#with the horrible implication that shit is being done to him but we just cant see it
soups-archive · 6 months
Im in love with the implications of tape 1 of Roier's lore because he either:
1) Was legitimately turned into a rat by the federation, which, beyond the goofy fucking model, is genuinely frightening body horror that I think roier (the guy not the cubito) has the full capacity to explore knowing his rp abilities.
2) He was hallucinating getting turned into a rat because of all the drugs he the feds are pumping him with. This comes with the extra terrifying implication that the feds ARE actually experimenting on him, but what they're actually doing to him is being obscured by the effects of the drugs.
Either way it's fucking horrific and I love it. I can't wait to see what he has planned next.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. i love how rachel literally wrote in a retconned part of hades apparently being thanatos' father figure (w no hint to this ever) and instead of using it as a chance to show hades is a caring person and someone perfect to be a father she instead just made hades make a literal child his servant and neglected the poor kid until hes an adult, where he belittles, threatens, and abuses him on the regular. way to reinforce he should never have kids, rachel.
2. is rachel like legit deranged? because how is hades making a child his servant and then abusing him as his boss when that child is an adult in the workplace at ALL the same as hades being a pushover and bending over backwards for persephone? with that same neglected child being called a hypocrite for calling out she gets all the benefits? i get rachel cant write her version of hxp not being the bestest thing ever, but this is legit insane. its almost parody in a way in how stupid it is.
From OP: I’d avoid calling her deranged. There’s kind of an ongoing theme in RS’ story though: Not thinking about the implications of her writing.
3. wait so thanatos cucked his foster dad??? is that what youre telling me rachel
4. I don't think the Lore Olympus fandom understands what narcissistic parenting is. They keep trying to make Demeter out to be this abusive, narcissistic mother just because she was a helicopter mom trying to protect her daughter from men with power complexes. Honestly, if she is meant to be narcissistic, then Smythe has done a horrible job writing her that way.
I've seen one person try to argue in the Webtoon comments that Demeter is not a narcissist, and they got like, 40 dislikes and a horde of LO fans crying -
"My mom is exactly like Demeter! How dare you suggest that she isn't bad that's offensive to me and my experiences!"
Like holy shit LO fans really are just projecting their mommy issues onto Demeter while lusting over a rich, capitalist tyrant. No wonder Persephone has no real personality and can't do any wrong - I'm convinced that she's supposed to be a self-insert.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
5. fp// we got more of a time skip in one dragged out trial (two whole days! wow!) than we have in nearly 4 years of publishing. seriously even the gap of time between events of s1 finale and the s2 premiere was maybe a few minutes at most, and then i took what, two-ish months of eps until they found persephone, which was maybe an hour or two in the timeline? i dont think rachel knows what pacing is, tbh.
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sewercentipede · 3 years
well i thought i had a better support system with my family than my bf does with his but turns out my parents only know how to give support financially (like i can’t afford my health insurance, my state doesn’t offer Medicaid to anyone who has no children. so they support me by paying for healthcare) but also are abusive financially (using finances to control; I had to secretly close my bank account n open a new one years ago). along with verbal and physical abuse. (And controlling thru things like, refusing to teach me anything growing up. I had to google how to boil water. didn’t know how to drive until I was 19 I think). and the fallout of my mom finding out about my car accident made me unable to take it anymore. if they were poor I would have no support from them either, they only know how to be abusive people. every single interaction with them., if they can’t throw money at it, they go out of their way to be cruel instead and i don’t really get it. so im just. im done with them. im not used to being abused anymore I guess since I left home (my mom kicked me out, it turned out to be a bluff she just wanted to be abusive and cruel, but i left anyway and moved in with my bf). they gifted me my car after i graduated university when i was 20, my mom constantly threatens to take it back when she’s in a bad mood, so I told her to just keep it. take me off the car, car insurance, health insurance, phone plan, said don’t ever contact me again, made sure she knew I am blocking her number. my dad will probably try to contact me too to mediate because they only are aligned with one another when it is to abuse one of their kids. i can love him from afar. I only have one sister that would rlly do anything for me without it being conditional, but she is poor as I am, and is in a similar position as me, but worse probably because she’s far far more dependent on our parents.
this is essentially why i cant break up w my bf. he is the only person who doesn’t gaslight, threaten, yell, purposely say cruel things to me every single conversation. normally he is better to me than I could dream of, that’s why it bothers me so much the times he gets too drunk bc he becomes mean to me and im not used to it. most of the time with him is peaceful and we do well together. i don’t have the luxury of leaving him over things I’ve mentioned on tumblr about him that bother me. because I’m fucking poor. I would have the choice between him and my parents and they are actually, day in and day out, every interaction, abusive. I would have killed myself if I was living with them. I think about that a lot. I would definitely kill myself probably within a year. now , I don’t have that horrible “option” either because I’ve decided to end my relationship with my mom. so the “why don’t u leave him why don’t u break up with him” shit is like. I couldn’t leave him even if our relationship wasn’t harmonious and loving and compatible 90% of the time. I would have nowhere to go, no car, no money. most of our life together is peaceful and full of love and laughter and being a team. no yelling. actual caring, caring for one another. for the past 7 yrs. Polar opposite of living w my parents. they even blame my Crohn’s disease on me like I did it on purpose to myself. Everything is my fault. I’m not allowed to implicate them in blame for anything, in any way shape or form. I have never ever in my life heard my mom ask me how I am 😂 with them there are no conversations, only commands. hitting me, hitting me with objects, slapping me, pulling my hair, grabbing, pushing, damaging my stuff in the process. and screaming/yelling.... oh my god, the yelling and screaming is near constant, it never ends. Living w them is anxiety, fear ,stress ,sadness, anger, 24/7.
this got way longer than I intended . meant to just post really that it sucks realizing that I don’t have support, neither does he, we r alone together (he always says: we are a team), but i hope and think we will be ok just having each other. we will scrape by. my mom is dead to me and hopefully it stays that way and. sometimes wounds r not meant to heal. and u can’t salvage things with ppl who don’t know the meaning of respect. this lifetime is not meant for making every relationship I have perfect by being a perfect human. that would be insane. i just want to not be treated like shit anymore and my mom doesn’t know how else to treat people so. im ok with loving her from a distance. my parents can pretend I don’t exist and then it’s one less disappointment of a daughter for them. and I’m gonna marry my bf so I can have health insurance, it’s just financially and legally a huge benefit to get married and i need health insurance.
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shoezuki · 3 years
Tommy's prison/revival arc isnt well written actually
Anyways ive been wanting to talk on it a while for a bit here but havent had the Time or like. The thought to. But im gonna go off now.
First off im gonna say im ASSUMING this stream and plot of tommy being in the prison with dream is written entirely by tommy and dream. Wilbur May be involved in the latest stream but im not sure.
Bringing tommy back to life after only three days of him being dead did practically nothing to progress plot, the characters, or audience's understanding. In fact i feel that it damaged Other characters' potential and plot and already established plotlines.
The 'development' aspect
A really, really easy way to see if anything has changed or developed through an arc or plotline is to straightup just compare the 'beginning' to the 'end' in terms of the barebones situation. So;
Beginning: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream, his own abuser who has hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. He's terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
End: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream after being killed then revived by him, his own abuser whos hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. Hes terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
Okay. This is simplified obvious. But the point stands. ALTHOUGH the troupe of 'going back to the beginning' is common in the heroes journey its. It doesnt work here. Has tommy learned anything? Has he changed as a character? Is the severity of their situation any different? Have we, as the audience, learned anything new?
Im going to expand on that last point because i think it has the strongest potential argument. Technically for progression in literature and development of plot/characters, things can Change without them being Aware as characters. It can change just by the audience's perception changing or being challenge.
Slight example: i've been reading a webcomic called Your Throne. Its a fantasy/political drama about a noble lady who entered a competition with another noble lady to become the empress. The main lady lost despite her being a better fit, and the comic starts with the main lady trying to assassinate the empress. Its assumed and stated by the main lady that she 'ruined her life' and so thats all the readers know. However, later in the novel we see flashbacks to the competition itself and find that the two ladies were extremely close friends, neither wanting anything bad for the other, but it was the emperor himself who manipulated both of them for his own agenda. Those flashbacks gave us an entirely different idea of who the real antagonist is and completely changed the two main ladies' relationship. THAT is how the audience's understanding of the plot and novel can be used to change the entire story. We dont get such here though
Some things that were brought to light during tommy being dead/revived:
Dream is capable of reviving people infinitely
This was already implicated and assumed. The book dream has being a means of reviving people has been around Technically since schlatt's death. This just 'confirmed' what was known
Time works differently/feels longer in the afterlife
This doesnt really impact much beyond emotions and implications. If we had more insight into what the 'afterlife' is like beyond nothingness perhaps so. But really it just makes it so wilbur being dead for what feels like 9 years and tommy having been dead for 2 months appeal to emotions.
Wilbur is evil
This one fuckin sucks i cant lie HSKSHSISSGEGDV. Like i was gon go on bout it and i will but it jus sucks. We have nothing to go on besides tommy's word, no examlles of what Horrible things wilbur said could make tommy assume this, etcetc. Ill most likely make a seperate post on how this feels like we're just going to get 'wilbur is a horrible villain' type with him. But still. I feel wilbur Not Being Good isnt a new development.
Dream is going to revive wilbur
This doesnt feel new either, part because phil had wanted to revive wilbur before (ill get to that more later) and that tommy had kept dream alive/initially imprisoned him with the idea of him reviving wilbur.
Dream believes wilbur will break him out of prison
Okau this makes no sense to me actually. I cwnt understand How exactly wilbur would be able to do this? Or why dream believes he even Could? Mans been dead for like 9 years and all we Know of the afterlife is that its black... nothingness. How would 9 years of that make wilbur capable of busting the prison open?
So. Yeah. All in all this plotline hasnt done anything new, developed things, or altered people's perceptions. We just ended up back at square one. Back to tommy being traumatized, dream being 'evil' and horrible and doing villain monologues, and them being stuck together.
Other characters and plotlines
Im pretty damn sure tommy's revival fucked up a LOT of other characters' plotlines and potential development. Honestly i feel this has a lot to do with the writers not communicating with other ccs well enough. But Ill talk about specific characters from least to most fucked over in my opinion:
He's the best off. He hqd been there during tommy's death, had been close to tommy, had majorly blamed himself and his own mistakes for tommy's death. His grief and self hatred was actually really heartbreaking and well done. The attached character of Sam Nook being unaware of tommy's death and simply waiting for tommy to return was a really good parallel to sam's own grief and anger. like it really snapped sam the guy who cares for tommy and wants to do Right by him back together with him as the Warden of the prison. Mixed personal life with 'just business'.
I feel it wouldve been nice to have him like. Have more time to grieve properly and come to terms eith tommy's death and his own involvement/influence over the events. Him finding tommy alive again Could be a means of him like. Facing his own grief head on if done well.
Mostly in the context of him and sam's argument do i feel it got screwed over. The weight of them yelling at each other and trying to find who to blame and the implications that Maybe ranboo was the one who caused the security breach that closed down the prison on tommy just.... doesnt hit so hard anymore. Because how can there be blame and arguments and a 'who done it' mystery when tommy popped up all fine again?
I dony know much of her involvement or how she found out tommy died (besides metagaming shhhhh) but i saw her monologuing of how they 'failed' tommy and like. Her whole 'he was so young we the Adults failed him' spiel is like........... inconsequential? Now??? Like no dont worry he died but hes alright now.
BET YOU DIDNY EXPECT TO SEE THIS FUCKER!!!!!! But actually though i want to talk bout how this ties into phil. A LOT. for Zalbr ❤. But also because i see ppl tying phil to tommy's death n like nah shutup u doin it wrong. Ill go off more in a Wilbur Post. But essentially: i dont like that dream is now going to revive wilbur. I feel they arent going to tie philza into this Despite phil having originally been trying to revive his son and studying on it and Attempting and Failing. But now suddenly dream can just. Say some magic words and Poof wilbur lives? So we're just going to Kill philza's revival attempts plotline and leave that hanging? This made his efforts seem pointless and Wack like oh why didnt you just Say The Magic Words phil????
I feel really bad for niki. She hasnt been able to do a lore stream during tommy's 'death' (she tweeted she wanted to but her computer wasnt working) and considering her entire character.... that shit is important. We seen it with Jack Manifold how tommy's death impacted Him considering he literally wanted tommy dead. And since niki is in a similar boat to jack of trying to kill tommy and it being her Only goal...... thats extremely important.
BUT. i feel there wasnt any communication. Did she or anyone even know tommy would be revived? Did no one consider they could At Least let her do a single stream on it? Like jack manifold????
We couldve gotten a Really good niki lore stream. I genuinely was so excited for it and i dont regularly watch her. But we seen it with jack manifold which is why i dont feel he got screwed because mans genuinely did So Good he could pop off with anything n i think it works in His favour. But now........ for niki. Canonically she never even knew tommy was Dead. So its like nothing even happened for her. Is she just supposed to continue on trying to kill tommy with no progression?
What i think would work
This is more me being like 'hey @ the dsmp writers let me in' type speculation sbosegussgs. But i was thinkin on a Really easy way to 'fix' this without rewriting lore and the streams.
Dream should kill tommy again now that he's been revived and Leave Him Dead.
More development for the characters who are affected by his death Especially niki. More time for grief and self reflection and development
A chance for the audience to figure out what the 'afterlife' really is.
Dream is supposed to be smart and a master manipulator or something right? Why doesnt he use being able to revive tommy as a bargaining chip with sam for his own freedom?
The audience would now Know dream's intentions with tommy better, that this death isnt 'final', but we could still see other characters' grief and reactions and coping without it feeling cheap. Ive seen some 'but people dont know tommy is alive so hes still dead in their mind' but that sucks imo.
We'd know more on dream's ability to revive people and that he can just Do It on a whim (which i think sucks but hey im trying) but no one else would know this canonically
Okay. Im done. If you read this. Thankyou. I love you. Hmu.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunty movie 1
sooo ruth and i watched the first hxh movie holla
me as soon as we’re done w/the yorknew arc: OH FUCKY ITS ANIME MOVIE TIME
i love anime movies. theyre so often Entertaining As Hell, and also Not Very Good. its a very fun intersection 
overall this movie slots pretty easily into that category. it was a good time but nothing revolutionary. which is ok! and that makes sense bc its not canon apparently 
this movie was basically the ‘killua and kurapika have Trauma(tm)’ movie lmao 
we open w/killua having a trauma dream abt illumi, rehashing the stuff we saw in the hunter exam arc....we see this a few more times in the movie, and it really drives home how killua is still rlly scared of illumi and kinda just goes into a dissociative trauma state whenever illumi is around (even fake doll illumi or dream illumi, in this movie). poor kid :( :( 
regrettably tho ruth and i agree that illumis outfit in this movie was pretty sexy 
ok that whole beginning part where kurapikas eyes get stolen happens SO fast hvbfhdjshfsk its like ok guess thats the status quo for this movie!
jesus poor kurapika. they cant catch a fuckgin break huh
also that kid was totally the kid that was alluded to by kurapika at the end of the yorknew arc...so i guess that was included in the anime as a setup for this movie? 
also apparently that stuff was based off of a short story thing the author did a while ago which is p cool
leorios terrible drawing skills is hvhbjsdfbsdfngsjkdf
also leorio is so tender w/kurapika hhhhhhh im gonna die. im gonna gay die
and gon and killua are just. tiny soulmate boyfriends ok 
ah yes i see the obligatory movie original character who befriends the protag
it kinda cracks me up how hostile killua is to retz like vhbhskhdfbaj i get that its bc of Trauma and his fear of betrayal/betraying but it also reads as killua being a Jealous Gay which is kinda hilarious 
ruth and i when hisoka shows up: [prolonged annoyed groaning and dismayed yelling]
hisoka literally just shows up to sow chaos and throw around information to stir shit up huh
of COURSE the villain is the former 4th spider thats like. easy choice lmao 
it might just be the fansubs but i feel like there were strong implications that hisoka and 4th spider guy fucked bhjdfashfdjnakn
the most unbelievable thing abt this whole thing is that hisoka didnt kill that doll guy lmao 
ohhh shit its uvo
OHHH SHIT NOBUNGA AND MACHI....its so bad but i really like the troupe members and when they show up im like !!!!!!!
machi is so cooooool
aughhhh its like....i feel bad for nobunga for having to face down uvo like this....and THEN when pakunoda shows up too :( and nobunga tells her doll ‘rest in peace now’ or something when he cuts her down....oof. but also like theyre evil murderers so im!?! conflicted?!?!
also the shadow beast guys that uvo killed showing up and then proceeding to do LITERALLY NOTHING was kinda hilarious
and damn so technically the troupe is on the same side as the main crew, what with all of them wanting to wreck omokages shit
also omokage looks like sephiroth lmaoooo 
ill be honest i barely know what sephiroth looks like but ruth said this and i felt in my bones that its true 
ok i gotta talk abt the kurapika backstory stuff bc OUUGHGHGHGHGH my fucking UWUS BITCH!!!!
seeing a bunch of kurta was sad....and seeing baby-er kurapika OUGH and also pairo is sooo cute and him and kurapikas friendship is so pure 
kurapika is so different :( theyre like, so much more innocent and excitable....thats so damn sad bro wtf 
pairo pulling some slick moves swapping that little potion thing - all while using his blindness as a cover - was so good...no wonder he and kurapika get along so well 
also gotta say its even more brutal that one of the main reasons kurapika didnt get Big Murdered w/the rest of the kurta is bc pairo pulled this stunt - if he hadnt, kurapika wouldve failed the test and never would have left 
also kurapika saying theyre gonna find someone who can help w/pairos eyes ;_; the similarities w/leorios backstory/motivation makes me die 
and seriously im still caught up at how innocent and pure kp is oooof ough 
tho still defs the kurapika we know....theyve seemingly always had a temper, what with the reaction to the dudes in the market 
like, kurapika did NOT hold back...even after finding out that they were just part of the test! tho i do get it bc they insulted pairo...kurapika’s love for their friends/stalwart need to defend their friends is clearly a big thing 
also the market people’s reaction to seeing kp’s red eyes is rlly interesting to me...are the kurta like, known to anybody? or are they more of a vaguely talked-about group that like, ‘probably exists’? or is it that people know abt them but not the red eyes thing? it seems like these people, if any, would know, bc this market is seemingly a day’s travel from where the kurta live....i want more kurta lore bro!!
i big love pairo helping kurapika cheat like that....such an interesting twist, and makes it obvious that theirs is a friendship of equals 
anyways i loved that flashback stuff and it just drives home how absolutely fucked up and horribly sad kurapikas whole existence is, especially in this movie w/pairo’s doll being used against them
n e ways back to the non flashback stuff
i love that gon’s super nose returned for this movie omg 
im just auhghghghgh gon and killua know each other so well uwu....
aaaand illumi (well, doll illumi) is back to fuck shit up for poor killua
ugh it still gets me how clearly terrified of illumi killua is...we dont really see him act like this any other time :( and the fact that doll-illumi was able to scare killua enough to get him to run away and leave gon behind (albeit briefly) was oof 
gon jumping in front of killua and getting his eyes stolen instead....baby boyyyy oughhh
also can i just say thank fuck they didnt replace illumis eyes w/gons bc THAT wouldve been some serious nightmare fuel lmao 
cant believe killua then ran away again and walked emo-ly on the train tracks 
and THEN he saw a train coming and was like oh well :( guess ill die :/ JESUS KID 
but gon w/his Big Sniff Powers comes to the rescue!!
it was so cute how gon told killua that killua didnt run and abandon him - they were working together to fight :’) gon understands killua so well 
i love how the squad then squads up to fight omokage...with half of them being blind lmao 
and in the half that isnt blind is leorio, who STILL doesnt know nen, and literally brings a knife to a nen fight 
i totally saw the whole ‘retz is a doll and her older brother is omokage, and retz actually died a while ago’ thing coming lol but still, not bad
all omokage does is talk abt the beauty of his dolls or w/e like ENOUGH bro 
kurapika fighting pairo and killua fighting illumi (AGAIN) was all so fucked up they shouldve switched opponents for less trauma oof 
and poor leorio is literally no help vhhvdijfhjbashkj he just gets throw around this whole time
kurapikas fight against pairo was sad bc it was such a fucked up situation...kp did gr8 tho, i liked them saying that this isnt the real pairo, cause pairo would never say/do these things. still and extremely sucky situation to be in! 
meanwhile its the gon and killua vs doll-illumi rematch...and this illumi is like, a version of illumi drawn from killuas mind/heart (or something idk, it was kinda glossed over which i understand), which means that hes extra scary and focused on telling killua how much hes just a mindless killing machine who cant have friends 
but luckily we have gon here to help snap killua out of his trauma haze, which certaintly wasnt the case at the hunter exam - so it was kinda nice to see how things went w/gon around :’) they work so well together oughhhhh....and they love each other so much broo gay preteen love real 
hisoka just fuckgin materializing in the house place to help sow more chaos....unbelievable 
me: i bet hisoka wont want to fight doll chrollo bc its not The Same as real chrollo 
ruth: no i think he will bc hes a whore 
hisoka: [fights doll chrollo] 
me: oh shit u right 
kurapika: ok omogake its time for you to FUCKING DIE- 
and then killua stops them and says that he’ll do it, be he doesnt want kurapika to kill anymore :( :( :( bro im sooo fucking sad. killua rlly b out here thinking that hes already too far gone to matter when it comes to murder, but he doesnt want his friends to end up like that, so he might as well take on that burden, because whats one more person’s death on his hands? (EVEN THO HE SAID HE DIDNT WANT TO KILL ANY MORE...but theres exceptions when it comes to saving your friend’s souls and whatnot) :( :( AUGHHH
but luckily retz comes THRU with some good ole fratricide
killua: [takes notes]
the fact that the phantom troupe just fuckgin shows up and is like oh hey its you guys. this casual enemy stuff kills me lmao i love it 
then they just fuckgin LEAVE and theyre like welllll we cant rlly fight u bc of chrollo’s state so by i guess. its NOT On Sight but someday it will be! YOU TOO HISOKA DONT THINK WE FUCKIGN FORGOT ABOUT YOU. 
dramatic house burning! and rip retz, saw that one comin tho 
when they all went thru and said their life goals and then killua was like shit i dont have a cool definitive anime goal LMAOOOO
but THEN gon said his goals should be to stay by gon’s side UHMMM???? baby gays AUGHHHHH and killua is just like lovestruck AUGHHHH 
Gays Win 
then they all peace out to resume the next arc lmaoooo
and then we see flashes of other characters, like the blonde girl (who ruth and i totally thought retz was, seeing thumbnails from this movie....we were like w8 hasnt that girl not been introduced yet??? lmao)
we also see some dude w/long hair and a hat who ive never seen before but ruth went OHHH ITS SCYTHE GUY!!! so i guess hes gonna b important?? lol 
and then we saw chrollo....still in the same place the squad left him vbhajfdjkahsbfkdjabhsukfdj CAN HE NOT GET DOWN FROM THERE W/OUT NEN OR AN AIRSHIP??? THATS SO FUCKING FUNNYYYYYY ARE YOU KIDDING ME 
general thots:
so this was very much an Anime Movie, in that they cant like, advance to plot or develop the characters much, bc its a movie. and this one is non canon
it was enjoyable but i do feel like it was much more typical shounen then hxh usually is...like, i feel like this was made by the same people who make like, the naruto movies or w/e, and w/the same sort of approach/attitude 
this isnt necessarily bad - i LIKE shounen for a reason - but it was a bit noticeable bc it wasnt quite as smart as hxh is usually, and it rehashed a lot of stuff weve already seen in this show itself 
but still i think it did a good job w/what it had, and it had some good angst, and everyone was very gay which is good
the art style was SLIGHTLY wack but it wasnt as bad as i thought itd be 
overall a fun time like most anime movies. didnt reinvent the wheel but i had a good time. im excited for the greed island arc, and im also disproportionately excited to watch the hxh musical bc that is a thing that exists and i MUST see it asap bc that sounds like the kind of hilarious wackiness that appeals to me specifically
so thats it...later! 
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everyman0 · 5 years
over on the discord, i announced my decision to make another trip to the Edge to try my luck at finding any kind of clue that could help me make sense of it. patrick gave me a whole lot of lip about not using his fucking mirror and other bullshit, but ill save that for another post. this is a lot more fresh and painful for me.
going back outside was a mistake.
i journeyed the five hours it took to get to the impenetrable black wall of the Edge. my plan was to walk down its length, survey anything unusual, you know. obviously i wouldnt have been able to observe all of it in one day as ive mentioned the area it covers is rather large, but i felt some effort was better than none at all, and i wasnt exactly comfortable with the idea of spending the night this far away from the house. simple enough right? there was nothing out of place on the way out here, so i hardly expected what i saw just as i approached the wall. 
it was jeff. sort of.
when i first saw him, he appeared almost like a reflection of me in the blackness. as i stepped closer to the wall, so did he step forward as well - until eventually seeming to step out of the wall entirely. we stood face to face, a mere foot apart, and i noticed then that his entire being was tinted with a pale blue.
i was terrified. i wanted to run away, but i couldnt make myself do it. so i asked timidly, "what are you doing here?"
jeff seems to come alive then.
"what? you told me to grab some stuff for the video today."
fucking bastard. i was still scared, but somehow i just knew he was mocking me. i frown, reaffirming my stance. i had to ask myself if jeff would even do such a thing to me...and then i figured yeah, probably - ghost or not.
"dont you dare pull that bullshit on me," i said, "those days are long gone." and they were. 
jeff laughs. "don't you miss it? simpler times." he splays his hands out like an offering. "cant be all that bad to pretend, for a little while."
i squint my eyes at him - both of them. these days i dont bother wearing an eyepatch, since the point was for evans comfort to begin with. now it doesnt matter that i have a gaping fucking hole in my head for all to see.
i ball my fists at my sides. "i dont have time to pretend, and i dont have time for this conversation - so lets get to the point. why are you here?"
"to see my old friend again! and to tell you there's always more than meets the eye." jeff then taps a finger underneath his left eye, and a phantom pain throbs in my own empty socket. i try to ignore it. 
"yeah, no shit," i say, and cross my arms. i was losing my patience. "if you're just going to spout vague nonsense at me like every other motherfucker does on a constant basis, i'm sorry to say but i will have to pass. i have more important things to do."
"like stand in front of this wall and bitch? is that what you're doing here?" jeff grins, and tilts his head at me. i just scoff, and deciding i had enough, i begin trying to do what i came to the wall for in the first place and begin walking parallel to it. jeff follows after me.
"im only bitching because here you are to distract me," i say, side-eyeing him, "so if you don't mind, kindly fuck off."
"i do mind, actually. why do you even want to leave? its paradise in here. no need to eat or drink, perfect climate, no irritating neighbors or awkward staredowns at the grocery store- you'd love it!"
i stop in my tracks. i hate that the sound of his voice is enough to get me to actually consider his words. but i do, and then i say:
"you know, for a while there, i did enjoy it. to an extent, anyways. you can only enjoy so much when you are all too aware of every little fucking thing. and maybe i could have handled the ghost thing, right? like you said, no neighbors or weird interactions. but then i saw this wall, and now i feel like a trapped animal - and im not okay with that."
"so if you couldnt see the wall, it'd be fine?"
i shake my head, "i came out here the first time to see if i could leave, and i wouldve kept walking if there was nothing to stop me. maybe i would have returned, after a while, had i done so. maybe not." i shrug, somewhat frustrated at the thought. "a wall is a wall, whether i can see it or not. seeing isnt the problem, the existence of the thing is."
"well yeah, but you can't just leave." jeff says it like its obvious. in hindsight, maybe it was. i could already imagine a few reasons as to why, but i wanted to pry out what jeff seems to think the answer is.
so i ask, "and why is that?"
jeff answers: "because there's...people, out there? like, innocent fuckin people, dude." well duh.
i roll my eyes, "im aware. but what does that have to do with me, exactly? habit is already somewhere else doing god knows what."
jeff looks on blankly. "we don't need two of you out there."
ouch. and unfortunately, on some level i believe it to be true. and the implication that i would intentionally hurt or even kill anyone like habit would...im sadly all too aware of the likelihood, really. it doesnt hurt because i feel bad, it hurts because i dont. however, i wasnt about to let this guy know that.
i say, "it's not like id be very social anyways. at this point, i dont think i could even stomach it."
jeff takes on a darker sort of air about him. "evidently so, based on how you treated evan. do you have your head screwed on straight, dude? because like, holy shit was that hard to watch."
i tense up, and i can feel a spark of anger rising from within me. guess it didnt matter what i tried to hide, jeff knew what weak points to hit.
"i was just trying to protect him." 
"uh huh," he nods, "sorry vinny, but you're not the guardian in this one."
"clearly," i grumble, "but i was fucking trying, okay?" i was trying. jeff thought otherwise.
"yeah, trying to get everyone killed. thanks for that one, by the way. you've been self absorbed, irresponsible, reckless and horrible to everyone around you that isn't the entity playing games with our lives, and you can't keep pretending it's not true! do some soul searching. meditate. i don't care. but you're not leaving any time soon, so you'd better get used to it." jeff jabs me in the chest with a pointed finger.
it didnt take but a moment to process jeffs words, and ultimately, i agree with him. im a terrible fucking person. i just am. but i wasnt going to give jeff the satisfaction of me fessing up to it - because i felt like all of this was beginning to become unproductive bullshit and i wanted to do what i came all the way out here to do dammit.
i go to smack jeffs hand away from me, but i come to find that i simply pass through him like he was air. i felt the jab, though, even if superficially. this confirms my suspicion about the ghost thing, but jeff was different from the ghosts in the town; like being able to talk and acknowledge my existence.
i take a step back, "we'll see about that. who the fuck made this wall, hm? you of all things must know right? since you are apparently a plethora of knowledge of good and evil now. can you do that much for me jeff?"
jeff considers my words before he turns away from me to face the terrible wall, his hands on his hips, and his head craning back to presumably observe the wall's endless climb into the sky above.
"habit designed this gaudy architecture as part of his grand scheme. you probably could have figured that much, eh? but what you wouldnt know is that its been here since the very beginning, before you even arrived at the house." he looks back at me, "come on vin. you should know by now that habit is well prepared...even if this timeline is bonkers. you shouldnt need me to tell you that."
i grumble in annoyance, but consider his words carefully. sure, maybe i didnt need him to tell me habit was a suspect in all this, and maybe i could have figured that out just by doing what i had originally planned with scouting the perimeter of the wall. but...here jeff was, telling me things outright. it was a convenient time saver really, even if he was going about it in a bitchy way. i needed to take advantage of this.
"so, if habit made this cage to keep me in, why shouldnt i try to break out? why shouldnt i try to fight his subjugation?"
"one, because habit has eons of experience over you and you'll likely fuck something up really badly," jeff says, and turns towards me again. "two, you're part of this place now. removing you would shatter a really delicate balance. the house is a place of fluctuation, because there's not enough power to sustain herself. and you're radiating power, dude. would you really just abandon her like that, after all she's done to keep you safe and alive?"
ouch again...ugh. i dont usually feel guilty over a lot of things, but jeffs second point seemed to get to me.
i relent. i cower my head to stare at the ground. "i wouldnt have left her forever."
jeff gives me a disappointed sigh. "go back home, man. she's really worried about you."
i bite my lip and give the slightest of nods. i still want to do what i can to escape, and i hadnt forgotten about why i came to the wall in the first place...but jeff's words had me thinking about my desires for the house. in truth, the house and i have formed a strange sort of...i dunno, friendship? its the closest human word i can think for it. i would talk to her, she would listen. id even clean up her rooms, even though ive observed that she can do it by herself.
i think she may be the only thing in this world that can understand me now.
so i feel like in some weird way, the house cares about me. she has done quite a few favors for me, after all; favors that kept me safer. jeff was right again, and i couldnt shake the wrongness of abandoning the house enough to continue talking my way out of this bind.
it was time to go then. but first, i look back up at jeff.
"what about you?" i ask, my mood seriously taking a nose dive off a cliff. sad and desperate and pathetic and lonely. "you came all this way from wherever, however you did it, to tell me all this...are you going to leave me now too, just like evan?" fuck. "i wouldn't blame you if you did...but i have to admit, it was nice seeing you again."
and truthfully, it was - despite the treatment i received. its fine. i deserved it.
jeff leans in, and i can feel the pity in his eyes as he puts a hand on my shoulder.
"that choice isn't mine to make."
and then he shoves me away from the wall with a force that sends me tumbling across the ground a good few feet. i think it fucked up my shoulder. its fine. deserved that too.
and then i went home.
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Wayward Winchester is messing with the wrong destiel shipper
A destiel shipper contacted me and told me about Leo [aka Wayward Winchester] posting another bleeding hearts video where he shames all kinds of nasty haters for hating him for no reason whatsoever.  This destiel shipper ships for fun, hates the hellers and doesn't push for canon destiel.  Thanks for telling me about this video, doll.  So I looked at his post, and my jaw dropped.  You wouldn't believe who he is taking on.
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For those of you who have read my other posts, this will be old news, but if you have just dropped by, here is a refresher:  Mel aka mishasdiary's real name is Melanie Adeline.  Melanie Adeline was the fan who told Jared she doesn't have as many memes of him as she did, of Jensen and Misha.  She also called Jensen was an Islamophobe because she pretended to be offended by a joke he made.  As a Muslim myself, I wanted her to shit hot bricks for doing that to Jensen.  If she wanted to punish Jensen for his ribs at Misha, she could have to find another pathetic sjw excuse because I wont tolerate her using me. 
She also got implicated in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal.  She knows Misha Collins and Briana Buckmaster personally.  Because Travis was getting in the way of the spin off, they were trying to get rid of him.  Melanie was one of the hellers who helped.  Looking into that case made me realize how problematic Misha, Briana, Kim and the hellerminions were.  I think Jared realized that too, which is why he stuck with Travis for so long.  But because there were so many accusations, even Jared eventually backed away.  I don't blame him.  He was uncertain.  Anyway, Melanie suddenly hates Leo.  So this is what she did.
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She lied that she worked for YouTube.  And Leo caught her lie.
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Then the crusade began to tear Leo's channel down.  There have many excuses and its all mostly top tier hellers.  In other words, they are hellers who have influential capacity.  Dottweets, casgirlsam and gang were out in full force.  I cant stand the guy too, but its because he is a crybaby thief with a terrific victim complex.  He wanted J2 to watch his video which is why he used a hashtag.  He wanted to get SPNFamily famous.  But their hatred is relentless, overblown and very passionate.  Melanie is leading the way with what Leo claims are lies.  So I tried to work out what the problem is.  How come all the hellers hate him.
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Apparently he didn't like Misha's panel.  I have never been to a con.  But aren't you allowed to opt out of a panel in favor of photo ops and autographs? 
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Apparently, like the fans at Jib who ''tripped'' Misha and wanted to make him fall on his face, Leo meets Misha and treats him like shit.  How come everyone just hates Misha?  And how come there are no witnesses to this accept Melanie and the hellers? 
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Well, this is not entirely true.  Leo loves Dean, but he cant stand Sam.  I don't know if he has had a change of heart after meeting Jared because Jared is just that kind of person who will make you love him.  But these hellers seem triggered that he has the biggest YouTube channel amongst SPN fans and they fear that he might be a bibro and they are freaking out.  Hellers deserve the best and the most, according to them.  Not some stinking bibro. 
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Yes.  John hate.  One of the standard criteria for being a heller.  He made Dean suppress the gay and now we must all hate him.  Leo said something nice about him and the hellers became livid. 
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Several occasions?  What kind of a twat is Misha to let people disrespect him ''on several occasions''?  And how does Melanie know this?  Did Misha complain to her?  Why didn't he just complain to CE?  Who the fuck is Mel for Misha to go running to her with his sad story?  Two suppositions.  Either Leo posted something she didn't like or Misha made her do it.  But why would he do that?  What has Leo done to piss him off? 
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This is what I think happened.  Last year Leo did an antidestiel video.  Hellers flipped out and [as is their usual mode of operation] decided to tear Leo apart in the comment section.  Many were unsubbing him.  Love him or hate him, but the fact of the matter is that Leo does have the largest SPN fan channel, and doing a video like that on such a large platform wouldn't bode well for the hellers.  You know how they treat their ship like a religion.  They have worked too hard in trying to bully Jensen and destroy Jared and elevate Misha's status.  And to have their efforts ruined by one video.  Nope, they were not having it.  The shit storm carried on for quite a while presumably.  So he did a video with two hellerminion big guns:  destiel and cockles.  This patching up video was done to try to pacify the bloodthirsty rabid mongrels.  Unfortunately for him, I don't think it worked.  Very few people watched.  People like me unsubbed because which side of the fence was he sitting on, anyway.  It is this two-faced behavior of his that made me realize, Leo will do anything for views.  Leo is a straight dude [as far as I know], and has no emotional stake in shipping.  So just like Misha, he was using shipping to stay relevant. 
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The fight is still carrying on, and I don't think it will end anytime soon.  However, it is great fun to watch.  I don't think Leo's channel will be damaged.  It will stay strong until SPN ends.  It was funny to watch one leech going after the other.  But Leo is in serious trouble if he comes face to face with Melanie.  If she can accuse Travis of sexual harassment [not her own, mind you], she can accuse Leo of anything.  Misha truly has the most horrible fans I have ever seen.  And as Leo might find out in the future, Melanie is one of the worst.
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itsjustaphase-mom · 5 years
Luther Hargreeves
ok listen. i know he is certainly not a fan favourite and i absolutely hated him the first few times i watched ua. but this time, i rewatched it specifically to try to sympathize with luther and guys there are so many things at play here
he doesn’t realize the extent to which his siblings were abused. he brushes klaus off and doesn’t think twice about locking up vanya again because he just assumes they had the same experience. he’s not being an asshole (on purpose), he just never stopped to think about the fact that being Hargreeves’ favourite made life a lot easier for him.
similar to the first note, he never stopped to consider the implications of having powers that hurt to use. he has super strength, something that, compared to some of the other powers in the family, is nothing. he just doesnt realize what seeing corpses is like, which is why he doesnt get klaus’ addiction (and to be fair, neither do the rest of his siblings). Same with Vanya. He doesn’t think about what it’s like to learn you have powers after being told you’re horribly boring and average your whole life, nor what it’s like to find out your memory was erased. he had it a lot easier than his siblings, but he doesnt think about that. that leads to some poor decisions and awful seeming actions, but keep in mind that we know a lot more than he does about his siblings. we’ve seen their pain but he hasnt. no one in this damn family communicates, so he just doesnt get it. i wish hed stop to think about how other people feel every once in a while, but itd also help if they just straight up said “hey being high keeps the gory corpses out of my field of view, im not a fan of this either” to help him understand. he wasnt taught empathy, but he tries for the most part. honestly, the fact that he turned out that nice considering what he grew up with? kind of incredible
hes not just obsessed with the moon. and to be fair, he has a right to it? i mean i havent stopped talking about this show for 2 months and ive had other things happening in my life. he was alone up there for 4 years. that doesnt give you much conversation material. and also, bringing up the idea that the apocalypse could be caused by the moon makes sense because, yeah, he was sent up there by their dad who knew about the apocalypse (whether luther was aware of that or not). He was up there to look for threats, so its not that odd to consider that the threat he was watching for could have caused the apocalypse...oh speaking of which HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE MOON IT DID CAUSE THE APOCALYPSE
i think a lot of people like to ignore the fact that he was also abused. sure, it wasnt to the extent of klaus or vanya but he had a horrible childhood nonetheless which messed him up too. he wasnt taught a lot of the things we take for granted so like i said earlier, the fact that he’s not completely deranged is astonishing
also can we mention the horrible trauma he went through? like lmao monkey man but oh my gosh can you imagine? he almost died (in a horribly painful way) and woke up months later with a fucking gorilla body. he’ll never look like a normal person again. he probably will never be able to look in the mirror and like what he sees (you can find out first hand what its like to be me so GATHER ROU-) yes everything Klaus went through was horrible but Luther has lived through some fucked up shit too and i think we like to ignore that because he’s not very likeable
the scene with vanya. it hurts me every time i think about it. HOWEVER. i understand why he did it. do i think he made the right choice? fuck no. but i get why he did what he did. Vanya was extremely dangerous. She caused the apocalypse. she literally killed everyone on earth. these arent things we should brush over. (and yes i love vanya but that’s not what we’re talking about here) she very nearly killed Allison, and he doesn’t know her well enough to know if she’s here to genuinely apologize or finish the job. He just knows he has a responsibility not only to his family, but to the entire world. so he makes a tough decision. it hurts him too, look at his face. he doesnt want to do it but he doesnt think he has any other options.
about dismissing klaus: he has good reason (at least in his head). klaus is intoxicated constantly, and like i mentioned before, he doesnt realize its because of his powers. he just thinks klaus is trying to have a good time, and to be fair, klaus tries to hide his vulnerability (for the most part) so luther wouldnt know any better. in the end when he tells him to be a lookout? justified. the man is heavily suffering from withdrawal (or intoxicated, to luther’s knowledge? i cant remember if luther knows or not or whether he believes him for that matter) which is gonna impact his reaction time, and he doesnt have powers that can help anyway (as far as luther knows). yes, he was trained alongside them and allison is allowed to help despite also lacking usable powers; however, she is in a clearer state of mind and a lot healthier. She can physically fight. Klaus just kinda...jumps on people’s backs for the most part. Did you see her fight Cha Cha? *swoons* no but seriously, Allison is still highly skilled and in far better shape than Klaus. He’s a liability and staying outside is safer for everyone (again, as far as luther knows) all this being said, the way he treats klaus when hes drunk is Disgusting, Abhorrent, and Unacceptable. i understand that he doesnt realise his own power but thats inexcusable
luther x allison is gross, i agree HOWEVER they were not raised as adopted siblings, they were raised more closely akin to a boarding school. their dynamic had always been romantic; they never saw themselves as siblings. yes, i do find it very odd that literally everyone else considers each other siblings, but im just saying that their dynamic has always been different and technically it’s not really incestuous (im not condoning it, i hate it personally i just can see why its not the worst thing ever? its still pretty yikes though. also shipping literally any other characters IS fucking gross because the rest of them see each other as siblings and always have so gtfo with klaus x diego or klaus x ben g r o s s)
those are the main complaints ive seen (and voiced myself)... basically it all boils down to the facts that 1. he was abused, just like his siblings 2. he doesnt stop to think about how other people are thinking or feeling 3. hes just trying to do what is best for his family (and the world). I sympathize with monkey man. He deserved better. I really hope in the next season he’ll pause to consider things every once in a while (and that klaus will open up because he’s not useless but he’s not explaining to anyone why he does the things he does and he needs to!!) so yeah was this basically just me yelling at me from a week ago? yes. does anyone care? probably not but i felt it had to be done. anyway im done ranting for now....if i missed anything lemme know
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
https://thoughtfuldreamercreatorduck.tumblr.com/post/178356941317/knightofbalance-13 @thoughtfuldreamercreatorduck
Well Yeah but thats Not the point. There is literally a word for it being used for queer relationships. I dont Really See your point to be honest?
My point is that if that is all queerbaiting is: Then it means nothing. Gay people don’t get special treatment, just like straight people don’t get special treatment.
Well ühm… what? Just so i understood everything youre saying that one gay relationship means the show itself cant be guilty of baiting? Queerbaiting is, at least how i understood it, to tease something explicitly between Two characters and than Not go through with it.
And WR (nothing against the ship) just doesnt have the Same build up?
Is your auto correct weird or something? Or is that “uhm” with the symbol above the u a word I don’t know. If it is sorry but I have no idea what it means.
Yeah, the issue is that term implies that the creators teased an LGBT pairing but never delivered one. If they deliver but not the one you wanted: That doesn’t look like queerbaiting to me. It just looks like another sunk ship.
And to make my point clearer: Bumbleby doesn’t really...have any canonical ship tease or build up. Everything you listed was interpretation and that...doesn’t count since anyone can interpret anything from an piece of media.
Really a sigh? Is it this painful to Read my comment? I tried my best to Not Sound condescending or arrogant or something you know? Am I really that horrible to endure that you Need to put upon the extra Time you use of your spare time to write this comment, which i Hope no one forced you to Read or even comment on, on a actually resolved discussion, the extra seconds to add a sigh?
No, I’m just tired of shippers using interpretation as evidence in ships. I was tired of it when I was a shipper.
It’s nothing against you, it’s general exasperation.
Well Yeah… Thats kinda the point. Hints Not confirmation. Its like that in the entry i copied and entered.
... Was it? Sorry I might have missed that. I was in a shipping community that treated using teasing and such as canon evidence. I just assumed all shippers were like that.
I am Not pushing bumblebee to become Canon. Would i be overjoyed if it does? Yes of course but i wouldnt rip RT a new One if it didnt. When did i say something like *I RIOT IF BB DOESNT GO CANON* Seriously when? Cause that was Not at all my intention.
Sorry again, I might have missed that but I have literally seen people threaten the writers over shipping so I’m kind of touchy about it.
Do we REALLY Need to force this to becoming a BB vs BS thing? Because it looks like you try just that. I was Not trying to do that. What point does it have here?
Sorry I didn’t mean to. It’s just easy to counter one side with the other.
My point was “This can be done for literally the exact opposite so this isn’t a good argument.”
I didnt want this Post to be about another Ship war i just Wanted to point out that something that gets in your words like being okay with Ghosts has some reason with it. Thats why i decided to Not go into the other reasons and just Make a Quick overview of some that came at the Front of my head.
That might be our difference: I almost never consider queerbaiting to have a valid reasoning. That just because it may have a reason to exist doesn’t mean it actually does or that it’s a good reason.
And AGAIN when did i say that? Look you appereantly seem to misunderstand some Things so Let me explain…
Please do: No one ever explains anything to me.
This Post was mainly just me trying to Show that there ARE reasons behind the overused queerbait threat. Can it be overused or wrongly used? Yes of course but there is some sort of ground work set that DOES have a Form of valid argument.
Okay then. As for me: those reasons don’t work. Why? Because the word carries an implication of double standards against LGBT people but from a shipping perspective, BB is being treated the same as what is considered it’s straight counterpart.
For me it wouldnt count as queerbaiting till they just Make Fun of bumblebee in the Show: something like Sun kissing Blake while ridiculing Yang. (THAT would be something we’re i would snap but mainly because Yang is my favorite character and she doesnt deserve any more shit, but thats beside the point)
Yeah, that is shitty no matter what.
About Interpretation… You know this works both ways right? All the interactions of Sun and Blake can be seen as friendship too. (As a side Note Adam didnt even aknowledge Sun existed till he saw him at haven, just felt like saying that)
For the sake of this discussion, I agree. ...I have no stake in this war aside from whatever gets the writer’s the least hate. And that’d probably be no ships canon at all.
Anyway if you want to Really reopen this already closed thing and try and turn this into a Ship war, why dont you just Message me personally when i get the Time between eating, sleeping, work and living i answer to it and we talk like this like the civilised humans we are. Besides this Can be seen by everyone and i think titan and katie are just about as done with this thing as i was. (Very Happy this got resolved peacefully btw)
I had no idea this was finished at the time.
Hell I chewed Titan out for his outburst since he’s a friend right after that post.
This was just apparently my toxic fandom paranoia going out of control. Sorry this got so bad.
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rudemaidenswrite · 6 years
Ice Cold Mind Games
Part 6
Written by: @bookchic20 and @sylvanasthebansheequeen
Warnings: language and slight sexual implications
Italics are what the professor says in someones head
-A couple days later le time skip-
“Ugh I hated that me, you, and Kurt had class today plus Alex was in training all day and nobody was with her.” Jessie complains to Peter as they start walking towards the med bay to visit with Stacie.
“They even had my schedule so packed that I didn’t even had time to run down and see her even with my super speed.” Peter says clearly annoyed with the situation. “I don’t think my schedule has ever been that busy. I seriously don’t know why they had me doing so much extra crap today.”
“Right like what the heck are they thinking. I mean I know she’s in a coma and all but I still want to make sure one of us is with her like as much as possible.” Jessie continues as the door to the med bay slides open. “Huh shouldn’t Hank or someone be down here keeping an eye on her vital signs or whatever?”
“Hey guys long time no see.” Wade exclaims from his spot on an empty bed, around a mouthful of blueberry lollipop.
There was a short moment of silence where Jessie and Peter looked around the room for Stacie, quickly noticing that she was nowhere to be seen and that Wade was in fact sitting on the bed that previously belonged to Stacie.
And then Jessie exploded. “Where is she?!” Jessie screeches. “What happened to her?! What is going on!?” Jessie rants not taking a breath grabbing a box sitting on the counter and throwing it a Wade’s face, knocking Wade backwards off the bed he was occupying.
“Jessie, hey Jessie calm down. Give him a second to answer.” Peter says grabbing Jessie and holding her back from launching herself at Wade.
“Yeah calm down it's not nice to go around throwing stuff and breaking peoples lollies.” Wade whines like a small child.
“Rampage!” Jessie says as she hurls a large snowball at Wade hitting him in the stomach.
“Look all I know is that Iron Sides, Furball and Crotchy Grandpa put on her on The Blackbird and took off! I don’t know where they went!” He wheezed.
“Stop talking nonsense Wilson and just tell me where they took her.” Jessie yells at him not noticing Colossus slip into the room.
“Возьми этот кекс.” (Here take this cupcake.) Collosus extended his hand to Jessie.
She looked up at Colossus. Her face softened. “There isn’t a cupcake.”
“I read on the intranet that you should give an angry person imaginary cupcake.”
“That has to be like the worst advice solution thing ever.”
“Maybe but you are not angry anymore дорогая.” (dear.)
“I…well…well played big guy well played.” Jessie says.
“Wait does everyone know Russian besides me because I am completely confused.” Wade asks, looking back and forth between everyone.
“Da.” Everyone responds.
“Well fuck you I don’t want to be in your club anyways.” Wade says getting up. “I’m gonna go back and hang with the Avengers maybe see what Petey’s up to.”
“No, you can not right now.” Colossus says grabbing Wade by the arm as he tries to leave.
“Why not I wanna see my Petey.” Wade says annoyed.
“Um… because you cant.” He says jerking his head towards Jessie and Peter very obviously. “We are down three staff members and we need all the help we can get.” Colossus says unconvincingly.
“Um.. what was that? You don’t want the readers to know that Stacie was taken to the Avengers training facility in Upstate New York just off U.S. route 20 at 555 Lantern Lane, Syracuse, New York 13204. Oh that’s right you guys aren’t supposed to find out for a couple more pages, when she’s actually getting healed by the machine thingy that healed Hawkeye in Age of Ultron after he got shot in the side. Man I kinda miss that archer. I’m going to have to look him up and see if he wants to hang. Ok well I won’t tell them that for sure now.” Wade says while Collosus stares at him in disbelief. “Shit was that out loud.” He says before looking over to where Jessie and Peter had just been standing moments before. “Oh oops.” Wade says shrugging his shoulders.
Collosus sighs grabbing his phone before dialing the professor’s number, Charles answered after the second ring. “Um…sir the thing you said that Wade would do well yeah he let them know where you all are. And they disappeared probably on their way with Kurt, and more than likely Alex. Sorry.”
“Ok we will bring them back when we are done here just please keep an eye on the rest of the students and let the other teachers know where they are.” The Professor says before hanging up. Looking at the others in the room the Professor sighs before approaching them. “It seems that we will be having a few more visitors shortly.”
“Wait you told more people about this place it supposed to be a secret.” Tony says annoyed. “I’m sorry Mr. Stark, but it seems like our mutual friend Wade let the location slip to a few of our students.” The Professor starts to explain.
“Mutual! Mutual my ass, he isn’t allowed anywhere near here. Ever since the pancake incident.” Tony stomped his foot and pouted.
Ana stepped forward. “Actually the pancake incident was my fault. I wanted pancakes.”
“Ermergerd. Hank seriously? I dyed my hair blue to match you. And you have brown hair.” Lucine announced her entrance into the med bay.
“Yeah sure. Just everyone come in here. It’s not like anything is happening in here or anything.” Tony said exasperated.
“Lucine your hair is always blue.” Ana rolled her eyes.
“Hersh up Solana.”
Hank embraced Lucine. “Well I had to make a new batch of suppressants and what better way to test it than on myself. And I realize how horrible that sounds now that I’m saying it out loud. Why am I still talking out loud?”
“Wait up Lucine.” Steve says as he walks in the room behind his wife. “Oh so sorry we didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Um, speak for yourself Steve. I live to interrupt Tony plus Hank and the Professor are here and I haven’t seen them in forever.” Lucine whines.
“You saw me two months ago.” Hank starts before Lucine presses her finger to his mouth.
“Shhh Shhh Hank that’s forever in my time.”
“Anyway, it is an honor to meet you sir.” Steve says shaking the Professors hand.
“And you too Captain I’ve heard many a great things about you” The Professor says with a nod and a smile.
Logan coughed making his presence known to the rest of the room. “I’m here too ya know.”
Lucine groaned. “Yes we are all aware of your presence Mr. Howlett, we are however choosing to ignore it while you skulk around in the corner.”
He growled and crossed the room to Lucine in two strides. “Lucine.”
She straightened herself up and glared up at him. “Logan.”
“Ana!” Solana jumped in between the pair, trying to lighten the mood.
Unprompted and in unison the pair replied. “Not now Ana. Mommy and Daddy are fighting.”
Solana looked confused. “I’m older than you Lucine. Why are you my Mom? And why is Logan my Dad?” Downtrodden she left the pair alone.
BAMF! In a blue puff of smoke Jessie, Kurt, and Alex appear in the room, shortly followed by a silver blur that was Peter. “Ha Peter I told you Kurt was faster.” Jessie says laughing at Peter before following his gaze to where the rest of the occupants were staring at the four of them. “Oh um Hi.” Jessie says waving to a confused Tony Stark. “Um… sorry to interrupt but we are looking for our friend who was kidnapped from her hospital bed without notifying her next of kin aka me.” She says before pointing to herself.
Peter looks over at her. “Wait what about me am I not her next of kin?” Peter asks.
“No Peter I am. You are just her, unofficially official not boyfriend but totally her boyfriend, and I thought you knew that already.”
“Can you not do that right now.” Hank says from his place next to the Professor and Steve.
“Who are you to tell us what to do?” Jessie says rudely, then turns to Peter. “Doesn’t he sound a bit like Hank.”
“Well…” Peter starts, before being interrupted.
“Oh my god it is Hank!” Jessie exclaims.
“HA! I’m not the only one who gets confused when you’re not blue Hank!” Lucine points in his direction while maintaining eye contact with Logan. Jessie followed the sound of an unfamiliar voice and saw a petite blue haired girl locked in an intense stare with Logan. Anger bubbled in Jessie’s throat. She clenched her fists.
“We are sorry for not telling you but we did plan on letting you know once we had gotten her back to the mansion.” Hank says, drawing Jessie’s attention back to the conversation at hand.
“I get that y’all are helping but you can’t just take her away from me without telling me…” Jessie trails off starting to tear up. She’s all I have left. She angrily rubbed at her eyes.
I am truly sorry Jessica. I can assure you this was not the plan. We had planned on taking Stacie while you were in class and unfortunately we ran behind on our schedule.
“Ok what is going on right now who are these kids?” Tony asks confusedly looking to the Professor for answers.
“First of all, Mr. Stark these students are all over the age of eighteen and secondly these are the guests I told you about.” The Professor answered Stark’s question. “Won’t you introduce yourself to our gracious host please students.”
“Hey, I’m Peter Maximoff, I’m awkward and I run fast.”
“I am Kurt Wagner, also known as the incredible nightcrawler.”
There was a silence as Jessie failed to introduce herself. She stared intently at Logan and the girl.
“Miss Baise, won’t you introduce yourself, please.” The Professor asks drawing her attention.
“What oh yeah…” Jessie turned back to Stark after her attention had again been diverted towards Logan and the blue haired girl. “My name is Jessie I have control over icy things.”
“Ana can I have a hand please?” Bruce’s voice suddenly came through over the intercom.
“Of course Bruce! Apparently Mommy and Daddy are fighting and I don’t know why.” She scurried towards the back of the med bay.
After a few moments Bruce and Ana emerged from another room in the med bay pushing a gurney. Jessie shoved Peter backwards as she rushed over to her friend.
“Are you really that selfish?” Peter asked from the floor. Jessie shot back a glare at him. She wiggled her fingers and some ice appeared under Peter, hindering his ability to stand up.
“Everything went swimmingly.” Bruce stated to the crowd that had appeared in the med bay.
“Excellent.” The Professor said. “Now we can take Miss Barcus back to the mansion with us and begin to take her off of the pentobarbital.”
Beside Jessie, Stacie started to twitch on the gurney. “Uh.” Jessie shook her head. Maybe she had just imagined it. Stacie twitched again. “Okay so that’s definitely happening.” Jessie quickly turned towards the Professor who was talking with Tony and Bruce with Hank. “Professor? Hank? Logan?”
Jessie quickly ducked as she heard metal rattling behind her. A chair immediately flew over her head and shattered the window immediately to Tony’s right.
“What the hell was that?” Tony screeched cowering behind Steve.
“Her suppressants are wearing off.” Hank excused himself from the small group and injected a small syringe full of yellowish liquid into the IV on Stacie’s arm. “We should be good now.” Hank helped Jessie off the floor.
“SHE DID IT ON PURPOSE!” Tony yelled.
“TONY. SHE IS IN A COMA!” Bruce yells mirroring Tony’s emotion level.
“Thank you very much Mr. Stark for allowing us to use your Regeneration Cradle.” Hank says rolling Stacie over to the group with Jessie’s help.
“I am truly sorry about your window Mr. Stark. You can add that to our bill if you so wish. However for now we should be on our way.” The professor says as he holds his hand out to shake Starks. Stark just stood there staring between the window and Stacie.
“Don’t worry about the window Charles.” Bruce starts as he shakes his hand instead of Tony. “We just hope that she gets better soon.”
*“Thank you Bruce, we will keep you updated on how she progresses.” Charles turns his attention towards the students. “Peter, Alex, Kurt, and Jessie. Please follow Hank to the Blackbird. We will be leaving shortly.”
“But Professor-”
“Miss Baise we will be leaving soon now that our objective here is complete.”
There will be no further discussion on the subject.
Jessie sighed as Alex grabbed her arm and forced her to follow.
“Are you two just going to keep staring at each other?” Steve sighed looking at the pair. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”
“Ugh just leave your wife to her drama, and go help Bruce clean up the med bay why don’t you.” Tony says as he stares at the broken window. “While I go and try to find someone that can get a window made and delivered asap.” He sighs before walking out of the room.
“Alright Bruce lets go then since Tony is apparently in control of this situation.” Steve says as he and Bruce head through the doors to the back of the med bay.
Ana wormed her way in between Logan and Lucine. She poked Lucine in the face. Lucine didn’t flinch. After a few more pokes and prods Ana reluctantly gave up. “Screw this. I’m going to go bug Sam. He was making cookies earlier. And I’m going to eat all of them so you can’t have any!” Ana stuck her tongue out at Lucine before making her way to the elevator.
“I know you two want to have your chat.” Charles turned towards Logan and Lucine. “And normally I wouldn’t mind however, we do have students with us, so please make it as short as possible.” Charles turned his chair around and wheeled himself towards the jet. Where everyone was starting to load into the jet.
“Is he always that bossy?” Lucine asks cracking her neck.
“Eh you get used to him.” Logan grumbles. “Now go ahead and say it.”
“Say what?” She asks.
“Look I’ve known you long enough I know you have something to say.”
“What?! I have no clue what you are talking about Logan.” Lucine says sarcastically.
He narrowed his eyes. “Lucine.” He growled.
She threw her hands up exasperated. “How old is she?”
“Stacie’s 19.”
“The other one. The one who gave me frostbite.” She pulled down the shoulder of her shirt. Her shoulder was turning a light blueish gray.
“Are you fucking kidding me! You didn’t even flinch! How are you okay?” Logan placed his hand on her shoulder trying to warm it up.
Lucine laughed. “I grew up with Ana. She made Steve cry on our first date because she slapped him. Like Solana made Captain America cry.”
“Shit. I didn’t know she hit that hard.”
Lucine snapped her fingers in his face. “Oh no. Oh no no no. You will not be deterring this conversation. How old is Jessie?”
“She’s 19 too.”
“Oh thank God. She’s legal.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Jessie peered around the corner of the med bay.
Lucine chuckled. “Logan Logan Logan. I’ve gotten those bedroom eyes from you enough. I know that damn look. Or as Ana puts it the chocolate cake look.”
“Because you love chocolate cake.” Logan rolled his eyes.
“God I love you.” Lucine wrapped her arm around his waist.
Logan kissed the top of her head. “I love you too kid.”
Jessie. You are supposed to be on the plane.
She jumped. “Professor. I was just uh yeah.”
“Come on Jessie. Logan and Lucine are old friends.”
“I wasn’t…It’s not like I care I mean.” Jessie stutters out.
“Sure you don’t, now come on they will be along shortly. Let’s get you buckled up in the Blackbird.” Charles says as he starts to lead Jessie back to the plane.
“Hold on Professor. I have to tie my shoe.” Jessie bent down and pretended to tie her shoes while watching.
“Take care of yourself kid.”
“You too old man.”
Logan laughed. “And you never complained about that before when I made you co-”
Lucine cut him off by placing a quick kiss on his lips. “Shut up James.”
He rubbed his lips. “I hate that you do that platonically.”
She wiggled her left hand in front of his face. “You don’t get non-platonically anymore.” She slapped his butt. “Now get moving sweetcheeks. You gotta plane to catch.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” He made his way to the Blackbird. There was only one open seat next to Jessie. Logan sat down and buckled himself in. Jessie immediately stood up and sat on Alex’s lap. Alex sighed and unbuckled himself. Jessie buckled herself into Alex’s now vacant seat.
She saw you kiss Lucine. She’s upset.
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viralhottopics · 7 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Last Week They Took An L, But This Week They Bounced Back Kinda
Welcome, welcome, welcome. After last weeks very entertaining trainwreck, I gotta say I was pretty fucking pumped to revisit the AYTO cast. Nothing makes these recaps easier to write than failure of other people. Lucky for me, this cast not only fails but also does some straight-up stupid shit in the process. I mean, between Tyler and Carolina these recaps practically write themselves.
Anyways, Im drinking cheap wine and my laptop is charged. Lets begin now.
Carolina has produced enough tears to give the town of Flint some clean water. Shes literally moving from one location to the other just fucking sobbing. Joeys pretty upset toonow hes a loveless trashman. Sad!
They are both like kneeling on the floor, praying to sweet baby Jesus that they can overcome this horrible hardship of losing your love of two weeks. Joeys low-key kneeling down to pick up some trash off the ground because you cannot take the man away from his livelihood, goddammit.
Kathryn/Rushboobs is like ARE WE DONE?? to Ozzy and its like, uh, is this a trick question? Oh duh, I forgot shes an education major from FSU. Someone needs to basically fucking spell out how this game works for her.
Ozzy tries to let her down easy and she storms off because how dare he try and focus on the whole object of the game!?
Kam, the girl with the grey/purple hair as my mom calls her (like, mom its a three fucking letter name), is like “OKAY EVERYONE STOP FUCKING CRYING.” I am Kam, Kam is me.
Rushboobs cant help that she has a lot of feelings and the fucking mentality of a 14-year-old.
Tee is like “I WANT A BOYFRIEND WITH A BRAIN.” And when you want an intellectual boyfriend the first place you should go is an MTV reality show. *cough, cough BULLSHIT cough*
Shes into Oswaldo, who is low-key hot but also looks like Austin Ames friend from (the one in the middle). YEAH, I KNOW, IM FUCKING RIGHT.
He is talking about how he wants to be a businessman and watches Animal Planet because knowledge is power. Yeah, I bet watching episodes of is really going to put you ahead in your fuckin career.
Honestly, I cannot hear him saying anything besides diner girl.
Can I just saylots of slow motion running this season. We get it. You use special effects.
The game involves the casts social media and they have to answer questions based off their profiles. Apparently they all are fucking crazy online too, further solidifying the fact that they will never get jobs in the real world.
Except Joey. Trash collecting doesnt have a lot of requirements to it.
They all are asked the same questions and need to find the answer for their partner in a maze like web that Ryan so cleverly calls the inter-net.
Whenever Ryan says something fucking cheesy that cast cracks up like its the best shit theyve ever heard. I imagine producers are standing behind them with like guns pointed to their backsfucking laugh at Ryans pun or Ill murder your family. Carolina, shed a tear if you need help.
Thats not really a thing, you fucking idiots.
It goes like this:
Question: Biggest turnoff in a guy?
JOEY: I know KARI likes a guy who listens, because I listen. ALSO JOEY: I know KARI likes a guy who eats food because I eat food.
Joey, be a doll and never speak again. Thanks!
Question: If I won the lotto what would I buy?
NORMAL PEOPLE: A plane ticket anywhere in the world! NORMAL PEOPLE: I would donate to charity! NORMAL PEOPLE: I would pay loans! HAYDEN: ME BUY LARGE TRUCK.
Question: Whats a gross habit you have?
OZZY: Im just here to fuck Carolina, so Im picking the first thing I see *picks wipes boogers on the wall* CAROLINA: Omg he knows me so well!!!
Note to self, never, ever go to Carolinas booger house.
Hayden and Rushboobs get in first, Joey and KARI get second. To make it even more awkward, Ozzy and Carolina get third. Oh, I love this.
Ryan tells them they are all going hiking with monkeys and Ozzy has to act excited, like he doesnt do that every other day.
Michael is like I WAS AN EMT BUT I QUIT BECAUSE OLD PEOPLE, AM I RIGHT? Thats like being like I WAS A VET, BUT ANIMALS, RIGHT? Michael, further implicating himself as unemployable.
Gianna is like, still having a lady boner over Michael and Hayden has developed a city on Friendzone Island where he is now the mayor. Shes like, laying all over him and totally loving the fact that hes more whipped than a girl in BDSM porn.
Carolina is in love with Ozzy faster than President Trump can delete the LGBT Rights page from his website. Quite suddenly, hes the hottest guy in the house and she liked him the whole time she was with Joey. Hmm, sounds like alternative facts.
Shes like “MY PARENTS WOULD LOVE YOU” hes like “mmmm okay, Booger rubber.”
Also, when talking to the camera separately, Carolina seems like the most boring person literally ever. Was she on a sedative? Why do I feel like they put her on this show like, mid-wisdom teeth removal?
Rushboobs is pounding wine, honestly same, while Ozzy and Carolina start making out.
Tyler, this seasons resident fuckboy, is like Shannon is fun and flirty! Which is the way of saying easy! Shannon, you seem nice, but when you speak I want to throw myself in front of a fucking train. Her voice truly sounds like everything annoying in the world just took a massive shit in her vocal chords. Did she do the voice over for Bubbles in ?
Taylor is like “dafuq is this?” And straight-up calls Tyler out. Shes like you didnt even get to know me very calmly and Tyler is like WOAH.
TYLER: YOU ARENT MY GIRLFRIEND TAYLOR: I know, I just wanted to get to know you because you seem cool TYLER: WOW, WHAT A CRAZY BITCH
Rushboobs is talking to Ozzy about how she still cares about him and shell never forget the 14 days they had together on a reality show, where everything is pretty much superficial.
Carolina comes in hot and is like “RUSHBOOBS DOESNT KNOW IF IM GOOD FOR OZZY OR NOT! not even understanding that they arent talking about her.
Joey comes in to defend Rushboobs and mostly just shit talk Carolina. Joey starts yelling at Carolina about how she juggles guys and shes crazy and all this other bullshit. Joey, pull your tampon out and quit being a little baby about this. Move the fuck on. Youre a single trashmanyour life can only go up from here!
Joeys like “WHY DONT YOU TAKE A FIRST CLASS FLIGHT HOME WITH OZZY!!!!” And its like, ooooohhh good one, bro, and Ozzys like uh, Im from here. Ozzys mom will be picking him up after the show, thanks for the concern though.
Shannon is talking to Tyler and I swear I have heard more interesting shit come out of a Baby Born doll. Why do you sound like you survive on a diet of rainbows and helium? Whatever, they annoy me. Moving on.
They go to play with the monkeys and Carolina is like we took food out and the animals attacked us. Wow, groundbreaking.
She and Ozzy start making out and its like, could you just chill for a second? There are fucking animals eating corn off your head.
Joey starts complaining to KARI about Carolina and shes like I think you still like her. KARIs in med school man, dont fuck with her. Also, she can literally see into your mind with those big-ass eyes of hers.
KARI leaves because she doesnt need this bullshit. She can fucking read minds and save people. Time to move the fuck on.
Am I watching ? Because I swore I just heard Joey say can I steal her for a minute? Joey, do not fucking try to hybrid my reality shows rn!
He pulls Carolina aside and is like KARI WONT TALK TO ME BECAUSE OF YOU!!! Uh, wait what? Carolina starts yelling and this is just a goddam mess. Honestly, the sexual tensionyou could cut it with a knife.
Ozzy goes to save Carolina before she starts rubbing boogers all over Joeys face.
Carolina and Ozzy are in the Truth Booth, thank god. Put me out of my fucking misery.
But wait, Ryan offers a deal where they dont send Ozzy and Carolina and they take $150,000 bucks instead. But if they take the money, they can never send those two in the truth booth again. Damn Ryan, back at it again with the shitty trades.
The house is divided with Kam being like CAROLINA IS CRAZY TAKE THE MONEY and everyone else being like hmmm idk.
Ryan asks Derrick, who is like the unofficial spokesperson of the house, what their plan is and they decide to not take the truth booth trade. Damn, Ive heard stupider shit come out of Kellyanne Conways mouth.
And lookie here, NO MATCH.
Moral of the story: Listen to Kam. Listen to me. Never make a decision on your own. Bye!
Carolina is crying again. Someone put a Brita filter under this bitch.
Rushboobs is like wow this is so sad *smiles* *dances* *throws flowers around the room* *throws party*
Joey and Rushboobs bond over alcohol and their hatred of Carolina and start flirting. This is how it goes, I shit you not:
RUSHBOOBS: Stop! JOEY: No, you stop *leans in closer* RUSHBOOBS: No, you stop *leans in closer* ME: NO SERIOUSLY, FUCKIN STOP.
Ive seen better flirting skills from a fucking third grader. Where did you learn to communicate with the opposite sex, Rushboobsyour students? Joey, I dont even want to know how your livelihood has affected your lovelife.
Tee is like “I CANNOT WAIT TO FUCK OSWALDO,” and its like, wow okay. Shoutout to her parents. But also, do you girl #womensmarch
KARI and Tyler start talking. Tylers playing the role of the victim like I cant help that every girl wants to bone me! wow, life must be so hard for you. How do you even get up in the morning?
Tyler is hot though, dammit. Always the pretty ones. KARI ends up straddling him and they go to bed together. Well. Okay then.
Meanwhile, Kam and Eddie are hanging out and giving me couple goals. If they arent a match Im fucking throwing hands.
MTV: Kam and Eddie, you are not a couple ME: CASH ME OUTSIDE, HOW BOW DAH
The girls pick tonight so hopefully it wont be too much of a shit show.
Rushboobs picks Joey, a trashy match made in heaven.
Tee picks Osvaldo, the knowledgeable son of a bitch. I imagine he is just whispering animal facts into her ear all night.
Hannah picks Derrick/Kellyanne.
Casandra and Jaylen. Yawn.
Kam and Eddie, because duh.
Shannon picks Tyler. Yuck. Ryans like Tyler, hows it going? And Tylers like “I GOT TO KNOW KARI INTIMATELY!” Okay. Not the question but whatever. So classy. Goddam, I want to kiss your face but also hit it with shovel???
Hes like I was sauced and tries to act like it was a drunken thing. Very cool of him. And STOP USING THE TERM SAUCED. Like I literally just picture you rolling around in marinara.
KARIs like fuck it, yeah I gave him a handjob. Wow, okay MTV youre really doin the damn thing. Honestly, who hasnt given a regretful handjob?
Taylor is crying because shes like wait you never even spoke to me! Everyone, including me, feels bad for Taylor because like, Tylers fucking gross.
Tyler: The funny thing about a conversation is give me a handjob.
Tylers like I guess Im the bad guy and its like, hmmm, what gave it away? I shall play you the worlds smallest violin. Can you hear it?
Carolina picks Hayden and Giannas like “WTF NO.”
Gianna picks Ozzy and Ozzy literally looks like he wants to kill himself. Relatable.
Alicia picks Mike. Cool story.
Taylor comes up and crying and Ryans like how do you feel? Uh how do you think she fucking feels? Is the crying not a clue? Shes like I feel disrespected but honestly, when am I ever not. This is like a speech from a movie.
TAYLOR TO TYLER: But waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought, useless and disappointing. (name the movie)
Taylor picks Michael as her perfect match.
Andre is like “Taylor is hot and sad. I make happy. We bone. Yay!”
Im endorsing that couple RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
Andre and KARI are left.
They are all like we cannot get another blackout! and Im like just fuck me up, fam. Give me another blackout, make my goddam day.
But alas, they get 4 BEAMS. Not bad for a bunch of pretty degenerates.
Cant wait to see what fuckery next week holds!
Read more: http://ift.tt/2keySPB
from ‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Last Week They Took An L, But This Week They Bounced Back Kinda
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