jadisisbusy · 2 years
Eremin modern AU headcanons from a long-time shipper😍
• Cuddles. Every day. Any time. Usually initiated by Eren. Change my mind. 
• They try to always spend time with each other at the end of the day by cooking together, video games, movie night, or story time. Armin reading to Eren, of course. 
• Eren teaches Armin how to surf because despite loving marine life, Armin's always been afraid of going in the water because he was pinched by a crab and stung by a jelly fish when he was little. Currently has a love/hate fascination for jelly fish. 
• Armin begged Eren to grow his hair out before senior year of high school so Eren compromised by asking Armin to chop his off. Both ended up liking their new looks and kept them for quite some time. 
• Eren is secretly a huuuge softy but doesn't like showing that side to him to just anyone. Sometimes he’ll let it slide while with close friends but Armin’s seen the full extent. 
• Eren always finds new ways to address Armin. Ar, Ari, Min, bro, dude, my guy, homie, luv, beautiful, gorgeous, babe, hunny and anything that will tease Armin. Blondie because of Armin’s love for Tangled, bunny because of the time Historia dressed Armin as a slutty bunny for halloween, Minnie because Armin relates that to Minnie Mouse and cringes because of it, hot stuff because it makes Armin cringe, and cutie when Armin is getting flustered to fluster him even more. 
• In the POV that you are standing at the foot of the bed, Armin sleeps on the left side and Eren on the right. If the bed is cornered against the walls, Armin will always be on the inside because he likes curling up in small areas to sleep. Especially if he just HAS to sleep against Eren 😙 Sometimes they'll switch sides so they can sleep in eachother's scent. Usually in hot weather since physical contact is too much.
• Eren sleeps like a rock while Armin can't sleep as easy. Usually Eren doesn't wake when Armin curls up next to him which helps him sleep better. 
• Eren's a living furnace and Armin is an ice cube. He also uses Eren’s pecs as pillows. Big mommy milkers. Wait- daddy milkers..? Bah, You get it.
• Eren gets pretty bad nightmares that has him talking in his sleep. Armin always wakes him up from them and cuddles him immediately
• Both are so touchy-feely without even realizing. Armin makes sure their PDA isn't too much but they always hold hands, touch eachother's shoulders, backs, arms when they get the chance. Simple gestures like guiding each other along, pats of affirmation, and stroking their hair away from eachother's eyes. Eren never gives up the chance to wrap his arm around the blond (because he's possessive) and likes nestling into Armin's hair. Armin usually nestles in Eren's neck or chest while playing with Eren's long hair. 
• Those two are like velcro. Easy to stick together harder to pull away.
• Armin had a crush on Eren all throughout childhood but Eren was oblivious enough not to notice. Armin still wonders if Eren was lying about how oblivious he was because Armin had it bad for him and everyone and their uncle knew. But it went right over Eren's head. 
• Eren is an effortless flirt which first got Armin very flustered in the beginning of the relationship. But as years past, Armin usually assumed that flirting meant Eren forgot to do something like pay the bills or go grocery shopping and was just trying to let Armin down slowly. Armin being a huge skeptic usually askes "What did you do now?"
• While Eren finds it hard to focus in most conversations, he could listen to Armin gush about science all day long. Armin makes everything knowledgeable more retainable for Eren because of how passionately he speaks. He finds it so attractive because he wish he had the mental capacity himself to remember things as much as Armin. 
• Armin has anxiety and depression (as well as Eren) and he usually gets really worked up and worried about loosing Eren because he feels he isn't good enough with Eren quickly remedies with talks and kisses
• Eren has ADHD, depression, anxiety, and PTSD mostly from his mother passing and is often very over stimulating for Armin but they talk things through constantly.
• Eren definitely has Armin beat in being a bigger attention whore. With his mom passing in his childhood and Grisha neglecting him, he clings to Armin constantly to fill that love affection part in his life. Armin doesn't mind mostly but sometimes needs to have talks with Eren about it saying he needs some space to breathe. Especially in their honeymoon phase.
• Eren is super protective and possessive but not to the point where he controls Armin. He is just very afraid of the idea of someone trying to take Armin away from him. Armin likes the attention but sometimes needs to talk with Eren about how he needs some room to get work done. 
NSFW (or suggestive)
• Consent and constant verbal praise. Period. Eren uses the shit out of saying 'good boy.' It's a huge no-go on 'daddy' though since neither really had present father's in their life and often want to forget that.
• Eren is definitely bigger but Armin is kinda packing as well 😳
• Eren will say some of the nastiest shit to Armin in public and fluster the blond up with the straightest face. And if they've been together long enough, Armin would do the same back with a straight face. Sometimes has Eren beat. Rarely. 
• Sex drive is pretty high but you wouldn't hear that from Armin. He's pretty private about his sex life, hence why he's so shy about first getting intimate with Eren. He doesn't have the expirience like Eren does. But those two fuck like rabbits. 
• Eren's a fucking animal istg. It gives Armin such a high being underneath him when Eren's really revved up.
• Armin loves being catered to and Eren is all for it. But Armin is also very sensitive to touch yet craves it (as a result of not growing up with parents, lack of love and touch. Same with Eren). His waist, stomach, neck, and thighs are his most sensitive spots. Big list. So Eren sometimes mistakes Armin's overstimulation as discomfort. But make him feel good enough and Armin would probably beg for more. 
• Eren's scalp is super sensitive which makes's Armin's massages all the better. But sometimes Armin will use it against him and will give his hair a good tug when he wants Eren to moan or break. Other places he likes touched are his back, arms, and shoulders. 
• Eren’s obsessed with Armin’s chest and nipples which often makes it hard for Armin to go to the beach shirtless 😳
• Eren who swore he's always dom changed pretty quickly after meeting Armin. Now he's a switch (predominantly dom), or more so always has been but denied it up until Armin came along. 
• It takes a long time for Armin to comfortably warm up and loosen up during more intimate times since deep down he's a fucking freak in the sheets. He loves being controlled but super curious about dabbling in controlling someone else. And instead of Eren being appalled like Armin would of guessed, Eren supports the blond 100%. Experimentation!
• Armin has always wanted to fuck Eren but has been too shy to admit it since he is a pretty submissive person. Once Eren finds out later in the relationship, he's all for it. Turns out when being fucked, Eren's a lot more talkative and Armin gets more hyper-analytical in finding the best way to please the brunet without ruining the mood. But Eren adores his intellect so he doesn't mind. 
• The two were childhood best friends turned lovers and it helped make their sex with each other so laid back and casual when they wanted given they're already so comfortable with each other. They also had sex pretty early in their romantic relationship also because of this. 
• Armin is super flexible physically. Eren usually tries some pretty wacky positions for the fun of it but their favorites are (reverse) cowgirl and doggy. Armin would always go for reverse cowgirl because when he gets tired, he can hover himself over Eren with his back against his chest while Eren underneath him fucks him senseless. Quick change of roles instead of switching to another position and taking longer. Eren likes doggy and cowgirl because with cowgirl he can see the blond's face and doggy gives him all the power to go animal on the blond. Both can solidly agree on missionary no matter who's topping. 
• Cuddles after sex. Period. Doesn't matter how sweaty. The after care with these two... chefs kiss.
• Armin’s always been more skeptical of using sex toys since he didn’t want to make Eren feel like he wasn’t good enough and pleasuring. But Eren came to the blond first about trying fleshlights together which led to vibrators, dildos, etc.
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jadisisbusy · 2 years
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jadisisbusy · 3 years
I think I am officially Fandom Old. I am so worn out from the arguments on who’s the top or the bottom (who cares), what is allowed to be written (anything you want, bejeebus), what is Problematic (I know, just tag it), what other people Should Do (they Should live their lives free of judgment). There isn’t a Right Way to do things. Tag your stuff appropriately, don’t read stuff you don’t want to read, and leave other people (me) alone.
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jadisisbusy · 3 years
Why Hello There...
I’m baffled you even stumbled across my profile, but welcome. Just your friendly neighborhood Eremin fanatic who’s way to immersed in the relationship between two fictional childhood friend and also happen to write stories about them.
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