robotninja04-blog · 7 years
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Lunch! Farmers market salad with my favorite Tessemae's dressing. Veggie burger with mushrooms cooked in coconut oil and deli pickles. Yum!
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
Day 5
Symptoms- vision trouble, dizziness (little better), pins and needles and cramping in arms and legs (better) I am tired today for some reason. Still going to bed too late and it usually takes me awhile to fall asleep. My sleep is very deep though, I don't even remember my dreams from last night and I usually always remember them.
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
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Lunch today- roasted cauliflower, broccoli, and garlic with coconut oil, salt, and pepper
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
Day 4
Symptoms: vision trouble, pins and needles (less), cramping (less), anxiety (less), teeth and jaw joints have been sore, probably from clenching
I feel like day 2 and day 3 I overall felt crappy, had headaches, just felt blah. Driving in the car yesterday gave me a lot of motion sickness. But then we went to the beach and I felt great. It was relaxing, beautiful, with good friends, it made me wonder how many of my symptoms are caused by something physical and how many are stress and anxiety related.
Today I feel lighter, if that makes sense. I’m tired because we went to bed late but not dragging, mentally I’m alert. I noticed when doing dishes my neck and shoulders didn’t ache like they usually do. I'm not as sensitive to light and my concentration seems better as well. Some positive things happening already.
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
Day 3
Symptoms: tired (I need to go to bed earlier) Vision trouble, dehydrated (need to drink more water too) dizzy, light cramping in legs and arms, slight headache
We went to my nieces graduation party last night. It was a big mistake to start this diet two days before that party. They grilled all these meats, pulled pork, home made clam chowder, cake, mini strawberry shortcake, minor cheesecakes, the list went on. I ate fruit, veggies, hummus, and pita chips. I did not go home hungry and it was surprisingly not too difficult to say no. Maybe to my sisters home made biscuits and strawberries, she makes ridiculously good pastries. I put myself in the mindset that I'm not going to eat certain foods. And constantly reminding myself of my goal makes it easier to say no.
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
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Breakfast: smoothie with berries, ginger, beets, hemp protein powder, and water
Oatmeal with maple syrup and chopped raw nuts
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
Day 2
Symptoms: cramping in arms and legs, some pins and needles, vision trouble, dizziness when going from crouching to standing Energy is good once I got up and out of bed.
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
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A thing I ate today. Boiled green lentils and parsnips with cayenne pepper, garlic, grated celery and celery hair (I don't know what it's actually called haha) and a tablespoon of coconut oil. It's actually not bad and I made enough to last a few days.
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
Day 1
Symptoms: pins and needles, cramping in muscles, vision trouble, light headedness, trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, anxiety, irritability
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robotninja04-blog · 7 years
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So I watched "What The Health" on Netflix last night with my husband. Like a lot of documentaries it is heavily biased and has a strong agenda. So taking it with a grain of salt, I did start to think about my diet choices and their impact. We don't have a terrible diet. We eat fast food rarely, we get veggies and fruit daily. But what I realized is I had it set in my mind (and then my families mind) that we needed meat or animal products with every meal to get the proper nutrition. But do we? I've been having seemingly unexplained health problems lately. So I figure, while I continue working with my doctor to rule out any medical reason for my symptoms, why not try changing my diet and exercise routine as well? So today is the first day of going vegan for two weeks to clean my body. Then I plan on introducing animal products gradually. And this blog is going to track my process. Mostly for me, I doubt anyone will read this. But I need accountability sometimes, and this is that.
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