ngl1221 · 1 month
It is hard to get up.....
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ngl1221 · 2 months
Can vedic astro girlies help me?
So, I have quite recently started dabbling in vedic astrology so I don't know a lot about it but I had a question which I couldn't find answer to anywhere, even on google and reddit. I hope someone helps me with it.
So, I have Rohini sun in 8th house and my moon in Jyeshtha in the 2nd house. which are both very opposite. but I don't know how they work together or what these placements mean.
Could someone please help me understand this? Thanks in advanced
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ngl1221 · 3 months
How do we have the same big 3 🤣
No wonder I related yo your post
editing a spreadsheet for work at 8pm on friday night... so my grown coworkers don't complain about the changes they don't follow anyway...
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ngl1221 · 3 months
This is so true 👍🏻
Scorpio Rising observations ���️🦅
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
❤️ They experience shoulders, neck and back pain a lot due to tension. (If you’re Scorpio Rising, beware of your posture, straight up your back more, even by doing push ups or planks, it will help with the tension)
❤️ They might not necessarily feel good in others people’s houses. Like they have to be on guard for the time being there due to something going wrong.
❤️ People would antagonize them a lot. So they might end up in love triangles, where one person is “using” Scorpio Rising to get their partner jealous. Again, we are talking about the themes of 8th house here. And especially if they have Scorpio in the 12th house and Pluto in the 1st house, their enemies are “hidden”.
❤️ All Scorpio Risings gain experience in life by “feeling out” the situation first. They possess strong intuitive energy.
❤️ Even if they don’t want to join the situation or be a part of something, they might still do the “feel out” thing. It’s because they want to get to the bottom of things. They are researchers after all. Warriors for truth and depth.
❤️ They like darker types of music. Might be into metal, hard rock, techno, rap, hip hop at an early age. Later on they are weirldy fond of more deep music, like soul, R&B, even some seductive music or straight up sex music (just an example: The Weeknd)
❤️ They might often feel too “intrusive” when being in others people’s homes or when talking deeply with them.
❤️ They might ask you about your boundaries a lot or check up if you are okay with sharing that/them hearing this.
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ngl1221 · 6 months
Yes i do
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do you ever just wish to delete your whole existence?
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ngl1221 · 6 months
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Every season is exam season when you have an exam a week!
(no I am not okay)
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ngl1221 · 10 months
Remind me how to reject someone...
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ngl1221 · 10 months
To all the people I appreciate on the internet- thank you for raising me ...
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ngl1221 · 11 months
Does journaling actually work?
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If you are like me, journaling sounds like a terrible idea. I am supposed to put down my deepest, darkest thoughts on a piece of paper and somehow it’ll magically improve the problem. Like journaling actually magically makes things better because we write them down.Actually yes.
A study showed that students who journal (about their emotions or day-to-day activities in general) are seen to have an increase in grades. Studies in physiology have observed that journaling improves antibody response, blood glucose level, etc. (http://gratepic.s3.amazonaws.com/Heart_Rate_Variability_and_Inflammatory_Biomarkers.pdf link in case you want to read about it)
1.Benefits of journaling
Avoiding problems
If you have a problem in life, you spend most of the time avoiding problems. Your mind is like- if I can fix something, then I am happy to think about it, when it results in something productive, but I don’t want to think about it unless it moves the needle forward. When you journal about something that is emotionally challenging, it tends to evoke those emotions, this is exactly where we spend our time avoiding. The emotional burden you feel when you journal is less than the actual experience. The experience of journaling is kind of uncomfortable but what it teaches you is how to tolerate discomfort. 
Eg. you call your teacher ‘mom’ instead of ‘ma’am’. You continue cringing for days. Now what journaling does is it helps you reduce the cringe. Over a period of time, as you experience more and more of these emotions while you are journaling, the amount of stress decreases. As the stress level goes down, you start to resist negative emotions. Increase in journaling, decreases our avoidance of negative things or things that make us feel bad.
Building a narrative-
Not all humans experiencing trauma will develop PTSD, some experience post traumatic growth. You may have heard cancer patients say that “Cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me, made me realize how amazing life truly is.” Journaling helps you change your perspective and build a more cohesive narrative. You may think “I don’t like looking in the mirror”, “I am a waste of space.” Studies have shown that there is a change in pronoun over a period of time of journaling. You might say “I need to treat myself better” or “This person is not treating me well”. The narrative changes form ‘I’ and ‘they’ to more of a mixture of both. (I remember reading about this, but I don’t know where. If you do know, please tell me). Identifying and understanding the problem is more important than just moving forward and winging everything. It's better than shooting in the dark.
Identify problems-
Therapy or coaching don’t solve problems, they help you understand them and give you a 'why' and 'how' to tackle those problems. Think of it as replay analysis, sit down and think in an adjective, cohesive way what we could be doing better. If you ask someone who just got out of a situation what was wrong they will jump to one reason but on sitting down and thinking about it, they will get to know 10, 000 different possibilities their mind didn’t come up with in that moment. “What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head? What are you talking about? You do what they say or they shoot you. WRONG. You take the gun, or you pull out a bigger one. Or, you call their bluff. Or, you do any one of a hundred and forty six other things.” (if you know, you know)
2.How to journal?
Studies show that even a single episode of journaling shows a delayed result (improvement or revelation) up to six months away.
It’s difficult to journal in the beginning because we don’t see the benefit right away. It has very delayed benefits that are kind of unexpected.
There is no magic formula, but there needs to be consistency (15 mins-1 hour everyday).
3.What kind of stuff should you journal about?
It doesn’t matter what you journal about, it has some kind of benefit.
But the most efficient(scientifically backed) one is writing about a recent emotional experience.
Read your journal from time to time (so that you can notice the changes unconsciously happening)
If you are afraid that someone might read your journal then don’t be- this age of media has shortened our attention spans, so much that no one would actually find it enticing to read a whole book about someone’s daily thoughts.
You can journal anywhere you want- in your notes, in an app, desktop. But it is preferred to do it by hand. Reasons-it slows down your thought process. If you slow your thoughts down, you are kind of able to sit with them more, you’ll be able to sit with them a little bit. The other reason is that writing commits things to memory. 
Now that you know, HAPPY JOURNALING!
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ngl1221 · 11 months
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ngl1221 · 11 months
Something in recovery I had to learn one day was that my suffering isn't devine. It will never move mountains; it will only bring me to my knees, grieving and retching and so, so fatigued. My suffering will never redeem me, it will never save me. My suffering never made me more valuable. And tying my worth to how I have suffered only makes my worth a ball and chain I have locked on my ankle.
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ngl1221 · 11 months
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ngl1221 · 11 months
please reblog this if it is okay to anonymously confess something to you.
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ngl1221 · 11 months
Manifesting going far away from house for college, I can't handle the shit fest here
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ngl1221 · 11 months
Now I understood...
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ngl1221 · 11 months
Reason why your diet is not making you lose weight
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This was from my old blog...made a new blog. Reposting some old posts
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