#why does no one love horror so much they want to eat it anymore?
jaydee1818 · 2 years
Long post about a movie up ahead…
You know what it was for me about the new Hellraiser? There was no romance in it.
There was no passion. No sweat. No grime. The desperation rang hollow. There was no dirt. There was no seduction. There was no appreciation for the beauty of filth and ugliness. It was just beautiful.
I feel like, nowadays, people are so concerned about people taking horror ‘seriously’ that any love that might have gone into it falls to the wayside. There used to be a visceral love for horror- not just the heightened aesthetics, but for the grossness. The getting dirty. The true disturbing quality of the human body as an object. The wetness, the juiciness, the blood, the grease, the fat, the flesh. People falling apart, hair undone, eyes wild, covered in sweat and tears. There’s a romance in that. A romance in the base form of humanity. In desperation. In fear.
No amount of beautifully made, consistency-accurate, color-accurate fake blood will match the way Kirsty looks in 1987 screaming “You want it? Fucking have it!” She is raw. She is frightened. She is angry and undone and she wants to fight. She looks like an animal.
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That is the franchise. That. The human animal. When you watch Hellraiser 1987, it’s so clear that the people making the movie understood what they were making. Understood the beauty of the horrific. And yeah, that’s probably not a fair comparison, as the literal author Clive Barker was at the helm of the project. But that does even further disservice to 2022. And even with all the beauty 2022 captured, a clean, modern, painfully clinical beauty though it may be, there is nothing luscious or lurid about it. Nothing about the Cenobites seems particularly ‘forbidden,’ because they look like pieces of modern art. They have no enticement. I felt like I observed them with the same appraising eye one might cast upon a particularly lovely sculpture. I didn’t want to take a closer look, a grave and fatal feeling for a franchise like Hellraiser. I mean my god, when people talk about ‘sexy’ horror, Candyman and Hellraiser are often the first two names that get called out. This movie was not sexy. Not at all.
The surreal and fantastical were left to the wayside in favor of brutalism and realism. It leaves wonder behind, supplanting it with rote fear. The character’s lack of understanding is devoid of genuine curiosity. It seems the filmmakers fundamentally misunderstood that you can be filled with awe and wonder both in a positive way, and in a negative way. There’s no temptation. There are no trances. No dreams. You’ll never see anything like the premonition Kirsty had in 1987. Or the flashback romance scenes between Frank and Julia. That visual style of storytelling is gone.
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The concepts behind 2022 were good. They had an interesting take on the lore, and to include a ritual to the Configuration was smart, and well done. But that eventually served only in detriment as well, as the entirety of the movie then rang like a ‘deal with the devil’ morality tale. It’s confusing in that way, as one of the iconic lines spoken by the original Priest (Pinhead) when asked who the Cenobites are is “Demons to some; Angels to others.” There’s an attractiveness to that. To them.
How is it possible, then, that the filmmakers seemed to forgo the angelic part of that quote? The 2022 Cenobites were beautifully designed, meticulously created creatures. The were beautiful. But the christian bible, and indeed many faiths across time all understand that to see something beautiful can be terrifying and frightening. One of the most commonly known snippets of the Bible, at least in the western world, comes from Luke 2:10, “But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid […]’.” An angel, and the first words spoken are “Do not be afraid.” If one cast their eyes upon the unobstructed form of Zeus’ beauty, they would die. If one saw Anubis walk into a room, jackal head and all, it would be impossible to look away, but also frightening to the core. To see a god, any god, in the flesh is to be both terrified and excited. Those two feelings are inextricable.
Why is it, then, that no one is seeking the Cenobites out? Why does not one hunt for the Configuration? The very promise of the appearance of the Cenobites is the promise to take you to the furthest reaches of experience and sensation, when pleasure and pain can no longer be separated. To experience that which you could never dream of. To push the boundaries to breaking, until you exist only as a being of feeling, beyond and above even consciousness. So why does no one want to see the Cenobites?
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The issue falls to the framing device, which needn’t have been used to such ill effect. When you reduce those claimed by the Cenobites to sacrifices, you reduce the Cenobites to nothing more than pretty weapons. The lives the Cenobites take are offerings, stepping stones to an end goal. While the Cenobites may enjoy in their activities, there is no one seeking out to touch them. To reach them. Not the entity behind them. Those who wish to receive a gift from the Cenobites never truly interact with them. The gift is no longer the visit in and of itself. What sights have they to show us, when they are nothing but glorified weapons of their god, instead of gods in their own right?
And don’t even get me started on the coloring. Look, I know it’s very en vogue for things to be monochromatic and dark in movies these days, but my god where was the color?! Where was it!! The glimpses we got were not enough when 1987 is just so bright. And then, to make things worse, the Cenobites were shown almost entirely without obstruction. Just out there in the open, for the most part, albeit in the distance and shown briefly. No illusory quality to them. I know I don’t want a closer look when I can see every detail of them the first time. That’s a person with pins in her head, that one doesn’t have eyes or a face, that one’s neck is one huge gash, that one’s in a skin straight jacket. I know because I can see it. I’d surely run if I could see that right off the top. Gone is the sense of ‘oh my god, oh my god, what was that?’ I get your designs are strong, and really very well made, but don’t just give it to me. Let me want it a bit first. Tease me with it. With them.
On top of that, the reds aren’t as red. The blues aren’t as blue. The color shift felt virtually nonexistent between the Hellworld and the real one, and neither reality is particularly vibrant. You’ll never see as intense a contrast as you hope to see. People being stabbed, ripped apart, torn by chains, flayed, all these things look wonderful, but just too real. Why do I care if your red is tone-accurate when your reference looks like a technicolor nightmare in the best possible way?
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The drama! The unrealism! The intensity! The Cenobites are not of this earth. We call their realm ‘hell,’ but you could just as easily call it a parallel or alternate dimension. They simply exist. There are so few properties with a strong enough foundation for the only limit to be your imagination, and unfortunately it felt like this new Hellraiser was want of any. I don’t want your anatomically correct muscles and perfectly researched disfigurements, I want unreality. Give me fantasy, or don’t bother.
I say all this with the heaviest of hearts. The Priest was well designed. The Cenobites, and there were quite a few of them, all had potential to induce desire. They just…didn’t. It just felt like no one understood. Like no one would think twice about whether they wanted to see the Priest- of course the wouldn’t! And god, did that show. I think at least someone working on a Hellraiser property should be able to see the desirability of the Cenobites, the tantalizing nature of the taboo, the socially outcast.
Clive Barker was a gay man who released The Hellbound Heart in the 1986, and the original Hellraiser film in 1987. This was the height of the AIDS epidemic, when gay men were seen as disease, not just carrying disease. Monsters. Predators. Animals. They were laughed at and scorned, and treated as so much less than human. Treated like they deserved their fate. Their tragedy was the butt of everyone’s joke. Yet, those very people were still wanted under the cover of night. Still desired. How is it possible this new team missed the mark so entirely? How could they not understand that when one’s very desires are deemed deviant, when your nature is seen as repugnant, unnatural, criminal, one eventually comes to a place where those words become badges of pride? Of a way to differentiate yourself from those who would wish you dead? That idea didn’t make its way to Hellraiser 2022.
We never got to a place that said, Yes. Yes they are deviant, and repugnant, and criminal and damned. They will drag you down with them into endless agonies. Not a single person will be able to save you. You think even touching them will kill you. And you still want them.
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All the makings of an excellent new Hellraiser were there, but nothing was enough. Colors, editing, acting, story, beauty, fear, dirtiness, sexiness (jesus god there was no sexiness), it all came up short. They weren’t brave enough to explore the further regions of experience.
Clinical and devoid of passion, Hellraiser 2022 gets a heartbreaking 1/5*
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gmanwhore · 2 months
The inhabitants of Sunshine Terrace/Apartment Block 5598: Personal notes by The dOOrman! You know. The doorman. Of Sunshine Terrace.
Roman Stilinsky: Pleasant. Like no real stuff for him. We rarely ever talk. I mean, like. We talk enough for me to know him I guess? He hates the taste of black tea and he likes jazz. That’s all I really know. 
Lois Stilinsky: She’s a bit of a gossip, and is probably the best at makeup in the whole apartment! She’s not a huge fan of having to keep her looks the same all the time. She loves the smell of grapefruit and her favorite perfume smells like it. 
Robertsky Peachman: He doesn’t talk much! He’s not stupid like some people think, he’s just like that. He’s a hard worker and I can respect that. He can’t stand loud noises.
Albertsky Peachman: He can be just a bit rude, but it’s ok. It’s not often. He just wants to get home. I just don’t think he likes people all that much. He always shuts the door to the front lobby behind him even if it closes on its own. 
Angus Ciprianni: I don’t have mush to say anything but he is so fake. He also throws a lot of parties to literally everyone’s annoyance. Especially me! His shoelaces are fake, he can’t tie them and he hates birds. 
Selenne and Elenois Sverchtz: They are the faces of the “sameness is beauty” movement, a new trend encouraging people to stick to particular outfits and looks and not change them. As twins they were deemed the perfect candidates for this. They are a bit uncanny as they do in fact. Just act like the same person just reflected in a mirror. They also have cats. Two. They are twins. They are pleasant to be around, but tend to leave other people out of their inside jokes. One of their jokes is laughing at palimdromes. 
Arnold Schmicht: He used to be a horror writer before. Ten years ago. He is not trying horror writer anymore, he tends towards more domestic pieces generally inspired by our neighbours. I’ve read a few of his books, both old and recent. I find his new pieces also have a certain sense of dread built into them, like he wants so desperately to explore those darer topics again. You also wouldn’t clock him as a horror writer! He loves jokes, and is a very bright, talkative man. He’s also just great to hang out with. He loves being asked about his latest project, and he likes eating lemons like oranges. 
Gloria Schmict: She isn’t as done with everything as she looks! She’s just usually really tired after a long day of helping people at the bank. She has quite the dry sense of humour, but that doesn’t mean she’s not fun to talk to! She’s one of the most observant of my neighbours, which also makes her slightly paranoid. I definitely get it, though. We have a sort of solidarity I think. She’s afraid of spiders, but she likes snakes. Her favorite colour is yellow. 
Izaack Gauss: Despite his general air, he’s actually really easy to talk to. While I’m not close with him at all I get why people like him. He swears by using Gerome’s Hair Gel, it’s the only brand he uses. He also can’t stand the taste of mint unless it’s mixed in with something. 
Margarette Bubbles: Her favorite things to sew are dresses, and she actually specialises in bridesmaid’s dresses though she does do general repairs for people. She always has her bag of sewing materials on hand, and has a great eye for colour. She actually can’t really see out of her lazy eye, though she has horrible depth perception because of it. She’s a gossip QUEEN and knows quite a bit. Her house is really comfortable, and she has a lot of hand-sewn dog stuffed animals there since she loves dogs but can’t have them. She has a bias for St. Brenards. She makes the BEST turnovers I have ever eaten and she refuses to tell me her secret to them. Her favorite colours are burnt orange and royal purple, and she loves the smell of pine. 
Nacha Mikaelys: She almost always has something sticking out her hair, things just get tangled there! She says she’s been meaning to cut her hair for a while but she’s worried about getting mistaken for a doppleganger so she’s waiting until we have to get new ids. She’s really loud, but in a good way! She wears jewlery usually, she says she has a little bag for her earrings and bracelets for when she’s cooking. She owns a chef hat for home but doesn’t wear one at work. She collects her daughter’s broken slinkies and keeps them in her purse and she has a locket she refuses to tall me what’s in. She loves banana bread and her favorite animals are pigeons. She also has lovespoons hanging up in her apartment!
Anastacha Mikaelys: She doesn’t really like people, she gets overwhelmed easily in social situations so she avoids them. She likes slinkies, and the smell of normal household soap. She actually has a huge slinky collection, but she only lets you see them or play with them if she trusts you. She wants a hamster, and Nacha told me not to tell her but Nacha is saving up to suprise her. 
Mia Stone: She doesn’t believe fully in the dopplegangers and can be quite rude when coming through! She almost always “forgets” to tell me when she leaves so I can’t add her to my list. She is curt and to the point when she talks, and tends to overexplain things. Then again she works with small kids so I can let that slide. She knows how to tango. 
Dr. W.  Afton: He also thinks having a doorman is stupid, but he’s a bit ruder. He doesn’t really say hello to me and tends to turn his whole body to the door when I say he’s cleared to go. I think he doesn’t like the wait. His favorite colour is olive green. 
Francis Mosses: He isn’t all that interesting. He doesn’t hate his job, but he doesn’t like it. He jokes about just sleeping in his car a lot, and sometimes he just. Randomly breaks into scared ranting about our situation. He tends to stay alone, and when I went over to his house once it was. Kinda depressing, it didn’t feel like he actually lived there at all. He likes ribbons and collects them off the street, and he says his favorite colour is scarlet. 
Steven Rudboys: He’s much less serious than he comes off. He speaks quietly and mumbles a lot, but he gets loud when he’s excited. He has a passion for the history of planes, but not really of flying. He only really became a pilot because he struggles with doing matinence on the planes. He likes puns, and when he realizes he has an in he lights up a bit. He likes cats and birds, and he’s really good at making a duck call. 
Mclooy Rudboys: He called me “sweetheart” once and I tried blowing him up with my mind. He makes jokes about his son possibly not being his??? He’s divorced at least three times and told me “he’s lost count” and apparently he fought in World War 2 and retired from being a pilot after that. He likes eagles and only smokes cigars. 
Alf Cappuccin: He’s sort of hard of hearing and tends to not like. Understand what I’m saying so I have to use cards so he gets what I’m saying. He’s a few years younger than McClooy. He likes his porridge with brown sugar and raspberries and he likes the smell of brown paper bags. 
Rafttellyn Cappuccin: Rafttellyn tends to be quite nervous and timid, she doesn’t really talk much. She has the highest voice by far. She dyes her hair, it’s actually grey but she gets a bit nervous about it. She loves apples and always has them in a wooden bowl on her table. Her perfume smells like old roses.
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justcallmesakira · 2 months
she has black cat energy and err makes suicidal jokes here and then but never does t and chuuyas always the one who pulls her away from dazais tendencies because he DOES NOT want reader to follow dazais steps and err dazai and reader have a 2 year gap and err basically dazai took her away with him when he left and thats were she sort of stopped talking BECAUSE BOOM CHIKA BOOM ODAS DEATH LEFT HER MORE TRAUAMATIZED THAN THE KIDS ASAGIRI BLEW UP!!! so errr crack and chuuya and reader is ummmm AHEM AHEM AHEM (cough coug)
AND BASICALLY MORI HAS THIS like obsession of bringing reader back to the mafia like he constantly says stuff like "Dazai, my offer still stands but please remember that i would really really love to see your dear sister back first" LIKE YKNOW WHAT I AM SAYING???????????
Sypnosis: you are the younger sister of Da-dazai! Is he a great brother or not? UPPP TO YOU! >< oh and maybe hide your secret vists with chuuya please!!
Genre: crack and heavy angst! (dont question it)
Warnings: suicidal themes! cans of gasoline, glitter bombs, reader is very quiet type, manipulation (for good use!)
A/N: yummy yummy
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uh oh! this is gonna be so damn messy
so um first of all! i really think reader would be very intelligent like dazai like oh fuck! i just got under a whole rubble of rocks by some guy who btw is the enemy of my brother quick! think of something
and then theres this bsd aesthetic plan you make and just survive! to the shock of your horror... :D
okay but in all seriousness! he defiently jokingly gave you his suicide guide to if u ever felt inspired by him
dazai stop influencing people around you to plug off them self challenge impossible: GO!!
if you do however join his meticulous activites kunikidas actually going to blow up
but imagine how cute it would be a black cat energy young sis and a golden retriver brother like bish forget romantic relationships like dazai who sometimes forget he left his sister at work!
but ynkow mf dazai always wants to keep close to you because he was never really there (like my fake as friends🙄) back in the mafia! woohoo
so now you can asks him for whatever you want but now he actually feels guilty because you have now become the silent type and dont really talk that much
Great job dazai! best brother everr!❤️
Imagine running away from the mafia with ur lil sister then realising she doesnt even want to talk anymore and that you might actually failed as a big brother even after buying her a whole lotta stuff
tell him to take you to an amusement park and he will! but dont be surprised if you see him trying to run to jump off a bridge because he does not have for the sake of god any money!
AYY dazai cosplaying toji to get milk? real or fake??? find out here!
dont click on the link :3
ANYWAYS he definetly tries his best to get you back to talking sure the only thing he could do is talk to himself with you beside him doodling some stuff but yknow...it genuinely makes him form a sad smile when he gets reminded that maybe if he were a better brother and actually comforted you it would have ended better
"I saw a cat today yknow! it had a black eye and orange patterns. Somehow it looked wise" dazai said relazing on the chair, his hands behind his head, the whole night of yokohama was quiet only the flicker of the dim light placed underneath the balcony ceiling could be heard.
The night was calm too, it had a soft storm-like feel to it. Dazai knew you were listening thats probably why he would talk to you all these months, no one else was there for him anyway. So its better than nothing.
All of a sudden amdist the silence several pokes tapped on his shoulder which made his eyes widen slightly. You held up your sktechbook infront of his face, a bunch of doodles of him and a full sketch of his side profile
"(Name)... This is amazing! Wow you could be a talented artist yknow!!" he said you didnt know whether he was just flattering you or not because of the emptiness in his eyes. Depression changes a person. But the slight flicker of light in his made it visible to your loud mind. Dazai was glad you made some progress.
Okay now hb your interactions with da agency??
I am pretty sure both you and him joined da agency together (gotta make sure his sister ACTUALLY doesn`t follow his steps!😋😋😋😋)
kunikida may act all cold around you and view u as some kid especially when you randomly make the most random ass suicidal jokes in the middle of a meeting but...
Lets say he sort of checks up on both of you every morning! cant let the dogs out now kunikida! you never know what they do....
now yosano girlypop is the only person who shows genuine concern for you when you get hurt why? because she was bamboozled when she found out you are dazais sibling like
"huh- are you actually capable of being a brother? more so having family"
dazai be at the corner weeping because of the amount of slander
I can totally see fukuzawa patting both of you and dazais head after you two collaborated on a mission
he prob randomly call you for tea i mean not too randomly but he likes your black cat energy
speaking of which ranpo and you bully da heck out of criminals before they ultimately mistake you for some god!! /nj
kenji and kyouka just chills around you and tries debating what you and dazai have in common.
belonging in the mental asylum. thats whats common between you two/nj again😁😁
With chuuya
Chuuyas gonna end upl like this emoji☠️☠️☠️
Okay maybe i am over exaggerating this but yknow dazai is like really smart
So he will definitely know when ever you two act a little🤭😝😘🤗😍🥰👍
Hes going to get tjat expression from chapter 114 and chew chuuyas expensive tuxedo!!
I bet after he finds out hes straight up going to give chuuya a flashback of stormbringer era!! 😍😁
"W-w-w-what da SKIBIDI [name]??? YOU WILL NOT AND NEVER MEET CHUUYA AGAIN" "wow... and i thought you were trying to become a better brother :(" "YOUNG LA- i-" ":("
He was about to say lad
like manipulative ass brother like sister ig! :33333333
He prob had suspicions back in the mafia especially because of how you mostly stuck around chuuya when he wasnt there
And then u rizzed chuuya up with double black eyes (get it?)
"You know [name] it still hurt me, though i promised i would never say it infront of your face but.." Chuuya said seriousness in his tone looking at you eyes "But please stop looking at me with those cat like eyes they deeply remind of someone and I DO NOT like it"
He ended this funny note with a genuine fear and irritation in his eyes. you only nodded and continued to stare at him, your eyes rivaling a black hole not that hole by the way.
A tingling feeling gathered in himself as chuuya looks at your blank stare "Dont look at me like that!" he raised his flustered voice, a small hue of pink appearing on his cheek which only grew as you held on to his sleeve, snuggling against it like a cat.
But before he could be more flushed a really dark aura crept up behind you and then, right then you knew you fucked up bad.
"i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-cant believe this!" your brothers voice perked up behind you genuine horror on his face as if he just saw his bestfriend die infront of him twice.
"Oh my fucki-" chuuya sighed, both of you are caught. "[name] ICANTBELIEVETHISOMGIAMGOINGTOENDMYSELFLIKEMYOTHERVERSIONFROMANOTHERUNIVERSEWHOLOWEREDYOURSTANDERDSICANTBELIEVETHISHIT" dazai rapped at super speed, an anger and shock unwordable enough for you to be confused at whatever hes yapping about. "DAZAI what the fuck??" now chuuya was confused too.
And all you could do was watch in horror as the scene unfolds infront of you. But safe to say you got in big trouble when you went back home!
anyways dazais going to go full on 8 cans of gasoline on the portmafia if more is obsessed with you like him
and then you realised..
"fOr tHe fIrSt TiMe iN fOrEVer" he actually did/nj
Okay okay but in all seriousness (litearlly @justcallmesakira catchphrase guys!!) Dazai would genuinely become more protective of you if mori was targeting towards you.
i would run away to antarctica too if mori even tried interacting with me
But if you are intelligent then i guess you met fyodor too? And maybe some sort of rivalry goes on between you two like "oh its my brothers enemy, gotta help my bro blow him up!"
I have nothing much to say because dazai would make secret plans (which you alrdy know) to make sure mori doesnt get too close with you
Like oh he was planning to approach you that day? BOOM dazai is already there. Yeah like that
If mori says that however... Dazai will reply with a dark eyed gloom,tilting his head back creepily "You will have to need more then the whole of port mafia to interact with my sister"
Dazai hates mori alot and though he knows that you are old enough to handle situations that doesnt mean he wont care for his only sister. You are the only thing left that he can protect without feeling inhumanity or faraway.
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Tags: @inojuuy @biscuits-spooky-corner @terururuko @little-miss-chaoss @saelique @silverbladexyz @typcallysid14 @nezuko-kamado-cute-demon
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sapphic-woes · 8 months
Can't help but think about a Vampire!Tav x Karlach... so part 1 of this idea :) pardon the lack of quality haven't done this for a while.
Vampire!Tav x Karlach:
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You're one of Astarion's siblings, and let's say here that the rite simply Does Not Exist and we just gotta kill Cazador cuz he's already bad enough as is. The scars are indeed a shitty, Raphael style poem.
You and Astarion are basically double trouble, absolute menaces, downright diabolical together...but then Halsin comes along and ruins everything.
Astarion is...good? Suddenly? Or at least, he tries to be. Because Halsin is as good as people get, and for once...it's actually affecting Astarion.
And ugh. You hate it.
He's all smiles and rainbows now. Giggling like a lovesick idiot. You pity him for looking like such a fool. Doesn't he know how easy it is to string someone along? How easy it was to hand them over to Cazador and then just...forget them? How little love actually meant?
At least, that's what you tell yourself when you watch them being together. In reality, you're jealous of Astarion as much as you are a teeny tiny bit happy.
What could it be like? Loving someone just...because? To finally feel safe around another person? Protected? Cared for?
Astarion doesn't look afraid anymore, whereas you can't go a day without hearing Cazador's voice ordering you around. To sit up straight, to know your place, to never dare to drink the blood of a another–
"Soldier? Mm it's not even morning yet... Huh? Hey, easy-shit–easy there soldier! If you need to, uh, eat? Wait hang on, it's more like drinking isn't it? Well, you know what I mean! What I'm trying to say is, if you need blood..."
Your band of misfits had been hurrying to Baldurs Gate like maniacs, leaving you little time to feed. Sure, you caught your occasional animal, but unlike Astarion, you didn't have a humanoid blood bank willing to be your donor. You'd been hungry for days, however, you still thought you had everything control.
"...could ya ask before you try to take a bite outta my neck?"
Coming out of your hunger induced daze to find a surprised Karlach underneath you was...alarming, to say the least.
Not because of the position–she was warm and so fucking firm underneath your skin, sharply contrasting your cold, undead body. You nearly wanted to melt into her arms.
When was the last time you'd experienced warmth apart from blood and tears? Let alone the warmth of another person?
But this wasn't a time to loose focus. Karlach has already warned Astarion when your secret identities had been revealed. She'd wring your neck for actually trying to bite her now. Sure, you were strong–buy you'd be a fool to think you had a chance against the tiefling.
You're frozen in panic so long that Karlach begins to move, slowly trying to prop herself up with her elbows. She's trying to make sure you don't fall off her...
Though at the realization, her efforts are in vain as you lurch yourself away in horror.
Shit, shit, shit–
"I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I wasn't in my right mind. I swear I would never... I-I know you said to keep our teeth to o-ourselves..."
Your dead heart pounds, and you're certain she'll snap you in two after this. Why couldn't it have been Gale? Or even Wyll? At least with them you had the chance of survival. With a barbarian like Karlach?
This time, you really were going to die.
You squeeze your eyes shut when she finally rises from her bed and stalks toward you. Slow, purposeful steps. Her eyes are troubled, and you can't fathom why.
That is until she stops you and softly speaks.
"I thought you'd been looking a little tired these days. I shoulda brought it up early, but I know you like your privacy. Y/N..."
There's a beat of silence, and then everything is sweet. Mouthwatering. The scent of blood invades your senses. It's good. So good.
Your head snaps up, and Karlach has her knees bent, thumb out like she's telling you 'good job!' However, what catches your eyes is the cut on it–dripping blood onto the dirt between you two.
"I don't mind sharing...if you don't mind the heat."
It's an amusing sight for Karlach, you're sure, but you'd abandoned your pride long ago.
Well, more like 5 minutes ago–but can you blame a girl when she's starving?
You suck on her thumb like her blood is holy, eager to satiate your hunger. Karlach shivers, and you swear she grits her teeth, but you can't stop.
Her blood is intense, like chugging molten lava straight down your throat. Yet it doesn't actually burn. It tingles, it warms, it... rejuvenates you. Was this what it meant to drink from a thinking creature? Or was Karlach simply the best meal you'd ever had...?
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Becky’s Halloween party!
Welcome to my Halloween party! I really love this feast, and I wanted to celebrate it with you all. I know that I’m already late, but here I am. I took some prompts from the internet, hope you like it. I’ll try to post everyday, but I can’t assure anything, I'm so sorry.
With love, your Becky,💫
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DAY 1: “You can’t go out with such a thin jacket in October, you gonna get a cold!” with Steve Harrington
DAY 2:  “I love this song. It totally gives me Halloween vibes.” with Timothee Chamalet
DAY 3: "If you keep eating so many sweets you will get cavities." "I eat you out practically every day and my teeth are practically perfect." with Sirius Black 
DAY 4: “You know darling, it’s dangerous to walk around after midnight.” with Azriel
DAY 5: “You are scared of a crow?” “It’s a fucking crow in the middle of the night in October, obviously I’m scared.” with Eddie Munson
DAY 6: "You know, honey, as much as it costs me to admit it, your pumpkin is much more beautiful than mine." "Of course, I am the queen of pumpkins." with Steve Harrington (x Henderson!Reader) 
DAY 7: "You saw the ghost, too." "Love...it was a fucking bedsheet." with tasm!Peter Parker. 
DAY 8: "Did you buy a fucking cauldron?" "All witches need their cauldron to make potions, you dummy." with Ben Barnes 
DAY 9: "If you keep singing the Nightmare Before Christsmas songs, I think I won't make it to Halloween in one piece." "But at least you'll know them all by the time we see it on Halloween night." "Tell me we're playing trick-or-treating, because this is a fucking treat." with Andrew Garfield 
DAY 10: "Trick or Treat." "I choose treat, but I know something sweeter than this candy." "And what would that be?" "You." with Remus Lupin
DAY 11:  "You are the cutest ghost I have ever seen." with Dad!Steve Harrington x daughter x Mom! Reader
DAY 12:  "Feel lucky that I share my treats with you." "I left all the chocolate to you." "That's why I love you." with Remus Lupin 
DAY 13: "Why do we have to choose a pumpkin, we already have X that it is an empty head." with Azriel 
DAY 14: "I love spending my days with you in front of the fire and u good horror book in my hands, because I finally feel at home." with Regulus Black 
DAY 15: "Remind me never to let you tell a scary story again, I will have nightmares for the next ten years." with Eddie Munson  (for my sister) 
DAY 16: "Strange as it may seem, I love walking through cemeteries at night. Everything is so scary, gloomy, and finally you feel really alive." "Love, I think it's time to stop reading Edgar Allan Poe." with Regulus Black 
DAY 17: "What was that sound?!" "You stepped on a twig." "Why are there twigs on the ground!?" "Why are we in a freaking forest!" with Sirius Black 
DAY 18: "I love reading during the rain, but you know what I love most? Reading during the rain with you in my arms, with your intoxicating scent of cinnamon and chocolate that smells like home." "Man! You give me diabetes." with Remus Lupin
DAY 19:  "God, I wish it was Halloween every day if I could see you in that dress. You're the sexiest witch I've ever seen." with Joe Keery 
DAY 20: "If you eat so many sweets, your stomach will hurt." "Oh come on, I'm not a child anymore." "Does your stomach hurt?" "Shut up before I punch you." with Rhysand 
DAY 21: "You won't be able to convince me to enter that abandoned house." "Okay." "What, you don't insist?" "No, because apparently you'd rather be alone in the surroundings of an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere." "Fuck you." with Loki 
DAY 22: "Would you like to watch Corpse Bride? I've already made hot chocolate and lit the fire." "Are you asking me to marry you?" "Why?" "Because it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." with tasm!Peter Parker 
DAY 23: "Tonight there is a full moon. Do you want to go watch it?" "No, sorry I can't tonight, I turn into a werewolf." "What?" "Stupid, of course I feel like going to see the moon with you." with Andrew Garfield
DAY 24: "Remind me never to let you drink at a party again, you looked possessed." "Well, at least I was in theme with the party since it was for Halloween." with Timothee Chamalet 
DAY 25: "Oh my God, did you see that beautiful cat!" "I wouldn't go too close, it's a black cat." "Really? Are you afraid of black cats? I didn't think you were so superstitious." "Well I have a witch in front of me, so I believe in everything now." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 26: "We could watch Sleepy Hollow." "I'm not going to watch another horror movie just because Johnny Deep is in it." "But have you seen how hot he is?"  with Ben Barnes 
DAY 27: "Why are you dressed as Dracula?" "Because it's my Halloween costume?" "I thought we decided to go as JD and Veronica!" "Well look at it from that point of view, they're both dead." "So will you be in a little while when I kill you." with Sirus Black 
DAY 28: "You got me candles!" "Cinnamon and lavender, your favorite."  with Remus Lupin 
DAY 29: "Wow, what is that on your neck? Oh my God it's a bite! Did a vampire bite you? Are you going to be like Dracula? Oh my God, oh my God that's cool." "No man another animal bit me: my girlfriend." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 30: "I will never again take a drink offered by you." "Why? Don't you like them?" "No honey, I love them, but I am more and more convinced that you are a witch and that you put love potions, because the love I feel for you is beyond imagination." with Azriel 
DAY 31: “I fucking love Halloween Party!” with the Marauders 
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Is it ok for you to write platonic yandere with nurse bendy (she will always have a special place in my heart<3)
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• Nurse Bendy, Probably one of the better ones in Moralton. Though I suppose that doesn’t mean much.
• Protective, Little bit Obsessive, Delusional and Loving.
• Protective in the way she just wants to shield you from the horrors of the world, The horrors she had to go through. She doesn't ever want that to happen to you, Even the thought makes her anxious.
• A little obsessive in the way how she just loves you like the child she never had (Or have met yet)
• Loving in the way she just adores showering you in affection, She likes giving you hugs or kisses on the forehead. She likes holding your hand as she walks you to school, Carefully making sure you don't trip over any rocks or stumble over any little dip in the ground.
• Delusional? We’ll get onto that later.
• There’s really only one way I see this going while platonic and that is a Maternal relationship with her.
• She sees herself as your mother, And this is where we get onto the delusional part.
• If she didn’t give birth to you it doesn't really matter, She completely believes you are her child no matter what evidence you give. She's also delusional in the way she believes you’re always going to be her child, No matter how old you get you just aren’t ready to leave the nest yet according to her.
•  She’s extremely doting towards you, She always checks up on your health and brings you little snacks throughout the day.
• If you weren't her biological child then there’s a few ways I can see this going
• One: You could be a kid at the school who goes in for a Check-up, Bendy gets attached. Two: You’re a little bit older (Teenage years) and get a part time job at the hospital and again, She gets attached.
• We’ll go with option 2
• So when you come into the reception and talk to her so politely with full respect she takes a great liking to you as she directs you to your destination.
• Over the next few days the cycle continues, And her care for you just grows more and more.
• She begins to fret about your health. She asks if you’ve been eating well, If you dare say you’ve forgotten your lunch she’ll be coming in with a homemade packed lunch the next day. She often checks up on you to make sure you're alright, She cares you know
• Eventually her pretend bear family back home gets neglected. She doesn't need them anymore, You're here now. You settle the familial craving inside her.
• Soon enough she starts seeing herself as your mother, Then enough she believes it. Memories suddenly form inside her head: The day you were born, your first steps, The time you fell off your bike and she took you out to get ice-cream. All the way up to how she helped you get the job at the hospital she worked at.
• Of course, All these memories are completely fake and never happened. But Bendy doesn't know, Or at least pushes the thought out her mind.
• If any love interests or other parental figures arise then Bendy wont kill them. Not Outright.
• Bendy may be delusional. But that does not by any means make her stupid.
• She’s an opportunistic killer, She wont seek them out to kill them specifically (Despite how much she may have wanted to) But will wait until they might catch a bug or a cold. And maybe then she would switch out their cough medicine for cyanide and just let tragedy strike her sword.
• Bendy would also find a way to rid of your parents and other family members if they're around, Either by opportunity or a little manipulation it doesn't matter.
• She views your family as a threat to your safety and just cannot handle that. Besides, why are you staying with them when your dear mother is right here?
• If your parents and family do get out of the picture she will be there to pick you up and sign the adoption papers, Which after how long you’d known her and saw her as a mentor you took no issue to.
• The domestic life of Bendy as your mother is extremely sweet.
• She makes your lunches and helps you out with your homework once you finally move into her newly renovated apartment.
• She buys you little snacks and often comes along to make sure you're okay.
• If you ever do meet joe, Bendy fully expects you two to become quick siblings
• However, The con is her Protective tendencies are now at max.
• She doesn't let you go out with friends often, and on the off chance that she does every thirty minutes she sends a text to ask if you're okay. If you don't answer within ten minutes of the text she will file a missing child report.
• She wants to keep your innocence and wants to completely avoid any conversation about adult topics.
• If you ever do find out about what she may have done to your family you would be completely unable to do anything about it, There is no evidence, Bendy made sure to destroy it, If it ever existed in the first place that is.
• You can run and leave home, She wont stop you. But it won't stop the constant figure in the corner of your eye from appearing. It won't stop the random care packages appearing on your front door, Nor will it stop the little letters appearing on your dining room table describing how much your mother misses you and how bad the real world is, Begging for you to come home.
• Overall, A caring parent yet extremely paranoid
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thefangirlfever · 7 months
Trick or Treat (a Miguel O'Hara NSFW story)
Summary: One of your friends throw a Halloween Party and you meet a seducing masked guest. You both end up doing the monster (s)mash.
Content warning/ Disclaimer: I’ve been inspired by those Ghostface masks videos/ edits. Forgive me in advance.
Tags: Smut, F/M, piv penetration, doggy, improper use of a Halloween mask, fingering, freaky Miguel, everyone is kind of freaky I guess, she’s hot and pissed and on the pill, mirror sex
You’ve always loved Halloween, and that since you were a child. You remember Halloween nights spend trick or treating, watching spooky movies with your siblings, eating tons of candies, carving pumpkins and of course dressing up. Even nowadays, you were still enjoying Halloween. Many people would find this weird that an adult liked this celebration so much, but you just learned to enjoy new facets of this holiday. And in your eyes, nothing could top a good Halloween party.
So when you got invited by Jess, one of your colleague to her Halloween party, you were more than thrilled. Of course, you would go. In fact you even had multiple ideas about what costume you could wear.
Both of you were chatting in the break room when someone entered the room. It was an other one of your colleague. Miguel and you were working in the same department for almost a year by now and you may have had a slight crush on him. It’s been a few months since the both of you have been flirting from time to time, but never daring to cross the line. Jess had noticed this little game of yours and decided to tease you by asking him if he wanted to go to her party:
“Isn’t Halloween a children’s holiday?”, he simply answered, his brows furrowed.
You couldn’t hide your astonishment, neither hold your gasp, which made a small smirk bloom on Miguel’s face.
“Did I say something wrong?”, he asked.
“You never celebrate Halloween?”, you asked and he once again chuckled.
“Not really. Why would I do that? I’m not five anymore. Why? You celebrate Halloween?”
Jess didn’t let you answer:
“Actually we’re all going to celebrate it this year. And I’m sure Y/N is going to show up in one hell of a costume like she always does.” Your friend’s enthusiasm was maybe a little exaggerated. It was true you spend a lot of time and resources in your costumes, crafting them yourself. But in the end they still seemed pretty amateurish, just good enough for a party. But that seemed to piqued Miguel’s interest since he asked:
“You are all going dressed up? And what will you be this year, y/n?” He was probably expecting you to answer something like a cat or a witch. These were pretty classic costumes that you have done quite a few times, adding variations every time. You still liked these costumes but now, you wanted to try something else, something a little different. That’s why it took you so long to find an idea.
“Hum… I don’t know. I guess I should soon find an idea since Halloween is in a week but I really have no idea…” Your friend chuckled as she said:
“Sorry, y/n, I can’t help you this year, I’m doing a couple costume with my boyfriend.” She took a moment to think before adding “Why wouldn’t you actually dress up as one of your horror movies character? Like this guy, Ghost something?”
You understood that she was talking about Ghostface, the famous killer from Scream. It was true you liked those movies and it would be easy to find a mask. You thought about this option, but it didn’t convince you. It was too easy for you. No, you needed a real challenge this year. Something impressive.
You looked at Miguel who was still listening to both of you and looking in silence. When he caught your gaze, he simply gave you one smirk, one of those that would easily distract you at work, and said:
“I’m sure you’ll find something incredible. I can’t wait to see it.”
The night of the party quickly came, leaving you just enough time to make your costume. You had spend most your free time the week before Halloween sewing, stitching, trying out different make up… Of course you also bought a few materials like lenses, resin and fake blood. You also took some time during your break to sketch your costume, hiding it from curious eyes. Every time you were sketching or searching online for inspirations, you were remembering your conversation with Miguel and your friend.
What did he mean by “I can’t wait to see it?” Did it mean he would come to the party? If so, would he come dressed up? You had plenty ideas of how he could dress up. Who said only girls could wear sexy Halloween costumes?
It took you two hours to get ready before going to the Party. Your friend has decorated her house, inside as well as outside. Fake tombs were in the front yard and skeletons were sitting in the front porch. A fake giant spider was crawling up the walls and there was even an animatronic of a zombie screaming. Of course there were the iconic Jack O’lantern welcoming the guests.
Jess was not playing, but neither did you.
The moment you entered the house, you were welcomed by a loud Halloween playlist and flashy lights. Jess immediately jumped on you, fawning over your costume. You had chosen to be both the Little Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf. The left part of your face was still normal, only a fake scar that you made yourself with fake blood and some resin spread across your cheek. One the right side you had used body paint, fake brows and more make up to mimic a werewolf-like creature. You were wearing fake claws, hairy wold ears, a black dress and of course a red hood that reached the floor, fully hiding you from behind.
“Y/n, that’s crazy! How long did it take you to make?” A few heads turned in your direction. You were a little flustered by this sudden attention but you didn’t mind after all. You worked for that.
Jess herself was all dressed in red with high heels, a form fitting dress and little horns, looking like a very convincing succubus. You guessed her boyfriend would be an angel, which made you smile since it matched so well their personalities.
“Well, a couple hours and let’s say that the Spirit Halloween employees know me well now.”
You both went to the living room as more spooky music was blasting. All around there were witches, ghosts, clowns… Everyone seemed chill and enjoying their evening. You spotted a large buffet filled with different dishes, sweets and alcohol. You rushed toward the large table, putting down the plate you had brought before pouring yourself a glass of beer.
You didn’t notice the presence next to you at first, since the person was silent, even though his frame was quite large. His, or her? You assumed it was a him, even if his face was hidden. Hidden behind a Ghostface mask. The person had chosen to wear the serial killer costume with the large black robe, the gloves and the mask, holding a plastic knife in his left hand. You gave him one polite smile as he took a candy out of a bowl.
Suddenly a fake spider jumped out of the bowl, straight from the candies. You already knew this trick unlike the guest. He jumped back, clearly surprised, which made you laugh. He then turned his head toward you, giving you a look you couldn’t quite read because of the mask, tilting his head on the side. He looked just like the killer in the movies with his mimics.
“Nice costume.”, you said with a smile before joining Jess. She was talking with her boyfriend which, you had guessed right, was dressed as an angel. When they both saw you, they complimented your costume, Jess having a small smirk on her lips. She gestured with her head toward the buffet.
“I guessed you met the mystery man, huh?”
“Hum, yes… Do you know who this is?” Your friend took a sip from her glass and simply answered:
“Take a guess.”
The evening was a lot of fun as everyone was playing pranks, dancing and getting drunk on chocolate and candies… or something else for some of the guests. A lot of people had complimented you on your costume and from time to time you were catching glances from the Ghostface guy. You had your guess on who it could be at this point of the evening, even if you didn’t dare to believe it.
At some point you had to go to the garage downstairs take some drinks. You were a little surprised to find the light already on in the stairs leading to the basement. The stairs were creaking under your steps as you noticed a figure already opening one of the fridges. A black robe, a white mask and gloves. The masked man turned around to face you as you reached the last steps of the staircase. You couldn’t hold back a grin as this scene reminded you so much of the movie, especially the scene before Tatum’s murder. You decide to say in a teasing tone:
“What are you going to do, mister Ghostface?”
He moved closer to you, stopping at a few steps away from you, his fake knife still in his hand, as if he was pondering what to do. You decide to close the distance between the both of you, your face a few inches from his mask.
“You’re really into character.”
He simply shrugged his shoulders. What if you were doing a mistake? It could be anybody else… As you were wondering what to do, he lifted one hand and let his fingertips graze your left cheek, the one with the fake blood. A thrilling sensation ran through your spine and a few goosebumps bloomed on your bare arms. Maybe it was the cold of the basement or the sensation of his gloves, but you felt a rush of adrenaline through your whole body.
“You’re not going to tell me your name?”, you whispered. A slight chuckle escaped the lips behind the mask. His chest heaves under the plane robe. You put your right hand on his broad chest, feeling the warmth of his body under your palm, your fake claws gripping slightly the fabric of the clothe.
“What should I do for you to take off the mask?”
Before he could even answer, you hear someone calling you upstairs. This definitely broke your moment as the two of you stepped back. You quickly took a few bottles before heading toward the stairs, giving him one teasing look.
It was already past midnight and you were sitting on the couch, sharing a few scary stories with some guests. Most people were still dancing and drinking. You had your fair share of candies and drinks and if you wanted to get back home, you had decided to stick to soda an hour ago. You looked at the clock on the wall before standing up and moving toward the staircase. Your eyes caught the mask of the so-called mysterious man. You both exchanged one look before going upstairs, giving him a signal to follow you.
You quickly went to the bathroom and when you were washing your hands, you heard someone knocking at the door. The door slowly opened at your voice and of course, it was Ghostface, his large silhouette filling up the door frame.
“Didn’t you forget something?”, you asked with a smile as you noticed that he had forgotten his knife downstairs. He simply chuckled before closing the door. The music was muffled behind the door as he moved closer to you. His hand found its place back on your cheek, your back against the sink.
“Are you really going to say nothing all night, Miguel?”
“How did you guess it was me?”, he simply replied. You grinned as you grip the edge of the sink.
“You really thought you were so clever that day when we talked about our costumes, huh? I must say that you managed to find something really fitting.” Miguel’s hands grabbed your hips as he moved closer.
“Well, I was hoping to find something you might like. I guess I made a good choice.”
You couldn’t deny that it was indeed a good choice coming from him. His fingers were playing with the fabric of your dress, feeling your hips underneath, holding you in place.
“Since you have guessed it, maybe I should take off the mask?”
Your hands grabbed the front of his clothe, pulling him closer while you answered under your breath:
“Please, keep it.”
Even if you couldn’t see his face, you knew exactly what expression he had. You already saw this little grin of him so many times, but never in those conditions.
“I would have never guessed you could like that.” He said in a playful voice that confirmed to you that he was definitely smiling under that mask.
“Well, it’s less about the mask and more about who’s under it… or what he can do with it…”
“And what should I do then?” His deep voice sends shivers down your arms as you still held him close to you, his body towering you. You noticed how he was still wearing his gloves.
“Maybe you should take these off first. I don’t think you will need them later.”, you said with a snicker. He then lifted one of his hands and said with in a neutral tone, his voice slightly deeper than usual.
“Take them off.”
You immediately understood what he meant as you started taking off his glass with your mouth, using your teeth to pull at the fabric, finger after finger, carefully not to bite him. Once his hands were exposed, he pressed two of his fingers against your lips and said in the same voice:
“Open up.”
His fingers entered your mouth in one swift motion despite their size, forcing a moan out of you. He let you suck on them for a good minute while rubbing the front of his body against yours. He was still holding your waist and you could feel his fingers applying more pressure on your clothed skin as well as his growing erection. You moaned once again at the sensation, your lips still closed around his fingers. He chuckled under his mask:
“You are going to wait just a little more before I give it to you.” He suddenly took his fingers off your mouth with a wet ‘plop’, leaving a trail of saliva connecting your skins. It felt like something was missing inside of you.
“Since you prepped them so well, I might as well use these. What do you think?”, he asks. You could only nod at him. He proceeded to lift the fabric of your skirt, high enough to expose your legs, your thighs and your underwear. You grabbed the hem of the skirt, allowing him to roam freely among your skin. His hands grabbed firmly your thighs, kneading the plush skin with his thumbs, slowly moving closer to your hip crease.
His left thumb brushed against the fabric of your panties. You knew it was not a mistake coming from him and you were waiting for more. Yet, his fingers resumed touching your thighs, feeling them up as much as he wanted. You were growing hotter, more pissed and impatient. With one call of his name, he lifted his head up to look at you. He knew you were frustrated, wanting for more.
“Tell me how bad you want it.”
Oh, so he knew what he was doing. You grinned at his words, replying:
“I would have never guessed you could like that.” He stopped moving his hands, his unreadable look on his mask, waiting for you to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear.
“Touch me Miguel.”
“I’m already touching you.”, he answered in a playful tone. You rolled your eyes, your grin still on your face.
“Touch me there please.”
“There?”, he asked, while squeezing your thighs.
“There?”, the pads of his thumbs slide along your hip crease, almost joining on your core.
“Almost there…”
His index slipped under the fabric of your panties, dragging it along and exposing your swollen labia. The cold air of the bathroom hit your already hot womanhood. Miguel took a moment to contemplate it before his finger slid along it, up and down, spreading your wetness over your folds. You gripped the sink behind you tighter as Miguel’s fingers kept moving down your body. He slowly inserted one of his fingers between your lips, inclining his wrist so that his palm would rub against your mound, pressing against your lower belly.
His name was already on your lips among whimpers and moans. As you kept praising him, he slipped a second finger inside you. He was pumping his fingers inside you with such determination that you lower back started hitting the sink. You moved your hips at the same pace than his fingers. When the thumb of his other hand started rubbing and flicking your clit, you slowly began to lose it. You felt your arousal growing inside yourself as you were getting hotter, a knot tightening inside your lower belly.
Miguel kept thrusting his fingers in and out until your juice was leaking down your thighs. You could hear your body making lewd, wet noises, thankful that the music downstairs was hiding this. At some point, Miguel’s hooked fingers found a sensitive spot inside you, going deeper, ant he hit quite a few times, making you moan his name.
“You look so pretty like that. Gosh, you’re so tight…”, you felt your thighs squeezing his fingers, trapping them inside yourself. Miguel’s face nuzzled against the crook of your neck. It was so hard for him to just stay like that, as he wanted so much more of you. He was a little afraid to admit it, to admit how bad he’d been wanting this for months. The two of you had been flirting for so long, turning around one another without daring to make any move, afraid of these feelings you had. Miguel was afraid he wouldn’t be able to live up to your expectations. The image he had forged of himself at work was one of a cold and serious man, not what he was giving to you right now. And yet, you didn’t seem to mind. In fact your blissful expression with your eyelids partially closed, your lips parted, breathing slowly… made him regret not making this sooner. You threw your arms around his shoulders, trying to get steadier as he whispered in your ear:
“I wish we had done that earlier.”
“I think we can still make up for that lost time.”, you answered under your breath. Miguel’s fingers stopped moving inside you, not daring to fully understand what you just said.
“Are you sure you want this?”
You answered with an alluring smile: “Yes, I’m sure about this.”
“Is it OK if I…” You chuckled at his question.
“It’s OK. I’m on the pill.” His hands immediately grabbed your hips and turned you around, your front facing the mirror on top of the sink. Your hands grabbed the edges of the sink as he lifted up your skirt and slid down your panties. You heard the sound of a belt unbuckling and turned your head to watch him. Miguel caught your eyes and with a groan, he grabbed your chin between two of his fingers, making you look back at the mirror.
“I want you to see how beautiful you are in this moment.” You felt his erect member press against your skin, teasing your entrance before he added: “How do you want it?”
“Bad. The worst you can do.” His fingers slid down your face, your neck, pressing gently his fingers against your skin, before he dragged them lower until they rested on top of one of your covered breasts.
“We can stop anytime you want…”, he said carefully. You shivered under his touch as he started penetrating you. You moaned at the sensation, your hands tightening around the edges of the sink. His right hand was groping your thigh while his other hand squeezed your breast. Miguel started moving into you, reaching for the same sensitive spot than he did earlier. Your could feel your body pressed against the sink, the cold against your hot and sensitive spot. He finally started moving faster, the sound of both your skins hitting one another.
“You feel so good…” Miguel’s soft praise was a harsh contrast with his rough movements. You could feel his chest pressed against your back, feel how warm his body was. You needed more, you wanted to know how his skin felt. With one of your hands, you grabbed his mask and took it off.
Both your faces appeared in the mirror. Miguel’s hair was messy, his cheeks flushed and his eyes half closed. You were both panting and moaning like two messes. One of your hands caressed his cheek, feeling how warm and soft his skin was. Miguel’s lips reached for your palm, kissing it gently while he kept thrusting into you. His mouth then reached for your neck, crashing onto your skin. His kiss was messy, his tongue darting out, licking and sucking on you. He may leave a few marks on your skin, but you didn’t mind. You both have waited too long for this.
You could feel your pleasure rising in your body, your legs slightly shaking as Miguel hit your cervix multiple times with all his strength. Tears were falling down your face, smearing your make up, as you bend over the sink. Your orgasm washed over you while Miguel held you tight, kissing fervently your neck.
The two of you were still in the bathroom as the obnoxious music of the party made its way through the closed door. Miguel helped you adjust your costume, cleaning off the make up stains on your face. He seemed groggy from his own orgasm he had reached just after you. With a quick kiss, he whispered, close to your lips:
Thanks for reading this mess and going through this. As you can see, it was my first attempt at writing something a little spicier with a more ‘dominant’ Miguel (which I usually don’t like much). I’m not sure I did it right and I tried my best.
“I think I finally understand why you love Halloween so much.”
And for the record, I wanted to call the story Make me (S)cream (I like bad puns).
But, most importantly…
Happy Halloween, folks!
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yaksha-lover · 10 months
YESS so these thoughts are going to be very scattered because I haven’t fully thought it out, but I wanted to share them anyway!!
Ok, so you know how in ddlc, part of Monika’s anguish is the fact that she’s not even an option for the player to choose. I feel like that works well with the whole ‘Malleus doesn’t know twst isn’t a dating sim’ thing. Like, imagine Malleus starting to become aware and realizing that the only place it’s even possible for him to get genuine love and connection is with the player. Except - twst is only a visual novel.
No matter how much he tries to be extra kind to the player, to get them to notice him - none of it matters, because there is no option for him to be loved back. The player is constricted by the few and far between dialogue options, and barely any interactions with him compared to say, Ace and Deuce.
He tries to be patient, but more and more it eats away at him. He needs to be chosen by the player, he can’t accept being alone anymore when an opportunity is right in front of him. At first he’s satisfied by appearing more in the other books, by becoming the player’s friend.
Then, he’s entirely left behind in book 6. Again, he isn’t an option. Well, he doesn’t care. He’ll make himself an option. The next time you log in, a new event seems to have started.
It’s a dating sim event! At first, you’re super excited that they decided to do some fan service. Then, strange things begin happening. You try to complete Leona’s route, but after pausing midway, you log back in and suddenly, he isn’t an option anymore. It’s strange, but there is a notice of a bug in the game, so you dismiss it. The only routes left are Vil and Malleus, so you decide to go with Vil. Except, the button won’t press. Every time you try to choose Vil, Malleus’ route automatically starts. Eventually, you give up and close the game, tired of all the bugs.
Meanwhile, Malleus is practically heartbroken. He’s never had the option to even try and talk to you like he’s wanted to all this time. He thought you felt the same, that your friendship and all the times he came to Ramshackle meant something. Apparently not. Apparently, even if he is a choice, you’ll choose the others again and again.
It isn’t right. Why can’t he ever be your choice? Don’t you realize, you’re the only one who can love him?
He knows he’s only a character and that you’re real, but it shouldn’t matter. His feelings for you are real too. Is he destined to be doomed to loneliness, locked in this short frame of story where he’s been programmed to be the outcast?
He was practically designed by the creators to love you, and yet, no matter what he does, you seem unreachable.
The next time you log in, Malleus is waiting for you. Not in an event and not in the main story, but as the only thing left in the app. He stands on the home screen, having deleted all the other buttons on the page. He starts talking to you, telling you that he’s known the whole time that he’s a character and you’re the player of a game. That it doesn’t matter, because you’re real to him. Even if you aren’t exactly Yuu, it’s always been you, behind the screen. He’s willing to make his plea to you, if only you’ll listen.
Side note, I imagine he’d have a similar breakthrough to Monika if you talked to him enough about how what he’s doing is wrong. Even if he tries to remember that Lilia, Silver, and Sebek are only game files, he can’t help but love them anyway, and wouldn’t want them to disappear.
He’d also realize that it’s wrong to force you to love him, no matter how much he wants it. He knows that’s not genuine love, and that it wouldn’t feel good for him either because he wants someone to love and accept him.
All in all, would probably reset things himself once he’s reasoned with, might even delete himself from the game once he sees what he’s done.
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I hope I don't murder me (I hope I don't burden you)
AU in which Lan Wangji stays in the Burial Mounds with Wei Wuxian and the Wen remnants
idea here
Living in the Burial Mounds isn't easy - not that Lan Wangji expected it to be. He's known what he was getting into, and his expectations have been correct - but this isn't about the shoddy houses, the cold, damp cave he shares with Wei Ying or the scarce food.
Lan Wangji is fine with those. He doesn't care about comfort and luxury, and as long as he can be by Wei Ying's side, he doesn't need anything else.
What is difficult is watching Wei Ying grind himself near into nothingness every single day. His cultivation is eating away at him, no matter how much he argues otherwise. Perhaps it's not in the way Lan Wangji thought it to be - Wei Ying is very much still lucid - the corruption comes more from his lack of oversight for his own existence.
He works himself into exhaustion inventing spells and talismans every single day, and he fights off the Burial Mounds' whims every time they shake with resentment and threaten the little settlement's fragile safety. He doesn't eat much, if at all, always arguing he isn't hungry, and he sleeps only when he can't keep himself upright anymore. Lan Wangji gets why he doesn't like to sleep - he has nightmares every time he does, and Lan Wangji struggles to bring him out of them every time, for hours on end, breaking away at whatever horrors the Burial Mounds have conjured for him.
To put it bluntly, Wei Ying is wasting away. And Lan Wangji can do nothing but watch - Wei Ying still won't tell him why he's given up the orthodox path of cultivation, he waves away any concern and though he seems to be appreciating any attempts Lan Wangji makes to bring him food or take him to bed (not like that, they're still on a very limited touch basis), he doesn't seem to be getting that much better.
And Lan Wangji doesn't want him to die. Not now, not like this, not ever. After all, the only reason he left the Lan was so he could take care of Wei Ying, protect him, and perhaps even love him, if he'd be allowed. There must be something he can do to make Wei Ying even just a little bit happier than he is now, even if just for a day, even if only to see him smile - smile again, like he used to before the world turned against him and he found his home with the dead, bright and beautiful and sincere.
Wei Ying returns from the markets with Wen Ning in tow, flinging about two empty baskets of radishes. They've had a miraculously profitable day today - turns out, some parasite has ruined the radish harvests in the nearby region, making Wei Ying's radishes the only viable ones around.
"People are going to think you cursed the fields to sell your yield." Wen Qing laughed as she counted the large coin pouch Wei Ying's so proudly given her.
"You know what, I could do that. Technically. It sounds like a very Jin thing to do, but the profits would be massive."
Wen Qing shoves at him playfully. "At least there's Hanguang-Jun to reel you in, you get the most chaotic ideas."
"You're one to talk." Then Wei Ying looks around, pouting slightly. "Where's Lan Zhan?"
"I don't know, around probably?" She shrugs. "To be fair, I haven't seen him at all today now that I think about it. He left just after you two did, and he was carrying something."
"Did he tell you where he'd be going?"
Wei Ying's expression falls. "Oh... Maybe he's finally had enough of this place and he left..."
"Where to? He's not allowed in the Cloud Recesses anymore."
"He's still talking to Zewu-Jun, so..." A sad smile, "I mean, if you didn't have to, would you willingly stay here of all places?"
Wen Qing sends him a sympathetic look, and reaches to poke his forehead lovingly. "He's not the type to just up and leave like that. He'll be back before you know it. And if he really did leave, I'll hunt him down and gut him alive for you."
Wei Ying tries to laugh at that but he can't, not really. "I wouldn't blame him if he did leave... I just..." He swallows, hard, "I don't know... I'm going to... work or something."
He leaves before Wen Qing can say anything, and gratefully walks out into the harsh winds announcing an upcoming storm, his tears lost in the wisps of cold air and resentment.
His cave is lonely as he has forgotten it should be. He hates that he has forgotten it - why did he allow himself to get used to somebody always waiting for him at the end of the day, ready to listen if he had anything to say, or just sharing in the silence? Of course it wouldn't last long.
Normal people don't live in mass graves. Normal people don't - they don't love the people living in the mass graves.
Not that Lan Zhan would ever love him, but...
Wei Ying lights up the candle at his work desk and decides he's not going to be thinking of anything but his talismans and his arrays. They don't give him false hope, they don't make him feel like he matters and then leave out of nowhere. They don't pretend like they care when they actually don't.
A tear messes the characters on his prototype for a cleansing talisman and Wei Ying angrily throws it away over his shoulder, his vision blurry. He's angry and disillusioned and hurt - and he doesn't know why! Of course Lan Zhan would go, why would he stay? What's there for him to stay in this wretched place for? What would even keep him tethered here, to this hellhole?!
Wei Ying flings a hand over his desk and everything falls haphazardly around, tears sliding freely down his face.
Why would Lan Zhan - why would anyone even fucking stay - stay there?! Stay there for... for someone like...
Wei Ying folds his hands into a makeshift pillow on the rock he uses as a table and buries his face in it, crying silently. How could he have been so stupid? Lan Zhan is a good person, but... there really is nothing keeping here, there never has been. And... and it's better if he's gone.
He doesn't deserve to live the rest of his life in the Burial Mounds, around someone that he probably doesn't even really like all that much. He probably just wanted to help cause he's righteous and felt bad for the Wen remnants and A-Yuan... but there's a limit to everybody's kindness, probably. Maybe he got sick of the poverty and the struggles, and having to wake up to Wei Ying's screaming every night, maybe he got tired of being around someone that's... more dead than alive.
Maybe... maybe it's better this way. Wei Ying's probably been an unnecessary burden to Lan Zhan anyway. Even if he tried to keep quiet as he worked at night, even if he tried not to take much of anything for himself so as not to seem greedy, even if... even if...
Wei Ying bought something for Lan Zhan from the markets today. He made so much money selling vegetables that he figured he could surprise the other with a little trinket, switching their roles for once. He would be the one to give Lan Zhan a gift this time - he's helped everyone so much, and of course a little item doesn't balance any of it out, but Wei Ying thought it would be... cute. He thought Lan Zhan might like it... It's an ornament for his robes, two white jade bunnies hanging off a beautifully embroidered blue ribbon.
But now that Wei Ying looks at it, he realizes Lan Zhan would probably hate it. He'd never say it outright, but why would he even like it? It's just a stupid thing that cost too much money.
What has Wei Ying been thinking buying it? Wasting money? Thinking it would mean anything? Trusting? Believing? Hoping? Loving?
What has he been thinking?
Lan Wangji returns so late in the night he's quite sure he's about to fall asleep at the boundary of the Burial Mounds. He's carrying a lot of things, including food and alcohol that he must be careful not to spill, fragile items and, of course, his own very sleepy self.
He really hasn't expected all that shopping to take so long, but then again he hasn't done much of it himself until now, so perhaps this is how it should be. Lan Wangji is tired, but grateful - Lan Xichen sent him a lot of money, as he requested, and he could get everything he could think Wei Ying would like.
Lan Xichen doesn't agree with his brother's decision to live in the Burial Mounds - nobody in their clan or sect does. But unlike all the people that have renegaded him and forbade him from ever returning home, Lan Xichen still loves him and helps him with everything that he can, risking his relationship with the elders' council and even his sect leader position to send him money and gifts secretly.
Lan Wangji needs to thank him properly for all that he does, though he doesn't know how. It's through his kindness that Lan Wangji has been able to prepare all these things for Wei Ying. And though nobody will notice the money missing, it's still a risk to take.
The Burial Mounds are jarring to walk into, even more so at night. It's just rained as well, and the smell is even more pungent now, rot and petrichor intermixed with the faintest trace of blood, both fresh and old.
The ground beneath Lan Wangji's feet has softened into a formless mass of mud, and he has to use Bichen's glare to see what he's stepping on, the beings living in it ready to grab at him. They reach their... hands towards him, grunting and growling with resentment, and though he isn’t exactly scared (he’s a cultivator, after all, he can’t be scared), he wishes he could just mount his sword and fly his way home. But the fog of resentment overhead is so thick he doubts he would be able to maneuver, and if he gets lost in it, there will be no way out for him.
He can’t use much of his cultivation knowledge either – that only serves to attract the dwellers of the Burial Mounds, all ready to devour some new flesh, feast on living souls and bring another into their ranks.
So all that Lan Wangji has left to do is focus on where he is going, ignore the bellowing screams in his ears, the terrifying apparitions, the phantom pains – and imagine he will soon be safe, home, with Wei Ying, and he will give Wei Ying a nice, relaxing evening to enjoy after a long day’s work.
He pointedly refuses the laughing voices of resentment that tell him he is not wanted here, that he will only bring trouble, that Wei Ying doesn’t love him, that he should just give up, come join us, come to us, be with us, be one of us...
Lan Wangji feels like he’s been born again the moment he steps into the protective array that Wei Ying’s set up to guard the Wen settlement. He can finally breathe fresher air, his mind clears immediately and he’s overcome with a sense of relief that settles pleasantly into his stomach, his limbs only a little bit unsteady with the feeling.
Exhaustion catches up to him as well, and he knows he won’t be able to be awake for much longer – bit he knows Wei Ying is, and Lan Wangji wants to brighten up his mood right now more than he wants to rest.
There will be plenty of time for that later.
With a much lighter heart, yearning almost, Lan Wangji walks into Wei Ying’s cave, barely suppressing an excited smile. Wei Ying is going to be so happy!
He finds the cave in disarray, and Wei Ying hunched over his table, asleep, surrounded by a mess of notes, ink and broken brushes. The side of his face shines with fresh tears, his cheeks wet, features drawn into a pained expression.
Lan Wangji’s brows furrow, and he places all the items he’s brought near the sleeping mats, walking up to Wei Ying slowly so as not to startle him.
“Wei Ying?”
Resentment materializes out of nothing, blocking his path.
Lan Wangji is tired of this already. He’s heard every variation of that on his way home and he’s running out of patience for it.
Leave him alone! You’ve hurt him!
Now that’s new. He has done no such thing - he’s been so careful to respect Wei Ying’s boundaries, took care of him, did his utmost to help him... the Burial Mounds may be horrible, but they love Wei Ying and they’re merciful to those that are kind to him. And Lan Wangji has been just that, kind and devoted to the point of leaving his whole life behind for Wei Ying, no holds barred and no regrets.
This has never happened before, either. The Burial Mounds have received him... well, if one could say that. He never got attacked before, now that he thinks about it, and though he put tonight’s unrest on the resentment just being more active in the dark, he's realizing that there be more to it than that.
He wants to see what's wrong with Wei Ying, though, resentment and the Burial Mounds be damned. And if he has to physically fight this thing, he will - it's not like that would be new.
Lan Wangji draws out Bichen and decides he's just going to go right through this thing if it refuses to get out of his way. And perhaps this is not a very wise choice, but he is tired, worried and still jarred by all the horrors he's encountered in the way here - but he's charging at it before he gives himself the time to really calculate. It's almost like an instinct, wanting to get to Wei Ying and comfort him, and he won't let anyone or anything stand in the way of that.
Bichen's blade pierces through the mass of resentful energy, and it only disperses enough so it dodges the hit. Before Lan Wangji can realize, pain overcomes him from everywhere inside him, as though all his organs have ruptured all at once. He doesn't want to scream, but it's ripped out of him before he knows it, and, for a moment his vision blacks out. He distantly notes that he's never faced resentment this strong, and wonders whether this is the kind of thing Wei Ying had to live through in the three months that he was away. He hopes not. He hopes that this is just the Burial Mounds deciding to hate him in particular, and that it was different for Wei Ying back then.
He coughs out a mouthful of blood and realizes he's dropped his sword at some point. He tries to summon it, but he can't find enough spiritual energy in himself to do it. Is this how he's going to die? Will Wei Ying have to wake up and find him dead? Maybe there will be nothing left of him for Wei Ying to find, that would be easier to deal with, right?
The world is starting to become fuzzy at the edges, or maybe it's just Lan Wangji's tears blurring his vision. He wants, selfishly, his last image to be Wei Ying, and he makes the herculean effort to move his eyes towards where he's still asleep.
Perhaps Lan Wangji is indeed dying - because he thinks he sees Wei Ying jump awake and scream.
There is a song.
Lan Wangji recognizes it, it flows around him like a soft, gentle warmth, beckoning him towards... somewhere. He doesn't know where, he doesn't even know where he is right now - doesn't even feel like he is anywhere or anything at all. But even as he is, formless and incorporeal, he's compelled to follow the song, beautifully played on a flute.
It's his song, he made it. He made it for the person he loves, even if he didn't know it at the time and even if it is that person that doesn't know it now.
Slowly, like waddling through deep, heavy waters, Lan Wangji returns to his body. He feels warmth around him, and realizes he's leaning against someone's chest, their heartbeat rhythmic in his ears. The knowledge makes him smile, the movement difficult but inevitable.
"Lan Zhan, are you awake yet?"
He feels Wei Ying kiss the top of his head, running a hand down his back comfortingly.
"You feelin' better?"
There is a pause. Lan Wangji can hear the heartbeat underneath his ear quicken, and Wei Ying takes in a deep, shaky breath.
"I'm sorry." he says, at last, his voice soft. "This is all my fault... I thought you left and... you know resentment responds to my emotions so it thought... it was-"
"Trying to protect you." Lan Wangji interrupts, "I get that."
"Lan Zhan... you almost..." another deep breath. "This shouldn't have happened..."
"Wei Ying-"
"No, listen, I-I found... the things you got for me... You're always so good and so kind to me and to everyone else, and you've sacrificed so much for us, we all really don't deserve you. I don't deserve you."
Lan Zhan finally manages to open his eyes, blinking to adjust to the faint lighting in the cave. "Why are you talking like you're wanting me to leave?"
"Because I do."
Lan Zhan lifts his head, confused, to look at Wei Ying, and sees his eyes glisten with unshed tears.
"It's dangerous for you to be around me, Lan Zhan. You shouldn't be risking your life living here, and if you ask Zewu-Jun, maybe he'll convince the elders to-"
"I don't want to leave you, Wei Ying."
"And I don't want you to die because of me."
Lan Wangji reaches a hand to hold the side of Wei Ying's face, wiping the tear that's just fallen down his cheek. "Don't make me leave, Wei Ying."
"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying covers Lan Wangji's hand with his own. "I had to - I had to put your soul back into your body... You died. I held you as you died. What if I fail next time and I lose you forever?" Wei Ying holds him tighter now, a slight shake to his body as he cries. "I'd rather let you go alive, than live with the knowledge that I-"
It takes all of Lan Wangji's strength to lift himself up enough to leave a soft kiss over Wei Ying's trembling lips. "I love you."
It feels so freeing to say it that Lan Wangji wonders why he held onto this confession for so long, why it took him so long to say it.
"I love you." he repeats, and the words taste sweeter than any dessert he's ever had. "And I don't want to be away from you. I want to share my life with you."
Wei Ying leans down to kiss him back, and Lan Wangji realizes he's never been happier than right now, nothing he has ever achieved has ever felt like the fireworks Wei Ying's lit under his skin.
"What if there will be no life to share, Lan Zhan?" He asks, smiling, tearfully, as he traces the seam of Lan Zhan's lips.
"Then I'll come back to you in the next one."
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mylittlesecrethaven · 3 months
Yandere Malleus Headcannons
This just came into my head one day.
It might not make sense.
But I hope it does.
(Omg warning, I'm so fucking sorry. I made this so much darker than I meant to. Um... TWs I guess... Uh... general yandere stuff, nsfw stuff, mentions of scars, mentions of burning, mentions of bleeding, there's some stuff about being tied up, amputated legs, mentions of amputated arms, dick horror, and forced pregnancy. I think I covered them all. Lemme know if I missed anything)
Every day is the same, and yet always different.
You always do something with Malleus.
And you always have to keep your eyes on him.
Great Seven forbid you ever look at anyone else.
(The screams will never leave your dreams)
Yet, he always finds somewhere new.
A new garden, a new cafe, a new park.
But you're never really allowed to do anything.
You sit.
You watch.
You smile when Malleus looks at you.
(After all, this pain is better than the pain he gives)
You say you enjoyed your day.
(You regret the days you didn't. Those scars never fade)
And you go home.
You eat.
Maybe read a book as he works.
And you hope he's too tired to want anything else.
But don't worry! He always has time for his love!
He'll wait until you finish your book.
You might read slow, but that just means you're enjoying it.
And that makes him happy.
You never run out of books.
Malleus makes sure of that!
And once your done, he'll take you back to your shared room.
And he'll toss you to the bed.
He's always so careful with you.
(He's not a complete monster, after all.)
And he'll make love to you.
It'll be so sweet.
And then he'll keep going.
And going.
Oh, you're tired?
Uh oh.
You made him mad.
Now you have new scars.
And you're still going into the morning.
Don't worry, though.
He'll give you time to clean up and get dressed.
After all, it's a new day.
That means it's time for something new.
(So, this wasn't how this was supposed to go at all..... Hmm.... I'll make some more below this then to fit what I was actually trying to make this about. Idk if this'll be in the same world as the ones above, but I don't think it really matters)
Humans are just so fragile.
He takes you on one date and you hurt yourself.
It's your fault, really.
You backed away when he tried to kiss you.
It was your fault you fell into that flame.
Really, how reckless can one be?
Of course, he made sure you knew how mad he was as well.
You had talked to that other fae.
He had to show who you belonged to.
And you backed away.
How dare you.
Not to worry though!
Now you're safe at home!
You can't hurt yourself if you're tied down, right?
Nowhere to move.
Nowhere to go.
Now Malleus can take care of you completely.
He'll feed you.
Bathe you.
Sleep with you.
Love you.
Care for you.
(Fuck you until you bleed and sob and beg for it to end)
And yet, you still try to leave.
Stupid human.
You're lucky he loves you.
(Below is split between a gn, male, and female reader. That way, you can have a personalized ending!)
You don't need your legs, right?
He already broke them, but that didn't work.
So he'll just take them.
Now he gets to carry you everywhere!
Oh, you miss walking by yourself?
No worries!
He'll hang your feet above the fireplace for you to see!
That way, you can simply remember how it felt to walk!
But if you keep being defiant, he'll take your arms next.
You make him so mad sometimes.
But he loves you too much to do anything horrible to you.
Yet, when he sees you hard in the morning, he's mad.
You say it's a normal bodily function, but that can't be true.
You were thinking about someone else.
He knows it wasn't about him.
You're so unfaithful.
So, now you can't get hard.
You can't cum anymore.
You have to have help pissing.
Sure, he misses messing with your cute little dick.
But this way, you remain faithful to him.
Oh, you noticed the baby books Malleus keeps giving you?
He's glad.
You are aware he needs an heir, yes?
Won't you help him with that?
Well guess what, you don't get a choice anymore!
You're already tied down.
And even though your screams hurt him inside,
(They don't, they make him oh so hard for you),
He still wants an heir.
So he'll fuck you.
And fuck you.
And fuck you.
Until you're pregnant.
And even then, he'll keep going.
Cause now he wants as many babies as possible.
And you'll have to care for them all with him.
He's sure you'll be an excellent mother.
(These was fucking insane. I didn't mean to make them so dark. Also, I did have a reason for putting gn, then male, then female. If I ever do this again, that order will stay the same. Idk if I'll do this again, but if someone asks, then maybe I will. But I'll need an idea for it, cause coming up with ideas is hard.)
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romana-after-dark · 9 months
The Wrong Way (Dark Ending): Going Under, Part 2
Tumblr media
Raider!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Raider!Tommy Miller x Fem!Reader
Spotify Playlist
Summery: After you give birth to Ellie in the cabin, Joel fins you and Tommy, besting Tommy in a fight. What happens to you? What happens to Ellie, Tommy, Lorenzo and the rest of the family Little One has acquired? How does Little One learn to cope with her new reality? Does she fall into the darkness that surrounds Joel and all he touches? Can Joel really change for you and your daughter?
WARNINGS FOR FULL FIC, NOT CHAPTER BY CHAPTER UNLESS SOMETHING NEW IS ADDED AFTER MASTER WARNING LIST: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!!! Fic contains graphic depictions of sexual assault, rape, molestation, dubcon/non con. MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH WARNING, graphic violence, murder, manipulation, the horrors, Joel being Joel, Tommy being kinda pathetic, Joel's weird sexual fantasies, breeding kink, abuse of power. Just.... all the bad.
Extra on the executions. Suicidal ideation. Sorry, I should've put tjat in the warnings first chapter but I just came up, so this is your warning now. Im tryingto think of all the hardest stuff that happens now so I can warn ahead of time but sometimes it just happens while writing you know? Things come up. Dont say i didnt want you with major character death
a/n who watched Avatar TLA growing up? There a reference to it at the very end.... that episode traumatized me
It had been four days before Joel came and got you. The room was cold from the cool outside air; it was far from freezing, only a crisp Wyoming early fall so far. This had proven a benefit, despite the way you shivered under tattered blankets, as it aired out the bucket of piss and shit that was your toilet.
Ellie had to be dead by now. Infants need to be fed regularly, every 2-3 hours according to Maura… your breasts hurt, they hurt so fucking bad sometimes you cried from just that… but it wasn’t a hard leap from your depressed mindset. The pain was aching and you had to squeeze the milk out of your engorged breasts just to have a little relief. Your vagina hurt, too. Luckily you had stopped bleeding, although you wished you’d just bleed out already. Everything was pain and your dreams in the few moments you were sleeping were filled with nightmares.
You weren’t sure what you were living for. You laid on the mattress hour after hour, staring at the broken glass from your fit, thinking you could easily kill yourself… The only thing that stopped you was the effort it would require. Dazed, almost… that was the best way to describe it, all the hours blurring together
Honestly, you hadn't expected Joel to return at all. You figured he killed Ellie or just let her starve, killed Tommy and would just let you waste away in this god forsaken room, the room where so much happened.
Tommy taking your virginity after you begged him, playing go fish for hours.
Joel raping you, loving you, cuddling you.
When he walked into the room, you didn’t even look up. You didn’t have the energy anymore. When his strong arms scooped you up, leading you out of the piss-smelling room, you instinctively wrapped your arms and legs around him like before… it had been habit at this point, after a year of doing this and you were no stranger to your body betraying you.
Joel, in turn, held you close. “Just look what you’ve done, hermosa… but it’s okay, we can fix it.”
“No” you whine, head in the crook of his neck. Why was his smell comforting after all that had happened? “We can’t fix this.” Your baby is gone, after all you did to try and save her.
“Yes, yes we can, you just gotta be good.” Of course Joel thought this was fixable. Ellie was only ever his replacement for Sarah, so she was replaceable herself. Joel would put a baby in you again and if it was a boy? Another one. And another, and another until you died, then he’d move onto the next vulnerable young girl.
Joel took you outside. When you saw the raiders all surrounding the yard, a yard that had previously been your comfort, a place you imagined your baby playing, you figured this is where he killed you. You were ready.
“Watch her” And he went into the house. The sunshine and fresh air felt nice, you had to admit. When he returned, he carried a little bundle; the baby blanket Mrs. Munoz knitted, with Ellie’s little face barely peeking out.
“ELLIE!” Joy and sunshine filled your heart again, and suddenly nothing else matter than the fact your daughter lived. Ecstatic, you dash towards her as all the pain of earlier seeming long gone in your desperate need for her, but Joel wouldn’t let you have it just yet. He moved her out from his firm grasp, still holding her but seemingly threatening to drop her. “JOEL NO!”
“She’s safe, little one, don’t you worry… as long as you behave.” He went back to rocking her, a soft expression as he looked at his daughter.
“H-how is she alive? She didn’t feed, I thought- I thought she was dead!”
“You really think I’d let my daughter starve?” His voice was condescending, a slight scoff at the end. “C’mon now, you can’t be that stupid. I know there's not a lot going on in that bimbo housewife brain of yours but I thought you had a little more faith in you than this.” He was… he was laughing at you. All the things he did to you, all the things he’s said… why did this hurt so bad? Joel never called you stupid before… and didn’t he… he threatened to hurt her just a moment ago, didn’t he? Or did he? Maybe you were reading into it too much…
“I’m not… I’m not stupid.” Defensively, you spoke but your eyes remained on your daughter.
“Oh, of course not, sweet girl, of course not.” Was he making fun of you? Why were the other men chuckling? “But I had a plan incase you couldn’t produce milk. I’ve got a freezer full of breast milk from other women, and even some formula. It’s expired but, it’ll do in a pinch.”
As relieved as you were about Ellie living, guilt punched at you. “You… Joel, you took milk away from hungry babies?”
Joel rolled his eyes. “No, of course not. Mrs. Little Feather was producing an abundance so I paid her well for a stash, just in case. I’ll always protect my family” He turned to one of the men and nodded.
Tommy was pushed out the house, hands bound behind him and he was shoved to the ground.
“TOMMY!” But you didn’t dare move, not when Joel had Ellie.
“Honey, fuck, I’m sorry, I-” He was cut off by Joel kicking him in the stomach. Tommy’s left hand was bandaged up from the stabbing. 
But Tommy’s reveal wasn’t even the worst. Out of the house came  Zach and Lorenzo, bound and gagged, quickly followed by the biggest shock yet. June. It had been a whole year since you’d seen her, never even saying goodbye when you were ripped away from your family. The four of them knelt on the ground, hands tied behind their backs, Lorenzo and Zach at one end of the yard, Tommy and June behind them. Joel shoved you towards Zach and Lorenzo, the guards taking off their mouth gags.
Zach yelled your name. “Run!” But Lorenzo knew better. Lorenzo knew there was no running from Joel, and there was no leaving Ellie behind. You stumble towards them, taking them in your arms. Joel was going to kill them.
“I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry…” You sob, knowing this was because of you.
“Sweetheart.” Lorenzo’s voice called to you, oddly calm given the circumstances. “Sweetheart, look at me.” He waited until you looked him, Lorenzo’s large, brown, droopy eyes calming you the way they always did. “It’s okay. Zach and I… we’ve already made peace with this. It’s gonna be okay.”
“No it’s not!” You protest. “He’s gonna kill you both we will have NOTHING!”
Zach. “You’ll have Dolli.” You look to your big brother. “And I know it’s hard, and I know it’s shit right now, honey it’s shit, but you can’t leave her with Joel, okay? So you gotta do this. Think of mom, think of all she did so we could survive.”
A fresh bout of tears. You sniffle, smelling the grass and the dirt and the filth surrounding you. “But I can’t.” You sob violently. You can’t do this without help, you never could. 
“You can-”
“I’m not strong!”
Lorenzo. “You’ve already been strong, always. You survived a lifetime of hell and you put up a hell of a fight, again and again. You’re gonna raise Dolly to be strong like you, okay?”
Ellie. Ellie needed you. Nothing else mattered but her. “Her name… her name Ellie. Joel chose Dolly, I chose Ellie June.”
Zach smiled. “Ellie June. I love it.”
“Your goddaughter, Zach.”
He nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on her, I promise. We both will.”
Joel steps up, still holding Ellie close to his chest with his left hand. “Alright, ‘nuff talk’n”
“No, Joel, please!” You desperately cling to your brothers, a feeble attempt to save their lives when you feel yourself being picked up by familiar arms; Tommy wrapped a strong arm around your middle pulling you away. “TOMMY LET ME GO!”
Kicking, screaming, fighting, you try to pull off him but your legs dangle, treading air.
“Joel.” Tommy called to his brother. “Dolly’s ears.” He referenced the baby in his arms as Joel pulled out the gun.
“There’s a silencer.”
Horror and anguish as you cry for your family, Lorenzo and Zach both mouthing that they loved you although you couldn’t hear a sound anymore, except the sharp eeeeee and muffled voices. The panic had set it.
Lorenzo and Zach come closer together, their bound up finger intertwining together. Joel strides up the the couple, covers Ellie’s ears with his hand and chest and-
Zach and Lorenzo’s bodies felt limp to the ground, and you didn’t have it in you to scream any more. You went into shock, freezing up and zoning out, only barely aware of Joel comforting Ellie as she cried; no doubt startled from the shooting and commotion. 
Joel spoke to his men, but you weren’t sure what he said… the only thing in your sights was your dead family and he thought that June and Tommy were probably next…wait, when was Tommy untied?
Joel hand grabbed your face and you heard a faint ‘Joel, stop’ but he didn’t. It was the middle of the sentence before you started to understand again. “-are both dead now. Jack is dead, Maura is dead. But her,” He pointed his gun at June, stepping towards her. “She’s alive. Zach tried to take her, thinking it’d save her. Look what good that did huh?”
You couldn’t speak, but Tommy did. “C’mon, man, she’s got nothing to do with this, don’t kill her.”
“Well Thomas, I’m glad you care so much, that’ll make the next part easier.”
“What are you-”
Joel ignored him. “Set her down.” Tommy did. You wobbled a bit but got to your feet, trying to concentrate on behaving… Zach was right, you needed to do this for Ellie. He walked back to you. “See how easily he listens to me? Like a guard dog. Tommy always was good at following orders.” He looked too Tommy again. “Take three steps back.” Tommy did. “Spin around” Tommy rolled his eyes, but did. “Shake you butt”
“Do it Tommy”
Tommy did, looking humiliated in the process he wiggled his hips.
“Oh come ooooon” Joel laughs. “Put on a show”
“This is humiliating”
You wince at the outburst, wanting to hold Ellie so painfully bad… her little nose was getting runny from the cold, even with a little hat on.
Joel raised the gun to Ellie, and Tommy immidietly complied, shouting at him to knock it off. Jaw set tight, Tommy bent over and stuck out his butt, shaking it to the chuckles of the other men. Tommy fucking Miller, Joel’s previous right hand man. Feared leader, reduced to this indignity… You looked over to June, still bound and gagged and on her knees, looking utterly confused.
“Good job, Tommy” Joel turned back to you. “See how easy it was for Tommy to listen to me? Always been like that, following me around like a lost puppy, desperate for my approval… you know why I untied his hands, little one?” He didn’t wait for your answer. “Because I need you to know he watched. He watched me kill your brother and Lorenzo, he held you back while he watch. He watched me take you, he watched me fuck you on the table, he watched me brand you, and if he had been here last week he would’ve watched as I hung you.”
The whimper from your mouth at the memory is pathetic, but you keep your mouth shut as your eyes cry. 
Joel perked up. It was like a shift, that dramatic change in his personalities that was so hard to keep up with. “So here’s my vision! It’s gonna take a while until we can all trust each other but I want us to all be a family.” He nudged his gun, and one of the men moved to June. Joel must have planned this all out, orchestrated it… He gave the gun to his man, and yanked down June’s gag. It was clear she had been crying heavily, but would not give Joel the dignity of begging for her life. June was strong like that. Sweet, kindhearted; a soft person who was undeniably stubborn. “Beautiful thing, aren’t you. Gonna make such a pretty wife.”
June was too proud to beg, but you’d been long suffering indigities. You had no pride left. “No, no, no, no, no JOEL! Don’t do this, I’ll be good, I promise!”
“Relax, bebita.” He laughed at you. “She’s not for me. You’re the only one for me, you know that right? You gave me my daughter back, you’ll always be my wife, no matter what.”
You were more confused than ever; a cooling breeze rustled your skirt, making you realize just how damn sweaty you’d gotten during all this. “Then what-”
Joel took the collar of June’s shirt, dragging her towards Tommy and throwing her at him as she squeaked in shock. Although he caught her, diving towards her falling body and preventing it from hitting the ground Tommy looked as confused as you did.
“I don’t want-”
“She’s your wife now”
“JOEL!” He held her and June clung to him. “This is insane, I don’t want a wife!”
Uninterested, Joel shrugged him off. “Fuck her, don’t, I don’t really care.” Joel strode towards you again but stopped to look over his shoulder at Tommy. “But knowing you, you probably will. Just a matter of whether you hold her down or not.”
Tommy, for all his weaknesses and flaws… you knew he was not that type of man.
“You and June will live in your old room. She can’t leave the room unsupervised until I say so” He turned to you. “Same with you, little one. But Tommy’s gonna watch you both. Know why?”
Finally, fucking finally, Joel handed you your daughter and you scooped her up, sobbing. “Hey baby, hi. Mommy’s here, yeah, mommy’s here now, it’s okay”
The sun was beginning to set, the shadows of the trees casting long over your dead family. “Because I’m choosing to spare his life, He owes me. And if we can all get along, no more run’n, no more fighting, no more ‘Joel stop!’” he mocked. “Then the 5 of us and whatever other children we’re blessed with can all live together as one big happy family.”
Joel sat you between his legs like you always used to after a bath, Ellie in both your arms as he nursed. “Knew you’d fuck up that room, little one. My brave girl. Always so strong, so resilient. You wanted to get to Dolly, didn’t you?”
“Yes” it was the truth, at least. You couldn’t help but feel comfort in Joel’s arms even now… what was wrong with you? Why were you like this? How had he broken you down this badly? “Just… just wanted to be with her…”
“I understand. She’s perfect, isn’t she?”
“Absolutely perfect” and she was, Ellie was everything.
A knock on the door; Joel beckoned them in.
“Watch your fucking eyes.” He snapped at his man bringing you food and water, despite this very man having been there when you were raped in the kitchen… a little breastfeeding wouldn’t had much to the fantasies. 
When Ellie was done, fallen quickly asleep, Joel took her and laid her in her crib before doing what you knew was only inevitable. 
He laid down beside you, handings trailing you body, muttering about much he missed you, how much he missed your body. “My perfect girl…” In gentle whispers, he spoke praises into your mouth between kisses, hand trailing between your legs. You hated your body for responding to him, you hated the way he made you feel so good and you hated how you would kiss him hours after murdering your brother and friend… But Ellie. Ellie is what mattered. Ellie needed to be safe, she needed her mom, and she needed no more of her family dead. So, you kissed Joel. You kissed Joel the way you had kissed Tommy only earlier this week as he swore to you he’d be the father of the child in that crib. Your life with Tommy crumbled down before you, as did any chance of happiness.
“Joel, I haven't bathed in days…” 
“Don’t care, need you”
“Joel it huuurts” You begin to cry, despite knowing that only ever has turned him on more. “Please?” 4 days was not a lot of time to heal, the tearing still evident in you.
Pulling away, Joel looks at you, cupping your face with large, calloused hands. “We need to work together on this, little one. Give a little, get a little. For Dolly.”
Damn him. Damn him and the way he made your stomach burn, damn him and the way his touch felt so good and how you wanted to just be a happy family with him even now… And damn him for knowing how to use Ellie to manipulate you.
“Can we… can we do anal?”
The surprise was evident on his face, bed creaking as he sat up. “You’d prefer to take it in your ass instead of your pussy?”
As you gaze up at him, the concern on his face was clear… oh how he confused you. “I think it would hurt less.”
His features softened as you spoke, laying back down beside you to kiss your neck. “Just focus on my hand right now, sweet girl.” And you did. You did because you were a mess, you were disgusting, you were heartbroken and sad and lonely and you wanted Tommy but you had Joel and he had treated you well didn’t he? Maybe this was survivable… maybe. But you had to please him, and Joel always made you cum. Your pleasure turned him on… so you allowed yourself to sink into the swirling touch of Joel Miller’s fingers.
His touch was gentle but pressing and urgent; patience yet needy, as if making you cum would rebuild the bubble that he had built all those months… and it just might. Your cunt feel empty when it pulses around nothing but you are thankful you are able to get this wet, to orgasm still… The natural lubrication will help with taking his dick up your ass. When the climax was over, you took the chance to relax… it would hurt less if you relaxed.
“Roll over” He ordered, and you did as you were told before Joels straddled your thighs, hands rubbing up and down your mostly-clothes body. “Such a pretty girl… such a perfect girl, and all mine… I don’t care that Tommy fucked this sweet little pussy” Joel reached down to rub your swollen lips. “I don’t care. Once you’re healed up, I’m gonna cum inside you every goddamn day until you give me another baby, gonna fuck a baseball team into you.”
Of course he is. Of course. You wouldn’t expect nothing else from him; he wanted to keep you trapped with him forever… All the love you felt for Ellie was going to multiply tenfold, and you could never, ever leave with that many.
As Joel lined his cock up, swiping it up and down your asscrack and the crease of your thighs, you burry your face in the pillow. Joel wasn’t going to prep you at all, was he? He was going to just fuck you, rip you open and punish you-
“Oh little one… you’ve had a long day, haven't you? Yeah… You’ve been good, I’ll meet you halfway” Joel slid his cock between your plump thighs.
You lift your head off the pillow. “What? What are you doing?”
He began to pump, fucking your thighs and making the bed creak enough you made a mental note to ask Jack to oil it- fuck, Jack was dead, dead because he saw you trying to escape and took you back to Lorenzo. Dead because he went to get Zach to save his life… All of them ended up dead anyway. Jack, Maura, Lorenzo, and my dear brother who had only ever tried to help you. Now June was essentially Tommy’s wife just as you were Joel’s and although you trusted Tommy not to hurt her, she was in a house full of raiders… and Joel.
“Let it out, baby, let it out.” Joel cooed as he thrusted between your legss; one or twice he spit down between them to keep the lubrication going but it wasn’t long before he pulled out, jerking himself as he painted a picture of his cum on your ass and thighs. “Beautiful girl… beautiful.” The cum was like lotion as he rubbed it along you, rubbing your aching muscles… Did he love you? Truly?
When Joel leaves to boil water for the bath, you go to pick up Ellie. You needed her, needed her painfully. You wanted to make up for lost time in those four days she was gone, and away from you; she needed skin to skin, she needed love, she needed her mama’s voice… she needed you.
Joel could hear you from outside the door, peaking through the crack to watch you cuddle his daughter… you were a good mom. You loved Sarah like he did, you cared for her, you wanted the best for her. You just needed to learn, that’s all. Learn that Joel was the only man that mattered, learn that giving Sarah a family with siblings and two loving parents was more important than your own personal feelings. You simple needed to learn that Joel knew what’s best. He’d take care of you, take care of you like he always did; protecting you. He wouldn’t make the mistakes he made with Nick, Tommy, Lorenzo, Jack… Tommy would watch you while he was gone, but he knew Tommy, and Tommy was a simple man. Place a pretty girl in his bed, and it wouldn’t take long before they were fucking, and once Tommy fucked a girl, well… he latched on fast. Probably his mommy issues.
You were so sweet with Dolly, so careful, so attentive… even now, you sang to her and Joel thought this was the only sight he needed to see for the rest of his life: You, freshly fucked and beautiful with Dolly asleep in your arms as you sang.
What Joel didn’t know was your thoughts were consumed by your brother, dead outside with a gunshot in his head. Maybe you could ask him and Lorenzo to be buried together… it was the least you could do for your first protector… your soldier, your guardian who died in vain fighting for your safety after a lifetime of taking your beatings. 
“Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home”
The bath after sex felt exactly like it always had.
YEEEEEEEEEEEESH goodbye Zach and Lorenzo!!! my babies! my favorite couple! (im so sorry fen. I murdered your boy!) Also sorry angela buuuuuuuuuutttt you knew this was happening.
Honestly my heart aches for Zach. I have an older brother who was largly my protector in my childhood, my best friend for so long and I love him lots. Thats who zach is based off of for me but i dont wanna give a faceclaim bc I tryyyyyyy to make little one race inclusive (i know i didn't do perfect with the details of her bruisings but it can be hard) If any of my mutuals wanna see a pic Ill show you XD
Remember when I said taylor russle was June's faceclaim? I lied. I saw a picture of Alisha Boe and was like!!!!!! wait no thats her!!!! so now shes on this header.
JUNE AND TOMMY PLOT TWIST what do we think will happen there??? (June is canon bisexual, so dont let her marrying Maura in ghost of you series throw you off. She's the one who told little one all she really knew about sex.)
PLEASE LEMME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS AND THEORIES!!!! RBS ARE SO IMPORTANT TO SPREAD WORK but I like you know what you guys are thinkig!!! what part was the hardest to read? what are your thoughts on how this goes? One june and tommy? the deaths of jack and maura as well as tommy and lorenzo? Joel suddenly being very condesending to little one and almost like a schoolyard bully to tommy? all this happening while holding ellie?
He kinda reminds me of Joe Goldberg in You lol carrying Henry around with him on his lil stalking trips
@pimosworld @rubyfruitjungle @moriartyyouwhore @k-ra @the-fox-den @jenna-ortega @alwaysmicado @lunar-ghoulie @ladynightingale @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @maura-honey @fandxmslxt69 @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
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krikeymate · 29 days
Blood Runs Thick
Readers can have a little cannibalism as a treat. As requested, hope you like it!
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Often in her life, Sam’s wondered if she’s cursed. If God doesn’t have some plan for her that she keeps sidestepping and avoiding. Why else would these insane things continue to happen?
Or maybe it’s just destiny. Her fate to fall.
Everyone around her, everyone she touches… it’s like she’s some corrupting influence, a rot spreading from her soul to theirs.
She doesn’t know.
All she knows is that Tara’s staring at her with glazed hungry eyes, blood and flesh dripping from her mouth.
And that she’s fucked.
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It’s probably stupid that the first thought that goes through her mind is zombies.
Then it’s probably not what it looks like.
Tara eating her boyfriend isn’t really a thing she’d ever think – well except that one time kneeling before Danny where her mind flashed to her sister doing the same to Chad, and thoroughly ruined her evening. And Danny’s. And Tara’s. And if Chad had actually been there, you best believe she’d have ruined his evening too. Especially his evening.
From the look of things, Sam doesn’t have to worry about that anymore.
“It’s not what it looks like!”
Sam stares at her sister in disbelief.
“It looks like you’re eating Chad!”
There’s a pause as Tara stares back at her, eyes wide. Sam thinks she can see the very moment the realisation of what she’s been doing hits her.
“Oh… it’s exactly what it looks like.”
The sorry and puppy dog eyes she sends her would have sounded more sincere if the girl hadn’t been licking blood off her fingers at the same time.
Sam closes the door.
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Apparently, it starts like this:
Her mother’s in a cult. A flesh-eating cult.
She’s a god damned cannibal.
It sounds crazy to say. To think about. To even comprehend.
But crazy is just kinda how Sam’s life seems to be going so far, so why the fuck not, right?
And maybe Sam could have ignored it and left it for someone else to deal with, if the bitch hadn’t kidnapped her sister. You’d think by now that people would have learnt never to fucking touch Tara Carpenter, because she has a psycho ass sister who will cut down anyone who gets in between them.
But apparently her mother hadn’t gotten the memo.
Sam’s had a lot of regrets in her life, pretty much all of them centred around Tara. Leaving her at the mercy of their delusional mother for several days was just another one to add to the list.
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Christina bends down on one knee, robes flowing around her, and strokes a hand along her daughter’s cheek. “Hello darling,” she coos, voice full of adoration. The sound of a loving mother. “I’ve missed you.” Tara jolts, pulling her head back as far as she can. The chair she’s tied to doesn’t allow much movement at all, and soft fingers turn harsh, digging into her cheek and chin, turning her head to face her captor once again. It causes her mother’s mask to slip, the visible anger so much more familiar than the façade she’d been parading. “Look at people when they’re talking to you baby, or have you lost all your manners while in your sister’s care?” Tara clenches her jaw and slips her eyes to the side. She won’t give her the satisfaction. Christina scoffs, standing up. “She always was a terrible influence. It’s all that infected blood inside her.” Tara does her best not to react, but her mother’s next words make a chill run down her spine. She doesn’t know what she means, but she knows it’s nothing good. “But don’t worry dear, we can cleanse her, together. Then we can be a family again. …Now, are you hungry?”
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Sam doesn’t take her eyes off her sister as she makes her way over to the bed.
For all that Tara had seemed confident from afar, the closer she gets, the more she seems to curl into herself. Is it shame, Sam wonders? Horror? Fear?
The thought makes her stomach twist painfully.
She never wants her sister to be scared of her. Of herself.
There’s nothing Tara could do that Sam wouldn’t protect her from, that could make her stop loving her. Somehow the thought that she hadn’t made that clear already feels so much more alarming than the cooling body atop the sheets.
Standing over her, Sam can see the way her sister’s hands shake.
All she wants is to make it stop.
So she does.
Taking Tara’s head in her hands, she pulls her forward and holds her close, one arm wrapping around her shoulder and the other cradling her head to her stomach.
Sam’s lost for words, so she says the only thing she can say.
“It’s gonna be okay, I’ll fix this.”
It makes her sister break, sticky hands clutching at Sam’s shirt and tears beginning to soak the cotton.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry Sam, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t. I was just so hungry.”
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Tara doesn’t want anything from her mother – unless it’s her deciding to Let. Her. Go. – But Christina doesn’t give her much of a choice. Someone – robed and masked and entirely unidentifiable – holds her head still, while her mother leans in close and spoon feeds her. At first, Tara had resisted, refusing to open her mouth, but that only led to it being hinged open painfully as they forced it down her throat. At least this way she has some semblance of control, she can feign fullness and beg for no more. So long as she eats something, it keeps her mother happy. It makes the woman feel like she’s winning. Silently, Tara begs for Sam to hurry up, to come and find her. She’s looking, she knows she’s looking. Sam would never leave her here, no matter what poison her mother whispers in her ear. She hopes it’s soon; she’s starting to lose track of time in this endlessly lit room, and the food that had at first left her nauseous and retching, is beginning to taste… good. It lingers on her tongue and sits heavy in her stomach, but with every meal she cares less and less; she takes more and more. They’ve done something to it, she knows, if only by the way her mother’s grin widens the more she takes. But she doesn’t have a choice. Tara will do what it takes to survive.
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Sam sits on the floor, leaning against the bedroom wall with Tara curled up in her lap, and runs her fingers through her hair.
Her sister is calm and content now, as cuddly as a sleepy kitten.
It feels an apt comparison; watching Tara slice skin from a boy she’d known since diapers felt a lot like watching the neighbours cat scale the tree in their childhood backyard to devour the nest of baby sparrows that had been living there.
Sam had been upset; inconsolable, and angry. She remembers the way Tara, not even a year old, had crawled into her lap then, like she is now, and babbled at her until she’d stopped crying.
It’s funny to think about, how similar the two events are, how different.
She winces as teeth scrape against her shoulder.
Yeah, nothing’s really changed. She’s still being used as a teething toy.
She’s still a big sister.
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“Why are you doing this?!”
Sam would like to say that she’s not enjoying this, that it’s purely practical. A hunter killing for food out of necessity.
But that would be a lie.
She feels like she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be – with a knife in her hand, and prey at her feet.
The man cowers on the floor, one leg bleeding profusely where she’d sliced along his calf. Hamstringing and hobbling him.
He’s not going anywhere; she can take her time. She can have fun.
She walks towards him slowly, enjoying the frantic way he tries to crawl away, his pitiful cries for help that he sobs out between tears are music to her ears.
It feels so good to be free, to not have to hold back anymore.
To be herself.
To be unmasked.
She slips it from her face, dropping it to the floor, feral grin liberated.
“Are you clean?” she asks softly. She knows he can’t hear her, but that’s part of the little game she likes to play.
“Are. You. Clean?”
She creeps ever closer, kneeling down before him and rests her knife against his neck.
“Your blood, your body,” she clarifies, looking directly into his fear-filled eyes.
“M-my blood? Yes, yes! I’m clean! Please, whatever it is you think I’ve done- I haven’t- I haven’t infected anyone or- or- whatever it is you’re thinking!”
She tilts her head to the side, pretending to ponder his words.
He takes this false hope and clings to it.
“Please, you’ve clearly mistaken me for someone else. I won’t tell anyone, I promise, just please let me go.”
She grins and backs away, rising to her feet. “Good. Good,” she murmurs, holding out a hand.
The man damn near pisses himself, but takes it anyway, thanking her profusely. Up until the moment she jams the knife into the side of his neck.
“I just wanted to make sure,” she says to the gurgling body as it slumps against her. “You can never be too careful after all.”
Sam knows he’s clean, she’d read his blood test results herself.
She’d never risk Tara’s health.
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Sam feels a lot like a wolf as she drags the carcass home, ready to feed her pack of one.
Their current den, an old farmhouse – in poor condition and cheap for it, but crucially, isolated – is the perfect place for them in the next chapter of their lives.
The way Tara���s eyes light up as Sam beholds her gift never fail to make her heart swell with pride and love.
Sam’s a provider, and as she moves through the house to drop her catch off in the workshop, her sister sings her praises the entire way, barely a step behind.
There’s something so undeniably addicting to being needed, to being the one person who can make another’s world keep turning.
And as history has shown, Sam is, undeniably, an addict.
She wonders what 13-year-old her would think of her now. At the time, learning that she had a killer’s blood in her veins had seemed like the worst thing in the world.
She’d been so scared she would turn out just like him.
Maybe knowing that she’d do it for Tara would have made all the difference. Maybe they could have avoided so much pain, so much shame. So much hurt.
But she can’t change the past, only embrace the future. Their future. Together.
Sam grins over at her sister as she makes herself comfortable at the other side of the table.
Tara doesn’t have the strength of the size to deal with the body, much to her irritation, so the next best thing is to watch Sam carve it up instead. Anticipation of the meal she’ll get later.
While Tara is fascinated with watching Sam’s process, Sam is fascinated with hers. Her eyes will slip from the knife to watch her sister’s hands as they run over cold dead skin. She’ll analyse her hungry eyes and the way she chews her lip, and wonder.
She’s thought a hundred times about trying it for herself, but never bought herself to ask.
Tara wouldn’t say no, she’d be thrilled even, Sam knows. To share this, to forge another chain linking them together.
But somehow, she thinks, sliding a treat across the table, it won’t ever be as satisfying as the enjoyment on her sister’s face as the flesh meets her tongue.
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
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AN: thanks void for helping w the tags ♡♡♡ also jsyk my requests are open and I am gonna be working on them slowly but surely. I have a con in like... a little over a week? So I'm a lil busy rn but thank u for the love on my creepy demon posts. As always you can check the obey me world building tag on my blog to see the other parts of this series :3
inspiration for this part: honestly, nothing specific unless you count like,,, The Hat Man
TWs: body horror, possession, sleep paralysis, mentions of insanity, mentions of psychosis, lesson 16 mention, demons being demons
● Okay, Level 1.5 belphie is more common than a regular human looking belphie because he can't be bothered most of the time. Also, he doesn't like humans that aren't you, so why would he want to be palatable for them? He has permanent eyebags. He goes back and forth between blinking way too fast or not at all. Which …Is unsettling. He can stare for hours and fall asleep like that. He has cow ears, and his tail is out because he plays with the fluffy part as a stress response. It makes him feel safe (probably bc beel will brush his tail for him when it gets all tangled, and he secretly LOVES it. Puts him to sleep in seconds.) Speaking of sleep, if you look directly at Belphie, he is very…. Fuzzy looking. Like you just woke up and everything's blurry, but it's only him that looks like this. 
Today is the day you learn demons can purr. You knock on the door of the twins' room, entering when you hear a quiet "come in." Perhaps you expected to see Belphie napping on Beel's back while the larger twin does push-ups. You certainly didn't think you'd see the pair sitting on the floor, Belphegor's tail being meticulously detangled by his brother. Belphie looks a bit like a house cat, curled up on the floor, eyes closed and purring as his tail occasionally swishes about. You silently take a video and leave before Belphie wakes up and forces you to delete it.
● Level 2. His tail grows large thorns, perfect for thwacking anyone who annoys him. He constantly smells like lavender and something else that no one can for sure define, but if you stand too close, you will get drowsy. Everything about him seems a bit… uncanny valley. He doesn't look terrifying so much as he looks…. Just,,,, Incorrect. His breathing sounds like a white noise machine.  This is the form he takes during lesson 16. He chooses it specifically so he doesn't make you run immediately. 
Despite the trauma that you experienced, you have learned to find comfort in Belphegor's demon form. Sometimes, you doze off to the sound of his breathing while your hands play with the soft fur of his ears. On more than one occasion, you have compared Belphie to one of the children from Polar Express, which got you smacked in the face by his tail. But even when you get on his last nerve, he is careful not to cut you with the sharp barbs on his tail. A silent apology for killing you once upon a time.
● Level 3. Goodbye sleepy, cozy weirdness, and hello sleep paralysis demon. The thorns on his tail get larger and spread to cover his arms. His eyelids just. Fuck off. He doesn't have them anymore. Jeff the Killer looking bitch. The longer you look at him the more…absolutely fucking AWFUL he looks. Five minutes? He has double the normal amount of teeth. Ten? His horns are casting shadows that look like every nightmare you've ever had. Twenty and all of a sudden you are literally frozen in place. If he's feeling kind, he will use magic to knock you unconscious. If not, you are going to be stuck like this until well after he leaves. If he leaves. Also, he eats dreams.
You will occasionally wake up in the dead of night to the sound of raspy breathing. When you look up, you find a pair of eyes staring intently at you. In the first few seconds after waking, your dreams are so incredibly vivid that it shocks you when they dissappear from your memory, as if it never happened. You yawn, throwing a pillow at the demon's face. Which causes Belphie to laugh, not losing balance from his perch at the end of your bed for even a second.
● Level 4. He is more mist than corporeal. He can be more on the solid side. He just prefers not to. If he is in this form, hold your breath and run. Breathing in any of the mist has…. Very bad side effects. You might find yourself unable to sleep ever again, no matter how tired, until eventually you go insane. Or perhaps living your worst nightmares is more your speed? Either way, it's absolutely horrifying, and he doesn't even have to do any work to destroy you. He just makes you do that yourself. If he likes you, he can make the effects a lot less awful. Breathing in the mist is literally breathing Belphegor, so he can also read your mind (all the better to find your deepest fears). You can hear a whispery voice in the back of your head… that's him. He likes to hang out and chat with Beel like this. Or plot anti-Lucifer activities with Satan since only the person he is possessing can hear him. He can suggest you do all sorts of things, and if you aren't paying attention, you might think it's your body working on its own. If he talks normally while just being a cloud of mist, his voice is surprisingly loud, encompassing the whole room.
A tiny voice, one you know all too well, speaks in the back of your mind. The first time this happened, you thought it was your conscious or something. Perhaps a psychotic break. But no, it is just the youngest of the seven demons you live with. Belphie enjoys backseat driving while you go about your day. He laughs when you trip (honestly, it might be him that caused it...), makes jokes at the most inappropriate times, causing you to choke on your own spit, trying to suppress laughter. And when someone is being particularly rude, he gets rather descriptive in his insults. But hey, he means well. You think.
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ventisnumberone · 1 year
↳ ❝ What’s your favorite scary movie?❞
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╰┈➤ ghostface! scaramouche x reader
genre: angst
tags: blood, killing, murder, graphic details, violence, stalking, scream au
A/n: this is going to be really similar to the opening scene from scream (1996)
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you have always loved horror and slasher films. you were about to watch a horror movie. you walk into your kitchen so you could make some popcorn. you put it on the stove and wait for the kernels to be fully popped and ready for you to eat. you were patiently waiting for the popcorn when the phone rang. "Hello?" you ask. "Hello." an unfamiliar voice says. "Who is this?" the voice asks. "You called me, you might have the wrong number." you speak. "Oh, why don't you talk with me for a while, I'm awfully bored you know?" he coos. "Well alright, it can't be for a while though I'm about to watch a movie." you say. "What movie?" " a scary movie." you say with a giggle. "Do you like scary movies?" the man asks." yeah I do!" " what's your favorite scary movie?" "Probably nightmare on elm street!" you say excitingly. "Ah yeah that one was scary" he says in response. "So, what's your name?" he asks. "Why do you want to know my name?" you retort. "I want to know who I'm looking at." "What?!" you say taken aback. "What? I just want to know who I'm talking to, what did you think I said?" he asks. "Um I'm starting to get scared, that isn't what you said..." you say with horror filling you. "Why are you scared, don't you have a boyfriend to protect you?" he speaks. "How did you know I have a boyfriend?" you say with pure terror in your shaking voice. "I'm hanging up I don't want to talk with you anymore..." you say, and you put the phone down. But before you fully hang up you hear his voice coming from the phone "Don't you fucking dare hang up on me you stupid bitch!" he yells now very angry. "What do you want?!" you say with tears starting to flow down your face. "Why are you crying S/o?" he asks. "Just stop please this isn't funny!" you plea. "You like horror, right? answer 3 questions' right and I'll let you live. how does that sound?" " your fucking psychotic! I called the police they will find you!" you scream. "Oh yeah? I'm shaking!" he mocks. "Question one. What day of the week does the movie Psycho start on?" "Uh....Friday?" you reply. "Good answer! Alright, question two killer in Friday the thirteenth?" he asks. "Jason! its Jason!" You say with hope in your voice. "I'm sorry, but that's wrong..." he says with a fake disappointed tone. "What?" you say as tears are running down your face. "I'm gonna have fun ripping you apart!" he says with a psychotic tone in his voice. the phone disconects and you hear a loud bang. it sounds as if someone just kicked a door down. then all of a sudden you see a black figure wearing a white mask running at you with a knife. you scream as the figure leaps at you. you roll over in time and the figure slides into your glass coffee table shattering it. He gets up quickly as runs at you. he tackles you and his knife grazes your arm as you struggle to fight him off. he's way stronger than you. but you get him off. you run towards the door but its locked. the killer dashes towards you and puts you into a choke hold. he pulls his knife out as stabs you but before he could bring the knife into your chest you kick him away. he tumbles to the ground with a loud thud. you run as fast as you could to the back door. it seems like the killer disappeared. you try to open the door, but it was locked. you tried to open it, but it needed a key. "Fuck!" you help. you feel your arm throbbing from the cut he gave you. you hear rustling behind you. you whip your head around to see what the noise was. you see the killer darting to you. you were to slow, and he pounced on you. He takes his mask off. "Hey babe." your boyfriend says. "What? scara?" you say with betrayal in your eyes. "I think you would look so much prettier covered in your own blood!" he says manically. He plunges the knife in and out of your heart. hearing your screams and your blood splattering on your forehead makes his heartbeat faster.
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supersources · 2 years
interview with the vampire (2022): episode 4, the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding.
tw: murder, death, blood, strong language, all vampire / horror things.
* i can't tell you that... i can't tell you that either.
* your doctor has been consulted and has given consent.
* would you follow me to the reading room?
* quite the house plant.
* the interior designer hired was a sentimentalist.
* please, wear gloves when handling the material.
* we suggest you begin on the left.
* their blood is bitter, it almost makes you feel sick to drink it.
* i tried to be good.
* i closed my eyes and waited for the fire to take me too.
* he was beautiful, strong, and fast and he carried me like i was made of feathers.
* i guessed i was in heaven, so i waited for the pain to go away and for my mama to join me.
* she's going cold, what do we do?
* i don't know where to bite, her body is all charred.
* she's just a kid.
* and she'll be what? a lap dog?
* you were ready to abandon our home, now you want a third.
* i just need her not to die.
* and then i tasted it, and right away i felt as strong as a street car.
* i realized what what i thought was heaven was just a nice room.
* you got some of your own i can have?
* so, this is my new house?
* i heard your cry for help. we can hear people's thought.
* prove it. what am i thinking now?
* so you can hear my thoughts, but he can't? does that make him the dumb one?
* if he makes you, he can't hear your thoughts anymore.
* he relies on my words to understand me, just like a human.
* i'm not a human no more, am i?
* well, i can see where this is going.
* you'll do it too, in time, my little milkweed. i'll teach you. but not if we're going to have family secrets?
* are we a family?
* but with no secrets.
* they had nice clothes, a nice auto-carriage, and a funny way of being nice to each other.
* so, i'm supposed to kill him?
* i'm not sure how i feel about that pleated skirt.
* looks like she takes after me...
* you're not a girl, you're a devil!
* you have to stop while they're alive.
* who is it she takes after?
* confusion, regret, euphoria... you'll wake up feeling a lot of things. guilt... a bad taste in your mouth from the cop which again you should never choose.
* what did i just say?
* don't eat cops.
* you gotta listen to your elders when they're talking.
* hungry? you just ate a man twice your size.
* i'm so hungry... i think i'm gonna die. is that how vampires die? of starvation?
* some sleep is what she needs.
* sedation is what she needs.
* you suck them like frog legs and burn them like trash.
* i gotta go to bed when the rest of the world wakes up.
* have you seen my slippers?
* must every night end like this?
* y'all get tired before i do.
* why does she talk to the book?
* the sun goes up, we go down. that's never gonna change.
* keeping you safe, little waif.
* the book is my friend.
* the book is her friend.
* the book is a book.
* put the pen down.
* when i'm tired, i'm not so kind.
* and where are all the vampires at?
* she's gonna pass real soon. we're trying to accustom her to the thought of... going home to god.
* it's so soft!
* it's just me, my pen, my brain, my heart, and the blood of the street car conductor i drained after he got off work. thank you, street car driver. i hope they got more of you at your company to fill in for you.
* don't shush me.
* i missed you.
* you missed me?
* he doesn't give good answers to questions, sits on the truth like it's his chair or something. i thought we weren't supposed to keep secrets.
* sometimes, old people don't like talking much about the past. sometimes, you gotta be careful where you dig, you understand?
* how does it work, love between two men?
* you ever liked girls?
* i don't know how you do that... you can't like the taste.
* it's not just what you eat. you can kill quick and painless, or you can get extravagant.
* there've been times when i've gone too far myself.
* some killing has consequences.
* i used to get a little caught up in human affairs.
* how does muhammad feel about vampires?
* how is your reading coming along?
* i interrupted, you were praying.
* i have my own room now.
* still, you wouldn't believe how time flies when you got people to eat and money to spend.
* we do like mortals do. we fight, we eat, we laugh, we sleep, we love!
* never seen a dead one look so peaceful... do you know what her last words were?
* who are you here with, honey?
* you have a kid?
* we need to talk about the house.
* over the cold body of our mama. i was wondering why i got the invite this time.
* well, good we got each other's backs... make you proud, you hear?
* the smell is awful.
* wakes were invented in places where it snowed.
* i'll have the papers drawn up.
* now, here's a treat. i think you're ready for. this is what the meat calls a 'lovers lane', and by my estimation no blood is sweeter. young people, swollen with passion, denied spirits by this senseless prohibition, park along this lonely stretch to contemplate that most mysterious of mathematical equations: how one plus one... becomes one.
* you've been too sheltered, my belladonnic beauty.
* did you just crawl out of the swamp or something?
* there's something back there, something evil!
* she's a prodigious killer, why you wanna limit her is beyond comprehension.
* i jumped a girl in between speakeasies, i wear it better though.
* don't do something he would do.
* happy hunting!
* i'm sorry, i got so scared i almost fainted. i thought the flowers might bring me back a bit.
* i'm glad you're back.
* i just wanted to say thank you for driving me home.
* i had to make sure you wouldn't faint again.
* i wanna know what his laugh sounds like when it's all the way.
* i'm surprised your fancy parents even let you out at night.
* they know i can take care of myself.
* you almost got trampled by a horse.
* no running in the house!
* i finally got a few secrets of my own.
* are you blocking me?
* do you not like it?
* i guess you're probably used to having ice cream any time you want.
* so, is this what you always do for a first date? take a girl out for some ice cream?
* no way you're older than me.
* everyone in my family looks young for their age.
* i'm tired of waiting!
* you don't even look like a girl... you're an angel.
* it's easy to get carried away when you're young and in love.
* stop squirming and watch. remember this, his face as it melts. this is why we never get close to mortals. because sooner or later, they end up dead.
* i had a daughter.
* the oh-so-delicate balance of our oh-so-delicate household was shattered.
* and what should i have done? tucked his body into the coffin with her?
* it's funnier when you fight in french.
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wraithsoutlaws · 9 months
brain chose violence last night
i was having very sadboy thoughts last night about dagger and dum dum's future because they get their happy ending and leave nc together and settle in nevada where they live (mostly) peaceful yet chaotic lives running a horror circus and they're allowed to get old and spend every day together and its lovely but what happens when one of them. dies :) and i think if dum dum died first, dagger would undoubtedly charge headfirst into the nearest gang land and start a firefight to die in combat like he always wanted back when he was young and had nothing to lose and zero fear because it's easier than being Alone and Sad but ofc dum dum KNOWS thats his plan and one night under the stars half drunk they talk about it and he tells dagger very explicitly that he can't do that. if something happened he can't just go off in a warzone and end in a hail of bullets anymore because al exists and al lost everything once before and she needs dagger so he better not bitch out like that. (i also hc that dum dum grew up an orphan in nc without family so it's something he's a bit soft for and he takes it very seriously)
and dagger doesn't want to talk about this because his main coping mechanism after all these years is basically still avoidance and he gets pissy and they drop it and he doesn't have to think about it again anymore until something does happen and he's alone and he all he wants to do is go scorched earth because it's too much! it's too much not to have his best friend and soulmate and it was never supposed to be like that anyway he was supposed to die a long time ago with blood in his mouth and no attachments and that was always good enough but somewhere along the way that changed and he didn't even really notice it. and now there's al.
so he doesn't do anything except sit at the grave with all his stupid feelings smoking cigarettes and sometimes yelling at dum dum because it's his fault it all hurts so much and he's angry and after a while he lets himself be sad and sometimes he's there all day and al will come out and bring him something to eat and sit with him in the quiet just so he has some company and he gets to remember why he's still here and its hard but he knows they both need it
well it's a good thing none of that has to exist :) but it's a bittersweet thought. i just love the idea of these two violent gangers who spent their lives killing anyone in their way growing old peacefully together and finding out what their happiness is and actually just enjoying the day to day life of it all. and i get to rotate them in that silly little paradise forever without canonizing anyone's death UwU (but what if...)
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