bitricky · 4 months
there are bi people who are polyamorous and bi people who are monogamous, just as there are for every other sexual orientation. making assumptions that all bi people are polyamorous is wrong, but judging ones who are for being polyamorous is just as wrong. it's a personal matter, and it isn't your business whether someone you aren't dating is monogamous or polyamorous.
bi people's sex and dating lives in general aren't your business. leave us alone.
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bitricky · 4 months
It's so frustrating trying to have conversations about bisexuality on here because it quickly becomes clear that a lot of people still unconsciously believe that we can just "choose" what gender to date. You guys seem to understand that lesbians and gay men don't want to fuck every woman or man they come across, so why do so many of you still believe that bisexual attraction works this way? Saying "just date women lol" to a bisexual woman who is airing her grievances about being mistreated by her male partner makes the assumption that it's just as simple as finding any woman and throwing ourselves at them.
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bitricky · 4 months
in the end there will always be bi women, whether you like it or not
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bitricky · 4 months
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And speaking of biphobia. OP - Dehya - is now fully locked after receiving an onslaught of harassment that mostly consisted of victim blaming because she's bisexual, shit like this, and overall no support from any queer outside of the bisexual community.
And unsurprisingly, the comments of support are exclusively bisexuals while everyone else remains quiet.
"Why couldn't we tell X was bad"
Because you thought their biphobia was funny and used it as a launching point to harass bisexuals out of your community. I see it here, on twt, and on tiktok where people boast about abusing bi partners.
Because the only ones speaking up about this are bisexuals because none of y'all fucking give a shit.
also who couldve guessed that "lea_labryssal" was a bitch 🤔 yet people love welcoming radfems into your spaces when it's time to hurt bi women again
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bitricky · 4 months
Bisexual women face the highest amount of intimate partner violence when compared to their straight and lesbian counterparts. However, people on here will still pretend that the biggest issues bi women face is not being allowed to take their straight boyfriends to pride or something.
Fuck all of you, actually.
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bitricky · 5 months
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"A study came out finally 'proving' that bisexual men experience (measurable) sexual attraction to both women and men. For many bi folks, our first reaction was a bemused 'duh!' — why do we need scientists to tell us that bisexual men are attracted to both men and women?
"The answer is we don't, but that doesn't mean this research is absurd or unimportant. Sadly many still question the existence of bisexuality — especially male bisexuality. While we shouldn't have to prove our existence, let alone our right to be who we are, identity maintenance is one of the harder challenges of being bisexual. What is identity maintenance, you ask? Well, like gays and lesbians, bi people go through a process of self-discovery, settling into an identity where, ideally surrounded by a supportive community, we can finally grow and thrive as our true selves. There are different models to describe this process, but for bi people, there is an additional step that gays and lesbians don't have to deal with, known as identity maintenance. It’s where bi people have to continuously convince people over and over that we are still bisexual, that we haven't changed our mind and 'chosen a side' (gay or straight identity).
"Basically, it's fighting against bi-erasure on an individual level. We see it all the time when celebrities who come out as bi are expected to re-affirm their bisexuality on a regular basis. While we shouldn't have to prove our existence, scientific findings are a resource that we can use to do just that. The work of scientists helps to prove that what we are saying about ourselves is true. This is a powerful tool for persuading the public that bisexuality is not a choice, that it's something hardwired in our bodies."
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bitricky · 5 months
The moment you realize that bisexuality is the direct antithesis of radical feminism and terfs, everything starts to make sense
There's a direct correlation between biphobia and transphobia to a point where you can draw a venn diagram between the two, and it will just be a circle, a very sad circle, but a circle nonetheless
Biphobia and transphobia go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other
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bitricky · 5 months
"Bimisogyny invalidates transmisogyny!" was truly one of the most unserious discourses on here lmao.
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bitricky · 5 months
it wouldn't be biphobic alligations, you're actually just biphobic. both in your use of "putatively" bisexual, which you mean to say you don't believe she's actually attracted to women despite her plainly saying she is physically so, and in the fact that you clearly didn't read that she was saying this because she had a tenuous relationship with femininity and felt other women didn't like her because of it.
her quote was: "i’ve never really felt like I could relate to girls very well. i love them so much. i love them as people. i’m attracted to them as people. i’m attracted to them for real. i have deep connections with women in my life, the friends in my life, the family in my life. i’m physically attracted to them. but i’m also so intimidated by them and their beauty and their presence."
and you can actually read the article if you want to see that.
she didn't say they were too intimidating to approach to date, just that she felt throughout her life like she wouldn't be accepted. nothing like what you condescendingly assumed was mentioned in the article. beyond that, if she had come out as a lesbian rather than bisexual in this article with that same statement, you would have had no problem with it because you are bimisogynistic.
when surveyed by igla europe, bisexual women's distribution of current partner gender was this: 48.4% women, 47.3% men, and 4.3% non-binary. this is very clearly not a massive skew in favor of men. bisexual women's experience rate of intimate partner violence are the highest of all sexual orientation demographics, above both lesbians and straight women. if men were the only ones committing this violence, then straight women would have the highest rate.
but unfortunately it's clear that you hate women, specifically bisexual women, because somehow it's funny tumblr post worthy to you that they get murdered at high rates. work on your damn misogyny and have some empathy.
is there any subset of the gay community more irritating than putatively bisexual woman who “think women are pretty” but find them “too intimidating” to approach. bro men will literally KILL you.
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bitricky · 5 months
"In the early 1980s, a strange new disease began to spread within the United States (though it’s now believed that the earliest recorded cases were in Norway in the 60s). This disease was mostly found among gay men and intravenous drug users — otherwise healthy men who were falling ill with rare conditions generally only seen in those who are immunocompromised. People didn’t know why it was happening; they were afraid and unsure of how it was spread, but before much else was known of the disease, the press were calling it “GRID” (gay-related immunodeficiency). This led to the phenomenon being seen as a “gay disease” that was risking the health of the general population, and also made the illness easy for many straight people to ignore, because they could pretend that it was irrelevant to their own lives. There was an enormous backlash against the gay community, and rampant homophobia delayed research and treatment advances that might have significantly slowed or prevented the spread of what soon became known as HIV.
"In time, it became understood that HIV was transmitted sexually or through blood, and it also started appearing in populations other than gay men. Some of this spread was from blood transfusions, some through intravenous drug use, and some through sexual contact. This is when the myth of the bi man as a disease vector began to circulate; it was supposed that bi men were getting HIV from gay men, and then spreading it to the straight community. It was also assumed that these men would lie about their same-sex encounters and were thus intentionally putting innocent straight women at risk.
"This narrative, which was completely unsubstantiated by any research, was circulated widely by the press. It especially stigmatized black bi men, claiming that they were practicing unsafe sex on the “DL” (down low), cheating with other men, and bringing the disease home to their female partners. This assumption plays on (and reinforces) the idea that bi people — and bi men in particular — are hypersexual, unable to control their sexual desires, fundamentally dishonest, and unclean. And because HIV was characterized as a “gay” disease, there was very little real discussion of transmission in strictly heterosexual settings."
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bitricky · 5 months
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bitricky · 5 months
stripping bisexuals of our tireless contributions to activism and reducing us to regressive binarists, devoid of anything to do with the broader gay or transgender communities and indistinguishable from your average cis hetero is such a cruel, twisted agenda. we marched with you, we lived with you, we loved you, we were you then, and today we are the same but you silence us.
the prevalent 60s and 70s idea of the bisexual, the gender-defying hedonist dressed in androgyny while engaging in sex with partners of all sorts is unfathomable to some, but there were those of us then and there are those of us now who are still very much the same. but we are also those who live next door to you and shop at the same grocery store, and perhaps you wouldn't know until you asked.
but we are just as likely adhere to androgyny as we are to look like someone who conforms strictly to gender norms, and so are you. the nature of having an orientation defined by same (homo) and other (hetero) gender attraction is itself non-binary, as you are no longer adhering to one or another. this made us fierce allies of those who are transgender, especially when (lesbian/bisexual) trans women and bisexual women were forced out of radical lesbian feminist spaces for the crime of proximity to the phallus.
transgender and early non-binary (the popular term being genderqueer) individuals came to our meetings and our groups, and many of them were us as well, and many are today. our quotes of love beyond gender are stamped across so many of our speeches, our art, our literature, and it is the core of the bisexual movement. our activism has had direct effects on positive treatment of all of the members of our community, because in few ways we could relate to a hetero experience, we were able to bridge the gap that many misunderstood.
but you'll make up any and every false reason to hate us. you'll use propaganda spread in the aids crisis to demonize us as promiscuous cheaters who take disease between partners. you will see the statistics of violence against us and it won't matter because we'll have deserved it, somehow. our suicide rates and poor mental health as well as physical health, the poverty and job discrimination, the way we're forced to walk without belonging because we walk an experience that casts doubt on the binary, and people don't want to face that.
if we have pride in being bisexual, it's twisted on us because we don't deserve it. we're told we have privilege over everyone else despite that being categorically untrue in almost every aspect. things are only worse for those of us who are bisexual and transgender, and for those who are bipoc (people of color are more likely to identify as bisexual than white people). but you hardly even believe that there even are transgender and non-binary bisexuals, even though more transgender people identify as bisexual than non-transgender people do.
there's simply no excuse for it. it is undeserved hate born out of fear in the aids crisis, or stoked by transphobic radical lesbian feminists, and the homophobic cishet population buys into it with sadistic glee because they don't care that we have opposite gender attraction, the problem will be that there is any same gender attraction at all. and while there may indeed be those in the bisexual community who subscribe to regressive beliefs, there hasn't ever been a point where this has been a staple or notable, and we are far from the only group with some flawed members.
there is no way logical way to paint us as binarist without discounting the majority opinion and the way have defined ourselves throughout our activist movements. we as bisexuals all have the potential to be attracted to people of the same and opposite genders of ourselves, whatever spectrum that may be in relation, and also binary men and women, cis or trans, it breaks the binary and it breaks the status quo. this is why many hate us, but it isn't going to stop us. believing non-bisexuals when they say we're backwards shows a distinct lack of knowledge of lgbt history as a whole.
it's all just extremely disappointing.
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bitricky · 5 months
Hey remember when someone said making posts ridiculing bi people is weird since biphobia isn't taken seriously and how there are several famous cases of bi women facing IPV and people took it as an attack on themselves and started being biphobic and victim blaming
TW biphobia
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Bisexuals are more vulnerable to IPV than gay and straight people because they are bi. We don't have a "privilege". We are discriminated against too. If was because bi women dated men more (which is a false narrative) then why do straight women not have it the highest?
It's the same for bisexual men. Statistics show that bisexual men face the highest IPV compared to gay and straight men.
And again it's not because bisexuals date the opposite gender more. It's because of biphobia. Bisexuals are discriminated against because of our bisexuality.
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bitricky · 6 months
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Bisexuality & discrimination by Lani Kaahumanu / 1985
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bitricky · 7 months
Biphobia is so normalized within fandom spaces 😕 like you'll headcanon a character as bi and people get so angry for what?? Or when a character even MIGHT be coded as bi people will fight TOOTH and NAIL to prove they aren't. Or how people feel wayyy too comfortable headcanoning canonically bi characters as anything else.
I honestly kinda feel like it's because people view bi people as "less gay" therefore "less deserving of representation" so they're kinda fine with the erasure of bi people from media. Like damn do y'all hate us or what?
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bitricky · 7 months
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bitricky · 7 months
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From bi.org in 1997, its first year, when it was at bisexual.org and called "Bisexual Options"
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