fractrdmind Ā· 1 year
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fractrdmind Ā· 3 years
Flowchart designed for in-game action sequence for a fictional game called Undertown. Undertown is a horror-noir game set in the seaside town of Hollow Bay. The player is former police detective Antoinette ā€œToniā€ Barrow, who was forced to resign from the force after failing to solve the murder of the Mayorā€™s daughter, Bryxton. With no money, and fewer job prospects, Toni eventually became aā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 3 years
Turbolift (Sample Script)
Sample dialogue script for an in game cut-scene INT. TURBOLIFT DAYThree individuals sit in opposing corners of a steel platform, all staring down at their hands.The platform itself is all smooth edges and sharp lines, clearly designed by someone with a love for aerodynamics. It has no walls or ceilings, the only light coming from the energy field that holds it in place and moves it betweenā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 3 years
Barks Example
Scene: Comedic-Noir game. The player and NPCs are infiltrating a warehouse. They have been hired by a client to find his missing daughter, and need information. The warehouse is populated with guards (far more than would be needed in an ordinary warehouse)PC: Elise Gideon ā€“ A master thief who has a small crew that she uses to pull off impossible jobs. Theyā€™ve been hired by Conrad Worthington, aā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 3 years
I was eight years old, the first time it happened. Mom had shopping to do, and dragged me along with her. I tried to convince her to leave me in the magazine section so I could read comics, but she wasnā€™t having any of it. Instead I followed her up and down the aisles as she compared prices on bread, and looked at off-brand cans of vegetables. At the far end of the aisle, a man was pretending toā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 3 years
Itā€™s the first thing theyā€™re told when they arrive: ā€œDo not switch lines.ā€ We even have it translated into the different languages. Itā€™s followed by the usual instructions: ā€œArrivals from Orion Beta, follow the blue line. Arrivals from Cassiopeia , follow the red line. If you are unsure which line to follow, wait in the orange zone and one of our associates will direct you shortly.ā€ For the mostā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 3 years
Stomach Trouble
Marcus St. Croix was jolted from sleep by an intense gurgling and sharp stabbing pain in his stomach. He rushed to the bathroom, hoping that whatever happened would at least be quick. Hunched over on the toilet, he tried to flip through the pages of the magazine stashed on top of the tank, but the pain was just too much. He felt a sudden rush of relief as a torrent of solid matter slid into theā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 3 years
Pulling Teeth
An interactive fiction game made in Twine, Pulling Teeth is based on my short story of the same name. Youā€™re trapped in the house with a monster. Can you make it through the night without becoming one yourself? Play this thrilling horror game to find out for yourself. http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/0pa0o99ge0einesrh8q6gg/pullling-teeth
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fractrdmind Ā· 4 years
Spy Guys (Writing Sample)
Spy Guys (WritingĀ Sample)
RUFUS (tall and skinny male in a black suit) and MALCOLM (short and fat male in an equally black suit) are standing in an empty field. In the distance a large volcano with an ominous cloud of smoke rises into the air above them.
RUFUS: Oh man, we did it! We graduated spy school! Weā€™re top secret spy guys now!
MALCOLM: Top secret! I canā€™t wait! Whatā€™s our first mission?
RUFUS: It saysā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 4 years
Isabella's Hope
Isabellaā€™s Hope
ā€œRemind me again how you talked me into this?ā€ Iā€™m swimming through an old wooden ship at the bottom of the Atlantic,off the coast of Colombia. Just me and a dark-haired woman I only know as ā€œCarlaā€. Nobody uses their real name in this business.
We switch our radio channels so we could talk without being disturbed. Carlaā€™s suggestion, presented with an exaggerated eyebrow wiggle. I havenā€™tā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 4 years
That Got Away From Me
That Got Away FromĀ Me
With a little more time on my hands, I figured I should probably start polishing up the site, and getting content back up here on a semi-regular basis. Iā€™m looking forward to getting exciting new content available for you very shortly, so please keep an eye out for that. Thank you all for your patience.
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fractrdmind Ā· 5 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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fractrdmind Ā· 6 years
You Had Me at the Goat...
You Had Me at theĀ Goatā€¦
Realizing I need to post more, I thought Iā€™d go into books I like and moments that stand out to me. This may get process-y, but on the plus side, I donā€™t think there will be any people turning into spiders in this post, so you got that going for you.
Sam Sykesā€™ The City Stained RedĀ is probably one of the books that Iā€™ve enjoyed the most in the last few years, and is the one that Iā€™ve alsoā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 6 years
That Kind of Got Away From Me
That Kind of Got Away FromĀ Me
Yeah, it turns out that itā€™s halfway through September. Who knew that the progression of hours and days could build up that quickly?
I have been working on longer form fiction as well as taking a writing course on noir through LitReactor, and also entering a few contests for short fiction, just as an update for yā€™all.
Because nothingā€™s quite ready to see the light of day, but also because I feelā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 6 years
Time Away
Hello! You may or may not have noticed that there havenā€™t been posts in the last couple of months. Iā€™ll probably be updating more sporadically as I focus on long form fiction and submitting stories for publication outside of this site. Iā€™ll also probably try to start blogging, but I will do my best to keep the navel-gazing to a minimum. I love writing the stories and I want to thank all of youā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 6 years
Tis the Season
The twentieth floor of the Hawthorne Building didnā€™t have the best view. Any chance of seeing the bay from there was eliminated by the new buildings that had gone up to the east. Still, on the right day, when the sun reflected just right of the glass, it was the closest thing to heaven. Shawn wasnā€™t sure why he happened to look out of the window at that moment. A bunch of reports still neededā€¦
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fractrdmind Ā· 7 years
Their Eyes Cannot See
My ancestors weep for me. I feel their disdain traveling down through the years. I have a form perfected for killing, the ideal combination of stealth and power, and I spend my days sunning myself on a soft floor. The humans honor me with food and drink and a warm place to sleep, and in exchange I protect them from the things they do not have eyes to see. I perch at the top of the stairs,ā€¦
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