cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 10 years
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Yay! These arrived in the mail today! :)
Also, my cat.
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 10 years
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 10 years
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Merry Christmas Everyone! :)
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
Pretty much this. That was my favourite part! I just saw the movie and I really enjoyed it! :)
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
So cute! This game was so much fun! :D
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Pokemon X & Y
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
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Awesome game!!! So happy! :D
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
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Happy Halloween! :)
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
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I'll never forget the day I met you. RIP Cory Monteith, always in our hearts.
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
Goodbye Finn Hudson
Wow. That whole episode was so heart breaking. I knew I was going to cry, but I thought I would last more than 30 seconds before the tears started. The entire cast did an amazing job and I admire their sheer strength to do this episode. I cried through out the whole thing, especially during Santana and Rachel's scenes. Lea's song broke me- she is such a strong person and I send my love to her and the whole cast. And holy, Naya's performance was so raw and real. I just lost it when Santana lost it. No matter what anyone says, Naya Rivera is mega talented, beautiful inside and out and I stand by her 100%.
I haven't posted anything about Cory's death (maybe because I was in some sort of denial) but I have something to share. I met Cory (and Naya) at a signing at the Glee Live Tour back in 2011. I was very star struck by meeting Naya, as she's one of my idols, that I was in a bit of a daze when it was my turn to talk to Cory. He was very friendly, and had the goofiest smile as we exchanged pleasantries. The security people said no more pictures were to be taken as the signing was almost over, but Cory specifically asked to get a picture with me as I was wearing a Vancouver Canucks T-shirt. It was such a cool thing of him to do and made me feel so very special. Looking back, I'm so thankful that I got to have the experience of meeting him and showing him my love for the show. Glee as a whole has really helped me accept myself for who I am and I owe part of that to Cory. I just wish I had realized to tell him all that at the time. I think the episode was a good send off to both Finn and Cory and that they did justice to a beloved character and a beloved actor.  
RIP Cory Monteith, always in our hearts.
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
I love Demi's blue hair! She can really pull off any hair colour!
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
Brittana helped me come to terms with my sexuality and gave me faith that one day I will find my lady love. For that, I will forever be grateful.
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
My friend just asked me if I'd met any "cute girls" lately. I told him no, but that it's OK because I'm living vicariously through Glee and Santana's getting herself some new lady loving. #life of a fangirl
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
Obligatory Dantana post of the day!
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
Beautiful smiles! :) The nose boop is soooo cute! :'D
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
I need some Dantana on my blog. Too cute! :)
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
My thoughts on Dantana and Brittana
I haven't posted anything glee related in quite a while, but with Heather gone, Demi on the show now, and last nights episode, I felt I had to weigh in. 
Ok first off, I've been a pretty huge Brittana shipper since the very beginning and have gone through all the ups and downs with the fandom. The writers have made it pretty clear that it's over between them and yes, of course that saddens me, but with all the frustrations we've had to go through and Heather not being on the show right now, maybe it's for the best. Now, if Heather were to come back and they were to treat Brittana with the respect it deserves, I would be all for that too. 
But for the time being, I'm all for Santana moving on with her love life and being in a lesbian relationship that is hopefully treated fairly and that gives a positive representation of two women falling in love. My biggest otp has always been shipping Santana and happiness. I just want the girl to be happy! 
I have to say that I loved Dantana in last nights episode despite the fact that it may have seemed a bit rushed. I'm actually a big fan of Demi Lovato and I admire her strength to overcome adversity so needless to say, I was stoked when I heard she'd been cast as Santana's new love interest. I thought that Naya and Demi had immense amounts of chemistry on screen and were just too cute for words. I'm glad Santana has someone that can challenge her and be her equal at the same time. Also, their voices are just insane! Love love love! I've had Here Comes the Sun on repeat since last night. 
As for the whole misrepresentation of bisexuals that everyone seems to be commenting on, I really didn't see what people got so riled up about. Maybe I'm being too easy on the writers, but I thought that Santana's words were based on her insecurities that she wasn't good enough for Brittany and was using those words as an excuse to make herself feel better and in order to convince herself it's okay to move on. It doesn't mean that glee is implying that all bisexuals "stray for penis." I think people need to remember that this is glee, and not to take every word so seriously as it can, unfortunately, often come across as offensive. As for Dani's "100% sapphic goddess" line, she was just trying to peak Santana's interest by showing her that she may have something new and different to offer.
Bottom line- I love Brittana but I'm thoroughly enjoying Dantana as I think it opens up new possibilities for Santana and I just want her to be happy. Naya and Demi together on my TV screen makes me fangirl like crazy and I'm looking forward to what's to come in the near future with this new ship! 
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cmdrsantanashepard-n7 · 11 years
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My "by the goddess" leggings finally arrived! I love them so much! Who wouldn't want Liara on their leggings?!
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