#writing this post while in a car
st4ngray · 2 months
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Flowey collective [part 2] cause I still desperately need him to explode /affectionate
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beep-beep-robin · 2 years
eddie absolutely hates the task of cleaning his van. he shrugs and tells the kids to clean it themselves or get another ride when they complain about the state of it.
so when he picks them up one day and it's clean, not only on the outside but also on the inside, they're surprised. but they put it off as a one time thing, because he HAS to clean his car at least like once a year, right?
but it keeps happening. it doesn't get dirty anymore. it's almost like there's some magical thing going on that just... keeps his van clean at all times. at this point they're too worried about losing their ride to ask though.
little do they know that it's not anything magical that's happening to eddie's van, but steve harrington. he witnessed the state of it a few times when eddie picked him up so they could go to a quiet spot and smoke a bit, and he was definitely not happy about it.
he asked eddie if he even cared about his van if he let it get this dirty, because he could never imagine doing that to his own car. and eddie explained that the van is his baby, but he just can't muster up the energy to clean it. it's like everytime he sets his mind on cleaning it, he gets distracted by more important things or he just freezes up on the couch and does nothing, getting lost in a movie or book until he doesn't have time to clean it anymore. sure, it's not his favorite task, but he does WANT to clean it for the cars sake.
so steve offered to clean it for him. and at first eddie declined, he couldn't let someone else do something that was his responsibility, but steve insisted that it was actually something that he enjoys doing. that he cleans his own car more often than necessary because he likes doing it.
so they came to an agreement. steve would clean eddies car once a week, and eddie would just be there to keep him company. which is mainly why eddie said yes to the proposition, he definitely likes spending time with steve. and eddie didn't know it, but the fact that steve likes cleaning cars wasn't the main point that made him make that offer to eddie.
(when max witnesses steve cleaning the van in front of eddies trailer one time, she immediately tells the others. sure, they know that steve's very particular about his own car but why is he cleaning eddies? and then she sees eddie watching the way that steve leans over the hood to get the dirt of the windshield with a slight blush on his face that's almost not visible because he's hiding it behind a strand of his hair. and suddenly she gets it.)
(that doesn't change the fact that they're all definitely getting on eddie's nerves about this whole situation the next time they're all in his van because how could they not.)
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
It's just still brainrotting me so badly, LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!?!?!
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hwatermelons · 10 months
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seonghwa ⋆ neverland
⋆ you fell asleep in the car, so he carries you inside <3 ⋆ 0.5k words ⋆ bf!seonghwa x gn!reader ⋆ just incredibly fluffy. domestic bliss ⋆ warnings: nickname "starlight" ⋆ now playing: <chance peña - in my room> (ignore the lyrics, this isn't a sad drabble;;)
╭──────────────────────────.★..─╮ seonghwa glances over at you in the passenger seat, lips quirking up at the line of drool dripping down your chin. you were passed out from the long night drive, gently rocked by the motions of the car and the memories of the day you'd spent with him as the sun slipped below the horizon. the radio karaoke melting into lullabies and eventually fading into the irresistible darkness of sleep.
your lover fights a yawn himself as he pulls the car into the driveway. secretly, he'd been looking forward to this--to getting to carry you in from the car, tucking you in with him, and seeing you wake up the next morning with your eyes peeking out from the fluffy blanket. momentarily confused while you pieced together where you were, blushing when you realized that he'd carried you in.
but for now, he hooks his arms under you, making sure to support your head, and lifts you from the vehicle. a small smile crosses his face when his name sleepily escapes your lips, and the car beeps once as he shuts the door with his foot and locks it. seonghwa's eyes narrow in concentration as he tries to slide off his shoes and unlock the front door to your house, all while carrying you and attempting to hold the keys in a way that minimized their jangle. you let out another soft murmur and squeeze tighter around his chest as he steps inside, locking the door behind him.
"we're home, starlight." he whispers, climbing the stairs to the bedroom. your hum in reply is musical to him as he lowers you onto the bed, the mattress dipping as he takes a seat next to you. he closes his eyes and tips his head back for a moment, allowing himself to bask in the sound of your breathing and the familiar scent of the home you share.
honestly, seonghwa could listen to you and your voice forever. especially the sound of your words lulling him to sleep on too many nights when he’d stayed up stressing about how one or another of the members was pushing himself too hard lately:
“go to sleep, hwa. yeosang’s just trying to perfect the choreo, and he’ll need to shower anyway, so it’ll be a while before you can wish him good night.”
“i’m gonna scold him in the morning for staying up so late.”
“and i'll join you tomorrow. but close your eyes for now, you deserve the rest.” you'd roll towards him and smooth his hair out of his face. his eyes would slide closed, a smile replacing the concerned set of his mouth. so often did he have to watch over the rest of the boys, that it was a blessing to have someone to watch over him like you did.
seonghwa mirrors the motion now, moving your hair away from your eyelids. the touch makes them flutter, and he quickly removes his hands, careful not to wake you up. thankfully, you don't seem to stir. as quietly as possible, he shifts his legs onto the bed and pulls the blanket over the two of you, then places a kiss on your temple.
"sleep well, starlight." ╰─..★.──────────────────────────╯
⋆ likes/reblogs appreciated ⋆ do not repost ⋆ taglist: @mazeinthemiroh
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like, ultimately, spn could never actually break the cycle of abuse and familial violence, bc to truly break the cycle would've required its writers to have the radical imaginary to look beyond the status quo. the show just reifies the idea of a paternal authority over the world. god dies but he has to be replaced you see, but it's okay, it's someone better now. family is hell but now family is also heaven.
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elvisabutler · 27 days
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"Elvis, I can't- I can't accept this." Lilly's response isn't what Elvis had wanted to hear but what had he been expecting? For her to welcome it without a question? His gaze practically pins her to the countertop as her hands run over the simple cotton. "It's too much."  You shouldn't spend this on me. "It's not. It's- it's- do you like it?" Elvis swears he almost stutters when he asks the question and winces. "Doesn't- who else would I spend money on?" He’s a man getting on in age and besides Charlie’s kids- besides the kids he watches at the daycare, who does he have to spoil? He may not be rich by any stretch of the imagination but he has some money and no one to enjoy it with. Truthfully, he knows if he could Lilly wouldn’t want for a single material thing. If she asked? He’d provide.
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boygirlctommy · 3 months
oh my god. i was cleaning out my google docs and i found the 13 page lore summary i did of dsmp
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anatomicaltheatre · 8 months
thought about how square boxy cars look weird to me yesterday but it's really weirder how most cars have these smooth pseudo organic forms. as if they're designed to look alive and less mechanical , warm and featureless like an organ. a car could never rend like flesh does in a crash , it will only crush like metal, like trash in a compactor. which is it that really disgusts me, the honest machine, or the jealous machine ...
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gh0stcave · 1 year
ranpo gets carsick very easily and it takes him quite some time to recover from it but he absolutely refuses to put down that book bc “i’m bored ed! you’re driving sooooo slowly!”
“but ranpo-san it’s not my fault. the speed limit is very low.”
and ranpo will scoff and whine and maybe even throw a small tantrum about the “stupid speed limits. stupid road. stupid laws. why can’t we just teleport like that nikolai guy does” but will definitely refuse to close the book and now they have to pull over bc ranpo has to throw up (spoilers: he probably can’t)
(i also hc that since he eats LOTS of snacks, his body is very used to nauseas so he just… can’t throw up anymore)
and poe knows he can’t throw up but he still pulls over every single time and holds ranpo’s hair very fucking patiently while he tries to throw up like an angry child
and maybe at some point, ranpo thinks poe might get annoyed bc poe can be squeamish (is this the right word???) but actually poe doesn’t mind it that much bc it’s ranpo. it’s not his fault. it’s just his body being a bitch.
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july-19th-club · 6 months
hyperion city in the summer. sweltering by anyone's standards
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 9 months
watching the s1 murderer reveal for the 25629742184038th time:
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watching the s2 murderer reveal for the 1st time:
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
Okay finally posting my pics from when I went to Hanger-7 on Saturday July 1st !!
RB9 🥹
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STR3 !!!
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Various Red Bull-Saubers(including Kimi's first F1 car!!!)
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Tbh I think seeing these cars was more surreal and insane to me than going to the actual race the very next day. I think it's because I'm more deranged about the 2010s than nowadays(for the most part), so seeing all these incredibly iconic cars in the flesh(especially ones like the STR3 and Hungry Heidi) was just unbelievable to me. And the fact that it's free entry as well??? Yeah yeah, feel free to waltz into our aircraft hanger, free of charge, and witness these spectacles of engineering 🥱
#as i said it was just super surreal to be standing next to those cars after seeing so many pics and watching so many vids of them#like ??? im standing next to seb's first gp winning car ????#im standing next to seb's 2nd wdc winning car rn?????#(ALSO OMG SEEING BOTH MARK AND SEB'S NAMES ON THE RB7 HEHEHEHE FOREVER IMMORTALIZED TOGETHER)#im standing next to *the* 13x race winner 4th wdc winning Hungry Heidi rn??????????????????#like the fact that they had (i think) 4 championship cars just there is insane to me#(also shhhhh i dont know which chassis they have obv so dont be like 'well actually!' to me)#no rb6 tho :( which is a shame bcs thats my fav rb car but god so many other favs so its okay#actually i think they had rb6 but in a different livery so i only have like one pic of it#but anyways i guess its also just more surreal than the gp bcs i was standing so close and getting to appreciate it all#whereas the gp was more of an experience and a really really insane thing to go to and experience rather than appreciate more finely ig?#but yeah do you guys like when i say ill post pics soon and then dont do so until 10 days later?#tbf i just didnt want to post them on the race wknd...but now its almost the race wknd again#btw they had some more cars. i think the rb10 and rb13? but the ones i posted are all my babies yknow#hahaha wait for my course we're supposed to write reflections(in german my god) abt some places we visited right?#and ill do them i swear i swear but like my brain was pretty useless at trying to write that much german while doing so much else#so the only one ive ended up writing was abt going to hanger 7 and how unglaublich it was and it was basically just a rant#omg also!! i have a pic w hungry heidi !!!! (and rb16b boycar ofc)#its so funny bcs basically until the day of i was unsure if i was going to see this alone bcs the guy who ended up going w me was unsure#so id just constantly daydream abt what it would be like to have to ask a stranger to take a pic of me with rb9#but luckily my friend did! but god no way was i leaving that hanger without taking a pic with at least one beloved#red bull racing#f1#formula 1#formula one#rb9#catie.rambling.txt#rb7#str3#rb16b
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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speciouspessimism · 23 days
waiting for someone in public is so embarrassing. oh me? i’m just standing here! yes you have come in and out of that shop and i’m in the same place. no i am NOT being stood up they are just late.
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mothram · 7 months
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Forgive the medical inaccuracies, I was writing this when I had no internet connection so there was zero research done. I spent half the time wondering if I even had the characters names correct 😂 (I in fact was not correct, I wrote nearly 2k thinking her name was Kinsley and had to correct, sorry if any mistakes slipped through)
This is for Locke & Key but you don't have to know anything about the series to understand this particular story. This is set post series, Kinsey is about 19 which if I remember correctly puts Tyler around 21-22? I don't remember exactly the age gap, but it's after the show so Tyler is an adult
Read on Ao3
"-yler! Tyler, please!"
Tyler groaned as awareness came back. His head felt heavy and like it had been stuffed with cotton. Everything felt muffled, including his hearing as he only distantly heard someone calling his name. His mouth was dry and his eyes felt like they might as well be glued shut for how hard it was going to be to open them.
"Tyler, I need you to wake up, please wake up!"
Kinsey? There was an edge to her voice that he wasn't used to hearing anymore, a layer of panic bordering on hysteria as she called out to him.
He tried to turn towards where her voice had come from and groaned as the movement sent pain shooting through his head and neck, which suddenly made him aware of the various pains in the rest of his body. Something hard pressed into his shoulder and across his chest and hips, holding him tightly in place. Something else pressed against his shins and his arms felt as heavy as his head.
He opened his mouth, wincing at the lack of saliva and managed a whisper. "Kins?"
"Tyler! Oh my god, finally. Are you ok?"
He managed to finally pry his eyes open and stared blankly ahead for a moment, his lagging brain trying to figure out the picture in front of him. He sucked in a breath as it finally hit him what he was looking at. Directly in front of him was the deflated airbag from the destroyed dashboard of his uncle Duncan's car. Beyond that the windshield was shattered and the headlights painted a confusing image out of the freshly fallen snow on the ground, deep rivets casting shadows from where the car had ploughed through it.
And the world was upside down.
Tyler dragged his focus back to the interior of the car, trying to shift his body before realizing he was still tightly buckled into the front seat, his arms dangling above his head and resting against the roof of the car where a pool of red was gathering.
"Think I'm bleeding…" he said faintly.
"I know, it's from your head but I don't think it's deep. Are you hurt anywhere else? I need your help."
"I'm… not sure. Head hurts…" he closed his eyes for a moment, furrowing his brow as he tried to concentrate on the rest of his body. The seatbelt keeping him restrained dug into his shoulder and ribs and the joints of his hips, the pressure distracting him from anything else that might be wrong.
"I know Tyler, you probably have a concussion." Kinsey's voice was somewhere to his left, like she was near the driver's side window. "I need you to undo your seatbelt though."
"Seatbelt?" He mumbled, focusing on flexing his fingers and testing if he could even lift one of them to undo the buckle.
"Yes, undo your seatbelt and then crawl towards me to grab my phone."
"Where are you–" he started to ask but cut off as he turned his head to the side and caught sight of her. She lay in the snow just outside the driver side window, most of which was crushed and she could barely fit her head and shoulders through. She had wedged herself in far enough to reach their Uncle Duncan, who was still buckled into the driver seat beside Tyler. His arms hung limply like Tyler's, awkwardly crumpled on the rooftop above his head and blood ran down his neck and face, down to his hairline and then dribbling onto the roof of the car. Following the pool of blood, Tyler realized half the blood on his side of the car was likely Duncan's and not his own.
"Uncle Dunc?"
"He's stuck, Tyler. He won't wake up and I need you to come over here and call 911. I can't do it myself, if I let go he'll bleed out."
Worry for his uncle lit the fire under Tyler's motivation and he managed to fumble his fingers across the buckle. His weight on the belt made it harder for the safety contraption to cooperate, but it finally snapped open and the belt mostly recoiled as Tyler slumped to the ground. He choked on a scream as his shins scraped against the underside of the dashboard. His head spun and he lay there for a moment, heaving for breath and feeling like he might throw up, or fall off the planet completely with how dizzy the movement had made him.
"Tyler! Are you ok?"
He limply held up a thumbs up, which in the upturned car he couldn't really tell which way was up, for himself or for Kinsey, so it was somehow both a thumbs up and a thumbs down. Either way, appropriate.
He pushed himself up, gingerly twisting around in the tight space. The passenger window was smashed, mostly held together by the safety plastic and a light touch was enough to push it outside of the car so he had more space to manoeuvre, eventually he was able to settle in a position closer to the front window with his legs sticking out the passenger window. From there he could see both Duncan and Kinsey.
He choked on another breath as he realized why Kinsey needed his help.
Her phone lay on the roof of the car near her shoulder, just barely out of reach of the pool of blood. Her hands proved to be otherwise occupied, coated in red where she had them firmly pressing around a branch impaled through Duncan's shoulder.
"Oh my god…" Tyler breathed out.
"Tyler, look at me. Tyler!"
He dragged his eyes away from Duncan and looked at Kinsey. Her face was smeared with blood but he couldn't tell if it was hers or his or Duncan's at this point. Her gaze was firm and her jaw tight, she seemed to be alright or pushing through well enough to keep a grip of the situation.
She didn't wait for an answer. "I need you to pick up my phone and call 911."
"Y-yeah." Tyler tried not to look at Duncan or at the blood and gingerly picked up the phone. There was red on it too and he tried to wipe it off, only then noticing how shaky his hands were. He poked at the screen, confused when his password didn't work and the keypad jiggled on the screen.
"Just use the emergency call," she snapped at him. Oh yeah, it wasn't his phone… he clicked the emergency call button at the bottom of the screen and briefly contemplated where his phone might have wound up as he brought it to his ear and almost immediately someone was speaking in his ear.
"I– I'm sorry, say that again?" He asked.
"You dialled 911, are you okay, sir?"
"Oh, uh... no. We were in an accident." Tyler laid his head down against the roof of the car, exhaustion suddenly flooding through him.
"Can you tell me where you are?"
"We are… Kins, where are we?"
She turned her head, looking over her shoulder outside of the car and then back at him. "We were just getting to the edge of Boston." She rattled off the name of a frontage road and the last intersection she remembered crossing.
"We're at… Sorry, Kins say that again…"
The dispatcher cut him off, "It's okay sir, I heard what she said. I'm sending units your way, they should only be a few minutes."
Relief flooded through him and he sank further into the roof of the car. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open.
"I'm going to stay on the line with you. Can you tell me your name, sir?" The dispatcher asked.
"Tyler," he managed to mumble.
"Alright Tyler, my name is Ashley. Can you tell me about your injuries?"
"Uh, I think I hit my head. My uncle is stuck though, Kinsey is keeping pressure on his shoulder. If she moves he'll bleed out." His own voice was starting to sound distant and the phone was getting heavy to hold.
"Okay Tyler, is Kinsey nearby? Can you put me on speaker phone?"
"Sure…" he pulled the phone away and peered at the screen before poking the speaker icon. His hand slumped to the ground, limply holding the phone and all he could do was stare at it as the voice on the other end continued to talk.
"Kinsey, can you hear me?"
"Yes! I can hear you, how far away is the ambulance?" Her voice was loud in Tyler's ear suddenly and he groaned.
"With your approximate location they should be there in just under two minutes. Are you injured?"
"No, I'm fine. The car hit ice and rolled, I was in the backseat but I don't think I blacked out. Tyler was unconscious for about one minute and has a bleeding head wound. Our uncle Duncan has a tree branch through his shoulder, he bled a lot before I could get to it but I'm holding pressure."
"Good, you're doing really well Kinsey, don't move your hands and keep pressure on the wound. The EMT's will direct you when they get there. Tyler, are you still there?"
Tyler groaned in the affirmative, but couldn't gather any more energy.
"Kinsey, is there anyone else with you?"
"No, it's just me, my brother and our uncle. Tyler's eyes are half closed, I think he's losing consciousness again. Tyler?" She raised her voice at him and he raised his eyebrows in her direction but didn't open his eyes.
"My legs are cold…" he muttered.
"Oh my god." He heard Kinsey gasp. "His legs are bleeding. I didn't see them before because he was upside down in the car, but now he's half lying in the snow and there's red all around him."
"Okay Kinsey, the ambulance and firetruck should be there any second, you should be able to hear the sirens. I need you to keep holding pressure on your Uncle Duncan's shoulder, okay?"
"Okay. Tyler, can you talk to me please? You're scaring me."
Tyler furrowed his brow in confusion. "But you're not scared of anything…"
"Not anymore, remember?" He could hear the frown in her voice. "I am scared. I'm scared you're going to fall asleep and not wake up, so I need you to keep talking to me, okay?"
"Okay…" he whispered.
"Tell me about where we were going," she said. He could faintly hear sirens now.
"We were going to stay at Duncan's place this weekend…"
"Do you remember why?"
He frowned, trying to remember. "College?"
"Yeah, you were going to look at colleges again. And what was I going to do?"
Doors slammed and he could hear other voices and Kinsey's voice got distant as she turned her head away from him. He could feel someone touching his legs and one of the back doors opened and suddenly there was a firefighter crawling between the front seats and leaning over him.
"Shopping…" he managed to mumble out and the firefighter squinted at him in concern.
"Shopping is going to have to wait a bit, my man, we're going to get you out of here first, okay?" The firefighter spoke conversationally. "How are we doing…" he trailed off, raising his eyebrow at Tyler. Tyler only squinted at him in return.
"His name is Tyler!" Kinsey chimed up from the side.
"Thank you, ma'am! Okay Tyler, I'm Rick and I'm going to give you some fashionable new jewellery and ask you some questions, sound good?" He gently slipped his hands under and around Tyler's neck before slipping a neck brace around him and setting the velcro straps in place. He couldn't move his head even if he had the energy to try.
"Alrighty Tyler, how are you feeling?"
Tyler couldn't remember when his eyes had slipped shut, but he had to pry them open again to look at the man leaning over him. His hair was fiery red.
"Tired," he muttered. "Head hurts… legs are cold."
"Okay, that's good Tyler." He looked to the side, watching someone. "Can you tell me if you feel this?"
Tyler felt his foot get colder, as though his shoe had been removed and then someone pressed a knuckle against the bottom of his foot. He tried to nod before realizing it was futile with the neck brace. "Yeah, I feel some pressure."
"Good, that's good Tyler. We're going to bring a backboard over here and get you out."
Tyler rolled his eyes upward, trying to look up at Duncan. He still hung in his seat and he could see Kinsey's hands still in place. "Uncle Duncan…"
"Yep, he's next Tyler! We're going to get you out of the way so I can keep him steady while we get his door open."
Something nudged against his arm and Rick shuffled his knees forward, getting closer to Tyler and bracing his hands under Tyler's shoulders. "Alright, time to get you out of here. We're going to roll you over just for a second, okay?" He nodded his head in time with someone's voice counting from outside and on three, everyone lifted in tandem and he was briefly rolled onto his side and then back onto a backboard.
The motion made him dizzy and the world spun around him for a few moments and the next thing he knew he was loaded on a stretcher and being pushed into the back of an ambulance.
Different faces leaned over him and asked questions but everything felt like it was moving too fast, like he couldn't keep up with the plot and every time he tried to answer a question, a completely different one was being asked and he had missed his opportunity to answer the previous question.
He heard doors slamming just before Kinsey appeared above him, leaning into his eyeline.
"Hey, I'm here Tyler, we're heading to the hospital."
He felt like he was swimming inside his own head, trying to keep sense of what was up or down or why he couldn't move, why he couldn't turn his head to follow Kinsey as she sat back against the wall, moving out of the paramedics way. Something else was missing and he wracked his brain for what felt off.
"Uncle Dunc?"
She leaned forward again and he saw worry etched in her face, chewing on her lip before she answered.
"They got him out and another ambulance already left with him."
"Good…" he muttered, trying not to worry about the time he must have lost somewhere along the way. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open and the light above him was bright, so he decided there shouldn't be any harm in resting his eyes for just a moment…
He heard Kinsey's voice calling for him and a flurry of activity just as everything went black.
I lost my creative momentum and also have zero medical experience, so I'm not confident I'd be able to bullshit my way through the hospital bit, but just know that they are all going to be okay lol
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transboykirito · 1 year
what is alicization if not a bible fanfic
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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