truespectros · 1 month
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Art trade I did with @oliveott
they are it's jojos bizarre adventure oc
done something a little different than what i normally do
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truespectros · 3 months
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Art trade I did with @oliveott
they are it's jojos bizarre adventure oc
done something a little different than what i normally do
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truespectros · 3 months
please use the ask feature :3
only doodles, not full pieces, sorry
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truespectros · 4 months
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the kiss
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new child
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dad death
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truespectros · 4 months
Diamondhead Gijinka!
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MORE Ben 10 aliens turned human [HERE]
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truespectros · 5 months
Ben 23
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[PREV] Ben 10 Design and Story - Part 3
Ben Tennyson always looked up to his grandfather, Max, even more than his own parents. When he passed away suddenly Ben went into a depressive rut, his grades falling and failure to keep people close to him were only a few of the side effects. He put on a smile most days but inside he was struggling. Ben's parents were very concerned about his depression, especially at such a young age. During the first week of summer vacation his parents took time off work to take him on a camping trip. This is where an alien pod came from the sky and Ben discovered the Hero Watch, an alien device that let him transform into different alien species.
After Ben discovered what powers the Hero Watch was able to give him he decided to help protect people who could not protect themselves, like his grandfather. Before Ben 23 got the chance to use his powers to help people he decided to post a video of himself transforming to the internet and continuously did so multiple times during his week camping with his parents. Most believed it was special effects until on the way back home the evil Dr Vegeto (a scientist who mutated food into monsters) attacked a nearby mall. Ben jumped into action and defeated the scientist, little known to him it was being filmed live and people across America saw it on the news. Not long after, Ben's fight was known to the whole world.
Thanks to the massive support from famous newscaster and television host Will Harangue, Ben become even more famous and dubbed himself Ben 23. He started live streaming his fights with villains and grew a large ego. A VERY large ego. Using his Hero Watch he defeated anyone evil. He mostly stayed in Bellwood where he befriended billionaire child Billy Billions and together they started Ben 23 Inc. Ben had movie deals and many sponsorships, his most well known being from a fast food chain called Gyro Time.
Ben 23 used his money he gained from monetizing his hero work to give his parents and himself a lavish lifestyle, even having a giant tower commissioned that on the top floor had his own private penthouse. He called it Tower 23.
Eventually, beings from outer space got word of the Hero Watch and many went to try and take it for themselves. Ben 23 started a campaign against "evil aliens". He did not take into account of aliens that may be trying to help, or ones that live normal lives and Ben unknowingly gained a prejudice to all aliens, which his fans and followers copied. Ben 23 found out an alien by the name of the Intellectuary was sending aliens to take the Hero Watch away from him and Ben decided to press harder on his "evil aliens" campaign, not thinking about why someone might want the Hero Watch.
Notes: This one is actually mostly fanfic! woohoo! I hope you enjoyed :3
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truespectros · 5 months
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Request from @eurovisionfan12
Had lots of fun drawing something different :3
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truespectros · 5 months
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[PREV] Ben 10 Design and Story - Part 2 [NEXT]
After another humiliating defeat from Ben 10, the crazed Albedo was transformed into a 10-year-old version of Ben by Azmuth as punishment for his actions. Azmuth could not take off his Ultimatrix, as Albedo had combined it with his DNA, so he deactivated it.
Albedo was placed back into his cell in Earth's Plumber Headquarters and secretly reactivated his Ultimatrix. Then a Vilgax from many years in the future appeared to free him. Albedo did not want another alliance with Vilgax after what had happened last time but desperate to get out once again he listened to Vilgax. Vilgax had recruited different versions of Ben Tennysons from across the multiverse and had planned to use them to destroy the Ben from Albedo's universe. Albedo, consumed by anger and spite against Ben, followed Vilgax to another universe where a battle between Omnitrix users took place.
In this battle, Albedo and the rest of the evil Bens were double-crossed by Vilgax and were wiped out with the rest of the Omnitrix users from a Chronosapien Time Bomb Vilgax had gotten hundreds of years ago.
Thanks to the only Ben Tennyson without an Omnitrix and the time traveling Professor Paradox, all Omnitrix users were returned. Albedo then chased after No Watch Ben to get answers but was stopped and returned to his prison cell in his timeline.
Albedo once again was recruited by Vilgax to steal the villain Malware's remains on Galvan Prime. Albedo used this opportunity to separate himself from Vilgax and attempt hack into Azmuth's database to steal his secrets, only to be stopped. Azmuth once again deactivated his Ultimatrix and, instead of turning him over to the Plumbers, Azmuth decided to watch Albedo himself and made him work community service for 30 Galvan solar cycles (about 6 Earth months) until Azmuth figured out what to do with him. Azmuth also forced Albedo to see a therapist during this time, hoping Albedo will one day seek redemption.
Notes: Only a bit of fanfic again for now. Also it's non-linear. Hope you enjoyed me mostly recounting cannon for now.
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truespectros · 5 months
Ben Prime
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Ben 10 Design and Story - Part 1 [NEXT]
Ben Tennyson was your average 10-year-old kid but when on a road trip with his grandpa, Max, and cousin, Gwen, he discovered an alien device that let him transform into 10 different alien creatures. With this newfound power, Ben decided to use the watch-like device to save people from threats that others could not handle.
He eventually found out the device was called the Omnitrix from alien bounty hunters and made his first ally with Tetrax Shard. Soon after he made friends with Kevin Levin, a boy who had the power to transfer energy into himself and control it, but he went mad and turned against Ben, stealing some of the Omnitrix's energy.
Little did Ben know, an alien conqueror and warlord named Vilgax was in search for the Omnitrix, doing whatever he must to claim it. When Ben eventually went toe-to-toe with him, he and Gwen learnt that their grandfather had also once fought Vilgax. Max Tennyson was an intergalactic police officer known as a Plumber and once thought he had killed Vilgax before retiring. The three Tennysons eventually defeated Vilgax by exploding his ship with him trapped inside.
Ben discovers that the Omnitrix is capable of having more than the 10 aliens when he unlocks a new form. Ben continuously unlocks more and more aliens. An alien from the Omnitrix, Ghostfreak (real name Zs'Skayr), manages to break free and the Tennysons kill him.
Unfortunately, Vilgax saved the blast from his ship and teams up with the now mutated Kevin to kill Ben and steal the Omnitrix, only for them to be trapped in the hell-like dimension the Null Void.
Other adventures include; fighting mutant animals, saving babies, Gwen learning magic and even going to the future. Unfortunately, monster-like aliens start appearing and are building a device. That device allowed the monsters to bring back Zs'Skayr and another fight ensues, with the Tennysons once again winning.
When the Omnitrix is accidently sent self-destruct mode, Tetrax takes Ben and Gwen to find the creator of the Omnitrix, Azmuth, to fix it only for Vilgax, who has escaped the Null Void, to follow. They manage to find Azmuth, fix the Omnitrix and defeat Vilgax once again before returning to Earth.
A man named Sir Driscoll, a member of the Forever Knights, creates a team to defeat Ben. The team consists of enemies the Tennysons have fought throughout their road trip. With the help of their new friend Cooper, the Tennysons defeat the so called Negative 10. Their summer vacation ends and Ben goes back to school to have a (somewhat) normal life.
Ben, Gwen and Max still help people around their hometown, Bellwood, after the summer. During this time Ben had unlocked a new alien form, Feedback, and become obsessed with using him. A dangerous enemy named Malware came looking for Ben and the data within the Omnitrix. Ben used Feedback against him but Malware destroyed this form, setting the seeds for Ben to eventually to go into a major depression.
Ben and his family once again battled Kevin, but this time Kevin had a team. Kevin, who was now free of his mutation, once again absorbed the Omnitrix's energy to remutate, but once again he went insane, turning on his team and wanting to kill everyone. Luckily he had been stopped and the team returned to where they came from, the Null Void.
But alas, the hero life continually pressured the young Ben and he no longer could put his heart into it. After many defeats and less and less bad guys showing up Ben decided to convince Azmuth to remove the Omnitrix, which he did recently. Ben then once again started living his life has a kid.
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truespectros · 6 months
Human!Grey Matter
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Watch the process and see more aliens turned human HERE!
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truespectros · 7 months
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Watch the process on my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvv1tX1YpENXWUB42eyd9w
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truespectros · 8 months
Ben 10 Gijinkas!!
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truespectros · 8 months
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truespectros · 8 months
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truespectros · 8 months
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Underrated alien. Love them.
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The design is inspired by classic Ben's outfit, if you couldn't tell lol
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truespectros · 9 months
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truespectros · 9 months
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toad redesign
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