#what law are you reffering to
lovl3igh · 2 months
"according to the law aegon should be the king" according to the law aegon should have been castrated and sent to the wall
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robin-the-enby · 7 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a Markus(DBH) x Reader where she is the S/O of Leo Manfred, but the relationship is definitely not a happy one. Like he insults her and pushes her around all the time.
If that is triggering please ignore this request! Hope you have a lovely day! :)
You can think that you're in love, when you're really just in pain...
Pairing: Marcus x f!reader
Warnings: use of Y/N and she/her pronouns, female reader (appearance is not discussed or mentioned), swearing, mentions of psychological and physical abuse, Leo is a gaslighter, I guess that' it
A/N: OMG, I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Will you ever forgive me? 😭 But I took my time with this piece (and honestly might have gone a bit overboad) and while it did suck the soul out of me, I am very proud f it and hope you will like it. I made the reader female in the end, but the appearance of the reader is never mentioned, she is only reffered to with she/her pronouns, so I hope that's not a problem. If yes, I'll make sure to change it ;)
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By now, you knew these streets by heart, that's how often you visited Carl Manfred. The old artist liked to joke that you were his in-law, given that you were his son's spouse. This wasn't the only reason however, because Carl also thought you were a kind and gentle soul and he really hoped that Leo saw that and tried to better himself in life, if not for himself, then for you at least.
Carl only talked well about his son, preferring to think about the god times instead of where exactly it went wrong and whose fault it might have been. But your presence was calming and very much enjoyable. He did have Marcus to run errands for him and take care of him, but you offering your helping hand gave him the feeling that he oh so lacked - his family taking care of him, now that he couldn't do it very well himself.
Even though you and Leo weren't married or even engaged, the old artist still considered you family. After all, you have been with Leo for a few years now, the thought of you leaving from his and Marcus' lives was strange and one Carl did not like to think about. Although...
Sometimes, when the house got quiet, when Marcus was fetching some paints or doing other errands in town, Carl would think. To be fair, he didn't know what you saw in Leo, even though he'd never admit that. He knew that opposites often attracted, and he really did hope your love would help Leo, whenever he'd ask you how his son was doing, no matter what mood you were in, it instantly changed. Something in your eyes...shifted. You looked tired, somehow older in those times, and he could see there was a heavy burden weighing you down. When it came to talking about Leo, you stuck to the basics. "He's doing fine." you'd say with a smile. But whenever Carl would ask hopefully "Has he found a job yet?" or "Is he...clean now?" you found that you could not answer. You didn't want to worry the old man, but it felt wrong to lie to him either. So you just hung your head low and admit quietly that no, he doesn't have a job and no...he isn't clean. You tried to lighten up the mood by saying he's looking for a job, which wasn't really a lie, at least, Leo insisted that he's looking for employment any time you'd bring that topic up, but you suspected Carl had stopped believing you at some point, although he never said so.
Today, you were once again visiting the old man and his android. It was strange to think that Marcus wasn't human. Every time you interacted with him, you almost forgot about it, enjoying his presence around you that much. Marcus was...serene. He wasn't loud, he wasn't crass and he was always kind. To everyone. Even if it created more trouble for him. Sometimes you wished you didn't have to leave. That you could stay with them. You were pretty sure Carl would be more than happy to let you stay, wishing for the company of his loved ones, even if he never said it, and Marcus...well...Marcus would be happy if Carl was happy. If you could call it happiness. It was strange to imagine that Marcus has never experienced any emotions at all. It made you a little sad. But the fact that he didn't know what emotions were and so he couldn't be aware of the fact he's missing something made you feel a little better. Although sometimes...sometimes it felt like Marcus was...different. Many a time have you seen him just...space out. You could see the, probably very much real, cogs in his head turn as he processed...something. But what that something was? You weren't sure.
Pulling your car into the driveway of the Manfred residence, you didn't even attempt to fight the stretch and the deep breath you took. It felt so freeing to be here, far away from...well, home. And the air was so clean and fresh, too! You could spend the whole afternoon sitting in the garden, just breathing. Carl sure did have taste when he picked out this place to live out the rest of his life at. It was calm, mostly quiet and smelled so, so good. Most people don't realise how amazing fresh air is until they taste it with their lungs, you thought to yourself. But even as you were here, your mind couldn't stop comparing everything to how it was at home. The yelling outside and inside. The constant sense of unease. The constant suffy air that wouldn't get out of your apartment, no matter how long you left the windows open. And you knew you had to come back. This place, as nice as it was, was just a break. A small oasis that would fill you up with strength until your next visit. But your reality was out there. In the downtown Detroit, in the tiny apartment you were renting.
Maybe if Leo admitted that he has issues and put his pride aside just once, you wouldn't have to take up so many shifts. You could actually like your job. You could do so much more than to just keep the both of you alive. Maybe you could have a bit of peace. But you doubted that. No matter how hard you tried, how much you did for the both of you, it seemed to never be enough. You took up extra shifts to treat the both of you to some nice meal? The apartment wasn't clean enough. You deep cleaned the apartment? You didn't cook dinner. You didn't have money to lend him? He didn't believe you, unless you showed him. And god forbid you asked him what he needed it for. Or if you complained.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you made your way to the front door. Yes, reality wasn't...perfect, but you wouldn't let it ruin this moment for you. Or, at least, you would try. As you were about to raise your hand to ring the doorbell, a figure appeared from behind the corner, abruptly stopping at the sight of you. You whip your head around, startled a little at the stranger's sudden appearance. But, as your eyes focused on the person, you recognised Marcus. His intense eyes that never made you feel unsafe, his short hair, which you weren't even sure was real, you thought briefly, and his firm build...
"Oh, (Y/N)! I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you..." Marcus apolgised with a very sincere feeling smile. You chuckled slightly at your reaction "Oh hello, Marcus. It's alright, you just startled me, that's all." Marcus was quiet for a moment, and judging by the intensity of his gaze, you assumed he was assessing your vitals to ensure you really were alright. At first, the intensity with which he looked at you sometimes unnerved you, but when he explained it was just to make sure you were physically and mentally alright, you relaxed. It was handy to have someone that could tell you something was wrong with just one look, something you yourself might not have even noticed.
"Carl noticed your car, so he instructed me to tell you that we're in the garden." Your mouth made an "o" shape in silent understandment as you nodded and followed Marcus around the house. The short walk was silent, but comfortable. Soon you could see Carl relaxing in his wheelchair in the sun, looking as content as can be. You couldn't help the smile that bloomed on your face at seeing him. You've come to learn that this place, these people, were your safe place. You felt free here, not judged, not scrutinised. Nobody expected anything from you here and everything you did for Carl or for Marcus was met with appreciation.
Carl turned around at the sight of your footsteps on the small stone path and his face lit up "(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, opening his arms for a hug. You hugged him shortly and greeted the artist. "It's so good to see you! Come, come, sit down, let's have a chat!" he urged you as he moved towards a wooden bench overlooking the various flowers and bushes in the garden. From what you knew, Marcus not only took care of the old man, but the house, and by default the garden, as well. And if that was true, then he did an amazing job. The colours of all the petals were radiant and fresh, bees buzzing around happilly. It was a lovely sight. Sitting down, you made yourself comfortable. Carl stopped in front of you in a way that he could comfortably talk to you, but let you enjoy the sight as well. Something was telling him you needed it.
"Marcus, could you get us some drinks please?" he asked his android assistant gently. You always admired how Carl treated Marcus with such respect and care, as if he was a real person. All the time, you were met with people abusing their androids, seeing them as things to care for their every need, including receiving their master's anger. And although it felt obvious that one should treat their helpers respectfully, it was still a nice change. Another perk of spending time here. Marcus nodded with a small smile, asking Carl what he would like. "Some tea would be nice." Carl replied and Marcus turned to you. For some reason, you felt your face warm up slightly and you looked away from his enchanting eyes. Your mind ran a million miles per minute, trying to come up with something that wouldn't troube him too much. "Uhm, just some lemonade, please." you stammered after a second. Marcus nodded, never mentioning your stutter or pointing out your awkward behaviour.
When the android disappeared from view, Carl looked towards you "So, how is everything?" he asked, smiling. You never liked to answer that qestion, No answer felt right unless you went into detail, but you didn't want to burden him with all that. So you did the thing people usually do, you smiled and waved your hand dismissively "Ooh, you know. Everything is the same. Nothing interesting happening in my life." Carl nodded, but you were sure that being the perceptive person he is, he could see right through you. So he nodded without pressing the issue, and instead decided to press another one. "And how's Leo?"
It was as if that protective curtain around your happy place opened and you were exposed to the harsh light of reality. As if on autopilot, you hung your head slightly, the idea of looking into the old man's eyes suddenly uncomfortable. You chuckled awkwardly and shrugged "Yea, Leo's...Leo's good." you said, but your voice was small, void of the confidence and cheeriness it once posessed. Truth was, you haven't seen Leo in two days. He has been ignoring your calls as well as your texts. On one hand, you were worried about where he was, what he was doing and with who. But on the other...You were relieved. Your home is finally quiet, you don't wake up in the middle of the night to unexpected company coming over, because Leo invited them for a red ice party. You feel bad for feeling good when your partner is missing, but at the same time you can't help but enjoy it.
Sometimes fate has a strange way of playing with our lives. And it seems that in your case, Carl chose this day to finally choose the uncomfortable topic and interrogate you. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" the artist asked softly and you wondered when exactly has this became an intervention. "Nothing's wrong, work has just been tiring." Not a lie, but not a complete truth either. For some reason, you felt ashamed to admit to Carl how has Leo been treating you. You knew it wasn't right, but you also weren't someone who'd let others just push them around, and you knew Carl knew that. And maybe that's why you didn't want to tell him. Besides, how do you tell someone that their child is a toxic abuser?
"Cut it out (Y/N), I know something's wrong. Now, I know Leo doesn't have a job and that he's still on that...thing." Carl said the word as if it left a bad taste in his mouth "But I feel like there are things you haven't been telling me." The worst thing about this conversation wasn't the fact Carl knew you were lying to him, it was the way he was so nice about it. You felt like this whole thing was wrong, for some reason you felt like he should have been mad at you, should have been asking why you were so stupid as to staying with his stupid son, who everyone knew was a scumbag. You sure felt stupid. And yet... "You know I wouldn't do that." you smiled at him while racking your brain for an exit out of this conversation. "Hey, Marcus has been gone for quite a while, huh? I'll go help him out a bit." you didn't wait for an answer, already standing up and heading to the backdoor. Carl turned around to look after you and from behind you, you could hear him call out, cheekiness masking his worry "I may be old, but I'm not senile!"
Stepping into the house was like teleporting to another world. While the garden was full of colours and bustling life, the house was quiet and the brown hues of the furniture and decorations almost made it feel sleepy. But it let a lot of light through its big windows and it didn't feel heavy or suffocating. The worst you could say about it was that it felt serious, but glancing at the life sized giraffe taxidermy in the living room disproved even that claim.
Following the soft clacking of mugs and the conistent hum of the kettle, you made your way to the kitchen. Marcus was standing at the counter, preparing Carl's tea, your lemonade already done on a small tray on the table. His broad shoulders moved uder his uniform and you found the movement...mesmerising. And while observing Marcus quietly was quite normal for you, as creepy as that sounds, this was the first time you felt as if your...affection, towards the android might not be as platonic as would be appropriate. You were taken for pete's sake, you couldn't be fantasising about another man like that! But, you reasoned for yourself what was the harm? It wasn't like Leo was here and even if he was, he'd probably pay little mind to you. You would be surprised if he could even stand still for more than half a minute.
"I know you're there, (Y/N)." you heard Marcus chuckle, successfully bringing you out of your thoughts. You realised that during your internal argument, you have leaned against the doorframe and probably was watching him like a creep the whole time. Great. "Heh. Somehow, that does not surprise me." you chuckle in return, hoping to brush off your inadequate behavior. Marcus' shoulders shake in silent giggles as he looked behind his shoulder at your drink "Your lemonade is done. Do you want to drink it outside with Carl?" he asks and you shake your head. "It's okay, I'll stay here for a while, but I'll join you two afterwards." you explain, hoping he doesn't push the matter. But it seemed that luck was not on your side that day.
"Did Carl's questions about Leo tire you out?" Marcus tried to joke, but he quickly realised he must've brought up a sensitive subject at your lack of a positive reaction. You just hung your head, as you were used to when talking about your boyfriend and smiled, although the expression held very little joy. "Yeah...sort of." you said quietly and sipped on your lemonade. Your brows scrunched together and you odded a little "Hy, this is some really good lemonade!" you commented, hoping to divert the conversation once more. Marcus thanked you and finished with Carl's tea. Then, he wordlessly picked up the tray and went outside to give it to the man.
He was gone for quite some time, that you almost thought that you would really be left alone, even though you didn't know whether that was what you wanted anymore. But it seemed that Marcus was more in tune with your emotions than you would've guessed for an android. He quietly sat down next to you and after a bit of silence, during which he probably ran through all the things he could've said, he finally spoke up. "Why Leo?" Yo had to say that it was the last question you expected, although, you didn't really know what you were expecting.
Sighing, you shrugged "I don't know...anymore." you added after a second, deciding that if you were to tell someone about your troubles, it would be Marcus. Would he tell Carl? If he asked, which you know he would, then the android would tell the artist everything. But hey, at least you didn't have to do it yourself. "Anymore?" Marcus asked quietly and you felt those gorgeous eyes trained on your face as if it was the only thing he could see. You nodded "Yeah...I guess- I guess he wasn't that bad at the start." you shrugged, the memories of him showering you with sweet words and gifts that weren't expensive, but that much more meaningful, almost gone from your brain. "And then I found out about the drugs and I thought-" you took a sharp breath in, already feeling the familiar pressure behind your eyes "I thought, he loves me, I'll be there for him and help him get through it. But he never got better. And when he blamed everything on the drugs, or on the withdrawals I believed him, because...Well, because I never thought I'd end up in that kind of situation, you know?" you chuckled, the noise laced with self deprecation.
You felt his hand land on your arm gently. A fleeting thought of how warm his hand was crossed your mind, before you heard him speak "It's not your fault." You quickly nodded "I know, I know, but it doesn't feel like it, you know? From a young age, we are warned of the signs of abuse in relationships, so how could I have ended up in one?" you sighed "I just feel...stupid." Your shoulders sagged and you slumped a little in your chair, as if a tremendous weight was lifted from your chest.
Even though Marcus was already lookng at you, you somehow felt his gaze sharpen "Is he..." he breathed out and it looked like he didn't know how to phrase what he wanted to say, which made a weird feeling spill throughout your gut, because it was strange, almost unsettling to see the lovely android, who is always so composed, at a loss for words. "Does he hurt you?" "No, no!" you were quick to assure him and you could see his shoulders droop as he relaxed his posture slightly. "He can be a bit rough, but-" you shook your ead again "it's no a big deal."
"What do you mean, rough?" Marcus presed on, his tone still as gentle as if you were a scared animal that could run away if he made one wrong move and yet, his eyes never left yours and when you looked at him, looked at those beautiful eyes that you were sure could count as a piece of art, there was...emotion behind them. You were sure of it. You've lived around androids for the better part of your life and you knew how they looked, even when they were assisting someone. Never ever have you seen such intensity behind synthetic eyes. And yet, you almost felt...relieved. You cleared your throat "Oh it' uh, it's ot a big deal..." you tried to reassure him once again (or maybe you were trying to convince yourself it hasn't gone that far, that hope and love haven't blinded you towards physical abuse as well) "Just sometimes when we fight, he grabs me a bit too roughly. It usually doesn't even leave a mark." you shrugged, but as you were saying it, you realised how horrible it sounded. So you stopped yourself before you'd dive into explaining how sometimes it was not just grabbing but shoves and pushes that you'd endure from Leo when you were too uncooperative for his liking.
You turn to face Marcus again and he looks a you with such sadness it almost feels like it was him who went through thaat. It wasn't just pity, the kind of look the pharmacist would shoot you every time you'd come for that one cream to help soothe your skin after a rough argument with Leo. But no, Marcus seemed...almost heartbroken, the kind of heartbroken a child is when their beloved pet dies.
"You don't have to put up with it you know?" Marcus asked gently, although it felt more like a reminder "You only have to say a word and I'm sure Carl would have nothing against-" you stopped Marcus' rant by putting a hand on his chest "I know, I know," you said nodding "but I don't want to bring Carl into this. He shouldn't have to put up with whatever mess Leo gets into, let alone my problems."
"It's ok to ask for help." he put his hand over yours that was on his chest, caressing yor skin lightly with his thumb. Your eyes were immediately drawn to his and on yours, the contact making your cheeks heat up as you mentally cursed yourself. "I know, but..." you trailed off "I just feel like...if I got into this mess, I have to get out of it. I don't want to-" you groan "I guess I don't want to give him the satisfaction of having that complete control over me. I know it sounds stupid-" you went to pull away, feeling the hot shame flow over you, making you want to cringe away from your robot friend. But Marcus only queezed your hand and tugged you closer to him. "It's not stupid. And there's no need to be embarassed." he reassured you and you shot him a quick smile, which he reciprocated, before you continued "So yeah, I guess that's why I never...said anything. Besides, he's not always like this. Sometimes he wakes up and is the textbook version of a doting boyfriend. I guess...I guess it made me hope that something could be done, that if I try hard enough, he'll see what he's doig and we can ge through it together." you chuckled sadly and this time, Marcus hugged you.
At first, you went stiff as a board, not expecting such a gesture from him, after all, Marcus has never been very touchy, since he wasn't programmed for that, but by now you were suspecting that Marcus could do more than what he was programmed to do, even if you didn't understand how that worked. Gradually, you relaxed into the hug, letting your arms gently wrap around his neck as his were wrapped around your waist. You let your head rest on Marcus' chest and as you breathed in, you caught the smell of his clean clothes. The warmth rdiating from his body was also something you couldn't complain about. You stayed like this for what must have been minutes, before you felt the android shift. Thining he was done with the hug, you went to let go of him, but his arms only tightened around you. You looked up at him only to find him already looking down at you, his eyes portraying some sort of inner conflict.
Just as he was about to voice whatever was on his mind, you registered hurried footsteps as well as rushed sentences beig exchanged, and not in a positive manner. Both you and Marcus let go of each other just in time before Leo rushed through the dooray, visibly seething, with a worried Carl on his heels.
"I told you dad, I just want to talk to her, so either you tell me where she is, or-" he stops mid sentence when he sees you and Marcus in the kitchen. He looks disheveled, his hair tussled, his clothes wrinkled, he looked sweaty and the whites of his eyes were very red, no to mention his pupils, which were way out of proportion. For a while, he just looked beween you and Marcus, his gaze jumping from one to the other, before he nodded and chuckled throwing up his hands "Well isn't this just great. I come home to no girlfriend, no car, no food and when I finally find her, she's all over a fucking robot." he sneers first at you, then at Marcus. Leo takes a few steps towards you, extending his hand as if to grab yours and you can't help but back away out of habit. Leo, of course, notices this and chuckles awkwardly "C'mon babe, we're going, the taxi won't pay itself." he says it as if he was lightheartedly joking, but the tension in his voice as well as his body gives away his real emotions.
And for some reason, something inside you...switches. You've had enough. Enough of not being appreciated, enough of being ordered and pushed around, when you deserved something, someone much better. Someone who would hold you tenderly, who would smell like fresh clothes, who would be warm and lovely, who could at least take care of himself.
"I'm not going anywhere." you said calmly, shaking your head. Leo looked at you like you just grew another head "Sorry?" And you gladly repeated yourself, adding "Maybe if I would've known where the hell you've been for the last two days, I would have waited for you. But I guess I'm not worth picking up the phone for. That is, if you even have it." you allowed yourslf to release the frutration that's been building up inside you for god knows how long now. Carl's eyes were wide, shocked fromhearing all this new information about your relationship with his son.
"Babe, you know I was busy-" Leo tried, but you were having one of it "Yeah, I see how busy you are. Couldn't you at least wait until you sobered up till you came here?" you scoffed. Leo narrowed his eyes at you and growled lowly "Listen, we can talk this through at home, no need to make a scene." And you actually laughed, catching all three men present slightly off guard "Cause a scene? You roled up here in a taxi, which you expect me to pay for, because no way you have any money on you after wherever you've been, you barged in like a hurricane and demanded to see me, and why? Just because I dared to drive somewhere? The ca is the only thing you have to your name, you live in my aparment, off of my and your dad's money, which you still send on useless shit. You don't help me out with anything, whatever I do is not enough, even though last time you actually put any effort into our relationship was years ago, so when I decide to take a break and visit a place I actually feel welcome at, it's still somehow my fault."
Maybe if it weren't for the fact that your soon to be ex boyfriend's face was getting redder with your every word, you could actully focus on the weight being lifted from your soul after that monologue. But Leo didn't look just mad, but insane. A small part of you started regretting your words, but feeling Marcus' and Carl's presence slightly calm you down. Still, when he took another step towards you,your body tensed up and you took an instinctive step towards Macus, trusting him to intervene if something went wrong. And given how your stomach squeezed uncomfortably, the situatio was more than likely heading that way.
But Leo, of course, noticed this "Bullshit." he spat out "I try, so fucking hard to please you, to be enough for you. Every day, all I think about is you. So sometimes, I need something to help me relax. But none of you," he turned around to direct his words not only to you, but his father as well "none of you get that. You all just bring me down." at this point, Leo was borderline yelling and you tried to stop your body from shaking, out of fear or adrealine, you didn't know. "I was worried, have you thought about that?" he focused on you again"I was worried where you were, what happened. So I looked for you. And when I finally found you, my fucking girlfriend, what do I see?"he turns his attention to Marcus now, both of the men staring deep into each other's eyes "I found you all over this fucking piee of plastic." he growled with disdain "I have no idea what you and dad see in these monstrosities-" he would continue, if it wasn't for Carl jumping in "Leo, that's enough!" the old man said sternly, even though you knew very well how much it pained him. As Leo was turning around to face is father, Marcus grabbed his shoulder firmly "Perhaps you should leave." he said, keeping his voice calm, although you knew that he was anything but calm. You never noticed how expressive Marcus' eyes were until today...
"Not without her I'm not!" Leo jerked away from the android's hold, turning to face you again, bringing you out of your thoughts. "I told you, I'm not going anywhere." you said, suddenly more tired than anything "I'll pay for your fucking taxi, but it's the last time I ever want to see you." you offered, just wanting him to be gone already. You knew you didn't have to do it and that it would probably be wiser to not do it, but you just wanted him out of everyone's hair. At least for today. Carl sure didn't need this day to be more stressful than it already was.
Surprisingly, Leo huffed "Fine." and you pulled some money out of your wallet and handed it to him. And with that, he turned on his heel, muttering "Fucking bitch..." as he walked out, making Carl almost scold him again, but you placed your hand on his shoulder as a sign to let him go.
After that exchange, the tension disappeared from the room, until Carl moved to the table and you sat next to him, Marcus standing by Carl's side. For a while, none of you said a word, until he old artist sighed "I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know it was that bad." he muttered apologetically and you shook your head "It's ok, you couldn't have known." and after that, you had a very long conversation with Carl about you, Leo and everything that has been going on with him. Some of it he knew, most of it he didn't. You went through many different emotions during that conversation. Frustration, anger, but mostly relief. It was finally over. When the tears started maing their way down your face, you felt Marcus' hand gently squeeze your shoulder and you grabbed it with a sniffle, intertwining your fingers to ground yourself. You felt Carl's eyes follow your every move during that interaction, but you didn't look at him.
Finally, after the tears had mostly dried, the old man sighed "I think...I think I need to lie down." he said quietly and you almost apologised. Almost. Mrcus let go of your shoulder to help him, leaving you alone. After they disappeared up the stairs, you stood up and went into the small bathroom on the ground floor, to wash your face, now sticky from all the tears you've shed, but also to get your mind together. You knew you would have to leave at one point, but you really didn't want to go to your apartment. And definitely not alone. After all, Leo still had the keys. Changing the locks would be a pain, as well as making sure he won't try to pull some other shit in the ext few weeks, maybe even months. You knew that there was a chance he would leave you alone, but something was telling you it would not be so easy. Not with Leo. You sighed and returned to the kitchen, only to find Marcus already there, waiting for you.
"Would you like a cup of tea? There's an herbal mix that should help you calm down." he asked you so gently you thought you would start crying again. Instead you just sniffled and ndded with a thsnkful smile "That would be lovely, thank you." As Marcus started preparing the tea, you found yourself sanding awkwardly a few steps away from him, leaning against the counter. It felt wrong to just sit down. You didn't even know what to do with your eyes, or what to say, but luckilly Marcus beat you to it "Carl said to tell you that you should stay here tonight. Unless you don't want to of course." he informed you as gently as before. "No, that would actually be very nice, thank you." you said, relieved "I'll nee to bring some take out for him as a thank you." you said, knowing very well the artist liked some junk food every once in a while, despite his doctor's protests, as a treat. "You don't have to do that." Macus turned to you, while carefully filling up your cup with the hot water. You shook your head and closing your eyes with a sigh "It's only right, after what happened today."
Suddenly, you feel a presence right in front of you and you open your eyes to fid Marcus right in front of you. He leans forward, resting his hands on the counter on either side of your body, looking deeply into your eyes "You may feel like it, but none of this is your fault. You didn't deserve the way he treated you and you're not stupid, or a failure for getting tangled up in that." he said quietly, but firmly enough to let you know you should better get it through your thick head sooner than later. You gulped as you got lost in his mesmerising eyes that told you how sure he was of what he has just told you. And suddenly, your hands found their way to his chest, catching the android slightly by surprise. His eyes seemed to pull you in, until you realised that your faces actually were getting closer, both of you leaning towards each other, none of you brave enough to clos the gap entirely.
You saw something in Marcus's eyes shift and he exhaled, lowering his head unti it was resing on your shoulder. You almost automatically wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close. "I'm sorry, I..." he started, but agai, didn't quite know how to continue "This is all very new to me, but... something is telling me I- we should wait." he confesses, chosing to bluntly say what he was feeling, probaby figuring out you knew he gained the ability to feel and that he definitely felt something for you. He could feel you nod next to his head "Yeah, that's...that's probably for the best." you pulled away slightly, and he could sense that your body temperature rose slightly, especially in your face "But in the future...I would really like to try again...I think." you said bashfully and Marcus couldn't help the smile growing across his face.
Sure, you had a long journey of healing and finding yourself ahead of you. And inevitably, he would have to talk to Carl about his deviation, but as long as he could figure out his newly gained sentience alongside you and help you flourish again and find that spark that had almost been snuffed out of you, he could wait for eternity.
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infernothechaosgod · 2 months
Okay so i've been thinking of renaming the disney bro's because you know since there public domain now it would be weird reffering to them in that context by yhe name of company that litellary fucked up the law of entering public domain
So if you remember some time ago I was saying i have two options in mind Fugitive bro's and chain breaking bro's, so after thinking a bit figitive bro's sounds heaven better ALSO I do have a group in Public shock thats named "chain breakers" and I think it fits alot
Plus both oswald and mickey (julius too if ya count him in) Are chaotic and mischievous at their core, If few shorts oswald has he broke law like 9 times at least (most trying to impress fanny) and mickey? He got so silly and goofy and silly that he caused a thinner disaster in EM and lord forbid what happens when he finds a mirror, also since I already mentioned EM Lemme remind you that oswald almost definitley trained his kids around junk mountain to throw mickey into thinner (my little devilish bunbun's i love them sm)
So ye
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✨️Fugitive brothers✨️it is
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eg515 · 11 months
I want to tell you all a bit about what is currently happening in Hungary because once again the government chose Pride Month (which is in July here) to attack the lgbtq+ community. Three news from just the past week: queer books are wrapped in plastic in bookshops, a bench painted in rainbow colours started a war in Budapest, and a law about retirement was modified to specifically exclude trans women. I'm sure others posted about these, probably could put it better than me, but here it is in one place.
Books: two years ago the government passed a so-called "child protection" law, but it's most commonly reffered to as the anti-gay law. The law is supposed to protect children, but it bans all media depictions of anything that would "promote homosexuality" or different gender identities.
The law is hard to understand on purpose, to make it unclear what is against the law and what isn't, resulting in the censoring of everything even remotely not cishet in fear of accidentally breaking the law. One notable example of this is commercials on tv. All media "promoting" homosexuality or gender change has to have an age restriction on it, including commercials. But since it is unclear what this means, now all tv ads have a 12+ rating, on every channel.
Previously bookstores which sell lgbt themed books had to make this clear and separate these books, which resulted in many bookstores having signs on their doors saying they sell these books. Some bookstores were fined for failure to comply.
Last week people started noticing that in the biggest bookstore chain, Libri, certain books were wrapped in clear plastic. This all happened because of the anti-gay law. Books including lgbtq characters are now wrapped in plastic and cannot be sold at the YA section of the store, they are moved to the adult section, regardless of the topic. Multiple writers called this out on social media, finding their own books wrapped up and moved.
Once again, since the law in unclear, Libri is wrapping up random books, because there is no clear guideline what goes against the law and what doesn't.
From literally two hours ago: one of the biggest bookstore chains, Líra, was just fined for 12 million forints (approx. 35k dollars) for selling Heartstopper without the wrapping, in the YA section.
The Bench: last Thursday, Amnesty International, with the permission of the mayor of the district, painted a bench in Budapest rainbow colours.
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This was supposed to symbolise love and acceptance, especially during Pride Month. Since then, the bench was painted 6 more times. First, two men belonging to the neonazi fanclub of the local football club painted the bench the club colours, green and white. Amnesty International filed a police report, and painted the bench back to the rainbow colours.
Then the bench was painted green and white by two football fans yet again, this time with the message "stop lmbtq". After this, someone painted it back to brown, and left a note saying "I just want to be a bench. Which is good for everyone. To you. To them. To us."
After this Amnesty International repainted it with the rainbow colours. Then just today, a right-wing party, Mi Hazánk painted it red-white-green, the national colours, and stated that they will offer protection to the football fans, they will do the sane painting to any rainbow coloured anything they find anywhere in the country, and if anyone paints over it, they will file a police report for damaging a national symbol.
update: just a few hours after the last painting, unknown people wrapped the bench in plastic, with the message "Lately LGBTQ+ content can only be in public in wrapping", referencing the plastic wrapped books
The transphobic retirement law: back in 2010, Fidesz, the current ruling party made a promise during its campaign, which since then became a law. Currently this "Nők40" (Women40) law allows women to retire after 40 years of work, including time spent raising a child, as a way to honour women.
In 2006 the EU ruled that transgender people are entitled to retirement according to the gender they are when retiring. In line with this, earlier this year a Hungarian court ruled in favour of a trans woman, allowing her to retire after 40 years of work, due to the Nök40 law. It is worth noting that she has legally changed her gender in all her offical papers in 2013, and only found out in 2021 that the pension payer still had her registered as a man, and due the transphobic Law 33 passed in 2020, the pension payer refused to correct her gender. The court later ruled in her favour though, and she can retire.
Now, a member of Fidesz argues that this ruling is "a gross provocation and a slap in the face of the legal system". She urged lawmakers to changed the law and make it clear what they mean by women, reminding everyone that Fidesz still maintains that there are only two biological genders.
This was yesterday. By today, a change in the law was prepared. The announcement said the law has been clear for everyone with common sense, but to avoid any "sensitized" judge using this legal loophole, they are now amending it so it stated the early retirement is for everyone who "worked as a woman for 40 years". They claim now nobody can just decide to suddenly want to be a woman for early retirement after working as a man for 39 years. Because obviously early retirement, in a country where it is impossible to make ends meet just on pension alone, is the main reason someone would "decide" to be trans. Obviously.
so, this is where we're at in Hungary, two days before the Budapest Pride Parade. another Pride Month, another attack on lgbtq rights. I don't really have a point with this, I don't want to guilt trip anyone. Just spreading the word, since we rarely read about non-usamerican news.
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What makes you think Arya is going to be queen in the north?
A lot of things actually. This is going to be long.
First of all, in the first book, Ned tells Arya:
"You," Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, "will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon." — Eddard V, A Game of Thrones
I always thought that was significant, especially because then she tells Sansa, who at that moment was betrothed to an actual prince, this:
“Sweet one,” her father said gently, “listen to me. When you’re old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who’s worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong.” — Sansa III, A Game of Thrones
It could be nothing, really; to be honest, it could just be Ned trying to make his daughters feel better in the best way he could, but I still find it strange how it was exchanged between the sisters; Sansa will be betrothed to a Lord, and Arya to a Prince— it feels a little too much like foreshadowing. The Sansa part is more understandable because there’s only one Prince at the moment (well, two counting Tommen but he’s a bastard Baratheon, so of course he’s out of the equation just like Joffrey was), but then why would Ned say Arya will marry a prince, when it’s clear he has no intention of betrothing his daughters to the king’s sons?
Maybe because she is going to be crowned queen, and whoever she marries will be a king. How can she be crowned, if she’s in Essos currently training to be a Faceless Man?
That takes me to Lady Stoneheart, who Arya saved when she warged into Nymeria. Arya technically brought her mother back using her connection to her direwolf, and Beric Dondarrion gave her the kiss of life— so the gods decided to accept the exchange between Beric and Catelyn’s lives, but why? Because they (or R'hllor, more likely) are angry at the Freys for breaking the guest right, which is reffered to as a sacred law. If we take into consideration the story Bran is told about the Rat Cook, then we know the gods don’t like it when the guest right is broken, which to me means they brought Catelyn back to avenge everyone who had broken that sacred law— that’s why Lady Stoneheart is so vengeful even though she’s only been brought back once (she was dead for more time, I know, but still) in comparison to Beric, who only really suffered from memory lost and losing himself after six times being revived by Thoros of Myr, Catelyn came back even worse, which makes me believe she’s being used as a weapon by the gods, who are angry at the Freys.
Now, Lady Stoneheart, in the last time we see her, has Robb’s crown
In [Lady Stoneheart’s] hands was a crown, a bronze circlet ringed by iron swords. She was studying it, her fingers stroking the blade as if to test their sharpness. Her eyes glimmered under her hood. — Brienne VIII, A Feast for Crows
She’s holding onto that crown both for sentimental reasons (it belonged to her firstborn) and as a reminder of what the Freys did to her family. But I think she’s waiting for one of her children to appear. Now this is pure speculation, but I think Catelyn knows somehow her children are alive— maybe she met with Ned and Robb in the afterlife (is that how George calls Heaven? I can’t remember lol) and realized none of her other children are there except for Robb.
Now, even if that’s not true because it’s speculation, Catelyn is aware that Sansa was “de-legitimized” by Robb on his official will:
"A king must have an heir. If I should die in my next battle, the kingdom must not die with me. By law Sansa is next in line of succession, so Winterfell and the north would pass to her." His mouth tightened. "To her, and her lord husband. Tyrion Lannister. I cannot allow that. I will not allow that. That dwarf must never have the north." — Catelyn V, A Storm of Swords
So Sansa is no longer the next in line of succession because Robb “took her out” of the will, in a way. So who’s next, now that Robb’s heir, Jon, is also dead? And yes, we all know Melisandre is bringing him back, but between Jon and Arya who Catelyn would choose as the next ruler of the North?
Lady Stoneheart is waiting for one of her children to come to her so she can crown them, and given the connection Arya has with the Riverlands and that both Rickon and Bran are far away. If Rickon is smuggled by Davos, he’d be taken to White Harbor and presented to Wyman Manderly, which isn’t in anyway close to where the Brotherhood without Banners is; Bran is too busy being a tree. That only leaves us Arya.
Why do I think Arya is going to be crowned? Her direwolf is the alpha of a pack of wolves in the Riverlands; the Brotherhood without Banners knows Arya and would support her claim; Brienne and Jaime swore to protect the Stark sisters… it all comes together to Arya being queen, with Brienne and Jaime as part of her Queensguard, and the BwB as her army (and if Edric Dayne ever shows up, I believe he would also support her claim). She will be crowned in the Inn of the Kneeling Man, where the last King in the North, Torrhen Stark, kneeled to Aegon the Conqueror.
I don’t think it’s going to last, however— Arya might like or dislike being queen, we don’t know, but she would give the crown to either of her brothers (Jon, Bran or Rickon) without question. But I think it’s important that Arya, as Queen, leaves the northmen to take back Winterfell and for her to stay there until either one of her siblings comes back— which probably will be Jon since he’s the closest, but maybe it’ll be Rickon once Wyman hears the northmen have taken Winterfell with Arya as their queen. (Wishful thinking again, but we may even get an Arya and Rickon reunion in White Harbor and have the two siblings leaving the armies as queen and king)
Now, how will Arya get to the Riverlands if she’s in the House of Black and White training with the Faceless Men? I think there’s going to be big fallout between Arya and the Faceless Men, which will make Arya go back to Westeros and seek out Nymeria, and maybe even Gendry and the BwB in the last place she saw them. And if she hears her mother is back, she’s going to go look for her. Let’s remember this:
That night she went to sleep thinking of her mother, and wondering if she should kill the Hound in his sleep and rescue Lady Catelyn herself. — Arya XII, A Storm Of Storms
And this:
It was her mother she wanted, not her mother's sister. — Arya XII, A Storm of Swords
We are reminded constantly that Arya loves her mother. If she had the change to see her again, she’ll take it in a heartbeat. And once they meet again, Catelyn will crown her. Also:
"In that one she was always looking for her mother, stumbling through a wasted land of mud and blood and fire. It was always raining in that dream, and she could hear her mother screaming, but a monster with a dog’s head would not let her go save her." — Cat of the Canals, A Feast for Crows
Could be about the Red Wedding and Arya’s guilt for not being able to stop the Freys for murdering her family (which is obviously not her fault— she was just a kid and there was nothing she could’ve done), but it could also foreshadow their reunion.
So yeah, I believe Arya going to be Queen in the North, if not permanently. But I do think she’s going to take back Winterfell and kill the Boltons, especially when we know this:
Dressing her in grey and white serves no good if the girl is left to sob. The Freys may not care, but the northmen… they fear the Dreadfort, but they love the Starks. — The Turncloak, A Dance with Dragons
What do you think passes through their heads when they hear the new bride weeping? Valiant Ned's precious little girl. — The Turncloak, A Dance with Dragons
The Northmen will help Arya and support her claim as Queen in the North is they discover Ramsay married a girl who was pretending to be Arya. I believe that would be the final push that would make them raise arms against the Boltons and go to Arya to help the Stark girl take back her home and her name, which Ramsay took from her and gave it to someone else.
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Dark Code + Customs
Life in the Dark Forest is rather different from that of the typical Clan life. So why not explore the rules and customs?
Note: a major different between DF and Clan life is that Clan laws are enforced and, well, LAWS, whereas 'rules' in the DF or more things that are generally agreed-upon, but cannot be 'broken,' in the sense that a code can be broken. However, consequences can still follow. For example, it's well agreed upon that kits are not to be harmed. If someone goes against this, they will still face consequences in that someone will beat their ass up.
In this post, I will still refer to these general agreements as 'rules' for simplicity's sake.
Wide-Spread Rules
--As stated above, kits and apprentices are not to be harmed physically, emotionally, or in any other sense.
--Do not attack cats with leaf-wrap collars. They are working medicine cats and are useful.
Wide-Spread Customs
--A parent (or both) must go to a still-working leader if they wish for said leader to conduct the ceremonies for their kits.
--Before an apprentice ceremony, the leader, both/all parents (or the one if they are raising their kit alone), and Fungichomp (if the kit was raised inside the Daycare) must agree that the chosen mentor is suitable. The mentor can be someone already close to the kit, such as kin. The mentor must agree as well.
--A mentor may be watched or joined by more trusted cats to ensure the apprentice's safety.
--A ceremony does not have to be necessary for a kit to become an apprentice or an apprentice to become a warrior, however it is typical for those who want their new name and rank to feal more 'real.'
--Leaders typically mark warriors they name with a symbolic scar. It is up to the receiver if they wish to receive this scar and where it is placed (these may range depending on who the leader is).
--Due to the mass population, not everyone attends ceremonies. Only cats that are family, friends, or the planned mentor usually attend, however onlookers are welcome.
--Due to the vast population of the Dark Forest and lack of borders for territories, cats have come to add specific words to the ends of their names.
For example: Alderstar and his family live in the Eye-Out Thorns. Due to this, they would be refferred to as [name]-Eye-Out, such as Alder-Eye-Out.
This is typically used when being introduced or talked about to someone who does not already know the cat or family well, otherwise they are simply refferred to by there name.
--As well, some families have chosen to keep a certain theme.
For example: someone named Hawktree becomes mate with someone named Honeyfinch. They both have bird-related names, and therefore will name their kits Sparrowkit, Kitekit, or Eaglekit.
To go further, say that Honeyfinch's name was instead Twigfinch. Then they and their mate both have bird AND plant-related names. In this case, the full names of their kits could be Sparrowfern, Kitebush, or Eaglebranch. Here, the prefixs and suffixes are interchangeable.
For Your Safety
These are things that aren't necessarily rules, much less in the sense that the above are 'rules,' but are instead things most know or agree on to be the case in order to ensure one's health.
To better distinguish, the above 'rules' are what is agreed upon as a general society. This part lists what is agreed upon for the individual's sake.
--Do not harm kits or young apprentices. You will be harmed in turn (Or as Cam put it, 'hit kit, eat shit').
--Do not travel through unfamiliar territory without a trusted escort that knows the way, you may never make it out.
--If you find yourself walking into the same place again and again, keep walking forward. Don't make any turns. You will make it out eventually.
--Walk slow in the fog, and watch your every step. A cliff could be anywhere.
--Do not enter the black waters. It is near impossible to get free of the sucking mud hidden beneath, and you will either be held below, or will become so exhausted from trying to get free that you will no longer be able to hold your head above the surface.
--Do not go immediately from The Brumal to The Torrid, or vice versa. Your body will not be able to handle the instant change in temperature and go into shock. If you are in one and need to enter the other, either circle around or inch forward by the day.
--Cats in the Seamlands are best to be avoided. Do not enter the territory, and do not have kits with a tom named Webstripe unless you do not care if he is not part of their lives.
--If Myrtlewing Eye-Out takes a sudden, intense interest in your well-being, he is lying (--by Lampreypelt).
--Do not enter The Sward (--by Perchclaw).
--Don’t sit too close to especially big cats, they can sit down and squidge you by accident (--by Avery).
—Do not make fun of dark kits or cats with deformities. This is a quick and easy way to learn the color of your innards (--by Wormtongue).
--If Wormtongue talks to you and he insults you one too many times, you are allowed to beat his ass without punishment (--by Mudpatch).
—When approaching an elder, it is generally a good idea to be polite. They’ve survived this long in the Dark forest for a reason (-- by Possumpuddle).
--Do not steal toys or comfort items (--by Mellowtooth).
Feel free to suggest more!
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herzgeist-writes · 9 months
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26) At Peace
Pairing: Law x fem!reader | Word count: 6.4k | Warnings: none
Dividers by cafekitsune
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"Slow down, Phea! I don't have these special squirrel powers like you!" - "Oh bugger! No blamin' my super ninja skills, (Y/n)!", the squirrel mink Phea swings from branch to branch with ease, as for you can barely keep up with her pace. Climbing up the uneven bark of a giant nutmeg tree, your eyes accidently peek down, leaving you breathless and whimpering out of shock. You are easily almost two hundred feet off the ground. If it weren't for your stomach of steel, others might have already lost their poise, close to retching.
To Phea's notice, she comes back to your level, supporting you gently with her hand on your back: "Don't look down now eh? We don't want ya to land on your keghead, do we?" - "My god...are we finally there yet? It's been an hour now!"
Chuckling to your complaint, she heaves you up a larger branch and helps you steady your wobbly legs. Pointing to the tree crown not far above, she declares gleefully: "We're almost there! My hideout is right there on top. Hang on!"
It takes a second for you to realise, that Phea has hooked her arm under yours and instructs you to suck in your gut. Wait, what? With one powerful jump, she slings the both of you up through the tree's pointy twigs and leafs, earning a surprised yelp from you.
After that turbulent leap of faith, your eyes widen by the scenery emerging before you. What a sight to behold. An ocean of trees spreads over the lands and a majestic looking old temple peeks through the green gardens. The sun hits your face and heats up the air around you, the sweat trickling down your back.
"Beautiful, isn't it? Now, I want you to hold on to this, and we'll glide over to that temple ye?", Phea huffs satisfied, as she readies the glider in the small tree house cabin, on the wooden plattform that you took a stand. This woman is going to be the death of you. She sure is an adrenaline junky, you think to yourself, while watching the mink preparing your lift.
She guides you through the whole procedure and shows you where to land, fastening a rope to your hips, which is secured onto the glider. "Alright, all set? Awesome! Fair winds and blue skies! I'll see ya at the meeting point!" - "Wai- WOAH!", she pushes you off the edge and the glider carries you over the breathtaking picturesque jungle beneath.
The wind smoothly glides along your skin and your heart nearly beats out of your chest in excitement. Birds in all kinds of colours fly along side you, forming a 'V' flock formation. That feeling is mesmerizing and you can't help but to laugh in astonishment.
You can see the temple growing taller, getting closer and closer. This is it. Doing as Phea told, you unlock the safety rope and let yourself fall into the green lush below. Enormous leafs catch and cushion your long fall, softly sliding along the giant plant onto the ground.
As your feet touch the earth, you let out a cheer of enthrallment. Close behind you follows Phea, also coming down from her high. "THAT...was fucking amazing!" - "See? Told ya this is wicked!", you laugh delightedly, beaming at your quirky friend. Thus, she leads the way to the reffered temple right infront of you.
"I must warn ya though, no word to Wanda! I'll be road kill, if she finds out!", she mutters lowly, telling you to keep this discreet. Curious, you ask her who else knows about this. The squirrel girl gives you a short kept clarification: "Well, Wanda and Carrot, but they're not aware that me and my sister Tristan do too."
Oh dear, this turns out to be much more of a hassle than it ought to be in the first place. However, you find it strange, that this temple is forbidden to enter. "What is it with the arctic and your mink tribe? Aren't you the same kin?", this question let's Phea's fur stand on end. Anxiously she shushes you with a finger on your mouth.
"Don't you ever mention this back in the village. They will claw your eyes out...", alarmed, the squirrel sways her tail back and forth, close to whispering these words to you. Following her up the stairs, you grasp the moonstone in your hand firmly. This is the moment of truth. After months of research, this will hopefully provide you some clarity to the darkness roiling inside you.
Phea stutters, interrogating you cautiously: "So, why do ya need to know more about the arctic tribe? You friends with one or something?" - "You could say that. I'm actually trying to find out more about the moonstone's powers." By hearing that, the woman next to you freezes in place, her eyes filled with terror.
Seeing her trembling makes your head tilt in concern: "What is it?" - "This cursed thing? D-Do you have it...here?" With the pendant in hand, you show it to her by lifting it up, presenting the marvelous stone. Nothing comprehesive spills out of her, as she takes a few steps back.
"Are you actually...chosen?", Phea turns to you in worry, holding her quivering hands together. In a quick shrug you signalise your uncertainty and explain the events you've experienced relating this relic. A fascinated huff escapes your friend, as she comes closer to you again: "(Y/n), this is the reason why the arctic and jungle minks seperated. They are obsessed with the might of their so called goddess Tsukiyomi. Given our true form, as known as Sulong, as soon as we gaze upon the moon, we are granted with more strength and speed, regardless our subrace. The arctics found a way to commune with the goddess and even sacrifice themselves to earn more and more power. They're practically addicts!"
Listening to her tellings, you two follow through the wide halls of the imperious temple. A few holes in the upper walls let the light shine through, making it easier to orient yourself in this cobble stone maze. Moss and other plants uknown to you crawl along the ground, reaching up to the ceiling, nearly burying over the whole stone underneath.
At the end of the corridor appears a giant cube formed stele, encarved with strange looking language. Your eyes widen in wonder: "A poneglyph..." - "Scary eh? Ancient history of our ancestors is inscripted on this invincible rock, but given the fact, that this temple his forbidden, only shows that this one must tell the story of our seperation with the arctics."
Intimidating. There's so many questions, but it's impossible to get answers out of this unintelligeble language on this stele. How unfortunate, to this point there's no reason to stay here. Perhaps Phea is able to tell you more about the incidient and the deity.
"You mentioned Tsukiyomi. Who was Faemunlin then?" - "To be honest with ya, I have no clue. The only thing I know, he was a chosen guardian wearing this exact stone!.", this information enlightens you immensely. You understand now.
Everything what Yukino told you, back at Minion Island. Faemunlin wasn't a god, he was a guardian of the gods, a human bestowed with power beyond imagination, earning the, so to speak 'title' of a demi-god. The thoughts begin to race in your head. That stone, it's testing the bearers might, to see if one is worthy. It's the power source of a guardian.
Recalling to Yukino's told tales, Faemunlin disobeyed Tsukiyomi's conviction, to kill everyone with the will, the enemy who carries this name, instead, he fell in love with a D to his demise. He sealed his own fate. This is rather tragic. The dream you had, taking shape more or less.
As far as you know, you haven't received a clear sign of being the "chosen one", however for a short amount of time, it felt like it, after the incident at the Red Marrow Isles. A shiver runs down your spine, as it dawns on you, that you'll have to be tested once more. You need to know, to be certain.
Strangely enough, you haven't had these terrible nightmares anymore, since the one at the City Isle. Maybe you aren't the chosen one? A mixture of relief and confusion makes itself vacant in you.
Coming to a conclusion, you'll have to find a substitute necklace and wear it around your neck. The stone must be carried by heart and to your knowledge, you'll have to face a worthy opponent, for it to trigger it's powers and induce them on you. 
"Phea, I think I've seen enough. Let's head back to the village.", hearing those words, the mink's tension visibly loosens off her shoulders, relieved by your decision.
"Zoro no! He shouldn't drink any alcohol in his state!", the little reindeer gives the swordsman a piece of his mind, seeing how he swung his arm around the shoulder of the freshly stitched up surgeon of death. Who would have thought, that a doctor needed help from another doctor?
Law's right arm is completely wrapped in bandages, which should indicate to anyone with common sense, that he shouldn't be handled roughly. That perscription falls on deaf ears of the pirate hunter, for he thrusts his wooden jug filled with sake into the air, wanting nothing but to converse with the annoyed supernova sitting beside him.
"Dammit!", Law exclaims, attempting to tear himself off the highly tending to get drunk swordsman, holding him in his clutches, not exaggeratedly speaking. Chopper supresses a little giggle, watching those two stoic men roughhousing unintendedly: "He's stubborn, but as long as he doesn't smuggle some alcohol into your mug, you should be fine." - "I think I'll just pass on any kind of liquid handed to me tonight..."
Zoro seems appalled by Law's declaration and nudges him playfully: "Oh come on Casanova! Just relax! You're able to see your crew and puppy again!" How the surgeon just wants to tear this imbecile apart. With his eyes wide open and pupils barely visible, he rasps at the green-hair: "Can you not? Stop this bullshit you dumbass!"
Laughing at his gripe, the pirate hunter takes another big sip of his mug, a wide grin spreading over his face. 'Beyond repair' crosses Law's mind, knitting his brows in a head shake. Chopper doesn't quite understand the meaning of this banter and asks innocently: "Puppy? Do you have a pet dog?"
This isn't happening. Not sure how to reply to that wholesome question, the surgeon only stutters a low 'No', practically breaking the tipsy swordsman next to him. Bursting out in a snort he adds: "In his case you could call it a pet!"
That was the last straw. Loosing all his composure, he snaps at the gawking in tears moss-head: "Fuck off! Give it a rest already!" The reindeer sweat drops and tries to avert from the current topic, scratching the back of his head. "I'm curious how Zou is like. You said your crew awaits you there?", Law sighs a strained groan and gives Chopper a light hum and a nod in confirmation.
Excited, a cute laugh escapes the Straw Hat's doctor and sparkles in the shape of stars beam out of his eyes: "This is all so nerve wracking. Well, the positive way I mean. But, I'll have to excuse myself for now. Need to check on some antipyretic analgesics for you. See ya!" How can something so cute talk so professionally? It's beyond Law's comprehension, but he considers it to be rather adorable, not likely admitting it to public that is.
Again, the swordsman presses his elbow into his sides coyly: "Pet." - "Shut up."
Time stands still for you, feeling as if you're on holidays, enjoying a safari trip. If only it weren't for the ever growing ache in your heart. You notice how the crew is overflowing in worry as well, drowning themselves in scittery and nervous conversations, speculating if something might have happend to the Captain.
The moon slowly switches places with the sun, the dark blue sky being enlightend by the soft white light of the trabant. Laying in your hammock, you stare up into the sky, a low little 'I love you' whispered to yourself, wishing he was here right now.
Dreamily closing your eyes, approaching footsteps keep you from taking a nap. Indeed, a nap. You weren't able to sleep the past few days, overthinking the Captain's arrival over and over again. Turns out to be more difficult than you anticipated. At the beginning, you were fully confident, that it will be bearable. Oh how wrong you were.
Tristan greets you warmly, giving you a sweet: "Garchu (Y/n), how are you doing? I thought I'd keep you company for a bit." - "Tristan! Garchu! That's really kind of you." Taking a seat next to you on a neighbouring hammock, she lets it sway back and forth playfully, joining you in watching the stars glide by faintly.
Surprised, the squirrel mink points to the sky: "Oh look! A shooting star! Make a wish!" Taken aback, your head shoots to the direction she indicates to you and you smile by the sight of the scene playing before you. The wish you make is more than obvious, Tristan however isn't aware and asks you about it, the curious girl she is.
Humming shyly, you reveal it to her: "I wish, that our Captain will arrive soon." Tristan's bushy tail starts to sway restlessly, as she looks at you knowingly. "I sense you want to mate with him." - "What the- Tristan! Since when have you been so straight foward?! N-No...I-", the way you hold yourself, trying to hide your creeping blush on your face, only lets the nurse burst into laughter.
There's no way you can hide your true feelings from her, mink's probably have a keen sense of smell or just have a very formidable intuition. Could turn out quite bothersome, if the topics they managed to identify aren't kept discreet.
"There's no denying it, apologies.", she humbly bows her head to you, her ears drooping slightly in abashment. Accepting her apology, you wave it off, not taking her statement personally. She is right however, you want him. The dream you had recently proves it quite vividly.
The hammock sways you from left to right, softly rocking you into tiredness. You feel how your eyelids grow heavier with each blink you take. The observant nurse Tristan is, huffs at you musedly and heaves herself out of the taut cloth: "I think it's time for you to take some rest. I wish you a good night, (Y/n)." Bearly capable to speak, you mumble a low 'Goo- nigh- Tris...tan'.
She gently closes the door to your balcony and makes sure, your little flat is secured. Her lips form into a content smile, thinking what a curious and loving human you are.
You feel hot. Why? Squiggling in your hammock, your eyes open up in a small crack, realising the warm rays of the sun dance through the air, heating you up like a sausage in a, quite literally, blanket. Did you just sleep through the night and day? Stretching out the strain in your neck, you feel yourself rested for the first in a long time. Delightful.
What's not so delightful, is the fact that you overslept once again. Storming into your room, hunting for some clothes and attempting to fix your hair in the mirror, you prepare to make your way to the inn's dining room, where you're supposed to meet your crew mates for breakfast.
A peek to the clock tells you, that it's way past breakfast time. "Oh my fu- gods.", you curse inwardly, picking up the pace and closing the door behind you with a loud slam. Running through the village you greet each and every citizen with a meak smile, which is no news to them already, for they have no other image of you. That's just you and they think it to be a charming trait of yours.
Arriving at the inn you calm your fastened breath and enter with a few last exhausted huffs. Of course, you missed everyone already, sighing in disappointment. Not completely alone, you get greeted by a giggling Phea, who works at the inn: "Well good morning keghead! Did you finally have a good night's or day's sleep? It's 5 pm." - "Garchu Phea! Unexpectedly I did!"
Thus you order the usual and the squirrel readies your food and drink, while holding a cheerful chat with you. It warms your heart, being that appreciated by these kind people here in Zou. You don't take that for granted, after all they did for you. Taking you in for uncoutable weeks is something to be incredibly grateful for, how will you ever be able to repay that.
Sipping on your coffee, you ask Phea about your team: "Do you know where my mates ran off to? I haven't seen a single one of them." - "Bepo mentioned something about your Captain's Vivre card moving, being all jumpy and excited about it." What? Is he finally coming? But you just started eating. Almost tempted to gulp down the food in one go, you take bigger bites out of it, not wanting to miss his arrival. Phea slows you down: "Alright alright, put ya hooves in your tracks! You'll be spewing it rather quickly if you keep up that pace!" Biting your lip, you rumble in impatience.
Unhurried, the Captain wanders through the calmed jungle paths, engulfed in the golden light of the sunset. Sounds of crickets chirping and frogs croaking resonate from the thicket below the giant nutmeg trees. A warm breeze wafts over the slightly nackered man, observing the Vivre card in his hand, following it's indication.
Loud rustling coming from the bushes near him, catches his attention, bringing him to a stand. Lifting his gaze from the paper to his surroundings, he notices the all to familiar faces, peeking through the green growth. His lips curl into a smile and a simple chuckle leaves him, by acknowledging the silly bunch he calls his crew.
Tears of joy shoot into Bepo's black beady eyes, seeing the Captain stand only a few feet away from him, supressing the roiled up anxiety within him, whimpering and sniffling the droplets on his fur away. Everybody cheers in content and relief, practically jumping out of the hiding: "Captain!"
Without a care in the world, the Vice Commander runs up and calls out to him, hopping into his arms, nearly crushing his superior in his bear hug: "You came for us!" Thrilled, they gather around their long-awaited Captain, throwing their fists into the air in glee. "I missed you! All the members of the heart pirates are here!", in a broken voice, the polar bear nuzzles up his snout against Law's cheek repeatedly, earning a sneer from him.
Shachi reluctantly interrupts this reunion, nevertheless questions if his intention is to squash his Captain alive. All flustered, the Vice Commander gets back to the ground again, apologizing humbly. Pointing out his astonishment, he adds: "Captain, I'm amazed to know you beat Doflamingo!" Law, hesitantly remarking it wasn't his work completely, gets interrupted by Penguin, who dives in, suggesting to hold the conversation to catch up elsewhere. The doctor agrees to it gladly with a low 'Okay' and follows them deeper into the forest.
This oversleeping habit is going against the grain for you. How come you always miss the best part of the day, everyday? There's definitely the need for a stronger waking method. Taking the final bite off your plate, you drink the last sip of coffee to wash it down: "Gods, how embarrassing...." - "Don't be ashamed (Y/n)! We love ya just like that! Wacky and crazy. I bet your crew does all the same!"
Her words give your face a light hue of red out of abashment and you hand over the empty dishes to her, humming a sweet tone. Preparing yourself to go on your way to meet the others, you get out of your seat: "If I can help you with tonight's dinner Phea, let me know alright? Though I might not need one." The squirrel already stands in the kitchen at the back and calls out her thanks to you, accepting your kind offer.
(If you're a music person like me - listen to this - trust me it suits the vibe - https://youtu.be/NemldjT9IZg - enjoy!)
Hence you turn on your heels, to go out the front door, but a tall and familiar silhouette leans at the frame, looking straight at you. Your heart leaps out of your chest, almost immediately recognising that lean figure, presumedly waiting for you. Hesitantly you approach him and the mere shadows along his thin physique disperses into splashes of colour.
Wearing a black west with a yellow heart encircling his left side, he doesn't miss out on his usual spotted jeans and of course - his hat. A beige backpack is slung over his shoulders and his right arm is bandaged up completely. You can't believe your eyes.
Trembling in falter, your hands cover your mouth, preventing a touched cry from becoming too loud: "Holy shit...look at you, Trafalgar Law! I never thought anyone could mature that much in a brief amount of months, but here you stand!" Steel eyes mellow at your exclaim. Gradually setting his weapon to the side, he opens his arms, inviting you over.
And there you are, enclosed in his warm arms, snuggling up against his strongly heaving chest, listening to his heart, which is beating rather rapidly. You feel how your own beat synchronizes with his, closing your eyes, taking in his energy. Law's head props up on yours, also nestling his cheek against you. Phea comes back from the kitchen, but before she can even enter through the door, she freezes at the ongoing before her: "Oh, umm. I think I forgot something in the stove...I'll be right...uh."
Backing up, she considerately closes the door again, not wanting to disturb this reuniting. The Captain takes a step back to take a closer look at you, without a single word. How you long to hear his entrancing voice to speak. With utmost care, his slim hands cup your face, lifting up your gaze.
If it weren't for the evening ambience and your tensed breathing, everything around you grows silent, nothing in the world doesn't seem to dare interfere the closeness between him and you. Tears gather in the corner of your eyes out of joy as you muster a shy whisper: "You've been on my mind all the time." Languidly pressing his forehead against yours, the tip of his hat being pushed upwards, he replies uncharacteristically soft: "As you have been on mine."
And finally, you bring up the courage to kiss him. When you carefully inched closer to his face, you saw a hint of nervousness and fluster in his mesmerizing grey irises. You feel his lips quivering under yours, as you melt into him. Impulsively yet cautious, he pulls you in, the need for your touch only intensifying. The hands that cupped your face, glide down your neck, along your waist and come to rest on your hips.
At long last, his heart feels at peace, knowing you are alright. Even more than that. You stand there, in his arms, sharing his breath. It incomparably exhilarates him, for a satisfied sigh leaves him in between the kisses he plants onto your honey sweet lips.
Before it gets overly heated, he parts from you, pulling a hair strand from your face: "The others are waiting outside. Already up and about on gathering food for tonights banquet. We might want to warn your friend in the kitchen over there." - "Oh my! I'll inform her in a minute. But, how did you know I was here?"
Your innocent question lets the Captain smile subtly, as he declares: "They only jested you'd probably still be eating breakfast at this inn. Turns out they weren't wrong." Facepalming in embarrassment, you mumble your apologies through your fingers and he laughs lighty to your surprise. Taking your shielding hands in his, he gently places a kiss on your delicate skin of your digits, his gaze not a second wavering from your deep (e/c) ones, signalising you to calm down.
This simple gesture incinarates you entirely and lets you feel things, you missed so terribly all these months. Slinging the nodachi back on his shoulder, he motions you to get prepared for a joyful evening and you do as told, searching for the squirrel mink in the kitchen: "Hey Phea! The crew will be arriving with fresh ingredients soon. Up for a cooking party?" - "I bet ya! This is going to be a pretty wicked reunion feast ye?", confirming her question with a thumbs up, you take a look back at the front door, waving at your Captain in full delight, who tips his hat at you with his trademark smirk.
It fills you with joy, seeing the crew singing and dancing in elation, crowding up the whole inn. Together with Phea, you serve the food in pots and bowls of all sizes on the tables, for everyone to enjoy. You see Ikkaku hanging out with Clione and Uni, probably gossiping on and on. On the other side you discover Shachi and Penguin, toasting a bottle of sake and already awaiting his Captain, sitting at the table, is no other than Bepo, just like you taking in the vibe of his surroundings.
Carefully placing your hand on his shoulder, you ask for his well-being, who at first jumps at your sudden ministration, but grins all over both ears by hearing your voice, replying cheerfully: "Captain introduced us to the Straw Hats and invited them to our inn to share this feast with us. A few accepted, so he's bringing them over!" - "Really? This is going to be so awesome!"
With the inn full to the brim, the banquet is in full swing. Not for long, you hear Law booming through the crowd saying: "Be nice to my crew, I don't want any idiotic incidents tonight." - "Calm down, Tora-o!" That voice. Have you heard it somewhere before? That boy's laugh isn't hard to overhear and you scan the area, trying to find that face to that chipper giggling.
You take a seat at the bar and let your gaze hover over the heads, listening to the conversations, each more entertaining than the other. Then, you suddenly get fist bumped into your upper arm: "Wolf girl, long time no see." - "Roronoa! Indeed, it's been a while!" The green-head smiles, leaning at the counter next to you.
Jestingly you ask if he's in for a drink, to which of course he can't say no. In a swift movement you get to work, serving him a glass full of rich alcohol, earning a delighted grin from the swordsman, who nods at you gratefully.
"Say, I hope you are behaving around my Captain, pirate hunter?", you muse as you ready a few glasses more for additional possible orders, "As good as I can, he's a tough guy. A'ight, I'll head over to the others, see you around (Y/n)." In reply you let out a whole-hearted laugh and wish him a nice evening, as to your surprise, a little creature tries greet you.
It hops up and down and waves at you: "Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself! I'm Chopper!" - "O-Oh my god, hello! You need anything?" Kindly declining your offer he thanks you for the feast you served tonight, while munching on a candy apple. What a kind small...racoon? "Not to be rude or anything, but what are you, exactly?" - "Oh, I'm a reindeer! You're one of a few not just presuming anything, thank god!", bursting out in low titters, you give Chopper a head pat.
He gives you a shy chuckle and adds, before going his way: "I must mention, your Captain is a formidable doctor! I am one myself! It's so cool to exchange some knowledge with him, though he's kinda scary..." Surprised you let out a quiet gasp. Looking to the side, your gaze meets with Law's, who stands a few feet away from you, overhearing your chat with the reindeer. A perfect opportunity to tease: "Oh are you? Now I have two favorite doctors!" - "Oh stop it, you idiot! Haha, you don't mean that!"
Doing a little bashful dance, pink tints on Choppers cheeks as he smiles over both antlers. So, you take a peek through the corner of your eye, able to identify an overall flustered surgeon of death, doing his typical bashful hat move, turning away to hide from you, seeking company elsewhere. (Y/n) : 1 , Law : 0.
Let's see how this evening turns out, this ought to be rather stimulating.
After rearranging some pots and bowls with freshly made food, people are up for round two, giving you and Phea a hearty cheer. "Ya lot is crazy cute, I like 'em buggers!", the squirrel mink conveys to you with a sweet hum, to which you reply with an eager nod, telling her that they are the best out there.
Unexpectedly, a tall skeleton walks by you and stops in it's tracks as it sees you sitting at the bar: "Hello! You must be the lovely lady who served this banquet am I correct?" - "Th-that's me! Hope you can enjoy it...since...well. You are-" Not sure how to break it to him without actually offending him in anyway, he interrupts cheery: "Dead? Indeed! However, you're food is so delicious, my face is about to fall off."
For a fleeting moment, he only giggles inwarldy, noticing your struggle and proceeds: "Wait, I don't have a face...yohoho!" You can't help but crack up, covering your mouth to supress the outburst. That was not what you anticipated and you swipe away the tears: "Never have I ever met a skeleton this odd before! Can I offer you something to drink?" With a sophisticated bow he takes the offer and watches you prep another glas.
Thanking you, he gets stuck on a tone of curiousity and apparently means to asks for your name indirectly, thus you introduce yourself warmly. In a swoon he utters: "Glad to make your aquaintance, (Y/n). First and foremost, I have a question for you." - "Shoot." There is this dramatic build up again, as if he's preparing another joke, but you're deftly wrong about that assumption. Lowering his voice, he directs: "May I see your panties?"
Before you can even buffer what he just said, a loud thud against his head takes you aback, for an orange-haired lady just knocked sense into the skeleton. "I'm so sorry! That's typical for ol' Brook here. Please forgive him. Oh, I'm Nami by the way! Nice to meet you!", she rambles, words coming out of her like a machine gun. You don't know what to say, but only chuckle to that silly display of her tearing away that yelping skeleton, complaining about that bump she punched into his skull. How is that even possible?
Another person joins the fun, laughing at you :"Hey! You must be the Wolf girl Tora-o told me about! I saw you at the auction house, I remember you pulled a pretty brave stunt!" This must be Monkey D. Luffy, the infamous Straw Hat. What a night! So many new faces that you'll have to remember and it's not all of them.
"He told you right, I'm (Y/n). You must be Luffy, I heard you were great at Dressrosa!" - "Yup! And yeah I kicked Mingo's ass! That bastard doesn't deserve any better.", though this is a simple and delightful conversation, you are at unease in his presence. There is something about him, it's unclear to you, but it feels off. Is the D in his name concerning you?
"Oh, you got any left over meat somwhere? It's all out already.", such a bubbly boy, you're fascinated by how fast he changes the subject. Barely keeping up, you show him the way to the table, served with all kinds of meat dishes. In a blink of an eye, he storms off, screaming: "Thanks Okami!"
Okami? Did he really just give you a nickname? You don't specifically mind, but it's rather unusual to hear. Again, a shudder runs along your spine, hearing him laugh. Not that you think him awkward, quite the opposite, he is a handful sure, however you find him truly likeable. How can you not? Luffy supported your Captain beyond measure, to that you are tremendously grateful for.
Exhausted, you seek yourself to the bar, now preparing a drink for yourself, after all that ruckus. Now and then, members of your crew order a drink as well, but they don't keep you from sipping on that sweet fragrant wine. You close your eyes in felicity, indulging yourself in the faint grape aftertaste on your tongue. The burning liquid flows down your throat as you exhale in satisfaction. The white fluffy hat hovering through the crowd seizes your attention. Come to think of it, you haven't been able to talk to your Captain whole evening, not wanting to opress this poor man getting interrogated by each and every single crew member about his adventures.
You already resigned yourself to rest, which seems far from becoming a reality. Just as you took a seat back at the bar stool, a tall blonde man stands at the counter, puffing a cigarette, the smoke forming in to a heart as soon as he laid his eyes upon you: "What brings me the honor of crossing a lovely lady like you?" - "Who told you, you could smoke here Mister?"
Raising his curly brows at you he apologises and puts out the source off wafting lung clogging pungent. 'So demanding' he feebles, for now even his eyes take shapes of hearts. What is it with this man? "I'm Sanji, the Straw Hat's chef." - "(Y/n), you could say the heart pirate's Cargo Supervisor."
Resembling to Chopper's little bashful dance, he cups his reddening cheeks in his hands and expresses his pleasure in meeting you. One can see you are clearly getting uncomfortable around him being so foward, inching in on you without regard of personal space. Unconsciously, you observe that the Captain has exited out the front door, all the while you remain occupied with keeping this highly meddlesome man at bay.
"Sweet (Y/n)-chan, will you share the receipe to that amazing stew with me? You have no idea how much you inspired me!", he coos at you, attentively propping himself onto the heightend desk next to you. Without question, he's too close for comfort. On your temple builds a droplet of sweat, slowly gliding down you skin, only enhancing your hardship: "Well, uh...I-". Is all you're able to mutter, before the blonde vanishes in a fraction of a second, leaving you completely bedazzled.
"Miss me?", a more intriguing figure appears infront of you, flashing you a charming sneer that you find so overly attractive. Shit. (Y/n) : 1 , Law : 1. Was that for the indirect 'favorite doctor' banter? You should have seen it coming, that a certain white hat might interfere this rather inescapable encounter, with the goal to get right back at you. Still, never will you get used to his ability to teleport and swap places with anything and anyone he wants.
A blush makes itself visible on your cheeks, for Law exchanged himself with the pestering chef, meaning he took his exact position, only a few inches away, narrowing at you. The stuttering mess that you are, blurts out: "It seems to me, it's you who missed me." - "Don't be ridiculous (Y/n)-ya, I just saved your stupid behind."
Coming from the entrance yells an angered chef, storming right at the surgeon with such fury: "Tora-o! How dare you take me away from this gorgeous angel on eart-" How you love witnessing this play of Law turning around, giving him his famous death stare, growling at the frozen curly brow: "You mess with my crew, you bear the concequences. Move it!"
He bumps into the blonde's shoulder and pushes him along, the chef tumbling backwards, holds out to you: "We were only chatting Tora-o!" - "I don't think you need to stand twenty inches close to hold a mere conversation, Black-Leg-ya." Why does the Captain's composure through all this, heat you up to the core? That little glance over his shoulder, while walking off the perverted chef, gods be damned, it sends tingles all over your body. What are you on about, Trafalgar?
The eventful evening comes to an end. More and more people leave the feast, heading to their sleep quarters or continuing to party elsewhere, not wanting to overstay their welcome at Phea's inn. Back in the kitchen, you and your squirrel mink friend clean the dishes, keeping the chatting at minimum, for the both of you are quite tired at this point.
"Thank you for helping me out tonight (Y/n), that would've been a real pain in my fluffy bum!", you chuckle to her expressive choice of words and you smile warmly in reply.
After a long night of completing the last few chores, you stretch strainedly and swing your hoodie over your shoulders. Looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, you sigh in irritation, for it says thirty minutes past midnight and you call out to Phea: "See you tomorrow?" - "Yeah nah, I'll be over at Auntie Wanda's, the inn's closed tomorrow, but we'll prolly see eachother, no biggie!"
Before closing the kitchen door behind you, you wish her a good night and make your way to your temporary flat. It was then, when you realized, a man stands at the entrance's doorframe, again. Talking about déja-vu?
"Can I help you doctor?", you walk up next to him, cooing a cute little hum at him. He looks you up and down and offers you to walk you to your quarters, to which you can't supress a big smile to. "We didn't have the chance to fully indulge ourselves in our reunion." - "That we haven't. Aren't you tired of telling your stories for the quadrillionth time?", the two of you leave the inn and he huffs to light amusement.
"One more time can't hurt. Other than that, I don't mind if it's you.", those mellow steel eyes practically envelope you in a fuzzy warm feeling. There's no place on earth you'd rather be right now, than here beside your Captain.
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
Do u know what POCSO act is? In this case, the police cannot give bail to the accused. The police first arrests the accused and then proceed with the investigation. Why is he not arrested? Why is he roaming freely? Why is he attending various political functions? “It took seven days for the Delhi Police to register an FIR against sexual harasser Brij Bhushan and it didn’t even take seven hours to register an FIR against us for peacefully protesting." -Sakshi Malik, The Olympic and Commonwealth Medalist who is the pride of the nation according to Mr.Modi. Also the wrestlers are demanding a committee that is unbiased not the one that has brij Bhushan's sympathizers. I agree that the protesters broke barricades, but do you think these medalists deserved to be manhandled like that? So according to you anybody who protests against the modi government (shaheen bagh protesters, farmers, congressis) are anti national. Wow what a way to put it?
Yes, I do know what Pocso act is.
Now tell me, do YOU know what section 41A of CRPC is? How it instructs the officers to act, how they are given discretionary powers in cognizable offences that section 41 defines?
Brij Bushan’s case has provided no evidence, the officers, if they do not have a reasonable doubt, need not arrest.
The case and its investigation could have been delayed because of political reasons, true, but nothing is outside the bounds of legality technically speaking if that's what you are trying to imply.
This rule regarding cognizable offences was enacted in case a serious threat lurks around the victim, but the fact is that such cases have ruined lives aswell. False allegations during Me too is a prime example and hence the existence of this law. No arrest warrant has been issued yet despite the deadlines either.
And like I said, lack of evidence means the case can go either side.
FIR against Brij Bhushan was not filed as quickly, because he was an MP from the ruling party. Is that what you want to hear me admit? Then yes, that is the case, cry me a fucking river and welcome to politics. That's the case for every party, because no one wants their members dragged. Whether he is guilty of the crimes or not, only time will tell, like it did with Modi in Godhra.
The wrestlers are demanding his arrest and resignation as the chief, this was never as much about the comittee boss. The findings are being kept secret and the accusations against them are piling, so it could be that their is some dirty work going on behind the scenes or some sensitive data involved, but neither speculation is enough to form a concrete opinion as of yet – even if former seems stronger than the latter – but an eyebrow raising suspicion, if you really want to.
As of choosing Brij Bhushan Sympathisers, maybe you are right about Mary Kom, she is close to BJP but one of the Commitee members was Babita Phogat, who happens to be Vinesh’s Cousin and a wrestler herself. Make what you will of that.
If you think that he should have been arrested based on the system's somewhat shady behaviour, that is a matter entirely upto you, but the thing is we still do not know whether he assaulted them or not, so you cannot hold me responsible for refusing to chose a side.
Wrestlers should not have been manhandled, that is true, but that was an outcome of breaking the law, not a cause of it. I do not believe it threatens their case as much because it can be just frustration, but law is law, and the last time people forgot the rules while protesting, well, we lost some pretty big bills that would have benifitted the nation.
And lastly, can you not read? I specifically reffered to Shaheen Bagh and Farmer’s protest as anti national. Not because they were “protesting against the governments”, but because they were being incited by organisations that are now banned, had leaders or patrons who are either to be arrested as soon as they enter the Republic of India or booked under UAPA. I did not include the wrestlers here because the barricade thing aside, they have been genuinely lawful in their protests and irrespective of whether the charges are true or not, they handled their complaints well.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
"Aleistar, Darling? Can you come here for a second?" Haze sing songed from the front hall in that tone he only ever used when he was absolutely furious but doing a good job at keeping his temper in check
Aleistar, to his credit, did not flinch too hard when the demon he bound his soul too sent a twinge through their connection to make sure he heard. It wasn't painful, more a polite tap on the shoulder in case he was asleep in his chair.
"I'm Coming," Aleistar called back, standing, and carefully navigating the ever growing stacks of dog themed magazines which seemed to be slowly encroaching on his arm chair like a very pointed swarm of passive aggressive begging, "What is it, Love?" he asked when he rounded the corner.
Haze simply gestured to the envelope in his hand, "Who's Hazel?"
Aleistar felt his blood run cold, the consequences of his actions breathing down his neck, "No clue, it must have been sent to the wrong address, here just let me-" he reached for the envelope but Haze pulled away from him,
"No, It was definitely delivered to the right address my beloved husband, man who's soul is tied to mine in a binding stronger than any law or ceremony could create," his pitch black eyes narrow, "It definitely says Our address, but the funny thing is, it's addressed to one Mr. Aleistar B. Yeats and one Mrs. Hazel Yeats," he tapped his foot and purses his lips, "So... I'm just curious. Who is this Mrs. Hazel?"
"I'm sure it was just a typo-"
"Are you? Because there's a few others in this stack all reffering to a Mr and Mrs Yeats. And unless your mother has moved in and I just didn't notice, there is no Mrs.Yeats at this address,"
"Haze, my love I promise it's not what you think, just please-"
"Aleistar, remember I have to follow any order you give me, but can do whatever I want to see them to completion. Pick your words carefully and do not tell me to calm down,"
Aleistar's mouth shut with a click of his teeth. There was no getting out of this one scot-free and that was becoming more and more apparent.
"I lied to some of my coworkers about you, ok? I- I didn't correct them when they assumed you were a woman and said your name was short for Hazel," he waited for anger, but the hurt briefly flashing accross his husband's face was much worse.
"Why would you do that? This was what you wanted wasn't it? I thought-"
"No- No! Haze, no, I'm sorry," he tried to reach out for him but again, Haze just stepped away, "Some of my coworkers aren't the most modern. I... Right after we were married, I was Terrified I might lose my job if they knew, so I lied. And It's gotten to far out of hand. I never meant it to hurt you,"
Haze was quiet for a long moment, "Will you let me fix this? Or am I just going to be Mrs.Hazel every time I have to interact with your coworkers,"
"You don't have to fix it. I'll do it, ok? I promise, you won't have to be anyone other than yourself,"
"Myself but as a human," Haze clarified with that sour look that made Aleistar want to pull him into his arms.
"Yes, at least until it's safe enough to act otherwise," Aleistar admitted.
"I'm still pissed with you," Haze sighed, tossing the letter in it's appropriate pile, "You've got work to do mister," he prodded, "And I know exactly where you could start-" he held up another dog magazine,
"We're still not getting dog, Love"
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
[AMV] Xavier Wulf - The Last Jewel (Prod. By J.Schlump)
  im not perfect obviously, and i hope it comes across that i know this, you know if i rage against homos or whatever i temper it by joking at my own sinful nature dont i? my problem isnt with homos, i love them deeply, imagine you had a pet lamb and it was the sweetest most innocent creature and you loved each other so much that you even shared a bed with the lamb and it licked your face and went baahhh! that woud be so sick, but imagine if you noticed one morning a large tumor on the lambs backside, the tumor is surely a part of the lamb, but it would fill you with anger and revulsion, you would hate the tumor because you so love the lamb that its attached to.
 jesus said he would be like the bronze snake on a pole and the snake hes reffering to was a bronze statue god commanded moses to build because the israelites were being bitten by poisonous serpents during there (OUR) sojourn through the desert, and said that whoever merely LOOKED upon the bronze statue would be healed instantly from the snake venom, if i dont call sin what it is, if i dont reaffirm that the morality in the bible is JUST and the TRUTH, then the devil will have no problem convincing everyone they dont need even to look at the serpent on the pole. im not trying to shackle you with the weight of the law again, but your OWN HEART convicts you when you do wrong and that conviction will separate you from god, even without the serpents help you WILL convince yourself that whatever your sin of choice is, is no sin at all, but your heart knows and the guilt separates you from god. i am saying its wrong to be gay, it is a sin, but even now in your sin you are reconciled to god by grace, and his grace alone, but you must first accept that you have been bitten in the first place before you can be convinced to look upon the serpent on the pole and be instantly healed.
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as-i-watch · 2 years
I cant remember in what post i said something about Law vs Doffy
And someone had the nerve to say to my face "i bet you'll give yoir right arm to know" and then the audacity to pass it as a fma refference when question about it
Sir pls mke yourself know so i can applaude you
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚ alcoholic — nct jaehyun
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PROLOGUE ༄ - —wherein jaehyun's cravings leads both of you to an alcoholic atmosphere.
"to be drunk and in love in seoul city" —johnny and jaehyun's cravings got the best of them. in the end, johnny had to call in you to pick up your husband who was tipsy over alcohol-flavored cookies.
PAIRING ༄ - husband! jaehyun x wife! fem reader, husband! johnny x fem reader's friend
GENREs ༄ - fluff, crack, night cravings, married life au, drinking, boy's night out, college squad
W. COUNT ༄ - around 1k+
NOTES ༄ - third oneshot here ! CONTAINS DRINKING THEMES. expect inaccuracies since i reffered to google for some info, i don't drink since i'm a minor. expect grammar and typo errors. simple wording.
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! originally posted on my twitter (@suhhvsco) and wattpad (@johnsparrot) . enjoy reading!
cw // drinking, alcohol
happy nct day! <3
Incoming call... Johnny
(italic- jn, bold- y/n)
"Johnny? Hi! Any problem?"
"Uh... kind of? Don't get mad."
"Suh Youngho."
"She's doing the full name thing, Jae." You heard Johnny from the opposite line.
"Sooo, I invited you and Jae over right?" You remained silent.
"Well, we did what we usually do, hahaha." You listened to him giggle nervously.
"That is?" You asked as if you didn't knew the answer.
"...drinking." You could imagine his nervous face, gulping silently.
"I-I mean that uh, Yoonoh kinda dr– I mean not drink but—" You stopped Johnny from sugarcoating the problem.
"Cut to the chase, drunk?"
"Well, good thing he–"
"Johnny." you cut him off once again.
"He's leaning towards the tipsy side," Johnny admitted.
"Coming." You ended the call as you heard Johnny mumble a 'sorry'.
"And I was going to binge-watch that new drama," You sighed.
You took your car keys and walked out of the house, towards your car. Your car made a beep as it unlocked. You opened the driver's seat and sat inside. You started and prepped the engine for a while. Gripping the steering wheel, you stepped on the gas pedal. You were now on your way to Johnny's manor.
Johnny had invited both you and Jaehyun for some drinks at his place, having a small catch-up. It was quite a while since you three had sat down and relaxed. You three were together since college! You thought of the invite for a while, but declined and let Jaehyun go alone. You decided to give them their 'boys night' after all their business conferences and the likes. Plus, there's this new drama on Netflix you wanna start on.
It all started with those two, then 'til they met you and your other college squad members. You trusted Johnny and Jaehyun anyways.
You weren't mad at Johnny. You were simply annoyed by how your self-care night was disrupted by a call about your husband who was laying on Johnny's living room carpet.
You and Johnny knew he had great alcohol tolerance, so it brought you to a surprise when Johnny called earlier about picking him up. Usually, it was you who needed help to get home.
You also found it cute whenever Jaehyun was in a drunk-ish state. He could start by getting silent then becoming quite clingy and fluffy for the first few whiles. And you had to sigh in relief because you wouldn't have to struggle to get Jaehyun home.
God, he was a lot taller and buffer than you, knowing that the other buddy was too jelly-like drunk-ish as well to help you out. And who knows what Jaehyun has in store.
Thinking of the possible scenarios you avoided, you kinda need a shot or two now.
You were nearing Johnny's house, which was around the corner. Not that long after, your car was parked behind Jaehyun's.
You then turned the car off and stepped out. With the car key with you, closing the driver's door and locking it right after. You walked across the porch and stood in front of the doorstep, you rang the doorbell twice.
It didn't take long for Johnny to answer the door. There he stood in front of you, sheepishly smiling. It was obvious that he drank, noting the pinkish tint of his eyes –but he seemed completely sober. He first mumbled a sorry before hugging you.
"I'll have him pick up the ca–"
You didn't finish the sentence as you spotted his maroon polo had some white powder near the lower-stomach area, you shot him a somewhat concerning glare, Johnny –completely getting what you meant– stifled a chuckle
"And no. that's not any of that high stuff, y/n. flour," he cleared. Now you wondered why he was covered in flour.
He guided you inside the house as if you haven't drop by a million times. You decided to start a short conversation. In the end, you did end up coming over. "So, where's Y/f/n?" You asked Johnny where his wife was, and he simply answered 'out' as she went to Incheon in advance to pick up Johnny's in-laws later by dawn.
As he guided you, the living room started to appear before you, then there you saw. There you saw your husband sitting on the carpeted floor, leaning on the room's huge couch behind him, munching on a cookie, which explains the flour on Johnny's shirt. He looked at you and smiled, showing his dimples. "So Youngho, was exactly happened?" Unbothered, you asked for context.
"Okay before anything, he suggested it." As Johnny explained his right hand continuously rubbed his nape.
Johnny and Jaehyun craved for treats, so they baked cookies... with a twist. they decided to make the cookies chocolate chips and alcohol-flavored.
Johnny did confess that they experimented for a while and eye-balled the measurements, ending up putting a lot more alcohol than needed. Knowing that Jaehyun absolutely loves cookies (maybe his guilty pleasure) didn't hesitate to munch on more than 2 pieces. It may sound dumb, but hey, it's the creativity that counts you guess? Ever since you met the boys it felt like you were a mother to two huge babies.
"And what made you eyeball this recipe?" You took a skim at the recipe they printed out. "The batter was too dry and doughy, we did what needed to be fixed."
"Good. But you should've used water to thin out the batter instead of adding more liqueur. Look at the guy." Both you and Johnny's view diverted to Jaehyun who was blushed and smiley at your presence.
You walked over to the lounge and sat on the fluffy carpet beside Jaehyun. "Hey baby" Jaehyun gushed and kissed your cheek as he immediately rested his head on your shoulder, his arm snuggling around your body.
You held his wrist as you leveled his cookie to your mouth, taking a bite. The cookie was good and for sure, it was strong. You took Jaehyun's shot glass and took some shots straight. Johnny came over in time to see you getting in action, he continued himself to squat in front of the two of you, with the coffee table in between, occupied with the tray of cookies and some opened drinks.
"You guys sure make a great couple" Johnny laughed as he shook his head seeing you take some shots, you three loved drinking together. Silently, you were relieved that Jaehyun was mostly sober, 'semi-drunk'. Let's say he was too sleepy to drive himself home.
You stayed at Johnny's for a while, continuing some talks and snacking on those cookies. Jaehyun slowly fell asleep on your shoulder making both you and Johnny giggle at the rare sighting. You softly laid Jaehyun's head against the couch for a while as you stood up and started to clean up, helping Johnny who started.
After quite a while, making the chit-chat the main reason for the continuous delays, you both finished cleaning both the living room and the kitchen which was a mess from the baking. You left Johnny who was packing a few of the cookies for you to take home and headed again to Jaehyun, who was now stretching on his seat.
Jaehyun woke up from his nap, stretching out the stiffness from sitting for the past few hours. You softly pinched his cheeks as you helped him up. He was awake but groggy. You hugged him from the side acting as a support while he tried to gather himself, slightly leaning some weight on you. Johnny both escorted you out to the doorstep after he handed you the container of cookies.
"I gave you the rest or else Y/f/n's pregnancy cravings gets the best of her."
"Thanks! Still betting on blue, Johnny" With that Jaehyun scrunched his brows as pats Johnny's shoulder as he sides with him, rooting for a girl.
Jaehyun took some slow steps as he approached the car. You guided him to his side before heading back to the driver's seat.
When both of you were buckled into your seats you started the car engine. You honked as a sign for Johnny inside the house, letting him know about your departure. You were now on your way to your last destination, the Jung residences.
Jaehyun was napping peacefully as you played some music to fill the quiet air. After a few songs, Jaehyun woke up again and was up for the rest of the ride. He started to accompany you as he started to sing to whatever was playing, he started to sing with his eyes closed.
On red lights, you couldn't help but look at the male beside you, immersed in his element. Your husband singing off to a night drive playlist, lids shut, and his face was tinted with a light color of blush. The view was immaculate. Even if it's been a year after the marriage, you still felt butterflies like a teen gal.
The next song started, and perhaps it was one of Jaehyun's faves. He slowly opened his eyes as he looked at you, eyes sparkling. He rested his arm on the compartment in between the seats as he tries to get closer to you. "to be young and in love in– babe, green light." You snapped yourself out from adoring your man and continued driving. Jaehyun chuckled and continued on with singing.
"To be 'drunk' and in love in Seoul city" He tugged your hand that was resting on the hand brake as he intertwined his hand with yours, making it rest by his cheek. He played with your wedding ring, "damn" he whispered and smiled.
"I like me better when I'm with you." He slowly brought your intertwined hand to his lips as he placed a soft peck. You took a glance as he smiled. You felt your cheeks heat up.
The rest of the drive, you both vibed to the music, even singing along. You were both enjoying the atmosphere, the alcoholic atmosphere. Once you both arrived home, you hopped out of the car and took some breathers. Jaehyun managed to balance himself on the way inside the house.
Inside, Jaehyun plopped on the couch as he sighed. You brought back a glass of water from the fridge and placed it on the small table. Jaehyun held your hand and pulled you down, making you hover above him. His polo softly reeked of the alcohol he had, the smell slowly sent up your nose. He held you in place as his arms were around your hips, slowly after admiring you he laid his lips on yours.
The soft taste of chocolate from the cookies and liqueur filling up, leaving an aftertaste. Breaking away, you laid on top of him he continues to trap you in his arms. Your hand slowly made its way to his head, fiddling with his hair. You buried your face into his chest as you slowly started to close your eyes.
Jaehyun whispered to your crown "g'night baby" rubbing his palm against your back. "i love you to the moon and back."
the night ended with soft snores and you against him in his arm.
➷。min's letter: so liqueur is like a sweet version of liquor which is preferred for baking (esp sweet desserts). well, i got something to try out once i'm able to drink. btw let's be moots and check out my masterlist! all rights reserved @moonflms 2021
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australet789 · 3 years
Hi austra.
Just a bit more details about whats going on on Israel/Palastain from Israel's POV. (of course you dont have to read this pretty long essey about a country on the other side of the glob, but I would just like to give more information).
Because of the independence war between Israel and many Arab contries who wanted the entire land for themselves (mainly Jourdan, Egypt Soria and some palastinians) at 1948, Jerusalem was divided into two- Israel's part on the west, and Jourdan's on the east. And the palastinians where divided into two as well- the ones under Israel's territory who got citizenship and full rights from Israel (they are in the parlament and everything) which are about 2 million, and those that where under arab countries and got nothing from those countries who are reffered to as Palastinians.
After anothet war at 67, Israel took controll of the areas that jourden occupied (from both the palastinians and Israel) but didnt give the Palestinians citizenship because they where considered the other countries' (enemy countries) citizens by Israel even though the other countries didnt give them citizenship. Israel startrd building settlements in the west bank (ignoring the palastinians) to stop any future Jordanian invasion in a war that thankfully never happened, but result in a division of the west bank into Palastinian and Israel territories in a messy way.
on the other hand, many of the palastinians dont want Israel to exist since before 48 because of their radical beliefs, and their leadership choosed terror and violence many times, causing Israel to lose trust at the palastinians and to not want to give them independence at this point, mainly because of what happened with gaza when we evict all the settelments from there at 2005 as a gesture of good will, but all we got was rockets and terror tunnels. (and those two last paragraphs are pretty much the root of the problem)
Israel passed a law at 67 that allowed Israel citizens to reclaimed their lands at east Jerusalem if they prove their onership before 48. Right now this law is used by radical right groups to buy the rights from Israelis (who cares not for those lands) to take those lands from palastinians.
This subject is currently discussed at Israel's Supreme Court, which I hope, will judge in favor of the Palastinian families since this law is very out dated and was already problematic and one sided to begin with.
Thank you for reading, hope i managed to shed more light on the subject.
Regardless, have a great day!
Thank you so much for sharing your POV about this subject. I will share it also, so people can be informed and form their own judgement about what's happening between Israel and Palestine.
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broken-balance-baby · 3 years
Big brain idea no. idontknow: Pagan reffering to Vaas as his son-in-law
Pagan: I like my son-in-law, he just does a lot of stupid shit.
Vaas, whose daddy issues has only heard the words son, tearing up: What?
Ajay: Wait, WHAT?
Pagan: You two are getting married, aren’t you?
Ajay: I— wait— uh—
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Twisted Fate
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Cancer, both Bucky and reader have cancer, Major Character death, brief hospital terms mainly reffering to cancer treatment. References to amputation.
A/N: This was written for the lovely @eurynome827​ 2k celebration. I got a lovely quote of lyrics from Hadestown, which I wanted to do something that was based off of the musical, but I couldn’t figure anything out. Then I had a big anniversary come up and this was came out instead. It’s very angsty, I cried a lot, and well I hope you like it.
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The low, steady hum of the fan fills the awkward silence. The psychiatrist, newly assigned to the case, still doesn’t feel comfortable. “Case number 32557038” was widely known in the health care center. The whispers and rumors floated their way down the hall, past the copy machine, filling the office with this chilling tale. Some regarded it as a terrible series of bad luck, others thought it was an act of some benevolent God, pouring his rage on this poor couple. Dr. Breynord, after reading the notes on the file, Breynord knew that this case was perhaps the worst case of bad luck she ever saw in her career, and, maybe it was her stubbornness or naive belief in medicine, but Dr. Breynord was going to help this poor man get the peace he so desperately needs.
“James,” Dr. Breynord’s voice breaks the silence of the office, “I’ve read what my colleagues had to say about your case, but, I’d like you to tell me what has happened if you feel comfortable.”
Shifting in his seat, James sighs, with a small nod of the head, he starts at the beginning.
Bucky Barnes was used to change. Granted, it was other people’s change, but it was still change nonetheless. The poor folks that sat next to him each clinic visit changed, his caretakers changed, it seemed as if the whole world changed around him, while he was stuck in some perpetual hell. Every day dragged out in the same dull, and nauseating feeling, and at times, Bucky felt he was in an endless loop, forsaken by some deity he didn’t believe in. But, for however long Bucky has left in this fallen and cruel world, he’ll remember when you walked in, shattering the miserable purgatory he was banished to, he’ll always remember the day you changed his life.
It happened during his first transfusion session after his surgery. His arm, still wrapped in bandage, IV tubing leading straight to his heart, pumped his body full of liquids, as he waited for the toxic poison to enter his body. He always found it ironic, the “medicine” that was supposed to save his life, that was too dangerous for the nurses to touch with their bare hands, was willingly flushed into his body. Hair loss, mouth sores, and muscle aches were the better side effects. He can’t help but think about what is coming, especially as he sees his nurse, Thor, come over with the freshly made batch of poison [STRIKE THROUGH], chemotherapy as his doctor would want him to call it. Hanging the bag on his IV pole, Thor looks over at Bucky, giving him the “I’m going to go on a rant about something you should care about” look. 
“Now James, we’re getting a new patient today. It’s their first transfusion. They’re going to be sitting in the pod next to you. I swear to the gods, I best not hear another complaint about your attitude.”
“Me? An attitude? No, I think you got me confused with someone else. I’m the brightest little ball of sunshine here!” Bucky can’t help but chuckle. It’s not his fault he wasn’t a “warrior”, blasting “Fight Song” 24/7, as he sips on a kale smoothie with coffee suppositories shoved up his ass. T
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Barnes,” Thor shakes his head as he cleans up his station, “don’t think I won’t throw your bald ass out of here. That cancer sob story, won’t work on me.” 
Bucky goes back to his phone, already feeling the effects of the chemo. No matter how many anti-nausea meds they fed him, Cisplatin always makes him sick. So, he had the right to act like a grumpy old grandpa. While he scrolls through his social media feed, seeing all the accomplishments, brags, and just shit of his friends, Bucky hears your sniffles, as you make your way down to the end of the Oncology clinic, taking a seat next to Bucky. Even if Thor hadn’t given him the heads up, he would have known you were fresh meat. One infusion, his mom asked him how he could tell. It was easy for Bucky, it all had to do with the eyes. A cancer diagnosis shatters you. It kills all hope, light, and goodness that’s in you. You turn completely numb to the world, to the point where your own wailing and sobs feel muted. Bucky saw all of that in your eyes. Behind the puffy, redness, saw the shards of hope, the fear of the unknown. Before you could reach your seat, you stumble, spilling your possessions that you carried all over the floor. Bucky watches quietly as you quickly pick up your items, collapsing into the chair next to him. 
“Sorry I couldn’t give you a hand, only have the one,” he wiggles his stump, and he's met with silence. Talk about a rough crowd, he thinks, his nephews love his stumpy jokes. “So,” Bucky continues, “what are you in for? I’m a sarcoma, in the arm.” You sniffle as you turn your body to look at this new man.
“Leukemia,” you confess, voice barely above a whisper. It takes a real effort to say it out loud because then it makes all of this real.
“That’s good then,” the “sarcoma” man says to you, and Bucky can see the confusion, and pain on your face.
“How is that good? How is cancer good?”
Using his arm, Bucky points around the room, giving you a tour of the room.
“See him, that’s Riley, he has an inoperable brain tumor. That young kid, with the Switch? His name is Peter, his body is chemo resistant. So yeah, leukemia is good. If you haven’t learned it yet, not all cancers are made equal.”
“Oh,” you barely make out. What were you supposed to say to that? 
Much to Bucky’s surprise, he actually enjoyed having your company. Your treatments lined up and so you both got to know each other well. Bucky enjoyed having someone close to his age that understood his problems. And it also didn’t hurt that you had such a great personality, you got Bucky’s dark humor (and it went without saying that you understood it was his way of coping), and you looked great. Not many people can rock a bald head. And Bucky has seen his fair share, and he can say with confidence, you rocked it. Not covering it up with caps, scarves, or wigs. Because why should you hide away? For the first time since his diagnosis, Bucky had a purpose. So, while his immune system allowed him to leave the house, he picked up a bouquet of fake flowers (neutropenia life, am I right?) and a box of chocolates to take with him to the next transfusion. When he got to the clinic, Bucky was a bit worried to see that you weren’t next to him. Instead, there sat Barb, 75 years old with breast cancer. 
“Oh sweetie, are those for me?” Barb looks at the flowers in Bucky’s hand. 
“No!” He snaps, as closes the curtain that surrounds his chair. He hears some huffs and complaints from Barb, but frankly, he doesn’t give a damn. Bucky only has one thing on his mind: you. 
“Are you alright? You’re not here at Club Med” Bucky texts as quickly as his one hand would let him. Dropping his phone, Bucky stares at it all while the nurses prep him. And because of damn, HIPAA, none of the nurses can tell him where you’re at. Minutes turn into hours, and by the time Bucky’s infusion ends, you still haven’t responded to him or shown up at the clinic. 
“Hope you’re okay. Call or text me. I'm worried” Bucky sighs, realizing how much you made his chemo treatments more bearable. How your laugh could make him forget of the poison he had to take, or how the light in your eyes could make him forget, even just for a bit, how much his arm stump was hurting. You were a drug, more potent than any he’s had before, and Bucky was becoming addicted. He’s picking at the hamburger he got for dinner, not having much of an appetite when his phone goes off. Seeing it’s from you, he rushes to answer. 
“Y/N! I… Where were you? I missed you today. I had to sit by Barb and…” The sounds of your cries cut Bucky off. 
“Are you okay?”
“No, Buck. I… Got some bad news today.” 
“Where are you?” He asks. He knows you’re alone, and speaking from experience, you never want to be alone when you get bad news. He knows from experience.
“Buck…” you sigh, “It’s fine. Really.” 
“Please, Y/N, I know what it’s like to be alone after getting this kind of news. Please, let me be there for you.” Breaking further down into tears, you cry at Bucky’s actions, actions of love. 
“I’ll send you my address,” Bucky gathers the flowers and chocolates as he rushes to your apartment, breaking a few traffic laws to get there faster. When he gets there, the image of you, opening the door, eyes swollen from crying breaks his heart. 
“Oh, Y/N,” Bucky sweeps you into his arm, as he closes the door behind, “tell me what’s going on hun.” 
You both sit on the couch, the bag with the flowers and chocolate lay at your feet, as you stay in Bucky’s embrace. 
“I’m… I’m dying Buck!” You manage to say in-between odds. “Dr. Fair... gave me three months to live. There’s nothing else they can do.” You break down in his arms, that last straw finally breaking, as you tell your newfound best friend, the person you were supposed to beat cancer with. Bucky tries his best to remain strong, to be the rock, the foundation you need, but you’re not the only one that is losing a friend. You sit in each other's embrace, as you mourn. You cry for all the missed opportunities, laughs, and memories that won’t be made. 
“What am I going to do,” you whisper, your voice hoarse from crying. 
Kissing your head, Bucky pulls you in closer, “we, are going to make these three months, the best three months you’ve ever had.”
Bucky lives up to his promise, spending every hour he isn’t in the hospital with you. The time you spent together changed your relationship. Neither had to officially say the words to make your relationship official. It was just you, and Bucky. Holding each other close, as the tempest waged on, trying to beat you into submission. You go on walks in the park, picnics, and one night when you both had the energy, went skinny dipping. Your logic being, what are the cops going to do? Arrest two cancer patients, with one of them being terminal? You threw caution to the wind and simply lived. Lived, breathed, and loved. Things seemed to be perfect until reality hit.
Your body wasn’t keeping up. Your cancer was spreading faster than they predicted. The doctors couldn’t give you an explanation as to why the cancer was spreading so fast. It shouldn’t have been. Soon, home hospice came, to try to make you more comfortable. And like the good partner he was, Bucky spent every minute by your side. That’s why, when you felt the inevitable coming, you felt your body give in to the tiredness of fighting, you grab Bucky’s hand. 
“I love you, James Bucky Barnes,” you weakly say, giving him one last affirmation, as you went to sleep, for one last time. 
As Bucky wakes up from his nap, feeling your cold body, he tries to ruse you back awake. Once he realizes what has happened, the last bit of humanity inside of Bucky snapped. He lets out a blood-curdling scream, as tears stream down his face. He strikes your face, pleas escape his mouth. Pleas to you, to a God he has long stopped believing in. His body shakes, his tears wetting your hair, as he holds you for one last time. 
“Oh James,” Dr. Breynord grabs herself a tissue before handing Bucky the box of tissues. “I truly am so sorry to hear that. I want you to know that I am here to help you get happy again, and to heal.”
Bucky sighs and turns away from the doctor as he wipes his eyes. “You’re just like the rest of them. You didn’t listen to me.” 
Breynord was surprised that this was Bucky’s complaint. The other doctors had warned her that Bucky could be sarcastic, standoff-ish, and even flat-out rude to them. Breynord thought she did a good job listening to his story, what did she miss.
“I… I don’t think I understand what you mean, James.”
Bucky lets out a heartless, empty laugh, “you want me to be happy again. I’m never going to be. Not only do I have to live with the guilt of surviving, when she died, in my arms, but I’ll also never find another soul like hers. We had a connection, you know. It felt like we met before. When I held her in my arm, and her arms would wrap around me, it felt like I had the whole world in my arms. I didn’t need anything else when I had Y/N.” 
“So tell me doc, what’s the point of carrying on?”
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beykhabarr · 2 years
All the best for boards <3
Also, what do you plan to major in?
Bestie I had my boards in November 21 T-T I guess you are reffering to that old post of mine that I reblogged hehe. i am preparing for law school hehe.
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