ftm-followthemusic · 4 years
In case anyone is even the slightest bit confused about Sirius’s gender or Remus’s sexuality in Discards:
Sirius is a trans man. He was assigned female at birth. He has been taking hormones since he was 16, and wears a binder to keep his chest flat, so someone meeting him for the first time at the age of 21 might not realise he is trans.
Remus is gay. He is attracted to and dates men. There is no need to hold your breath in hopes that he will realise he is “actually” bi or pan, because a person does not need to be bi or pan to date trans people.
Trans men are men. Period.
I hope this clears everything up.
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ftm-followthemusic · 4 years
FTM trans men shouldn’t have periods we should be turned into werewolves because either way I’m going to be locked in my bedroom covered in blood
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ftm-followthemusic · 4 years
Trans guys and non-binary peeps who still wear their binders even while on their periods when their chests are at their most tender and sore are braver than any US marine 
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ftm-followthemusic · 4 years
You know how some cis girls are adamant about guys not being able to handle periods?
They’re right. I’m dying.
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
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Who else had to deal with transphobic family this thanksgiving? It’s exhausting and really beats you down but you’re valid and loved by your chosen family. Just a reminder.
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
P a r a l y z e d
The flashbacks hit. I am paralyzed.
Convinced that I’ll never move out of this.
With the strength of a tsunami,
        They wipe out my energy.
And suddenly I’m right back there.
Back feeling beaten and used.
           - c.f.
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
What if darkness is all I will ever know? The shadows on the walls only moving so their hands can fully envelop around the neck that struggles to be held up on its own.
When seen without the toothy grin of depression, you could mistake it as helping.
Sly like the fox with a mouse, the shadows hiss at me, “we are good, and we keep the title of your only friends.” They got closer, more comfortable, and one day they say, “the walls are too far from you, we can only make you whole if we move in.” So they pushed aside the boxes, ones I’d just found again, ignoring the labels of “hope”, “trust”, and “love”. They pushed them out to make room; and now the only space in there is for the shadows that became 3D and showed themselves as monsters. Monsters worse than you.
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
So my mom outed me to my sister, she called me up, told me it was a mental illness to be trans and she can’t use my pronouns or name because that would be lying to me and “lying goes against my morals”. Alright, see ya. Just gonna go die in a hole.
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
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What’s something y’all do to feel better when you’re super dysphoric?
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
love it when your mom tells you that you coming out is just because you have depression and has nothing to do with ACTUALLY being trans. yes, I have depression. that does not impact my gender though??
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
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who thought having a physical form was a good idea
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
True colors.
There once was a sad girl, so lost and confused. She was stuck in a world that told her she wasn’t blue. Day in and day out she was trapped in a box, but this box had curves and was topped with silk locks. People could look and easily judge, choosing how they would treat her because of her shell.
She hated the words so many loved, and was left questioning everything and wondering if ever she could tell.
Told how to feel better, “just silence the voice, any that tells you you’re not comfy with yourself.”
Some said she’d overcome it, some “just a phase”. So she silenced her cries and gave up in dismay.
For years she complied, doing as she was told, but in the back of her head she knew something was wrong.
Kept pushing it back, refusing to give in. “The world wants me this way, why can’t I just win?”
At last she gave up.
Stopped fighting the voice.
He opened his mouth and with a smile, came out. He told all of his friends, his family, sister and brothers. Spreading the news that he found his true colors.
He found his real name, tucked away in a box,
Cole Finley Nelson, you are finally home.
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
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Welcome to the stage Cole Finley
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
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“It’s not about being a new person, but becoming the person you were already meant to be.” 🌷
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
Every dog says trans rights! Dogs love you and say you’re so valid!
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ftm-followthemusic · 5 years
could Tony Stark uhhh pay for my top surgery
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