#whats realy sad to me is that every since it started I can never go back to life before the pandemic
#whats realy sad to me is that every since it started I can never go back to life before the pandemic#every day is so hard and even though this past year its felt like its close to being over#it will never be the same as before#my social anxiety is worse i have no friends and i realy just crave simplicity and comfort in life#and like i just wish i was older becuase i turned 21 the first year of the pandemic in the worst of it#becoming an adult is hard enough but i am so stunted i feel#not just like 21 can drink and party i dont give a shit about that its like i should be getting my life together#and like yeah ive sort of fallen into a career in theatre and i fill a much needed space in my college theatre program#which im greatful for them paying me for for a year now#but fuck it doesnt feel like i had a choice or a say in the matter#and thats besides the point#another problem and why everything feels so fucking complicated is that i dont have a plan for after college and its so stressing that#that i self sabotage and dont even look into yhe internships i want#i am so sad.. all the time.#but man i realy wish that i didnt have to live out my first years as an adult like this#at 20 i was not prepared at all for the pandemic#and now at 23 i feel so lost#i just wish life was more simple and straightforward becuase nothing is#and especially at my job as SM everything is so fucking complicated and i always feel like i dont even know what im doing#fuck just ignore me#but if anyone has any adivse please let me know
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brelione · 4 years
Secret (Rafe X Reader)
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Warnings:Literal fucking trash.Please dont torture youself by reading this :)
Can you do 3 from the prompt list with Rafe please where their parents basically forbid their relationship for whatever reason and forced them to break up even though they were good for one another and Rafe was slowly becoming a better person?
Rafe always knew he should keep his relationship with you secret.He knew that it was something too precious and too lovely to let anyone else know.He knew that his father wasnt accepting of people like you.Pogues.You were a pogue,you lived on The Cut and worked two jobs just to stay on your feet.
He didnt know he could love a pogue or anyone as much as he loved you.He couldnt really recall exactly what got you two together,it had been the work of fate.You were out for a surf while he was out for a smoke and your worlds just collided.He had seen you wipe out,only to come up to the surface a few feet away from him.You pulled your board from the water,standing up and smearing the blood from your leg.
 “That had to have hurt.”He commented.You shrugged,walking to your towel that laid on the sand,pressing it to the wound.He had somehow ended up sitting next to you,sharing his joint to ‘help with the pain’.That one night led to him sneaking out of his house to meet you at the beach where you taught him to surf,meeting him in the mornings to show him baby crabs.
One of his favorite things about you was how you carried a pencil pouch of pens everywhere you went,drawing all over your arms and legs.Eventually you had convinced him to let you draw on him,drawing a giraffe on his wrist.He had fallen in love with it and with you.Every Time you saw him and the doodle had faded he’d ask you to redo it.It was just a reminder of your love.It was nice until his father decided to call him out on it.
“Did you realy get a fucking tattoo?”He had walked into the garage as Rafe was lifting weights,seeing the sharpie doodle. “No.”Rafe answered,putting down the weights and grabbing his towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead.Ward seemed unconvinced,a grumpy expression on his face. “What is it then?”He asked.Rfe hesitated before answering,knowing what would come next. “A drawing.”He answered.
 “You cant draw shit.Who drew it?”he asked.Rafe sighed,pulling on a tshirt. “A friend.”He answered. “What friend?”Ward pushed,being a stubborn bitch as always. “You dont know her.”Rafe answered,attempting to walk past Ward when the mans hand wrapped around his wrist,strong enough to cut off his circulation. “Her?Who,Rafe?GIve me names.”Ward spoke,his voice seeming threatening. “No.”Rafe answered,flinching when Ward’s gripped tightened. 
“Why?What are you hiding?”Ward asked.Rafe let out a shaky breath,looking away from his father and contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth. “Her….her name is (Y/N).”Rafe answered,cringing at his words.Ward let go only a little,still holding tight but not so tight that his hand was purple.Rafe could feel his blood beginning to circulate again,his fingers no longer feeling cold. 
“(Y/N)?(Y/N) who?What’s her last name?”Ward asked.Rafe gulped,his heart thumping in his chest. “(Y/L/N).You dont know her.”Rafe answered,tugging his arm away and going inside the house,Ward close on his heels. “I know enough about her to know that shes trouble.I know that she ripped up one of my nets,stay away from her.Shes broke trash.”Ward spoke,voice dripping in hatred.
Rafe turned around,fury evident on his face. “She ripped up one of your nets cause you were killing fucking dolphins-shes a fucking sweetheart and she works for every single penny shes ever fucking made.”He was close to yelling,unaware of Sarah sitting on the couch and watching the fight.Ward scoffed. “Oh,please.She’s using you for my money and you’re too ignorant to see it.”Ward rolled his eyes. 
“She hasnt used a single dollar of mine!She’s never asked for money or anything you fucking asshole!She loves me for me,not for your money you selfish bastard!”Rafe shouted,his face becoming red.Ward seemed shock,not thinking abour it before his palm colided with the side of his sons face.Sarah let out a loud gasp,Rafe’s eyes widening before he ran outside and got in his truck,immediately speeding out and going to your house.
You were still asleep when Rafe came through your door,tears in his eyes.His face softened when he saw your sleeping figure on the couch,an old disney movie playing on your tv.
He kneeled down in front of you,watching as your eyes opened. “Rafe?”You asked.A smile came across his face,leaning down to kiss your forehead.You grumbled,sitting up. “What time is it?”You asked.He shrugged,kissing your lips gently. “What’s up with you?You seem sad.”You pouted,holding his t shirt and pulling him so hed sit next to you. “Im fine.”He answered,knowing he was screwed when your tongue scraped against your teeth.
Thats how he knew that you could pretty much read his mind. “You’re upset about something and your arm is bruised.Did you get into a fight?”You asked,shifting so you were straddling him and he had no other option but to look at you. “I got into a fight with my dad,its fine though.”He answered,moving up slightly to kiss you but you backed out. “Rafe,did he hurt you?”You asked.
He sighed,his hands trailing under your oversized t shirt-his t shirt-to rub circles on the warm skin. “Yeah,yeah he did.”He admitted,watching the way your jaw dropped slightly.You wrapped your arms around him,his head tucking under your chin as tears started to roll down his cheeks. “Rafe,baby,what was the fight about?”You asked.He gulped,a salty tear falling into his mouth.
 “I-I told him about you and he got mad and-and I called him a bastard so he slapped me.”He let out a sob,his grip on you tightening.You huffed,twirling his hair in your fingers. “So this was my fault?”You asked.He shook his head,still holding you close to him. “No,of course not.Its his fault.”He answered.He cupped your face,kissing you lightly. “Can I stay here for a while?”He asked.
Most of the day was spent with him cuddling with you,holding you close and placing kisses all over you.You both fell asleep on your couch,waking up to loud pounding on your door.Rafe placed an arm over you,telling you to stay put.His heart was beating loudly,his hand shaking.The color drained from his face when he saw Ward at the door.It was too late to turn around,the older man had already seen him. “Get out here and come home.”The man demanded.You came out to the kitchen,a frown on your face.Rafe cursed when he saw you,telling you to go back into the living room. 
“I’ll see you later today,okay?”He asked before walking out the door,Wrd immediately grabbing onto his arm.You were too shocked to do anything,standing there speechless.You had tried calling and texting him but they wouldnt send.He had blocked you.You tried messaging Sarah through instagram but that didnt work either.
You didnt even know what to do,resorting to crying on your couch.You found Rafe’s keys on your kitchen table a few days later,getting into his truck and driving to his house in the middle of the night.You had been quiet as possible,climbing up the side of his house and onto his balcony because of course he had a balcony.You could never understand why it was there or what it was for but you were thankful that it was here now.
You could see him on his bed,his back turned away from you.You knocked on the door,seeing it was locked.You could see him tense up,standing up and smiling wide when he saw you.He ran across the room,tapping on the glass. “He locked it,I dont have the key.”He told you,his voice quiet because of the glass separating you.You sighed,tapping along the glass before you got an idea,taking his truck keys and attempting to push them into the key hole of the door.
It was no luck and at this point you could see the desperation on Rafe’s face.You pulled off the keychain,twisting at the circle so one of the sides would stick out.His eyebrows furrowed,biting his lip anxiously as you twisted the metal in the keyhole,trying to get the door to open.You heard a click,he let out a small gasp before practically ripping the door open,pulling you too him. “He shut down my phone and locked me in here.”He spoke softly,his hands tight around you.
When you were about to suggest that he come with you his bedroom door unlocked,Ward staring at the two of you with pure anger on his face. “Get out of my house before I call the cops.”He spoke to you,his hand around his phone.Rafe shook his head,holding you tighter. “Dad-you cant keep me locked in here forever.”Rafe answered,feeling the way your hands were shaking around him. “You broke into my house and youre manipulating and abusing my son.Not only that but you vandalized and destroyed my property,you’re lucky I havent gotten you thrown into prison yet.”Ward’s eyes stayed on you.
Rafe scoffed,letting go of you and approaching his father. “Shes manipulative and abusive?Look at you!You slapped me and you’ve locked me in my room!”He shouted,probably waking up his sisters.Ward’s eyes widened. “Its for your own good!She’ll use you and then break you!”Ward exclaimed. “What?”Like mom did to you?”Rafe yelled,his fists clenching.
That had been nearly five months ago.A lot had changed since then.You had grown as a person,becoming friends with JJ,Pope,Kiara and John.B.Rafe had gone back to the way he was before he met you,a drug addict who doubled as a fucking bitch.You still missed him though,hoping that he was at least doing better since the last time you saw him.The Pogues couldnt believe that you had once been in a relationship with him no matter how hard you tried to convince them that he was different with you.They didnt believe you of course,they knew Rafe,not Rafe Alexander Cameron.
You had started to forget about him,the feelings he made you feel and all the memories you had with the boy.Then you saw him at the beach and everything just came back.The feelings,the memories,the feeling in your stomach.He glanced in your direction,eyes widening as he did a double take.He literally ran to you,a confused expression on his face. “(Y/N)-fuck,shit.Dad told me that he got you in prison-what the fuck?”He hugged you,spinning you around.
 “Oh,wow.Nice to know you still think of me.”You giggled,looking up at the tall boy.He smiled. “All the time.”He answered,squeezing your waist. “So how have you been?I havent seen you in like...ten years.”You grinned.He shrugged,biting his lip. “You know,the same old.I tried to remember your number,dad took my old phone and gave me a whole new number.What are you doing?”He asked,looking around the beach. “Um...you know,vibing.”You shrugged.He nodded,sitting down in the sand with you,his hand holding yours. “I um….I made some new friends.”You spoke quietly,not knowing what his reaction would be.He grinned,licking his lips. 
“Yeah?Does that mean you’re crushing on one of them?”He asked.You shook your head,rubbing circles on his hand. “No,its a nice change in things though I guess.I missed you.”You mumbled.He smiled,leaning forward and kissing you gently. “I missed you too,you still love me?”He asked,making you smile. “Always.”You answered,kissing the tip of his nose. “It sucks that we gotta start the whole secret relationship thing again.I wont fuck it up this time,though.I promise.”You rested your head in the crook of his neck as he spoke,kissing his collarbone lightly.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @outerbongs
@sunwardsss @meaganjm @httpstarkey @copper-boom​ 
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Nothing changes
Just to make things clear... (go on) Last night, I was attacked by someone wearing a mask... (yep) And whoever that was--now they're... I don't know why, but now they're laying dead in front of me... (I can neither confirm nor deny this query)
Makoto: what is that supposed to mean.
Siramay: I can neither confirm nor deny this query sorry you’re on your own.
So after seeing the corpse they began to investigate what could possibly have happened and then they tried to tell who it was and take of her mask and then
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...there was a blinding light, and a deafening roar. The body...blew up. It blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up!
Needless to say the survivor gang tried to put out the fire, but the damage was done WAS HER DEATH NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU! YOU GO AND DAMAGE HER BEAUTY TO!? Well even so may she still be an angel at first they all thought it kyoko, but they did bring up the possibility of it being the mastermind.
Makoto: Is it the teenage girl Kyoko told me about? The Ultimate Destrawberry...?
Siramay: you still doing that?
Makoto: you can never be to sure, also its funny
Siramay: true
Then makoto told the others about mukuro ikusaba the ultimate des-…. I’m running out of food… destarfruit.
Byakuya: There's another student here, and it's a female? That *would* match the body's characteristic...
Aoi: And that phrase, the Ultimate Des-
Siramay: NOOOO!!
Aoi: Desblackberry--it sounds super mastermind-y, doesn't it?
Makoto: what did you do this time siramay?
Siramay: now no one can say desboysenberry MAHAHAHAHHA.
yasuhiro: Okay, so...the mastermind is this girl Mukuro? And she's a student here? And she's the Ultimate Desdragonfruit? But if she's been hiding here in the school like some teenage Bigfoot...how'd she wind up burnt to a crisp!?
Well needless to say they went to investigate the body, also toko is ok what makoto saw was a strange key on the ground, then bayakuya kicked makoto out to look for the door the key opens.
Siramay: it opens the data center.
And makoto immediately went to tell them, REALY NO CHECKING!? then when they went they forced makoto to open the door incase it blew up, rude and so he opened it.
Siramay: behold…. THE MASTERMIND LAYER!!
Dramatic pose Epic thunder sounds
Makoto: where that come from?
Siramay: where do you think.
So yeah they saw all the cameras and such the mastermind uses to watch everyone.
So they all think mukuro was the mastermind BASELESS SLANDER and that shes dead, eh I don’t care I got a David bowie stash to find and steal then they wanted to investigate the data lab to find out secrets since they think zetsu was murdered.
Byakuya: Naturally. The state of the corpse makes it plain as day. There is absolutely no doubt the mastermind was murdered.
Siramay: ah not clearly they laid down put their coat on top of them and stabbed themselves in the stomach.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: no!
Well anyway they began to investigate the room like how the monodoor was locked and oh look a tv antenna witch they had yasuhiro use to connect to the tv which showed them and on every channel to how confusing oh and look monokuma was here.
They also said he’s acting different, but I don’t get that they seem the same to me, must be the madness of isolation.
Makoto: Oh yeah, that's it. Puhuhu... The look on your faces right now is sublime!
Siramay: it is kinda funny.
Monokuma: That's what I wanted to see--the moment you went from hope to despair.. I can say it myself naegi!
Then siramay jumped away in a portal in fear
monokuma: Well, it's almost time to cut off your past so full of hope and begin to DESPAIR at the future ahead of you! I want you to all have way more fun in this killing game!
Then monokuma said other things
 This life isn't all bad ya know! I mean, there's stuff you won't like about life no matter where you are!
Siramay pops his head out of a tiny portal.
Siramay: that’s fair
Toko: Are you s-serious? This place is the w-worst...!
Monokuma: If it's the worst, does that mean you're in...despair? Ahh-hahahahaha!
Siramay: man you’re running millage on that word guess it makes sense its all you have left.
I say holding the secret stash of David bowie music I could burn this all right now in their face… no I shouldn’t I could use this later anyway also as a music man the songs are indeed quite good so anyway monokuma talks about how the tvs a clue.
Monokuma: Everything has a meaning, you know... All those hints I gave you, all those tantalizing tidbits about the school's mysteries... Even me luring you here right now... Why would I do any of that without a reason?
Siramay: ah so you admit it!
Monokuma: It was all for my captive audience--to show them true despair like they'd never seen it before!
Siramay: riiiiiggghhtt all right keep your secrets and ignore me not like I care!
Monokuma: I became the director of a despair-based production! This is the ultimate reality show! The best in despair entertainment!
A single tear sheds from siramays eye from being ignored.
Course monokuma went on and on about there evil but then he stopped cause after all if there still alive that means there not the body and if there not the body that means there’s another murder a foot and if there’s another murder a foot that means A TRIAL SHALL SOON COMENCE BUM BUM BUUUUMM
And then...he was gone. Reality was incomprehensible, the truth hopelessly out of reach. All we were left with...was despair. (monokuma: GOT IT! New ringtone!) We stood there for I don't know how long, frozen in place. I couldn't think- AW I COULD HAVE SAID DESPUMPKN GOSH DARNIT! (monokuma: you lose!) (it’s not over till the despair lady sings!). It took everything I had just to keep myself standing upright.
Yasuhiro: I don't understand any of this... What's "deswatermelon entertainment"? (monokuma: don’t start this again!) (to bad!) And...how is he still alive!?
Also byakyua thinks kyoko is dead cause his blatant and disrespectful slander of saying mukuro is the mastermind SLANDER I SAY! Course makoto refuses to believe it WITCH IS FAIR AS ITS AS FALSE AS ZETSUS HAIR COLOR and so the investigation begun, and so makoto went back to the garden, he saw fragments a knife, also makoto got all worried about murdering them awe no baby boi you didn’t do that then they checked the chickens.
I count four chickens.
Makoto: really?
Siramay: no
Then he recalled how the body looked before the boom, then they talked about the body was found, and byakua was suspicious about makoto thinking he’s the killer witch is not true at all, though I will admit it’s a fair point BUT MAKOTO IS AN ANGEL HE’D NEVER KILL and then makoto looked closer at the body..neeeeeerrr
Siramay: sad dragon noises
Makoto: … yes?
Siramay: look at those fake nails shed never where them she was forced to she couldn’t even have the honor of dyeing as herself what sick twisted monster would do that to a girl sob.
Makoto also noticed the wolf tattoo.
Siramay: yee I say she liked wolfys makoto but uh it had a more bisunessy reason but can’t say but shes a good girl she deserved head pats and love I hope she gets all the love in heaven, because she never got it here sob.
The upper half of the body got set on fire in the explosion, so it's totally blackened... Also, the top half of the body is wet.
Siramay just kinda stayed looking at the body in sadness.
Makoto also saw a tarp in the toolshed, then makoto wanted to investigate kyokos room, but first he realized the thing about the bomb but then they were allowed to go to kyokos room saw a woodblock key, then after talking to byakuya he recalled kyokos last will and testament sadly instead of giving makoto money or at least a boot to the head all it said was “under the sheets” in which makoto found a note about mukuro.
Siramay: aaayyy that’s my giiirrllll.
“Name: Mukuro Ikusaba
Sex: Female
The Ultimate Soldier (so coooool)
Although small for her age, she was a military specialist trained in every weapon type imaginable. (she could crush your skull with her thighs!)  She showed an interest in the military from childhood and soon found herself completely absorbed in it. In elementary school, she won a survival game tournament and began writing for military magazines. (soooo cooool oh I already said that…well its true)
Just before entering middle school, while she and her family were on vacation in Europe (Ireland specifically shes half Irish don’t ya know makoto)...she disappeared. The story of a young Japanese girl being kidnapped quickly took over Japanese media outlets (her grandfather died! But he had it coming). An intense international investigation turned up no information, and she was never found. (she must be smart to stay hidden or at least I think so clever girl but never appreciated)
However, she reappeared in Japan three years later (could have sworn it was 4), alone and completely unannounced. She revealed that she had joined a mercenary group known as Fenrir for those three years. She insisted that she hadn't been kidnapped, that she'd received battle training of her own volition. However, she never revealed why she decided to return home when she did.” (…its complicated you know hard to explain with parents dying and your father figure telling you not to give up on family and siblings who may or may not have turned super evil while you where gone….. I don’t wanna talk about it)
Then byakua said how he recognized Fenrir
Siramay: oh yeah I know about it to!
Makoto: can you say anything about it.
Siramay: awe yeah its multiverseal! I’ve heard in many words I traveled to of the infamies Lycan family and there gang of fighters who follow the wolf loving war and all that heard about them all the way back in the 1800s with the great vvulf from the DD dimension though maybe they are older then even that and of course I can’t forget that cunning Worriz and the twisted gang in the 1980-2000s nearly killed a good friend of mine that guy did, though in your time in this world it was run by a Mr. Wayne Lycan he was cool a bit on the scrawny side though that’s why he worked twice as hard to prove the worth to his father that he could leady the business named ATM to Fenrir how fancy oh he was like the father mukuro never had and always wanted though I do have to question how sensible the man was to just allow a 10-11 year old into a mercenary gang but he did care about her he cared about her greatly he was so proud to see her fight and be victorious in battlefield… he must be just as sad as I about her death and what that cruel excuse for a sister did to her he said it himself he said “if anything happens to mukuro I’ll kill everyone on the battlefield then myself” so if he wasn’t already dead I assure he’s dead now
Makoto: how do you know all this
Siramay: I know everything makoto and also nothing at all.
And then monokuma showed up and was all mad about rule breaking and making a fuss about it.
Monokuma: Of course I am! A proper school life is built on the dedication to organization and order! Which is why even I, as the school headmaster, have to follow the regulations myself!
Byakuya: Oh? So you're saying you have to follow your own rules, as well?
Monokuma: Absolutely! I can't have you complaining about how unfair it all is, now can I?
Siramay: riiiigggghhhttt
Makoto: ?
Siramay: I’m just saying makoto there are two types of villains, villains who will literally kill themselves when their world order is broken and villains who will fuss about it but when the time comes will break the rules as easily as they made them, now just look at monokuma and everything he’s done and ask yourself which type he looks like
Then monokuma admitted how there where 16 students and he is one of them then he also revealed kyokos secret about her KFH (kyoko fried hands)
Monokuma: You know how she wears those stupid gloves day in, day out, all the time? Well, don't tell anyone I told you, but... She wears them to cover a bunch of hideous scars that she doesn't want anyone to see!
Makoto: ...What?
Monokuma: Puhuhu. Okay, NOW that's all you get! Ahh-hahahahaha!
And then they left
Siramay: how rude talking about kyokos hand scars I bet you wouldn’t like it if I talked about your back scars.
Makoto: they have scars?
Siramay: yeah but it aint like kyokos that come from burning hers come from FLAELLATION!!
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Siramay pulls out said tool above you know classic family abuse I would talk about it, but I feel its cliche, so I don’t wanna be rude.
Makoto: they used that!?
Siramay: oh no her parents used more a basic stuff like riding crops and their fist though he did have big fist like bigger than a mug I think, there was this one tool, but I can’t recall the name OH WAIT!
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THE SJAMBOK! these things hurt like death…. but as I was saying oh yeah that old whip was more used by good old grandpa damian, he was the old Irish one I was talking about he was a flagellant and a sado-masochist, so he was delusional but still she was just 10.
Makoto: TEN- makoto covered his mouth as not to react deeply.
Siramay: at least he never got to use the metal ones like this thing!
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makoto almost fainted at the thought of what siramay brought up but siramay with a portal grew another hand to catch makoto.
eh its ok makoto whats a little mental damage between friends eh? After all scars may be forever (unless you get scar removal surgery witch they possibly did) but psychological damage will last even longer
anyway with monokumas info makoto realized the corpse can’t be kyoko, cause clearly me constantly calling the course mukuro was totally not valid proof…. Then again mukuro does mean  corpse in Japanese maybe makoto just though I was being weird again, but no he would know her name yes! eh I digress anyway byakuya talked about mukuro and kyoko honestly it was pretty confusing.
Byakuya: We thought Mukuro, the Ultimate Despair, was the mastermind's true identity.
Makoto: don’t say that word!
Byakuya: why?
Monokuma getting aroused in the background.
Byakuya: But if that's true, Monokuma's behavior makes no sense. Why would the mastermind go out of their way to reveal themselves to us?
Makoto: That's a good point...
Well anyway they went to investigate the dojo to look at the locker and there where arrows and tape then they went to the archive to learn more about mukuro.
Yaaahhh more mukuro lore
Byakuya: "Fenrir is an elite fighting unit base out of the Middle East (it’s always the middle east why can’t they spice it up by fighting somewhere like Canada) (makoto: Canada really?) (I couldn’t think of anything but man that’s far from Europe don’t yah think. I think they were on draft world tour you know how it is). Unlike military contractors, they are a fierce group of soldiers who engage in direct combat. (fierce wolfy woos) They claim that a single member is equivalent to an entire company of regular soldiers. Just like Fenrir, the Wolf of Ragnarok, their mere presence is enough to strike fear into any enemy. They have been involved in countless military battles and operations, most of which are highly classified. (ou like the great battle of the heart of darkness a literal Eldredge abomination… wait that wasn’t them they were just commissioned by the cultist who found it oh, but they were defeated by the team who did defeat it I can still remember how they sliced vvulf in half)
"However, some time ago, they completely ceased all activity. At present, their continued existence cannot be confirmed. There are unconfirmed reports that the key members of the group were all neutralized. Rumors indicate they were killed to keep them from revealing the many state secrets they'd acquired. Some, however, believe there was mounting internal tension within the group, and they simply imploded." (WAYNE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) ……(PLEASE DON’T BE WHAT I THINK HAPPENED) (makoto: what do you-) (IM NOT SAYING!! As long as I don’t think it happened it didn’t happen, no no… oh no I can see nonononononoon! MAKOTO DISTRACT ME)
Makoto: ...
Siramay: at least Wayne and mukuro can reunite in heaven…
Byakuya: ...What is it?
Makoto: This all just sounds like some kind of...alternate reality.
Byakuya: Well, it isn't. This is *our* reality, the *only* reality (that’s not exactly true!). These people are part of our world. Their battlefields aren't much different from our lives here. An unpredictable, unimaginable world...
Also makoto realized the Fenrir people getting tattoos and that mukuro had a wolf tattoo and then it was time for the class trial, so as makoto went to the red doors siramay…started to beat box.
Siramay: bum bum bum bum bum bum bum a body’s been discovered a person has been murdered one of your fellow students is dead there’s a giant pool of blood and your names dragged through the mud gotta prove who is messed up in the head.
Well despair starts coming and it don’t stop coming don’t break the rules or you better get running dosent make sense why you’re trapped in here not what you expected from a new school year.
you’ve called it quits you’ve had enough so whats wrong with picking the knife up you’ll never leave if you don’t kill you’re gonna die if you just chill.
hey now! you’re the blackened! time for trial how sad!
Hey now! look what happened you got found out to bad.
And not its punishment tiiimmmee killers have to pay for their criimme.
Eh? Eh?
Makoto: …that was actually pretty good.
Siramay: YEAAHHH
Well when makoto got in the elevator everyone assumed him and byakuya where being gay (NO THEY WENRT) yes they were makoto, and so they where waiting for the elevator to go down… but go down it did not, it was a little over ten minutes, then monokuma showed up to explain the predicament, and then, like a hero in the climax of the movie, like a great explosion in a mine KYOKO WAS HERE ALLLIIIIVVVVEEEE even if yasuhiro thought she was a ghost so the others went to the elevator but makoto had a heart to heart with kyoko first, where makoto ask what kyoko was doing and she says how she was on the second floor dorms revealing that the key she had was a master key that could open any door in the school but they didn’t have much time to go further as they had to go to the trial, then kyoko sounded suspect but that ok cause it was trial time
Being the last one left, I stepped into the elevator. And the doors slid shut... This time, the clunking was loud enough to hurt my ears, and the dread began to consume me once again... I can't imagine ever getting used to the mental pressure that comes with preparing for an execution. In that dusky darkness, nobody said a word. We just stood there, silent, and still. After an immeasurable period of time, the doors opened without warning... A dazzling light penetrated every depth of my eyes. But it wasn't the illuminating light of hope... It was the blinding light of descarrot.
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Siramay: I’ve heard of eyestrain but my word.
Monokuma: …rude Ahh, I've been waiting for this! I feel like it's been forever since we got together like this... The time for pointless jokes and jabs has passed. Let's get on with the show!
And so, the curtain opened for the fifth time... A deadly judgment... A deadly deception... A deadly betrayal. A deadly riddle, a deadly defense, and deadly faith... A deadly...class trial...!
SOOO COOOLL so the trial started.
Started with hagakure saying kyoko was dead and the one on podium was a GHOOOOOSSSTTT hahahahahahah thankfully makoto proved that argument wrong as they now needed to identify the real body victim …not thinking about it I guess that’s why he needed other not me proof to prover her identity he can’t just say “its mukuro cause the magic dragon only I can see told me so” hahahah they think he’s crazy so they talk about her tattoo.
Toko: Her master m-must have made her get it...to be like, "You're my *censored* ."
Crying cause shes not entirely wrong in a sense
But yeah so they all realized the corpse is mukuro.
Monokuma: Ah-ha-ha-ha! You sound surprised! But you're absolutely right! Yes, indeed! The trial this time is to solve the murder of Mukuro Ikusaba!
Aoi: But I mean...being the Ultimate Des-
Makoto: HINA NO!
Aoi: uh des…lettuce seems like a pretty mastermind-y title to me... sorry we’ve been out of fruits we have to go with vegetables now.
Monokuma: I don’t like this idea that’s spreading…
Byakuya: : Maybe we shouldn't have been thinking of her as the Ultimate Despair (makoto: EGGPLANT) in the first place.
Monokuma: I heard it~
Needless to say as they were talking about masterminds and all that and how mukuro wasn’t the big bad monokuma wanted to avoid the subject and move on to the fact the only 2 subjects that could have killed mukuro are kyoko and makoto, despite neither doing it but I digress so makoto had to clear his name so he explained cause the body’s dry (besides the water outage) that it had to have happened during 7:30-9 course that leaves kyoko without an alibi but kyoko wants to live to solve the school mystery says it’s a trap by monokuma (witch it is) but byakuya does state she had a motive
Byakuya: She thought Mukuro was the Ultimate Des-(makoto: GOARD). In other words, the mastermind behind everything... So she killed her to try and put a stop to all this. Isn't that right, Kyoko? But you made one catastrophic mistake--Mukuro wasn't the mastermind at all.
 So in this scenario kyoko opts to bunk makotos alibi unintentionally pining blame on him
And thus began the game OF BLACNKED TENIS where makoto and kyoko kept throwing the title of blackened back to one another stating why they went the killer framing the other in the process crazy right?
Like saying the blood on the body was actually chicken blood to make it look wet when it could have been dry
Makoto: wait why did they have to stab a chicken for the blood couldn’t they just stab the body?
Siramay: blood coagulates sometime after the body dies though.
Makoto: well how long?
Siramay: uhhh I donno, OH like at least 10 hours or so
Makoto: that would have been plenty of time!
Siramay: … cringing cause he knows mukuro was dead for over a month so her blood would be long past coagulated but unable to tell makoto cause if he revealed that he would be spoiled for knowing something is suspicious about the trial right.
So they continued with this argument and then kyoko brings up the ultimatum that they couldn’t have had the dojo key cause the dojo key was in their room and they couldn’t get in their room cause byakua took their key, but makoto knew otherwise since she had the master key and so makoto was left with a huge choice call kyoko out or keep it to himself.
Makoto: siramay what should I do
Siramay: well I can’t say due to the universe but what I can tell you is to follow your heart for you are an angel and your word will always be divine even if not at first glance.
Makoto: what does that mean.
Siramay: you’ll soon find out.
...I've made my decision. I have to believe in Kyoko. There's no way she would kill someone! There has to be some secret here, something that has to do with the mastermind's trap that Kyoko mentioned.
But sadly by holding that info the suspicion crashed down finally on him and stayed there despite makotos please that something is wrong but monokuma wouldn’t have it and ended the trial.
Monokuma: Now, who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one?
Makoto: Hey, hold on! siramay! Is this supposed to happen?
Siramay: …
Siramay just sat in silence looking at makoto.
Monokuma: What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeee!?
And so makoto was deemed guilty.
Makoto: What...? You think *I'm* the killer...?
Yasuhiro: Sorry, man...
Aoi: Yeah, s-sorry...
Toko: It's all your f-fault...!
Byakuya: ...
Makoto: Everyone...you're wrong...! You've got it all wrong! I didn't do it!
Monokuma: Good job, everyone!
Makoto: G-Good job...?
Monokuma: Yeah. They got it right!
Makoto: N-No, I know that's not true... None of this makes any sense... This whole trial doesn't make any sense!
Monokuma: It makes perfect seeeeEEEENNNSSSSSEEE!!! It's the same as always! It's just like all the other class trials! And I'm gonna end it the same way! It's time for your heart pounding, positively thrilling punishment!
Makoto: W-Wait! Why do I--!? siramay!
But siramay just looked at him and started to sing.
[SIRAMAY] Poor, poor Makoto, what'cha gonna do? Things look bad for you, hey, what'cha gonna do? Poor, poor Makoto, what'cha gonna do? Things look bad for you, hey, what'cha gonna do?
Makoto: ... Kyoko--!
Kyoko: I don't expect you to forgive me. I know this is all my fault...
Makoto: Kyoko...?
Monokuma: Let's give it everything we've got! It's...PUNISHMENT TIIIME!
And so he was dragged off to his execution and I could hear him beg.
[SIRAMAY] Why the struggle, why the strain? Why make trouble, why make scenes? Why go against the grain, why swim upstream? It ain't, it ain't, it ain't no use You're bound, you're bound, you're bound to lose What's done, what's done, what's done is done That's the way the river runs
So why get wet? Why break a sweat? Why waste your precious breath? Why beat your handsome brow?
Nothing changes.
Nothing changes, nothing changes Anyhow…
And at the final moment when it seemed all hope was lost for makoto alter ego showed up and opened the trash shoot saving makoto just as expected thank goodness its still sad to see though did have to scream it truly scared me to death I’m glad he’s safe though.
[SIRAMAY] Oh now survivors, how low can you stoop? You make a sordid group, hey, how low can you stoop? Poor, poor makoto, sent off to his grave Situation's stay, hey, sent off to his grave.
And so siramay jumped down after him.
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sicklove-stuff · 3 years
𝕸𝖞 𝕸𝖞 𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖚𝖓𝖊 - FIC.
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Notice to all, this fanfic has content considered uncomfortable, sensitive and politically incorrect. If you don't like it, leave soon. - The fanfic shows content of masochism, sadism, rebellion, aggression ... It is worth mentioning that nothing here reflects on the wrestlers, it is just a drama involving their characters in the ring.
Made by Omoshi’ 
★ Undertaker “Ministry of Darkness” era | +18 | Y/N “your name”, will be “Sara”. 
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My best friend, Stephanie, when we were at the mall for the past few days ... She told me about a lunatic who claimed to be the minister of darkness with some companions, he wanted to marry her at any cost, however, I already knew that she was getting involved with another guy. This seems to be more disturbing than it looks, but whenever she describes it while we are choosing shoes in stores and among expensive clothes racks, it makes me crazy and my mouth water. - However, I can never express this to Stephanie, because she never seems to be happy to tell about it. I'm starting to sound a little bit possessive about this story that keeps me going, but poor Stephanie, she's having a misfortune.
I started thinking about it while I wait outside the company where her crazy father works, this backstage has never been so full of people that she thinks she can achieve something with me, despite the golden and virgin hair that I take care of very well, this is not an invitation. I snort by the mouth and start shaking my legs while I wait for her, she told me she had a party today ... It would only take a measly minute to say hello to her boyfriend, even though I repeatedly warned her that her boyfriend already had a girlfriend, she just giggles out of my face and pushes me in tones of fun ... saying it was better to live like this, in danger. What a stupid girl! - As time goes by I feel cheated, it's been twenty minutes since this has been happening. I bite my lips while anxiety overwhelms me, we're twenty minutes late from the party ... Just today that Stephanie hadn't robbed me of one of the few boys who had looked at me. It's her habit, stealing boyfriends ... Like she said, she feels dangerous.
Suddenly, everything was so ... empty? While I was lost in my thoughts, I did not notice the hours passing and the people passing too, it seemed that finally she would appear, or had she forgotten me there? Damn it. -When she lifted me from where she sat, a huge black box, to leave. I realize that everything is already closed, and everything starts to get scarier. Scarier, scarier ... Scarier. This is repeated more and more, more and more ... My head doesn't look very well. - Did something pull me?
When I look to the side, I notice that my whole skin is sweating, another hand wraps around my wrist, I look at my forearm, arm, covered in tattoos ... Demon tattoos, flames, just like Stephanie had said, that's ... It's realy true? When I go up to see who the face is ... The ordinary person's voluntary action is to faint with fear, or shout for help, but, I feel that I'm not that common, because that was the all dangerous guy that Stephanie was scared to death? He looked hotter than the ones she dated. - I could be stupid, I know, but my voluntary action was to smile a little, malicious smile. And again my mouth was full of water, but I stayed exactly in place, there was still "ice" inside me.
"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm Sara and ... I'm sorry if I was invading your area. BUT LET ME GO!" - Said while trying to let go, I liked guys like that but, it didn't seem to be very friendly, could it be that I've been thinking nonsense all this time and in the end, Steph was right?
He then pinned me to the wall. He was against his body, his arms were driving me crazy, and his psychotic look and his silence too, I soon tried to get quiet, that's when he brought his face closer to mine, bringing his mouth closer to my ear, God I never I had felt that sensation before. That's when I let out a heavy breath that he was pressing me against the wall. He then decided to break his silence.
"You are allied with that bitch." -He said, I was not surprised his voice was heavy with melancholy and rejection. As if everything in his life had gone ... Wrong? - "Do you want to end up like her? I always watch, she likes you, and my goal is to destroy all those she loves." -I managed to notice that he was laughing quietly and discreetly, just as if he was making fun of me. - "Sara ... Despite everything, beautiful name."
I didn't know if it made me feel hot, sexually and lovingly uncomfortable, or if it scared me, very scared. The misfortune that Stephanie always told me was, at that moment, my misfortune. Mine, my misfortune. I obviously tried to be reluctant to mind my own business, I forced my hand to keep him away from me, no one came around. It seemed to be not just a joke and a joke, the darkness was with this man.
"She does not love me!" - I pushed hard in an act of control over myself, successfully, I was away from him for a few centimeters, withdrawing my arms, unintentionally I ended up touching on a subject that I never wanted to get to ... "She betrays my confidence all the time, and I can only say that it's okay, when in fact it isn't! " - I couldn't believe what I ended up doing, I was confessing all my disappointment about my supposed best friend to a guy who supposedly wanted to kill and her family.But a long time ago, I didn't care about that, I did everything she wanted, so I could not live alone, while she lived surrounded by attention, people, appearing on television every Monday ... Surrounded by fans by simply to be rich, when in fact she was unbearable and stupid ... 
I know he wanted to cut me in half that hour, but, I think his plans had not worked out, he seemed very weakened. His hands weighed on my shoulders behind his back, he could do whatever he wants with me at that moment, since everything I carried over time I realized more of what was happening in my life, a lot of unhappiness and lies, I was always smiling and leaving, so as not to feel alone, when in fact I was more heartbroken than ever, Stephanie didn’t deserve to be with that boyfriend she was stealing from another woman who also loved him, as she told me, she deserved to pay for everything she complained.
"If you want to kill me, go ahead, my self-esteem is already in the trash. I don't have much to do anymore, because my biggest purpose in life has always been to be her shadow, SHE EVEN STEALS THE GUYS I WANT!" - Okay, I had already passed the point, but I hoped that he would soon get tired of me and leave, or just break my neck soon. That’s kind of suicidal.
Contrary to what I expected, he knew how to overcome my existential crisis at that time, I could feel his hands walking around my body, this was extremely strange, it was like he wanted to take advantage of me, but if I was there , I would not fight against the current, I did not know this guy, nor did I know his name, but his dark and evil aura made me crazy to the point of wanting everything he could offer me; so he knew how to select the phrases I said ...
"Do you steal the guys you try? Certainly because they are guys." - He said. A grip on the waistband of my skirt, and I just froze, and I then felt the fabric being slowly lowered ... And I then turned to face him in a feature of pure fear but micro-expressions said I wanted more than ever before.
"I ... I don't know your name ... What's your name?" - I asked while I realized that my skirt was already lowered to almost half of my thighs, I sweated coldly as I took a few steps back against a door. I was trapped.
"I have many names, many nicknames, but you can call me Taker. They currently have me as the Ministry of Darkness." - He came back to me and put his hand on the door handle that was supported, certainly if he opened it, I would fall back with all the strength I could, the moment I reasoned it, I already noticed it opening and my dancing feet losing their stability.I swallowed hard when I felt myself falling on the floor, an all dark room, some shelves, I couldn't identify what was there, I had fallen with my hips directly on the floor, painful as the impact hurt my whole spine in that tension, that tension and that horny I felt. I rolled my eyes when I heard the door being closed, nibbled on my lower lip ... I felt extremely strange, as if there was something burning inside me, the situation didn't help much anymore, my position with my legs spread and my skirt dropped even more , with my panties showing. When I least realized it, he would lower himself, and stay between my thighs ... I again gasped in suspense. I couldn't believe that what I was idealizing so much could actually happen. I can't sing victory before the moment.
"Oh, Sara ... Your drama is really ... Sad, but I'm not as sorry as I should be." - That sentence totally entered my being, while I already felt the fabric of the skirt go through the end of my legs, being accompanied by my panties that obviously could be a little wet. My cheeks went red as blood, from pure shame.I noticed him pulling something, it sounded like a blade, a ... A pocket knife ... And my immediate action was to grunt and stay static. The cold iron coming into contact with my skin, it made me shiver, but I was ... Liking, my side that I always hid, that of a crazy lover of good pain, if I said that to anyone it would be called a crazy bitch. And that was when I felt the blood flow, I closed my eyes tightly hoping for the worst, but, it had been a cut on the thigh, thin ... And then, he licked it.He licked my blood and my thigh, making other small cuts and licking them ...
 They were all very close to "that area", my intimacy, as if they were a path where it really made me shiver more than ever, my fingers stretched, a wave of enormous pleasure ruled me, I was practically out of my mind, I was no longer the Sara I knew. As he licked more, he got deeper, I could see that he had a huge tongue, he smelled, it made me extremely crazy; the fact that I was not seeing anything in the dark left me with "hands tied", he squeezed my thighs and I felt the blood drain more, but, he no longer licked the blood, he just licked my pubis and clitoris, I scratched the floor, the pure cold concrete trying to contain me more and more.That's when he said, after countless hickeys and licks ... 
"Don't hold back" - and laughed at me as he continued.Technically obeying his order, I moved the hands that were scratched on the floor to his hair, Taker ...
 Taker ... I repeated it in my head, Undertaker, Undertaker, of course ... I forced him against me, which made it more intense .. The first time I was having a moment like that, sensual, sexual ... What a misfortune Stephanie was missing all along. That room was already almost impregnated with my smell, I pulled her long hair, I could feel her beard ... until I couldn't help it, I splashed everything on her face. Once, twice, three times.I breathed as if I had run an entire marathon. That was when I decided to change the position and hold on to him, who had been kneeling, I held his waist and then let out the sentence: 
"You don't need Stephanie ... Forget her!"
He answered me...
"I already forgot.".
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out of love by alessia cara + calum for that lovely angst
Thanks for your song and patience!
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I’m debating on whether or not to continue song blurbs. Your support really helps me out, reblog if you enjoy. 
He first notices it in himself. 
It doesn’t set off the alarm suddenly. Ashton’s really the first one to see it. He asks about you, how you are settling into the new job, and when Calum answers with a placid good, Ashton gives him a look. Like how could good be the only word that Calum had when it came to you. But Ashton doesn’t push it, he nods and says that he’s glad you’re happy with your job and in a place more aligned with what you wanted. 
Calum can’t seem to recall when you started the new job. But it couldn’t have been for more than a day or two. He had just taken you out for dinner as a celebration. Calum excuses himself to the bathroom, racking his brain because surely he wasn’t going insane. But when he scrolls through the text messages from you, he sees the dinner was nearly two and a half weeks go. It’s just his memory, with the latest album things have started to blur just a little and he can’t seem to keep anything straight anymore. 
Calum fucks up the routine. 
Not that he meant it maliciously. There’s an order to the day that you’ve gotten accustomed to. You waking first and cook breakfast. Calum sluggishly pulls himself to at least have his morning coffee with you--you go to work. He catches up on emails, takes Duke out for his walk if he manages not to doze off again, goes to the studio. You get back--there’s always a note left in Calum’st mostly uppercase penmanship if Duke needs a walk. You relax, fix dinner. Calum comes homes, reheats his plate if it’s gone late, you two talk, laughing at the dining room table as you sip on tea. 
Calum doesn’t come down for his morning coffee once. You sit, bag at your feet with ten minutes before you have to leave for work. And you sit, and sit, and sit, wringling your thumbs and picking at your nails. The bedroom door never creaks open. 
In the car, your phone rings. Calum’s name and photo on the screen. “I know you haven’t left yet. Get out of the car so I can give you your morning kiss.” His voice is gruff, still thick with sleep. You bite your lip and laugh, heart-expanding at the fact that you didn’t have to leave Calum without your morning kiss. 
You leave the car running, and jump back out. Calum stands, sans shirt but in sweatpants, on the porch. Duke, who you took out earlier, wagging his tail at his feet. Calum’s clearly tired, eyes puffier than usual. The close crop can’t really be fussed about, but as the length slowly grows back you can see it’s flattened from his sleep. He flashes a quick smile and an open embrace. “Morning,” you laugh, kissing him quickly. 
“Morning. You look good by the way.” He gives you another kiss, to make up for him oversleeping. “Have a great day.”
You nod. “You too rockstar.” 
When your car pulls out of the driveway and down the block, Calum steps back into the house. He hums, still tired and collapses onto the couch. There’s not a lot of guilt, mostly just thoughts of sleep. 
Around one that day his phone buzzes. A picture from you of the latest addition in dogs you see on your lunch break. He replies with a couple heart eye emojis, grinning at the stern-looking German shepherd. Cutest bub around, he types. 
Don’t let them hear you say that. Looks like they wouldn’t take too kindly. Love you, babe. 
Love you too. He goes to send the text but his fingers take pause. When’s the last time he called you doll? He used to use it all the time. Calum erases his period and adds a coma before his fingers add more. Love you too, doll. 
Calum really knows something is happening when you take pause at the bedroom door. His duffel bag, unzipped, and half full. Your voice cracks as you speak. “What are you doing?” You don’t want the scene to send you into a panic but you have no clue why Calum would be packing a suitcase, without warning. He always gave you a week’s notice at the very least--sometimes shows and events kind of popped up. 
“The writing retreat?” He could’ve sworn he told you about the four day trip up the coast. Not going out of the state at all, just a few hours out of the way. It was in the works since last week. Why would he not bring it up to you? 
“The what? How long?”
“I--I told you. It’s only four days. Going up the coast just to write for a little bit. Some guys up there want in a couple tracks. I told you this, baby.”
“No, you didn’t.” 
“Yes, I did. I had to have told you.” But he can see the tears welling in your eyes and the way your lower lip has started to wobble. “Please, please God tell me I told you?”
You shake your head. Throat seizing up on you. God, you wanted to feel stupid for thinking he was leaving--nevermind the fact this was his house. But lately, over the last few months, things felt different, off, distant. It wasn’t the end, you told yourself. It couldn’t have been. Calum always made things up, he was imperfect like everyone else. But not telling you about having to go away, it’s the final straw. 
Calum steps over his bag, arms lifting to cradle you. You take a small step back, with a shake of your head. It hurts to swallow, the squeezing in your chest is not helping. “You don’t talk to me anymore.” The admission is choked as it leaves your lips. You haven’t let out a full sob, but you feel it beating at your lungs and ribs. 
“I’m sorry. I just forgot.”
The look Ashton gave Calum months ago comes flooding back. The heaviness to his eyes, the pull of his brow. Ashton wasn’t confused. Calum was the last to realize it. He was the last one to see the thing happening. If this had been a bad dream, Calum would’ve woken with a cold sweat. When his mouth gapes and his eyes pull together, you turn, clutching your sleeves into your fist to wipe your eyes. 
“Wait, please!”
He still loved you. He did. He still loved you. 
But he hadn’t call doll in ages. He didn’t hold your hand in bed anymore. He didn’t drink his morning coffee with you. He hummed when you talked about work. He hadn’t even meant to do this. It’s not even like Calum felt bored--maybe a little bogged down. But not bored. Things were so good.
You can’t even hide in the house before you turn the corner to the spare bedroom, Calum’s gently taking your elbow to slow you down. What was happening? What was he doing wrong? “Talk to me now. Please?”
That sob, finally makes itself known, scratching over your throat. You pull your joint of his grasp but don’t face him. You can feel the heat of him on your back as he stands, inches, maybe even centimeters behind you, but have no physical contact. “You haven’t had breakfast with me in two months.”
“I have--two months?”
You nod. “You haven’t called about being late home. I still fix you dinner though, knowing that you’re not going to show up until whatever wee hour in the morning. You used to buy me flowers just for no reason and even though I seemed to kill each one with just a look, you kept buying them.”
Calum racks his brain. He bought some. It couldn’t have been all that long ago. He bought some for Valentine’s Day and then more a week later. It was only July now. “Fuck,” he whispers at the realization. “Five months?”
You nod. “Five months.”
You might have naively wondered if people stopped loving each other or if it just they forgot how to love the other person. But here, now, looking at the beige walls of this bedroom you thought the former was definitely more likely. 
“I’m sorry.” It’s the only thing Calum can say. It’s the only words his mouth can work around and get out. He loved you. He really did. 
“Ashton asked me if everything was okay with us. And I had to tell him the truth. That I wasn’t sure.”
“It’s not you. I need you to know that it wasn’t you at all,” he urges, finally taking your hand and you let him. You even turn, standing toe to toe with him. “I loved you. Through and through I loved you.”
It’s not even a sad revelation. Somehow it feels mundane to hear it. You knew all along that something had happened. You just didn’t want to believe it. But it’s obvious that things had just run out of juice. Your lip wobbles again and you can feel it, hear the tremors as you speak. It’s probably a stupid thing to admit, but it feels right. You unwind your fingers and speak, “I love you.”
Wiping your eyes, you look to the floor. The earth hasn’t shattered. You thought it might. And it’s not a last-ditch effort to save a dying thing. It’s just a statement of truth, just the bone grinding honest truth. Your teeth ache just a little as you continue to speak. “Know that even when I saw the end of the tunnel, and I was staring it down every goddamn day, I actively loved you. I still love you. But I-I can’t keep doing this. Lying to myself.”
Calum nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I-I never meant to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“It might be too late for that.”
His chest nearly caves. He takes a staggering step back and the tears that were threatening to spill and tell all his secrets fall down his cheek. The ink of his truth now tracking down his cheeks. He had hurt you in probably the worst way possible. Holding onto a routine and pretending to give out love. “I’m such a fucking idiot.”
“We all do stupid things for love,” you croak your laughter leaves in bursts and occasionally choked off by a sob. “We all do stupid things for love.” 
Like lying to yourself, or turning a blind eye to things. There’s just a moment, you lean into the wall right outside the guest bedroom and Calum leaning into the door of the hall closet. Neither one of you can look at each other. Your arms are wrapped around your stomach, the pain from your chest now spreading down your body. Calum just feels heavy, even numb because he can’t believe he had drug you through that. Waiting day in and day out for him to either snap out of it or maybe even into reality. Waiting for yourself to come to that realization too. 
He opens his mouth, staring up at his ceilings with more tears threatening to fall down his cheek. 
“Don’t say you're sorry again. Please don’t.”
“What can I say? What can I do to make this better?”
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riftimagines · 4 years
hello 💓 if you're accepting requests (feel free to ignore), I'd really appreciate it if you wrote something about sett. for a few weeks, his girlfriend avoids him because someone tells her that she is too much trouble for him after finding out she's hiding an eating disorder and self-harm from sett. she believes this person and decides it's realy the best if she just disappears from his life. sett finds out and immediately goes to find her? fluff and soft boi sett? 🥺❤ thank u ❤
I had actually did headcanons for this but it just got too long so I turned it into a  one shot! I hope you don't mind that and you still like this!
Sett x Self-harming!Eating Disorder!Reader
Warnings: Trigger Warning, Attempted Suicide, Self Harm, Minor Character Death, Minor Blood, Minor Swearing.
Catching the eye of the infamous Ionian pit fighting ring boss seemed impossible but lo and behold one trip to the pits with some adventurous friends and now you hardly ever leave his side. Ever loving and charming in his own gruff way. He always made you feel normal and happy even on days where you didn’t feel right. When you felt empty and not enough food could fill it or even the thought of food made you want to throw up and never eat again he was there to make all the badness go away. Everything for once felt decently right and you could just live as best as you could with someone that actually loved you for you. Too bad that didn’t sit well with some of the more envious eyes.
A green monster’s eyes stare into the back of your head with bitterness. Why would their tough, strong, handsome boss care for such a weak, pathetic nobody like you? You weren’t even a fighter for deities sakes! So what made little worthless you so much better then them? They were stronger, better looking, and didn’t have weird eating problems. They just needed you to leave him since Sett seemed so adamant on staying with you. Unfortunately for you the opportunity for them to strike arose rather quickly when Sett turns to you.
“Hey, babe I need to check in with my bookies for the nights payouts, you keep my seat warm alright?” You nod happily and he grins and gives you a quick peck on the cheek before walking off to the bookies office. As you sit there you can’t help but feel a looming presences behind you. Turning around you spot one of Setts underling fighters looking at you. They take your look as an invitation to saunter up to you and glare down at you in Setts seat. You can feel the bubble of anxiety building up in your abdomen as they stare you down. They pick up a fruit from the table next to the seat your in and they lean in close as they bite down on the fruit hard enough that you could feel the juice from it land on your cheek. You cringe at the sight and your are not sure if your want to eat a fruit or throw up at the thought of eating it. They chew for a moment before before speaking to you.
“So your the boss’s new arm candy? Must be for charity or something.” Your brows fur in confusion and you glare up at them. They snort loudly and eat more of the fruit.
“I mean why would such a man like Sett like a little broken thing like you? So feeble, useless really, I heard you can’t even eat right. Here, have a fruit.” They toss one of the same fruits they were eating at you. You catch it and stare at the fruit like its a foreign object. It looked edible but then could you stop eating or would it just make you gag? As you contemplate the fruit your harasser just laughed.
“See, you can’t even decide if you want to do a basic human function. Even babies know what they want. I feel kinda bad for the boss. He has to put up with you and whatever the hell is wrong with you. Such a pain in the ass if you ask me. He probably just stays with you so he looks nice to better people. You know attract the better normal people.” You look down in shame. Sett wouldn’t do that to you, would he? No, he wouldn’t, but then again he didn’t know the broken side of you. The days of eating mindlessly or not eating at all for a couple days or the days where  you did eat but just threw it all up. He didn’t know that you would physically beat yourself up about it. The scars that criss crossed across your arms, a daily reminder of the darkness in your mind. As your mind wondered the underling observed you and realized what you were thinking.
“ Oh, he doesn’t know does he? Now your a lier as well as a broken waste of space. You know, if you really supposedly love him wouldn’t you want him to be happy with someone who’s probably better for him in the long run. I’m sure you know as soon as he finds out about your little eating problem he’ll want you leave you for something better. Might as well save yourself some pain and let him go first don’t you think?” You felt a horrible familiar pain in your heart. It would be better for Sett if you weren’t around being a ball and chain. He could most defiantly do better then you. He deserved someone better then you. The fighters eyes brightened as the seeds of doubt were now planted in your head. It would only be a matter of time before your out of the picture.
“You just think about that, huh? If you can’t be good for him let him have someone who is good for him. Don’t let him suffer your problems. He doesn’t deserve your problems, no one does.” They say that last part with bitterness and a sharp in your face glare then made their leave back to the corner where they came from. So many things running through you head. Sett loves you right? Yeah he does, of course he does and you love him, but he didn’t know about your problems. He didn’t know that you had trouble with eating or how much you hated your self because of it. He doesn’t know that your a dirty lier that hasn’t been honest with him about all your faults. The fighter was right, you needed to leave Sett, he needed someone so much more then you. A perfect, honest, wonderful person for a wonderful, handsome man like him. You were lost in thought for who knows how long until a large shadow overcast you. Sett looks down with you with his lovely sharp toothed grin and dipped down to kiss you.
“Hey babe, I’m back everything’s good to go. You ok there hun? You look a little sad. Did someone hurt you? Just tell me babe I’ll make sure they’ll never hurt you again.” He cracks his knuckles and neck and looks around for any potential culprits.
“No love, I’m just tired its getting late thats all.” You tell him. More lies. Another fault and reason why Sett should be free from you. He looks a bit skeptical but he doesn’t push and instead settles down in his seat next to you and holds you close to him. He was so warm and comforting. So much more then you deserved. Starting tomorrow Sett will be free, no matter how much it would wound your heart.
The following weeks were so incredibly hard. You had been avoiding Sett like a plague and it was waring on your very soul. Every time he wanted to see you you would leave or make an excuse. Any dates he wanted to make you’d say no. He’d be so confused and sad but you’d take off before he could say anything. Everyday now you would cry. Everyday controlling how you ate was more of a task then it had ever been before. The small blade you had to defend your self now became the thing of your self destruction hardly ever leaving your hand and in those hands left a trail of blood and shame in its wake. In the sanguine pools around your limbs your life drained from you. It hurt so bad but good at the same time. The pain of your skin being split open by a sharp blade hurt for a short while but there was also and inexplicable relief in this pain. Though in the end your end will not come. Only a new mark will stay on your tapestry of sorrow that was your skin. This tapestry had become your life recently. The constant waves of agony that washed through you were only soothed this way. You try to convince yourself that Sett could never have loved this. This was all for the best, all for your dear love, Sett. It had to be.
Unknown to you Sett was getting rather fed up with all this running away and avoiding him. He loves you dammit and he knows you love him too! So why the hell were you being so distant lately? He was grumbling to himself and putting everyone in the pit on edge. Bookie and fighter a like knew what happens when you test the Boss when he’s in a bad mood. Nothing good they’ll tell you what. While everyone was generally avoiding Sett while he was irritated one particular fighter saw this as a chance. You were gone, you had to be to put him in this kind of mood. Time to test the waters. They made their way over to the beast man, who paid them no mind in the slightest. They frowned then coughed loud enough for the boss’s ears to twitch. Sett quickly and aggressively rounded on them and growled.
“What do you want? Can’t you see I’m not in the mood right now? Buzz off!” They were taken a little aback by his sheer aggressiveness. Now they knew he’d be a little upset but to be this upset over a broken thing like you was a bit ridiculous. It almost seems that he actually liked you but that couldn’t be it because no one in their right mind could like you. Well if he was going to be rude then they could be rude right back.
“No need to be so rude Boss. Im sorry if your little fling flaked out on you but they were certainly nothing to be upset about losing.” Before they could say anything else Sett moved with such speed they had no time to react. Their head hit the wall so hard the world started to blur and spin. Sett was snarling as he lifted up this dead weight bastard by the throat and slammed his head against the wall again. No one talked about you like that in front of him NO ONE.
“And just what the hell would you know about them?!” They yelped in pain as Sett punched them hard in the gut hard enough for some blood to dribble out of their mouth. A dark grin appeared on their blood stained face making Sett glare and tighten his grip on their throat. Ah, they had truly underestimated how much he didn’t know about you. It was likely Sett wouldn’t let them live but at least they could go out knowing Sett’s love would waver when he hears the truth about you and maybe just maybe you had already left this world and they could rub it in your face in the afterlife.
“More then you apparently. Little flake was broken anyway. It would be so much better for you if you just let the little defect go. I mean a guy like you shouldn’t have to deal with a creature that can’t decide if they want to eat a lot or nothing then just throw it all up or just spit up acid. Then on top of that have to deal with their “accidents” that they give themselves because they can’t handle their own mind. Honestly a waste of life that no one should put up with. You should just let them go. That is if they haven’t left this world already.” Sett blinks as he takes in all that information. You had eating problems? You HURT yourself? You want to avoid him so you could break yourself more because you were afraid of he would leave you? None of that set well with the beast man. You didn’t need to hide that from him. He loved you so much and if you had problems he’d want to be there for you. He NEEDED to be there for you, but first he needed to take out the trash. With a deep growl Sett channeled some of his Vastayan power into his arm and quickly crushed their throat. Blood sputtered out of their mouth for a moment before they fell completely limp. Sett dropped them like a sack of potatoes and turned to face some of the other fighters who silently watched the scene unfold and nodded for them to get rid of the body. Two of them moved quickly to dispose of the corpse and the others stood there in fear of their boss.
“Alright fellas I’m gonna head out for a bit. I’ll be back later with my babe and if anyone has any crap to say to them you’ll end up like that horrible bastard thats being taken out the door, got it?” Everyone in the room collectively agrees and Sett promptly leaves the terrified room behind. He needed to get to you now. If anything that A-hole said was true then you were probably not ok and if you weren’t ok he wasn’t ok. He kept you in mind as he started to run as fast as he could towards your home, hopefully he wasn’t too late.
In your seemingly dark and cold abode you sat on the floor in front of you bed. Sullen, in pain, and defeated there seemed to be no end to this sadness today. The only thoughts that ran through your mind were of your imperfections and your love who needed to be free from the blemishes of your life. You held the blade in your hand precariously. You were so used to the blade grazing the skin as of late that it didn’t bring anymore of that reliving pain. Perhaps you needed to go deeper. Yes, you needed to go deeper the pain was deeper so you just have to push it in closer to the core of your misery. You looked at the thing that had become a part of you arm its sharpness could go in so far it could be so easy for it to just pierce the core of your being. If it did everything would end. All the pain, the doubt, the indecision, gone. Thats what you want. Everything to be gone. You bring your end closer to you and in the process catch the sight of your arms tattered in red lines and blood splatter of today. Sett would be so sad to see that. He never liked to see you in pain, always wanting to fight away all your problems, such a sweetheart. A small smile actually appeared on your face as you recalled the memory of the day Sett told you he’d kick the ever-loving ass out of anyone that would even try hurt you. Such nice thoughts. Hopefully Sett’s next love will appreciate such protectiveness. The sliver of a smile you had fades and the knife in your hand and the wounds on your arms become more real. The pain rolling back into your chest double time after the happy memory. No he didn’t need this. You were a horrible mess that needed to be disposed of and you had the way to be disposed of in your hand. You feel nauseated as your mind races. Everything hurts. Everything hurts please make it stop! You gasp and begin to cry. You didn’t want to die, you wanted to live happily with Sett, but that could never be. You didn’t want to be that much of a burden to him. This is how it has to be. You hesitantly bring the blade up to your chest and start to hyperventilate. No, yes, no, yes, don’t do it you deserve to be happy with someone that loves you and he’s out there waiting for you. Lies, he probably doesn’t even notice your gone just end it and lets be free from all this pain. Your so lost in thought you don’t hear the pounding on the door or the sound of it breaking.
“Babe? Babe?!” The loud, sudden yelling in the room draws you from your thoughts and a blur rushes to you and wrenches the knife from your hand and throws it across the room. Your in shock as two large, warm, strong arms wrap themselves around you and pulls you in to the large man their attached to. You look up and see red fluffy hair and a dark purple fluffy vest collar in your face. Sett, he came for you. Tears bubble up and begin to rain down on Sett’s shoulder. He coos you softly and sits down fully on the floor and pulls you into his lap. His head presses softly against yours and he begins to kiss your tears away. A calloused hand cups the side of your face and makes you look up at him. He looks so concerned and slightly frightened. He was scared of losing you and you almost let your life slip away. So stupid, your so stupid, he really did need someone better.
“No I don’t! The only person I need is you. I was so worried about you. You started avoiding me and I didn’t know why. I was so confused, I didn’t understand what was happening. I still don’t to be completely honest but I want to know. I want to understand so you don’t have to feel like you have to do this. So you don’t have to hide from me and almost leave me.” His voice trembled at the end. You look upon his face and see his eyes shimmering like tears that wanted to fall but didn’t. He missed you so much and it felt so nice to have you in his arms, a little beat up but alive.
“But there’s so much wrong with me. You don’t have to deal with it, you shouldn’t have to. You don’t have to deal with me not being able to control my eating habits or this.” You gesture to the scars on your arms and your tear stained face.
“I’m a mess. A horrible mistake upon you and the world.” You were silenced by a deep loving kiss that held you both quiet until neither of you could breathe. The kiss ended with both of you gasping for air but Sett recovered faster and filled the quiet with his voice.
“Don’t be saying that crap. I know you feel bad, but your definitely not those things. I was told the same thing growing up. That I was a horrible mistake and nothing but a pain in the ass for my mama. She didn’t care about that though and whenever I felt bad she’d tell me that as long as one person in the world was happy with you then your life is worth living. I’m that one person. I love you so much and I don’t care if it takes me my whole life to understand or maybe I’ll never understand but the point is, I’m here for you and as long as I’m here for you, you don’t need to feel alone or ashamed. We can take all the time you need babe. I’ll be right here.” Your eyes filled with tears once again not from sadness but with joy. He truly loved you so much and was so patient with you. Perhaps, this can work. It would take a lot of time but maybe you could get better. As long as Sett was by your side it felt like you could just make it through and see some light at the end of your previously dark tunnel. You smile at him happily and cuddle into him. He lets out a small laugh.
“See, it’ll be ok, hun. Now lets get you cleaned up a bit your starting to look tougher then me!” He chuckled and kissed the scars on your arms as he picks you up easily. You can feel a better mood creeping in and jest with him.
“I am tougher then you.” He smiles and starts to kiss at your neck making you giggle and you swat at him playfully.
“Hmm, you might be right there, babe. You might have to protect me every now and then.” You nod and he snuggles into your nape. The light is even brighter now and for the first time in a long time you feel something you haven’t felt in a long time, Hope.
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universe-n-3276 · 4 years
Carrying the Moon
Notes: First of all thank you so much to everyone who is reading this story even without leaving comments, likes, kudos, than thank you to everyone who gave me their feedback. It realy means the world to me. This chapter is dedicated to @gingerhead007 who took me on a little tour in Antwerp on Robbe’s birthday. You’re a sweetheart, thank you so so so much!
Chapter 6
Lucas and Jens were holding hands, walking toward a new place that Jens had discovered a few weeks ago, thanks to his classmates.
He was so excited about it, that he had told everyone about it, even his mother, probably.
That evening he had managed to drag his boyfriend with him, who had somehow persuaded Sander to tag along. But then again, Lucas could sell ice to the Eskimos, if he wanted to.
Since Jens slipped in front of him that Robbe had started dating again, Sander's mood had become darker than usual, and it certainly wasn't doing him any good. Lucas was worried about his best friend, and therefore he convinced him to take an evening off from parenting, despite Sander claiming, that Hero was the only one, that was still making him happy. As soon as the babysitter arrived, the three were out of the house, before Sander could change his mind for the hundredth time in just five minutes.
“You can still kiss in front of me. I won’t get depressed. Although, Jens, since you are the one who has to kiss Lucas..."
Lucas rolled his eyes, pretending to be offended by that remark. He was happy that, despite everything, his best friend still managed to be at least a little himself.
“Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny."
"I told you he would notice."
As for PDAs, Lucas and Jens were second only to Robbe and Sander. Not seeing them kissing, for more than two minutes, would have made anyone suspicious. In this case, even Sander who had his head somewhere else.
Arriving at the club, which wasn’t far from the building, where Jens had most of the classes, Sander and Lucas immediately understood why he was so enthusiastic about it. It was full of musical instruments, some were rare and had belonged to famous artists, others simply had unusual shapes or colors. The place was built on three levels, each of them was divided into two more rooms, which had different musical genre as a theme. Jens was studying sound technology and wasn’t at all as picky as Sander in terms of music, so he explained to the others, that depending on his mood, he always chose a different room, and that he had never been disappointed before.
Since he could be considered an expert on the subject, Sander and Lucas let him choose the room for the evening. Jens thought about it for a few seconds and then invited them to follow him.
"I want you to wear a shirt with my face on it when you come here without me."
The chosen place was the one dedicated to the LGBTQ + community and it was beautiful, colorful, and fun. Full of prints dedicated to films, musicals, or artists who had made the movement’s history. The speakers were blasting "I'm coming out" by Diana Ross and Sander was suddenly feeling great. He took Lucas's hand and spun him around, making him laugh.
“I'm going to get some beers.”
Jens gave Lucas a quick peck on the lips and walked to the bar. The place was quite busy because it was Friday night after all, however, finding a table was easier then they thought.
"How about that– shitshitshitshitshit."
Sander frowned, looking at his best friend, who had suddenly turned around and was still cursing under his breath.
"Luc, what the..."
Then he understood.
Robbe was sitting near one of the tables they had eyed and he wasn't alone.
Sander turned his back quickly, as Lucas peered in the previous direction.
“He saw us. He's waving. What the hell? Why is he waving? I'm gonna go there and make a scene."
It was like if everything was going at the speed of light around him, as he stood still in the middle of that room, unable to make any move. He should have tried to stop Lucas, who was taking the matter personally. He and Robbe had become friends over the years, but apparently, the friction had never been completely forgotten, at least by his best friend. Luckily, Jens’s arrival was able to bring Sander back to the present moment, and Lucas and his anger weren’t his problems anymore.
“Look! It's Robbe! I'm glad he came here to see this place as I told him."
"I didn’t invite him."
Jens looked extremely sorry, even though it wasn’t his fault. When the universe wanted to rage against someone, there was nothing one could do, except stay in the midst of the hurricane and hope to get as little harm as possible.
"It's fine. Let’s go there and just say hi. "
"I'm gonna go there just to bitch-slap him."
"Easy-peasy, tiger."
"Jens. I swear. If you call me tiger once again in public...”
Sander took a beer from Jens' hands and swallowed half of it in one sip. He was trying to prepare himself for the moment he was carefully avoiding for months.
He walked with his head held high towards Robbe and waved at him, trying to smile in the most relaxed and genuine way.
He heard Jens and Lucas’ voices greet him as well. His best friend's hand slipped into his and squeezed it. Sander couldn't be more grateful to him now.
"Hi, guys!"
Robbe was tense and Sander could tell it from the way he was scratching his arm. It was something he always did when he was nervous, and Sander hated himself for still noticing it.
"Noah, those are my best friend Jens and his boyfriend Lucas, and he is Sander my ex."
That’s what death by a thousand cuts feels like.
He found himself thinking while listening to the words "my ex". And it's funny how the human brain works because if you’d asked him, Sander would have sworn to you that he had never listened to Taylor Swift in his entire life, and yet the lyrics from that song got unconsciously stuck in his head, and they were the first thought that came into his mind at that moment.
He was hurting very badly, thus he tried to shift his attention to Robbe's new boyfriend, to distract himself. Noah was tall, with black hair, dark eyes, and full lips. He looked like Jens' cheap imitation, and it made Sander lose his mind because he thought Robbe's crush for his best friend was just something that belonged to the past. Instead, his type looked more like Jens than him. How great.
“Oooh! That Sander? The one with the baby?”
He felt the strong urge to roll his eyes because now that Noah had opened his mouth, a single sentence was enough for him to sound like a perfect idiot. Sander swallowed the rest of his beer, immediately wanting another one. There was no way he could get over that night, being completely sober.
"That’s so cool, man! I love babies."
"I don't. I just love Hero, my son."
"You called him Hero? Duuude! You're a savage."
That was the cue he was waiting for to end the conversation. One thing was to be the idiot Robbe was dating, another was to hear him talk about Hero in that way.
“Okay. I'm out. I’ll go grab another beer.”
He was ready to walk away as fast as he could when he felt a feather-light hand rest on his shoulder. He could recognize that touch anywhere, feeling his body being drawn to it almost like a magnet, and start craving for more. So much more.
"You know you shouldn't drink. It fuck up with your-”
"It fucks up with your what? Are you still taking-"
Like a beautiful, fragile bubble that suddenly bursts, the peace that Robbe's touch had restored inside of him was abruptly cut off, making him feel something new. Anger. He turned back to face him, his gaze was sharp, his jaw clenched. It was again just the two of them, in a silent conversation, but this time, it was completely different from the many they had in the past. There was no need to express his thoughts out loud.
Not if Robbe was involved.
And it was over.
He didn't care about Lucas, Jens, Robbe, or that whole damned place.
He just wanted to leave.
“Sander wait! I'm sorry!"
Sander felt suffocated. He had never been so angry. Robbe had just told everyone he was still taking his anxiety medication. It was something only his parents and Robbe knew. He didn't think that the deep trust he had in Robbe should have vanished the moment they broke up. Sander thought that the other would always stay the same, but perhaps he had idealized him from the beginning. Robbe had talked about Hero to Noah, the first asshole who stopped by, and who knows how many other secrets he had revealed. Sander had entrusted him with his greatest fears and desires, trusting him blindly. He felt nauseated, angry, and sad. That evening had been a huge mistake from the beginning and now he just wanted to drink until he passed out. He wished to forget everything, his problems, and himself.
Then something made him focus on Hero, just as the bartender asked him what he wanted to drink.
"Water, please."
The thought of Hero brought him back to earth. He couldn't let himself go. He couldn't go home completely wasted and not be able to take care of himself and his baby. He had to keep himself stable, lucid, healthy for him. Sander realized at that moment, that despite everything, somehow, Hero’s presence was taking care of him. It was preventing him from drowning into the sadness and despair of having lost the love of his life. He had kept taking his medications, eating healthy, studying and attending classes, only thanks to that tiny angel, who was saving him every day.
He closed his eyes and breathed in the cold air outside the club.
He drank from the bottle he had just bought and started walking home, hoping to clear his mind.
Once he arrived at his house and dismissed the babysitter, he immediately made his way to Charlotte's old room, that he had turned into Hero’s bedroom. Sander had changed the color of the walls and drawn animals everywhere. The only trace of his sister, he hadn’t been able to erase was the poem by Rupi Kaur written on the wall with a black marker.
Seeing Hero asleep in his crib gave him the usual peaceful feeling. He stroked his hair, touching his cheek with his fingers.
Just a year ago, he saw Charlotte's belly grow and wondered how his sister would raise that baby, and yet, at that moment, Hero was his everything. He clung to him and his presence as the only thing that was keeping him sane. Most of the time it was easy, but tonight, after seeing Robbe in someone else's arms, everything had become more difficult. He didn’t even know how he hadn’t started screaming in the middle of the club. He felt like he was dying inside when Robbe introduced him as "my ex" because Sander couldn't think of introducing Robbe to someone without calling him "the love of my life”, “my soulmate”, “my boyfriend”, “my fiancè”, “my husband”. This was how he had always imagined it, the way things had to go, and he knew that no one would ever make him feel how he had felt all those years with him, so there was no point in trying.
The fact that it wasn't the same for Robbe had surprised him. He'd always thought their feelings were equal, with no differences, but maybe Sander loved Robbe differently, maybe he'd always been alone on that journey and Robbe was just someone he'd walked with.
His thoughts were going to a dangerous place and he had to stop them. He had to focus on the present.
Luckily, his little angel clenched his fists in his sleep, and Sander smiled because he was the most adorable thing in the world. He wanted to wake him up and hold him in his arm. Watch him sleep all night.
Then, suddenly, someone rang the bell.
It was late.
His mother wasn’t in town.
Maybe the babysitter had forgotten something.
He stood up and took the baby monitor, closing the door to Hero's room behind him.
They rang a second time.
Whoever it was had to be in a hurry.
"I’m coming, just a second."
He turned the key in the lock, finally opening the door, just to find himself face to face with the features of someone he knew too well.
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
Since I seem to be in a really positive mood today and even though this show clearly doesn't deserve this post here's my list of favorite skam france s6 clips:
Samedi 07:52 The day after ep1: I really really loved the first clip of the season a lot more than the trailer and I think that it was such a great introduction to Lola's pov. We really saw the world through her eyes in such a special way in that moment n I loved all the hints to the plot (same sex couple walking down the street and being viewed as completely normal> w|w storyline with no internalized homophobia; the raccon tag > foreshadowing for otteli and urbex plot; lola photographing broken things > insight into lola's feelings) The cinematography and use of pov was a masterpiece in this one.
Lundi 7:43 Tiff ep1: This one is just here for the grew being the most supportive and loving friend group, skipping classes together to take care of Daphné and that group hug <33 need I say more?? No. Every clip with the grew is gonna be on this list because the little screen time they had this season needs to be honoured. I'm sorry that they did you so dirty babes:((
Mercredi 13:03 Fuck the planet ep1: my absolute favorite mayla clip this season!! one of my absolute favorite clips in general!! I still remember the day when they dropped that clip and I got so excited for this season again. Maya being a climate activist and such a warm and lovely person I immediately fell in love with her. Maya looking at Lola as if she's a princess walking down the stairs to a ball in some fairy tale. Maya not letting Lola's cold remarks throw her off n replying with equal sass instead, Maya's iconic coming out line and Lola smiling for the first time all season!! That clip was really off the charts
Vendredi 16:43 Someone exceptional ep1: This is my absolute favorite clip of the whole season and the amount of times I've rewatched this is actually unhealthy. Something just clicked and for the first time I felt really connected with Lola and felt and understood her pain (probs to Flavie she was amazing here) I loved the lil details abt this clip: Lucas playing the piano, le grew all hugging Daphné, Daphné's speech and break down (lula was amazing here too I really really felt connected to Daphné in that moment), Eliott and Lola meeting for the first time (their best clip this season, gosh the potential they had to actually develop such a cool and beautiful sibling relationship with them and then they did.... whatever the rest of their storyline was), Lola trying so hard to read Daphné's speech and then holding her own instead because she so desperately needs to get this off her chest and make ppl understand her and last but not least the cinematic shots of her running out of the church and breaking down. Truly my favorite clip.
Mercredi 12:56 You don't know me ep2: my second favorite mayla clip and hell did I love their dynamic and chemistry in this one. The community service clips were so so special and gave them such unique vibes I'm so sad that the rest of their storyline really couldn't live up to that because the beginning really was breathtaking and I was so here for their storyline and really believed that I would get the w|w rep I deserve this season. Rip
Jeudi 19:33 Sorry ep2: Daphné and Lola finally warming up to eachother, both of them apologizing, Lola saying that she can make dinner and they can watch one of Daphné's favorite tv shows together. Baby steps. Also Daphné grieving and smelling her mother's shirt to find comfort. Such an important clip!!
Vendredi 22:22 Otteli ep2: Again the opening shots and cinematography of this clip!! Lola meeting la mif for the first time and I was completely buying their found family dynamic from the start, maya and lola being 👀 the entire time and last but not least Eliott being introduced as urbex legend n royalty,, the wasted potential of that storyline tho...
Samedi 6:43 An awesome party ep3: again maya's and lola's chemistry in this one and their first real and deep conversation, maya opening up about her parents and how she found a home and family in la mif, their smiles and laughs and lola replying to Daphné's text messages because that's growth baby!
Lundi 7:53 The slap ep3: again just here for le grew, the way they all pulled daphné in for a group hug I'm cryinnn. Also Lucas telling the people who were gossiping abt Lola to turn around and mind their own business, dare I say iconic. the way we could have had it all this season and then skamfr decided to make them enemies. Hate it here
Samedi 13:18 Hangover ep4: this clip being a parallel to the beginning of ep2, we all believed that Lola went out and slept with another stranger and would feel lost and overwhelmed again and then! we and she found out that she's at maya's n instead of being lost again she completely openes up to Maya abt her life and Maya just holds her and Lola clings onto her as if her life depends on it and finds comfort in Maya. Still crying about this one
Mardi 21:43 You want to talk about it? ep4: I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I've rewatched this clip countless of times simply because seeing Eliott so happy and excited at his workplace has me feeling some type of way. I liked his and Lola's general dynamic in this one my main problem is just that it was so damn underdeveloped and came out of nowhere. Skam france you're a transmedia show text messages would have really helped you bby!!
Samedi 14:23 Luquette ep5: ohh out of all the clips with Eliott in it this one's definitely my favorite (and also one of the only ones I liked) both Eliott and Lola getting to speak for themself abt their mental health, seeing Eliott's development going from being ashamed and hiding his mental illness to now being so open about it and giving others advice, them talking about Eliott's Lucas and Lola's Luquette (🥺) Eliott being ready to run from Daphné with Lola and Lola saying that she's gonna take responsibility and Eliott looking like a proud big brother > the only clip with sibling vibes of them this season
Samedi 17:36 Just a girl ep5: Daphné and Lola reconciling, Daphné wanting to buy Lola picture frames and not letting that go even tho they have so little money and she sorts other stuff out instead. Please their sister bond this season has my heart. And also Maya and Lola at that supermarket gay panic energy at its finest. I loved that clip and that even after what happened last Friday Maya is still such a warm and loving person in that clip. Ugh why did they had to ruin her character later that season??☹
Mercredi 18:49 I miss you ep5: in case y'all are wondering if I'm just gonna put every single mayla clip on that list- don't worry this one is gonna be the last in a while. Anyway back to the good old days lamifex hanging all out together and being literal children together <33 mayla finally getting to talk and Maya explaining herself, showing Lola her scars and telling her that she misses her when she's not around. My heart combusted watching that clip
Lundi 12:35 We are even ep6: le grew studying together!! especially lucas and imane!!!! screaming. the only time we ever got to see them preparing for the bac but at least we have this one clip. Basile and Lola sibling dynamic and also the clip confirming that Daphné indeed has an eating disorder and Lola beginning to be really worried about her
Mercredi 18:27 I don't know what you're looking for ep6: Lola finding out about Daphné's eating disorder and finding proof in her room, Daphné freaking out and the last shots of her trying so hard not to fall apart, lula's acting in this scene!! It was all so realistic it truly is one of the top ten clips too
Jeudi 21:53 It won't always work ep6: Daphné and Lola talking and Lola opening up abt her addiction problems and telling Daphné that she can really really understand her and that both of them can get better again, Lola and Daphné being completely at peace and cuddling on the couch and watching tv together. One of my favorite clips of them this season I just love their sister bond so much
Mercredi 16:52 The break up ep7: both Lula's and Paul's acting was incredibly I was 100% buying that break up, Basile desperately wanting to help Daphné but not really knowing how, Daphné throwing him out and immediately having a break down, feeling so helpless and lost :'(( also Lola seeing her sister breaking down and not knowing how to help her either broke my heart. Protect the Lecomte sisters at all costs
Dimanche 18:32 Freesias ep8: for me this one was the true full cycle moment this season. The Lecomte family visiting their mum on mother's day, Lola revealing that she does know her favorite flowers and that her mum used to sent them to her along with letters she never read, Lola saying that if she could she might read them now but it's too late for that and in some kind of way she was making peace with her mum and everything that happened between them. Daphné taking the umbrella so Thierry can pull Lola close and them just standing in the rain and healing n growing as a family!! This clip was so emotional and important and skamfr had the audacity to destroy all that development with Thierry for useless drama. I'm endlessly bitter
Mardi 18:03 Vital prognosis ep8: just daphné, basile, lola and maya being a happy lil family together. This clip was so peaceful and beautiful to watch every time ep9 ruined my mood I went back to this clip to cheer myself up again. Really wish we could have seen more of them together and maya and lola as a couple
Vendredi 23:04 Emergency ep10: okay so I really didn't like that skamfr switched povs to build up suspense and was actually just triggering for many of us. But I just wanna say Lula's acting!!! The way she said "But how do you know we're going to find her, Lucas? Putain! She has never left a note before this is the first time for all we know" truly her acting!! I rewatched that clip so many times for that line alone (until I realized that the storyline was actually really triggering for me so I haven't watched the clip ever since but still)
Samedi 01:06 Sisters ep10: still hate the storyline and that it was done in episode 10 but I'm sooo glad that Daphné went to talk to Lola alone, that Daphné tells her that she's always loved her and basically everything they said in that clip!! Really moving and emotional one of the only clips that really made me cry this season. Again I live for Flavie's and Lula's acting
Mercredi 16:38 Beep beep beep ep10: even tho the mayla storyline was in context of the season really lacking depth at this point, watching this clip ignoring the context really was a cultural reset. One thing I love abt skam france is just that they let lgbt people live their lives without having homophobia being thrown at them left and right so kissing your gf in the middle of the supermarket like that might not be realistic but I don't care!!!!! let the gays live their life and kiss in the supermarket!!! thanks!! also that song especially the lyrics "darling I won't let you go" thoughts are being thunk💌
And yeah basically that's it. As yall may notice I loved the first half of the season way more than the second half and I feel like there was so much wasted potential and important storylines left unaddressed because they wanted to throw in more drama....
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Dr who for the ask game
Thanks for playing! This is also a big, fun one! :O (I do love that the majority of these asks hit target on my own biggest obsessions x3 We checked off like all the live action shows at this point, I think, the only things left are anime/animated xDDD)
Again with a cut due to the sheer size. ^^°°°
Top 5 favourite characters: CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, The Doctor, Yasmin Kahn
Other characters you like: Rory Williams Pond, Graham O’Brien, Mickey Smith, Bill Potts, Sarah Jane Smith, Craig Owens
Least favourite characters: Rose Tyler by a landslide
Otps: not realy any actual OTPs but ships I guess I’m fond of would be Vasta/Jenny and Rory/Amy
Notps: every ship involving the Doctor, because I just honestly find it weird and uncomfortable to look at the Doctor as a romantic or even worse yet sexual being, but most of all Doctor/Rose and Doctor/River, also Jack/Ianto
Favourite friendships: I am living for the current team dynamic, 13-Yaz-Graham-Ryan are really good but my forever favorite is the Doctor and Jack, also the best team-up was the Doctor with Donna and Martha, that was perfect
Favourite family: THE FAM! 13′s team
Favourite episodes:oooh mmh, I do have multiple favorites, so let’s do this!
Blink: it is such a good episode, there was a time I just popped that one in when I had 40 minutes to waste
Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords: for me personally, this is where Doctor Who peaked. My absolute favorite storyline and episodes and team-up - my favorite Doctor with BOTH my favorite companions in an episode with my favorite Master as the enemy. Amazing. There was a time when I would regularly rewatch this, just these three
Turn Left/The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End:Suuuch a satisfying conclusion for a four series plotline, all of the companions coming together like that? It was so good
The Lodger & Closing Time: I love Craig and I love how these two episodes switch things up!
Favourite season/book/movie: Rather obviously, series 3 - the return of Jack, the series where Martha is the companion, a series with my favorite Doctor and four of my favorite episodes in it!
Favourite quotes:THE ANGELS HAVE THE PHONE BOX! xD And the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff! I got that one on a necklace even! *laughs*
Best musical moment: uuurgh the soundtrack of this show is actually so good? I listened to it on a loop for years. Series 3 and 4 being my favorites, they make you feel things, man.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Just this series when Jack returned. And let me elaborate to just convey how hard I fangirled at that, because it wasn’t just “oh a fave!”.
You see, Jack is... kind of why I’m here? I watched the first series with my mother back when it started airing in Germany. But they kind of... stopped dubbing it and it stopped airing in Germany and eh, I was okay with it because this show seemed weird like they just switched out the actor of the MAIN CHARACTER who does that what the fuck and I really liked Jack but he was gone now too so oh well.
However, then I read online about how Jack was in series 3. So... I went online and Doctor Who is genuinely the first TV show I ever watched in English, because I wanted to see Jack but there was no dub.
Then series 3 ended and both Jack and Martha left and I was very meh because I remembered that this is the show that constantly replaces its whole cast.
You can probably guess what happened next, but Jack was in the finale of series 4. So I went back into Doctor Who, rewatched what there has been so far all the way up to the series 4 finale - and that was when I was sold, because holy shit even with the switching of companions, they just bring them back! They just brought them all back! That was such a good pay-off.
Ironically, that was when I actually stuck around and started watching the show in real time instead of waiting for the next Jack appearance to bring me back from hibernation. Ironically because - well, that was the last we saw of anyone. (Aside from 10 in the 50 year special.)
That hard, hard cut from 10 to 11, no return of any companions...
Needless to say that when 12 came and went with no care for anything pre-11, I kind of... came to accept that this was it. Especially when they announced yet another hard cut - as in Moffat would finally be replaced and with the new era, both a new Doctor and new companions - I was so sure we’d never get to see anyone from the old crew again.
So when, after literally ten years, Jack Harkness returned and was so... so... Jack, I made the loudest, most unholy sound and the excitement of them actually acknowledging that he would be back for more and he would be there when the Doctor needs him? Tears of joy.
(but aso pls #LetMarthaMeet13 okay? Okay)
Saddest moment: When 10 regenerated
Most well done character death: Surprisingly enough, this show makes me care even about the one episode characters to the degree that I find their deaths frustrating. It’s pretty good at character deaths overall
Favourite guest star: Does Craig Owens count? Because he only had two appearances in total. And the second one was genuinely a surprise to me; I was sure that The Lodger would be a stand-alone, never to be seen again kind of deal
Favourite cast member: John Barrowman! David Tennant! Freema Agyeman! I love all three of them and seeing them in other things always makes me really happy!
Character you wish was still alive: I mean, Bill. Can you imagine if the lesbian companion had gotten to meet 13?? Death :D
One thing you hope really happens: Martha. I mean, come on. Jack is back, Jack warned the Doctor, promised to be there when needed. There’s no way Jack lost contact with Martha and Mickey, even with those two off in space fighting aliens alone. I’d love for this... very, very big plotline that is currently happening to include the Doctor’s old friends coming back once more to help.
Most shocking twist: I mean... I mean it’s gotta be this series’ Surprise Origin Story. Like, I still can’t quite comprehend that one.
When did you start watching/reading?: As mentioned above, when it first started airing in Germany
Best animal/creature: Does the TARDIS count as a creature? Because then Sexy wins!
Favourite location: THE TARDIS. I wish they’d show it more often just casually. I wanna see the companions hang out in there, I wanna see their rooms, see that indoor pool and stuff
Trope you wish they would stop using: "OH NO THE DALEKS ARE STILL ALIVE AFTER THE LAST TIME I TRIED GENOCIDE ON THEM *gasp*”... Like. The very first time they brought them “back from the dead”, it was really cool because as a newbie you never met them before but you get they are important. Then they were wiped out. And then they returned again. And okay, sure. So they were wiped out again. And miraculously survied again.
Look, I get it. Doctor Who has three recurring entities in the villain gallery who are like... obligatory - the Master, the Daleks and the Cybermen. But for the love of everything, stop trying to show it as a “surprise twist” that the bad guy is a Dalek like we all knew they’re coming they’re the cockroaches of the universe, they ALWAYS surprise, stop acting like we should be shocked that they’re back again.
Every time, the Doctor goes Pikachu meme but with sad eyes and like just... have the Doctor groan, kick a Dalek and go “not you again”, instead of “how did you POSSIBLY survive THIS? :O” because after the sixth miracuous survival of a genocide, it stops being a surprise twist... -_-
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Clearly something, because it has me come back for more like a masochist despite me being a character-driven viewer - me, abandoning the show after the first series was very in character, because I’m attached to characters and if you routinely replace all the characters, that’s... not really my thing. Somehow, this show defies the odds there
Couple you would like to see: NONE. NO ROMANCE. KEEP THAT SHIT OUT OF MY DW!!! Urgh. Just give me fun found family space adventures. I swear ever since the cast announcement I have had a twitchy eyebrow waiting if they’ll push for Ryan/Yaz and so far I am sooo glad they are NOT. I just... want friendship and space adventures, no fucking romance. At all. Not with the Doctor, not between companions. No drama
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: ...to stay in character, I have to say Dominic Sherwood. Partially because I am obsessed with him, but also because I WANNA HEAR HIS BRITISH ACCENT FOR A WHOLE ASS SERIES PLEASE
I would also like to see the return of James Marsters though. Time Heist teased by showing his face and acknowledging his existence in Doctor Who (it’s not like DW has acknowledged a whole lot of Torchwood canon so far, considering the catastrophic events TW has dealt with without the Doctor...), so that had me kind of hopeful he may at least cameo for an episode...
Favourite outfit: I looove Martha’s red leather jacket and Jack’s coat
Favourite item: The chameleon device
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: *clears throat awkwardly* ...Yes?
a metro card holder thingy with the TARDIS on it,
an I pin I have on my pencil case,
a necklace with a miniature TARDIS,
a necklace with the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey quote in a swirl on it,
a necklace with a Weeping Angel pendant,
a mug with the 10th Doctor as a cat on it,
a lanyard with Police Call Box written all over and a miniature TARDIS dangling on it
a TARDIS dress,
a whoosh-sound making door opening TARDIS with size-fitting figures of the 10th Doctor, Jack, Martha, K9, Idris, 11, Rory and John Hart (it’s James Marsters’ pretty face, okay?),
a Funko Pop 10th Doctor,
another TARDIS but this one is smaller and can’t open,
a larger TARDIS that can open (and is the right size for my Doctor Whooves),
a Doctor Whooves (if that counts since he’s technically My Little Pony but also he’s the Doctor so like...),
a TARDIS-blue stuffed owl with Police Owl written on it,
the first four series on DVD,
a poster from the 50th Anniversary with the War Doctor walking away from an explosion and 10 and 11 on either side of him,
a pocket watch that is the chameleon device
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Mmmh I would like to be on the current team the most, I think? Generally speaking, their adventures were less intense than most others and I dig the family vibe
Most boring plotline: Boring, huh? There are always a couple stinkers, at least one in each series, but a really boring plotline was... Clara’s post-Impossible-Girl one. I LOVED her as the Impossible Girl, she was so interesting and I think that after she went into the Doctor’s timeline, the character should have been retired. Have her, I don’t know, dissolve there, since she is spread out through time. But that she stuck around was... not good, for her character? Her love drama with Danny was incredibly boring and not fun to watch (especially when she tried to kill the Doctor :D)
Most laughably bad moment: THAT FUCKING MOON EPISODE. THE FUCKING EPISODE WHERE THE FUCKING MOON TURNED INTO A FUCKING EGG AND AN ALIEN HATCHED TO THEN LAY A NEW MOON EGG IMMEDIATELY AFTER BEING BORN AND HUMANS JUST FUCKING SHRUGGED THAT SHIT OFF. Urgh. There are a lot of cringey things happening on this show, but this takes by far the crown. It was so stupid, so dumb, so ridiculous
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Every time we learn more about the Doctor’s past *^*
Most layered character: I... I mean the Doctor. So many layers, so many lives, so many years
Most one dimensional character:Mh, this is harder... Among the not one-episode-off characters? I guess Nardole. Like, sure, good guy, but... not really all that deep that one
Scariest moment: Blink with the Weeping Angels. They lost A LOT of their scariness the more they were used - Moffat really overused them, in my opinion; they would have done better only appearing very rarely. But that first episode with them was just daaamn
Grossest moment: Cassandra?? Woman only made of skin?
Best looking male: CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS
Best looking female: MARTHA JONES
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Martha Jones
Favourite cast moment: John and David being cute behind the scenes is always amazing, but the bes moment is definitely the 500 Miles video!
Favourite transportation: The TARDIS, that’s not even a question!
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Whenever we get to see (not destroyed) Gallifrey? It’s so gorgeous??
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:SO MANY AFTER THAT LAST SERIES. But also things like: Where did Clara fuck off to in her flying diner? What exactly is Jack doing now that there is no Torchwood anymore? How in the world did Torchwood ever even work like how was the Doctor just never around during these gigantic problems?? WHO WAS THE DOCTOR’S FIRST WIFE? And what was the Doctor’s child like? Because the only one ever even mentioned is the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan, but a granddaughter implies one more generation between. WHERE IS JENNY? Since she is also the Doctor’s daughter but also just fucked off into space and like why is she not trying to track her parent down??
Best promo: I mean, it clearly works when they show me Jack’s face so that’d be it for me :D”
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: At the series 4 finale, as above more elaborately explained
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heanv · 5 years
End To Start | haechan
genre: romance,angst
warnings:cursing,mentions of drugs
word count:1,6k
requested by: @ki-aechan
song: End To Start by Nct 127
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Who knows  that a single person can change you and your future to the point you really actually change and find yourself again?
/ I know there is no point if it stops even in the dark/
There is this boy Haechan you  always had a crush on.You never  told  him of course and the reason  is obvious – he was lee heachan, the boy every single girl wants and dreams about and you were nothing more than another girl in an ocean of highschoolers.
But Haechan had his dark side and little did you know.He was addicted .He smoked every single day and it was getting worse as the time passed, he couldn’t think about anything else, there was just too much going on. The scandals  in his family, the pressure of being famous at school ,the grades and the fact that haechan had nobody. Sure he had his “friends” at school but most of them just wanted to hang out with him just because he was famous. His real friends live in another town far away from him and he always thought about leaving the hellhole he lived in and go and be free and happy with the people he really loves.
But for now he couldnt do it. He cannot let his friends to see him like this. Smooking joint every single night and wasting his money on weed, he just couldn’t. And the worst is that he had nobody to talk to.not a single soul.
/gotta end it tonight/
One night you are invited to a party of a classmate and haechan is  there. of course he is there. The whole night you observed him and you see the emptiness in his eyes and how  he pretended to have fun . suddenly he looks at you and you freeze . the whole eye contact  sends you hot waves and you feel his gaze burning you inside out. he looks away and not long after he leaves,looking at you one last time before he shuts the door.
You dont know why but you felt this as a sign to follow him. You tell your friends that you have to go and when you are outside the house you take a deep breath and you start looking around for haechan.
‘stalker much,huh?” you turn and see him smoking next to his car.
“you smoke?” then you smell something disgusting and realize this is not a regular cigarette “oh my god” you take the thing out of his hand and throw it on the ground,stepping over it.
“ YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS EXPENSIVE- YOUR HEALTH” you pause for a second “ you cant just smoke weed on the street”
‘’I don’t see something stopping me besides that who are you to tell me what to do” you stay silent ‘’see it yourself, I don’t even know you”
“ you cant just smoke it heachan , this is destroying you and your body” you whisper
“ have I asked you to take care of me,hmm I don’t remember , so don’t  mess with me” he says as he lits up another cigarette and enters his car, driving away from you.
In the next few weeks you barely see heachan  at school. He looks so different , so dark and silent ,no one has ever seen him like this,he was cold to everyone and he was empty as if the whole world has gone bad and dark and you just couldn’t handle looking at him being a mess, you had to do something.So you did.
One day after school you go to your secret place on the last floor in the school,there is an old art classroom where nobody goes and this is the place when you often go when you want to be alone.When you are about to enter the room you hear that somebody is talking on the phone inside.
“-yeah im okay, im doing really fine,no I stopped playing soccer , I don’t know man, I just don’t feel it anymore,no I don’t workout too”he pauses for a moment” what I ate last,umm you know man I don’t remember but im fine like really fine but I miss you guys I miss you a lot,all of you I promise soon I will visit you,okay bye man,love you” you know who this is,there is no way you couldn’t recognize this voice.but he lied,he isn’t fine , he is a mess and somebody has to help him.
“so you still stalking me or what?’ you see heachan on the door he just opened.
“ I am not stalking you,this is my secret place I come every time I am s-“
“ no way this is my secret place,the only place in the fucking school where I can be alone”” he says and you feel the sadness in his voice.
Eventually he lets you inside and you both sit in silence as he lits up a cigarette.
“since when you started smoking?”
“since when you care?”
ouch,you didn’t expect  that.
“ I asked first “ you said,hopping he will finally answer.
“ I asked second” he looks at you smirking and you sigh in disappointment.’’  A year and a half”
You look at him “huh?”
“its been a year and a half since I started smoking,that’s what I said” he sends you a dark look but that’s what you wanted to hear.
“good you answered” now its your time to smirk “ Now,why do you smoke?”
“you think im gonna answer?”
“ yes you are”
“someone’s confident,huh?”
Lie,big fat lie, if you gotta be honest right now you are shaking,talking to him like this but you had to.’
“look I am depressed, 9 years ago when me and my parents moved in here, I left all my friends in my old town and its been 9 years since I last saw them,I miss them like crazy and right now im stuck in this town,this hellhole I have nobody here and my parents wont stop shouting at each other and im just done with everyone and everything,I just don’t fucking care anymore” he pauses to smoke “ you happy now, go and tell everyone so they can laugh at me,what are you waiting for?”
You just stand there,frozen so this is all he hides behind his smile and cool personality. this is what makes him smoke in the late hours in the night.this is what makes him go crazy. this is it.
“Im sor-“
“don’t , do not say it” he looked at you with his sad,red eyes. Now they arent’t empty, they are full of hidden emotions .
Since this day you and heachan became friends. He still smoked but at least he felt a bit better but you found yourself  falling more and more for him and the more time you spent with him the more you had to hide your emotions.
One night around 11pm you are ready to fall asleep when you hear a knock at your window , you stand up and see haechan sitting on the tree next to your window.
/ a voice that will reach you wherever you are/
“what the hell are you doing here?” you say,opening your window to let him inside.
“ my parents are shouting the fuck out at each other again and I didn’t want to listen again and the only place I could go is here”
“im happy you came” you say as you both sit on your bed
“me too” he says almost like a whisper but loud enough for you to hear it . he looks up to you with his beautiful eyes.” You know since we started talking  Ive been smoking less,I just don’t feel the need to smoke when I can talk to you about,hm, about everything to be honest”
You coudnt believe your eyes, he really just told you this.
‘’im so happy to hear this haechan,im really so happy for you”
“none of this would have happened if you didn’t stalked me so its your fault , I guess” he says placing his usual smirk on his face
“ I didn’t stalk you,oh my god haechan!” you say both of you laughing.
/dance on the surface to draw and draw and dance all night/
He looks at you with his smile fading and his face becoming serious.” y/n I think I like you” he says all of a sudden. You look at him with wide eyes not believing what you just heard “I know, I know it sounds crazy but anybody has never showed that they care so much about me and the fact that ive been clean for a week shows me that I don’t need weed to get high and forget all my problems for hour or two, the only thing I really need is you and I know it still sounds crazy but I realy really like you you,y/n, I really do.”
/ a scene that openes in front of you when night ends,yes I see/
You were on the verge of crying.” I like you too heachan, Ive always liked you” he looks with eyes full of hope no longer empty and kisses you. A kiss that was way long awaited from both of you and finally happened. When you parted your lips he whispered. “I will quit smoking, I promise” then he pauses “I will do anything to have you,y/n and im not joking’” then he kisses you again.
/ gotta end it tonight to start again,ready for a new flight/
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Today has been a very stressful day, so guess wtf time it is? Drunk Breaking Dawn Pt. 1. Here is what I soberly remember of the movie (I have not watched it since BD2 came out): 
1. There’s a wedding.
2. There’s a honeymoon.
3. There’s swimming in the ocean.
4. There’s an accidental pregnancy.
5. The baby almost kills Bella.
6. The canon incident that we all hate happens.
7. The Volturi evilly laugh. 
Same as Eclipse, my drunken narration of the movie will be below the break.
A brief intro statement, I was 100% sober and just beginning to drink at the beginning of the Eclipse post and progressively got more drunk. For BD1, I’m throwing back before I even start watching this shit show.
- I love the effects of the intro. it’s very calming. THe putting away childish things quote is literally a Bible verse. I hate that Stpehen appropriated Quileute culture, Christian culture, and every culture. I know she’s mormon but sitll. THis shit feels real appropriated.
- Idk why rennee is all happy. she never gave a shit before.
- carlisle carryign the bench is literally the hottest hting i’ve ever seen fck
- lowkey kinda creeprd out because she’s literally sacrificing her humanity to marry this deud she’s known for like a year but everyone other than jacob is super supportive
- damn she’s looking @ this dreamcatcher and it’s making me sad but tbh that shit probably caused half her nightmares because she’s not native so sleep paralysis (if you know you know).
- he just todl her hes killed people and explained it and it didn’t work she’s still down to clown with this vapire emo boi
- i just wama ne im loved amd ne loved in retun plz
- this dream sequence is awful also fck the volturi is til hate that they never overthrew that crabbyass monarchy bullshit they were powerful enough
- i just wanna be like rosalie when i greow up
- charlie knew shit was off when he saw those crapsk 
- why the HELL is renen actin liks she cares? bitch go the fuck back home
- jessica is the only one with any damn common sense in this whole series talking about they’re too fucking young for this shitt bitch true and itm akes sene now why she was the valedictioajrn 
- damn id’ be fuckign panicking too your lfie is over hoe 
- stpeheen sto pwiht your racist ass smiling its offensive
- this wedding is gorgoeus though i live for hte fuckj g aestiec 
- carlisle is the love of y life
- sth is a lil ray of sunishen 
- i just reaized howd fucked it is that sue and chalrie are starng to catch feelz ut sue knows his daughter is funckugn off with a unded vamp emo iboi
- charlie is gget ing drunk as hell my spiritn animel
- jesica is smart and beautiful she needs t os stop being jealous and petty know ya wotht girlie you got itl
- edwar lves her so much fck im all alone\
- how haoph hacob is when they hig i hate canonn they were best friends fc,
- jacob stay the fck outta her sex life she;s been wanting this for ad dman year fkc steohe let them jsut befriend
- steh is so swert but e is a chidl fck the is reacist plot bulshit
- bela looks os ad she knows it’s goodbye but edward’s family is all smiling because they have her now hwat fthe ckc
- jac0bs cryng my heart brke
- i love bineg dunk 
- the scene isn rio is my faorite isn any of the movies eveyrhting looks warm and happy
- this bich can drive ab oat too damn he can just fod evryhin cant he
- deis this honeymon scene make anuone else unconmfy becuae same
- marying a vampire would be horrying af but also hot af and good af becuase htye oculd love so much and protect you from everythign fck 1-/10 woukd efeel safe
- bwll gaving a panic attakc ism e anyt tinme i try talking to an attractive man
- slepeign at last fckign ti up agin bit ch theis m yshit 
- when he said it was the best night i cred 
- tstoehe added the chess game like this shit is a hoje but i would love to play chess on my honemodn idk how uut  i want a man to each me but not mansplin
- i know i sadn it was horryig but i want a hotass vamp emo boi husband plas 
- damn jacob is being too emo she aint really gonan be ded for ever youll see her agianb itch
- i fucking hates these vamp racist bitches but i want a nonracist va,p husband bitch thus hot afck
- how tf does she not know shes rpegr yet eatin this weid ass shit?
- poor bella her life chaned so uqick and she[s soc scared fck dcnaon
 - this montage is turopy a f when youre drunk waht the helc por jake thugh
- im sorry but i;n laughign my ass off at these fuckugn wolf vocie overs lmaoooo this shit hilarious
- calisbe is fos unicngn hot
- i just reaized robert is like the best fuckugn actor like this diolaguge is wha k as fuck btu he’s acitng all emo boi oscar worhty shti
- they realy had her fuckin drink blodo i hate cannjnonnn
- ifelel the same as kaje watchign this 
- but carlisle’s prety face made it all fuckig hetter
- okay ut id is cute as fkc whe nedward hears the baby 
- esme and calrisle wilougn to risk their lives for bella i cryi
- fkc i really do hate cnaon because jake is acting liek an adult now and trying to do the honrble thig bue he should be a hpaoy chidl 
-  resnemsien is a ficking ridjcils name and we all fuckj nnew
- i ahte this part i’n bot even wathcing this shit rgros me rout 
- literlaiy fuick the dynamics of this whole moty hfknfucjg storyline plot bitch
- aw hell here the fucks we hgo with theu ickgn im************** bulshit i ghate cnaojn canon can suck ad ick
- rosalie is literally perfect when cnai b ehr 
- im real glad im drunk rin now because ioculd nto sit throguh this shit sober
- imp&******* is the worst plotline fkc]
- bit iamgiben falling alseo lookin gsick and waking up fhot as uck goals
- this sogn making me cry literlalu imcruing ims o alone lmao
- rheye really ended htoe move wirh red eyws lmaoooo
- hodl the fick up a damn minute stpeehebn producre htis cufkcng shit?
- now heres the hoes iv’ve been waiting on burnt the monarch fuckwits i hate thes epompis fuckers
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michellebelledraws · 4 years
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serpentlopez · 5 years
A Thousand Years
Who: Eliana & Ale ( @serpenthart )
What: A different kind of Thanksgiving dinner, plus revelations and an update in a certain relationship status
When: Nov 28, Night
Where: At Eliana’s trailer
Notes: Things unspoken come to light ( basically it’s super cute! )
It wasn't that Eliana was a bad cook; it was more that all kitchen appliances basically hated her. At least that's what she told herself when she gave up on her original plan of making a kind of Thank You Thanksgiving dinner for Ale. Turkey with all the sides had quickly become the one thing she actually could cook - pizza. Pulling the pan out of the oven, she turned it off and started plating everything. Even she looked at the finished product with a little frown on her face. It certainly wasn't the kind of meal anyone would expect on the biggest eating holiday of the year but what else could she do? 
Eliana carried the plates over to the coffee table in front of the couch and then brought over their drinks, both soda and beer depending on whatever he'd want. She'd just placed the bottle down when she heard his key in the door. When Ale walked in, the first thing she said, a smirk on her face, was, "I didn't burn anything this time."
Thanksgiving for Ale was usually a turkey sandwich with a soda at Pop's, followed by some icre cream, or cake, or both, to then be finished with a drink at some bar on the outskirts of town, while thinking about his family back in Miami, and sometimes they even Face Timed, so that was nice too. But this year there was a pleasent change of plans: Eliana had invited him to have Thanksgiving dinner with her, and he was more than happy to do that. 
Before heading to her place he stopped at the grocery shop and bought some ice cream cake, along with a bottle of rosè wine, which would go fine with whatever she would be cooking. After tying the bag to the bike he roared it back to life and set way to her home. As the chill wind of the night brushed on his face, Ale was thinking of the past days, the events that had finally brought them to that seemingly calm and peaceful moment that would be Thanksgiving dinner. He thought of how his mind fell into a dark place every time he remembered how Eliana had literally died in front of him, and how awful that feeling was. One of void and sadness. So needless to say he was happy for that night, and any time they got to spend together. 
He climbed off his bike and grabbed the bag with dessert and the wine in it, then quickly went up the steps to knock on her door, then a smiled light up his face when he saw hers. "I'd say that's a fucking plus, babe" he said, walking to her and kissing her softly on the lips. "I brought dessert and some wine, I hope that's okay."
Eliana lit up when he walked in, and the closer he walked to her, she felt something shift inside of her like the ground was suddenly a little unsteady. It wasn't the first time they'd kissed. She and Ale had been intimate with each other, with others joining them, but as soon as he kissed her, there was a spark of something that made her heart race just a little faster. A flush crossed her face when their lips parted and she looked down at the bag to try and hide her face.
"Yeah, that's great. I actually picked up a pie from the store but I forgot to take it out to thaw so it's still a pumpkin pie-sicle so we needed dessert. Thanks for thinking of it. Here, let me put that up." Taking the bag, Eliana brushed her hair behind her ear and put the ice cream cake in the freezer before pouring some of the wine for both of them. "I'm sorry it's just pizza," she said as she walked back into the living room to hand him one of the glasses. "I wanted to cook something nice but I never made a turkey before and I figured a thank you dinner shouldn't give you food poisoning."
Ale handed her the bag and took his jacket off. "I'm happy with pizza. With anything really. I'm just happy to spend tonight with you. It beats spend it alone." He took the glass from her when she poured the wine in it, then smiled. "Here's to us, and a happy Thanksgiving together. I guess... we do have a lot of reasons to be thankful this year."
"I know you would be but after everything, I wanted to do something nice." To be honest, Ale had been her saving grace. He literally kept her alive and staying with him when she got back from detox had been a godsend. He'd done more than he had to when he helped her clean out the trailer too. He'd done more than anyone should have had to do and the simple words 'thank you' never seemed to be enough. "I know more than anything I'm thankful for you," she said, the words slipping easily as she looked into the glass. "I know exactly where I'd be right now if I hadn't had you around. I don't really know how to thank you for that." Lifting her gaze to his face, Eliana let the warmth wrap around her, a comforting feeling she was so used to having when they were together. "You saved me, you know."
Ale chuckled. "Pizza and beer? Can't get any better than that! Well... Just the company makes it ten times better, that's for sure." His eyes met hers as she looked up, and he cupped her chin gently, the pad of his thumb stroking the spot of skin softly. "You know how" he said, the words 'staying clean' lingering in the air, then he sighed, his eyes looking directly into hers. "My life would had been a whole pile of suck without you in it, you know that..."
Eliana let out a little chuckle because it was so on point that this big family type holiday comes around and she winds up with pizza and beer on the coffee table since she didn't even own a kitchen table. But that slight embarrassment ebbed away like the tide when he touched her skin, looked at her with those eyes that somehow made everything feel right. She nodded one, her soft breath whispering, "I know" as she made that promise to try her hardest. Grinning, the woman nodded and put her hand on his wrist, leaning into the touch of his thumb. "Leaving you to your own devices would have been my biggest mistake." The wave of emotion was still inside her as she stepped in and curled her arms around his waist, holding her body tightly against his chest. "I'm glad to be here with you," she said, trying to calm the way her pulse raced. "Do you, um," Eliana looked up, still pressed against him, "Are you hungry?"
Ale nodded. "A huge one. Just imagine the mess I'd be in. Terrible." He scrunched his nose and laughed softly, his arm going around her small waist and pulling her even closer, the space netween them non existent now. "I'm glad to be here too" he said, his tongue licking his lips slightly, then he cleared his throat and nodded. "Actually... I am?" He made a pouty face, then chuckled.
"Good," Eliana said with a smile, enjoying the comfort she felt around him, "because it's going to get cold if we don't eat it soon." As much as she didn't want to leave the hug, Eliana let her hands down and led him over to the couch. She put her glass of wine down and crossed her leg as she picked up her plate, popping one of the toppings into her mouth. Eliana knew what she had planned on saying to him but now that he was here, her nerves were aching. She picked up her slice and took a bite, getting comfortable on the couch as she looked over at him, her bare feet slipping underneath his legs to keep them warm. "Are you stuck working tomorrow or is the shop closed?"
Ale chuckled and followed her to the couch. "Ugh no. Cold pizza, bad" he said and also took a slice as he sat down on the couch, only leaning over to grab a couple of napkins for them to hold under their food. He took a big bite out of it and moaned softly at the delicious taste he was enjoying, then he leaned back and realy got comfortable. "Hmm? Oh... No no. No working. Fuck that. Whoever has car problem tomorrow will have to walk until Monday." He winked at her and chuckled, then single handedly grabbed and opened a couple of beer cans for him and Eli. "What about you? Any plans?"
Maybe it wasn't the ideal Thanksgiving of anyone's dreams but there was something beyond comforting about being here with Ale, some fresh pizza, and drinks. It made her think of what she'd spoken about with the therapist, trying to face the bad while also coming to realize that maybe she was worth the good things in her life too. Eliana laughed, unable to hold it back when she heard his reply. "The exercise will do them good," she grinned, remembering that her bike was still parked outside his place. She hadn't ridden it since that night. "Oh, no. No plans. Nothing until Monday," she said, taking another bite and washing it down with some of the beer he'd just opened. 
"I need to get a job, too many bills to go broke. I might go back to the parlor and see if they'll take me back." Looking over at him, Eliana set her can down beside the pizza and leaned back on the arm of the couch. She'd spent such a good portion of her life denying certain things that now being in a situation where someone expected her to be honest and leave it all out on the table in front of her made her start thinking about all the things she kept secret. Like her therapist said, it just took a little courage. "Can I tell you something without it getting weird?"
Ale continued eating while he also listened to what Eli was saying. "If you feel you're ready to go back to work you should do it, babe. Not only it will help with your bills but it wouls be a good distraction from... you know, trouble." He finished his slice and took a long sip of his beer before he too put it down. "Sure! You know you can tell me anything."
"Yeah well, the therapist thinks I'm rushing things a little getting back to work but I can't not do it, you know? I basically emptied my cash into paying this place, lights, heat and water and I haven't even gotten my bills yet from the hospital or my detox which I'm sure are going to majorly suck. Even if I am rushing, or going back too soon, there aren't many options otherwise." And there was no way in hell she was going to even consider asking her father for monetary help. It was the least he owed to her but Eliana didn't want a cent of his money after everything he'd allowed. 
Wrapping her arms around her legs, Eliana looked over at her friend and confidant. One of the only people who had always been there for her. She was worried about saying what she wanted to say but even her therapist had told her that keeping things a secret had been part of her problem. Maybe it was time to be honest while she still felt she had the courage. "I, um.." And as soon as her mouth opened and the words started, Eliana felt all of that courage start drifting away. Even when she tried to grab onto it with both hands, it slipped through until she was doused with nervousness and insecurity. Letting out a puff of air, Eliana shook her head and forced herself to speak. "I never really trusted any guys after, you know, everything from when I was young. I uh, I mean, you know me, I pretty much kept everyone at arm's reach as much as humanly possible. Didn't want to care too much because.. well, you can't really trust people not to hurt you and it just hurts more when it's someone you have feelings for."
She stilled for a moment, swallowed the knot in her throat, and continued. "What I'm trying to say is that... Ale, you kind of-- kicked all those insecurities in the ass. And... and even though it really kinda freaks me out to admit it, I do have feelings a-and I have them for you." Finally, Eliana lifted her eyes to look at him, hoping not to find that look that said he was trying to determine the right words to let her down easily. "And that was my whole rambling mess that's probably super embarrassing and we can totally forget happened if you want."
Ale could only imagine the kind of debts Eli had at the moment, especially the medical bills, which he was sure were higher than anything, and that could only add stress in her life. Stress that she didn't need, at all. "There's nothing wring about trying to focus back in work. But know that, if you need it, I could give you the money you need. I mean, I could help with it..." Not that Ale had that much amount of money, but he had asked for money before. Who's to say he couldn't do it again? He frowned at first when he saw that, whatever she wanted to say was turning into a struggle to do so. But the further he listened he understood why the amount of hesitation. "You do? For me...?" More than anything, his voice was filled with genuine surprise. "Fuck... I can't believe it..."
Though his offer brought a light-hearted smile to her face, Eliana was quick to shake her head. "No. I couldn't ask you to do that, babe. You've done too much already. I'll figure something out. I mean, most people pay their medical bills for ages as it is, you know?" Though she had kept the smile, the idea of those bills was no fun. Just another unfortunate side effect of her idiotic decisions. Her hand slid down his arm gently, "but the fact you even offered means so much to me." But it wasn't talk of medical bills that truly caught her attention. It was the surprise in his voice at her revelation. 
"Yes, for you," she said almost incredulously. Who else could she possibly be talking about? She'd thought for a moment she could have had feelings for Puck. Helping him recover had gotten her closer to him but she couldn't deny that all those moments she had with Puck only left her body missing Ale. Her thoughts were always brought back to him. "Why not you, Ale? You're... the best guy I've ever known. You made it easy for me to open up to you about my past. You never made me feel bad about who I was. You make me feel safe and cared for and.. You really don't see how incredible you are, do you?"
Ale fidgeted with his hands on his lap, his eyes looking down at them as if they were the most interesting thing, when in truth he was trying not to stutter and stumble with his own words. "I guess I don't see it." He shrugged, then finally looked up at her. "Never in a million years had I thought Eliana Lopez would feel that way about me. Especially when-" He swallowed hard, then took a deep breath before continuing. "- I've had those same feelings for her, ever since we were kids." He swallowed again and tried to read her reaction.
There was something sad about the way he said he didn’t see it. Eliana had always known he had some concerns with the way he saw himself but she hadn’t realized just how much until that moment. Ale was funny and caring. He would give anything for his friends and bend over backwards to help anyone. His looks, while they were obviously incredible, we’re only the cherry on top of a person that anyone would be lucky to have by their side. 
Eliana’s eyes narrowed and she prompted, “Especially when?” But her voice was almost a whisper, heart fluttered in her chest. After a breath, he said probably the one thing that could have shocked her the most. “You— Really? I never thought—“ but she wasn’t sure how to verbalize it. Ale had been carrying feelings for her all these years? “I never knew. You.. never said.” Though Eliana was sure why. She’d never been open to relationships before. Looking up at him, a small chuckle passed her lips. “All the time and neither of us said a thing. How awful are we?” She smirked.
Ale was still wriggling his hands nervously, cracking his knuckles even. He looked down and shrugged. "I never did because... you were Eliana Lopez, the girl no one could have. The girl who would split the crowd in the hallway like the Red Sea when she walked in. The girl everyone hated, but every girl wanted to be her, and every boy wanted to have her." Another shrug. "Unreachable." He chuckled and nodded. "I suppose we are. And also blind and deaf!"
Hearing the way that Ale saw her back then was such a strike to her. Especially with everything she'd run away from, Eliana had been as distant from most people as she could be. It was the only way she felt she could protect herself. Using her feet that were still under her legs, Eliana pulled herself closer to Ale and put her slid her hands into his nervous ones. Her fingers slid into the space between his and she gave them a light squeeze. The truth was, as much as she didn't want to admit it, she had never been unreachable to him. He'd been the only guy she truly trusted. "I haven't been in a relationship before. I know you know that, and I-- I really don't know if I'd be good at it. But I don't want to not try with you. If you think we could take it slow? I mean, if you wanted.."
Ale looked up only when he felt the warmth of her hands calming his, his look still somewhat baffled with everything that's been done and said, but her words were loud and clear, and they brought a genuine and also playful grin to his face. "You're asking if we could be girlfriend and boyfriend?"
Eliana liked the feeling she got when he looked up at her and the smile crossed his face. He always looked so perfect with that smile adorning his face. She'd always known there was something special with him, even when he didn't see it himself. At his words, her cheeks reddened and she laughed at herself and her difficulty saying those words. "Yeah," she said softly. "I guess I am." Her lips widened with the smile. "But one step at a time. I'm still working on stuff and I don't want to back you into a corner or anything, or do too much too fast. You're.. my first."
Ale chuckled, loving her cheeks flushed with a pink color. "Baby steps, got it. But at least one thing we have to do correctly..." He swifted in his seat so that he was facing her properly, their hands still twined. "Eliana Lopez... Would you be my girlfriend?"
Knowing that he understood what she needed and was willing to give it to her was not really a surprise. That's just the person that Ale was. He was the person who'd inevitably taught her that it was okay to love and that not all men were bad. Some truly cared without wanting anything from you. Curiosity coiled on her face as he moved and then hearing his words replaced that wonder with pure happiness. The words were so simple but so perfect, and they set butterflies free in her belly. That happiness came out in a light giggle and she nodded, "I'd love nothing more." And because she couldn't resist, Eliana leaned in the short distance between them. "Does this mean you want to make the first move for our first kiss as my boyfriend?" She teased, her pulse racing at the mention of calling him her boyfriend.
Ale smiled brightly when she said yes. "I've said those words in my head so many times, you wouldn't believe it..." he said coyly, then looked right into her eyes when she got close and grinned. "Don't mind if I do... girlfriend" he said, his hand finding its way behind her neck and pulling her in  their lips locked together gently at first, then slowly parting and surrendering to it all.
It was surreal to think that he'd felt that way, and even said these same things in the past, even if it was just to himself. It made her feel alive in so many ways that she didn't even fully understand. But it felt good, and it felt right. Girlfriend. Her soft laugh was caught against his lips and swallowed by a kiss that made the room spin and her heart flutter. They'd kissed before many times but this one even felt different and she wanted to soak in it. As the kiss parted, the lingering sensation of his lips against hers, Eliana brushed her hands up his chest and then wrapped them around his neck. It had always been him, and in the end, it felt good to admit it. Guess it really did just take the right person. "Are you still hungry," she asked, "or would you rather take me in the other room so I can kiss my boyfriend more?"
Ale put his hands around her waist when she put hers around his neck and smiled. "I am. But not for pizza anymore" he said, a goofy grin curling his lips as he held onto her tight and stood up, picking her up in the process.
"Oh, is that so?" Eliana asked just as Ale stood from the couch and brought her with him. She let out a little squeal, the jovial laugh tumbling from her lips as she clung to his body. This face, she thought as she looked at the grin he wore, this was the face she wanted to wake up to and these were the arms she wanted to wake up in. Suddenly, nothing else seemed to matter. Brushing her lips against his, Eliana let the last of her fears and doubts disappear, exchanging all of the bad she'd worried about for so long for this. For him. For them.
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hershelsstyles · 6 years
You are the love of my life Pt.2
You are getting married, but not to Harry...
Part 1
wordcount: 2,178
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Standing there in front of you is Mitch. Mitchel Rowland, a friend you made through Harry. You invited him and his girlfriend, Sarah, as you had gotten to know them really well during Harry's first solo tour, as they were both apart of the band. "Mitch?" you asked confused. You go in for a hug, as it had been a while since you last saw him. 
“Wow, you look amazing” he says looking at you up and down.
"Thanks, Mitch. Why are you here? The ceremony is starting soon, you better get back to your seat," you say. 
"Y/N he is here" Mitch didn't need to name him, you knew who he was talking about. 
"What? Why? He wasn't invited?" you question him. "I know, I told him he shouldn't be here, but he just showed up out of the blue. I told him to go home." Mitch says with a smidge of annoyance in his voice.
The door behind you opens, and the same cologne you smelt before instantly fills your nose. You knew it isn't the dress fitter as you look at Mitch's face, his expression is a mix of confusion and anger. You then turn around to see him standing there. He is wearing a black suit, dressed for the wedding. But he wasn't a guest.
His eyes lock on you, he gazes over your entire body, his eyes soften and his mouth gapes slightly. "You-you look beautiful" he stuttered out walking closer to you. 
Mitch just looks at the two of you "I'm gonna go back to my seat" he says walking out the door. "Mitch? Can you tell Grace I might be a while" he just nods, then shuts the door behind him.
"Harry, what are you doing here? Michale won't be happy if he sees you" you look into his eyes, they are so familiar. More memories come flooding back of all the goodness you shared with him.
"Why didn't you tell me you were getting married?" he says quietly, his voice is shaky, he isn't angry, just hurt.
"I don't know, Harry!" you raise your voice, he flinches at your change in tone.
"We haven’t spoken in years, and the album, god, I didn't know what to say?" you sighed.
"You could have called," he says slowly, looking up at you. "You could have called too!" you yell. 
"I know, but, I don't know! I thought you would come back, like all the other times. But you never did, you moved on, found someone else, and now your getting married" he says throwing his hands up gesturing to your dress and everything around you. "I was stupid, I was so caught up in everything, I didn't realise that I wasn't enough for you. I've been beating myself up every day for never doing anything" he says looking to the ground, the light caught on his glassy eyes, when he blinked a tear came out.
"I didn't want to ruin your happiness, Mitch told me you were happy with Michael" he wipes the tear away.
"I am happy with Michale," you say sternly. It felt weird to say, especially to Harry.
"I know! That's why I could never do this! You are finally happy after so long.” he exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air. “I saw the invitation on Mitch's fridge, and I had to get away. While I was gone, all I did was think about you. I knew this would be my last chance" he pauses.
"Y/N when you left me, I so was caught up in the fame and the money, everything was crazy. And you were always there through everything. When you were gone I realised I had nothing without you. You were my happiness, you complete me" Your expression is blank. You didn’t know how to feel. Tears started welling up in your eyes, you tried to blink them back, but that only made them spill out.
"And I've tried, Y/N trust me I've tried to move on, but I can't, your it for me. I love you. I never stopped, and whether you marry Michale today, I will still love you, for the rest of my life" There were tears running down both of your faces. "Don't cry" he says "Your gonna mess up your pretty face" he said wiping a tear away on your cheek. You push his hand off you and step back.
"You can't just come to me and say all of this! And on my wedding day? Of all the days, you chose today? Harry, you have always had bad timing, but this, this is just the worst.” You're angry but relieved at the same time. If he wasn't here right now, you would be standing at the alter about to commit to something you weren't 100% sure about.
“You always ruin everything good for me! God, when Michael asked me to be his girlfriend, your album came out the same fucking day!" you're still yelling, even though you relived you still needed to vent your feelings.
"Everything I do, it's like your ghost is there haunting me"
"We were so good Y/N, we were so in love" Harry pleads, taking your hands into his. His hands were warm, how they always were. Your hands fit perfectly in his.
"It was good, I loved you" you emphasized the loved, and pull away from his grip. "Harry your too late, I love Michale, and he makes me happy" you say, mostly to convince yourself.
"I've changed, losing you made me reali-" 
"You should go," you say interrupting him. You couldn’t let him stop your wedding. 
"Y/N please," he says with so much emotion in his voice, while wiping the tears from his eyes. You sit back down and start trying to fix to fix the mess you had made of your makeup. You get lost in thought as you dab at you undereye. Harry then sets a box down on the vanity in front of you. "What is this?" you ask him.
He opens it, and inside is a ring. The most beautiful ring you had ever seen. Three sparkling diamonds, with two rubies on each side. It was the exact ring you wanted. You remember back to the drunk conversation you had so many years ago when you told him about your dream ring. "I got it the month before you broke up with me. I was going to propose to you Y/N" You look up at him.
"Harry," you say slowly. "It's beautiful, perfect even, how, how did you remember?" you say quickly while picking up the box to get a closer look.
"I always remember" he says. 
"Why didn't you tell me?!" You ask him angrily. "If you loved me so much you were going to propose, why didn't you fucking tell me?"
"I was stupid Y/N, you broke my heart, and I didn't think you would want me back." The sadness in his eyes made you feel so much guilt. You try not let it get to you.
"But I kept it, I looked at it every night, contemplating whether I should have picked up the phone, and told you." You find yourself wishing he called. 
Instead of telling him how you feel, you shut the box and place it in his hands. "I have to go, Harry, everyone is waiting" 
"I'm so sorry Y/N, I'm sorry I let you down" You close his hands around the box, and pull him in for a hug. The hug lasted for a long time. You could feel him crying as he buries his head into your hair, inhaling your scent for what would be the last time. The hug was a goodbye, and you both knew that. 
"Good luck" he says, pulling away. You wished the hug could last forever. "I hope he can make you happy" he says putting the box back into the pocket of his tailored black suit. 
"Goodbye Harry," you say leaving out the door. You didn’t know what to feel. Everything Harry said was everything you wanted to hear but at the wrong time. 
You meet up with Grace, and she gives you a look. "I'm fine, let's do this," you say, trying to convince your self that this is the right decision. The music starts playing and you walk down the aisle, all your friends and family rise and look at you in awe. You're clutching your bouquet so tight, your hands are white. This was it, too late to turn back now.
When Michale turns around to look at you, he wipes a tear from his eye. He looks so handsome. As you grab his hand joining him facing the priest, he whispers to you "You look amazing" while he squeezes your a hand.
"So do you" you say smiling. As the priest goes on, the feeling of uncertainty rises in your chest. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Michale whispers in your ear. You look at him with confusion on your face. What does he mean? Of course, you want to do this, don't you? "You have to do what makes you happy" he continues, "I just want you to be happy" Did he see Harry? Did Harry talk to him? Your head is now spinning, why did this have to happen today, of all days, on your wedding day. You look at Michael, then look to the door you entered through. Were you really about to do this?
Tears are streaming down your face, you look at Michael and kiss him on the cheek, and whisper in his ear "I am so sorry.” Picking up your skirt you run back down the aisle. Guests are giving you horrified looks as gasps and chatter fill the church. Michale's mother suddenly stands up, then your own mother and they just watch you run. No one stops you though. Everything is a blur, you see Mitch in the crowd of people, he sitting down, and he gives you a weak smile.
When you get out of the church into the parking lot, holding up as much of your expensive white dress as you can, you look for the black range rover you knew he would be in. You spot it and surely make your way over, it starts moving, he’s leaving. He obviously hasn't seen you. As he turns out of the parking lot, and onto the street, you kick off your shoes and start running. 
"Harry! Stop!" you yell after the car. You then stop in the middle of the street as its no use. Just as you stop so does the car. He gets out, his face is red from crying. He runs to you, and you run to him. As you meet you jump into to him, wrapping your legs around his waist, just like you would do in the airport when he got back from a tour.
His lips immediately crash into yours. You kiss him like your life depended on it. It felt so good, it had been so many years since your lips were on his. "I fucking hate you" you say to him breathlessly between kisses. He is holding on to you so tight like he would never let you go.
"I fucking love you" he says laughing. You continue kissing, without a care in the world. Even though you just abandoned your own wedding, you didn't care because kissing Harry at this moment felt so right.
"I promise I will be everything you want, I love you Y/N" he carries you to the passenger seat of his car, and you get in stuffing you dress so it doesn't get caught in the door. He gets in and drives. He stops at a nearby park. You look at him "What about the wedding?" he asks you. 
"I don't know," you say sighing. "I just knew if I said ‘I do’, I would regret it" you say turning to him, taking his hands into yours.
"You will always be a part of my life, I will always love you and I can't just pretend I don't. I was doing that for so long, and you made me realise I can't ignore my feelings. I can’t just push them to the side and think they will go away.” He looks into your eyes, and he has the biggest smile on his face, it’s contagious. You smile back at him.
“A little part of me was always wishing it was you and not him, and when he turned around at the altar, I wanted it to be you. I don't care about what our future holds, all I know is right now, I want to be with you.” You squeeze his hands so tight.
"I promise to love you and make you happy.” he pulls you in for a hug, followed by a long passionate kiss.
“You are the love of my life" he says when he pulls away.
You knew you had done the right thing.
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chris-hattori · 6 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fluff Month
Day 16: “I’m here”
Marinette & Adrien (friendship)
After a talk with Tikki, Marinette suspect something about Adrien. Not even in her wildest dreams Marinette would have thought of that the smiling boy she likes so much is lonely.
Marinette star at the picture on her screen, Alya had sent her all the pictures she had made during the school trip to the fun park, she stops at this one and petrified. Tikki fly over to her choose and giggle “Marinette why are you looking at Adrien, like you see him for the first time?” Marinette blink once and turn her head to face Tikki. “I never see him smiling like this” confused Tikki tittle her head light. “This one is so different, from his other smiles”
Tikki nod slowly “Yes, I can see what you mean, his smile is like the sunshine” Marinette turn her head to wall with all the photos she had of him. Why didn’t she notice it sooner, how forced his smile is in all of them? Was she so star struck with the idea of him, that she never saw how unhappy he is even that she clam to be so in love with him? An ill wave turns her stomach upside down. As soon she would see Adrien tomorrow morning, she is going to do something against it, but for now she needs to get right of all this horrible photos.
The huge part of the following day use Marinette to watch Adrien actually. Not that it is something new for her to do, but this time she isn’t look at him and drift off into her fantasy world and sigh dreamily. She studies his smile and it hurt so much to see, that it is forced most of the time.
After lunch Marinettes luck strikes, She and Adrien are a group for the next presentation. Sitting in the library, she gives her best to not star at him like a creepy stalker, without success.
“Do I have something on my face?” ask Adrien. Marinette looks quickly away
“No, your fine I mean everything is fine” With a sigh Adrien lay his book away
“Did I make you angry? If this is the case I’m sorry” Looking back at him Marinette shake intensely her head “Of course not”
Adrien sigh again “What is it then?” Marinette press her lips together “Come on, please tell me what I have done” Marinette swallow the clump in her throat “I have noticed lately” whispered she low “I can’t hear you” interrupt Adrien her. Marinette close her eyes and take a deep breath to clam down her nerves
“Are you happy Adrien?” she open her eyes to see if he is mad at her, but he looks more surprised.
“Is just Alya send me the pictures of the school trip and you smile so different in them, and... Sorry I’m being nosy, you don’t have to answer me” she looks down at her book. This was a bad idea, now Adrien thinks that she is some kind of freak.
“I don’t know how to answer this question” she looks up again to him, he is still wearing a fake smile, even that his green eyes scram pain. Slowly his prefect mask drop off and let back a sad looking boy. “I have everything, I ever want in my life. I can go to school and have friends, but at the same time I miss my Mother so much and my father isn’t really around anymore since she left”
Marinette blinks her tears away. How couldn’t she saw this before?
“I sound pathetic right? I complaints like a little spoiled brat even that I should be happy with all the things I have”
Marinette shake slowly her head “I know that feeling, okay not exactly that feeling, but I miss my parents too sometimes.”
“Why? They are always around you”
Marinette lean back in her chair “To run a bakery is pretty much work, on week days I see them only for two- three hours before they have to go to bed. I can understand why they don’t have too much time for me now, but when I was younger, it was pretty hard”
“I didn’t know this” Marinette shrugs light “ I don’t tell many people about it”
Adriens eyes softer, and he gives her a half smirk “Thank you for trusting me with this” Marinette copy his smile “Thank you for trusting me as well” Adrien look between her and the book sheepish he rubs the back of his neck.
“Uhm you can totally say No now, but I’m always so bored during the evenings and I can’t really go out then or invite people over” Marinette nod slowly, that is something she already knows to good about him
“And I know that you like to play video games. Is there a chance that you would swap your ID with me, so we can play online sometimes?” Marinettes heart skip a beat, he wants to play with her online.
“ I’m a kind of obsessed with Dark Souls 3 right now, but Sure we can swap ID and... Did I say something wrong?” Adrien star at her with wide hanging mouth.
“Adrien?” ask she careful
“Darks Souls wow” he close his mouth shut “That’s wow”
Marinette blinks, what is so wow about that face that she oh... She giggles light “You didn’t take me for a Hard-core gamer right?” Adrien chuckle light “No, but is nice to know this about you” Marinette blush light “ So, Dark Souls 3 sound interesting and I have it too” He waits to see what an effect it has on her. Marinette try her best to look as cool as possible
“we could play together tonight” Marinette reach forward and write down her ID “I will be online at seven, just ring the golden bell and I will be there” Answer she and reach him the paper back Adrien star at her “The golden bell?” laugh light, she takes the paper back and start to write down the way to the bell “looks like you have some homework to do before we can play together”
To say that the evenings They play with each other where nice, is an understatement from both sides. Marinette get to know so many things about Adrien, she had never dream of like his soft spot for puns. Seriously what was this with boys liking puns so much. She didn’t know it and really didn’t ask about, mostly she just growl or roll her eyes, like she did with Chat. Adrien change around her so much, and she loved every bit she get to know about him.
The biggest change was something the hole class got to know, when she steps into the class room one morning and Adrien drops on his knees in front of her and greet her as the ‘Dragon slayer’ Marinette just roll her eyes and past him. The way their class meats look at them was more than embarrassing, but both of them just laugh it off and explain it.
After the cure wash over Paris and the Akuma is defeated, Marinette hurry back to the School. Adrien was involved in this fight and the cure had transport him back to the catwalk, where he got attacked. She sends a mute pray to the sky that the cure works and Adrien wasn’t longer a statue.
“Where is she?” Marinette realis first her holding breath and then here transformation. Running back into the room she can see him. Adrien looks in panicked around “Adrien please clam down” said Natalie soft “I’m sure you will see her tomorrow at school “
“No” Yells Adrien “I’m not going anywhere before I didn’t see her”
“Marinette!” Calls Sabine relieved.
Adrien turns around to face her and before she knows what happen he crushes her into a tight hug “Oh my god you are okay” whispered he Marinette warp her arms around him and hug him back. He is fine and here. Adrien pulls away to look down at her
“Don’t hide alone ever again” the tension slips from her shoulder and Marinette laughter
“I’m seriously. Take Nino with you or Alya.... You know what forget it I tell Gorilla that he has to keep you save” Marinette giggle softly, if the day would come, when she tells her family and friends about her double life Adrien was going to need a paramedic.
She didn’t response him and learn against into his chest “I’m here Adrien, everything is alright”
Behind them Natalie cleans her throat “Adrien is time to go” closing painful his eyes Adrien force a smile, looking for help over to her mother,
Sabine nod “Why you two don’t come over for a cup of coffee, so that Adrien can clam down” Natalie look at Sabine, then at her and Adrien. With a soft smile she looks over her shoulder “Michael, please come in an hour to the Bakery to pick us up” Gorilla nod short and leave.
“Thank you, Natalie” said both in unison and follow the adults holding each other close
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butindeed · 6 years
What if... [TRR X PM Cross over] (Riley x Drake) (Kai x Hana) [PART 8/?]
Hi guys!! This is part of a nameless Riley x Drake series. You can read the previous parts HERE.
Tags: @lazychic28   @boneandfur @drakelover78 @captainkingliam
@andy-loves-corgis @client327 @walkerismychoice @chantelle-x0x
Summary: What if things were different? (Part 8)
Tame Impala - The less I know the better
Kai woke up with a terrible headache, as she did the previous day before, and the previous one, and the previous one and basically the whole week.
Riley had been nagging her about her barely attending to class so she decided it was time to move on from Hana being with someone else.
The last few days had been particularly difficult having to face Hana and her confessing everything to Kai. Maybe even more than she would have wanted to know.
It turned out that blondie was Hana’s ex, a freaking Diana Argon looking woman that had broken her heart some time ago when she decided to marry a well connected man.
Hana had told Kai she’d struggled getting over her, especially since M, as Hana called her, had never stopped texting her. When Kai and Hana got together, Hana stopped answering, and that was when M dropped by.
Hana appologized several times, asking Kai to help her getting over M, Kai was too hurt to even listen to Hana’s excuses. 
So even though she had confronted Hana unsuccessfully seeking for relief, she did found some at the bottom of a bottle some days and crying herself to sleep some others.
The sunlight was making her headache even worse walking her way through campus. Class today had been a nightmare, she was ready to head home alright. Kai closed her eyes for a second and felt her body bump someone else’s.
She opened her eyes, ready to blurt out some remark when she saw the last person she thought she’d see.
-Hey Kai!
-Oh hi!
-How have you been feeling?
- jdkfjbnvf-she shrugged 
-Heh, I feel ya!
Kai nodded starting to walk away when a light bulb stroke her brain.
-Wait - she turned 
-Would you like to come home tonight?
-You sure?
-Yes! It’ll be fun! We can have some snacks and something to drink. We can even karaoke!
-I don’t karaoke
-Please? I need it! I’ll invite more people so it’s not akward!
-What time?
-Right now! Come with me!
Daft Punk - Around The World
Riley was feeling a bit down lately. Drake had texted her sometimes, but they hadn’t seen eachother since the Kai debacle. So she did what she used to do when she was feeling blue: she tied her hair into two buns, she put on her old ragged Star Wars tee, her ironman undies and her headphones. She turned up the volume and danced it out.
It was so therapeutical to dance to the upbeatmusic that she usually forgot not only about her problems but about the whole world as well.
So concentrated was she on the music and her butt shaking, that she didn’t listen to the door being open and the two people entering the apartment.
At one point, when she was doing some questionable dancing moves she thought were extremely hot, she turned around opening her eyes.
In fron of her were now a bended over in laughter Kai and, to her horror, a very amused Drake.
Terrified, she looked at them and then at her very naked legs. Running towards the couch, she grabbed a blancket and covered herself ET style, landing on the floor; on her ass.
She took off the headphones expectantly looking for an answer, but too ashamed to say anything.
- So, Leia... - Drake smirked making her blush violently.
Why was Kai so determined to embarrass her in front of Drake?
-I invited Drake for some karaoke night!
-You what? - Riley managed to splutter
-If you don’t want me here Mr Stark, I can leave... - Drake stated overdramatically, making Kai laugh again.
-C’mon! It’ll be fun! - Kai begged making puppy eyes - Please?
Riley fumed towards her room without saying anything.
She was rambling through her wardrobe trying to find anything to wear when she heard a knock on her door.
-Who is it?
-It’s Drake
Riley put on the very first thing she found and opened the door.
-So... I was kind of serious about leaving if you want me to - Drake rambled looking at her feet
-No, I mean, it’s nice to have you here. I... I would have liked a heads up but...
Drake flashed a smile, a genuine smile. And the most beautiful smile Riley had seen in a long time.
-By the way - he looked up - I like those jeans, they realy make you justice.
Some time after the living room was full of people. Penelope, Sloane and some of Kai’s college class mates were mingling, sipping wine and beer and listening to music.
Riley didn’t know much of those people, and as Drake was talking to one of their mutual classmates, a guy named Neville, and Kai was a bit busy with a boy Riley didn’t know, she decided to go and talk to Penelope who was standing by herself in a corner.
That’s how she learnt she was from Cordonia too, from Portravira, a small coastal city. She also had two pooddles whom she missed terribly and a boyfriend back home named Zeke. 
-He and his family are so nice! His sister Kiara and I are very fond of eachother.
-Kiara? Drake’s sister’s friend Kiara?
-Oh yes! Do you happen to know her?
-Well, I kind of saw her once...
-Oh! She’s so nice! She likes Drake, you know? But poor thing, he doesn’t feel quite the same for her - she shook her head sadly - They’d make a lovely couple. Don’t you think?
But Riley wasn’t exactly thinking about Drake and Kiara being together as she oagled at him from the distance.
He looked so handsome with that white polo shirt and those dark blue skinny jeans that make his butt pop.
-Well, anyway - Penelope continued - design was the only thing I needed to learn, and as Cordonia University doesn’t teach it, I had to come here!
Riley was well aware that she had lost a good portion of the conversation, but luckily for her, Sloane joined them at the same time that a tipsy Kai announced that the karaoke was about to begin.
Kai opened the night by singing a dubious version of ‘Let’s get loud’
As many of the attendees were reluctant to participate, Kai came up with a system in which all the names were written down and put in a paper bag, so they could pick a name and the lucky winner would have to sing along the karaoke track.
After a various repertoir, incluiding a hillarious version of ‘I want it that way’ and a very off key ‘I will always love you’, most of the guests were drunk enough to call it a night.
At one point, when the songs had became more and more babbled, Kai dragged Riley’s name out. Luckily she was drunk enough to accept singing, so she stood up and staggered her way to the screen and mic.
She typed the song’s name and waited for the music to start. Although she was feeling a bit selfaware, she started singing.
In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth For what it's worth, I think that he might've created you first Just my opinion Your body is the one paradise that I wanna fly to Every day and every night I've been sick and tired of running Chasing all of the flashing lights These late nights don't mean nothing
She look at Drake as she sang, not knowing if he’d get the hint. He just sat there, nursing his whiskey, staring at her pokerfaced.
I need your love And I'm dying for the rush 'Cause my heart ain't got enough I need your touch This is getting serious
Drake took the glass to his lips, once and over again.
When Riley finished the song, he got up and went for a refill.
She was struggling whether to follow him or not when she felt someone tapping on her shoulder.
-Wow! I never heard someone sing so beautifully - Neville praised
-Oh! Thanks
They engaged in a trivial conversation for a while and she forgot a bit about where she was about to go.
After a while Neville excused himself, and left the party.
Only 5 people were remaining when Kai took Drake’s name out of the papaer bag.
Drake’s cheeks were reddened. It was hard to tell if he was blushing of drunk.
He strode to the keyboard and waited for the song to start without lifting his eyes from his feet.
Have you got color in your cheeks' Do you ever get the feeling that you can't shift the tide That sticks around like something's in your teeth
Oh, good! Riley thought. I love this song!
Drake sang with a deep gorgeous voice, totally on key. 
Riley felt like the world blurred around them. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was something else, but suddenly Drake gazed at her, as if he felt they were the only two people in the room too.
I dreamt about you near me every night this week How many secrets can you keep' 'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow When I play it on repeat Until I fall asleep Spilling drinks on my setteeIf this feeling flows both ways (Sad to see you go) Was sorta hoping that you'd stay (Baby we both know) That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day Crawlin' back to you.
Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new Now I've thought it through Crawling back to you
 Riley could feel something warming up on her. His voice, his stare. Was she imagining things? Was he really singing that for her?
So have you got the guts? Been wondering if your heart's still open and if so I wanna know what time it shuts Simmer down and pucker up I'm sorry to interrupt it's just I'm constantly on the cusp of trying to kiss you I don't know if you feel the same as I do But we could be together, if you wanted to
Was she just imagining things? Was she reading between lines too much? Why was she standing up? When did it happen?
They were looking at eachother’s eyes. His stare was burning, piercing her like a lynx, making her entire body tingle.
When he finished the song, he glupped the rest of his drink. 
Was it it? Would he be coming to her now?
Just then Penelope tapped her forearm.
-Riley, dear. I have to take off now
Riley saw from the corner of her eye Drake’s face grimmace.
-Oh! Okay
-I wanted to thank you for the invitation. I had a great time!
-Well, I’m...
-Drake! Are you leaving too?
Drake, who was standing right behind them, as waiting for their conversation to be over, gasped in surprise.
He looked at Riley, at Penelope and then at his very empty glass. 
-Sure - he mumbled leaving with Penelope and the rest of the guests and leaving a very dissappointed Riley at the doorstep.
<NEXT           PREV>
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