clenching makes Honey cum unannounced. His sound is more of a panting growl, far more primal. He thrusts a couple of more times to ride out our highs. He pulls out, but still holds me in case I fall over. They know my legs got weak, the shaking is visible. Honey places a kiss on my ass before pulling my shorts up. Both men stuff their dicks back into their pants. They give me a group hug to keep me standing and to give me more kisses.
"You did so good, Paige", Honey whispers in my ear.
"We need to do this again. Soon", Changkyun hisses.
"Definitely soon", Honey agrees.
"Really? I'm not going to be a one night girl?", I get all bashful, even though they just fucked me enough for two orgasms.
"You're too good to be just for one night", Changkyun breaths against my neck.
"Next time, we'll do this right and take you out", Honey adds. I hide my blushing face by burying it in Changkyun's chest. We hear a ding from the elevator. We made it to the floor twenty-five. There's music coming from the end of the hallway, the obvious penthouse suites.
"You guys still want to go?", I shrug. At this point, I just want to be with them.
"Fuck the party, let's go to our room and have our own party with pizza", Changkyun scoffs.
"And some more fun. What do you say, princess?", Honey offers. Is there any fucking question?
"Lead the way", I accept. Changkyun taps the floor four button.
"Well, twenty-one floors till we get back. Any ideas to pass the time?", Honey teases me by grabbing a handful of my ass.
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twilightvolt · 3 years
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Well....that was one way to start a new decade, i guess. >  >’
Ok, from the death and destruction to the quarantine caused by viral disease to large parts of the world literally going up in flames, this year was like an ominous beginning that revealed the true ugly colors of everyone around us.
But there’s something telling me that that was just the universe releasing all of it’s built up rage from the last decade, so to think on the bright side, the only way to go is up now, right?
Regardless, pushing all the crap that happened this year aside, this feels like one of my best years yet in terms of art. i don’t think there’s any wedge of this clock that i wasn’t completely satisfied with and i had a TON of tough decisions on what to put in said wedges cuz i just luved almost everything i’ve created this year.
If you’re up to it, i’ll have my usual month to month reflection under the cutoff, but if you’re not, i hope to keep giving y’all even better art next year! ^  ^
So without further ado, let’s review!
January: ~ Days ~
Runner up: Team Solar Rises Again! (drawing in celebration of PMD finally returning with a remake of the first game)
Kicking off right where 2019 left off, i was hot on the heels of my Beastars phase, still cranking out countless drawings and doodles, mostly featuring Legoshi, and even hanging around the Beastars Amino and making some new friends there. this piece in particular i think encapsulates what i was mostly doing at the time, making up stories and stuff within canon to give myself more wolf boi content. which is something that i rarely do normally since i’ve mostly just done OC related writing before this.
February: - Sk8ter Wolf -
Runner up: Re:Hukaro (That thing i drew for Moon)
Ahh yes, the day i peaked with punk rock energy and created something in a highschool notebook sketch style. ngl, with the release of Beastars’ english dub on the way and the fandom quickly growing, i felt like i was on fire with the amount of stuff i was drawing. i felt so inspired and things can’t possibly go bad.
Or can it?
March: We Can Be Heroes
Runner up: One More Day, Emo Bird Boi Sketchies
Ahh yes, the month the worldwide quarantine started because they discovered the virus around this time. from this point onward, time pretty much meant absolutely nothing since i was stuck indoors for a majority of the year, only going out if i had to. on top of that, i tried a little attempt at a fandub and got picked on immediately by yahoos on Youtube. it...wasn’t fun.
I tried doing a little challenge i made up called Animarch where i drew a drawing representing anime i liked every day, but i only got about 5 days in i think? ehh, whatever. i did try, so that means something. lol
Runner up: BEAST CROSSING ~Legoshi & Raymond
This was pretty much the final month i drew anything Beastars related as i slowly started shifting back to Pokemon due to the wait for season 2. but not before getting the new Animal Crossing and drawing a thing with Raymond and Legoshi that would blow up with hundreds of notes and interactions across every platform i posted it on. lmao
Regardless, i feel like Another Side was a perfect way to end that phase of my art journey. it’s like a nice finale to a long string of ideas that i will totally return to once season 2 drops next year.
May: - KOUJI -
Runner up: Fashion (that sketch of Alex and Jet in casual clothing)
What happened this month again? oh right, i went back to Digimon for a hot minute cuz i continued playing the copy of Cyber Sleuth Complete that i won from a giveaway on Twitter and created Alex and Jet, my latest Tamer and her Hawkmon partner. i should really do some more stuff with them.
Runner up: “No Time to Waste! HENSHIN!” (AF attack against IonicIsaac on Twitter), Cafe Mix ~Ace, Yagami, Lance and Seliph
Art Fight. third year. and this time i kicked things up a notch and beat my old record from last year!...after uhh....cramming in 8 attacks at the very last night and totally going insane from the amount of sleep i lost. ^  ^’
But trust me when i say i will NOT do that again next year, i swear.
July: Squad Up
Runner up: Comin’ Out to Stun (Jet the Hawk sketches)
So after playing and beating PMDX, i started fleshing out Lance and Selpih’s characters and made more art and stories surrounding them and the rest of the team. one of those being a drawing for Mystery Dungeon Day, which happens the day after Odaiba Day. which is in August. why did i put this down for July then? some questions just don’t need to be answered.
August: - TOGETHER -
Runner up: In the Storm
You can tell by now just how uneventful life was this year cuz i have literally nothing else to talk about other than the art parts. no life issues, no big adventures like moving or something. just....indoor stuff.
It’s...kinda sad, now that i think about it. but hey, at least i was making the most of my time, trying new things and getting around a bit more.
September: Small World
Runner up: Rescue Together, PMD Forever!, Midnight Adventuring, Down Time
So this year, i turned 21, which a lotta people say is important. not really, if you can’t do much i guess. though, i did crank out a ton of art i’m super satisfied with as you can see by how hard it was to frickin’ pick one to use for this month’s wedge on the clock.
October: Feathers of the Shadows
Runner up: PAPERMOON - Final Mix - (not picked because it’s a touch up of an older drawing)
Hoo boi, this month was crazy. cuz i drew a whole lotta e d g e .....and a whole lotta Murkrow. lol
It was fun letting my inner edgelord out this month. even if nothing really significant happened in reality.
November: ~ One More Game ~
Runner up: UPokerap Project: Frogadier, - LEAF STORM -
This month....was actually kinda rough. it was basically me falling into a depressive episode after a scare at the dentist made me worry about my self image and insecurities again. but this time it really hit me just how much permanent damage i’ve done to myself in that aspect of my appearance. i know i shouldn’t worry so much, but it’s not great when people tell you to smile when the most i can do is grin since i’m just so....unhappy with my teeth.
But then around the end of the month, i stumbled upon a Pokemon themed Discord server with people that made me feel....not as alone as i suddenly felt i was. which i’m glad i could meet them even after only knowing them for a month now. if they’re reading this, i hope you know i’m thankful for raising my spirits when there’s still things i just can’t do due to financial issues.
December: Colors of the Heart  + Happy Holidays! ~Grovyle ver.
Runner up: ~ After the Battle ~ (the two part KHII anniversary drawing), - XIII -, Sketchmon: Buizel
And now this month. on top of my insecurities, i’ve now been struggling with my frustration with not being noticed as much as i should, watching as some people quickly climb up in following when i’m going much slower. honestly, i feel like the months when everything started lightening up for the world....was when things started falling apart for me. yeah, i know. pretty depressing way to end, huh? i hit 300 before the year ended thanks to the support from my new friends though, so i’m actually pretty happy.
But that doesn’t mean i’m not still scared of the future. i mean i have my teeth to worry about and also my wisdom teeth are coming in. so next few months...might be kinda rough.
Though, that’s not to say i didn’t soldier through it. this month i pushed myself, plowed through as many commissions as i could get to raise money for my new computer and made some of the best drawings that to me, feel like a great accomplishment. even if a couple of them weren’t as grandiose as some of my previous work. it was a big step forward for me as an artist. at least in my eyes.
And i have a feeling....that it can only get better from here.
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inkjam-moon · 5 years
Instincts (M)
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Summary: Who wants a snow leopard as a pet? No one, and  you don’t want to be a pet, but the day before you’re supposed to be euthanized you’ll take what you can get; a nice enough man, but something about him seems off.
Pairing: Snow Leopard!Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut, FLUFF, hybrid AU
Word Count: 8.3k
TW: Death mention, kidnapping, masturbation, rutting, heats, doggystyle, light dirty talk, breeding talk, rough sex, multiple orgasms, virgin!Jimin
They all walk right past you. They see what you are and immediately move on. No one wants a leopard hybrid as a pet. No matter how cute you act, or how small and harmless you make yourself look, they all leave, they move onto the actually harmless puppies and kittens and rabbits that are cuddly and soft and sweet. No one wants what's known on the news as ‘dangerous’.
You gave up caring a while ago, and you know the shelter gave up as well, your thirteenth shelter, so much so that tomorrow you’re meant to be euthanized. It’s stupid honestly, that one little law change could you affect you in such a way. You’re seen as something to be owned instead of a real person; and if someone doesn’t adopt you today, you won’t even be that.
You sit in the back of your cage with your knees pulled into your chest, silent tears slipping down your cheeks as you watch the hours tick by, knowing it’s pointless to hope. As people walk by, they peek into your cage, but when they read your information tag, they smile sadly and continue walking, oohing and ahhing at whoever’s in the cage next to you.
You know nothing’s going to change, so you don’t even move to acknowledge the humans that do linger at your cage, trying to get your attention. You wallow in your self pity until your ears twitch as you pick up the sound of your least favorite volunteer, Haeun.
“...We have plenty of other nicer hybrids sir.”
“I want to see her.” The man insists.
“Very well.” Then Haeun appears in front of your cage with a man. He looks strange; a bit chubby with a mask over his mouth and a hat pulled down low over his eyes. His eyes… something about them seems off. “Here she is. This is Y/N, our snow leopard hybrid.”
“Hey girl.” He whispers, sticking his fingers through the cage.
“I wouldn’t do that.” Haeun scolds. “She has a tendency to scratch.”
You hiss, but it’s directed at Haeun, not the man and he knows that. Him you move closer to, trying to get a better look at; something about him screams ‘fake’.
He observes you closely, probably taking in the sight of your tear stained cheeks as his face softens. “Do you want to come home with me?” He asks. Your eyes light up at the prospect and you grab the bars of your cage nodding. The man seems nice enough, and he’s plump so he’ll probably feed you well. And more than anything, you want to live. “Alright, let’s go.”
Haeun scoffs. “Are you sure you want this one?”
The man glares at her. “Don’t you have a job to do? Open the cage.”
Haeun rolls her eyes, but relents, taking the key off her belt and unlocking the door to your cage, freeing you for the first time in what feels like years. You tentatively step out, wanting to make sure it’s actually real. Haeun goes to slap a leash on your chain collar, but the man stops her.
“I don’t think that’s necessary, do you?”
“It’s protocol.” She spits.
“Skip protocol for once.”
“Whatever. You have to put one on before you leave.”
“That’s fine. Do you have any collars for sale?”
Haeun sighs. “This way. We have to finish your registration first.” She walks out into the lobby and the man allows you to go first, following behind you closely. It doesn’t take much time to complete your registration, and when all the paperwork is over, Haeun leads you both over to the shop with collars and leashes and toys.
“Pick whichever one you want.” The man says, pointing to the collars. You have to admit, the thought of actually getting out of this place and having a human to call your own makes your stomach flutter. You’d never been one to crave ownership, but being alone for so long, so deep into the pit of despair, this small flicker of hope has a shred of light peek through your dark heart.
You observe the collars closely, finally deciding on a white leather collar with a heart charm dangling from it. You point to it and the man nods in agreement.
“The white one please.”
Haeun scoffs again. “That one’s pretty expensive.”
“It doesn’t matter. Here.” The man slaps his credit card on the counter. “Ring it up. And get the matching leash for it too.”
Haeun obliges with an expression of scorn, ringing it up and then handing him the receipt to sign. She grabs the collar and leash, handing it to him in exchange for the receipt. He pretty much throws the receipt at her which makes you giggle, and when she gets it, she clears her throat.
“Um, excuse me. Are you leaving a tip in cash? There isn’t one on here.”
“Because you don’t deserve it.” The man’s eyes light up with a smirk, making Haeun gasp and storm away from the counter. The man turns to you and removes your cold chain collar, letting it hit the floor with a harsh clank before holding up the white one to you. “Turn for me?” You nod, turning around and pulling your hair out of the way as he fastens the leather around your neck. “Is that too snug?” He asks when he’s finished. You shake your head and turn back to face him. “Wow, what a pretty kitty you are.” You can see his smile reach his eyes, his face still hidden behind his mask as he fastens the matching leash to your collar. “Let’s get you home, yeah?”
You nod enthusiastically and he leads you out of the shelter and across the parking lot to his car. He lets you sit in the front seat, which is unusual to you. Maybe this man treats hybrids like humans? The prospect excites you.
It’s a bit of a drive back to the man’s house, he lives deep in the mountains of Gangwon Province near Taebaek Mountain, but the high altitude and cold climate suit your needs perfectly. Finally you’ll get to run around in the snow again, that’s all you really want.
As you drive, you doze off in the passenger seat, only waking up when the man gently shakes your shoulder, stating that you’ve arrived at your destination. You sit up and look out the car window to see snow capped peaks surrounding you. You look at the man for permission and he nods, unlocking the car so you can jump out and dive into a snow drift, squealing with glee.
“Alright, let’s get you settled, then you can come out and play.” The man laughs, helping you up out of the snow and leading you into his house. You take your shoes off and wait in the entryway for his instructions. He laughs and waves you over to the kitchen. “Do you want anything to drink? Water, juice, beer?”
“Water, please.” You answer, bowing your head a bit.
He nods and walks over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and then bringing it over to hand it to you. You accept it gratefully and twist off the top, taking a large swig as you watch the man. He takes off his hat, revealing a mess of fluffy blonde hair and… wait, ears? You nearly drop your bottle as you stare at the spotted white fur adorning the top of his head, fur that looks surprisingly similar to yours.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” He asks, ruffling his hair, his ears twitching.
“I-I was taught not to talk in a human’s presence unless asked.”
“Well,” He starts, taking off his jacket to reveal a long thick tail that was being used to puff up the inside of the jacket to make him appear chubby, when in reality, his white t shirt and black jeans cling to his lithe form, showing off his muscles quite nicely. “As you can tell, I’m not human, so no need for formalities noona.”
“N-noona?” You stare at the slowly transforming man before you, confused beyond belief.
“You don’t recognize me yet?” He inquires. “I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s been almost sixteen years.” The man walks over to the sink and messes with his face. He takes off his mask, but it isn’t until you see the contact lense case in his hand that you realize what he’s doing. No wonder his eyes looked so weird.
When he turns back to you, his eyes are the traditional greenish-yellow that are common amongst all snow leopards. It isn’t until you take in the features of his face; his plump lips, his crescent moon eye smile; that it hits you.
He smiles happily. “Hi noona.”
Your brain suddenly flashes back to the last time you saw him. You’re sitting outside by the swings as it snows, comforting Jimin after a few of your brother’s friends made fun of his ears for being too big. You hold him close, his tears finally having stopped as you comfort him with your purr, when a strange truck pulls up next to the park and a human man gets out.
Your brother, Jiwon, walks over to make sure Jimin’s okay, cursing his friends for being so rude, just as you see the tarp covering the truck bed lift up in the breeze, revealing a cage. The strange man walks closer and a low growl rumbles in your chest, alerting Jiwon that something’s wrong. His ears perk up and his head whips around to see the human. The two of you immediately move to stand in front of Jimin as protection; while your brother is sixteen and at least a little bit intimidating, you’re only eight, and while you’re tall for your age, you’re not that tall.
“Can I help you sir?” Jiwon asks the man as he comes to a halt in front of the three of you.
“I believe you might be able to yes.” The man snickers. “Are your parents around?”
Jiwon takes a deep breath before puffing out his chest. “They’ll be back in a second.” He lies. Your parents are at your house around the corner. They know where you are but they can’t see you.
Before you can register what’s happening, the man lunges forward and grabs both you and Jiwon by the scruffs of your necks, rendering you immobile as he yanks you in the direction of his truck. You let out an ear piercing scream as you and Jiwon try to wrench yourselves free. As the man tosses you into one of the cages, Jiwon manages to wrench free, but he doesn’t get very far as the man grabs his tail and pulls him back. You look up, terrified to see Jimin hasn’t moved an inch, and as soon as Jiwon is tossed into his own cage, the man’s attention turns to the cub.
“Jimin! Run!” You scream as the man sprints in his direction. At the sound of your voice, Jimin takes off up the sidewalk, and rounds the corner in the blink of an eye. The man shrugs and gets into his truck, starting it and pulling away as you and your brother cry out for help, the last thing you see before you disappear is Jimin’s head peeking out from behind the neighbors fence, terrified.
You forget about the water bottle in your hands, dropping it as you rush over, practically knocking Jimin over as you wrap yourself around him in a tight embrace. “Jimin!” Your voice cracks as tears of joy begin to slip down your cheeks.
Jimin hugs you back, his arms lifting you and carrying you over to the couch. He sits down, letting you sit in his lap when you refuse to let go as you soak his shirt with your emotions. He holds you tightly, rubbing your back soothingly in understanding.
“Do you even know how long it took me to find you?” He asks after a minute, his own voice breaking as he pulls your face back to look at you, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. “I never thought I’d see you again. I couldn’t help but think that they already…” He trails off as his thumb brushes a tear from your cheek.
Your lip trembles as you smile at him before burying your face in his neck as happy sobs wrack your body. You breathe deeply, both trying to calm yourself down, and trying to inhale as much of his scent as you can. A rumbling in your chest quickly turns into a loud purr, deep in your throat as you rub your cheek against Jimin’s, scenting him. He chuckles at your actions as he returns your purr, possibly even louder than your own as he pulls you as close as he can get you.
You were holding him much like this sixteen years ago when it all started. You lived on top of a snowy peak and your house was one of about six different families of snow leopards. You went to a school not far from your house where you were intermixed with humans and other species of hybrids. Everything was peaceful and you were all happy just living your lives until one of your human classmates father’s found out his child was in a school with no less than three snow leopard hybrids, and according to him, that was unacceptable.
About a week after your abduction, a law passed stating that hybrids were no longer people, they were animals and should be treated as such. A few days later, then man holding you captive sold you as a pet. You were nasty, you trashed the homes of the first few families that bought you and then bounced between shelters and families. This continued for sixteen years up until today when you were supposed to be euthanized for being ‘feral’. You weren’t feral, you just didn’t want to live as someone’s pet.
“I should’ve looked for you sooner. I should’ve tried harder. I shouldn’t have let them take you!” He mumbles into your hair.
“You were just a cub.” You remind him.
“So were you!” He whines. “But you protected me!”
“I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if anything happened to you.” You whisper, wrapping your arms tightly around Jimin, doing your best to soothe and calm him.
“I should’ve tried harder.” Jimin protests.
“Chim, you found me. You. No one else. You.”
“But Y/N-”
You silence him with your tail. “I don’t want to hear it.”
After a few moments, he whispers again. “I’m so glad I found you noona.”
You hum happily as you rest your face in the crook of his neck, your tears finally halting. You inhale deeply, only to realize that while the underlying scent is still one hundred percent Jimin, there’s an unfamiliar note lingering on top that you don’t recognize.
“You smell different…” You state, sitting up and looking down at Jimin from where you’re perched on his lap.
“I would hope so.” He affirms. “I did go through puberty while you were gone.”
He’s right. Jimin is no longer the sweet six year old you used to babysit. While his cherubic cheeks and perfect smile remain the same, he’s finally grown into his abnormally large ears; his hands are still relatively small, but they’re bigger than yours now; his face is more defined, and he’s more on the handsome side than the cute side now. As your hands rest on his shoulders, you realize just how muscular he’s grown to be, lithe and toned, doing well to fill out his clothes, the thighs you sit on nice and thick.
“Noona, you’re staring…” He whines, squirming beneath your scrutiny.
“I-I’m sorry I’m just… I can’t believe you’re all grown up now.” You state, as you climb off his lap and sit on the couch next to him.
“Well, not all grown up. I’m only twenty two.”
“Grown enough to live by yourself.” You point out.
“Not by choice. Besides, I’m not alone anymore.” He insists with a sweet smile.
You return his grin until a thought crosses your mind. “Jimin… How did you end up here? By yourself?”
Jimin sighs deeply before beginning. “Well after what happened, my parents and your parents left the group you know? So I had to go with them. I moved to a new school for hybrids and then the law was passed, so when they were taken, I was alone. I dropped out of school and moved out here to start looking for you.”
“They were… taken?” You whisper. You always figured something had happened to your parents after the law was passed, but you had no way of knowing until now.
Jimin’s face darkens when he realizes what he’s said. “Y/N, I’m so sorry… I followed the people that took them, but…” He trails off and you know exactly what he means. “But what about Jiwonie hyung? He could still be out there somewhere, right?” Jimin adds hopefully. “We could look for him and-”
“No…” You mumble, knowing exactly what happened to him. “He’s not…”
Jiwon fought harder for his freedom than you when you were first captured. He scratched up one handler and bit the other two, leading to them decide he wasn’t fit to be sold and they gave up on him. He was shot in the head. You couldn’t even get to him because you were stuck in a goddamn cage. You just watched him die, inches from your touch. The light left his eyes so fast, his blood rapidly forming a pool around him until they sent someone to clean up and dispose of his body.
“Was it… Was it bad?” Jimin probes, not wanting to upset you.
“No, it was quick… He didn’t suffer.”
“Noona, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay Jimin.” You offer him a small smile, the best you can do at the moment. “At least I have you.”
“You’ll always have me noona.”
It’s been a few weeks since Jimin rescued you. You quickly fell back into friendship with each other as though you were never apart. You spend your days playing out in the snow, snoozing in warm sun-lit spots, watching tv, and playing video games. After sixteen years, you’re finally at peace again. You’re even gaining a little weight from all the delicious meals Jimin cooked for you, but it makes you happy, having been starved most of your life.
You can’t deny that having Jimin back has sparked some sort of feeling inside you. You’re not sure if it’s because it’s been so long since you were last touched by someone else, or if it’s because it’s Jimin, but your hormones are going crazy, and you just know your heat is going to cause trouble.
Your first heat came when you were eighteen, and since it was your first, the foster family you were in at the time was nice enough to find a male and allow you a week in a room alone with him until your heat was finally over. The male, a Jaguar named Hyunwoo, was pushed into his first rut by your scent and the two of you spent the entire week in bed. He was gentle and unsure, but he wasn’t bad, and you two were friends until he was adopted and you were sent back to the shelter. For a few heats, some shelters were nice enough to let you ride them out with a partner, but most weren’t that kind, and you would often find yourself lying in your cage, in pain, bleeding on everything because they wouldn’t let you out; you were too ‘dangerous’.
You can only hope Jimin has control of his ruts; your pre-heat started a few days ago and by the way it’s already knocking you down for the count, you can tell it’ll be rough, not only for you, but for any males around you.
Today you’re curled up on the couch mid afternoon, only half paying attention to whatever show is on as your eyes drift open and closed, already tired from the energy being drained from you in your body’s preparation
Jimin’s at work; he’s part of a group that rescues and liberates hybrids from shelters, and he shouldn’t be home until later that night, at least, that’s what you think until you hear the front door open. You bolt upright, your anxiety shooting through your nerves until you look over and see it is, in fact, just Jimin.
“Hey…” He grumbles.
“What are you doing home? I thought you were working?”
“I was, but…” He stumbles over to the couch and practically falls down next to you. “I just suddenly started to feel so awful.”
“Awful how?” You ask as you sit up, cradling his head as he situates himself in your lap.
“I’m so dizzy. And I have this… God, this awful pain in my stomach. I must’ve eaten something.”
You rest the back of your hand against his forehead to find that his skin is on fire. “Jimin, I think you have a fever.”
“God, just what I need.”
“Let me get you some medicine-”
“No, stay. I feel better already next to you.” He purrs softly, inhaling your scent deeply. “Noona you smell so good today.” He mumbles into your shirt, burying his nose in your stomach.
“I’m glad my scent can help soothe your woes.” You joke, running your fingers through his blonde hair. “Oh! You know what I realized today?”
“What’s that?”
“I missed your first rut!” You whine.
“It made me so upset! I bet you were a real asshole.”
“N-not really.”
“You weren’t? I find that hard to believe.” You tease.
“N-no.” Jimin shakes his head. “I mean… You didn’t miss it.”
“Miss what? I know you’re still an asshole and all, but-”
“No, noona. My first rut. You didn’t miss it.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“It hasn’t happened yet.”
You stare down at him, bewildered. “Are… are you serious? Jimin. You’re twenty two.”
Jimin shrugs as he sits up. “I’ve basically been on my own since I was six. After I dropped out of school, I was busy looking for you, so I was never around any girls and I guess it just never happened.”
You stare at him in shock until you put the pieces together and a smile cracks your lips. “Oh god… Chim, I know why you don’t feel good.” You state, slipping out from under his head and standing, wanting to get away from him a bit to help.
“What? Come back, I was comfortable.” He pouts.
“Jimin, you’re about to rut.”
“What??” His eyes go wide as he sits up. “What are you-”
“I started my pre-heat a few days ago.” You can’t help but giggle as you explain. “I think… I think I pushed you into it.”
He waves you off. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“Dizziness, stomach pain, clinginess. It all fits the symptoms of a first rut.”
“Wait, so you’re…” Jimin visibly gulps. “You’re going into heat??” You nod. “Have you done that before?���
You can’t help but scoff. “Of course silly. I’ve been in shelters my whole life. I got my first one when I was eighteen.”
“O-oh right…” He whispers, seemingly ashamed. You’re worried. Could you hurt Jimin, if he doesn’t know how to control himself? Or if worse comes to worse, could you sleep with Jimin and help each other out?
“I think we should stick to opposite ends of the house until it’s over.” You suggest. “Or maybe I’ll just sleep in the car.”
“What? No.” Jimin growls. “It’s fine. We’ll be fine, right? We can control it.”
“Yeah, I guess we can try. I’ll just have to run to the store and get some things.”
“Okay, I’ll go to the store tomorrow if you make a list.”
“Uhh…” You hesitate. “These are probably things I should buy for myself.”
“But you don’t have a disguise yet. I don’t want anyone to hurt you.” Jimin whines as he grabs your hand and pulls you back toward the couch.
You sigh. Damnit. He’s right. You could get thrown back in a shelter without a proper disguise. “Alright. I’ll make a list, but you might want to get some headphones too.”
“Headphones?” He eyes you curiously as you sit back down next to him. “What for?”
“Just… trust me.”
The next morning, you’re woken up by a sharp pang in your lower abdomen. Shit. It’s here. You can’t help the low groan that leaves your lips as the full force of your heat sweeps through your body. You immediately toss the covers aside, hot beyond belief as you try to slow your breathing, but it doesn’t work and you start to pant, the arousal swirling in your gut almost too much to handle as your senses of touch and smell are heightened.
“Oh god oh god oh fuck.” You whimper, clenching your thighs together in an attempt to soothe the ache between them. You’re so wrapped up in your feelings that you don’t notice the knock on your door until you hear the doorknob twist open. No. “Jimin no!” You squeak.
“N-noona?” You hear as the doorknob twists back into place.
“You can’t come in! Please… Please don’t come in…” He can’t see you like this.
“Is everything okay? You’re not hurt are you?”
You chuckle to yourself at his innocence. “Jimin, I need you to go to the store.”
“The sto- Is it here??” He suddenly sounds panicked.
“Ye-ees…” You half whine, half moan.
“O-okay, give me your list!”
Shit. You forgot to make one before you went to bed. You hastily grab a piece of paper and a pen out of your nightstand, but your overwhelming instincts make it hard for you to concentrate. Focus. Okay, you’ll need pads in case you bleed, snacks, lots of water, heat suppressant if he can find it to help with the side effects, and maybe… No. God you can’t put that on the list, what’s wrong with you? You immediately scratch it out and then fold up your paper. You stand and walk over to the door, slipping the paper underneath it to Jimin. “Please hurry.”
“I’ll be back as fast as I can noona, I promise.” You hear him run to his room, presumably to put on his disguise, and then grab his car keys before he bolts out the front door. You collapse against your bedroom door, at least you don’t have to worry about him hearing you until he returns. You crawl back into bed and slip a hand between your legs to sate your arousal the best you can. “Jimin, please hurry back…”
Jimin walks into the grocery store and pulls out your list while grabbing a cart. He pushes it through the aisles until he spots the first thing on your list. Pads, check. Wait… Why are there so many kinds?? Jimin’s eyes flit back and forth until he spots an older woman walking down the aisle. Maybe she can help.
“Excuse me auntie, could you help me?”
“Of course.”
“My little sister is having her first, uh, period. I was wondering which pads to get her?”
“Aw, aren’t you a sweet brother!” She exclaims before surveying the options. “I’d get her these,” She points to a package on the shelf. “You never know how heavy a first one will be.”
“Perfect, thank you so much!”
“Not a problem!” She smiles as she starts to walk away, “And don’t forget a heating pad for the cramps!” She adds before disappearing around the corner.
A heating pad? Jimin looks over your list, but that’s not on it. Would it help you? Couldn’t hurt to try. He shrugs and grabs one off the shelf before moving on.
Jimin fills the cart with your favorite snacks and a case of water before going to the ‘pet’ aisle to look for heat suppressants. He locates them easily enough and tosses them in the cart before looking at the last item on the list, only to see it’s been scratched out. Jimin holds the paper close to his face to try and decipher the letters; obviously it’s important if you took the time to write it down. V… i… b… n? No, it’s an r. Vibr… a… Jimin gulps as he looks at the word. Vibrator. Even though it’s been scratched out, you didn’t do it well enough. It definitely says vibrator. Jimin panics. Would that… Would that help you? Even if it would, he won’t find it here.
Jimin pays for everything else and loads it into his car before sitting in it and pulling out his phone. He opens a search engine, types “hybrid in heat - vibrator”, and hits enter. The first item that comes up says “Is your female hybrid in heat? Ten useful tips on how to calm her down!” He clicks the link. The first tip is to ‘get your hybrid spayed’. Jimin scoffs at the cruelty. The second tip is to ‘breed your hybrid’. Jimin’s face gets hot when he sees that and skips to the next option. Tip three, ‘get your hybrid a sex toy’. Jimin blushes as he reads the article.
Not ready to breed your hybrid? Get them a sex toy! Though it’s not as good as the real thing, it does the job; helping to sate your hybrids heat, even if it’s only for short bursts. Leave your hybrid in their room, making sure they’re comfortable with plenty of food and water, and let them play with themselves until their heat passes. It’s a simple, but effective fix!
Jimin closes his phone and takes a deep breath, unable to get the sight of you and a vibrator out of his mind. He shakes his head and lightly pats his face a few times to shake himself out of it before starting the car, his head swirling.
When you hear the front door open, you’re beyond relieved. Jimin was only gone for an hour, but it felt like forever. You perk up when you hear his cheerful voice, pulling your hands out from between your legs and throwing your shirt back on.
“Noona?” He knocks on your door.
“Did you get everything?” You ask, slightly out of breath from how aggressively you were touching yourself.
“I-I think so.”
“Okay, put everything down and then go to your room.”
“What? Why?”
“Because, Jimin trust me. You don’t want to smell me right now, it’ll send you right into your rut and that could be dangerous for you. You want your first one to come naturally.”
“Right. Okay, I’ll just leave everything here then.” You can hear bags rustling on the other side and smile as you hear Jimin’s footsteps disappear and the door to his room shut.
You quickly open your door and snatch up all the bags, dragging them inside before shutting the door again and rifling through them. It’s mostly snacks and water, but there are also pads and suppressants like you asked for, as well as a heating pad, which won’t do much, and… a small black bag tucked inside the bag with the pads. You pull it out and open it, your jaw dropping as you take out what’s inside; a bright pink rabbit vibrator. Rechargable with Multifunction! Enjoy an intense night in alone, or spice things up with your lover! Even if you weren’t in heat, your face would be bright red with embarrassment. This means Jimin; your sweet, innocent Jimin; went to a sex shop and picked this out specifically for you. You should’ve scratched it out better on the paper.
You lay it on your bed and stare at it from where you sit on the floor. It’s mocking you. It’s just sitting there, ready to use, but how can you even use it when you know Jimin bought it for you. You stare at it until another sharp pang in your stomach demands your attention. Fuck. Well, he did buy it for you. Is there any reason to let it go to waste? You grab it and take it out of its packaging, fiddling with it until you figure out how it works, the vibrations making your arms quiver all the way from your hands to your elbows. Your tail flicks at the sensation, pleased. You know what? Fuck it.
It’s been three days since your heat started and Jimin’s starting to lose control. He paces around the house, mostly in the hallway outside your room. He can’t focus on anything else when he’s home, all he can hear are the sounds of you pleasuring yourself, and it’s getting to be too much for him. All the beautiful moans that fall from your mouth are driving him insane, but he can’t do anything about it, he can’t even jerk himself off for some reason; he’s been hard for two days, but his hands don’t feel good enough and he’s had to go to bed unsatisfied. He should have bought better headphones.
It wasn’t until he caught the first whiff of your scent that it started to happen. He brought you food yesterday and left it outside your door, but you didn’t wait long enough for him to get some distance before retrieving it and he smelled you. God did he smell you. Your body is giving off enough pheromones to knock him to the ground in submission, but no matter how much he lingered at your door, he couldn’t get another taste of that delicious scent. He can’t get your scent out of his mind, or your moans out of his ears. He has to do something; he’s surrounded by you, everything is you, everything is you. He grabs his jacket and heads out the door, deciding a walk around the mountain trail might help clear his head.
Honestly, you’re not faring much better. While the vibrator is doing its job, it feels empty; your orgasms are disappointing to say the least and you crave the touch of another. You can hear Jimin as he paces outside your door, and it takes all your willpower not to unlock it and pounce on him.
You’ve just come off your latest orgasm and your arm is starting to hurt, so you decide to rest for a bit, but you’re overwhelmed by the urge to nest. You need comfort, and you need it now. You grab all of your pillows and blankets and shove them onto the floor, crawling down after them to arrange them to your liking. When you’re finished, you step back, but your tail flicks in irritation; something’s off. It’s not enough. You look around your room, but you don’t have anything else to add. Shit. You sit and ponder the idea of sneaking around the house to collect some more materials, but what about Jimin? You could throw him into his rut. But you need comfort. Your ears twitch, listening to see if you can locate Jimin. He’s pacing by the front door again. If he’s that far away, you could probably- Slam! As if he read your mind, you hear the front door open and shut. Is Jimin leaving for work? Thank god.
You immediately stand an exit your room, rummaging around the house to find more padding for your bed. You grab some towels from the bathroom and some sheets from the linen closet before taking the couch pillows as well, but even after you add them to the pile, it’s still not enough. As you’re adjusting one of the towels, you catch a whiff of something. You bring your nose closer and inhale deeply. Jimin. That’s what’s missing. His scent ignites your instincts and following them leads you to Jimin’s room. You grab the comforter off his bed, his pillows, as well as several pieces of his clothing before heading back into your room and shutting the door.
You make his comforter the centerpiece, putting his pillows around the edges and laying his clothes on top of it before crawling into your nest and snuggling up to his scent. It’s soothing and soft, and you quickly find yourself being lulled into your afternoon nap.
The walk did wonders and as Jimin returns home, he finds the house to be surprisingly quiet, he heads to the kitchen to grab a drink when suddenly he smells something. Just a faint touch of it, but it’s definitely there. It’s you. You must’ve left your room while he was gone. He follows the scent and it leads him down the hall to his own bedroom. That’s strange, why would you go into his room? He walks in to find all of his blankets and pillows missing, as well as his pajamas. What the hell? Where’d all his stuff go? He leaves his room and heads down the hallway to find out. He raps his knuckles against your door a few times.
“Y/N?” No answer. “Noona, are you in there?”
He tries the door knob even though it’s pointless. Wait… The door pushes open… It’s unlocked? He opens the door and is immediately overwhelmed by your scent; your normal scent as well as a sweet undertone that he finds completely irresistible, so much so that he unintentionally lets out a whine as he feels his erection forming again. He looks to your bed, but you’re not there. He enters the room but he doesn’t see you, so he walks to the side of the room blocked by your bed to find you curled up on the floor in what looks like a makeshift nest, made up of his blankets and pillows and clothes; you’re even wearing one of his shirts.
Protect. His instincts start screaming at him. She’s nesting. She’s in heat. Protect her. He can’t help himself. He crawls over to your nest and lays down with you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close as you sleep. He nuzzles against your face, inhaling your scent deeply. God you smell so good. He grows harder, but his instincts are telling him to protect you, and that includes protecting you from himself, so he simply wraps his tail around you and relaxes into your nest, easily joining you in a sweet sleep.
When you wake up, you groan. That’s what you get for sleeping on the floor you suppose. When did pillows get so hard? You stretch your arms out to pull the pillow closer, but it doesn’t move. Wait. When did pillows start to breathe? You immediately sit up, and it’s then that Jimin’s scent surrounds you as you look down to see him sleeping peacefully beside you, his arms and tail wrapped tightly around you, his ears twitching in his sleep. Oh fuck, how did he get in here? Shit. Oh god he smells so good.
You lean down and press your nose against his neck, inhaling deeply, unable to help yourself as you rub your cheek against Jimin’s jaw, your instincts suddenly flooding your mind again. Mate. Mate. He’s rutting, Mate him. MATE. You look down, and sure enough, even through his jeans, you can tell Jimin is rock hard. But can you really do that with Jimin? Your sweet, beautiful, gorgeous…
Fuck. “J-Jimin, how did you get in here?”
“You left the door unlocked.”
“But… Why? I told you-”
“I was looking for my stuff.” He states, tugging at the shirt the adorns your body, the one you stole from his bed. “Then when I saw you nesting, my instincts said to protect you. It’s like I couldn’t stop myself.”
“But Jimin…” It’s too late, you can already tell. His eyes darken as he looks over your body. “H-how long have you had, um… that?” You ask, pointing to the crotch of his jeans.
“I don’t know,” Jimin mumbles, looking anywhere but at you. “Two days or so?”
“Two days? Oh god, Jimin… You’re rutting.”
“I-I know.”
“You know? You knew and yet you still chose to come in here? When it could hurt you?”
“I needed to protect you.”
“From what?”
“I-I don’t know…” He shrugs.  “Everything?”
You can’t help but scoff. “You didn’t protect me from yourself very well.”
“Yes I did.”
“If you did, you wouldn’t be in here!”
“If I didn’t, that shirt would be in pieces on the floor right now.” He growls.
A heat floods your cheeks at his words, noting the dark gleam in his eyes as your heat starts back up again. “J-Jimin you have to go.”
“I can’t noona.”
“Not when you smell so good.” He purrs, leaning forward to bury his face in your neck and inhaling deeply as he pushes you down on your back, pinning your wrists down.
“J-Jimin!” You exclaim, making him sit back as he catches himself.
“Noona I… You have to tell me to leave, that you don’t want this. Please, I-I can’t… I can’t control it much longer.”
“I…” Suddenly you can’t think. You want nothing more than to flip Jimin onto his back and rip his clothes off, but at the same time, it’s Jimin. Can you bring yourself to do that to him? To cross this boundary?
“Noona?” He stares down at you with those beautifully sweet eyes.
Before you can think too hard about it, you reach up and grab his shirt, ripping it open, buttons go flying everywhere as you push him down onto his back and straddle his waist. Your head dips down to capture his lips with your own, a bit aggressively to be honest. You tug his bottom lip between your teeth, breaking the skin a bit, but the taste of copper only spurs you on.
You trail your lips to Jimin’s neck, inhaling deeply as he grabs hold of your shirt, ripping it to shreds in his haste to get it off of you, leaving you on top of him in only a pair of panties as he grabs your waist and pulls you down against him, letting out a small moan as you provide him with a taste the friction he’s been craving for the last few days. You nip at his neck as you grind down against him, rubbing your jaw against his to intermix your scents.
Jimin reaches down between your bodies and works at his belt and jeans, successfully undoing them and shimmying them down his legs to the best of his ability before flipping you onto your back and sitting up, pulling them off the rest of the way. You admire Jimin’s physique, his lithe, toned body; ears twitching, tail thrashing, muscles rippling, cock bouncing, tip dripping. You sit up on your knees and pull Jimin’s mouth back to yours, feeling the warmth of his skin pressing against you only turning you on more.
“Y-Y/N…” He groans as your lips find his neck again, this time leaving harsh bites in your wake, all the way down across his chest until you get to his waist and he stops you, pulling you back up to him and leaving one harsh bite on your neck. “Turn over.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You bend down onto your hands and knees, waving your ass high in the air. In his haste to be inside you, Jimin rips your panties as well, but he’s too caught up to care, tossing the torn fabric to the side as you present yourself to him, wiggling your hips back and forth until he grabs them tightly, holding you still to admire you.
“Oh god…” He growls. “You smell…. Fuck, you smell so good. You’re so pretty a-and wet, hah-” You can feel the head of his cock pressing against you. “C-can I noona?”
You press back into him, feeling his tip slip between your folds. “Mate me.” You hiss, having lost all semblance of control. You hear Jimin growl behind you, the sound rumbling deep in his chest before he pushes into you hastily, not wasting anymore time. The feeling of Jimin’s cock filling you up is instantly gratifying and you let out a satisfied groan as Jimin’s grip tightens on your hips.
“O-oh- Oh god. Does it always feel this good?” He pants. “You’re so tight. A-and warm ah-” He stops, buried deep inside you as he leans forward, resting his forehead on your back, his words reminding you that up until this moment, Jimin was a virgin. That thought swirls in your mind until your brain reminds you there’s a dick inside you.
“Shut up and fuck me.” You whine, growing impatient.
“R-right, sorry noona.” He gasps, readjusting his grip before he starts, nearly knocking you over from the force of his thrusts.
He feels so good honestly you’re in heaven, your body screaming in pleasure, every nerve ending on fire with the need to orgasm. Jimin’s hips smack against your body, emphasizing just how hard he’s fucking you, making you dizzy with lust. The sweetest high pitched moans leave the lips of the man behind you, only serving to heighten your arousal as his sounds fill your ears.
You’re in paradise as Jimin fills you to the brim over and over; your mind going blank as you focus on the feeling of him touching you, caressing you, entering you, fulfilling every primal need your body can come up with; that is, until a defined whimper catches your attention. He doesn’t stop, and if he slows down it’s only a microscopic difference in speed, but you’re almost positive you can feel the warmth of his release spurting inside you, and the increasingly lewd, wet smacks of him against you only serve to increase your suspicion, until you feel something hot and wet dripping down the inside of your thigh.
“J-Ji-min-” You whimper between thrusts, trying to get his attention.
“Hm?” You look over your shoulder to see his eyes closed as he continues, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his ears laid back.
“D-id y-ou cu-u-um?” Your words are drawn out when he goes harder.
He nods in affirmation, his eyes still shut. “Mm.”
“Are you- Ah!” You cry out when Jimin slams into you harshly.
“I can’t stop, noona you feel too good.” He whines.
“Oh god…” You whimper, gripping the blankets beneath you tighter. “J-Ji… Chim…”
“Fuck-” Is all you hear before he pulls out and flips you onto your back. Before you even blink, he thrusts back inside you, making you cry out in pleasure as you wrap your arms around him. Jimin leans down and rubs his face against yours, marking you with his scent over and over until his lips find your neck again. He covers your skin in kisses and bites in between low growls. He’s slowed his pace, switching to deep, calculated thrusts as he searches for that one spot, making you moan loudly when he finally finds it.
“Oh fuck~!” You groan when he slams into your g spot again, harder; loving the way it makes you contract around him.
“Does that feel good baby?”
“Uh huh~”
“You feel so fucking good.” He grunts in your ear. “I’m gonna fill you up; fill you until you’re swollen with my cubs, does that sound good?”
“Oh god Jimin…”
“I’m gonna breed you so good baby. I’m gonna fill you with my cubs.” Jimin’s voice has lowered into a deep gruffness that serves to make the filthy words falling from his lips that much more delectable. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes-” Your voice breaks with desperation as you rake your nails down his back. “Make me yours, please.”
Jimin picks up his pace as he turns your head to the side, displaying your neck; he zeroes in on your jugular and bites down hard, kickstarting your orgasm. You cry out Jimin’s name as you quiver beneath him; the cage of your heat finally loosening its grip as the most breathtaking orgasm of your life sweeps you away. Jimin’s not far behind with his own orgasm, letting out a high pitched whimper as he buries his face in your shoulder, shaking as he fills you with his warmth. When he’s done he pulls out and collapses beside you, both of you breathing heavily, but finally satisfied.
Jimin’s the first to move again, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him, your back against his chest as he chuffs in your ear. You return the chuff as a deep purr rumbles in your throat, your tail wrapping around his leg, sated and happy. Jimin’s own purr mingles with yours, the vibrations relaxing you as the two of you curl up in your makeshift nest.
“So how was that for your first time?”
Jimin lets out a long sigh as he nuzzles into your neck. “Amazing. You’re amazing noona.”
“I guess it’s a good thing you never listen to me.” You tease.
“You started it.”
“Oh and um… What was that about ‘filling me with your cubs’, hm?”
“N-nothing.” Jimin mumbles. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t? It was something along the lines of ‘I’m gonna breed you so good’ I think.”
“I-I just got carried away is all.”
“Is that it? Just caught up in the moment?”
“Exactly.” He huffs. “Besides, you liked it.”
You chuckle lightly, smiling as you turn your head to face him. “I never said I didn’t.” You punctuate your words with a sweet kiss, lingering against his lips.
“Now that the urgency is out of the way, do I get to take my time with you?” He asks hopefully.
“You can do whatever you want to me baby. As long as you fill me with your cubs.” You giggle.
“You’re not going to let that go, are you?” Jimin inquires, pulling you close.
Copyright © Inkjam-Moon 2019
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