kaeyatempest · 7 months
I’m French Canadian. But sometimes I unconsciously speak in English. Mainly when I’m cursing, because childhood PTSD make cursing in French more traumatic than it help release pain/frustration/confusion. Thing is I have been told I somehow have a German accent when speaking English. I never really thought about it because in my head my English is mostly accent less. But today I hurt my already injured thumb and then found something weird in the freezer while looking for ice to ice my thumb and what came out sounded like “Vhat de fuck is dhat?!" I had to take a moment to compute how there was no denying there was an accent there.
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kaeyatempest · 7 months
I made a Cleric for my Dark Urge run in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Because I wanted to choose a chaotic deity for a evil run and ended up choosing Trickery Domain, Tiamat .
And boy was I not ready for what a cluster fuck THAT would be.
Dark Urge Spoilers Ahead
Like did I wake up in the Nautiloid, realize I was a cleric but couldn’t remember my deity so I chose one at random? Am I stuck in some weird parental dispute on who get me for 2 weeks this month?!? Shouldn’t Tiamat get a say in this? And I know she is locked up in the Nine Hells but I figure if she can support me as a Cleric she got to have a say somewhere along the line?
Maybe they shouldn’t allow Cleric class for Dark Urge or make them temporarily god less? Or make the player do a choice?
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kaeyatempest · 8 months
Suddenly imagined what would happen if Wriothesley got those glasses for colourblind peoples and realized his color scheme is not actually blue.
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kaeyatempest · 9 months
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This post sent my brain running…
But in a completely different direction…
Neuvi sampling Wrio’s bath water…
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kaeyatempest · 9 months
Reminding me of all those domineering President/CEO/Mafia Boss tropes where the Bottom unknowingly carry something with a tracking device when they run away.
so like. is dan heng aware of the fact that his bracer has magical soulmate properties?
because either he is constantly confused why his weird, evil stalker keeps finding him while essentially wearing a tracking device and he just simply never figures it out
or he keeps telling weird, evil stalker to fuck off or die while knowingly wearing a tracking device so weird, evil stalker can keep finding him
(i think both options are very funny)
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kaeyatempest · 9 months
Not gonna lie I have been thinking a lot about dragon!Blade/Ren transforming for the first time and having his instinct go wild urging him to go pick up his mate Dan Heng and their kid Bailu and bring them somewhere safe to protect them.
Ren with dragon horns always looks neat.
But full dragon Ren coiled protectively around his wife and kid would be chef kiss.
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kaeyatempest · 11 months
One of the things I have a problem wrapping my mind around is how I’m supposed to be able to have a lover as a person with autism.
Because I know I have some childish special interests. And when I get overwhelmed too badly I go back to child mode. Like my brain regress and even if I’m conscious of it, I can’t control it. And in that state it would be so easy to take advantage of my situation.
And I have met other autistic peoples that do not even have a concept of consent and went through some horrible things and still didn’t fully comprehend that what these peoples did to them was wrong.
In my dark moments I think about how dating someone like me would be like committing a felony. And that is why I only attract weirdos and will end my life alone.
How can I accept myself and have a relationship with those kinds of thoughts weighing on me? How do other do it?
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kaeyatempest · 11 months
Bad memory hit me up so vent time!
My aunt was super excited about the last big Har/ryPotter game and tried to drag me into her excitement.
But I’m Autistic, ADHD, Agender, Panromantic and Demisexual. You know the gist of it…
So I told her I was probably not going to buy it because I didn’t want to to encourage the woman at the top.
And I got shamed for passing up on the game for something so "silly" and that right in front of my younger teenage cousin who is also LQBTQ.
I felt bad for myself. But even more so for my teenage cousin. Adolescence isn’t a good age to have to face your family about things like this. Adulthood isn’t much better but at least the hormones have settled down.
It’s not the first we get hit in the crossfire like that because they don’t realize that we are right there since we aren’t loud about it. I try to shield most of it but there is only so much I can do when I feel hurt myself.
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
I went so long in life before understanding why peoples need to explain and re-explain things to me that I already knew and just passively listened to their explanation.
For a time I thought they just thought I was stupid because I couldn’t understand social cues, time and locations (poor sense of time and orientation)
But in the last years I have been realizing that they assume I’m normal when I’m not. I have ADHD and Autism. I have many special interests and they all have their own memory bank of knowledge that I have learned.
So when they explain things to me that I already understand they assume that I won’t understand like most peoples.
An example is that I have amassed some random medical knowledge. Nothing good enough to be a professional. But enough that I often mention things off handed-ly that make peoples look at me weird.
And today I had one of those moments when I realized “Oh! This is not knowledge everyone knows.”
I wonder what it feels like to not have so many random tidbits of knowledge about so many different subjects running through your mind.
I guess it must be a much simpler life.
Must also be much more easy to focus on one single thing at a time.
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
I keep worrying about making too much noise because I forget normal peoples don’t hear anywhere as much as I do.
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
You never realized how much your body is dependent on medicine until you forget to take them in time.
Forgot to take my pain, stomach and asthma medicines earlier.
I feel awful. 😞
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
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Guess who is now thinking about just when did Kaveh’s mother leave to build her new family in Fontaine and if their ages would fit for Fischl to be his half sister.
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
I always lose a little bit more of my faith in humanity when I see comments like "I like how they followed the anime." about a manga that was out long before the anime and was itself an adaptation of a novel.
Same with Tv Series/Movies adapted from Books.
It’s like someone saying that it’s nice they made an Animated adaptation of a Live Disney Movie.
Like… I WANT to believe in humans. And I WANT to assume they don’t mean to be so obtuse. But some peoples are just making it so hard.😫
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
If Kaveh had a perfectly identical double moment where they are trying to convince peoples of who is the real Kaveh.
Haitham would probably know right away which one is the real one but be so pissed at hearing them scream at each others for hours that he would smash their heads together to knock them out and leaves with his Kaveh thrown over his shoulder leaving it to the others to deal with the fake.
Haitham LOVE Kaveh. But ONE screaming Kaveh already make him put on the noise canceling function of his headphones. Let alone two screaming menaces. 😅
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
I once fractured my wrist but thought it was just badly sprained and kept drawing anyway and produced a pretty good piece.
So I definitely can see what peoples are saying about Kaveh continuing to draw after injuring his hand.
And Haitham would probably be just as pissed as my friend was back then and take him to the medic/hospital to get it checked out. 😅
(I have not drawn in forever because my energy level tanked hard in the last years and my injury at that time still give me trouble at times. So don’t do that peoples! Better be safe than sorry!)
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
Aww. So cute. Kaveh Burrito! 🥰
Thank you ever so much. ☺️
@kaeyatempest promi will do more for you planning out burito tomorrow but have finally did do a comfort mabey? im gonna try do more comfort tomorrow and at least get 2 art stuffs done but for now lil cuddles with strange persepctives lol
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(plus extra sorta comfort stuffs mabey? is yes fusbfhsbsjab)
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kaeyatempest · 1 year
Thank you. I appreciate it a lot. This already very cute. ☺️
@kaeyatempest promi will do more for you planning out burito tomorrow but have finally did do a comfort mabey? im gonna try do more comfort tomorrow and at least get 2 art stuffs done but for now lil cuddles with strange persepctives lol
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(plus extra sorta comfort stuffs mabey? is yes fusbfhsbsjab)
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