dragon-witch-moon ยท 9 months
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My divination shop!
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dragon-witch-moon ยท 11 months
Hello, my name is Zephyr Venus (he/it). I am a 19yo Draconian Pagan, (I will make a post explaining my specific path). I include the topic of transsexuality and how that has helped me spiritually, if you are uncomfortable with that then this ain't the blog for you. (Updated)
I just love this song^
Table of Contents
Entry number one: Creation, The Dragons, and The Spiritual Transsexual Experience as a Dragonic Pagan
Entry number two: Divination pt 1
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dragon-witch-moon ยท 11 months
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Entry number two: Divination pt 1
Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper
The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell
Celestial Tarot Cards by Unknown
This art peice is inspired by the three cards I pulled today.
I am using "you" in the context of myself, and whom this may apply to aswell.
|Source Dragon|
Attunes you to the Infinite
Be still. In the silence, magic can
happen. Be in the moment.
Page 110 from oracle book
"A source dragon has come to you now because it is time for you to enjoy a period of stillness with awareness. Breathe deeply and listen to the silence. ..."
Take time for yourself, give yourself space to breathe and listen to your intuition, relax.
"... Something very sacred is coming into your life. This could be anything from the fruition of a long-held dream to becoming a true master. ..."
This is very similar to the reading my BiBo, big brother (he/they) , gave me. I was asking for a message from Ki/Kishar, two cards fell out before he could shuffle them, they said that had never happened to him before. Those cards being Death and The Wheel of Fortune, right-side up. The jist of that reading was pretty much, "Good things are on their way, you're about to end a negative cycle." He had the feeling that she was mostly saying, "I'm here." Quite interesting that this card is playing into that message!
"... Breath is the key to being in the moment and this is where the greatest magic happens. ..."
Again, breathe. Focus on the now.
"... Ask the source dragon to accompany you on every step of your journey and always remember that the present moment creates your future."
Ki is here for your journey, and she wants you to just chill, listen to her, and let her guide you through this.
Big picture thinking
Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas.
Page 38 from oracle book
P.s. I don't believe in starseed ideals, but I was called to get this deck by my Dragon Guide.
"The Pleiades are our cosmic cousins. They are here to remind us that it is never too late to learn new things and change the future. ... take a breath, shake off what you have been taught about the world, and hold a new vision for humanity. ..."
Education can greatly impact the future. Let go of what you have been taught and learn things that can be of use, use those ideals to bring in greatness.
"... You're likely a natural big-picture thinker here to generate ideas for the future. ...new age and... new world... woven by [dreamers] like you. ...enough courage to to question [the past] and envision new possibilities for the planet.
The world needs more artists, dreamers, inventors, and visionary thinkers. Perhaps you had an idea recently that you have been called to usher in. If so [this is your sign]. ..." <paragraph
You have the power to create change for yourself, or your environment. (With limitations of course). Put your ideas to use. Starting a Community Garden? Do it. Helping kind elder or disabled neighbors? Do it. Protesting for change in your neighborhood or town? DO IT. Even if it is the smallest act of kindness, you are creating a better future.
"... The Pleiadeans support us in this important stage in Earths development. They want us to know that the decisions we make today will affect the well-being of our planet and speices. They're calling on you to be a leader of the future. To hold a clear vision of what's possible. To trust that vision and follow it through with daily action. To dream a world into being. For it takes great courage to pave a new path- to trust a vision before it's a reality."
Again, doing what you can to make a better world. Though, you don't have to be a leader, just do what you can to make a change, kindness even to those you don't find so kind can make a difference.
Seven of [Pentacles]
Page 250 of Tarot 101 Mastering the Art of Reading the Cards by Kim Huggens
"...Some projects take time, patience, and a gentle touch, just as growing plants does. When the seeds have been planted, the plants must be watered regularly, tended, weeded, sometimes trimmed, protected from slugs, and finally- after many months, they are fully grown. ..."
Growing, healing, and change take time & healing. Without taking care of yourself the way you would a plant, you can't have the change you expect.
"...The Seven of [Pentacles] reminds us that the effort we put into the present may not have results for many months or years to come, and that we should approach any situation with patience and care."
Don't get angry when you don't see immediate change. But you will see it with time, thank yourself for helping yourself, appreciate all that you are accomplishing.
๐Ÿ”ฎ{1}Kishar is mostly saying she wants you to just go with the flow. Breath is key here, keep calm and focus on the now. Stay kind, artistic, and keep dreaming. Everything will fall into place soon, it will just take time.๐Ÿ”ฎ
End of Entry two
[]= replacement words
{1}= refer to entry one
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dragon-witch-moon ยท 11 months
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โ˜† โ€œ[Ki]{1} blessed me by making me transsexual{2} for the same reason [she] made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine: because [she] wants humanity to share in the act of creation. ...โ€ - Julian K. Jarboe
{1} In Babylonian mythology Kishar/ Ki is the daughter ofย Lahamuย andย Lahmu, the first children ofย Tiamatย andย Abzu/ Apzu.ย Kishar represents the earth as a counterpart to Anshar, the sky,ย and can be seen as anย earth motherย goddess. Her name also means "Whole Earth".
{2} Transsexual usually indicates medical transition, some say only binary trans folk can use it, but I digress. If you plan on any medical intervention, then you can use it, weather that is hrt or gcs/srs. Transgender is typically used for the entire trans experience, anyone who identifies as a gender different than what they grew up being told can identify as trans, that includes demigendered folk that do align closest to their agab.
Entry number one: Creation, The Dragons, and The Spiritual Transsexual Experience as a Dragonic Pagan
The art peice I created represents the creation of the universe, as well as humanity. As I see it Tiamat and Apzu created the first gods and our universe, their dragonic granddaughter Kishar created humanity and our Earth/ is our Earth, this is all within modern context of their stories. (Not to be taken literally, I say this with the intention of these Dragons representing the metaphysical creation, not the physical. As I believe in them being a metaphor but they have developed in the metaphysical space, because if you can imagine it, then it can be real in a sense.)
Also, no, I do not believe in a "first two people", I believe in evolution. My art represents creation of the human soul, well the piece needed for reincarnation. I believe our souls are not a 1 and done, we have many souls that make up our current selves, that collective soul gains more energy throughout each incarnation. We collect enough until we become gods ourselves, the gods we know are our ancestors (even the original xtian god), they had to learn humanity before they could be a spiritual leader for humanity. We hold the souls of our ancestors as well, even the forgotten one, our loved ones never truly leave us, you may see a peice of them in your kids (even the adopted ones). Looking at the creation of us through both Evolution and Metaphysical can help us understand the 9 aspects of our soul and body. Those 9 aspects being the physical body, ethric body, sentient soul, soul body, intellectual soul, conscious soul, spirit self, life spirit, and spirit body.
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Understanding the Human, the Soul, and the Spirit can help us achieve being one with our current higher self.
The Dragonโ€™s teach us to hold both the light and the dark to create a path for our higher self to walk with us. We must not hide our darkness, our pain, our sadness, our anger, to validate then rid them (using coping mechanisms incorrectly) is to suppress them. You must validate them and let them flow throughout yourself, let them disolve on their own. (Obviously if you are in a space with folks that don't understand, then hold them for later, then release them properly. I.e. writing, screaming, crying, ect.) Do not allow this to harm anyone in a physical manor or mental manner, (Baneful magick is hella valid though).
๐ŸŒŒ By partaking in the creation of a better you, you are a creator of your own universe. ๐Ÿž
The Dragons:
Dragons, "large mythical beasts that enjoy terrorizing villages with their fire breatheing powers-" Incorrect. Not all dragons have wings or breathe fireโ€”and some do.ย Dragons are primordial teachers, here long before this current Earth <โ€(I will not speak of my beliefs on that, as it may be uncomfortable for some). Dragons are found in ancient myths across the globe, I believe that even some deities started as Dragon Beings (ex. Brigid, Dionysus, Lucifer/ the Infernals, angels, primordial gods, ect).
{Disclaimer: When learning from these powerful Primordial Dragons, you must take into account that they are not deities, they are much more powerful. These Dragons MUST be respected, do not twist their words, do not treat them like pawns, do not evoke them. If you invoke (invite) a Dragon not in mythology and they come to you, do not speak their name to another soul without their permission. If you do these things without permission, you will lose the ability to communicate with the Dragon you called for.}
There are dragons for every element and season, even elements you may not see as being elements. There is no Dragon that completely rule over just one element, they may prefer to show you the power of a specific element though. But there are Dragons that preference storms, thunder, and/or lightning. There are chaos dragons and light dragons. Dragons that guard great treasures and some that live in the Fae Realm (those are sometimes called Faery Dragons, but that is not an accurate term). Many dragons are also shapeshifters, Dragons hold great power, magick, and ancient wisdom, they can be either more harmful or helpful, but are usually in a grey area teaching skills that may do either depending on the student. Working with dragons can give great power to you; just always remember that you already are holding that power, they are just teaching you how to use it.
To work with dragons spiritually, establish a connection through meditation, visualization, and intuitive communication. That involves asking Dragons into your spiritual space and understanding the unique abilities they possess and can teach you. The overall steps to work with Dragons in your spirituality are as follows: #1 Research Dragon mythology and symbolism, don't go with one source. #2 Create a sacred space for meditation and connection, doesnโ€™t have to be a physical space. #3 Develop and listen to your intuition, writing down random (on topic) thoughts can be very helpful. Invoke (invite) your Dragon Teachers during spiritual practices, ask for an audience essentially. It may be scary if you start working with them all of a sudden, I suggest working with "smaller" Deities first, ones who enjoy human company (still treat with respect, they are teaching you as well).
The Dragons are here to help support your transition into your highest current self. Many are glad to teach you as long as you are willing to respect and learn from them. Dragon energyย is very similar in vibration to that of the 10th dimension, and although this is a powerful energy, it is also one that is full of wisdom, peace, and knowledge. Most of the time we need help to get out of our own way and stop holdingour power back. We need to let go of the patterns and habits that have built up over the years, if you are freeing yourself from the xtian cult like thinking, you need to unlearn what you were taught. Once these thoughts and actions are gone, we are free to just be, free to live in service to ourselves. We just need a little help from those willing to teach, in all dimensions.
The Spiritual Transsexual Experience as a Dragonic Pagan:
โ˜† My Transsexuality is part of my Spiritual Enlightenment, I am creating myself to be the best me, and the best me is the transmasc that finds a spiritual experience in loving my trans body. The tiny bit of medical intervention I shall have, is not to shape a new me or to fix your perception of me. It is to match my body to how I feel, testosterone brings me a new experience, one that makes me feel closer to being my own God. Kishar is an important Draconic Teacher on my Transsexual Spiritual Journey, she made me Trans so that I (any trans person really) may find creation to be beautiful, the way she does. She shows me the light every time I see how far I've come.
When experiencing love, it's always beautiful, I choose to be t4t, the spiritual Enlightenment I feel when loving other Transmascs makes me feel the highest vibrations. As if our souls are embracing eachother in perfect balance. The joy I feel in my life partner, (he/him), and I (he/it/they), transitioning together is godlike. I can't wait to feel more of this, the Dragons have taught me that it is the most beautiful thing to have more than one partner, not all the time can you fulfill each others needs. I love hearing my Queer Platonic Boyfriend speak of his crushes, and I love telling him about mine.
Kishar asks for only one thing during transition, do not lose yourself in trying to make yourself appealing to them. You are your own god, you only need to please yourself.
{When I say "you are your own god" I don't mean I am/ you are better than anyone, or that you should do things against the reasonable moral code. You are only in control of yourself, your actions are not "divine interaction", they are yours, you control yourself. You make yourself, your identity is only yours and no one else's.}
{Anyway, this is the end of entry #1, I think I much prefer a digital grimoire over a physical one, much easier.}
[...] = replacement words
{...} = notes and/or disclaimer
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