#which onenote doesn't have
not-krys · 5 months
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In one my discord servers, they were talking about a note taking app and I decided to give it a whirl (bc it's free) and decided to make a timeline of sorts for my Obey Me OC Miri.
Still have some things to figure out, but this has been a fun experiment.
In case you wanna try it out yourself, here's the link~
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copperbadge · 25 days
I have a lot of feelings about the use of AI in Everything These Days, but they're not particularly strong feelings, like I've got other shit going on. That said, when I use a desktop computer, every single file I use in Google Drive now has a constant irritating popup on the right-hand side asking me how Gemini AI Can Help Me. You can't, Gemini. You are in the way. I'm not even mad there's an AI there, I'm mad there's a constantly recurring popup taking up space and attention on my screen.
Here's the problem, however: even Gemini doesn't know how to disable Gemini. I did my own research and then finally, with a deep appreciation of the irony of this, I asked it how to turn it off. It said in any google drive file go to Help > Gemini and there will be an option to turn it off. Guess what isn't a menu item under Help?
I've had a look around at web tutorials for removing or blocking it, but they are either out of date or for the Gemini personal assistant, which I already don't have, and thus cannot turn off. Gemini for Drive is an integrated "service" within Google Drive, which I guess means I'm going to have to look into moving off Google Drive.
So, does anyone have references for a service as seamless and accessible as Google Drive? I need document, spreadsheet, slideshow, and storage, but I don't have any fancy widgets installed or anything. I do technically own Microsoft Office so I suppose I could use that but I've never found its cloud function to actually, uh, function. I could use OneNote for documents if things get desperate but OneNote is very limited overall. I want to be able to open and edit files, including on an Android phone, and I'd prefer if I didn't have to receive a security code in my text messages every time I log in. I also will likely need to be able to give non-users access, but I suppose I could kludge that in Drive as long as I only have to deal with it short-term.
Any thoughts, friends? If I find a good functional replacement I'm happy to post about it once I've tested it.
Also, saying this because I love you guys but if I don't spell it out I will get a bunch of comments about it: If you yourself have managed to banish Gemini from your Drive account including from popping up in individual files, I'm interested! Please share. If you have not actually implemented a solution yourself, rest assured, anything you find I have already tried and it does not work.
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does anyone know a good linux snipping tool thing. like not like a print screen thing like an area capture thing. especially if you can annotate over it like the windows snipping tool. because 1. i hate modernized sleek screencapture tools i genuinely like shit that looks like someone made it for windows 7 and hasnt updated it since and 2. the built in linux mint screen capture tool flashes the whole screen white to imitate a camera flash every time you take a capture, which is a nightmarish choice and i can't imagine WHO decided that was an acceptable Default setting and i can't turn it off. and i can't draw over screenshots to show people stuff
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sanctus-ingenium · 10 months
answering asks vol 2.
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'Smiths' can encompass enginesmiths (mercury), armoursmiths (mars), alchemists (saturn) and some others - generally a smith is someone who works with engines or metal in any capacity, whether by constructing them, managing their fuel, making armour, etc. all of them have a completely degendered role in the church. They are supposed to be wholly devoted to their craft & church, to the point of becoming almost unpeople, sexless.
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I like pantera :) he's the main character beast sure (alongside leun) but he's got a lot of interesting history and has been through a lot.
To start out I do some basic sketches while looking at bestiary diagrams of the animal type. Then I draw the base proportions over a photo of the animal's skeleton. Once the joints are all in place and I could imagine it moving relatively freely, I pick a motif and design the armour shapes with that in mind (i.e leun's trefoils, taurus's waves). The motifs come from a bunch of sources - if I see them in medieval art around that animal, the beast's use purpose, the culture that built them and how it might differ in art styles to the 'basic' designs from the heart of the Mezian theocracy. Fun stuff like that.
As an exercise I have taken (human) characters from other settings and made holy beast versions of them, trying to imagine what animal it would be, what weapons, what armour designs, etc. Behold, Bowman:
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It's a fun exercise! I recommend :>
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Hi! Thank you for the suggestion! I actually did try to use OneNote for my thesis but I found that it ended up an extra step that got in the way. Instead I organised my reference papers manually (and wrote up all my bibliography by hand as well). I haven't heard of Notion so I might look into it :> as someone with adhd I find that the best way for me is to make it stupid easy, which is why discord works because I already use it for talking with friends and I like the mobile app.
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SO true!! You can make whatever the hell you want forever and that sounds really cool, I'm glad I was able to help in some little way >:) (although, holy beasts are not robots.. i think the best description for them is just. exotic vehicles.)
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lmao it's totally fine!! I love to talk
Sir Heaven had such a profoundly negative experience with Leun that he struggles with the concept of making anybody else do what he now considers to be his burden. He also feels that taking any new people inside Leun would endanger them.
The bishop of Salvius cathedral is the guy Heaven answers to, and his superior officer. The bishop has reported the matter to the pope and they're still working hard presenting new potential novices to Sir Heaven, but the thing is that Sir Heaven rejects them for seemingly valid reasons. He doesn't just say 'no I'm not taking apprentices', he says 'this one's reaction speed isn't good enough' or 'this one is too prideful'. But the longer he tries to keep this up, the more suspicion he heaps on his shoulders. If the time came, no, he would not be able to deny a direct order from the pope.
Ketjan was selected at random, one of a large group of other children who were not raised in the church. This is to ensure that there is no per-existing bias or knowledge of how holy beasts work. And he just happened to be the only one of the group who could master Leun's very demanding dialogue tattoo. The recruiting enginesmiths, who designed Leun's systems, were the ones to train him, but Ketjan was the one to write most of the procedures for operating Leun based on feedback from the dialogue.
Replies from THIS post:
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@ospreyonthemoon @kicks-tiktaalik-back-into-water
Krokodilos had an amazing high-tech ventilation system that used active air pumps to keep it circulating. But exactly like the second reply says, it broke down frequently. And because of how it worked, the interior of croc had to be air-tight so that the pumps could work efficiently. And, of course, if it broke down, and it was air tight on the inside, it instantly became a more dangerous deathtrap than your average passively ventilated beast.
There were valves that could be opened in an emergency but these were only added after the first Incident. The pumps would break down from the fabric seals degrading, lose efficacy, and then the parts furthest from the pumps would suddenly not get enough air anymore because air couldn't be moved such a distance with faulty pumps. The reason his enginesmiths want him to be re-commissioned is because the only barrier was the material used for the seals, and they believe they can innovate some new materials or try something different and have it work. They were even thinking of trying natural rubber, which would have worked perfectly, but they never got approval for it.
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erathene · 2 months
Not-Yet-Written-Fics Game
AKA sh*t from my OneNote "Ideas" page that no-one asked for but maybe I'll write ✨someday✨
Thanks for the tag @fishing4stars 😘 I've also added the likelihood of these ideas actually making it onto paper 😂
The Game-of-Thrones-Style longfic idea: An unnamed OC is the only child of the king in a kingdom east of Rûhn. The king is a widower and remarries, and OC gains a stepmother and stepbrother. The king then dies, suddenly and in mysterious circumstances. Stepmother ensures that stepbrother takes the crown, not OC who is the rightful heir, and stepbrother then makes alliances with Mordor. OC flees, taking refuge in the West. Gandalf hears of these events and does not want Mordor to have more allies, so tries to convince OC to take back their crown. Cue angst and indecision over whether or not they can face their stepfamily and grief for their father to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Alliances are made, probably with the Elves of Mirkwood, who help OC reclaim the throne and turn the kingdom away from darkness. All events take place during the War of the Ring. Probability of this being written: 1/10 due to the world-building and OCs required to fabricate a whole new kingdom.
The tenth walker idea: Elrond sends a historian / scribe along with the Fellowship to document the ring's destruction as an important event in the history of Middle Earth. Eventual Female!Bookworm x Aragorn pairing because I am the author and I get to decide. Protective!Aragorn would be just *chef's kiss*. Probability of this being written: 6/10, I like it but it would likely break my 'don't write movie scenes' personal rule of writing LOTR fics 😅
The LOTR/Wheel of Time crossover: Nynaeve is going through the Arches to become Accepted, and the final Arch leads to Middle Earth. I think there would be a lot of potential to explore how the One Power works/doesn't work in ME, and how it is received by people if it does. I also think there are some similar traits between Nynaeve and Aragorn (wisdom/chieftain, healer, foraging/tracking) which would also be fun to explore: are they friends or do they get on each other's last nerve? Also what sin or fear does Nynaeve have to face in ME that means she was sent there in the first place? There are just so many angles that could be examined in this, if I had the time (no pun intended..). Probability of this being written: 5/10, I feel like I don't know enough about the Wheel of Time fandom, as I've only watched the TV series.
The Silmarillion/Rings of Power idea: Either an OC or Reader fic, haven't decided. Sauron has been brought to Numenor as a prisoner, OC is a prison guard. Sauron is extremely talkative, OC is very wary of him and the way he speaks; it's persuasive, manipulative and not like other prisoners. Over time, OC watches Sauron talk his way out of the prison cell and into society, climbing the ranks until they comes across him again at the royal court. OC tries to convince someone, anyone, that Sauron should be back in the cell where he belongs, but nobody listens except Elendil. The fic examines the forming of the Faithful and the events leading up to the downfall of Numenor, featuring ROP resident Hot Men™ Elendil and Halbrand. Probability of this being written: 4/10, requires more silmarillion reading, though that might increase when ROP Season 2 is released.
Aaaand that's all I have! Let's send a no-pressure tag to @emmanuellececchi, @torturedhoesdepartment and @inkedmoth (sorry if you have been tagged already 😅). If anyone else sees this and wants to join in, I'd love to see what's rattling around in your brain!
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abanddreamer · 6 months
So Long, Evernote
Evernote (EN) was great.
I'd used it since 2010 when I was in University. A good friend recommended it to me.
At some point, I started paying for the service. It was about $3 a month, I think.
After half a decade, I took a hiatus to try out Google Keep. I survived for a year, because I initially didn't have much note taking requirements. But plain-text is messy. And my ideas and notes became more complex and needed some structure to sort it out.
So I went back to Evernote.
But recently there was a tremendous price hike. $10+ a month for US, Canadian, and European (western bloc) users!
If users from the English/Western market are the majority users and are frightened by the pricing, it is not good for the business.
I had to leave Evernote.
What are good choices? I offer you the following:
OneNote - free, traditional note taking app
UpNote - affordable app most similar to Evernote
NotesNook - affordable, privacy-focused app. But unstable and doesn't support checklists
AmpleNote - task / journal app that is v.responsive but doesn't support checklists
Craft - beautiful journal app
I had some additional requirements (which may not be applicable to you):
Web App
Offline Mode
Version History
Checklists which are not Tasks
So I narrowed it down to OneNote - which is my anchor app is everything goes wrong, and Craft - which is my aspirational app if everything goes right.
I'm still evaluating Craft!
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indigostudies · 5 months
@princetofbone asked me to do a review of the mango languages app/programme, so here's my thoughts on it so far, having used it for a bit!
i've been using the app for korean, kazakh, and shanghainese, and i've also used the chinese and vietnamese courses as well. i have a full access account through my local library, so i don't pay anything for it. the pricing for if you want to purchase a subscription yourself is 7.99USD/mo for a single language, and 17.99USD/mo for a full access account.
so far, i've really found it very useful! while the shanghainese course doesn't have a ton of lessons (only one chapter and fourteen lessons), other languages have significantly more—mandarin chinese has seven chapters and almost 600 lessons, and korean has one chapter but 75 lessons.
it's a spoken, auditory, and reading-based system, with the emphasis being on listening to and reading phrases and words to learn them, and it has a specific exercise type for speaking a phrase or word aloud and recording it, and then being given a recording of the same phrase/word which can be played back in time or independently of your own recording to compare the two.
the speaking exercises are honestly the most useful to me, because i someone who really focuses on the pronunciation of words—for example, a lot of times the romanisation of hangul isn't very helpful for me, but i can pronounce a word perfectly after listening to the audio recording and adjusting my own pronunciation. in this way, it's somewhat similar to what duolingo used to be, but it hasn't been pared down and simplified the way that duolingo has—and, i think, considering that it's an entirely paid service, this is probably unlikely to happen.
additionally, for tonal languages, it actually includes the tones in the romanisation, and, for people who don't have any experience with tones, it includes explanations and recordings of tones to help, which i think is really useful. it also has a lot of languages that are harder to find resources for! as i mentioned it has shanghainese as i mentioned, but it also has armenian, thai, uzbek, and irish. as far as i can tell, all languages that use non-latin alphabets are taught in the app using the native script (though what script it is can vary, if there's multiple—kazakh uses the cyrillic alphabet used in kazakhstan rather than the arabic script used in china), though if you tap the word/phrase, the romanisation will pop up above it, which can help a lot, in my opinion, if you're unfamiliar with a writing system.
the only drawbacks, in my opinion, is that there's no writing exercises—but this is something that can be easily remedied by taking your own notes. there's exercises where you're asked to translate an english phrase or word into the target language, and you can pause the exercise and write down what you think it is, and then tap to show the answer and compare it to what you wrote down, and correct your answer if necessary. i use the mango app on my phone and take notes by hand in onenote on my laptop, which i've found to be a very efficient system.
personally, i would give it a solid 8.75/10—i've found it to be very useful, as someone who really likes and benefits from audio, reading, and speaking as methods to learn languages, and i've found that i retain far more information than if i only used a textbook for self-study. points are deducted for the lack of in-app writing exercises, and the fact that there's no option for a free account unless you have access through a library/other institution, but otherwise, i'd really recommend it!
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studentbyday · 7 months
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hello, i drafted an aesthetic studyblr post for today, but didn't feel like posting it bc today is an ugly rant kind of day. (more kermits under the cut)
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AAAAHHHHHH STUPID FREAKING WINDOWS- 😩😫😭🤬🤬🤬 so i was working on my laptop for these past few days which uses a different ms office version from the computer i switched to today and all my work was LOST!! 😭😭 all the notes i took on OneNote (at least it was just the psyc notes i had done on the laptop - idk what i would do if biochem or mol bio notes were lost. i'd probably cry for real) and all the work i did on that biochem paper? GONE!! my brother uses LibreOffice so i finally switched to that (altho their UI isn't that nice). at this point, i might as well switch to linux (unless that would cause unforeseen problems if i still sometimes do work on windows? idk) 😅 any recs for free notes apps that have a small learning curve and are OneNote-like?
the STRANGEST part is, some of the notes and lost files came back as i was working?? i didn't do anything and i *swear* i wasn't seeing things, so like, WTF??? not that i'm complaining. i hope the entire week of psyc notes i lost comes back. if not, i'll probs rewrite them if i have time. i hope i have time. i really hate this.
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also, good thing i didn't like the way i wrote the biochem paper so far. i rewrote the thing in a google doc instead just to be safe and i like the way it flows much better now. AND!!! it's super annoying that i had to do this, but my handwritten notes on the main article i'm basing my paper on were confusing me. like, in terms of the flow of the biochemistry. so i basically rewrote those notes, doing this huge web in paint and idk if i could've done that on the first read instead of the way i did it. i hate feeling like i've done double work.
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after rewriting the paper (i'm not even done yet - there are several things i wanna add yet and some facts i wanna clarify) and my notes on the article for said paper, i was exhausted. i tried to switch gears by reading the instructions/background for the biochem discussion post due tmr (that i was supposed to write today 😒) but i don't get it. it's like i didn't cover lipoproteins at all! i don't remember anything! what am i here* for if i can't remember anything?!
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update: i answered 1 question for the discussion post. i still have to answer 1 more but i need to finish reading the background info first.
ALSO! i was supposed to study for 6+ hours today. i have no idea how long i actually studied bc i kept stopping and starting the study with me video and i worked through the breaks anyway, so the dinging timers were just annoying.
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*"here" as in at uni, studying, although if in the right mood, it could also expand to my entire existence 🙂 (luckily i'm too angry rn to feel philosophical 😒)
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okay, let's try not to end so sour. good things that happened today:
physio exercises ✅
skincare ✅ (i have added lip balm to the list asides from lotion bc the chapped state hurts 🙁)
mol bio quiz ✅
journal ✅
tomorrow will be better. and if it doesn't start out right, imma fight it until it is and i won't be defeated 😠
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araneitela · 9 months
While I have these noted in my OneNote, putting them on here may... make it that I write these down more thoroughly faster. But, meta-topics that I'm planning on elaborating on:
— Kafka's semblance of 'boredom' and its manifestation. This is seen across the board through either suggesting or engaging in both more trivial and more significant 'games'. But a great example is the "trial" during the on-going Jepella Rebellion. Throughout the entire sequence, we see the judges with flaring red eyes that glow brighter at numerous intervals, and when she's "let to plead her case" a bit more thoroughly towards the end of it, we're shown a red string breaking (timestamp: 2:08); you see the judges' eyes return to normal and they are in a state of severe mental disorientation and panic. The string breaking marked the intended end of Kafka's Spirit Whisper on them. The entire trial was nothing more than a mockery of the court: her game. As Sam notes at the end (timestamp: 2:32), "You should really stop playing with your food; Kafka." He meant it. Kafka plays games when many likely wouldn't due to a sense of risk. Aside from being immune to this due to the lack of fear that she claims the populace of Pteruges-V (or at least, New Babylon) to have, this playfulness is likely an added manifestation of this. We know that she doesn't fall victim to the same follies as others from this same planet, "I used to be a Devil Hunter (...) When people don’t feel fear, they are dominated by desire and pleasure – they become “devils”, so this may be a different form of 'pleasure' in the simple form of entertainment. The Jepella 'trial' is simply the most evident example.
— The two different manners of speech. We're overtly familiar with the incredibly seductive delivery of most of her dialogue, but there are instances where Kafka's delivery is quite different and it is incredibly intentional. The very first instance of this, is when she first speaks to the Trailblazer. It is not as consistent, and there is still usually a lingering element of playfulness to the end of most words' pronunciations (there are specific lines that are a lot more evident, such as "When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret" at the end of the sequence). This could be blamed on the fact that this was an early recording and they were undecided; however, the decision of having two different 'vocal deliveries' has been set in stone with Kafka's story/companion quest. Thankfully, I found this to help make it very obvious.
— Not feeling fear does not equate lack of emotions and/or the concept of humanity. For me, 'fear' is merely one of many emotions that humanity possesses, it is tied in with many (all) others but it is not representative, on its own, of all emotions in their entirety. The reason I make note of this is Kafka's inherent tie to musicality, one of numerous great 'arts' that requires great emotion to properly understand and appreciate. Now, part of me wondered if she perhaps lacked this as well, and whether, because of that, this was one of her 'goals' within the Stellaron Hunters as well. But when looking at the individually noted goals for each of them, "they who chase after fear" (Kafka) is separate from "they who inquire meaning" (strongly hinted at being Sam), which renders the question null and void. Aside from that, she actively seems to harbor an element of care towards the Trailblazer, but most undeniably, she actively harbors a semblance of care and concern for Blade's state of being in her story quest. This also means, to me, that Kafka harbors the ability of affection.
— Her character banner was called 'Nessun Dorma', named after arguably the most famous tenor arias in all of opera (yes, you've likely heard it even if you're not into opera). As much as she is very much tied to classical music throughout the game, and showing an active investment in it, this is entirely different as it is a vocal performance, rather than instrumental as all other musical passages used for her have been. Nessun Dorma is an aria in the final act of a musical called Turandot. This is a fantasy tale that unfolds in China, where a beautiful but very cold princess (Turandot) poses three riddles to any suitor who dares court her, and commands the death of all who fail. When an unknown prince (he who sings 'Nessun Dorma) ultimately triumphs, the opera ends in a love story with a happy ending. Hoyoverse doesn't do things without reason, and so this intrigues me relentlessly. But moreover, the riddles and their answers really get the cogs in my head to spin wildly; as this reeks of Kafka in more ways than one:
"What is born each night and dies at dawn?" Hope.
"What flickers red and warm like a flame, yet is not fire?" Blood.
"What is like ice yet burns?" Turandot (the princess in question).
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where is chapter 9 huh
okay okay im doing my new years preparations and one of those things involves migrating my notes back to OneNote which I have been using again for other stuff including work. Here's a behind the scenes look thus far:
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(that's right, the pages/story arcs have names! Sometimes one page will split into three, so the number of checks and pages don't necessarily match up.) ("Excerpt" is a dialogue I wrote that will probably open Chapter 9 instead).
this is what the scripts for the chapter look like:
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(Dialogue doesn't actually get finalized until i am setting up the speech bubbles, I will change words that are more visually tight and neat at the last minute.)
The next thing I need to do is consider what I have on my shelf to read that will help me with the literary side of writing, since I'm in the habit of borrowing themes and motifs from classical lit. I do have a nice copy of Herodotus that will definitely come in handy, I have to double check Thucydides' whereabouts, and I had a list somewhere I have to track down of plays that are contemporary to Chapter 9. Chapter 8 was the culmination of me Finally reading the Iliad in its entirety after putting it off for ages, so I need to do some more reading before Chapter 9 comes into being. (I'm also reading a secondary source on women and athenian law that will come into play somewhere)
This all said, I am still mostly at my desk for work doing research on a completely unrelated place and time, so I tend to yeet myself away from my computer once I'm done for the day and that's a large part of why I haven't had the energy to put towards AaSA. I did get some reading done outdoors as part of my post-work walks, but there were so few smoke-free days this past year that I wasn't able to get out as much as I'd have liked :/. But I figured if I at least started collecting all my disparate pieces into one place, it would be easier to collect them for the mental crockpot later.
Thanks for your patience, gang.
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saltyvsparrow · 1 year
I was helping a coworker today, and as we discussed the issue she was troubleshooting, I made one of those neurodivergent ADHD connections where I'm pretty sure I remember the issue being brought up before and then validate my vague memory by searching and pulling up the previous instance within 30 seconds or so. She asked me how I knew this, and I explained it as me remembering a random bit of detritus that had gotten caught in my brain, which instigated a targeted search to verify that suspect memory. Because my brain doesn't work in a logical, organized manner. Previously, I had shared some OneNote documentation I wrote for myself, containing blocks of text representing different server roles. Each text blocked listed the server role, the services on the server with that role, and the ports used by each listed service. It is color coordinated by service. So that the services and ports used that connect the different servers with unique roles use the same font color. I did this because our team doesn't get Visio (Microsoft work environment) and I don't make use of mind mapping or visual diagrams enough to ask for IT to allocate a Visio license to me, or install a freeware version. I still probably would have color coordinated a version that included arrow lines. Instead, I bracketed service names and ports with <, >, and <> to indicate directions. I shared this with her as an example of how I make sense of how our products operate that has frightened the majority of our coworkers because they found it overwhelming and too much to process. The product family is complex (shrug).
She said the OneNote pages made her envision my brain as a Marie Kondo-ized space. I said no, my brain is more like a house from A&E Hoarders, that happens to contain things like the OneNote pages, that I am sure I can find if you just let me climb though my access paths.
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wishiwasfiction · 8 months
fuck traumaversaries this is fucking awful.
i think imma move our hoard of prospective faceclaims/pfps to onenote because of the upcoming discord changes.
yeah that sounds like a good distraction.
fingers crossed this helps my brain stop fucking panicking for 30 seconds, I am Not Fucking Vibing.
(warning - vent below cut)
I don't even know why this is a traumaversary, or which date the actual shit is. i don't know if its already passed or if its gonna keep getting worse, fucking hell.
i have a fucking essay draft i need to write by tomorrow, but my brain is NOT fucking cooperating and i need to calm tf down if i want a chance of writing anything. also i put off emailing the teacher because i have no clue wtf im doing, I didn't even exist a week ago, so this is going great /sarc
and that teacher is the best of all of them according to the academics, but I fucking hate teachers because of exo-trauma im so fucking dissociated i can barely think and-
i just realised we have therapy tomorrow, so at least I can get some support, I suppose?
our therapist doesn't know much about our shit though, so she can't help me figure out why this is happening.
i fucking hate this, i dealt with literal wars in source, i was fucking terrifying. but the body can't even fucking tell me why its scared, this is fucking pathetic.
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mockiery · 2 years
Hey. Hey. Pspspsppss. Explain your writing process to me. Please?
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asjdghs ok in all seriousness idek fam. it's very disorganized and nonlinear and irregular af. much like this answer that got away from me so i'm gonna put it under the cut <3
i start with an Idea™ that has bonked me over the head. i am then possessed by the Idea, and i dump the concept onto a page in onenote as quickly as possible. it pours out of me like a fountain and the scene just kinda. creates itself.
it's pretty much always dialogue that comes to me first, with some major framing and emotional beats of surrounding paragraphs. sometimes the dialogue doesn't come for certain parts of the scene or i already have a vision of this particular section, so i'll describe the scene simply in a paragraph and sometimes later i'll come back and flesh it out. dialogue is something that tends to be the easiest for me. maybe not always voice for some characters, but their meaning and character-drive, absolutely.
and then from there, once the possession ends and what i have is out of me, it's mostly just. staring at the doc and making minor edits and additions around it over the next few days and/or weeks until i get bonked over the head with Idea: Part 2 Electric Boogaloo and so forth, always scrambling to keep up with them.
since writing mk fic and being actually interactive with other ppl and posting my writing, i've started sharing more little bites or even full drafts of my stuff and getting feedback, which, a lot of the time, is like. keysmashes and feral all caps comments, but they definitely help me know what's working and help me in the motivation department. recently i've specifically had the lovely @fdelopera help me out with full blown beta reading and some editing, they have been an absolute godsend (ily btw, tysm 💕).
Music helps me get in the zone sometimes, and keep me on track. I listened to Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers about halfway through writing "your grounding touch", and it gave me some ideas about imagery and sensory stuff i wanted to focus in on more. There are also details in that fic inspired by some of the lyrics, if u feel like looking. It's also a general Vibe and a good marc song.
Music is just generally good for ideas for me too. Very good for calling on the Bonking of Ideas. When I'm hyperfixated on something i make a playlist about it so I can be in that world all day. I'm an all-day music listener, it's essential. (though when i get in the writing zone it can be silent and I won't notice for like an hour or two).
There's also the focus aspect of music too. If i start to associate one song with a piece, I'll listen to that song on repeat while I'm at work and it keeps my adhd brain on track (or close enough to it) so I can keep thinking about and planning it even while i'm busy.
I rarely write anything wholly linear, some parts getting expanded later after what was going to be minor edits snowballed into another few hundred or even thousand words. originally in "your grounding touch, marc's initial scene with layla was a lot shorter, and when writing, the first line for a while was him asking layla what she saw during their blackout. the section of steven's scene with layla researching DID was originally one paragraph before i fleshed it out and gave it dialogue, and was blessed with "you're based on the hero." and then jake at the end of was a late game addition only in the last 2 drafts, but felt essential.
sorry i rambled a lot there but that tends to happen when u let me talk about my writing, so thank u for enabling me <3
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gravitywonagain · 11 months
“Nobody asked about my writing” meme
thank you for tagging me @amethyst-noir <3 you're wonderful
i'm not sure i did this right; i'm working on too many things at once...... so i picked a few :D
 1: what are you currently working on? 
umm... several things. if we're going to stick to the immediate and not look at my entire wip folder, currently i'm working on finishing wagbfm, an external porny wagbfm oneshot ch, and a fic with the working title "under streetlights" as my main fan projects.
but then also, because i hate myself or something, i have (oh god) two (2) original projects that i'm building. the first shares a universe (or at least a magic system) with a fanfic that i'm not allowed to touch until i finish wagbfm because it will be a similar undertaking in length and world building, and it has the working title "desert mirage". the second doesn't quite have a plot yet, but i've been spending a not insignificant amount of effort developing the magic system for it from scratch (must be masochism), and its working title is "rebel yell".
2: summarize your current project 
which one? okay, i'll do the fics here and the original ones next.
wagbfm (taken directly from ao3): Wei Wuxian died and Yiling Laozu rose in his place. He has avoided the Triad societies he grew up around, maintaining his anonymity and forging a new cultivation path. Now, thirteen years later, Hanguang-jun walks into Demon-Subdue Hall and requests Yiling Laozu's services for GusuLan Triad. Something is stirring in the world. Something that necessitates his return to a life and to people he’s long since mourned as lost to him.
"under streetlights" (significantly less polished): 13 years after the car accident that took Wei Ying's life, Lan Zhan has fled the memories and grief that haunt him in San Francisco, only to find himself making a strangely compelling connection on Grindr in Florida.
3: summarize your current project poorly 
"desert mirage": Girl magically decapitates herself only to find out that it's not even her own head.
"rebel yell": In the world of genetic magic users, the one-armed whistler with perfect pitch is king.
4: describe your favorite character or characters
i think almost every character from mdzs could fill this list. plus several from my many other fandoms (looking at you, asami sato). but this seems aimed at ocs or other characters i haven't already spent time dissecting on this blog so...
meet calliope burns: she has two love interests, one arm, and zero fucks left. her default mode is research spiral. her glasses are always dirty. and she once threw her cheap-as-they-come prosthetic arm across a room because her roommate would not stop punning at her.
(also, worry not, i don't do love triangles unless the triangle gets closed... with polyamory, in case that wasn't clear.)
5: post a line from your current project without any context 
“You’re dead,” says Lan Zhan, and Wei Ying feels glass splintering around his temple.
6: how do you get through writers block?
patience? or, more accurately, distraction. i have no cure for it. i mostly just wait it out by doing other things. sometimes that becomes very difficult and aggravating, but i have not yet found another solution. sometimes making playlists helps?
7: would you want to live in the world of your current work? 
hell no. i do not write fun places to live; i write interesting places to live. and as we have all discovered by now, interesting is exhausting.
8: briefly discuss your outlining process, if you outline 
um... sporadic? it tends to start as a vague idea in a note on my phone. then when i've added enough to that note, it gets a onenote. on the onenote i collect a lot of larger character and world building things, in addition to figuring out the plot. the plot gets a bullet list with an associated timeline. then when the prose starts, it gets a google doc. from there the prose and the bullet list inform each other back and forth until i get something coherent out of them both. which is to say, mostly it's pretty freeform.
9: what is the aesthetic of your current project?
wagbfm: a darker chinese version of Romeo + Juliet (1996, dir. Baz Luhrmann)
"under streetlights": cigarette smoke and that fever dream feeling that accompanies yellowed, peeling motel wallpaper, but in, like, pretty sunset colors
"desert mirage": american southwest cow skull art
"rebel yell": 1980's punk scene meets 1950's technology meets 1910’s human rights violations and eugenics… plus magic!
10: what song sums up your current work the best?
wagbfm: the title is based on a lyric from "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes, but i think the song that gets at the heart of it might actually be "Freak" by Sub Urban
"under streetlights": the fic is inspired by "3 Nights" by Dominic Fike, but the song that it most resembles is actually "Hurting on Purpose" by Whethan
"desert mirage": "Black Magic" by Magic Wands but also "Corazón Espinado (feat. Maná)" by Santana... it's complicated
"rebel yell": "It's a good day (to fight the system)" by Shungudzo though the working title is obviously taken from "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol
Tagging: @dovebeast, @epistemologys, @jasontoddiefor, @eldritchjackalope, @iamwestiec if you feel like it, and really anyone who wants to play!
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id0ntkn0w0101 · 1 year
How to Plan a Book for Spontaneous Overthinkers - Planning/Writing Tools
Heads-up: This post is a long boi. So I'll start by saying that I am not a published author. However, I have been writing for as long as I can remember and in the past 5 years or so have started taking it much more seriously. After 3 failed Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month Challenge) attempts and countless others on my own time, I think I have figured out the best way for me to plan my stories in a way that gives me a set plan without causing me to overthink about planning so writing isn't boring. This first post is literally just on tools I like to use.
Planning Tools
Seeing as how writing is a creative art, a lot of it is left to opinion. So here are my tastes, opinions, and suggestions for writing tools.
Find a Writing Tool You Enjoy: For me this has historically been a typewriter, a fountain pen and a nice sturdy hardcover notebook, or a dip glass pen and ink with a faux weathered journal I got on amazon. For some you may just prefer typing it out on a computer or using a ballpoint pen and a notebook.
If you like typing stuff out on a computer... Google Docs and LibreOffice are my go-tos if you just want a standard writing experience. Google Docs is one you most likely know and lets you store everything in the cloud, but I've noticed it makes my computer run a little slowly and I've had saving issues on multiple occasions since it doesn't have a manual save feature. LibreOffice, on the other hand, is an open-source dupe for Microsoft Office that is completely free, has more features than Google Docs, and lets you manually save. Plus, you'll never have any issues with your Wi-Fi going out and not being able to access your files. If you like being able to do a mix of typing and handwriting, I recommend using OneNote. Despite it being a Microsoft app, it's free and cross-compatible with mobile devices and computers (you do have to manually sync your notebooks sometimes). However, if you use an art tablet with your computer or just a standard touch-screen tablet and a stylus, you can sketch, handwrite, and type all in the same document easily. I use OneNote for most of my planning.
If you like unique or old-fashioned writing tools... Glass or metal dip pens are a fun choice. You do have to do some personal research though based on how you want to write though. For example, I bought a glass dip pen because it had a little bit of a scratchier vibe that I enjoyed and was also better suited for writing in cursive and drawing little doodles when my brain needed a writing break. I got mine on amazon and the brand is called "Freedom of the Starry Sky" It came with a beautiful ink, a carrying case, and a little glass stand to rest the pen on. I don't have any specific recommendations for metal dip pens however. If you want an ink recommendation, however, I use and love the Windsor & Newton Black India Ink, which I got on amazon for about $7. It's great, and its water based so all you have to do to clean the residue off your pen is let it sit in some warm water for a minute and wipe it off.
If you want a typewriter... I am very autistic and typewriters are a special interest of mine so I'll try to keep this brief (spoiler alert, I failed). This isn't the cheapest option by a long shot but I love my typewriter with all my heart so I figured it should be included. Here's my tips: look on Ebay, Mercari, and Facebook Marketplace and try to find one in your budget that is at least mostly functional (my old girl is from the 40s and ribbon doesn't advance but I love her anyway). If you're going to be working at a desk, get a desktop model, but if you're like me and have no clue where you want to type, find one that is portable WITH CASE INCLUDED. Trust me you do not want to be looking for a typewriter case for a vintage typewriter online. Next, determine if you want/need a quieter model. Typewriters will never be silent, but some are made to muffle more noise than others. There is a YouTube channel called Jot and Tittle and they make demos of vintage typewriters where you can hear how loud they are and see how they are to work with. So if you find a specific model you're considering buying, make sure to check there to see if the keys are the right amount of clicky and the write amount of clacky for your needs. You'll also need to find ink ribbon, which you can easily find on ebay. If you have any questions or need to do/have a repair done, I recommend r/typewriters on reddit or finding a typewriter repair shop or other forum online.
Other Things I Recommend:
Random Generators: Whether it be for writing prompts, opening lines, names of any kind you can possibly think of, settings and locations, or really anything, I promise there is a random generator for you. For all things names (locations or people), I use Fantasy Name Generators, but anything you can think of has a generator online if you look.
Baby Name Websites: Sometimes you want a unique but realistic character name and you want to include the meaning or have the meaning of the name be an integral part of the story. If that's you, go to baby name websites. Most of them let you search by meaning or even pick a name you like (for example, a character whose name you like) and find similar names easily.
AI Story Generators: For the love of all that is holy, unholy, or right in the middle, do not publish or post anything written by AI and call it your own. However, if you can't decide how to write a scene or if you need a way to start the next chapter, or anything like that, use an AI generator and EDIT it afterwards. Most of these programs are subscription based or have a free trial or have a limited amount of generations per month, just so you know.
So that's all I have to say on this specific topic, but as soon as I finish this post I will be working on writing the next post on genres and genre expectations using the genres of my own current novel I'm planning as examples, so be sure to check that out if interested. Have a great day and please comment if you have any questions or if you're not going to be an ass. Thanks!
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girl-please-study · 2 years
okay first off, you have a drop dead gorgeous handwriting TT jealousy is literally taking over me rn!
and next i need some recommendations :/
I'm looking for an affordable Android stylus pen for my digital ones and you are literally the best person to ask this to TT
also, could you please share what application you use for the digital notes? currently im using one notes but i just wanted to try something new for a bit.
I haven't used any other pencil other than Apple’s so I'll suggest that you refer few YouTube videos —
1. emilystudying
2. Brad Colbow
Note : the roundtip stylus isn't meant for drawing, but you can use it to take notes. And Logitech’s work in any device without the need to pair & if you do decide to get an iPad someday, it'll be able to perform all sorts of functions like an Apple Pencil (i.e. scribble, shortcuts) + it's prettier
I personally use CollaNotes for note-taking (it's completely free although its just for IOS)
In terms of note-taking (Android)
Try out Touchnotes , as far as I recall almost all the needed features are free.
Google Keep is another app to try (doesn't really have many features but it may fit your requirements)
You'd want to have Gridzzly to make your own templates!
Also, you can use drawing apps like Sketchbook or IBIS Paint for rough work, note-taking or making mindmaps because :
1. as they are art apps, they have tons of brushes, including Ballpoint pens (and you can create your own highlighters by decreasing opacity of round brushes)
2. choose your canvas size (which will be your paper size — potrait, landscape whatever)
3. you can import writing templates (grid, hexagonal etc)
4. Sketchbook & IBIS both provide cloud storage
there are cons for this approach like — you can't create a notebook, you can just use 1 paper at a time.
And yeah, OneNote can get boring after a while & the export system isn't impressive either :/
feel free to reach out if you have any other questions, if I can, I would be glad to help!
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